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Green Screen Fest Program

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program festivala14 - 16. novembar 2011.

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Page 2: Green Screen Fest Program

green screengreen screengreen screengreen screenREVIJALNI FILMOVI REVUE FILMS


Kolin Biven odlučuje da potpuno eliminiše svoj lični uticaj na životnu sredinu tokom cele sledeće godine. To znači da će se hraniti vegetarijanski, kupovati samo lokalno proizvedenu hranu, i isključiti frižider. To, takođe, znači da nema više liftova, televiz-ije, automobila, autobusa i aviona, upotrebe toksičnih sredstava za čišćenje, struje, potrošnje sirovine i bacanja smeća.Nikakav problem – bar za Kolina – ali on živi s porodicom u Njujorku. Ali kada je u celu priču uvukao i svoju ženu Mišel, koja zavisi od ispijanja espreso kafe i kupovine na rasprodajama kao i njihovu dvogodišnju ćerkicu, projekat “Čovek bez uticaja” je imao nepredviđeni uticaj sam po sebi.

105 minuta, reditelj/director :Joe Berlinger

93 minuta, reditelji/directors : Laura Gabbert, Justin ScheinČOVEK BEZ UTICAJA

Colin Beavan decides to completely eliminate his personal impact on the environ-ment for the next year. It means eating vegetarian, buying only local food, and turning off the refrigerator. It also means no elevators, no television, no cars, busses, or airplanes, no toxic clean-ing products, no electricity, no material consumption, and no garbage.No problem – at least for Colin – but he and his family live in Manhattan. So when his espresso-guzzling, retail-worshipping wife Michelle and their two-year-old daughter are dragged into the fray, the No Impact Project has an unforeseen impact of its own.


KKao insajderska priča zloglasnog slučaja “amazonskog Černobila”, film “Sirova nafta” je dokumentarna drama o pravnoj borbi oko velikih uloga, dok se u pozadini nalaze ekološki pokret, globalna politika, aktivizam slavnih ličnosti, zalaganje za ljudska prava, mediji i moć multinacionalnih korporacija i domorodačke kulture koje munjevito nestaju. Predstavljajući složenu situaciju sa različitih stanovišta, film podriva konvencije propagandnog, odnosno, jednostranog načina snimanja, istražujući komplikovanu situaciju iz svih uglova, stavljajući pritom u fokus važnu pripriču o ugrožavanju životne sredine i ljudske patnje.

TThe inside story of the infamous “Amazon Chernobyl” case, Crude is a real-life high stakes legal drama, set against a backdrop of the environmental movement, global politics, celebrity activism, human rights advocacy, the media, multinational corpo-rate power, and rapidly-disappearing indigenous cultures. Presenting a complex situation from multiple viewpoints, the film subverts the conventions of advocacy filmmaking, exploring a complicated situation from all angles while bringing an im-portant story of environmental peril and human suffering into focus.



“Green Screen Fest” je jedina manifestacija iz Srbije koja je uvrštena na zvanični kalendar UN događaja kojima se obeležava “godina šuma”. Forum UN za šume je obezbedio prikazivanje 13 dokumentarnih filmova različitih svetskih autora u delu programa pod nazivom “Šuma za ljude”.

“Green Screen Fest” is the only event from Serbia that has been put on the official UN Calendar of Events in connection to the “Year of Forests”. The UN Forum on Forests has provided the screening of 13 documentary films of various directors from all over the world in the separate part of the pro-gram, named “Forest for People”

Ovogodišnji festival je podržan od strane Sekretarijata za zaštitu životne sredine grada Beograda, Fonda za zaštitu životne sredine Republike Srbije i Ministarstva kulture, informisanja i informatičkog društva Republike Srbije.

This year’s festival has been supported by the Secretariat of Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade, Serbian Environmental Protection Fund and Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society of the Republic of Serbia.

U svojoj prvoj godini postojanja, “Green Screen Fest” je osvojio priznanje “Zvezde Beograda” za najbolji projekat iz oblasti zaštiti životne sredine u 2010. godini, čime je još jednom potvrđen kvalitet organizacije i program-skih sadržaja.

In the first year of its existence, “Green Screen Fest” got the award “Star of Belgrade” for the best project in the field of environmental protection, which once again confirmed the quality of Festival’s organization and pro-gramming.

Page 3: Green Screen Fest Program

green screengreen screengreen screengreen screenREVIJALNI FILMOVI REVUE FILMS UN PROGRAM FORESTS FOR PEOPLE


Afrički divlji raj - 57 min, MozambikNacionalniNacionalni park Loango u Gabonu koji je os-novao gabonski predsednik, Omar Bongo, je raj za nilske konje, kitove, sedmopruge usminjače, odnosno velike morske kornjače, i slonove. Biolog Dž. Majkl Fej i fotograf Majkl Nikols kreću na misiju da zaštite ovaj divlji raj, a Nacionalna Geografija je dokumentovala iza-zzove s kojim su se suočili u nastojanju ih očuvaju.

Africa’s Wild Eden - 57 min, MozambiqueGGabon’s Loango National Park, created by Gabon’s President, Omar Bongo, is a haven for hippos, whales, giant sea turtles and el-ephants. Biologist, J. Michael Fay, and photog-rapher, Michael Nichols, go on a mission to safeguard this wild Eden, and National Geo-graphic documents the challenges faced in preserving it.

FFilm Deponija prati poznatog umetnika Vika Muniza na putovanju od svog doma u Bruklinu do rodnog Brazila i do tamošnje deponije otpada koja je najveća na svetu i koja se nalazi u predgrađu Rio de Žaneira. Tamo fotografiše muzički eklekitčni bend “catadores” – sakupljače materijala za reciklažu. Munizova prvobitna namera je bila da “slika” catadores sa otpadom. Međutim, u saradnji sa ovim nadahnutim oso-bama, oni preobličavaju fotografije sebe, koristeći otpad, što ujedno otkriva i nji-hovo dostojanstvo i njihov očaj i catadoresi počinju da preobražavaju i svoj život.


WWaste Land follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world's largest garbage dump, Jardim Grama-cho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores”—self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s ini-tial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. However, his collaboration with these inspiring characters as they recreate photographic images of themselves out of garbage reveals both the dignity and despair of the catadores as they begin to re-imagine their lives.


Zarobljena voda ispituje ulogu industrije flaširane vode i njen uticaj na zdravlje, kli-matske promene, zagađenje, kao i našu zavisnost od nafte.Ovaj film je osuda jednog od najprisutnijih oblika potrošnje danas, kupovinu vode u flašama, i otkriva niz štetnih efekata, prateći ovu "prirodnu pošast", od proizvodnje do "odlaganja", uključujući i plutajuće kontinente plastičnih krhotina u Tihom okeanu, čija je površina dvostruko veća od kontinentalnog dela SAD-a.

Tapped examines the role of the bottled water industry and its' effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oilTThis movie is a condemnation of one of the most ubiquitous acts of consumption today, the purchase of bottled water, reveals a litany of damaging effects as it fol-lows this environmental scourge from production to “disposal,” including the Pacific Ocean’s floating continents of plastic debris twice the size of the continental United States.


ZAROBLJENA VODA 76 minuta, reditelji/directors :Stephanie Soechtig, Jason Lindsey

98 minuta, reditelj/director:Lucy Walker

Page 4: Green Screen Fest Program

green screengreen screengreen screengreen screenUN PROGRAM ŠUMA ZA LJUDE UN PROGRAM FORESTS FOR PEOPLE

www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/ www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/

Kraljica drveća - 52 min, FilipiniAko zanemarimo savršenu i kreativnu kine-matografiju, čudesna je stvar proučavati jedno jedino drvo smokve (ficus sycomorus), afričke kraljice drveća, koja ujedno predstavlja i mik-rokosmos i eko-kompleksnost Zemlje u celini.

The Queen of Trees - 52 min , PhilippinesImpeccable, creative cinematography aside, the wondrous thing about this study of a single sycamore fig, Africa’s queen tree, is that it’s a microcosm of the eco-complexity of the earth at large.

Zakon džungle - 6 min, SurinamZakon džungle je deo jednog filmskog projekta organizacije Global Focus – The New Environ-mentalists koji je nagrađen Emijem. Film portretira dvojicu lokalnih strastvenih ak-tivista u Surinamu, jednoj malo poznatoj južnoameričkoj državi. Oni su uspešno organi-zovali svoje zajednice protiv uništilačkih ki-neskih kompanija drvne industrije koje su krenule da seku šume na teritoriji Saramaka plemena u surinamskim prašumama. To je konačno dovelo do toga da je međunarodno telo, Inter-američki sud, donelo odluku da domorodački i plemenski narodi mogu da kontrolišu eksploataciju resursa na svojim teri-torijama širom oba američka kontinenta. Tekst čita Robert Redford.

Čovek zemlje (Nom Tew) - 7 min, DomenikaPParalelno sa vrevom gradskog života na majušnom karibijskom ostrvu Domenika, Džeri Maka Vest obrađuje svoj vrt u bujnoj unutrašnjosti ovog ostrva, svoj Zion, u kome gaji i priprema svoju hranu upravo onako kako su ga davno naučili njegovi baba i deda. Džeri je Nom Tew, čovek zemlje.

Glasovi šume - 6 minuta, TajlandSSelo Pred Nai je primer uspeha u borbi za pravo upravljanja svojim šumskim dobrima, u ovom slučaju jednim od poslednjih predela gde pos-toje eko-sistemi. Lokalno stanovništvo je išlo do krajnjih granica u toj borbi i uspelo da otera kompanije koje su došle da seku to drveće. Od tada, zajednica je organizovana da sačuva ssvoje mangrove, pri čemu svi njeni članovi učestvuju u donošenju odluka koje će takođe poboljšati njihovu egzistencijalnu osnovu.

Voices of the Forest - 6 min, ThailandTThe village of Pred Nai is hailed as a success in fighting for the right to manage their own forest, in this case one of Thailand’s last re-maining mangrove ecosystems. The locals took their battle to the highest level and drove out the developers. Since then, the commu-nity has organized to conserve its mangroves, with everyone taking part in making decisions that also improve their livelihoods.

Man of the Soil (Nom Tew) - 7 min, DominicaJuJuxtaposed to the hustle and bustle of city life on the diminutive Caribbean island of Domi-nica, Jerry Maka West works his garden in the island’s lush interior, his Zion, growing and pre-paring his food just as his grandparents once taught him. Jerry is Nom Tew, Man of the Soil.

Law of the Jungle - 6 min, SurinameThe Law of the Jungle is part of the Emmy Award Winning series Global Focus – The New Environmentalists.TThe film features portraits of two passionate, grass roots activists in Suriname, a little known South American country. They successfully or-ganized their communities against destructive Chinese logging operations on traditional Saramaka lands in Suriname’s rain forests. This ultimately lead to a landmark ruling in the IInter-American court, an international body, allowing indigenous and tribal peoples to con-trol resource exploitation in their territories throughout the Americas. Narrated by Robert Redford.

Vidimo crveno - 15 min, SADEEko-sistem Jeloustona uništava planinska pot-korna buba. Od prvih ekspedicija članova Borbe za šume u ovim šumama tokom zime 2009./2010. godine, preko prvih letnjih vo-lonterskih kampanja na ovim visoravnima, do jeseni kada smo krenuli u potragu za preo-stalim zdravim belim borovima. Film vidimo crveno prati korene jedne zajednice koja proučava, uvažava i pokušava da sačuva ovu vanredno važnu vrstu drveća u američkoj naj- bitnijoj divljini.

Seeing Red - 15 min, USAYYellowstone Ecosystem, which have been dev-astated by mountain pine beetle. From TreeFight’s first forays into the forest in the winter of 2009-2010, to its first volunteer field campaign in the high alpine meadows of summer, to the autumn, when we went in search of the remaining healthy Whitebark fforests, Seeing Red traces the roots of a com-munity initiative to study, appreciate, and hold on to this all important species in America’s most treasured wilderness.

Živi Amazon: Šuma budućnosti - 44 min, Brazil i PeruTTeško je odoleti osećaju očaja kada se suočimo da slikama razaranja prašuma, od kojih nam ponestane daha. Ali u toku dokumentovanja izuzetnih divljih životinja u toku snimanja Živog Amazona, Kristijan Baumajster otkriva da sve veće poštovanje amazonskih prirodnih čuda može da se shvati i kao nada za budućnosbudućnost.

Nada u vreme klimatskih promena - 28 min, Kina i RuandaOOvaj dokumentarac pokazuje da je moguće da se saniraju štete eko-sistema velikih razmera i da se obnove funkcije eko-sistema u prede-lima gde je bio sasvim uništen, zatim da se fundamentalno poboljšaju životni uslovi ljudi koji su preko više generacija upali u zamku siromaštva i da se ugljenik odvaja prirodnim puputem.

Odumiranje šume - 15 min, SADPPorast globalne temperature vazduha je prouzrokovao sve toplije zime na području Severne Amerike. To je omogućilo planinskoj potkornoj bubi da preživi zimu i održi svoj životni ciklus dok napada borove šume koje se prevashodno sastoje od malog, žutog i belog bora. Milioni hektara drveća u predelu zapad-nognog SAD-a i Kanade odumiru od štetočina i neka predviđanja ukazuju na to da će do kraja 2012 biti uništeno više od 80% ovih borovih šuma.

Death of a Forest - 15 min, USARRising global temperatures have created warmer winters in North America. This condi-tion has allowed the pine beetle to survive through the winter and complete its life cycle while attacking pine forests such as the lodge pole, ponderosa and white bark pine. Millions of acres of trees throughout the western US andand Canada are dying from the beetles and some estimates predict we will lose 80% of our pine forests by 2012.

Hope in a Changing Climate - 28 min, China and RwandaTThis documentary demonstrates that it is pos-sible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged eco-systems, to restore ecosystem functions in areas where they have been lost, to funda-mentally improve the lives of people who have been trapped in poverty for generations and to sequester carbon naturally

Amazon Alive: Forest of the Future - 44 min, Brazil and PeruItIt is hard not to feel despair at the overwhelm-ing images of rainforest destruction. But while documenting the region’s remarkable wildlife for the making of Amazon Alive, Chris-tian Baumeister discovers that an increasing respect for the Amazon’s natural wonders can translate into hope for the future.

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green screengreen screengreen screengreen screenUN PROGRAM ŠUMA ZA LJUDE SEFF

www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/ www.domkkv.hr

U inferno: Nauka o požarima - 11 min, SADTTokom sušnih godina, požari u Kaliforniji su koštali milijarde dolara i često bili uzrok izgu-bljenih života. Dok se vatrogasci odmaraju od jedne teške godine i pripremaju za sledeću, KQED ISTRAGA preispituje kako je upravljanje šumama u prošlosti doprinelo današnjem raz-buktavanju vatre.

Zaobilaznica - 4 min, PoljskaOOvaj kratki film, u kome je narator Robert Red-ford, je deo filmskog projekta Global Focus: The New Environmentalists. Poljska se nalazila na rubu opasnosti da izgubi njenu najdrago-ceniju, drevnu šumu kada je Malgorzata Gorska, jedna mlada ekološka aktivistkinja, povela borbu protiv poljske vlade i Evropske unijeunije da se promeni plan trase glavnog au-toputa koji bi ugrozio divlje životinje, vodne tokove i vegetaciju u staroj dolini reke Rospude.

The Detour - 4 min, PolandTThis short film, narrated by Robert Redford, is a part of the Global Focus: The New Environ-mentalists series. Poland was in danger of losing its most precious, ancient forest when Malgorzata Gorska, a young environmental activist, led the fight against the Polish gov-ernment and the European Union to reroute a major highway that would have jeopardized the wildlife, waterways and vegetation in the pristine Rospuda Valley.

Into the Inferno: The Science of Fire- 11 min, USAInIn dry years, fires in California cost billions of dollars and often result in lost lives. As fire crews rest from a rough year and prepare for this one, KQED’s QUEST looks at how the his-tory of forest management could be feeding today’s flames.

Prašume - 3 min.DaDa li možete da zamislite kako bi vam bilo da se zidovi vašeg doma sruše i unište? To je užasna pomisao, ali upravo to se dešava u šumama širom sveta. Predeo šume u veličini fudbalskog igrališta se uništava na svake dve sekunde, a ugrožene vrste kao što su gorile, orangutani i šimpanze su u opasnosti da izumruizumru još tokom našeg životnog veka. Film organizacije Greenpeace pokazuje vrlo jasno šta to znači. Ser Dejvid Ateneboro, Jan Mek-Gregor i glumac Endi Serkis su dali svoj glas podrške, jer nas ovaj film upozorava da ćemo imati velikih problema ako ne uspemo da sačuvamo naše prašume. Ali, ima još vremena…

Promeni još danas - 1 min.Da li ste znali da se toalet papir uglavnom pravi od drveća?

Switch Today - 1 min.Did you know that most toilet paper comes from trees?

The Ancient Forests - 3 min.Can Can you imagine what it would be like to have your home torn down around you and de-stroyed? It’s a horrible thought, but that’s ex-actly what is happening in forests around the world. With an area of forest the size of a foot-ball field being destroyed every two seconds, endangered species such as gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees are at risk of extinc-tion within our lifetimes. This Grevenpeace film shows all too clearly what this means. With the voices of Sir David Attenborough and Ewan McGregor and actor Andy Serkis, it is a stark reminder of what we stand to lose if we aren’t able to save our ancient forests. But, there is still time.

Sisački Ekološki Flmski Festival (SEFF) je nastao pre 4 godine u organizaciji Doma kulture “Kristalna kocka vedrine” iz Siska. Festivalski tim čini nekoliko mladih entuzijasta koji ekološki prihvatljivim prevoznim sredstvima (biciklima) obilaze Sisačko-moslavačku županiju i publici ruralnih i urbanih krajeva prikazuju kratke ekološke filmove u cilju buđenja ekološke svesti. SEFF je dosad gostovao na Pula film festivalu, MUN festu kod Duge Rese, na eko kampovima kod Bihaća, te na Green Screen Festu.

Sisak Eco Film Festival (SEFF) was founded four years ago by the Cultural Center “The Crystal Cube of Brightness” from Sisak, Croatia. The Festival team consists of several young enthusiasts who are visiting by using environmentally friendly transportation means (bicycles) the Sisak Moslavina County and screen-ing short environmental films to an audience in the rural and urban areas with the aim to raise ecological awareness. SEFF has so far taken part at the Pula Film Festival and MUN Fest at Duga Resa in Croatia, on eco-camps near Bihac in Bosnia and on Green Screen Fest in Serbia.

Page 6: Green Screen Fest Program

green screengreen screengreen screengreen screenŽIRI FESTIVALA FESTIVAL JURY

Studirao srpski jezik i književnost na Novosadskom univerzitetu. Jedan od osnivača i organizatora Ju-goslovenskog festivala jeftinog filma koji se održavao u periodu od 1998/2000. godine. Tokom 2001. I 2002. godine u Sarajevu snimao dokumen-tarni film „Kultura odgađanja“ o alternativnoj muzičkoj sceni u posleratnom Sarajevu. Od 2004. godine selektor programa „Mladi autori Evrope“ na Festivalu evropskog filma Palić. Od 2008. godine sarađuje sa Skoplje Film Festivalom na mestu selektora programa „Autorski film“. Iste godine na Festivalu evropskog filma Palić potpisuje program Paralele i sudari koji se bavi istočno-evropskom ki-nematografijom koji uređuje do danas. Kao produ-cent snimio dva dokumentarna filma „Nevidljiva nacija“ i „Banatski trougao“ Darka Kovačevića. Radi i kao urednik filmskog programa bioskopa EuroCinema u Subotici. Povremeno piše i objav-ljuje tekstove o filmu

Autor dokumentarnih i eksperimentalnih filmova, urednik/ selektor filmskog programa, prevodilac i publicist. Studirao je Sociologiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu, a diplomirao Filmsku i TV montažu na FDU u Beogradu 2000-te. Kao stu-dent i autor, član kino-klubske scene Beograda ob-javljivao je tekstove iz filmske publicistike i kritike u časopisima Non, Beorama, Talas i Ritam tokom 90-ih. Stipendista Goethe Instituta u okviru festi-vala Berlinale i Federazione Circoli del Cinema, na univerzitetu Dante Aligijeri, Reggio Calabria, Italija, tokom 2005/06. Preveo i priredio nekoliko dela iz oblasti estetike, istorije i teorije filma, ob-javljuje tekstove u časopisu za filmsku kritiku, es-tetiku i teoriju Filaz. Autor je više od dvadeset eks-perimentalnih i dokumentarnih filmova, prikazi-vanih i nagrađivanih na festivalima u zemlji i inos-transtvu. Neki od njegovih radova se nalaze u an-tologijama filmova iz Srbije. Učestvovao je u radu nekoliko žirija na filmskim festivalima u Srbiji, filmskim radionicama, kao selektor i učesnik retspektiva nacionalnih selekcija na manifestacijama u zemlji i inostranstvu. Od 1994. Do danas radi kao urednik Filmskog programa u DKSG. Od 2009-te selektor je programa Eco Dox u okviru Festivala Ev-ropskog filma Palić, kao i selektor filmova iz Srbije na Medjunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma – Beldocs

The author of documentary and experimental films, editor/selector of film program, translator and publicist. He studied sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, but in 2000 made his degree in Film and TV editing at the Faculty of Dra-matic Arts in Belgrade. As a student, author and member of Belgrade cine-club scene, he pub-lished film articles and critics in the magazines Non, Beorama, Talas (The Wave) and Ritam tokom 90-ih (The Rhythm during the 90ies). In 2005 and 2006 he got scholarships from the Goethe Insti-tute for the participation at the festival Berlinale and from Federazione Circoli del Cinema for the University Dante Alighieri, in Reggio Calabria, Italy. He translated and edited several works of film aes-thetics, history and theory. He also publishes ar-ticles in Filaz, the magazine for film critics, aes-thetics and theory. He is the author of more than twenty experimental and documentary films, screened and awarded on festivals in the country and abroad. Some of his work can be found in the Serbian film anthologies. He participated as a jury member on several film festivals in Serbia, on film workshops, and as selector and participant of ret-rospectives of national selections on events in the country and aboard. Since 1994 he has been working as editor of the Film program in DKSG. Since 2009 he has been selector of the program Eco Dox within the European Film Festival Palic, as well as selector for Serbian films on the Interna-tional Documentary Film Festival – Beldocs.

has studied Serbian language and literature at the University of Novi Sad. He is one of the founders and organizers of Yugoslav Low budget Film Festi-val that was held from 1998 to 2000. During 2001 and 2002, he was filming a documentary “The Cul-ture of Postponing” in Sarajevo, about the alterna-tive music scene in post-war Sarajevo. From 2004 he has been program selector “Young Spirit of Europe” at the European Film Festival Palic. From 2008 he has been cooperating with Skopje Film Festival as a selector for “Auteur Film”. In the same year he signed the program “Parallels and Encoun-ters” for East-European Cinematography that he has been editing ever since. As a producer, he has made two documentaries/direct dramas, Darko Kovacevic’s “Invisible Nation” and “The Triangle of Banat”. Mitric works as the film program editor in EuroCinema in Subotica. From time to time, he writes and publishes texts about films.

Radi u Sekretarijatu za zaštitu životne sredine na poziciji načelnika Odeljenja za upravljanje projek-tima zaštite životne sredine i zaštite prirode od 2007. godine. Pre Gradske uprave Grada Beograda radila na Rudarsko-geološkom fakultetu u Beogradu (1997-2002) i u Ministarstvu za zaštitu prirodnih bogatstava i životne sredine, najpre u OOdseku za geološka istraživanja a potom u Odeljenju za međunarodnu saradnju (2005- 2007). Autor i koautor preko dvadeset naučnih radova objavljenih u zemlji i inostranstvu. Dobitnik brojnih nagrada i priznanja u oblasti ekologije. Autor i koautor oko 20 projekata i elaborata o podzemnim vodama. Rođena 1971. godine. UdUdata, majka dvoje dece.

She has been working at the Secretariat for envi-ronmental protection and nature conservation since 2007, as head of the Department for project management. Before that, she has been employed at the Faculty of Geology in Belgrade (1997-2002) and in the Ministry of Natural Heritage and Envi-ronment Protection, first at the Dept. for geological research, later on at the Dept. for international co-operation (2005-2007). She has been the author and co-author of more than twenty scientific works, published in the country and abroad. She re-ceived numerous awards and recognitions in the field of ecology. She is author and co-author of ap-proximately twenty projects and studies on ground waters. She was born in 1971, married and mother of two children.

Petar Mitrić Petar Mitric

Igor M. Toholj Igor M. Toholj

Nataša Đokić Natasa Djokic

Međunarodni konkurs za amaterski i kratki film je bio otvoren od 01. juna do 10. oktobra. Tema konkursa je, u skladu sa obeleževanjem Međunarodne godine šume, bila “šume i šumski eko-sistemi”. Prijavljeno je preko 60 filmova, koje je ocenio Žiri takmičarskog programa festivala.

International contest for amateur and short film was open from 01 June to 10 of October. In ac-cordance with the International Year of Forests marking, the topic of the competition, was "For-ests and forest ecosystems." Over 60 films applied and is evaluated by the jury of the festival competition program.

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„Pl„Plavo – zelena mapa“ je aplikacija dizajnirana isključivo za korišćenje na platformama sa iOS i Android opera-tivnim sistemima, što je čini kompat- ibilnom sa većinom mobilnih uređaja koji se danas koriste.

Uz pomoć „Plavo – zelene mape“ u mogućnosti ste da uz tehnologiju „proširene stvarnosti“ na nov, drugačiji i interaktivan način upoznate zaštićena prirodna dobra grada Beograda i uživate u njima iz sasvim drugog ugla.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

BLUE-GREEN MAP “Blu“Blue-Green Map” is an application designed exclusively for the use on platforms with iOS and Android oper-ating systems, which makes it com-patible with most mobile devices that are in use today.

With the help of “Blue-Green Map”, applying the technology of “augmented reality”, you are able to learn about the protected natural heri-tage of the City of Belgrade in a new, special and interactive way and from a completely different angle.

GREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individuals that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstrations of their innova-tions, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for all visitors of the Festival.

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

GREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individuals that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstrations of their innova-tions, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for all visitors of the Festival.


www.bgmap.rs www.asket.net


ASKASKET je studio specijalizovan i serti-fikovan za održivu gradnju, koji je kroz svoje projekte posvećen održivim principima i načinu gradnje koji smanjuje negativan uticaj na oko-linu.

Građevine utiču na životno okruženje i zato se teži pronalaženju odgovarajućih metoda i strategija u cilju njegove zaštite. U njihovom studiju, održivost je prepoznata kao centar radne prakse, koju podržava i opravdava tim sačinjen od LEED akreditovanih profesionalaca i “Cradle to cradle” stručnjaka


ASKASKET is studio specialized and certi-fied in green building design. ASKET embrace sustainable principles in all projects and is committed to con-struction that minimizes ecological impact.

They recognize that buildings have an enor-mous impact on the environment and pursue policies, practices and design solutions to pro-tect the environment. Ensuring that sustainabil-ity is recognized at the centre of their design practice, core of their team consists of LEED Ac-credited professionals and “Cradle to cradlespecialists

Page 8: Green Screen Fest Program

GREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for


Inicijativa Za održivu Urbanu Mobilnost

IInicijativa Za održivu Urbanu Mobil-nost je neprofitna, nevladina i nestranačka organizacija koja deluje u sferi civilnog sektora na podizanju nivoa svesti građana/ki o savremenim i alternativnim vidovima mobilnosti i javnog života u urbanim sredinama primenomprimenom novih tehnologija koje su u skladu sa etikom održivosti.

CIKLIRANJE je nova filozofija kretanja. Jednosta-van, pristupačan, zdrav i čist način kretanja po gradu. To je sistem javnog prevoza koji uz pomoć savremenih, zelenih tehnologija koristi bicikl na sasvim nov način.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

Initiative for Sustainable Urban Mobility IInitiative for Sustainable Urban Mo-bility is a non-profit, non-governmen-tal and non-partisan organization op-erating in the sphere of civil sector on elevating the citizen’s awareness about modern and alternative forms of mobility and public life in urban areas using new technologies that are consistent with the ethics of sustain-ability.

CYCLING is a new philosophy of mobility. Easy, accessible, healthy and clean way of moving around the city. This system of public transpor-tation, by using modern, green technologies, uses the bicycle in a completely new way.

www.cikliranje.com www.tob.rs

Turistička organizacija Beograda Turistička organizacija Beograda (TOB) je javna služba Skupštine grada Beograda čiji je delokrug rada promo-cija i razvoj turističke ponude grada Beograda.

The Tourist Organization of Belgrade TThe Tourist Organization of Belgrade (TOB) is a public service of the Assem-bly of the City of Belgrade, founded to conduct activities relating to develop-ment, preservation and protection of tourist values on the territory of Bel-grade.

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MMTV je mlad, energičan i dinamičan brend koji povezuje muziku, kreativnost i urbanu mladalačku kult-uru.

Tokom 30 godina koliko postoji, MTV se razvio u globalnu muzičku instituciju koja inspiriše i edukuje mlade ljude i podstiče ih da budu ak-tivno uključeni u svoju društvenu zajednicu, na taj način menjajući svet oko sebe.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

MTV MTV is a young, energetic and dy-namic brand that combines music, creativity and urban youth culture.

During the thirty years of its existence, MTV has become a global music industry that inspires and educates young people and incites them to be actively involved in the social communities, changing thus the world around them.

www.mtv.rs www.nektarinanonprofit.com

Nektarina Non Profit NektarinaNektarina Non Profit je međunarodna neprofitna organizacija posvećena obučavanju ljudi da se brinu o svojoj životnoj sredini i zajedno se angažuju u cilju obezbeđenja održive budućnosti.

OOva organizacija je aktivna u 30 zemalja Cen-tralne, Istočne i Jugoistočne Evrope, na Mediter-anu, Centralnoj Aziji i Rusiji, kroz svoju mrežu od 5,000 škola, univerziteta, lokalnih uprava i orga-nizacija civilnog društva. Volonteri su važan deo u aktivnostima Nektarina Non Profit organizaci-je, pošto više od 200 volontera joj pomaže svake godine da realizuju svoje programe u regionu.

Nektarina Non Profit NektarinaNektarina Non Profit is an interna-tional non-profit organization dedi-cated to educating people to care about their environment and work together towards a sustainable future.

TThe organization is active in 30 countries across Central, Eastern and South East Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Central Asia and Russia, through its network of over 5,000 schools, uni-versities, local councils and CSOs. Volunteers are an important part of Nektarina Non Profit’s ac-tivities, as more than 200 volunteers help each yyear to implement their programs across the

Page 10: Green Screen Fest Program

GREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for



NATURE & ART PROJECT je inicijativa za promenu odnosaprema prirodi kroz umetničkeiintervencije.

Zašto:Zbog odgovornijeg odnosa prema sebi i prirodi/okolini (zbog bolje perspektive ljudskog opstanka, zbog egzistencijalne slobode i oprirodnjavanja).Kako:KolonijKolonije, izložbe, akcije, umetnički radovi u različitim medijima, site-specific intervencije, radionice, predavanja, intervencije u javnim prostorima, tekstovi, blog, saradnja sa orga-nizacijama koje se bave ekologijom.


NNATURE & ART PROJECT is an initia-tive for an attitude change towards the nature through artistic interven-tions.

Why: To become more accountable to oneself and the nature/environment (to gain a better per-spective about the survival of mankind, existen-tial freedoms and denaturalization).How: Art colonies, exhibitions, activities, art work in various media, site-specific interventions, work-shops, lectures, public performances, texts, blog, cooperation with environmental organi-zations.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

www.nature-and-art.rs www.dajdaj.com


Iza imena DajDaj stoje dve prijateljice i kume, koje su uložile sopstvena sredstva u pokretanje proizvodnje platnenih pelena od bambusa.

PPlatnene pelene nove generacije u potpunosti liče na jednokratne, peru se u mašini, ne pegla-ju se. Napravljene su od 100% prirodnih materi-jala, mešavina bambusa i organskog pamuka, čuvaju okolinu i isplativije su od jednokratnih pelena. Na polju životne sredine, platnene pelene imaju veliku prednost u odnosu na jednokratne pelene koje su široko zastupljene.


Behind the name DajDaj stand two female friends that have invested their own money in starting the pro-duction of fabric diapers, made of bamboo.

The fabric diapers of a new generation look ex-actly the same as the ones for one-time use, they can be machine washed and needn’t be ironed. Made of 100% natural materials, a blend of bamboo and organic cotton, they protect the environment and are less expensive as the one-time diapers. Ecologically, the fabric dia-pers have a huge advantage in comparison to the one-time diapers that are still widely repre-sented on the market. .

Page 11: Green Screen Fest Program

GREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for


Manufaktura Miletin

MManufaktura “Miletin” je mala porodična radionica koja se bavi izra-dom biorazgradivih higijenskih sred-stava, promocijom zaštite životne sre-dine i permakulture uz poštovanje principa fer trgovine.

Manufacture Miletin

TThe Manufacture Miletin is a small family enterprise producing biode-gradable hygiene cleanser, by pro-moting thus environmental protec-tion and respect of the principles of perm culture and fair trade.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

www.manufakturamiletin.com https://sites.google.com/site/ekobagserbia


EEKOBAG je prvo ekološko – socijalno preduzeće u Srbiji. Angažuje žene preko 45 godina, koje su usled tranzi-cionih promena, ostale bez posla i imaju otežan pristup zaposlenju. Obuku u radu prošlo je 19 žena, ali je njih 5 odlučilo da osnuje preduzeće.

Bavi se specifičnom reciklažom korišćenih štampanih PVC vinila – banera iz reklamnih kampanja. Od ovog materijala šiju se različiti predmeti visoke upotrebne i dodate vrednosti (torbe, fascikle, futrole, novčanici i slično).


EEKOBAG is the first socio-ecological enterprise in Serbia. It engages women in the age of 45 and above who lost their jobs in the course of the transition and had little chances find-ing a new one. 19 women have fin-ished the training, but only 5 of them decided decided to found the company.

Company is recycling printed pvc vinyl fabrics originating from advertisement billboards and banners. These materials are re-used for pro-duction of various products of high usage and added value (bags, folders, purses and similar products).

Page 12: Green Screen Fest Program

GREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE is an information and exhibition area dedicated for organizations and individu-als that are developing innovative green programs and ideas. Presentations and demonstra-tions of their innovations, with display cases and photographs will form a welcome square for


Tehnička škola „Zmaj“

PPelcer reciklaže među učenike Tehničke škole „Zmaj“ u Zemunu doneo je profesor Ivan Radović. Đaci poljoprivrednog smera su ga oberučke prihvatili i odlučili da ga odneguju.

OOdmah su mu našli mesto, usadili su ga u središte učeničkog preduzeća „Limen“, gde je bio siguran od štetočina i bolesti. Shvatili su da su dobro zemljište za pelcer aluminijumske li-menke, jer se mogu iskoristi za proizvodnju nameštaja. Sa sloganom: „Recycling grows!“ Limen se kreće u zdraviju budućnost.

Technician School “Zmaj”

TThe teacher Ivan Radovic from the Technician School “Zmaj” in Zemun has brought the cutting of recycling to his students. The students of the agricultural department have gladly accepted it and decided to nourish it.

TThey find a place for it in the students’ enter-prise “Limen” where it has been well protected from pests and illness. They realized that a good soil for the cutting lies in aluminum cans, as they can be re-used for the production of furni-ture. With the slogan: “Recycling grows!” Limen is heading towards a healthier future.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

www.skolazmajzemun.edu.rs www.koncar.edu.rs


UUčeničku kompaniju “KONCHAR CREW” čini grupa učenika elektrotehničke škole “Rade Končar” iz Beograda. Kompanija se bavi izra-dom magneta za frižider, osveživača vazduha, ukrasnih predmeta, kutija za olovke od recikliranog elektron-skog otpada.

Kompanija radi u cilju prezentacije škole i pro-movisanju veština učenika kroz vannastavnu aktivnost, na kreativan način. Cilj ove akcije je bila reciklaža elektronskog otpada, čime se škola pridružila ideji o zaštiti čovekove sredine


StudeStudents’ company “KONCHAR CREW” consists of a group of stu-dents Electrical Technician School “Rade Koncar” in Belgrade. The com-pany produces magnets for the fridge, air fresheners, decorative items, pencils cases of recycled electronic waste.

The company is active with the aim to present their school and to promote the students’ skills in extracurricular activities in a creative way. The goal of this action was to recycle electronic waste and to join thus the idea of environmen-tal protection.

Page 13: Green Screen Fest Program

Smart of

UUčeničku kompaniju “Smart of” os-novali su 2011. godine učenici Zubotehničke škole Beograd, sa viz-ijom da postanu sinonim za učeničku kompaniju koja kontinuirano postav-lja više standarde, kako u oblasti poslovanja, povećanja društvene odgovornostii i očuvanja životne sre-dine tako i u oblasti kvaliteta življenja, koja ne samo da uvodi nove trendove i navike, nego ih predviđa i kreira u dosluhu sa budućnošću.

Njihova oba proizvoda, Smart saksije i Pluća zmaja, su praktični, ekološki i korisni predmeti, proizvedeni u skladu s principima socijalne odgovornosti.

Smart of

StudeStudents’ company “Smart of” was founded in 2011 by the students of the Dental School in Belgrade with the vision to become a synonym for a stu-dents’ company continuously setting higher standards in the field of business, developing the sense for social responsi-bility and preservation of the environ-ment as well as in the field of improving the quality of life by acquiring not only new trends and habits, but also predicts and creates them by being in cahoots with the future.

Both of their products, Smart Pots and Dragon Lungs are practical, ecological and useful items, produced respecting social responsibility prin-ciples.

GREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE je informativno - izložbeni prostor posvećen organizacijama i pojedincima koji razvijaju inovativne zelene programe i ideje. Prezentacije i demonstracije pronalazaka, izložbene vitrine i fotografije će formirati square dobrodošlice za sve posetioce Festivala.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUAREGREEN SQUARE GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN SQUAREGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.


www.zts.edu.rs wwf.panda.org


WWWF – Svetski fond za prirodu, osno-van je 1961. godine. U pet decenija, WWF je postao jedna od najvećih i na-juglednijih nezavisnih svetskih orga-nizacija za zaštitu prirode. Stekli su poverenje više od 5 miliona ljudi, re-alizovali preko 12,000 projekata koji doprinose očuvanju biološke raznovrsnosti, prirodnih resursa i harmoničnom suživotu ljudi i prirode.

Svoju pažnju strateški usmeravaju na očuvanje ključnih predela i ključnih vrsta koje su od izuzetne važnosti.


WWWF – World Wide Fund for Nature was founded in 1961. During the past five decades, WWF has become one of the largest and most distinguished inde-pendent world organizations for nature protection. They have gained the trust of more than 5 million people, carried outout more than 12,000 projects for con-servation of biological diversity, natural resources and well-balanced co-existence of mankind and nature.

Their focus lies strategically in the perseverance of key areas and key species that are of outmost importanc

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EEko-Musketari su svi učenici OŠ „Drinka Pavlović“ koji vode računa o životnoj sredini i shodno tome, razmišljaju i ponašaju se drugačije od svojih vršnjaka.

NNjihov zajednički cilj je da obrazuju druge kako se štedi energija, čuva voda, sakupljaju i recik-liraju sekundarne sirovine, racionalno koriste prirodni resursi, i šta znači biodiverzitet i koliko je važno njegovo očuvanje za generacije koje dolaze iza nas.


EEco-Musketeers are all students of the Primary School “Drinka Pavlovic”, Bel-grade, who are taking care of the envi-ronments and adapting thus a different way of behaving and thinking of the majority of their peers.

Their common aim is to educate others in saving energy and water, collecting and recy-cling secondary materials, rationally using natu-ral resources as well as what is means biodiver-sity and how important it is to preserve it for the generations to come.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.

GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.


www.drinka.rs www.osboskovic.edu.rs

Osnovna škola “Ruđer Bošković” OsnOsnovna škola “Ruđer Bošković” je prva privatna osnovna škola u RS, osnovana 2005. godine, akredito-vana od strane Ministarstva prosvete RS. Škola ostvaruje model integri-sanog programa koji obuhvata nacio-nalni program i međunarodne prgrame za učenike osnovnoškolskog uz-rasta (Cambridge Primary & Lower Secondary Programmes). Primena savremenih metoda u nastavi, analiza svih oblika rada i realizacija brojnih vannas-tavnih aktivnosti, omogućavaju sticanje kvalitetnog opšteg znanja.

Primary School “Rudjer Boskovic” PPrimary School “Rudjer Boskovic” is the first private primary school in Serbia, founded in 2005, accredited by the Min-istry of Education of the Republic of Serbia. The school implements the model of integrated program which refers to the National Curriculum and to iinternational programs for students of primary education (Cambridge Primary & Lower Secondary Programmes).

The application of modern teaching methods, analysis of all working ways and conduct of nu-merous extracurricular activities provide acquir-ing general knowledge of quality.

Page 15: Green Screen Fest Program


IUCNIUCN (Međunarodna unija za zaštitu prirode) je najstarija i najveća global-na ekološka organizacija i mreža stručnjaka za zaštitu prirode sa više od 1,000 članova iz vladinog i nevladi-nog sektora i skoro 11,000 stručnjaka volontera, organizovanih u oko 160 zemalja.

IUCN pomaže svetu da nađe praktična rešenja za najvažnije izazove u oblasti zaštite životne sredine i održivog razvoja. Vizija IUCN-a je pravedan svet koji vrednuje i štiti prirodu.


IUCN,IUCN, International Union for Conserva-tion of Nature is the oldest and largest global environmental organization and an expert’s network for nature protec-tion with more than 1000 members from governmental and non-govern-mental sector and almost 11,000 experts-volunteers organized in about 160 countries.

IUNC is assisting the world to find practical solu-tions for most important challenges in the area of environmental protection and sustainable development. The vision of IUNC is a just world that respects and protects the nature.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.

GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.


www.iucn.org www.proconcept.rs


PProConcept je stručna organizacija građanskog društva koja radi na ino-vativnim menadžerskim rešenjima za nevladine organizacije, promoviše so-cijalno predzetništvo i šire građansko učešće u sferi javnih finansija.

Svoje aktivnosti ProConcept razvija i sprovodi kroz tri programa:

- Program razvoja civilnog društva - Program Javne finansije i dobro upravljanje- Program Podrške malim i srednjim preduzećima i socijalnom preduzetništvu u Srbiji.


PProConcept is a professional civil society organization focused on innovative management solutions for non-governmental anifestacije. They pro-mote social entrepreneurship and a broader citizens’ participation in the sphere of public finance.

ProConcept develop and carry out their activi-ties through three key programs:

- Civil Society Development Program- Public Finance and Good Governance Program- SME Assistance Program

Page 16: Green Screen Fest Program


EEKOZOV je kompanija učenika Medicinske škole na Zvezdari u Beogradu. Osnovana je 15. Juna 2007. godine. Trenutno ima 20 članova, učenika II1 razreda laborato-rijskog smera. Direktor kompanije je učenica Danijela Mazić, a mentor pro-fesor Milena Stojičić.

Osnovna delatnost kompanije je sakupljanje sirovina za reciklažu i zaštita životne sredine od zagađenja. Njihovo malo preduzeće se bavi ve-likim i značajnim poslom sakupljanja belog papira i njegovim vraćanjem u upotrebu ručnom proizvodnjom hartije. Ručno izrađen papir se zatim može upotrebiti za ukrasne kkoverte, čestitke, kutije, omote ili neke druge ukrasne predmete.


EEKOZOV is a company established by the students of the Medical School in Zvezdara municipality, Belgrade. It was founded on 15 June 2007. Presently, it has 20 members, all of them being second year students of the laboratory department. The director of the com-papany is the student Danijela Mazic, with her teacher Milena Stojicic mentoring her.

The core business of the company is collecting materials for recycling and environment protec-tion from pollution. Their small enterprise deals with large and important business of collecting white paper and re-using it for manual paper production. Manually produced paper can fur-ther be used for decorative envelopes, cards, boxes, wrapping paper and other ornamental items.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.

GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.


www.medicinska-zvezdara.edu.rs www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16041559646

Osnovna škola „Stevan Sremac“ OsnOsnovna škola „Stevan Sremac“ – Ponosni su što učestvuju i na drugom festivalu ekološkog filma i što mogu da pokažu da se u školi ponašaju i žive u skladu sa prirodom. Razdvajaju, pri-kupljaju i prodaju sve vrste otpada (papir, plastiku, limenke i elektronski otpad).otpad). Zauzvrat dobijaju učenike sa visokim nivoom svesti o smanjenju količine otpada i očuvanju životne sredine.

Učenici učestvuju u mnogim akcijama, obeležavaju sve praznike u vezi sa očuvanjem prirode.

Primary School “Stevan Sremac” PPrimary School “Stevan Sremac” stu-dents are proud to participate for the second time at the Green Screen Fest and that they can show that in their school they are behaving and living in accordance with the nature. The stu-dents are dividing, collecting and selling all sorts of waste (paper, plastics, cans and electronic waste). As a benefit the school sees in educating students with a high level of awareness about the need to reduce the loads of waste, protecting so the environment.

They are participating in many actions and are celebrating all important dates for the nature protection.

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CCentar za nove komunikacije Dokukino/DKQ je regionalna orga-nizacija građanskog društva, osno-vana u Beogradu. Razvija kreativne, proaktivne i inovativne komunikaci-jske multimedijalne strategije posvećene promociji građanskog učešća i podsticanju održive region-alne saradnje, u novom evropskom kontekstu.


CCentre for New Communications Dokukino/DKQ is a regional civil society organization, founded in Belgrade. They develop creative, proactive and innova-tive communication and multimedia strategies focused on promotion of citi-zens’ participation and incitement of sustainable regional cooperation within the new European context.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.

GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.


www.dokukino.org www.craterstudio.com

Crater Studio

CCrater Studio se bavi izradom digi-talnih vizuelnih efekata za film i tele-viziju. Među najpoznatijim projek-tima Crater Studija, izdvajaju se “Rezervni igrači” (The Other Guys), “Čarlston za Ognjenku” i “Noć ajkula 3D”.

Zbog sve većeg broja zahtevnih projekata za strano tržište porasla je i potreba za odgovarajuće obučenim kadrovima. Kao odgo-vor na ovaj izazov Crater Studio sada nudi speci-jalizovane obuke, koje se zasnivaju na bogatom iskustvu iz produkcije. Kurseve vode najiskusniji Crater-ovi artisti

Crater Studio

CCrater Studio is a producer of digital visual effects for film and television. “The Other Guys”, “Charleston for Ogn-jenka” and “The Night of Sharks 3D” are some of the best known projects of Crater Studio.

Due to the growing number of demanding projects for the market abroad, the need for ad-equately educated staff has also increased. Crater Studio is, therefore, offering specialized training courses based on the extensive experi-ence in the field of production. These courses are lead by most distinguished artist in Crater.

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Arijadnina nit

EEkološki - umetnički projekat “Arijad-nina nit” ima za cilj da ukaže na potre-bu za zdravom i čistom životnom sre-dinom.

Organizuju volonterske akcije čišćenja životne sredine i akcije pravljenja umetničkih instalacija od sakupljenog materijala. Iskustvo u sprove-denim akcijama daje im nove ideje i vodi ih dalje kao nit vodilja – Arijadnina nit.

Ariadne’s thread

Ecological Art Project Ariadne’s thread aims to emphasize the need for a healthy and clean environment.

TThey are organizing volunteer actions, such as cleaning the environment and making artistic installations from re-used materials. The experi-ence gained in the carried-out actions gives them new ideas and represents a leading thread – Ariadn’s Thread.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.

GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.


www.ekoartproject.blogspot.com www.gljivari.org.rs

Asocijacija gljivara

Asocijacija gljivara je osnovana 2000. godine sa osnovnim ciljem da un-apredi znanje i opštu kulturu kada su u pitanju gljive.

Od rezultata njihovih aktivnosti kao najbolji se ističe enciklopedija “Gljive Srbije” i zapadnog Balkana autora Branislava Uzelca koja je naišla na sjajan prijem kod stručne javnosti prilikom predstavljanja na 9. Međunarodnom mikološkom kongresu. Takođe, svake godine polovinom oktobra organizuju Izložbu gljiva Srbije u beoSrbije u beogradskom Domu sindikata.

Mycologists’ Association

Mycologists’ Association of Serbia was founded in the year 2000 with the main goal to improve the general knowledge about mushrooms.

TThe best outcome of their activities is The Ency-clopedia of Fungi of Serbia and Western Bal-kans, by the author Branislav Uzelac which was very well received by the experts during the presentation at the 9th Intrnational Mycological Congress. In addition, mid October each year they are organizing an Exhibition of Mushrooms of Serbia in Belgrade.

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Poljoprivredna škola sa Domom

PPoljoprivredna škola sa Domom učenika PK „Beograd“ je osnovana 1965. godine za potrebe privrede. Od tada pa do danas škola stalno prati privredne tokove i traži inovativna rešenja u cilju omogućivanja učenicima da pored teoretskih osnosnova i sticanja stručnih znanja steknu i veštine i sposobnosti neo-phodne za razvoj lične karijere učenika.

Agricultural BoardingSchool

AAgricultural Boarding School PK “Bel-grade” was founded in 1965, respond-ing to the economic needs of that time. Ever since, the school has been following the trends in economy and has been trying to find innovating solutions, with the aim to enable their students, apart from the knowledge in theory and ex-pertise, to gain skills and capabilities that are necessary for the development of their personal careers.

GREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.

GREEN FIELDGREEN FIELD je mesto otvaranja novih pristupa obrazovanju kroz programe vršnjačke i ek-spertske edukacije, koja obuhvata radionice i predavanja. Program je namenjen učenicima os-novnih škola i omladinskoj populaciji.

GREEN FIELD is a place set up for new educational approaches through peer and experts educa-tion programs that consists of workshops and lectures. The program is intended for the primary school students and youth population in general.


www.skolapkb.edu.rs www.osboskovic.edu.rs

Obrazovni sistem „Ruđer Bošković“ ObObrazovni sistem „Ruđer Bošković“ čine osnovna škola i gimnazija. Gim-nazija „Ruđer Bošković“ je privatna gimnazija opšteg smera, koju je akreditovalo Ministarstvo prosvete RS, 2003. godine. Gimnazija ostvaruje nastavni plan i program za nacionalni pprogram – opšti i filološki smer koji je propisalo Ministarstvo prosvete Re-publike Srbije.

Pored nacionalnog programa, u Gimnaziji se sprovode i dva internacionalna programa - Cambridge IGCSE i IB Diploma Programme.

The Educational Center “Rudjer Boskovic” TThe Educational Center “Rudjer Bosk-ovic” consists of the Primary and High School. The High School “Rudjer Bosk-ovic” is a private general high school ac-credited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia in 2003. It imple-ments the National Curriculum in secondary education – general and philo-logical department that refers to the regulations set by the Ministry.

Apart from the National Curriculum, two inter-national programs are also being implemented – Cambridge IGCSE and IB Diploma Pro-gramme

Page 20: Green Screen Fest Program

programprogramprogramprogram14.11. 14.11.

PROGRAM GREEN FIELD 10:00 - UKRASI OD PLODOVA JESENI Učenici OŠ "Stevan Sremac" Borča, sa profesorkama Jelenom Markvart i Vericom Lazić 45 minuta

10:00 - STIROPOR NIJE BIORAZGRADIV Učenici OŠ "SUčenici OŠ "Stevan Sremac" Borča, sa profesorkama Jelenom Markvart i Vericom Lazić45 minuta

11:00 - FILM: WASTELAND / DEPONIJA98 minuta

12:30 - RUČNA PROIZVODNJA PAPIRAUčenička kompanija Ekozov - Medicinska škola Zvezdara, sa profesorkom Milenom Stojičić90 minuta

12:3012:30 - HOME SWEET HOME Učenici Poljoprivredne škole PKB Beograd, sa profesorkom Biljanom Perić Milić90 minuta

14:00 - FILM: WASTELAND / DEPONIJA98 minuta

14:00 - Radionica kratkog filma i videa “ČUJ, VIDI, POKRENI” Dokukino/DQN Darko Soković i Aleksandra Urošević 300 minuta300 minuta

15:30 - ZAŠTO NAM JE PRIRODA VAŽNADuška Dimović (WWF) i Boris Erg (IUCN) 60 minuta




MOJ GRAD/MY CITY - Milena Arsić





ŠUME/FORESTS - Tesa Pešić i Tijana Anić



UDAH/BREATH - Natalija Ž. Živković

+1°C - Dénes Ruzsa

FJORD - Skule Eriksen

SWIFT/BRZO - Novaković Đorđe

Stavovi iskazani u filmovima predstavljaju isključivo stavove njihovih autora.Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa.

The views expressed in the films are solely the views of their authors.The organizer reserves the right to change program.

Page 21: Green Screen Fest Program

programprogramprogramprogram14.11. 15.11.






20.30 - CRUDE/SIROVA NAFTA 105 minuta

PROGRAM GREEN FIELD 10:00 - ISPITIVANJE USLOVA STANIŠTA BILJKE SREMUŠ NA LOKALITETU KOŠUTNJAKAGimnazija "Ruđer Bošković", Andrijana Ljubičić i Ana Macanović sa mentorima Draganom Končar i Milošem Blagojević 45 minuta

10:00 - PRIČE O GLJIVAMAAAsocijacija gljivara, Goran Milošević 60 minuta

11:00 - WASTELAND / DEPONIJA98 minuta

12:30 - AKTIVIZAM U ZAŠTITI ŽIVOTNE SREDINEProConcept Aleksandar Bratković 90 minuta

12:3012:30 - ONI ŽIVE U NAŠIM ŠUMAMA Učenici poljoprivredne škole PKB Beograd, sa profesorkom Biljanom Perić Milić 45 minuta

14:00 - CRUDE / SIROVA NAFTA105 minuta

14:00 - Radionica kratkog filma i videa “ČUJ, VIDI, POKRENI” Dokukino/DQN Darko Soković i Aleksandra Urošević 300 minuta300 minuta

14:00 - BUDI HIT I ISKORISTI PAMUČNU NITUčenici poljoprivredne škole PKB Beograd, sa profesorkom Biljanom Perić Milić 90 minuta

Stavovi iskazani u filmovima predstavljaju isključivo stavove njihovih autora.Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa.

The views expressed in the films are solely the views of their authors.The organizer reserves the right to change program.

Page 22: Green Screen Fest Program

programprogramprogramprogram15.11. 15.11.

14.30 - 15.10 PROGRAM SEFFSEFF 2011 0:13:14





ELEMENT Radomir Duvnjak

JEZERA/LAKES - Mina Piščević

ŽIVOT ZALJUBLJENE ŽABE/LIFE OF THE FROG IN LOVE - Katarina Grbović, Denis Bajc Marta Bajc, Vukašin Lalović



16.15 – 16.55 PROGRAM KRATKOG FILMA JESEN/AUTUMN - Branko Radaković



PRIČA O ŠUMI/ STORY ABOUTH THE FOREST - Goran Milošević/Branislav Uzelac



18.00 – 20.00 PROGRAM UN – ŠUMA ZA LJUDE






20.30 - TAPPED/ZAROBLJENA VODA 75 minuta

Stavovi iskazani u filmovima predstavljaju isključivo stavove njihovih autora.Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa.

The views expressed in the films are solely the views of their authors.The organizer reserves the right to change program.

Page 23: Green Screen Fest Program

programprogramprogramprogram16.11. 16.11.

PROGRAM GREEN FIELD 10:00 - ŽIVETI OD SVETLOSTI Eko-Musketari OŠ "Drinka Pavlović", sa profesorkom Marinom Drndarski 45 minuta

10:00 - PRISUTNOST ŽBUNASTIH LIŠAJEVA U ŠUMAMA OŠOŠ Ruđer Bošković, Aleksandar Radulović i Milan Bulajić sa mentorima Marijom Keržlin-Trifunović i Jelenom Vračević45 minuta

12:30 - ŽIVETI OD SVETLOSTIEko-Musketari OŠ "Drinka Pavlović", sa profesorkom Marinom Drndarski 45 minuta

12:30 - STIROPOR NIJE BIORAZGRADIV Učenici OŠ "SUčenici OŠ "Stevan Sremac" Borča, sa profesorkama Jelenom Markvart i Vericom Lazić45 minuta

14:00 - VIZUELNI EFEKTI I RAČUNARSKA 3D GRAFIKA Crater studio, Marko Milićević i drugi artisti za vizuelne efekte 180 minuta

14:00 - NOVE IDEJE ZA RECIKLAŽUEkološki-umetnički projekat Arijadnina nit, Nenad Vučković 90 minuta90 minuta

14.30 - 15.10 PROGRAM SEFFKLOKOT 0:26:15





PIPI - Vukašin Lalović


EKOLOGIJA NIJE UTOPIJA/ECOLOGY IS NOT AN UTOPIA - Aleksa Đorđiev, Luka Đukić, Ilija Čučković, Teodora Đurić, Marko Peković, David Lukić i Aleksandar Stefanović




DOBRO DRVO/GOOD TREE - Olivera Milošević, Darko Ković

Stavovi iskazani u filmovima predstavljaju isključivo stavove njihovih autora.Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa.

The views expressed in the films are solely the views of their authors.The organizer reserves the right to change program.

Page 24: Green Screen Fest Program




18.00 – 19.15 PROGRAM UN – ŠUMA ZA LJUDE









GREEN SCREEN FEST je inkluzivna manifestacija koja okuplja različite grupe ljudi koji imaju pravo učešća u svim sadržajima manifestacije ravnopravno, u atmosferi uzajamnog poštovanja, tolerancije i ohrabrivanja.

SSav materijal proizveden u namene ove mani-festacije će biti prikladan za starije od 12 godina.

Organizatori GREEN SCREEN FEST - a neće tolerisati pretnje, maltretiranje i/ili uvredljivo ili diskriminišuće ponašanje bilo kog učesnika manifestacije, uključujući i govornike.Sve podnesene žalbe ostaju strogo poverljive i biće tretirane i ispitane sa potrebnom ozbiljnošću.

U ovakvim slučajevima mogu biti preduzete sledeće mere:

- Prekršilac može biti zamoljen da se izvini;-- Prekršilac može biti upozoren da prekine/promeni svoje ponašanje u prigodno;- Prekršilac može biti upozoren da će biti udaljen ako nastavi sa svojim ponašanjem;- Prekršilac može biti zamoljen da odmah na-pusti manifestaciju sa zabranom daljeg prisus-tvovanja;- Incident može biti i prijavljen najbližoj polici-jskoj stanici;- Ostale mere u skladu sa situacijom;

Green Screen Fest is an inclusive event that will attract many different groups of people that all have the right to participate equitably in all activities offered, in an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance and empowerment.

All materials produced for the Festival will be adequate for persons aged 12 and above.

TThe organizers of the GREEN SCREEN FEST will not tolerate any conduct that would involve threats, menace and/or disrespectful or dis-criminatory behavior of any participant of this event.

All complaints will be treated strictly confiden-tial in regard to the complainants and will be processed and treated with the due sincerity.

In such case, following measures could be ap-plied:

-The offender(s) could be asked to apologize to the complainant(s);- The offender(s) could be asked to cease the incorrect behavior and adopt a more adequate way of communication;- The offender(s) may be warned to be re-moved from the premises if he/she/they con-tinue with the impropriate behavior;- The offender(s) could be asked to leave the premises immediately or to be interrupted in such misconduct and banned from all further activities;- The incident could be reported to the police;- Other measures available depending on the situation.

Stavovi iskazani u filmovima predstavljaju isključivo stavove njihovih autora.Organizator zadržava pravo izmene programa.

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facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GSF01twitter:@GreenScreenFest
