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Grammar Boot Camp Verbs

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  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Grammar Boot Camp: verb forms

    Last week, we found out that verbs either show an action or a state of being.Today we are going to focus on the different forms verbs can take.

    BASE FORMThe base form of the verb is the first-person singular, present tense. It is the formyou would use after I ______ or to _______.

    For example:I want, hope, run, see, think, feel, create, destroyTo want, hope, run, see, think, feel, create, destroy

    *The exception is the verb be, am (as in I am) is NOT the base form, be is.

    PRESENT PARTICIPLEA present participle tells of a continuous action. For regular verbs, thepresent participle is formed by adding ing to the base form.

    For example:wanting, hoping, running, seeing, thinking, feeling, creating, destroying

    PAST PARTICIPLEA past participle indicates past or completed action or time. The pastparticiple is formed by adding edto the based form.*Exceptions: If the verb ends in e, just add d

    If the verb ends in y, change the y to i and add ed

    PRACTICE: Write the base, present participle, and past participle for each of theverbs in the chart below.

    Verb Base Present Participle Past ParticipleFades










    Woo hoo! Grammar Boot Camp is improving our writing one day at a time!

    Tomorrow, were taking on simple present tense.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Grammar Boot Camp: verb Tenses simple present

    For a QUICK review from yesterday, fill in the correct BASE, PRESENTPARTICIPLE, and PAST PARTICIPLE in the chart below.

    Verb Base Present Participle Past Participle





    You use the SIMPLE PRESENT for:1. Habitual actions = We always begin Monday with new vocabulary.2. Actions occurring that moment = I see someone I know over there.3. Facts or general truths = The first Tuesday in November is Election Day.

    For regular verbs, the base form of the verb is used for all persons, except for third-person singular. For the third-person singular, you add an s or es to the base verb.

    For example:Person Singular Verb Plural VerbFirst person I Talk We Talk Second person You Talk You Talk Third person He/She/It Talks They Talk

    Time to practice!Fill in the correct form of the verb in the blank.

    1. Stevon __________ everyday until three. (to work)

    2. They __________ to eat lunch everyday at noon. (to like)

    3. The crowd __________ bigger every week. (to get)

    4. The people in class _________ after-school. (to smoke)

    5. The dog _________ to be walked in the rain. (to hate)

    6. Aliyse __________ with her dog every night. (to play)

    7. Sheena always __________ very nicely. (to dress)

    There are a few IRREGULAR verbs in the simple present. Lets fill in the correct verbconjugations for the verbs below.

    TO DOPerson Singular Verb Plural VerbFirst person I We

    Second person You You

    Third person He/She/It They

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    TO HAVEPerson Singular Verb Plural VerbFirst person I We

    Second person You YouThird person He/She/It They

    TO BEPerson Singular Verb Plural VerbFirst person I We

    Second person You You

    Third person He/She/It They

    Time to Practice with the Irregulars!**The following sentences use some form of to be**

    1. It _______ cold today.

    2. I _______ at home now.

    3. They _______ Dominican.

    4. There ______ a pen on the desk.

    5. My name _______ Fredrick.

    6. We ______ from Harlem.

    7. That ______ right!

    8. I ______ OK.

    9. Mr. and Mrs. Moxey _________ married.

    10. He _______ a writer.

    11. _______ Asiyah and Kendra sisters?

    12. _______ this bag yours?

    13. _______ I in your way?

    14. _______ David Lizs boyfriend?15. _______ you going to Hampton next year?

    Woo hoo! Grammar Boot Camp is improving our writing one day at a time!

    Tomorrow, were taking on simple past tense.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Grammar Boot Camp: verb Tenses simple PAST

    Review from Yesterday fill in the correct form in simple present tense below.

    1. Every game day, Khadim ________ himself up with Rrow, rrow! (topump)

    2. Be quiet, Sylvester _________ sleeping. (to be)

    3. This delicious chocolate ________ made in Switzerland. (to be)

    4. Christina always _________ very loudly. (to talk)

    5. Allegra, _______ you a cheerleader? (to be)

    SIMPLE PAST TENSEYou use past tense when an action was began and completed in the past. For regular

    verbs, the simple past tense is the same as the past participle. You addedto the base verb to form the past tense. If the verb ends in y, change it to aniand then add ed.

    Practice with simple past tense (regular verbs).

    1. Only eight people _______ in their homework last night. (to turn)

    2. Kaseem ________ to school three days after it began in September. (to


    3. If you __________ last night, you will do fine on your quiz. (to study)

    4. Who __________ Gossip Girl last week? (to watch)

    5. Maurice _________ me last night, but I _________ his call. (to call, to


    6. Two girls ____________ during the last fire drill. (to argue)

    IRREGULAR PAST TENSEOver 100 English verbs are irregular; their past tense is not as simple as adding ed.They take different forms in the past tense and/or past participle.

    For practice, well identify the correct past tense and/or past participle. For the first

    group, the past tense and past participle will be the same.

    Base Verb Past/PastParticiple

    Base Verb Past/PastParticiple

    Base Verb Past/PastParticiple

    have bleed light

    bite hear meet

    dig hold lay

    pay say sell

    tell shine shoot

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    sit spit keep

    deal kneel leave

    mean spent sent

    bring buy catch

    fight think find

    Now, well look at verbs that have DIFFERENT past tenses and past participles.

    Base Verb Past Tense PartParticiple

    Base Verb Past Tense PastParticiple

    begin ring

    sing do

    go see

    lie drink

    sink stink

    tear wearblow draw

    grow know

    throw drive

    choose break

    speak fall

    take forget

    get give

    ride steal

    Just like simple present, the verb to be is the most irregular.

    Person Present Tense Past Tense Past ParticipleFirst I am was have beenSecond - you are were have beenThird he/she/it is was has beenFirst we are were have beenThird they are were have been

    Some practice

    1. I cant believe I _________ an 100 on my quiz! (to get)

    2. LaQuanna _________ a new skirt yesterday. (to buy)

    3. Nicolette and Kendon ________ bored yesterday. (to be)

    4. Kadeem __________ two Pepsis yesterday. (to drink)

    5. I _________ from Missouri to New York in a U-Haul. (to drive)

    6. Duane _________ his table M&Ms yesterday. (to give)

    7. Who _________ the winning shot yesterday? (to make)

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    8. Where __________ Gabby and Princess meet? (to do)

    9. Who __________ to do their homework last night? (to forget)

    Grammar Boot Camp: verb Tenses past participles andperfect tenses

    To understand WHEN to use past participles, we need to understand the PERFECT

    TENSE.There are three perfect tenses present, past, and future.*PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: An action that happened in the past at an indefinitetime or began in the past and continues into the present.

    Ex: The race has ended.o Note: has is present tense, endedis a past participle

    *PAST PERFECT TENSE: An action that happened in the past before another pastaction.

    Ex: The race had ended, and the words were handed out.o Note: hadis past tense, endedis a past participle

    *FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: An action in the future that will happen before another

    future action. Ex: The race will have ended before the awards will be given out.

    o Note: will have and will be are future tense, endedand given are pastparticiples

    The perfect tense is always formed using to verb to have.

    Present perfect tense uses have or has (depending on who is doing the action)+ past participle

    Past perfect tense uses had+ past participle

    Future perfect tense uses will have + past participle

    It is important to know that past participles are NOT VERBS. They must be usedwith another verb in the perfect tenses above OR as an adjective to describe a noun.**Examples:

    Who has broken the record for number of hot dogs ate in 60 seconds?o broken is a past participle, used in the present perfect tense with has

    Brad has a broken leg.o broken is a past participle, used as a adjective modifying leg

    Base Verb Past Tense PartParticiple

    Base Verb Past Tense PastParticiple

    begin began ring rang

    sing sang do did

    go went see saw

    lie lay drink drank

    sink sank stink stank

    tear tore wear wore

    blow blew draw drew

    grow grew know knew

    throw threw drive drove

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    choose chose break broke

    speak spoke fall fell

    take took forget forgot

    get got give gave

    ride rode steal stole

    Just like simple present, the verb to be is the most irregular.

    Person Present Tense Past Tense Past ParticipleFirst I am Was have beenSecond - you are Were have beenThird he/she/it is Was has beenFirst we are Were have beenThird they are Were have been

    Some practice. Write the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence using aperfect tense.

    1. Had I been able to go to school as a child, I would have _________ how to

    read. (to learn)

    2. I would have _________ all night, but we had to leave early. (to sing)

    3. Henry should have never ___________ home. (to leave)

    4. Perhaps she wouldnt have been _________ by the dog if the owner had

    come more quickly. (to bite)

    5. If you had not ____________ me that medicine, I would still feel sick. (to


    6. Im glad to know you have ______________ me. (to forgive)

    7. After looking for him all day, Greg finally found his dog ___________

    under a bush. (to hide)

    8. I had __________ pictures on the trip, but the film was ruined. (to take)

    9. When he finally arrived, his date had already ___________. (to go)

    More practice!1. What is the correct present perfect form of "I do the laundry"?


    2. What is the correct future perfect form of "She makes some delicious cookies"?


    3. What is the correct past perfect form of "We visit Paris"?


    4. What is the correct past perfect form of "We give thanks"?


  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    5. What is the correct present perfect form of "It is hot."?


    Woo hoo! Grammar Boot Camp is improving our writing one day at a time!

    Grammar Boot Camp: Verb Tenses

    Past Tense and Present Perfect Practice*Remember, present perfect tense is used for an action that was COMPLETED in thepast at an unsure time OR started in the past and continues to the present.**It is formed by have or has + past participle!

    1. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?"

    B: I don't know. I (see, never) that movie.

    2. Sam (arrive) in San Diego a week ago.

    3. My best friend and I (know) each other for over fifteenyears. We still get together once a week.

    4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ten very creative shortstories in the last year. One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway.

    5. I (have, not) this much fun since I (be) a kid.

    6. Things (change) a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start)

    working here three years ago, the company (have, only)

    six employees. Since then, we (expand) to include more than 2000full-time workers.

    7. I (tell) him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he

    (wander) off into the forest and (be) bitten by asnake.

    8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) the bus this morning. You(be) late to work too many times. You are fired!

    9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see,

    never) the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

    10. How sad! George (dream) of going to California before he died,

    but he didn't make it. He (see, never) the ocean.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) much easier and very

    comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) two or three months to

    cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) very rough and

    often dangerous. Things (change) a great deal in the last hundred andfifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

    12. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change) since the last time I

    (see) you. You (grow) at least a foot!

    13. This tree (be) planted by the settlers who (found)our city over four hundred years ago.

    14. This mountain (be, never) climbed by anyone. Several

    mountaineers (try) to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever)

    . The climb is extremely difficult and many people (die)

    trying to reach the summit.

    15. I (visit, never) Africa, but I (travel) to

    South America several times. The last time I (go) to South America,

    I (visit) Brazil and Peru. I (spend) two weeks in

    the Amazon, (hike) for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly)

    over the Nazca Lines.

    **Woohoo! Tomorrow we take on the FUTURE tense!**

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Grammar Boot Camp: verb Tenses FUTURE TENSE

    FUTURE TENSE expresses an action or situation that will occur in the future.

    This tense is formed by using will/shall with the simple form of the verb.The speaker of the House will finish her term in May of 1998.The class of 2008 will graduate in June 2008.Shall we dance?

    The future tense can also be expressed by using am, is, or are with going to.The surgeon is going to perform the first bypass in Minnesota.

    The cheerleaders are going to cheer at Fridays game.Are you going to pass Mrs. Moxeys class?

    PRACTICE TIME!! Fill in the correct future form of the verb in parenthesis.1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?

    B: I (write) a letter to my friends back home in Texas.

    2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!

    B: I (get) you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.

    3. A: I can't hear the television!

    B: I (turn) it up so you can hear it.

    4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit)Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

    5. Sarah (come) to the party. Oliver (be)there as well.

    6. Ted: It is so hot in here!

    Sarah: I (turn) the air-conditioning on.

    7. I think he (be) the next President of the United States.

    8. After I graduate, I (attend) medical school and becomea doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

    9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it issimply too small for four people.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    B: That man at the service counter (help) you.

    10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) down to thebeach and go swimming.

    MORE PRACTICE! Fill in the correct future tense for the verb in parenthesis.Liz: What are you doing with those scissors?

    Maxiel: I (cut) that picture of the ocean out of the travelmagazine.

    Liz: What (you, do) with it?

    Maxiel: I (paint) a watercolor of the ocean for my

    art class, and I thought I could use this photograph as a model.

    Jerry: (you, do) me a favor, Gerique?Gerique: Sure, what do you want me to do?

    Jerry: I (change) the broken light bulb in thelamp above the dining room table. I need someone to hold the ladder for me while Iam up there.

    Gerique: No problem, I (hold) it for you.

    Shari: Where are you going?

    Maurice: I (go) to the store to pick up somegroceries.

    Shari: What (you, get) ?

    Maurice: I (buy) some milk, some bread, and somecoffee.

    Aquasia: Wow, it's freezing out there.

    Shantell: I (make) some coffee to warm us up. Do you want apiece of pie as well?

    Aquasia: Coffee sounds great! But I (have) dinner withsome friends later, so I'd better skip the pie.

    Shantell: I (go) to dinner tonight too, but I'm having apiece of pie anyway.

    Asia: I heard you're taking a Spanish class at the community college.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Justin: Yeah, I (go) to Guatemala next spring and Ithought knowing a little Spanish would make the trip easier.

    Asia: I (visit) my brother in Marseilles next year. MaybeI should take a French class.

    Name: ______________________________________ Period: _______

    Grammar Boot Camp: Verb tenses II

    *Underline the verb and next to each sentence write if it is in present, past, or futuretense.

    1. Hooray! You wrote a research paper.

    2. I am glad that break starts soon.

    3. Will you miss me tomorrow?

    4. All I want for Christmas is you!

    5. My favorite gift was a dollhouse from my Grandparents.

    Name: ______________________________________ Period: _______

    Grammar Boot Camp: Verb tenses II

    *Underline the verb and next to each sentence write if it is in present, past, or futuretense.

    1. Hooray! You wrote a research paper.

    2. I am glad that break starts soon.

    3. Will you miss me tomorrow?

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    4. All I want for Christmas is you!

    5. My favorite gift was a dollhouse from my Grandparents.

    Grammar Boot Camp: verb Tenses present or future TENSE?

    It is important to know when to use PRESENT TENSE and when to use FUTUREtense. Fill in the correct tense of the verb in parenthesis below.

    1. Today after I (get) ______________ out of class, I (go) _________________

    to a movie with some friends.

    2. When you (arrive) ______________ in Stockholm, call my friend Gustav. He

    (show) ___________________you around the city and help you get situated.

    3. A: Do you know what you want to do after you


    B: After I (receive) ___________________ my Master's from Georgetown

    University, I (go) _______________________ to graduate school at UCSD in

    San Diego. I (plan) to complete a Ph.D. in cognitive science.

    4. If it (snow) _______________ this weekend, we (go) _______________

    skiing near Lake Tahoe.

    5. Your father (plan) _____________________ to pick you up after school today

    at 3:00 o'clock. He (meet) ______________________you across the street near

    the ice cream shop. If something happens and he cannot be there, I (pick)

    _______________________ you up instead.

    6. If the people of the world (do, stop, not) ____________________ cutting

    down huge stretches of rain forest, we (experience)

    ________________________ huge changes in the environment during the

    twenty-first century.

    7. If Vera (keep) ____________________ drinking, she (lose, eventually)_________________________ her job.

    8. I promise you that I (tell, not) _____________________ your secret to

    anybody. Even if somebody (ask) ____________________ me about what

    happened that day, I (reveal, not) _________________________ the truth to a

    single person.

    9. She (make) __________________ some major changes in her life. She (quit)

    _____________________ her job and go back to school. After she (finish)

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    _____________________ studying, she (get) ____________________ a

    better-paying job and buy a house. She is going to improve her life!

    Grammar Boot Camp: verb Tenses Progressive Tenses

    PROGRESSIVE TENSES describe actions that are IN PROGRESS.**The progressive tense is formed by to be (in present, past, or future tense) + thepresent participle (the ing form) of the verb.

    PRESENT PROGRESSIVE using the verb thinkI__________ thinking We___________ thinkingYou________ thinkingHe_________ thinking They __________ thinking

    PAST PROGRESSIVE using the verb thinkI__________ thinking We___________ thinking

    You________ thinkingHe_________ thinking They __________ thinking

    FUTURE PROGRESSIVE using the verb thinkI__________ thinking We___________ thinkingYou________ thinkingHe_________ thinking They __________ thinking

    PRACTICE TIME!!Using the following cues, write the sentence in PRESENT PROGRESSIVE.1. Sequan/watch TV.


    2. Brandy/play squash.


    3. They/listen to the radio.


    4. You/go to the store.


    5. I/cook dinner.______________________________________________

    Using the following cues, write the sentence in PAST PROGRESSIVE.

    1. I/read a book.


    2. It/rain.


  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    3. They/watch a movie.


    4. The cat/sleep on the chair.


    5. Laquan/walk the dog.


    Using the following cues, write the sentence in FUTURE PROGRESSIVE.

    1. Keith/work on a paper. _______________________________________

    2. Tyleisha/cook dinner. ________________________________________

    3. Jasmine and Luz/study tonight. _________________________________

    4. We/sleep at 4 a.m.


    5. The team/play a big game tomorrow.


    Woo hoo! Grammar Boot Camp is improving our writing one day at a time!

    Tomorrow, were going to take a verb tenses quiz. Study study!

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Name: ______________________________________ Period: _______

    Grammar Boot Camp: Verb tenses

    Directions: UNDERLINE the verb or verb phrase in each sentence (1 point). Thennext to the sentence, write what tense the verb is in from the list below (1 point).

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    a) Simple presentb) Simple pastc) Simple futured) Present perfecte) Past perfectf) Future perfectg) Present progressiveh) Past progressive

    i) Future progressive

    _____ 1. Who has the highest grade?

    _____ 2. I will be going on the senior trip, will you?

    _____ 3. Who will be cooking tomorrow night?

    _____ 4. I loved my 6th grade teacher.

    _____ 5. Have you seen I Am Legend?

    _____ 6. Princess and Saidah are going to attend Morgan State next year.

    _____ 7. You are taking a grammar quiz.

    _____ 8. I went to a meeting last night.

    _____ 9. Who passed Mr. Eastons test? (Other than ME!!)

    _____ 10. Shantell has played squash for 6 years.

    _____ 11. I am going to fly home for Christmas.

    _____ 12. Your research paper is due in 24 hours.

    _____ 13. I will have been coaching for 4 months in February.

    _____ 14. Johnny was reading a book in class yesterday.

    _____ 15. She has been late to class for the past five days.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Grammar Boot Camp: transitive vs. intransitive verbsSo whats with all this vi or vt in the dictionary? The word is a verb, butwhether or not it is transitive or intransitive depends on if it takes an object.

    A transitive verb is incomplete without a direct object, as in the followingexamples:

    INCOMPLETEThe shelf holds.

    COMPLETEThe shelf holds three books and a vase of flowers.

    INCOMPLETEThe committee named.

    COMPLETEThe committee named a new chairperson.

    INCOMPLETEThe child broke.

    COMPLETEThe child broke the plate

    A direct object RECEIVES the action of a verb. A direct object is a noun.

    An intransitive verb, on the other hand, cannot take a direct object:This plant has thrived on the south windowsill.The sound of the choir carried through the cathedral.The train from Montreal arrived four hours late.

    Some verbs can be BOTH transitive and intransitive depending on the sentence.*For each pair of sentences below, underline the verb and write a T if it istransitive or an I if it is intransitive.

    According to the instructions, we must leave this goo in our hair for twentyminutes.

    We would like to stay longer, but we must leave.

    The cook watched while the new dishwasher picked up the fragments of the

    broken dish.

    The audience attentively watched the latest production of The Trojan Women.

    The crowd moves across the field in an attempt to see the rock star get into her


    Every spring, William moves all boxes and trunks from one side of the attic to the


  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    *Look at the bolded verb. Is it transitive or intransitive? If it is intransitive,underline the DIRECT OBJECT.

    1. The old woman struggled up the hill, pulling a grocery cart that had lostone wheel behind her.

    1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    2. Hermione is editing her uncle's memoirs of his lifetime as a green grocer.1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    3. Much to the amusement of the onlookers, Paul danced a minuet to thepolka music that drifted out of the beer tent.

    1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    4. At the beginning of the play, the entire cast dances manically across thestage.

    1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    5. Stella is reading quietly in the upstairs bedroom instead of doing herchores.

    1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    6. This term I am reading all of the works of Sylvia Townsend Warner.1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    7. At the feast, wewill eat heartily.1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    8. Charles opened up his lunch, examined the contents carefully, and ate his

    dessert first.1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    9. The Stephens sisters are both very talented; Virginia writes and Vanessapaints.

    1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

    10.When I was three years old, my father left a can of paint open in mybedroom, and early one morning, I painted my baby brother's face green.

    1. transitive verb2. intransitive verb

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    Name: ______________________________________ Period: _______EnglishGrammar Boot Camp Homework Due Monday 12/10

    Subject and Verb Agreement

    Choose the right form of the verb.

    1. There (is, are) many things to do today.

    2. There (is, are) only one thing to do today.

    3. There (is, are) my best friend.

    4. There (is, are) no way to climb this mountain by nightfall.

    5. There (is, are) a great film on television this afternoon.

    6. There (is, are) six students waiting for you.

    7. There (is, are) dry clothes waiting for you in the bathroom.

    8. There (is, are) a cactus and a geranium in the window.

    9. There (is, are) a large chair in the corner.

    10. There (is, are) many things to be learned from older people.

    11. There (is, are) a goldfish and a guppy in the fishtank.

    12. There (is, are) no reason for buying these expensive items.

    13. There (is, are) two finals left to take.

    14. There (is, are) children playing in the street. Be careful.

    15. There (is, are) my slippers by the chair.

    What is the subject of each of these sentences? Underline the subject. Isit singular or plural? Write S or P at the end of the sentence. Then,choose the right verb.

    1. There (are, is) two hungry dogs on the porch.

    2. There (go, goes) the fire trucks.

    3. There (was, were) drifts of snow ten feet high outside my window this morning.

    4. (Was, Were) the rosebushes sprayed yesterday?

    5. (Aren't, Isn't) there more cookies in the oven?

    6. There (are, is) about twenty boats tied up at the pier.

    7. (Has, Have) the cows been milked yet?

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    8. (Are, Is) there wild horses still on the western plains?

    9. In our neighborhood there (are, is) six poodles with the name Fifi.

    10. There (are, is) orange, green, cinnamon, and yellow canaries.

    11. (Was, Were) there any potato chips left over?

    12. There (go, goes) the Carter twins on their bikes.

    13. (Has, Have) the crocuses come up yet?

    14. In the western part of our country there (are, is) still thousands of acres of openrange.

    15. There (was, were) only two rowboats for rent.

    16. (Wasn't, Weren't) all the members of the Outdoor Club at the barbecue supper?

    17. There (are, is) four strings on a violin.

    18. On the desk (was, were) several colorful rocks as paperweights.

    19. There (are, is) many uses for a good dictionary.

    20. There (was, were) two baby robins in the nest.

    Select the correct word or expression.

    1. Each of the members of our club (has, have) an unusual hobby.

    2. Some dinosaurs (was, were) plant eaters.

    3. Above the circular pavilion (was, were) the colorful state flags.

    4. All the fans in the stadium (was, were) cheering wildly.

    5. How late (was, were) you for rehearsal?

    6. In the Congressional Library in Washington there (are, is) thousands of miles ofbookshelves.

    7. They (was, were) trying very hard to win.

    8. Mr. Long (doesn't, don't) smile very often.

    9. Umbrellas (was, were) used in the Orient at least two thousand years ago.

    10. The winners of the essay contest (are, is) listed on the front page of the NY Post.

    11. The skin divers (was, were) searching for sunken treasure.

    12. The price of that album of Christmas carols (are, is) five dollars.

    13. Neither of the teams (was, were) in scoring position.

  • 8/4/2019 Grammar Boot Camp Verbs


    14. He (was, were) exploring the old silver mine.

    15. She (doesn't, don't) believe your fantastic story.

    16. Neither Paul nor Steve (has, have) a hobby.

    17. (There are, There's) three sailboats in the cove.

    18. Terry and Alma (was, were) with us on the hike to Lincoln Observatory.

    19. On the opposite shore of the lake (was, were) two flamingos.

    20. We (was, were) in the planetarium for two hours.

    21. (Do, Does) rings really tell the age of a tree?

    22. Americans (has, have) played basketball for about seventy years.

    23. Treasure Island (tell, tells) about a boy's adventures with pirates.

    24. All the girls in our class (has, have) promised to bake cakes for the fair.

    25. Ted's hobbies (include, includes) raising tropical fish and building gasoline-powered model airplanes.

    26. (Do, Does) leaves manufacture chlorophyll?

    27. The Dutch people (are, is) renowned for their persistence in reclaiming land fromthe sea.

    28. Sandy (go, goes) to some of the football games but (doesn't, don't) understandthe rules very well.
