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Greenway and Associates Business Accounting Solutions

Date post: 16-Jul-2015
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Small and Medium Size Business Solutions Accuracy Integrity Personal Service Accounting and Bookkeeping Specialists

Small and Medium Size Business


Accuracy Integrity Personal Service

Accounting and Bookkeeping Specialists

Every Business on Every Street


How are your Business Financials handled Now

CA FirmExpensive, and usually year-end taxes and year endfinancial statements only. It is after-the-fact and lacking

in consultation and tax planning because the work is not

done each month.


Very limited. It’s numbers only! Probably no

analysis, forecasting, positioning, or advice

on taxes or other critical needs.

“Do-it-Yourself” by Personal Computer

A g reat to o l fo r calcu latin g - b ut that’s it! No an alysis;

n o ad v ice; n o tax p lan n ing . It d oes wh at y ou tell it - an th at’s all! Wh en erro rs o ccu r an d th e p erso n wo rk in g

with th e co mp u ter an d so ftware d o es n o t h av e an

understand ing o f pro fessional accoun ting , that

in d iv id u al will n ot be ab le to co rrect th ose erro rs. Besid es, it tak es time - time y o u co u ld sp en d on yo ur

b u sin ess, o r y o u rself!

The “Brother-in-law” Approach

Personal? Su re! Adv ice? Plen ty ! Bu t pro fessional?

Ho w can y o u b e su re y o u ’re d oin g the rig ht th in g ?

Lets Consider INCOME

Money In


How generated?

Where recorded?

Who records?

What method is used?

How are cash

shortages handled?

The Bottom Line...

What do you like best about your reporting?

What do you like the least?

What would you change?

How recorded?

Who is responsible?

Are you overpaying?

Have you had penalties?

What if you are audited?


How About PayrollObligations

are you paying late filing and penalties fees


How Many Employees

Permanent Legal Record?

How is it recorded ?

Year-end T-4’s ? ROE ?

Payroll taxes? WSIB etc

Family members on payroll?

Registered Sub-Contractors

What do you like best about your method?

What do you like Least?

How would you change it?

How about ExpensesMoney out

Bank Account(s)

How Many ?

Who Signs ?

How Often do you make Deposits



Major Expenses ?

Credit Cards?

Debit Cards?

Cheques ?

Cash Payouts ?

Outstanding Loans ?

Under Control?

What do you like best ?

What do you like Least ?

What would you change ?


. Financing Alternatives

. Lines of credit


.business sounding Board


Will your Current recordkeepingsupport a CRA Audit


What others?


How are mistakes detected?

When reviewed?


Maintain security copies?

What do you Like best ?

What do you like least ?

What are your Concerns ?

What would you like to change ?

Your Current Financial Service

Does your accountant call you with:

Advice? Consultation? Questions?

Records… To and from?

Reports: Monthly? Quarterly? Annually?

Planning sessions?

Explain the practical uses of Financial


How do you use financial statements?

Like best? Least?

How responsive to your needs?

Changes… Or do differently?

Does your current accountant suggest tax planning

for you each month?

The Bottom Line . . .

Is Money… Time… Convenience…

Peace of Mind… and Profit!

YOU HAVE… Invested in your business.

You’re making it successful.

YOU WANT… Growth… Profit…

Satisfaction… Security…


Peace of mind.

Plan for a comfortable retirement

WE CAN HELP… By working together

on your financial and tax planning…

records and profits.

Isn’t It About Time?The alternative is :




The right Arm of Ontario’s Small Business

Keeping you Current…… Helping you Succeed

Lets Take a Look At A copy ofFinancial Statements we produce

Complete: In all ways,COMPREHENSIVE . . . Detailed.Where you were . . .Where you are . . .Where you should be . . . Where youhope to be.

Current: Monthly . . . Timely . . .When it will be most valuable.

Confidential: “Eyes Only!”Security maintained.

Balance Sheet

Summary at a glance

Discloses condition Provides Control

Provided monthly No Additional Cost

To assist in establishing credit

To help in a loan application

Helps control receivables and inventory

Saves time

Real Management Tools

Detail General Ledger

Quick-glance tie -in

Instant analysis

Eliminates concerns

Saves time

Provides and absolute

audit trail

Cheque Register

Lists all cheques

Ready reference

Provides an absolute

audit trail

True time-saver

A True Management team

Index numbers

Highlights important areas

Satisfies concerns

Total financial overview

Monthly Payroll Register

Details each employee

No need to keep internal records

Meets tax requirements

Provides control

Saves paperwork

Saves time

Security . . Duplicate records

Bank Account Reconciliation

Performed monthly

Printed cheque register

All outstanding cheques listed

Internal control

Corrections noted

Catches bank error

Saves concern

Saves time

Client Communications

At Your Service

We Work Together!

Every month: We call you, to talk over areas

of your business.

Need help: No problem. That’s why we’re

here. And at no additional cost!

Just pick up your phone; call anytime.

“Things We Noticed”: brings special

areas of concerns to your attention

And…Perhaps the Largest Concern of All...

We Provide complete Tax Preparation and Validation

Taxes… Federal… Provincial


Quarterly tax estimates with comparisons

to last year

Family member on payroll and sprinkling

Correct business structure

Accurate approach to gathering HST and

PST information

Concise reporting of all your retirement


Prompt tax reporting to avoid penalties

Proper business planning for the financial

aspects of your business

We are responsible for our work. If you

incur a tax penalty because we made a mistake,

we pay the penalty and interest.

Significant tax savings can only occur with

tax planning done throughout the year

IN Summary

No More Taxing Problems!

All your tax requirements

All the necessary forms

Whenever due: monthly, quarterly


All you do is . . .

Make out and sign the cheque

Note the due date

Take the form(s) and payment(s) to

the designated collection office

For All These Services And More. . .


A Complete Service…

… How do you feel about this?

Peace of mind

Time savings






Peace Of Mind

All We Need To Get Started

More information

Our proposal

Good, sound beginning figures

Simple agreement

Voided cheque

Average number of Bank transactions

each month

Other details
