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Grain Science & Industry at KSU Looking Forward

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Grain Science & Industry at KSU – Looking Forward July 28, 2017

Grain Science & Industry at KSU –Looking Forward

July 28, 2017

“The global leader in creating value from grains”

Vision for K-State’s Grain Science & Industry Department

Mission of K-State’s Grain Science & Industry Department

“To educate, innovate and transfer knowledge which significantly impacts the grain industry”

Our Students: “Well rounded, hard working leaders who solve problems”

Success Stories Abound• Job placement for our students continues at >100%

• Internships are numerous, occurring as early as summer after freshman year

• Industry feedback on post-graduate job performance is encouraging

• Two new faculty positions and the Hall Ross mill manager have been hired– Dr. Li – Assistant Professor of Cereal Chemistry

– Dr. Paulk – Assistant Professor of Feed Science

– Paul Blodgett – Milling Operations Manager / Faculty (Teaching Material Handling)

• Two tenured faculty positions are in the approval process, three additional are part of the departmental strategic plan.– Milling Researcher Position

– Bio-Fuels Position

• Scholarship giving to the department remains strong

• Support for the department from the College of Agriculture remains strong

GSI Facilities Update• The ABA is leading an effort to upgrade critical processing/analytical equipment

– Working to upgrade the flour and dough testing lab with new/modern equipment

• There is growing investment designated to improve individual lab facilities– Primary focus is replacement of 101 equipment and building upgrades

– New specialty mill in empty bay of HRFM or potentially Shellenberger Hall

– Use of Shellenberger mill space for additional lab spaces• Experimental Milling Room

• Cleaning Equipment Lab Room

• Independent equipment re-run systems

• Milling Science Club Production Space

• Personal Safety & Food Safety Concerns– Challenge the status quo in foundational areas to effectively educate and develop future leaders

in the milling, baking, and feed industry.

– Developing the mindset with faculty & students that safety and food safety is about culture 1st

and activities & programs 2nd

– Setting the expectations & ensuring physical conditions meet/exceed continuously elevating standards

– Lots of work going towards food safety programs

Milling Curriculum Changes• Management Applications Class

– Being taught by Dr. Stark and Dr. Smith

– Heavily based on case studies (real life work scenarios)

• GRSC 584 – Milling Processing Technology Management – Emphasis will be on continuous improvement and will be case study based

• Milling Science I– Emphasis on the design and function of the cleaning and milling equipment

– Maintenance to be included and Visual identification of the key mill steams

• Milling Science II– In depth exploration of flour milling process optimization and KPI’s

• Advanced Flowsheets– The specialty milling class. Looking at flowsheet adaptation for milling of other grains.

– Problems/case study class

• THANK YOU to all the wheat/corn/sorghum donors supporting the milling classes in 2016/2017.– Grain Craft, ADM Milling, Ardent Mills, Bay State, Bungee, AIPC, Mennel Milling, Sorghum

Commission, North Dakota Mill and Elevator

Undergraduate Enrollment

Graduation rate = ~80%








GSI 5 yr




Fall 2012 73 40 87 200 2366 8.0 193 41.0

Fall 2013 86 48 73 207 2486 7.6 200 46.4

Fall 2014 92 52 74 218 2599 8.0 207 45.9

Fall 2015 70 54 68 192 2696 7.1 204 47.5

Fall 2016 70 46 73 189 2705 7.0 201 44.5

Fall 2017

Undergraduate EnrollmentCOLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE




Curriculum 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013▪

2014 2015 2016 2017

Agribusiness 41 46 35 40 45 49 57 45 48 46 60 71 74 90 94 98 98 86

Ag Economics 23 40 29 13 28 30 25 23 22 26 36 38 33 34 35 40 31 22

Ag Education 28 28 28 18 6 22 17 30 30 26 19 24 20 17 27 26 22 27

Agronomy 40 26 24 27 29 21 33 21 33 39 34 50 48 44 54 63 50 45

Ag Comm & Journalism 9 9 15 14 15 12 10 16 12 9 17 15 11 21 23 20 15 9

Ag Technology Mgmt 9 15 16 15 12 15 13 12 17 17 11 14 20 16 25 21 11 11

Animal Sciences 130 113 109 122 151 135 155 152 154 179 192 166 253 198 329 296 330 286

Bakery Science & Mgmt 11 9 10 15 11 9 7 11 16 18 23 12 28 25 17 17 19 11

Food Science & Industry 8 10 9 14 16 20 19 21 20 25 36 33 43 27 32 34 25 27

Feed Science & Mgmt 8 2 13 6 12 13 14 8 15 18 6 17 17 17 11 20 14 15

Horticulture 80 74 53 70 58 48 49 36 52 31 49 29 27 31 25 33 27 14

Horticultural Therapy* 8 4 6 4 5 4

Milling Science & Mgmt 19 18 11 10 13 13 25 15 15 15 23 20 21 17 24 12 21 25

Park Mgmt & Conservation# 28 23 26 15 19 24 12 21 9 29 25 24 25 26 24 21 31 28

Recreation & Parks Adm** 4 3

Wildlife & Outdoor Ent Mangt ## 9 23 26 20 34 24 23 20 11

Pre-Veterinary*** 68 60 52 44 47 63 55 51 63 76 80 117 74 120

General Agriculture 16 20 17 13 21 16 20 22 29 34 20 35 24 13 23 12 15 5

Totals 530 500 453 440 488 494 511 484 535 597 654 691 738 730 767 736 729 622

Graduate EnrollmentGraduate student enrollment and gender diversity in the Department of Grain Science and Industry’s Masters and Ph.D. Programs


MS +





Female URM




Domestic Intl




Domestic Intl

TotalTotal URM Total URM

2012 54 51 35.2 53.7 2 35 21 2 14 19 7 0 12

2013 59 54 37.3 50.8 2 37 20 2 17 22 9 0 13

2014 57 55 45.6 50.9 4 31 19 4 12 26 9 0 17

2015 52 51 55.8 48.1 1 23 12 1 11 29 8 0 21

2016 40 52 62.5 50.0 2 15 6 2 9 25 4 0 21

*Data does not normalize for number of professors with established research programs (minus Maier, Ambrose, Jones)

Research FundingFY 2012 FY 2013* FY 2014 ** FY 2015 FY 2016 5-YR Avg

AgEcon $3,275,769 $1,830,146 $2,701,748 $4,499,667 $4,987,123 $3,458,891

Agronomy $6,135,014 $6,028,423 $9,047,246 $4,282,708 $7,460,995 $6,590,877

Animal Science $1,463,992 $3,169,724 $4,160,941 $2,330,114 $3,124,814 $2,849,917

Entomology $1,361,623 $1,542,339 $2,951,497 $1,926,270 $2,099,381 $1,976,222

Grain Science $2,165,610 $9,440,686 $4,798,264 $2,999,474 $4,755,228 $4,831,852

Horticulture $755,787 $605,141 $1,212,934 $528,216 $1,153,206 $851,057

Plant Pathology $7,375,691 $8,905,475 $8,462,872 $8,040,595 $7,442,382 $8,045,403

TOTAL $22,533,486 $31,521,934 $33,335,502 $24,607,045 $31,023,129 $28,604,219

Submitted Total Rcvd Amount Average Yield

AgEcon 69 $11,151,479 40 $4,987,123 $124,678 44.72%

Agronomy 225 $22,764,706 135 $7,460,995 $55,267 32.77%

Animal Science 64 $3,496,838 79 $3,124,814 $39,555 89.36%

Entomology 53 $6,545,443 50 $2,099,381 $41,988 32.07%

Food Science Institute - $0 1 $262,267 $262,267 100.00%

Grain Science 46 $6,014,525 84 $4,755,228 $56,610 79.06%

Horticulture 53 $4,448,238 40 $1,153,206 $28,830 25.93%

Other 102 $12,222,734 86 $15,634,404 $181,795 127.91%

Plant Pathology 90 $18,391,337 86 $7,442,382 $86,539 40.47%

702 $85,035,300 601 $46,919,800 78,070 55.18%

* FY13 includes two substantial grants awarded to GSI:

1. Novel Sorghum Based Fortified Food Blend for Infants and Young Children Nutrition. Awarded $2,504,917

2. Enhancing the Economic Viability of Camelina as a Bio-Feedstock: Optimization and Demonstration

of the Production System and Bioproduct Development. Awarded $3,809,199

** FY14 includes PHL grant awarded to GSI, later moved to Dean's office

1. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss. Awarded $1,737,053

Data received from http://www.k-state.edu/orsp/awards "FY2016 Cumulative Proposal/Award Summary 07/01/15 - 06/30/16"

FY16 Proposed vs Actual Awards by Department

College of Agriculture Awards by Department


Grain Science and Industry graduate and undergraduate student scholarships awarded

Scholarships 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* 5-yr


Graduate Students 6 7 6 6 4 6

Undergraduate Students 127 126 132 147 141 134

Total Number of Scholarship Received 133 133 138 153 145 140

*$232,800 of total scholarship monies awarded in 2016

International Grains Program

• 2017 Milling Courses IGP/KSU Introduction to Flour Milling – January & July

IGP/KSU Basic Milling Principles – June

IGP/KSU Advanced Milling – June

Buhler/KSU Expert Milling (English) – March

Buhler/KSU Executive Milling (English) – June & November

Buhler/KSU Executive Milling (Spanish) – August

Buhler/KSU Flowsheet Technology (English) – November

AIB/KSU FSPCA Preventive Controls and HACCP Integration for Millers of Human Food– October/November

Cochran/IGP Program for Ethiopia – US Wheat Quality, Grading, and Milling – April

US Wheat Sub-Saharan Region Flour Milling Course – June

Wheat Commissioners and Staff Flour Milling Course - December

International Grains Program 2017


• Drive program awareness to increase enrollment– Strategies of the Recruiting Committee:

• I) BRAND BUILDING: Create a new high impact Grain Science & Industry "Brand"• II) PARTNERSHIPS: Partner with stakeholders to support the initiative• III) RECRUITING CULTURE: Inoculate a culture of recruiting throughout the organization

• Grow scholarships to attract quality students• Prioritize updating of research & teaching labs• Ensure the curriculum is appropriate• Leverage industry connections to drive program progress• Identify and conduct industry meaningful research

• Especially related to baking, milling and feed science

• Restore IAOM/IGP Partnership

GSI Ongoing Priorities

-Our students

-Investing for growth

-Attracting & retaining great people



Our students call this place “home”

Questions? & Go Cats!
