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Grain boundary character distribution in electroplated nanotwinned copper Sutatch Ratanaphan 1, *, Dierk Raabe 2, *, Rajchawit Sarochawikasit 3 , David L. Olmsted 4 , Gregory S. Rohrer 5 , and K. N. Tu 6 1 Department of Tool and Materials Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany 3 Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand 4 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1760, USA 5 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA 6 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1595, USA Received: 1 November 2016 Accepted: 9 December 2016 Published online: 22 December 2016 Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 ABSTRACT The grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) of nanotwinned copper, fabricated by electroplating inside small-scale through-wafer vias, was charac- terized using a stereological interpretation of electron backscatter diffraction maps. The GBCD of electroplated nanotwinned copper, specified by five macroscopic parameters (three for the lattice misorientation and two for the grain boundary plane inclination), is similar to the GBCD of coarse-grained polycrystalline copper used here as a reference material. The GBCD was com- pared to calculated grain boundary energies determined from atomistic simu- lations. We find that the grain boundary population in the electroplated nanotwinned and coarse-grained reference copper is both on average inversely correlated to the grain boundary energies. The slopes of the relationships between grain boundary population and energy for the most highly populated misorientations (R3, R9, and R11) are different. The relationships are strongly influenced by the geometric constraints at the triple junctions and multiple twinning, which enhanced the observed frequencies of R9 boundaries. The results suggest that the grain boundary network and the GBCD in the poly- crystalline specimens are strongly influenced by the microstructure, grain boundary energy, and multiple twining. Address correspondence to E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] DOI 10.1007/s10853-016-0670-5 J Mater Sci (2017) 52:4070–4085
Page 1: Grain boundary character distribution in …mimp.materials.cmu.edu/rohrer/papers/2017_04.pdfGrain boundary character distribution in electroplated nanotwinned copper Sutatch Ratanaphan1,*,

Grain boundary character distribution in electroplated

nanotwinned copper

Sutatch Ratanaphan1,*, Dierk Raabe2,*, Rajchawit Sarochawikasit3, David L. Olmsted4, Gregory S. Rohrer5,and K. N. Tu6

1Department of Tool and Materials Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd, ThungKhru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand

2Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany3Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd, Thung Khru,Bangkok 10140, Thailand

4Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1760, USA5Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA6Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1595, USA

Received: 1 November 2016

Accepted: 9 December 2016

Published online:

22 December 2016

! Springer Science+Business

Media New York 2016


The grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) of nanotwinned copper,fabricated by electroplating inside small-scale through-wafer vias, was charac-terized using a stereological interpretation of electron backscatter diffractionmaps. The GBCD of electroplated nanotwinned copper, specified by fivemacroscopic parameters (three for the lattice misorientation and two for thegrain boundary plane inclination), is similar to the GBCD of coarse-grainedpolycrystalline copper used here as a reference material. The GBCD was com-pared to calculated grain boundary energies determined from atomistic simu-lations. We find that the grain boundary population in the electroplatednanotwinned and coarse-grained reference copper is both on average inverselycorrelated to the grain boundary energies. The slopes of the relationshipsbetween grain boundary population and energy for the most highly populatedmisorientations (R3, R9, and R11) are different. The relationships are stronglyinfluenced by the geometric constraints at the triple junctions and multipletwinning, which enhanced the observed frequencies of R9 boundaries. Theresults suggest that the grain boundary network and the GBCD in the poly-crystalline specimens are strongly influenced by the microstructure, grainboundary energy, and multiple twining.

Address correspondence to E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

DOI 10.1007/s10853-016-0670-5

J Mater Sci (2017) 52:4070–4085

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Most solid materials are polycrystalline, meaning thatthey consist of multiple crystals (grains) and a networkof internal interfaces where the grains abut (grainboundaries). The geometric structure of the grainboundary is crystallographically defined by fivemacroscopic degrees of freedom (three for a latticemisorientation and two for a grain boundary planeorientation [1–3]. It has been well established thatincreasing the population of special boundaries cansignificantly affect andactually improveawide rangeofmaterial properties [4, 5]. For example, mechanicalstrength, electrical conductivity, segregation, damage,and corrosion resistance are strongly correlated to thefraction of special grain boundaries in polycrystallinematerials [4–16]. These special grain boundaries, whichare often characterized by superior properties com-pared to average boundaries, have low energies and areterminated by at least one low index plane [16–21].Processing methods used to increase and utilize theoccurrence of special grain boundaries are referred to asGrain Boundary Engineering (GBE) [21–26].

The most common practice is to use thermo-me-chanical processing to enhance the frequency of R3boundaries in polycrystalline materials [13, 25–34].This technique can only be used for coarse-grainedpolycrystalline materials due to the substantial graingrowth during thermal annealing. Recently, it wasreported that nanotwinned polycrystalline coppersynthesized by electroplating [8, 9, 35–37] and mag-netron sputtering techniques [10, 38] exhibits highhardness, high resistance to electromigration, and yetnormal electrical conductivity comparable to that ofpure copper. These observations represent a para-digm shift for grain boundary engineering (GBE),making it possible to tailor nano-polycrystallinematerials with an increased fraction of desired grainboundaries. Nevertheless, only a few studies inves-tigated the grain boundary character distribution(GBCD) of nanotwinned copper [8, 9]. Previousstudies examined the microstructure of nanotwinnedcopper using transmission electron microscopy(TEM) [8–10, 39]; however, the results of these studiesdo not provide enough data to quantify the popula-tion distribution of grain boundaries over all fiveparameters. Therefore, the objective of the presentstudy is to investigate the GBCD in nanotwinnedcopper using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD),which has a wider field of view than TEM [39–42].

A second objective of the study is to compare theGBCD of nanotwinned copper to the GBCD of coarse-grained reference copper. In coarse-grained poly-crystalline materials, it is known that grain boundarypopulations are, on average, inversely correlated tothe grain boundary energy distribution (GBED)[43–48]. While the grain boundary population innanocrystalline tungsten is also inversely correlatedto the grain boundary energy [49, 50], this may ormay not be true for electroplated nanotwinned cop-per. The relationship between the GBCD and GBEDis thought to be established during grain growth[51, 52], and nanostructured materials formed byelectroplating undergo much less grain growth thanin a coarse-grained material. Whether or not suffi-cient grain growth occurs in a nanocrystalline mate-rial to establish the same GBCD as a coarse-grainedmicrostructure with the same chemical compositionis not known. Therefore, the main purpose of thepresent study is to determine whether or not theGBCD of electroplated nanotwinned copper isinversely correlated to the GBED. We thereforecompare the GBCD of electroplated nanotwinnedcopper to the GBCD of high-purity coarse-grainedcopper, and grain boundary energies extrapolatedfrom simulated grain boundary energies [53] usingthe function established by Bulatov et al. [54]. It isexpected that the relationships between grainboundary structure, energy, and population in nan-otwinned copper will lead to a better understandingof the formation mechanism of coherent twinboundaries in nanotwinned copper.

Experimental procedures

The nanotwinned copper was plated from a copperelectrolyte composed of copper sulfate, sulfuric acid,hydrochloric acid, and organic additives (ATOTECH,Germany) [55]. The plating conditions are similar to apulsed plating condition with a pulse on-time of20 ms and a pulse off-time of 1 ms. However, todeposit copper into high-aspect ratio through-wafervias with a diameter of 100 lm, the current densitiesand pulse conditions were varied with thick-ness. Specifically, low forward current densities(10–25 mA/cm2) and high reverse current density(65–45 mA/cm2) were used during the pulse on- andoff-times, respectively [9]. The details of the electro-plating technique were reported elsewhere [9, 55].

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The coarse-grained copper specimens were preparedfrom cold rolled copper sheets, Alfa Aesar Puratronic(99.9999%), which were annealed in a hydrogen flowfurnace at 300 "C for 2 h. The surfaces of the coarse-grained copper were prepared by grinding with SiCpapers (400, 600, 800, and 1200 grits), polishing with adiamond paste (3 lm), and fine polishing with col-loid silica (40 nm). For the nanotwinned coppersamples, surface deformation from mechanical pol-ishing was removed by argon ion milling (Gatan1682, 2 keV for 15 min).

The crystal orientations of the copper specimenswere characterized using a high-resolution fieldemission scanning electron microscope equippedwith an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)detector. The specimens were tilted at an angle of 70".The measurements were carried out using a 15 keVelectron beam and a working distance of 15 mm.Regular hexagonal grids with a step size of 100 nmand 1 lm were used for the nanotwinned copper andcoarse-grained copper, respectively. To removemisindexed data from the measurement, the crystalorientation maps were processed by standard clean-up routines using the TSL OIM software. The rawdata were first processed using a neighbor confidenceindex (CI) correction, in which the crystal orientationand the CI of all pixels with CI\0.1 were changed tothe ones of the neighbor pixels having the highest CI.The confidence indices of all points in a grain were

then changed to the highest CI found in the grainusing a grain CI standardization. The data weresubsequently processed with grain dilation using asingle step with a minimum grain size of 50 pixelsand a tolerance angle of 5". Finally, the crystallo-graphic orientation of the grain was determined fromthe average orientation of all pixels within the grain.The reconstructed grain boundary line segments usedfor the stereological GBCD calculation were extractedfrom the processed EBSD maps. When line segmentsdeviated from the grain boundary plane were morethan two pixels, the segments were divided to obtaina better match with the curvatures of grain bound-aries [56]. The GBCDs of nanotwinned and coarse-grained copper were calculated from 51,771 and51,777 line segments using the stereological methodwith a texture correction scheme and a binning res-olution of 10" [1, 2, 6]. The technique is described indetail elsewhere [57]. The GBCDs are measured inmultiples of a random distribution (MRD). Valuesgreater than one indicate that the boundaries areobserved more frequently than expected in a randomdistribution.

To investigate the relationship between grainboundary population and energy, we compare thegrain boundary population to the grain boundaryenergy of copper derived from the grain boundaryenergy function for FCC metals proposed by Bulatovet al. [54]. The function provides a method of

Figure 1 EBSD maps of the electroplated nanotwinned copper(a) and coarse-grained copper (b). The inset in b indicates thecrystallographic vectors used to color orientations in the maps. Theelectroplated nanotwinned image is colored with reference togrowth direction (GD) and in plane direction (PD). For the coarse-

grained copper, the rolling direction (RD) is perpendicular totransverse direction (TD) and normal direction (ND). Note that thescale bar in the nanotwinned copper is ten times smaller than thatin the coarse-grained copper. These are representative subsets of allthe data.

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extrapolating between known points established byembedded-atom method simulations [53]. In thisstudy, we use a catalog of the 39777 grain boundariesthat can be constructed in a periodic cell withdimensions less than or equal to 55a0/2, where a0 isthe lattice spacing [58]. The construction of thesegrain boundaries was described in references [53, 59].This catalog has 1058 different misorientations, andthe largest R in the dataset is 34075. These boundariesare not evenly distributed across the five macroscopicdegrees of freedom. There are 1429 R3, 934 R5, 611R7, 984 R9, and 445 R11 boundaries.


Representative EBSD maps of the specimens areshown in Fig. 1. There are multiple nanotwinnedlamellae, which are elongated parallel to each other

in the parental grain in the electroplated copperspecimen as illustrated in Fig. 1a. The coarse-grainedcopper in Fig. 1b has equiaxed grains with curvedboundaries. The sizes of the grains in the coarse-grained copper are much larger than those in theelectroplated nanotwinned copper. The electroplatednanotwinned copper has a strong [110] fiber textureparallel to the growth direction as shown in Fig. 2a.The coarse-grained copper in Fig. 2b has (001) [100]cube texture, which is consistent with the annealingtexture of cold rolled copper foils [60, 61]. The rela-tive areas for grain boundary planes for all misori-entations of the specimens are shown in the grainboundary plane distributions (GBPD) in Fig. 3. TheGBPD of the electroplated nanotwinned copper(Fig. 3a) is similar to what is observed in the coarse-grained copper (Fig. 3b).

While the maxima in the grain boundary planedistributions for electroplated nanotwinned (Fig. 3a)

Figure 2 Inverse polefigures for the electroplatednanotwinned copper (a) andcoarse-grained copper (b). Thefrequency of thecrystallographic texturecomponents is specified inunits of multiples of a randomdistribution (MRD).Nanotwinned copper has astrong [101] fiber textureparallel to the growth direction(GD). Note that PD\ is thesample reference direction thatis perpendicular to the [101]growth direction (GD) and inplane direction (PD). Thedistributions of coarse-grainedcopper are plotted with thereference direction parallel tothe normal direction (ND),rolling direction (RD), andtransverse direction (TD) ofthe sample.

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and coarse-grained copper (Fig. 3b) are both centeredat the (111) position, the maximum in the nan-otwinned copper (6.0 MRD) is much greater than thatin the coarse-grained copper (2.9 MRD). The GBPD inthe nanotwinned copper has its minimum (0.1 MRD)at the (210) position. The relative area for the (210)grain boundary plane in the coarse-grained copper(0.7 MRD) is slightly larger than the actual minimumvalue (0.5 MRD) at (001) position in Fig. 3b. The grainboundary energy distribution for copper, derivedfrom the energies of 39777 grain boundaries extrap-olated from the boundary energy function [54], isshown in Fig. 3c. The distribution is similar to themeasured boundary energies in the FCC metals(nickel [44] and austenitic steel [48]) and the distri-bution of surface energy calculated from the nearest-neighbor broken-bond model (Fig. 3d) [62]. While thebroken-bond model is not expected to be quantita-tively accurate, it agrees well with the experimentalresults [63] and the results obtained from molecular

dynamics simulations conducted in conjunction withan embedded-atom potential model [64]. The mini-mum and the maximum values in the grain boundaryenergy functions are similar to the distribution of thesurface energy [62–64], which has the minimum andmaximum at (111) and (210), respectively. This resultimplies that the energy of a grain boundary in Fig. 3cis correlated to the energy of the surfaces in Fig. 3dthat makes up the grain boundary [4, 65].

The results of the average relationships betweenthe grain boundary populations and the grainboundary energies are plotted in Fig. 4a. The grainboundary energies in copper are sorted into equalbins with 0.05 J/m2 intervals. The average values ofgrain boundary energy in each bin are calculated, andthe average populations for all grain boundaries in agiven bin are then calculated. The analysis demon-strates that the grain boundary populations in theelectroplated nanotwinned copper and in the coarse-grained copper are on the average correlated

Figure 3 Grain boundaryplane distributions (GBPD)calculated without consideringthe misorientation in theelectroplated nanotwinnedcopper (a) and coarse-grainedcopper (b). The frequencies ofthe observed grain boundaryplanes are specified in the unitsof multiples of a random(MRD). The distribution ofgrain boundary energy incopper (c) is similar to thedistribution of surface energy(d) calculated from the nearestneighbor broken bond modelfor FCC metals, reproducedfrom Ref. [62]. The units forenergy are scaled with E(210) = 1.00 (energymaximum) represented as atriangle in the figure.

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inversely to the grain boundary energy, which isconsistent with the previously observed correlation inpolycrystalline materials [43–48, 66]. The comparisonbetween the average grain boundary populations inthe two types of copper specimens is shown inFig. 4b. The grain boundary populations in thecoarse-grained copper are sorted into equal bins withan interval of 5 MRD; the average populations for thesame grain boundaries in the electroplated nan-otwinned copper are then calculated and used as thevertical coordinate. This result indicates a strongcorrelation and also suggests that, on average, thegrain boundary population distributions in the

copper specimens are mainly controlled by the grainboundary energy and that even in the electroplatedspecimen, there was enough grain growth to reachthe same distribution as the coarse-grained specimen.

The fractional interface lengths, quantified usingBrandon’s criterion [67], for the R3, R9, R11, R27a,and R27b boundaries are 54% (60%), 0.9% (2.9%),0.9% (0.11%), 0.2% (0.5%), and 0.01% (0.3%), respec-tively, in the electroplated nanotwinned copper(coarse-grained copper). While the fraction of all R3boundaries in the electroplated nanotwinned copper(54%) is slightly lower than that in the coarse-grainedcopper (60%), the fraction of coherent twin

Figure 4 Averagerelationships between grainboundary populations andenergies in the electroplatednanotwinned and the referencecoarse-grained copperspecimens (a). Comparison ofaverage population (Ave pop.)in the electroplatednanotwinned and coarse-grained copper is shown inb. The populations andenergies are classified intoequally spaced bins with awidth of 5 MRD and 0.05 J/m2 respectively. Note that thepopulations are plotted using alogarithmic scale.

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boundaries in the electroplated nanotwinned copper(46%) is significantly higher than that in the coarse-grained copper sample (27%).

The grain boundary plane and energy distributionsare plotted for the most commonly observed misori-entations (R3 at 60" around [111], R9 at 38.9" around[110], and R11 at 50.5" around [110]) in Fig. 5. Notethat the GBCD was calculated with discrete 10" bins,and, for this reason, the R27a boundary cannot bedistinguished from the R9 boundary. The distribu-tions are plotted as stereographic projections using

the bicrystal reference frame. For the R3 misorienta-tion, the population distributions in nanotwinnedcopper (Fig. 5a) and in coarse-grained copper(Fig. 5b) reveal a very strong peak at the (111) twistboundary orientation. While these two distributionshave a similar shape in which the maximum is loca-ted at the lowest boundary energy (the coherent twinboundary, 0.02 J/m2), the relative area for thecoherent twin boundary in the electroplated nan-otwinned copper (1800 MRD) is much greater thanthat in the coarse-grained copper (1200 MRD),

Figure 5 Grain boundary plane distributions for the electroplatednanotwinned copper (a, d, g) and the coarse-grained copperreference sample (b, e, h) plotted in stereographic projection withunits of multiples of a random distribution (MRD). The distribu-tions of grain boundary energy in copper for R3, R9, and R11misorientations are derived from the grain boundary energy

function [54] and plotted in c, f, and i respectively. The [100],[010], and [001] directions are pointing along the horizontal,vertical, and perpendicular to the page, respectively. In a–c, the[111] misorientation axis is marked by a triangle, the misorien-tation axes in the other misorientations are in the plane of the pageand marked by the arrows.

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consistent with the higher concentration of coherenttwin boundaries, noted above. The relative areas forgrain boundaries at the R9 misorientation in theelectroplated nanotwinned copper and in the coarse-grained copper have the maxima along the [110]zone, as shown in Fig. 5d, e, respectively. Because themaximum extends across many grain boundaryplane orientations, there are combinations of asym-metric and symmetric tilt grain boundaries.

While the maximum of the grain boundary popu-lation distribution for the coarse-grained copper atthe R9 misorientation (11 MRD) is located at the(1–14) symmetric tilt boundary, the peak maximumin the nanotwinned copper (20 MRD) is located at theasymmetric tilt boundary with (16,13,13)/(8,1,1). Itshould be noted that the boundary energy of thisasymmetric tilt boundary (0.74 J/m2) is comparableto the energy of the (1–14) symmetric tilt boundary(0.61 J/m2), which is the lowest grain boundaryenergy at the R9 misorientation in Fig. 5f. Grainboundary population distributions at the R11misorientation in the electroplated nanotwinnedcopper and in the coarse-grained copper as illus-trated in Fig. 5g, h, respectively, are similar to thedistributions for the R9 misorientation. The grainboundary energy distribution at the R11 misorienta-tion in Fig. 5i is also similar to the distribution at theR9 misorientation. The lowest boundary energy at theR11 misorientation is the (1–13) symmetric tiltboundary (0.31 J/m2), which is significantly lower inenergy than the boundary energy of the (1–14)

symmetric tilt boundary (0.61 J/m2) at the R9misorientation. The boundary populations at the R9and R11 misorientations in the electroplated nan-otwinned copper are much more spread out alongthe [110] zone and greater than what is observed forthe coarse-grained polycrystalline copper. The largermaxima in the electroplated nanotwinned copper areprobably a direct result of the growth texture. Withthe dominant crystal orientation along [110], and thecolumnar grain shape, the grain boundary planeorientations are frequently perpendicular to [110],and this leads to the large population of [110] tiltboundaries.

The grain boundary energy distributions for the R5and R7 boundaries are presented in Fig. 6. However,we observed so few of these boundaries in the spec-imens that the grain boundary plane distributions atthese misorientations contribute so little significanceto the overall distribution that we do not discussthem in more detail. The absence of R7 boundaries isunusual. The lowest energy R7 boundary (0.31 J/m2)is comparable to the lowest energy R11 boundary(0.31 J/m2) and almost half the lowest energy R9boundary (0.61 J/m2). Therefore, one would expectR7 boundaries to occur with approximately the samefrequency as R11 boundaries and more than R9boundaries, but this is not the case. In fact, the pop-ulations at the lowest energy R7 grain boundary, the(111) twist boundary, are only 0.25 and 0.4 MRD inthe nanotwinned and coarse-grained copper,respectively.

Figure 6 The distributions of the grain boundary energy in copperfor R5 and R7 misorientations are derived from the grain boundaryenergy function [54] and plotted in a, b, respectively. The [100],[010], and [001] directions are pointing along the horizontal,

vertical, and perpendicular to the page, respectively. For R5, the[100] misorientation axe is in the plane of the page and marked bythe arrows. For R7, the [111] misorientation axis is marked by atriangle.

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In this study, the relative grain boundary areas inpolycrystalline copper specimens fabricated by theelectrodeposition technique and by rolling plus ther-mal annealing are measured and compared to thegrain boundary energy. The microstructure of elec-troplated copper is dominated by the parameters ofthe deposition method, while the coarse-grainedcopper is dominated by recrystallization and graingrowth.We find that themicrostructure and texture ofthe electroplated copper are very different from thoseobserved for the coarse-grained copper. Specifically,the electroplated copper has multiple parallel twinplates and strong directional growth with [110] fibertexture, while the coarse-grained copper has a weaktexturewith equiaxed grains as shown in Figs. 1 and 2.

One of the most interesting results is the inverserelationship between the average grain boundarypopulation and the average grain boundary energy inthe electroplated and coarse-grained copper inFig. 4a. While the average populations and theaverage energy in the electroplated nanotwinned andcoarse-grained copper are inversely correlated, it isapparent that low boundary energies do not havehigh populations in every instance, as illustrated forthe R7 boundary. Specifically, the (111) twistboundary at R7 (0.31 J/m2), which is the lowestboundary energy at this misorientation, is less fre-quently observed than the (1–14) symmetric tiltboundary (0.61 J/m2) at the R9 misorientation. Toinvestigate the relationship between grain boundarypopulation and grain boundary energy for individualboundaries, the grain boundary populations of themost highly populated grain boundaries (R3, R9, andR11 misorientations) are plotted together with thegrain boundary energies in Fig. 7. Comparisonsbetween grain boundary population and energy forthese misorientations (on a boundary-by-boundarybasis) in the electroplated nanotwinned copper asshown in Fig. 7a indicate significant scatter and aweak correlation. The grain boundary network in theelectroplated film does not reach the same distribu-tion as in the coarse-grained copper that reveals amuch stronger inverse correlation with the grainboundary energy, as shown in Fig. 7b. This is notsurprising, based on the constraint imposed by thetexture and grain shape. However, considering theweak correlation for individual boundaries, thestrength of the average correlation shown in Fig. 4 is

surprising. Clearly, the point-by-point comparison isa much more rigorous test than the average com-parison. It should be noted that the exact grainboundary distribution is probably sensitive to theprecise processing parameters.

A previous study showed that the network of grainboundaries in the electrodeposited copper depends onthe current characteristics during electrodeposition[68]. Therefore, the pulse forward period and thepulse reverse period could strongly influence thecompetitive processes of nucleation and grain growthin the electroplated film [69, 70]. During the pulseforward period, the high current density generates alarge number of nuclei, which are likely to coalesce.Upon grain coalescence, two abutting grains are zip-ped together and form a grain boundary. The strainenergy induced by the zipping increases the biaxialtensile stress of the electroplated films [71–73]. Recentstudies on the in situ stress measurements of coppersynthesized by the pulse electroplating showed asignificant increase and decrease in the internal stressin every cycle of the pulse on- and pulse off-timeperiods [74, 75]. The cycle of stress generation andrelaxation is similar to a recently suggested grainboundary engineering (GBE) scheme, which usesmechanical cycling at elevated temperature toincrease the fraction of R3 boundaries in nanocrys-talline Ni [76]. According to this approach, it is pos-sible that the formation of the coherent twin boundaryin the nanotwinned copper might be similar to theformation mechanism of the annealing twins, whichresults from the minimization of the interfacial energyand of the elastic strain energy [77, 78]. Because of thelimited relaxation during the pulse off- or pulsereverse period, it is likely that the energy is not fullyminimized and that residual strains remain in theelectroplated nanotwinned copper.

The logarithms of the populations of grainboundaries with R3, R9, and R11 misorientations inthe coarse-grained copper in Fig. 7b are correlated tothe grain boundary energy with correlation coeffi-cients of -0.89, -0.62, and -0.61, respectively. Thesecorrelation factors suggest that the Boltzmann dis-tribution may be applicable to estimate the relativegrain boundary population for each misorientation.Before beginning, we note that there is a dramaticchange of slope for the high-energy, low populationR3 boundaries in Fig. 7b. A similar trend between R3grain boundary populations and energies wasreported for aluminum, where the interface

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populations were also determined stereologically[79], but not for nickel, where the interface popula-tions were determined from 3D data [80]. Therefore,it is possible that the dramatic change in slope for thelow population, high-energy boundaries is an artifactof the stereological interpretation of the data, andhere we exclude this branch of the curve when cal-culating the correlation coefficient. Specifically, onlysuch grain boundaries with a relative grain popula-tion greater than 0.5% of the coherent twin boundarypopulation were fit to the Boltzmann distribution atR3.

Assuming that the energy–population relationshipis described by the Boltzmann distribution, theprobability of observing a grain boundary with

energy (Ei) compared to the total grain boundary

population at the R3 misorientation NR3total

! "is

expressed by

P Eið Þ ¼ N Eið ÞNR3


¼ e$EiaR3=kBT

n R3;Tð Þ

N Eið Þ ¼ NR3total


n R3;Tð Þ


To render the units correct in this formulation, weintroduce aR3 as a unit area variable (m2) that shouldscale with the average length of a grain boundarywith the R3 misorientation. We use kB for the Boltz-mann constant, and T is taken to be experimentaltemperature (573.5 K). However, the meaning oftemperature in this case is not clear, as the events that

Figure 7 Relationshipbetween grain boundarypopulations and grainboundary energies in copperfor electroplated nanotwinnedcopper (a) and coarse-grainedcopper (b). Each pointrepresents a grain boundarytype, only R3, R9, and R11boundaries with populations[0.5 MRD are plotted. Thehorizontal axis shows theboundary energies, while thevertical axis shows thelogarithm of the relative grainboundary areas. The grainboundaries are separated intothree categories, R3 (reddiamonds), R9 (blue squares),and R11 (green triangles). Thetrend lines for the coarse-grained copper weredetermined from all datapoints in the plot at eachmisorientation, except for R3where only boundaries with apopulation value above 0.5%of the coherent twin boundarypopulation (1230 MRD) wereconsidered.

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alter grain boundary populations are not analogousto the molecular processes usually described by theBoltzmann distribution. The partition functionn R3;Tð Þ is the sum of all energy states (n) at the R3

misorientation; Rn

ie$EiaR3=kBT. The logarithm of grain

boundary population with Ei is given by

lnN Eið Þ ¼ $EiaR3kBT

þ lnNR3


n R3;Tð Þ

# $ð2Þ

From Eq. (2), we see that the unit area variable(aR3 = 5.1 9 10-20 m2) is determined from the slopeof the logarithm of the grain boundary populationand the energy of the R3 misorientation in Fig. 7b.We find that the unit area variable for R11(aR3 = 1.1 9 10-20 m2) is much smaller than aR3 andslightly smaller than the unit area variable for R9(aR9 = 1.7 9 10-20 m2). The fact that the averagelength of a R3 boundary (8 lm) is larger than averagelengths of R9 (5 lm) or R11 (5 lm) boundary sug-gests that these unit area variables are correlated tothe average length for each misorientation. Based onthe interpretation of Boltzmann-like distribution,relative grain boundary energies at each misorienta-tion could be derived from relative grain boundarypopulation of annealed polycrystalline copper.

The magnitudes of the unit area variables are alsocorrelated to the grain boundary misorientation dis-tribution. In other words, the larger the average grainboundary population, the greater is the slope of thedistribution in Fig. 7b. The grain boundary misori-entation distribution can be influenced by the factthat misorientation has to be conserved at the triplejunction. According to the sigma combination rule,Ra 9 Rb = m2 9 Rc, where Ra, Rb, and Rc are R-val-ues of three grain boundaries at the triple junctionand m can be any common divisor of Ra and Rb [4].Because of this, multiple twining (R3n) influences thecharacteristics of triple junctions, the grain boundarymisorientation distributions [21, 25, 81, 82], and therelative areas of grain boundaries [30, 83–85]. In thepresent datasets, the total number fractions of R3boundaries at triple junctions in the nanotwinnedcopper (38%) and in the coarse-grained copper ref-erence material (49%) are large. If the boundaries arerandomly mixed at the triple junctions, the proba-bility of forming a R3–R3–R9 triple junction is squareof R3 grain boundary fraction, (R3)2. The probabilitiesof forming R3–R3–R9 grain boundaries in the nan-otwinned copper (10%) and in the coarse-grained

copper (13%) are comparable with the measuredconcentrations of these junctions (nanotwinned cop-per = 10% and coarse-grained copper = 16%).Therefore, the R3–R3–R9 junctions in nanotwinnedand coarse-grained copper are likely to result fromrandom mixing of the R3 boundaries and the crys-tallographic constraint at the triple junction. Thenumber fractions of R3–R3–R9 junctions are muchlarger than the length fraction of R9 boundaries. Thisis because the R9 boundaries are typically found asshort segments in the network connecting R3boundaries. In contrast, R3 boundaries typically tra-verse entire grain diameters or form sinuous struc-tures within grains, so that each R3 boundary is muchlonger than typical R9 boundaries. The increase in thepopulation of coherent twins and grain boundariesterminated on {111} planes not only enhances thepopulation of R9 grain boundaries but also asym-metric tilt boundaries with \110[ misorientations[19, 30, 32].

Our results indicate that while the misorientationspecified by the three degrees of freedom is con-strained by the geometry of the boundary, theboundary plane distribution is strongly influenced bythe grain boundary energy. It should be noted that inthe case of coarse-grained copper, a grain boundarycan relax to the most energetically favorable grainboundary plane at a fixed misorientation [86–88]. Themultiple twining and the geometric constraint at thetriple junction significantly influence the topologicalnetwork and the relative areas of R3n grain boundaryin both samples. While there was on average enoughgrain growth in the electroplated specimen to reachthe same distribution as in the coarse-grained speci-men, as shown in Fig. 4a, it was not sufficient toachieve to the most energetically favorable grainboundary plane at a fixed misorientation. This resultsin the significant scatter and a weak correlationbetween the grain boundary populations and grainboundary energies in Fig. 7a. Therefore, the grainboundary character distribution (GBCD) of nan-otwinned copper is thermally unstable and it wouldbe expected to change during high-temperatureannealing.

Because electroplating parameters have a signifi-cant effect on grain morphology, crystallographictexture, and multiple twining mechanisms[39, 69, 89–96], it is possible to tailor the grainboundary character distribution (GBCD) of electro-plated nanotwinned copper by varying voltage,

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current density, duty cycle, and the chemistry of theplating bath. It was reported that the crystallographictextures of electroplated copper were changed from[111] to [100] and [101] when the duty cycles of pulsedreverse electrodeposition were reduced [92]. Becausethe nucleation of nanotwinned lamellae preferentiallyoccurs in the [111] growth direction compared withthe [100] and [101] directions [97], electroplated cop-per having strong [111] texture is expected to have ahigh density of R3 coherent twin boundaries andmuch finer nanotwinned lamellae. Therefore, elec-troplated nanotwinned copper with strong [111] tex-ture could be potentially used as interconnects formicroelectronic devices because of its excellentmechanical properties, low electrical resistivity, andhigh electromigration resistance [92, 98, 99]. Recently,it was demonstrated that the nanotwinned lamellae inelectroplated copper with strong [111] texture werethermally stable after annealing at 300 "C [100]. Whilethe reason for the thermal stability of the nan-otwinned lamellae is not clear, the thermal stabilitymight be related to the grain boundary characterdistribution (GBCD). It is therefore worth investigat-ing how the GBCD of electroplated nanotwinnedcopper with strong [111] texture and the grainboundary energy are correlated. Knowledge of theenergy population relationship would benefit thedesign of thermally stable nanocrystalline materials.


The grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) ofelectroplated nanotwinned copper was compared tothe GBCD of a coarse-grained copper referencepolycrystal and to grain boundary energies extrapo-lated from simulated values. While the microstruc-ture of the electroplated nanotwinned copper is muchdifferent from the coarse-grained copper, the distri-bution of relative grain boundary areas for the nan-otwinned copper is, on average, comparable to thedistribution for coarse-grained copper. We demon-strate that there is a single strong inverse correlationbetween the grain boundary energy and grainboundary population when groups of boundaries inthe same energy range are averaged. When individ-ual boundaries are compared in a point-by-pointfashion, a strong inverse correlation is also found, butthe slope of the correlation is not the same at allmisorientations. In addition to the grain boundary

energy, the columnar grain structure, the texture, andthe geometric constraints at the triple junctionsinfluenced the grain boundary networks and GBCDof the polycrystalline copper specimens. The findingspresented here may enhance the application of grainboundary engineering in electrodeposited copperused in microelectronic interconnect technology.


S. Ratanaphan acknowledges the support by theMax-Planck-Gesellschaft Scholarship, the HigherEducational Strategic Scholarship for FrontierResearch Network, the Higher Education ResearchPromotion, and the financial support provided byResearch Strengthening Project of the Faculty ofEngineering, King Mongkut’s University of Tech-nology Thonburi (KMUTT). K. N. Tu acknowledgesthe support of NSF-Nanoscale InterdisciplinaryResearch Team Contract CMS-0506841 and thanksProf. Jianmin Miao and Prof. John H. L. Pang for thecopper specimens. The authors thank Dr. S. Zaefferer,B. Sander, S. Igor, A. Katja, and N. Monika for theirhelp with EBSD measurements.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest The authors declare that there isno conflict of interest.


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