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Green Isle of Tigreth Part 3

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Green Isle of Tigreth adventure thread – scenario 2 Tim Bancroft Slaver and Shipwreck This is a continuation scenario in the Green Isle of Tigreth beginning adventure thread. It is intended for Player Characters of 2 nd level or higher and provides a link between any previous scenario and the Green Isle thread. At the start, Player Characters are assumed to have been signed up as crew or marines on board the Dark Wind, a large Zingaran trader/slaver about to depart from Kordava. Alternatively, they may have been captured at the end of the previous scenario and are slaves aboard the galleass. Both options are catered for below. The scenario allows players to practice non-combat skills… Aboard the slaver Dark Wind The Dark Wind is a huge merchant galleass, with a large number of marine guards, a massive hold now mostly filled with slaves and trade goods, a rear cabin for the captain under the quarterdeck, and good set of sails. She is armed with a few catapults in case of any raids from the nearby Barachan Islands. She flies two grey pennants from her masts and on her taff-rail hangs the skulls of four pirate captains who tried to board and capture her. Her captain, Porto Hatheniar, is renowned for holding extreme, anti-pirate attitudes but I sotherwise respected as a sailor and master. Games master hint: If using Pirate Isles the ship can be classed as a slightly larger Zingaran Carrack with an additional Slave Hold. A plan and layout is provided. Departure Read or paraphrase the following section to the players: In time to the beating of a drum, the Dark Wind pulls away from the quay side. Oar-work is tough, but is better than life in the hold for you see the other dregs of the slaves shackled together in the hold with barely an inch of room between each other. From the looks of them, a few are obvious trouble- makers and those are badly scarred and marked, but most are the dregs of humanity, whether male or female and most are listless and dull-eyed: it seems that life has treated them harshly indeed. What surprises you is the imperiously beautiful woman manacled in the hold with them [and you]. The slave-girl is haughty and straight-backed with aquiline features, long, dark hair and flashing green eyes, a regal counterpoint to a well-toned and elegantly proportioned figure. She is uncooperative in the extreme with the hold-master and whilst he is generally careful to spare her the extremes of the lash those punishments she does receive do not break her spirit. After one such beating she speaks in fluent Zingaran. Through gritted teeth who hear her a simple threat: “When my family get hold of you…” Page 1 of 14
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Green Isle of Tigreth adventure thread – scenario 2 Tim Bancroft

Slaver and ShipwreckThis is a continuation scenario in the Green Isle of Tigreth beginning adventure thread. It is intended for Player Characters of 2nd level or higher and provides a link between any previous scenario and the Green Isle thread.

At the start, Player Characters are assumed to have been signed up as crew or marines on board the Dark Wind, a large Zingaran trader/slaver about to depart from Kordava. Alternatively, they may have been captured at the end of the previous scenario and are slaves aboard the galleass. Both options are catered for below.

The scenario allows players to practice non-combat skills…

Aboard the slaver Dark WindThe Dark Wind is a huge merchant galleass, with a large number of marine guards, a massive hold now mostly filled with slaves and trade goods, a rear cabin for the captain under the quarterdeck, and good set of sails. She is armed with a few catapults in case of any raids from the nearby Barachan Islands. She flies two grey pennants from her masts and on her taff-rail hangs the skulls of four pirate captains who tried to board and capture her. Her captain, Porto Hatheniar, is renowned for holding extreme, anti-pirate attitudes but I sotherwise respected as a sailor and master.

Games master hint: If using Pirate Isles the ship can be classed as a slightly larger Zingaran Carrack with an additional Slave Hold. A plan and layout is provided.

DepartureRead or paraphrase the following section to the players:

In time to the beating of a drum, the Dark Wind pulls away from the quay side. Oar-work is tough, but is better than life in the hold for you see the other dregs of the slaves shackled together in the hold with barely an inch of room between each other. From the looks of them, a few are obvious trouble-makers and those are badly scarred and marked, but most are the dregs of humanity, whether male or female and most are listless and dull-eyed: it seems that life has treated them harshly indeed. What surprises you is the imperiously beautiful woman manacled in the hold with them [and you].

The slave-girl is haughty and straight-backed with aquiline features, long, dark hair and flashing green eyes, a regal counterpoint to a well-toned and elegantly proportioned figure. She is uncooperative in the extreme with the hold-master and whilst he is generally careful to spare her the extremes of the lash those punishments she does receive do not break her spirit. After one such beating she speaks in fluent Zingaran. Through gritted teeth who hear her a simple threat: “When my family get hold of you…”

Her tormentor merely laughs in reply and gives her one more strike. She winces in pain, but her eyes burn with hatred. He chuckles and furls the whip. “Mustn’t harm you too much,” he says, then sees you watching and glares at you. “Mind what you’re doing! Or it’ll be the sharks for you!”

Life aboard a slaverFor the first three days of travelling on board the Dark Wind allow the Player Characters, whether slaves or guards, to settle into their allotted roles which will be one of those given below. Food and drink will be adequate for all working crew but conditions will be cramped. Food for those in the hold is barely enough to keep them alive.

Guard/Marine Given fairly free run of the ‘public’ areas of the ship but required to stand watch 8-12 hours out of every 24. Marines could, but generally don’t, climb rigging or enter the crowsnest but otherwise have fairly free run of the ship, including the arms locker.

Oar-slave If the character is reasonably strong (STR 11+) and co-operative he will be chained to the oars on the rowing deck and encouraged to row. Everything, including eating and sleeping, is often done at the oars.

Waister Mostly staying on the top deck but given free reign of the ship, if the character has usable craft skills, whether in woodworking, archery, cooking or metalwork. If a slave, these are

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chained beneath the poop when not working but are otherwise normally left free.Sailor/Topman If not enslaved the character could gain a job as a sailor or topman if the character has any

levels in pirate, or has Profession(sailor) 2 or more ranks or has 4 or more ranks in both Balance and Climb. Topmen are given effectively free run of the rigging and look-out basket and allowed on the top deck whilst ordinary sailors are allow a run of the lower rigging and most of the rest of the ship, but not the arms locker. No character who admits to being a pirate will be allowed to be a sailor on the Dark Wind: refer to Captain Hatheniar’s statistics for details.

Top-slave Otherwise similar to topmen, and needing the same qualifications, these are still working slaves but during their watch are given free run of the rigging and look-out basket and are allowed on the top deck. When not working, these are chained in the poop with other top-slaves. No character who admits to being a pirate will be allowed to be a top-slave on the Dark Wind: refer to Captain Hatheniar’s statistics for details.

Cargo Chained in the hold with no chance of moving if the character is too weak, too troublesome (has tried to attack any owner) or is otherwise unskilled. The cargo is constantly watched by 2-3 guards on a rotating shift. The manacles are very tough (DC 28 to break) but are set into the wood of the hull (DC 20 to pull out, 1 attempt per hour maximum). After the first day, ‘cargo’ will be fatigued and will suffer a temporary strength, constitution and dexterity loss of one per day spent chained in the hold, all of which are recoverable at normal rates once decent food and conditions are found.

The Dark Wind will skirt the Barachan Isles with care, despite its reputation. Any lookout will see one pirate ship which will close, see the Dark Wind’s profile, and rapidly turn away. Three days travel will see the Dark Wind off the coast of Trallibes, continuing in its journey towards Stygia.

This is a chance for various types of information gathering best run through a simple role-playing question-and answers, though simple “Gather Information” checks can be made if wished as the DC for each is given before the snippet of news.

(DC10) From an oar-slave the Player Characters can gather that they are unlikely to be rescued by Barachan Pirates: the Dark Wind is well-known as a professional ship with a competent crew: whilst her treasures are rich, even alone she would make a formidable opponent.

(DC12) There is one slave-girl upstairs, often close to the captain who cooks for him. She is attractive, generally fairly treated but, when asked by a friendly fellow-slave who is not sneaking about (such as a waister who is meant to be on-deck), will reveal that the Porto is actually badly scarred ‘from when he was a… a pirate! No one knows!’ and therefore ‘cannot perform his duties as a man: he merely keeps me with him for the image’. She is sure his crew would scorn him if they knew. In actual fact, anyone using this in attempted blackmail against Captain Hatheniar will find themselves instantly thrown into the cargo hold and double-manacled. They may also end up with a flogging depending on the severity and insulting nature of the use! She will not divulge this information to a marine or sailor, of course. If it is revealed to any of the sailors they will nod sadly and will not be affected by the revelation as they have an allegiance to the ship already and respect him as an experienced captain. If it is revealed to the marines they will merely laugh but know they are outclassed by his combat ability so will keep silent.

(DC12 from most slaves or DC15 from guards) The ship is bound for Khemi where the slaves in the hold will be sold for use by the Stygians. Most likely (the teller shudders) those who are not actively useful in some fashion will be sacrificed by some evil Stygian sorcerer. Games master: this is true!

(DC15 from slaves, or directly if the character makes a DC10 diplomacy role or has a Charisma bonus of +2 or more) The girl in the hold is Ameline Pompilius, a niece to Constans Pompilius of House Pompilius in Messantia. She was in Zingara to try and extend the shipbuilding interest of Asceline, perhaps bringing in specialist wood or rope from Zingara or establishing a separate slip. Unfortunately, she was captured by Barachan Pirates and taken to Zingara to be sold. She suspects, however, that the pirates were in the pay of another Messantian household She needs to get back to Messantia to warn House Pompilius and also to arrange a revenge strike on the pirates who captured her.

(DC18 from a sailor or experienced oarsman) The Barachan Isles may not pose much of a problem the way the captain navigates but he does come too close for comfort to a haunted hermit island. Normally its avoided but it

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is said to be the home of an ancient, twisted sorcerer, called for some unknown reason the Green Sorcerer. The Green Sorcerer is half-mad with his studies and loneliness…

(DC20 from another nearby sailor, marine or guardsman immediately after the item above) …though his loneliness was relieved a few years back when a young sorcerer left the mainland and went to the island to learn from him.

Games Master hints: Player Character slaves may try to break out but they should be persuaded to bide their time: there are around 35 marines on-board as well as 40 sailors, officers and skilled hands. Any activity onboard by the Player Characters could be rewarded with experience for skill checks. The Games Master should be aware that the ‘young sorcerer’ mentioned in the information above is actually a sorceress, but she will not be encountered in this scenario.

The Fourth DayRead aloud the following:

Early on the fourth day the sky is clear and the weather warm and pleasant. A strong breeze is coming from the west and the slaves are resting over their oars, the sails giving ample power to the galleass.

The lookout calls down from the crows nest to report the presence of an island some 15-18 miles away off the port quarter. On the quarterdeck the captain steps to his charts and unfolds a scroll. He nods, talks to a mate, and a mutter comes through the crew: it’s merely the island home of a cracked hermit, a treacherous place which all the ships avoid.

The lookout suddenly calls down to the deck and points towards the island. “There’s a storm brewing over the island!” The captain frowns and the first mate looks to him for advice. Then the lookout shouts again, this time with panic in his voice. “It’s brewing fast!”

You look towards the island and see a column of darkness forming between the land and the sky. Within the shifting dark are bands of a sickly green, bolts of lightning flashing between the bands. As you watch a green streak shoots into the sea from the sky, followed only moments later by another, then another. Thunder rolls and the air is rent by a distant sound as if a screaming menagerie holding all the animals of the world has been torn asunder.

A Knowledge(arcana) (DC 12) or scholars “Knowledge is Power” (DC 20) check will confirm this is probably the effect of a runaway spell.

Continue with the following section read aloud:

As you watch the column collapses to the ground, the streaks of green fold in around it and the green meteorites cease. There is a brief moment of ominous silence before the sea and island explode sending rock, ash, dust and darkness into the air. Thick clouds begin to spread across the sky, a pall of sickly darkness within which spears of lightning flash and roar.

The first mate reacts before you all. “Brace for a storm,” he shouts, shoving crew before him. “Get those sails down and batten down everything we have. Turn before the storm!” The captain sweeps up his scrolls and takes them into his cabin; the galley-fire is doused and the crew rush around trying to prepare for the storm and seas rushing towards you.

The Player Characters could try and break out now as all attention will be away from the slaves. They should receive favourable bonuses on any surreptitious activity, bonus of at least +4 on any hide or similar checks and should be allowed to break each other free providing they have the initiative to do so. Ameline Pompilius will demand to be set free, offering a huge reward of thousands of silver to anyone who gets her back to Messantia.

Games Master hint: If the players don’t make the attempt to loose their chains, have any guards near them run on deck to help fasten items down or stow goods securely in the captains cabin or in the hold. If that still doesn’t work, then they should be reminded that Conan is a heroic game…

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Troubleshooting: It is quite possible the players will be clever enough to figure out a way to escape and steal the ships boat stored onboard. If so, congratulate them but remind them they are a long distance from land and are adrift with few supplies. Nonetheless, the adventure can still continue: just adapt the following section to refer to the small boat they find themselves in. The characters will still become shipwrecked from the violence of the storm and will still see the strange clouds and lightning.

The tsunamiRead the following section aloud:

The sky darkens rapidly and rain begins to fall, except that this is not rain but blobs of green and black mud making a heavy, drum-like tattoo on the deck. The sea rises, waves becoming higher, and the ship has barely hauled it’s sails down and turned to head before the storm before the sea sinks, they rises and a massive wave towers over the ship.

The sea is picked up by the power of the wave and lifted high. Like a hunted seal in the jaws of an orcas it is raised high, tossed this way and that and then collapses to the sea once more, water careening over the deck as the bows bury themselves in the foaming water. Below-decks the water pours in through the oar-holes, washing down the companion-ways to the hold below. Locked in the grip of the massive wave the ship twists this way and that, timbers grinding and groaning under the strain.

The players should be asked what their reactions are. They should try and make it to the main deck and out of the hold and any player with Profession(Sailor) will know the hold is not the place to be! If they do not free Ameline Pompilius, who will remind them of her reward should they fail to do so, have her free herself by use of a knife or a lucky ripping and tearing of the timbers. She will still have the manacles around her wrists, however, from which a gallant Player Character can attempt to free her as she runs up on deck. Whilst she will handsomely reward a player who frees her (and who could be awarded a Fate Point), she will promise a financial reward to all who actively help her escape.

Player Characters may wish to pick on a guard to gain a weapon (use the marines listed later) or may try to pick one up from the hold.

Any person on the top deck, quarterdeck, poop-deck or on the oar-deck will have to make a reflex save (DC 12) or a strength check (DC 12) every three rounds to grab hold of a rope or to brace themselves against the pitching of the ship and the waves streaming over the deck. They can tie themselves down securely for a +8 circumstance bonus or can loosely anchor themselves which will give a +4 circumstance bonus to this checks. Otherwise, on any exposed deck, failure will mean they are swept overboard and below decks they will be dashed against the sides for 1d6 points of damage. Already many of the crew have lashed themselves to the deck or have already been swept overboard. In the hold, characters need to make swim checks (DC 15) every round, with a DC modifier of +1 per round as the water pours in and cargo gets tossed around.

Games Master hint: Any players who are not free by now could spend a Fate Point to have the straining of the ship weaken the decking where they are chained or have a spar break through their manacles. If characters do not make it, allow them to roll a new character whilst the game continues, either a marine or one of the other slaves in the hold.

ShipwreckUnder the strain the main mast lasts but a few moments and the mizzen follows shortly later, both snapping with a crack and a shiver which echoes round the ship. It makes no difference to the speed of the ship as it races forward under the power of the unearthly wave.

After what seems an age, the wave dies out or passes on underneath and the broken ship is left at the mercy of the lesser waves. Moments later there is a crash as the ship is thrown against an underwater obstruction and the ship lurches. Then another and the ship shudders. The waves lift her and you catch a glimpse of a craggy island to the west before she is dropped once more. With the moaning and cracking of rendering timbers the ship’s back breaks. You are flung from the deck into the roiling water.

The ship has struck a reef and the island is some way off. The characters will be flung into the calmer waters within the reef and will have to swim for safety. Each Player Character will have to succeed at five successive

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swim checks (DC 15) but can grab a piece of broken timber on one check and use it as support which will give an equipment bonus of +5 on subsequent Swim checks.

As a Player Character reaches the beach within the reef each will have to succeed at a fortitude save (DC 15) for which any Endurance or equipment bonuses will apply. Failure means they must take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage from exhaustion and will be fatigued.

The Player Characters can try and swim across the waves or against the sea but the DCs for such are +5 and +10 respectively. Moreover, they may come to ground on one of the outlying islands or on another part of the island completely: if so, the adventure will need to be adapted to enable them to swim across to the main island and to the fruitful jungle at the top of the cliffs. In such a situation, it is suggested that the Games Master stresses the lack of fresh water on the outlying islands though one, at least, has plenty of tree cover (as shown). Characters who do not swim towards the island will eventually drown or be eaten by sharks, kraken or the like.

MaroonedThe players will come to ground on sand in a tranquil bay (see map) at the foot of some dark and forbidding cliffs, the freak storm having passed. Around them is wreckage but no other survivors. A brief glance round will see some rocks reaching out into the sea to the east from the base of the cliffs between a half and one mile away but otherwise the black-stone cliffs look forbidding, reaching up 100’ overhead, and have jagged, seaweed-clad boulders at their base, bedded in the sand. A character specifically checking and enquiring or taking a closer look at the rocks will discover a high tide mark a short distance above them at a height which would mean anyone on them being dashed to pieces by the sea.

Way above, even clinging to the cliff in places, there are trees, bushes and plenty of shrubs and flowering plants. Indeed right at the top a riot of undergrowth hangs over the lip of the cliffs. On the slopes of the tall peak of the island can be seen so much forest that it resembles jungle. From this jungle comes the calls of birds.

If she was not rescued, the Player Characters will hear the calls of Ameline Pompilius after this brief inspection,. She will have escaped and, grasping an oar, is using it to paddle to shore. She will be fatigued and exhausted.

Players Map of the islandThe map provided shows the whole of the island, including the ruined quay, though the castaways will not be able to see it all, of course, on first landing.

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PrioritiesHaving been exposed to so much seawater the castaways are undoubtedly thirsty. The will also be hungry having not fed properly for a few days. The Games Master should lightly stress these facts without (yet) penalising any character. The key problem for the characters at this point is to find their way off the beach and up the cliff before the tide returns to dash them against the rocks.

On closer inspection the cliff face is a fairly easy climb (DC 15) but climb speeds and risks of falling from the 100’ high cliffs should be borne in mind.

The characters may decide to trawl the bay for other survivors (there are none), for wreckage such as rope, or to loot any washed-up bodies, of which there are several. There is a fair amount of splintered timber, short lengths of rope wrapped around spars (the longest piece of which is only 10’ long), several oars, a few wooden plates, and some soggy pieces of cloth. The bodies will be a mix of slaves, marines and sailors. Heavy items, such as shields, helms and crossbows, will have been discarded but a determined search will turn up with 4 belt-pouches each containing 2d8 silver (average 36 sl), two sets of firelighting flints (though with damp tinder), two arming-swords firmly lodged in their sheathes, two poinards, one dagger, a sealed quiver with 10 crossbow bolts, two leather jerkins, two sets of marine uniforms, two sets of sailors clothes and some lengths of wood which can be used as primitive staves.

To the west the cliffs come to a headland the beach ends at the large rocks. Around this headland can be seen a coastline with almost impenetrable rocks at the base of the cliffs. To the east, where the beach stretches round the bay, a band of rocks sticks into the sea (as noted above) but nothing obvious can be seen before the bay terminates at yet another headland.

If the Player Characters explore the beach, they will find that where the rocks stick out into the sea there is a cave, directly at the end of the line of rocks. Furthermore, the line is fairly straight and does not seem to have

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tumbled from the cliffs. Any character who tries to examine the rocks sticking into the sea will have to succeed at a Craft(masonry) or Knowledge(architecture and engineering) roll (DC 15) to realise that it certainly was once man-made and might have been a stone wharf. For now the waves wash over it and the remains are covered at high tide.

The cave is dark and a successful Craft(masonry) or Knowledge(dungeoneering) check (DC 15) will reveal that at one time it had a carefully crafted floor and cleared sides. A successful listen check (DC 15) will uncover a faint, flute-like whistle coming from the rear of the cave and a successful spot (DC 18) within the cave (it is dim and shadowed) reveals an upward-winding stair round a corner at the back hewed into the stone. The stairway circles upwards and is a minimum of 5’ wide, sometimes wider, and appears to follow faults within the rocks. If traced upwards, empty sconces will be discovered at regular intervals and occasionally holes allow wind and air to whistle through from the cliffs. The stairs are dirty and dusty and unused by any animals or life.

Near the top of the stairs a green light can be glimpsed filtering through vegetation over the mouth of the stairway and masonry and sticks and twigs can be seen on the stairs. The stairway itself comes out in the side of a small, rectangular building built to protect the stairs: the entrance, though, is beginning to crumble and is overgrown. The faint outline of a heavily overgrown path leading away from the building can be seen. Characters may push through the overgrowth to discover a riot of plant life and vegetation around them, warm jungle like in many respects: the top of the island is full of abundant plant-life and, from the calls in the trees, has many birds. However, a Knowledge(nature) check (DC 18) is required for a character to realise that there are no other animal calls and no sight of any other animal except, perhaps, very small and fast mammals or lizards.

The edge of the cliff is a problem as it cannot be seen: any character stepping near the edge or leaning over will need to make a spot check (DC 15) to see the real edge of the cliff or other wise slip and fall, requiring a reflex save to grab hold of anyone nearby or any vegetation. If they do fall, they will only fall around 20’ onto a ledge and suffer 1d6 damage, but will be stuck and will need to climb back up or somehow be rescued.

Having discover a way off the beach the Player Characters will, at least, be free and able to survive for a night unscathed on this part of this incredibly lush island. For now the scenario should end at the top of the stairs but, even without going far into the jungle, the group will be able to see there is plenty of edible fruit and plants and some larger birds could be appetising. The group should be encouraged to rest here and recuperate: to help with this Ameline Pompilius will insist on taking a rest for a while and just flop down at the top of the steps. “We all need a break. After all, if I am exhausted and bruised and battered after the shipwreck I’m sure you are, too.”

After the large number of successful skill checks and scenario targets, such as escaping, with the potential for some combat, they should be awarded around 600 to 900 experience points each.

Games Master resourcesUseful Non-Player Characters

Dark Wind MarinesMedium Human Zingaran Soldier 1; HD: 1d10 (10hp); Init: +1 [[[+1Dex+0Ref]]]; Spd: 30’; Dodge DV: 12 [[[+0Class +2Dex]]]; Parry DV: 11 [[[+0Class+1Str]]]; DR: 5[[[Lthr Jerkin 4, Steel Cap 1]]]; BAB/Grp: +1/+2[[[+1Class/+1Str]]]; Atk/Full Atk: Arming sword +4 [[[+1BAB+2Dex+1Zingaran]]] finesse melee and left hand poniard +3 finesse melee or thrown poniard +3PBS/PS ranged 5’ or crossbow +3PBS/PS ranged 60’ or +2 fist melee; Dmg: Arming swordF 1d10, 19-20/x2, AP 2 (Hd 10, hp 4) and poniardF 1d6 or thrown poniardF 1d6, 20/x2, AP 1** (Hd 10, hp 2) or Crossbow 2d6, 20/x2, AP 4** (Hd 5, hp 4) or 1d6+1 fist melee (lethal or non-lethal); Space/Reach: 5’ (1)/5’ (1); SA: +1d6 sneak attack, Two-weapon combat [[[Sol]]]; SQ: Zingaran qualities; SV: Fort +3[[[+0Con]]] Ref +2[[[+2Dex]]] Will +0[[[+0Wis]]]; Str: 12 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 11 Wis 11 Cha 13;Skills & Feats: [[[8 skill points]]] Balance +5 [[[2 bg skill +2Dex +1 Zingaran]]], Climb +5 [[[3 +2 Dex]]], Diplomacy +0 [[[+1Cha-1Zingaran]]], Intimidate +3 [[[2 +1 Cha]]], Profession(Sailor) +4 [[[1+2 bg skill +0 Wis +1 Zingaran]]], Search +2 [[[2 +0 Int]]], Sense Motive +2 [[[+1 Cha +1 Zingaran]]], Use Rope +5 [[[2 bg skill +2Dex +1 Zingaran]]]; [[[3 feats: 1st level, Favoured class, Soldier]]] Point Blank Shot, Brawl, Precise Shot Languages: Zingaran, Argossean, Stygian, Pictish, AquilonianPossessions: Arming sword, poniard, crossbow, belt pouch with personal possessions (2d10sp), clothes, boots, leather jerkin, steel cap.

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Notes: The marines will use non-lethal force if they are overwhelming any opposition but will never take risks with dangerous looking slaves. In a group, several will always have their crossbows ready whilst others will close with melee weapons hoping to surround opposition and wear them down. Weight or armour and kit is around 13-14lb giving a –2 on all swim checks.

Dark Wind SailorsMedium Human Zingaran Commoner 2; HD: 2d4 (4hp); Init: +1 [[[+1Dex+0Ref]]]; Spd: 30’; Dodge DV: 12 [[[+1Class +1Dex]]]; Parry DV: 11 [[[+1Class+0Str]]]; DR: 0; BAB/Grp: +1/+1[[[+1Class]]]; Atk/Full Atk: Cutlass -3 [[[+1BAB -4 non-proficient]]] melee or knife +2 finesse melee or thrown hatchett +2 ranged 10’; Dmg: Cutlass 1d10, 19-20/x2, AP 2 (Hd 8, hp 5) or knifeF 1d4, 20/x2, AP 0 (Hd 8, hp 1) or thrown hatchettF 1d6, 20/x3, AP 1** (Hd 5, hp 2); Space/Reach: 5’ (1)/5’ (1); SA: +1d6 sneak attack; SQ: Zingaran qualities, allegiance(Dark Wind), illiterate; SV: Fort -1 Ref +1 Will +1; Str: 10 Dex 12 Con 9 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 13;Skills & Feats: [[[12 skill points]]] Balance +4 [[[2 bg skill +1Dex +1 Zingaran]]], Climb +7 [[[4 +1 Dex +2 feat]]], Diplomacy +0 [[[+1Cha-1Zingaran]]], Profession(Sailor) +7 [[[3+2 bg skill +1 Wis +1 Zingaran]]], Sense Motive +2 [[[+1 Cha +1 Zingaran]]], Spot +2 [[[1+1Wis]]], Swim +4[[[2 +0 Str +2 feat]]], Use Rope +6 [[[2 + 2 bg skill +1Dex +1 Zingaran]]]; [[[1 feat: 1st]]] Athletic Languages: Zingaran, Argossean, AquilonianPossessions: Knife, belt pouch with personal possessions (2d6sp), loose clothes, sometimes boots. Cutlass if the weapon locker has been opened and they are prepared for boarding. Hatchets of various type are around the ship ready for use to cut free rigging, though once one has been thrown from a given area then no more will be in that area.Notes: The sailors will try and avoid combat if at all possible as they are, after all, just doing their job of sailing the ship. They are loyal to Porto only for as long as he is loyal to the ship.

Sir Porto Hatheniar, Captain of the Dark WindMedium Human Zingaran Soldier 3/Pirate 2/Noble 1; HD: 3d10+2d8+1d8 (40hp); Init: +9 [[[+1Dex+4Ref+4feat]]]; Spd: 30’; Dodge DV: 14 [[[+2Class +1Dex+1Sms]]]; Parry DV: 16 [[[+3Class+2Str+1Sms]]]; DR: 4 [[[Lthr Jerkin 4]]]; BAB/Grp: +4/+6 [[[+3Sol+1Pir/+2Str Atk/Full Atk: Arming sword F +6 finesse melee [[[+4BAB +1Dex +1 Zingaran]]] and left-hand poniardF +5 finesse melee OR two-handed broadsword +7 melee [[[+4BAB +3Str]]]; Dmg: Arming sword 1d10, 19-20/x2, AP 2 (Hd10, HP4) and poniardF 1d6, 20/x2, AP 1 (Hd 10, HP2) or two-handed broadsword 1d10+3, 19-20/x2, AP 3 (Hd10, HP5); Space/Reach: 5’ (1)/5’ (1); SA: +1d6 sneak attack, ferocious attack, two-weapon combat, formation combat(marine), to sail a road of blood and slaughter; SQ: Zingaran qualities, allegiance(Dark Wind), seamanship, title(knight), tank hath its privileges, wealth; SV: Fort +4[[[3Sol+3Pir+1Con]]] Ref +5[[[3Pir+1Sol+1Dex]]] Will +5[[[2Nob+1Sol+2Wis]]]; Str: 15 Dex 13 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 14 Cha 14;Skills & Feats: [[[18+10+5 skill points]]] Balance +5 [[[2 bg skill +1Dex +1 Zingaran +1Sms]]], Climb +7 [[[5 +1 Dex +1Sms]]], Diplomacy +5 [[[5+1Cha-1Zingaran]]], Intimidate +7 [[[5 +2 Cha]]], Knowledge(geography) +6 [[[5+1 Int]]], Profession(Sailor) +17 [[[8 +2 bg skill +2 Wis +1 Zingaran +3 feat +1Sms]]], Search +3 [[[2 +1 Int]]], Sense Motive +3 [[[+2 Cha +1 Zingaran]]], Swim +5 (+3) [[[3 +2 Str]]], Use Rope +5 [[[2 bg skill +1Dex +1 Zingaran +1 Sms]]]; [[[7 feats: 1st, 3rd, 6th; Fav class 1st 5th; Sol 1st ,2nd]]] Cleave, improved initiative, improved sunder, pirate code expert, power attack, skill focus(profession(sailor)), combat reflexes. Languages: Zingaran, Aquilonian, Argossean, Cimmerian, Kothian, Ophirian, Pictish, Shemite, Stygian, pirate code(Zingaran trumpets, Barachan smoke and rockets, Black Coast drums, Vilayet sea flags)Possessions: Arming sword, poinard, broadsword in cabin, belt pouch with personal possessions (1d10sp, 1d5gp), good clothes, boots, leather jerkin (ACP –1), raked hat, ship, charts (worth 200sp to anyone finding them), assorted goods in chest (several goblets worth around 20sp, statues, minor trade goods and baubles worth around 1d20+10sp each). He is proud of his recently appointment as a minor noble in Kordava so tends to bear a well-made arming sword (200sp) rather than his normal broadsword. He has a +2 bonus to charisma from his allegiance when dealing with the sailors on board the Dark Wind: few of the marines have any fixed allegiance to the ship.Notes: With armour, poinard and sword, weight is around 13-14lb giving an additional –2 to swim checks (included in the above). His seamanship gives him a +1 to Balance, Climb, Profession(sailor) and Use Rope as well as to defence aboard the Dark Wind (included in the above). Formation combat(marine) comes from Pirate Isles. If alone, he will tend to not use his ‘ferocious attack’ feature except if cornered and wielding his broadsword, but will do so if backed up by 2 or more marines or 4 or more sailors. He will also readily use his improved sunder capability to disarm opponents. Porto was badly scarred by another pirate during a brief career with the Zingaran Freebooters (see above) and now has an extreme distaste of any pirate bordering on hatred. Any and all Pirates he encounters will be quarterdeck court-martialled, found guilty, branded and thrown into the hold as a slave.

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Page 9: Green Isle of Tigreth Part 3

Green Isle of Tigreth adventure thread – scenario 2 Tim Bancroft

Ameline PompiliusMedium Human Female Argossean Noble 2; HD: 2d8 (12hp); Init: +2; Spd: 30’; Dodge DV: 12; Parry DV: 11; DR: 0; BAB/Grp: +1/+0; Atk/Full Atk: (None at present, potentially poinard +0 melee or thrown poinard +2 ranged 5’); Dmg: (None at present, potentially poinard 1d6-1, 20/x2, AP 1** (Hd 10, HP2)); Space/Reach: 5’ (1)/5’ (1); SA: Regional feature(Hyboria) +1; SQ: Argossean qualities; title(Lady Pompilius of Messantia); rank hath its privileges, wealth; SV: Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +4; Str: 9 Dex 14 Con 11 Int 14 Wis 13 Cha 17; Skills & Feats: [[[24 skill points]]] Balance +6 [[[2 bg skill +2 Argossean +2 Dex]]], Bluff +6 [[[3 +3 Cha]]], Diplomacy +7 [[[5 +3 Cha]]], Gather Information +7 [[[2 bg skill +2 Argossean +3 Cha]]], Knowledge(arcana) +4 [[[2 +2 Int]]], Knowledge (history) +3 [[[1 +2 Int]]], Knowledge(local) +3 [[[1 +2 Int]]], Knowledge(nobility) +7 [[[5 +2 Int]]], Perform(dance) +7 [[[2 +3 Cha +2 feat]]], Perform(ritual) +7 [[[2 +3 Cha +2 feat]]], Profession(sailor) +5 [[[2 bg skill + 2 Argossean +1 Wis]]], Ride +3 [[[1 +2 Dex]]], Sense Motive +3 [[[2 +1 Wis]]], Use Rope +6 [[[2 bg skill +2 Argossean +2 Dex]]]; [[[1 feat]]] PerformerLanguages: Argossean, Zingaran, Aquilonian, Ophirean, Shemite, Kothian, StygianPossessions: Nothing at present bar a flimsy pair of pantaloons and a blouse, though she has much in her family house.Notes: Niece to Constans Pompilius of House Pompilius in Messantia, Ameline is slightly patronising of those in the ‘lower orders’, being very much aware of her inferior status amongst her social ‘superiors’ in Messantia and she is also arrogant about the skills of Argosseans. However, she is a bit of a dilettante, having focussed on little during her education. In the slave hold she will be open to anyone with a Cha bonus of +2 or more who makes any attempt to talk to her and will freely state who she is. She will also offer a ‘substantial’ reward to those likely to be able to free her and suggests she can offer even more if she is rescued and taken back to Messantia; though the exact sums are not mentioned she will suggest ‘a thousand, perhaps more!’ To those who can open her up she will reveal she has vowed to study when she returns to Messantia and take revenge on those who imprisoned her: ‘I know who can teach me what I need to know!’ She also wants revenge on Captain Hatheniar, and considers it her right to demand such revenge given his treatment of her. Her noble regional feature gives her a +1 to attack rolls with broadsword, hunting bow, heavy lance and war spear, if she can get hold of them, as well as the Hyborian +1 with a greatsword.

Dark Wind Deck Plans

Most doors can be locked with a simple bar and require a strength check (DC 15) to break. The doors to the arms locker and slave hold are more secure and require a strength check (DC 20) to burst through. Only one additional person can help with breaking the doors. The ballista on the poop can be replaced by a catapult.

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Page 10: Green Isle of Tigreth Part 3

Green Isle of Tigreth adventure thread – scenario 2 Tim Bancroft

(Content symbols from Profantasy CC2 catalogue)

In profile the ship approximately resembles the following:

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