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Page 1: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of






Revised Fall 2015

Page 2: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



Revised, Fall 2015


Mission & Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 4-5

Philosophy & Organizing Framework .............................................................................................5

Student Bill of Rights.....................................................................................................................13

Curriculum Requirements (FNP Option & Nurse Educator Option).............................................14

School of Nursing Graduate Program Policies

Accreditation Status. ......................................................................................................................16

Academic Dishonesty ....................................................................................................................16

Admission Requirements ...............................................................................................................17

Regular admission ..........................................................................................................................17

Provisional Admission ...................................................................................................................18

Conditional Admission ..................................................................................................................18

Advisement ....................................................................................................................................18

Attendance .....................................................................................................................................18

Clinical Attendance ........................................................................................................................19

Carry Over Clinical Hours……………………………………………………………………….19

Clinical Requirements ....................................................................................................................20

Clinical Site Selection ………………………………………………………………………… 20

Clinical Preceptor Selection………………………………………………………………… 21

Comprehensive Examination .........................................................................................................21

Confidentiality ...............................................................................................................................22

Credit By Proficiency Examination ...............................................................................................22

Credit By Transfer .........................................................................................................................22

Dress Code .....................................................................................................................................23

Equipment Policy ...........................................................................................................................23

Grievance and Appeals Process ............................................................................................... 24-25

Graduate School Requirements......................................................................................................26

Formal Admission to Department ..................................................................................................26

Plan of Study ..................................................................................................................................26

Admission to Candidacy ................................................................................................................26

Application for Graduate Degree ...................................................................................................26

Lab Policies ....................................................................................................................................27

Computer Lab ................................................................................................................................27

Learning Resource Center ..............................................................................................................27

Clinical Lab (campus) ....................................................................................................................27

Progression Policy .........................................................................................................................28

Probation/Suspension/Dismissal Policy.........................................................................................29

Returning Students……………………………………………………………………………… 29

Page 3: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Student Health and Welfare ...........................................................................................................30

Student Representation ..................................................................................................................30

Students With Disabilities Policy ..................................................................................................31

Substance Abuse Policy ........................................................................................................... 33-35

Textbooks .......................................................................................................................................35

Thesis/Research Project .................................................................................................................36

Transportation Policy .....................................................................................................................36

Universal Precautions Policy .........................................................................................................36

Make-Up Tests ...............................................................................................................................36

Review Course ..............................................................................................................................36


Curriculum Plan ....................................................................................................................... 37-42

Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................. 43-48

Grievance Form .............................................................................................................................49

Page 4: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491




Founded in 1901 as a private industrial school to educate African American citizens of

north central Louisiana, Grambling State University, a constituent institution in the University of

Louisiana System, is now a comprehensive university offering undergraduate, graduate,

professional and continuing educational programs. All programs are designed to meet the

educational needs of a clientele that is primarily statewide and secondarily national and


Grambling State University assumes in a unique way the role of a public university. It


1. to provide equal access to higher education for all applicants regardless of race, color,

sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, and veteran status;

2. to provide opportunities for students to develop intellectually, to acquire appropriate

job skills, and to achieve self actualization through instruction, research, public

service, and special programs which seek to meet the needs of all students,

including those who have been adversely affected by educational, social, and

economic deprivation;

3. to generate new knowledge through pure and applied research related to curricular

emphases in business, science and technology, nursing, social work, liberal arts,

and education;

4. to render service to the community and to the citizenry of Louisiana, dedicated to

raising the standard of living and enhancing the quality of life through economic

development, entrepreneurial activities and life-long learning;

5. to expose students to opportunities that enhance their potential for appreciation of

diverse cultures;

6. to provide opportunities for students to utilize information technologies in preparation

for participation in a global society; and

7. to serve as a repository for preserving the heritage of people of African American


Grambling State University endeavors to achieve excellence in higher education through

teaching, research, and service governed by the principles of academic freedom. The university

believes that education is the cornerstone of an enlightened, creative, and productive society. It

strives to be true to its motto: Grambling State University is “The Place Where Everybody is



Grambling State University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern

Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097;

telephone number 404-679-4501) to award associate, baccalaureate, master=s and doctoral


Page 5: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491






The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the

cornerstone of a creative, enlightened, participative, and responsive society. In the School of

Nursing Graduate Program students are encouraged to think critically, nurture healthy mental

and physical habits, understand social institutions and their influence in society, and integrate

knowledge acquired in advanced practice nursing roles.

The mission of the School of Nursing Graduate Nursing Program is to provide advanced

knowledge, intellectual skills, and clinical competence for specialization in nursing practice.

The mission of the FNP Program is to prepare graduates to deliver primary health care to

individuals, families, and aggregates with a particular focus on the promotion of wellness

and disease prevention for clients in underserved rural and community areas.

The mission of the PNP Program is to prepare graduates who can deliver primary health

care in school based health clinics, private pediatric practices, and public health pediatric

practice sites across the state to provide quality health interventions for infants, toddlers,

school aged children, and adolescents.

The mission of the Nurse Educator Program is to prepare nurse educators for the nurse

educator role in university, college, or health care agency setting.


The School of Nursing is consistent with the University philosophy through the programs foci on

the nursing and health care needs of the population in the Grambling service area. Nursing

students in the graduate program are encouraged to continue to utilize and refine critical thinking

skills through didactic discussion in classrooms and clinical practice situations. Students learn to

utilize a holistic approach to client care, incorporating data assimilated from assessment of

physical, mental, social, spiritual, and family systems of the client.

Graduate nursing education includes instruction, which focuses on the ethnic, cultural, and social

content needed for students to make accurate clinical decisions and deliver care in a manner

congruent with national standards and acceptable to the population of the rural area it serves.

Nursing theorists and research provide a foundation for the development and integration of

theoretical frameworks of practice for students matriculating through the program. The faculty of

the School of Nursing, in keeping with the mission of the University, provide an environment for

Page 6: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


learning, which enables students to maximize their learning potential. Commitment to total

student development is promoted through an atmosphere conducive to human dignity, respect,

and productivity. Graduate students are prepared for life-long learning, self-actualization, and

service to the community.

Beliefs of the faculty of the Grambling State University School of Nursing regarding the

concepts of individuals, family, aggregates, society, health, nursing, and teaching/learning are

expounded as follows:


The individual is a multidimensional being, inclusive of biological, psychosocial, cultural, and

spiritual aspects. Each individual operates in an open system in constant interaction with a

dynamic environment. Although individuals share common characteristics and needs, each

individual is unique, with dignity and equal rights, and is an integral part of family, group, and

community systems of society. The individual utilizes adaptive mechanisms in response to

internal and external environmental changes. These adaptive mechanisms are innate and acquired

from the biological, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual aspects of one’s environment.

Successful utilization of adaptive mechanisms enables the individual to achieve specific life

tasks and fulfill basic needs.


A family is a group of two or more individuals whose association is characterized by special

terms, who function in such a way that they consider themselves to be a family by their

interactions, communication, and sharing of a common culture. Family nursing includes a focus

on family dynamics and family interventions, which involve the family members in the areas of

decision making and caregiving for members of the family unit. Family health nurses see the

family as a context, as a sum of its members, and as a whole client.


An aggregate is a grouping of individuals, families, or others who are associated because of

similar social, personal, health care, or other needs or interests. For advanced practice nurses,

care of aggregate populations relates to health promotion, disease prevention, and wellness care

for groups of patients with similar health care needs, i.e. a group of individuals with a diagnosis

of HIV/AIDS, or a group of individuals with mental health care needs.


Society’s components are considered to be multi-variant with respect to ethnic origin, culture and

socioeconomic status. Students served at Grambling State University and the School of Nursing

are derived from this multi-variant society. Society influences all individuals and enables them to

exercise a choice in promoting personal, professional, and community welfare. In a democratic

society, dignity of the individual is respected regardless of race, gender, creed, or status.

Page 7: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



Health is believed to be a relative state that is dynamic and consists of a degree of wellness and

illness along a continuum. Illness is visualized as the maladaptive response to stressors, whereas

wellness is seen as the ability of the individual to cope with stressors through the adaptation

process. These concepts encompass individuals, families, and communities. Graduate nursing

students focus on the promotion of wellness and prevention of illness throughout the course of

study. Individuals and family groups will be taught adaptive means to cope with stressors of

illness to enable them to return to an optimal level of health.


The American Nurses Association (1980) defines nursing as the diagnosis and treatment of

human responses to actual and potential problems. Graduate nursing students utilize the nursing

process to identify diagnoses and treatment interventions for individuals seeking health care in

the primary care setting. The graduate nursing education program in the Family Nurse

Practitioner option builds on knowledge acquired through basic nursing preparation and clinical

experiences to prepare advanced practice nurses capable of providing primary health care for

individuals, families, and communities.

Primary health care involves the provision of health care services in an accessible manner, which

addresses the personal health care needs of an identified population. Advanced practice nurses

engage in the nursing process with defined advanced practice nursing skills and competencies to

diagnose and treat primary health care needs. In primary care, the advanced practice nurse

utilizes a holistic approach to address illness, promote wellness, and prevent disease. Core

competencies of the advanced practice nursing role include: (a) clinical practice expertise; (b)

expert guidance and teaching; (c) consultation; (d) research utilization; (e) leadership; (f)

collaboration; (g) change agent skills; and (h) ethical decision making skills.

In keeping with the University mission to meet the needs of the citizens of the north central

region of Louisiana, the graduate nursing program focuses on the issues and challenges of rural

health care delivery. Rural nursing is unique in that it requires advanced practice nurses who

have highly developed levels of assessment, decision making, and communication skills, as well

as the ability to understand the role of family in health care decisions. Many clients in rural areas

have limited access to health care resources due to restricted transportation and other resources.

Advanced practice nurses in partnership with persons, families, groups, and communities engage

in the dynamic process of wellness promotion.

The overall focus of the graduate nursing program is wellness promotion, or enabling clients to

have control over their own health situations. Through primary prevention in health education

and protection from illness and injury; secondary prevention, which attempts to limit illness; and

tertiary preventions involving rehabilitation and restoration of wellness, the graduate nurse

identifies specific therapeutic interventions to promote wellness for the clients served.

Page 8: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



Teaching is a process, which includes the imparting of knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes to the

learner, with the teacher as facilitator. Learning is a process of growth and maturation involving

the whole person in an active and creative process. Learning has occurred when there is a

demonstration of change in the learner’s behavior.


The graduate nursing program builds upon the organizing framework of the baccalaureate

program, which is based on the nursing process and the Modeling and Role Modeling theory

(MRM). Within the framework of the MRM theory, faculty members utilize skills of nurturance,

unconditional acceptance, and facilitation to enable graduate nursing students to achieve

academic success in their matriculation through the curriculum plan. Advanced practice nursing

students consistently utilize a problem oriented process to gather and assimilate client data,

identify nursing and medical diagnoses, establish a management guideline-based plan of

treatment, and conduct evaluation of client outcomes. Practitioners of nursing impact the health

care of individuals, families, and communities to promote health lifestyles and prevent illness.

The wellness promotion process involves collaboration and communication among nurses,

physicians, families, groups, and communities to meet identified goals. The faculty of the

graduate nursing program believe that the achievement of these goals are enhanced by the

following enabling factors:

Human caring in nursing is a set of interpersonal acts that extend beyond concern,

emotion, and benevolent desire. Caring in this context involves values, commitment, knowledge,

actions, and outcomes.

Communication within the context of nursing is a dynamic, interpersonal process, which

can be either verbal or non-verbal and is influenced by culture, setting, values, beliefs, and

perceptions. Graduate nursing students engage in increasingly complex levels of communication

skills throughout the program of study.

Ethical principles that include autonomy, freedom, veracity, privacy, fidelity, and justice

are used to clarify and resolve identified ethical dilemmas. The American Nurses Association

Code for Nurses provides guidelines for ethical nursing practice.

Critical thinking is the process, which employs purposeful, interactive, reflective and

reasoning skills to evaluate clinical situations. Graduate nursing students are encouraged to

demonstrate open-mindedness, truth seeking, and maturity as they engage in critical thinking

activities in the classroom and clinical settings.

Empowerment is an interpersonal process by which the recipient is provided with

resources to participate in their own enhancement. Graduate nursing faculty strive to empower

advanced practice nursing students with critical thinking abilities to enable them to function

effectively in primary health care settings. Advanced practice nurses empower clients to be

active participants in their own wellness promotion activities and decision making.

Page 9: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Research involves a process of scientific inquiry and problem investigation to validate

theories related to health care interventions and hypotheses regarding approaches to client care.

Graduate nursing students are expected to participate actively in research activities, as well as to

demonstrate integration of research findings in their advanced practice nursing care.

Cultural sensitivity in nursing takes into account the individual person’s perceptions

manifested though beliefs, practices, likes, dislikes, customs, etc. which have been handed down

from generation to generation.

Graduate nursing faculty employ the theoretical works of Patricia Benner’s Novice to

Expert in the development of course content from the fundamental to the complex level.

Experienced BSN nursing graduates are prepared in the role of novice advanced practice nurses

and strive toward basic competence in the FNP and PNP roles. Competencies and scope of

practice identified by the American Nurses Association for advanced practice nurses are utilized

in planning course content and evaluation of student performance. Course content guidelines

published by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Curriculum Guideline

Task Force (1995, 2003, 2011, 2014), the American Nurses Association Scope and Standards of

Advanced Registered Nursing (1996), the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s

Essentials of Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing (2011). The National Task

Force on Quality Nurse Practitioner Education’s Criteria for Evaluation of Nurse Practitioner

Programs (2008) and Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Competencies in Specialty Areas (2011)

US Department HHS are utilized in program design.

Graduate Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s)

Upon completion of the MSN degree work, the graduate student is expected to:

1. Integrate scientific findings from nursing, bio-psychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings.

2. Incorporate leadership skills that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems perspective

3. Articulate methods, tools, performance measures and standards related to quality, as well as prepared to apply quality principles within an organization

4. Apply research outcomes within practice setting, resolve practice problems, work as a change agent and disseminate results

5. Utilize patient care technologies to deliver and enhance care, and utilize communication technologies to integrate and coordinate care

6. Intervene at the systems level through policy development processes and employ strategies to advocate for health and health care

7. Participate as a member and leader of inter-professional teams, communicate, collaborate, and consult with other health professionals to manage and coordinate care

8. Apply and integrate broad organizational, client centered and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management and evaluation of evidence based

Page 10: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


clinical prevention and population care for services to individuals, families, communities, and aggregates/clinical populations

9. Recognize that master’s prepared nursing practice is broadly defined as any form of nursing intervention that influences health care outcomes for individuals, populations, or systems, with an advanced level of understanding of nursing and related sciences for both direct and indirect care components.

MSN Essentials, March 2011

The graduate nursing programs Family Nurse Practitioner and Pediatric Nurse

Practitioner options at Grambling State University seeks to prepare advanced practice nurses

capable of:

Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies (NONPF April 2014)

1. Scientific Foundation Competencies

a. Graduates will critically analyze data and evidence for nursing practice

b. Integrate knowledge from humanities and sciences

c. Translate research and other knowledge to improve practice processes

d. Develop new practice approaches based on the integration of research, theory, and

practice knowledge

2. Leadership Competencies

a. Graduates will assume complex and advanced leadership roles, guide change,

foster collaboration with multiple stakeholders, advocate for improved access,

quality, and cost effective health care, and demonstrate leadership with critical

and reflective thinking.

3. Quality Competencies

a. Graduates will utilize best available evidence to guide practice

b. Graduates will evaluate relationships of access, cost, quality and safety on health


c. Evaluate organizational structures, care processes, financing, policy decisions,

and variations in practice to ensure quality care

4. Practice Inquiry Competencies

a. Leads practice inquiry, disseminates evidence from inquiry, applies clinical

investigative skills to improve health outcomes

5. Technology and Information Literacy Competencies

a. Integrates technologies for knowledge management to improve health and aid in

complex decision making

b. Utilizes technology to capture data on variables for evaluation of nursing

6. Policy Competencies

a. Demonstrates understanding of policy and practice interdependence, analyzes

ethical, legal and social factors that promote access, equity, quality and cost

b. Advocates for ethical policies, contributes to development of health policy

7. Health Delivery System Competencies

Page 11: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


a. Effects health care change through negotiation, consensus building, and


b. Facilitates development of health care systems that address needs of culturally

diverse populations, providers, and other stakeholders

c. Analyzes organizational structure, functions, and resources to improve the

delivery of care

8. Ethics Competencies

a. Integrates ethical principles and applies ethically sound solutions to complex


9. Independent Practice Competencies

a. Functions as a licensed independent practitioner with a high level of

accountability for professional practice

b. Provides patient centered care recognizing cultural diversity and the patient as a

full partner in decision making

There are three distinct nurse educator roles identified in the literature: the teacher role,

the scholar role, and the collaborator role. Graduate competencies are identified for each of these

roles. Students enrolled in the Nurse Educator program will be capable of the following


Nurse Educator Competencies (NLN)

1. Facilitate Teaching

2. Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization

3. Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

4. Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes

5. Function as a Change Agent and Leader

6. Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role

7. Engage in Scholarship

8. Function Within the Educational Environment

Page 12: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491












Nurse Educator Nurse Practitioner

Core Graduate Courses

NUR 501 Adv Nsg Theory

NUR 503 Adv Nsg Research

NUR 505 Adv Pathophysiology

NUR 540 Adv Health Assessment

NUR 552 Adv Pharmacotherapeutics

NUR 590 Thesis

Core Advanced Practice:

NUR 507 Issues/Trends

NUR 535 N. Educator Role

NUR 510/512 Clinical

NUR 514/516 Clinical

Core Speciality:

NUR 530 Educational Found

NUR 532 Curriculum Develop

NUR 534 Teaching Methodology

NUR 536 Practicum

MSN Program Curriculum Overview

Core Graduate Courses:

NUR 501 Adv Nsg Theory

NUR 503 Adv Nsg Research

NUR 505 Adv Pathophys

NUR 540 Adv Assessment

NUR 552 Adv Pharm

NUR 590 Thesis

Core Advanced Practice

NUR 541 NP: Role I

NUR 543 Rural Health

NUR 545 Family Dyn

NUR 547 NP: Role II

Core Specialty Practice FNP

NUR 542 NP: Mgt I

NUR 544 NP: Mgt II

NUR 546 NP: Mgt III

NUR 548 NP: Mgt IV

Adapted with permission from:

Hamric, A. B., Spross, J. A. & Hanson, C.M. (1999). Advanced Nrusing Practice: An integrative approach (2nd ed.) Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders, Co.

Core Specialty PNP

NUR 572 PNP: Mgt I

NUR 574 PNP: Mgt II

NUR 576 PNP: Mgt III

NUR 578 PNP Mgt IV

Page 13: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



The faculty and students of the GSU School of Nursing graduate program declare that students

have the following rights:

1. Access to a quality education.

2. Treatment that is respectful and fair.

3. Equal treatment regardless of race, color, sex, age, or religion.

4. Representation on faculty committees and faculty meetings.

5. Freedom to express differing views of their classmates and faculty without fear of


6. Access to appeal procedures through University processes.

7. Confidentiality of all records.

8. Access to the Dean of the School of Nursing to discuss any matter necessary.

9. Access to their permanent records in the presence of a faculty member.

10. Freedom to pursue knowledge of their own choosing in addition to the prescribed


Page 14: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491




PREREQUISISTE CrHr NUR 500 Advanced Writing Seminar 3


NUR 501 Advanced Nursing Science Theory 3

NUR 503 Advanced Nursing Research 3

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology 3

NUR 540 Advanced Health Assessment 3

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

NUR 580/590 Research Project/Thesis Option 3/6

ELECTIVE (If research project elected) 3


NUR 540 NP: Advanced Health Assessment 3

NUR 541 NP: Role I 1

NUR 542 NP: Advanced Health Management I 4

NUR 544 NP: Advanced Health Management II 4

NUR 546 NP: Advanced Health Management III 4

NUR 547 NP: Role II 1

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0


NUR 540 NP: Advanced Health Assessment 3

NUR 541 NP: Role I 1

NUR 572 PNP: Advanced Health Management I 4

NUR 574 PNP: Advanced Health Management II 4

NUR 576 PNP: Advanced Health Management III 4

NUR 547 NP: Role II 1

NUR 578 PNP: Advanced Health Management IV 5

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0

Page 15: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


PREREQUISISTE UPON ADMISSION CrHr NUR 500 Advanced Writing Seminar 3


NUR 507 Issues and Trends in Nursing 3

NUR 510 Women’s Health 4

NUR 512 Pediatric Health 4

NUR 514 Adult Health I 4

NUR 516 Adult Health II 4

NUR 530 Educational Foundations for Nursing 3

NUR 532 Curriculum Development for Nurse Educators 3

NUR 534 Teaching Methodologies 3

NUR 535 Nurse Educator Role 1

NUR 536 Practicum in Nursing Education 3

Page 16: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



Policies affecting graduate nursing students at GSU are publicly accessible, non-discriminatory,

and consistently applied. The Grambling State University School of Nursing Graduate Program

provides information to students regarding policies within the School of Nursing through the

means of Student Handbook, course syllabi, handouts, and classroom announcements. Additional

sources of information related to student policies are published in the Grambling State University

Catalog. Students are expected to be familiar with these policies and procedures. Policies

specific to the School of Nursing are included herein. Course specific policies are included in

individual course syllabi.

Accreditation Status

The Grambling State University School of Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner Program has been

approved by the University of Louisiana Systems. Initial accreditation of the program for five

years was awarded by the National League of Nursing Accreditation Council (NLNAC) in June

2000. The program was awarded full eight years accreditation status in June 2004 and in July

2012 received an additional eight year accreditation status. Concerns regarding the program or

the accreditation process may be addressed to the Accreditation Commission for Education in

Nursing (ACEN); formerly known as the NLNAC, at the following:


3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850

Atlanta, Georgia 30326

Phone: (404)-975-5000 Fax: (404)-975-5020

Email: www.acenursing.org

Academic Dishonesty Policy

A student deemed to have committed academic dishonesty as defined in the Grambling State

University Catalog 2009-2011 (p. 37) will receive a minimum penalty of a grade of “F” in the

course in which the infraction occurred; the maximum penalty for a first offense is suspension

from the University for the remainder of the semester. Penalty for a second offense is indefinite

suspension from the University.


Cheating refers to the possession of unauthorized sources of information during an examination;

copying the work of another student, or permitting copying by another student during an exam;

completing an assignment for another student; submitting out-of-class work for an in-class

assignment; altering graded work after faculty evaluation, retaining exams or other materials

after they were supposed to be returned to faculty, falsifying data on in-class assignments or

clinical materials.

Page 17: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Plagiarism Statement

Plagiarism is the copying or paraphrasing of material from another source other than the mind of

the author unless that material is considered general knowledge. Three conditions must be

present for information to be considered general knowledge: (a) it may be found in writings of

several authors; (b) it is written entirely in the words of the student; and (c) it is not paraphrased

from any particular source. If in doubt, it is always better to be overly cautious and cite rather

than under cautious and not cite a reference.

Any student assignment which is determined to include plagiarism will be given the grade of “0”

for that assignment. At the discretion of the faculty, the penalty for plagiarism could include an

assignment of a grade of “F” for that course and suspension from the program for a minimum of

two semesters.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Grambling State University School of Nursing Graduate Program is

competitive. The first step in the admissions process is to apply for admission to the School of

Graduate Studies (applications online at www.gram.edu/admissions/graduate ). The second step

is to apply for admission to the School of Nursing Graduate Program (application online at


ad.php) To be considered for admission to the School of Nursing Graduate Nursing Program,

applicants must have met the following minimum requirements:

Regular Admission

1. Admission to the School of Graduate Studies at Grambling State University.

2. Application for admission to the graduate nursing program.

3. Baccalaureate degree in nursing from a program accredited by the NLN.

4. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for nursing degree courses.

5. Official transcripts of all colleges and universities attended received by the School of

Graduate Studies and the School of Nursing.

6. Submit official scores for Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Scores must have

been taken within 5 years prior to the date of admission into graduate program.

7. Completion of health assessment course taught in an accredited nursing program with a

grade of "C" or better.

8. Completion of statistics course with a grade of “C” or better.

9. Letters of recommendation from three professional/academic references received by

the School of Nursing and the School of Graduate Studies.

10. Minimum work experience as an RN of two years.

11. Graduate level writing course, NUR 500, or acceptable substitute approved by faculty

12. Completion of admission interview with the School of Nursing graduate faculty.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Provisional Admission

Graduate nursing students may be admitted to the School of Graduate Studies on a provisional

status while in the process of obtaining required credentials. See the current Grambling State

University Catalog for specific details.

Conditional Admission

Conditional admission may be granted to applicants who fail to meet all criteria for regular

admission; including GPA and GRE scores. The conditional status will be changed to regular

admission status when the student has earned a “B” average (3.0) in twelve (12) semester hours

of graduate study with not more than one grade of “C” in any non-clinical course. See the current

Grambling State University Catalog for specific details.


Each graduate nursing student in the Master of Science in Nursing program will be assigned a

faculty advisor. Advisors are available for assisting students in planning their program of study

and in reviewing with the student their progress on a periodic basis. Clinical course syllabi

specify frequency of required student advisor face to face or email conferences to discuss clinical

objectives and activities in each specific course. Student advisement may occur via office

appointment, scheduled telephone appointments, internet messaging or voice messaging with the

approval of the student’s faculty advisor.

Attendance Policy

It is the belief of the School of Nursing that classroom attendance is important to academic

achievement and professional development. Adult learners are expected to make decisions that

will facilitate the learning process for themselves as individuals. Attendance in class is not

required at the graduate level, but it is expected. In some classes, attendance may be a

requirement of a specific course, especially if group participation is an expected outcome for

learning to occur.

In many graduate nursing courses, participation in classroom activities is expected as

demonstration of professional role behavior and is included in determination of course grades.

Anticipated classroom absences should be discussed with faculty prior to the date for approval.

Prolonged illness or multiple absences or repeated tardiness may prevent attainment of terminal

course objectives resulting in a failing grade for the course.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Clinical Attendance Policy

Specific clinical hours required are identified in individual course syllabi. Requirements for

completion of a clinical course dictate that all clinical hours must be completed during the

semester in which the course is taken. Failure to complete clinical hours within that semester will

result in a grade of “F” for the course. All clinical check offs must be completed during the

semester in which the grade is awarded, no check offs will be performed beyond the semester

end date. If there are extenuating circumstances preventing a student from completing the

required clinical hours (i.e. severe illness) within a particular semester, the student may petition

their clinical faculty advisor and the MSN Program Director for an extension to complete the

required hours. This decision will be at the discretion of the faculty member and the MSN

Program Director.

If the graduate nursing student has scheduled hours in a clinical site and is unable to attend at the

scheduled time, or anticipates a tardy arrival in the clinical site, it is the responsibility of the

student to notify the personnel in the clinical area at least one hour prior to the designated

clinical time, and to notify the faculty in the School of Nursing. It is the responsibility of the

student to reschedule any missed clinical hours. Failure to attend scheduled clinical hours in a

specific clinical site may result in loss of privileges to attend that clinical site for the duration of

program enrollment.

All full time traditional nurse practitioner students are required to complete a minimum of 668

clinical clock hours during the course of enrollment in the MSN program. All hours must be

validated by the clinical preceptor in the clinical area in which the hours were earned. The MSN

faculty will keep an ongoing log of all clinical hours submitted for each semester, and for the

program total. Students are advised to keep copies of clinical hours and use these to validate the

faculty log of clinical hours each semester. Clinical hour tickets should be submitted to faculty

on a regular basis as indicated in the course syllabus. See the course syllabi for specifics on

clinical hour requirements per course.

Post master’s certificate students (fast track) are required to complete a minimum of 500 clinical

hours during their course of study in the program. Clinical hours will be awarded to the fast track

students for their area of pre-program specialty, based on the GSU program requirements, i.e. a

pediatric nurse practitioner enrolled in the fast track will be awarded credit for pediatric clinical

hours based on his/her private clinical practice prior to enrollment. These hours will not exceed

the number of pediatric hours required in the GSU program.

Carry Over Clinical Hours

In most semesters, FNP and PNP students may be allowed, at the discretion of MSN faculty, to

“carry over” clinical hours into a subsequent semester. No carry over hours are permitted in the

first semester of study (NUR 540). Carry over hours may be permitted in any of the NP

Management courses. Students may be permitted to carry over up to 10% of the subsequent

semester’s required family practice hours (example: in NUR 542 Management I a student may

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


earn enough clinical hours to carry over up to 7.2 hours into NUR 544 Management II {7.2

hours is 10% of the required 72 hours in NUR 544})

If the student desires to earn clinical hours during a semester break, the student first must make

certain that a faculty advisor will be available by telephone during the break time. If faculty are

not locally available during the break time, the student will not be permitted to earn clinical

hours during that time.

Clinical Requirements

Students enrolled in the clinical nursing courses must meet the School of Nursing’s requirements

for CPR Course C certification, current RN licensure, current malpractice coverage, and health

related paperwork requirements. Specific health requirements include completion of the Physical

Examination form, annual documentation of PPD or chest x-ray, and completion of required

immunizations (Rubella titer, MMR, and Hepatitis B or appropriate declination letter). Clinical

requirements must be updated at least annually to remain current throughout enrollment in the

graduate nursing program. Students will be required to bring original documents and a copy of

each prior to clinical assignments in each semester.

Certified Background Checks will maintain an online repository for all student clinical

information. Students will follow instructions provided for submission of required

documentation. All students MUST be cleared completely with all documents posted PRIOR to

attending clinical site rotations.

Clinical Site Selection

Clinical sites are selected based on the potential for clinical learning experiences. A student may

attend several clinical sites throughout the course of the program, based on the clinical needs of

the specific course the student is taking in a given semester. All clinical sites must be approved

by faculty prior to utilization of that site.

Graduate nursing students will NOT be permitted to earn clinical hours in their place of

employment. No student will be permitted to participate in a clinical activity for reimbursement;

i.e. students are not to be paid by the facility in which the clinical hours are earned.

Specific instructions for clinical site selection will be identified in each course syllabus. Students

will be instructed in the syllabus regarding the number of specialty hours required to meet the

learning needs for each semester.

The faculty and students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of any clinical site or

affiliating agency utilized for clinical experiences. Failure to abide by agency or clinical site

rules will result in removal of the student from that clinical site and possible dismissal from the

MSN program, at the discretion of the graduate faculty.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Clinical Preceptor Selection

Clinical experiences for all graduate nursing students are to occur only in clinical sites which

have been approved by the graduate nursing faculty. Clinical contracts are required for each

clinical site/preceptor utilized by graduate nursing students. All new clinical preceptors will be

contacted by the School of Nursing faculty to determine the appropriateness of the site and the

preceptor for the student’s clinical assignments.

Requirements for clinical preceptors include:

1. Unencumbered licensure status as an MD, a NP, or a graduate level nurse (Nurse

Educator students)

2. Board certified in area of practice/specialty for FNP or PNP students

3. Board certified in pediatrics or pediatric subspecialty for PNP students

4. Have a minimum of two years clinical experience

5. If a nurse practitioner, must have an earned MSN degree

Comprehensive Examination

All graduate nursing students must satisfactorily complete a terminal written and/or oral

comprehensive examination. The terminal examination covering the content of the program of

study will be administered in the final semester of study prior to graduation. A grade of pass or

fail will be awarded for the semester grade.

Post certificate FNP students may be granted credit for the clinical comprehensive examination

in their area of pre-program specialty, but should complete the remainder of the clinical

comprehensive examination. All post master’s and post certificate students who have written a

thesis or research project are exempt from the research/theory portion of the comprehensive


The written/computer generated comprehensive examination will be scheduled for all graduating

students in their final semester of study. Usually two separate days will be scheduled; one for the

theory and research component of the examination and one day for the clinical component. Time

limits will be adhered to for all comprehensive exams. Any student who fails to achieve a

passing grade on any section of the comprehensive examination will be provided one opportunity

to retest in an oral examination at a date specified by faculty within seven days of receipt of the

failed grade. If the student is not successful on the oral examination a grade of “fail” will be

awarded for the semester in NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination. The student must enroll in

NUR 599 in a subsequent semester.

If the student enrolls a second time in NUR 599, Comprehensive Examination, a date will be set

for the exam by the graduate faculty. If the student completes the written comprehensive exam

with a score lower than 85%, that student will receive the earned grade “fail” for the semester

and will be dismissed from the program.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Confidentiality Policy

Graduate nursing students of Grambling State University School of Nursing are held accountable

and responsible for maintaining confidentiality of all individuals as outlined in the ANA

Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice and the HIPPA Guidelines for protection of patient

privacy information.

Credit By Transfer

A master’s level nursing student may transfer credit for up to one-third of the hours needed to

complete the program from another university if the following criteria are met:

The institution must be regionally accredited.

A grade of “B” or better must be earned on all credits transferred.

The time limitations must be observed on all credits.

The credits must be acceptable to the program as determined by the graduate

nursing faculty, the MSN Program Director and the Associate Dean of the School of

Nursing. Transfer credits must comply with GSU graduate school policy regarding

transfer credit.

The School of Nursing Nurse Practitioner Program will not accept transfer of credits earned in

any clinical courses (NUR 540, NUR 542, NUR 544, NUR 546, NUR 548, nor in the

pharmacotherapeutics course NUR 552); other courses will be considered based on evidence

provided via course syllabi, official transcripts, and other course documents. The School of

Nursing Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program will not accept transfer of credits earned in any

clinical courses (NUR 540, NUR 572, NUR 574, NUR 576, NUR 578, nor in the

pharmacotherapeutics course NUR 552). Credits earned on a non-graduate basis or post-

baccalaureate basis in another institution will not be accepted on any basis toward graduate

degree requirements.

Transfer credits for the Nurse Educator program will include up to 1/3 of the total credit hours

for all courses except NUR 540 Assessment, NUR 530 Educational Foundations, NUR 532

Curriculum Development, NUR 534 Teaching Methods, NUR 536 Practicum and NUR 552

Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Dress Code Policy

White lab coats are required over appropriate professional street clothes when entering the

clinical area. White lab coats should be ¾ length coat that is pressed, clean, and in good repair.

Scrub jackets are not acceptable in the place of lab coats. Street clothes worn to clinical areas

should be congruent with the mode of dress by those professionals serving as clinical preceptors

(no blue jeans, no scrubs, no T shirts). Shoes should not have open toes. Students must present in

a professional manner, with clean, pressed, professional clothing and personal grooming. Long

hair must be secured in a manner that it does not fall forward. Men should maintain well

groomed facial hair, if present.

Fingernails should be well groomed, not excessively long. If nail polish is worn, it should be a

neutral color. If ears are pierced, only one pair of small earrings is allowed. Necklaces are not

appropriate for clinical attire. No acrylic nails or artificial nail overlays should be worn during

your clinical rotation. Also please refrain from wearing artificial eyelashes as this prevents

proper use of the opthalmoscope.

Perfume and gum chewing are not allowed in the clinical setting.

Students are to wear a GSU School of Nursing approved name pin which includes “RN” on the

name tag and identifies the student as a Grambling Graduate Nurse Student. Name pins will be

ordered during the first semester of course work, students are responsible for this expense.

Equipment Policy

Students are required to provide their own diagnostic equipment for clinical practice. Equipment

required in the clinical for FNP students should include a double head stethoscope, reflex

hammer, penlight, mm ruler, bandage scissors, insufflator bulb, otoscope/ophthalmoscope,

tuning fork. PNP students will also be required to have a pediatric age appropriate stethoscope

for their clinical practice experiences. Additionally students may find it helpful to have their own

set of BP cuffs in various sizes, a pocket eye chart, and a small tape measurer. Diagnostic

equipment must be taken to clinical each day the student is in attendance at the clinical site.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Grievance and Appeals Process


If a student has a grievance concerning grades the following process should be utilized:

1. see the professor with whom you have the problem, if the problem is still unresolved;

2. see your clinical advisor, if the problem is unresolved;

3. see the MSN Program Director, if the problem is unresolved;

4. see the Associate Dean of the School of Nursing, if the problem is unresolved;

5.see the Dean of the College of Professional Studies, if the problem is unresolved;

6. see the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

If the problem remains unresolved, the student is advised to follow the appeals procedures for

various types of appeals handled by the university as outlined in the Grambling State University

Student Handbook.

All grievances should be submitted in writing, signed, and dated on the specific form available in

the School of Nursing office. A copy of the form is included in the Appendix of this booklet.

Students are to complete the form, including their proposed solutions to the problems, and

deliver to the appropriate person.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Appeals Process

If a student is affected by the policy for admission, retention, or progression, a written appeal can

be made one time for the specified condition. An appeal is to ensure that students are not

deprived of due process. The appeal will be addressed by the Admissions and Academic

Standard Committee in the School of Nursing. The appeal MUST be presented to the Chair of

the Nursing Admissions and Academic Standards Committee prior to the end of the semester in

which the student is enrolled.

If the student would like to appeal a decision the following procedure must be utilized:

1. Meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss appeal and the appeal process

2. State the admission, retention, or progression policy that affects the student

3. State clearly what is being appealed

4. Include a copy of all transcripts

5. Provide a reason for the appeal

6. Provide information related to extenuating circumstances for the condition of non-


7. Include external documentation supporting the circumstances

8. Provide a time frame (semester and year) for continuation in the nursing program

9. Provide a plan addressing a change in behavior that will promote success

10. State proposed solution to the problem in the appeal statement

11. State whether you wish to appear before the committee for the appeal

12. Fill out appeal process form.

All appeals should be submitted in writing, signed, and dated on the specified form available in

the School of Nursing Office. Students are required to submit forms and supporting documents

in a sealed envelope.

If the student desires to personally be present before the School of Nursing Admission and

Academic Standards Committee, the student should present the request in writing along with

forms and supporting documents.

A response regarding the decision of the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee will

be provided within 14 days from the date of the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee

meeting. If the appeal is granted, students must meet all requirements for admission to the

professional component at the time of readmission. The student must adhere to all readmission

procedures set forth in this document. Readmission is not automatic and depends on space

available in the course.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Graduate School Forms Requirements

Each of the following forms are requirements from the School of Graduate Studies at various

points in the student’s enrollment. The School of Nursing Admission Coordinator for the MSN

Program and the MSN Program Director will be available to assist in the completion of each of

these forms. All forms must be typewritten and signed by appropriate faculty members.

Formal Admission To A Department

Each student who is admitted to pursue graduate studies in the graduate nursing program must

have a Formal Admission To A Department filed with the School of Graduate Studies in the

semester of the student’s admission to the program. Graduate faculty will complete and file these

forms for the students. Students are encouraged to check with graduate nursing faculty to assure

that this requirement has been completed in a timely manner.

Plan of Study

Each student is required to complete and submit a Plan of Study to the School of Graduate

Studies. This form should be completed after the Formal Admission To A Department has been

submitted. The Plan of Study should be completed by the student and his/her faculty advisor

during the second semester of course work. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate a

meeting with his/her faculty advisor to complete this requirement.

Admission To Candidacy Form

After the graduate nursing student has earned fifteen (15) hours of graduate work, an Admission

To Candidacy Form must be filed with the School of Graduate Studies. Graduate faculty are

responsible for completion and filing of this form. Graduate nursing students are encouraged to

check with faculty to ascertain that the Admission To Candidacy Form has been filed in a timely


Application For Graduate Degree

Graduate nursing students are required to submit this application for graduation the School of

Graduate Studies in the first month of the regular semester in which he/she plans to graduate.

Students are responsible to initiate a meeting with faculty advisors to complete and file the

Application For Graduate Degree in a timely manner. Students are required to be enrolled in the

current semester in which the graduation is to occur. Additional student requirements are:

1. Complete all departmental and graduate school requirements.

2. Meet the minimum semester hours required for the degree.

3. Not have more than six (6) semester hours of “C” grades.

4. Must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.

5. Meet the time limitations for graduate course work (within six years after admission

to the course of study).

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Lab Policies

Computer Lab

The MSN Computer Lab is available for additional learning experiences for graduate nursing

students. It offers experiential student oriented learning situations. Although some activities will

be required and directed, students are encouraged to utilize the facilities creatively.

No students are permitted in the computer lab during class times for their classroom. Students are

expected to sign in and sign out upon entering/leaving the computer lab.

Specific computer lab use requirements are listed below:

1. No magnets in the computer lab.

2. No equipment is to be removed from the computer lab by students.

3. Reproduction of copyrighted software is a violation of federal law.

4. No manipulation of hardware is allowed.

5. Students must furnish their own work disks and take their data disks with them

when they leave the computer lab area.

6. Equipment is arranged to allow adequate air flow for the computers. Equipment

should not be shoved or pushed around or moved (exceptions made for keyboard and


7. Nothing should ever be put on top of equipment.

8. The computer lab is for nursing students, faculty and staff use only.

Learning Resource Center

A learning resource center is available for graduate nursing students to enhance learning with

audio tapes and video tapes related to course content. Written materials are available for students

in the form of journals, textbooks, and printed materials from pharmaceutical companies for

further enrichment.

Clinical Lab

The School of Nursing provides a large clinical lab area complete with examination tables,

patient beds, and a various assortment of equipment. Learning models are available for graduate

nursing students to facilitate acquisition of advanced practice nursing skills. Students are

encouraged to schedule learning opportunities in the lab with their faculty advisor. There is a

simulation lab located on the first floor of the School of Nursing which may be utilized during

specific dates for additional learning opportunities. MSN students will follow all rules and

guidelines expected while in attendance in the simulation lab setting.

In all of the above lab facilities, students are reminded that no food or drink items are permitted.

Use of lab facilities requires cooperation on the part of the graduate student to keep lab areas

clean and available for future student use.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Retention and Progression Requirements

1. To progress in the Graduate Nursing Program, a grade of “A” or “B” must be earned in

all clinical courses for Family Nurse Practitioner (NUR 540, NUR 542, NUR 544, NUR

546, and NUR 548; for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (NUR 540, NUR 572, NUR 574,

NUR 576, and NUR 578); and for Nurse Educator a grade of “A” or “B” must be earned

in all nurse educator courses (NUR 530, NUR 532, NUR 534, NUR 535, NUR 536 and

NUR 540).

2. Enrollment in a nursing course is defined as completion of any unit examination, quiz,

or assignment in that course. A “W” grade in a course constitutes an enrollment in that


3. Failure is defined as achievement of a grade of “C”, “D”, or “F” in a clinical course; and

if the student withdraws from the course with a failing grade at the time of withdrawal.

4. A student may submit a written petition to the School of Nursing graduate faculty

requesting permission to repeat a clinical course in which a grade of “C” was earned.

Permission will be granted at the discretion of the graduate nursing faculty on a space

available basis. A revised Plan of Study form must be completed with the advisor. This

form is available on the School of Graduate Studies web site. A sample is also located in

the Appendix of this document.

a. The graduate nursing student who earns a grade of “C” in a clinical course may

petition for readmission to that course at the next available time of that class

offering, if space is available.

b. Prior to readmission in the unsuccessful clinical course, the graduate nursing

student must demonstrate retention of previously covered course content by

successful completion of a written competency examination and a skills

performance competency examination. The student must enroll in an independent

study course and earn a grade of “B” or higher to demonstrate retention of

previously learned content. This independent study course must be completed the

semester prior to re-entering the clinical course that is being repeated. Any

subsequent failure to progress will result in dismissal from the graduate nursing

program. Students may only enroll in NUR 550 Independent Study two (2)

times during their enrollment in the graduate nursing program.

5. A student who has failed to progress in the clinical course sequence may elect to continue

with non-clinical courses, with the permission of his/her advisor and the MSN Program

Director, if they are in good academic standing with the University. Enrollment in certain

non-clinical courses would not be permitted, if there is a co-requisite attached to the

admission criteria for that course, i. e. NUR 547 NP: Role II. Dismissal from the

nursing program will occur when a student has:

a. Failed the second enrollment of the same clinical course in the major area.

b. Failed a second clinical course in the major area (FNP, PNP, Nurse Educator)

c. A student who failed the second clinical course in the same major area will be

DISMISSED from the School of Nursing Graduate Nursing Program and is not

eligible for readmission to any of the other Graduate Nursing Program Tracks

within the MSN program ( The student is not allowed to transfer into any of the

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


other programs offered i.e. Family Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Nurse

Practitioner, Nurse Educator, or Post Masters Certificate).

6. Students who are dismissed from the School of Nursing Graduate Nursing Program

are not eligible for readmission to ANY program within the Graduate School of


7. A student who is dismissed from the program may elect to submit a written appeal to the

School of Nursing Admissions and Academic Standards Committee following the written

appeal process. Applying for an appeal does not guarantee automatic Readmission.

Readmission for a successful appeal is on a space available basis. Students must follow

the Appeals Policy for the School of Nursing (located in this document under Grievance

and Appeals, p. 24, MSN Graduate Program Student Handbook, 2015).

8. Students may have a grade of “C” in any non-clinical course and still progress in the

program. A student who accumulates more than six (6) semester hours of “C” grades will

be automatically dropped from the program and must petition the Graduate Council in

writing through the School of Nursing for consideration for re-admission.

9. No grade below a “C” is acceptable in any graduate course. A student with a grade of

“D” or “F” in any graduate nursing course is automatically dropped from the program

and must petition the Graduate Council in writing through the School of Nursing for

consideration for re-admission. A student cannot graduate with less than a 3.0 GPA.

Probation/Suspension/Dismissal Policy

Any graduate nursing student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on probation

by the University. A student who is readmitted on probation may remove himself from such

status by raising his/her cumulative GPA to 3.0 or better. Failure to make a semester average of

3.0 or better while on probation will result in dismissal.

Readmission/Returning Students

Graduate nursing students who have been non-enrolled in a clinical course for more than one

semester due to either failure to progress or personal reasons, must submit a written petition for

readmission to the program. Readmission is not automatic and depends on space availability.

Admission will be granted on a space available basis, if all other admission criteria are

maintained. Returning or readmitted students who have had an interrupted nursing course

sequence for any reason for a period of one semester or longer, will be required to validate

retention of previously covered course content by successful completion of a written competency

examination and a skills performance competency examination. This competency exam must be

completed the semester prior to readmission/return to the repeated course through enrollment in

an independent study course (NUR 550). Students may only enroll in NUR 550 Independent

Study two (2) times during their enrollment in the graduate nursing program. The student must

submit a Revised Plan of Study which outlines the changes made in the plan of study on file.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Per Graduate School requirements, students must complete the requirements for the master’s

degree within six years after admission to a degree program, if they are full time; part time

students may complete within eight years. Family Nurse Practitioner students and Pediatric

Nurse Practitioner students are also bound to time constraints issued by the Louisiana State

Board of Nursing, wherein the courses for advanced pathophysiology and advanced

pharmacotherapeutics must be taken within three years of application for their prescriptive

authority licensure status post graduation.

Student Health and Welfare

The School of Nursing complies with policies set forth by the University in providing health

care. (See the university catalog). All students must comply with university policies relating to

health. Each student participates in an accident and sickness insurance plan that is designed

especially for students at Grambling State University. Information material can be procured at

the Foster Johnson Infirmary.

Poor health may be reflected in clinical and/or classroom performance. It is recommended that

students maintain optimum sleeping and eating habits. Maintenance of standard weight for

height is desirable. Frequent absenteeism due to illness is clinical courses can result in failure or

an incomplete. Where frequent illness occurs, a doctor’s statement should be filed with the

program director.

All pregnant students must notify the program director of the pregnancy and due date for

delivery. It is advisable to have a physician’s statement indicating due date and the student’s

physical capacity to continue her course of study.

Student Representation

The graduate nursing faculty believes in student representation and participation in matters

concerning the School of Nursing MSN program. Representatives from each class are selected

by their peers to serve as a member of graduate nursing faculty committees.

Students at large are asked for frequent input into matters concerning the program. Input is

welcomed via direct personal communication with faculty, internet interchanges, course

evaluation forms, and faculty evaluation forms. Frequently faculty hold informal general

meetings with student groups during class days to solicit input regarding program matters.

Students may request a general meeting at any point in time that a matter needs to be addressed

with faculty and students. Graduate nursing faculty encourage open communication and sharing

of ideas and concerns regarding the program.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Students With Disabilities Policy

Any student with a disability who desires admission to the School of Nursing graduate program

will meet individually with the Associate Dean of the School of Nursing and the MSN Program

Director to determine the physical and mental capability of the student to engage in primary

health care delivery. Reasonable accommodations will be made on an individual basis; however,

the applicant must be able to perform in an independent manner. Graduate nursing students in

the Family Nurse Practitioner Option are expected to demonstrate ability to function effectively

in a clinical setting which requires communication skills, manual dexterity skills, visual and

hearing ability, and certain mobility requirements. Examples of competency requirements are

listed below, but do not comprise an exhaustive list.


MENTAL/EMOTIONAL Possesses the mental and emotional ability demonstrates behaviors appropriate to the

to adapt to the environment, function in situation, uses appropriate coping strategies

everyday activities, and cope with stressors

SENSORY Possesses the ability to assess and/or evaluate

client responses and to perform nursing

interventions safely and accurately

A. Visual

1. Has normal or corrected vision observes patient responses, visualizes the

within the range of 20/20 to appearance of wounds, recognizes changes

20/80 in skin color, color of drainage,


2. Distinguishes color shades and size/shape of lesions

or changes

B. Auditory

Has normal or corrected hearing hears alarms, auscultatory sounds

ability within the 0-45 decibel


C. Tactile

Possesses in at least on hand the performs functions of physical assessment

ability to perceive temperature

changes and pulsations and to

differentiate different structures

and textures

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



Possesses four (4) functional limbs moves among patient rooms and treatment

(normal or artificial) that allows the areas, performs CPR

student to perform abilities sufficient to

move from room to room and maneuver

in small places; gross and fine motor skills

sufficient to provide safe and effective

nursing care

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION A. Possesses communication abilities explains treatment interventions and initiates

sufficient for appropriate and effective health teaching, documents nursing actions

interaction with others in oral and and patient responses

written form

B. Possesses interpersonal abilities establishes rapport with patients, families,

sufficient to interact appropriately and colleagues

and effectively with individuals,

families, and groups from a variety

of backgrounds

CRITICAL THINKING A. Possesses critical thinking ability identifies cause and effect relationships,

sufficient for clinical judgment develops plan of care for clients

B. Applies principles of logical or scientific

thinking to define problems, collect

data, establish facts, and draw valid

conclusions. Deals with several

abstract and concrete variables.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Substance Abuse Policy

The mission of the Graduate Nursing Program at Grambling State University is to prepare

graduates to assume the roles of advanced practitioners of professional nursing. The School of

Nursing accomplishes this by providing a caring, engaging environment for the empowerment of

student learning potential, the professional development of faculty, and the promotion of the

nursing profession. Therefore, in order to uphold the highest standards of the nursing profession,

the School of Nursing has adopted a drug free-environment. The School of Nursing strictly

prohibits the illicit use, possession, sale, conveyance, distribution, and manufacture of illegal

drugs, intoxicants, or controlled substances in any amount or in any manner, and the abuse of

nonprescription and prescription drugs. The intent of the drug screen policy is to identify those

students who are chemically impaired.

As a condition of the admission to the professional component of the Graduate School of

Nursing, each student will be required to submit to a drug test, and to submit, as requested to

additional test once enrolled in the professional component.

The following is a partial listing of what GSU SON deems as possible signs and symptoms of

drug or alcohol use:

Frequent absences from class, clinical or lab and/or disappearance from such

Isolation and withdrawal

Patient care errors, particularly medication errors

Detectable odor of alcohol

Increasingly poor decision and judgment about patient care

Illogical or sloppy charting

Unusual accidents and incidents

Deteriorating personal appearance

Changes in motor function and behavioral patterns including personality changes, mood

swings, illogical thought patterns gait disturbances, impaired dexterity, slurred speech,

drowsiness/sleepiness, and papillary changes

Information that a student has caused or contributed to an accident as a result of

substance abuse, or has been arrested and/or charged with a substance abuse-related


Conviction by a court or being found guilty, plea of guilty, or a plea of no contest for

substance abuse-related offense.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


A. Drug Testing upon Admission and Continuance in the Graduate Nursing


The Grambling State University School of Nursing enforces zero tolerance for impairment due to

alcohol and/or drug use while on campus or in clinical affiliation experiences. Infringement on

this policy will subject the student to disciplinary action up to and including academic dismissal.

A negative drug screen is required upon acceptance to the Graduate School of Nursing and/or if

there is a break in enrollment for a semester or more. Drug screens are conducted by sites

designated by the School of Nursing and are collected according to the laboratory’s policy. The

outcome of a positive drug screen may include suspension, or immediate dismissal from the


Any faculty member can request a drug screen after documentation of possession of alcohol or

drugs in violation of this policy, or when suspected behaviors are demonstrated. The drug screen

test is to be conducted at the expense of the student. During participation in clinical, classroom,

or campus settings, the student will be removed from the area and must report within 1 hour to a

designated laboratory site for collection of drug screen. If the drug screen request s made during

the attendance at the University campus or associated facilities, the student would be required to

report to the designated site for collection of the drug screen within 1 hour. Impaired students

will not be permitted to drive and must bear the cost of any transportation. The student will be

suspended from all clinical activities, and will be notified of the drug screen results; this

suspension will remain in effect until a negative result is returned or the investigation is


B. Confidentiality

All testing information, interviews, reports, statement, and test results specifically related to the

individual are confidential to the extent allowed by state and federal law. The Program Director

or designee will receive drug test results from the lab, and only authorized persons will be

allowed to review this information.

C. Positive Drug Test

Confirmation of a positive drug screen will result in immediate removal from the Graduate

School of Nursing Program. Upon confirmation of positive drug screen, students will be

reported to the Louisiana State Board of Nursing for further follow-up. Determinations made by

the Louisiana State Board of Nursing will be upheld by the School of Nursing. A student who

has not received clearance from Louisiana State Board of Nursing will not be eligible to continue

within the program.

D. Responsibility of Obtaining Drug Screen

Random drug screens are at the student’s expense and must be conducted at the designated drug

screening facility. The student would be required to report to the designated site for collection of

the drug screen within 1 hour. Failure to undergo a drug screen on the designated day will result

in immediate withdrawal from the Graduate Nursing Program.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Substance-related disorders are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental

Disorder 4th

Edition, and as subsequently amended. Substance abuse is grouped into eleven

classes: alcohol, amphetamines, or similarly acting sympathomimetics, caffeine, cannabis,

cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, nicotine, opioids, phencyclidine (PCP), or similarly acting

arycyclohexyalmines and sedatives, hyponotics, or anxiolytics. Testing may include any of these

drug categories. The Medical Professional Panel Drug Screens include common street drugs and

those drugs that health care workers have access to and abuse. Drugs that may be monitored

include: Alfetanil, Butorphamol (Stadol), Fentanyl, Ketamine, MDMA (ecstacy), Nalbuphine

(Nubain), Sufentanil, Tramadol, Amphetamines/Methamphetamines, Cocaine, Benzodiazepines,

Marijuana, Cannabinoids, Barbiturates, Methadone, Opiate, Phencycidine, Propoxyphene.

If alcohol is suspected, then the student will be asked to take a Breathalyzer or serum alcohol test

at the student’s expense. The student would be required to report to the designated site for

collection of the drug screen within 1 hour. Confirmation of the presence of alcohol will result

in removal from the clinical courses and/or program within one calendar year. (Readmission is

not automatic. Student should follow the procedure for readmission as presented in the MSN

handbook.) A second positive test will render the student ineligible to continue in the program.

E. Student’s Right to Appeal

The only disciplinary action taken by the Graduate Nursing Program at Grambling State

University’ School of Nursing that can be appealed by a student is a decision to dismiss the

student from the Nursing Program.


At the beginning of the first and second semester, students are provided with a book list of

required and recommended textbooks which are available in the campus book store. Although

the textbook list is expensive, all texts have been carefully selected for their use in classroom

learning activities as well as future potential as advanced practice references after graduation.

Students are required to purchase all textbooks included on the required list when the list is


Students will find it advantageous to bring several key textbooks to the clinical sites for

references while engaged in clinical activities. Keep in mind the space available in the clinical

site. Students may elect to bring a PDA/electronic book on iPhone/iPad with textbook software

to the clinical site.

A large selection of professional journals have been donated to the program from area physician

offices for student use. These are primarily housed in the graduate class rooms. Students are

encouraged to utilize these journals as needed for references. If you borrow a journal for review,

please return it before the end of the semester, and place the journal in its appropriate place on

the shelf.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Thesis and Research Project Policy Graduate nursing students must complete a thesis or a research project during their course of

work toward the Master of Science in Nursing degree. See The School of Nursing’s Research

Project and Thesis Guide (2010) for specific requirements of the thesis or research project. Also

see the Grambling State University’s Guideline for Preparing Research Proposals, Master’s

Projects and Theses, and Doctoral Dissertations (2004) for university specifications.

Copies of each of these may be obtained from graduate nursing faculty.

Transportation Policy

Throughout the program, graduate nursing students must travel to various rural agencies and

clinical sites for clinical assignments. Students are responsible for their own transportation and

subsequent expenses.

Students are required to follow university rules for parking and maintaining a vehicle on campus.

Universal Precautions Policy

Hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are significant health risks for

health care workers in the United States especially in those areas exposed to needle-sticks and

splashed blood/body fluids. It is mandatory that graduate nursing students take efforts to prevent

exposure to these diseases by consistent use of Universal Precautions in the clinical settings.

Students are expected to submit proper documentation that all required immunizations are

current each year of enrollment in the program.

Make-up Tests

If a student is absent from a scheduled examination in any graduate course, and the absence is

excused by faculty, the student will need to meet with faculty to make alternative plans to

schedule a make-up examination to satisfy the grade for the missed examination. Students are

expected to notify faculty BEFORE the examination time if an excused absence is to occur.

Examples of an excused absence: death of an immediate family member (mother, father, brother,

sister, spouse, child); student in the hospital as a patient for an acute illness; student’s child in the

hospital for an acute, unplanned illness. Unexcused absences will be awarded a grade of “0” for

that missed examination.

Review Course Nurse practitioners students are required to attend a certification review course in the final

semester of study. This course is arranged by the faculty through an independent company.

Students are responsible for their own registration and travel expenses for this course.

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491



Grambling State University School of Nursing

Family Nurse Practitioner Option/MSN

Curriculum Plan

Summer Semester Credit Hours

NUR 500 Advanced Writing Seminar (Prerequisite) 3

Fall Semester (16 weeks) Credit Hours Clinical Hrs/Wk

NUR 501 Advanced Nursing Science Theory 3

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology 3

NUR 540 NP: Advanced Health Assessment 3 3

NUR 541 NP: Role I 1 1.5

Total 10 56 hr/semester

16 lab hours

Spring Semester (16 weeks)

NUR 542 NP: Advanced Health Management I 4 6

NUR 503 Advanced Nursing Research 3

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

Total 10 100 hr/semester

Summer Semester (12 weeks)

NUR 544 NP: Advanced Health Management II 4 6

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3 0.5

Total 7 72 hr/semester

Fall Semester (16 weeks)

NUR 546 NP: Advanced Health Management III 4 12

NUR 547 NP: Role II 1

NUR 580 Research Project 3


NUR 590 Thesis Option 3

Total 8 190 hr/semester

Spring Semester (16 weeks)

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5 15

NUR 590 Thesis Option or Elective 3

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0

Total 8 240 hr/semester

Total for Program 46 668 hours

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Grambling State University School of Nursing

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Option/MSN

Curriculum Plan

Summer Semester Credit Hours

NUR 500 Advanced Writing Seminar (Prerequisite) 3

Fall Semester (16 weeks) Credit Hours Clinical Hrs/Wk

NUR 501 Advanced Nursing Science Theory 3

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology 3

NUR 540 NP: Advanced Health Assessment 3 3

NUR 541 NP: Role I 1

Total 10 56 hr/semester

16 lab

Spring Semester (16 weeks)

NUR 572 PNP: Advanced Health Management I 4 6

NUR 503 Advanced Nursing Research 3

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

Total 10 96 hr/semester

Summer Semester (12 weeks)

NUR 574 PNP: Advanced Health Management II 4 6

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3 0.5

Total 7 84 hr/semester

Fall Semester (16 weeks) NUR 576 NP: Advanced Health Management III 4 12

NUR 547 NP: Role II 1

NUR 580 Research Project 3


NUR 590 Thesis Option 3

Total 8 192 hr/semester

Spring Semester (16 weeks)

NUR 578 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5 15

NUR 590 Thesis Option or Elective 3

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0

Total 8 240 hr/semester

Total for Program 46 668 hours

Page 39: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Grambling State University

School of Nursing

Graduate Nursing Program

Post Master’s Certificate FNP Curriculum Plan

Fall Semester

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology* 3

NUR 540 NP: Advanced Health Assessment 3

NUR 541 NP: Role I 1

Total 7

Spring Semester

NUR 542 NP: Advanced Health Management I 4

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

Total 7

Summer Semester

NUR 544 NP: Advanced Health Management II 4

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3 3

Total 7

Fall Semester

NUR 546 NP: Advanced Health Management III 4

NUR 547 NP: Role II 1

Total 5

Spring Semester

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0

Total 5

Grand Total 31

*If earned credit in pathophysiology is older than 5 years, students will be required to audit NUR 505

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Grambling State University

School of Nursing

Graduate Nursing Program

Post Certification Family Nurse Practitioner Programs

“Fast Tracks”

Adult Nurse Practitioner (ANP) to Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)

Course Credit Hours

NUR 544 NP: Advanced Health Management II 4

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3

NUR 546 NP: Advanced Health Management III 4

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5

Total 16

Women’s Health Practitioner (WHNP) to Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)

Course Credit Hours

NUR 542 NP: Advanced Health Management I 4

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3

NUR 546 NP: Advanced Health Management III 4

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5

Total 16

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) to Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)

Course Credit Hours

NUR 542 NP: Advanced Health Management I 4

NUR 544 NP: Advanced Health Management II 4

NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities 3

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV 5

Total 16

Page 41: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Grambling State University

School of Nursing

Graduate Nursing Program

Nurse Educator Option

Clinical Focus: Adult/Geriatric

Summer Semester Credit Hours

NUR 500 Advance Writing Seminar (Prerequisite) 3

Fall Semester Credit Hours

NUR 501 Advanced Nursing Science Theory 3

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology 3

NUR 540 Advanced Health Assessment 3

Total 9

Spring Semester

NUR 503 Advanced Nursing Research 3

NUR 530 Educational Foundations for Nurse Educators 3

NUR 535 Nurse Educator Role 1

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

Total 10

Summer Semester

NUR 507 Issues and Trends in Nursing 2

NUR 532 Curriculum Development 3

Total 5

Fall Semester

NUR 590 Thesis 3

NUR 534 Teaching Methodologies 3

NUR 514 Adult Health I 4

Total 10

Spring Semester

NUR 516 Adult Health II 4

NUR 536 Practicum 3

NUR 590 Thesis 3

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0

Total 10

` Total 47

Page 42: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Grambling State University

School of Nursing

Graduate Nursing Program

Nurse Educator Option

Clinical Focus: Maternal Child

Summer Semester Credit Hours

NUR 500 Advanced Writing Seminar (Prerequisite) 3

Fall Semester Credit Hours

NUR 501 Advanced Nursing Science Theory 3

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology 3

NUR 540 Advanced Health Assessment 3

Total 9

Spring Semester

NUR 503 Advanced Nursing Research 3

NUR 530 Educational Foundations 3

NUR 535 Nurse Educator Role 1

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3

Total 10

Summer Semester

NUR 507 Issues and Trends in Nursing 2

NUR 532 Curriculum Development 3

Total 5

Fall Semester

NUR 510 Women’s Health Topics 4

NUR 534 Teaching Methodologies 3

NUR 590 Thesis 3

Total 10

Spring Semester

NUR 512 Pediatric Health Topics 4

NUR 536 Practicum in Nursing Education 3

NUR 590 Thesis 3

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination 0

Total 10

Total 47

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


Catalog Descriptions for Master of Science in Nursing Degree

NUR 500 Writing Seminar for Professional Nurses

An introduction to writing skills for nurses at the graduate school level. Emphasis will be

placed on interpretive, analytical, and evaluative thinking and writing skills. This is a preparatory

course for writing required in nursing papers submitted for publication, research projects, and

thesis. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing Graduate Program.

NUR 501 Advanced Nursing Science Theory

Explores philosophical and theoretical foundations of nursing. Focuses on analysis of

selected theories and concepts. 3 Hrs. Prerequisites: Admission to the School of Nursing

Graduate Program and NUR 500

NUR 503 Advanced Research

Introduction to the concepts and process of research. Emphasis is placed on data analysis,

critique, utilization, as well as issues of reliability and validity of measurement, the ethics of

human inquiry, and the dissemination of findings. 3 Hr. Prerequisites: Admission to the School

of Nursing Graduate Program and NUR 500

NUR 505 Advanced Pathophysiology

Advanced human pathophysiological concepts in systems such as cardiovascular,

pulmonary, neurologic, renal, and digestive. Emphasis on mechanisms producing clinical

manifestations for selected disease syndromes. 3 Hrs. Prerequisites: Admission to the School of

Nursing Graduate Program.

NUR 507 Issues and Trends in Nursing Practice

Explores and evaluates contemporary issues and trends relevant to nursing practice.

Emphasis is placed on issues and trends related to roles of the professional nurse prepared at the

master’s level with exploration of current changes in the health care system. Prerequisite:

Admission the School of Nursing Graduate Program and NUR 530, NUR 535

NUR 510 Women’s Health

Analysis of theoretical foundations and clinical concepts necessary for advanced nursing

practice with female clients at risk for experiencing alterations in physiologic health. Includes

directed field study time in a selected health care area. Prerequisite: NUR 505, NUR 540, NUR

530, NUR 535, NUR 552, NUR 507, NUR 532

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


NUR 512 Pediatric Health

Emphasis on prevention, monitoring, and restoring health for pediatric clients. Clinical

experiences occur in various health care settings with approved preceptor. Prerequisite: NUR

505, NUR 540, NUR 530, NUR 535, NUR 552, NUR 507, NUR 532, NUR 510 Co-requisite:

NUR 536 , NUR 599

NUR 514 Adult Health I

Analysis of theoretical foundation and clinical concepts necessary for advanced nursing

practice of adult and geriatric clients. Includes directed field study time in a selected health care

area. Prerequisite: NUR 505, NUR 540, NUR 530, NUR 535, NUR 552, NUR 507, NUR 532

Co-requisite: NUR 534

NUR 516 Adult Health II

Emphasis on prevention, monitoring, and restoring health for adult and geriatric clients.

Clinical experiences occur in various health care settings with an approved preceptor.

Prerequisite: NUR 505, NUR 501, NUR 540, NUR 503, NUR 552, NUR 530, NUR 535, NUR

514 Co-requisite: NUR 536, NUR 599

NUR 530 Educational Foundations for Nurse Educators

This course explores the theoretical foundations of education with particular emphasis on

the education of nursing students. Lectures, seminars, case studies, and simulations are planned

to provide the student with theories, methods, and issues relevant to nursing education.

Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing Graduate Program, NUR 501, NUR 505, NUR

540 Co-requisite: NUR 503, NUR 552, NUR 535

NUR 532 Curriculum Development for Nurse Educators

The focus of this seminar course is the exploration of curricular process within nursing

education and its application to a variety of programs in nursing education. Seminar focuses on

application of curriculum theory to curriculum formation, revision, to study and the application

of conceptual frameworks within the curriculum. Prerequisite: NUR 501,NUR 505, NUR 540,

NUR 503, NUR 552, NUR 530, NUR 535 Co-requisite: NUR 507

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


NUR 534 Teaching Methodologies in Nursing

Designed to provide teachers with skills and competencies based on research findings on

effective teaching and instruction related to promotion of student academic achievement.

Includes identifying, developing, and practicing instructional variables that effect teacher

performance and student learning tasks. Prerequisite: NUR 501, NUR 540, NUR 503, NUR 552,

NUR 530, NUR 535, NUR 507, NUR 532 Co-requisite: NUR 510 or 514, NUR 590

NUR 535 Nurse Educator Role

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the role of the nurse educator in a

variety of health care settings, including higher educational settings and various health care

settings as nursing educational coordinator roles. The historical perspectives of nursing education

are explored, as well as current and future practice trends. Prerequisite: Admission to the School

of Nursing Graduate Program. Pre-requisite: NUR 501, NUR 505, NUR 540 Co-requisite: NUR


NUR 540 NP: Advanced Health Assessment

This course is designed to provide students with the theoretical and clinical basis for

advanced practice in the primary care of pediatric, adult, and geriatric clients. Emphasis is placed

on the prevention of illness and detection of acute and chronic illness for family populations.

Clinical experiences occur in primary and long term care settings. 3 hr. Two hours lecture, one

hour clinical. Prerequisites: Admission to the School of Nursing Graduate Program, NUR 500

NUR 541 Nurse Practitioner Role I

Introduction to the legal and ethical role of the family nurse practitioner. Includes

philosophy, objectives, and conceptual framework of practice, as well as analysis of current

trends in the role of the nurse practitioner. 1 Hr. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of

Nursing Graduate Program, NUR 500

NUR 542 NP: Advanced Health Management I

Building on NUR 540, students are enabled to make appropriate clinical judgments in the

health care management for adult and geriatric clients. Emphasis is on monitoring, preventing,

and restoring health for populations in rural and urban settings. Clinical experiences occur in

primary health care settings with approved preceptors. 4 Hr. Two hours lecture, two hours

clinical. Prerequisite: NUR 540

Page 46: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


NUR 544 NP: Advanced Health Management II

Building on NUR 542, this course enables students to make appropriate clinical

judgments in the health care management of women. Clinical experiences occur in primary

health care settings with approved preceptors. 4 Hr Two hours lecture, two hours clinical.

Prerequisite: NUR 542

NUR 546 NP: Advanced Health Management III

A continuation of NUR 544 with emphasis on role identification of the family nurse

practitioner in providing health care management for infants and children. Clinical experiences

occur under the direction of an approved preceptor in primary health care settings. 6 Hr. Two

hours lecture, four hours clinical. Prerequisite: NUR 544

NUR 547 NP: Role II

Evaluation of the roles of the advanced clinician with development of strategies for

transition to post graduate practice environments. 1 Hr. Prerequisite: NUR 500, NUR 501, NUR

505, NUR 540, NUR 541, NUR 542, NUR 503, NUR 552, NUR 544, NUR 553 Co-requisite:

NUR 546

NUR 548 NP: Advanced Health Management IV

A continuation of NUR 546 with emphasis on the role acquisition of the family nurse

practitioner in providing health care for clients of various ages across the life span. The focus of

the student in this course includes monitoring and evaluation of quality health care practice, as

well as integration of organizational systems and management guidelines in the primary care of

individuals. Clinical experiences provide the student with the opportunity to demonstrate

assimilation of the dimensions of advocate, case manager, and leader. 7 Hr. Two hours lecture,

five hours clinical. Prerequisite: NUR 500, NUR 501, NUR 505, NUR 540, NUR 541, NUR 542,

NUR 503, NUR 552, NUR 544, NUR 553NUR 546

NUR 552 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics

A study of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutics of drugs used in the

management of acute and chronic medical conditions. Alternative drug therapies will be

appraised. 3 Hr. Prerequisite: NUR 505, NUR 501, NUR 540

Page 47: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


NUR 553 Health Policy for Families & Communities

This course is designed to explore content related to current health care policy and its

impact on family dynamics and community and rural health care resources. Health care delivery

systems, health economics, and health policy are evaluated in regards to their impact on the

family unit and the rural and underserved communities. Students engage in community and

family assessments, agency visits, and review of current literature on the topic. 3 Hr.

Prerequisite: NUR 503

NUR 550 Independent Study

An independent study which allows an individual an opportunity to secure additional

practice or experience to refine clinical practice abilities or gain additional nurse content. 1, 2, or

3 Hr. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing Graduate Program and advisor approval.

NUR 572 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Health Management I 4

A continuation of NUR 540 with emphasis on role identification of the pediatric nurse

practitioner in providing health care promotion and supervision for children from birth through

adolescence. Students continue to enhance the professional role competencies of the advanced

nurse practitioner and refine skills in the management of health promotion and supervision.

Clinical experiences occur under the direction of an approved preceptor in pediatric and primary

health care settings. 4 Semester hours. Two hours lecture, two hours clinical. Prerequisite: NUR


NUR 574 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Health Management II 4

A continuation of NUR 572 with emphasis on role identification of the pediatric nurse

practitioner in understanding principles of growth and development across the lifespan and to

provide health care to children from birth through adolescence. Students continue to enhance the

professional role competencies of the advanced nurse practitioner and refine skills in the

management of health promotion and supervision. Clinical experiences occur under the direction

of an approved preceptor in pediatric and primary health care settings. 4 Semester hours. Two

hours lecture, two hours clinical. Prerequisite: NUR 572

Page 48: GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY · MSN GRADUATE PROGRAM MISSION AND PURPOSES The Grambling State University mission statement evokes the philosophy that education is the cornerstone of

Grambling State University School of Nursing, P.O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax (318) 274-3491


NUR 576 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Health Management III 6

A continuation of NUR 574 with emphasis on role identification of the pediatric nurse

practitioner in providing health care management of children with acute and common illnesses.

Students continue to enhance the professional role competencies of the advanced nurse

practitioner and refine skills in the management of client wellness and illness states. Clinical

experiences occur under the direction of an approved preceptor in pediatric and primary health

care settings. 6 Semester hours - Two hours lecture, four hours clinical. Prerequisite: NUR 574

Co-requisite: NUR 547

NUR 578 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Health Management IV 7

A continuation of NUR 576 with emphasis on role identification of the pediatric nurse

practitioner in providing health care management to children with chronic illness. Students

continue to enhance the professional role competencies of the advanced nurse practitioner and

refine skills in the management of client wellness and illness states. Clinical experiences occur

under the direction of an approved preceptor in pediatric and primary health care settings. 7

Semester hours. Two hours lecture, five hours clinical. Prerequisite: NUR 576

NUR 580 Research Project

Integration of theoretical and empirical knowledge in the development of a research

project related to rural or urban health care needs for the nurse practitioner. 3 Hr. Prerequisite:

NUR 500, NUR 503

NUR 590 Thesis

Integration of theoretical and empirical knowledge in the development of a thesis. Course

may be continued once for credit. 3 Hr. Prerequisite: NUR 500, NUR 503.

NUR 599 Comprehensive Examination

Written examination which encompasses integration of knowledge base of master’s level

of graduate nursing education. Co-requisite: NUR 548 (for NP program), or NUR 578 (for PNP

program) or NUR 512 or 516 and NUR 536 (for Nurse Educator)

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P. O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax

(318) 274-3491


Grambling State University SCHOOL OF NURSING

Grievance/Problem/ Reactive Comment FORM

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_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________________________


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President _______ _______ ___________________

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Grambling State University School of Nursing, P. O. Box 1192, Grambling, Louisiana 71245, Telephone (318) 274-2672, Fax

(318) 274-3491

