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Grade: 9 | |Science Olympiad Qualifier | | Set: 2 · C. Iron and lead float on mercury but sink in...

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Science Olympiad Qualifier – Grade – 9 www.olympiads.org Page 1 of 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max Marks: 60 Test ID: 99901 Time Allotted : 40 Mins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Each question carries 2 Marks. There is no negative marking 1. Refraction is the bending of light when it passes from one medium (eg. air) to another medium (e.g. water). Which one of the statements below is correct ? A. Refraction makes no difference to how we see the depth of objects in water B. Refraction makes water seem deeper than it really is C. Refraction makes the stone appear to be closer to the surface than it really is D. Refraction makes the stone appear deeper than it really is |Grade: 9 | |Science Olympiad Qualifier | | Set: 2|

Science Olympiad Qualifier – Grade – 9


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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max Marks: 60 Test ID: 99901 Time Allotted : 40 Mins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions:

• Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

• Each question carries 2 Marks. There is no negative marking

1. Refraction is the bending of light when it passes from one medium (eg. air) to another medium (e.g. water). Which one of the statements below is correct ?

A. Refraction makes no difference to how we see the depth of objects in water B. Refraction makes water seem deeper than it really is C. Refraction makes the stone appear to be closer to the surface than it really

is D. Refraction makes the stone appear deeper than it really is

|Grade: 9 | |Science Olympiad Qualifier | | Set: 2|

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2. Four lights and a fan connected on the same circuit must each be able to operate independently. An electrician used the symbols shown below to draw a diagram of the circuit. Which option represents the correct circuit combination?


3. Which statement best summaries the scientific concept shown in the cartoon?

A. A falling body accelerates at a constant speed. B. The motion of an object is constantly changing due to magnetic forces. C. The force of friction causes an object in motion to move faster. D. A body in motion will remain in motion unless influenced by an outside

force 4. The captain of a ship can use echoes to measure the depth of the sea as shown

in the diagram below. In water, sound travels at 1500 meters per second. The sound returns to the ship four second after it is sent. How far down is this seabed?

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A. 1500m B. 6000m C. 750m D. 3000m

5. Water can be used to generate electricity in hydro-electric power stations. Two power stations, in the Orange River Water Scheme, are capable of generating 420 MW (megawatts) and 280 MW of power respectively. What is the total WORK done by the water in both power stations in 10 seconds?

A. 7MJ B. 70MJ C. 700MJ D. 7000MJ

6. You test four different coffee thermos flasks and graph the data for each. The graph that best represents the results of a thermos that would keep coffee hot is:

7. Thunder is heard 5s after the flash of lightning is seen. Sound travels 1km in

approximately 3s. How far away did the lightning strike the ground surface? A. 1700m B. 67m C. 170m D. 1.7m

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8. The diagram below shows the steps necessary to produce the energy needed to run a hair dryer.

Decide where each of the following energy change occurs. i Electrical energy is changed to heat energy ii Kinetic energy is changed to electrical energy iii Chemical energy is changed to heat energy

A. D, C, A B. D, C, B C. C, D, B D. B, C, D

9. A rod is positively charged by rubbing a glass rod with a silk cloth. During this process....

A. electrons are transferred from the glass rod to the silk cloth B. electrons are transferred from the silk cloth to the glass rod C. protons are transferred from the glass rod to the silk cloth D. protons are transferred from the silk cloth to the glass rod

10. A man pushes a 10Kg boulder up a hill 10m high. At the top of the hill its potential

energy is 980 J. How much of work was required to push the boulder up the hill? A. 98 000 J B. 980 J C. 100 J D. 9 800 J

11. An indicator is a chemical used to test the pH of acids and bases. Solutions have been tested with indicators and the results are indicated in the table below.

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pH 1→2→3→4→5→6→7→8→9→10→11→12→13→14

Methyl red Red Yellow Methyl Yellow Red Yellow Phenolphthalein Colourless Red Thymophthalein Colourless Red

A solution with a pH of 5 will be coloured

A. red with both methyl red and methyl yellow B. yellow with both methyl red and methyl yellow C. red with methyl red and yellow with methyl yellow D. yellow with methyl red and red with methyl yellow

12. The table below shows densities of various substances. Which one of the

following statements is correct? Substance Density (g/cm3) Gold(s) 19 Mercury(l) 14 Lead(s) 11 Iron(s) 8 Water(l) 1.0 Ice(s) 0.92 Petrol(l) 0.8

A. Gold sinks in water but floats on petrol B. Lead floats on water but sinks in mercury C. Iron and lead float on mercury but sink in water D. Ice sinks in water but floats on petrol

13. The drawings below represent models of molecules of chemical compounds.

Which diagrams represent the chemical formulae for the molecules C2H2 and CH4 respectively?

A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4

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14. The four diagrams alongside model the results of mixing atoms of different

substances. Each atom is represented by a different symbol. Which diagram correctly models a chemical change?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

15. Which one of the following minerals is the most expensive per weight? A. Gold B. Palladium C. Platinum D. Iron ore

16. About an hour after you finish your dinner, you start experiencing pains in your stomach. You conclude that you have acid digestion. To best neutralize the excess acid being produced, you should eat something:

A. Acidic B. Salty C. Basic D. fatty

17. Which of the following groups contain only examples of renewable energy source?

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A. hydrochloric acid, coal, wind B. nuclear, natural gas, solar C. solar, wind, hydroelectric power D. hydroelectric power, natural gas, wind

18. The diagram alongside shows the re-cycling of certain substances between livingand non-living components of the components of the environment.

Which item shown in the diagram alongside is not recycled?

A. Water B. Energy C. Oxygen D. Carbon Dioxide

19. A solution of unknown pH is yellow with both methyl red and methyl yellow andColourless with both phenolphalein and thymophthalein. What is the pH of theunknown solution?

A. in the range of 4-8 B. in the range of 7-10 C. in the range of 4-10 D. It cannot be determined

20. The graph below shows a profile of carbon dioxide concentration in the air aboveand within a crop.

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The concentration of carbon dioxide at point D is probably due to a: A. high rate of photosynthesis by the plants B. low rate of photosynthesis by the plants C. high rate of respiration by microorganisms D. low rate of respiration by microorganisms

21. Hydrogen carbonate indicator solution can be used to show changes in theconcentration of carbon dioxide in the air. This solution is orange in colour innormal atmospheric air; it turns yellow when carbon dioxide is added to it, andpurple when carbon dioxide is removed from it.

Plants W, X, Y and Z survive at different light intensities in a forest. Some are sun- loving while the others prefer shade. Leaves of the plants are placed in a test tube above a hydrogen

carbonate solution, as shown in the diagrams

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They were exposed to increasing light intensities. The following results were recorded: From the data provided, it can be concluded that the plant which prefers the shadiest part of the forest is plant …

A. W B. X C. Y D. Z

22. Fish are well adapted for gaseous exchange in water. They have gills that can extract oxygen from the water. Gills have lamellae/rakers that are folds to increase their surface area so that more oxygen can be extracted. The table below illustrates the number of lamellae as well as their thickness in different species of fish :

Species Thickness of Lamellae / μm

Number of Lamellae per mm

Distance between Lamellae / μm

Distance between

blood and water / μm


A 35

8 75 6 Slow B 2

5 14 4

5 10 Slow

C 15

14 55

3 Active D 1

5 20 4

0 3 Active

E 12 27 25 2 Active F 7 21 40 <1 Active G 7 32 2

0 <1 Very active

H 5 32 20 <1 Very active

PLANT Light Intensity (arbitrary units)

1 5 16 68 130

W Yellow orange purple purple purple

X Yellow orange orange purple purple

Y Yellow yellow orange orange purple

Z Yellow yellow yellow orange purple

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Which of the statements below can be deduced from the information provided by the table?

A. There is no direct relationship between the speed at which the blood travels through the lamellae and the activity of the fish

B. The more the lamellae there are and the closer they are, the slower the fish is

C. There is no association between the activity of a fish and the number of lamellae it contains

D. The thinner the lamellae and the denser their distribution, the faster the fish is able to move

23. You start your life as a single important cell called a ZYGOTE. A

zygote forms when a sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell. From this cell, you grew into a group of cells, then into a foetus, baby and then an adult. New cells form as a result of cell division. Study the steps in the division process below :

How many cells are there once the original cell has divided 8 times ?

A. 256 B. 128 C. 511 D. 16

24. One chlorine atom can destroy 100 000 ozone molecules. Chlorine is

created in the upper atmosphere by our use of… A. Chlorofluorocarbons B. carbonated soft drinks C. water treatment plants D. sodium chloride- NaCl

25. Which among the following is regarded as the basic unit of life?

A. Cell B. Molecule C. Tissue D. Nucleus

26. Leo wants to grow plants in pots. He decides to test the effectiveness of

slow-releasing fertilizer with different types of potting soils. He sets up the 6 pots with identical seedlings as indicated in the diagram below.

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The effectiveness of the fertilizer would be best tested by comparing the growth in pot....

A. i and ii B. i and iv C. i and v D. i and vi

27. Blood is transported in the human body through 3 types of blood vessels : Arteries, Veins and Capillaries. The drawing below shows an artery entering an organ, breaking up into smaller aterioles before forming a network of fine capillaries. These capillaries rejoin to form venules that leave the organ as larger veins. The graph shows the velocity of blood, blood pressure and surface area of the blood vessels.

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According to the information depicted in the drawing and graph above:

A. Even though capillaries are the narrowest they have the largest surface area

B. Blood flows the fastest in veins C. Blood pressure in arteries is the lowest D. Blood flows the slowest when it is under high pressure

28. Four leaves of a mesophytic plant were used in an experiment to investigate

water loss. Each leaf was treated as follows:

Leaf 1: the upper surface was smeared with vaseline Leaf 2: the lower surface was smeared with vaseline Leaf 3: both surfaces were smeared with vaseline Leaf 4: no vaseline was applied The percentage of the mass that was lost over a period of time was calculated and plotted on the graph.

Leaf number 2 is represented by graph

A. (i) B. (ii) C. (iii) D. (iv)

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29. The following diagrams show the mouthparts of three different insects

Each animal has its own food type.

1 2 3

The possible diets for insects 1, 2 and 3 in the correct order are…………

A. Nectar, blood and leaves B. Leaves, blood and nectar C. Nectar, leaves and blood D. Leaves, nectar and blood

30 .The graph below shows the results of an investigation involving a factory which emits sulphur dioxide and its influence in the number of lichen species occurring in this area.

Which one of the following is the most appropriate conclusion for this investigation?

A. With an increase in air pollution there is an increase in the number of lichen

species B. With an increase in air pollution there is a decrease in lichen species C. With a decrease in the lichen population there is an increase in the amount

of air pollution D. With a decrease in the lichen population there is a decrease in the

amount of air pollution
