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Grain growth characteristics and its effect on deformation behavior in nanocrystalline Ni

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Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012) 324–329 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Materials Science and Engineering A journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/msea Grain growth characteristics and its effect on deformation behavior in nanocrystalline Ni Garima Sharma a,, Jalaj Varshney b , A.C. Bidaye b , J.K. Chakravartty a a Mechanical Metallurgy Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India b Material Processing Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India article info Article history: Received 25 September 2011 Received in revised form 10 January 2012 Accepted 24 January 2012 Available online 1 February 2012 Keywords: Nanostructured materials Electron microscopy Nanoindentation Grain growth Grain boundary abstract The grain growth characteristics and its effect on deformation behavior of nanocrystalline(nc)-Ni having a grain size of 60 nm have been studied. The kinetics of thermal grain growth was studied by DSC and resistivity experiments. Thermal instability leading to grain growth in nc-Ni was assessed by determining the activation energy required for grain growth in the temperature range of 100–400 C. The activation energy was found to be 100 kJ/mol below Curie temperature and 298 kJ/mol above Curie tempera- ture. The effect of grain size on nano-hardness and loading rate was investigated using nanoindentation technique. The deformation parameters like strain rate sensitivity (m) and activation volume ( V ) for dif- ferent grain sizes in nc-Ni were also evaluated. The interaction of dislocations-grain boundaries mediated mechanism was appeared to be the rate controlling plastic deformation mechanism. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Materials with grain size less than 100 nm have been receiving much attention because of their unparallel and exceptional prop- erties. In comparison with conventional coarser grained materials, various benefits offered by nanostructured materials include ultra- high yield and fracture strengths, superior wear resistance, and possibly superplastic formability at low temperatures and/or high strain rates. The high volume fraction of grain boundaries in the nanocrystalline (nc) materials serves as effective obstacles for the motion of dislocations and therefore is expected to influence their plastic flow characteristics. Thus, the strength and creep properties in nc-materials are believed to be directly related to the volume fraction of grain boundary present. However, nc-materials are not in thermal equilibrium due to the high amount of energy associ- ated with the grain boundaries, and they usually show tremendous grain growth with temperature [1–3]. Technological application of nanocrystalline materials requires stability of the nanocrystalline microstructure at elevated temperatures which is often limited by grain growth. Thus, it is very important to understand the ther- mal stability of nc-materials from both technological and scientific point of view. However, it is seen that grain growth behavior of nanocrystalline materials has been studied in detail and that only a few investigations on grain growth kinetics for nanocrystalline Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 22 25590457; fax: +91 22 25505050. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (G. Sharma). pure metals, oxides, compounds or composites have been reported so far [4–6]. Recently, research interest has been focused to under- stand the plastic deformation behavior in nc-Ni [7–12]. However, the effect of transition from the nanocrystalline grains to ther- mal equilibrium grains on the mechanical property of nc-materials has not been studied in detail, and therefore, a systematic study is needed. Therefore the motivation of the present study is to understand the kinetics of grain growth in nc-Ni. In addition, nanoindentation technique has been employed to study the defor- mation behavior and deformation parameters such as strain rate sensitivity (m) and activation volume (V*) have been evaluated. 2. Experimental nc-Ni foils of about 100 m thickness were prepared by elec- trodeposition technique using a stainless steel substrate. Prior to deposition, the substrate surface was prepared by mechani- cal polishing on different grades of SiC abrasive paper and finally diamond polished to a 7 m finish. The stainless steel electrodes were cleaned with solvent cleaner, acetone, and then chemically cleaned with steelex and dilute HCl to remove dirt and oxide layer from its surface. The cleaned substrates were then passivated with 50% HNO 3 for 5 min at RT. Passivation helps in formation of non- adherent coating and thus could be removed easily by slight pulling from one corner. The plating bath consisted of NiSO 4 , NiCl 2 and Na 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 with pH adjusted by the addition of dilute H 2 SO 4 . The deposited nc-Ni was removed from the substrate in the form of foil. The chemical composition of the Ni foil was determined by WDS 0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2012.01.102
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Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012) 324–329

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Materials Science and Engineering A

journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate /msea

rain growth characteristics and its effect on deformation behavior inanocrystalline Ni

arima Sharmaa,∗, Jalaj Varshneyb, A.C. Bidayeb, J.K. Chakravarttya

Mechanical Metallurgy Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, IndiaMaterial Processing Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 25 September 2011eceived in revised form 10 January 2012ccepted 24 January 2012vailable online 1 February 2012

a b s t r a c t

The grain growth characteristics and its effect on deformation behavior of nanocrystalline(nc)-Ni havinga grain size of 60 nm have been studied. The kinetics of thermal grain growth was studied by DSC andresistivity experiments. Thermal instability leading to grain growth in nc-Ni was assessed by determiningthe activation energy required for grain growth in the temperature range of 100–400 ◦C. The activationenergy was found to be ∼100 kJ/mol below Curie temperature and ∼298 kJ/mol above Curie tempera-

eywords:anostructured materialslectron microscopyanoindentationrain growth

ture. The effect of grain size on nano-hardness and loading rate was investigated using nanoindentation

technique. The deformation parameters like strain rate sensitivity (m) and activation volume (∗V) for dif-

ferent grain sizes in nc-Ni were also evaluated. The interaction of dislocations-grain boundaries mediatedmechanism was appeared to be the rate controlling plastic deformation mechanism.

© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

rain boundary

. Introduction

Materials with grain size less than 100 nm have been receivinguch attention because of their unparallel and exceptional prop-

rties. In comparison with conventional coarser grained materials,arious benefits offered by nanostructured materials include ultra-igh yield and fracture strengths, superior wear resistance, andossibly superplastic formability at low temperatures and/or hightrain rates. The high volume fraction of grain boundaries in theanocrystalline (nc) materials serves as effective obstacles for theotion of dislocations and therefore is expected to influence their

lastic flow characteristics. Thus, the strength and creep propertiesn nc-materials are believed to be directly related to the volumeraction of grain boundary present. However, nc-materials are notn thermal equilibrium due to the high amount of energy associ-ted with the grain boundaries, and they usually show tremendousrain growth with temperature [1–3]. Technological application ofanocrystalline materials requires stability of the nanocrystallineicrostructure at elevated temperatures which is often limited by

rain growth. Thus, it is very important to understand the ther-al stability of nc-materials from both technological and scientific

oint of view. However, it is seen that grain growth behavior ofanocrystalline materials has been studied in detail and that onlyfew investigations on grain growth kinetics for nanocrystalline

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 22 25590457; fax: +91 22 25505050.E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (G. Sharma).

921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.oi:10.1016/j.msea.2012.01.102

pure metals, oxides, compounds or composites have been reportedso far [4–6]. Recently, research interest has been focused to under-stand the plastic deformation behavior in nc-Ni [7–12]. However,the effect of transition from the nanocrystalline grains to ther-mal equilibrium grains on the mechanical property of nc-materialshas not been studied in detail, and therefore, a systematic studyis needed. Therefore the motivation of the present study is tounderstand the kinetics of grain growth in nc-Ni. In addition,nanoindentation technique has been employed to study the defor-mation behavior and deformation parameters such as strain ratesensitivity (m) and activation volume (V*) have been evaluated.

2. Experimental

nc-Ni foils of about 100 �m thickness were prepared by elec-trodeposition technique using a stainless steel substrate. Priorto deposition, the substrate surface was prepared by mechani-cal polishing on different grades of SiC abrasive paper and finallydiamond polished to a 7 �m finish. The stainless steel electrodeswere cleaned with solvent cleaner, acetone, and then chemicallycleaned with steelex and dilute HCl to remove dirt and oxide layerfrom its surface. The cleaned substrates were then passivated with50% HNO3 for 5 min at RT. Passivation helps in formation of non-adherent coating and thus could be removed easily by slight pulling

from one corner. The plating bath consisted of NiSO4, NiCl2 andNa3C6H5O7 with pH adjusted by the addition of dilute H2SO4. Thedeposited nc-Ni was removed from the substrate in the form of foil.The chemical composition of the Ni foil was determined by WDS
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G. Sharma et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012) 324–329 325








Heat F




Temperature (oC)

Abnormal Grain Growth

3. Results and discussions

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for four probe resistivity measurement system.

wavelength dispersive) analysis carried on Cameca SX 600 withbeam size of 1 �m. The nc-Ni was found to be 99.98% pure. Ni

oils were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and trans-ission electron microscopy (TEM). XRD was carried out using Cu

� radiation (1.5406 A) and Si was used as an external standard fororrecting the broadening associated with the instrument. Differ-ntial scanning calorimeter measurements (DSC) were carried outsing Mettler Toledo, DSC 822e with Au-AuPd thermopile. The elec-rical resistance was measured on thin nc-Ni foils in a four-terminalrrangement at constant temperature under Argon atmosphere.he constant current source along with Kithley nanovoltmeter wassed for the measurement of the voltage. The isothermal resistiv-

ty measurement was carried out by inserting the sample insidehe furnace heated to predetermined temperature. A standard cellf 1 ohm resistance was used with the current source for settinghe constant input current across the probing wires. Copper wires

f diameter 0.3 mm were spot welded as point contact on stripesistivity samples for 4 probe measurement. Standard eurothermemperature controller was used for controlling heating of the









nsity (


. un


Two Theta (degrees)


Fig. 2. XRD pattern of as received electro-deposited nanocrystalline-Ni.

Fig. 3. DSC curve showing grain growth in nc-Ni during constant heating rate at10 K/min.

furnace. A program was made in Lab View plateform with RS232 communication for the data recording in interval of 1 s. Also,samples of same size and thickness were used for resistivity mea-surements. The schematic representation of the resistivity setupused for the measurement is shown in Fig. 1.

nc-Ni was heat treated at different temperature under Argonatmosphere. Samples for TEM investigation were prepared by jetpolishing 3 mm discs using 20% perchloric acid and 80% methanolat 20 V and −45 ◦C. TEM observations were conducted with a JOEL2010 operated at 200 kV using conventional bright field and darkfield imaging techniques. The hardness experiments were car-ried out using nanoindentation technique with Berkovich diamondindenter (UNHT, CSM, Switzerland) to investigate the deformationbehaviour. The P (load) vs. h (penetration depth) measurementswere carried out at as a function of load. Strain rate changetest was performed by changing the loading rate from 2500 to25,000 �N/min, at a load of 4000 �N. Three experiments were con-ducted for each condition and average value of hardness was usedfor determining the m and V* parameters.

Fig. 2 shows the XRD pattern of the electrodeposited nc-Ni, withthe major peaks corresponding to (1 1 1), (2 0 0), (2 2 0) and (3 1 1)

Fig. 4. Resistivity plot showing grain growth as function of time during isother-mal heating of nc-Ni at different temperatures. Note R0 is the saturation resistivityobtained at the experimental temperature.

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326 G. Sharma et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012) 324–329

F in ass 0 min



ig. 5. Bright field TEM image of (a) as received nc-Ni; (b) Grain size distributionhowing isolated coarse grain; (d) grain growth after heat treatment at 370 ◦C for 3

eflections. The average grain size was estimated to be ∼60 nm

rom the diffraction line width based on Scherrer’s relation. Ithould be noted that this grain size was obtained without using anyrain refiner during electrodeposition experiments. The ratio of the










in d





(10-4) K

Slope = -Q/nR

ig. 6. Plot showing the variation of grain size (d) with temperature (T) in nc-Ni;lope yield the activation energy required for grain growth.

received Ni; (c) grain growth after heat treatment at 200 ◦C for 40 min with inset.

major peaks intensity indicates random orientation of the grains.Fig. 3 shows the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curve fornc-Ni at a constant heating rate of 10 K/min. The results indicatea significant increase in grain growth above Curie temperature i.e.353 ◦C (shown by arrow in Fig. 3). As the grain boundaries in nc-materials are not in thermal equilibrium, annealing result in graingrowth in order to minimize their energy (associated with them)by attaining a stable grain structure. The kinetics of grain growthin bulk materials has been studied in detail by resistivity measure-ment [13,14]. In pure nc-metals with no impurities, resistivity isa good technique to estimate the grain growth, as the main con-tribution to resistivity comes from electron scattering from grainboundaries. However, not much literature is available for resistivitymeasurement in nc-materials [15–17]. For pure nc-Cu, it has beenreported that dislocation and vacancy annihilation have only neg-ligible effect on resistivity and that main contribution to resistivitycomes from grain growth [17]. This was due to the fact that dislo-cation and vacancy annihilation do not provide sufficient energy toinitiate grain growth in nc-materials. In contrast, the annihilationof grain-boundary area leads to an overall decrease of total energyand, consequently, drives the grain growth. Fig. 4 shows the varia-

tion of resistivity (R/R0; where R0 is the saturation resistivity) withtime during isothermal heating of nc-Ni. In this study, the resis-tivity was found to decrease with time indicative of the decreaseof the grain boundaries in pure nc-Ni. The grain growth profile at
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G. Sharma et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012) 324–329 327






Submicron-sized grains







e (


Hardness (GPa)


Nano-sized grains
















Displacement (nm)

500mNnc-Ni, RT














Displacement (nm)


Heat Treated nc-Ni





d=250 nm

d=100 nm




s (



Strain rate (s-1)

d=60 nm









l (V



Grain Size (nm)

(a) (b)



F ad; (bh e for nd



grains. Klement and da Silva [18] have also shown in their EBSDstudies on nc-Ni that first grown grains have a 〈3 1 1〉//ND orien-tation. However, further heating upto 90 min at 200 ◦C showed a

Table 1Effect of heat treatment on grain size of nc-Ni.

Heat treatment Avg. grain size (nm)

1 100 ◦C for 1 h 632 200 ◦C for 30 min Only selective grains grow upto ∼200 nm (max)

ig. 7. (a) Load displacement curve for as received nc-Ni as a function of applied loardness vs. strain rate plot for nc-Ni with different grain size; (d) activation volumifferent grain size.

00 ◦C in nc-Ni is shown in Fig. 4. A considerable decrease in theesistivity during the initial stages could be due to electron scatter-ng through high volume of grain boundaries. However, for longeruration resistivity does not change significantly and become morer less constant as there was no further grain growth and grainseached a thermal equilibrium state. At 350 ◦C, a sharp decrease inesistivity indicated that the fine-grained structure was consumedy large grains within 25 min (Fig. 4).

Based on the resistivity and DSC results, nc-Ni samples werennealed in the temperature range of 100–400 ◦C for variousime periods. Detailed TEM investigations were performed on thennealed samples so as to determine the grain size in nc-Ni. Table 1ives the grain size obtained as a function of annealing temperature

nd time. Fig. 5(a) shows the bright field TEM image of as preparedc-Ni with grain size distribution is shown in Fig. 5(b). The grain sizebtained by TEM investigations are found to be in good agreementith those obtained by XRD results in the present study. Fig. 5(c)

) load displacement curve for heat treated nc-Ni exhibiting different grain size; (c)c-Ni as a function of grain size; (e) activation volume as a function of hardness for

shows the selective grain growth of isolated grains at 200 ◦C for40 min with coarse grain is shown as inset. The main reason forselective growth could be due to the different orientations of the

3 200 ◦C for 90 min 954 300 ◦C for 30 min 2105 340 ◦C for 30 min 2406 370 ◦C for 25 min 500

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3 and E





28 G. Sharma et al. / Materials Science

light increase in overall grain size of the matrix in addition to iso-ated coarse grains. At 350 ◦C, the uniform coarse grain size wasbserved after 25 min as shown in Fig. 5(d). The kinetics of grainrowth with temperature in nc-materials can be described by thequation [12]:

n − Dn0 = K0t exp




here D0 and D are the starting and current grain sizes, t is thennealing time, T the absolute temperature, R the gas constant, Qhe activation energy for grain growth, and n and K0 are materialonstants. The activation energy for the grain growth was deter-ined from the slope of plot of ln (d) vs. 1/T as shown in Fig. 6. The

alue of n (grain growth exponent coefficient) determined from thelope of plot ln (d − do) vs. ln (t) and was found to be close to ∼7. Therain growth behavior followed usual Arrhenius type relation withtransition in kinetics at Curie temperature [12]. At lower tem-

erature the value of activation energy was found to be 100 kJ/molhich increases to 298 kJ/mol above Curie temperature (353 ◦C).

he activation energy for grain growth below Curie temperatures very close to that for grain boundary diffusion in polycrystallineickel ∼109 kJ/mole [19]. However, at higher temperature it was

n close agreement with the activation energy for volume diffusion278 kJ/mol in polycrystalline nickel [20]. These results showed

hat the grain growth in nc-Ni was controlled by grain boundaryiffusion below Curie temperature and by volume diffusion aboveurie temperature.

Grain size is known to have a significant effect on the mechani-al behavior of materials, in particular, on the hardness or strength.2,3]. The dependence of yield stress on grain size in metals isell established in the conventional coarse-grained polycrystalline

ange, but for nc-materials it still requires focused studies. Nanoin-entation is a viable and most suitable technique for evaluatinghe deformation behavior of nc-materials. In the present study,he effect of grain size on the mechanical properties was studiedy nanoindentation technique. Fig. 7(a) shows the representative

oad, P, vs. indentation depth, h, curves obtained on as preparedc-Ni samples as a function of applied load. These P–h curves werenalyzed by employing the Oliver–Pharr method to extract theardness of the sample [21]. The hardness of nc-Ni did not varyuch with applied load and an average hardness value of 4.5 GPaas obtained for 60 nm as prepared nc-Ni. Fig. 7(b) shows the P–hlot for heat-treated nc-Ni samples for different grain sizes. The plotlearly shows the increase in the indentation depth with increase ineat treatment temperature. This indicate that the hardness of nc-i decrease with increase in grain size. The effect of strain/loading

ate on hardness for different grain size was determined by chang-ng the applied loading rate from 2500 to 25,000 �N/min, at a

aximum load of 4000 �N (Fig. 7(c)). The strain rate sensitivity,m = (∂ log H)/(∂ log ε)), was determined from the slope of theselots. The as-prepared nc-Ni yields a value of m ∼0.043, which is

n agreement with those reported for nc-Ni in the literature [10].t may be pertinent to mention that in fcc metals, the nano-sizerains are reportedly more sensitive to the rate of loading than theoarse grains with the former usually exhibiting an order of mag-itude higher m values. This has been attributed to the enhancedrain boundary mediated process in the nc-fcc metals [22]. Thetrain rate sensitivity was found to decrease with the increase inrain size and found to be ∼0.027 for the grain size of 250 nm. Theigh grain boundary density in nc-materials usually support grainoundary mediated process [22]. However, the value of m obtained

n present study was much lower and hence diffusion controlled

oble creep and grain boundary sliding mechanisms do not appearo be the deformation mechanism. Instead, the decrease in value of

with the decrease in grain boundary density is indicative of theact that dislocation-grain boundary interactions are responsible

ngineering A 539 (2012) 324–329

for high hardness and high strain rate sensitivity with smaller grain

size. The activation volume,∗V , was determined using the following

relation [23]:

∗V = 3


(� ln




where K is the Boltzmann’s constant and T is the absolute tempera-

ture. The∗V obtained for nc-Ni as a function of grain size is shown in

Fig. 7(d). The activation volume obtained for as prepared Ni (60 nm)in the present study was found to be in good agreement with thosereported by Wang et al. [10] for nc-Ni with 30 nm grain size usingstress relaxation technique. Fig. 7(e) shows a clear trend for signifi-

cant decrease in∗V with the increase in hardness for different length

scale i.e. from submicron to nano-sized grains. For coarse grained

fcc metals,∗V usually lies in the range of 100–1000 b3 correspond to

cutting of forest of dislocation as the rate controlling mechanisms[21]. However, with the decrease in grain size to ultra fine or nanosize grains, high density of grain boundaries serve as the obstaclesto the motion of dislocation resulting in change in rate limiting pro-

cess [24]. In the present study, increase in∗V with increase in grain

size is indicative of the grain boundary mediated mechanism as therate limiting process.

4. Conclusions

Grain growth kinetics and influence of grain size on the defor-mation behavior have been studied for nc-Ni. On the basis of theresults obtained, following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The DSC results showed a significant increase in grain size aboveCurie temperature. Resistivity measurements at different tem-perature showed time for grain growth decrease with increasein temperature.

2. The grain growth behavior followed well-known Arrhenius typerelation with a transition in kinetics at Curie temperature. Theactivation energy calculated for nc-Ni showed that the graingrowth was controlled by grain boundary diffusion below Curietemperature and by volume diffusion above Curie temperature.

3. The nanohardness measurements confirmed an inverse relation-ship between hardness and grain size. Strain rate sensitivity (m)was found to decrease with increase in grain size.

4. The activation volume for nc-Ni was also found to be much lowerthan the activation volume for coarse-grained Ni. The activationvolume was found to increase with the increase in grain size.This observation suggested grain boundary mediated process asthe rate controlling mechanism.


The authors would like to thank Dr. A.K. Suri, Director, Mate-rial Group, BARC for the encouragement provided in carrying outthis work. The support provided by Prof. M. Sundararaman (Univ.of Hyderabad) and Dr. R.N. Singh Head, Fracture Mechanics Sec-tion is highly appreciated. Research fund provided by PRF-BRNS incarrying out this work is also greatly acknowledged.


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