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GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

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San Diego, CA Conflict Minerals Creating Industry Solutions to a Company Problem GreenBiz Forum - February 18, 2015
Page 1: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

San Diego, CA

Conflict MineralsCreating Industry Solutions to a Company Problem

GreenBiz Forum - February 18, 2015

Page 2: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

About UsAmon Rappaport, VP Brand Purpose, i.d.e.a.

Tanya Bolden, Corporate Responsibility Program Development Manager, AIAG

Michael Oleksa, Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Compliance, STERIS

Jared Connors, Technical Sales Manager, iPoint

Page 3: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

We move people, products and culture.

PERSPECTIVEIndividual, Organizational, Industry

Page 4: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Globally recognized trade association founded in 1982 §  Unique open/neutral forum to collaborate on industry issues

§  OEM’s, Suppliers of all sizes, Service Providers, Government & Academia

§  1,000+ Member companies & growing

§  35+ full-time staff

§  Sr. Purchasing Executives ‘on loan’ from Chrysler, Ford and GM §  Over 900 Industry ‘volunteers’ providing subject matter expertise at

any point in time

§  Over 60 active projects and committees

AIAG: at-a-glance

Page 5: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"


Aluminum  -­‐  Primary  

Simulator  exposure  -­‐approx  204M  pounds-­‐  wheels  ,  cooling  modules  

 Forecast      $              1.10    

Brake  pads  Tin  addi'ves  

Electronics  Solders  Fuses  Contacts  

Glass  Conduc've  'n  coa'ngs    

Radiator  Brass  alloys  Solders  

Wiring  Tinned  copper  

Seat  cushions  Tin  catalyst  

BaHery  Tin  alloy  addi'on  

Fuel  tank  Tin-­‐zinc  coa'ng      

Sealants  Tin  catalyst  

Bearings  Tin  alloy  addi'on  Coa'ngs  

PlasIcs  PVC  stabilisers  

Examples of Tin Applications

Page 6: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Automotive Industry

“It is our intention to do what we can to ensure that the parts and assemblies in our vehicles and products, regardless of where they are

assembled or sold, do not contain Conflict Minerals which have contributed to the armed conflict in the DRC.”

These  companies  are  leading  change  throughout  the  supply  chain.  

Page 7: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Healthcare 73%

Life Sciences


Isomedix 12%

STERIS Corporation Overview

•  $1.9 billion in revenue •  8,000 employees worldwide

–  Direct sales and service force of over 2,500

•  A Global Leader in infection prevention, decontamination, gastrointestinal and surgical products and services

•  77% of revenue in United States

•  9 acquisitions in the last 3 years

•  Infection Prevention

•  Surgical Solutions •  GI/Endoscopy •  Services

•  Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

•  Research Labs

•  Contract Sterilization


Page 8: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Infection Prevention (45% of revenue)

Surgical Solutions (20% of revenue)

Service (35% of revenue)

Healthcare Segment Overview

Washers Steam and

Gas Sterilizers Cleaning



Skin Care

GI/Endoscopy Solutions

Specialty Services/Instrument Repair

Surgical Tables Integrated Operating Rooms







Page 9: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Risk of not being Socially Responsible ?


Stock Price: Risk: STERIS inventor base is largely institutional. Divestment of shares for nonfinancial reasons would increase stock volatility. Constraints: •  Depth of supply chain •  Multiple ERP systems •  Little influence with suppliers • Regulated devices, changing suppliers has regulatory implications.

Page 10: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Depth of Supply Chain Example


Supplier Supplier


Supplier Supplier

Supplier Supplier Supplier

Supplier Supplier

Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier

Trader Trader Trader

Supplier Supplier

Supplier Supplier Supplier


Information Needed

STERIS level of direct influence

STERIS has no visibility

Level of the supply chain providing smelter names

Level of the supply chain providing RCOI information

Page 11: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

© iPoint-systems gmbh

© iPoint-systems gmbh

Who is iPoint?

2/12/15 1

So#ware  and  services  company  focused  on  environmental  compliance  and  sustainability    

Est.  2001  with  100  employees  worldwide.  

Privately  held,  averaging  20%  annual  growth  

Headquarters  in  Germany  with  offices  in:  • U.S.  –  iPoint  US  Subsidiary  and  Support  Center  • China  • Japan  • U.K.  • France  

Key  ApplicaNons:  • Conflict  Minerals  (iPCMP)  • Material  Compliance  (iPCA)  • Recyclability  (RRR)  • LCA  • Value  Chain  Agent  

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© iPoint-systems gmbh

© iPoint-systems gmbh



•  Requirements –  Repor&ng  Period  is  the  calendar  year  Jan.1  –  Dec.  31  –  Report  to  SEC  due  on  May  31st  (June  1st)  –  Customer  expecta&ons…  

•  Identification of Sources –  “Covered  Countries”  [DRC,  Angola,  Burundi,    C.A.R.,  Congo  Republic,  Rwanda,  South  Sudan,    Tanzania,  Uganda  and  Zambia]  

–  Valida&on  of  all  sources…  

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We move people, products and culture.

INFORMATIONWhat to Gather, and How to Identify Sourcing

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Due Diligence Framework Prescribes Role of Filing Companies

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals

From Conflict-Affected High-Risk Areas


Strong Company

Management Systems

Identify And

Assess Risk In The Supply


Design And Implement A Strategy To Respond To

Identified Risks

Carry Out

Independent Third-party

Audit Of Smelter or

Refiner Due Diligence

Report Out On Supply Chain Due Diligence

1 2 3 4 5

SEC Final Rule for Conflict Minerals 3TG (Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum, Gold)

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© iPoint-systems gmbh

© iPoint-systems gmbh

Detailed  Request  Management  Data  Organiza&on  &  Storage  

Due  Diligence  Repor&ng,  KPIs  

Data Exchange Process


My  company  

Supplier    Supplier  

Supplier  Supplier  





Sub-­‐Supplier  Smelter Identity


Smelter  Lib  cer&fied  

Smelter consolidatio


Consistency check Report


Page 16: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

© iPoint-systems gmbh

© iPoint-systems gmbh


Smelters Are Key

US Filers Suppliers Traders



Survey  process   RCOI  data  provided  by  the  smelters  

Recycled Materials

Names  the  smelters  

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We move people, products and culture.

COLLABORATION Value and Practice

Page 18: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

Actions and Multi Stakeholder Involvement

• AcIvely  generaIng  resources  to  communicate  industry  perspecIves  iniIaIve(s)  

• ex.  FAQs,  Case  Studies,  PresentaIons,  Events  and  Documents  Awareness  and  EducaIon  

• Commentary  and  collaboraIon  regarding  global  guidelines.  OECD  

• Distributed  VP  leHers  to  AutomoIve  Supply  Chain    AutomoIve  LeHer  

• CollaboraIon  with  EICC/GeSI  and  the  Conflict  Free  Sourcing  IniIaIve  (CFSI)  EICC/GeSI  and  CFSI    

• Alignment  with  commiHee  for  standards  progress  IPC  1755    

• Supplier  level  data  collecIon  • Trainings,  Regional  MeeIngs  iPoint  

•   CoordinaIon  across  industries  and  supply  chains  for  common  best  pracIces  Next  Steps  

Page 19: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

© iPoint-systems gmbh

© iPoint-systems gmbh


Smelter  Valida&on  

iPCMP Global Smelter Library


Smelter  Library  

List of 180 smelters (does not represent the CFS list or all smelter worldwide)

Conflict-Free Smelter (CFS) Program:

Compliant Smelter and Refiner Lists


Import   Import  

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We move people, products and culture.


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Supplier Outreach

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© iPoint-systems gmbh

© iPoint-systems gmbh

2/11/15 6

Value of Collaboration

Exchange  Pla:orm  

US  Filer  

Tier-­‐1  Supplier  

Tier-­‐2  Supplier  

Tier-­‐4  Supplier  

Tier-­‐3  Supplier  Tier-­‐5  


Tier-­‐6  Supplier  

Typical flow of information is tier to tier making it easy for the message to get lost

Exchange Platform

Tier-­‐7  Supplier  

An exchange platform means everyone has a seat at the table

Consistent messaging is key!

Page 23: GreenBiz Forum 2015 Workshop Slides: "Conflict Minerals: Creating Industry-wide Solutions"

•  We are not a manufacturer of electronics parts and thus not in a position to provide accurate information relating to conflict Minerals….

•  We distribute more than 555,000 products, it is our policy to not distribute products from the DRC and under the terms and conditions or our contracts our suppliers warrant they are in compliance with this policy…

•  We assume that our sub-suppliers purchase raw materials from legal sources according to EU or national law. It is not our part to investigate this fact….

•  Dodd Frank is a US law, we have no plans nor obligations to comply with this non EU law. We are in full compliance with all EU laws…

Common Supplier Responses

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Helpful Resources• The CMRT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template) 3.0x is the standard reporting format used

by the automotive and other industries. http://www.conflictfreesourcing.org/conflict-minerals-reporting-template/

• The iPCMP (iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform) is a useful software reporting tool used by the automotive and other industries. http://conflict-minerals.com/

• For an overview of conflict minerals and the automotive industry, and to take action on the issue, visit: http://conflictminerals.aiag.org

• In March 2014, the EU published a draft proposal outlining their potential requirements for Conflict Minerals regulations: http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2014/march/tradoc_152227.pdf

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GreenBiz February 2015
