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Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln...

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Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment at Lincoln County Medical Center." The hearing will be open to the public. A petition calling for a grand jury with a special prosecutor was submitted to Lincoln County Clerk Martha Proctor on Decem- (SEE PAGE 2) January 18 Huspital Board violate spe- cific language in,numerous New Mexico statutes," the petition continues to read. "Specifying the require- ment and procedures for the solicitation of competi- tive bids for the award of county contracts. In addi- tion, on information and belief, other equipment and resources purchased and/or acquired by the govern- County THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, actions of 'the Lin- coln County Commissioners and the Lincoln County not limited to, misappropri- ation, illegal solicitation and acceptance of contracts for services from Presbyte- rian Healthcare Services for the manageITlent and opera- tion of public facilities, namely the Lincoln County Medical Center'." IIealthcare I "'- Presbyterian Services. The petition calts for a grand jury to "investigate any illegal conduct and, if appropriate, to indict, any county offiCIals, or' any other individual, involved in any acts of official mis- conduct regarding county resourccs, facilities and equipOlent, including, but t6 VOLUME # 96, NUMBER 01 by Doris Cherry At 9 a.m. Thursday, Janu- ary 1H, in the 12th Judicial Distr'ict courtroom in the Lincoln County Courthouse in Carrizozo, District Judge Frank Wilson W"ill preside over a hearing on thc mer- its of a petition calling for a grand JUry i into the [('as.' of Lincoln County M('di"al Center to SIGNING THE LINE. Re elected Llncolr' County Probate Judge Stirling SpE'l1cer Signs hiS affirmation of oath of office follo\Nlng hiS s\Nearlrlg In by DIS trlCt Judge Karen Parsons 011 January 2. 25 mile per hour signs that were not legal that w('re nailed to powpr pole'S," Hernandez said, "r didn't put those then· ... (SEE PAGE 4) '\. , \ I t pl-;' \ DISTRICT 1 LINCOLN COUNTY COMMISSIONER Rex Wilson takes the oath of office before District Judge Karen Parsons during the svvearing in ceremony on ..January 2, in the district courtroom of the Lincoln County Courthouse in Carrizozo. NEW LINCOLN COUNTY ASSESSOR. Ne\Nly S\Norn In Lll1coln County A5sessor Rick Sliva accepts a framed certificate of election from Judge Karen Par- sons follovvlng his s\Nearing In durll1g a ceremony held Tuesday, Jan. 2 in the Llnc01 ....) County Court- house in CarriZOZO. All employees In the assessc,r' s office \Nere also S\Norn in. I SOLEMNLY SWEAR ... said District 3 Lll1coln County CommiSSioner Leo Martinez as he took the oath of office from DIstrict ..Judge Karen Parsons dUring the s\Nearlng In ceremony held In the District Courtroom of the County Courthouse In Carrizozo on January 2. Lincoln County Republican vvomen provided a reception follovving the ceremony. County road supervisor Albert Hernandez said he had postpu thp 30 miles per hour sIgns because there W"pre too many different s[l(·pds that went from 35 to 30 to 25. "There were some County Intends To Lower Gavilan Canyon Speeds by Doris Cherry After hearing stories of traffic speeding on Gavilan Canyon Lincoln County Commissioners pu t the state highway department on notice of the county's intent to lower speed limits on parts of the road to 25 miles per hour. During their meeting De- cember 21 in their cham- bers ill the Lincoln COUIlty courthousL' In Carrizozo, county commissioners heard from GaVllan Canyon Road resident Aubrey Dobbs who said the currpnt speed limIt of 30 miles per hou r is too fast. Dobbs who has lived along the road since 1970 said whpn hp first moved there Gavilan Canyon road was dirt and maybe thrpp or four cars carne by in a wepk's timp. Now at his last count. 300 cars an hour speed by hiS horne. "lIic traffic IS so bad I can't get across the road (to his lIvpsto('k pens)," Dobbs sal<j He said 35 miles per hou r was too fast for the southern portIon of the road that has ITlany tight curves. "Put the speed limit back to 25 miles per hour and give mp a chance to survive a littl(, longer," Dobbs saId. County commiSSIOner Leo Martinez said even though speed limIts arp 35 miles per hour, ppople dnv£' 50 "Wp nppd better police en- forcement,'· he said But county planning offi- cer Patsy Sanchez saId state policp havE:' advlspd the highway departmpnt they will not stop peoplt' on Gavi Ian Canyon Road from Warrior Driv£' south be- cause there are no shoul- ders or anywhf're to stop speeders. According to state statutes the county has a rprt.ain process it ITlust follow in establishing speed limits. The first step was to get a traffic study from th£' state highway department which has been donf'. That study showed that most traffic averaged from 35 to 45 miles per hour on most of the road. By statute the speed limits ITlust rpnpct speeds driven by 85 of the traffic, "If W"f' s("t the liITlits much slowpr it could lead to accidents," said county attorney Alan MoIT'1. County C()mITlission chalr- ITlan Rf'x Wilson said the study did not account for ('ong("stlon on th ... road (SEE PAGE 3) help with the costs of sur- veying along the section of road to bp upgraded. IT S Forest Servlr("' civil engl neer Torn Torres said Lin- roln National Forest will get $285,000 for the next phase of improvements to the Bo- nito Lak("' Road and th("' for pst is asking for anothpr $150,000. '-rhp forest sprvirp r£'alizps this road has spri- ous dpfici("'ncies," Torres , SHERIFF AGAIN. Lincoln County Sheriff Tom Sullivan signs hiS affIrmation of oath of office after he and Lirlcoin County Sherrff's Office deputies, dispatchers and other staff reCited their oaths of offlCR during a s\Nearing In ceremony held January 2 \Nlth District ..Judge Karen Parsons In the Lincoln County Courthouse In Carrizozo. ThiS IS Sullivan's second C'JllSecutlve term as sheriff. He aso served t \N 0 ter rn s as <; her i ff In the 1 98 as. A section of road from Kraut Canyon to below Bo- nito Lake Darn will ge-t fixed this spnng, thanks to an appropriatlon to thp US. Forest Sprvirp and he-Ip fNlm thf"' County of LIncoln T>unng the regular LIn coin County Commission meeting D("cpmber 21, in their chambers in the Lin coIn County Courthouse In Carrizozo, rounty commls sioners approvPd a N"qlJ('s1 from thp fon'st SP rv]('e t. I Forest SerVice, County To Fix Bonito Lake Road (SEE PAGE 4) County Public Offices Score Well on Open Records Access by I)oris Cherry Plll)l\(' (lfTIC'('S In Lincoln Cou Ilt,V S( 'on 'd fairly wpll in lh,· ;\1 •. v,' M"XIC'(I Pn'ss A.sso- (.I at I( J n au d 1 t or p u h 11 c re - ('ords ",. Ttl., <ludlt was conductpd frorn July to Nc)\.'pmb('r as a (·ffort ofthl' NM Pn ·ss A-;"()( ·latIO!1. A-;s( )('Iat(' Pn'ss d Nt'v,' M('XICO FI)undatlfJlI fCJr ()pen C:;'(JV t'!'nlIlt'nt rF()(:;') Thp obJPc- tl\.'{, was to tpst compllanc(' v,'lth the I nsp('ctlon of Pub II<' R('cords Act by county and muniCIpal adminIstra- tors. poJJ('(' and "h('nffs d£·partmc·nts. publ1c utJll- tl(·S. rnaglstrat(· courts and sch( H II districts Statt'v,'ldp sun:p,\' rt'sults found that ('ounty and mu- nICipal 1<.1\.": ('nforc('m('nt agPTlCI('S v,'pn' on avprage tht> wor.-;t In rnaklng records ,l"'aJlablp to the pub!lc Of tht> n-qu('sts to 31 shpriffs dC'partmpnb statewid(', 13 dC'partments failp-d t,) make n"'ords a",;ulable Of the 32 n,unlclpal polIce depart- mf'nts. 11 fallpd to make n'cords availablf'. In Lincoln County, Lin- coln County Shpnffs Office provHlf'd rpcords as re- queslt-d CaplLan police faJlpd to provHh- re('ords and HUldoso polic(- pro- Vided partial InformatIon. Carrizo/c) po!lcp dppart- mpnt provldpd all records as n-questpd as did Ruidoso Downs pollcP department. Som(' 3!) r)('J"'('pnt of magis t rat!"' cou rts faiJpd tn prOVide rpcords Vpt In LIncoln County the ITlagis- trat£' court located In Carrizozo <.Judgp Crl'rald f)pan's ("ourt) provided all Information n'questpd, and thp maglstratp court in RUidoso LJudgp Rill Butts' court) provldpd only partial nforrnation rpquestpd County adrninistrabvp officI'S statewide did bettpr at providing informatIon W"lth only 19 percent not providing thp rpquested Information. Lincoln Coun- ty's administratIve offices provided all i nformalion re- qupstpd MunICIpal adminIstratIve officI'S In Capitan. Carnzo- zo, RUIdoso and Huidoso Dov.rns also providpd all Information rpquested. StateVVlde spvpn of the 32 munlcipal adITllnistrative .......... 0.° 0 11 __ = __IIIIl_DrI07_iII «P __iiii* .. _ __ .. :ae;;;. - __Iii- __ , ---- -- _----'--"'- -- - - - --
Page 1: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment

Grand Jury Petition Hearinoperation of the Countyfacilities and equipment atLincoln County MedicalCenter."

The hearing will be opento the public.

A petition calling for agrand jury with a specialprosecutor was submittedto Lincoln County ClerkMartha Proctor on Decem-


January 18

Huspital Board violate spe­cific language in,numerousNew Mexico statutes," thepetition continues to read."Specifying the require­ment and procedures for

• the solicitation of competi­tive bids for the award ofcounty contracts. In addi­tion, on information andbelief, other equipment andresources purchased and/oracquired by the govern-



"Th~e actions of 'the Lin­coln County Commissionersand the Lincoln County

not limited to, misappropri­ation, illegal solicitationand acceptance of contractsfor services from Presbyte­rian Healthcare Services forthe manageITlent and opera­tion of public facilities,namely the Lincoln CountyMedical Center'."





The petition calts for agrand jury to "investigateany illegal conduct and, ifappropriate, to indict, anycounty offiCIals, or' anyother individual, involvedin any acts of official mis­conduct regarding countyresourccs, facilities andequipOlent, including, but



by Doris Cherry

At 9 a.m. Thursday, Janu­ary 1H, in the 12th JudicialDistr'ict courtroom in theLincoln County Courthousein Carrizozo, District JudgeFrank Wilson W"ill presideover a hearing on thc mer­its of a petition calling for agrand JUry i nv~>stigationinto the [('as.' of LincolnCounty M('di"al Center to

SIGNING THE LINE. Re elected Llncolr' CountyProbate Judge Stirling SpE'l1cer Signs hiS affirmationof oath of office follo\Nlng hiS s\Nearlrlg In by DIStrlCt Judge Karen Parsons 011 January 2.

25 mile per hour signs thatwere not legal that w('renailed to powpr pole'S,"Hernandez said, "r didn'tput those then· ...




\I t

pl-;' \

DISTRICT 1 LINCOLN COUNTY COMMISSIONERRex Wilson takes the oath of office before DistrictJudge Karen Parsons during the svvearing inceremony on ..January 2, in the district courtroom ofthe Lincoln County Courthouse in Carrizozo.

NEW LINCOLN COUNTY ASSESSOR. Ne\Nly S\NornIn Lll1coln County A5sessor Rick Sliva accepts aframed certificate of election from Judge Karen Par­sons follovvlng his s\Nearing In durll1g a ceremonyheld Tuesday, Jan. 2 in the Llnc01 ....) County Court­house in CarriZOZO. All employees In the assessc,r' soffice \Nere also S\Norn in.

I SOLEMNLY SWEAR ... said District 3 Lll1colnCounty CommiSSioner Leo Martinez as he took theoath of office from DIstrict ..Judge Karen ParsonsdUring the s\Nearlng In ceremony held In the DistrictCourtroom of the County Courthouse In Carrizozoon January 2. Lincoln County Republican vvomenprovided a reception follovving the ceremony.

County road supervisorAlbert Hernandez said hehad postpu thp 30 miles perhour sIgns because thereW"pre too many differents[l(·pds that went from 35 to30 to 25. "There were some

County Intends To LowerGavilan Canyon Speeds

by Doris Cherry

After hearing stories oftraffic speeding on GavilanCanyon Lincoln CountyCommissioners pu t thestate highway departmenton notice of the county'sintent to lower speed limitson parts of the road to 25miles per hour.

During their meeting De­cember 21 in their cham­bers ill the Lincoln COUIltycourthousL' In Carrizozo,county commissionersheard from GaVllan CanyonRoad resident AubreyDobbs who said the currpntspeed limIt of 30 miles perhou r is too fast. Dobbs whohas lived along the roadsince 1970 said whpn hpfirst moved there GavilanCanyon road was dirt andmaybe thrpp or four carscarne by in a wepk's timp.Now at his last count. 300cars an hour speed by hiShorne. "lIic traffic IS so badI can't get across the road(to his lIvpsto('k pens),"Dobbs sal<j He said 35miles per hou r was too fastfor the southern portIon ofthe road that has ITlanytight curves. "Put the speedlimit back to 25 miles perhour and give mp a chanceto survive a littl(, longer,"Dobbs saId.

County commiSSIOner LeoMartinez said even thoughspeed limIts arp 35 milesper hour, ppople dnv£' 50"Wp nppd better police en­forcement,'· he said

But county planning offi­cer Patsy Sanchez saId statepolicp havE:' advlspd thehighway departmpnt theywill not stop peoplt' onGavi Ian Canyon Road from

Warrior Driv£' south be­cause there are no shoul­ders or anywhf're to stopspeeders.

According to state statutesthe county has a rprt.ainprocess it ITlust follow inestablishing speed limits.The first step was to get atraffic study from th£' statehighway department whichhas been donf'. That studyshowed that most trafficaveraged from 35 to 45miles per hour on most ofthe road. By statute thespeed limits ITlust rpnpctspeeds driven by 85 pe~£'nt

of the traffic, "If W"f' s("t theliITlits much slowpr it couldlead to accidents," saidcounty attorney Alan MoIT'1.

County C()mITlission chalr­ITlan Rf'x Wilson said thesi"~d study did not accountfor ('ong("stlon on th ... road(SEE PAGE 3)

help with the costs of sur­veying along the section ofroad to bp upgraded. IT SForest Servlr("' civil englneer Torn Torres said Lin­roln National Forest will get$285,000 for the next phaseof improvements to the Bo­nito Lak("' Road and th("' forpst is asking for anothpr$150,000. '-rhp forest sprvirpr£'alizps this road has spri­ous dpfici("'ncies," Torres

,SHERIFF AGAIN. Lincoln County Sheriff TomSullivan signs hiS affIrmation of oath of office afterhe and Lirlcoin County Sherrff's Office deputies,dispatchers and other staff reCited their oaths ofofflCR during a s\Nearing In ceremony held January2 \Nlth District ..Judge Karen Parsons In the LincolnCounty Courthouse In Carrizozo. ThiS IS Sullivan'ssecond C'JllSecutlve term as sheriff. He aso servedt \N 0 t e r rn s as <; her iff In the 1 98as.

A section of road fromKraut Canyon to below Bo­nito Lake Darn will ge-tfixed this spnng, thanks toan appropriatlon to thp US.Forest Sprvirp and he-IpfNlm thf"' County of LIncoln

T>unng the regular LIncoin County Commissionmeeting D("cpmber 21, intheir chambers in the LincoIn County Courthouse InCarrizozo, rounty commlssioners approvPd a N"qlJ('s1from thp fon'st SP rv]('e t. I

Forest SerVice, CountyTo Fix Bonito Lake Road


County PublicOffices ScoreWell on OpenRecords Access

by I)oris Cherry

Plll)l\(' (lfTIC'('S In LincolnCou Ilt,V S( 'on 'd fairly wpll inlh,· ;\1 •.v,' M"XIC'(I Pn'ss A.sso­( . I at I ( J n a u d 1 t or p u h 11 c re -('ords ~H'('t'SS ",.

Ttl., <ludlt was conductpdfrorn July to Nc)\.'pmb('r as a"()(lpl"rat~ve (·ffort ofthl' NMPn ·ss A-;"()( ·latIO!1. A-;s( )('Iat('Pn'ss d Nt'v,' M('XICOFI)undatlfJlI fCJr ()pen C:;'(JVt'!'nlIlt'nt rF()(:;') Thp obJPc­tl\.'{, was to tpst compllanc('v,'lth the I nsp('ctlon of PubII<' R('cords Act by countyand muniCIpal adminIstra­tors. poJJ('(' and "h('nffsd£·partmc·nts. publ1c utJll­tl(·S. rnaglstrat(· courts andsch( H II districts

Statt'v,'ldp sun:p,\' rt'sultsfound that ('ounty and mu­nICipal 1<.1\.": ('nforc('m('ntagPTlCI('S v,'pn' on avpragetht> wor.-;t In rnaklng records,l"'aJlablp to the pub!lc Oftht> n-qu('sts to 31 shpriffsdC'partmpnb statewid(', 13dC'partments failp-d t,) maken"'ords a",;ulable Of the 32n,unlclpal polIce depart­mf'nts. 11 fallpd to maken'cords availablf'.

In Lincoln County, Lin­coln County Shpnffs OfficeprovHlf'd rpcords as re­queslt-d CaplLan policefaJlpd to provHh- re('ordsand HUldoso polic(- pro­Vided partial InformatIon.Carrizo/c) po!lcp dppart­mpnt provldpd all recordsas n-questpd as did RuidosoDowns pollcP department.

Som(' 3!) r)('J"'('pnt of magist rat!"' cou rts statE'~dp faiJpdtn prOVide rpcords Vpt InLIncoln County the ITlagis­trat£' court located InCarrizozo <.Judgp Crl'raldf)pan's ("ourt) provided allInformation n'questpd, andthp maglstratp court inRUidoso LJudgp Rill Butts'court) provldpd only partialnforrnation rpquestpd

County adrninistrabvpofficI'S statewide did bettprat providing informatIonW"lth only 19 percent notproviding thp rpquestedInformation. Lincoln Coun­ty's administratIve officesprovided all informalion re­qupstpd

MunICIpal adminIstratIveofficI'S In Capitan. Carnzo­zo, RUIdoso and HuidosoDov.rns also providpd allInformation rpquested.StateVVlde spvpn of the 32munlcipal adITllnistrative

..........0.° 0 11__ =__IIIIl_DrI07_iII «P __iiii*.._ __•..• :ae;;;. -__Iii- __ , ---- -- -'--.-;...--'~ _----'--"'- -- - - - ~ --

Page 2: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 • • • IP • 2 a f!i"~, .j








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months to look at the evi­dence and detennine- ifthere is a need fur indict­ntents." Martinez said.When conunissi.oners votedto set aside the $50,000 Mar­tinez voted no. THENEWS



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appropriate for me to repre­sent the county," Morel ad­ded.

Martinez was concernedabout the $50,000 f"lgurewhJch he thoUght Morelmeant for the first hearing...After the f"U'St hearing thegrand jury has three

legal."Our next step is to pres­

ent oral arguments andbriefs to the judge in thehearing," Valcarcel. "Wehave evidence to warrant acall for a grand jury. Allega­tions we have made in thepetition can be substanti­ated and do have sub­slance."

'We are using theinstrument-the grand ju'ry- .-provided by the New Mex­ico Constitution for citizensto get an investigation ofproblems," Valcarcel said.'We are not filing suit asindividuals...

As for the 450 people whosigned the petition, Valcar­eel said when his group cir­culated the petition, theydid not ask people if theywere registered voters. Andthey were not just lookingfor names to fill their peti­tion. Rather they wanted toexpose the citizens to theproblems with the hospitallease and give them oppor­tunity to protest.

Some people did not signthe petition because theywere afraid of personal re­prisals, Valcarcel added. Hesaid it would be "reprehen­sible" if the names of thepeople who signed the peti­tion are published or madepublic in order to humiliatethem. "If anyone gets hurtsby signing this petition Ithink someone should beheld personally responsi­ble."

Lincoln County Conunis­sioners. at a special meetingheld on 'I'uesday, January 2in their chambers in theLincoln County Courthousein Carrizozo, approved ofcounty attorney Morel hir­ing outside legal counsel,and authorized settingasitie $50,000 for legal fees.

The special meeting wasprimarily a closed to thepublic session faT countycommissioners to discusspending or threatened liti­gation with Morel. Artercou nty commissioners (RayNunley was present at themeeting over a speakerphone, all other memberswere physically present)returned. to open meeting,Morel recommended theeounty commission seekuutside legal counsel.

"Based on the wording onthe grand jury petition, Iam one of the officials whocould be included in theinvestigation," Morel said.Because of this, Morel saidhe could not represent thecounty.

He said the hearing, setfor January 18, will be ex·tremely important becauseit will establish whether ornot there is a criminal basisfor a grand jury. ''The broadlanguage on the grand jurypetition could include allfonner county commission*ers and other county offi­cials and individuals," Mo­rel said. "The language is sobroad."

Morel's legal services con­tract with the county allowshim to hire outside counselwhen needed. With thatcounty commissioner RickSimpson made the motionto allow the hiring of out·~ide counsel. But whe1;l the\,(,te was taken, countycorrunissioner Leo Martinezvoted no. Martinez thenasked county manager TOmStewart about the county'sfinances and its ability tccover legal costs.

Stewart said the county.after the mid..,year budgetadjustment approved at theDecember 21 rneeting,would have more than$150,000 above its requiredreserves. Of that countycommissioners authorizedabout $30,000 for a new fourwheel drive vehicle for thesheriffs office.

MOTel said if the petitionis not rejected by the judgein the first crucial hearing(on January 18), the countycan expect to spend at least$50,000 in legal fees for thegrand jury. Morel said any­one can submit evidence toand be a witness in thegrand jury. "It would not be

..... --­..~._. '.w· "",.... ......, .._-

"We are looking at a leadtime of weeks· before weeven get to the members ofthe grand jury," Wilson ad­ded.

Chairman of the CitizensCommittee to Save OurHospital, Reynaldo Valcar­eel, told TFfE NEWS in atelephone interview, theintent of the petition is notto hurt anyone, regardlessof how it is being inter­preted. 'We had to get theattention of the Li~colnCounty Commission toshow our real concern forthe county's relationshipwith Presbyterian and itslease of Lincoln r"'untyMedical Center," he toldTHENEWS.I Valcarcel said he and oth­ers have repeatedly askedthe county commission toreconsider the PHS lease ofLCMC, which goes for $1 ayear. The state attorneygeneral has also questionedthe county's reluctance toseek a request for proposals(rfp) for the lease of thecounty-owned hospital andhas advised that the currentlease arrangement is not

Attorney Scot Key and RaySharbutt, attorney for theLincoln County CitizensCommittee to Save OurHospital, who filed the peti­tion.

Wilson said a Inotion tohave the petition dislnissedwas filed with the districtcourt in Carrizozo on Tues­day by a law finn claimingto represent PresbyterianHealthcare Servicef3 (PHS).~Probably the first decisionI ITlake at the hearing willbe to dete:nnine whetherPresbyterian HealthcareServices is entitled to makecomment," Wilson said.

Hoping to make a rulingon January 18, Wilson saidhe tries to make a ruling onthe day of a hearing be­cause that is why peoplecome to court. "But I knowbetter," he cautioned.

If the petition is found tohave valid basis to con­tinue, Wilson Haid he willimpanel a grand jury whictmust follow a process. Po...tentia! jurors ....;ll be takenfrom a computer data basemaintained by the Adminis­trative Office of the Courts.

KelleyStephenson isshown with hisgreatgrandchildrenlleft to right):TessaHend-ricks,Megan Colwell,Jesse Hill. K.C.Hen-dricks.(front) Christine

TRASHY RAMP. Lincoln LOUrny ::'Olld Waste Authortty Wltn ne.p Trom the lawn?f Carrizozo recently constructed this ramp so trash collection trucks can dumpInto a walking floor trailer that will be hauled directly to the regional landfillsouth of Alamogordo. The ramp is located north of Evergreen Cemetery ontown land. LCSWA hopes the ramp and transfer location will cut hauling costs.

(Continued From Page 1)

Lincoln County RancherCelebrates lOOth Birthday

Christmas Eve was the scene for a special birthday party honoring KelleyStephenson at the Aristocrat Assisted Living Center in Alamogordo. This was avery memorable event, as this was Kelley's lOOth birthday.

Kelley was born on Christmas Eve in 1900 in Alvarado, TX to AfTIletla andJohn Stephenson.

The famlly soon moved to FI. Worth, TX where Kelley's father had theFeed and Grain Company in the Fe Worth Livestock Exchange Building.

One of Kelley's early businesses was a garage where he was a mechanic,something he truly enjoyed. He was later employed by the Insurance Firm ofRoberts and Rey as a claim adjuster.

In 1928 he married Arme King of Pauls Valley, OK. They were blessed withtwo children, Patricia Ann and Billy King.

In the early 40's Kelley began managing different ranches for the HarroldBrothers of Ft. Worth. ]n 1945 the Harrold Brothers purchased the I-X Ranchsouth of Carrizozo, NM. Kelley managed this ranch until 1960 at which timethe Stephenson family purchased the ranch.

Kelley is a member of the Trinity Methodist church and a member of theCarrizozo M.asonic Lodge. He has been a Mason since 1922.

In 1991 he lost his dear wife Anne~ they were married 63 years. Kelley feelshe has been very lucky and blessed to have had a very good life and mostimportantly the time he was allowed to spend under his big cottonwood treesand all of the splendor of the I-X ranch.

There were four generations on the Stephenson Ranch until which time Kel­ley~moved to the. retirement center. His main concern is that the ranch canremain in the family for generations to come.

Several family members were. on hand to enjoy the century of wisdom. sto­ries and letters shared -- many dear friends were able to help share in the occ­asion.

bel' 19. After review of thesignatures and verificationof those who are registeredvoters in the county. Proc­tor filed an affidavit of ex­aITlination and the petitionwith the 12th Judicial Di5­triet Court clerk in Carrizo­zo on December 20.

While District Judge Ka­ren Parsons normallywould have presided overthe hearing and potentiallyover the grand jUry, sherecused herself because herfather-in-law. State Rep.Dub Williams, was a mem­ber of the Lincoln CountyMedical Center Board(LCMC) of Directors andbecause she had previouslyb~n a partner in a law firmwith Lincoln County attor­ney Alan Morel. Because ofher recusa] the petition wasreferred to the chief judgein the judicial district-­Judp;e Frank Wilson whoseoffice is in Alamogordo.

Wilson, in a telephoneinterview initiated by THENEWS, said notice of thehearing has been given tothe New Mexico AttorneyGeneral's orf"lee, District

Grand Jury Petitionl---

Page 3: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment


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,j '.. ,.'

solved. County commission­ers unanimously approvedthis first phase.

. Morel said tbis was ~efirst time since Iie'has beencol1nty IlttorD.eY tl)at such adevelopment has come forapproval which utilized. anexisting, ~ubstandardCoun­ty road for its $Ubdi'VisfunaCcess. WWeYe never had'toaddress this- b.efore," Morelsaid.

County commission chair­man Rex Wilson s8ia thiswill be on Morel's liSt. of'things to research.

Comunssioners also:, -Heard a formal·request·

by Ruidoso resident·J.A.. AIJunge to'consider·havingtwo meetings a month, withthe f"trSt. being on the sec­ond Thursday of the monthin Canizozo and the secondbeing in Ruidoso in. the eve­ning on the fourth Thurs­day ofeach month.County conurnssioner BillSchwetbnann said he is


40112th St. / 648-2212Peter Wolfe • Anne New

We also carry Swamp Coolers, Insulation,PaInt, Cement and lumber.

CODlplete line 01' H.rdW.re.Plumbing and Electrical Supplies.

G.s He.ters. Hot W.ter Heaters.Cast Iron Wood 8urning Steves•.Lodge Cast .•r .... Cookw....

Espresso - Pas_s - Sanc;lwiches - GiftsMon: 7:00 to 6:00; rues. It Wed: 7:00 tQ 2:01;1Thurs. It Frl: 7:00 to 6:00; Sat. 10:30 tQ 6:110

'. . <', •Sundays ,,,, G,aen 8Gy Pack., Gom••'

~ .'113 cenInII Aye - c.iiaazo -848-JOES --.::aiIiiz"D"l:,Ilj!;·caM

CarrIzozo Joe Says:.~Now 'hls place Is cool I\. .

road.s, and the COUnty hasno absolute rights to these."We maintain it, but don't'own it... Morel sBid. He saidhe did not want to get intofuture tlghts over whetherthe road is truly public. ,

Surveyor and planner Tim .'. Collins, 'who 'represented

the developers Jam.es andRhonda Grace, said theroads are public and thedevelopers could dedicateto the county 50-foot ease­ment to the roads. Countyconunissioners 8lso askedabout the condition of~roads, which are not good,but are~edbecauseE038 proVides access to theJohn Cooper property.

After considerable discus­sion about whether the de­veloper olthbuld!~pgradethecount;y riI1ldajhe develop­ers requested the "county toapprove a first "phase" ofthe Devi.l's Canyon Subdivi­sion consisting of 17 lotsa10ng State Road 368 until~e other issues could be re-

I, ".n.,..,.LINCOLN COUNTY IlEVVS ••••••••• January 4. 20011 PAGE 3

'Character Counts' Recipients for NovemberCarrizozo E.lementary School

Starting from back row lIeft' to right): RorYZamora. Patricio. Jiron ..Chrishanda Zamora. Jeremy Zamora. Elizabeth' Bingerman•. Sonny Vega,Bailey Shivers. Sara Comstock. Autumn Kratochvil)' .Jessica 'Ward, Staoi~.Calvert. Erin Hightower.. .

Ashley Ventura, . Manhew Vega, Kenny Vega. Carlos Samora. ,Mariah'Vallejos. .Lena Reyes, AleXis Baldonado, Ryan Guevara, T~r'1ner Hus~of\Kendal Wilson. Matthew Samora. '.. '

Justin Greer, Raqual Pino, Carina' Morales, 'Marshal Wilson, JoelFerguson. Stephanie Zamora, Kyla King, ~ernando.. Najera, !.;aurenSmith,Tessa Hendricks, Derrick Vinson. Maria Tate. . . '

Jordan Vinson. Marshall Ventura, Marrjah "Ventur,a Justin Veg$, DerekVega.. ,Catalena Vega, C.armen Tate, Jaime· McCarthy;•.Lane Carter, Ga~vBarela. Shayna ·Zamora. .

Cody King. Joshua Vallejos, Misty Byrd, ·Slerra Anaya" Ch~rice Bic~,. 'TEUlNash. ..

Amanda Gallegos Tori Fernande2;, Amanda Llamas', Timera Burd, ArdenBurd, Casey. Vega. . . '

Absen.t: Jennifer Stpefer. Gabriel New.



by DorIs Cherry

Lincoln County Commis­.sioners approved the firstphase of a Type 5 subdivi­sion in the, .An:Lbella areaduring their meeting De­cember 21, in their cham­bers in thC Lincoln CountyCourthouse in Carrizozo.

CountY commissionersdid not accept the entiresubdivision as initially p're­sented by the developersbecause they proposed toutilize an old "prescriptiverights" county road. as oneof the main thoroughCares.All lots in the first phasefront state road 368 toArabella. County attorneyAlan Morel cautioned. coun­ty conunissioners aboutaccepting the portion of thesubdivision that proposed.to use county roads E038and E030 because these areold prescriptive rights

Forest Service Andl-­(Can't From Pg, 1)

said.With access to road funds

in the federal highway trustfund~ the forest service ismaking the Bonito LakeRoad a number one prior­ity, Torres added. He saidfederal funds will be used'to eventually redo the roadat a cost of about $2.5 mil­lion. Once it is upgraded,.TotteS said the forest ser- ' ..vice will ask the. county totake over maintenance ·forthe f"U"St two miles from theintersection with StateRoad 37_

Torres said the forest ser­v.ice wotJ1d like for thecounty to meet with land­owners along the BonitoLake Road and do the rightof way surveys. Also theforest service would pay forany right of way purchases.needed and would not re­sort to taking propert;y by.imminent domain pr0­

cesses. If property ownersdo not want to sell addi­tional rights ofway, the for­enservice will improve theroad with the· existingrights ofway, TolTes added.

An &gfeement betweenthe forest service and thecount;ywiIJ be prepared andsubmitted for county com­mission approval at a futuremeeting.

County Okays First PhaseSubdivision In Arabella-Area


The forecast throughTuesday for Ruidoso, Capi­tan and the northern Sac­ramento Mountains:

Today. Thursday,January 4:

Mild with. a mix of sunand high clouds. North­west winds 10 to 15 milesper hour. ffigh tempera­tures ranging from 46 to52. No chance for precipita­tion. Tonight increasingclouds with lows to 15.

Friday. January 5:Variable clouds with

highs in the 50s.Saturday, January 6:

Increasing clouds with achance for showers late inthe day. Highs in the 50sand lows to 20.

Sunday. JanuarY 7:Partly cloudy with highs

45 to 55. Lows in the 2Os.Monday and Tuesday,

January 8 and 9:Variable clouds with a

slight.chance for mountainsnow showers. Highs in theupper 30s to lower 408 andlows to 20.

New Years Day was clear

~. t cold. A freezing fogoved into the eastern

f of Uncoln County ,onJanuary 2, closing High­way 70 east to Roswell be­cause of ice on, 'the pave­ment. Ice ·contributed totwo DU\iDr accidents on thehighway. The western sideof Lincoln County got nofog becau.se of a very coldwind.

By Wednesday, the fog'and ice moved out to theeast, leaving.Lincoln Coun~ty clear with a cold morn-.ing that quickly warmed tohighs to t~ mid 50s.

The following weatherforecast is based on infor­mation "from. the NationalWeather Service web site.

Forecast for todaythrough Tuesday forCarrizozo, Hondo Valleyand Lincoln County high"plains:

Today, Thursday.Januai-y 4:

Mild with a mix of sunand high clouds. North­west winds 10 to 15 milesper hour. High tempera­ture of57 in Carrizozo. Lowof23. No chance for precip­itation. Tonight increasingclouds with low of 25.

Friday, .January 5:Variable clouds, highs in

the 50s.

Saturday, .January 6:Increasing clo~dswith a

slight chance for showerslate in the day. ffighs inthe 50s with lows to 20.

Sunday, January 7:.,Partly cloudy with highs

to 55 and lows in the 20s.

Monday and Tuesday,..January 8 and 9:

Variable clouds withslight chance for rain.Highs in the 40s and lowsin the 20s.

out payment. Web registra­tion is available 'for stu­dents who have been previ­ously enrolled at ENMUInternet Home page.

Walk-in and phone regis­tration is available between7:30 a.rn.. to 6 p.m. Call257­2120 or toll free 1-800-934­3688 to register or for more,infonnation or visit ENMU;at www.ruidoso.erunu.edu.

FRIDAYS_ --Alcoholics Anonymous big book open discussion 7-8'P.m. Capitan Senior Center. Call 354-4032 (or informa­tion.

THURSDAYS-Story Hour.-9:15-10:15 a.m. Carrizozo School Library.

_. --Lincoln County Adult Singles Gl'OUP 6:30 p.m. Call~54-2635or 258-3201 fOl" information and location.

TUESDAY. JANUARY 9-Carrizozo Town Trustees 6 p.Yn.-Ruidoso Village Council 6:30 p.m.-Capitan Village Trustees '1 p.m.-Corona Board of Education 7 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10--Lincoln County E-911 Comnlittee, 0:30 a.m. Lincoln

County Conunissioners chambers in the Lincoln: CountyCourthouse in Carrizozo. Business includes continuationof remuning and nallling county streets and roads forrural addressing purposes.

-CarrizoZo Chamber of (" ,rrunerce, noon, Rec Center.-Billy the Kid Scenic Byways Committee 1 p.rn.. Ruido-

so Village Hall.

TODAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4--Class resumes at Carrizozo Schools.--Lincoln County Public Land Use Advisory Council

(PLUAC) will not meet this day.

SATURDAYS--Capitan Public Library open from 10 a.m. to 2. p~m.

TUESDAYS-Alcoholics Anonymous '7 p.m. ea.l-rizozo Senior Center.

Call 648-1145 for information.

ENMU Ruidoso RegistrationContinues For Spring Sem.

MONDAY, JANUARY 8--Lincoln County Rural Economic Development

Through Tourism (REDTr> Council, 10 a.m. LincolnCounty Fairgrounds in Capitan. Organizations wishingto be considered for grants must be represented. at themonthly meetings on a continuing basis.

-Capitan Chamber of Commerce, 12:30 p.m. chamberbuilding On 2nd Street. (Postponed froID usual firstMonday because of New Years.)

--RuidosolLincoln County ExtratelTitQrial ZoningConunission 6:30 p.m. Ruidoso Village Hall.

. .

WEDNESDAYS-~Mom.s In Touch prayer group, 2 p.m. 707 F. Ave. In

Carrizozo.-Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting, '7 p.m. Capitan

:Senior Citizens Ce"nter.

THURSDAY. JANUARY 11-Lincoln County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Com­

mittee. 1 p.m. Lincoln County Commission chanlbe:rs inthe Lincoln County Courthouse in Carrizozo.

-Ruidoso Arts Conunission 4 p.m. Ruidoso village hall.-capitan Board of Education 6 p.m.-COrona Village Trustees 6:30 p.m.

FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS--Jalayne Spivey of the ~istrict 11 Office of the State

Engineer is at Ruidoso Village Hall framO a.m. to 12noon.

SALLV PORT GO.NG UP and the application of exterior colored stucco at thenew Lincoln County Detention Center in Carrizozo shows the construction pro­ject: is on schedule vvith an opening date set for AJ»ril 1. The county approved acontract with Corrections Systems. Inc. to operate and manage the new facilitywith up to 1 20 inmates at a cost of about $900.000 a year.

. Registration for theSpring 2001 SeIIlester atEastern New. MexicoUniversity-Ruidoso is con­tinuing through January 16.

Students are encouraged.to enroll now in order to getthe classes they want.Classes begin .January 15.

Tuition and fees are due. at registration and books: ina,y not be picked up with-

--_..~----------'----~---~---._-----------~ --------_ .._-- --- - .. - -

Page 4: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment

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You Con R"'''lve A ~sol)dl' .".· CQnfld!llnt!al ~eodlng¥

Call fot.AjlljllolnjMllmt .'257-2996

. , .

'=;$"r~=~you NOT 10 _ what <>1b.crpcop~ 1hiDk:. It· couldr~;;,~~.LooItand

Gi.mini, (May2t - 1...... ;20)A e# )'C'II'.:li>r a IlC"J' and·_!'81UswIifit_ Take... th..old. Iejun ft~ it - not use.~~w1ed8" to _ •

Capc",., (June 21 - Jaly':22) ,You'Je "" I<>P of't1ul1ii1l uow;

. S1llDdt"lf....d look lli'O\IIld lltall of 1Iie wondcdill,bcautiful1bmga you agO)" furfree. . . ,

LJl<l' (July 23 - Aug 22)S1lu1 til"...".. yelU' out wi:dl •

•smile and .. hCllll¥ bello to"""'YOD" you see imd ml'et.

·Wtltl>h happme•• and moneyflow to you.

Vi_ (Au~ 23 - SoI¢ 22)B..'!>' doco it! Take it .Iow•1001< twice· WOl'tl walldngaeros. the "street oflifb~ A·neW year and mlWbcBinniosB.

'. W.... .,.. ~an+IO, 2()O1,. ' .. ' . ..

Capri...-ni .(D"" 22 ~',Jan .

'wvr9neY"::~':=~~atyOuCl\n<lO-tq··, ;'·cluing"; It fur :die ~r.L!>OJ<iDlride and out. .

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,o~~J:'~~~eR"- ., .. ,' . " " .'.' ..... ,-; - .: ." '.... - "'i'" :.'ROA!>':'A TAI<:e-, YOUL.l­'\NISHYOu'P"A~N..... '. . (ANOTH'R' '..•....

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,'E'" ., QIID';20- Filob1. t;1d .Upoosib!e, "g"""'"

'''ountnqro''''ro.'So~bli- ... '~$t.at<o OO\U'ls;lQn oct. ~ink~;;':"'fl~~can·legislaiure~.will.pick.· .t,CatldidaW8·~t' ,th~se:.aJ;ld -1IIid-WJjfO dcniv,n everytbiJi8-.tohe3.doolint l'l,utiJ.be~ and an 'other. pri,ntary 'election: o'lcaJiyout·,IDiJld. : '. .Detnocrat leg;,slatuJ;es Will 'ra~:5 c~Pickup tll,efr.cam':' . .... . . . ' '.' "pick ail.iustl>4 num!;>,,"'-' pail!np"utiQn.. .~,(l'eb.j9.M<liCh 20), .which tneans·"thqre is:Qo' IdeallY.t:hat'ei1ds-the· _Pcopl~WiIlcqmc:nuid'g(),outneed,Waiting.. J,'" • process. but then :there's, gf, -yOUr '-life :like 'WI\.ter. ..' Oticethe.s',,(ofnwn· . that messy ma,ttm" oreourt· .~1JuOullIi~uolrJ"'i"'.'.

.'berS' iscl1osen.": Brian . challenge$. In19Ql.~~te··, - you )V8:Qt "tQ.. . . ,OD"I:O.Sa:nfktof~' 1;lead,of Re~ .",districts, ,e.speclal1Y. ,.in 8OJi1et?De.u;~ac~p~rlove~·::Searchand '.Polllng, Inc. in :Southeast;NewMexicow(;'t:re. ~.;.n.~..... 21 _~.. --19)''Albuquerque, will prepare cbaUeriged. An ear1y~u.:- .a.u .\.......LC""': .

numoerS. charts' and, maps ary'sp~ session•.before r~~~.for' t.:es.~r='k' ."-showi~lf.c"haJlg'e$ in.popula- · .. the· -regWm; . session. ~ fbt'evmy' - 01.., you C8:Iltiob. throughOl,lt the state ip necessary- . :. :tmd and ......... a-t' 1hBnthepaatl().years.·.. . ·,·ButJ:hatcontroversy.-.· - . .l.--. o-~moro ..

.LegiSlative . leaders· was n:~'cOJnpared.to 'Youeverbar'&a~.- . . ".: then plan a :aeriesOf P\l~lic 1981.wh~ttafederal·_~tr.iCt-

hearings around New Mex- judge decided that not only'icotO f"Uldout-wh.at pepple '-were New'MeXico House.hs,ve:to say about proposed . districts -not .substantially~trictjngmaps. The sad equal but that thete.~san.truth'issqretob.ethatpop- intent tq diSCI:i~te_

, ula:twn ceI;l.te"1$];»,ave grown against mini)rities.more, than. rural areas ~d It was the surnin~rOfthat Counties along: the Rio . 1992 .before 'acceptableGran.de copidor'VIIill gain' bQundarle!!> for same HoUSelegislative '~Ustricts atth~ - districtS were drawn,arid a,exp~nse 9f'the East Side". _sPecial· 'prltnary .electi<J.D

. . Probably in ID.id.-Sep-. W8$ held fQI: those districl$.terntier_ lawmakers wU1 go 'As" a result ort~_baCk-into session to set dis- rmd.ing,. the u.s.' Justicetricts. not just for them- Department required that its~ves, bti1; ~ .for Con- Pre-aPllrove New MexicO'sgress. the PUblic Regula- 199J 'redistricting ~lan be-tion Commission. tl;1e state.' fore fiilallegislative, aCtiOn-Board of Education and could 1;>e taken.

......" ...'....-'

What·~the·best'\Aniy t"getQutof the c«?untV ...d...rlrig ,~!$now.

. storm'?· .


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, ..

.. sANT~' FE·' Th,,' tUti"ha.s ..90rn· :for ia~ers'toturn~.._ pIes on us..Every_'two :years~ voters gE!t_ to de-,cide-who 'their l~gislato,s .''will be.- Every: 10 years ~eg­

isla~;rs :get to: ~ecide wh~their VOt~rs,will be. - .', Yes;.redistricting batUesare about 'to begin. They.Will ..taJ't slowly. Little·will"" heard ..boutredi..tricting.during th;e cO{ning regUlarses:;ion Ofthe 2001' Legisl~... ·tlire because census tabula­.tions"~n't fina&e'd ,un:til·Mllrch31. •

Thlstim.e, states will besent' twO sets ot figures -:one. 'ia the -official tally.Jhe'othel'- i.e; a~adju~ for,prqjecbid under.cOunt.· IfYP\i will. recall.- COngfeSS

.'~bad~ iXU\ior -t'Jght- a lew".Y~ago, wi¢'Rep1,lblicanswariting-actual counts'~d,Der;docrats preferringstatis....ticanY -massaged- figures.· .

- . Republicans argue that(Continued FromPc;lge 1) . cn:lr rqu,nders wanted an

actual h~dcount OJf everyqffi'ces. or 22 per;ce:n~. re- d8..uy logO£' crimes-anti an perso~ in: the nation be-.queste4 failed ioprovide incident oC·l:\!:Ic.rim.es._ Coun- . cause the Constitution say'Sthe informatiOn'. ties, rnunicipa1iti~ ,~ so. Democrats 'counter that

Some 27 petcent- or the ,schools were asked for fi- 'every polling firm. in' theschool districts, surveYed' nanci8l infonnatiort, such nation' statistically adjustsstatewide failed' to provide as agency budgeted and .its Surveys for the businessinformation.- In. LincQlt;l salmes, and expenseS' of" world and poU~cal candi-County, Capitan. Carrizozo adniinistrators. Magistrate dates to account tor knownand Ruidoso schools pro- courts were asked for a,one.:. def"lCiencies in surveY' tech-vided infol"Il1ation flS re- . month listing ofcomplaints niques and to more ac~-

questl>d.. . :. filed by taw enforCement ratl>1y 1'efll!Ct the tl'U"pie- COU'nt'y Intends ~o. La'w·ep:......~-ACcording to information and the dispOsition of the -ture. . . •.

on the survey provided by cases. .1 can't fathom how stat-NMPA. some agencies that ' Cert.aitl. records remain isticians_DUUlage to do that. (Continued Fror:n Page 1)failed to provide requested confidential under state' Itsounds so subjective, And Hernandez said when the to' attend the meeting. toldre-~s .aid intbrrDation 1aw:.' including-letters of ref- Republicans ::ll.l7I"f::OA. , .~"'na H ~ to 1-- th~....-un... ~.,..- ........~-. county 1'epaved the lower ernanU.ez u_er ...

.was cwifidential. In other erence for jobs~ certain: it allows for too much mon- . ed B ·t ty .portion of the road (froru spe • u COur;l c~s-instances. supervisors were medical treatJnent reCo~s -key bUsiness. Theys~m to Warrior Drive south'to the sloner Ray Nunley said hetlnavailabletOgive'~s~ andpolicerecords~g have reason to believe the Ruidoso trash.transfer sta- wpUld not knowingly via-S'on to emp'--~s to ~.' contidential sourc.'es or peG- census Bureau is a den - I ._. b t -~-

... '1.....01'...... r~-- tiOn) hewan~to have one .ate state a.u.WS a au ~ ..........gvide docutnents. Smne pleaccusecU):utnot-chak'ged teeming' with Democrat- --_..-......_~.35-~lesper the speed limits..workers S-'~ th-·were too with a: .crim.!I!:. :Despit,e tho.se statisticians..' UIllI-U.......... <3~"" .u......, .. 0-.0--_.:'- -

i'UJ,.I. ...., '.' • hour, but he. wen.t.. down-to Withtha1;county~u.........~ Libr" -("~23 Oct~~)busy. ------".'-ns. state. taw ttJak"s O~ it m.'v ....p=tlr t!Ult . Bill d_~_~____ -~, '....... .- --

. ~.I-"""'" . .' . t..__ ... - r.... 30 miles per hour_ :i:Q. the . ,Sloner ,~"Y'O'O;::""'"",,I.&-"""'''' ..........-..:"._..- arid.'ansWerS. ODe- Public.recordS'serveasa it clear 'that. anyon~ uw:>a RelJoublican '_members or ~rves. nrve already!Ow'''; 'madeamotiOnto'-notifYthe·_~another.. wbatBDdtool,for the,public-·to 'find right~~eW a basic po- Congress ~ just anti-· ered tbe,speed limit orte ..state· highway de~ent:. whomto.k¢port:1u.'owOlit.out'more aboUt theircorn-. neeltt~t,reIktrtabout,a quated-.oId 'f'uddjr-dtiddies tun'~·e- ..~..:thOut.a· tmffic sur- 'of lhe·county's ini;ent_ to You.'ro. OJithe,o"gbt·mad.but.m UIU·ties. and monitor the burglary.. and8Q'estofasus- ho·:.:I~....:.:1'tb-"eve·'-~.;,.; ----:.:I:..."",. YV~. . '. . '1:':--'':'ts'' . .

. . I' . libl . Of , UUI.I.. t3-JI ........ UJ.UU.O;: vey," Hermm.dez said. ":And Change. speedJ.ULLI. o~ take tteasy. ' .performance' ofgavern':' pect,. or-_ill, PO. ce - Ottel" - .' teehno1ogy. ~utthe ~swer' I thoUght the coUnty needs Ga"ifUan .Canyon ~ad:to2,5.. . . . .ment; . .. ~tc;:rin1.¢s. _ is, it lSlmrepo1i~cs.E.vi- t()certitythen~:cl18nge~". miles. ~r: hour 'in areas 'fkm:Di.u:' (0et23 NOv'21)

"W'heil :requests, fot-,pt.tbUc '" AnyOpe denied ~sstcJ dently the sordid .truth is Whe.-e a' sldwer speed is f).P-" ~rtl~ ~s. .birecord~ are denied,. it's ObYi-' tecOrd$ can cQ\1 the state . that the centnis' is jUs~ lik~ MartiXiez and county -com- }1rOI)riate. All cQUil.ty 'iXtm..;· O'Ym'hmil·MDko· ti61ii:' tIf.QUs that ~tne p\tbHc olti- attorney (feneral,; ora local ~oilg_itlsmostIY Derri- .' _pU$Sioner Ri:ck Simpson -missioners voted, fol,"' 'CVeiy~ ~ ~_YoU1Ucials are either ignorant ot district a~,.who'are ,oo~'Whoseturideroourit~· whOhad·en.Cou:raged:DObbs Schwettmann'smotlon. ' 1iItd;'9Ut tliere18.,~thl> pUblic'..~ artd thl>ir' thl> Officla\& ....panoible f.... "".t;;tstistical cem"" 'id· ." . '.' ,', . you doo't bavo tob........oWn duties'()r arrogant'" ': ent'~ .state Jaw., ''!"he jtiStments.are, just like

aboUtdoingiheirj6bs"said~onfurO~.Ooy', <:oUntinfl htmging "htl<l.. Lin··.·...e.o,.In··•.. ". C.·O·un·.·.·...·t·.·..,.. · I.e'·•..:S'." . S.~'.i(Nov 2i- .~.l3ob.J'ohilsOn . exectttive ertm1~t·a1Bommn~ a- Tlieyboth-fiudinol"eJ>emo- . ' . . . . . .... ·21)S1ow dOwn. and~htllie<:lOrr.... th...Founda1tiort toll rr-.Iu>\li.ne ·atl-800· ts . fi>rsbatp_sIibCad. Yeo"forOpen~en~·. :, ~84-lJ~4.for _.people ."!hO c:ra ·'1"lie .. ··congre..sio~ USPS '-~460 ., - c8tt.li'Uikeit.ibutdOll't·llSIiUD1e-

NewMe,xi""lnspecliort<>f .~problemsgett;ng c"",promise _s to give, .•.. '... ~J~.c',· ." ...".". ':L~.'R:'. '.t1ul ·Ililme. Prepate'Public Ilecotda Act· Casts a pUblic recol'ds~ ", . sta~s tw:o -~ets of n1,1inbetS. .,__...-LLI

::.'::~.de~,.'~ .' .M·em·.o·''r'lo'I Jan',. ·10 ..llnN~-,,~'L~i".y ~';!.~.;.~'rh,.e... . . .-_W~~..--'.....~ • Y....CI!l>Rlic~·..·--..·

;;'~""'~-:;;"m~~;; For Judith Blucher .~i:,%~~tsc;r.:~ ~~a·il .~,~=,~ ~~"Y~D thatends~ 11. bUt the . '. CdF.o-.Al'iri' 257-2'*'·' ..... tran.mittl>ci bY ...~.,;J. .' Am_rial serY;eef". ad,jil.te4·ti~ woti.~_ . .\ .."AIl 'persons are eiltit1~ to Judith',M. Blitcher .will be 'rive toitil' ,the end 'of thethe greatest p:JSSib1e 'bltor.:. ...._-i~. .. . ....... ;.1I.:..:......d...... .,00on:t)~.That t'Deans a likei ...mationre~th"af1'tlirs rat" to":d:~~ .sP"ci~ s....sion. ip,Aticl1 k,'ofgovenunent ""d1.l>e Ofii- ~Chili:chinCartiz... look at. both sets 'ofnum­cial acts uf public omce.... . " .' .. . be.... - "",,- to ....coiisider all

ad""ddedem•. plt>,y1<!e..r ..J:..,Ohn,S9n ""-i:1m s,;".,,;.;.,will. 110>""""",. the apP'roptl..tiorts :vetQed.

by1.I>e goverl1or.· .'rh"IJtttV"Y'-bllll1c . , ·If~_a..

public -as. EIherilts . predicted, 1.1>" acljuotedomce.. and P<>li"".~ ' rtumb..... willlttclud" Jno1'e,Mnts ......r!> ..._ fOr a Demttcrats,th",,·th<o·heild·

.. I·" .- '.....



. .. '.. . . . .

.' Petition for tlJe gral¢; ju.ry··

.Jb.tlaff~ •.... ••..... :.' . '. .' .. Gelling'"~I"$ I.. lh" ,..ply g!v,," wIl..n !'$ktlclv;hy lh,,·

plOlltlcnwa" clrcu!'..t"cl fo,a gnmdjury.I"'!"sUIl"Uclll1nt<>-u,e' le~s., cantract," for: tti. ,Llliopln ,·Q94nt'Y :'ry1e~~cElI:- Cen~,r~Seem$ same p~ple''M!.ntt~iknOW·.more ';aboijt: the lea~

"ont",<;! "nclwlly"lIV>lli!""Pp,cv",L J1\e petlll,*,.•.c "~II,,,for fa grand 'Jury, to;I.,~l'P.1te" ~ny, 1IIega' '~l;J:pdUt;J':,ot, ililnYcb.unty 0'11I<;1..1. . , .. ~Il"'cllnl1 QOunlY ""'O!lrc.... faclll~atld .qujpnient •..~~QUnC!~.~Si·If !Someone ViP~!t Ip.dre than

·.jUot .. ilrand jU,y.lnvestlg..tion li'llo Qlli'I8...."'e QfQlI'.h"splt"l.·'Requestlng.agraridJliry:tp 'Inyestlg"te: Wrongt;:loi"g, Is:' a

'. . light -'of the ·public" b'Ut .It-s-.m~j1Is· if thiS; p~titlc)ll 'is, _aSking,_fOr ,m~ than· 'ah,'I,twe~I~t!on':Imo_ 'the..'lil!ase: of 'L!ncolryCounty Med!Qal Ceriter. ,WoL!ldn~ Jt.have', be~ni ~etter tcrlimit 't~ ..~tUIQn: to t~-,11o!$Pltal, and-the. ~Itl..&f:tttonc~rltered I':Brd.undth. ,I.,ase ..nd mej:lic_sl:,e.qulptpent..purchased, .eta.,? _ ..,'

. Approving t~$e" ,CQntra:~, Is,_ 'one. duty qt- th.e "Cl)UrrtY.'c"ommlssiohetS,'as',well as.approving"bu~gets"negotlatlDgcontract$, mEtint;jlliilng roads, building a new"jaU an'! baing I -

, fiscally; re$P9nslble..CounJY busine~s Is condllcted I@lt th~Jco.unty commission meetingS!. whjoh are open to the pubUc!'The hetllring on'the merits'bfthe petition calling for a Qfl!lnCl ...jiJry InveStigatiOn WlII.also be"open~,to.:the Public'~·'lt.WiII'.be

'held Thursday', JllmJsry 18. at· 9. a.m. in the .Unqa(n",poUQtY,Co",rtbouse·ln, the 1~.h.JUdiclar.o16tric~q.o,u.rtroom. ·Dlstrict. ',Judge 'Frank Wilson Will preside:al the. heariri$J tha.t day. .:.'. . .Ncitlc~_ of tt'ieheari~lf~s:'t;le4i!nsenfto:theNewM~xicoAttom~y 'General's bffice.Distriet _.Aft0rtley Scot_ ~y and,-'the"attorney for' the Lhicoln CounJ:YClti~,ns_Committe'" too'Save Our: Hospital, 'who_fil"d tbEfpetlth;m,·calllng. f6r-a grandjury inv_lgatton;.lrlto thel$a~e'-of.~he hospltal.':H9P¢ully·thelr"questlons wi,Il'~lrans~reddurtog'the J:"eDring.";: It ~h~petition is f9und,tQ ~validbll$i!» to: cgntlne .~ g~arui. jurywill be impaneled "vtIlch must fo~loY(. a,"proces5~ Apparently.information -Will 'Os pre$,entE!id ahhe hearing Janu,aiy-, 18th,

'OlstriCt Jui:l~e Fran's W1lso,:"will mli!l~e'the-r:uling;wl1~ch"he hopes to 'dojl!lril.i~ry 18th~ If the'petltlon is fOi.indJohave iii valid basl$ and a :gratld jUry~ is'_lm~pnele~,--lt ~Ol,dd .­be. severa! weElk$Qr-even. rnonttisbefo.ra. an.2let:ual grandjury ,begtns atl i~!Stigation. It,. will '.lake ti.m~Ao notify theprospectlve.Jurors; ,And it'~11 take: tim:e .0 i.mpaliBI ,the Jury. .

Just b~lJse the'j:)etitiC),n was submitted.does nQt!flE!ah:. that there will biE! a ..grahd.ju,ry Investigiidlon, Th~re must be ;:sufficient 'evidence, pre!Sente~ lJefote the decision is' made:to Impanel,a-grand,jUry. Afldlf.:a:grand.j"'ry Is impaneled all_invesJig1ating WlII.b~"conduet.d In_,pri\iate: .public. excluded.

UsuSlIIY' court pr6ceed!ng-s are open totthe public but thegrand jury meets' priyately ,with only th0=iJ!. ~e~ons beforethe' grand fury who are necicessaryfor the jury·,to.~do.Its ,duty.

Rules for grand Juries a~ ~rlCI:. After..thegraodjury hasreceived the evidence presented, the graildjury mLi~t_carryout de'IIberatlons completely in Pr.iWte. Grand' jurors~realso required to takesil bath tokeep:seQret all,evidence.

. Y'oumight want,to" attend th$j hearJngon JaflUSry ·18t~.

If a grand jJ.J(J" 1&.Impanell!d you might. never IQlpW whiilt..~jq·

or did not haPQen while the 'arand i\lrv d~liberated the. f;ict~.Gra'#Jd, ,Tu? I~"q,}'~~Id~' . , .,"




Page 5: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment

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. . P.O. ~1t 459' .<;ar.r~. NM8!1301

.' '.·orCau '.. '{5l!S)64$.2333.

A1~o9brdO...",~ill.'theatei' AuditionsJanui!ry 8 Anci1.1 . "

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'.- ....

BILL .JONES. paBlorSunday SChOOI••••••••••••_ •••••••••_ ••• _: •• 10;00 amCl'luo:;h Selvlc:o=o •••••••••_ ••_ •••••••••.•.•.• ,11:00 am

TOM WdODAA:D.: pgsIof. 1000 D.A~ &qIo2893 r&t8-2848

Can'Izc:I%D. toIII!' M301 •Sunday SCht:iol' (All Ages) •••••.•••_••• '1Q:OO amWorshlp SEtrVt¢e,••••••_ ••••••••••••••••••__ 11 :10 am,Oholr f'raolice .(T....,.c:I.8Yl _.:•••••••_ 6:30_ pmpnJled MGthOdist VII.ome" Every'

3r'd WillldlioscJay_•••: "1:DC1 pin- RtIiowship blnnilr ..1Ii SundaY' 01 Monlll' 12;30 pm

• ---e.AI"1TAH-.----.'Ad..." Sul'\day SChOO!•.•••.• ,._.••.....••••; .• B:3t'J amWonlIhI,,' SerwlC1lll.•••_••••.•w.;._••••••••••••••'9:15 am .Cl1Udre,,--S 'Sl.lO!=lay.. SCt'!00l._••••••••,_••• 9:30 am, , -FelknltShlp :ntil _.•........•..._10:1$ _~mAdult Suhday Scboctl••••..•••.••••.•_.._•. l1:aO am

"Chglr ,Ptat:tlee- (TuollSda)f) ••••••••.__ .~ ..• 7:00 pm '.Ai'llo\l"tshlp' Dinner ev..ry Third $Ind.)' . 'Hancrmaldoris IECUiTl6nk:.il1 WDmen's, Group)

''''- and ~-:ct"TuaSd:iy••• ,.~ •••••_ ••••••• 9:30, a.m.

·.FIEV. CHUCK FULTON. pa!llDI'" I '648·2339711 'E' /We•• C6nt%~. NM .

" Afmla1ed' WI, the EvangeUstic AsSembly ChurChSunday _•••_••_••.•.•••.•.••••••...•..••7:00 p.m.


cAL WEST. "'1« /84-(}.;.7976 .'Bunda)/' ,SChoOl. ;:•.••••••••••.••••.••',OtOO. a.m.Wat8fllP __rvlCO••=_.;'....••••• ~•••~•• ;~.;..1' :00' 8.1n.WOd-. 9IbI,0 8tUdy :.:•••••..: v. 7,:.00 p.m..FOIlOWilhlp ·.I:?INrior,•••••~. Fbt :SLiPday 01 .llo4onth'

PhOne ~a044 . '0Bp11afl· (Q:)U1h 'm Hwy. '481 . .

.• ',' ,SUf-ldOY SChOOl ..... ~.~ ••••., .• '." •.• : ... 9~O a.m.'\M;irshlp set\l'lce';~~·~.• ; •.••• ~ .'•• ,~ •• ~." ~O q.m.f>INMolA WednesdOV " ••• ' •• '"., •• , ,0.00 p.m




MoUnt:ain MJ:niatry Parish.sleh... m.n_ PlreBz;.ytcery·

Splr.li !Dr LlI'o Apoai;oUcP.a.heoatal ,Tabernacle

Avo. c aJ '2th. ca;ri'zaZG,' NtvI'.. 'Sundav SCbOa'l.•••••.•.~..••••.•••"!•••••••••••• 10:00' atn'WaOl,hlp,S.l1IIc••••••••••.•••.~ _.~.••• 11 :00 lamEvonlng'Worshlp, .; 1••••;..;1:15 pl1t

. WedrtQsd,By'Blblrl' Stud)f ~ ••••7~~ pmst. ,lIobit.Ud...· EPb!ieopai Cb"lt(:Ih,-

'REV. CANON .-.ao.'.... ~ENiiI. I~ . " : ,CCWi181' IIlIf :e.,"v", ,& Sbdti. caMZCi-ZCI. NM, ....1isos--'2$'1-2358 •..~ &~.I..•.•.:.._•••.•w._•••. D;30 II'" SU~y,

'. Nogal Pr••byte,r'.n ChUrch;BILL.SEBRING. paalaof .

Sunday Sahabl.•••••••••••..•••••........ 10:00. a.m. _Worship 11:00 a.m.

. Ancho Communltll' Pt••byl.,'an Church:SCOTT "KING. pastor I e48~2024, .

WQrahlp ••••••_ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• 9:00 a.m.SUnday SChpOl••••••• .-'••_••_•••_ •._ 1 0 ..00 a.m.

Corona P"'.byl.rlan Church: 'Sunday SChool•••••.•~ •••••••••••••••••• 10:00 a.m.Worship •••_••_•••••,_.•••, .•.••••~ ••••.••• 11:00 LJn.Adult Bible SWdy & YouthF.lIOWshlp Wcldnosday. 6:00:p.m.

.. '~,

ALLAN M. MIL,LEFl. paStOr . '209 Ur.::oln A·ve. Oapltan. N~'3t!l4-Z025, •

Tuesdlloy Biblp. StUdy •••_ •••••••••••......•_.7:00 pmSUndllllf Sdh90I._...•..•..••••.•, 10:00 -am

SUl'\day I!:v.nlng ~:OO pm

P'lpf; sApt!!;t; 'Cburob .

HA.vDEN SMITH" pastor~14 10lh AVe. Carrizozo, ~M '.JW-8-ze68 (c;hun;:h)' or 648-2107

SuQday Schoal;.••••.•••_ ••.•.••••••~ ••_.,•••••.9:45 11mV)foIshlp S.rvlce••....••••• :.. 10:55 amSun. Evill'nrng •••••~•••_ .•••.,T"..fnlng :11"6:16 pm

. Svei;1lng WorDhlp.,.•••.•••; ...•.: .••••...•..••.._.7:15 :pm 'Wednvsdll)' ,Blbl. StLldy......, ••••••••••• _. '7;00 pm.

~~ Comm.unti.y Ch_h 'WCJ', dOHNIE- L. jOHN~N~ p_tl:n' " "

comet Q' CAva. Bo' Th\rttliin\h. 848i-2188, .Chfldi:8n's'ChurCh •••••_ •••;•••~ ......;.... '10:3,O,ainWorsflfp Se~l! ; .••••.•._.•~•..~.;.10,:30·.am,

"Wed.. lIlbl. Stucl)t ._•••••_•••••••••••••••••••••••7:30, Jlin~t-',Bit. iCaUao!!e c......fiftlt:.r .

, FFt. 'DAVE BERGS. pa$tDr ' . " .2'13-~ EUn::h. cartlzozo. NM; 'B4S·Z8$3SATURDAY;' .'. ' . .

, Caplt.an SlIIIctBd. H.art: .; :. ~:OO ,pm,C~ ,SaMB Af$a •••••.••••••• ;••.•••••••••••• 6:3D pm

,iiUNDAY; ",.' .' ,Gilpllan sec d Hearl .,•••••••.•; 0:0,0' am

-, C'-zo'Sania R1ta •._•••.-'._,••'.,.•.•..•••. 10:30·am'COrotia SL, ThDra~ ;l'•••.••,••,.. 1:DO p.m.

.I •

." ..


1i ,: '.II.

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.1·LIIPIIOFTii, ',' .'.


" .' ,

,:;1' ,\ .,..". .

. , r> 1JlIlCX)I.N<::Ql.lNrY1'!EW$ ••.••••';;lanU~4.zealll\6;i;i:.s .,,' '.mean. a40pted J \his emiexhlbit for the St.I,.Qu~ tlollS~~~ neceSc ~st '~o~r ~f .l\l'lj ,the folloWI;';" ( "Expos~tioo. . .. .., ,. ..sary bY local ·co¢I~16ns., SlnOioa,Mexl!i6,neailfne .'. .]3y .' promoting . the . , The:, llSs9c,;(doO.,ba& '.,The ~rs l\I1dcJire<;torsof st\llweH railway. ""Ill' '

.8C'lual lltanee . and Inter"also,aeJopted a 'umfo!'" of thel,lSsoc;;'tion for the ~.'YI'two,th~sinteres!,iiil'9urst:! Of Amedca"s 'and style Of cllbinet,cost'PJj: . current year. lire as: fol- Il' claImS' found ...~.Mexlc\u)s , Iii . theminbig $21 each 'f<" the ~ows· 'te4 The '. .field. ..... . "coilection 'toW '!,,>Oineers c:;(:'S.1.F~~ OUgju~ t..,Ji:~~ffi.; I'

• By' lIl"ll'tlijning.'.' a "lIllliJltli~ned':" I.t.~. udenthal'l're~i!ient; W •.Q, .COUPtrylUld!',P"a\<s.Span-. bureau 'of .. :information" '. pe!ldquarters .. 'oEI·· Paso,' .Vl'1I!z; ·f'l""t, ~,ce presideot; . Ish, ' .,l\4dress "Miner,",;. iopludjog ,Ii dlrectOIY of' ¥I'm~e,,". ,.~..th¢F~1Ix ,Mlu'tfnez, secomi; cllreRecQrd l',ffice.EI'

Il)n:rlng . n>en,.apd ,cpm~, lISsocla~. w'shing; ;to· '\I.ce.\PJ,esident;}J:Qr8Ce B. .paso.Texas.·.,pall!Cs..' ." ,.... m~ ind,v.dual exh,b,ts Stevens,'treasurer; Ernest •. ~~..:-,-"...."••;.', '.." Br s""li:iog, tb¢,.e:ru.c;t- 'c!'l;J,purc\laSea. half,?",'. E.RUssell,secreiar)'. ' ... '.' '\\I,OTE ":BY',' TFlIl.:, .

mentof equits!>le' minu,g W\lOle case" for.the,t. . .. tlireclors .' '5. " . EDITOR ,""Tlu! .~it<);r .04iil ..·~aws faVorllble to . the:sepa~te,' :u:se. '. FQrtherFreudl>ntbal..~llx.~"the'RecOnl.:I!aS'\cI1own·~'<!Fvelo;>pmellt, 'Of the mill, "desctll'll?'} Of ,~:.caSl's ·t:in"",;c·.R.: Morehead. A. abo've'll~·f<>r.a.~ra~re",:!,~s>,: ;. "", and.'lIa~fI'l,?,Siilreg~rd .CQ\ll'Chesne; W.G... W'IIU,1lUIiibetof>:e(ll's, aOO ~'" y.. ,stmg. p~gperties, " the.~!?<jttlaY'. be,~ by . Horace B.SreyetiS;U.S. no '. ··.b¢s,~nc:y; ' ... iii.

br,mglt.g .cap.ts\lJlts . atid- , 'W~.tmg. .au: s""retl!-tY, of stewart. 'B,F,H=meU; ,l1JlqU~ijf'led1Y .' . ' ...' .'The/ollQwirig':infm:n:,.atfo~"is. tak~n:frd;;" 'the'.Xi..~,";'~. ~J~ 0)Y~s ~oge~r~. a,~ . tli¢' _a~~QC~t~o~...--~I~: ~ro- " E.: Kohl~tg,' - '" ' ,recppUn¢ndiQg' "'niDi, '. "as: .

~ I L d' • I .~ .. d' ' , lIli'" ..thU.s, .m.. aw.. hOl.l.y ..d,s.\ll,- ·'SCU.DUS., e~"''''···. ",., '. . '." h' ·.'.·.· ·ao'd:"."Qn~ . " ~r8tn ee.<>r. ·.···'a m"tniPla.p .l.ic'a.tid.n...~ ~.... """"u "P ; 'L,L....,lrn·v "'V. .~ 1e=......w.BY.'. pro.·,ffiOt,.".a "c·o'ntflbutor·s· no·.·· .0·.W";; "', '~'OT'. HER"'."""D.: . ·~.x.t'Iet.. leo·ced,. . .," '.. ''(J:hilJO(,e4'tq,the qttne.ral~lNl1'lGa·nd-:ln;df!,Btr.lat.Ilj.tereBtll,. 1 -~ ,. ~ AJ.~ ~Y" Y 'lfr-ofthe. Great SQlfth!-oe$t)~which ts.pdnt.ed ,qn th:e fro.nfpage . sa es- ~'tnvestrrte~ ... _. .-- cases "_Will be.' ,Pfovi.ded ," :--. 'TQ::J;'N'G FQR:" , _,.,.' - .' , ---..--'':'~,-: '-' .. 'oftM8.0pagebPoklet~Qnd·wa8pitbli8IyjdinEI,paBOJ,TXon :By'. proJDcm~, g~. "spac:e"f~,pf~t'ge': '.. . .:' THl$SEC~I9l.'!t.. , ·.Gold, ·;:s:u.vel";',.<~bm?~r,·

'Ju(y.ofI901.:TkOU';'coln C_,.",NewBwiUpubU.h .ho. ·.f~\lng and fair dealmg. :' :Tb¢.. .... : articles 'of"" Tb¢' .NeW .,York· Lite . :/'lnC ,and.. lead" mines'.,'e#t.#17fi:b0Q4tet.'tn(t:~follpw'tRg ipeek8..dep~i,.dihli·f:m:.'f1paCe' ,~t\y~~' '~inipg~, ).pen· Q~ ·'·~Slii~C.iat~~ . 'plU:y.i~e ..fQr '!nd~i'ance, 'cpniPany .'.\1118' ···,pa-rtnet.', . :wamec:s.~-· 'who',available. The publit;it,'tion,# fJ.!Ie,d with in.~ikptJr;:"'istar.y'bf . the. ,O~e. hand.: "and th~·· active'. :.:'membersblp, .~ .JU,st' ,recently .. eS:~b~lsh,e4 .'" wotiId inveSt' $20~OOO ,·hi.,'Me. nit~ indu~t~ in Qnet:a.'r?i4nd Lindol", -qo!'-1J~:y:'a..n:,ti· ',,_ ·,s~eltersi 'Dli11 ~en~. ,and.' jn~l~.~, firni.s .. and '.. teinp.otal"y' 'qua,r¢rs ,at. the '. ',dev~l,?~i.rig a l:fe"?J.i~njrig .

-New. 1IIe"ioo" .·""hop".:r.OlJ,'I!nJO:t '1/,', ~,".", .. '.' : ..' ~811way companies o~ tb¢ .. ~rp~":tIol!" .... ., directly. Hotel·.·· <!1'ndorff, .,wb¢re.· ..prol?erty IQca.· '. irI the." . " .. ""!-'*' "'r""fi: '*, * ,~ .. * .~ ,*" .*" * .. ' ,. '.'. ..'. (lth~r)l~."" ..~ " ~" ,: '~Qte~s~.-: ~ lllJ,Iimg~: and· they" yvill., ~~" ·unti.l '~Jtol"Y. '. ot: . '. ~q>i~.,-, '. " .. ". lly·.' ~ncouragmg.·anl1 associate .fuen!ber~ijlp. to" about thef'lrst: ..of ,1une., ,Mexico, 00' tb¢ l'ilcific, It..· 'G"',;', . t'" "5" .. ', t·t..·· t'.. ,assisting"the elltablisbmen,ti~ludethose i).ot directly' . when they ¢*P"Ct' to go" l:Oa~t' GoldJilines . ore'. lIe rea, .' ,on llwes. of smelters ami tnills'a.n<i.. !i1terestedin,nUning;but"·. IntO their lugeandverY'.a'veraging·,frO'l"'3,to 30., . ...." .. " ..' .' " the buildiligo( .rallway.swis.J1l!'g" . to!,ld tb¢~', ~J::lIIB,nen,t,'''l'n"""p'~ JQQof ZQOO·

'Th'e··irinin····If Re'..' .. ..$... "f' th . ·v'a'.t' .. ",here necessary to the, assoc,atIon, 1:;opies .of· til<: ol'f'ICI'S' In tb¢new Mas":pOundS; SlVer ft6rll l·to.38 ..,:- ~'::"i_""g'.' R·.·e':o··.n'..... SR.·.,urrO~O:Cun;!'i..· .·d?-g·.·· Eel· ....'." a~.'0"..," .....'. developme.nt of profitable prospectuS' ,ami" other' onIc l!tilldlng. 11,,,,,,' liear- "kilo;' :Iead" from 15 'to .30··.·

~_uuu 5" II' Fall .working· of 'mineral .. ' printed /naner;' 'wlth:blank: ing' conlPletion. :., ,pert:etit;·ww. ftom·.20·to· .-deposits,' ..' ..,.' .'applications for' The estsblisb1Ilent,. of. ,25: petcent;.eopper 'frolli .

. Northertl,Mexico; Ne~ MexicQ.··' " By.' prOm()ting tb¢ membership," ami ,,' Jltiy . this:regulat J)rl\llChofflCC" .',,5.10 '2~ pet celtt. Reports, .. Arlzonaa.nd Texas.'. enactmellt .. of· !ilws' tootb¢r int3r'tiondeslred,' in El PasoQn 'the'~ of' "1J,lllIl!"'and8al1lplesllCnt on

secure... the hc~th .. jmd. cali be, bad IbYadlIressing this g,:eat. ilJStitntion' appllcatloli." . 'Waterr:all" .safety. of men" m. l1Ulls. thesecr.. .' . means a great de'!1for thi;; 500 H.p.,.ami $UfflC.ent .'R'V\',"'T'.4 6'.'. mines.lind smelters., . Any'per$on, w~ether"a sectWp Of the cOuntry, ~s timber'-cloliie .to' ~e",~i~ .• ~ ,

, '" .., . .;. .' lly asaembling ami member of thla association tb¢ cOIl)pany's busjn¢ss. 'Call 011,.. 0, ad<lres~81lllS. .', ..... '.. '..":lIlllintsbl,ing' at the 0.1' not, whi> may: deslrehe.reafter, for the sout1lem 'Oalin,o, 94 '1t1lrbide' St.•

.. _~ heildquarters .;'of ··.the fuformation.or assistsnee",, half'of.New Mexlco\stste . Tepic. MexlcO~ '., ".'ship of. ·this association as~(jClatlon.a 'i9llectionQf . ",hieb it 'is Within the ~f ;I(::hih~, Old. ~e#c. . . .' ._~-"""-;--,,:,"",,.' . .""tends for 300 to 600"" .mmer.al slleelUle!'S.and power and scoPe ,of t1:Ie, . ,cl'!"and westemTe.Xll8', ..:W6 J\1esa Ave.. fOr"miles.. in . all' . directions' products. representing the . ,assOciatiOn,·to ,fiimish, is' w,III" be . handled ., ·di_t ,.tninlng bookS and 'Spanishfrom "EI ~so· IIJ!/;I . mineral resources of .the .cordially Invited to avail ,,·ftom this .office. ' ·bookS. and' all.' kindS oflnc}udes . espe liaIlY· w,~"t_surrouriding CoJlritrY,alld 'hinlself of the· service. of' "The. NeW York Life., boOleS;· .$e<i. or write. toe~ Texas,' ew Me~co,· .providing .for·:tJ.l6 :'placing' . tbe,ass'ociatipn.. . , : p~d' out las~ .,ye~ .·nearly· Deuque$~ & Cq.,~s .'·,New .Arizona and, tb¢ Mexican of such ..·collectiotiS. at all Tb¢ , ,off""'rs,··i!nd· ,$23;QOO.OOO to its 'policy . ami Old .llook StOre." 206states of. Chihuahua aOO' Ithe greatexpositiotiS... members of. tb¢ executive holders in 'the way. of' Mesa Aire~,:El Paso'; Tex., .Soiiora. In·a.:g~al~ay. By' assisting, "in ':,an~' ,COmmittee 'of . 'the' "'death cl,airits,·· ..ma:lUredthe.purpQse. of the organ!- advisory capacitY•.tOw.a'rd·, association for the currimt pclici"s;dividellds, etc. it·· .' TIJE END'zati()n i~' to promote' the .the ~tablislmi:efl't ,and,' 'year are "as follows: .' Wrote'111ore insuran¢e:than ' •mining, ,!iofue1ting, milling ·maintenance, ,of·a: ,mirn,tg .'Ofncers:· J.A. ~y•.. ' ~y' o$er comjutny iri, the . This concludes' 'ourand allied interests' Qf,tb¢ stOcke?<Change, .. . presl!ieot.~1 Paso•.Texas;w9l'Id,..and' ItS gain' of publi$hing. of the' Second

~~,:wa~~o~~nU~~c;.~ alre~~~tak~~~~~~~~~~re~ide~:~S:~p!~"k~~···.·:;\l":'~:.alintotu:;."f~t~ .!.J:,~ti=ron~~;~~ico., Amorig the,slleeial tb¢ eollection of a mineralB.F. H~; second next two largest competi" Recotd",Vol., 3 NO. 25,

. '. ." , ' , , 'vice president,. -EI,. ,Paso,' tors. coinbined. This inuSt 'printed in EI Paso. TX Qi.lTexas; C.E., Mills, third be particularly gratifYing ,T\lly 20, 19'01. We hope'vice, presidtm1,. Morenci. -to'. its. policy holders, who 'you, opr r:eaders,J' _have'Arizona;' David· "Gougb~ ·D.QW . numbers: . over etijoyed;,t, trip inte,; the pa~t..fl'urt~vice president '500,000,.as the New York of til<: mlriIlig .!IIstory In'Con~Jos~. . Durango. . Lif~ i~ a ,purely: lItut,ural and around:' ,LincolnMex.co; C.R. Morehead, company. run in the Inter· County. and <lUrroutidlngtrellsurer; EI Paso. Texas; est of these policy areas.. The Linc<>lnErnest E. Russell. hol!iets. . Coul#y News. will in thesecretary iI' HI ·~aso. Texas: .......-. . , near fuUire be reprinting

Honorary, - President" .~ ..& I.R< company ,l~ super- this edition of theHon, Miguel' Ahumada, v~~ by 82 separate ami International Iminstrialgovernor of Chihuahua. ~lStinCt go~e~nts•.~ Record. with as many .Mexico:' !S trUly, thiP.?hl¥ str,ctly pictures thilt eatlbe

Executive Committee _ . 1Dte~uo:pa1 life iDS1Jr~ce reproduced ~nd inclUdingThe presi!ient; Felix Mar- conlPany~' .-, ,pages of odgiJlaltinez. Juan S .. Hart, for Mr. Gus ,D. ~oma~. advertisers who sponsored .

~. Texas; . R. Y. Anderson. who has. charge .of the this e<lition.AlW. 'Giffiinl, for New off"7sas ageney d,re~tor. If you would like anMeXIco; R.C. Roos, ·R.I. cons~!iers El Paso an ,deal issue of this reprint pleaseWilliams•. ' for Arizona; locati?" fur an. office of semi us. your name 'amiCharles F. Jones. tb¢ kind. estsbhshed, and address and we will keePDonaciano ,Mapula; J.S. fWly exl"'Cts the EI PlISO ,It on f'1Ie and will ~~fy'Eldridge, L.D.Ric!Cetts, branch to soon be ,?oe of· you as soon as tb¢ pnnt·~Or Mexico. . the largest offices. m tb¢ . mg is completed and. what" '. United States, Although the cost will be. .

THEELpA,SO j'l8t. opened on .Mareh~EROF IIrst. an enonnous volumeCOMlMERCE. of . business' has. already

The EI Paso Chlll11be1: been recel~d ·through theofColllll1<a'CeorganlZc:din. EI Paso. office,

··\\IOveinber,189.9, 'and The womletfUl gains'inCorporated \lilder· tb¢ this, company has been.law's of Tel<;as.has proved .1II,a1<ltig 'in,writing \nsUr.:.Itself a powertUlfactor ill aace since. putting ,t1:Ielrpromoting tb¢, growt!l and . new' po;>licyoothe marketdevelopment of \!Ie. city . 'Is simply wonderti;ll. The'and futtilering· its b¢st', first of, this year die .com- ..'interests. It has a, lliembi:rc . pany .,offered·.. to .. write'ilhlp .of nearly. 200. C01Il-' 30.QOOpollcies of a. "Tw~, .AlaDioa.:.rd<> :D4usic The-prlsjog not· oniytb¢. push- ....entietilCentury . Edition," ...ti>rwill 'b; hold~ au<lltlon ,

"mgand progress,i-.e. mer· .' ·whti;:h· w'ere exhausted til for its spnng proi:hlCtio<l <JC .. chants of the city but 'alsoal:!OUt three months. l\lld at '"1776" at. 7. p.m.January 8

a luge" proportion of the the 8pecliil~ request of the ,'a"d 1'1. at ·the ~kitttt"!"men' . engaged in othercompany.'s.,poliCY holders center .inJ\l!Ull0gO±d.~•.. ' ".business pursuits anl1' in ~.OOQ·ml>reof this edi-. . .; , ~ •. ,

'protesSlonai life.. TheEl !lOn,will be written.. p"!",,,,,,,, "uditloOJll,~""edPaso '. Chainber of' Com". . to· bi>prel?"""dlo ."'9tl. a

m.e"", .~ COi1te tof '.~ o....A~p......, =,::,==a:~recognlted lIS. one' 0 .' u'" . 'r...~.... ".~"" •... wlI16ePf(>vided. tt'he... arestr'!Ilgest anl1 Inost ener· . A rel~~ ami. u,usr- paris oP2lhneu. twi>"",ffiengc;tic and enterprising . w<>rthY,_g J,tllIn· of and on,H,e.u,..ge,ilOy, Mu.l. 'ot'ganiztations. 0(' ,its ,kind.' nutny years experieilce i!1ans are'atso,needed~ ,lti th¢ soiltilWest. The wisitdl. to make· equib1e'

'. S!:Ope andchat'aete'r of its ., contract ~with man I Of .For inlO;'ma;t<o<l.,.u. l"au1B.'·WOrk are silIlllar to tbosl>. meanS to payllisexpens¢s ,J..clis'",,,..t439-8ll44 bt'Oisl.t

ofilke organi.zlitlollii .ge__. .' while ·prosPeciing .' in ~,.en,",~fi!!!.... t.'~.~~te . att;tlly. with Such.moilif"lCa-. ~ouiliwest ChiIluahua. and ,~ ~•••_,.,.'.' ..


AsSOCiATIOl'l' .This" association, ,with

he:id.quarters at EI Paso~TeXas, , . was or-gamzea"January '16, '1901;, by a,·,convention.of mining.men

. from. tb¢. Southwestern.tJ~'·dStstes and .North­

. e, Mexico. ,The territory, maced by the melliber-

Page 6: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment

~,,,._.,, (e"'''"''"'''''"''''''''''''''.¢J'''W'''''''',",,j.''&''''''''LS!" "¥"" ,.., "ca lJ" ' ,,,, , " ".", j.'..';:,..;; ' "' ,,,'.! '"'•.~, J.: '.-"''''.'" , ,-,,,.-, ,~, ' ..'~''' ,_.~._".., ~._ , "'---'"'1'''''''''-- ,----..~ • ~:7:...,·r· ·~·.."., -. ----..···7, ."'- --. ~. ,. '. "'!"',.. -.....-~",.'---..,.-.I' " .. " .,..." " ,... ./.::',' .

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Chariie .i1\· Whlt~ :OakS in· ~984. She' Jui~b~!1aIl'l'tiemberof' S_·Ritll,·

ff' Caat6lic', oGhUl'Qh WhI're: '; : C,ARA,WORD het mem~ri~Jwill1:>e heldVi~itation'for Cara' sometime jn·Jan\lary.·. The

Woro. 19; J:)fR\lI<!oso. will. .date of' the.~ervicewill. b.be . T""t.iidaY, Dee;annouti!:ed.· '. . ..'14': ,at, '.taOione·, '-FUner~ ": *, ..... *,* ,If< ~,~ ., .... ,*Chape~ . frori:l 3·:00 p,m.. '.until 5:00 (f.m.. GrilveSidePilii.IQ;:LLER

' servlC¢;&' wiI" be ',~ridaY ~ , .. , .' .", .,' ,Dec, 15 at. 10:00 a.m. in Flii..etals.ervi~l' fOr .Ph.Ii'

. !."ore~l ' LaW!1 ',Cemetery .wi(:b.R.e.v.. ' RaJUJ.. y. W.idener .. Kell"J'. 59; of, Capitl1ll w"'!.

ffi December 18·.~nheChriSt·:0 .claung., •• ....'.... .commUnity .' .. FeJlbw~Iilp

. Cara....:died . SuniiaY,. "C'-" h" C' .... . B '",.DeC; '10 in Ruidoso. She '.' ''''J;C·.In. apl_n. .\lT1... '.·Wa~bofll. August .7;. 198~.. .'. fOllowed ~~' t1Ie '. C~pi!aD .. .'in ·!."t;.\'I'Qrth. TX. and.' Ct;tnete\'Y.. 'Officmting .;,

..... moved to Ruid6s<l~e"en were Rev, DanCarlerand ..... :·yelltilag6ft6m .Ei .P~~o...;. Rev. 'E4 Vi~n;: .' ., '. ;.-'Slje '8f!l,dwited. from RlW . Phil,died ecember ..14. .dos6HighSchOo~ 111.1999 in O~pltlln, e wa~ born ..an.. d' w"•• a'tten"d'lIg' ,,-........ J~nuary''2. .... 194.1 '. in.:. '.' -'.. '. ""'e-·..·Cl~.........·.n N.M ... an.d.ha<i liired..... -_,NM U-Ruidoso.. ..' . ,.~., ·sli~ 'is' 'sUi"vivc:'d by her' .~'in Lincoln ·Count-Y· :since .. I'

~... ., C'm"" W d"'f ~977. moving here· from:·: ..'. ,a",er. .. . p'. or 0·' .CIsytoll.' He had served as ..

Capltl1ll;" .Iler ..-mother" . . ..... .Lynn Woid,of Rvldoso;.a.. Geperal '''lOwi,,!,il Mg<.. at,<.·brothet.. C~sOn'Word of 'Fort ShUllon Ho~pital until .. :.

, 1997 and WSS now owner .Rriid.OSO;her· grlUld, lUId" <1p¢rliior Qf.~hiJ

· parents, Tom'and SanI- Ke.ller.'~ L.i.~.Q~n .. · Co;';;'" ....· mY" PlIrktJ:)an <If. Irving, ••~ --J

TX· C I 'd' 'Shirl' C' . Wor~h<1p. He ..W~s a.'. . • or l\t1 . ey. 01'_ member .·of the NatiollaL.

'. oelius of· Abilene; TX. Riflemim".·· Association '.'.. and'Chuck W~ro·ofRtJid- aildth.e· Lincoln . CoUntY •.

050: '~Ullts . and ~.les; Long Rifles..' He .' Was'~ .. 'Pupky '. P,roffitt.... indy .. '1nember' of ChristC6m- .Keiner. . BUddy ". oro, UUJnity FeIlowshIP.' j.

'. Richard Word, Michael. He n>~rried'DIlImaHale and Donna Mo",glll~.· .. Skinner on'. October 5.... * ........ *, .:* * '" .,' . 1963 i!1 Alb"-QUerque ..

" -:t:J:e is.- survjved' by hi~,wife DOl)Il8' of .Capitan; a~01\ D~vid Keller -of Jemez'Spring~. NM;.idallghter.Erin· X.mer . of C~pitlln..He wa~ 'preceded in·.~d1

1?y a. son,. .Erik 'Kell~r 'in1982..

'Arrangements, ' wereUnder' . the. direction' ofLaGroue Funeral .ChapelofRuido~o . . ...., +*. *' .' ,.:;tc * ..

,,' .

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,,', .

"Pub~iShed' : in... thf!' lAncoln,: ~U~~~y.,:JaD~~i'i"~. 20QJ.~.,

" "

. ". NOTI(:Jj: Of'MEET.1N(f ..

. NOTICE is her~:b given that the ~incoln .HtS;toric PJ;'eserva~ion oard .win hold its regularly

.. sch~ljiu1ed meeting 0 Tuer;day. january 16. 2001. ." at 7:00 p.m.• to be 1d at the Community Ch\lI'eh

in Unc:oln. New Mexicp.·. . .'"',: ,. ~opies..?f ~e age~a '"for the.la1iuary ,16.' 2()()1. .:

,met:::ttng, w;I.11, be c,av:atlable . at, Ute. -q.fficc·. of the ' ... ' 'County :~ailage~~riOr'lo:said,-ineeting." '.' . ,: " .' J1)])ITH M... AuxlliaiY aides 'ate 'avai~e upon ,request; BLUCu::EB.,·please' contac,f. Martqa Guevara at ~23~5 ~t least Judith M. Blu,cher was48 hours 'iii aavance, of,the' meetit1g.to~ any born 'AUiJ,l.$t .27,'" '1931 in.ne.cessa'ry' arra,qgements. .. ','. . eo~

. . .. '," M4R'J'HA lOUEVAltA E~snston,· .. ILL . to' pavid." AssIstant County:Ma'nager P."McLeUarid . and

. . . . .... .Elizabe(:b . McBuroe .'·~bllsh·ed' '-In the Li,DCoIJ:l.' Co~idy: Nlli,w&, on M~'"Uand ,and .. paSsecf''rhursday. J,,:,uBq'.4. 2001. iii ~De~mber.21 •. 2000...

'; ., . . ,',She' was married ·to,


.Slopes/loBe Upgrqded·· ~""T~~~g;:..thg~~::. ' , ", BluCher ·waterhouse. mar-

Rogds'~ the Pat~.Va:a.e pro»Jeiltwith..'a·gas.linebE!1 ned, to' Stan.. arid'·livi~·.in.Slopes ,subdivision ,eaSt of, inginstallec;lalopgtherlght" Odean~ Va; EliZabethRuidoso ·DoWns 'm;e, sched- of way' because it is, fiot 'BJ,U~het· "Galloway. '·1I).~r~U/ed to be upgr8.ded with. Within the driving su#'a¢e . ried toRnd and currentlychip seal in,ilie '~piing. .o-rthe roaPs. . . . : . MA nd

' .. ~, . ;'es,'de~.' in the~subdivi...... living Bangor~ ,i aDuring~ Li,nooul Co~:n- , p. , ....".,. ..'Michael c. Bluc;her' mar-

.tY COrmnission meeting on . sian Came .,to the speci~ . tied to .lean and, cUrrentlyD"ecetnber,21 ih·their.chani- commission, . rn.eetin.g 'on '" ,bersinth~.'LincolnC6unty·· Navem.ber 30 to ask for help "liviDg iit~lpinej TX..

.. courthouse: .. i:rt·. ,CSrrizoZ9,' with·theroadsthet,h¢<:ome,.,.. _ She 1Jved ..In ~ varu:~u!icounty commissioners got a itrt~ssj.ble-, 'in muddy towns. ,before 's,e~lRg Withreport on the planned hri- weather. ~prpv~ine:ptsto the roads iri "the 'subdivision. Road man":.8ger Albert Hernandez said,the coUnty,road aepBrtnientwill begin work' on dieroads whiCh' Win be par­ti8U.y paid"from a'eoopera­'\iva agreement with theState Highw<\y Deparbnenl;..Some $llO.OOO will be avail­able for the chip seal of .8iniles of 22 foot wide ,road'­way Qn Valley Vrew. :R.ey-

. nolds Drive,' ,Cedar Lane.Mesa,. Loop and, ,CanyonR<>ad.. Until the 'roads are Up- .

graded this spring. Hernan·dezsaid'hisd~ntWilliry;~ :reritove the snOw' assoon as·possible beeau~th~ --roadS beeo~ imp8ss~

, able' due 'to the :mud.· 'He·&iso,gaid that de$pi~Whatci~ns said dllrihg·a spe­cial nieetiillt in:. NbVember ..'ab~t;th~,'roadS, there is no

appy.Bftthdayo'OneoJ The .

'/Best Grandmais..... >t ....(nqmmaJinihe·,'5:'Wh~leWorld;'··l.· .We Love You,~' .. Devon &Deltne'

.' ..

' ..


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•... '

" "'. ,', .

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" '.'

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.>.. ;,

By: Elizabeth YsaslDeputy

the Lincoln County 'News, on2000 Bnd J'anuary, .4, . 1.1 a.,d 1~.



The l:.btc<>lnCoutIIY EMimc:ed !l11 Q,mmillO" .'wJU hold '~ir 1i;gu.ar tneeting' Oii. WedJJesdilY' Jan­Uary ~(J. 2Illl1. 11ie ......Iog.will bellm. .t!l:;ib'a.m. ' .,in the' Co.ssioner's mc;¢tlng room,Of the'~ty.. ,


PublIShed, .0December 28,'2001. "



RFP No., oo..o~-o27DUE: Wednesday. January 17. 2001

at 2:00 p.m.

The County ot Ltncoln' is seeking proposalsfrom interested. parties for the installation of tele­phones'limited to inmate: use in the new 'LincolnCounty Derention Facility located in ,Carrizo~.NM. The Peteml;iori' 'Facility 'WUl be ·.cOmpletedapptoxi~1y March ~. 2091 and will houseapproxim1l'lely, 115 funmtes:. J'elephones must bebiStalled prlOr to. ~ansfcr of prisoners to'~ ilew 'facUilY. wbieh shou,ld ,o~,,:r ~. app~X1mate:tyM8:rcli 26. 2001., . .

·'Copi.es of ,thC ·Request fOf Proposal ~an, be· obtained in ,person 'at tIi~ Of~c~ of' 9Je' County·

Manager. 300 'central AVenul;.,ca~. NM, 88301 or -will be mailed uppn"telephoniC request to

Jane Williams: 'at (50S) 64$-2385. : .. PtoIkJsals ,will be· ~~:-ived by .the "'incoln"CQunIY PUfchaSing, Agent' al ,th.e Lincoln Cow:aty •Courdiou.se. 300 Cen(n.1 -Ave. (P.O., Box 711).CatrizozO.· Nld '88301,., until 2:00 p.m.• We4Ji-:esday. lanuary. rt" 2,O(U. ',al which iime aild pla~'the, proposals ,wid be, opened. Proposals ,receivedafter ',that time and dalcn"m OOt.be considered ~C1'will be'retuined itnopened~ .;". . .

An Bvaluation Team wiU review 'the prqpOSalsuid' make' their r¢conlDumdation' tQ' tIic:l Board' ,cd','<::oinmissiOneri. '1"he ',Commis:slonets w~l ,make the­fiiW decision.:at their tneeting on January 18. 2001.i.incohl County ,rese~.-,the .right ',to accqll Ot'reject aU at any ~'ot:'~ propOs;a1., waive: 'ntinorteclIi1iejjldes. aW$'d the prQposit to .b¢st ·serve. the- .iiiterests, ~f .L~cdtn' .County:and, (ltI~ge. In ,post..award ~goti8.tk)rta With the, su~sfulofferor. '.. , .' . ..

JANEWlLLIAMS .. J'Jircli"''''g Ago\1t :

'Published iit tile Lb;icolD COu~i)".-N~Ws·OIl.'"l'hurs-"'-. Janua- 4 ~OOI. . ". " .'....,.., ·.1' " ' ..' .,',




.. P;'AN~SR.WHITES&...;J()H";I'IVF.·MOBLIlVond'NANCY S, MOBLIl'V,·husband aod·wife;,,'WlLLJAM.J: . ,WHITESilLL. ·dec;c;ased,- 'S)UlU.EY. A. .:IVIOBLay;.and·those Deferidanl$ set fOrthin ornups··II,~d.II1 ~l>Ove-.'.

'OREETINOS:" You are', Jteteby ,ootif'ied, thaiROBER'r JJROOK~r" Plaintiff, has filed' ari action.

.' in ttte' Di5tri~t . C;ourt' of. lJ,nc9In, County., New',M~xico; .CiVIl Docket No.. ,CV-2000-:Z55 (In)~whe..ein' yo:j!- ate', named, .as t?efe~ts ~ w.h~ :said plaintiff seek$ ,to obt;un t<Qnstr:ll.ctive S~rvl~.

.upOn YOU,. ' .... -- ''v' • .', ":'.. "''-;. " ,

,The gene~I' ~ubject of ~Id action ,IS' to, qwet­title·to ~rta:in real estate whu:h 1'S;'11)e subje,ct'mat-.ter of ihe 'Mov,Cl-capUoned and numbered cause ,'of ,'.action. and brdescribed as Jollqws-:' . "

L.ots 1"1 andA3, Block,1, TALL·PINES. '. SUBDIViSION. RuidoSQ;' Linooln COunty.'

... , New Me~cc). as shown', by the p18.t thereof.

}.filed in- ~e'Office of the Count)', Clerk and

J '. ,Ex,-officio ReCo¢er o(Lincoln CouoW. '~ 'Nc;W" MeXico. Sepiernbet 10. 1968. '10 Tube

, No.· 328. '. ' '.' '.'-.;"You arc further :notified, lhat ·unless ;you enter your .appearance. plead. 9r otherWis,e .respond in $:~cause oil'or before Febraury 8 •. 2001. Judgment wIll~e' r~n~ered.against ,.yOU, b~ defa!lit and Ihe· relie(,pra}'ed for In the CQmpla;lRt ~ wIH be granted .t~Plamtiff in',.¢onformity with· the allegations of. the,Plaintiffs Complaint.' . .

The name and aitd.res,s· of,,~ "attorney f~ t1K:.P1amtiff are 1!l,S .follows: ~\an ,J', Mor«;l. Alan ~.Morel. P.A.• POst Office, B,OX 1030. Ruidoso. NewMe~tico. 88~55-,i030. . " . '

· WITNESS my, hand and ..seal of the', TWelfth'Judicial District Courl of LmcQ1J) County•.New.Mexico; 'on this the 14th·day OfDec~inbei'.2000.,

f, . .

.' . JAN PERRy. Court,-Admiiiist'rarorl, District Court,Clerk


· . ADVEliSE :TQ THE PLAINrIFF.; , "Def~ts. '

. . ..;/. '. .'lOROVl'1 ". .' . '. '. •:f~ANGIS .~. Wl-llrESel.J.-. oIll</a FraDoiB RQ""

,Whitesell; JOJ:lNt'lY F. MOBL.iEY~and.~ANCYS, MOn;LEY. hQsl>and aDd', Wife: ''Wlw;IAM: J.., .WItJTSsa....L. 'deceaS¢d'; and SHIRLEY J't,.." .MOBLEY~:lheb:·1u;irs.:de.vi~ees~,.8.nd pssigns: '

· " , . '. .

ARQVl'll' .. .JOHN QOES. 1 throu~ 100. and all of

· their laWfUl heirs. devisees or assigP8::

l.' . ". '.' .' ", ." ..:~>. ..I;.INCOLNQO\.NfYIEVV.S •• ; :.... :, ,~nullry4; '2001/ PAc;i: 6 .

~"~ .:.....,......"-..;;...;_..,,,..--....-.....,.,;.._'"":",..:. '.,

· LEGAL ~OTICE .. ' , Cl)l)~se in Cartizo~. New Mexico., ."',' _ ", ," _.,' .;"- 4PUrpoSe,.9fthe.roli=e~in.g,lst~~ntJ,J.~c;::wllh:~_.TWJLFTII:.nJDI~IALDISTlUqepUltT nal;D.ing of .r.oad$ .In. tJ;1e .CQQnJ:y, With no 1lQtne o.r

- . lSTATS OF'~WMEXICO .,)", .those "Yith duplicDt~ nantes for ~911 Rlm~1COUN':rY ,OF LlNCO~ _ // ;', Addr~s$~ng p.urposes.. -.' , " ",' '.. "'_ . .

{/.- -~. ". CAAtes of w".qcnda'·.(or 'tlJe mcctUl,g ·wu.. ,""No. ,C"-2000~22S l . ayailabl~ at'~ office· 0" ~¢ ,C4ut;1W, Maqager 24, ,DivIIilIQo',m ", ; . ,hour-a priQr to· s,a,id ·nu=otin,..

." ' , A~iUary ai\les' ate", a"olaUable upon req.uest;RO~e:RT,']J:ROO~S~ . .' plea~'contact 648-2385 R(, feast.48 hours pnPl'lO" P.amtiff,•. ".. .. '. ' '\ ~c:; ·meetilJS to ,~ake .any ..n¢~.$ary: arr~em~ts.

, ·r. . .' , '

~Pub~"hed h..: t~. 'Lln~Jri 'CbPJl,tY: NewJ' OliThursday, J_n\lQry,4, ,~1...:,' . '"',, .".




~ .., .





1.' :j''Ii!



I :~.i'

Page 7: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment

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. ..;: 'I"

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",.,. ", .

, .

Nom,inations are now open-.lbr the 200). National Preser­vation Aw.ms spOnso1'ed bythe National Trust ror .HiS:­toric PreServation.

.Nominations Accepted ForPreservation Project Awards


. -':.

"" ..'. ,. .

'. ".

.. '-'


.- ',. -

'; . '.

.'. Carrizc)zo ·A.ninUiI·Cliidc .

.' JanUa,y-$ChedUle" ." . ..' Or.Goopei"· ... ' .'.

JilrlliliUY9andJanuary 23 '. '.• I ",. • -', -'. '" : ":. ', •• :, '.',' .,'. _, •

Dr. Coop$r wJllteturi'lto .r~ular· .. . $bhedulQ of every Tue$dllY ..

". ···In. February. n .. a.m. t01P~",.-.' - ,- .' .-


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T-'~-"-·'.~, _. " - .-"

; Carel qfThanks .' ..'We Would like to Jhanlt eveJ'Yphe for:their .·praye~.cards. phone calls /;lnd·~esture.s·Clfkindn~.Every<)rl8·sconcemis .,' - •.··g...tJy.appreci~dand haS toUched,Ourh~l't$d"Prv.;· ..... .' .' ,.......~.. T'h k'"

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Page 8: Grand Jury Petition Hearin January 18 - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · Grand Jury Petition Hearin operation of the County facilities and equipment



Sandwich Bags150 CT.

2Fol1, .


. .' ...

", !I'

,! ,


... "11... SHUR SAVING TALL··Kit·chen.Bags

'l' .' 30 CT. PKG., .

·1· 2FO~3L.·_ .....__..__

, .: ''1.''

SHUR SAVING PANCAKE SQUEEze. 99¢Syrup .... :....... 2:~~. .SHU.R SAVING OLD fASHIO.NOR $300Q · k' 0 '2 420Zuleals .. CTN:.SHUll SAVING CHE.RRV OR APPLE . 99¢P· Filii' 20-21Ie I Ina .....-., oz. . .SHU.R SAVING IRR~. S.LlCED PEARSOR'g'g''.¢"

P· h . 29 OZ..eac es-.. ~.'..... CAN '.. ,


., PREFERRED TRIM , . FARMRAISEOSREAOEO.! BPNE~I~it~'~kgkN (;~~"');i:1.?? --;co' ::-;- :", "', Catfish

.Pork Chop '~r . )'( ·:t ~ ~.J !' "Nuggets.$169 u .}-·.t" ;',( .$14'9....~ .~ __ ,,,,, .. ~ { .. ~ .,,":it,.

LB. ,'.! ~: ~~-:'::: "':-'''''~''' '"• ...." .~- LB. . ,

.~.. .€HUR·~AVi~G FA~~lc;

" Softener Sheets. 40 CT. ·PKG.

. .'

,;: '-::,

L .~ -{.

~ !


Small· Packui.


..oRJ(Foo' ,', .' '., $2'39 'SHU.RFlNEALLBEi:F . .' . 120Z. '$129 .Stir Frv ,(8. . . . Wieners ! PKG..· .SHU.RFlNtatJAUTY·. .' 1" $189 'SHl/RFlNE"U.VARlETlESWo\fERSU. iSot. 39¢ .Sliced Bacon P~: -', . Luncheo Meat...... PKG. .-

.SHU.RFlNESTACICPAl:K ',j.5tB.$279 Sl\URANEp]llENTO ,.' 7.5oi $1.' 19 .' .'Sliced Bacon PKG. ..•. . ,Chees.e:SDread PK!i-'t!o .

lSIfl)RFlNEALL..,.T AU. VAAlImE$ 1202. 79¢' SHURRtlE P1MEHtb 120Z. ilI'159LuncheonMe.at~ .. :;. PKG. .. ' , .Cheese Spread, ...... PKG. .' ' .

SH~"U.BE£F '. • . 1~ OZ. $139SHURflN£. '.2 11.B.$3°O8010ana , ! ••• ~ ••.•.PKG. '. Co.rn Dog~ ~. ' PKG.;, .

SflU!trilE~EAl' . . . . t2Ot. 69' .. &HURANIi' ". Z1 oz.$249J Wieners ; ·PKG. '. ", Corn D~.gs PKG.

'. .

. .;.-

., ...._--..-.._.

. . I"

. . ..j. .•. ,......•.•• ..... :..••• ,.;., r••:•.•••••••" ~••:..••.;.i .

: .....

'., .

. ..


Softener Rinse128 oz. BTL.

99¢.·fiX':;:;' ,.,..,., ..... _·......... u ....~._ ...... ~ ....

" SHU.R SAVING 'FLAyORED . ';9'.g6'Ch . Ch' 'pS' 12 OZ. " ..'. OC.: I.. ~ PKG.


' .Food 4 13;2 OZ. .I ...... ' CANiI SH~R AVING FILLED EVAPOR1~T6~. $100

Milk 2 CAN ..SHUR SAVING $'119G II Sit' 200Z•.ar Ie· a. ..~.. CTN~.


'.' /;)'., ~/

. ': -.:

~ -'I 'i. ~ ; ." ,




'. .,,~.. :--..~..

JUUBOG.nEEN Ben pe';:;s~~'1' 4Jj';.::CAUFORNlAH~Avocados .... ,'2LB.BAGGR~GIANT9arrot~'--

; .1'lB.BACDole Classic Salad' .I:ARGE H£AD PREJliUIoI Ceno Lettuce.ExiRA LARG'1i VlNERIPEtfW Tomatoes

, 2 LQS. $1CRlSP Broccoli Crowns'. ,\.ARGEm;.$.RioSr~Auby Red Grapefruit

\ • ., .5LB.1IAGUs1'10. , 'COI.bIiAIioRud.s&t Potatoes .. ,

.glEl . 4th fc ·c:entrar rCARRIZOZO~N.M"lJh..6-4Nl~S ...•..W~:Ac"ce~t~W.I~..~~ ~hE!ckS'~ We HOho.r EBT Cards' fOr Food and' Cash'

. "


Cat Food3.5 LB. BAG'



Foam Plates40 CT. PKG.



. . GAL.OJUG$299 .

~-' .

. tiEl 'wr i! oz.: 277 9. : ..::/.~;~, ._~~;~~,... ._"f!i.'~~

'. '


Preserves32 oz.


." ,..:.;;.; ..

r"-· .. - -, ---~---- .._------sHUR SAYING I

I Grape delly' .

! gg¢ Il ! { ss

, .,.-; ._.W!..!._.• ._••.,

12·for 1 ..in' 2001 ."I"e' oduce .Sale: ..' '.':" , <{;;;~W~ .' '.

. ,A .'

. '.

SHuRFlME . . $300.TaterTots ........,..;.2·'Pi· .SHlJflfINE . . $300Corn on. the Cob ..2 \~ .'.pHURfJtfEHASffE!RQWN. '.' 320t. 'IB'itO.\I109s , ·SAO· '. . .sViUR ~ ORIENT. OR MEDrT..o%. ,~lel1ds tl~G.· ..

FriedChicken ..;.. 2 fl(?t $500• -ot', ',. -' "

F;:Te:vrc:et:bles 2 3;fJ:$3°OSHURFlttElh~T.~. . .., '99'Round Waffles :.. ' ... 1JJf ... '.' .


Dish Liquid. 400Z. BTL.. .99¢

•••.•.• _ •• __ • _" ,1', , ••


Pinto .Beans15 oz. CAN





i .



..... '


: Pepper, '.8 QZ.CAN.-$199


Sliced Dills32 OZ_ JAR


"'111:( Gl00,";)



Kitchen Bags. . 30 CT. PKG.


. ,


Aluminum Foil'25 sa, FT. 'ROLL



ShurfineMilkHALF GALLON$129 . >

. _ . l



SHUR SAVING. .Hot Cocoa Mix

10 CT. BOX


SHURFINE REG. 0fI113 LESS nT ' g'g'¢CreaM Cheese .... ... J~t

~~:tifsh Muffins' .. 2 ';KOJ:' $1 005!iURl'iNE ASSORTED . oz. 89¢Jumbos Biscuits '" '~AH .

. SliUftflMEJUlotllOS . $1 39Cinnamon Rolls ..... ,,~z. ..SHURFINE LONGHORN ASSTD. . $300liaJfmoon Cheese 2 ~l8i:SHURSAVlNGvEQ.Oli?' . 32m. 89¢SDread .. $ .. , •••••••••• : .. 1116 .SHbRFlHE REG. . . . $300Cottage Cheese ...2~ .'




. Peeled TOnlatoes


oz. iN1' .. FOR


,.....:.- .. '

;,'t:'-,':;..->.-:.-......,..«~ '.; , ... ~''''''~';'0:~'-' ' .'. j~~UlfG;R..EN:Ii'IEANS·SHOFlTCUn;~FlEENB,EANs •

.;.:/\" :~ .-MIXED VEG;ETABLES ·WHOLE . 'f'·,.~f.· .... :f(jm..~ELCORN -eRE~M STYLE:CORN /;'" ._.;'. ,. '.WHITElG9LDEN HOMINY '. . ' ,

;:,'" Shu'r Saving'· '...., .. "Vegetables" .'

'. 14.5 TO 1q.•2 oz..

4$1·····. ~FdR ". .

. .,~



;.. '.f •



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