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Great tips on starting with Taboola - Webtraffic.agency

Date post: 21-Jan-2018
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Webtraffic is known for quality

services and it is one of the

leading Digital Marketing

companies in Mumbai and Pune.

We ensure that your business

grows online in an effective

manner by using SEO, Social

media, email marketing, content

marketing and many other digital


How to start with Taboola

and the differences in Paid

Promotion Websites

You have put all your hard work

into creating and producing superb

content with some infographics.

Now is the time to showcase your

content to the public at large. With

the help of social media and other

platforms like Storify and Stumble

upon you can reach some

influencers and get organic reach.

Sometimes we are just not

satisfied with the reach of our

content because of the hard work

and effort we put in. so what is the

alternate solution for superior

promotion? Paid promotions are

the answer to it. Paid promotions

are where you have to pay and

promote your content to reach a

larger amount of audience. Paid

promotions have a lot more

benefits than just the reach. It can

also help in fortifying your old


Even though this process is a bit

complicated, it is worth it all.

Hence, today we are providing a

guide to paid promotions for

Taboola and other websites.


Native advertising is a part of

content marketing where there are

paid promotions done to achieve

some goals.

Let us look at how to use Taboola

for paid promotions.

Taboola is a very famous platform

for content distribution. It gives aid

to reach out a massive audience

across the most famous sites

around the world. It is known as

the best platform for paid

promotions. With the help of this

platform, you can reach out to

trusted publishers and get

entrance to their audience. This

way you can integrate your content

in the user experience of their

website. the audience on the

publisher’s website consume your

content normally and helps them to

find something new.

But before merging and distributing

content, make sure that the quality

of your content is good and that it

provides value and information. Do

some research on your target

audience and select the right ones

based on demographics and

location. Distributing content to the

wrong people and publishers

makes no sense. Additionally, do

not expect the results to come

suddenly. Patience is the key.

These practices are very normal

but there are some brands like

buzz feed that go the additional

mile for promotions

They make sure that quality

content is built yet including the

message of the brand. Huge

investments are expected from the

brand side.

This sort of paid content

sponsorship is not something you

will do when you’re the first

beginning, however, there is one

best practice that is the quality of


While there are native

advertisements, on the side there

are PPC ads also that have their

own category.

Additionally, there is a huge

difference between content

marketing and native marketing

but many people consider it as



Many marketers consider PPC

advertisements as the best and

easy way to bring websites to the

top of search engines. PPC is

where you have to bid for relevant

keywords and when any user

clicks on the ad, the advertiser has

to pay for it. This is a very common

practice and it also useful in

promoting content.

Google AdWords is most

commonly used for PPC and

search advertisements.

Here also, one needs to do some

research to find relevant and low

competition keywords. Find out the

target audience and deliver quality

content to them that will add value.

The call-to-action button for the ad

should also be strong enough to

influence people to click on it.



Just like PPC and search

advertisement, banner

advertisements are worth.

Nowadays many people do not

use it but it is still important. They

are kind of short snippets with text

or multimedia. It is usually placed

at the top, left or right side of the

web page.

In-line advertisements too are

same as banners ads, but here the

text goes along with the graphics


For banner and in-line ads too, one

needs to pay attention to certain

things. Since the use of this type of

advertisement is diminishing, one

must ensure that the quality of

content is excellent. The target

audience should be relevant and

one must keep checking the

effectiveness of the campaign. For

some, it might work and for some,

it might not.


Social media is a huge platform

and has gained a lot of popularity

recently. The power of social

media is unexplainable and it can

help advantage a business. Almost

everyone is on social media and

many of them have already started

using it for promotions. It the

easiest to do paid promotions on

social media because it needs no

setup and it also reaches a

massive audience. The first

preference of marketers to do paid

promotions is social media

because more detailed targeting

happens there. When a user

makes a profile on any social

media platform, they have to add

in certain details that help in

targeting them better. Many brands

have their business pages on

social media and have already

started with organic promotions;

hence, it makes it easier to do paid


Well, on social media, there are

three platforms that are mostly

used for paid promotions and they

are, Facebook, LinkedIn, and



Facebook paid promotions to help

in detailed targeting and the

greatest advantage is that it

reaches a large number of

audience on a limited budget.

There is usually two kind of

promotions that happen on

Facebook. They have sponsored

updates and traditional ads. The

sponsored updates are Facebook

posts that are boosted by paying a

certain amount in your budget and

then targeting the required


Well, Facebook ads are completely

different. With the use of business

manager, one can run

advertisements. The ads are

served on Facebook feeds as a

banner. There are various options

and types of Facebook ads. One

can run ads for reach, likes, leads,

engagements, brand awareness,


While promoting on Facebook, one

must make sure that they take

complete advantage of the

advanced targeting options it

provides. One can target the

audience based on age, gender,

location, demographics, behaviors,

interests, etc.

Now let us look at how Twitter

helps with promoting trends.


The Twitter platform is the best to

find out what is trending currently.

One can fund an event or recent

news of twitter and run promotions.

Running ads on Twitter is similar to

Facebook ads. Here also you can

target and promote ads by location

and budget. In case you require

some advanced options, Twitter

Ads account has it. Twitter ad

accounts help in detailed targeting

and promote all types of content.

For paid promotions on twitter to

make sure that you select the right

audience and be very specific. Set

a goal and create creative

campaigns. Read up our complete

guide to Twitter marketing.

Another famous social media

platform is LinkedIn that is known

for B2B marketing and is business



Linkedin ads are also similar to

facebook and twitter. LinkedIn, as

you all know, is a B2B marketing

platform that focuses on business-

related topics. Here you get a

great opportunity to target people

by their exact title and industry.

Studies have even shown that

LinkedIn ads provide for three

times higher and conversion leads.

The only difference LinkedIn has is

that one cannot just boost any post

but one can to use the LinkedIn

Ads Account and then choose

between Sponsored InMail,

Sponsored content or Test


This is the best platform for

running ads because ads reach

professionals and there are more

chances of conversions. make

sure that you choose and target

the right audience and be specific

about the title, job function, and


The expense for LinkedIn ads is a

hit higher than other social media


Know the difference between

Facebook and LinkedIn ads.

The above are the types of paid

promotions one can do and use for

promoting content and getting

more reach and leads.
