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Grateful Dead Album by Album Uncut Magazine May 2007

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8/13/2019 Grateful Dead Album by Album Uncut Magazine May 2007 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/grateful-dead-album-by-album-uncut-magazine-may-2007 1/2  _ . . . . _ _   . . - . -  . . . .  . -.-. . .  - .... The Deadwere H thelast greatAmerican adventure",Jerry Garcia alwayssaid.Theirlegendar y four-hour concertsencompassed rock'n'roll,jazz, blues, aciel folk, musique concrete, even reggae. ob eir - Garcia'sprotege,Deadguitarist from '65 to '95, writer/singer I ofmany ofth eir ke ynote songs - talks us through SL'X oftheir bestalbums. ..  - · - · ANTHEM OF THE SUN Vl ARN[R 8R<» J %8 TileOead'ssecomlalbum combinedstudio and live material ina ps yclledelfcau ralcollage.The Intention: tolmproveon an undistinguished debut, whlle slmulatingtheeffectsof an LSO tr ip. BOB WEI R: W ejus t wen tn uts . Purean d s impl e.We wereInastudowit hane ight·track, andweco u lddo an vthingwewa nted.t t was n' t ama tter of c arefully la y er in gands tacki ng . The re c ordingproc e ssb ec ame a bit more likeJ ack sonPolockt h a n, say, R aphael. It took Wl l', w ay lo ng er tomake thanou r fi rstalbum. W ewer e host wi thourownpe tardfo r qu iteawhilethere . It wa s monthsi nt hemakng. W ereco rdedawholebu nchof g igs,a ndco tlage d themov erthes tudioperforman ce s . T hemixingtookforever , as weha dsoma nyo ptions Iwas19A  ha tpo int it wass tarting toseern lik ethe onlyll eI' dever k now n . I' dbeen a ti tsinc el was 1 6. T hat swhe nI me t J e rryG arciaandwesta rtedworki ng t oge ther fort hw it h. F or a1 9- y ear 'old ,I' db een ar ound theb lo ck, musica tl yspe akinga t lea st. Icou ldtalk t he ory .I cou ldsp eakinltalianterrnsa ndI nbopter ms. That was thes pokenla ng u age inth ose d ays , W hattha t al bumlac ke d, ist hat t nesorgs t n dn 't h ave a ll t ha t well -defin edathread.Wewe rel oo king rnore f or" fo und art " tha nfo rp re con c e iv edstuff . On c eyou s tart cl ock ingintothes tudio- night a tter nlgtu. for months- theen deavour get sal i n letoowor k man like, a ndtheflas hes ofi nsp ira t iont end t ob eca meab it m ore muted.We didn't doanoth errecordI ik et h a tone . It'sa stand -a lonerec ord.a ndam onu me nt toi tsel f. I  · _ I -.. ·  · i  ;  ' i'" ilili i  i  - LIVE/DEAD W RNER BROS, 197Q Onthis celebrated double album , theOead marked out theirterritory. Highlightsincluded t he23'minute " Oark Star ", theself-exp lanatory " Feedbac k , and Pigpen 's Rn'B showboating. T hat re co rd,of co urse,h app en eda lo t Ia ste r th an A ntfJemOTh eSun. T herewasnoov er dub bin g.W e onlyrec ord edoneor t wor uns [ oftilepro posed t ri/ c kli sting ],on eat theA valonB al lroomandoneat T h e Car ou se l.Hlenwejust listene dtoeve rything fairlycarefuII I'a ndde cidedwh icht ra cks toinc lud e. Yo ucan 't re au vne arrne a u dience,but they'ret here. T heLi ve D ead se t wa sb asca l yacon de ns at ionof our liveshow,Ou r sh ow swe reonlya11 hou r - and- a h alf.maybeapproachingtwohour s.C ometothinko f it. n o,t hey were fourhou rs- that's b e ca u s ewewere stretc hi ngsong so ot "Da rkS tar" wa swond erfully repr es e ntativsottha t day Itwa sare alapt rendition, butaswebecamemoreski lledonou r ns truments,we we rea bletotake t hat so ngton ewpla ces. It'samatt er of s pi rit:howrn uchd oestile muscmoveyo u ? Pgp enwaso ur sh owma n . H ewas pr e tty damn good , but1 e ha daco ngeni tal liver di se ase an dhelost hisstren gtha st heyearswe nt o n. I h ealc oho l di dn't help.lit f irst,Pgpen ledtile chargean dth er e s t ofus w eremore or le s shiss id eme n.Ashi ss trengthbe gan toebb,there s of u sstartedste ppin gup , But wekept hisnich ecosy for hirn ,becaus ewekne wi t w asnt gongtobelon g. [P igpen.re aln ame R onM cKernan . di e din1973 1 WORKINGMAN S DEAD  ~ROS I97 Bac k to nature. TheDeadrelocate from San Francisco toMarinCounty , saddleup their ponies an d d eliver acountry- rock classic. A fter theS ummerOf Lo ve , andthesu mmerafter that . thecityhadb e com esome wh at unin ha bitablefor us . The H aig ht-A sh bu ryha dde ge n e rated. T herewerea lot of b addrugsgo mga ro ua o . andalot ofpeo plebeng wa st edbythem.S o w ealimovedou t t othe Courrv I 'dworkedonran ch es asakid,andI eno ye dgoing b acklOthatlifes tyle.I w aslivin gana s elf , inflicteddus t bowl , rais nghorse s . trvingtobe afarmeran dmus ic ian. I I t stretc h edme p re uvthi n.b ut t her ewa sa lotof tha t co un t ryae st hetic inour mu sicalroots . T herew ast hi scultur aldividebe twee nredn ecks whowerepro-A merica, lo v ei t or leave it - andpe op le whowere again s t theVi etn amW ar.Thewho lege tting b ac k - to-t he - count rvdecisio nwaspar t lyages uret o rn e et there dn ecks ha fway ' OK , we'l ltrvvourwavof life. W e' l lr e s pect, an deven revere, yo ur mus ical her itage. W e'lltr yt oge t rea l good atit : I\nditworked for awhile, too.Ame ricafell pret ty"who le"when weg ot ou t otvietna m, an dI t had alot to dowiththemeldi ngo f po pularmusicandcoun try mu s icidiom s . Robert Hunter wrotely r icsfor Work i n gman ' s Dead.H e coudus efew erwor os.an dsa vrnore .thananv on e.  Are yo ukin d ? [ on"UnceJ o hn' s8a nd"] was, lassu med ,a so-rt alluson." K ind"mea nin g" mykind"." hum ankind " , I nt h econt ext o f Workin gm an s Dead , it m ean t:"Are yo u s impatico .. .i nso lida rity wit hot herworkin gme n?" I
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  _ ....__    ..-.- .... . -.-...  -....

The Deadwere H thelast greatAmerican adventure",JerryGarciaalwayssaid.Their legendary four-hour concertsencompassedrock'n'roll,jazz, blues, aciel folk, musique concrete, even reggae.

ob eir - Garcia'sprotege, Deadguitarist from '65 to '95, writer/singer

Iofmany oftheirkeynotesongs - talks us through SL'Xoftheirbest albums...

•  - ·- ·



TileOead'ssecomlalbumcombinedstudio andlive material ina psyclledelfcau ralcollage.TheIntention: tolmproveon an undistinguisheddebut, whlle slmulatingtheeffectsofan LSO tr ip.BOB WEI R:Wejustwentnuts.Pureandsimple.We



layeringandstacking.The recordingprocessbecameabitmorelikeJacksonPolockthan,say, Raphael.It tookWll',waylonger tomake thanour firstalbum.Wewerehostwithourownpetardforquiteawhilethere.It wasmonthsinthemakng.Werecordedawholebunchofgigs,andcotlagedthemoverthestudioperformances.

Themixingtookforever,aswehadsomanyoptions Iwas19A  hatpoint it wass tartingtoseern likethe

onlyll eI'deverknown. I'dbeen at itsincel was 16.That swhenImet JerryGarciaandwestartedworking

togetherforthwith.Fora19-year'old,I'dbeenaroundtheblock,musicatlyspeakingat least. Icou ldtalktheory.Icou ldspeakinltalianterrnsandInbopterms.That was thespokenlanguageinthosedays,

Whatthat albumlacked,isthat tnesorgst ndn't haveallthat well-definedathread.Wewerelookingrnore

for "foundart" thanforpreconceivedstuff.Onceyoustart clockingintothestudio- nightatternlgtu.formonths- theendeavourgetsalin letooworkmanlike,andtheflashesofinspirationtendtobecameabit moremuted.We didn'tdoanoth errecordIikethatone.It'sastand -alonerecord.andamonumenttoitself.

I  ·_I-..· ·i  ;  'i'"ililii   i  -


Onthis celebrated doublealbum,theOeadmarked out theirterritory. Highlightsincludedthe23'minute " Oark Star", theself-exp lanato ry" Feedback , and Pigpen's Rn'B showboating.That record,of course,happenedalotIasterthanAntfJemOTheSun.Therewasnooverdubbing.We

onlyrecordedoneortworuns[oftileproposedtri/cklisting ],oneattheAvalonBallroomandoneatTheCarousel.Hlenwejust listenedtoeverythingfairlycarefuIII'anddecidedwhichtrackstoinclude.

Youcan 't reauvnearrne audience,butthey'rethere.TheLive Deadsetwasbascalyacondensationof


half.maybeapproachingtwohours.Cometothinkofit.no,theywerefourhours- that'sbecausewewerestretchingsongsoot "DarkStar"waswond erfully

representativsotthatday Itwasarealaptrendition,butaswebecamemoreskilledonour nstruments,wewereabletotakethatsongtonewplaces.It'samatterofspirit:howrnuchdoestile muscmoveyou?

Pgpenwasourshowman.Hewaspretty damngood ,but1e hadacongeni talliverdiseaseandhelosthisstrengthastheyearswent on. I healcoholdidn't

help.lit f irst,Pgpenledtilechargeandtherest ofusweremoreor lesshissidemen.Ashisstrengthbegantoebb,theres of usstartedsteppingup,Butwekepthisnichecosy forhirn,becauseweknewit wasntgongtobelong. [P igpen.realnameRonMcKernan.diedin1973 1

WORKINGMAN SDEAD   ~ R O S I 9 7Back to nature. TheDeadrelocate from SanFranciscotoMarin County,saddleup their poniesand deliver acountry-rockclassic.AftertheSummerOfLove,andthesummerafter that.

thecityhadbecomesomewhatuninhabitableforus.The Haight-Ashburyhaddegenerated.Therewerea lotofbaddrugsgomgarouao.andalotofpeoplebengwastedbythem.Sowealimovedout totheCourr v

I'dworkedonranchesasakid,andIenoyedgoingbacklOthatlifestyle.Iwaslivinganaself,inflicteddustbowl,raisnghorses.trvingtobeafarmerandmusician. I

It stretchedmepreuvthin.but therewasa lotofthatcountryaestheticinourmusicalroots.

Therewasthisculturaldividebetweenredneckswhowerepro-A merica, loveit or leave it - andpeoplewhowereagainst theVietnamWar.Thewholegettingback-to-the-countrvdecisionwaspartlyagesuretorneettheredneckshafway ' OK,we'lltrvvourwavoflife.We'll respect,andeven revere, yourmus icalheritage. We'lltrytoget realgood atit: I\nditworkedforawhile,too.Ame ricafell pretty"whole"when wegotoutotvietnam,andIt had alot to dowiththemeldingofpopularmusicandcoun trymusicidioms.

RobertHunterwrotelyricsforWork ingman 'sDead.Hecoudusefewerworos.andsavrnore.thananvone. Areyoukind? [on"UnceJohn's8and"]was, lassu med ,aso-rtalluson."Kind"meaning"mykind"."humankind",InthecontextofWorkingman sDead,itmeant:"Areyousimpatico...insolidaritywithotherworkingmen?"


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VintageDead:Bob weir(pa.leshirt, centre)with


EDROP '72Yi4Rt lFR BROS,J?72

TheDead commemoratethe ir1972Europeancampa ignwit  triplelivealbum( )contalningoldfavourites , inspirationalensemble playing,andstunnngnewsongs , includ ingWe ir/Hunter'stimeless "JackStraw".Wealwayshadahugecrewandorganisation.Itworkedtoouradvantagefor themostpart- evervonefeltaspiritofcommun ity,andfeltwonderfulgoingtowork,Butthatmoreor essinsinuatedthatwnenwewenttoEuropein'72,thewholeentouragehadtocomewithus,Itbecarnea great biggallival1l throughEu ropewithmaybe< \0 peopleontwobuses,Itwas importantforyoutogotoYOl/rbuswhentheydidtheheadcountseverydaysothatyouwereaccountedfor.'Neweretouristsonourdaysoff.but mostofthetimewehadajobtodo.Wedpull intoatownanddoasoundcheck,thentakeiteasyand marshalresourcesIor theshowSowsdidnt getout toomuch,Butwehadfun,andtheaudienceswerehighyreceptive,

Alotof thosesongswereneverstudio-recorded,"JackS raw" Istillsingtodaywithmyband.Ratdog.tdontwatchmuchTV,butonenight Iwashome.itwaslate.andanoldversionofSeinbeck'sOMiceAndMencameon. lwasmesmerised ,WewerecomingoutoftheWo rkingmansDeadphase.andHunterhadthislyric.Igrabbedit.andwecameupwithalittlesketchofheartlandAmericana,aballadabouttwone'er-dowells,Itwas patternedonOfMiceAndMen.butwetriedtoputatwistortwoonit.Samestory,differentcontext.


usingFleetwood Mac's producer, Ke ithOlsen ,theDead move intoAO Rballads, slick fusiontexturesand bombastic orchestration sontheslde-long titletrack,Atruecurio inthecanon - andonethatpolarises opinion amongDeadheads about whetherit rocksorsucks,

Weweredonerecordingandreadytomix.AndKeitllosensaid. "No,waita rnnute," Andhegotonaolane.IlewtoLondonandrentedanorchestra.r nswasetimewhenthedollarwasstrong,andyoucould renttheLSO realcheap ,PeopleintheUS musicsceneweredoingtil isleft.rightandcentre,Wehadanorchesrantachoronthatalbum,Whentheproducerplayedit

tous,wewereof mixedfeelings,butwewerelockedintoadeadlinebythen,soitgot releasedlikethat.

Whattilefanswouldratherhaveheardwasusplavingtnosetunesonthefirstside- "SamsonAndDelilah","Dandn' In TheSreets" - youknow,cowboysimple,Butwhenyou 'remakingastudiorecord,youkindofoweittoyourself toexperiment.Sometimes

cowboy-smpleisgrea.Butsometimes,  now.ifthere'sanorchestrathere., IgotalongwithKeithOsenfine.Iadmiredhisacui ly,hisacumen,And thereweregoodsongsandthevwerewef-retorded.tt sodrelalivelywell.Wewerealwayssemi-realisticthatwe


reamasFeetwoodMac.asou rsubject matterandapproachwerenowherenearasprosaic.Itwouldhavehadtheunmistakableshallowringof falsehood ifweweretotrytodothat.

IN THE D RK.'.RIS1,\,19$7

Afteralongbreakfromstudios,duringwhichJerryGarcia hadserious drugproblems,theDead returned withastrong,oftenemotionalalbum-andasurpriseMTV·backedTop lOUShitwith  TouchOf r y  .We'dhadourupsanddowns.Jerryhadbeeninacoma.Butwewerestillplayingconcerts,Ourattendance hadincreasedby20or25percent.andweweremakinggoodmoney,weweren't allthatenthusedaboutgoingintothestudo,Yknow,youcou ldgoinandmakeapolishedrecord,butyou'dhavetoworkwitil aproducerand thef nishedeffectwasn't real fulfilling.

ButwehadanotionthatIn heDarkwassoundinggood,We'dbeenplayngalotof thosesongsfor iveorsixyears,Theyweremature,readytogo.whereasonmostof ourotherstudioreco rdsthesongswererelativelynewWthin  l e rk,weknewthosesongs,wewerentjustdiscoveringthem.Songsarelivingcritters,tnevhaveaninfancy,achldhood.theygetrambunctiousandthentbevhitamaturephase,50itwasn t thateye-poppingaconceptwhenthealbumdidwell.

Bythe'90s,wewerecreepinginexorablvtowardsastuatonwherethereweremoreof usdeadtl analive,Pgpen .KeithIGodchauxl,l3rent IMydlandJ, thenJerry,Butstill.tothisday,there'salanguagethatwespeak thatnohodyelsecanfullycomprehend,Andwemighteven getaroundtomountinganother tourlnthefuture. ( )
