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GRAND Grand Clearance Ware Salej ;—Mrs. Frank Jones is reported get-| ting along very nicely at...

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PAGE EIGHT. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE MGHT ONLY Wed., Feb. 15 WM. A. BRADY Ltci., Announces The Laughing Comedy Hit of the wfss Century. -;;.v Silver CITY NEWS. Ware Mine By Margaret Mayo. Presented by the Original Company I Months at the Princess and Garrlck Theatres, Chicago. L*V H JV »£4JW RO*R Prices: $1.50, $1.00 75c, and 25c. >eat 8aie Opens Monday Morning at ' Ten O'clock. Vou Will Of COLUMBIA Indestructible Cylinder Records Two-Minata 1 35c . ' The clear, full, brilliant tone of Columbia Inde- structible Cylinder Rec- ords is the best reason for their sensational popular- ity. They fit any cylinder machine and last forever. Four-Minute Inde- structible Records 50c Sutlive Bros. 312 Main St ; Quality Whether you wish solid sil- ver or plated ware we sell | the best RENAUD - Reliable Jeweler Scott & O'Reilly Prescription Druggists —There will be a full moon tonight. —M. W. A. dance tonight. Ague's j orchestra. All rights reserved, j ; —Mrs. Frank Jones is reported get- | ting along very nicely at Rochester, i Minn. —Dr. E. B. Newcomb conducted ser- vices this morning for the late Enoch Hugill, at the family residence, 2009 Bank street, at 10:30 o'clock. —Money saved in buying harness at Sherwood's. —At St. Louis, the crane system of IT J j removing freight from steamboats will unquestioned j be UBed for tijg flrat time. This new ! system of electric crane handling will do away with the large number of ne- gro roustabouts who have been used in years past. —The latter part of this week or some time next week, work of excavat- ing for the cellar and foundation of the Decker garage and manufactory will commence at Third and Blondeau streets. Material is being hauled daily to the place where construc- tion is to be made and before many months, the entire plant will have been built and ready for removal of the concern now located near the river front and Blondeau. —Temporarily, Night Yard master C M. Hart of the C., B. & Q. yards here will be general yardmaster until the return to the city of Harry L. Roberts who will again assume the duties of , yardmaster in Keokuk. Thos. P. Gal- j lagher who intended returning as ; yardmaster after a fifteen days vaca- j tion on account of impaired health, j resigned the latter part of the week, and it is stated he has accepted a position with Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power Co., as yardmaster and have charge of the rolling stock of the power people. Mr. Roberts will move his household goods and family here shortly. —Great gullies and crossings of CiTY NEWS. PURE DRUGS Accurate Prescription 600 MAIN ST. Work LAP robes and blankets go at cost at Sherwood's. Robert Queisner has conveyed to Water Power Co. 4% acres in Jeffer- son township. -The banks are closed today in ob- servance of Lincoln's birthday, Sun- day the 12th. —In consideration of $1250 Henry Cole has conveyed to J. S. Knobbs, 40 acres in Jefferson' township. —Miss Grace McManus is ill with tonsilitis and Master Tommy McManus Is sick with pneumonia at their home, corner Morgan and Tenth streets. —Sherwood for harness repairs. * —Wm. West has given to the Water Power Co. an option on certain de- scribed land near the second lock un- til March 1, tne price to be paid be- ing |326. —"Ottumwa's Ways Are Ways That Pay," is the slogan for the city of Ot- tumwa, according to the decision by the judges in the newspaper slogan contest conducted by the Courier. —D. W. Haggerty has conveyed to 1 < ^ Frank J. Ewers, the front 65 feet of lots 11 and 12 as shown by Otley and Stripes maps and the front 65 feet of lots 1 and 2 as shown by Dull's map, in block 21. —The last will of David W. Mc- Elroy was opened and read in the district court clerks' office today. Mary B. McElroy, wife, is named as sole beneficiary and is appointed ex- ecutrix. John A. McElroy, a son, and Henry B. Collison, a son-in-law, are named as executors. . —This week at St. Louis, a confer- ence between Captain John Streckfus of the Carnival City Packet Co., and the officials of the Diamond Jo line which has been purchased by the Streckfus steamboat line, will be held. A St. Louis paper this morn- ing states that work of remodelling and repairing the Diamond Jo line MAIL US YOUR ORDER If not convenient to oome to town. All mail orders receive prompt attention here and goods are forwarded imme- diately upon reoeipt of order. Don't deprive yourself of anything in the line of Drug Store Goods because you live at a dis- tance. Our large and varied stock insures your getting exactly what you want every time. Goods not proving sat- isfactory may be return- ed. Your money back if we should not be able to suit yOU. , - : McGrath Bros. : Drug C*o Corner Fifth and Main. •** mud everywhere did not prove too i steamer will commence immediately much of an impediment Sunday fori H - D - Ju^on, chlef engineer o A Bargain In Fnel Is what you get when you use fuel gas— the fuel that is de- livered at the stove— clean, quick, conven- ient. , Just light a match and the fire is ready. Keokuk Gas ? & Electric Co. Coal and Wood Have jronr bins filled now tor the cold months that are to come. We handle the Sprlngflelfl Lump and Soft Nnt also Buck- eye Egg and Nut Lehigh Egg, Stove and Chest- nut. Kindling and hardwood al- ways on hand. Cord wood, chunks and stove wood. General hauling, storage and moving. Jas. Cameron's Sons Beth Phonea No. 96. Office 17 3. 7th 8t- the several hundred persons and in- terested sight-seers who visited both i shores of the river to see the progress | made in the past couple of weeks on | the water power works. Sev- I eral gangs were working yes- , terday afternoon and the lo- ' ccmotive on the Iowa shore was busy i during the day making trips back and forth across the bridge to the false structure along the dike or "dump'' as it is often termed. Even Sunday ! has become a busy day in certain ' classes of the work of building the i dam and a gcod idea of the manner i in which the project is being rushed ! through to completion can - be obtain- I ed by visitors each week. —A well known traveling man who ("makes" Keokuk in his business rov- : in-gs sent the following pie-counter I news note to a friend here—a dry j' good merchant by tfco way. The clip- i ping is taken from a New York paper | by the man with the grip. At the bot- jtom of a brief note sent the Keokuk 'merchant, Mr. Traveling Man sayB: ; "and she must be from Memphis." I The clipped piece reads: "A woman j from somewhere west of Keokuk was I delighted with a mince pie she had I for dinner at a hotel night before last and asked the waiter if she could not buy a whole on^ The waiter conferr- ed with the head waiter and the lat- ter conferred with the chef and in- formed the visitor it was possible. ' She ordered one to be sent to her room yesterday. The bill accompanied ' it. It was for $1.25. "That's five times the C., B. & Q. railroad, with head Quarters in St. Louis, arrived in the city today with three other St. Louis engineer corps men to look after wire matters of interest to the "Q." in this city. Those accompanying Engineer Judson were: M. H. Hillis, R. M. Baker and M. I. Lippett —rQuite a number of Quincy busi- ness men were in the city today, tak- ing observations of the power works. Daily, groups of men from various cities In thiB vicinity and from afar, are visiting the city in a business capacity or merely to take an in- ventory of what is being done on dam construction. —There is a new breed of cats in Keokuk. Perhaps the singular num- ber would apply better and "cat" without the "B" would explain more clearly. Officer Tom Freeman's cat has been stolen and in explaining to a group the other day about his Mal- tese puss, the name of his particular breed of me-ow four-legger. Officer Freeman said it was a "bob-tail singe." —In the schools this afternoon, songs and verse, appropriate to the natal day of Abraham Lincoln were sung and spoken" by the scholars. Several programs were given last •Fri- day; afternoon. A week from Wednes- day, cieorge Washington entertain- ments will be the order of sociability for the scholars, their parents and teachers. —In spite of unfavorable weather a large number visited the water pow- er sites Sunday and this afternoon. Dainty Delicate Delicious ^ Almond Bars, Cocoanut Kisses, Macaroons, Etc., Etc. Just the thing to top off tomorrow's dinner. Schouten's 1 Bakery *0 FRESH TAFFY % " KISSES Made With Pure Sweet Cream, Vanilla Flavor. J MARCHEFKE hole. The shellB were fired at battle range, four and a half miles, n While it is often impossible to prevent an ascident, it is never im- possible to be prepared—it is not be- yond ahy one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini- ment and you are prepared for sprains bruises and like injuries. Sold by all dealers. NO ARRESTS IN GHOUL CASE as much as I ever paid for a pie in \ Arrangements a re being made to push Ur \ * * * «• Grand Hotel Only four blocks from Union Depot and Post office. Everything modern and strictly first-class. ^ Especially desirable for those seeking a J . quiet, homelike hotel. . * Henry Sanders | Proprieter + Near 3rd. and Main St. f Keokuk, la. t For a good smoke The Tom Morton . 10c Cigar > Leads all others. Try it. i * 1 Manufactured by Ed. J. Bevering Twelfth and Fulton Streets, Keokuk, Iowa. Phone 1215 Red. Fresh Dry Batteries Electric Wiring of all s< Kinds Gas Burners and Manties S inton* s Storage inton's Transfer £ I my life," commented the woman lat- er, "but I ate the whole pie, and the enjoyment was worth what it cost." —Bookings are being made at this nearly date by local societies for steamer excursion dates next summer. The "W. W." and the new "J. S.'' formerly the "Sidney of the Diamond Jo line company, will have all they can do this season as soon as the ex- cursion business opens up. The com- ing summer months of the year are expected to be the busiest in the history of pleasure boating both in and out of this city, as Keokuk is the center of a new attraction now : with the built-ing of the famous pow- I er dam. The "Sidney" which is to be | re-christened the "J. S." will be tak- en south to Paducah, Ky., just as soon as the river opens up enough to per- mit her passage down stream. At t_at port the boat will be thoroughly over- hauled and remodeled into the popular type of excursion boat. The packet, "Dubuque" will be run in the short line commercial "rade, it is expected, between St. Louis and Davenport. The Quincy and St. Paul will enter the through traffic between the twin cities, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the southern terminal, St. Louis. Schedules that will be both popular and beneficial to shippers and the passenger business, will be made by the officials of the line. the work much more rapidly and night shifts are. expected to be working when the plant is in full operation early in the spring. -4 King Plumbing Co. merchandise, Machinery, Furniture Stove*, Musical Instruments, Picture* ' and everything in th« Storage Una Large, olean, safe warehouses. Prioea reasonable. Including lnsurar«e. TRANSFER LINE IN CONNECTION j Household Goods Packed Lamb & Bertsch Upholstering, Reflnishing, Repairing. Mattress Renovating and U.n- Ofltoe 82ft Blondeau. Both phones IS 'packed. Both Phones 1108 Main uflerern from stomach, liver >wcl troubles cannot do better tha. 3 wiuinsoH i PERSONAL Henry Van Sittert, of Des Moines, has been in the city for a few days visiting his brother, Chas. Van Sit- ert Miss Atha McBride has returned from Chicago. irV Mr. and Mrs. A E. Johnstone, who have been visiting in Des Moines for several days, are expected home this evening. Miss Elizabeth Bell returned to In dianapolis, Ind. this morning after a short visit with her parents, Mr. and MTS. Rice H. Bell, 503 Grand Ave. Messrs. Laurence Parsons and City Attorney Ralph B. Smith left for Ft. Madison this morning to do abstract work for the Water Power Co. Palmer Trimble, attorney of the C. B. & Q. road went to Burlington this morning on official business. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCormlck and children departed this morning for Monmouth, 111., where they will visit for a week or so with Mr. Mc- €ormick's sister, Mrs. Fred Arthurs and family. George Dunlap, formerly of this city, returned to Davenport this morn- ing after a visit in the city. Miss Frances Russell, who is teach- ing school at Franklin, la., returned to that place this morning after spend- ing Sunday with relatives. MIBS Rus- sell is a graduate of Keokuk high school 1910 and 1B succeeding nicely with her school. C. J. McNerny of Ft. Madison was a Sunday visitor in Keokuk. Grand Clearance Sale •OF= v Suits, Coats and Furs We are making very low prices on Suits, Cloaks and Furs to close them out quickly to make room for new Spring Lines. This is the LAST CALL Sullivan & Auwerda Between Styles this season there is not much to chose in men's Suits and Overcoats. There might be a~"miss*' between, but the dressy man who knows what's what will find it to his advantage to leave the arranging of the atyllng and cutting to us. We are tailors to dis- criminating gentlemen and always manage to please our patrons with our work and our charges. 1 FRED LINDSEY SO North Fifth. TRADE MARK ESTABLISHED 1856 INDIAN HEAD One Oi the largest Wboleaale Dry Goods, Notions, Underwear and Hosiery Houses in the Middle West Manufacturers of Indian Head Dress Shirts, Work Shirts, Overalls etc. 8<'.< Agent for "Tom Boy" Hosiery. New York Prices Duplicated. Irwin-Phillips Co., Keokuk, i«. Detectives Have Been Unable to Find Anything to Work on. ERIE, Pa., Feb. 13.—Chief Gilbert Perkins, head of the squad investigat- ing the desecration oi the Scott mausoleum, admitted that pros- pects for an a '•est are not as prom- ising as they seemed. Two men who were being held un- der surveillance and whom detectives thought were the ghouls, have been dismissed. Evidence which at first was considered convincive has been disproved. "When we came on the case, things developed with a boom, but there has been a lull today, and we have ac- complished little," said Gilbert Perk- ins tonight. "Our men are all busy and we hope >o make arrests within a few days." Independent private detectives left : the city in large numbers Saturday Most of them were enticed by the $1,-; 000 reward offered by the cemetery j association and the belief that taei Strongs would offer a large reward. j When no further rewards were offered after the announcement of the finding ; of Mrs. McUQllum's body, the chase , was abandoned. { Mrs. Strong has recovered fully i from the collapse she Buffered Friday' and she has taken active charge of directing the search. A WORD ABOUT ANTHRACITE COAL *J. L. & W. SCRANTON is a class by itself, uniform in preparation and burning qualities, why should you experi- ment with something said to be "just as good," when you catt^getthe genuine from ,, ' , v f . MwiHOLM & EVANS CO. 14 South Sixth Street BOTH PHONES NO. KEOKUK, IOWA. - Your Grocery Bill Win be greatly reduced if you buy of Us. We make oonwtsu I«nMM oouatry batter. a specialty of E. E. ISM Morgan Both Phones /f CURES ANY COUCH t Dr.#Caldwell's Syrup Pep»ln_thc •ell-known reliable laxative tonic*All ft TRADES | Hag? [COUNCIL & 1-uKKists aeu It at 60 cents, and $i joltle. Endorsed Reciprocity. BOSTON, Feb, 13.—The directors of the Boston chamber of commerce vot- ed to indorse the Canadian reciproci- ty agreement. Hair ffealth Restores color to Gray or Faded hair—Removes Dan- WASHINGTON, D. c., Feb. 13—That draff and invigorates the Scalp Ferndell Rice The easiest cereal to di- gest; The most nutritious; Excellent for cold cli- mates; Best eaten as a vegtable in place of bread and po- tatoes; ' ' - - ' Good for the well; Good for the sick; Good for the children; Good for all. Immegart's 706 Main, Both 'Phones of the things you want to do— the things that cost money and resolve to commence to earn your own money as soon as pos- sible. The best way to do It Is to take up the fine business train- ing courses at the ^ - Tri-State Commercial College C H. BENSON, President. 700 Main St. J •-/.-a; Armor Plate Too Weak. armor plate makers must hurry to catch up with the projectile manufac-' turers, is the conviction drawn by naval officers from a report of the ordnance tests in which the ram: Katahdin was used as a target. Each i of four 12 inch solid shells which bit the target penetrated the steel plates, varying from 8 to 11 inches in thick- ness. Three of them made a clean —Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth—Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. flM tod 50c at Drnl StorM 6r direct opon receipt oi price iw) d«aJer« nine. 10c tor Mmp]e bottle.—PHilo Her Speci«Ui«* Co., Newark* N. U.S.A. BEFU8B ALL SUBSTITUTES For Sale and Recommended by Mo* Grath Bros. Drug Co. J. M. WRIGHT : GUN AND LOCKSMITH. I Choke Bore guns to make them ! shoot Close and hard. Keys fitted and general repair work. ' ^ 719)/,-Mam st-,::;. Trail women, women during menstrua. Hon, prernaney or nurslnr should keep the bowels well open. Try Dr. Cald- •rell's % Syrup Pepsin. At alt* drug jtorea. SO oe&ts and tl a bottle. PRICE BROS. - , Wholesale and Retail , Wall Paver Pain ,ng and Papering New Location, 415 Main. Hub, Phone 4188. Vis. J
Page 1: GRAND Grand Clearance Ware Salej ;—Mrs. Frank Jones is reported get-| ting along very nicely at Rochester, i Minn. —Dr. E. B. Newcomb conducted ser vices this morning for the late




Wed., Feb. 15 WM. A. BRADY Ltci., Announces The Laughing Comedy Hit of the

wfss Century. -;;.v


Ware Mine

By Margaret Mayo. Presented by the Original Company

I Months at the Princess and Garrlck Theatres, Chicago.


Prices: $1.50, $1.00 75c, and 25c. >eat 8aie Opens Monday Morning at

' Ten O'clock.

Vou Will


COLUMBIA Indestructible Cylinder Records


1 35c . ' The clear, full, brilliant tone of Columbia Inde­structible Cylinder Rec­ords is the best reason for their sensational popular­ity. They fit any cylinder machine and last forever.

Four-Minute Inde­structible Records

50c Sutlive Bros.

312 Main St

; Quality

Whether you

wish solid sil-

ver or plated

ware we sell

| the best

R E N A U D - Reliable Jeweler

Scott & O'Reilly Prescription


—There will be a full moon tonight. —M. W. A. dance tonight. Ague's

j orchestra. All rights reserved, j ;—Mrs. Frank Jones is reported get-| ting along very nicely at Rochester,

i Minn. —Dr. E. B. Newcomb conducted ser­

vices this morning for the late Enoch Hugill, at the family residence, 2009 Bank street, at 10:30 o'clock.

—Money saved in buying harness at Sherwood's.

—At St. Louis, the crane system of IT J j removing freight from steamboats will unquestioned j be UBed for tijg flrat time. This new

! system of electric crane handling will do away with the large number of ne­gro roustabouts who have been used in years past.

—The latter part of this week or some time next week, work of excavat­ing for the cellar and foundation of the Decker garage and manufactory will commence at Third and Blondeau streets. Material is being hauled daily to the place where construc­tion is to be made and before many months, the entire plant will have been built and ready for removal of the concern now located near the river front and Blondeau.

—Temporarily, Night Yard master C M. Hart of the C., B. & Q. yards here will be general yardmaster until the return to the city of Harry L. Roberts who will again assume the duties of

, yardmaster in Keokuk. Thos. P. Gal-j lagher who intended returning as ; yardmaster after a fifteen days vaca-j tion on account of impaired health, j resigned the latter part of the week, and it is stated he has accepted a position with Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power Co., as yardmaster and have charge of the rolling stock of the power people. Mr. Roberts will move his household goods and family here shortly.

—Great gullies and crossings of



Accurate Prescription

600 MAIN ST.


—LAP robes and blankets go at cost at Sherwood's.

Robert Queisner has conveyed to Water Power Co. 4% acres in Jeffer­son township.

-The banks are closed today in ob­servance of Lincoln's birthday, Sun­day the 12th.

—In consideration of $1250 Henry Cole has conveyed to J. S. Knobbs, 40 acres in Jefferson' township.

—Miss Grace McManus is ill with tonsilitis and Master Tommy McManus Is sick with pneumonia at their home, corner Morgan and Tenth streets.

—Sherwood for harness repairs. * —Wm. West has given to the Water

Power Co. an option on certain de­scribed land near the second lock un­til March 1, tne price to be paid be­ing |326.

—"Ottumwa's Ways Are Ways That Pay," is the slogan for the city of Ot-tumwa, according to the decision by the judges in the newspaper slogan contest conducted by the Courier.

—D. W. Haggerty has conveyed to1 < ^ Frank J. Ewers, the front 65 feet of lots 11 and 12 as shown by Otley and Stripes maps and the front 65 feet of lots 1 and 2 as shown by Dull's map, in block 21.

—The last will of David W. Mc­Elroy was opened and read in the district court clerks' office today. Mary B. McElroy, wife, is named as sole beneficiary and is appointed ex­ecutrix. John A. McElroy, a son, and Henry B. Collison, a son-in-law, are named as executors. .

—This week at St. Louis, a confer­ence between Captain John Streckfus of the Carnival City Packet Co., and the officials of the Diamond Jo line which has been purchased by the Streckfus steamboat line, will be held. A St. Louis paper this morn­ing states that work of remodelling and repairing the Diamond Jo line


If not convenient to oome to town. All mail orders receive prompt attention here and goods are forwarded imme­diately upon reoeipt of order.

Don't deprive yourself of anything in the line of

Drug Store Goods because you live at a dis­tance. Our large and varied stock insures your getting exactly what you want every time. Goods not proving sat­isfactory may be return­ed. Your money back if we should not be able to suit yOU. , -

: McGrath Bros. : Drug C*o

Corner Fifth and Main. •**

mud everywhere did not prove too i steamer will commence immediately much of an impediment Sunday fori H- D- Ju^on, chlef engineer o

A Bargain In Fnel

Is what you get when you use fuel gas— the fuel that is de­livered at the stove— clean, quick, conven­ient. , Just light a match and the fire is ready.

Keokuk Gas ? &

Electric Co.

Coal and Wood

Have jronr bins filled now tor the cold months that are to come.

We handle the Sprlngflelfl Lump and Soft Nnt also Buck­eye Egg and Nut

Lehigh Egg, Stove and Chest­nut. Kindling and hardwood al­ways on hand. Cord wood, chunks and stove wood.

General hauling, storage and moving.

Jas. Cameron's Sons

Beth Phonea No. 96. Office 17 3. 7th 8t-

the several hundred persons and in­terested sight-seers who visited both

i shores of the river to see the progress | made in the past couple of weeks on | the water power works. Sev-

I eral gangs were working yes-, terday afternoon and the lo-' ccmotive on the Iowa shore was busy i during the day making trips back and forth across the bridge to the false structure along the dike or "dump'' as it is often termed. Even Sunday

! has become a busy day in certain ' classes of the work of building the i dam and a gcod idea of the manner i in which the project is being rushed ! through to completion can- be obtain-I ed by visitors each week.

—A well known traveling man who ("makes" Keokuk in his business rov-: in-gs sent the following pie-counter I news note to a friend here—a dry j' good merchant by tfco way. The clip-i ping is taken from a New York paper | by the man with the grip. At the bot-jtom of a brief note sent the Keokuk 'merchant, Mr. Traveling Man sayB: ; "and she must be from Memphis." I The clipped piece reads: "A woman j from somewhere west of Keokuk was I delighted with a mince pie she had I for dinner at a hotel night before last and asked the waiter if she could not buy a whole on^ The waiter conferr­ed with the head waiter and the lat­ter conferred with the chef and in­formed the visitor it was possible.

' She ordered one to be sent to her room yesterday. The bill accompanied

' it. It was for $1.25. "That's five times

the C., B. & Q. railroad, with head Quarters in St. Louis, arrived in the city today with three other St. Louis engineer corps men to look after wire matters of interest to the "Q." in this city. Those accompanying Engineer Judson were: M. H. Hillis, R. M. Baker and M. I. Lippett

—rQuite a number of Quincy busi­ness men were in the city today, tak­ing observations of the power works. Daily, groups of men from various cities In thiB vicinity and from afar, are visiting the city in a business capacity or merely to take an in­ventory of what is being done on dam construction.

—There is a new breed of cats in Keokuk. Perhaps the singular num­ber would apply better and "cat" without the "B" would explain more clearly. Officer Tom Freeman's cat has been stolen and in explaining to a group the other day about his Mal­tese puss, the name of his particular breed of me-ow four-legger. Officer Freeman said it was a "bob-tail singe."

—In the schools this afternoon, songs and verse, appropriate to the natal day of Abraham Lincoln were sung and spoken" by the scholars. Several programs were given last •Fri­day; afternoon. A week from Wednes­day, cieorge Washington entertain­ments will be the order of sociability for the scholars, their parents and teachers.

—In spite of unfavorable weather a large number visited the water pow­er sites Sunday and this afternoon.

Dainty Delicate Delicious ^ Almond Bars, Cocoanut

Kisses, Macaroons, Etc.,

Etc. Just the thing to top

off tomorrow's dinner.

Schouten's 1 Bakery



KISSES Made With Pure Sweet Cream,

Vanilla Flavor.


hole. The shellB were fired at battle range, four and a half miles, n

While it is often impossible to prevent an ascident, it is never im­possible to be prepared—it is not be­yond ahy one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini­ment and you are prepared for sprains bruises and like injuries. Sold by all dealers.


as much as I ever paid for a pie in \ Arrangements a re being made to push


\ * * * «•

Grand Hotel Only four blocks from Union Depot and Post office.

Everything modern and strictly first-class. ^

Especially desirable for those seeking a J

. quiet, homelike hotel. . *

Henry Sanders | Proprieter +

Near 3rd. and Main St. f Keokuk, la. t

For a good smoke


Tom Morton . 10c Cigar

> Leads all others. Try it. i * 1 Manufactured by

Ed. J. Bevering Twelfth and Fulton Streets,

Keokuk, Iowa. Phone 1215 Red.

Fresh Dry Batteries Electric Wiring of all

s< Kinds

Gas Burners and Manties

S inton* s Storage inton's Transfer

£ I my life," commented the woman lat­er, "but I ate the whole pie, and the enjoyment was worth what it cost."

—Bookings are being made at this nearly date by local societies for steamer excursion dates next summer. The "W. W." and the new "J. S.'' formerly the "Sidney of the Diamond Jo line company, will have all they can do this season as soon as the ex­cursion business opens up. The com­ing summer months of the year are expected to be the busiest in the history of pleasure boating both in and out of this city, as Keokuk is the center of a new attraction now

: with the built-ing of the famous pow-I er dam. The "Sidney" which is to be | re-christened the "J. S." will be tak­

en south to Paducah, Ky., just as soon as the river opens up enough to per­mit her passage down stream. At t_at port the boat will be thoroughly over­hauled and remodeled into the popular type of excursion boat. The packet, "Dubuque" will be run in the short line commercial "rade, it is expected, between St. Louis and Davenport. The Quincy and St. Paul will enter the through traffic between the twin cities, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the southern terminal, St. Louis. Schedules that will be both popular and beneficial to shippers and the passenger business, will be made by the officials of the line.

the work much more rapidly and night shifts are. expected to be working when the plant is in full operation early in the spring.


King Plumbing Co.

merchandise, Machinery, Furniture Stove*, Musical Instruments, Picture*

' and everything in th« Storage Una Large, olean, safe warehouses. Prioea reasonable. Including lnsurar«e. TRANSFER LINE IN CONNECTION j Household Goods Packed

Lamb & Bertsch Upholstering, Reflnishing, Repairing.

Mattress Renovating and U.n-

Ofltoe 82ft Blondeau. Both phones IS 'packed. Both Phones 1108 Main

uflerern from stomach, liver >wcl troubles cannot do better tha.

3 wiuinsoH i

PERSONAL Henry Van Sittert, of Des Moines,

has been in the city for a few days visiting his brother, Chas. Van Sit-ert

Miss Atha McBride has returned from Chicago. irV

Mr. and Mrs. A E. Johnstone, who have been visiting in Des Moines for several days, are expected home this evening.

Miss Elizabeth Bell returned to In dianapolis, Ind. this morning after a short visit with her parents, Mr. and MTS. Rice H. Bell, 503 Grand Ave.

Messrs. Laurence Parsons and City Attorney Ralph B. Smith left for Ft. Madison this morning to do abstract work for the Water Power Co.

Palmer Trimble, attorney of the C. B. & Q. road went to Burlington this morning on official business.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCormlck and children departed this morning for Monmouth, 111., where they will visit for a week or so with Mr. Mc-€ormick's sister, Mrs. Fred Arthurs and family.

George Dunlap, formerly of this city, returned to Davenport this morn­ing after a visit in the city.

Miss Frances Russell, who is teach­ing school at Franklin, la., returned to that place this morning after spend­ing Sunday with relatives. MIBS Rus­sell is a graduate of Keokuk high school 1910 and 1B succeeding nicely with her school.

C. J. McNerny of Ft. Madison was a Sunday visitor in Keokuk.

Grand Clearance Sale

•OF= v

Suits, Coats and Furs We are making very low prices on Suits, Cloaks and Furs to close them out quickly to make room for new Spring Lines. This is the LAST CALL

Sullivan & Auwerda

Between Styles this season there is not much to chose in men's Suits and Overcoats. There might be a~"miss*' between, but the dressy man who knows what's what will find it to his advantage to leave the arranging of the atyllng and cutting to us. We are tailors to dis­criminating gentlemen and always manage to please our patrons with our work and our charges.

1 FRED LINDSEY SO North Fifth.


E S T A B L I S H E D 1 8 5 6


One Oi the largest Wboleaale Dry Goods, Notions, Underwear and Hosiery Houses in the Middle West Manufacturers of Indian Head Dress Shirts, Work Shirts, Overalls etc.

8<'.< Agent for "Tom Boy" Hosiery. New York Prices Duplicated.

Irwin-Phillips Co., Keokuk, i«.

Detectives Have Been Unable to Find Anything to Work

on. ERIE, Pa., Feb. 13.—Chief Gilbert

Perkins, head of the squad investigat­ing the desecration oi the Scott mausoleum, admitted that pros­pects for an a '•est are not as prom­ising as they seemed.

Two men who were being held un­der surveillance and whom detectives thought were the ghouls, have been dismissed. Evidence which at first was considered convincive has been disproved.

"When we came on the case, things developed with a boom, but there has been a lull today, and we have ac­complished little," said Gilbert Perk­ins tonight. "Our men are all busy and we hope >o make arrests within a few days."

Independent private detectives left:

the city in large numbers Saturday Most of them were enticed by the $1,-; 000 reward offered by the cemetery j association and the belief that taei Strongs would offer a large reward. j When no further rewards were offered after the announcement of the finding ; of Mrs. McUQllum's body, the chase , was abandoned. {

Mrs. Strong has recovered fully i from the collapse she Buffered Friday' and she has taken active charge of directing the search. •


*J. L. & W. SCRANTON is a class by itself, uniform in preparation and burning qualities, why should you experi­ment with something said to be "just as good," when you c a t t ^ g e t t h e g e n u i n e f r o m , , ' , v f .

MwiHOLM & EVANS CO. 14 South Sixth Street


- Your Grocery Bill Win be greatly reduced if you buy of Us. We make oonwtsu I«nMM oouatry batter. a specialty of

E. E. ISM Morgan Both Phones



t Dr.#Caldwell's Syrup Pep»ln_thc •ell-known reliable laxative tonic*All ft TRADES | Hag? [COUNCIL & 1-uKKists aeu It at 60 cents, and $i


Endorsed Reciprocity. BOSTON, Feb, 13.—The directors of

the Boston chamber of commerce vot­ed to indorse the Canadian reciproci­ty agreement.


f f e a l t h Restores color to Gray or

Faded ha i r—Removes Dan-WASHINGTON, D. c., Feb. 13—That draff and invigorates the Scalp

Ferndell Rice The easiest cereal to di­

gest; The most nutritious; Excellent for cold cli­

mates; Best eaten as a vegtable

in place of bread and po­tatoes; ' • ' - - '

Good for the well; Good for the sick; Good for the children; Good for all.

Immegart's 706 Main, Both 'Phones

of the things you want to do— the things that cost money and resolve to commence to earn your own money as soon as pos­sible.

The best way to do It Is to take up the fine business train­ing courses at the ^ -

Tri-State Commercial College

C H. BENSON, President. 700 Main St.

J •-/.-a;

Armor Plate Too Weak.

armor plate makers must hurry to catch up with the projectile manufac-' turers, is the conviction drawn by naval officers from a report of the ordnance tests in which the ram: Katahdin was used as a target. Each i of four 12 inch solid shells which bit the target penetrated the steel plates, varying from 8 to 11 inches in thick­ness. Three of them made a clean

—Promotes a l u x u r i a n t , healthy hair growth—Stops its falling out. Is not a dye.

f l M tod 50c at Drnl StorM 6r direct opon receipt oi price iw) d«aJer« nine. 10c tor Mmp]e bottle.—PHilo Her Speci«Ui«* Co., Newark* N. U.S.A. BEFU8B ALL SUBSTITUTES

For Sale and Recommended by Mo* Grath Bros. Drug Co.


I Choke Bore guns to make them ! shoot Close and hard.

Keys fitted and general repair work. ' ^ 719)/,-Mam st-,::;. •

Trail women, women during menstrua. Hon, prernaney or nurslnr should keep the bowels well open. Try Dr. Cald-•rell's % Syrup Pepsin. At alt* drug jtorea. SO oe&ts and tl a bottle.

PRICE BROS. - , Wholesale and Retail ,

Wall Paver Pain ,ng and Papering

New Location, 415 Main.

Hub, Phone 4188. Vis. J
