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Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual

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Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual August 26, 2013 Page 1 Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual GPISD 8/26/2013

Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual

August 26, 2013 Page 1

Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual



Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual

August 26, 2013 Page 2

Table of Contents Requisitions ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Requisition Format .................................................................................................................................... 3

GPISD 5 Plays................................................................................................................................................. 4

District Improvement Plan (DIP)/Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) and Strategy ........................................ 4

Purchase Orders ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Receiving ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Receiving Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 8

Purchase Order Closure ................................................................................................................................ 9

Campus Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................... 9

Purchasing Department Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 10

Vendors ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

Campus Contracts ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Special Description/Information Requisitions ............................................................................................ 11

Technology Purchases ............................................................................................................................. 11

Blanket Purchase Orders ......................................................................................................................... 12

E-Commerce Purchase Orders: ............................................................................................................... 13

Home Depot Purchase Orders ................................................................................................................ 13

Kroger Grocery Store Purchase Orders ................................................................................................... 13

Wal-Mart Purchase Orders ..................................................................................................................... 14

AMAZON.com Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................. 14

Conference/Staff Development Purchase Orders .................................................................................. 14

Purchasing/Repairing District Radios .......................................................................................................... 14

Sam’s Club (Campus Membership Cards) ................................................................................................... 15

General Purchasing Procedures .................................................................................................................. 15

Competitive Procurement .......................................................................................................................... 16

Purchases over $50, 000 ......................................................................................................................... 16

Sole Source Procurements ...................................................................................................................... 16

Competitive Bidding Defined ...................................................................................................................... 17

Purpose and Intent of Competitive Bidding ........................................................................................... 17

Bid Document Elements.............................................................................................................................. 17

Purchasing Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................................... 18

Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual

August 26, 2013 Page 3

Requisitions A requisition is an internal document by which a campus or department of the district

requests the purchasing department to initiate a purchase order. It is a request

generated electronically (through the use of Skyward) for the purchase or supplies,

services, equipment, etc. A requisition is an unapproved purchase order. No

purchasing commitment shall be made without an approved purchase order.

The following purchasing directives must be followed:

Approval of purchases must be made prior to a purchase.

Request for payment will become the responsibility of the person ordering the

material or service.

Purchase requisitions are initiated by those having proper authority and flow through a

designated campus or department approval process until final approval is given.

Requisitions which require expenditures from a Special Revenue Fund must be

approved by the program administrator (Federal Programs, etc.) Skyward provides

extensive purchase order inquiry capabilities that permit the user to check the approval

status of any requisition. Some requisitions, such as those for technology, federal

funds, etc., must proceed through an additional level before receiving final approval.

Once a requisition is approved and a purchase order number is assigned, the purchase

order may be sent to the supplier.

Requisitions must go through the appropriate approval levels. This is achieved via the

workflow approval process within the Skyward system. After the requisition is entered,

it will automatically be sent to the appropriate approver within Skyward.

When requisitions have been approved at the campus level, they are then routed to the

next level for approval. The Finance Department has the final approval. If for some

reason, requisitions are not approved, notification will be given to the campus or

department of the reason.

Requisition Format

In order to avoid delays in processing, requisitions should include all information

necessary to clearly define the needs of the user department or campus. Requisition

information required includes the following:

Vendor name and address (from district’s vendor list)

An appropriate GPISD 5 Play, CIP and/or DIP shall be included on the first line

as a narrative line item on all requisitions. (Exception-Ecommerce orders should

display the appropriate 5 Play and CIP or DIP in the description) The

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Principal/Supervisor is responsible for deciding which 5 Play and CIP/DIP is

appropriate for the purchase.

Complete, specific and accurate description of items to be purchased.

Quantity ordered, unit cost and total cost required

Account code to be charged

Transportation arrangements (shipping/freight costs, if any)

Discounts, if any

Delivery destination (campus, Ed. Center, etc.) and “to attention of” included in


Special instructions must be written in the body of the requisition.

An appropriate GPISD 5 Play, CIP and/or DIP shall be included on the first line

as a narrative line item on all requisitions. (exception-Ecommerce orders should

display the appropriate 5 Play and DIP/CIP in the description) The

Principal/Supervisor is responsible for deciding which 5 Play and DIP/CIP is

appropriate for the purchase.

GPISD 5 Plays 1. Vertically and horizontally aligned curriculum (ex. TEKS, CScope)

2. 5E Model of Instruction (ex. Lead Your School, Framework of understanding, etc)

3. DATA driven decisions (ex. D2SC, INOVA, Kilgo, etc)

4. Relationship Capacity (ex. CKH, Teen Leadership, Keystone, EXCEL model, etc)

5. Intentional Leadership (ex. Flippen, TASSP, TASA, TASBO, etc)

District Improvement Plan (DIP)/Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) and Strategy At minimum the requestor will be required to connect purchases to the DIP/CIP and

Campus Strategy. These items should be added as the narrative line item after the

GPISD 5 Play on the requisition. Failure to do so will result in a denial of your

requisition and delay the process.

District Improvement Plan

1) Parents and community will be full partners with educators in the

education of GPISD students. [TEC §4.001 (b) (1)] (T1, A SW#6) (GPISD 5

Plays: Relationship Capacity, Intentional Leadership)

Performance Objective 1.1: Implement a standardized documentation process for

campus and district parent and community involvement and volunteer efforts to

record the type of activity, attendance patterns and customer feedback to

establish longitudinal data on the effectiveness of the programs.

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August 26, 2013 Page 5

Performance Objective 1.2: Increase participation in current parent and

community involvement efforts by 10% annually, including previously

underrepresented groups.

Strategy 1.2.1: Inform parents of GPISD Special Education PTA monthly

meetings and assign two campus representatives to attend each meeting.

2) Students will demonstrate exemplary performance in comparison to

national and international standards in the areas of reading and writing of

the English language and in the understanding of mathematics, science

and social studies. [TEC §4.001 (b) (7)] (T1, A SW #1, #2, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD

5 Plays: Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model)

Performance Objective 2.1: Increase instructional time by raising student

attendance to the exemplary level of 98%.

Performance Objective 2.2: Review and revise the process for identifying at risk

students to provide longitudinal student data to more effectively focus instruction,

interventions and related services.

Performance Objective 2.3: Standardize the process for developing prescriptive

academic services for identified LEP, Gifted and Talented and Special Education


Strategy 2.3.1: Ensure timely purchases and implementation of identified

prescriptive academic services for LEP, Gifted and Talented and Special

Education students (particularly to ensure immediate response time for

ARD/IEP recommendations for required purchases of adaptive equipment

and/or materials).

Performance Objective 2.4: Increase the percentage of students meeting state

requirements on state test to 95% for all student groups in order to achieve a

campus rating of Exemplary.

3) Students will be encouraged and challenged to meet their full educational

potential, with a well-balanced and appropriate curriculum provided to all

students [TEC §4.001 (b) (2) (4)] (T1, A SW #1, #2, #7, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5

Plays: Vertically and Horizontally Aligned Curriculum)

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Performance Objective 3.1: Implement a standardized documentation process to

monitor the utilization of the CSCOPE online curriculum to establish baseline

data to measure core continent curriculum implementation.

Performance Objective 3.2: Document the implementation of state required

curriculum regarding citizenship for a free enterprise society, a coordinated

school health program, anti-bullying and the prevention of domestic and dating


4) Through enhanced dropout prevention efforts, all students will remain in

school until they obtain a high school diploma. [TEC §4.001 (b) (3)] (T1, A

SW #2, #6 #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship Capacity, Data Drive


Performance Objective 4.1: Provide communication and training based on

improved data regarding students at risk of dropping out of school. (See

performance Objective 2.2)

Performance Objective 4.2: (Secondary) Reduce dropout rates and increase

graduation rates for all students to the exemplary rate set by the Texas

Education Agency through implementation of strategies to address academic and

psycho-social needs of at risk student identified by campus data.

Performance Objective 4.2 (Elementary) Implement strategies to address

academic and psycho-social needs of at risk students identified by campus data.

5) Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed and

retained with educators keeping abreast of the development of creative and

innovative techniques in instruction and administration, using those

techniques as appropriate to improve student learning. [TEC §4.001 (b) (6)

(9)] (T1, A SW #3, #4, #5) (GPISD 5 Plays: Intentional Leadership, Data

Driven Management, Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model)

Performance Objective 5.1: Document 100% required attendance for all campus

staff in District training.

Performance Objective 5.2: Develop, implement and document a campus based

staff development plan to address specific needs identified in the comprehensive

needs assessment.

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6) Technology will be implemen4ted and used to increase the effectiveness of

student learning, instructional management, staff development and

administration. [TEC §4.001 (b) (10)] (T1, A SW #2, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays:

Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model, Instructional Leadership, Data

Driven Management)

Performance Objective 6.1: Increase or maintain STaR ratings to Advanced

Technology in the categories of: Leadership, Administration and Instructional

Support Educator Preparation and Development Teaching and Learning.

7) GPISD will continue to develop and maintain a safe and disciplined

environment conducive to teaching and learning, promoting physical and

mental health in all students, their families and employees. [TEC §4.001 (b)

(8)] [TEC §11.252 (3) (B) (E) and 11.253 (8)] [HB 1041 reducing sexual abuse

of children] [TEC §11.253 Coordinated health services] (GPISD 5 Plays:

Relationship Capacity, Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model, Intentional


Performance Objective 7.1: Implement a revised process for campus discipline

referrals and for removal of students to a disciplinary alternative education setting

to improve student interventions.

Performance Objective 7.2: Implement curriculum and student activities to

address behavioral issues through curriculum regarding citizenship for a free

enterprise society, a coordinated school health program, anti-bullying and the

prevention of domestic and dating violence. (See Performance Objective 3.2)

NOTE: When creating the GPISD 5 Play, and adding DIP/CIP association, click on the

narrative bubble, and then click on the drop down arrow which will show the Play to

choose from. It will fill in the remaining fields for you.

Additional information about the Grand Prairie ISD District Improvement Plan can be

found at the link below:


Requisitions received by the Purchasing Department are reviewed for the following

items prior to approval of the purchase order:

Adequate description-Placed in the Narrative (Except E-Commerce orders)


Availability of funds

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Proper approvals

Proper account coding

Overall completeness

NOTE: Double coding a sing requisition is necessary when purchasing more than one

item that requires different codes within the same requisition. An example of this would

include the purchase of items for library supplies and award incentives. Library supplies

would be coded 199-12-6399. Award incentives would be coded 199-23-6499. Both

Account Codes would appear on the requisition.

Purchase Orders Skyward is used to enter purchase order information for standard Purchase Orders. As

the Purchase Order information is entered and approved, the system will immediately

posts an encumbrance entry for each account code used on the Purchase Order. The

encumbrance entry reduces the available budget remaining in those accounts.

Purchase Orders are issued on a daily basis by the Purchasing Department based on

information submitted on requisitions and are not to be modified once issued. Once a

Purchase Order is issued, the same Purchase Order number cannot be used for

reorders. After a Purchase Oder number has been assigned, the Purchase Order may

be faxed or e-mailed to the company. A Purchase Oder, once approved, is a binding

commitment for the District to remit payment to the vendor after the item(s) and/or

services are received. Once items are shopped and/or services performed, the vendor

must submit a properly executed invoice to the Accounts Payable Department to

receive payment. Funds remain encumbered until the Purchase Oder is closed.

Receiving Monitoring the deliver and receipt of Purchase Orders is the responsibility of the

campus/department receiving the items ordered. This ensures that the District actually

receives what is purchased. It is recommended that each campus assign a specific

individual with receiving responsibilities who is familiar with receiving procedures.

Receiving Procedures

Procedures should also be in place for receiving supplies during the summer and

winter breaks.

Items ordered with a purchase order will be delivered to the site from the


It is imperative to receive (check in) items within 24 hours after receipt.

Vendors are required to send invoices to accounts payable for payment

processing. Invoices should be immediately sent to accounts payable if sent with


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August 26, 2013 Page 9

Packing slips should accompany shipment of supplies and should be used for

assuring correct contents (quantities and description of items shipped)

Do not delay the 24 hour time frame of receiving shipments (through Skyward)

because of a lack of an invoice.

Invoices should be immediately sent to accounts payable if sent with shipment.

Suppliers cannot be paid until the receiving activity has taken place. The District

is required to pay bills in a timely manner or incur financial penalties for the

delay. If penalties are assessed due to delayed receiving, the budget code used

to make the purchase will be charged for the penalty.

If the person performing the receiving cannot locate the packing slip, he/she

should immediately contact the vendor and request a copy.

Do not send copies of Purchase Orders or packing slips to Accounts Payable.

Campuses shall run a report (monthly) to identify Purchase Orders that are open.

Purchase Order Closure In the event it becomes necessary to cancel a Purchase Order, the campus/department

must advise the Purchasing Department AND the Accounts Payable Department. The

Purchase Order will be canceled and liquidate the funds encumbered. Purchase

Orders are valid for 60 days from the date of issuance and subsequently will be closed

60 days after issuance. Final close is irreversible and it is imperative that all receiving

activity and invoicing occur within the 60 day period. Purchase order for construction,

furniture, and certain services or projects may be kept open longer than 60 day by

providing adequate justification. Grant funds will have a 30 day period instead of 60.

Campus Responsibilities Campus shall ensure the following:

Requisition request is complete, specific, and accurate description that is lined to

individual campus plans. (Specifics as to how the materials/supplies will be


Purchasing process (through the use of an approved purchase order) always

precedes he payment process.

Initiate procurements that are within approved budget authority.

Be diligent in planning ahead to ensure that requisitions submitted for approval

transpires in a timely manner to assure that there is time for coding corrections.

“Rush” approvals of requisitions should only be use in extreme emergencies.

Use only approved vendors to procure goods and services.

If necessary, confirm with the Purchasing Department that an approved vendor is

not available for goods or services needed.

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If a vendor must be contacted to obtain information to prepare a requisition,

explain to the vendor that the request for information does not represent a

commitment to purchase.

Monitor Purchase Orders and notify appropriate personnel of any cancelations of

Purchase Orders.

Not release the requisition/purchase order number or use a draft copy of the

requisition in dealing with the vendor until there is an approved Purchase Order

by the Purchasing Department.

Not make any commitments to acquire goods or services in the name of District

for personal use or ownership.

Process all requests for procurement that cost or aggregate to a cost of $50, 000

or more through the Purchasing Department for Board approval.

Follow Purchasing Department procedures for emergency purchases.

Include all pertinent information in the narrative to insure correct coding.

Be responsible for complying with Board Policies and Purchasing Manual

procedures when purchasing goods and services for the District.

Not make changes to the purchase orders without prior approval from the

Purchasing Department.

Items ordered match the Purchase Order.

Record the receipt of goods or services in Skyward.

Purchasing Department Responsibilities The Purchasing Department must:

Not approve a requisition after the event or purchase has taken place (after-the-

fact) until supporting documentation is received from the party making the

purchase. The documentation will be reviewed for approval or denial, and a

course of action will be determined. The requisitions must include “per J. Spears

or C. Foster” so the approvers are aware of the circumstances.

Review each requisition in a timely manner for completeness and accuracy and

verify that the proposed purchases are being made through approved sources.

Verify correctness of budget coding according to regulations.

Have discretions to direct purchases through inter-local agreements

(Cooperatives) in order to save time and funds.

Review requests to use vendors in a timely manner and verify that the annual

aggregate amount for the goods or services ordered does not require competitive


Work cooperatively with campuses and departments to resolve problems and


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Vendors Before a new vendor request is submitted by an individual campus, the campus should

perform a search through Skyward to determine if a particular vendor is on GPISD’s

approved vendor list. Campuses must view files provided by Purchasing that consist of

approved vendors that have been established by state contracts.

If the campus/department is unable to find a vendor that provides best interest for

district funds, the campus/department can then contact the vendors outside the

approved list to request a W-9. The requesting campus/department should email the

completed W-9 to the Purchasing Department with the reasoning behind the request

and the explanation on how/why a new vendor outside the approved list was needed.

After Purchasing Department has received both the completed W-9 and the explanation

of the request form the campus/department, the vendor will be added to the approved

vendor list.

Campus Contracts Campuses do not have the authority to enter into a contract with a company without first

having the contract approved at the District level.

Examples of such contracts that need to be pre-approved before an agreement are

made between a campus and company:

Student picture


Email all contract to the Purchasing Department [email protected] for

authorization. The School District’s lawyer will have final authority for approval of

campus contracts.

Special Description/Information Requisitions Requisitions for the following categories shall include specific information to clearly

describe the required material or services:

Technology Purchases

The Director of Technology must approve all technology software, hardware and

peripherals purchases. All technology assets are tested before purchase to ensure

compatibility. (Please allow time for Technology staff to test products if purchasing of

equipment or software is new to the District). The purchase will be evaluated on the

following criteria:

Appropriateness to the educational setting

Compatibility with existing systems

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Existing District standards

In order for the District Technology Department to better serve campuses through the

support and identification of technology items, it is imperative to adhere to the following


All Purchase Orders for Technology items (Elmos, projectors, computers,

scanners, etc) must be submitted to Technology. (Technology Department being

the vendor)

Technology will originate a Purchase Order to the appropriate vendor.

District Technology Department will ensure items are processed and delivered

(by District Technicians) to individual campus/department in a timely manner to

the person who originated the Purchase Order.

Technology items should be ordered from the Technology Standard’s List

provided by the Technology Department.

When ordering items from the Standards List the following must be included on

all requisitions before the requisition will be approved:

o Part number

o Description

o Price

o Qty

o Quote #

Do not print Standards List. Information changes frequently and any invalid

vendor quote numbers, pricing, ordering information etc. will not be honored and

delay the approval process.

Technology Standard’s List for equipment can be found on the Technology

website under Resources.

All Technology related items including equipment, software, or consumable items from

any other source MUST BE APPROVED BY TECHNOLOGY. “Approved by

Technology” must be stated on the requisition before it is approved.

Blanket Purchase Orders will not be allowed for Technology or Technology supply


Blanket Purchase Orders

Normally, Blanket PO’s are not used when the quantity and unit price of an item to be

purchased is known, or for one time purchases. A Blanket PO is issued to an approved

vendor authorizing purchases from that vendor over a specific period of time. Blanket

PO’s are valuable because they allow the purchase of items quickly. Bother paperwork

and related processing costs usually are reduced by Blanket Po’s. Blanket PO’s are

issued so that supplies, materials, or services are available “as needed” by campuses

or departments. For example, Blanket PO’s may be requested in order to eliminate

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August 26, 2013 Page 13

numerous individual purchase orders for small dollar-value items. Blanket PO’s must

be submitted with all required information (including not to exceed dollar amount and

the specific month purchases are to be made) entered as a line item narrative. The

information should not be entered in the description. Accounts Payable can only see

information entered as a narrative line item. Blanket PO’s must include the following:


o Note: It is imperative that “Blanket PO” statement requests be entered as

a narrative line item and not put in the description.

A specific time frame for purchases to be made, no more than one specific month

without permission. (example, Jan 1-Jan 31, 2014)

A limitation on the maximum dollar amount, “not to exceed” dollar amount. Do

not put “not to exceed” statement on regular Purchase Orders.

A detailed description of the types of items that will be purchased, such as Pens,

Paper, Chips, Cookies, Soft Drinks, etc. Using generic terms such as

“supplies, snacks, and services” is NOT considered and adequate description.

E-Commerce Purchase Orders:

Purchase orders to the following may only be submitted through E-Commerce site:

Office Depot


Brodhead Garrett

Frey Scientific and


Special orders for non catalog items that cannot be placed through E-Commerce must

be submitted through the Purchasing Department. Blanket PO’s may not be used for

purchase through E-Commerce vendors.

Home Depot Purchase Orders

Home Depot Purchase Orders MUST include the following:

ID number 972-237-5403 and

Promotion Rewards number 972-237-5403

Even though the above are the4 same number, both MUST be stated on the purchase

order. Upon entering Home Depot, go to service desk for Purchase Order approval

before purchasing.

Kroger Grocery Store Purchase Orders

Purchase orders to Kroger must include GPISD customer number R37025 as a line

item narrative.

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Wal-Mart Purchase Orders

Wal-Mart Purchase Orders MUST include the following:

ID number 337742

TIN number 75-6001697

ACCOUNT number 603220 200 923681 XX (two digit campus code)

o Skip space between account code and Wal-Mart campus code.

Upon entering Wal-Mart, go to the service desk for Purchase Order approval before

purchasing. When purchases are made through Wal-Mart, it is a requirement for

campus/department to:

Print your name and first 3 digits of PO# at the register to finalize the transaction.

Turn receipts into Accounts Payable

Failure to comply with the procedures will result in suspending privileges of purchasing

at Wal-Mart. It is the campuses responsibility to make sure the cashiers know what PO

is being used. If they do not ask the district employee, the employee must tell the


AMAZON.com Purchase Orders

All purchases made through AMAZON.com shall originate from the Purchasing

Department. A requisition is needed with information on the item/s that is being

requested. Once approved, please send the approved PO to [email protected]

Conference/Staff Development Purchase Orders

Requisitions submitted for staff development training, workshops or attending

conferences should include the following:

Location of the conference

Dates the conference will take place

Name of people in each hotel room (as a narrative line item)

The information provided will insure correct coding and will assist accounts payable to

determine payment deadlines.

Accounts payable requires two copies of the registration form when attending

conferences and workshops.

Purchasing/Repairing District Radios When purchasing or repairing of District Radios (or walkie-talkies) please adhere to the

following procedures:

Notify Transportation at 9723-343-4446 (Charlene Green) of your request to

purchase radios

Transportation will secure a quote for the appropriate model of radio.

Transportation will provide the campus with the vendor, model and price.

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August 26, 2013 Page 15

The campus will then initiate a requisition.

o Important: state on the requisition “quote received from Charlene


After the requisition has been submitted and approved, the PO should be

emailed to [email protected]

o Transportation will place the order to the vendor

Upon delivery to Transportation, the radio will be programmed, bar coded, added

to the District inventory, and delivered to the campus.

Sam’s Club (Campus Membership Cards) Each year the Purchasing Department updates a list of new and existing GPISD

Principals to Sam’s Club. This card enables authorized employees on campuses to

make purchases on site. New Principals to the District will be responsible for going to

Sam’s Club (I-20 and Great Southwest) and getting a picture made for a Membership

Card. Only campus Principals can be on the Membership Card. However, any

employee with proper approval by the campus Principal may use the card to make

purchases. Any campus Principal that has broken or defective card can go the Sam’s

Club and receive a new card. Each campus Principal is responsible for their individual

membership card. If a card becomes lost or stolen, please contact the Purchasing

Department immediately.

General Purchasing Procedures The following purchasing guidelines have been established in order to avoid delays in

the processing of requisitions. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in delays to

the approval process.

When submitting Blanket PO’s items not stated or associated with the description

on the PO is an unapproved expenditure and is a violation of GPISD policy and

GPISD Business Operations Procedure.

o Example: Blanket PO states “Supplies for Capturing Kids Hearts Training,

paper, pens, and highlighter” the receipt shows items purchased-hand

lotion. (an unapproved expenditure)

All required information for Purchase Orders (5 Play, DIP/CIP, conference

location, dates of conference, “BLANKET PO” etc) must be entered as a

narrative line item (not in the description). Failure to do so will cause a delay in

the approval process.

Under no circumstances are requisitions or requisition numbers to be used in

place of Purchase Orders. Orders may not be placed until the requisition

becomes a Purchase Order.

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GPISD does not allow District funds of any kind (including activity funds) to be

spent for the purchase of gift cards to students or staff.

When purchasing two or more items on the same requisition (ex classroom

supplies and snacks) the coding and the amount for each must be separated.

Registration fees that will be associated with travel expenses (meals, rooms, etc)

even if under another Purchase Order should be coded under object code 6411.

W-9 information must be on file in the Purchasing Department form prospective

vendors before requisitions may be submitted.

District employees who are reimbursed through the District are considered

vendors and will be required to complete W-9 information.

Be specific when describing your request (requisitions). “Supplies” is not specific

enough to know what Function the requisition to be coded to. (11-instructional,

12-library, 23-principal) Because items being purchased can be misleading (see

below) when teaching certain units, being specific is essential.

o Example: An Instructional manipulative used in teaching unit on fractions,

such as paper plates, flashcards, scissors. By stating “Manipulations for

fraction” and giving specific examples of paper plate to teach a unit on

fractions, gives a clear understanding as to why this is being purchased

o Purchasing sugar cubes to make igloos in social studies.3

Competitive Procurement

Purchases over $50, 000

All District contracts, except contracts for the purchase or produce or vehicle fuel,

valued at $50, 000 or more in the aggregate for each 12-month period, shall be made

by the method that provides the best value for the District: (and require School Board

approval before a transaction may take place)

Competitive bidding

Competitive sealed proposals

A request for proposals for services other than construction services

An inter-local contract

The formation of a political subdivision corporation under Local Government

Code 304.001

Sole Source Procurements

Compliance with Texas Education Code 44.031 is not required for purchases that are

available from only once source, including:

An item for which competition is precluded because of the existence of a patent,

copyright, secret process, or monopoly

A film manuscript, or book

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A utility service, including electricity, gas or water

A captive replacement part or component for equipment

Sole source does not apply to mainframe data-processing equipment and suppliers who

claim single (sole) status shall be required to document, in writing, that they are, in fact,

the sole source of the product in question. The vendor shall provide on copy (on

company letterhead) of the following:

Brief description of the product, material, etc., covered under sole source

Statement of single source status

Copy of patent, copyright or other documents available

A copy of the above information shall be retained on file by the Department Head and


The Assistant Superintendent responsible for associated contracted funds for

purchased goods and/or services shall designate a staff member, department head, or

executive director to monitor and assess the effectiveness of the goods and/or services

that are stipulated in the agreement/contract by GPOSD and the vendor. The

monitoring process shall be conducted on a case by case basis.

Competitive Bidding Defined Competitive bidding is a formal process consisting of procedures that may also be

referred to as competitive sealed bidding, or more simple as sealed bidding or formal

bidding. Competitive bidding is the preferred method of procurement. The request for

bids contains the purchase description or specifications covering the item(s), work

and/or services needed, general terms or conditions for the proposed bid contract, the

time and place for opening bids and other provisions as necessary.

Purpose and Intent of Competitive Bidding

The purpose and intent of competitive bidding is the help GPISD secure the best work

and materials at the lowest practical prices by stimulating competition. By the District

advertising purchasing needs relating to large expenditures, purchasing in large

quantities will result in lower costs either per unit item or in the aggregate.

Bid Document Elements The following items are necessary in the preparation of a bid document and in the

requesting bids. It is important to note that each element must be appropriately

structured to suit the items or services bid.

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Notice to Bidders

Standard Terms and Conditions

Special Terms and Conditions

Grand Prairie ISD Purchasing Manual

August 26, 2013 Page 18

Evaluation Criteria



Definitions and Applicable Documents

Quality Assurance

Bed Response Sheet

Bidders Certificate

Non-Collusion Statement

Felony Conviction Notification

Purchasing Glossary of Terms

Batch – process referred to by purchasing when updating purchase requisitions to a

purchase order status.

Blanket Purchase Order (PO) – refers to a PO that is issued to cover a certain period

of time (month, semester year, etc)

Invoice – a commercial document issued by a seller to the campus/department,

indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller

has provided the buyer.

Open Purchase Order (PO) – refers to a PO, in which item or items that have been

partially received and paid or that is completed, but not officially closed.

Packing/Shipping slip – is a document that accompanies delivered packages, usually

inside an attached shipping pouch or inside the package itself. It commonly includes an

itemized detail of the package contents and does not include customer pricing. It

serves to inform all parties, including transport agencies, government authorities and

customers, about the contents of the package.

Purchase Order (PO) – the signed written acceptance of the requested requisition. A

PO serves as the legal and binding contract between the District and vendor.

Quote – a specific determination of the cost, timing, description and terms associated

with a projected good or service to be provided by a supplier to the campus/department.

Requisition - an electronic request created by the Skyward system for allowable

