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Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and...

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A Monthly Newsletter of Invisik Corporation www.invisik.com TEL: 612.298.3000 • Email: [email protected] Greetings from Invisik! Good networking, Matt Jurcich, President Invisik Corporation Parades? Check! Fireworks? Check. Sun burn? Check! It’s official: we’re half-way through summer and into the third quarter of the year already. All too soon “back to work” projects will be demanding our attention again. Stay on top of those unpopular tasks by planning ahead a little each day. Jot down (or email us) IT projects you’ve put on the back burner to tackle later in the year. We can help you keep track of them and avoid year-end stress (not to mention keep an eye out for good deals on hardware and services). If you’ve been plugging away all summer long, well, mucho kudos to you! Drop us a line about how things are going, too. We may have options to better streamline your processes. Send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at 612.298.3000. July 2012 This Month… Page 2 Cloud Networking: Is Your Business Ready to Move? Page 3 The American Swedish Institute’s new Nelson Cultural Center Page 4 Invisik Trivia Bowl Win an Amazon.com gift card Page 5 Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcut Round‐up Page 5 Windows Phone Marketplace Requires Upgrade to Mango …for IT ingenuity
Page 1: Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and computer security problems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options


www.invisik.com TEL: 612.298.3000 • Email: [email protected]


Good networking,


Parades? Check! Fireworks? Check. Sun burn? Check! It’s official: we’re half-way through summer and into the third quarter of the year already. All too soon “back to work” projects will be demanding our attention again. Stay on top of those unpopular tasks by planning ahead a little each day. Jot down (or email us)

IT projects you’ve put on the back burner to tackle later in the year. We can help you keep track of them and avoid year-end stress (not to mention keep an eye out for good deals on hardware and services). If you’ve been plugging away all summer long, well, mucho kudos to you! Drop us a line about how things are going, too. We may have options to better streamline your processes. Send us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at 612.298.3000.


ThisMonth…Page2 CloudNetworking:IsYour


Page3 TheAmericanSwedishInstitute’snewNelsonCulturalCenter

Page4 InvisikTriviaBowlWinanAmazon.comgiftcard

Page5 MicrosoftWordKeyboardShortcutRound‐up

Page5 WindowsPhoneMarketplaceRequiresUpgradetoMango


Page 2: Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and computer security problems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options

TheIntercom Page2

Cloud computing provides secured, instantaneousaccess to company applications and data fromanywhereintheworldwithInternetaccess.Optionsfor cloud computing come in many forms, but thecommon tie is they are all self‐managed andavailable without big upfront cost. Some commoncloudservicesinclude:

MicrosoftOffice 365 or otherCloudExchangee‐mailservice


Backup and Disaster Recovery– keep a livecopyofyouronsiteserverdatainthecloudforspeedyrecovery

Telephone systems– the cloud handles all thecallroutingandphonelineissuesforyou

E‐mail security– filter out spam and viruseswithoutboggingyourserverdown


Theseoptionscanbedoneinamix‐and‐matchbasis,so there is a lot of flexibility tomatch a company’sexpectationsorrequirements.Manycompaniesstartwith just a few cloud options until a big serverupgrade is needed. Often that can be the perfecttime tomove the rest of the infrastructure into thecloudandavoidabigcashexpense.

Utilizing industry leading technology, Invisik CloudNetwork has helped businesses of varying sizes riditself of costly IT expenditures such as servers thathave to be replaced every few years, or expensivesoftware licenses that have to be renewed andupgraded. Hard drives that die and potentially losecriticaldata,orwastedemployeeproductivityduetoold infrastructure are no longer hassles forcompanieswehelpmovetothecloud. InvisikCloudNetwork resolves the trouble of having to choosebetweenspendingatonofcashonupgradesorlivingwith antiquated, slow and unsecure systems. KeyfeaturesoftheInvisikCloudNetworkinclude:

Lowerstheexpenseofsoftwarelicensingfees. Eliminates the purchase and maintenance ofservers.

Minimizes the purchase and maintenance ofnetworkequipment.

Reduces the expense of data and applicationsbackup.

Resolves the high cost of secureVPN’s and slowemployeeremoteaccess

Lessensphysicalandcomputersecurityproblems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and BusinessContinuityoptions

For one low monthly fee, Invisik Cloud Networkservices includes all the latest versions (or previousversions–youchoosewhatyouwantorneedtorun)of Microsoft Office, Exchange Server, SQL Server,andotherenterpriselevelapplicationssuchasspamfilteringandvirus scanningprograms.Wealsohavesecure,remoteaccesstoUnix,LinuxandIBMOS/400mainframehostsandapplications.Mostimportantly,allofourcloudservicesincludetechnicalsupportbyour local, friendly technicians. We have multiplesupport options to help clients design a cloudnetworkthatworksbestfortheircompany.

If you need to upgrade your current computernetwork or have been considering cloud computingto savemoney and simplify IT, get our FREE cloudcomputing report first. The insights provided in thereport will arm you with the right information andquestions to ask so you avoid getting “sold” asolution thatdoesn’twork for your company.Learnabout what cloud computing is and why so manysmall and medium sizedbusinesses are switching. Thereport also includes 15 criticalquestions about cloud computingyou MUST have the answers tobefore moving to the cloud, anddetails what you should expect tosaveonITcostsinitiallyandovertime.Download your copy of 5 Critical Facts EveryBusiness OwnerMust Know BeforeMoving TheirComputer Network To The Cloud atwww.invisikcloudnetwork.com or contact us toconduct a cloud assessment. Call 612.298.3000 [email protected].▲


Page 3: Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and computer security problems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options

Page3 TheIntercom

If you were not among the thousands of peoplestanding in line for Swedish Meatballs withLingonberry sauce or Swedish Pancakes withstrawberries and cream, all while rocking out to anABBAtributeband,thenyoumissedagreatpartyonJune 30, 2012 at the American Swedish Institute’sgrandopeningoftheirnewNelsonCulturalCenter.

The Nelson Cultural Center—named for benefactorsCarl and Leslie Nelson—is a 34,000‐square‐footaddition combining contemporary and traditionalSwedishaestheticsandlandscaping.DesignedbyHGAArchitects and Engineers, Minneapolis, the buildingachieved Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) Gold certification for its sustainable,energy‐efficient design. The new center and therenovationofthe1908Turnbladmansionwerepartofthe final building phase of Linking Generations,LinkingCommunities:TheAmericanSwedishInstituteCapitalCampaign.

In1903,Swedish‐AmericannewspaperpublisherSwanTurnbladpurchasedsixlotsonthecornerof26thandPark Avenue in what is now South Minneapolis. Hecommissioned architects Boehme and Cordella todesign a French Chateauesque mansion on thegrounds, and construction took approximately fiveyears. TheTurnblads lived in themansion from 1908until December of 1929 when they donated themansion to the American Institute for Swedish Art—today called the American Swedish Institute. TheTurnbladmansionhashousedASIforover80years.

In 2005, ASI acquired the full 2600 block of ParkAvenue,andbysummer2007,hadtransformeditintotheirnewFestivalGrounds.In2010,thebuildingplansfor the new Cultural Center and renovations to themansion were unveiled, and just two years later thegrandopeningcelebrationwasheldonJune30,2012.

Primary featuresof the Carl andLeslie NelsonCultural Centerincludes a glass‐enclosed lobby,an art gallery fortraveling andlocallyoriginatedexhibitions, alarge studio andcrafts workshop,flexible event


RenovationstotheTurnbladMansionweretoimprovevisitor accessibility, preserve original rooms, openmore spaces to the public, and create additionalclassrooms andcommunitymeeting spaces.The10,000squarefootrenovationofthe lower leveladded areas thatwill improve ASI’sservice to thepublic including acommunity hallwith kitchen, twoclassroomsspaceswith up‐to‐dateA/V capabilities,andanaccessibleresearch andresourcecenter.

This newest landmark in Minneapolis is open to thepublic Tuesdays through Sundays, and offers a greatexperience of Nordic arts, music, cuisine, craft andculture. Visit theirwebsite for admission informationand upcoming events for visitors of all ages(www.asimn.org).▲


Invisik’sMattJurcichandtelecompartnerJon Foster of Fostar TelecommunicationsoverseethewiringandrelocationofASI’scomputernetworktotheirnewITroom.


Page 4: Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and computer security problems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options


Ye Ole Fine Print

My referral is the owner or person in charge of IT for a company with 10 or more desktops and at least 1 server.

TheIntercom Page4

Invisik Trivia BowlInvisik Trivia Bowl July’sTriviaBowlQuestion:11‐year‐oldFrankEppersoncreatedthissummertreattotallybyaccidentin1905onhisporchoneverycoldnightinSanFrancisco?




In the northern hemisphere, the day the sun’s rays are directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer is called (A.)Summer Solstice.

Sendmea$25VisaGiftCardforeachofmybusinesscolleaguesI’mreferringtoInvisik.I’ll tellmycolleaguestoexpectyourcallsotheycanget2FREEhoursofguaranteed,no‐strings‐attachedInvisiktechsupporttouseanywaytheywant(a$300value).Yes!












Mail:7240GrandAveS.,Richfield,MN55423•Fax:612.243.1477Tel:612.298.3000•Email:[email protected]•www.invisik.com

Page 5: Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and computer security problems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options

Page5 TheIntercom

Microsoft Word is probably the mostwidely installedprogramthat isnotanoperating system. Of Word’s manyfeatures, keyboard shortcuts areamong the most useful. We have

rounded‐up 20 handy keyboard shortcuts for WordandthosethatalsoworkforallMicrosoftprograms.

➤ General shortcuts for all Microsoft programs:Ctrl + P: Prints the document, spreadsheet orpresentation.Ifyouhavemorethanonewindowopen,theitemcurrentlyviewedwillbeprinted.Ctrl+W:Closesthewindowyouhaveopen.Ctrl+O:BringsuptheOpendocumentwindow.F12:Opensthe‘SaveAs’window.Ctrl+S:Savesthedocument.Ctrl+C:Copieswhatisselected.Ctrl+X:Cutswhatisselected.Ctrl+V:Pasteswhathasbeencopiedorcut.Ctrl+A:Selectseverything(selectsall).

➤ SpecificshortcutsfornearlyanyversionofWord:Ctrl+F:Allowsyoutosearchthedocumentforawordorsentence.Ctrl+Uparrow:Movesuponeparagraphfromwherethecursor(black,blinkingline)is.Ctrl+Downarrow:Movesdownoneparagraphfromwherethecursoris.Ctrl + Page Up: Switches to the top of the previouspage.Ctrl + Page Down: Switches to the top of the nextpage.Ctrl + Shift + E: Enables ‘Track Changes’ which willshowanychangesmadetothedocument.(Pressingitagainwillturnoff‘TrackChanges’.)Ctrl+Shift+C:Copiestheformatoftheselectedtext.Ctrl+Shift+V:Pastesthepreviouslycopiedformat.Ctrl + B/I/U: Applies bold, italic or underlinedformatting toselected text. Ifno text is selected, therespectiveformattingwillbeenabled.Tab: Moves to the next selection. If you have a listwith numbers or bullets, pressingTabwill indent thenumber or bullet in once, and change it to asubheading under the previous point. i.e., 2. will beindentedandchangedtoa.asasubheadingunder1.

Shift+Tab:Movesback,ormovesoneindentback(tothe right). For lists, this will move the point up thehierarchyi.e.,a.willbemovedbackto2.ThesearesomeofthemostusefulkeyboardshortcutsforWord.Visithttp://office.microsoft.comandsearchfor‘keyboardshortcuts’forathefulllistofshortchuts.To learnmoreaboutother features inWordoraboutother Microsoft programs, give us a call [email protected].▲


Microsoft announced that users using a WindowsPhonewithanOSolderthanversion7.5(codename:Mango)willnotbeabletodownload,buyorupdateapps from their app store, Marketplace. If you arestill on an older OS version and want to utilizeMarketplace,youwillneedtoupdateitbydoingthefollowing:


2. If you findyourphone is runningversion7.0orearlier, youcanupdate itbypluggingyourphoneinto your computer using a USB cord, and eitherthe Zune software (for PC users) or WindowsPhoneConnector(forMacusers)installedonyourcomputer.

3.Open the (ZuneorWindowsPhoneConnector)program and select Update now. Your computerwill download the update, install it onto yourphone,andpromptyouwhenitisready.

Ifyouarealreadyusingversion7.5,thereisnoneedto update your phone, but since there have beenincrementalupdatesreleased,itmaybebeneficialtocheckforanupdate.

For additional information or help with yourWindows Phone, contact us at 612.298.3000 [email protected].▲


Page 6: Greetings from Invisik!€¦ · 01.07.2013  · employee remote access Lessens physical and computer security problems Incorporates Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity options

7240 Grand Ave S Richfield, MN 55423

Summer heat waves come and go, but being pro‐activeonpreventingyourserverandITnetworkfromoverheating is a year‐longnecessity.Herearea fewsimple things you can do to prevent your valuableinvestmentfromcrashing:

1. Tidy up the server room; a neater room willincreaseairflow.

2. If you have more than one server, arrangetheminarowsothatthecoldaircomesfromthefrontandisexpelledouttheback.

3. Keepthedoorstotheserverroomclosedandsealoffthespace.

4. Makesurecoldairreachesalltheequipment.5. Have a redundant A/C that is specifically

designedforcomputers.6. Buyarackenclosurewherethecoolingisbuilt


7. Keepthetemperatureatnomorethan77degrees.

8. Use blanking panels overany empty spaces on yourserverrack.

9. Consider virtualization orhosting your servers in acloud environment so youaregeneratingaloweramountofheat.▲


More tech tips inside…
