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Graduate Admissions Quick Reference Guide 04202011€¦ · Graduate Admissions Quick Reference...

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Version 2.0 Page 1 ImageNow Graduate Admissions Quick Reference Guide Note: This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to cover all aspects of the ImageNow system but rather to highlight those functions and features used on a day to day basis within the Graduate Admissions office. Support Contacts Daniel Bedard, PMP Project Manager Administrative Systems Integration ( ASI) Olsen 100 P: (978) 934-2718 (North) 4227 (South) [email protected] Barbara Dougherty GA ImageNow Specialist Graduate Admissions Dugan Hall 110 P (987) 934 4227 (South) [email protected]

Version 2.0 Page 1


Graduate Admissions

Quick Reference Guide

Note: This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to cover all aspects of the ImageNow system but

rather to highlight those functions and features used on a day to day basis within the Graduate

Admissions office.

Support Contacts

Daniel Bedard, PMP

Project Manager

Administrative Systems Integration ( ASI)

Olsen 100

P: (978) 934-2718 (North) 4227 (South)

[email protected]

Barbara Dougherty

GA ImageNow Specialist

Graduate Admissions

Dugan Hall 110

P (987) 934 4227 (South)

[email protected]

Version 2.0

1. Overview Of ImageNow process for

ImageNow is being implemented in Graduate Admissions for the purposes

application process and eliminating the need for all applications and associated documents to

be printed and physically stored. Capturing and storing documents electronically will greatly

improve the efficiency with which documents and applications are located, viewed and

channeled through the Admissions process.

As Graduate Admissions office members,

each of which represents a different

depicts the seven distinct processes

DocumentScanning &


•Hard-Copy documents are scanned using the desk

•Electronic documents are captured using the ImageNow Virtual printer

•Web Applications are automatically captured and brought into ImageNow nightly

Document QA

•Scanned documents are reviewed for readability and scanning quality and either flagged as OK or Rescanned and manipulated usiVirtual Re-Scan program tools


•Documents are linked to PeopleSoft Student Records via Name or Student ID

•Documents recieved prior to the Application are linked to the Pre

Documents FinalEvaluation

•Evaluators Double-check the Quality Assurance and ensure proper and accurate linking.

•Once Quality and Accuracy are approved, the Evaluator routes the document and application to the appropriate program queue foreview.

Profile SheetsEvaluation

•Profile Sheets are checked for completelness and proper linking

•Once the Profile Sheet is approved by the Evaluator, it is routed forward into the appropriate program queue.



•Applications QA'd and approved by Graduate Admissions will reside in the GPD queues until such time as the Coordinators haveand signed the Application.

Post ReviewEvaluator

•Applications that have been decided upon by the GPD/Coordinator are routed back to this queue for final processing by the Pos

•Post-Review Evaluators will update Peoplesoft Decission Codes and route the application forward to the Document Imaging Reposito


•In cases of deferment or other changes made after the time of document scanning, it may become necessary to "recapture data that has been updated in ISIS

Of ImageNow process for Graduate Admissions

ImageNow is being implemented in Graduate Admissions for the purposes of autom

eliminating the need for all applications and associated documents to

be printed and physically stored. Capturing and storing documents electronically will greatly

improve the efficiency with which documents and applications are located, viewed and

led through the Admissions process.

Admissions office members, you will have access to various directories or queues

each of which represents a different point in the admissions process. The diagram below

seven distinct processes through which applications will be routed.

Copy documents are scanned using the desk-top scanners Scanned

Electronic documents are captured using the ImageNow Virtual printer

Web Applications are automatically captured and brought into ImageNow nightly

Scanned documents are reviewed for readability and scanning quality and either flagged as OK or Rescanned and manipulated usi

Documents are linked to PeopleSoft Student Records via Name or Student ID

Documents recieved prior to the Application are linked to the Pre-App directory to await the Application.

check the Quality Assurance and ensure proper and accurate linking.

Once Quality and Accuracy are approved, the Evaluator routes the document and application to the appropriate program queue fo

Profile Sheets are checked for completelness and proper linking

Once the Profile Sheet is approved by the Evaluator, it is routed forward into the appropriate program queue.

Applications QA'd and approved by Graduate Admissions will reside in the GPD queues until such time as the Coordinators have

Applications that have been decided upon by the GPD/Coordinator are routed back to this queue for final processing by the Pos

Review Evaluators will update Peoplesoft Decission Codes and route the application forward to the Document Imaging Reposito

In cases of deferment or other changes made after the time of document scanning, it may become necessary to "re

Page 2

automating the

eliminating the need for all applications and associated documents to

be printed and physically stored. Capturing and storing documents electronically will greatly

improve the efficiency with which documents and applications are located, viewed and

various directories or queues

process. The diagram below

hrough which applications will be routed.

Scanned documents are reviewed for readability and scanning quality and either flagged as OK or Rescanned and manipulated using ImageNow's

Once Quality and Accuracy are approved, the Evaluator routes the document and application to the appropriate program queue for Coordinator

Applications QA'd and approved by Graduate Admissions will reside in the GPD queues until such time as the Coordinators have made thier deciession

Applications that have been decided upon by the GPD/Coordinator are routed back to this queue for final processing by the Post-Review Evaluator.

Review Evaluators will update Peoplesoft Decission Codes and route the application forward to the Document Imaging Repository for archiving.

In cases of deferment or other changes made after the time of document scanning, it may become necessary to "re-link" the document in order to

Version 2.0 Page 3

Document Scanning & Capture is the first step in the Admissions process.

ImageNow will allow you to electronically import applications/documents

received electronically (UML Web page, email, fax, etc) as well as to scan

documents received in hard copy. Once documents are “captured” they may

be linked to the applicant’s PeopleSoft record and sent to the various Graduate

Program Directors (GPDs) for decision.

The Ready for QA queue is the first stop for documents that have been

manually scanned into the system. From this queue, users will review each

scanned document and using a series of ImageNow tools, tweak the image to

ensure its readability before sending it forward in the process.

The Ready for Linking is the first stop for documents received electronically

via the Web and the second stop for manually scanned documents that have

been QA’d. From this queue, ImageNow documents will be associated

(linked) to the applicant’s PeopleSoft record thus ensuring that all related

documents are assigned the same Student ID.

The Evaluator queue is the third stop for manually scanned documents and the

second stop for electronically received documents. There are actually three

different Evaluator queues each of which will contain documents that have

been QA’d and Linked. Documents are sorted into these three Evaluator

queues using the first letter of the last name as follows:

A – F routed to Evaluator 1 queue

G – M routed to Evaluator 2 queue

N – Z routed to Evaluator 3 queue

This stop In the process is intended as a final review of the QA and Linking

efforts. It is here that evaluators will also check to see if there are any

documents in the Pre-Application queue which should be linked to an


The Profile Evaluator queue is the queue in which all Profile Sheets generated by

the PeopleSoft application will appear. From this queue, evaluators will ensure

that the profile Sheet is accurate and will then send it forward in the process.

Routing the Profile Sheet forward in the process will move the student

application and related documents into the appropriate GPD’s Ready for Review

queue so that he/she may review them and make the application decision.






& Capture

Version 2.0 Page 4

The GPD Queues are the queues to which documents are routed when the

Profile Evaluator routes the Profile Sheet forward in the process. Each GPD has

been set up with two separate queues for each of the Plan/SubPlans for which

he/she is responsible. These queues are as follows:

UMLGA Applied & Processing Queues: Queues appended with” ( UMLGA Applied & Processing)”

are used to store the Applications as they are received. Applications remain in this directory

until such time that all of the required documents which make up a complete Application are

relieved and a Profile Sheet is created. The purpose of the Applied and Processing queues is to

allow the GPDs to act on applications even before the complete application packet is received.

UMLGA Ready for Review Queues: Once all of the documents required to complete an

Application are received and a Profile Sheet routed forward, the Application will be moved to

the “UMLGA Ready for Review” queue. It is from this queue that GPDs will approve/deny

applications and return them to the Graduate Admissions office for final processing.

Example: The documents of a student applying to the Masters of Business

Administration plan with a concentration in Accounting would be stored in a queue

(directory) named “BusAd MBA-Accounting (UMLGA Applied and Processing) until the

profile Sheet is created at which time they would be moved to a queue named “BusAd

MBA-Accounting (UMLGA Ready for Review).

The Post Review Evaluator Queue is the last stop in the process prior to the

documents being archived in the Document Repository. It is to this queue that

applications with decisions will be sent once the GPD has routed them back to

the Graduate Admissions office.

The Re-Linking process is actually an Exception Processing step that may become

necessary in the event that information relating to a student’s application

cahnegs in the ISIS system and those changes need to be carried over to the

documents within ImageNow.





Version 2.0 Page 5

2. Logging in to ImageNow

2.1 Double-click the ImageNow icon on your desktop

The following screen will appear

2.2 Select the correct database by clicking on the Connection Profile tab.

A window listing the available options will appear. For day to day operations, the

Production Profile should be selected. The Test Profile should only be selected during test

exercises and when instructed by your department’s ImageNow administrator.

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2.3 Enter your User Name and Password:

User Name: When connecting to the Production database, the User Names have been

set to be the same as your UML Email User Name. When connecting to the Test

database, the User Name is the same as your Email User Name with a reversed domain


User Name Example: [email protected]

Test User Name: [email protected]

Password: When connecting to the Production database, the passwords have been set to

be the same as that for your Email password. When connecting to the Test database, the

password has been set to “UmsMMDDYYYY” where the date is equal to the user birth


Password Example: Chester2

Test user password example: Ums04121930


Test: Be certain to

reverse domain name

to lmu.edu


Testers: Be certain to

use upper case U and

lower case ms

Version 2.0 Page 7

3. The Screens of ImageNow

There are three basic screens with which you should become familiar; The ImageNow Toolbar,

the ImageNow Explorer and the ImageNow viewer.

3.1 The ImageNow Toolbar

The ImageNow toolbar and links provide access to all ImageNow functions. The buttons shown

below may change depending on your security privileges.

Connect: Click on this command (or press Ctrl C) to disconnect or Exit from the ImageNow

application. This method of disconnecting from the application is preferable to

using the

Settings: Click this command (or press Ctrl S) to display a menu of options relating to the

personalized set up of your dashboard. Your dashboard has been pre-configured

by your department manager. This Quick reference Guide does not detail this

level of setting. For details on the setting options refer to the ImageNow manual.

Help: Click this option (or press Ctrl H) to access the ImageNow help screens. Refer to

the ImageNow manual for details regarding the Help features.

Tool Name & Menu Options & Definition Descriptions

Applications- Short for Application Plans –Each plan contains key information thatallows ImageNow to recognize thatexternal program. (i.e. ISIS).

Clicking the Application button will bring up the ImageNow Explorer.

ISIS Custom Page: - The default plan that you will use when scanningall documents other than the Personal Disclosure Documents.

ISIS GA Custom Page Lockbox: - The profile you will select whenscanning the Personal Disclosure documents

ISIS URL:https://inside.umassadmin.net/ISIS/ISISLaunch/AppLaunchISIS.asp

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Batches – Refers to the groupings ofdocuments that have previously beenscanned/captured and are in variousstages of the Grad Admissions process.

Clicking the Batches button will bring up the ImageNow Explorer.

All Batches: - Selecting All Batches will display all of the groups ofdocuments that have been scanned regardless of their stage in theGraduate Admissions process.

Ready for QA: - Selecting the Ready for QA batches, will display onlythose groups of documents that have been scanned but not yetreviewed for readability.

Ready for Linking: - Selecting the Ready for Linking batches willdisplay those groups of documents that have been scanned andQA’d but have not yet been linked to a student file in PeopleSoft/ISIS

Ready for DC Verify: - This is not used by UML grad Admissions atthis time.

Documents: - Refers to the pages thathave been scanned into ImageNow. Thedrop down lists the directories in whichyou can search given your systemssecurity settings.

Clicking the Documents button will bring up the ImageNow Explorerwhere you can search for graduate Admissions documents.

Graduate Admissions Lockbox UML: - Selecting this option will limityour search to those documents that have been stored in theUMLGA Lockbox. (e.g. Personal Disclosure Documents)

Graduate Admissions UML: - Selecting this option will allow you tosearch for all Graduate Admissions documents except for thosestored in the UML Lockbox. You will note that additional filtersfurther narrowing the search to documents in either the Applied andProcessing or Ready for Review queues have been added to the viewpane.

My Recycled Documents: - Selecting this option will allow you tosearch for documents that have been sent to your Recycle Bin.

Workflow: - Refers to the different stagesthat scanned documents will travel. Thereis only one workflow for UML GraduateAdmissions as defined in the Overviewsection.

Clicking the Workflow button will bring up the ImageNow Explorerwith all of the UML Grad Admissions queues listed in the Viewspane. All.

UML Grad Admissions: - This is the only workflow that you canaccess. All UMLGA documents will be stored In one of these queues.

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Capture: - Refers to the act of gettingdocuments into ImageNow. CaptureProfiles are the predefined settings thatyou will use when scanning documents.

Clicking the Capture button will start the ImageNow scanningprocess.

UML GA Batch Capture Profile: - This is the default Capture Profile.Use this profile when scanning more than one document ordocuments for more than a single student.

UML GA Single Capture Profile: - Use this profile when scanning asingle document for a single student. This profile will allow you toLink the document to a student as you are scanning rather thandoing so in a separate function at a separate time.

Clicking the Help button will open a web-browser where you cansearch for help on a variety of ImageNow topics.

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3.2 ImageNow Explorer

The Explorer windows display document information in grids. A grid, in turn, displays a list of

documents filtered based on the type of grid you select. In ImageNow Explorer, depending on

your security privileges, you can view all of the ImageNow grids, including application plans,

batches, documents and workflow queues. Each row in the grid represents a document that

resides in ImageNow or is in an intermediate status such as QA or Linking. You can view the

document or perform actions on it by double-clicking its row. You can use the toolbar buttons

to open, email, print, add notes to, refresh, delete, or display the properties of the selected


In the Views pane, you can switch between following types of grids:

Application Plans view displays the documents that are linked to records in the ISIS application.

Batches view displays the groups of documents that are ready for QA or Linking. The Ready for

QA batch are those documents needing quality Assurance review while the Ready for Linking

batch are those documents that need to be linked to ISIS records.

Documents view displays a search screen that allows you to search for a particular set of

documents. Here you can search by Student Name, Student ID, Graduate Plan, etc.

Workflow view will display a list of directories or queues representing each of the Graduate

Plans and Sub-plans. Note the “applied and Processing” and ready for Review” queues as

mentioned in the Overview>GPD Queues section

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3.3 ImageNow Viewer

The ImageNow Viewer enables you to see the content of your documents. The viewer appears

when you double-click a document in the ImageNow Explorer window. The Page pane displays a

resizable view of the document you opened. In addition to displaying the document, the

ImageNow Viewers can also display information about the document in the following panes

which you can select to appear by checking them off in the View menu:










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The Actions Pane lists the tasks you can perform on the selected document.

Action name Clicking the Button Lests you

Display the next document in the batch replacingthat which is currently displayed.

Move the currently displayed document to thenext stop (queue) in the in the process flow

Flag the currently displayed document as “OnHold” and replaces it with the next document inthe batch

Flag the currently displayed document as“Pending” and replaces it with the next documentin the batch

Display a window containing the different stops orqueues this document has been through listing foreach queue the user ID of the person whoprocessed the document thus far.

Display a window listing all of the documentsrouted, to where they were router, and by whomthey were routed.

Email the currently displayed document. Notethat the recipient must have the ImageNow clientloaded on his/her system in order to view thedocument. Emailing of documents is discouragedfor security reasons.

Print the currently displayed document to yourlocal printer. Printing of documents is discourageddue to security reasons.

Search for and send the currently displayeddocment to another ImageNow user.

Start version control allowing more that oneperson to simultaneously view and annotatedocuments. When each viewer saves thedocument, the annotations will be consolodated.

• In the Properties Pane, you can display and update the document keys (Student name, ID

Term, etc.) and custom properties that describe and define the document. You can also add a

note to the document or update an existing note.

• In the Related Documents Pane, a listing of all documents linked to that student ID will

appear. Double-clicking on any document will open a new viewer with the document will be


Note You can open a maximum of nine document viewers and project viewers (combined) at

one time

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3.4 ImageNow Annotation Tools

ImageNow allows you to annotate documents in a variety of forms. Remember that once

annotations are made and saved, they are viewable by other committee memebers reviewing

the documents. The ToolBar below lists the availabe Annotation Tools. Those that are Grayed

out are tools that have been disabled according to University Policy.

Tool Name Clicking the button allows you to

Save: Save any annotations you have made to a document. Failureto save before closing a document will result in annotationsbeing lost.

Print: Print the displayed document to your local printer. In order tosafeguard applicant privacy, please be certain to properlydispose of all printed documents after review.

Properties: View the document’s origin, creation date and otherinformation.

Zoom In & Out: Enlarge or decrease the view of the displayed document. EachClick will result in an increased/decreased view.

Rotate Right & Left: Rotate the document view 90° in a clockwise orcounterclockwise direction. As a rule, the Graduate Admissionsteam will properly orient documents during their QA process.

Fit Width & Height: Adjust the width or height of the displayed document equal tothat of the window width or height.

Fit Window: Adjust the document size to that of the window in which it isbeing displayed. In some instances documents may appear in areduced size when first opened.

Show/Hide Display any annotations that have been made to the documentbeing displayed. Click this again to hide these annotations.

Navigate Page: Switch your cursor/pointer to a hand which can be used to grabthe sheet and move it up or down. In general this performs thesame function as the Up and Down arrows alongside thedocument window.

Sticky Note: Apply an electronic sticky note. A text window will appearallowing you to add notations. In cases where previousreviewers have added sticky note notations, you can add to thesame sticky note by double clicking on the note located on thedocument and the system will keep a history of the differentnotations made.

Text: Add text comments directly to the document. Though a textwindow will appear allowing you to type notes, the note willappear directly on the document when OK is clicked.

Highlight: Change your cursor to a highlighter. Once the highlighter is

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visible, move it to the text you wish highlighted, press and holdthe left mouse key and drag the highlighter across the text tobe highlighted. When you release the mouse button, yourcursor will revert to a pointer and the highlight will be in placealong with sizing tabs. Use your mouse pointer to grab thesizing handle and drag it till the desired size is reached. Rightclicking the Highlight button will display a list of availablehighlighting colors.

Check: Change your cursor to a check mark, move the check mark tothe location desired and press the left mouse button to applythe check. The check will appear with sizing tabs. Right clickingthe Check button displays a list of the check colors available.

Pen: Convert your cursor to a pen which will allow you to add freeform annotations to the document. Move the pen to the areadesired, hold down the left mouse button and annotate asdesired. Right clicking the Pen button displays a list of the pencolors available.

Line: Convert your cursor to a line which will allow you to drawstraight lines on the document. Move the line cursor to thearea desired, hold down the left mouse button and annotate asdesired. Right clicking the Line button displays a list of the linecolors available.

Arrow: Convert your cursor to an arrow which will allow you to drawstraight arrows on the document. Move the arrow cursor tothe area desired, hold down the left mouse button andannotate as desired. Right clicking the Arrow button displays alist of the arrow colors available.

Box & Circle: Change your cursor to a box/circle which will allow you to drawboxes/circles around selected text. Move the box cursor to theanchor point desired, press and hold the left mouse button anddrag the cursor to the desired end point. Release the mousebutton and a box/circle will appear. Right clicking theBox/Circle button to see the list of the box colors available.

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4. Document Scanning & Capture

Image Now has been configured toallow several methods of capturing documents.

4.1 Capturing Web Apllications

ImageNow has been interfaced with the UML Web page allowing for Web-Applications to be

automaticlly imported to to ImageNow on a daily basis. Each evening, an automated script

will pick up the applications from the web-site and place them into the Ready forLinking


4.2 Manually Scanning Documents

To manually scan a document follow these simple steps.

4.2.1 Ensure that the document scanner is turned ON.

Inner circle should be lighted green

4.2.2 Load the documents to be scanned Top Down and Face Down into

the batch feeder

Note: You may also scan single documents using the flat bed of the scanner. To do so,

lift the bed cover and place the document face down on the scanning bed.

4.2.3 Select the UMLGA Batch Capture Profile from the Capture Menu on the


The following Windows will appear.

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4.2.4 Click CANCEL to stop the scanning or OK to continue scanning.

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4.3 Capturing Electronic Documents

ImageNow allows you to capture electronic documents such as those received via email without

printing and manual scanning. It does this by utilizing a Virtual Printer called ImageNow Printer.

To capture an electronic document, follow the steps below:

4.3.1 Ensure that you are logged in to ImageNow.

Attempting to print to the ImageNow printer without logging in will result in the

following Error message:

4.3.2 Ensure that you have opened the ISIS Document Imaging Custom Page

Attempting to print to the ImageNow printer without being logged into the ISIS

document Imaging Custom pagewill result in the following Error message:

Documents captured via the ImageNow printer, will be routed to the Ready for QA


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4.3.3 Open the document to be captured using whichever tool is appropriate

(i.g. MS Word, Excel, Notepad, etc)

4.3.4 Print the document to the ImageNow Printer

This printer will appear as an option in the application you are using to view the

document. Click OK to “print” / Capture the document

The following Window will appear along with the Batch Scan in Process window.

4.3.5 Press OK to Continue

Documents that have been manually scanned will be routd to the Ready for QA queue.

Note: The Print

window pictured

here is from MS


Print Windows

vary by


Version 2.0 Page 19

5. Document QA

To ensure the readability of manually scanned documents, ImageNow provides an application

which will allow you to clean up many of the issues that contribute to scanned documents being

illegible. (e.g. watermarks, security backgrounds, discolorization, skewing etc.)

If you recall, as documents are scanned, the first page triggers the VirtualReScan application. It

is this application you will use to QA documents.

5.1 Open your ImageNow Explorer by clicking the Batches icon on the ImageNow


5.2 Select the “Ready for QA” queue by clicking on that queue in the Views pane.

Once selected all of the batches needing to be QA’d will appear in the right pane.

Double-click the

batch whose

documents you wish

to QA

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5.3 Select the batch of documents you wish to QA by double-clicking on the batch.

The ImageNow Viewer will open to display the first of the batch documents.

5.4 Select the appropriate QA action from the left-hand pane.

See descriptin of each available action below.

Batch Processing Actions

Action Name Clicking the Button ……..

Signifies that you deem the document to be readable. Clicking this action willforward the document to the Ready for Linking batch and display the nextdocument to be QA’d.

Signifies that you deem the document to be unreadable and that it must berescanned. Reload the document in the scanner and select this action. Thedocument will be rescanned and the Virtual ReScan (VRS) program will bestarted. See VRS – Cleaning a Document for details.i

Signifies that you deem all documents within that batch as Readable. Selectingthis action will forward all of the documents within this batch t the Ready forLinking queue.

Selecting this action will halt the QA process, mark the batch as Susspendedand return you to the InmageNow Explorer. You may return to QAing thisbatch at any time.

Selecting this action will send the document to the Recycle Bin.

Selecting this action will send the document to the local printer.

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VRS - Cleaning a Document

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6. Document Linking

Once Documents are scanned and QA’d for readability, they must be linked to the appropreate

student record within PeopleSoft. To link an ImageNow document to a PeoplSoft document, you

will utilize a customized PeopleSoft screen which contains all of the information needed to create

the link.

Note: Documents received prior to an Application are linked to a special PreApp queue and

stored there until the Application is entered into PeopleSoft. See Linking PreApp Documents

below for details.

6.1 Access ISIS / PeopleSoft and select Student Admissions>UMass Other>Document


The following screen will display.

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6.2 Open your ImageNow Explorer by selecting the Batches icon from the imageNow


6.3 Select the Ready for Linking queue by clicking on that queue in the Views pane.

Once selected the batches of documents needing to be linked will appear in the right


6.4 Select the batch of documents you wish to Link by double-clicking on the batch.

The ImageNow Viewer will open to display the first of the documents n that batch.

6.5 Go back to the PeopleSoft Customized Page and use any of the search fields to find

the student that matches the document you are looking to Link.

Ensure that the student information displayed in the PeopleSoft Custom page matches

the student information on the document you wish to link.

Double-click the

batch whose

documents you wish

to Link

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6.6 Once you are certin that the student record on the PeopleSoft Page and that of the

document to be linked match, select the “Link this page” action.

Once linked, the student information will appear in the Document Keys section.

6.7 Select the proper Document Type from the drop down Document Type window.

Once you have selected the appropriate Document Type, Save the document by clicking

the Save icon in the upper left toolbar.

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7. Linking Pre-App Documents

Documents that are recieved prior to an Application can still be scanned, QA’d and stored in

(Linked to) a Pre-App directory until a corresponding Application is received.

7.1 If linking a document where no Application exisits in PeopleSoft, select the “UMLGA

Pre-App” Application plan from the drop down in the upper right corner of the

ImageNow viewer.

Note: Each time Applications are scanned or brought into ImageNow, the system attempts to

match them against the documents stored in the pre-App directory.

If the system finds a potential match, it will move the pre-app document to the “Pre-App

Match” directory for user confirmation of the match.

If the system does not find a potential match, the documents are left in the “Pre-App”


Version 2.0 Page 26

8. Evaluator

Once documents are Scanned, QA’d and Linked, the system provides one final Evaluation to

ensure that the previous steps were properly performed. This process is refered to as the

Evaluator process.

Once Documents are linked they will be routed to one of three Evaluator queues depending on

the first letter of the applicants Last name.

A – F routed to Evaluator 1 queue

G – M routed to Evaluator 2 queue

N – Z routed to Evaluator 3 queue

8.1 Select the desired Evaluator queue by double-clicking the name in the Views pane.

If there are documents awaiting final evaluation, they will appear in the right-hand pane.

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8.2 Double-click on the first of the document to be evaluated

The document will open in the ImageNow viewer. Check for the following:

Document is legible

Document is properly linked

Document is properly titled

Document is properly routed.

8.3 Select the proper Action from the Action-(Workflow or Document) pane.

Workflow Actions Clicking the button allows you to

View next item Skip the currently displayed document and view the next document in theEvaluator queue.

Route Forward Send this document in its current state to the appropriate Plan/Sub-plan queuefor decision by the GPD.

Mark item as OnHold

Flag this item as “not to be routed forwarded” and thus display the nextdocument in the Evaluator queue

Mark item asPending

Flag this item as “temporarily on-hold” and thus display the next document in theEvaluator queue.

View workflowhistory

Review a listing of all actions performed on that document since its scanning.

View recentlyrouted items

Review a listing of documents previously routed forward from this Evaluatorqueue during this session.

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9. Profile Evaluator

Once all documents that make up an Application packet are in the system and the PeopleSoft

document checklist is completed, the PeopleSoft profile Sheet will be generated and

automatically imported to ImageNow. This import occurs nightly and sorts the Profile Sheets into

three Profile Evaluator queues. (sorted by last name) It is from this queue that Evaluators will

route the Profile Sheets into the workflow and t the appropriate plan/Sub-plan queue.

9.1 Select the Profile Evaluator queue by double-clicking the name in the Views pane.

(see diagram below)

If there are Profile Sheets awaiting evaluation/routing, they will appear in the right-hand


9.2 Double-click on the first of the Profile Sheets to be evaluated / routed

The document will open in the ImageNow viewer

9.3 Select the proper Action from the Action-(Workflow or Document) pane.

See Workflow Actions table above.

Note: The most common action here is Route Forward.

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10.Post Review Evaluator

Once the GPD has made a decission and digitally signes the profile Sheet indicating the

Accept/Deny/Accept with Conditions decission, he/she will route the stsdent Application back to

Graduate Admissions. The processed application will reside in one of three Post Review

Evaluator queues (sorted by last name). It is from these quese that Evaluators will open the

profile Sheet, Verify that the GPD signature is present, note the decission and route the

application forward into the Document Repository for achiving.

10.1 Select thePost Review Evaluator queue by double-clicking the name in the Views


(See diagram above)

If there are Applications returned from GPD’s, they will appear in the right-hand pane.

10.2 Double-click on the first of the Applications to be processed by double-clicking the


The document will open in the ImageNow viewer

10.3 View (and then close) the Related Documents>Profile Sheet:

Ensure that The Digital Signature is present

Note the Decission type (Accepted/Denied/Conditional)

Note the Conditions if any

10.3.1 Update the applicant’s PeopleSoft record with the above information

See PeopleSoft documentation for detail

10.4 Once the Profile Sheet Viewer is closed, the Application will be displayed. Rout it to

the Document Repository by clicking on the Route Forward action in the Workflow

Actions pane.

The next Application in the Post Evaluator queue will automatically display.

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11.Viewing Documents No Longer in the Workflow

Once Applications have been fully processed by the program Coordinator (AKA : GPD), and

routed back to, and processed by Graduate Admissions, the documents exit the Workflow and

are sent to a central Document Rapository. In order to view documents residing in the

Repository, you must use the Document option found on the WebNow homepage.

11.1 Searching for Applications when you know the Plan/Sub-Plan

To search for an application where the Plan/Sub-Plan is known, double-click the

Plan/Subplan to which the applicant or student belongs and then use the Quick Search

functionality found on the first tab of the right-hand pane. There are three main fields

used to search.:

Search Criteria, Operator Value

Search Criteria

Search Criteria Options Description

Drawer Default: This virtual file drawer is where all Graduate Application documents are stored.

Student ID This is the peiopleSoft student ID assigned when the studen applied.

Student Name The convention for this name is Last,First

Term Allows you to serach for applications by semester.

Plan Allows you to search for application documents by program attended.

Date Scanned Graduate Admissions use only.

Document Type Allows you to seach for documents by type (e.g. Letter of Reference, Transcript, etc.)

Custom Property Predominately used by Graduate Admissions

Full Text Search for specific document content. (e.g. document containing the text “management”)

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Operators: These options are self explanitory and link the Criteria and the Value

Value: It is here you would enter the specific item on which you want to serach.

(e.g. Student ID, Nme, etc.)

11.2 Searching for Applications when you do NOT know the Plan/Sub-Plan

11.2.1To search for an application where the Plan/Sub-Plan is

unknown, use the Search functionality on the second tab of the

the right-hand pane.

11.2.2To begin a general search, click the Add button to display

the “Add Condition” window. Enter the Field, Operator and

Value criteria as described in section 10.1. Click OK to begin

the search.



Add Condition


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12.Re-Linking (Exception Processing)

In the event that changes are made to a documents keys within the ISIS system, it is necessary to

carry those changes forward to the documents stored in ImageNow.

For example, if a student is defered from the Fall 2011 semester to the Spring 2012

semester, the change to Term must not only be made in the ISIS system but also in the

ImageNow system.

The document keys that when changed in ISIS require like changes in

ImageNow are pictured in nthe Keys pane of the document as depicted here.

Failure to chane these keys in ImageNow once they ahave been changed in ISIS

will result in the Graduate Program Coordinators (GPDs) not being able to

properly gain acess to the documents.

Within ImageNow, there a re two methods for making changes to Document keys.

12.1 Re-Linking the Document.

12.1.1 Move the document to the “UMLGA Routing Resolution” queue and open

the document from within that queue.

This may be done by locating the document in the workflow and right clicking the

document to access the “Route Anywhere” menu option. To open the document

from within the Routing Resolution queue, simple double click the document.

12.1.2 Within the ISIS system, use the Document Imaging Custom Page to display

the appropriate Student Record.

Refer to Section 6 for details.

12.1.3 Update the ImageNow documents with the new ISIS information.

Once the document is openned in a viewer and the correct student

account displayed in the ISIS custom screen, click the Re-Link key to

update the doument keys in Image Now.

12.1.4 Once the Keys have been updated, save the document by clicling the Save

Key and then close the document using the Exit key.

Save: Then Exit

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12.2 Editing Document Keys from within Grid.

In cases where there are multiple documents requiring a key update, it may be

easier to edit the dcouments keys directly rather than relinking the individual

documents. Though it may be easier, it is also more risky to change document

keys in the manner as any spelling mistake or mis keystroke will cause the

document to be incorrectly indexed and therefore will not appear to the GPDs as

they should.

12.2.1 Locate the student document using the Documents Search feature ofImageNow.

Refer to Section 11 for details

12.2.2 Once the douments have been located and are displayed in the Explorer,Hover over the key you wish to change on the first document and Right Clickto display the Actions Menu.

In the example below, the cursor was hovering over the “Term” field as that is the

key to be changed.

12.2.3 Click the “Edit Document Keys” option.

The key within the grid will become highligted

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12.2.4 Type the new key value bein g certain of spelling and format.

Example” Change the Term from “2009 Fall” to “2010 Spring”

12.2.5 Save the change by clicking on the next document to be be changed.

The system will display the followiung message.

12.2.6 Click “Yes” to save the change or “No” to abandon the change

Change the remaining document keys by repeating steps 12.2.2. through 12.2.5.

Remember: Once you have changed the last document, you MUST cick on one of

the documents already changed in order to access the “Move Document”

message above. Failure to click “Yes” on this message box will result in the

changes to the last document being lost.
