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Grapevine spring 2013 Single Page

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Summer 2013

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Dear All, WE’VE reached that time of year again when the sound of lawn mowers is regularly in the air, and smell of cut grass assaults the nostrils, much to the dismay of those of us who suffer each year with hay fever. No sooner has the grass been cut than it rains and brings on the next crop. Between May and Sep-tember it seems never ending, unless we get a drought, of course.

As we look around at our young peo-ple they all seem to be growing by the week, and by the end of the summer holi-days they are different people. At that age growth comes naturally.

A parable – there were once two small trees growing side by side in a forest. As they grew one grew faster than the other and soon overshadowed the other. It grew taller and wider until the smaller tree was not able to flourish at all. It could not get any light nor enough space to grow.

In time, the Chief Forest Ranger saw what was hap-pening and planned to change the situation. So, one day he brought his big chain saw to the forest and cut away a lot of the branches from the big tree until he could see the small tree clearly. Now, he thought, the smaller tree would stand a chance to grow as it should, even though it grew at a slow-er rate.

Within a week there was already a difference in the small tree. It had begun to become green where once it had

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been yellow through lack of sunlight. Within a month the small tree had started to grow and catch up with the big tree. After two months it had new flowers, and after three months it had started to grow fruit.

At the end of the growing season the Chief Ranger picked basket after basket of delicious fruit from the small tree which had now become as large as the big tree. And now, because it had been given the room to grow, the small tree continued each year and produced more and more fruit for people to enjoy.

Well, with all parables they do not come alive until we place ourselves in them. So, do you see yourself as a large tree or a small one? Is there pruning or growing to be done? Maybe some of both? ‘This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disci-ples, (JOHN 15: 8 NIV)’. Bearing fruit and discipleship go hand in hand, even through the process can be a little pain-ful. ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name (said Je-sus).’ (v.16)

May God bless your summer with fruitful growth, in your gar-dens and in the garden of your heart.

Yours in Christ, Grayson & Janice Williams—


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“THEY can’t ensure complete safety un-less they get down on their knees”, I shot up straight!! For it was a report given to the ‘Today’, programme on Radio 4 con-cerning the Air Bus that had to return to Heathrow when one of it’s engines caught fire. Fortunately, a passenger saw it hap-pen and reported it to the cabin crew.

Further explanation revealed that the cas-

ing on each of the engines is secured at the bottom, which means that when the plane is on the ground the technicians have to get on their knees to ensure that the covering doors on each engine bay are completely secured and this they are reluctant to do.

Whilst it is obvious that there is greater

safety in flying that road travel, especially on minor roads it is somewhat unnerving to real-ise that this lack of complete dedication to a task is so lightly regarded especially when it could mean the loss of so many lives, to say nothing of the cost of the aircraft.


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That incident came into my mind last week when Captain Lynne asked during her ser-mon on ‘The News’ (the current affairs) - “Is prayer the foundation of everything you do?” I am fairly sure that others would share with me and say ‘not always’. However, when I read the articles for Grapevine, I’m sure that a lot of prayer goes into its preparation and certainly the work that goes on behind the scenes, for the attitude, “Anything will do”, is never part of Christian Communication as proved in this edition by a new contributor, Karen, who came to us as a result of the hard work by Lisa for the Square Mile Choir.

I am often told how much people enjoy

reading Grapevine, but it is only of value if it has a wide variety of contributions, so please let us have your information.


Violet E Clarke EDITOR

[I echo this final sentiment—Philip]


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Lord of the brooding blue

Of pleasant summer skies, Lord of each little bird

That through the clear air flies, Lord of the blinding heat, Of mighty wind and rain, The city’s crowded street, Desert and peopled plain,

‘Tis wonderful to me That I am loved by Thee.

Lord of night’s jewelled roof,

Day’s various tapestry, Lord of the warp and woof

Of all that yet shall be, Lord of my merry cheers, My grey that turns to gold, And my most private tears

And comforts manifold, ‘Tis wonderful to me

That I am loved by Thee.

Amy Carmichael


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A curve in the road and a hillside Clear cut against the sky

A tall tree tossed by a gentle breeze And a white cloud passing by

Ten men walked along that road And all, but one passed by

He saw the hill, and the tree, and the cloud With an artist’s mind and eye And put it down on a canvas For the other nine men to buy


A plea from Vi Clarke: She lent a DVD with a gold covered cover to one of our Corps members, but unfortunately forgot who the good lady was. It was a birthday gift and was the Lara Millennium Concert at Ditton Com-munity Centre. Unfortunately it is irreplaceable, so if the person who has it would like to return it to Vi she would be very grateful.


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WORDS FROM THE WORD MANY people find the Old Testament difficult. This is because there is so much war recorded, which does not seem to square with a God of love who loves all people equally.

Nevertheless there are incidents recorded which carry within them a very profound spiritual message. One such event is recorded in Exodus 17 vv 8 – 15. Briefly, the Israel-ites were at a place called Rephidim and they were attacked by the Amalekites. Moses commanded Joshua to choose some Israelite men and go out to fight the Amalekites. He told Joshua that the next day, while the battle ensued he would stand at the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hands. What happened next is fascinating. Moses was on the top of the hill overlooking the battlefield. With him were Aaron and Hur. All the time that Moses held up his hands the Israel-ites gained the advantage, but when he lowered his hands the Amalekites started to win. So Aaron and Hur took a large stone and sat Moses on it. Then standing one on each side they took hold of Moses’ hands and held them up. The result was that because his hands were held steady until sunset Is-rael won the victory over the Amalekites. This event was so important that God ordered Moses to write it down on a scroll as something to be remembered. In verse 15 we read,’ Moses built an altar and called it, ‘The Lord is my ban-ner’. He said ‘for hands were lifted up to the throne of the Lord….’ In so many ways we see wonderful things happening in our Corps. There are different forms of outreach into the


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Square Mile; Messy Church is having an impact in the district; there are such initiatives as Women of Worth and Faith’s Kitchen; there are advances with the Youth Club and we have recently witnessed indications of real spiritual understanding amongst our teen agers; the Musical ‘Jesus Folk’ is progress-ing. These are some of the things that are happening. For-give me if I have not mentioned some initiative that you are involved with. For some, to be actually physically involved may not be possible. Age and infirmity may be taking their toll, but this intriguing Old Testament story tells me something very pow-erful. Those who may not be able to be on the front line can exercise a very effective and all important prayer ministry. You can be among those who hold your hands up to The Lord to call down His blessing on those who are at the battle’s front. You can be those who stand and hold up the arms of those who are calling upon God to give victory. Together we can be those who declare with confidence and joy, ‘The Lord is my banner, our hands are lifted up to the throne of The Lord’. Be encouraged. God Longs and loves to bless His people.

Albert Orsborne has written a beautiful song (648). I outline only the first

verse but all of the verses are deeply

Where lowly spirits meet Instant in prayer,

All at one mercy seat One plea to share.

With Thee we intercede, Leader of those who lead, Heart of our Army’s need,

Make us Thy care.


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THE production is now well underway. Characters have been selected, songs being learnt and stage work pro-gressing.

For most of the cast this is a new experience and in the beginning some were very nervous and apprehensively unsure about what they had let themselves in for! But gradually nerves have disap-peared and the fun, excitement and exhilaration of taking part is blossoming throughout the cast.

There is still much to do in the learning of songs, working on stage awareness – where to stand, when to sit, when to move, how to smile, how to laugh, how to ……….. but we’re getting there! Some of the production team have visited the Theatre and dis-cussed our requirements which we are confident will be met to make this an event not to be missed.

The Band and Songsters have recently visited two churches and taken opportunity to speak about the production and present one of the songs as a ‘taster’. Both occasions generated great in-terest in obtaining tickets which will shortly be available (£10 from the Hazlitt Theatre Box Office or from the Hall. Please see Lorraine Munn).

Now we look to you to spread the word and encourage peo-ple to come not only to a great night out but also to see and hear the Gospel in a new, exciting yet thought provoking way in the relaxed setting of The Hazlitt Theatre. Why not encourage those who once worshipped with us to attend as well as family, friends and others who you know?


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I T’S OFFICIAL—the Summer is 6 days long. QED: Google the beginning of Summer and you will get 21st June and Mid-summers day is 24th—therefore this suggests that Summer is

only 6 days long. And sometimes it feels like it! Especially now!!! So I got to thinking in Winter we have Christmas, OK! - Spring gives us Easter and Autumn; Harvest—Great! So I thought what events do we have in our Christian calendar for Summer, or any other Religious calendars for that matter, and it seems there are some interesting events taking place while we lie on the beach soaking up the sun!!!

21st June—Ratha Yatra - Festival of the Chariots (Hindu). A festival to worship Krishna. Huge chariots with images of Krishna, his Brother and his Sister are pulled through the streets.

24th June—John the Baptist; (Christian) celebrations of the birth of the prophet who foretold the coming of the Messiah in the person of Jesus, whom he later baptised.

29th June—Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul (Christian) or the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, this is a liturgical feast in honour of the martyrdom in Rome of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The celebration is of ancient origin, the date selected being the anniversary either of their death or of the translation of their relics.

03rd July—Asalha Puja or Dhammacakkha (Dharma) Day (Buddhist) Celebrated by Theravadin and Western Buddhists as the anniversary of the Buddha's first sermon, known as 'Turning of the Wheel of Law'. The Buddha preached the need to follow a 'Middle Way' between self-indulgence and severe self-denial.

04th July—Lailat al Barai'ah (Muslim). 2012 The Night of For-giveness (Lailat-ul-Bara'h) takes place two weeks before Ramadan. Islamic Night of Forgiveness or The 'Night of Records', when Allah


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ONE of the joys of an item such as this is, for all of us, to be able to identify each other in an atmosphere of friendship rather than where they usually sit or what type of service they perform, and for me personally is to feel the warmth and fellowship of the participants as they allow me to go into their home and talk about their lives.

One such couple is John and Amanda Boyd. John with an older Brother was born and brought up in Blackpool. He attended the Baptist Church and during his school-days learned to play the cornet. Needless to say Brass Banding is a feature of Northern England and on leaving school he played in various bands. He trained as an Electrical Engineer, but in his early twenties he joined the Forces and following initial training became a musician in the Royal Engineers. Subsequent moves have been to the Irish Guards and currently Welsh Guards Band.

Amanda, with an older Sister was born and brought up in Dover, where she attended the London Road Methodist Sunday School. She trained as a Nurse at Canterbury Hospital and qualified in 1987. She still works as a nurse part-time at the Spire Alexandra Hospital in Waldersdale.

Cilla Black would have loved this for they met on a blind date at the Valentine’s Dinner and Dance, arranged by her room-mate’s future Husband, who was also in the Royal Engineers. They eventually got married at Dover Castle in 1991, in the Garrison Church, which is an old Saxon Church, next to the Pharos Light House, but permission had to be obtained by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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Their first home was in Gillingham, where they met up with Stuart and Neil Atkinson, who introduced them to the Corps in Maidstone. Amanda speaks very highly of Joan and Arthur Atkinson, who helped them to settle in.

They have two Sons, Callum, aged 18, trained as a Football Referee and at present is involved in that position for Junior Teams, but his ambition is to continue in that role and who knows, one day he may referee for the F. A. Cup!

Liam at 15 is still at school, but his ambition is to be like his Dad – join the Forces and become a musician. Both boys play in the Y. P. Band and Senior Bands as cornet players, where John is the Y. P. Band-leader. It is a job he loves and his skill is reflected in the quality of their music. They are a joy to listen to and a credit to all who are involved.

John will be leaving the Forces in December after 27 years and whilst that is significant it will require much effort to adjust to life without the joys of being part of Ceremonial Duties, such as ‘Trooping the Colours’ and playing at the Cenotaph when our eyes are glued to the T.V. screen.

The whole family are valued members of our Corps Fellowship and we pray God’s blessing on them as they look to the future.

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GOD’s ETERNAL SON! Doctrine 4 "We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united, so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man" "Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is central to Christian belief and witness ( Romans 10: 13- 19). We believe in Jesus Christ who reigns with God the Father and with God the Holy Spirit. God sent Jesus to rescue a fallen world. We recognise God's per-fect will and purpose in his birth, life, death and resurrection, his ascension and his second coming. In him we see God’s living word and we see God’s glory. (John 17: -5; 1 Timothy 3:16) “ We believe in Jesus as a real man, a historical person, a Jew who was born, lived and carried out his mission in Palestine. The testimony of historical record and of ancient manuscripts as well as of those who lived with him at the time of the Roman Caesar Au-gustus tell of his life and death on the Cross. His universal mes-sage crossed the boundaries of Judaism as he belonged to the Jewish/Roman world of the first century AD. He was also a unique human being. Perfect, alone amongst us, the true image of God, living without sin and in a unique relationship with God the Father. Because of such a close relationship, he was exposed to all the realities of tempta-tion and real conflict with the powers of evil. He experienced loneli-ness, isolation and death, and in that loving relationship he was able to resist temptation and remain sinless even to his death on the cross.


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But he was also the God’s Son - “Truly and properly God” The Bible tells us that Jesus was, “With God in the begin-ning, through him all things were made”. Jesus told his first fol-lowers that “He that has seen me has seen the Father” . God’s character and being were fully present in the life of the man Je-sus. And they used the word “Incarnation” to describe this truth. Salvation comes to us through Jesus. He was not a victim as he hung on the cross, he died so that God’s purposes would be fulfilled by his obedience. (Matt 16:21-23; Mark 8: 31-33; Luke 9:22) “He died that we might be forgiv-en. He died to make us good” (SASB 133). And he rose triumphantly from death. Fulfilling prophecy (Luke 24:46) and by the empty tomb and his post resurrection appearances to his followers, helped them to support the resounding proclamation of the whole of the New Tes-tament that, “He is risen!” This conviction of his disciples, and the presence of the Church, Christ’s living body on earth, give their own witness. He will come again - returning in ultimate triumph. (Matt 25: 31-46; 26:64) Jesus warned against speculation about the dates and times for this to take place, but as his followers we pray for his return and prepare ourselves to be ready. (Matt 6:10; 1Cor 15:23,24; Col 3:4; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1-4; Revela-tion 22: 7-20)


It is important for us to really KNOW Jesus!:- As the foundation for personal spiritual growth,

The pattern for our standards of behaviour, The foundation of our worship and praise, And a true understanding of our mission.

Continued on p.21


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THIS month another viewpoint from a younger member of the Corps:-

Jonathan Heward I have always found it difficult to answer when someone asks me “What’s your favourite song?”. It so often depends on my mood and, when it comes to religious music, where I am in my journey with God. As both a bandsman and songster I have been privileged to play and sing many great pieces of music. There are many others which I have only heard but still have special meaning or bring me enjoyment. However, when it comes to my absolute favourites, being a part of the group which produces the music gives me an extra special blessing and creates some special memories.

BAND PIECE — ‘The Kingdom Triumphant’ - Eric Ball I was very fortunate to be a part of the Territorial Youth Band in 2000 and as such to play at the Royal Albert Hall for the Millennial Congress. This was the piece the band played. I’ll never forget the feeling of playing in that great auditorium and the reception we got when finished playing. Even now, having played it several times and having heard it many more, I still get shivers down my spine when the melody of Helmsley (Lo! He comes with clouds descending) first ap-pears towards the end of the piece. I grew up in small-to-medium sized corps so this was one of the first ‘big’ pieces I ever played in a band. For that reason alone it is special but I also love the way Eric Ball combines the very first advent and the promise of Christ’s second coming through music. It serves as a reminder that Christ came to Earth and shared in our humanity and in the end He will return in His glory and victory.

SONGSTER PIECE- With Wings as Eagles - J Paul Williams & Benjamin Harlan The Salvation Army doesn’t hold a monopoly on good music. It’s great that as sections we can look to the wider church and beyond for


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music to spread our message. This is one such piece. Taking those fa-mous words from Isaiah 40:28-31 and others from Habakkuk 3:17-18, it reminds us that, no matter what we are going through, God will always be there for us. He will hold us up when our own strength is long gone and we will always have cause to praise him. It is a beautiful combina-tion of words and music, plus it’s a cracking tenor part to belt out!

CONGREGATIONAL SONG - SASB 63 - ‘Never Fades the Name of Jesus’ - David Welander trans. Catherine Baird A slightly unusual choice, perhaps. This song isn’t that well known here but over in Norway, where it originates, it the most popular hymn, not only in the Army but the wider church. I was very privileged to spend three years as the youth worker in Trondheim corps and this song will always remind me of my time there. I’ve heard it sung in a gospel style, used in a band march and even a heavy metal version! The words lose a little in translation from Norwegian (Catherine Baird’s translation is very much ‘of its time’) but the chorus still portrays a powerful message: How I love the name of Jesus! He has set my heart aflame! I have found a great salvation Through the merits of his name.

BONUS CHOICE - All That I Am - William Himes

I told you I found it difficult to answer the question of my favourite song! This song started as a songster piece, has found its way into the congregational repertoire and is also the subject of a fantastic arrange-ment by Bill Himes himself. The reason I include it here is that it is through this song (particularly the chorus) that I first felt God’s calling on my life. God has used it on occasions since to reaffirm that calling. The words aren’t (or shouldn’t) be easy to sing. They talk of committing our all to God ‘come what may’. It is, though, the only response we can make to God’s love for us. The verse reminds us that it is only in doing God’s will for our lives that we find fulfilment. I pray that I can always sing these words truthfully: “My all I give, Lord, for you I’ll live Lord, come what may”.


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is believed to register the deeds of humankind and to determine their fates for the coming year. It is a time for penitence, fasting and all night prayer.

05th July—Birthday of Guru Hargobind (Sikh) (1595-1644) was the sixth of the Sikh Gurus.

15th July—St Swithin's Day, (Christian) a day on which people watch the weather for tradition says that whatever the weather is like on St. Swithin's Day, it will continue so for the next forty days.

20th July—Ramadan begins (Muslim) 2012 The month of fasting from dawn to sunset. During Ramadan, Muslims cele-brate the time when the verses of the Koran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

23rd July—Birthday of Guru Har Krishen (Sikh) (1656-1664) was the eighth of the Sikh Gurus.

25th July—St. James the Great Day. (Christian) This is dedicated to honouring St. James. Part of the legend states that a Portuguese man was riding his horse on the beach and the they plunged into the sea. The man suddenly emerged from the sea with scallops shells all over him, which is one of the symbols for St. James the Great. St. James the Great was a fisherman by trade, which is where Jesus met up with him and instructed James and his Brother John to follow him. St. James the Great is the Patron Saint of Spain, blacksmiths, tanners, veterinarians, as well as equestrians. His depiction consists of James on horse-back with cockleshells, a sword, and a pilgrim hat.

29th July—Tisha B'av (Jewish) - Day of Mourning 2012 A fast commemorating the destruction of the two Temples. A sol-emn festival of fasting and mourning when Jews remember the destruction of the second Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70.

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01st August—Lammas (Christian) The celebration of the 'first fruits' when bread made from the first harvest is placed on the altar.

02nd August—Raksha Bandhan (Hindu) ('raksha' means 'protection', and 'bandhan' means to 'tie'). A Special festival for Brothers and Sisters. The festival that celebrates brotherhood and love. Girls tie 'rakhi', twisted red and gold threads, around the wrists of their Brothers who, in return, usually give their Sis-ters a present.

06th August—The Transfiguration (Christian) commemo-rates Jesus being transformed in the presence of three of his disciples, Peter, James and John, on a mountain top.

10th August—Krishna Janmashtami (Hindu) The celebra-tion of Lord Krishna's birthday. He is famous for making mis-chief and playing tricks on his friends. He is also a great hero who helps and looks after people.

14th August—Laylat ul-Qadr (Laylat al Kadar) (Muslim) 2012 On the 27th day of Ramadan. Muslims celebrate the festival of Laylat ul-Qadr. Its name means 'The Night of Power'. It marks the night in which the Koran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah.

15th August—Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian) This celebrates Mary being 'taken up', body and soul to heaven. Catholic communities often mark the festival with processions.

19th—21st August—Eid-ul-Fitr (Id-ul-Fitr) (Muslim) is a holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity", while Fitr means "to break the fast" (and can also mean "nature", from the word "fitrah") and so symbolizes the breaking of the fasting peri-od. Eid is celebrated over a three day period in Islamic coun-tries.

19 Cont’d on p.22

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Middle age is when your knees buckle, but you belt doesn’t!

Going to Pieces: Sheila was excited, but anxious—her husband’s new boss was coming to dinner and she wanted to make a good impression. She bought a new dress, spent hours at the hairdressers and prepared a lavish meal of all the things she had been told he liked. Being one of the Managers at the Stock Market, she had spent every available minute learning about investments, the Footsie Index and everything else she thought relevant about money matters. When he arrived she was almost speechless—tall, handsome, perfect manners and witty. He soon put her at ease. Serving the main course she caught sight of her husband’s horrified look, and discov-ered she was cutting up the guest’s meal into tiny pieces and mashing it up as she did for the baby!!!!

Sunday School Teacher—”Why was Solomon the wisest man in the world”? The 6yr old replied, “Because he had so many wives to advise him”.

A man fell over the cliff edge, but managed to grab hold of a strong bush. “Oh God help me”, he shouted, “If you are there I’ll do anything you want”. The voice came loud and clear, “let go of the bush”. “I daren’t do that, I don’t want to die” “Let go of the bush, trust me!”,“Is there anybody else up there?”


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Jesus gives us our call to obedience and our example for living:- He resisted temptation and if we truly wish to follow him without reservation, to grow to be like him, and to share in his mission to “seek and to save the lost” we must first of all be ready to be obe-dient to him in a radical way - just as he was obedient to God. Jesus is also our role model for compassionate ser-vice.:- He knows the human situation, looks with compassion on the sin-ful and suffering, and he cares about injustice and evil. When we come alongside others for Christ’s sake we bring his powerful and loving presence right to the heart of human need. We forget that we are made in the image of God at our per-il. Because of Jesus, God’s Grace can fill our lives and enable us to present his purity to our scarred and hurting world. Our per-sonal standard of living and our ministry to others becomes au-thentic, powerful and effective. We can say with saint Paul - “I can do everything through him who gives me strength”, (Phil 4:13 NIV).

Colonel Michael Pressland

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29th August—Beheading of John the Baptist (Christian) is a holy day observed by various Christian churches. The day com-memorates the martyrdom by beheading of Saint John the Baptist on the orders of Herod Antipas through the vengeful request of his begrudged daughter Salome. In the Roman Catholic Church, the story is often retold with the moral lesson of code of honour versus arrogance precipitated by the tyrannical abuse of power. In addition, various speculations regarding the motive of Salome are cited, namely her lewd danc-ing as a means of revenge and harlotry.

01st September—Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu) Hindus cele-brate the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed God.

08th September—Nativity of Virgin Mary (Christian) or Birth of the Virgin Mary refers to the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Scripture does not record Mary's birth. The earliest known writing regarding Mary's birth is found in the Protoevangelium of James (5:2), which is an apocryphal writing from the late second century, where her parents are said to have been Saint Anne and Saint Jo-achim.

17/18th September—Rosh Hashanah (Jewish) Jewish New Years Day, 5772 years from the creation of the world (The date is for 2009 - 2010). This is the most important time in the Jewish year. It is also the beginning of ten special days, called the Days of Penitence. This is the time when Jews say sorry to God for all the bad things they have done in the past year. This is the only Jewish holiday which lasts for 2 entire days (considered as one very long day), and the reason for this is to emphasize its im-portance.

19th September—Ganesh Cha-turthi (Hindu) The birthday of the ele-phant-headed deity. Ganesha is wor-shipped by Hindus at the beginning of something new, for example moving

Well! which group is going to get the best suntan???

Philip Hales

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Square Mile Gospel Choir THE choir had the privilege of being invited to sing to the residents of Tovil Green Court in Maidstone on Sunday 28th April. We were made very welcome and set up in their bright community room. Our voices were given a good workout as we sang our way through 11 great songs, accompanied by saxophone, piano and guitar. The choir is very fortunate to have a new pianist, Rea Qunta, which frees Lisa up to keep us all in check! Lisa encouraged the residents to sing along to those songs they knew. When we sang ‘You raise me up’ we could see some of them joining in. After the concert, we had the opportunity to speak to those who had come to listen to us. It was great to hear about their experiences living in this delightful residential home. They seemed very keen to give positive feedback to us, and said they appreciated our visit. This was lovely to hear and we were glad they enjoyed the concert as much as we did.

We hope to be invited back again.

Do you enjoy Musical Choices? Do you have three particular pieces, which mean so much to you, that you would like to share? Would you like to step forward and offer your contribution! I and many others would benefit from your understanding of what they mean to you, so please let me know by the end of July. PHILIP


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INrecentmonthsyouwillhavenoticedontheweeklybul-letinthatanewnameandtitlehasappeared–CaptainLynneCliftonasFamilyMinistryOf icer.KnowingshehaspreviouslybeenaCorpsOf icerandDivision-alYouthOf icerIwasinterestedtoknowhowthisnewrolediffers:-

Howdoyoufeelthisnewrolediffersfromyourprevi-ousresponsibilities?13yearsagoIsignedmyOf icersCovenantattheTrain-

ingCollegeinDenmarkHillwhereIpromised,inresponsetoGod’scallingonmylife,tomakethesavingofsouls(introducingpeopletotheloveofGod)the irstpurposeofmylife.IhavecontinuallyendeavouredtodothisandhavebeengiventheopportunitytoserveGodinseveral,verydif-ferentcontexts,butmydesiretoshareGod’slovethroughallIdohasremainedthesame.My irstappointmentwasatanewexpressionoftheSal-

vationArmyonahousingestateinCroydon.MattandIgotmarriedwhilstIwasatForestdaleandwebeganministrytogether,after8yearswemovedtoamoretraditionalstyleofSalvationArmyCorpsinFolkestonethathadaverybusycommunityprogrammeservingsomeofthemorevulnera-bleandmarginalisedpeoplewholivedinthelocalityinverypracticalways.MynextappointmentwasasDivisionalYouthOf icerwhichmeantthatratherthanbeingbasedinonecommunityworkingwithallages,myprimaryfocuswasservingtheyoungpeopleandtheiryouthworkersacrosstheLondonSouth-EastDivision.


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SinceNovember2012IhavebeentheFamilyMinistryOf iceratMaidstonewhichisdifferenttomypreviousap-pointmentsinthesensethatIamonanOf icerteaminthistownandhaveaspeci icfocusofbuildingbridgeswithfam-iliesandothercommunitygroupsworkingwithfamilies,inthelocalcommunitybutonceagainitisanexcitingoppor-tunitytoworkoutmycovenantto‘savesouls,growsaintsandservesufferinghumanity’inalocalcommunity.Whatdoesitentailintheeveryday?“It’snicetohaveyouhereLynne,butwhatexactlydoyou

do?”hasbeensaidtomeonmorethanoneoccasionsinceItookupmyappointmentasFamilyMinistryOf icerinMaid-stone.It’sagoodquestion.TheroleofFamilyMinistryOf-icerisanewoneandthereforemyroleisemergingasGodguidesmeandasIgettoknowtheneedsofthecommunitymore.Everydayisdifferent.Ihavespentquitealotoftime

meetingpeoplefromotherorganisationswhoareservingfamiliesinthecommunityalready–Children’sCentres,Schools,otherChurches,othercharities,SocialServicesetc.Ihavetriedto indoutwhatisalreadyhappeningforfami-liesinMaidstoneandwhereotherpeoplewhoservethelo-calcommunityfeelthatthereareareasofneed.Ihavehadtheprivilegeofleadingschoolassemblies,les-



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theCorpsandsoaminvolvedinParentandToddlers,MessyChurchandsomeoftheotheractivitiestheCorpsalreadyhaverunningandhavebeenonplanningteamsthathaveputsomeothereventsinthediaryfor2013!AswellasbuildingbridgesintothecommunityitismyroletoprayforandsupporttheChildren’sandYouthworkhap-peningwithinourCorpsFamily.Ihavetriedtobeanen-couragerofthewonderfulleadersthatwehaveandsupporttheminverypracticalways. DoesthisoverlapwithanyCorpsresponsibilities or duties?MyroleasFamilyMinistryOf iceristerri icallyvaried

andwhilstitisprimarilyaboutbuildingbridgeswithfami-liesinMaidstone,IampartoftheOf icerteamandthere-foresitontheCorpsCouncilandthePastoralCareCouncil.IstrivetoprayforandcarepastorallyformembersoftheChurchworkingcloselywithMajorsGraysonandJaniceandhaveenjoyedtheopportunitiesthathavebeengiventometoleadSundayworship.Whatsortofproblemsdoyouencounter?Themainoneisthattherearenotenoughhoursina

day!!YoumaywellbeawarethataswellasbeinganOf icerIamalsoaMumof3children,Hanna,ElijahandAmos,andI


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amawife.Beingawifeandamotherismostde initelynotaproblem,itisablessing,butitisalsoachallengetogetthebalanceofliferightsothatIhonourGodineverywayandful ilallmyresponsibilities.Pleaseprayforwisdomformetomaketherightdecisionsandgetthebalanceofliferight.AnotherlovelychallengethatIhaveisthattheopportu-


comethatyouhavegivenme.ThekindnessIhavebeenshownhasmeantalottomeandyourlovehashelpedMattandItremendouslyaswehavemadesomebigadjustmentsforusasafamilysinceMatt’sresignationfromOf icer-ship.Pleasecontinuetobepatientwithmeandbearwithme

asIjugglethevariousresponsibilitiesIhave.BehonestwithmeandletmeknowifyoufeelGodissayinganythingspe-ci ictoyouorifyouwouldliketobeinvolvedinanyaspectofFamilyMinistry,andaboveallpleasecontinuetoprayforme–Ineedit! Captain Lynne Clifton


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01) Which herb is regarded as, “The King of Herbs”, by many lead-ing cookery authors? 02) Used generally in the cooking of lamb, which herb is thought to be the herb of remembrance? 03) From which tree is MACE obtained? 04) Which herb combined with onion is commonly used as a stuff-ing for poultry and meat? 05) Which spice imparts a yellow colour to Indian cuisine? 06) Which herb is commonly used to flavour the tomato on pizza toppings? 07) What type of flavour does FENNEL have? 08) Which part of the GINGER plant is used in cooking? 09) Which four herbs did Simon & Garfunkel sing about in the 1960s? 10) Which spice is said to combine the flavours of CINNAMON, NUTMEG & CLOVES, hence it’s name? 11) By what name is wine that has been combined with a mixture of spices and often served warm, known? 12) Which spice widely used in Indian cooking is known as “The Queen of Spices”? 13) Which spice, obtained from the flower of the crocus, is one of the most expensive? 14) Which spice added to soups and stews is usually removed prior to serving? 15) In the children’s TV series, “The Herbs”, what type of creature was PARSLEY? 16) With over 150 varieties, which common herb is said to provide relief from an upset stomach? 17) What is the difference between a HERB and a SPICE? 18) What are the real names of the SPICE GIRLS? 19) In what units are the heat from CHILLIES measured? 20) Which spice, synonymous with Christmas, are the dried flower buds of a tropical tree?


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1JohnC4v09‐10 Lovedwitheverlastinglove,Ledbygracethatlovetoknow;Spirit,breathingfromabove,Thouhasttaughtmethisisso.Othisfullandperfectpeace!Othistransportalldivine!InalovewhichcannotceaseIamhisandheismine.



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1. This phrase is actually in-

spired by the words of the

character Polonius in Shake-

speare's Hamlet: "Though this

be madness, yet there is meth-

od in it." 2. Song of Solomon 8:6

3. 1 Corinthians 15:52

4. Shakespeare, Romeo and

Juliet 5. John 19:30

6. Emily Dickinson

7. Matthew 12:42

8. Shakespeare again. His

writings are probably second to

the KJV in sources for popular

English idioms, including

"hobnob" and "wear my heart

upon my sleeve." This one is a

combination of two different

quotations: "as white as driven

snow," from The Winter's Tale,

and "black Macbeth will seem

as pure as snow," in Macbeth. 9. Abraham Lincoln

10. Luke 12:28

11. Hebrews 12:1

12. Mark Twain

13. Martin Luther King Jr.

14. Matthew 26:41

15. George Bernard Shaw

16. Matthew 7:7

17. Luke 10:37

18. Benjamin Franklin, from

Poor Richard's Almanack in

1757 19. Charles Dickens

20. Charles Dickens

21. Folk saying, source un-

known 22. Mohandas Gandhi

23. Aesop's Fables, from the

tale "The Fox and the Grapes."

Fox cannot reach the grapes he

desperately wants and says,

"The grapes are sour anyway!"

Hence, the moral of the story:

"It is easy to despise what you

cannot get." This is an example

of how a phrase originated with

the KJV (cf. Ezekiel 18:2), but

the idiom got started later. 24. Ecclesiastes 1:9

25. Aesop’s Fables

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Our Weekly Services

You are welcome to join with us for worship & praise:

Sunday Worship: Family Service 10.15 (Sunday School) 10.45 Prayer Meeting 17.15 Evening Service 18.00 Youth Group 19.30

1st & 3rd Monday in month (to be confirmed) The Living Word Bible Fellowship 19.30

Tuesday: Ladies Meeting 13.30 (Home League)

Wednesday: The Parkwood Fellowship Ladies Meeting (held at the Rosemary Graham Centre Sommer Walk, Parkwood). 14.00

Wednesday: Held Fortnightly, please contact the office for the next date Cameo & Crafts 10.00

3rd Wednesday: Ladies Fellowship 20.00 Thursday: The Over 60’s Club 13.30

Contact Information Maidstone Salvation Army 74-80 Union Street, Maidstone ME14 1ED Corps Officers: Majors Grayson & Janice Williams Captain Lynne Clifton

Administrator: Mrs Lorraine Munn Address as above. Telephone: 01622 681808

Email: [email protected] Weekly Community Events: Monday & Friday SAM’s Tots (Salvation Army Maidstone) Parent & Toddler Group 10.00 For information on other mid-week activities please telephone the administrator on the above number.

Please telephone 01622 681808 for further information and/or to check for any changes to published times.

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Closing date for next issue is 15th Sept, 2013 to be sent to the Editor or Philip Hales at

email: [email protected]
