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Green & White Revolution

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  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution



    Module- 5



  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    Concept of Revolution2

    A revolution is a fundamental change in power ororganizational structures that takes place in a

    relatively short period of time. Revolutions have occurred through human

    history and vary widely in terms of methods,duration, and motivating ideology.

    Their results include major changesin culture, economy, and socio political institutions.

  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    Green Revolution3

    Green Revolution usually refers to thetransformation of agriculture with the experienceof agricultural development begun

    in Mexico byNorman Borlaugin 1943 . In 1961 India was on the brink of mass

    famine. Norman Borlaug was invited to India bythe adviser to the Indian minister of agriculture in

    the most basic sense; the Green Revolution was aproduct of globalization.

  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    There were three basic elements in the method of the

    Green Revolution:

    1) Continued expansion of farming areas.

    2) Double-cropping existing farmland.

    3) Using seeds with improved genetics.

    What was the Green Revolution in India?

  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    Continued expansion of farming areas.

    The area of land under cultivation was beingincreased right from 1947

    So, the Green revolution continued with thisquantitative expansion of farmlands, eventhough it was not the most striking feature of

    the revolution.

  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    Double cropping existing farmland

    Double-cropping was a primary feature of theGreen Revolution.

    Instead of one crop season per year, the decisionwas made to have two crop seasons per year. Theone-season-per-year practice was based on the factthat there is only natural monsoon per year.

    So, there had to be two "monsoons" per year. Onewould be the natural monsoon and the other an

    artificial 'monsoon.

  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    Using seeds with improved genetics

    This was the scientific aspect of the GreenRevolution. The Indian Council for Agricultural

    Research was re-organized in 1965 and then again in1973.It developed new strains of high yield value (HYV)seeds, mainly wheat and rice but also millet and

    corn. The most noteworthy HYV seed was the K68variety for wheat.

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  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution


    3) The crop area under HYV varieties grew from seven per

    cent to 22 per cent of the total cultivated area during the10 years of the Green Revolution. More than 70 per centof the wheat crop area, 35 per cent of the rice crop areaand 20 per cent of the millet and corn crop area, used the

    HYV seeds.

    4) Industrial growth in fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides andother chemicals created new jobs and contributed to thecountry's GDP.

    5) India paid back all loans it had taken from the World Bankand its affiliates for the purpose of the Green Revolution.This improved India's creditworthiness in the eyes of the

    lending agencies.

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    1) The Green Revolution, howsoever impressive, has

    not succeeded in making India totally andpermanently self-sufficient in food. This raisedquestions about the whether the Green Revolutionwas really a long-term achievement.

    2) India has failed to extend the concept of high-yield value seeds to all crops or all regions. In

    terms of crops, it remains largely confined to foodgrains only, not to all kinds of agriculturalproduce. In regional terms, only Punjab andHaryana states showed the best results of the

    Green Revolution.



  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution



    This white revolution or operation floodrelates to the rapid development in milkproduction that took place in India aftermid 1960's. This name is a variation ofthe name "Green Revolution" used earlierto describe rapid development inagricultural production in India.A name closely associated with WhiteRevolution is that of Dr. Verghese Kurien.This is because the origins of WhiteRevolution can be traced to the efforts ofDr. Kurien at Kaira District Co-operativeMilk Producers Union Situated at Anandin Gujarat State. This organization is

    better known by the brand name of its

    product - Amul.

  • 8/10/2019 Green & White Revolution



    Dr. Verghese Kurien is theman behind the success ofAmul. He is called thefather of the white

    revolution in India.He isalso known as theMilkmanof India. Kurien, set up theAnand modelof cooperativedairydevelopment, engineeredtheWhite RevolutioninIndia, and made India thelargest milkproducer in the


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    White Revolution in India13

    Operation Flood -- the largest dairy developmentprogramme in the world.

    Dr Kurien set up Gujrat cooperative milk

    marketing federation (famous as Amul) whichengineered the White Revolution in India, andmade India the largest milk producer in the world.

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    In 1965, then Prime Minister of India, Shri LalBahadur Shastri, created the National DairyDevelopment Board (NDDB) to replicate theprogram me on a nationwide basis.

    Kurien also set up GCMMF (Gujarat CooperativeMilk Marketing Federation) in1973 to sell theproducts produced by the dairies. Today GCMMF

    sells AMUL brand products not only in India butalso overseas.

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    This is a revolution like no other in the world. OperationFlood or The White Revolution as it is known in India hasover the past five decades produced a constantly increasingsustainable flood of milk in India.

    It was of high quality and available in most parts of bothurban and rural India. It helped transform the lives of morethan 13.4 million farmers and increasing, most of thempoor. Of them, 3.7 million were women. It helped womenempower themselves and their families.

    Today, the Dairy Cooperative Network includes 177 milkunions. It operates in over 346 districts covering around 1,28,799 village level societies. Today, India is the worldsleading dairying nation.Its helps:-

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    Impact of White Revolution

    Increasing milk production ("a flood of milk")

    Augment rural incomes

    Fair prices for consumers

    Employment of peopleIncrease of GDP of the country.
