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GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language....

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Page 1: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.


Page 2: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language.Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush up our skills on the following topics:◦ verbs and tense◦ commas◦ apostrophes◦ capital letters◦ linking words◦ the difference between there, their and they’re◦ the difference between where, wear and were◦ the difference between to, too and two.

Page 3: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

NounNaming word – the girl

AdjectiveDescribing word – the sad girl

VerbDoing word – the sad girl cried

AdverbDescribes verbs – the sad girl cried bitterly

Page 4: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Learning intentionTo learn the rules about sentence writing.

Page 5: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

There are two rules to remember about sentences.

All sentences have a subject and a verb.

This means that all sentences have a doingword and something/one doing the action.

We/I/They/The band/The groupies arrivedat the gig at 5pm.The gig started/ended/blew up at 5pm.

Page 6: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with:

a full stop. a question mark? oran exclamation mark!

Page 7: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Why aren’t these proper sentences?

the gig started at 5pm

Arrived at the gig at 5pm.

The gig at 5pm.

Page 8: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Learning intentionTo be able to recognise and use verbs and their various tenses.

Page 9: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Verbs are words that indicate an action.They are often referred to as 'doing' words because they indicate something that people or things do:◦ I walked to the shop.◦ I jumped over the fence.◦ I sang my favourite song.

Page 10: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Underline the verbs in the following sentences.Sharon laughed at the joke.Craig read his book.Columbus discovered America.The mountaineer climbed Everest.Jimmy changed the tyre.

Page 11: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Fill in the gaps in each of the following sentences with a suitable verb. The size of gap does not correspond to the size of the word.The decorator __________ the walls.The sergeant __________ at the soldier.Iain __________ sausages for his breakfast.Victoria ___________ an egg for her breakfast.The darts player_________ the board.Sheena ________ carefully to the points made.

Page 12: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

If verbs are to do with action, we need something in the language to tell us when the action was done.

Page 13: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

There are three principal or main tenses:past tense I was…present tense I am…future tense I will…

past: I was running to the shop.present: I am running to the shop.future: I will run to the shop.

Writing should always have tense agreement,ie the tense should be consistent.

Page 14: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

I used to live in Aberdeen and I worked inMacDonalds and really like that job. I waspromoted to senior manager last year after Iwork there for three years.

Page 15: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Read the following sentences and identify whether the tense is past, present or future.I am leaving the match early because it is boring.I barged through the door and told him off.I will be talking to Craig later so I’ll phone you afterwards.I was dreaming that I was a millionaire.I laughed my head off at the comedian’s jokes. I am going to Lanzarote for my holidays.

Page 16: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Fill in the blanks with a verb and state which tense you are using.I ___________ my mistake and ___________ it.___________ high above us are beautiful birds.I am ____________ a tune that’s been in my head all day.I __________ the important piece of homework last night.I will ______________ the important assessment next week.

Page 17: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

‘To be’ is the most common verb form in English although many people don’t realise that it is a verb.Can you work out what each form of the verb is below (past, present or future)?

I am She is I was I have been

We are They were We will be

Page 18: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Learning intentionTo identify how a comma is used to affect meaning and to be able to use commas accurately in writing.

Page 19: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Sentences contain commas in order to:

break up lists I bought tea, coffee, milk and chocolateseparate asidesThe chocolate, which I bought at Markies, was really expensive!mark the start/end of speech'Commas are beginning to make sense,' said Anna.Anna said, 'Actually, grammar is beginning to make sense.'follow a linking wordFirstly, the media are unfair in their treatment of young people.However, some representations are more positive than others.

Page 20: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Which belongs to which image?

He eats shoots and leaves.

He eats, shoots and leaves.

Page 21: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

He eats shoots and leaves.

He eats, shoots and leaves.

The comma indicates that this is a list.A list of what?A list of verbs (doing words): he performs the action of eating, the action of shooting and the action of leaving.

The absence of a comma indicates that this is not a list.Instead the single verb (eats) acts on two nouns (describing words): the shoots and the leaves.

Page 22: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Insert commas in the following lists where you think they are necessary.Craig went to bed tired ashamed sorry and alone.I was wearing a black suit white shirt blue tie and black shoes.I leafed through the paper turned to the television page decided what to watch and turned the TV on.

Page 23: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Add commas to the following sentences to mark the asides.To tell you the truth I think the butler did it.Chloe has not as far as I know been to her friend’s house today.The football match which was end to end stuff finished a drawn game.The last thing I heard Jimmy had gone to town.

Page 24: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Can you add commas and inverted commas to mark speech in the following sentences? Chloe said I think I will go to town later. I am off to the football match shouted Paul. I expect your homework on Thursday

demanded the teacher. John roared That was never a goal!

Page 25: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Learning intentionTo be able to use correctly both forms of the apostrophe in order to help make meaning clear.

The apostrophe is a punctuation mark that has two main functions:

It shortens words and shows where the missing letters were (known as contraction).

It indicates the ownership of a noun.

Page 26: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.


Will not – won’t Cannot – can’t Have not – haven’t

Page 27: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Indicate where you think apostrophes should go in the following letter.Hi Jane,I wont be able to go the cinema this weekend. Its my mum. Shes very ill and I wouldnt want to leave her. Ill definitely go another time with you as Id really like to see 'Fun in Second Term'. That’s if you don’t decide to go and see it with someone else.

Lots of love, Megan

Page 28: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Ownership of something by a single person, place or thing is shown by adding s to the singular and putting an apostrophe before this s.

The boy’s football The lady’s purseThe table’s legsThe house’s windowsGlasgow’s city chambers

Page 29: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

The previous examples were all concerned with the singular. Can you see what the difference is when the person, place or thing is plural?For example, when there is more than one boy who owns the football: The boys’ football

A few more:The animals’ paws The teachers’ staff roomThe houses’ letterboxes The shops’ targets

Page 30: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Now that you have seen that plural forms seem to take the s followed by the apostrophe, you need to know of the exception to this rule.

When the plural does not end in an s then the apostrophe must come before the added s:The men’s toiletries are on floor one.The women’s hats are on floor five.

How many other plurals can you think of that do not end in s?

Page 31: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Indicate where you think the apostrophes should go in the following passage.

Mr Fishers decision to issue a fortnights homework at one go was met with a stunned silence from the girls students council representative. She said that this was outrageous and that the councils members would vote not to do this. The boys representative was not available to pass comment as he was, apparently, in the mens room.

Page 32: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Some words are hard to spell because they sound like other words.Words that sound similar are known as homonyms.Common homonyms are: There, their and they’reWhere, were and wearTo, too and two

Learning intentionTo be able to recognise common homonyms

and to choose the correct form when writing sentences.

Page 33: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

There location – over there

Theirbelonging (their friends)

They’re contraction (they are)

They’re taking their money over there.

Page 34: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Complete the following sentences putting in the correct version of there, their or they’re.Stand over _______ where I can keep my eye on you.________ folders are over _______.________ collecting in all the pencils.I’m not sure what I’ve done with _______ coats.If they don’t hurry up ________ going to miss the start of the film.

Page 35: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Where is a question:Where did you put my car keys?

Were is the past tense of ‘are’:Are you driving my car today?Were you driving my car yesterday?

Wear is concerned with clothes on the body:I think I will wear my black trousers today.or to do with damage:Your sore shoulder is due to wear and tear of the joint.

Page 36: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Complete the following sentences putting in the correct version of where, were or wear.Stand there ________ I can see you.Our bags _______ here a short time ago.It’s cold outside so ________ a jumper.And ________ do you think you are going?I will ________ blue eye shadow to match my dress.John and Jim ________ often arguing over football.

Page 37: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Too emphasis – 'too hot', 'too cold'also – 'us too'

Two 2

Tolocation – going to the pub

The two of us are going to the pub. It’snot too expensive. You can come too!

Page 38: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of too, two or to.I am going ___ see the new horror movie at the weekend.It sounds great. Can I come ___?Yes, if you want ___. I’ll buy ___ tickets online.Remember it lasts for over ___ hours though.Oh! That might be ___ long for me.That’s ___ much of a pity. I’ll just buy one ticket just now instead of ___ until you have made up your mind whether ___ go or not.

Page 39: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

A proper noun is the term given to name aparticular person, place, day of the week,month or time of the year. Proper nouns shouldalways be given a capital letter: John Christmas Mexico February.

Learning intentionTo be able to recognise proper nouns and capitalisethem in your writing.

Page 40: GRAMMAR. Essentially, grammar is the set of rules used to ensure the correct use of language. Grammar is a vast subject so we are only going to brush.

Write out the following, putting in all the capital letters and all the full stops.

Robert burns was born on 25th of january 1759 robert was born in alloway, ayrshire and is widely regarded as scotland’s greatest poet the house he was born in was built by his father and is now a part of the robert burns heritage museum robert lived in this house until easter 1766 when the family moved to a nearby farm called mount oliphant
