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Grant Ian Thrall, Ph.D. - ICSC

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10/11/2013 2 [email protected]


Grant Ian Thrall, Ph.D. Immediate Past President, American Real Estate Society

& Business Geography Advisors

Gainesville FL

• GeoSpatial For Location Intelligence And Real Estate Valuation

– The Data

– The Concepts

• Procedures Within The US

• Applications Of Procedures To China

The Take Away From This Presentation Is

10/11/2013 3 [email protected]


Stages Of Stages Of Geospatial Reasoning

• 1997 - "Real Estate Problem Solving and Geographic Information Systems: A Stage Model of Reasoning." Journal of Real Estate Literature, vol. 5, number 2, July, 177-201. (Grant Thrall and Larry Wofford)

• Download at http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/thrall/class/g3602/wofford-thrall-jrel1997.pdf

[email protected]







Description Large Scale

Small Scale

10/11/2013 4

Location Intelligence, Business Geography, Real Estate Market Analysis

Site & Situation Valuation

– Four steps in site selection - calculate 1. Trade Area 2. Competitive Supply 3. Demand 4. Absorption Analysis

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10/11/2013 5


Gap & Leakage

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• “Gap” is the difference between demand and supply by industry category (NAICS).

• “Leakage" is when the local demand exceeds local supply

• Leakage - prospective consumers travel to locations elsewhere to satisfy their demands

10/11/2013 6

Location Specific Investment Decisions

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Gap & Leakage


Current Opportunity

Population Increase

Future Opportunity

10/11/2013 7

Gap & Leakage Analysis

From http://www.STDB.com

Example Of A Place And Its Trade Area Somewhere USA.

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10/11/2013 8

From The Geographic Access To Higher Education Report, Florida Board Of Governors, By Grant Ian Thrall

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Full report at http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/thrall/fbog/index.htm

10/11/2013 9

Florida’s Population Change 2005-2010

Population change is never uniformly distributed across a nation, state, city,

Population Change 2005-2010

Florida’s total population was increasing at a rate of over 550 persons net per day.


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10/11/2013 10

High Society ESRI LifeMode

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10/11/2013 12

High Hopes ESRI LifeMode

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10/11/2013 13

Percent Of 2003 First-Time Freshmen In Each LifeMode By University

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10/11/2013 15

Segmenting education for successful value platforms www.dteia.com

Point Map Of L1 LSP Students’ Resident Locations While Attending University of Florida

[email protected] www.BusinessGeography.com

Distribution Of UF Student Increase By Psychographic Segment

Students of an LSP segment cluster by neighborhood

50% of UF students are L1 and L2 based upon permanent address

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LSP / Psychographics Example Tapestry households =


10/11/2013 [email protected]



LSP / Psychographics Example Tapestry households =


10/11/2013 [email protected]


Trade Areas

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10/11/2013 20


Trade Areas

How to Calculate Trade Areas

Ring Study

ZIP Code, block groups and other common polygons

Drive Time

Amoeba - Wedge

Wedge Casting – Patel, Fik, Thrall

10/11/2013 [email protected]



Location Of Comparables For An Appraisal

Comparables are not in primary trade area for Subject Property, and not in same geographic context as Subject Property

Subject property whose valuation was contested

10/11/2013 [email protected]


Trade area calculation using Ashish Patel, Tim Fik, Grant Thrall, 2008, Direction Sensitive Wedge-Casting For Trade Area Delineation, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 14(2): 125-140. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/thrall/class/g4620/tradearea.pdf


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10/11/2013 23

Smith Travel Research, Inc. Marquee Hotels Globally Including Peoples’ Republic Of China

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www.STR.com 10/11/2013 24

[email protected] www.BusinessGeography.com

OpenStreetMap For China Governmental Boundaries, Points Of Interest, Roads, Water, Shoreline, …

10/11/2013 25

• OpenStreetMap has roads, water, points of interest. Among the POI are McDonald’s, Starbucks, Hotels

10/11/2013 26 [email protected]


OpenStreetMap For Beijing Governmental Boundaries, Points Of Interest, Roads, Water, Shoreline, …

Comparison In Nighttime Light Intensity China 2000 to 2010

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10/11/2013 27

From: China Business Handbook 2013.


China Data In The US

China 2000 to 2010

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10/11/2013 28

http://www.ChinaDataCenter.com http://www.GeoDemo.com

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Demographic Consulting Inc. Data - People’s Republic of China

10/11/2013 29 http://www.GeoDemo.com http://www.ChinaDataCenter.org

Total Population Beijing Area 2012 100 Square Kilometer Grid

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10/11/2013 30

Total Population Beijing Area 2012 25 Square Kilometer Grid

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Total Population Beijing Area 2012 10 Square Kilometer Grid

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Total Population Beijing Area 2012 10 Square Kilometer Grid

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10/11/2013 33

Population Growth Rate Beijing Area 2000-2012 10 Square Kilometer Grid

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10/11/2013 34

Median Price To Purchase A Home Beijing Area 2000 10 Square Kilometer Grid

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10/11/2013 35

Housing Prices By Small Area Increase As A Logistic “S” Curve As Population Within The Small Area Increases

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 36


Median Price To Purchase A Home Beijing Area 20000, 10 Sq KM Grid – With Hotels & McDonalds

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10/11/2013 37

Median Price To Rent A Home Beijing Area 20000, 10 Sq KM Grid – With Hotels & McDonalds -

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10/11/2013 38

Total Population Age 5 To 35 Cohort Groups Beijing, 2 Sq KM Grid, 2000

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10/11/2013 39

% Population 5 To 35 Years Of Age Beijing, 2 Sq KM Grid, 2000

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10/11/2013 40

% Population 5 To 35 Years Of Age Beijing Urban Core, 2 Sq KM Grid, 2000

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10/11/2013 41

% Population 5 To 35 Years Of Age Beijing, 2 Sq KM Grid, 2000

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10/11/2013 42

10/11/2013 [email protected]

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John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd

[email protected]

John Wu writes to Grant Thrall: our project is a 1 KM long commercial street of European architectural style, consisting of two major sections:

•an imported food/wine/seafood trading center; and •a fashion shopping complex.

We are doing the functional zoning and planning of retail establishments. The project will be completed in 2014. Now we have shop sales and leasing center.

China’s Commercial Real Estate Markets

used with permission

Existing Scale of Retail In China

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 44

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Key Triggers For Change In China Retail

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 45

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Urbanization In China Compared To Rest Of World

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 46

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Top 50 Chinese Boom Cities

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 47

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

By 2020, The Top 50 Chinese Boom Cities Collectively Will Exceed The EU In

Retail Sales, Retail Square Footage, Office Space

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 48

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

2020 Gap In The Top 50 Chinese Boom Cities

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 49

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

2020 Gap In The Top 50 Chinese Boom Cities

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 50

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Booming Cities In China By Hierarchy Tier

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 51

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Population Hierarchy Of China

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 52

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Tier 1 Chinese Boom Cities

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 53

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Tier 1.5 And 2 Chinese Boom Cities

10/11/2013 [email protected]

www.BusinessGeography.com 54

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]

Two Categories Of Tier 3 Chinese Boom Cities

10/11/2013 [email protected]

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John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd [email protected]


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10/11/2013 56


• http://downloads.cloudmade.com/asia/eastern_asia/china#downloads_breadcrumbs

10/11/2013 57 [email protected]


China Coverage On OpenStreetMap

10/11/2013 58 [email protected]



• http://downloads.cloudmade.com/asia/eastern_asia/china#downloads_breadcrumbs

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10/11/2013 59

China Coverage On OpenStreetMap

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10/11/2013 60

Shanghai POI Starbucks

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10/11/2013 61

Shanghai Starbucks

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10/11/2013 62

Western Restaurants In China

• http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/beijing/dinning/american.htm

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McDonalds‘ In China NY Times article

10/11/2013 63

Find Latitude Longitude http://www.distancesfrom.com/Latitude-Longitude.aspx

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10/11/2013 65

Notes From Interview With Lex Berman Of Harvard On China Data

• Lex Berman Center for Geographic Analysis Harvard University (617) 496-9439 http://www.iq.harvard.edu/people/lex-berman

• Available - 1990 Census by county • Fairly extensive and clean 1990 variables in the China A data, look for China-A under China menu:


• Available – 2000 Census, Harvard licensed for internal use by its researchers. See Michigan Data Center and Demographic Consulting Inc.

• Available - The 2010 is out in China. See Michigan Data Center and Demographic Consulting Inc. •

Large scale data is in production. Be on the lookout for China Research Data Center at Peking University, directed by Gu Jiafeng.

• see for example http://www.isss.edu.cn/index.php?catid=41&action=index • Historical data (mostly pre-1911):

http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~chgis/data/chgis/downloads/v4 http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~chgis/data/chgis/downloads/v5 http://skinner.hmdc.harvard.edu/ Modern data: http://worldmap.harvard.edu/maps/chinamap OpenStreetMap. http://downloads.cloudmade.com/asia/eastern_asia/china#downloads_breadcrumbs

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10/11/2013 66

STR Hotel Data

Steve Hood Senior Vice President of Research, STR (Smith Travel Research)

Founding Director, SHARE Center ("Supporting Hotel-related Academic Research and Education") 735 East Main Street Hendersonville, TN 37075, USA Tel: +1 (615) 824 8664 x3315 Fax: +1 (615) 824 3848 Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @STR_Inc



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d w






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10/11/2013 74

John Wu

Tongyan Investment & Development Co.,Ltd

[email protected]

Miller Center For Retail Research And

Education, University of Florida

Dr. Hyunjoo Oh [email protected] http://warrington.ufl.edu/centers/retailcenter/executive/specialized.asp





Demographic Consulting {Chinese Data)


China Data Center, University of Michigan


OpenStreetMap http://downloads.cloudmade.com/asia/eastern_asia/china#downloads_breadcrumbs

Harvard University, China Data Map http://worldmap.harvard.edu/maps/chinamap

International Council of Shopping Centers


The Information Advisor

Vol. 25, No. 5, 2013 – China Data


China Business Handbook



Business Geography Advisors


[email protected]

Smith Travel Research (Hotel Data)


Thank You

10/11/2013 [email protected]

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