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Graduate Medical Education WALTER REED DOM GME Snapshot ... · 1 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME...

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1 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot highlights Graduate Medical Education Department of Medicine Walter Reed Bethesda Oct/Nov 2015 - a recurrent and evolving snapshot of GME/UME news & highlights WALTER REED DOM GME Snapshot OFTHEPEOPLEBYTHEPEOPLEFORTHEPEOPLE dom gme IM Residency achieves 100% PASS RATE!! A big round of applause to all 2015 graduang residents (plus one 2014 off-cycle graduate) for the 100% success rate in passing your ABIM cerficaon exam on your first aempt this past August (represenng a connued steady improve- ment since BRAC). This is a testament to the collecve effort of our residents, faculty/mentors, administrators, and leaders, including special board coaches LCDR Mary Andrews and COL Kent DeZee. Over 60 Students Represenng over Two Dozen Medical Schools Aend Annual GME Open House On October 20, The WRNMMC GME Department hosted their annual GME Open House, designed to allow HPSP students from around the country hear about residency opportunies at WRNMMC and the Naonal Capital Consorum. Over 60 students represenng over 2 dozen medical schools listened to presentaons from Army and Navy GME leader- ship, as well from individual GME programs includ- ing the largest program in the NCC, Internal Medi- cine. Aſter lunchme Q and A, resident representa- ves provided hospital tours followed by a formal tour of the hospital medical simulaon center. Thanks to resident and program director parcipaon, the day was a resounding success based on verbal and wrien feedback from the aendees. - Team GME Best Core Clerkship Award from USUHS Class of 2016 A true “Unity of Effort” Congrats to Walter Reed Bethesda for their upcoming receipt of the USU Excel- lence in Teaching Award for academic year 2014. Since the USU Department of Medicine was recently recognized by the USU Medical Students with the best Core Clerkship Award from the Class of 2016, this means that Walter Reed DOM GME Faculty were major contributors to this success, being by far the largest MHS clerkship site (I think this is reasonable extrapolaon of the data). Forwarding to Faculty with my deepest thanks on behalf of our Students, Residents and Fellows (and their current AND future Paents). It is an honor to work with you. To paraphrase Dr. Pangaro: Our Hospitals ARE the Medical School. Strong showing by residents at Ameri- can College of Gastroenterology 2015 in Honolulu, HI! Even with all the hard work and presentations, residents found a little time to explore the Island! p 8 Endocrinology Research, Graduation, and End of Year Picnic pp 2-3 See latest USU DOM Teaching Faculty Promotions p 16 Medicine is Human “Father’s Day” oil painting by Dr. Nick Fiacco depicts selfless service by a U.S. Soldier as part of the Annual Healing Arts Ex- hibit p 15 Residents, faculty, and staff Rock CHEST 2015 in Montreal pp 5-6 USU Alpha Omega Alpha to hold Military Medical Specialty Night on 2 December! p 10 IM Residency Holiday Celebraon Thursday, December 10 RSVP and payment by 1st See p 18 for details Warmest Regards, Bill William Shimeall, MD MPH FACP Captain, Medical Corps, US Navy Program Director, Naonal Capital Consorum - Internal Medicine
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1 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot


Graduate Medical Education

Department of Medicine

Walter Reed Bethesda

Oct/Nov 2015 - a recurrent and evolving snapshot of GME/UME news & highlights



IM Residency achieves 100% PASS RATE!! A big round of applause to all 2015 graduating residents (plus one 2014 off-cycle graduate) for the 100% success rate in passing your ABIM certification exam on your first attempt this past August (representing a continued steady improve-ment since BRAC). This is a testament to the collective effort of our residents, faculty/mentors, administrators, and leaders, including special board coaches LCDR Mary Andrews and COL Kent DeZee.

Over 60 Students Representing over Two Dozen Medical Schools Attend Annual GME Open House On October 20, The WRNMMC GME Department hosted their annual GME Open House, designed to allow HPSP students from around the country hear about residency opportunities at WRNMMC and the National Capital Consortium. Over 60 students representing over 2 dozen medical schools listened to presentations from Army and Navy GME leader-ship, as well from individual GME programs includ-ing the largest program in the NCC, Internal Medi-cine. After lunchtime Q and A, resident representa-tives provided hospital tours followed by a formal tour of the hospital medical simulation center.

Thanks to resident and program director participation, the day was a resounding success based on verbal and written feedback from the attendees. - Team GME

Best Core Clerkship Award from USUHS Class of 2016

A true “Unity of Effort” Congrats to Walter Reed Bethesda for their upcoming receipt of the USU Excel-lence in Teaching Award for academic year 2014. Since the USU Department of Medicine was recently recognized by the USU Medical Students with the best Core Clerkship Award from the Class of 2016, this means that Walter Reed DOM GME Faculty were major contributors to this success, being by far the largest MHS clerkship site (I think this is reasonable extrapolation of the data).

Forwarding to Faculty with my deepest thanks on behalf of our Students, Residents and Fellows (and their current AND future Patients). It is an honor to work with you. To paraphrase Dr. Pangaro: Our Hospitals ARE the Medical School.

Strong showing by residents at Ameri-

can College of Gastroenterology 2015 in

Honolulu, HI! Even with all the hard work

and presentations, residents found a little

time to explore the Island! p 8

Endocrinology Research, Graduation,

and End of Year Picnic pp 2-3

See latest USU DOM Teaching Faculty

Promotions p 16

Medicine is Human

“Father’s Day” oil painting by

Dr. Nick Fiacco depicts selfless

service by a U.S. Soldier as part

of the Annual Healing Arts Ex-

hibit p 15

Residents, faculty, and staff Rock

CHEST 2015 in Montreal pp 5-6

USU Alpha Omega Alpha to hold Military

Medical Specialty Night on 2 December!

p 10

IM Residency Holiday Celebration Thursday, December 10 RSVP and payment by 1st See p 18 for details

Warmest Regards, Bill

William Shimeall, MD MPH FACP Captain, Medical Corps, US Navy Program Director, National Capital Consortium - Internal Medicine

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2 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

research and academic success

Regional Leadership:

CDR Vinh Q. Mai, Associate Program Director, selected Treasurer & Member of the Board of Directors, Mid-Atlantic American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists CPT Nicole O. Vietor, Senior Fellow, selected Regional Endocrine Fellow Representative on the Board of Directors, Mid-Atlantic American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists LCDR Alicia L. Warnock, expert consultant to DoD grant awarded Commonwealth Infor-matics to develop command-wide glucometric software program

Academic Promotion: CAPT Patrick W. Clyde, promoted to the aca-demic rank of Associate Professor of Medicine, USU-Endocrine Division

Extramural invited lectureship: COL Henry B. Burch, Endocrine Board Review Courses at Cleveland Clinic and National Insti-tute of Health LCDR Alicia L. Warnock, moderator at the In-ternational Diabetes Technology Meeting in Bethesda, Maryland

Scholarly activities (IRB approved protocols, publications and oral/poster presentations at national meetings): Elegino-Steffens DU, Coppit G, Glister BC, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Hemorrhagic Para-thyroid Cyst Causing Primary Hyperparathy-roidism. Visual Vignette. Endocrine Practice 2015 Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Shakir MK. Hemi-agenesis of the left thyroid lobe. Journal of Case Reports and Studies. 2(4):408 Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Shakir MK. Hetero-phile antibody Interference with TSH Assay. Jacobs Journal of Clinical Case Reports. 2015, 1(2): 008.

Burch HB, Burman KD, Cooper DS, Hennessey JV. A 2013 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of primary hypothyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jun;99(6):2077-85 Muldoon BT, Mai VQ, Burch HB. Management of Graves' disease: an overview and compari-son of clinical practice guidelines with actual practice trends. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2014 Jun;43(2):495-516 Warnock A, Copper D, Burch H. Endocrine and Metabolic Medical Emergencies. Life-Threatening Thyrotoxicosis: Thyroid Storm and Adverse Effects of Antithyroid Drugs. Endo-crine Press. 2014. Ch 11; 110-126. Warnock, A. Burch, H. Diagnosis and Manage-ment of Thyroid Storm. Springer. 2015. Ch 9; 115-131. Bartalena L, Burch HB, Burman KD, Kahaly GJ. A 2013 European survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' dis-ease. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2015 Jan 9. Nadolsky KZ, Shakir MK. Metastatic Pheochro-mocytoma Masquerading as a "Renal Mass". Abstract presentation at AACE meeting, Nash-ville, TN 2015 Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Bilateral Calcified Macronodules in the Adrenal Gland as an Initial Presentation of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in an Elderly Man. Ab-

stract presentation at the 16th International Congress of Endocrinology/The Endocrine Soci-ety's 96th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL June 2014 Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Case Report: Effectiveness of Medical Therapy with Oc-treotide in MEN-1 Patient with Non-Functional Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET). Ab-stract presentation at the American Associa-tion of Clinical Endocrinologists 24th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Nashville, TN May 2015 Chin GC, Glister BC. Case Reports: Teriparatide and Hepatotoxicity. Abstract presentation at the Endocrine Society San Diego, CA 2015 Elegino-Steffens DU, Coppit G, Glister BC, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Hemorrhagic Para-thyroid Cyst Causing Primary Hyperparathy-roidism. Abstract presentation at the Endo-crine Society San Diego, CA 2015

Nicole O. Vietor, MD ; K. M. Mohamed Shakir, MD. Idiopathic Hyperprolac-tinemia: Revisited in 2014. Abstract presentation at the AACE Nashville, TN 2015 continued on next page...

A Snapshot of Endocrinology 2015—Leaders in their Specialty

Endocrine Clinic annual end of year picnic 2015: Fellow graduates honoring LTC Babette C. Glister, PD Endocrine Fel-lowship Program

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3 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

research and academic success

Scholarly activities continued from p 2:

Guinto, Roy; Ledoux, Michele; Williams, Ali-cia; Mark, Anthony L. HEMORRHAGIC SUBDIA-PHRAGMATIC BRONCHOGENIC CYST MIMICK-ING AN ADRENAL TUMOR: A RARE CASE. Ab-stract presentation at the American Associa-tion of Clinical Endocrinologists 24th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Nashville, TN May 2015 Elegino-Steffens DU. Pituitary hyperplasia 2/2 primary hypothyroidism. Abstract presenta-tion at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 24th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Nashville, TN May 2015 N.O. Vietor, K. Burman, D.S. Cooper, J.V. Hen-nessey, H.B. Burch. SURVEY OF ENDOCRINOL-OGISTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THYROID NODULES. Oral presentation at the American Thyroid Association 2015

Protocols: LCDR Warnock, Alicia L, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGA-TOR; LCDR Nadolsky, Karl Z., ASSOCIATE IN-VESTIGATOR, INITIAL APPROVAL DATE 7/24/2014, ongoing IRB-approved protocol: "The Use of Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (RT-CGM) in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Basal Insulin". LCDR Warnock, Alicia L, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGA-TOR, INITIAL APPROVAL DATE 3/1/2012, ongo-ing IRB-approved protocol: "The Effect of Real-

Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (RT-CGM) in Subjects with Pre-Diabetes" LCDR Warnock, Alicia L, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGA-TOR, INITIAL APPROVAL DATE 6/14/2011, on-going IRB-approved protocol: "The Effects of Micronutrients in Combination with Usual Care in Type 2 Diabetes; the Use of a Smart Pill Bottle to Improve Medication Adherence" LCDR Warnock, Alicia L, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGA-TOR; CAPT Clyde, Patrick W., ASSOCIATE IN-VESTIGATOR, INITIAL APPROVAL DATE 7/13/2011, ongoing IRB-approved protocol: "Efficacy of Ergocalciferol in Adults According to BMI" CAPT Clyde, Patrick W., PRINCIPLE INVESTIGA-TOR; LCDR Nadolsky, Karl Z, ASSOCIATE IN-VESTIGATOR, Dr. Shakir, Mohamed K, SAFETY MONITOR . INITIAL APPROVAL DATE April 2015, ongoing IRB approved protocol: "Effects of Daily Butter & Medium-Chain Triglyceride Oil on Lipoproteins When Added to Baseline Diet: a Randomized Controlled Trial." COL Burch, Henry B., PRINCIPLE INVESTIGA-TOR; LCDR Nadolsky, Karl Z, ASSOCIATE IN-VESTIGATOR; Dr. Pangaro, Louis N, SAFETY MONITOR. INITIAL APPROVAL DATE March 2015, ongoing IRB approved protocol: "Bioavailability of Thyroxine and Liothyronine in OTC Thyroid Supplements." Dr. Shakir, Mohamed K, PRINCIPLE INVESTI-GATOR; CPT Guinto, Roy B, ASSOCIATE INVES-

TIGATOR, CDR Mai, Vinh Q, SAFETY MONITOR. INITIAL APPROVAL DATE 13 May 2015, ongoing IRB approved protocol: " Desiccated thyroid extract vs. synthetic T3/T4 combination vs L-T4 alone in the therapy of primary hypothyroidism with special attention to the gene polymor-phism."

Command-wide graduation cere-mony in June 2015 (picture above, from left to right): CDR Vinh Q. Mai, Deputy Chief and Associate PD, Endocrine Division WRNMMC CPT Diane U. Elegino-Steffens, MC, USA (Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii) LCDR James C. Clifford, MC, USN (Naval Medical Center San Diego, California) CPT Roy E. Guinto, MC, USA (Eisenhower Army Med-ical Center Ft. Gordon, Georgia) LCDR Karl Z. Nadolsky, MC, USN, Director of the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolic Institute WRNMMC LCDR Alicia L. Warnock, MC, USN, Director of the Diabetes Institute WRNMMC

Our four graduates went on to their next duty stations (listed in parenthesis above).

A Snapshot of Endocrinology 2015—Leaders in Their Specialty

Command-wide graduation ceremony in June 2015

Morning Report Morsels www.facebook.com/morningreportmorsels




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4 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

research and academic success

AAIM is a consortium of five ac-

ademically focused specialty or-

ganizations representing depart-

ments of internal medicine at

medical schools and teaching

hospitals in the United States and


AAIM consists of five founding member

organizations, the Association of Profes-

sors of Medicine (APM), the Association

of Program Directors in Internal Medi-

cine (APDIM), the Association of Spe-

cialty Professors (ASP), the Clerkship

Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM),

and the Administrators of Internal Med-

icine (AIM). Through these organizations,

AAIM represents department chairs and

chiefs; clerkship, residency, and fellow-

ship program directors; division chiefs;

and academic and business administrators

as well as other faculty and staff in depart-

ments of internal medicine and their divi-


Learn more about the Alliance at http://


During Academic Internal Medi-

cine Week, Walter Reed and Uni-

formed Services University had a

strong representation. A dozen

of our best faculty, fellows and

residents presented workshops or

posters to more than 1100 at-

tendees from over 300 institu-

tions around the country and


The CDIM President’s Address and Ple-

nary Session, was given by our former

USU DOM Clerkship Director and

NNMC Bethesda Residency Competency

Committee Chair CAPT(ret) Dr. Dodd

Denton, currently CDIM President and

Clerkship Program Director, Department

of Internal Medicine, Oschner Clinical

School, New Orleans, LA.

As the recipient of the Charles H. Griffith

award for Medical Education Researcher

of the Year (2013-2014), LtCol Jeffrey

LaRochelle, USAF, MC, was given the

honor of presenting the annual CDIM Re-

view of Medical Education Literature at

the 2015 AAIM Week in Atlanta, GA. It

was extremely well attended and many

remarked at how well Dr. La Rochelle

presented a global review of all peer-

reviewed manuscripts in Med Ed, covering

topics on innovations, transitions, self and

peer assisted learning, interprofessional

education, and remediation. Dr. LaRo-

chelle is an Associate Professor of Medi-

cine at USUHS, where he serves as the

Director of Integrated Clinical skills. Here

is a link to the presentation: https://


Along with two colleagues, Lt. Col (ret)

Steven Durning, MD, PhD, Professor of

Medicine, USUHS, presented the work-

shop: “I know It When I see It: New Ap-

proaches for Assessing Clinical Reasoning

within the Core Entrustable Professional

Activities for Entering Residency”

LCDR Mary Andrews, USU Assistant

Professor of Medicine, COL “Bill” Kelly,

USU DOM Clerkship Director, and COL

Kent DeZee, former GIM Fellowship PD

and current Army American College of

Physicians Governor now stationed at Tri-

pler Army Medical Center, presented:

“Why Does This Learner Perform Poorly

on Tests?” Briefly, they reviewed memory

concepts that are essential for passing

tests, explored how script theory relates to

test-taking, and described a novel method,

grounded in self-regulated learning theory,

to identify and remediate the underlying

test-taking deficiencies. CAPT Shimeall

credits the work done by Drs. Andrews

and DeZee with our Internal Medicine

Residents for a big assist in improving

the IM residency’s board pass rates (see


USU Leaders Dr. Paul Hemmer, Profes-

sor of Medicine and Vice Chair for Educa-

tion, Dr. Louis Pangaro, Chair of Medi-

cine, and Dr. Alyssa McManamon, Asso-

ciate Clerkship Director presented:

“Conversation of Assessment: a Discus-

sion of Underlying Theory, Relevance, and

Why Assessment Frameworks Are Doomed

to Fail Without It.”

LT Nick Fiacco (IM Resident) presented

his signature poster: “Block 4+1 Schedul-

ing in the Ambulatory Clinic: Effects on

the Internal Medicine Resident Continuity

Clinic Experience.” His poster generated

a tremendous amount of interest from oth-

er residency program and requests for in-


LCDR Lynn Byers, former USU Associ-

ate Clerkship Director now at Naval Hos-

pital Bremerton, and CPT Meredith

Hays, GIM Fellow and Residency Facul-

ty, presented a collaborative workship

with colleagues, “Advanced Feedback

Techniques” where they proposed a novel

model of giving feedback that is adapted

from the trans-theoretical model and em-

phasizes the emotional response to feed-


You can view or download any of these

presentations from the Academic Inter-

nal Medicine Week 2015:


Unity of Effort - USU and Walter Reed Bethesda Medicine Faculty, Fellows and Residents shine

at 36th Annual Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) Week Educational Conference

CAPT “Bill” Shimeall, Program Director, NCC IM, and LT Nick Fiacco

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5 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

research and academic success

CHEST, the American College of Chest Physicians is a 15000 mem-ber international organization. It is the leader in clinical pulmonary, critical care, and sleep education and offers over 800 hours of CME annually. Over 5000 alone attend-ed the recent annual meeting in Montreal Canada last month, and Walter Reed was well represent-ed! Residents, faculty, and staff presented several case reports and scientific abstracts, led didac-tics, case-based discussions, and simulation skills courses, and fac-ulty and leadership development. To learn more about CHEST: http://www.chestdailynews.org/ PICTURE LEFT: Clockwise from top left Residents: LT Shanley Ignacio (DO, IM); with assistance from LT Nikunj Bhatt (MD PCCM Fellow), proudly pre-senting her poster "A Rare Case of Fatal Cerebral Venous Thrombosis as a Complication of Iron Deficien-cy,” LT Nick Fiacco (MD, IM) giving a podium "Silicone Lymphadenopa-thy Mimicking Breast Cancer," and again on the bottom right pre-senting LT Brett Sadowski's poster (MD, IM, who was not able to attend) "Successful Use of Broncho-scopic Recombinant Activated Fac-tor VIIa in the Treatment of Sys-

temic Lupus Erythematosus-Related Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage," CPT Yu-Ching Yeh presenting her poster : “Patient Centered Medical Home and the Spirometric Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Over Time,” and CPT Michael McMah-on, (MD, IM), who presented two posters: "The Utility of Screening Questionnaires in Identifying Obstructive Sleep Apnea in a Military Population using the AASM 2012 Hypopnea Scoring Criteria" and "A Case of Progressive Panlobular Emphysema in An Adult Non-Smoker with Normal A1AT Levels.” Dr. McMahon worked with Dr. Bhatt (LCDR, Fellow, Pulm/CC) on the case report and Dr. Holley (LTC, Service Chief, Pulm/CC) on the OSA research poster. Link to CPT Yu-Ching Yeh’s abstract: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/SthsYe

and poster: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/99REED continued on next page...

See the stars in this cameo created by our very own cinematographer, COL “Bill” Kelly!

They include Residents LCDR (sel) Pitter Hogan and CPT David Zusin and Staff physicians Dr. John Sherner (Pulmonary), and Dr. Ron Kramer (Sleep Medicine). It was shown at an international opening session in Montreal —

“Les Unmiserables” : https://youtu.be/feJRoDWvVyM

Case Report Session Award Winner Dr. Nick Fiacco presented the “Best Case” in his CHEST 2015 session

Lung Cancer Cases- "Silicone Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Breast Cancer" http://2015.chestmeeting.chestnet.org/Program/Abstract-and-Case-Report-Awards

John, Andy and Aaron, Thank you both (and your fellows/faculty) for the tremendous mentor-ship our residents re-ceive from your Service and Programs! Thanks also to the program ad-ministrators who some-how found a way to make this happen! V/r, Bill Shimeall

CHEST 2015 – American College of Chest

Physicians Annual Meeting 2015

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6 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

PICTURE TOP (clockwise from top left), Fellows: Patrick Smith (PCCM fellow) presenting on sleep medicine physiology, Whitney Warren (Fellow, Pulmonary/Critical Care) presenting a poster "Minimally inva-sive EBUS-TBNA + PET-CT is effective for mediastinal staging in lung cancer at a community medical center", Nikunj Bhatt (PCCM Fellow) presented a poster and is shown presenting on a panel: Cystic Fibrosis in the Adult: Management and Challenges, and William Londeree (PCCM Fellow) presented a podium: A Patient with Metastatic Pulmo-nary Nodules: Is it Malignant or Benignant Disease? (By William Lond-eree, CPT, USA, Sean McKay, CDR, USN) and a poster on lung cancer pathology cases: “Rare Cause of Massive Chylothorax in a Young Woman” (William Londeree, CPT, MC, USA, Erik Osborn, LTC, MC, USA)

Other presenters (not pictured above) include: Podium Presentations: LCDR Joe Zeman also presented a podium presentation at CHEST.

LCDR Andrew Philip gave an informative Update in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis LTC John Sherner with Dr. Chris King (Walter Reed IM and Pulm/CC alumnus) served on a Panel discuss-ing Novel Oral Anticoagulants LTC Sherner served on the lung cancer panel as well COL Eric Osborne (FBCH/NCA) taught on LVAD Device and ECMO for Practicing Intensivist CDR Philip, CAPT (ret) Angeline Lazarus, along with Dr. Bhatt (shown above) presented on a panel: Cystic fibrosis in the Adult: Management and Challenges Poster presentation by fellow Dr. Whitney Warren COL Lisa Moores (USU) led "The Academies" leader and faculty development course.

CDR Sean McKay judged “The Aspirated!” bronchoscopic foreign body removal game at our game center “Bill” Kelly, Chair of CHEST Education through 2017, gave a presentation at the faculty development course on "Preparing and delivering effec-tive educational presentations", in addition to designing all of the educational games (if you have new game ideas please contact Dr. Kelly)

research and academic success

Thanks to Dr. Philip for capturing our service in action in Montreal. Great participation by our faculty and fellows, and the strong resident presence reflects the commitment of both our fellows and faculty in mentoring junior trainees and recruiting the next generation of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Physicians. Thanks again to those who covered clinical services to allow all of this to happen. See you next year in Los Angeles for ACCP 2016! John H. Sherner MD, FCCP LTC, MC Program Director, NCC Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine Fellowship, WRNMMC, Staff Physician, Pulmonary/CCM, FBCH

CHEST 2015 – American College of

Chest Physicians Annual Meeting

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7 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot


5 Fellows Present at International Infectious Diseases Society of America Research Meeting Walter Reed ID Fellowship Pro-gram shines at annual IDSA meeting in San Diego. Hard work and perseverance paid off for Fel-lows LCDR Andrew Letizia, MAJ Mackenzie Morgan, CPT Nathaniel Copeland, CPT Matthew Perkins, and CPT Michael Koren To read all five abstracts in full: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/mGEpv4

“The Epidemiology and Risk factors Associated with Herpes Simplex Virus [HSV]-2 infections in a Large Well-Characterized Cohort of HIV infected patients” - 2006-2014 MICHAEL KOREN, MD

“Comparison of Inflammatory Bi-omarkers and Immune Activation with Comorbid Conditions in a Kenyan Pop-ulation Based Upon HIV Status and Treatment” - ANDREW LETIZIA, MD

“Molecular and Phenotypic Properties of Multi-Drug Resistant Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) from Clinical Samples” - MACKENZIE MORGAN, MD

“Post-Treatment Control of HIV Infec-tion in an Early Diagnosed Well char-acterized Military Cohort of Chronical-ly HIV-1 Infected Subjects” - MAT-THEW PERKINS, M

“Evaluation of Aging and HIV in a Ru-ral Ugandan Cohort: Impact and Chal-lenges” - NATHANIAL K. COPELAND, MD

A Big Thank You to the DOM GME Crew! Thanks to our expert team of admin professionals for your incredible efforts to pull this incredibly complex travel together for the fellows and residents at the beginning of the fiscal year under CR, including:

Candice Bowman Sylvia Cook Moszella Humphrey Marla Redmond Penny Sharps Keisha White Your tireless and often frustrating work for the residents, fellows and faculty in support of DOM GME for this and 3 oth-er large meetings in October (2 of them OCONUS) is greatly appreciated!!! Congrats to all on your presentations--thanks for representing Walter Reed Medicine so well! V/r,

Bill Shimeall

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8 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

research and academic success

Aloha! – record numbers of Walter Reed and USU Fellows, Residents and Facul-

ty make an impression at the 2015 American College of Gastroenterology

(ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting in beautiful Honolulu, HI.

CPT Zach Junga and LT

Tom Mellor find time

to explore naval history

at Pearl Harbor be-

tween presentations at

the ACG Conference.

Advancing Medicine One Poster at a Time Two of the posters presented by our fantastic nine Residents, include: CPT Sarah Ordway (IM Resident) did a wonderful job presenting her poster: Skinning the Cat Twice: Refractory CDI in an Solid Organ Transplant Patient Requiring 2 Fecal Microbiota Transplants Sarah Ordway, MD (IM Resident); Nieka Harris, MD (GI Fellow); and Roy Wong, MD, MACG Link to CPT Ordway’s poster https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/7kL1QO and ab-stract https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/zMCBRe A Novel Presentation of 6-Mercaptopurine Toxicity in a Patient with IBD CPT Zachary C. Junga, MD (IM Resident), Nisha A. Shah, MD (GI Fellow), and John D. Betteridge, MD Link to CPT Junga’s poster: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/HK1SqH , and ab-stract: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/JK2RiS

Being a Doc in

the Military is

also about

making life-

time friends.

LT Brett Sadowski

LT Jeannette Collins LT Thomas Mellor

CPT Gilda Bobele

CPT Sarah Ordway CPT Zach Junga CPT Ryan Haley LT Dan Hodge CPT Mark Pence

ALCON, BZ to all the internal medicine American College of Gastroen-terology presenters and their mentors. This was the strongest showing of medicine residents at an ACG that I can recall. Thanks to the IM program/NCC for supporting their attend-ance. V/r John CDR John T. Bassett, MD Staff Gastroenterology/Transplant hepatology Associate Program Director Gastroenterology, Associate Professor of Medicine, USU

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9 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot


WRNMMC Dermatology

Department Shows True

Leadership Hosting the

Dermatology Society Annual

Meeting for over Twenty Years! On Oct 24th the WRNMMC Dermatology Department Staff and Residents hosted a meeting of the Washington D.C. Dermatologic Society. The event was attended by over 75 Military and Civilian Dermatologists and derma-tology residents from the D.C. Metro area. It featured live patient presentations, poster presentations, as well as guest lecturers Dr. Ted Rosen, Professor of Dermatolo-gy at Baylor College of Medicine, and Dr. Timothy John-son, Director of Cutaneous Oncology at the University of Michigan. The event was an excellent opportunity to get expert opinion on our more difficult cases as well as showcase our program and military dermatology. WRN-MMC Dermatology has hosted this meeting annually for over 20 years and this year's event notched another suc-cessful Iteration of this event. VR/ JHM Jon Meyerle, MD LTC MC USA Program Director, Dermatology

Military Graduate Medical Edu-

cation - Want to learn more about

a career as a military physician? http://militarygme.org/ Please share this website with anyone “…considering a career as a military physician, for current medical stu-dents of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) and for those attending a civilian medi-cal school under the Health Professions Scholarship Pro-gram (HPSP). Its purpose is to promote understanding of Military Graduate Medical Education (GME) in terms that someone new to the military can understand.”

Unity of Effort

National Cancer Institute (NCI) Research Opportunities – Walter Reed GME, the Murtha Cancer Center and the NCI have been in-creasingly working together as part of Unity of Effort initiatives. One very promising development is that the NCI has made availa-ble to us a listing of all the research areas that NCI laboratories are involved in. The hope is that trainees and faculty will be interest-ed in some of these areas and would be able to participate in corresponding research projects. Potentially a win-win: our train-ees and faculty get great research exposure, and NCI gets free high quality personnel. Many of us already participate in collaborative research projects, but for those who do not, please share widely. As you will see, the POC's for each area and project are listed, and can be contacted directly. In addition to the NCI research opportunities for your trainees and faculty mentioned in the original e-mail, see description below of additional NIH clinical research curricula now open to WRNMMC trainees and faculty as part of Unity of Effort endeavors.

Take a minute to look at some of these resources, particularly the first 4. Here’s a link to detailed information: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/4BBkkg

Thank you Dr. Shaw for the most

recent Department of Research

Program (DRP) Newsletter (and

good luck with your new endeavors)!

To view the DRP Newsletter Vol 2, Issue 6, go to


You may be especially interested in the following articles:

IRBNet/iRIS on page 10

New courses Research Education Services (RES) will be presenting this fall and winter to help researchers work with the protocol submission and the sign-off process (MERF & CITI Training for Investigators), on pages 11,12 : link to MERF&CITI flyer: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/Lbkd92

Research roundtable Schedule on page 17 DRP Save the Dates on page 21


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HEME-ONC – Hodges SD, Malafronte P, Gilhooly J, Skinner W, Carter C, Theeler BJ. Rare brainstem oligodendroglioma in an adult patient: Presentation, molecular characteristics and treat-ment response.; J Neurol Sci. 2015;355(1-2):209-10. Reid T, Oronsky B, Scicinski J, et al. [Carter C] Safety and activity of RRx-001 in patients with advanced cancer: a first-in-human, open-label, dose-escalation phase 1 study.; Lancet Oncol. 2015 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print]

ALLERGY – WRNMMC Author: CDR Satyen Gada Ottolini KM, Turner CE, Gada SM. Hypogammaglobuline-mia and impaired antibody response in a child with chro-mosome 2p15-16.1 microdeletion syndrome.; Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2015;115(2):153-5.

GASTROENTEROLOGY – WRNMMC Author: Horwhat JD, Young PE Sinh P, Anaparthy R, Young PE, et al. Clinical outcomes in patients with a diagnosis of "indefinite for dysplasia" in Barrett's esophagus: a multicenter cohort study.; Endosco-py. 2015;47(8):669-74.

INTERNAL MEDICINE – Al-Haddad MA, Kowalski T, Siddiqui A, Mertz HR, Mallat D, Haddad N, Malhotra N, Sadowski B, Lybik MJ, Patel SN, Okoh E, Rosenkranz L, Karasik M, Golioto M, Linder J, Cata-lano MF. Integrated molecular pathology accurately deter-mines the malignant potential of pancreatic cysts. Endos-copy 2015 FEB

CARDIOLOGY – WRNMMC Authors: LTC Todd Villines and MAJ Mike Cheezum (Ft. Belvoir), and LTC Edward Hulten: Dr. Pickett (SAMMC) and Dr. Kassop (Bragg) were cardiology fellows when the work was performed/published (they are now staff, having just graduated this past summer from their fellowships). Gebhard C, Fuchs TA, Stehli J, et al. [Villines TC] Coronary dom-inance and prognosis in patients undergoing coronary comput-ed tomographic angiography: results from the CONFIRM (COronary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical Outcomes: An InteRnational Multicenter) registry.; Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015;16(8):853-62. Opolski MP, O'Hartaigh B, Berman DS, et al. [Villines TC] Cur-rent trends in patients with chronic total occlusions undergoing coronary CT angiography.; Heart. 2015;101(15):1212-8. Pickett CA, Cheezum MK, Kassop D, Villines TC, Hulten EA. Accuracy of cardiac CT, radionucleotide and invasive ventricu-lography, two- and three-dimensional echocardiography, and SPECT for left and right ventricular ejection fraction compared with cardiac MRI: a meta-analysis.; Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015;16(8):848-52.

NEPHROLOGY – Outcomes after Post-Traumatic Acute Kidney Injury Re-

quiring Renal Replacement Therapy in United States Mili-

tary Service Members.

Bolanos JA1, Yuan CM2, Little DJ1, Oliver DK1, Howard SR1,

Abbott KC1, Olson SW1.

Background Objectives:

Mortality and CKD risk have not been described in military

casualties with post-traumatic AKI requiring RRT suffered in

the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Design, Setting, Participants, & Measurements:

This is a retrospective case series of post-traumatic AKI requir-

ing RRT in 51 military health care beneficiaries (October 7,

2001-December 1, 2013), evacuated to the National Capital Re-

gion, documenting in-hospital mortality and subsequent


This publication was a fellow project by Dr. Bolanos, a recent nephrology fellowship graduate in 2014. To read the entire publication, go to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26336911

Above items as shown on the on Darnall Medical Library’s Author Board: http://wrnmmc.libguides.com/home/author_board

USU Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA)

Military Medical Specialty Night for future Military Docs and interested students- 2 De-

cember, 2015, Uniformed Services University of the

Health Sciences, Cafeteria, Building B, 4301 Jones

Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814. Open to all students and faculty, including USUHS, HPSP and HSCP.

“Come and meet Residency Program Directors and Specialty Leaders

from around the Military Health System and learn about future training

opportunities and locations for Military Medical Students.”

They are looking for residents, and alumni and Navy staff who trained at Portsmouth and San Diego (contact Dr. Lopreiato at Jo-

[email protected]. See the flyer for more info:

https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/qt7n4e and the FAQ sheet for funding, dress code, driving directions, etc.:


Student “Military Medical Specialty Night”

To learn more about USU AOA


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11 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

check it out

No Consult Required for Screen-ing Colonoscopy

The Open Access program started approximately 5 years ago when

the Providers realized that healthy screening age adults were utilizing

valuable clinic slots for pre-assessments.

Guidelines were set up by the clinic to screen these patients with a

medical history form the patient would complete.

Once the medical history form was reviewed and a plan of treatment

was determined a Scheduler would contact the patient to schedule the

procedure. If the patient required a clinic appointment a referral was

created and the patient was contacted by the Call Center to schedule.

Since we started tracking our patients in March 2014, we have pro-

cessed 3,098 patients.

Out of those patients 2,240 patients have been scheduled directly for a


This program has improved saved our patient time; decreasing delays

in care; improved patient satisfaction and valuable clinic assets and


Dawn Torres, MD, LTC MC, Chief, Gastroenterology Service Ida Hopkins, RN, CGRN, Scheduling Supervisor Here’s a link to the clinic on the web: www.wrnmmc.capmed.mil/Health%20Services/Medicine/Medicine/Gastroenterology/SitePages/Home.aspx Here's a link for the online medical history form: www.wrnmmc.capmed.mil/ColonScreening

P.S. Folks in GI are TOTALLY COOL!!!

Course Description:

Medical Improv is a 10-hour ad-vanced communication skills training using a novel methodology of improvisational theater exercises. This training can be used for stu-dents, residents, fellows, and attending level physicians. Medical Improv was created by Katie Watson at Northwestern University, and has been used successfully in improving inter-personal communication skills in medical learners for almost a decade. The course builds interpersonal communication skills as well as increases self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to think on one’s feet. It is helpful both for learners who may be strug-gling with interpersonal communication skills as well as for learners who would like to re-fine and expand the skills they already pos-sess. Dates for the upcoming sessions are as fol-lows (participants are expected to attend all 5 class sessions): Winter Session 2016: 1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/15, 1/20 Time: All Class times are tentatively set for 1000-1200. Location: All class sessions will be held at the Val G. Hemming Simulation Center located on the Forest Glen Annex in Silver Spring, MD. Class size is limited to 10 participants Requirements: This course is open to resi-dents and fellows who have been recom-mended by their program directors. Partici-pants must be available to attend all 5 ses-sions, for a total of 10 hours of training time. Participation by non-GME learners may be allowed on a case by case basis. To participate in the program: Program Di-rectors should email Andrea Creel at [email protected] with the name and email address of the learner(s) they are recommending for the course along with a brief description of why they feel the course would be helpful for that learner. Please con-tact Andrea if you have any questions.

2016 Medical Improv Course

Coming Your Way!!

Sign up now. 10 seats fill up fast!

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12 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

community service

Walter Reed Action Group (WRAG) Volunteers

“WRAG (Walter Reed Action Group) is a group of health stu-

dents and medical residents who are dedicated to service, vol-

unteering to help address the health needs of under-served pop-

ulations including children, disabled, elderly and homeless”

A big salute for these amazing volunteers, including IM Residents, USUHS Students and friends, who worked on the weekends at IONA (Senior Services) in Tenleytown, packing and delivering meals. Thanks to the big heart of our motivated IM Resident, CPT Sarah Ordway (PGY-2) for taking the role of lead organizer for this group.


Hard at work preparing meals

Group of internal medicine residents and USUHS students volunteering at IONA this September

Volunteering 25 Oct- Left to Right: Brian Cervoni (PGY-1,

IM), Alex Dew (PGY-2, IM), Jane Whitney (PGY-1, IM),

Sarah Ordway (PGY-2, IM)

Volunteering at IONA Halloween weekend Left to Right: Daren Yang (PGY-2, IM), Sarah Ordway (PGY-2, IM), Alex Neu-mann (MS2, USUHS), Marlyn Moore (MS1, USUHS), Jeanny Wang (MS1, USUHS), Kristin Wertin (MS2, USUHS), Kelly Ivins-O'Keefe (MS1, USUHS)

Upcoming events include volunteering at the Christ House on 6 December, and McKenna Center on the 9th—see links below for details.

Group flyer https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/8nHgMK

Sign up at: http://tinyurl.com/WRAGsignup

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NCC PULMONARY / CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE FELLOWSHIP – This is a very interesting publication in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine – by the program director, John Sherner and three of his fel-lows - Charles Stahlmann, Joe Zeman and Sarah Petteys. “BEYOND THE BLUE: What Fellows Are Reading in Other Journals” Overdiagnosis in Lung Cancer Screening, Cost-Effectiveness of Computed Tomography Screening for Lung Cancer, and Decision Analysis of Need for Biopsy-proven Diagnosis before Stereotactic Ablative Radio-therapy for Lung Cancer Recommended Reading from Walter Reed National Mili-tary Medical Center Pulmonary and Critical Care Medi-cine Fellowship Program; LTC John Sherner, M.D., Pro-gram Director Patz E, et al.; NLST Overdiagnosis Manuscript Writing Team. Overdiagnosis in Low-Dose Computed Tomogra-phy Screening for Lung Cancer. JAMA Intern Med (1) Reviewed by MAJ Sarah Petteys Black W, et al.; National Lung Screening Trial Research-Team. Cost-Effectiveness of CT Screening in the National Lung Screening Trial. N Engl J Med (4) Reviewed by LCDR Joseph Zeman Louie AV, et al. When Is a Biopsy-proven Diagnosis Nec-essary before Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer? A Decision Analysis. Chest (8) Reviewed by Capt. Charles Stahlmann To read their full reviews: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/TdDqvj

community service

CPT “Alex” Drew helps raise $100,000 for Mul-

tiple Myeloma Research and completes Chicago


With the “outpouring support” of his family, friends, and colleagues, we would like to con-gratulate CPT “Alex” Dew (Internal Medicine, PGY2) on meeting his personal fundraising goal, and on his Chicago team raising over $100,000 for Multiple Myeloma research.

He is also to be congratulated on completing

the 2015 Chicago Marathon in 4 hours, 24


To learn more about Alex’s personal story, please visit his fundraising page: http://support.themmrf.org/site/TR/EnduranceEvents/EnduranceEvents?px=1913758&pg=personal&fr_id=1900

CPT “Alex” Dew having completed the

Chicago Marathon

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14 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

check it out

39 The number of Mentors who have signed up to

guide our Residents.

31 The number of Mentors we still need. We need

to get our Athena in gear to lead our Residents

to success!

DOM Staff, We have created a new website to facilitate men-toring within graduate medical education. The website will allow faculty from all departments to sign-up to be a mentor. Once faculty have signed up the residents will be able to search the website to find a suitable mentor. We certainly encourage other mentoring relationships that form, but this provides another avenue for our trainees to find mentors to help guide them through their training. We greatly appreciate your support of our train-ees and recognize the value of your role in their education and development. Use your CAC to access the new website: https://apps2.capmed.mil/InternalMentoring/ Also, here is a very useful guide for Mentors: < https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/qEfuZt Please let me know if you have questions or con-cerns. If you notice issues with the site please let me know so we can fix them. Thanks and please sign-up to be a mentor! Josh Joshua D. Hartzell, MD, FACP, FIDSA LTC, MC, USA Staff Infectious Diseases Associate Program Director Internal Medicine Residency




Thank you CDR Schroeder for a very beneficial and in-sightful FITREP/Promotion Board talk on the other week. It was very beneficial!! The presentation is uploaded on the Clini-cian's Corner under Documents: https://www.wrnmmc.intranet.capmed.mil/CC/Protocol%20and%20Policies/Career%20Management_Navy%20FITREPS_Promotion%20boards%202015.pdf

To share the incredible things our residents, fellows, and faculty are doing, contact

Sean M. Lynch, Editor, at [email protected], (301) 319-4399

(Editor’s prerogative)

Athena, the Mentor

men·tor (mĕn′tôr′, -tər) n. 1. A wise and trusted counse-lor or teacher. 2. Mentor Greek Mythology Odysseus's trusted counselor, in whose guise Athena be-came the guardian and teach-er of Telemachus. v. men·tored, men·tor·ing, men·tors v.intr. To serve as a trusted counse-lor or teacher, especially in occupational settings. v.tr. To serve as a trusted counse-lor or teacher to (another per-son). Quoted from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Mentor+(Greek+mythology)

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15 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot


MEDICINE IS HUMAN “… selfless service…as a United States soldier”

IM Resident, Dr. Nick Fiacco, had his painting on display in the America Building, as part of the 12th Annual Healing Arts Exhibit at Walter Reed. The “Father’s Day” caption below Nick’s painting tells the whole story. Background: “The Annual Healing Arts Exhibit opened October 8 in the America Building pa-vilion at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) in Bethesda, Maryland. The exhibit, jointly sponsored by the John P. Murtha Cancer Center and ground-breaking Creative Arts Program of WRNMMC, featured poetry, and music, accompanied by the artists explaining the role that art is making in their recovery. The show is given each year in “memory of those who lost their battle or were lost in battle; and in celebration of those who continue on…” Walter Reed staff, patients, spouses or anyone affiliated with the hospital were welcome to submit their artistic works. To learn more, please visit http://www.americansforthearts.org/news-room/art-in-the-news/annual-healing-arts-exhibit-at-walter-reed-national-military-medical-center

“Father’s Day”

Oil on Canvas

by Nicholas Fiacco

I once met a young service member

who had a large scar on his abdo-

men. At first I thought that it must

be a battle wound but its demarca-

tion was too precise. It was a scar

that was unfamiliar to me at the

time but its location suggested its

etiology. I asked the young man why

he had this scar. He looked at it and

paused for a long moment. During this moment his eyes became soft as

he started to tell me about how his father was dying from liver disease

and was in need of transplant. To him, this was a call to action. He was

tested and found to be a matching donor for is father and soon thereafter

gave his father the gift of a few more years.

His story forced me to think about the strong bond between father and

son. There are many exchanges between the two over a lifetime. The mo-

ments shared should be cherished whether it is advice given from father

to son or a simple embrace after a long period apart. In the background

of the painting are images of fathers and sons exchanging moments that

should be treasured.

The painting shows the muscular soldier in a pose of strength. He has a

scar but it does not make him weak. His scar does not represent some-

thing lost but rather something gained. It represents the selfless service

he embodies as a United States soldier. It represents a gift to his father

and a few more shared moments together.

31 The number of IM Residents and Fellows on 21 hospital committees

Unity of Effort - Assignment of House to Hospital Committees Congratulations, house staff, and thank you for stepping up to serve on some twenty-one hospital-level committees. It takes a tremendous amount of hard work to keep our hospital moving in the right direc-tion and ensuring the highest quali-ty care, and committees are a foun-dation for this. Good on you for roll-ing your sleeves up. Thank you to the committee chairs for requesting and supporting house staff to serve, and thank you, program directors, for getting the word out so your house staff gain some great experi-ence.

Vr Kat Schexneider Katherine Schexneider CDR MC USN Deputy Director for Clinical Learn-ing Environment in ETR Director, Leadership Academy Medical Director, Transfusion Ser-vices and Medical Apheresis Associate Professor of Pathology, USU

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16 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

well-deserved recognition

Click here to view current and past publications of Walter Reed DOM GME , including

DOM GME Snapshot, ImmunoNEWS, Chief of Medicine Weekly Update, and The Reeder

Just In… New ACP Smart Medicine Modules

Officially published as of Sept 22, 2015!!

Congratulations to the Residents below and their mentor Dr. Julie Chen for their latest updates to this valuable on-line re-source for Internists around the world! Johnny Greenwald, MD, Robert Park,MD, and Julie Chen, MD. Kawasaki Disease. ACP Smart Medicine http://smartmedicine.acponline.org/content.aspx?gbosId=38 Akira Shishido, MD, Diana Dougherty, MD and Julie Chen, MD. Cholera. ACP Smart Medicine. http://smartmedicine.acponline.org/content.aspx?gbosId=29 Gilda Bobele, MD , Camille Costan-Toth, MD and Julie Chen, MD. Aortic Valve Regurgitation. ACP Smart Medicine http://smartmedicine.acponline.org/content.aspx?gbosId=248 Shannon Wood, MD , Meredith Lutz, DO and Julie Chen, MD. Scabies. ACP Smart Medicine http://smartmedicine.acponline.org/content.aspx


Zachary Junga, MD James Fisher, MD and Julie Chen, MD. Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis. ACP Smart Medicine. http://smartmedicine.acponline.org/content.aspx?gbosId=244

Department of Medicine Promotions for Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Teaching Faculty

Erin M. Bohen, M.D., COL(ret), USA Transplant Nephrologist for the Organ Trans-plant Service Medical Director fo the Army-Navy Transplant Program Promoted to Clinical Professor of Medicine Patrick W. Clyde, CAPT, MC, USN Service Chief of the Endocrinology Service Promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine in the Clinician-Educator Pathway James E. Cox, Jr, M.D., COL(ret), USAF Internist & Deputy Director of the MEB Division Promoted to Clinical Associate Professor of Med-icine Gregory A. Deye, M.D., CAPT, USPHS Medical Officer, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD Attending Physician, Infectious Diseases Service, WRNMMC Promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine (These were the promotion results from the 4 Nov 2015 Board of Regions Meeting.)

USUHS - "America's Medical School"


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17 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

Our very own Chief of Medicine, CDR Nations, is honored as one of 20 Prominent GMU Patriots! http://business.gmu.edu/alumni/20-prominent-patriots/

George Mason University School of Business: “School of Business alumni honored [CDR Nations, who earned his Ex-ecutive MBA in 2014,] as one of 20 Prominent Patriots each year epitomize The Mason Graduate as engaged citizens and well-rounded scholars who are prepared to act. Peer-nominated and peer-selected, the 20 Prominent Patri-ots represent School of Business alumni as the very best in demonstrating citizenship, scholarship, and leadership in their daily lives. The awardees will be formally recognized at the 2015 Busi-ness Alumni Celebration. “

Dr. Zizette Makary takes a Leadership Position!

Bill Shimeall Program Director, NCC Internal Medicine Residency Program

Thank You Candice Bowman for being our GME IM Residency Program Administrator for the past 18 months!! Good luck in your promotion and new role, and dissertation on your way to getting your Doctor-ate of Education in Organizational Leadership.

Why Organizational Leadership: “I have always had an interest in Business, even more so, how to improve an organization when change occurs. When I realized I wanted to major in Organization-al Leadership, when I noticed people do not adapt to change well; particularly in the work place because there was no plan, just change. Changes within organizations occur so frequently, .... There are processes, and vari-ous life cycles to have a successful organizational change and I want to be a part of that process. : ) That’s the short version “

IM GME Team Welcomes Geraldine Marquez Aboard Full Time!!

Geraldine, We have heard nothing but glowing reviews of your work! Welcome to the IM Residency GME team. Welcome aboard! Josh Hartzell and Bill Shimeall

well-deserved recognition

Zizette, Congratulations on your new leadership position as Service Chief, Medical Readiness, and we will cer-tainly miss you in internal medicine.

Thanks for all you have done for the residents!

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18 Oct/Nov 2015 Walter Reed DOM GME Snapshot

DoM GME Shared Events & Deadlines

Graduate Medical Education

Department of Medicine

Walter Reed Bethesda

DECEMBER 2015 2 December, 2015, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Cafeteria, Building B, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814.—For future Military Docs and interested students– For more info., see page 10 or https://www.alphaomegaalpha.orguhealth_about.html USU Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Military Medical Specialty Night

6, 9 December, volunteer Christ House, and McKenna Center, respectively—flyer https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/8nHgMK for upcom-

ing opportunities, or sign up at: http://tinyurl.com/WRAGsignup

Walter Reed Action Group (volunteer)

10 December (Thursday) at 1800, at Maggiano’s Little Italy (5333 Wisconsin Ave). For Dinner, Dancing, and Merriment, RSVP and Payment by December 1st: www.tinyurl.com/WRBIM2015 To view the Flyer, go to https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/WGRS41 The Department of Medicine Residency Holiday Party

12 December, Saturday at 1600, Lincoln

Financial Field, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Navy vs Army

JANUARY 2016 1 January. For more information, and dates of up-coming poster competitions, research symposiums, research summits - see the DRP Newsletter: Copy and paste: https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/pE23MA/ Protocol Submission Deadline, for the 8th Annual National Cap-ital Region Research Competitions

1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/15, 1/20: Winter Session, 1000-1200 Val G. Hemming Simulation Center, Forest Glen Annex in Silver Spring, MD. Class size is limited to 10 partici-pants—see page 11 for more details or e-mail: [email protected] 2016 Medical Improv Course Coming Your Way!!

20 January, volunteer 1800-2030, St. Aloysius Church with Dr. Ritter to help prepare and serve dinner at McKenna Center sign up at: http://tinyurl.com/WRAGsignup Walter Reed Action Group

ON-GOING EVENTS Third Thursday of Every Month 1200 – 1300, in IM Noon Report Conference Room (America Building 2525 A-C) IM Quality Improvement Review Conference (QIRC) Every Friday Dec schedule, Location: IM Noon Report Conference Room (America Building 2525 A-C) Please contact the Activity Director, MAJ Mary Kwok, MC, USA, [email protected] for up-dates. CPC or IM Grand Rounds https://learning.usuhs.edu/x/LakIOu Grand Rounds schedule/speakers (now to December 2015) Every Friday 0900 – 1000 (usually Lecture Hall A, B, or C) Click here to view the complete Fall-Winter 2015 schedule If you have any questions, you can contact Ms. Rhonda Stout at (301) 295-9602 USUHS Department of Medicine Faculty Research Seminars Various In addition to the usual PubMed and citation management work-shops, they will also offer workshops on Time Saving Tips for Researchers, Systematic Reviews, and Preparing Your Manu-script for Publication." Darnall Medical Library Workshops

LONG-TERM PLANNING 5-7 May, 2016, in Washington, DC. http://im2016.acponline.org/ National ACP Internal Medicine 2016 Meeting

To publicize events and deadlines go to DOM GME Events & Deadlines

Click here to view previous publications of the Snapshot newsletter

To share news and highlights for the newsletter, contact the Editor: [email protected]
