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GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ! ! E WOOD BRIDGE LEADERgrade crossings must go ! ! wenty-fikst yeab e wood...

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GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO! ! WENTY-FIKST YEAB E WOOD BRIDGE LEADER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBUSHED INTHE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGI TOWNSHIP GRADE CROSSINGS MUST 00 !! Woodbridge, N. J., TIHUXUT, ,}•)• 3, 1930 OCEAN C I T Y R A I D REVEALS LEGION CONFAB 1 BIG STILL IN T O M O R R O W j VACANT HOUSE Local Post to Take Part in Chief Murphy, Capt. Walsh Parade and Dran Corps i and Sergeant Parsons Dis- ContesL cover Moonshine Plant OCEAN CITY, July 3. Wood bridge Post, American Legion, will!gallon be present at the greatest patriotic'mash, 350 gallon still, forty-five 100 vat», rilled with alcoholic several hundred, pounds of pageant and boardwalk parade ever *ugar and 20 pounds of yeast were - J InNew Jersey, which will seixed by Chief Patrick W Murphy """ tomorrow. Captain James Walsh and Sergeaut President Benjamin Parsons, In a raid nn take pi act at Ocean City July Fourth, when Vice on " i , a --. - ...•.uu, iu «, i Will «J|1 «i Charles Curtis will be the guest ot house on the corner of Perth Am boy honor and when the American Le- avenue and Cherry street formerly glon, ttepartment of New Jersey, as- the old Berry homestead' and now sisted by Posts of Pennsylvania, owntd by John Rusko Tuesdav Maryland and Delaware will be the afternoon. honorary escort to the distinguished According to Chief Murphy, the Kuest. still has been in operation but a The Navy and Army will be repre- week and the place had been under sented when the forces of the land, mrvelllance during that time. The air and water combine their efforts i suspicions of the polle* were arouaed In assisting to make the event Jer-|last week, when It was noticed that STOP AND GOSIGNALS FOR AVENEL CROSSING The newstop and go signal at the Intersection of the tupet-hlghwaj and Aveiwl street, Afwtel, one of the most lUttgwe* erwings in the Township, will be Mrvlced and will be In operation for the first time to- day. The Townabl* has also started work OB traffic signals to be erected on Green atreet *ad the super-high way, where several Mdaenta have occurred lately, and at Rahway and Green stfa»t intersection. According to Commltteeman Rob- ert L. Sattler, a member of the po- lice committee, the fiwnshlp has. without success, tried to get the State Traffic C(rmmis*ioifc4mereftted in putting blinker lights on the super-highway to protect pedes trians and automobllists. The Township Is installing the stop and go signals In an effort to prevent ac- cidents, tnest of which, happen at the Intersection. B. B. WALLING LAID TOREST; DIEDMONDAY mumt I U » ol Scbool tmi a Only OM W«k Witk fwwnU. y greatest The l i t U. S. Engln- etrtj will be encamped In Ocean City several people were eontluially go- Ing In and out of the place. A »u«- during the entire week. piclous odor seemed to emanate The Franktord fugle and Drum ! from the place Corps. National Ohamplons, which' Tuesday, armed with a search was awarded the honor at the Na- warrant, the raiding party visited tional Convention In Louisville, last ' year, will head the Lesions section the house, the still and other com- plete equipment were located In the FIRE LADDIES CARNIVALTO BE BIG EVENT 1930 CraivafWill Surpui All Othtn. Opens July 16 and CIOMI July 19. There is no organization raort picturesque than that of the volun teer fire department) The members of It are iseni who are ready to re- spond to (he alarm, whether It Is sounded during the buay hours o the day or in the middle of th< night. They throw down their tool ,._ .... . at the work bench or Jump from Maryland, have been invited withjerat arrests in the very near future. I their wa rm beds to fight the flames In the great parade and will stage I basement. an exhibition drill In the evening,; when questioned by the police, prior to a display of fireworks. j Rusko said that he had rented the The guests of the Legion will In-,house to some people, who said that elude National Vice Commander they might buy the property later. Frank Schoble,, -Irr,- Department Commander Richard Hartshorne and The matter was turned over to Federal Officer J. E. Ken, of the his staff of New Jersey, and depart- Newark offlce of the Federal Pro- ment commanders and Legion offl- hlbltlon agents, who sent a wreck cers of neighboring states. ]\ag crew to Woodbridge. The still Legion Posts, Auxiliary Unite and and vats were destroyed and ih« r'orty and Eight Voitures of New other materials confiscated. The Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Federal officers expect to make many acceptances already received by the committee ot Morgan-FUnck PW, No. 137, of the American Le- gion, of Ocean City. Post Commander Luther II. Hoft- !•»«, - of the resort Post has Bur- roumled himself with an able com- mittee which assure every veteran that he and his family will have a great day and will be looked after during th* visit to Ocean City. Mayor Joseph G. Champion and the City Commission aa well as the American Legion Post and every other organisations of Ocean City extend a welcome to the Legion- naires and their families. A scroll signed by. the Vice Presi- dent and a citation band (or Post) colors will he given every Legion aa« Auxiliary Unit taking part in the great parade, A ions lint of primes will br awarded the Legion and Auxiliary Units. AVENEL READY FOR JULY 4th. CELEBRATION Ladies' Auxiliary of Fire Co. Complete Program for Pa- rade and Other Features. Complete plans for the Fourth o! have July Been made celebration THREE CENTS PER COPT Funeral neTv|r»« for Benjamin Walling. 51, or »;« High ttrert. Woodbrldg*, who died Monday aft. r oon, at two o'clock, aftpr a week's Iness of paeufnunia, were held esterday aftonooo, at three o clock rom his late home. Rev, Ernnti bbott, pastor of the First Presh\ erian church, conducted the serv- :es. Interment was in the famll> lot in the Presbyterian cemetery. Mr. Walling wan a life-long resi- dent of Wowlbridt-e Township. He was born in LOCUM Grove, Wood- ridge Township. In 1902, he mar- ied Martha 11. Lee, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lee, of Wond- Anthonj Katrike, of Wuoobr.oV and Oeornf Better. 45, of 44H Aiu- i>oy avrmi", Woodbrlu(.f, w+rt> In- jured in a. collMon i,i a Put it Service bus and a truck of the Ion- ian Dairy Company, at the corner of Groom aM Lawrle streets ,Pertn Amboy, It •: II Tuesday morning. Katrake ni treated' for a cut .over the left cyt at the Perth Aai- Iboy CKy Hospttal. He wan di»- nwl shortly after treatment, ftekler Is still at the hospital, where he Is being treated by Dr. Henrj. for injuries to the chest and back. The bus was traveling east IH Lawrie street, at the time of thv a< cldent. According to the buv drlvn Juim W. Newton, uf 5" F'ourli Ktreel, KUhUnds, ht" slowed do«i. on the corner and then prepared'.< TOSS Groom strw-i. Tlie m.lt truck was being driven tiouth u. Groom street, and although boil drivers swerved, th» \• |iki«.- me.. WOODBRIDGE PROMINENT IN FOUR MAJOR WARS FOUGHT BY AMERICA CM, ii ia h Anibbie to be held und-r Hie auspices of the Avenel Ladies' Auxiliary, of the visiting' Fire Company, tomorrow. I The program includes a parade to <start at the lire bouse- at ten o'clock jtn the morning. ,JB»e line -et numb •includes Remse* avenue, to Avenel ! street, Rahway avenue to Homestead 'avenue and countermarch, Rahway avenue to Burnett street, Market street. Meinier street, to Pennsyl- vania avenue, to Avenel street and school. Prltes will be awarded at tin 1 school and the kiddles will be served people sustained bruises and with ice cream and soda.. The 4re- ' " men, exempt Erenien and band will Mother and Son Injured in an Auto Collision apparatus, drive trucks and "keep cuts ana result of an automobile New Brunswick ave- be served refreshments at the fire accident on nue. Fords, last Sunday afternoon,'house. at 12:50, when a car driven by Peter Trlculas, of 31*0 Klrkland place, Perth Amboy. going east on Now Brunswick avenue, was struck by a ear driven by Gaia Kovacs, Fords, who was turning his car _ around, between Corrielle street and n inK, there will be Durtog th« afternoon, athletic contesU will he held at the Steel Equipnmt diamond. At four o'clock, -the William P. Campbell will play a baseball King George B road, on New Bruns game. Al nine o'clock, inthe eve- health and life itself with out fear. Many times they reteivi condemnation instead ot praise to their efforts, but they go right aheai doing their duty as they see fit. Times change aa the years rol by and today It U necessary to hav i>aid men even In a volunteer d partment. Theold hand draw carriages, with their high wheels, short tongues and long ropes, have been replaced with high powered motor apparatus and trained men are required to handle it. Woodbridge Company, No. 1, has a membership of sixty-five, with five paid men, who took after the the two large house" at the School street fire station. Each year, the Bremen bold a carnival. 'She 1V30 carnival will be held July l « t h . / o l«h., at the No. 1 3ch«el grounds. «*d, according tn the rtfo/matton receive* from tfcc committee fytt ejtacge, will be the beat that has ever been offered, There will be many booths, a num- ber of prises and dancing every nlght. There will be amusement for the young and old. The committee: Chief L. J. Zeh- rer, Henry Brown, fTed Mawbey. W. A. Gllnaw. William Mewfck. Fred Zehrer, John Hoborak, Jam Zehrer, A. Marwasky. Thomas Kath and Ferdinand Kath, will meet to- morrow night, at which time, it Is expected an orchestra will be en- gaged to furnish the dance music. The subscription list is still open and those who wish to contribute may do so at any time. He was past in.isier of Atnmrm .odge, No. 8S, K A. M., Anchor Council, Junior Order of L'nltt-i American Mechanics; Woodbrldf:. Council 1743, Royal Arcanum. Mr. Walling waa elected member of the Board ot Education in 1917. and held the office until his death. He had served on many of tin Board's committees and had been ictive in the educational matters of the Township schools. The deceased was a director ol the Woodbridge Loan Association, a member of the Woodbridge Men's Brotherhood aid had been an elder in the First Pfeabyterlan church for many years, tie was employed as a salesman by William P. Roe, manu- facturer of factory and plumbing supplies. Mr. Walling le survived by Mrs. Walling, three children, C. Irene, of WoodbridRe; R. Chester, of Detroit, and Clifford L., of Newark; «l.\ brothers and oiu sister, Joseph. William, Charles, Albert and Mrs H-nrrv Lee. of Carteret; Ambrose, of Perth Amboy and Jesse, of Newark. TWO MEN IN BOAT FIND BODY OF BABE Little Far.au* Ostwik Fell from Barge Into Raritan River Last Friday. The body of Farlauw Oatwik. ab< 2, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Ostwik, who was drowned when BIT< fell onthe barge Kearclay, owned by John Fullerton, of I'ier 93, North River, N. Y., and docked at the Na tional fire Proofing Co., docks, at Keasbey, last Friday about 5:16 P M., was recovered Sunday evening Woodbrtd** Township, will, with the rest of the couatry, celebrate the l'54th. adversary of the Ind*- pendtnee pt this country tomorrow. But, unlike meat of the Woodbridge Township had usual honor/of tetrtM several of the Revolutionary battles Mint in thi» territory and/ot tjtvtat the Contin- ental Army/thirty of Its officers, In addition to the enlisted privates. The Township,, was not only ac In the War tar Independence. ut in every war in which- ttrhtf ounlry ba* ever partiolpated. 1 The Leader la Indebted to Lean McKlroy, ot the Woodbridce. out, American Legion, for the tm- \ wm^ itst nl thoee who enltsteil ' rom Woodbridge TVwnshlp to tin- Revolutionary, the Civil, the Spau- sh-Amerlcan and the World Wars. Although the Loader believes thai \ he list Is the Boat complete that ias ever bten published, it is possi- { le that some smmes have bet n i omitted, especially In rosters of the. Revolutionary and Civil Wars. II ny 'Leader reader has additional nformation to otter, Mr. McElroy would be glad to get the In forma- Boara tlon. Co. 0, 1st. N. J B. Hart. Co. F, MEN FIXING TIRE STRUCK BY A TRUCK wick avenue. Mm. TrtculM and her son, Peter, Jr., age ?. re uken t0 the Perlh Amboy CHy Hospital, and treated tor shock and bruises. Fords lions Club to Entertain With Pictures on 4th. play at the | grounds. a fireworks dis* Steel Equipment Firemen Race i to Member i in Hospita Two Orchestras to Furnish Music for Campbell Carnival I Members of f i r e Company, Wo. 1. have a novel way of! visiting sick brothers. La«t week. Hugh Me . Cloakey, a member of the fire com- A "bate and aane" Fourth ot pW y , was badly) injured in July is the aim of the Fords Lions while at work at the ice Club, thin year, according to Ben pUtft Jensen. In former years the Jtorda u k e n a fall cream on Amboy avenue. He was to the Perth Amboy several of bought forraancea, one in the morning and LJons Club haa appropriated a sum Hospital. y of money for fireworks, but thte U ovA»y night, year, they will offer tree movies In- boys, decided » so to see Hugh so stead The Fords Theatre ha» been they made a race out of the affair. bought out for the day »nd two per- Harry Foley • and hU passenger - • - - • • Charles Warsjyaa, were the winners, to the'hospital, while John Pustu», and hU paseewer*. Mike PH*patriek and Clarence Deter, were the return winners. The only condition of the "race" was that neither ear would exceed the speed limit. Both drivers kept within the letter of the lav and Finn Contracts (rom another in thte afternoon, of. The Parade of the West", an all-talkia* picture, will be presented. Both children «4 «lulU Fords, Keasbey, Hopelawn. and that nart of Rarltan Township, near J^rds, awTcordlally Invited to at- tend. Th3 committee to ebarge U, Ben Jensen, Robert BarrU, H. H. Dunham and J. Rltijerald. C.^. A, Meeting A busitMM m«etlBB ot Court Mer- cedes, Catholic Daughters of Amer- ica, will be held this evening at the Columbian Club. Two orchestras have been hired for the first annual carnival of the William P. Campbell Association, to be held July 30th., 31st. and August 1st. and 2nd., at the William P. Ckmpbell grounds, on Pennsylvania avfcnue, Avenel. Jimmy Bolan's and Gardner's orchestras will be on band for the danelap which will be held every evening on a specially constructed dance floor. Amusement booths, 'games ol chance and a fortune tiling booth ne| wlll be among the attractions. Prac Meal prises will be awarded an< will include: lamps, sporting goods blankets, canary blrdB. and candy. John Laraen is the chairman I j. BLAKE Kodaks Developtag Printing 24 How Service PIRBWOKKS - FIRSvVORKB NEWSPAPERS - PERI0WCAL8 100 Main Street TeL IMJS9 HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Ed. L. Hardiinan. formerly o Seamau's Perth Amboy Prescriptions Called For tnd D«JW«r«4 Cor. Rahway ATHM aid Grtanatraet TeL t. ebarge of the affair, assisted b Thomas Canaan, Joseph Peiras f'red Foerch, Charles Meterau, Jph Petras, William Baker. Tom Hughe Ob taring Can and Trick Cone on the South Amboy aide of the ictory Bridge, by two unidentified ien, in a sailboat. Air. OBtwik, who is the Hkipper n he barge, had left early Friday fternoon to get his sailing paper* Mrs Ostwik was busy In the cabin nd the child was left to play on th deck. The baby was not missed un il the father returned and the crew ot ready to take the barge out. Police headquarters was notified and Officer William Romond wan t to the scene. Grappling Iron v used for several hours, with- out success. The search was finally b&odoned. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ostwik Identl fled the babjr'i body at Kenny's estabtlahment at Soi boy. fuaeraK services were Monday afternoon at South Abreast Parked Car at ' * ! John Boylan, Clement Obroptaan William Ruaaell. , FORDS MAN MARRIES TOTTENVILLE GIRL In order to avoid hitting two cars hich were luciag north on Si eorfce'6 avenue, near the Rahwa:- City line, yesterday afternoon at 1:00 P. M., William Edwards, col- red, ot 236 Coulter street, Phila deloila, driving a truck, owned b> E. * S. Motor Trans. Co., of Al- mond Street, Vinet)ttd. N. J., put on Is brakes and akldded into parked car, ntnkhjg two men, who were fixing a raw, injuring on seriously. The innired men art; Henry Hibshman, W 455 Mt. Pros- «ct avenue, Newark, who Is In a critical condition in the Rahwa, Hospital, and W. Erieson, of 8! Blecker street, Newark, who Is also In the Rahwffy Hoapital, suffering 'rom cuts and shock. : According to Edwards' volun tar, statement to the police, he was trav- Ung south on St. George's avenue at the time of the -accident. He saw the parked car on the right side of the road and the nien axing tht flat tire as he approached. Edwards claimed that just before he reached the parked car, two ears,, evidently racing with each other, came speed- ing down the road, and jfist as he reached the men, they aUo ,got tr the spot, making four ears abreast. In order to avoid hitting the speed- Ing cars. Edwards aaU he put on his brakes as quickly aa possible, but his truck akiitded and struck the parked car, Hibstmm and'Ericson. The injured were takfent to the hospttal in the c#rvo| an unidentified motorist. Hibdham'a ear was towed to the Speedway Garage. Rails Arrive for Spur at Sewaren Plant Hitlur* 1st. Peir ; g. B. 131th. * ISTtkL Bernard Krouw, Co. K. 31st. N. country, J. Vol.; James Utllo, Co. K, 14U. th* un- M. J. Vol.; Joe M»ttj, ao record; Hugh McDonald, V. 8 Navy; 1st. Sergt. Patrick MeC»bt. Co. B, 57th. N. Y. Vol.; Joseph Ruddy, Co. K, Hth. N. J. Vol.; Thos. J. Sawjer. (continued on page two) SCHOOLBOARD ESSION IS CUT SHORT Monday Night Special Meet- ing Quickly Ended in Re- spect to Deceased Member SOLDI KltH OF OK THE TOWNSHII' WUUDHKIIMiK In the llevotatkmsry Fracturtr Spine Diving Into Two Feet of Water Walter RUIOHS, 20, uf Iselin, is -in a serious cunditiou at tht i'ertli Am- buy Cltp Hospital, with a fractured spine, received when he attempted to dive oft a springboard into two feet of water at Laurence Harbor, around 2-.30 Tuesday afternoon. The tide was going out at the. time of the accident and some ol ROIOM' companions warned him to be careful in hia. dive off the board as the water was getting very low at that point, Evidently he did not take the warnisg and dived off the board, bis head striking bottom. Two of his pals noticed the accident and carried htm out dt the water in an unconscious condition. The> rushed him to the Perth Amboy Cltj Hospital. Dr. Krank C. Henry, Jr., and Dr. Frank C. Hanry, Sr., are attending young Roloss. There is not much lope held out for Roloes's recovery, ccording to the. reports at the hoa- In respect totheir late colttaKue, B. B. Walling who died Monday afternoon, a special meeting of the of Education, which waa called for Monday evening, was ad-, Journed Immediately after bids for construction, plumbing, coal and the sate of bonds were received and re- corded. No bids were awarded at m«-17»:t the meeting. The Board adjourned until next Monday evening. Gen. Nathaniel Heard, Col. Ben | Bids for the construction ot am Jamra Brown, Major Clarkson Ed- addition at Fords School, No. 7 and gar, Ueut.-Col. Thomas Hadden. f or a portable at lselln, No. 15, were Major Reuben Potttr, Capt. Nathan- received as follows: Michael Rtiaa iel FIU Rudolph,, Capt, Asher Pit* Construction Company, $«,$<3 tor Randolph, Capt Dovid Edgar, Capt. No. 7, $7,245, for No. IB; A. «. David Coddlnaton, Capt, John Jensen, $7,420 for No. 7, $5,115 tor Stort-y, Capt. Matthew Fteeman, No . U ; A. R. A. Overgaard $7,8»» Capt. Nathaniel Leonard, C«pt. for No. T. 96.340 for No. 15; WO- Chrlstopher Marak Capt. Jeremiah ii» m A . Allgalr, $«,S90 for No. T. Manning, Capt. gebulon Pike, Capt. aE( j 1&.3S7 for No. 15; John H. Robert ROM, Capt. Thomas Steele, g a i,KI, $(,294 for No. 7, and 15 711 Capt. Richard Skinner, Capt. Bills f or x 0 15. August H. Suomlnaa. Barron, Capt. Samuel Crow, Capt $ 8> 500 for No. 7 and $6,096 for No. Abraham Tappen, Capt. John Heard, is ; Q, j M t 4 g oni $6,944 tor No. Capt. Matthew, •tyres, Capt. Jam?* 1 ? w &$4,945 f Or No 15- F\ T. BaleV Haerd, 1st. Lieut. Ralph Marsh, ^Q $4979.55 for No. ii, Jeremiah Dal|i>TiH J. ttlth Brown Smith niuoinflW, Stuuel Dallyi Joseph Oilman. JomitW Jaquish, Jedediah Freeman, Lewis Dunham, Hobert Coddlngton, Usury tTeeman, Peter Liilourette, Timtthy Bloom- Held, Timothy s lUoonifteld, 2nd., Smith Uloocifii'ld, 2nd., Robert Cod dlagton. 2nd., James BloomOeld John Inslee, Jonathan Inslee, Wil- liam Jones, Archibald Eager, Snot- well Bishop, Exekiel BloomfltM Robert; Burwell, Jonathan Bloom field min field, Jr., David Campbell, Joseph, Crowel, Kelsey Cutter, Samuel Cut4 Vim Ntttoaal Baak t Trttst bond laaue. Cor coal were received from Warr Coal k Supply Co.; J. Jor- dano; Joseph Klein Co ; T. F. Dunl- gan Co.; Heat Rl^ht Coal Co., ana Kopper Coal Co. Joseph Klein Co, was low bidder, on buckwheat, riee arid chestnut coal. Heat Right Co, was the low bidder on stove coal. , Tframas Bloomfleld, Sr., BenJ» r i I I 1 I H D C XI Brown. 2nd., Thoma* Bloom .l i |llLIJI\ljll Ir T»o«H^ Omnnhall Xnwnh ! ^ ••••**' ** f •» ENJOYING YGROUND The contract for the renovating and general carpenting work for the nrehouse School street, was awarded to J. Joat 4 Son, on hi. low bid of |S.S5« and the plumbing and heating contract wan awarded to W. J Finn, on nta low bid ot »U54, at a' special meeting of the Fire Com- mtMloners ot District No. 1, held at the flrehouM last evening. Other blda received were: J. H- Salakl 95.9T1V for renovating and Charles Farr, fl.308. for plumbing and heating. A regular meeting of tne CommisBioners *H1 be held Fire next Mr. and tenvllke, Mrs. A. Parsons, of Tot Staten Island, announce Wednesday evening at the ftrehouse. furs repaired and re- l mmer Have your ._- modelled at »*W ta» ,»«? m « rate*. Avoid the fall rush! Toke, Woodbrldse %"**» Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge. phjpe 8-0770. LouU Tele- the marriage of their daughter, Mil dred, to John fXiuback, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Damback, of Crows Mill road* Fords. After a weddin? trip, Mr. and Mrs. Damback will niajte their bom* in Fords. Skkb Into Hydrant A lire hydrant,' at the corner of Dall avwiue an* Smith street, Kea»- bey, waa pushed over by a car driv- en by Daniel Orou. of Peterson ave- nue, Kwisbey, Tuesday evening at 6:40. Oroas reported to the police that he' turned quickly to get out of the way ot a Public Service car and skidded into the hydrant. WlUUm Voetker UOd to Roa* In U. Jamea' Ometerj funeral tervieei for WUHain Voelker. U yw »M «»» ot MT - a»4 Mrs. Rudolph Voelter, of Oeoxge street, kmM. who died at ibe Rah- way * * * * A car load uf rails arrived yester- day at the plant oi the Shell East- ern Petroleum Products Company at Sewareu, from Pittsburgh, Pa The work of laying the spur track from (he main line ot the Pennuyl- rania Railroad to the plant will be- ;ln today. The spur, which will be 1,400 feet long, la being built by the J. F. Kennedy Company, of New York, and the work la in charge 0 J, Daley, superintendent for thu Kennedy conuiany. It will tak about thrje wi'e.ka to complete the work. monm Her. Vt. Rteaari heM . . Jamea' ehuwi, J. OTarreU said toe fu»eral mas*. Intonumt tery. GARAGE EMPLOYEE STRUCK BY CAR ChrU Looger, *4, of the Speed way Garage, waa slightly Tuesday aftevnoon, - when Injure hewa: struck by a car driven by Blalne Ewlng, Jr., of 53 Wall street, New. York City, who w u traveling nort on St. Oeorge'e avenne. Looger was attempting to troia the road at the tin* ot the afcl*»nt, Swing took the Injured uwittrto. Dr. I. Spencer for treatment wd thm took him to> his home. Bav. rcur *&**#« 1*41*- at St awMM at «n*|W7 l«r summer Tok*. Tel« Injured as 3 Cars Collide on Amboy Aye. Five people were slightly Injured, n a triple collision, on Amboy ave- iut, near the Intersection of the old nd new roads, Saturday afternoon, ,t 5:30, when a car driven by Vic- or Erlckson, of 141 Myrtle avenue, lersey. City, which was going south •u the avenue, collided with a car oing north and driven by Howard; . Mason, ot 17 Lincoln avenue; lizabeth, whose ear In turn mashed into a machine driven by Joseph Owens, of 34S South street, Newark. * The injured, all passengers In the Owens car, were: Mary Owens, 0; Elner Clayton, S; Frank Clay- ion, 8; Mrs. Sadie Clayton, all of 4 Sterling street. East Orange, and Mrs. Joseph Owens. All cars w,ere badly damaged. Crowel, Kelsey Cutter, Samuel Cut ter, Stephen Cutter, Ford Catter, Jo-1 seph Dunham, James Edgar, Wil 11am Edjar, Ambrose Elite*. CrowelK Evans, Jonathan Free- man, David Freeman, Samuel Force, Hiram Fratee, Morris Fraiee, Eslch Fitz Randolph, Eieklel Fiti Ran- dolph, MsJachl Klti Randolph, Mi- chael Flti Randolph, BanlllaFits Randolph, Daniel Fits Randolph, James FiU Randolph, Joaeph FIU Randolph, Stelle Fill Randolph, Phlneas Fits Randolph, Samuel Flti Randolph, Thomas Flti Randolph, Zedeklsh FIU Randolph, John Oil- man, Joseph Oilman, Charles Gil- man, Samuel fraquiBh. James Kin- Bey, Sr., James Klntey, Jr., John Kinsey, Shadrach Klnsey, Abram Laing, Oliver Martm, Peter Noe, James 1 Noe, John Row, Isaac Sears, David Stewart, Ellphalet Moore. Merrick Israel Martin, Benjamin Thorp. Thornall, Benjamin Thornall, Samuel Wlllta, Mundy. In |ke Civil War, 1M1-I»«o 5th. N. J*. Volunteers, Co. H: William C. Berif, Pred A. Brilt, David B. Brown, Benjamin Blood- tr and Miss Dnni- fan in Charge. Maiy Mothers Bring Little ToU. One hundred and ten children en- joyed themselves on the opening day ot the Woodbridge playground, between Pearl and School streets* Tuesday morning, according to an oflclal check-up made by the In- structors, Mtss Jane Duntgan ant Lincoln B. Tamboer. at tea o'clock. Just before the gates were open** at nine o'clock a number ot kiddle* were Waiting to get.in, to try out the swings, see-ttws and sand pllea.. At 1:30 la the afternoon, a check- up showed that there were 15* children on the grounds. In th* evening, 65 were present. According to both Miss Dunlgaa and Mr. Tamboer, when the new im- porements, which will Include a good, Isaac Bonnell,, William Bon- AW iinmlng pool, roller skating walk nell, Abraham W. Brown, Harvey I ~ Barron,' Constant Coley, Samuel I Coddington. Charlas C. Dally. George W. Dally, Jajnea J. Dunn, Daniel Flenigao. WQmer Gllman. Richard Hadfleld. EUi* Harned, rest bouae, are finished, the park will be a children's paradise. Th« instructors are experts n their line. Miss Dunlgan is a re- cent graduate ot the Sargent^ School of Boston Dnlvenlty. J „._ Mr. Tamboer John Inslee, Henry C. Inslee, Adam ^ a P h yI ieaa instructor at tae Jordan, Uaac Jaqu««, George V. |Woodbrid g e H lgh School. By the Kelly. John F. Lee.-lMktel Logan,! numD8r 0 ( children brought to the Lewis F. Noe, Dallas Noe, Smith | playgroulM i oy mothers, there Is Noe, John Poland, Andrew J. Reed.i doUDt Dutwhat they feel that the William Roes, John H. Sutton. I children are in sate hands, l t d During the vacation physleal directors will U t period, the be glad U foreman's Chdb Hold to a RegaHa Members of reglmenta and navy, not included in other Uats: Wm. H. A| war(l - Co - c - 8th - N ' J Vol.; Capt. James B. Ayres, 14th.|_ amM N. Y. Cavalry; Lol Mownfleld, Co. JeMn . B, Indiana Vol.; Iflebael Ber*en.» Th6 playground will be open Co. O, 1st. N- J. Cavalry; Col. Wm. \ fW1J week day between 9:00 A. M. H Brt 4Sth N t Vol; John aIl(1 n ) JOn . between 1:30 P. M physleal directors g sUrt athletle teams and wfll teaea those who wish te t0 The Foreman's Club, ot Wood- bridge and Perth Amfcoy, will hold a regatta in Perth Amboy, on Sunday, July 1 20th., according to George ftanUin, promoter In this district. The foreman's Club has a repre- sentative of every manufacturing H. Barton, 4Sth. N. t. Vol.; John R, Bunn, Co. K. 6th. N. Y. Ind. Battery; Jim Burns, Co. V. 1«t N, J.; Wilbur F. Brown, Co. B, 7th. N, Y.; William Clark, Jr. Co. A. Uth. N. J.; Nathaniel Cole, Co. I. 11th. N. J.; G«o. L.tCummlngSj Co M., and and from 7:00 P. M. to and repairing ounty. I'laot In Middlesex C, 14th. N. J-; Oeo. N. Y.; I. £th Co. I, 11th. N. J D 11h N Clinch. CM. Dunham, Simeon B. Drake, Miss Miriam Erb, ot Fifth nue, l«ft Tuesday even**? for moat, N. H., where ft* wUl » the summer. Mra. Emll Kre«Ub«rt and three children, are tjtending h SaiU He her the Co. D. 11th. N. J.; Mahlon Edgar, j colored), Co. C, Erd Reft. U. S. Colored Troops; Samuel Ellwood. no iPrt uei"CQ A,Uth. N. J.; Oeo. W. Co. 1. 16th. Illinois Caval- ry; Jefferson N. UPbrge, no rec- ord; Richard Levt, ".I N"y; thee h , j summer months at SeaiUe Heights. S*rgt. Harrison Bittaaj. 15th i William Bird Have your tun sen*** « * "" ssodelled at iPHhl Ipv nmmn rater id th All h! U a d P Ip Avoid the All tnah! Toke; WeodbrMM Fttt UMP, b Avenue, WeWfciWae. Tel«- N. Y. Engineer*; William Bird, U. B. Nan; W. John C. Batron, now- or«; Hipoleon CarrJjMte, no r«j ort; Alcwder Ou»«M. M record^ - CrosreU, C*. C, 5th. H. 11 ward; Augustine H. record; Thomai J. Oue, N. Y. Vot; Job* Hall, 5:30 P. M. 8:0.0 P.M. Mr. dfrRnssy May Leave HospitaMThis Week The many frKmd* of Charles A. de Russy, of Barrou avenue, who waa hurt when struck by an auto, at the corner of Am boy avenue ant Oreen itrwit, several weeks kgo. be (lad to leuro that the .Is oa. the road to recovery at the Pert> Airftoy City Hoi|ilt«l. It Mr. do Rusay keeps on iniLiroviug, the fam- ily BOB* to have, him home by th* and ot this week. 1U P Ulrt ottt.eaJMtU





Woodbridge, N. J., TIHUXUT, ,}•)• 3, 1930


Parade and Dran Corps i and Sergeant Parsons Dis-ContesL cover Moonshine Plant

OCEAN CITY, July 3. — Woodbridge Post, American Legion, will!gallonbe present at the greatest patriotic'mash,

350 gallon still, forty-five 100vat», rilled with alcoholic

several hundred, pounds ofpageant and boardwalk parade ever *ugar and 20 pounds of yeast were- J In New Jersey, which will seixed by Chief Patrick W Murphy

""" tomorrow. Captain James Walsh and SergeautPresident Benjamin Parsons, In a raid n n •

take pi act at Ocean CityJuly Fourth, when Vice

on" • i , a - - . - — . . . • . u u , i u «, i Will «J|1 «i

Charles Curtis will be the guest ot house on the corner of Perth Am boyhonor and when the American Le- avenue and Cherry street formerlyglon, ttepartment of New Jersey, as- the old Berry homestead' and nowsisted by Posts of Pennsylvania, owntd by John Rusko TuesdavMaryland and Delaware will be the afternoon.honorary escort to the distinguished According to Chief Murphy, theKuest. still has been in operation but a

The Navy and Army will be repre- week and the place had been undersented when the forces of the land, mrvelllance during that time. Theair and water combine their efforts i suspicions of the polle* were arouaedIn assisting to make the event Jer-|last week, when It was noticed that


The new stop and go signal at theIntersection of the tupet-hlghwajand Aveiwl street, Afwtel, one ofthe most lUt tgwe* erwings in theTownship, will be Mrvlced and willbe In operation for the first time to-day. The Townabl* has also startedwork OB traffic signals to be erectedon Green atreet *ad the super-highway, where several Mdaenta haveoccurred lately, and at Rahway andGreen stfa»t intersection.

According to Commltteeman Rob-ert L. Sattler, a member of the po-lice committee, the fiwnshlp has.without success, tried to get theState Traffic C(rmmis*ioifc4merefttedin putting blinker lights on thesuper-highway to protect pedestrians and automobllists. TheTownship Is installing the stop andgo signals In an effort to prevent ac-cidents, tnest of which, happen atthe Intersection.


DIEDMONDAYmumt I U » ol Scbooltmi a Only OM W«kWitk fwwnU.

y greatest The l i t U. S. Engln-etrtj will be encamped In Ocean City

several people were eontluially go-Ing In and out of the place. A »u«-

during the entire week. piclous odor seemed to emanateThe Franktord fugle and Drum ! from the place

Corps. National Ohamplons, which' Tuesday, armed with a searchwas awarded the honor at the Na- warrant, the raiding party visitedtional Convention In Louisville, last 'year, will head the Lesions section

the house, the still and other com-plete equipment were located In the


BE BIG EVENT1930 CraivafWill Surpui

All Othtn. Opens July16 and CIOMI July 19.

There is no organization raortpicturesque than that of the volunteer fire department) — The membersof It are iseni who are ready to re-spond to (he alarm, whether It Issounded during the buay hours othe day or in the middle of th<night. They throw down their tool

, . _ . . . . . at the work bench or Jump fromMaryland, have been invited withjerat arrests in the very near future. I their warm beds to fight the flames

In the great parade and will stage I basement.an exhibition drill In the evening,; when questioned by the police,prior to a display of fireworks. j Rusko said that he had rented the

The guests of the Legion will In-,house to some people, who said thatelude National Vice Commander they might buy the property later.Frank Schoble,, -Irr,- DepartmentCommander Richard Hartshorne and

The matter was turned over toFederal Officer J. E. Ken, of the

his staff of New Jersey, and depart- Newark offlce of the Federal Pro-ment commanders and Legion offl- hlbltlon agents, who sent a wreckcers of neighboring states. ]\ag crew to Woodbridge. The still

Legion Posts, Auxiliary Unite and and vats were destroyed and ih«r'orty and Eight Voitures of New other materials confiscated. TheJersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Federal officers expect to make

many acceptances already receivedby the committee ot Morgan-FUnckPW, No. 137, of the American Le-gion, of Ocean City.

Post Commander Luther II. Hoft-!•»«, - of the resort Post has Bur-roumled himself with an able com-mittee which assure every veteranthat he and his family will have agreat day and will be looked afterduring th* visit to Ocean City.

Mayor Joseph G. Champion andthe City Commission aa well as theAmerican Legion Post and everyother organisations of Ocean Cityextend a welcome to the Legion-naires and their families.

A scroll signed by. the Vice Presi-dent and a citation band (or Post)colors will he given every Legionaa« Auxiliary Unit taking part inthe great parade, A ions lint ofprimes will br awarded theLegion and Auxiliary Units.


CELEBRATIONLadies' Auxiliary of Fire Co.

Complete Program for Pa-rade and Other Features.

Complete plansfor the Fourth o!


Been madecelebration


Funeral neTv|r»« for BenjaminWalling. 51, or »;« High ttrert.

Woodbrldg*, who died Monday aft. roon, at two o'clock, aftpr a week'sIness of paeufnunia, were heldesterday aftonooo, at three o clockrom his late home. Rev, Ernntibbott, pastor of the First Presh\

erian church, conducted the serv-:es. Interment was in the famll>lot in the Presbyterian cemetery.

Mr. Walling wan a life-long resi-dent of Wowlbridt-e Township. Hewas born in LOCUM Grove, Wood-

ridge Township. In 1902, he mar-ied Martha 11. Lee, daughter oi

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lee, of Wond-

Anthonj Katrike, of Wuoobr.oVand Oeornf Better. 45, of 44H Aiu-i>oy avrmi", Woodbrlu(.f, w+rt> In-jured in a. collMon i,i a Put itService bus and a truck of the Ion-ian Dairy Company, at the cornerof Groom aM Lawrle streets ,PertnAmboy, It • : I I Tuesday morning.

Katrake n i treated' for a cut.over the left cyt at the Perth Aai-Iboy CKy Hospttal. He wan di»-

nwl shortly after treatment,ftekler Is still at the hospital, wherehe Is being treated by Dr. Henrj.for injuries to the chest and back.

The bus was traveling east IHLawrie street, at the time of thv a<cldent. According to the buv drlvnJuim W. Newton, uf 5" F'ourliKtreel, KUhUnds, ht" slowed do«i.on the corner and then prepared '.<TOSS Groom strw-i. Tlie m.lt

truck was being driven tiouth u.Groom street, and although boildrivers swerved, th» \• |iki«.- me..



CM,ii M« ia

h Anibbie

to be held und-r Hie auspices of theAvenelLadies' Auxiliary, of the

visiting' Fire Company, tomorrow.I The program includes a parade to<start at the lire bouse- at ten o'clockjtn the morning. ,JB»e line -et numb•includes Remse* avenue, to Avenel! street, Rahway avenue to Homestead'avenue and countermarch, Rahwayavenue to Burnett street, Marketstreet. Meinier street, to Pennsyl-vania avenue, to Avenel street andschool.

Prltes will be awarded at tin1

school and the kiddles will be servedpeople sustained bruises and with ice cream and soda.. The 4re-

' " men, exempt Erenien and band will

Mother and SonInjured in an

Auto Collision

apparatus, drivetrucks and "keep

cuts an a result of an automobileNew Brunswick ave- be served refreshments at the fireaccident on

nue. Fords, last Sunday afternoon,'house.at 12:50, when a car driven byPeter Trlculas, of 31*0 Klrklandplace, Perth Amboy. going east onNow Brunswick avenue, was struckby a ear driven by Gaia Kovacs,Fords, who was turning his car _around, between Corrielle street and ninK, there will be

Durtog th« afternoon, athleticcontesU will he held at the SteelEquipnmt diamond. At fouro'clock, -the William P. Campbell

will play a baseball

King George B road, on New Bruns

game. Al nine o'clock, in the eve-

health and life itself without fear. Many times they reteivicondemnation instead ot praise totheir efforts, but they go right aheaidoing their duty as they see fit.

Times change aa the years rolby and today It U necessary to havi>aid men even In a volunteer dpartment. The old hand drawcarriages, with their high wheels,short tongues and long ropes, havebeen replaced with high poweredmotor apparatus and trained menare required to handle it.

Woodbridge Company, No. 1, hasa membership of sixty-five, withfive paid men, who took after the

the two largehouse" at the

School street fire station.Each year, the Bremen bold a

carnival. 'She 1V30 carnival will beheld July l « t h . / o l « h . , at the No.1 3ch«el grounds. «*d, according tnthe rtfo/matton receive* from tfcccommittee fytt ejtacge, will be thebeat that has ever „ been offered,There will be many booths, a num-ber of prises and dancing everynlght. There will be amusement forthe young and old.

The committee: Chief L. J. Zeh-rer, Henry Brown, fTed Mawbey.W. A. Gllnaw. William Mewfck.Fred Zehrer, John Hoborak, JamZehrer, A. Marwasky. Thomas Kathand Ferdinand Kath, will meet to-morrow night, at which time, itIs expected an orchestra will be en-gaged to furnish the dance music.The subscription list is still openand those who wish to contributemay do so at any time.

He was past in.isier of Atnmrm.odge, No. 8S, K A. M., Anchor

Council, Junior Order of L'nltt-iAmerican Mechanics; Woodbrldf:.Council 1743, Royal Arcanum.

Mr. Walling waa elected memberof the Board ot Education in 1917.and held the office until his death.He had served on many of tinBoard's committees and had beenictive in the educational matters ofthe Township schools.

The deceased was a director olthe Woodbridge Loan Association, amember of the Woodbridge Men'sBrotherhood aid had been an elderin the First Pfeabyterlan church formany years, tie was employed as asalesman by William P. Roe, manu-facturer of factory and plumbingsupplies.

Mr. Walling le survived by Mrs.Walling, three children, C. Irene, ofWoodbridRe; R. Chester, of Detroit,and Clifford L., of Newark; «l.\brothers and oiu sister, Joseph.William, Charles, Albert and MrsH-nrrv Lee. of Carteret; Ambrose, ofPerth Amboy and Jesse, of Newark.


BODY OF BABELittle Far.au* Ostwik Fell

from Barge Into RaritanRiver Last Friday.

The body of Farlauw Oatwik. ab<2, daughter of Mr. and Mra. JacobOstwik, who was drowned when BIT<fell on the barge Kearclay, ownedby John Fullerton, of I'ier 93, NorthRiver, N. Y., and docked at the National fire Proofing Co., docks, atKeasbey, last Friday about 5:16 PM., was recovered Sunday evening

Woodbrtd** Township, will, withthe rest of the couatry, celebratethe l'54th. adversary of the Ind*-pendtnee pt this country tomorrow.But, unlike meat of theWoodbridge Township hadusual honor/of tetrtM several of theRevolutionary battles M i n t in thi»territory and/ot tjtvtat the Contin-ental Army/thirty of Its officers, Inaddition to the enlisted privates.

The Township,, was not only acIn the War tar Independence.

ut in every war in which- ttrhtfounlry ba* ever partiolpated. 1

The Leader la Indebted to LeanMcKlroy, ot the Woodbridce.

out, American Legion, for the tm- \wm^ itst nl thoee who enltsteil '

rom Woodbridge TVwnshlp to tin-Revolutionary, the Civil, the Spau-sh-Amerlcan and the World Wars.

Although the Loader believes thai \he list Is the Boat complete that •ias ever bten published, it is possi- {le that some smmes have bet n i

omitted, especially In rosters of the.Revolutionary and Civil Wars. II

ny 'Leader reader has additionalnformation to otter, Mr. McElroywould be glad to get the In forma- B o a r a


Co. 0, 1st. N. JB. Hart. Co. F,



wick avenue.Mm. TrtculM and her son, Peter,

Jr., age ?. * « r e u k e n t 0 t h e P e r l h

Amboy CHy Hospital, and treatedtor shock and bruises.

Fords lions Clubto Entertain With

Pictures on 4th.

play at the| grounds.

a fireworks dis*Steel Equipment

Firemen Racei to M e m b e ri in H o s p i t a

Two Orchestras toFurnish Music forCampbell Carnival

I Members of fire Company, Wo. 1.have a novel way of! visiting sickbrothers. La«t week. Hugh M e

. Cloakey, a member of the fire com-A "bate and aane" Fourth ot p W y , was badly) injured in

July is the aim of the Fords Lions while at work at the iceClub, thin year, according to Ben pUtftJensen. In former years the Jtorda uken

a fallcream

on Amboy avenue. He wasto the Perth Amboy

several of

boughtforraancea, one inthe morning and

LJons Club haa appropriated a sum Hospital. yof money for fireworks, but thte UovA»y night,year, they will offer tree movies In- boys, decided » so to see Hugh sostead The Fords Theatre ha» been they made a race out of the affair.bought out for the day »nd two per- Harry Foley • and hU passenger

- • - - • • Charles Warsjyaa, were the winners,to the'hospital, while John Pustu»,and hU paseewer*. Mike PH*patriekand Clarence Deter, were the returnwinners. The only condition of the"race" was that neither ear wouldexceed the speed limit. Both driverskept within the letter of the lav

and FinnContracts


another in thte afternoon, of. TheParade of the West", an all-talkia*picture, will be presented.

Both children « 4 «lulUFords, Keasbey, Hopelawn. and thatnart of Rarltan Township, nearJ^rds, awTcordlally Invited to at-tend. Th3 committee to ebarge U,Ben Jensen, Robert BarrU, H. H.Dunham and J. Rltijerald.

C . ^ . A, Meeting

A busitMM m«etlBB ot Court Mer-cedes, Catholic Daughters of Amer-ica, will be held this evening at theColumbian Club.

Two orchestras have been hiredfor the first annual carnival of theWilliam P. Campbell Association, tobe held July 30th., 31st. and August1st. and 2nd., at the William P.Ckmpbell grounds, on Pennsylvaniaavfcnue, Avenel. Jimmy Bolan's andGardner's orchestras will be onband for the danelap which will beheld every evening on a speciallyconstructed dance floor.

Amusement booths, 'games olchance and a fortune t i l ing booth

n e | wl l l be among the attractions. PracMeal prises will be awarded an<will include: lamps, sporting goodsblankets, canary blrdB. and candy.

John Laraen is the chairman I

j . BLAKEKodaks — Developtag — Printing




Ed. L. Hardiinan. formerly oSeamau's Perth Amboy

PrescriptionsCalled For tnd D«JW«r«4

Cor. Rahway A T H M

aid GrtanatraetTeL t.

ebarge of the affair, assisted bThomas Canaan, Joseph Peirasf'red Foerch, Charles Meterau, JphPetras, William Baker. Tom Hughe


taring Can and Trick Cone

on the South Amboy aide of theictory Bridge, by two unidentifiedien, in a sailboat.

Air. OBtwik, who is the Hkipper nhe barge, had left early Fridayfternoon to get his sailing paper*

Mrs Ostwik was busy In the cabinnd the child was left to play on th

deck. The baby was not missed unil the father returned and the crewot ready to take the barge out.

Police headquarters was notifiedand Officer William Romond wan

t to the scene. Grappling Ironv used for several hours, with-

out success. The search was finallyb&odoned.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Ostwik Identlfled the babjr'i body atKenny's estabtlahment at Soiboy. fuaeraK services wereMonday afternoon at South

Abreast Parked Car at' * ! • •

John Boylan, Clement Obropta anWilliam Ruaaell. ,


In order to avoid hitting two carshich were luciag north on Sieorfce'6 avenue, near the Rahwa:-

City line, yesterday afternoon at1:00 P. M., William Edwards, col-

red, ot 236 Coulter street, Philadeloila, driving a truck, owned b>E. * S. Motor Trans. Co., of Al-mond Street, Vinet)ttd. N. J., put on

Is brakes and akldded intoparked car, ntnkhjg two men, whowere fixing a raw, injuring onseriously. The innired men art;Henry Hibshman, W 455 Mt. Pros-«ct avenue, Newark, who Is In a

critical condition in the Rahwa,Hospital, and W. Erieson, of 8!Blecker street, Newark, who Is alsoIn the Rahwffy Hoapital, suffering'rom cuts and shock. :

According to Edwards' volun tar,statement to the police, he was trav-Ung south on St. George's avenue

at the time of the -accident. He sawthe parked car on the right side ofthe road and the nien axing thtflat tire as he approached. Edwardsclaimed that just before he reachedthe parked car, two ears,, evidentlyracing with each other, came speed-ing down the road, and jfist as hereached the men, they aUo ,got trthe spot, making four ears abreast.In order to avoid hitting the speed-Ing cars. Edwards aaU he put on hisbrakes as quickly aa possible, buthis truck akiitded and struck theparked car, Hibstmm and'Ericson.

The injured were takfent to thehospttal in the c#rvo| an unidentifiedmotorist. Hibdham'a ear was towedto the Speedway Garage.

Rails Arr ivefor Spur at

Sewaren Plant

Hitlur*1st. Peir ; g. B.131th. * ISTtkL

Bernard Krouw, Co. K. 31st. N.country, J. Vol.; James Utllo, Co. K, 14U.th* un- M. J. Vol.; Joe M»ttj, ao record;

Hugh McDonald, V. 8 Navy; 1st.Sergt. Patrick MeC»bt. Co. B, 57th.N. Y. Vol.; Joseph Ruddy, Co. K,Hth. N. J. Vol.; Thos. J. Sawjer.

(continued on page two)


C U T S H O R TMonday Night Special Meet-

ing Quickly Ended in Re-spect to Deceased Member



In the llevotatkmsry

Fracturtr SpineDiving Into Two

Feet of WaterWalter RUIOHS, 20, uf Iselin, is -in

a serious cunditiou at tht i'ertli Am-buy Cltp Hospital, with a fracturedspine, received when he attemptedto dive oft a springboard into twofeet of water at Laurence Harbor,around 2-.30 Tuesday afternoon. •

The tide was going out at the.time of the accident and some olROIOM' companions warned him tobe careful in hia. dive off the boardas the water was getting very lowat that point, Evidently he did nottake the warnisg and dived off theboard, bis head striking bottom.Two of his pals noticed the accidentand carried htm out dt the water inan unconscious condition. The>rushed him to the Perth Amboy CltjHospital.

Dr. Krank C. Henry, Jr., and Dr.Frank C. Hanry, Sr., are attendingyoung Roloss. There is not muchlope held out for Roloes's recovery,ccording to the. reports at the hoa-

In respect to their late colttaKue,B. B. Walling who died Mondayafternoon, a special meeting of the

of Education, which waacalled for Monday evening, was ad-,Journed Immediately after bids forconstruction, plumbing, coal and thesate of bonds were received and re-corded. No bids were awarded at

m«-17»:t the meeting. The Board adjourned

until next Monday evening.Gen. Nathaniel Heard, Col. Ben | Bids for the construction ot am

Jamra Brown, Major Clarkson Ed- addition at Fords School, No. 7 andgar, Ueut.-Col. Thomas Hadden. for a portable at lselln, No. 15, wereMajor Reuben Potttr, Capt. Nathan- received as follows: Michael Rtiaaiel FIU Rudolph,, Capt, Asher Pit* Construction Company, $«,$<3 torRandolph, Capt Dovid Edgar, Capt. No. 7, $7,245, for No. IB; A. « .David Coddlnaton, Capt, John Jensen, $7,420 for No. 7, $5,115 torStort-y, Capt. Matthew Fteeman, N o . U ; A. R. A. Overgaard $7,8»»Capt. Nathaniel Leonard, C«pt. for No. T. 96.340 for No. 15; WO-Chrlstopher Marak Capt. Jeremiah ii»m A . Allgalr, $«,S90 for No. T.Manning, Capt. gebulon Pike, Capt. aE(j 1&.3S7 for No. 15; John H.Robert ROM, Capt. Thomas Steele, gai,KI, $(,294 for No. 7, and 15 711Capt. Richard Skinner, Capt. Bills for x 0 15. August H. Suomlnaa.Barron, Capt. Samuel Crow, Capt $8>500 for No. 7 and $6,096 for No.Abraham Tappen, Capt. John Heard, i s ; Q, j M t 4 g o n i $6,944 tor No.Capt. Matthew, •tyres, Capt. Jam?*1? w& $4,945 fOr No 15- F\ T. BaleVHaerd, 1st. Lieut. Ralph Marsh, ^ Q $4979.55 for No. ii,

Jeremiah Dal|i>TiH J. ttlth BrownSmith niuoinflW, Stuuel Dallyi

Joseph Oilman. JomitW Jaquish,Jedediah Freeman, Lewis Dunham,Hobert Coddlngton, Usury tTeeman,Peter Liilourette, Timtthy Bloom-Held, Timothys lUoonifteld, 2nd.,Smith Uloocifii'ld, 2nd., Robert Coddlagton. 2nd., James BloomOeldJohn Inslee, Jonathan Inslee, Wil-liam Jones, Archibald Eager, Snot-well Bishop, Exekiel BloomfltMRobert; Burwell, Jonathan Bloomfieldminfield, Jr., David Campbell, Joseph,Crowel, Kelsey Cutter, Samuel Cut4

Vim Ntttoaal Baak t Trttst

bond laaue.Cor coal were received from

Warr Coal k Supply Co.; J. Jor-dano; Joseph Klein Co ; T. F. Dunl-gan Co.; Heat Rl^ht Coal Co., anaKopper Coal Co. Joseph Klein Co,was low bidder, on buckwheat, rieearid chestnut coal. Heat Right Co,was the low bidder on stove coal.

, Tframas Bloomfleld, Sr., BenJ» r i I I 1 I H D C XIBrown. 2nd., Thoma* Bloom . l i | l l L I J I \ l j l l

Ir T»o«H^ Omnnhall Xnwnh ! • • • • * * ' * * f • »


The contract for the renovatingand general carpenting work for thenrehouse o» School street, wasawarded to J. Joat 4 Son, on hi. lowbid of |S.S5« and the plumbing andheating contract wan awarded to W.J Finn, on nta low bid ot » U 5 4 , ata' special meeting of the Fire Com-mtMloners ot District No. 1, heldat the flrehouM last evening.

Other blda received were: J. H-Salakl 95.9T1V for renovating andCharles Farr, fl.308. for plumbingand heating.

A regular meeting of tneCommisBioners *H1 be held


Mr. andtenvllke,

Mrs. A. Parsons, of TotStaten Island, announce

Wednesday evening at the ftrehouse.

furs repaired and re-l mmerHave your ._-

modelled at »*W ta» , » « ? m «rate*. Avoid the fall rush!Toke, Woodbrldse %"**»Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge.phjpe 8-0770.



the marriage of their daughter, Mildred, to John fXiuback, son of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Damback, of CrowsMill road* Fords. After a weddin?trip, Mr. and Mrs. Damback willniajte their bom* in Fords.

Skkb Into HydrantA lire hydrant,' at the corner of

Dall avwiue an* Smith street, Kea»-bey, waa pushed over by a car driv-en by Daniel Orou. of Peterson ave-nue, Kwisbey, Tuesday evening at6:40. Oroas reported to the policethat he' turned quickly to get outof the way ot a Public Service carand skidded into the hydrant.

WlUUm Voetker UOd toRoa* In U. Jamea' Ometerj

funeral tervieei for WUHainVoelker. U yw »M «»» ot MT- a»4Mrs. Rudolph Voelter, of Oeoxgestreet, kmM. who died at ibe Rah-way * * * * ™

A car load uf rails arrived yester-day at the plant oi the Shell East-ern Petroleum Products Companyat Sewareu, from Pittsburgh, PaThe work of laying the spur trackfrom (he main line ot the Pennuyl-rania Railroad to the plant will be-;ln today. The spur, which will be1,400 feet long, la being built bythe J. F. Kennedy Company, of NewYork, and the work la in charge 0

J, Daley, superintendent for thuKennedy conuiany. It will takabout thrje wi'e.ka to complete thework.

monmHer. Vt. Rteaari

heM . .Jamea' ehuwi,J. OTarreU said toe fu»eral mas*.Intonumttery.


ChrU Looger, *4, of the Speedway Garage, waa slightlyTuesday aftevnoon, - when

Injurehe wa:

struck by a car driven by BlalneEwlng, Jr., of 53 Wall street, New.York City, who w u traveling norton St. Oeorge'e avenne. Looger wasattempting to troia the road at thet i n * ot the afcl*»nt, Swing tookthe Injured uwittrto. Dr. I. Spencerfor treatment w d thm took himto> his home.

Bav. rcur *&**#« 1*41*-at St awMM at «n*|W7 l«r summer


Injured as3 Cars Collide

on Amboy Aye.Five people were slightly Injured,

n a triple collision, on Amboy ave-iut, near the Intersection of the oldnd new roads, Saturday afternoon,,t 5:30, when a car driven by Vic-or Erlckson, of 141 Myrtle avenue,lersey. City, which was going south•u the avenue, collided with a caroing north and driven by Howard;. Mason, ot 17 Lincoln avenue;lizabeth, whose ear In turnmashed into a machine driven by

Joseph Owens, of 34S South street,Newark. *

The injured, all passengers In theOwens car, were: Mary Owens,

0; Elner Clayton, S; Frank Clay-ion, 8; Mrs. Sadie Clayton, all of4 Sterling street. East Orange, and

Mrs. Joseph Owens. All cars w,erebadly damaged.

Crowel, Kelsey Cutter, Samuel Cutter, Stephen Cutter, Ford Catter, Jo-1seph Dunham, James Edgar, Wil11am Edjar, Ambrose Elite*.

CrowelK Evans, Jonathan Free-man, David Freeman, Samuel Force,Hiram Fratee, Morris Fraiee, EslchFitz Randolph, Eieklel Fiti Ran-dolph, MsJachl Klti Randolph, Mi-chael Flti Randolph, Banll laFitsRandolph, Daniel Fits Randolph,James FiU Randolph, Joaeph FIURandolph, Stelle Fill Randolph,Phlneas Fits Randolph, Samuel FltiRandolph, Thomas Flti Randolph,Zedeklsh FIU Randolph, John Oil-man, Joseph Oilman, Charles Gil-man, Samuel fraquiBh. James Kin-Bey, Sr., James Klntey, Jr., JohnKinsey, Shadrach Klnsey, AbramLaing, Oliver Martm, Peter Noe,James1 Noe, John Row, Isaac Sears,David Stewart, Ellphalet Moore.MerrickIsrael

Martin, Benjamin Thorp.Thornall, Benjamin Thornall,

Samuel Wlllta, Mundy.

In |ke Civil War, 1M1-I»«o

5th. N. J*. Volunteers, Co. H:William C. Berif, Pred A. Brilt,

David B. Brown, Benjamin Blood-

tr and Miss Dnni-fan in Charge. MaiyMothers Bring Little ToU.

One hundred and ten children en-joyed themselves on the openingday ot the Woodbridge playground,between Pearl and School streets*Tuesday morning, according to anoflclal check-up made by the In-structors, Mtss Jane Duntgan antLincoln B. Tamboer. at tea o'clock.Just before the gates were open**at nine o'clock a number ot kiddle*were Waiting to get.in, to try outthe swings, see-ttws and sand pllea..At 1:30 la the afternoon, a check-up showed that there were 15*children on the grounds. In th*evening, 65 were present.

According to both Miss Dunlgaaand Mr. Tamboer, when the new im-porements, which will Include a

good, Isaac Bonnell,, William Bon- AWiinmlng pool, roller skating walknell, Abraham W. Brown, Harvey I ~Barron,' Constant Coley, Samuel ICoddington. Charlas C. Dally.George W. Dally, Jajnea J. Dunn,Daniel Flenigao. WQmer Gllman.Richard Hadfleld. EUi* Harned,

rest bouae, are finished, thepark will be a children's paradise.

Th« instructors are experts ntheir line. Miss Dunlgan is a re-cent graduate ot the Sargent Schoolof Boston Dnlvenlty.J „ . _ Mr. Tamboer

John Inslee, Henry C. Inslee, Adam ^ a PhyIieaa instructor at taeJordan, Uaac Jaqu««, George V . | W o o d b r i d g e Hlgh School. By theKelly. John F. Lee.-lMktel Logan,!n u m D 8 r 0( children brought to theLewis F. Noe, Dallas Noe, Smith | p l a y g r o u l M i o y mothers, there Is n»Noe, John Poland, Andrew J. Reed.i d o U D t D u t w h a t they feel that theWilliam Roes, John H. Sutton. I children are in sate hands,

l t d During the vacationphysleal directors willU t

period, thebe glad U

foreman's ChdbHold

toa RegaHa

Members of reglmenta and navy,not included in other Uats:

Wm. H. A|w a r ( l- Co- c - 8 t h - N ' JVol.; Capt. James B. Ayres, 14 th . | _ a m MN. Y. Cavalry; Lol Mownfleld, Co. J e M n .B, Indiana Vol.; Iflebael Ber*en.» T h 6 playground will be openCo. O, 1st. N- J. Cavalry; Col. Wm. \ f W 1 J week day between 9:00 A. M.H B r t 4Sth N t Vol; John aIl(1 n) J O n . between 1:30 P. M

physleal directors gsUrt athletle teams and wfll teaea

those who wish tet0

The Foreman's Club, ot Wood-bridge and Perth Amfcoy, will hold aregatta in Perth Amboy, on Sunday,July 1 20th., according to GeorgeftanUin, promoter In this district.

The foreman's Club has a repre-sentative of every manufacturing

H. Barton, 4Sth. N. t . Vol.; JohnR, Bunn, Co. K. 6th. N. Y. Ind.Battery; Jim Burns, Co. V. 1«t N,J.; Wilbur F. Brown, Co. B, 7th.N, Y.; William Clark, Jr. Co. A.Uth. N. J.; Nathaniel Cole, Co. I.11th. N. J.; G«o. L.tCummlngSj Co

M., andand from 7:00 P. M. to

and repairingounty.

I'laot In Middlesex

C, 14th. N. J-; Oeo.N. Y.;I. £th

Co. I, 11th. N. JD 1 1 h N

Clinch. CM.Dunham,

Simeon B. Drake,

Miss Miriam Erb, ot Fifthnue, l«ft Tuesday even**? formoat, N. H., where ft* wUl »the summer.

Mra. Emll Kre«Ub«rt andthree children, are tjtending

h SaiU He


Co. D. 11th. N. J.; Mahlon Edgar,j colored), Co. C, Erd Reft. U. S.Colored Troops; Samuel Ellwood.no

iPrtuei"CQ A,Uth . N. J.; Oeo. W.Co. 1. 16th. Illinois Caval-

ry; Jefferson N. UPbrge, no rec-ord; Richard Levt, " . I N"y;

thee h , jsummer months at SeaiUe Heights.

S*rgt. Harrison Bittaaj. 15thi William Bird

Have your tun sen*** « * ""ssodelled at iPHhl Ipv nmmnrater id th All h! U a

d P IpAvoid the All tnah!

Toke; WeodbrMM Fttt UMP, S »b Avenue, WeWfciWae. Tel«-

N. Y.Engineer*; William Bird, U. B.Nan; W. John C. Batron, n o w -or«; Hipoleon CarrJjMte, no r « jort; A l c w d e r Ou»«M. M record^

- CrosreU, C*. C, 5th. H.11 ward; Augustine H.

record; Thomai J. Oue,N. Y. Vot; Job* Hall,

5:30 P. M.8:0.0 P.M.

Mr. dfrRnssy May LeaveHospitaMThis Week

The many frKmd* of Charles A.de Russy, of Barrou avenue, whowaa hurt when struck by an auto,at the corner of Am boy avenue antOreen itrwit, several weeks kgo.

be (lad to leuro that the .Is oa.the road to recovery at the Pert>Airftoy City Hoi|ilt«l. It Mr. doRusay keeps on iniLiroviug, the fam-ily BOB* to have, him home by th*and ot this week.

1U PUlrt ot tt. eaJMtU



IN FOUR WARSimntinued l i o n f'ape l i

To Dedicate Diamond —LBHAL ADVEKTI8KMBJiT~— rly nineteen (lit') f<ct of lot No. 52S forty-five minute* Went alone

' d th dj

Co. H. 1st. N. J. VolSrhumaiJ.v. U. S. Navy; Corp. Arn-tuu .-I-ii' , no rtcuid.. liionniflfldTapjun no record; ThuniaK Tra mir.Co. E. 1«2 N. Y. Vol.; John I'.Turner. Co. B. 7tth. N. Y. Vol.;Henr* It. Wilson, I". 8. Navy; Corp.Joseph William*, 41st. I', S. ColoredTroops; Ja% D«|*. Colored Troops;Kdw-ard R*k«s. rCoiored Troops;Acting Commander Thorns* MoKI-roj, T. S. Navy; Franklin Mour<-.«lii. Ind. Btty, N. Y.; Ellis K.Moore, l \ & Navy; La«rene<-Moore> Co. 1, 7th. N. Y,; ThomasMcEwen. CO. B, 10th. N. J.; Sam-uel McDonald. Co. K, -6th. Ind.Battery, N. Y.; Thos. McEwcn.' I".S. Navy; Adam Noe, Co. C, Iff. N.J.; Win. F. Turner. Co. E Mth N.J.; Chat H.Tappen, Co. B. 5lh. N.

' SOTK15 TO (TOXTUAOTOB8Sfal<»d proposals for the construc-

tion of IVanrl* Avenue StormSi «or Extension. Woodbridge Town-ft.ip. Middlesex County. New Jer-

will be received by the Town-hip Committee. Woodbridge Town-! D«ere«« aa*jountinK

Nfv J«raey. until 3:30 P. M. 'mately $3,104.

and the adjoining easterly nine (S i southerly side of Green Strt-ei asfeet of lot No. 6:7 ad laid out on a position was defined by a suivi-ymap entitled "Map of property of dated 1885, a distance of onf him-Louis H. Bergheiur Carteret, N. J. dred nine and three tenths feet t"(formerly known as Roosevelt, N. a copper naJl on the present fence;J ) and reo&ro>d,.in the Office of thence (f) South one degree thirtytbe County Clerk at New Bruns-wick, N. J.

e property of John Hanson,rvfyed and mapptd Ju;>,

hv Larson and Fox, Civil Enn

to approxl-

• I>a>iiBhi Savins Time). July Hth., Together wtth all and singular

or .n r VBERNARD M.

Attorneysix minutes West running aion« a 137.30port and picket fence for one hun-j * • *drtd and ninety feet to an iron pip* ' July 3rd .la the fence line; thence (Si con- and July l«th.. l»30

in the Clerk's Office ofCounty, at New Brunswh S the lands lying in.ltheitreet shown on said

27th., 193C within the boundarieslltn. , J

Mln.ll.:k. in.,,,,n-d uimap j,Of 1;,;

' w o owned by tne Annees Hollow Tii,Clay Company, which said iof Maple Street la described

at which time< they Will bejthe rights, psfvilrges, hereditaments .opened und read is the Ve-iand appurtefcaarft thereunto be- nUMiUa wart tairtr«tgM Wd one

i h t t d t h f t t thp p e

longUf or Isl aj ppBEEN Aft D M. GANNON,

Solicitor.To be advertised June 13th., l»30.

June Mth., l»30 June !?th., 1930

in TIHI Municipal Building, Vood-'•r.iiLf-. Nf>w ]":tff.

The work conSlsU of approximate-ly 1.579 lin. ft II" Vltrtted Sewer; IBMIL• Manhole; 5 Catch Basins. [123.14

Plans and tpeciflcation* for theiTupris. d! work. pr. pared t»r OeorneK Merrill, Township Engineer, have.and July S,i."n filed In tht office of said En-1 . . — — — —.,:!••.-r. m the Municipal Building, j —IMQhMt ApvKRTISEMBWT—Wnodlirldge Township, New Jersey,and may be Inspected by prospectivebidder* during bujlneas hours.

The Mandard proposal forms areattached to thf 'specifications, copiesof which may be pbiained upon ap-plication to the Engineer.

Plans and specifications will b«

appertaining, hanbrekths feet to another Ironthenoe (4) aonth eighty-three

twenty-one minutes Eartode kindred sixteen and fifty hun-dredth* feet t o another pipe set Inthe weaterly side «t the "Common";thence <6J Notts) no degrees nlnej



Imltiutes west two and^



the weaterly aloe «f the Common t*I tbe point or. alac* of BEGINNING.i Bounded North by G|Bast* by the Common; South(other lands of the party, of the

by other lands of

Commit t« -< i i i« i i H e n. - - . C o n i m i t t e e n i a n H> n J f n s f n ,

J. V. V. (Durjea Zovavesi; Phillip M a > u r W l l U t n , ^ R y a n a n d C o m . furnished tp p"fospectl»e bidders up-Tufts, Co C, 30th. N. J. Vol.; John n l i t t w n u n George Appleftate. will on payment of Ten ($10.00) Dol-Lewie Thornall, no, record; John H. ^ „„,„„£ t h 0 M . p r w - iu at the dedl- ,'ara, which amount will be'refundedVenette, *Hh. Ind. Battery; Lewis C. clknon o j t h P n f , w baseball diamond upon return of plans and speelfica- .Van Wacntr, Co. C. lOInd. Ohio a t P o r d | n f x , S u n d a v afternoon, jtlons btfore the time specified for toVol.; Martin Van N«*s, Co. E, Hth. Tbetffasnond was originally »ched ilhe opening of bids.N. V. • ' uled to be opened last Sunday, but1 Blda must be made on the stand-

MpaniNh'ABkBrkan war, 1mm ( o e ^ t ^ e t o , - C 0 U ] d n o t gm thelard proposal forms in the mannerDaniel Bergen, Edward F i t i - i W o r k Unihed In Ume. Work has designated therein and required by

gerald. Jainws Hanlon, Oscar Harold, bwn hurried along during the week, the specifications; must be enclosed iOrril Hancock, Stephen Ltbrew, a n d according to Commltteeman in sealed envelopes, bearing th« IW*iuict L*e, K»ymonu H. Moore, Al- J ( .n g e B > w n o h M worked actively for name asd address of the bidder and jueri Wiinon. <the park, the contractor has prom- name ef proposed work on* the out-

l o . *, until., .\. J. Xohintmr* ; l s e d l t a t l h < l w o r k w l n ^ completed .side, addressed to the^ownsh lpJoim umum, W. H. h. Wood- f o r S B B t t t y Committee. Woodbrtdge TownBhip,

Komi. Augustus Barion, Cnarlta M a j r w R y a n w i l , l h r o w t h e n ^ t l i ^ j e n e y , and must be aceoui-uiristopher Burns, I Iricn b a l , t 0 l h e pi{rUer Bna both Com- ipanied by a certified check for a sum •"•«uired Baldwiu, John N. muteeman Jensen and Committee- [of 10% of the amount bid without I*"•

££\ ^ r t by otherConcrete jpartj of the flrat part.ation of D ti


MIDDLESEX COM MON P L E A 3 !COt'RT -skMiddlesexProduct* C* . a corporation ofNew Jersey. PlalntlfT, vs. TohnjLopasovaki and Pauline Lopanov ' _ _ski. Defendants . FI Fa for Rale'the rights, privileges hereditamentsof premises d*ted April 15. 1930 i n ( j appurtenance* thereunto bt-By virtne of. the above stated writ lonulnn or In anywise appertaining.

nil delivered, I willpublic vendue on


by the tntersectioB of the Bam,-line of Maple Street with the No,,•;.

COPNTY CIHCi i i e r iy line of Thompton Avenue ,R Crouse, Plaintiff l

i h 0 > , , on a certain nup e n , i , 1 ; ]raron Builder*; .-jikplof Fords Park. Section N,,Md Edith Caron, 'Wokbr1d« e Towntblp, Mlddks.

Estates, ' c o u n t j , "New JeT»*y, the-prop^n ,,fi t'8 John Hanson, Eaq.", running u,,.,.M"> 9 ' (1) Easterly, along (he South.,

line of M*pl« Stress rtown on , ,the above stated writ m , p one Hundred Two and nh,.,••,,£ d delivered, I will ^'0

P> h l Bdredthi (14U.M1) t^

I t nubile vendue oa , h e Westerly line of land* bn',,JULY TWENTY- , t o the Anneas Hollow Tij, <

T H T R I D 1 ' M N 1 T E E N Hl'NDRKD clay Company^thence (2) N o [ , , ,ANDTH1HTY- 1» 24« 57H West Fifty Se**n ,,.;i

, l oclock Standard Time. (2 m y hundredths (57.80') feet »:„,,,D*cree amounting to approxl- " ' . V rWvlleht Saving Time) in the , d l l n e o f lands owned by the \,,Uely |13,70«.0O.- '"neraoono said day at the Sheriff's ,n e B H o U o w Tile * CUy Compa:Together with all and singular •««™ °?" ^ C U y o ( N e w Bruns- t 0 t h e N o r therly Hne, of said M,,,,._ , I _ K . . - , i - i — . t.«w,^ii.mpntii umce iu i ^ Street- running'thence ( 3 | We i

title and interest!, pmrall«l with the first Cm:..,., Francois Caron. ^venty Two (71 > feet more or i.,'Caron and Edith [ 0 ft p o i l l t j n Mid Maple si :. -BERNARD M. GANNON,


at 1 o'clockIRTY


LAFFERTY,» $27.30 Solicitors.

, N. J. SAll the right, title and interest,

lot the defendant!!, of, in and to all

Shni" Carone™bwrne"r^""of"ln""and to all ;"nk"n

, ZINK , h J following deacrlbed premises, toJE^teprolongation of \,

Tonowm* ,«r.bed premises, ?\^'ff££ff?t *™ 'W The said building Is a one and, , M t 0 M t p I e gtreet. Fifty ,-,.

1 0 one family trame f w t t 0 t h e pomt or place of [t, L:,

following described premises, to SHERIFF'S SALE


wh'ir^thls *len °ls claimed, ana r j , a n d t h e game'are herebywhen Is situated In the Township• ^ u d t h e p u W j« r i g h t 8 l h . ,

iEWE\T— * f W ood»r\dge, County of Middlesex i l e d reHnquiahed and , \ . ,and SUte of New Jersey.; which o n t q u I i h e d as of the full Width or «aila certain map entitled "Map o f , g t r w t a n d t 0 t t e « t e n t aboy, ,|.

Beutes," In wooo- ^ ^2. This ordinance shall take

pWnndbridKe Bautes, W M O '

. bridge' Township, Middlesex Coun^. (

COOK, Wulum H. Claua, EdwardConly. Asliei It. Clayton, I'eter Die-bolu, Henry Traiet , TliOb. }•. K. ^Grace, Cuaa. D. Gilman Thomaa u o no r c i s Gardner David H


Curbu o n o f c o n c i r e t ^ Curbrraiicis Gardner, David H. a n d C l n d e r P a v e t m , n l

Richard F Hawxhum l n

Surety Company will provide thebidder with the required bond, andmust be delivered at the place and | .before the hour abo»e mentioned. '

Grovel The Township Committee reserves,3

J'ert.i Amboy Title CompanV, acorporation of New Jersey,/ Df?-


, a n d C l n d e r P a v e t m n l l n G r o v e ; The Township Committee r s vHarriot, Richard F. Hawxhum. A v e n u e _ Woodbndge Township, Mid- the tight to reject any or all bids ifherdinand Hone, Williani Hasgerty, d l w , x C o u n , v N e w j t r M . j - w m be deemed to the best interest of theIsaac Imtlte. Jr., James H. Jonnson, r e c e l v e d b t h ^ Townshlp Commit- Townahlp so to do.Mortimer Ja^ues, John V. Jackson. ( Woodbridge, New Jersey, until: B. J. DUNIGAN,

at a point in theand July 3rd.. 193#.

J., and filed inClerk of

N.the office of the


1930. , feet from the cornerBy v,.tue of the above stated writ lDters«:tion of the said

Together with all andHereditaments


* V


;K\RKUS * KARKIS,117.64 Solicitors.

To be advertised June 20tn.. 1930,

baniuel Moore. ueorge Morris, , fa ,„ b p U D i i c l o p t n e i i i Advertised July 3rd.. 1930, and•luuiuas Mantel, Seymour Marsh a n d r e a d \n Memorial Municipal July Uth. . 1930.Jeremiah J\ Pajne., John Prester, VuMlngi Woodbridge. New Jersey. |W . H - J f ^ T ^ r M ! u' The work consists,of approximate- -LEGAL AWKRTISpME.Vr-Payue. Hubert huddj Crowe I M ., l m U n n . concrete Curb and

SXSE ™edAD: J S S T S l S S GTans ' S A A S S S n . r the! «^l8JonhnHHeanrTey¥°UnS- ""*" " " " S - ^ S - ^ T S S i r ^ i o S i ~ ~ Ju« ™' »}•• 3' ^tin, John Harvey. I R Merrill.'Township Engineer, have IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY i y u n ' l*iv

been filed in the offlM of aaid En-1 —Between AETNA HOLDINGgineer, ln the Municipal Building,1 CO., INC., a corporation. Com-Woodbridge Township, New Jersey, plalnant, and BOLESLAW KAL-and may be inspected by prospective. INOWSKI, et als., • Defendants.

NINETEEN HUNDRED AND t h e westerly line of Lot No. 33. 10.»THIRTY leet to a point; thence (2) wester

at 1 ociork Standard Tlme^ {2 I y parallel witlo'clock Daylight Saving Time), in feetrto a point; -„—--the afternoon of said day at the | y p a r a i lel with the flrst course iuuSheriffs Office In the City of New f e e t t 0 a point in the northerly lineBrunswick. N. J. of Wlllry Street; t n " " * . . 1 * ' , 6 ^ "

All the following tract or parcel | y a ] o n g the northerly line or wni-

Jobn Andrechick, Charles Anness,Koy AndirHon, Thomas Ben net, Jo-seph Bewardo, Percy G. Brown,p , yIvans Browne, Ernest C. Burroughs,Phillii) Brady, Irving D. Buttltr,Harry J. Baker, Jr., John Blair, Jr.,Cnanes A. Campbell, Jr., ThomasA. Cody, David Coffey, Michael J.Conlon, Char lea Corey, John J.Coughlin, William Caldwell, Fred J.Carroll, William N. Carlson, Stan-ley E. Druuimosd, Wallace Drews,Henry W. Drews, Charles W. Drews, i'Joseph Doros, John A. Dobermlller,Angus A. Deter, Henry Debennerdo, J{"*Charles F. Dunham, George K. Duni-| *ban, Oeurge Houser, Howard Hu- |

ybidders during business hours.

The standard proposal forms areattached to the specifications, copiesof which may be obtained upon ap-plication to the Engineer.

Plans and specifications will befurnished to prospective bidders up-on payment of Ten ($10.40) Dol-lars, which amount will be refunded

the time specified forof bids,

be made on tbe eta.n'1-

F ?aiwardnfl ' required by

| the speclftcatioaa; must be en«lof>cd



land and premises hereinafter "^ street 33 feet to the point orl u i particularly described, situate; lying p l a c e of BEGINNING.

and being in the Township of JJJpod-1 -««unded on the north by Lot r*o."ibrldge, Countr of Middlesex and 7 a n d p a r t of Lot No. 8; on tne

State of New Jersey. south by Wlllry Street; on the westBeing known and designated a? b y p a r t of Lot No. 31; and on th-

Lots Noe. 8 and 9, on a map en- ^Bi by Lot No. 33.titled "Map of property situate in


Phone P. A. J600 • 1681


Fi Fa for sale of mortgaged prem-ises dated May 12, 1930.By virtue of the above stated writ; —Between C»i*>-ns Building andiCounty, New Jersey known a

IN CHAN0k»Y OF NEW JERSEY jWondbridge Township. Middlese

^Bi b y Lot No. 33.judgment amounting to approM-

m ately, $1,900.Together with all an<!' s l n«;u 'a '

iil heredi amen toto me directed and delivered, I will; Loan Association, a corporation Estate of Martin Wilson, Deceased,' the" rights, privileges, hereditamentul A W Jersey, Complainant, and: dated January, 1926. a n (j appurtenances thereuntoAugust Kaleta, et. al.. Defend- BEGINNING at a point in th longing or in anywise appertaants. FI Fa for sale of mortgaged • northerly line of Main Street, dif- BERNARD M. GANNON,premises dated May 2.7, 1930. jtant westerly two hundred twenty- j SheriffBy virtue of tht above stated writ! five feet (225' I from its lntersec- EJHL, STREMLAU,

to me directed and delivered, I willjtion with the westerly line bf Ford *2g 14 Attorney.to* sale at public vendue on | Avenue, from thence running (1) [ To be advertised June 2?th., 1930.

expose to sale at .public vendue onWEDNESDAY, JULY SIXTEENTH,


at one o'clock Standard Time (twoO'clock Daylight Saving. Time), inthe afternoon of the said 4a>' at 1--•••— — — - — «• --1 - • ,Sheriffs Once in the City df New;WEDNESDAY, JULY SIXTEENTH,:northefly at right angles to Main j u l y 3 r d _ ^ o , July 11th., 1930

NINETEW HUNDREDAND "~ '~" "* """Brunswick, N. J.All the-tollew4ng tract.or parcel

of land and prembKs hereinafter at 1 o'clock. Standard Timeparticularly desertbe4. situate, lying |o'clock Daylight Saving Time), i0 ihenee (3) .southerly

Street^one -hundred feet •<!••')-. anfl Jnly 18th.. 1*80.ithence \t) westerly parallel with:

( 2 lMain sitwtt sixtfc«iKht « g ) feet; | —usGAI, AJJVBBTISBMBXT—

in sealed envelopes, bearing the I and being in Hie Borough of the afternoon of said day atname and address of the bidder and carteret in the County of Middlesex SherifT'B Office in the City of Newname of proposed work on the out-land state of New Jersey. Brunswick N J,

] side.

course, one nun-feet to a point In the



Woodbridge Township,and must be accompa-

nied by a certified check for a sumCharles H. Kuhlmaj-, 'Edward M. I J J " ^ V thTa^ount Vd^wTthoVt

J ^ ' U S r ^ r e d ^ T 1 ' £ £ £ £ Mndi t '°na l endorsement, providedHubert K. Larsen, J. Furman Lee,Arthur B, Levi, Lockwood,•Ira C. Dunn, Daniel Dinkins.

Joseph J. Kiuhorn, Ralph W. En;sign, Kdward J. Everett, JosephEvvre.lt, Joseph FarkuB, PatrickFenlon, 'Joseph G. Perraro, EdwardA. Finn, George F. Finn, Joseph P.Flanagan, Joseph Flecshuk, 'EdgarI'Veeman, Kendal Fromm, GeorgeFrom, 'Charles S. Farrell, Jr., Ray-mond y Gerlty, Andrew Gerlty, Jr.,Wilton Z. Gilman, August F. Grein-er, Charles J. Greiner, Peter P.Greiner, WUliam-M. Hughes, Pat-rick J. Hughes, 'Dr. B. W. Hoagland,Lewis P. Hoagland, William J. Hoio-han, Joseph Holzheiuier, WilliamLorcb, Gregory W. Love, Victor N.Lovu, .Arthur H. Ludwigaen. Sher-man W. Lusk, Clarence K. Liddle,


Company/ certificate stating that in a southerly direction and parallel w $29" building <lou known usfiHMiy G e i B — y w t l l » t « v i d a t h » t n H d a n fllraat flighty i m r t t h i r t y j g ^ rittd I t h T h i

check B h , n notl e , B than

$500.00, payable to the order of theTownship Treasurer, and a Surety


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatu a» i e 01 n ™ J H K J . ijrunawicit, n. J. ,,thence (4) easterly along the said »j,e Township Committee will hold aBEGINNING at a point on the All the following tract or J*J«1; northerly Une of Main Street, sixty - W i n g at the Memorial Municipal

irelBterly,side of Hudson Street for- of land and premUes her-eliafter. h ( g g l ) f e e t , 0 , h e p o | n t or B u U d l n * g i Woodbridge. N. J., onn«>rlv pulled Rawver Street, three In.rtUnlorlv rto»<rllw>i1 • i t m l f llvinffi ." \ -I - *>u»,u c, .

Wm. F. MurphySHEET METAL WORKTin - Copper - Sheet IronBoosing A Hot Air HeataiiR

99 WEDGE WOOD AVE.Tel Woodbrtige 8-O757-W

merly called Sawyer Street, three!particularly described, situateJlytngHundred elgbty-five and six tenths !

M d being in the Township of wood-1(385 .6 ) feet from the southwester-' bridge, in the County of Middlesex!ly corner of Hudson Street and land State of New Jersey.Woodbridge Avenue; thence^ run-ning at right angles to Hudson | iot No" 1168* on a map entitledStreet ninety-fijve (95') feet; thence i"property of W. H. MofflU, compris-

Buildingof BEGINNING. J u i y J ^ J , , , 1930, at 3:30 o'clock

Being the same premises de- ^ t h e afternoon, (Daylight Savinsin a deed to the parties of .Time), to consider the final passage

Being knoirn and designated a s | t h ^ •"?* J*I* ?r o n l S l ° a W e ifm a i1;<»' the following ordinance, at whichT / l i f i ™ ™ a T a n entitled ! a n ( ! AJbertW^sman, her husband. t l m e a n d p l w e objections theretot l m e

and Russell Potter, bearing even m a y

j»iU tttovide th»bidder with the.required bond, andmust be delivered at the place andbefore the hour above mentioned.' Tbe Townahlp Committee reservesthe right to reject any or all bids

l,lf deemed to the best interest of theTownship so to do.

B. J. DUNIGAN,Township Clerk.

Dated. June 2«th., 1930.Advertised July 3rd., 1930, and

July 11th., l»30.

tn Hudaan fllraat flighty imrt thirty, jgaone one hundredths (80.31') feet to. of "Woodbridge, Middlesex County.the northerly side of Burlington j New Jersey." Sufveyed by Charles a , r e (

Street (formerly called Arthur Kill c. Homm&nn, surveyor, Nov., 1 9 0 2 . ! M d app^enances, IIICICW.HI «T-Avenue), thence in a southeasterly,and filed, for record In the Clerksj, ^ l n anvTriRe appertaining.direction along the said northerly office of Middlesex County, N. J. 1 BERNARD M. GANNON.side of Burlington Street one nun-1 BEGINNING at a point in the| , j?heHffdred eleven and flfty-«ii one hun- ] northerly line of Luther Avenuedredtha (111.5$') feet to the Inter- j distant easterlr' ftty (50) feet fromsection of the aaid northerly side of \ t^e point of intenecUon of the saidBurlington Street with the westerly, northerly Hne of Luther Avenue andside of Hudson Street, thence run- the easterly line of Charles Street;



A. Leber,John

Wendolyn R.

NOT1OH >3O CONTRACTOR^ .Sealed proposals tor the construc-

tion of Iseltn Sewer Extension No.

nlng northerly along the said west- • running thenoe (1) northerly in a | a n d J u l j

erly aide of Hudson Street one hun- | i j n e paraUel With the easterly linedred thirty-eight and eight-tenths of chaxles'Street one hundred (100)(138.8') feet to the point and plaie feet to a point; running thence (2)of BEGINNING.. I,jeasterly and ln a line' parallel with

Decrees amounting to approxf- the said northerly line of Luther

„ . , • „ - D * ? , i e l , 2. Woddbridge Township, MiddlesexMaider, *LouU Maider, Gurotr Ma- County. New Jersey, will be receivedkarchuk, Lester Martin. Frederick j B y t h e Townabip Committee! Wood-

bridge. New Jersey, until 3:30 P.M., (Daylight Saving Time), July14th., 1930, at which Ume they will

- . _ . . , • _ „ J ,be publicly: opened and read in therisBey, Joseph Muka, Georgp Mundy, Memorial MuniciBal Building Wood-Joseph S. Mark, Angel Martlnei, brf^e, Newlersey.

^ . . Edwin Melick, JoBe Men-' endez, Gilbert M. Meredith, Jr.,

William C Messick, Frank Miller,Raymoud R. Moore, Arthur J.

J p h , g bridge•Charles F. Marty, Allan P. McDon-1 T l i e

R l l J M E l d U K lc o f l M B t s of approilma)te-

tt Vnell, Russell J. ^McElrdy, Leon^ E. ]fy "4';595~l"i*.Tft. 8" Vitrified Sewer;

specifications for the

jNolan, Fred A. Ntebanek, FrankNeidhardt, James O'Brien, ThomasO'Brien, Harry O'Brien, 'George L.

McElroy, Hugh MoClusky, Matthew i{&McCarter, Edward J. McDonald,! piansJohn Jos. McDonald, Edward J. Mc-Leod, 'John S. McLeod. W. H. Mc-Nair, Thomas F. McDonald, HenryNeder, Albert E. Nelson, RaymondNoe, Peter J. Noth.

Benjamin Nathan, Patrick J.

proposed work, prepared by GeorgeR. Merrill. Tfwnshlp Engineer, havebeen filed in the office of said En-gineer, in ^ the Municipal Building.Woodbridge Township, New Jersey,and may be inspected by prospectivebidders during^ business hours.

The standard proposal forms areattached to 41M specifications, copies

Olbrick, John Olbrick, Henry Olden-!ot which may be'obtained upon ap-boom, P^rk Jan Oldenboom^ Leo j plication to the i

In the Township

date herewith.Decree amounting , to

mately 12.300. 'Together with all and

by any taxpayerof the Townahlp.

approxi-1 objectors may file a written ob-jection with the Township Clerk

ngular p r i o r t 0 t h a t



L. FINE.Solicitor.

To be advertised June 20th., 1930.June 27th., 1930. July 3rd., 1930,

mately J5,t00v J Avenue twenty-five (25) feet te aTogether with all and singular*!point; runuiag thence (3) souther-

the rights, privilege*, herediUments i y in a ' line parallel with the firstand mppurteaaieea thereunto be- described coune one hundred (,lpO)longing or in anywise appertaining. ( M i to a point In the said northerly

BERNAJO> M. GANNON, uDe\ of v Luther Avenue; running• /'• .Sherifl,thence (4) westerly and along the




»23.52 'To be advertised June 20th., 1930, point o r

June. 27th., 1930, July 3rd. 1930, Bounded

•said' northerly line of Luther Ave-SolicHorii. 1 n u € > t w e n t y i i e (25) feet to theth 1930 ^ ( BEGINNING

and July 11th. 1930.

p( BEGINNING.011 the north by. lot



—Between Htary Hennerraund,Complainant, and John Kuchma,and Julia Kuchma, his wife, andmaxwell Soaln, Defendants. FiFa for sale of mortgaged premisesdated May J8, 1430.

, number 1165, e'n the east by lotnumber 1167, on the south by saidLutber Avenue and on tbe west, bylot number 1161.

Decree anoantingmately «3,1O0.


MIDDLESEX COUNTY CIRCliTCOURT—Ira K. Crouse, Plaintiff,vs. Francis Caron, Builder, Fran-cois Ciron iiid Edith -Caron,owners; Woodbridge E s u u >Mortgagee, (Defendants, ( i\ Kafor sale of premises" dated Muy 9,l'930.by virtue of the above stated writ

B. J. DUNIGAN,Township Clerk.


To Vacate, Keleaae aod Sxtin-KUtoh the Public Rights in Tb*tPortion U Maaple Stteet in theT o w n c h i p of Vtoodbridgf,Coonty of Mlddlmex and Stateof Hew Jeney, Lying EaM ofThonpMB Avenue a* Shown ona Certain Map Entitled, "Mapof Ford* PSwfc, Section No. S,Woodbriige Township, Mktdle-ne\ County, New Jersey, theProperty of John j Hanson,K*q." , Sarreyed and MappedJuly, 1V1S, by Larson and Vox,Civil Rmrtaeers, Perth Amboy,N. J., aad Dull Filed in UwOlfTk's Oflke of MiddWk<iounty, u -New Brunswick. . \WHEREAS, on March 3, 1980.


W o o d b r i d g e

Mala St.



N. J.

to me directed' and delivered, 1 will1 the Township "Committee of theexpose to sale at public vendue on 1 Townahlp of Woodbridge receivedWEDNESDAY, JULY TWENTY-and Bled a petition from the Annes«

THIRD, NINETEEN HUNDRED Hollow Tile 4 Clay Company, own-AND THIRTY • ere of land lying on both sides of

at 1-o'clock Standard Time (I j Maple Street bttween the Easterl>

C. Peck, C. Abel Peterson, ArthurT. Peteraoju, Roy G. Peterson, BethPeterson, Titus Peterson, Peter E. nars; which amount will be refundedPeterson, Frederic Potter, J. Berry'Potter, L. Runyon Potter, StanleyE. Potter, Joseph E. Powers. Wil-liam E. Paine, Victor Paneoni,George H. Prall, Trofln Recok,Steven Remain, Martin Reyder, Win-Held Reyder, Charles Roder, Jules'A. Romond, George Rudovtc, George'

furnished to prospective bidders up-on payment of Ten (f 10.00) Dol-

upon, return of plans andtions before the time specified forthe opening of bids. \

Bids must be made on the eland-ard proposal forms in tbe. mannerdesignated therein and required £ythe specifications.; must be enclosed

l b i thRichardson, Jr., Charles W. Roder. name

pin sealed envelopes, bearing the

to me directed and delivered, I willexpose to sale at public vendue on


TBIBTYit one o'clock Standard Time (twoo'clock. Daylight Saving Time) inthe afternoon of aaid day at theSheriff's Office in the pity of NewBrunswick. N. J.

All tbe fallowing tract or parcell d d i h i f t e

a y « , 0Together frith all and singular

the rights, privileges, hereditamentsand appurtenances thereunto be-longing or is anywiae appertaining.


STANLEY F." KACZMAREK,$28.66 Solicitor.

To be advertised June 2Dth., 1M0,June 27th.. l»30, July 3rd., 1930and July 11th.. 1130.

to aproxl-1 o'clock Daylight Saving Time), in line of Thompson Avenue and theafternoon of aaid day at the |Westerly terminus of said Maple

Sheriff's. Office In the City of New'Street[as shown on a certain ma|iBrunswick, N. J

of tbe . ^ I ' o t land and premises hereinafter

, John Sagady, Angela Scalio, side, addressed to the TownshipStuart A. .flonoder, . Barron W. Committee,. Woodbridge Township.Schoder, Louis Sehaek, John Sed- New Jersey, and must be aecom-lak, Louis Slksay, Joseph Silas, An-. panied by a certified eheck for atbony Sllakoakie, Michael Slobodien, | gum of 14% of the amount bid with-fVank atengeiRkl, Robert SuUl«ax,; out conditional endorsement, provld-Timotky J. Sullivan. Maurice P. ed said check shall, not be less thanSchendorf, .William D. Taylor, Ml-|$600.00, payable t«> the order of thechael J. Trainor. Charles A. Treen,William H, Treen, Marlona Troben-

Township' twwurer, and a SuretyCompany certificate stating that

ville, Herbert H. Tyler, •Thomas | Surety Company will provide theTerp, *Lottia B. ValenUne, Earl U. bidder with the required bond, aadValentine, Boy G. [Valentine, Homer must be delivered at the place and

before tbe h#ur abeve mentioned.Tbe Townahlp Committee reserves

the right to reject *ny or all bidsIf deemed to tbe beat interest oftbe Township so to do.

Vagelot, Joseph Varanal, « « . « » .W Vogel, Joseph O. Voikmuth.Cesare Vernall, Walter Walsh, Aievander Wand. Thoflsw Wand, BdwaraC. Weber, Herman If. Weber, »J, 0.Witlianu. George Voglom, HaroW_ _ ^ - ^ _ »etepNk Keaa* ,*•—

Vageloe. Bswrjrtwako.


Oaftad, ^fas*-:^i iwr t iw* fcy

Inly ltt*.. SASf.


mo. «terfc.

1M«, asd

being in the Borougheret. In the County of Middlesex andState, of New Jersey.

BEGINNING at a, point distanttwo hundred and six (106) feetwesterly from the, intersection ofthe weaterly aide of Penning Ave-nue with tbe southerly side of Har-ris Str«et and from aaid point run-ning (1) waatarly twenty-eight<J8') feet to a point in the souther-ly side of Harri* Street; thence run-ning (2) southerly one hundred(100') feet to a jtefatt and parallelwith ^enhtttg Avenue; thence run-

Bl»g (8) parallel toB»g (8) ttMtaHyt«e Irst maatl—sj, eoune twesity-eight (38') foe* to a |»l*t and

W northerly aa4

thee p4>i w PWM of j iBeln« alM I I M S «• the wwUr-


jentitliia1, "M*p of Fords tark, Sec-All the right, title and interest lion No. 3^ Woodbridge Township.

of the defendants, Francois Caron,,Middlesex County, New Jersey, tin-Builder; Francois Caron and Edith property of John Hanson, Ksq.'.Caron, Owners; [of. in and to all tbe surveyed and mapped July, 1912, b\following described premises, to wit: Larson aad Fox, Civil Engineer*

The said building is a one, and Perth An boy. N. J., and duly iilccone-half story, one family frantt in tbe Clerk's Office of Midd'.ei*butiding on a lot or curtilage upon County, at New liruoswlck, rtgutt.which tkls lien is claimed, and ing the passing of an ordinance vawhich Is situated in the Township of /eating, releasing and extinguish)1

Woodbridge, County of Middlesex the public rights arising fnuu i\and State of New Jersey, which on dedication of nald ML pie .Sirfa certain map entitled "Map of shown on aaid map, as to all of t!Woodbrtdge Estates." ' in Wood lands lying In the bed of said tirbridge Township, Middlesex County, shown on said map, lyin^ • v.<-N. J., .developed by Sol R., Kelsey the boundaries uf lands now 1 v\{and duly filed in the Clerk's Office by the said Anness Hollow Til-of Middlesex County, is known ap Clay Company;lot No. 20 and the westerly five ( 5 ) AND WHEREAS, it api,.: ^ 1feet of lot No. 21, Block 408-E. >he Township Committee of th

BEGINNING at the corner formed Township of Woodbridge that Hi


—Between' Paramount RealtyCompany, Complainant, and Ro-aina RetUy, 'et als., Defendants.Fi Fa for sjde of mortgaged prem-ises dated May 2«th • 1930.By virtue of the above stated writ

to me directed and delivered, 1 willexpose to sale at public vendue onWEDNESDAY, JULY SIXTEENTH,


at 1 o'clock Standard Time (2o'clock Daytfeht flattag^Tliiej. injJO fee t ' to a point; thenee "is"/ lVasing tS'tandV in'the'beuTftbe afternoon " '" • • - • • -Sheriff's OOe*Brunswick, N. J.

by the intersection ol the easterly said street'shown on, said map anline of Richards Avenue and the lying within the boundaries of laud>northerly ltne of Wlllry "Street; run- -ownjed by Anneus Hollow Tile &nlng thence (1) northerly, along the Clay Company, has not been openedeasterly line of Richards Avenue, and will not be ut benefit to the pub-100 feet to a point; thence (2) tic, and the public Interests will t»

j easterly parallel with Willry Street, better served by vacating and330 feet to a point; thence (3j leasing the lands in the bed 0

of said day at the|southerly, parallel with the flrat street from any public use-in the Otty of Newjcourse, 100 feet to a point in tbe NOW, THEREFORE BE 11

All the following tract or parcelland and premise* hereinafterof

particularlyand being iibridge In thf County of Middlesex

IT OHTOWNSHI1northerly Une of Wtilry Street; DAINED BY THE . , , , . . , . . - „ . .

thence (4) westerly, along the COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIlnortherly line of Willry Street 30 OF WOODBRIDGE, IN THE COINfeet to the point or place of BEGIN TY OF MIDDL


ibed, situate, lying!feet to the point or place of BEGIN TY O F M T D I D I E H E X AN'IT riTATITownship of Wood-NINO. • OF NEW JBR3EY;

Jersey,at the interaeetlon of

Bounded on the north by lot N o . T 1. That "aay" public rights whicl. « • « « » * w «„ ,.. —— b? „,„ h a^ i ^ gr mgy arhw (rou(i t and pall of lot No. . . . v

WUIry Mnet; on the east by part any dedlearfon ofthe"aiuU»fl»ra**s of Oreen S t m t , « r Wt Ho. Mi and on the went by Maple Street shown on a certainwith the WMtsrly side of a «om- Riehanl* Avenue. map as titled, 'Map of Fords Park

t f t ,follows:



RUIN THAT TIRE!A permanent repair.

is as cbetp as t tem-porary one.



itt-pair libop at







J' * •

Woodbridge HighSchool TeachersWed at Railway

il , Florence Cnwln.-:, of Tl.vV,-;i teacher at the Woodbrldic

Sciiooi, became the bride of;s j . Robinson, of Woadbtidge,

', an instructor at the HlJh School,nnt; tlit» past year, at thetRahwayj

, iiuiiiiHt church, Saturday!, after-

Mrs. Robinson; will reifime her'. .,-.111011 as teachw 10 the local High j<., ',,,ul In the fall, while Mr. Robln-t

•i hiis accepted a position as asso- i,,!„ professor In'a school In New I

.,,rk City. The couple are now on'«-. clrtlnK trip In. New Hampshire.

,,, fin'ir rnturti they will make theirin. In Ilahway, 'Local people who attended the

AiildlnB werei Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeH HII.T. MIRS Sara Fitzgerald. MUH\,uiii t'razer, Miss Grace C. Huber,M,s K. T. Edgar, Miss Marie Diinl-,tn Mrs. M. Crampton. Miss Martha

Mr row and MIBS Allda Van Slyke.


Bedroom Is Frivolous, Feminine

Successful CardParty at Avenel

The benefit card party given byLadies' Auxiliary, of the Aveni-l

rn Comt>any, Friday evening, wassuccessful, according to Mr*.

Cannan, chairman of the at-

If w*. mJun

Wfovie Faihiont

M K K t H I H T

fhlrkm a U KingMaArtotiM

- Bwrifi (feki* ("i*lfr • otThis menu it not hard u> (in-

land certainly not hard to >mI hare omitted other vtitHacept those cooked wi th theor served with the unhid a* there|is variety enough. Amounts willBcrve six. 8enr« plain cake from*!with butter frosting or w.th 'mi but-terscotch sauce.

. , ivi ; • • , , r

f . i i r .

furnished in "feminine•• manmr

Tii" no-player'B prize was award-d lo George Chrlstophengon and,H door prize to Mrs. Anna Wa-,ts<ii. Othy prize winners were

is follows:Dridue: Charles Slessel, Mrs. W.

i ;ukey, Mrn. A. Pomeroy, Mrs. D.

B} H. H. KUSSKIXDecoration KiWUv orThe Anierl<Hii Home

F\UESSING table* have btenite articles of furniture so far

back as the records run, and nopiece offers more opportunity fordainty, Individual treatment tlian


a n i l u r c e n g l r i p i ' s . T i n r e i.« u l i uI bolster of the same rose color HUH

•Ilk-covered cushions made siiuuie,favor- W l t h boxed sides, and piped with

1 dull green.Oriental Itu*

On the floor is spread an Orientalnig, against whose background


* la King-One and me-hulf cups cooked sliced chirken. on>.'~

I half cup mushrooms, one-tuur(hcup chopped , p.raento, one /hard-cooked »)}u, chopped, one anj onc-haK cups medium white san»e. nut' Iteaspoon lemon Juicv. Man;- ihelsauce of oue and' oneliulf cups'ehU-ken stock, three tablespoonsflour and three tablespoons butter,Season w(,th- one-half teaspoon sail.Add chicken, sliced mushroom*,

j pimento and egg. Don t add tti";

| lemon Juice until just IWore serv-|'in*. Uarnlsh with cross.-y strip* of ipimento. • ' !

I Maonlolne Salmi—One cup cooked'green beans, one cup cooked dic>dcarrots, one cup diced celery, onehalf cup diced cucumbers, two

jtablespoons finely chopped onions.1

one tablespoon chopped Kreen pep.little, per, one-half teaspoon salt, o n '

anv fourth teaspoon paprika, one-thirdcup salad dressing. Mix and dim

Ingredients. Serve on lettuce.

j . , ..,,,.. m t h i s o n e - There are tvpes"of dress-'thick white wool native women have

!• Deyoning, and Mrs. William Tftnv l n g u b l e g ,n a | | ( | u , d l ^ r e n t i0(,H|embroidered a tree of life, with"'"" of furniture making, but the u n l - l g r e a t 'lowers and brilliant birds

versal favorite ia the draped table ' a m o n & its foliage, ln bright wools.which has been the choice ot ilia..' T l l t a a S e ' o l d pattern Is very decora- •boudoir lamps Is sufliclemtypes of women, from the French • l l l f c a n d *l*'il>'!) popular, and the nins.

I'inodhle: John Remai?. Mrs. J.Herman, Mrs. A. Leldm-r. K. Nler,\ Henderson, Mrs. I'. HanRen.George Amer, Fred Cmutora, Joe1'ctras, Mrs. E. Tuller&on. HarojdCarlson, Mrs. C. FlynQ, J. Herman,Mrs. Ii. Speok. T. Johnson.

Fan Tan:: Laura Secka, J. F.Keaman, XJeorge Waldroup. Mrs.Walter Hablsh, Elsie Riemer, Mrs.

• S. Riemer, Mre. W ' Perna andSophia Schmidt.

Mtm D M Off tor Bnrope

Miss Margaret Virginia Dee,

beauties of the Louis' to the flapperof today.

There la a wide range of fabricssuitable for covering a dressingtable, from the crisp, gay, semi-ii:az. il ciuntxei), through laftVuis.rayons, prints and sateens to themuslins dotted or plain, and the

I lovely, fresh organdUs which are theI most feminine of all.

The table la the picturei above Is crisply flounced In

rims, which cost surprisinglyare charming for bed rooms orinformal summer room,

On the table stands a pair of tall allboudoir lampB with pleated shadesot organdie, and a modernistic Iiutler KrostIng—Three cupsround mirror in a silvered holder Is fecuoner's Bugar,- one-half cupii. tween thnu. The table ia placed ter, one teaspoon vanilla, one e^_to good advantage against the wln-^yolk or white, hot cream if inn .-dow. where the, daylight may play sary. Cream butter thormuhlv aclilupon the person slttlns; before It, egg yolk or white (\l while'frost-and illumination tnnu the tall ing is n»eded use only the'white,

lor eve-,if colored frosting is ueed.it use theyolk), gradually work in thr-


Miss Supko IsTendered Party

V l.irt'-ilT. snr.li i r«ary party. Ift>.fiiii .if Ml-. l!ov S.ii.ko. of Colum-i-i avenue. Fords, was h*t* at h W• .itif. l;i<n >i;nd;i> The drawingiiinii w;i.-- . inr . ir t iveU deroratvd InInk and \A\nv. T)«nr!q| tad\\K w.T,. enjoved and

Thiwe pr<'»ept worr MIMM AnnaKunner. Kliiihfth Sherbak. H*te*Valla. HpW'n iurhm># Hotly Takaea,Bnib»r» S*erhl. Ka(r Md ' Home -t'omtrfer. Kat» Krlspsrl. i l t fy Ba-liiiv Mathilda Hurtpel lr»n* and(Y\v\ Kenler. Olwhpiti Paieka*.Miirv I.ehenckl. Anna ^mlrtca andKM- Supko. M<ps«r> Join, Paul an<JMichwl Sulch. Ale\ Tn'li. Bti-V* Bar-liue. Sieve KoTBni. Edward Hootak.Julius William. Roy I'al. nun. JohnVeres. Jnnn Csstard. J'lrph Smith.I.ewi. Toth. Charlen Hard)'; JosephT»klv. l.ewts and John Qyormatyl.Joseph Hoffman. Stephen Cook«y.Mr and Mrn Supko. Mr andIMtos and Mr and Mr) "" "

666K'IWM-I auU In :to mlnutei, rkrckn •Cold the Arm itay. and «kcck«

In thrn* il»>»,

666 alto in Tablets



BUS.Iiv beating until ven smooth.Aad u»e V&IIJIU thJ a few drops ofhot cream if necessary to make th-'right consistency to spread on.

HELLO, I say",that seemed

shrilled the voice flopped over,to rise

flat black boat at Peter'R feet. "I'm glossyshown paying a compliment, boy, telling the sunshine and Beamed to be em-dotted you how strong you are and you broldered with pearls. Pet&r could

daughter of Mr and Mrs Maurice m u s l l u - w l t h the ruffles graduated In answer never a word. Can't you re-jncn take his eyeB off the latter.Y Dee of Woodbridge will sail this d e p t t l > a n d b o u n d w l t D a "»* ribbon niemi>r your manners or do you, "Are those air bubles?" demand-

the "Saturnla", for an l n a contrastlng color, and a finish thiffR you're too good to speak to ed the boy. The upside down

;cold cake. The egg yolk will give a trinnulnM.voice, amused now. "If you don't very delicate shade to the frosting,believe me, I'll show you." The boat

Sure enough, in tKeHot Butterscotch Sauce —

cups sugar, one and one-half cups

adopti>d with• eminiHiiisiu the longer skirt forformal w< ar. White and pale shadesof pink and blue are greatly fa-vored for danft* frocks, the pinkfrocks oflen having a touch of blue

the blue using pink.This graceful frock Of pink chif-

fon was chosen for dancing by SueCarol, of the screen. The skirt haslong, flowing lines. The only trim-


I afternoon onextended tour of Europe,in a graduate nurse ot Mountainside

I Hospital. In Montclalr.


at the top of a very full puffed bandThe muslin i

is made over a foundation slip of1 plain rose sateen, and the satinI bindings are of old blue, both colorsi blending harmoniously with the I

_ other decorations of the room. 1

John A. Brwkenrldge, of Mt. Ver-j Window Draped With OrRaiMlle I[non, N. Y., Is visiting at the home The windows are hung with two'j of his son, John E. Breckenrldge. of layers ot organdie, one used as![Gjjeen street. • iglass curtains, and the second as'

Mr. and Mrs. George Merrill, Mr. long draperies, hung under a ruffled'and Mrs. Raymond Jackson and Au-1 valance, and held back with shaped'gust Grelner, returned Sunday ere- tiebacka. themselves edged with tinyning, from Chicago, where they i»t-; raffles.tended the Int&nurtiaul BoUry t h e dees wing chair, and the

• * i oral stool'nefore th^aresslng table,I are upholstered In old rfcse semi-

So Simp** ; glazed chlnU atlth a tprigged pat-Teacher—Johnny what's the dif- tern of little daisies and leaves in j

I ference between a battle and a mas- natural colors. The floor Is stainedand waxed, the walls covered withj

where a a simple, dainty wall paper with


from the water floated a saucy insect-wlth a c o r n s v r u P p two tablespoons butter. f l n 8 1«» buckle of brilliants, whichfeet. I m glossy coat that Bhone like velvet in „„„ pl"nt thin cream, one teaspoon l» m a t c h e | J b>' necklace and bracelet.

Put all the Ingredients Into asaucepan and cook to the soft

stage, 234 • degrees. Removethe fire After standing in th«

heat over hot water andadd milk or cream to thin, If neces-sary.

u l8 w o r n o v e r a s l l k

-- Dinner Stories --





"Of course, what else?" asked he."I need them to live by but theyalso add to my beauty, don't they?The best of it Is when they becomestale and no longer glittten I can get

S U G G E S T I O N S *

Spottaftf Laundry Equipmentg g p qttelgho, I am thei ..Have you ever turned out abrand new ones.

Water Boatman you've heard so'of snowy laundry only to find Itmuch about, and as I had much streaked and spotted when you re- yet."rather lie on my back than on my moved the pieces from the line?'stomach 1 will turn bottomslde up!These disfiguring marks can some-now, if you don't' mind." Over the;times be traced to th« condition o(

I fellow flopped, a boat once more. I the clothes basket, the clothespins,

Sad!i "Why are you crying, youngster."!| "Because my brother has holidays!|and I haven't." )I "Why have you not got a boll-!

pile aay?" I"Because 1 don't go to fchool

"But,- i

Madame,you do,

Widowyou cannot

yO u r



As a matter of fact, Peter had or the wash line. All of these ac- h a s dearly specified in his will that;never before so much as heard Wa-icessorles are essential features of n | g fortune will go to his brother."1

Xe'f "n"6a{mghr8""Hgmetmerit1otrwl,-bTrt;Hrt- - laundwteft; • wmtpmwt --and.,. - »y M \. ^mvm-r -it* «ha teatherhe was too polite to say «o. Instead should be kept as' ipbttess as tr* "


battle IsIsacre?

Johnny—A -I whole lot of white kill a few In- small sprays and geometrical linesjdlans, and a maaaacre Is where a In soft colors on a white ground,

lot of Indians kill


I wholeI white—Brooks Field Weekly.

"The very idea!"few and the day-bed ia upholstered in a dig nan t. "You steal

Peterup on

I he remarked:i "Why do you prefer to He "on yourback? Besides, It can't be you floai

'all the time! How do you get about[when you're ia a hurry?"| "With these!" Suddenly BoatmanI kicked with a pair of long hind legs,

surface of the waih tubs.Wash them occasionally In hot,

soapy water, using a Stiff brush to

p g gwas in- j moving them back and forth like

ime and

" 'Fess Up" like a Man When Wrong

charming friese In cream, old rose take me by surprise and expect meto nndiny voice on the moment. 1hear you but I don't see you. Whoare you and are you, hidden underthe boat;1'

WE don't need courage alone toface life's ills that can't be

I avoided. We need It to face the ef-(fects of our own wrongdoing.

We transgress gayly enouk'h,I sometimes even feeling that we areI distinguishing our-| selves by ao do-

Ing. But whenwe are confront-ed with the nat-ural consequences,

J we wmnt to runand hide, to take

I our own lives —anything to get

I away from facingI the ma*lc.

A young girlI writes me of herI misdeme a n o r s.I Mostly they are[the resuK of as-taoclatioup w i t hfthe wrong

is to 'fess up and have It over with.Yes, 1 know you'd rather die. Iwould too If I were you. But wecan't die. And you have done noth-ing #o dreadful that you can't faceit and outlive It. You have been afoolish girl, not a wicked one, al-though some of the things you did,such as going through the mail,etc., were certainly not honorable.Hut you know that.

Tell your guardian all about it.Don t hold anything back. Tell himhe may never love you again, but at

(least he'll know the,worst. Tell himh.- can ttpank you If he wishes. Youdeserve It, but that you think youare too old for that kind ot punish-ment, and realise your faults enoughwithout it. But you won't cry outif he does. ,

Thl» Is going to take a lot ofj courage. I know that. I know It

comparatively ewy, to confess to

"1 am

goars. "Watch me If you wish to seean Insect make speed \a traveling.You are lucky I met you on thebank .Instead of in the water. Whenl|run head-on Into iny of the pool

l they get stusk on my sharp

n,at I'm marrying

• Mrv-and Mra. George S. Hunter,of Grore avenue, are spending tiie

reach tbe crevhws of the basket or, " V •" Vaddin*ton N Yhamper. The wash line should b e | w e e k a t Waddington. N, Y.

d h h & * »ndlbr «j

pwrapped around the washalso scrubbed thoroughly Aa gy j G r wsoaking In the sudsy waters should 11. .suffice the remove the soil from tne m g n


M r . a n d M r s . Whitney Ueson. ofG r w m , t M r t g p e n t ' the week-end at11



THE FUNERAL HOMEA. F. Grelner — R. A. Hlroer

B»t. 1904GREEN ST. « BARKO^AVm

Tel4 Woodbridge 8-0264

Miss Ethel Chase, of Ttsdaleplace, Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J.W. Albright, of Drexel H1U, Pa., (or


vniOtNl 'EC me—a stranger — op paper., And|companions — the old | t n a t n jg v e r y, very hard to tell any-

rouble wHh young people. She h a d | O M peraonwlly about it. All righter fling, and, like all of"us, old or w r i t e It to hjm. then. He has prob-

joung, ahe'd give anything to slde-»tep her punishment — scared to

pteath of what l» In store for her.• t

ably had time to think about the af-fair he *ld know about and maybe

hi* way of correctingWhatever his re-

declde thatwasn't Just wise.

JOYCE- Well, dear, Juat as If you'action, however, your Job la to tellere my' own little girl I'll say;hlm all about it. "like a man.ou sowed your wild oata early In Of course you know the^rea about,fe. know Just what sort of a crop getting new friends who dpn t go inou have to reap so I Imagine you for tnwibordlnatlon. andl winningon't want any mote of them. That back your rightful place id school--

KOOd T [which, of courw, .yoti'll do. You veI wUh your guardian could hare got a nice little lob ahead of you

ead the letter you wrote me, and but you'll win out. You can getfurthermore, that I oould have quite a start thla aumnierHiked with you both imftead of Just school opens again _»ritlng to you. I was a bit ahooked' And last, things look pretty btack

the Vanishment he meted out to 1 know. But that -om't tart. U jouiu that once, but I know he mu^t do a. I aay, It won't be long before

felt himaelf amply Juatined. I you'll be happy again. A n d » « m *ld i l t f t l If t

py Jon8lder you too old a girl to W-,as al t H r ight

Andv«ive"it things don't go

•Mve such chastisement. However,'right. Ill be glad and proud to actcan't blame him, can we? as mother or father confessoa to fou

dear, the ouiy thing to do any time <

J.P.GERITY&CO.Real EtUteReprtaenttng

Private Salea, ApnriUtU, Bx-per-t Teatlmony, Hortgaf*Loan*. BuslUM* VroMng*.Kconomical Manaf*"l««t ofProperty a Specialty

L«e, Fire, Burglary, Accidentand Health, Team*. Boihsra,

Protect Your Rugs byHOOVER Cleaning

fTIHE Hoover electric cleaner bas a threefold

•* cleaning principle—sweeping to remove^

thread and lint—bearing to ihake loose the

deeply embedded dirt—and suction to draw

up all the dirt Thjs thorough cUaaing pro-

tects the ruga. Jt takes away that faded look.

It straightens and raise* th« nap-

Two Hoover models—tfo. 125

for $79.50 and No. 57S for $63.50.

We charge a little more when either

model iff sold on terms of

•*5 down and

a month

DmggUU, E m p l g r .lordi", and Contractors liabil-ity, Marine, Toartat. Salesmenawl Transit IBMUMM, Auto-

tM faUMUty Con-

93 Mab Stnrt


iSA-teO Smith S« ftrth Amboy.K^



• , -


- ,

J r














^ M 166 SmithS* IWh*nk«yHi




footing md CooJmg Applimcts

Rnai Automatic and Stortje Wqter Hetteu

Tekphoiw 3510 Perth,.\


THE WOODttHXZ UAOEft£•><••-- r r i fc?

PrrO« VOOMUKE U4Hm* a^-Au akssft ass

AUTOuaB at tut l i .s** juaajii tilmt « r i «aar

s»mii* " i "sc ftifm: aaffMh/b-

%p um |u«*a.


5 P D Q


w-t » . t«

IIOA»CASTim.• • *

Tfwi IfcTi tbwe han tirni ant ita-th* urrw» o! siimti j . t — "5tai* i ••a r am 9-«si s> k*-< o* in, imr:at Tuir mmi jfcf- i rw •>—«*

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•TV cunt «•« fjaetaut Fswtfc at1 #u» ASMrlDk i

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.»s»:»waa«-w-%»: S» rtp*;~St,3TT; w

kjptt, lh»l i aiT- straw tf« ttur- a

* • * tat * fcc t*J* JSJB

—: # • , «-nB*fr IT Jnrthat.—Tfe» Mr «tatUi-

fQSVBVai laP aAif DUll^

;.IK u w «Ui aov <Mt wl.««l. ssa rttt ite 4 i n . Of aria

aitsaet. t *Wit 4a* is crasaisf t** stiHt stisnaaaf * • a » hoia?. m imit «f

p I B taaj is fta abMaT flasana *k i:i*t afiwra

8b»«iasfrf IB*

r1 lit* w-paein t£ in* aasswthv a )tf? ia SMajse s'

— Tit

• t Ut f HBt.-C


Mi*-M l l ' t . •—-

•c SriRw ^QadML ass s^i SBB^B^BJOtt iaB—lai «sow«ni* a » syast Bs«L. 1**e vrasf a t * tt tht n»A. l t .MJ 4M art

•f «•». U.1T". •>!'—i * flM raafimr, 1 U « : (fee T * > Traaassv v«< tr h«? :« w * * m l K i l l as4 «ss]iac i». t.SM, Aana* *W» ' f ^ * * * ^"t c""1^ * * ^*41. ?^ is*ala|Ba jss t%fsy oaB^sMsCnaft. 5^^7r tpw% ^^^ . . . . *•*-

t OAar «sas&. «at l s» «asata{ Jt-wt «ae*- !•>•" «n . C*un»hl>«r inj f o*- t i iu - I L•B (scrw ass ta£"HL iaMnsjir tamiBf vsd tcMMt > ILUU . , I : I T » V I I v u> k maKr

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MutesFirst Pavinf ".•oorr


• • • w w < *


' H*viEt T * - wmt


M- j o ••—Tins Thief IsViews and Reviews Ho.j

iw f-ua l i« St i l t Ct'ii-TA i t tli«- Ti»» M!fcin<a a y.t-v* -GHKLi-irJi*.. BHflCait' -rijt-t »ili mtr: tajtiif- n tmtB aa u(t-*«* ni

iiwr^ v%fr xivttaxif tiiii Ittrttjflihf jx efij £ £n£ & isitit Wi j>iifv\t^Tic-t \

Reigious, Vainand Patriotic

at %

a hjieA *j>f«nri » }*iia a ft* ntxnr.; nai< ht- fosseuti »• P"VK EiiKli n tbe x^s«M» cf A Tmms qt1 aHial-m 11 iniinss1'£i» 1 I'I 1 i** i"1 Otisbw 14 ^ - * * * " t^1*'

D* T H W K a Bv w H * * TWBT ~ — . „_-


ve Ttmnat Piwf tanae i t %•


ttrwtta a'.t * • • ^ ^ ^

U-itrftkr rrt-j era»c«UeaI Latheraa,o*« '««e as4 Psartk StrtM.Lilcf I K 4.bit !•:« A. ».-


«r». CHURCH NEWSj Mr. H- «-

9:45 A M—S*s4aj Sckaat.11:« A M—Marmlsf Wanais.

VBK>» S^rriro al tie C^axtfta-

the ' ,tae± TS»,iiue rf

4 tTastw *»

sot vlj


r« vW pinfl-Wvl vAKTUDAIITUltWIIUutl

t 4s P.T U P . Wmkip.

H A .

Mr tat

„ ,-» Bvunsi M J t i P It. iKassw «t «:« A. M. aa4 I I * A H,•adar sMrsisc.Kreates Scrrtea. ?;« P. X.

Sttr '1

O b .


•JfttJT. ktUT 1 * SSt

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*•!*&. Bt oar. ai»»


T if the ;}nrtii4>ftd :i i^B-Pesa;

ta i i * Oasft-

» set

i* EA1U4 B E 1 « PaL.11 ni»aaa n taasur

tnii rvott tyr a i


Mat Fr««


t , * - W M t - T, MWkwaary. .-(••.MTB- stimet. Nnr T»ri-

: I* • etoetJjeart on SstxrtV

s <«CKIIXX l l * ( t s«- Ens ri F%m FritaytB»TI o! O«ie*a«i as


at tlisiit Ttrjii MTkM »t**ay at w

Gate ^ tike Pane*: CaanuPtavjt* Swutay tt laatt


ft. J.

• 1 1 . 1SekoaL H*s>

t cm* irntal* aaya,.- Bikicsv aj% )*aBii3u£ hsaj t.&tiaa h*£?t |sss^—Q#u

- tie i-*«--a

IV . not t A K.—< Seknmla »• t C

l i t cf U» ia»» •< l* i t : THE OU) HOME TOWN


aeaa «f Urf »»»», swi•} tB«S Bf fTMl » • U

iji>.ra«n HWB! lor tautj •

BSAK lift istecMit u.' BaiMV it fci

thirty ft»v» 1* {hn» aiaacatt tr fc«± '

la aMxuua w thTM atuaikf to Ja£

tB* ilCMUMt Wt& ht ^ttV^S43Al> rt~wkti Ai. that u w*4i t u n ii>SMtnet SMA a* » 4i Jca«v» it i


- I

ia«an**>ij it I«MUUamaairimj? vats t*ikJ• * aa <4 the;, *Mat caraataa «rw+iiaaa he sxm: hasuimi «s -the Vaasl• f #fciir mtmuiri** t-^ U fa4afM-]

sjs) f t a* vscsatnlaa asa>elllt as4* a%fc ahararrr Bss wtaa he^ ^ M ^ ^ B ^ . A^^^^L—J *iv*. r% b s1 .#«# * ~ ' a flslaW

• M i asMM * * * _ * * * * * f*._. _T T

t«s»asa ta ka awft «Mb,.._Aaw^ sWa^s^s^ABhs^ ftiAi AMkMiaSBBV £ V avftv

* ^ 1_ _ , W A. *.—Ckwrti St*-L •

-SOBJ* aair M W vt « U i» fw*t • J ' * 1 * " " • l i L •*****•»tiai at Sal.

K 1« A Maa Oak TratRaat 1


a 4 »f tw p Hlatta aaa imc-«st

«A I* ! Ats sui

at»iwr. MUST aa4


! * 1* A it .^a4«.i Sri^ol.f 1 « H A M —Maniac Worship• Smasa UH>?C - . U a Utilf Caili

» I r * Testn - TV Dulj VheaUaa B9ri« SeW->

. M«Kiat at tk^1

•M«tus at the at


I P. M.


u * lia«a at » • *Sm a

' i«tfl*-t« bar i t s

..' ok MM} 1

» • *s« U acfatk. Bu4iaa %visjf ftns Haai

» * Naasia ihOf at t 6 dart* « r . Ha»y RaavT S * i « r awtta tk

of the Btaaasa

W . zu«!.•«« ^astt o.u« s«f \i%\ IL Tiii aTwanfctoi * *t> ia* •*«*£ ^ u^aj —-"111 Vnna KmTii1 at ' Ihie ^ ^ ^ '«JM> •«•% ta t w fttuat rtsair u ^ a i Ctj>«k

rkiirat* i£Mt» I M P3ht

at t.«* p

Chastet I*.

KaaUsTaatta* B*i»

•«f. Vsk !

H l i A. MI I A It. -

alasSerrkMTk* DiaBy V

t P. M.-T:4S P M. _



<V C T. Clak hMMts the t M M»in at the stoatfc U t^M P *Scat Alpha PkiSaroritj *

T^aataj ai J:<| . 6 . 1 . Saw*1--'atthje haaM- of His. >rt»ar '-

Wateesbi at'JgM P. M.—W'a


4«mika ML

. srvAUW

at TIM Matte* CCfcrt*

Sarrtea— 11--H A. M.fch«al-«:M *- M


Misses Moll A r eHostesses at Bridge

Mlanes Eleanor and Miriam Moll,, , . [ , hualnHHfiB at a brlflKe party attiidr home, on Rowland place, Tues-day pvenlnR. High scores worenuide by Mlsn Colette (JraiiBam. MinnSusan Murphy, MIBB Clara Ander-,111 fttUl Mian Margaret Rergen. Th»

i-onsolktlon prlte wan awarded tcMIHB Helen Campion.

Those present were Miss IreneSrliwurt*, MIm Colette Grausam,Mian Hunan Murphy. Miss MargaretBorneo. Mtw B t j t t Cunplon. all ofWoodbrldge, and Mlas Ctara Ander-son, of Hwth Ainboy.


AT CONGREGATIONALThe U n i o n Sunday mornlne

church pe.rvlcea of the Presbyterian,M e t h o d 1»t and Congregationschurches, to be held during July andAugust, will begin this Sunday, atthe Congregational church. Rev.W. V. p . Strong, will have chargeof the first three services on Julytfth., 13th. and 20th, Rev. ErnestS. Abbott, of the Presbyterianchurch, will preach at the serviceson July 27th. tnd August 3rd. and10th. and Rev. H. R. Bretsch, otthe Methodist Episcopal church, willtake charge of the last three serv-ices, on August 17th., 24th, and!:iiHt. • j

Shoot* Self in HandRowland Arthur, 13, son of Mr.

and Mrs, Robert Arthur, of droveavenue. Woodbrtdge, accldenlly shothimself In the hand with a blankcartridge gun, yesterday afternoon.The boy was treated by Dr. I. Spen-cer.


Students^ Now

• • *

About* 200 student* arc nttenrttn*

Bible School FiD Hold !Conmencenent July 11

The commencement exerclnen of!

the Dally Vacation Bible School, of!the Avenel Preabyterlan church,will be Mid rrWay evening, July |t lth. , at the new church, accordingto the pastor, R«v Clilr A. Mor-|

IsTransferred to( 1-yo-pta Group

I Restaurant and Mbiitarei Golf Course for kiml

I'aul Hlple, Boy Scout, of Erie, Va . who accompanied Rear Ad-miral Richard E. Hyrrt on liia Antarctic expedition, IB shown hereat Central High School, in Washington, where fellow Scouts drinkIn lila words at he t«lls of Ms sidventureH In the south polar Regions.

... Inion Dally Vacation Bible,,School, which Is liclng held this,y.nr at the Con«rt'Ratlon»| church.The registration numbered lift onHie opening day, hut within four<!,iv!> it IIRII jrown cniijtderubty.

On account of the Increased reg-istration It was necessary to dividethe ""school Into tww groups. TheJunior and Intermediate groups willmeet at the Congregational chunh.while the primary class will meet Inth" First Presbvterlan church.. - •

' A series ot awards for perfectattendance and tor outstanding workIn the various aepartntent/is beingplanned by <he principal, JohnStrorue, and hll teaching staff.

BirthsThe following list oLhtoths was

recorded at the Board WfTHealth of-'flee this week: ' «7//

A so a, Eugene,Peter, ««* born toMr. and Mm. John Hnpatnlt. Of Lee

row. An •xhtbltlon of allcraft work done by the

Olnen w « onVlail}rred from tli' l>ii-k >n-J»

the past three weeks will be on ex- J ^ n r ^ r i r ' J " . ^ r T ' . V i Vhikitin. Th« ..hihii _in u. i , ,4 . .Wmp Fire (.Iris, al a n-Kiil«r meet



hlbltlon. Th« exhibit will Include

Recuperating In Pocoom

Ing held la*t Friday at t v tin roe of»rdl*n, Mrs. Herbert Sllber-

mann. of Howtaitd place. MIM 01-sen automatically becomes a mem-ber of the older group of glrla b»-oaut* she will attend Hi«h

i A California rfstaviraat and • ( •»•jature golf cnunv. will ke ooSttrud-ed on the super-highway aid Bat*Rrade avenue, Av>-nel, according tttan announcement tna4« by th«Maple Realty Company, ot PerthAinboy. recently. The realty aoavpany hat sold the block Of propertywith a frontage of 30* ffcet and t l »super-htghway to Ehl*r» 4 Allar-dlce, of California. The- project

completed, win caet aboutwhw coIfMVO.

i_Mr. and Mr». 0 T. Mtnson, J»l in the fall.

Llndeo av»«ue, "Woodbrtdge, are j • - ••—•-•pending aevtrml weeks at the Plqe- Mr. and Mrs, Allen 0. Weyaandhurst. Cahadensla, Pa., where Mr. »«* Miss Margaret F Weynnd. ofMabson, who was recently run down Btrronby an automobile, will rest and rr- »t Atlantis'City.cuperate aided by the Invigoratingair of tne*P,ocono Mountains.

spent the week-end

n«t its » cM4 VfMt, Gentleman pt tMjMtni a crqwi-

,'ed tramesr -Take' WfW9m, madkM.Lady (having stood up for over •

milel — Thanks! t t«t off at thestop, too.—t

- Personals-MT"«Trd Mrs. John H. CConcan-

non, ot Grove atenue, recektly ire-turned from Atlantic City, where

. tf Htm Realty Want Io' "Mutiny. It It correct to call aman bora (n Poland a POIP?"

"W **m*i: my dewr:"Then 1 suppose a man bora In

Holland Is a Hole?"—Montreal star.

| tint to M»kr aHouseholder: "Put all that t tnf

back In the sideboard at once,,*';**hearT" >

Burglar: "Lumme. guv"nor, notall of. it, be fair, art of It belonginext door."--Punch.

they attendedMiss Janet

'wedding.Howell, of Rowland In

place. Is spending her vacation atthe Camp Fire Oirln' Camp, Camp

— I'ntrlek ,1. Donato, Jr. — tlt-porta IXMM of Wallet

street, Port Reading on Wednesday, Ontka, at Arden, N. Y.June 25th. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. H. r\>rd. and

A daughter, Margaret, was born daughter, Madelyn, of Maple avenue,to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hegryes, of Woodbrtdge, are vacationing at141 Ryan street, t'orda, on Friday, ,Manasquan.June 20th. I Mrs, Mac O. Bell, and sons, John. „„ _ . . . . . „ , . L ,,

A son, Joseph, Jr., was born to Philip and Douglas, are spending the,?*KJ"""".*"?• . » ° ti » b o » l hUf-"*1"1

• - - leben yose'f.1 Montrenl Star.

Th«> Shade* of MtRhta Negro school there was oneo black that tnrn the other

callfd him "Mldnlnht." Thiswa« all v«tywell until a new pupilonly a few shades lighter thun heentered the school. On being calledthis nickname by the uew pupil."Midnight" got huffy.

Listen heal>! Don't you call me

Funeral gervlces for Patrick J. U. J. Farrely, of 101 87th.Donato, Jr., nlw year old gon of street, Bayonne, N. J., reported toMr, and Mrs. Patrick. J. Donato, of the local police that he lost MB wal-60 George str^ft. Avenel, who died .let containing his driver's licenseMondaj at the Perth Amboy City for New York and New Jersey andHospital, after a brief illness, were a Pennsylvania Railroad paBB In theheld yesterday afternoon at one!name of P. Farrely, (somewhere on!o'clock at tlie house. Interment was the road between RahwayIn the Rahway cemetery. Pt-rth Amboy on Amboy avenue.

I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toth, ot Straw- summer at Mnskola, Canada.Iher'-y Hill, on Wednesday, June' Mr. and Mrs. Fred BrleRs and26th. children, ot Tisdale place, are Bpend-

A son, David, was born to Mr. Inp thiwuummer at Wanamassa.and Mrs. William Duorak. of Le« Dr. and MrB. F. H. Albee and-son.avenue, Hopelawn, on Wednesday, teddy, of Colonla, will leave Tnen-June 25th. day night for a two weeks' stay In

A daughter, Frances Anna, waa Florida."Ijiborn t 0 M r a n d MrB S a m Taquadra, Mr. and Mrs. Allen O. Weyuand

on Monday, June :10th. will leave for Atlantic City tomor-A son, Frank Joseph, was born to vow, where they will spend a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knrmondt, of Miss Helen I'Mffer. of Tisdale321 Oak street. Wnndhrldge, on Sat-'plare, Is spending the week aturday, June 21st. Itranchvllle.,

I ttmA woman In' the suknrbs waa

chatting over the back fence with.her next-door neighbor. "We're go-ing to be living In a better neigh-borhood soon." she said.

"8o • are Wf," vclunU>n»d Mrs.Nextdoor. confidently.

"What? Are ymi movlnn too?""So. we're staving her»\"-~Our


Why Walk or Ridein Crowded Busses

When you can have your own car to go when and

where you will at such a low cost? v. •



Under Management of


We Sell our used cars RightBecause we Buy them Right


And Our One Week Exchange Privilege Without

Loss protects you from a bad bargain. {



WcrnR ThurHliiys and Katurdays — lfc»ftt* .anil C*i»w» for Hive



Dorsey Motors• I N C O R P O R A T E D


Maple & Fayette Sts.


Perth Amt»y


yba lend him In Wow Blues*-*.Hbuil txt emu about him nowin hk second Talking riot I




From » Ford to a Cadillac

Nice dew weet running cm - YouM W|Hr^to

Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. andHofitlay Morning*!






, (A Diviiion of Doriey M«tw«, Inc.) *



JULY 4100 -- MILE --





P O P U L A R P R I C E S ,INFIELD' •>' • l i 0 °RESERVED GRANDSTANDS . . $2.00 - *$.00

SEATFON SALE NOW AT117 So. 9th. Street *







Saturday Only, July 5 2 - Features - 2





GARYCOOPERfcnfytfie Brave



Sunday, Monday, July 6 - 7





Tuesday, Wednesday, July 8 - 9



HUNGARIAN NIGHTS "' A romantic drama against the background of the

Hungarian militfary life and aristocracy.FEATURING





• v <

^ ;




BOOST MIDDLESEX COUNTYT i n - S < - ! v k c m i V I ' M i l l ' ! T i r c - i




ninl Supplied



HUIP Curtains, Encloxed Tops, Body Trimming*, Upholstering

Windshield and Door (IIMC Installed


Goodyear Shoe Repairing fend Hat Cleaning Co.

Hpeelal for Month of July



(We GAll and Deliver) .

?42 Smith Street Telephone 'P.. A. 4069 Perth Aniboy, N, J.y . • . ^ ^ _ _ _

1 W. A. JEN SENGeneral Contractor



Phone B-O17H Woodbrklfre


Branch Factory at Oarfleld. N. J.

. .«•—'••• SALES OFFICES

Now York Chicago LOB Angeles

Manufacturers to





A Real Up-to-Date GarageFORD AGENCY


Phone 8-14SS



We Sell the Complete Line Mi



Telephone Carteret 8-1359





P. A. 8128


Telephone P. A. 1073






20-iJO Hamilton S t r e e t ^ , / •

• P H O N E S :

WoudbrUlge 8-0836 •Emerson 2-15U








By the lUillclers of the WOTM'H llert Tires


FORD SIZE 80x4.50 With Tube J6.97CHEVROLET 6 SIZE 29x4.50 With Tube $6.87

JERSEY TIRE COMPANY147 New Brunswick Ave. Phone 1775-1776 Pertji Ainboy


Visit Our New Plant and See the Care

We Take of Your Most Delicate Fabrics


Phone P- A. 4040


Always Boosting

Middlesex County


Complete Garage Service General Repairing and Towing

All Cars Greased and Serviced Day »nd Night Servlc?


('bone 8-0851


' ' With Novocaln or Sweet Air

Plate Work a Specialty — Teeth Are the Gateway* to Health




Phone 1778

- LOCATE IN AVENEL -Enterprising Community of 3,000 People

A New Town With New Ideas on the New Highway

Building Sites Homes Already Built

Super-Highway Frontage


Piiohe Woodbrldge 8-2149-JPERTH AMBOY

or Perth Amboy 1710


"Service lfc»t It Dignified u d Diatuctto",

Sipos ServicesAH Miller Tires

Vnv tire slrtice oil i l l Millert|re» Is the offer of the Slpoi Serv-ice Station, wblcb la mMkA on 27 tjAitboy tvenun. WoodbtldKe, acc'ord-1Ing to Joseph Slbot, the proprietor.

The Sipoi Service Station, 1B wallKDOvn to all It! the Township ffitdBiiiroiindlnR territory. Tliey havea complete line of auftk fccceworlfiBand supplies and they hart a trained!force of aUto nieohantcs' ready to'And out what is the .matter withyour car and who know Ju»t how toremedy the situation.

The itatlon In the agent (or aspecial line of Miller accessories. In-cluding tires and tubs*. They arealso experts In. the washing andpolishing of cars! I

For all kinds of car service. Just|phtinp Woodbrldpe 8-06&3, and a1

car "doctor" will call Immediately.!


One cf the moat modern funeralhouses In tins section of New Jerseyin thnt recently opened at 87 Fay*ette street, by Plillip P. C<i(=tt.|l<\The entlrr first flnor of the spacloun!

Thnmilitfiil ServiceAttention

Mdrti-rn E(|ui]>nu'nl

THE FUNERAL HOMEA. P. Grelner . A. Hlrner

id 1004






1MM.HO IVrtli .Atiib") i!i«MI I'ol VmiT


Aiithtni/tMl I) I «' O



Perth Ainnoj


residence at Hit foregoing addrewhad been dedicated for the care ofthe dead.

Mr. Costcllfi lii\s lunn btHii an em-balmer and funeral director and nowhas established A business of hi*own. In order to create one of themost tuodirn as well as the liand-Bomest funeral houses in this vicin-ity, Mr. Costello purchased the lay-ette street residence and altered Itto suit his needs."v The funeral parl»r~jfai -most Im-pressive with its furnishings of red,cold, green and Ivory, and Is Idealfor the holding of services over theremains of loved ones. To the rearof the parlor fs Mr. Costello's priv-ate offioe, finished and furnished inJvorj and mahogany; off this is thedisplay room where a large varietyof' caskets may be seen. The embalming and autopsy room Is fin-ished in white and is equipped withthe latest lighting system and au-topsy table. A new hearse, recentlybrought east from the manufactur-ing plant in the west, completes theequipment. Mr. Costello offers dis-tinctive, dignified service.



Phone P. A, 067





l'hotie Perth Ainboy 1794

All Kinds of Machine Work - Re-bore or Re-grlnd Cyciinder Blocks


Thirty years of experience are bebid 1. Mann & Son, optometrists

and' opticians, of 77 Smith street,Perth Ainboy. The company has acomplete stock.and equipment andall their work Is scientific and accurate. •

I. Mann £ Son warq their friend{not tb neglect their (eyes, for a littie treatment In time win hi preventblindness. The concert! is licenseto dispense "Tlllyer" lenses, whicare unusually hlgtiiy. polished and.clear. They are offering comple1!'

ye aervice-examlnaliav* by inodejiimethods in their own laboratories.

1. ^aiui & Son, wish to call to theattention of their jlatlenU that theyare now located at 77 Smith'street,five doors below their old address,where they have installed completeoptical equipment and where theyhave new laboratories' that even sur-pass their old ones. ' '

45 Register (orSummer Course

About 45 students havetered in the summer school, accord-ing to Principal A. C, Kerry, In anInterview with a Leader reporterthlB morning.

Stephen Werlock, of the HighSchool faculty, is teaching history,general science and algebra, toHigh, School students, Victor Lovehas "Charge of the Seventh GradesubiectB and Mr. Ferry Is teachingEighth Grade work.

The course will last seven weeksand the children are attending theschool on Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday uiornlngs.

Don't Xioae .%anr Head

After a lot of trouble the twojlaar old things had boarded a tramwhich went, to the address giventhem. Five wlnutas passed. Thentbe train 'came lo a atop.

"James streft!" called! the con-ductor. One man got up and went

A few minute* latqr tbe tram•topped again, "Victoria terrace,'announced the conductor. This timea lad; stepped out.

lira. Giles leaned ov«r toward hein „

m't It time tor us to leave?





1 (OWNER) ,


Phone K-0«47

"Don't Neglect Your Ey«iv" - They Cannot B . Raplac^l


I. MANN & SONam Opticians

Lenses-('.round on the PmnmeK • iteBl GlasseH - Heading Glasse»' • Invisible Bifocal LenseB

Completely Eaui|iP«d Modern Optical Practice as Heretofore

T» Umlth Stmot, IV. th AmbD|- ~ 5 Uoo,* Below O,,r Old AddW*8

•book his held.'Don't »bow your





Monday, Wednesday. Friday

iHajS 7



Service Is Recordof Goodyear Co*

Don't throw your old utraw hat

This notlcfi has been |nnued bytiic Goodyear Shoe Repairing andHut Cleaning Co., of 249 Smithutreet, Perth Aroboy, who specialisein the cleaning of straws and pana-mas. The proprietors guaranteeih<lr work and; will call for and de-liver all orders.

During the month of July the(Goodyear Shoe Repairing and Hatcleaning Co., are offering specialprices In. KTITO repairing. Men's halfs<ile» and heals may be repaired forJ1.2B, while ladles' shoes may beMuled and heeled for a dollar.

The Goodyear Shop Repairing andHat Cleaning Company, han been inboMnena In Perth Amboy for thftpast 15 years. During that time(hey have won considerable good-will and patronage. Their motto Is"The Customer Is Always Right".and they have always tried to satisfyand please their customers.


AT TRENTONNew Jersey State Conference

Will be Held in Trenton,November 13 - 14.

The second annual conference ofNew Jersey trust companies, will tef)held In the Stacy-Trent Hotel, Tren-ton, pn November 13 and 14. TIIIHannouncement, has been made byLeslie O. McDouall, associate trustofficer ot the Fidelity Union TrustCompany, Newark, chairman of thicommittee on trust maters, New Jer-sey Bankers' Association. .

This announcement Is In tine withthe policy of the coinmlUte to takethese meetings to the vurloua larnecities ot the State. The first meet-ing was held In Newark last your atthe Robert Treat Hotel, with an at-tendance ot 200 presidents and trustofficers of New Jersey banks, andwas brought about at the request ofthe president ot the New JerseyBankers' Association In view of thegrowing Importance of truBt busi-nesa In the State. The annual meet-Ing of the association has alwuynbeen held at Atlantic City, but,atthese meetings It has been impossi-ble to devote enough time to trustmatters and the trust conferencehas been a logical outgrowth of theassociation.

The following jj^jpeqibprB^ o( the1130 committee Mcently appointedby the president of the association,Lev I H. Morris, president of theNewton- Trust Company, Newton;Armitt H. Coate, secretary of theassociation, and trust officer of theBurlington County Trust Company,

' Moorestbwn; Mr. McDouall; H.Douglas Davis, treasurer and trustofficer, Plalnfteld Trust Company;Earl S. Johnson, vice-president atadtrust officer, Savings Investment andTrust Company, Bast Orange; Her-man M. Sypherd, vice-president andtrust officer. Guarantee Trust Com-,pany, Atlantic City; George. Letter-house, truBt officer, CommercialTrust Company, of New Jersey,Jersey City; Harvey S. Hopkins,trust officer, Newton TruBt Com-pany, Newton; W. H. Bloor, assis-tant vice-president and trust officer,

.Trenton TruBt Company, Trenton;Jay Knox, assistant truBt officer,First Cauiden National Bank andTruBt Company, Camden.

Paste This In Your CompactHttt mother disliked her.His Bisters tolerated her. 'His brothers couldn't stand her.She was extravagant.She liked other men.But she let.him talk about him-

'self., BO he married her. -r- LondonOpinion.

Here's One WayLittle Mary, who had fallen HI,

begged for a kitten.It was found thit an operation

was necessary tor the child's cur*and that she must go to tbe hospi-tal. Her mother promised that Itshe were very brave she #ould havethe very fluent kitten to be found.

As Mury was recovering from theInfluence of the anesthetic, thenurse heard her muttering: >

"It's a rotten way to g«t a klt-ten,"—U, I1. Magaxlne.

That's Right, Help VftUier"Your son seems to be very

clever. I think he'll make a finecareer for himself." '"

"Yes, I think so. Two years agohe was still wearing my cast off |clothing; now I'm wearing his!"—Ulk, Berlin.

Ulueprtnt lOnkln't Be .PlainerAn Army Junior had a quiz in

science. The question Was: "Definea bolt and a nut and explain the

i difference, If any." The boy wrote:"A bolt la a thins like a stick of

bard metal such as "Iron with asquare bunch on one end and a lotot Bcrathtng wound around theother end. A nut Is similar to abolt only just the opposite,/being ahole In a little chunk of irin sawedoff short with a wrinWes afound the

1" i of the hole.—Exchange.






ETTA KETTIt WUl Be An Expensive Account





ue.T 1R Kto* rwye.aor-ie e o H - - m t v -oorlT

roowtw— MOO UAS ft Kip

"«u« -(tun. ri*V I ^ ,«arw»rn»r

& I

BIG SISTERThe Best Laid Schemes


And We Don* Kwn Women••f^ever could understand. why arellowToulHot be allowed to have

more than on« wile. marrl©d

ing thenwelves.-Patbflnder.

"•iU KS-i «•»»«»• . i



R o semen t; SooStrikes Out

Wins Tennis Title

7y i

The Kords Kleld Club easilyblanked tlif Rosemont nine, or Pal-erson. 10-0, In an nine inning gameplayed ai the • Liberty street field,in Fouls. Sunday afternoon. MickySoo, star pitcher for the winners,struck out 7 men, while till oppo-nent* only retired 2.

The box scorn:Fords Field Hub

AH. It. H.Hrehowgkl, w. .Joe Komer, 1(. ._ _^Johnson, cf. 1Milcnkk. cf. _ . _Gloff, 3b. -Jim Fomer, r tBurke, lb,Rodner, 2b.Srooyak, c.Soo, p.

33 IUPatereon Kmemonta Jui

J l j j l l .Seaman, If ..T. L 2 0AccltU, 2b. _.... 3 0Hopper, 2b., p., ss 4 0De Koyer, p , ss. H 3 0Wltte, c '1 4 0Davis, rf _ ...- 4 0Uunksma, 2b., p., cf 2 0Lucas, cf. _ 2 0LUka.^b. ...1 0Solwecke, p., 3b. 3 0

Keasbey HeldClub OvercomesSeven Run Lead

Althougha sixthird

the Honeer A. C. hadrun lead at thy end of in-

inning, t lit- Keaxbey HeldClub, managed ui come up from \>v-

Hnd defeated the former by ih*of i4-i;:, in an interesting

iall game playitl at the Keus-field, Sunday afternoon.



28 0 iThe summary: Three base hit,

Jim Romur. Two base hits, Rodner,( 2 ) ; Accitta, Joe Homer. Struckout, by Soo, 7; by Solwecke, 2. Httby pitcher. Seaman, 2. Bases onballs, off Soo, 2; off Solwecke-, 3.Umpire, Parelflr, Scorer, Elko.

Bayview TennisTeam Is Victor

Over Avenel Club

I ' . i . f v . , . v i t ' . . , , ' i . ' i ' l i l m u - I i l l -

V t f s l l . , N» ' \ l IM'l f . | - « . i s s l l » | l | H ' < l

M i l h t t l c O«l \<<i<I II' | l l n | l l i s i l l ( < i

to him Hi l'!illn.lcl|ililil «fii r win-ning IIHT n.itioiiiil nitrn .ill<-ninu-t iinlx cluui)p<<>iisliip. Hr iltft-at-wl Jvllus Stfliirson. of I.ililuli, inthe fliuil round.

Home runs by Dreaculla, Reiiiu'hak and Kedeison and three basttius by Si.va. Jacous and Qsltslo,**re the features of tne gatue.

Waish, of j\ea*jjcy, gave a fineinlchin^. exhibition, when be allowedInn thrvt runs and struck out c'nebaiters in six Inning*. Lund, withiin «•*- doubles and a single, lead iheTownship batters. Newmark, #uhmix- doubles, led hi» team.

tin July 4th., the Keanbeyites willi i j i n iu Mlliiuwn, to uirel tin-Milltown A. A.

The box score;Kewbf) r'. C.

All. It.Lund, lb - _... 6 1Suappe, cf „ _. 6Haiva, 3b 5Jacobs, c. -.„ 5Sikorskl, M ~*Dresculla, II, 4Sabo, rf. 4Walsh, 2b:, p. ....... &

p., 2b. ..„..„ 4

Sords Pointr

Blair, Rajah's Sacceuor, Better IjeMer


Pioneer A. V.42 14 IT

Reforestation -Helps

Oslislo, ss _Cooper, cf.Pucci, r(.Keznlchak, c.

Protect Trottt Brooks Newark', 3b. Z Z Z- , . |Gleuson, It.

An outstanding example ot the I Hank, p: ——value of reforestation to to be found Pancoy, 2b.in Bergen County * where forested I Kovacs, rf. _areas along the watfDished ot the[Hackeneack Water Cqutpany havebeen developed as a mfans of sani-tary control. Pine groves planted

AB. R. H.5 35

41 13The score by innings:

Pioneers 3 0 ? 0 2 0 0 1 0—13twelvejyears ago are "rapidly" taking Keasbey _ ISO 4 1 1 0 4 x—14shape to affoid protection from! The summary: Home runB, Dres-erosion and contamination, reports'culla, Resnichak, Kederson. Threethe New Jersey Public Utility In-j base hits, Salva, Jacob*, OslUio.[oimatlon Committee. ,*r " Two base hits, Lund, ( 3 ) ; New-

Better drainage has removed stag-1 mark, (3) . Struck out, by Feder-nant water and swampy spots where!sou, 0; by Wulsh, 9; by Hank, 7.mosquitoes breed, aud heavy rain-'Bases on balls, of Federson, 2; off

The Avenel Tennis Club wentSown in defeat to the Bayview team,Saturday afternoon, when they lastsix matches and won one by forfeit,at the Bayview grounds in Perth . , . . . . . _ .Amboy. THe sets were the first falls have been absorbed slowly iu-1 Walsh,played by the Avenel team In the stead of being permitted to wash j"Butch"

0; offSabzo.

Middlesex County Tennis tourney.The results were as follows:Brown defeated Earl

7-5, 7-6 and 6-8.DelU defeated Irving

and <-l.

Hank, 2. Scorer,Umpire, Mulvaney.

away the mil. Water-is clearer andcolder because it does not come Into

Pomeroy,'contact with sun-baked earth In•• summer when the ground is pro-

Baker, 6-0,1 tected by forests. And only in' shaded . areas are found the cool I

Balllnger defeatedwalte, 6-1 and 6-3.

Ernst defeated L. Pomeroy, 6-3and 6-3.

The fifth singles won by Avenelby default.

Delta and Ballinger defeatedEarl Pomeroy and Irving Baker,6-2 aad 6-2.

Moore and Ernst defeated L.Pomeroy and Falkenstern, 6-2, 7-5and 6-3.

On Saturday, July 12th., the

G. A. Braith-1 clear streams In which trout thrive

Single in NinthScores Two and


The Young Hawks, of Keasbey,!were blanked by the American In-,di.ins, formerly the Rubies, 6-0, in'a uine inning g^me played at PerthAmboy recently,

The story.Young Hawks

' For Sandy Hook, N. J. Time,Mertdan 7 5 W Flgurts In licavy-face typ.' indicate 1". M. «!***»•Heights arc reckoned from meantow water, as determined by Bound-i n g of the V S. Coast &Curvet


Sat.JulyPun./JulyMon.JulyTues.JulvW«dJulyT h u rfJulvKri.July









..". 3*594:»S4:64.V2>5:<66:09

... 6:346:54

](i 7:**K:OJ

11 H:16

Ht4.55,04.3B.O4. 1l i t4.15.1


10:0710:131f:Ol11:0111:5211:51 '





Emeralds TooStrong for theWoodbridge A. A.


IN DEER HUNTFord* Rod and Gun Club

Memben Find SeveralDter Near Delaware Gap.

Dig trout, and not the flnh HI,,IVkind, were caught by the Fords i:,,|

„ _ and Gun Club, during their flS|l|llL"• • tr ip over the week-end, at the ,.,•,,.,0 ^ camp, In the Worthlngton KHI;,i.

near the Delaware Water Q«p., "Pop" Rodner acted as chef. ;,,„,.the angleri heartily endorsed .^1 meals. According to Ben J.TIV,.,,.one of the fishermen, there iV.,,^amusing Incidents and habpenlntI One member of the party m.ani.,|after trout and discovered stM,;,,deer. It almost ended up in a lnnn.

ilng trip.I Amonn those who went on i|M.•trip, were: T. W. Llddle, C. J. Ma,..iLean, Charles Dlxon, Harry Burl.hardt; Edward Mlljcc, Joe V.ntn-Raymond Mundy. Ben Jensen, ••(>(,,,:

Kodner, Louis Klrsh, Cliffordham and Wlllard Dunham.

WoodbrldKi- A. A. bowed In de-feat before the Emeralds, of llrook-lyn, N. Y . to the tune or 11 to 4.in a hard [tmcht baseball isame »tthe Woodbridce diamond on droveav*nne. Sunday afternoon.

Kafton and Bartlsh, the localpitchers, struck out 11 men betweenthem. Oeschner, who was on themound for the winnerB. retired fourbatter* by the strike-out route.

The box scores:Brooklyn Rmemlils

AB. 11. H.Ollvxarl, 2b 6 1 1

5 05 2

Zimmer, ss. „ ••• 5 2CheBlak. rf ::: S5 2

iKoek. ,8li. .......... ~ - •• 2


"Ben Orr" WinsOpen Handicap

in Whippet Race

Schang, c —•Oeachifef,-*. —.

3.... 4

By JACK SORDSOntrai Pre<» Sports Cart<¥mlsl-Wrtter

ray of hope in the darkness cast In the Chicago Cubs campby the j&kle injury to the club> greatest star, Rogers Hornsby,

is a Btrapjpjni. yount fellow from Texas, one Clarence Vick Blair.In Blair, Manager Joe McCarthy has uncovered and is developing

a One aecttid baseman who actually is playing belter ball in theHeld than the great Rajah was In the weeks preceding his injury.

Blair is faster steadier and Is fielding better than Hornsby did.His one weakness in comparing him with Hornsby is his stlckwork.He may never attain the hitting laurels of his mightyrpredecesBorbecause tueh men as Hornsby come once In a decade if then.

Huwerer', by developing tjltUnfi power at other points in the line-up, the Cifta are able to present their strong front which has en-abled them to stand the gatf of the terrific battle going on for thele^eue iStgteshlp.

Is BlBr, toe Cubs have a find. Make -no mistake on that score.Call it lucKy, a canny choice, baseball sense or what you will, butJoe McCarthy seems to hare found the one man in Blair who canplay second brilliantly enough to make the fans forget such a titanas Rogers Hornsby.

IWoodbridge A. A.

41 11 12

D. Gertty, 3b. —Keating, rf _B. Gerlty, rfSand beck, IfJacobs, cf.Mestck, 2b., SB. —Mullen, lb.

iMofftt, S3 *...-..Pocheclc, 8b.IHeenan, c ._| Kafton\ P.iBarUeh, p ,;E. Geptty, ri. —

AB. H. H.1

ita33 4

The Campbell lads remained inOn Saturday, July l l tn . , me rue (jampocu taus remamea in, virgllla 3b «Avenel team will meet the Sewaren^he win columns, when they defeat- j o u u k o '»» "

ami ; AB.R.H.U . I • . r 1 i • • •

Win* !^"«" :~==- ;= ! '• ! , N i c k y Langan to Fords AviahonTflUSiKluj. 3b, p 4 0 0 /v » | I I I T I /-il 1 \1 1 1<1

i 3 i {) Natural Wayi tlub Needs U!

Wagenhoffer, ss.Barlha, c.

Tennis Club, inIn the league.

their second gameed the Providence



League, last Saturday afternoonthe tune .of 7 to ©,,'

The story as told:W. R. Mook, Jr., of Metjichen,

won from Barren McNulty, of Se-waren, 6 to 0 and 6 to 4. |

H. Sartore, of Metuchen. 'defeatedJulian Grow, ot Sewaren, 6 to 2 and6 to


A. A., by theclose score of 4-3, in an uphilleleven inning game played at theSteel Equipment Uiauio^d, Sundayafternoon. :,. .. The game « M remarkable for Uslack of erronj/-"Trill's" boys didn'tmake any, white the visitors ac-counted for nAe, Boll) teams scored

~ sUnsa, with theNo

sev-enth Inning,-. w«en the Avenel co-

Itlngent tied the score. The gamewas then-va deadlock until theeleventh ^ujfog, W,b«ft Mlzerak,the Gamand bitwith, another.single.

Smith, 2b.Klug. rf.Dominick, 2b,

G o l f C o u r s e ! More MembersTwenty-four members is the aim

American Indians32 0 4

cf. .;.„AB. R. U.

4 2g e n g | ^b. .Guidlah, 3b. ._Utka, c.



•— 4


-._ 3

A miniature golf course,rather what Nicky Langan calls his of l i e newly organized FordB Avia-Natural Way flplt course, Which Is 'tion Club, accord.inB to Matthewlocated at the ''corner of Campbell B»Hnt- president ot the organiia-street and Amsoy avenue, opposite'; Movi The dub to date, has 12 mem-

- Trautwelu's garage, will be opened > r s and eaeb member is to bring afor the first time, tomorrow. <candidate for membership at the

Nick has constructed an 18 h o l e ! n e ^ meeting to be held a week from1 course with all tbe natural obstacles tonight.

, l and traps. ' His has even constructed I All tl1 - a brook cemejBtlng it in tbe same * M


The score by innings: *Emeralds ._..... 2 1 3 0 4 00 10—11Woodbridge 1 01 0 0 0 2 0 0—4

The summary: Three base hit.Zimmer. Two base hits, D. GerltyJacobs, Ollvxari, Cheslak. Struckout, by Kafton, 4; Bartish, 7;Oeachner, 4. Bases on balls, offKafton, 1; Bartlsh, 8; Oeschner, 1.Hit by pitcher, Koch. Umpires,Van Pelt and Keating.

Sharkey andSchmeling to

Fight Sept. 25

Sullivan followedadvancing the 32 6 9

runner. Baluck hit a grounder, and j I i w l vj* 'Dll1.A,,ah h*. araa >t\iW nut tha n.tHftr *n0-•*»B

Tbe score by In Dings:0 5 0 0

4 and «'•.„_H. Potter, of Metuchen, won from

David Boynton, ot Sewaren, 6 to 4and « to 0.

P. K. Mook, of Metuchen, beatMerrill Mosner, of Sewaren, 6 to 1and 6 to I. I

D. G. Mook and W. R. Moot. Jr..of Meuucben, won over McNulty andWiswaU, of Sewaren, 6 to V and6 to I.

0 I manner1, as h* cemented tbe brook1 ;ln the first section of, the Wood-0; bridge Park. The sand traps and

the rough all nelp to make it a truenaturil way golf course, and the

- -^'- ' • in thee to get real practice

the boys who Join the clubbe glren a thorough ground

course by Mr. Balint, who Is a li-censed pilot and wlw has several

experience. After the mem-

"lien Orr" whippet dog owned w.Robertson, was the winner of I|Iflrnt open handicap for 1930 WtSunday, und#r the auspices of tin

1 Fairway Whippet Club, of Avi-n>i,2 Other prlie winners were "Sllin .3 \ owned by Jack Partdd*ei_!^.Whii\2 Next"; owned by Charles Flynn atnl1 ,"Orme", owned b y Daniel Loekctv0 i The puppy race was won by Wii-

Ham Voelker's "Snookums", with"Satin Fnlsh", "Way Ahead", ana"All Gold", coming In second, thirdand fourth.

There were eight heats In Hi,;big race, the two Winners In each

2 Uace having a chance to run in th.-four semi-finals. Tbe winners"of"TMsemi-finals ran In tbe finals.

.The first and second winners ineach heat were as follows; firstheat: "Flash", owned by Miss Tar-trldge and James Adams' "Rattle".;second beat: Jack Partridge"Slhn" and Jullen Semon's "Rich-mond Queen"; third heat: WilliamYates' "Pansy"" a n t Thomas r,.Watts' "Midnight"; fourth heat:Robertson's "Bend Or" and JohnInglis' "Bonnie Laddie"; fifth hf^t:

- F e l i x McDonald's "Lady Blaney'8 and James Adams' "Try Me"; sixth

heat: Charles Flynn's "Who's Ne\t"and Thomas G. Watts' "Hyln;Ruth"; seventh heat, John Incli'1

"Bonnie Doon" and Dan Lake's"Sanford Bam"; eighth heat: Dun-lei Lockee's "Orme" and C. S. ,

iBrawner's "Big Boy",I The winners of the semi-finalsjwere: Slim, Ben Orr, Who'ii Nostand Orme.

I William P. Campbell. Jam.?iO'Hagen and Charles Kenney, acMas judges. Jfohn Inglis was the lian-

'dlcapper. The prises were: a si|-'ver^up, presented to tbe own>r otiBenurr, by Mayor William A. H>«"'and a purse of 1100 In gold whichwas awarded to .the wieners In • ^iclass.

The cortwnlttee- In charge of "•'races was: Thomas Lqckie, John

Jr., Daniel Lofkio. Jr, Kr'd

Ing gamestntrof t

Potter apd I Sartore. of M e t u e h e n , ! ^ ' " ' '•ffifeated Oro* and Mosher, ot Se, "«* l ! l e ' . , 1 Wdefeated


.,4 and 6 to 0.

* 1st V'AA

The American soldiers are ac-cused of Introducing potato bugs in'to France. "If we took potato bugsover there," write* a veteran, "Kwas a bad trade.'—New York Post.

Stophin, the hero.of the game, thencame to bat with two men out. Twoballs and two strikes were caliedvon-the batter. Tbe next ball, however,was Bent out to seoond base for aclean single, bringing both Mlserakand Sullivan home tor the winningruns.

The boy scores:Vim. P. ttaiflbeli Aasodatkm

v- AB. R. H.- . 5 0 2



Play Golfoik Nick Langan'*


Golf CourseJ

sW4 Amboy AvonwO«rafe

25 feats for 18 HOIM

Petras,Hictbothent; HCrowley, cf, |Barna, 3b. 4.

If. ?!0. —

Kara. p.

PV6*tte*«> A. A.39 4 9

AB. R. H.Vox, 2b. ,.„McOetken,Muldoon,Barti, cf.Olyski, If.Stock a.Regal,Zamer, c. ..Hovan, u.

The acore by InningsCampbells .,„ « A Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2—4Providence "... 0 I 0 0 0 0 » 0 0 0 1—3

The summary: Two base hits,Zamter. Tbjree ba»e hits, Sullivan.Hits, o« Kara. »; ott ^ovan, J.Kirst base on errOra, Baluck. Sacri-fice hita, Baina, BUckle. Hit bypitcher, Kara, »; Hovan, 1. Struckout. by Kara, 4; by Hovan, • 8.Stolen basfti, Mlser»k, Barti, Zsrmier. Bafw on ballf, off |Ura, S;oc Hovan, i,' ; st

"I feelalong ond*r.lT

''Onlycan you

"I takeMedley.


t«« new* of sleep a

rest night." —

Juive'inucb snow this 4 baby has

Oh Ob!Shocked Old Lady—And on the

way up here we passed about twen-ty-five people in parked cars.

Young Hostess—Ob, I'm sure/ou're mistaken. It m u s t ^ b mbeen an even number.—OoMln. •

It'll. GO'BlKfcHe—Your lipstick is coming off.She—No, it isn't.He^-It is.Sher-I'm sure it isn't.He—Listen. Any time 1 get as

close as this to a girl her lipstick iscoming off!—Punch.

Iff Sport"It is being whispered around

that you and your husband are notgetting on well together."

"Nonsense. We did have somewords and I shot him, but that'sas far as It ever went."—Pathfinder.

the same

"Did you

"A fair amount, but my neighbor cries, and puts bis foot In his ntouth.

"HIJW could he have more?""He has mcfc« land than I have.Arcanum Bullet In. , '

' — I Horace dreeley xmce' said hefMiirtoricl ; didn't believe In gnoBta, but was

It has beeV discovered that this afraid of them. And many, of ourcontinent has been inhabited for an- leading politicians feel that wayproximately 39,000 years, which ex- about prohibition. — Louisvilleplains some o£ the vehicles one sees 'Times.In the uaed ear lota. — San Diego jUaloj). ' Re*d The Leader

Jack Slferkey, Boston sallorman, Shepard, George NelsW, I'11'3

signed articles yesterday through hlK;gUKneg a n j fom Cannan.manager, Johnny Buckley, for a, Officers ot tbe Fairway Whi)>p>'fifteen-round return engagement club, are: Charles FJyttn, president;.with Max Schmeling, ,heavy-weight William Yates, vice-president; lvd

they may with tfre con- •* N e * Y o r k > s « P t e m D e r 2^th. Innolal and recording treasurer Mtheir partnts, take flights j The BoBton gladiator, who lost: John Inglla, haadicapper. .

hU bid for the championship > on a ~ ' •foul to Schmeling in tour rounds, Give Tk)si Bay • Big VawJune 12, agreed to take 12 perl. "You didn't roll your own •--

Check! 1 ! « « . the challenger's share of the reUe* before. Why do you <•• ••'->pune. He also,agreed to purchase .now?"Sehmellng'i freedom from Arthur 1 "Because the doctor told

has fjjur ways of «elf-ejoHe urughs, he eoqa, he. presaion.

1 p*ts F-Adults make use of

' methods.—yoledo Blade.

1 \. Bightdreeley once'


CloselySlicem—Are you going to

,.„-_ on that broker right away?Dr. Qouger—No, I'm going to

hold him till the market rise* again.—Pathfinder, , ,

i B A t ' O d * Again :"«ey! chle/,. there's a big leak in

about it.""Well, dam It. " Don't bother me,

No. U levee.""Aw, this no time for cussin',

chief; what ihaU I do!" — Blackand Blue Jay. .

K sent alcoholisally fveraub-scrtUd wander Into a movM. Dur-Uig. th«^ Intermission, «Ule the au-i l was being bored with an-

te o< future films, thegot io hta t»et and <»ll out;

there a doctor in the house?

Buetow, deposed manager, out of his1 needed a little ex#rctoe." " v "own share of the proceeds. Humor. • < . '

Although Schniellng now 'tis _ * » c >aboard ship for Germany, his mfin- Bat MO, If a Funager of choice, Joe Jacob*, probably', "Why don't you use both h-m

1 will sign articles for him within a yelled the top at the auto »»<.tew days. ipast him.

I 'I'm afraid to let RO of

MEIROSE HITS THE !wheel caIle4 Uck the Mari


wheel," calledExchange.


io, do^r, heaiU, aidI—Chkaio Weekly Htm.

The Hope lawn Fire Cumpany, washopelessly beaten by the Melrose A.A,, of South Amboy, 8 to 3, last

[Sunday afternoon. Urbanski wabI on the mound fur the tln-hiUitt is,but the batter*, ou Hit uupoHlnj; MIIIIhit when hits iumnt runs.

The box SCOIVH:M«)ruMv A. A.

II Albany, c,

Buiio, lb.' .Ityau, 2 b. .Dill. cf. .....

P. -ir. ..

I'uvtowski,Kodh, If. ..


All. It. H,. . . 4 1 i

2 1



T, Sabo, cf•M'rbaiiskl. ii :' 1' Kamlnskl, an. ..tirtzuers, 3b.i SabQ. c -S. Kamluakl, If.Hettiger, lb .lloai, 2b.A. K.ani|nskl, rf.K&mltk, rf ,

35 s r,;,I'lre Co.

AB. It. H.5 1 . 2

., 3 0 U

Qai laOtKuiSi Winner of the Fulrmoutit D«rby and wennd Inthe KenWcty and American Derbies, bad little dlfnculty capturingtbe Latoftla classic at LatouU, Ky. Photo shown Gallant Knight,wUb Jockey Scbutte up, followiog the race.


,. 44

- V. 4... 1

. '41




let a can-Anener slip« i t hAiJ(l severely


f exercise andkesJthful recreationwill ketp Jon physi-cally and mentally"on T « V toe»"

BAWLINGis the ideal indoorsport (or men andand women oi all ages



