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Grievance HSSAN

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Table of contents WHO ARE IDP’S INTRODUCTION MEANING SYNONYMS TYPES OF GRIEVANCE 1. REGISTRATION a. Grievances During Enlisting Stage 1. Person having no CNIC Method of verification Verification by the community elder After verification process Sharing information 2. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives. 1. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives with CNIC Method of verification Verification by the community elder After verification process Sharing information 2. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives with no CNIC 3. Widow with or with out CNIC 1. If the widow has a CNIC: Verification process Obtain and record the following information Verification by community elder After verification To advice that her already registered adult sons or daughters with the same family number should change their family number In case of non compliance 1
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Table of contents



a. Grievances During Enlisting Stage

1. Person having no CNICMethod of verificationVerification by the community elderAfter verification processSharing information

2. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives.

1. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives with CNICMethod of verificationVerification by the community elderAfter verification processSharing information

2. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives with no CNIC

3. Widow with or with out CNIC

1. If the widow has a CNIC:Verification processObtain and record the following informationVerification by community elderAfter verificationTo advice that her already registered adult sons or daughters with the same family number should change their family numberIn case of non compliance

2. If the widow has no CNIC:Verification processIn all cases

4. Where children do not have parents/ adult sibling/ other relativesVerification of the factsVerification by the community elderAfter verificationNote


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5. Married couple who are both childrenVerification of factAfter verificationSharing of information

6. Divorced women with and with out updated CNICDivorced women with cnicwhere the former husband, adult son or daughter or another wife of her former husband is registerVerification of factAfter verificationNote

7. Divorced women with no CNIC

Verification of factVerification by community elderAfter verificationSharing of informationNote

8. Representatives of ill/ disabled peopleDuty of GDWhere husband or wife is availableto arrange mobile registration teamobtaining and recording of record by MRT

9. Cases of dual addressVerification of factVerification by community elderRegistration on NADRA token numberVerification letterAssistance of legal service provider

10. Dual Address But EviVerification of factVerification by community elderAfter verificationSharing information

11. When person have NIC, expired CNIC, copy of CNIC or NADRA token12. Where in CNIC the address is not of notified area

Verification of factVerification by community elderRegistration on NADRA token numberVerification letterAssistance of legal service provider

13. Where applicants appear at registration point on wrong day14. People who do not appear to be idps but who claim their dependents are idps duty of GD15. Where in CNIC the notified area or sub tribe is not mentioned

Verification of the factsVerification by community elderSharing of recordNote

b. Post Enlisting Grievances


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16. Data not found17. No registration form received from unhcr although active case18. Family tree issues

The person is found to be ineligible for registration by unhcr due to family treeWhere the applicant is female and separated by her husband who is registerWhere applicant is a parent whose adult married son/ daughter has registeredWhere applicant is a parent whose adult unmarried son/ daughter has registeredWhere applicant is a married adult son/ daughter whose parent has registeredWhere applicant is an unmarried adult son/ daughter whose parent has registeredNote

19. Double registration 20. Suspect alien cases

To inform the applicantVerification from register family member of suspected alien and community elderAfter verification


21. Correction of registration formIf the grievance is reported to a GD in a campIf the grievance is reported to gds outside campModification of registration records and formModification of In camp idps formsIn other casesIssuance of new registration formSharing of record

22. Lost registration form and duplicate registration formFor In camp idpsIn other cases any GD can deal with these grievances

Access to humanitarian assistance 1. Food23. Ineligibility for food assistance due to dual address

Verification processVerification by community elderReferring to NADRA

24. Head of household who was registered had dual address but spouse was eligible for registration

Verification processIf verifiedSpouse with CNICSpouse without CNICUpon presentation of the NADRA token and attestation at the GDWhen new CNIC is obtained

25. Those registered on the basis of old pa listsUpon verificationReferring to NADRA

26. Duplicate CNICVerification processWhere both CNIC contain different addressWhere IDP’s cannot pay fine immediately


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Where IDP’s can pay fine27. Family tree – recorded by NADRA as spouse registered/ parent registered/ child registered cases

Spouse already registeredSpouse registered multiple/separate/abandoned wivesVerification processIf verified to be a genuine separated/abandoned/multiple wifeEvi casesVerification processEvi cases

28. Divorced woman with the same family number as another personVerification processVerification process

29. Divorced woman with same family number as former husband/ other wives and other family members registered

Verification processEvi casesIn all cases

30. If the IDP’s is a parent whose adult married son(s)/ daughter(s)is/ are also registered on the same family number31. Parent registered

Refer IDP’s to a CNIC legal service providerAdvise the IDP’s to return to GD once s/he and spouse have applied for new CNICsIncorrect CNIC/CNIC error

32. Suspect alien casesVerification from the registered family member and community elderAfter verification

33. Not from conflict zone

34. No record

35. Verified block (i.e. Non-verified by NADRA)

36. Registered by token

37. Change of food collection point by IDP’s

38. Access to tents &NFI

39. Registered without a tent

40. Damaged tent


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41. Individual risk in area of origin (for example, because of employment, personal enmity etc

42. IDP’s is prohibited from rebuilding on his/her land or is not permitted/Able to return to or access the property in which s/he lived before displacementSpecial vulnerabilities

43. Area officially de-notified but pa says its unsafe44. Special vulnerabilities


1. Access to public schools 2. Access to health Services3. Harassment4. Discrimination


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WHO ARE IDP’SAccording to the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, internally displaced persons (also known as "IDPs") are "persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized border."

INTRODUCTIONThe formation of the grievance desk has its routes in guiding principles, which provides the principles addressing the specific needs of the internally displaced people and defining their rights from time of displacement till their return and resettlement. The very first principle of the guiding principle provides that all internally displaced persons should enjoy equal rights and freedom as are enjoyed by other citizen of the state without any discrimination. So when there is right there is wrong and when there is wrong or distress there is remedy for it. Keeping in view the concept of wrong and remedy the grievance desk was initiated in order to address the problems, issues, claims of the internally displaced person and to entertain them with remedy. The grievance desk is set in order to provide the IDP’s a platform where they can address their issues and get them solved, the grievance desk also plays the role of referral where needed. Grievance desk provides a systematic and proper procedure for solving the IDP’s grievance. The grievances faced by the idps are divided into four main section and sub section. They are 1. Grievance during registration. 2. Post registration grievance, 3. Return grievance, 4.Other Grievance Issues. These four sections are further divided into sub sections.

Doctor’s DeskThe grievance desk most likely gives a look of doctor’s desk, where an IDP dressed as a patient approaches the grievance desk and the grievance officer as a doctor listen , understand and solved the problems.

Meaning Of GrievanceA wrong or hardship suffered, whether real or supposed, which forms legitimate grounds of complaint.

OrAn issue, concern, problem, or claim (perceived or actual) that an individual or

Community wants an authority to address and resolve.Or

A imaginary or real wrong causing resentment and regarded as grounds for complaint.

Synonyms  Injustice Hurt, Injury, Distress.


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1. To Be In Touch With Shura MemberThe grievance desk must be in touch with the shura member or with the community elder, that in the time of emergency and need their assistance may be acquired, there fore all the detail with respect to shura member/ community elders living in camp or off camp must be with the GD. Because some time an IDP’s may not be aware of his shura or community elder. This is also important because the grievance officer must be aware that who is real and who is fake.

2. To Empowered Grievance Desk To Solve Minor IssuesThe grievance desk must be empowered by the unhcr that they can solve minor issues by its self with out forwarding it to unhcr and to wait for unhcr approval. So where an IDP’s have register on token number, or where any change in CNIC has been made by the IDP’s, or any error is need to be corrected, so with out following the formal procedure in such minor issues the GD must be given power to resolve the same.

3. Separate Grievance Desk For Both Males And FemalesThere should be separate grievance desk for both males and females. The female may due to the cultural norms and hesitation may not go to the grievance desk for resolving her issue and also due to the communication gap they may not able to explain their issue and may able to understand the solution and verification process conducted by the grievance desk officer.

4. Joint VerificationThe benefit of the joint verification is that the work of the grievance desk will be more effective if it already knows that due to which reason the food assistance etc of the said IDP’s is suspended or blocked. It is better to guide and solve the issue on the spot with out referring it to other ips to verify that for wat reason the assistant is suspended or blocked. This will also encourage the IDP’s that they need not to go after one another for resolving their issue.

5. Frequent Meeting with WFP and UNHCRThere should be frequent meeting of grievance officers with WFP and UNHCR. That cases and issues may be discussed and any new way out of any issues may also be discussed. And that they may also match the number of cases reported in the month, the number of cases solved in the month, the pending cases and reason of pendency and also to discuss the EVI case which needs to be solved.

6. Own Net FacilityThe grievance desk must have their own independent net facility with out depending upon any other ips net. As now a days all the process is on line and data is shared from mint to mint, so any disturbance will weaker the process of grievance desk.

7. Knowledge Of Other Ips And Their WorkThe grievance desk must possess the knowledge of all the ips where he is working and also must have the contact details of their supervisors or leading person in order to properly guide the IDP’s and properly refer the IDP’s to the said ips

8. Follow Up Of Cases Referred The grievance desk can only work properly and the trust of the IDPs will be in grievance desk when the issue addresses to the grievance desk are solved with out any undue delay. So for this purpose the grievance officer is required to do the follow up of the cases referred and share, in order to provide a quicker remedy.

9. Legal Service ProviderMost of the problems referred to the grievance desk by the IDPs are relating to the cnic and legal. As mostly IDPs are illiterate and they need assistance and guidance on legal issues So the grievance officer must be accompanied by the legal service provider who can guide the IDPs with respect to the technicalities of the legal matters. This will improve the work and quality of grievance desk.


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Meaning of terms

In need of Separate assistanceThe term In need of separate assistance’ is used to describe

(1) a married female who is not living with her husband and is in need of her own assistance as she has no means of supporting herself and/or any dependent children;

(2) a married female who is living with her husband and other wife/ wives but the family is too large (i.e. larger than 7 persons) to be supported on one food ration;

(3) a widow who has the same family number as another registered person and is in need of her own assistance as she and/or any dependent children cannot be supported by that person;

(4) a divorced woman who has the same family number as her former husband and/ or a divorced woman who has the same family number as another registered person and is in need of her own assistance as she and her dependent children cannot be supported by that person due to family number being too large or other reason which must be explained

Extremely vulnerable IDP (EVI)The term EVI stands for extremely vulnerable idp, it commonly mean person closer to risk, the EVI are those person or family who are in need of urgent assistance due to the reason that they are chronically ill or disabled, a single headed household representative, an at risk child or a vulnerable member of a minority group, multiple/separated wives (with or without a CNIC); widows with or without CNICs; cases involving children (i.e. those under 18 years old) including those unaccompanied/ living with relatives/others/ minors who are married to minors; divorced women with or without updated CNICs; and cases involving ill/ disabled persons who cannot present in person for registration.


1. Person Having No Cnic

Cnic is the basic requirement for registering a person as an IDP’s because from CNIC the status of a person can be judge that whether he/she is Pakistani citizen and belongs to a notified conflicted area/ tribe or not.Some times it happen that a person comes to the registration point for getting him self register as an IDP’s with no CNIC such cases are referred to the GD. In such cases the grievance desk should take the following step in order to verify his/her IDP’s status.

the GD must encourage the applicant and to ask the applicant to go to the NADRA OFFICE and apply for the CNIC.To refer the said applicant to the any legal service provider, if any, through referral mechanism.If it is found that the said applicant is EVI than in such case the GD should after formal verification should register him on special tracking number.

a. Method Of VerificationFor the purpose of verifying that the said person is EVI and should be register on special tracking number the GD is required to obtain the following data and record the same.


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to verify that the said person belongs to the notified conflict area and tribe as per government and unhcr recordto verify that whether any other person is register as an IDP’s or notwhere the applicant lives and who support himto record the number of children’s / dependants living with him/her, if any, than to record their names , ages, and gender.where is his / her spouse is living and with whom.

b. Verification By The Community ElderAll the above mention data must be verified by the community elder and name of verifier and his complete detail with CNIC must be recorded too.c. After Verification ProcessWhen it becomes verified that the said applicant is EVI than he / she must be enlisted by the GD and on special tracking number and such record must be shared by GD with UNHCR and WFP.The GD must also inform the applicant that he must apply for CNIC and to obtain it within three months, other wise he will be declare as ineligible for food assistances. GD must also ask the applicant the if he/she faces any difficulty in obtaining the CNIC he/she must immediately report to GD and explain the problem. The GD must share the problem with FDMA,PDMA, UNHCR and WFP.

Sharing informationThe GD must share the record of every person enlisted on special tracking number with UNHCR, PDMA, FDMA, WFP.

2. MULTIPLE/SEPARATED/ ABANDONED WIVES.Cases may comes by the time of registration, where a female presented for registration is separated/ abandoned by her husband or where her husband have multiple wives, such females are consider to be most vulnerable as the have no mean of support.

A. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives with cnic

Cases may come where a female comes to the registration point claiming separate assistance due to the reason that her husband have more than one wife or she has been separated or abandoned by her husband and her husband another wife or adult son or daughter with same family number is registered. Such cases are to be dealt by the GD and the GD is required to enlist the said female on special tracking number after going through the verification process.

a. Method of verificationFor the purpose of verification the GD must take the following steps and obtain the data and to record the same.

the female CNICthe CNIC of her husband the registration number of her husband or of any other person with the same family number.where and with whom she is livingwho is supporting herwhere her husband is living and with whom?the number of children/ dependants living with female, their names, ages and gender and vulnerability if any.her husband, if possible, must be called upon to verify the information given by the female.any other documentary proof which shows that she has be abandoned by her husband.

b. Verification by the community elderAll the above mention data must be verified by the community member and name of verifier and his complete detail with CNIC must be recorded too.


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c. After verification processWhen it becomes verified that the said applicant is EVI and is in need of separate assistances than she must be enlisted by the GD and on special tracking number and such record must be shared by GD with UNHCR.

d. Sharing informationThe GD must share the record of every person enlisted on special tracking number with UNHCR, PDMA, FDMA, WFP

B. Multiple/separated/ abandoned wives with no CNIC ==============Cases may come where a female comes to the registration point with no CNIC claiming separate assistance due to the reason that her husband have more than on wife or she has been separated or abandoned by her husband. Such cases are referred to the GD and GD after formal verification founds that the said female is EVI and needs separate assistance, can enlist her on special tracking number.In such case the above mention procedure is followed by the GD in order to verify that she in eligible for separate assistance or not. the GD must also ask the female that to apply for CNIC and to obtain the same with in three months other wise she will declare as ineligible for food assistance and she must also report to GD regarding any problem faced in obtaining CNIC and GD must share the data with UNHCR etc.


Sometimes widows present at the Registration Point. Often, they are amongst the most Vulnerable persons with no means of support. A. If the widow has a CNIC: I f the widow has cnic than in such case She can be enlisted immediately but the GD should check whether she has any adult sons or daughters with the same family number who have applied for registration. a. Where adult sons or daughters with the same family number are already registerIf yes, she will be expected to rely on her registered sons/ daughters for support. If this is not possible (for example because those with the same family number as her already have too many dependents and/ or she herself has dependent children so that the total number of people in the family exceeds 7) and it is verified by a community elder that she requires separate assistance, full details of the case should be recorded on GD records. Method of verification and obtaining and recording data

The female’s CNIC number Where and with whom she is living and how she is supported The details of family members with the same family number who are registered and why these family members cannot support the widow, for example, they may already have too many dependents and/or she herself may have dependent children. The food assistance package is designed to feed 7 people. If it is claimed that there are already too many people in the family dependent on the food package, the CNIC and registration documents of other adult members should be examined and details of all members of the family (adults and children) and the registration numbers and CNIC numbers of all adult family members must be recorded (physical verification of documents should be conducted if possible). Verification by community elder.

The GD should also seek verification of the facts of the case and the fact that the widow requires separate assistance from a community elder. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records.

After verificationIf it is verified that the widow requires separate assistance, the widow should be enlisted on a Special Tracking Number. The GD MUST record the Special Tracking Number AND the CNIC number in GD records at the enlisting stage.

To advice that her already registered adult sons or daughters with the same family number should change their family number

If the widow is registered on a Special Tracking Number and she has married sons/ daughters with the same family number as her who have been registered, the family should be advised that all eligible family members


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should separate their family tree from that of the widow by applying for new CNIC(s) and family number(s) and then modifying their registration records. They should be referred to CNIC legal service providers if available.

In case of non compliance The widow should be informed that if her married sons/ daughters do not separate their family tree from hers and modify their registration records to reflect this within 3 months, she may be determined ineligible for continued food assistance. She should be advised that her family members should return to the GD within 3 months if they experience problems in obtaining CNICs. In these circumstances, the GD should ask UNHCR for guidance on how tohandle the case

B. If the widow has no CNIC:

Encourage to apply for cnicShe should be encourage informed that she will need to apply for a CNIC (and will need the death certificate of her husband and a copy of his CNIC or that of an adult son/daughter with the same family number, as well as a copy of her father’s CNIC). She should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider if possible as the procedure is complex.

Where she is EVIIf it appears that she is in need of separate assistance and is an EVI with no CNIC, the following verification process must be followed. a. Method of Verification The grievance officer for the purpose of verification must follow the under mention procedure and Obtain and record the following details:

The female’s CNIC number Where and with whom she is living and how she is supported The details of family members with the same family number who are registered and why these family members cannot support the widow, for example, they may already have too many dependents and/or she herself may have dependent children. The food assistance package is designed to feed 7 people. If it is claimed that there are already too many people in the family dependent on the food package, the CNIC and registration documents of other adult members should be examined and details of all members of the family (adults and children) and the registration numbers and CNIC numbers of all adult family members must be recorded (physical verification of documents should be conducted if possible). Whether s/he has any children living with him/ her. If so, how many children and their ages Any other details which indicate a need for urgent assistance.

b. Verification by the community elderThe GD should also seek verification of the facts of the case and the fact that the widow requires separate assistance from a community elder. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records.c. After verificationIf verified to be an EVI, she should be enlisted on a Special Tracking Number and informed that she must obtain a CNIC within 3 months otherwise she may be determined to be ineligible for food assistance. d. any adult married son/ daughter to change their family number tooShe should also be informed that any married sons/ daughters with the same family number must obtain new CNIC and family numbers within 3 months as this will also impact eligibility for food assistances. She should be advised that her family members should return to the GD as soon as possible months if they experience problems in obtaining CNIC. In these circumstances, the GD should ask UNHCR for guidance on how to handle the case. She should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider as her case is complex. NOTE In all cases where a widow is enlisted on a Special Tracking Number, UNHCR and PDMA/ FDMA should be informed of the circumstances of the enlisting on a Special Tracking Number (i.e. copy of GD record in respect of the case to be shared with them) and any updates in respect of the case. The widow should be informed of possibility of referral to the relevant UNHCR Protection IP if she wants to stay in camp.

4. Where children do not have parents/ adult sibling/ other relatives


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Some time children comes to the registration point who do not have parents, any adult sibling, other relatives who are register or can be registered than in such case the eldest child among the children should be register as an IDP’s on a special tracking number.

a. Verification of the facts

The following steps must be taken by the GD before registering him or her on special tracking number.Where his/her parents are?With whom he/she is living?whether he/she has any sibling, both elder and younger, if yes than where they are and with whom they are living and their full detail (name, sex and age)how they are been supported presentlywhether they are facing any kind of difficulties in the area where he/she or his/her siblings are living

b. Verification by the Community Elder All the facts of the case must be verified by the community elder and the details of who has verified the facts including CNIC number should be recorded on the GD records.

c. After VerificationWhen the GD is satisfied from the verification than the elder child should be registered on special tracking number, the details of the forum B (CRC ) if available must also be recorded.

NOTEIn all cases where an unaccompanied child or a child who is living with people who are not his/ her relatives, the children presenting should be referred immediately to the Social Welfare Department. Should check with UNICEF and the Social Welfare Department.


Where a married couple comes for registration who are both children than in such a case the one of them should, after prior verification be register as a IDP’s on special tacking number.

a. Verification of factFor the purpose of verification the following data must be obtain and record.

Verification of marriage can be done by nikahnama if available and where the nikahnama is not available than in such case the community member must verify the marriage. the details of the parents CNIC and registration numberany other information which confirms the marriage of the applicant.

b. verification by community elderAll the facts must be verified by the community elder and details of verifier must also be note down in GD record.c. After verification After the completion of verification one among the couple should be registered on special tracking number and s/he will be informed that s/he must apply for a CNIC when s/he is 18 years old and will be informed to modify his/ her registration records when s/he receives the CNIC. The child must be referred to a CNIC legal service provider. Children should be offered immediate referral to UNHCR Protection IP if they wish to stay in camp and in case of Evi they should be referred to any service providers providing special food assistance pending Full registrationc. Sharing of informationIn all cases where children are registered on a Special Tracking Number, UNHCR and PDMA/FDMA should be informed about the details of the enlisting (a copy of the GD records) And the Special Tracking Number.


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6. DIVORCED WOMEN WITH AND WITH OUT UPDATED CNIC A. Divorce women with cnicWhere a divorced women come to the registration point with CNIC which is having same family number as that of her former husband than in such case the GD is required to check whether her former husband or children with the same family number are register or not and if not register than the divorced women can be enlisted on the basis of her CNIC.

where the former husband, adult son or daughter or another wife of her former husband is register

But where it is found that her former husband, adult son or daughter or another wife of her former husband is register and the divorced women is in need of special assistance, than the GD upon verification can enlist her on special tracking number.

a. Verification of fact The GD is required to obtain and record the following facts for verification.

to verify that she is actually divorced by her husband or not.to check who else with the same family number is register and reason why they cannot support her until she gets a new CNIC with different CNIC.to record the CNIC and registration number of those who are register with same family number and GD may demand the physical attendance of them if possible.Divorced certificate

All the facts must be verified by the community elder and details of verifier must also be note down in GD record

b. After verification When it is verified that the divorced women needs a separate assistance due to the reason that her former husband, her adult son and daughter register with the same family number cannot support her till she gets her updated CNIC than is such case the GD is required to enlist the divorced women on special tracking number.

NOTEThe divorced woman should be advised to apply for a new CNIC with a new family number. She will need a divorce certificate. If she does not have a divorce certificate, she should be advised to obtain one within 3 months otherwise she may be determined to be ineligible for food assistance. She should be advised that she must return to the GD as soon as possible if she experiences problems in obtaining a CNIC. In these circumstances, the GD should ask UNHCR for guidance on how to handle the case. She should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider where available as this is a complex procedure.


As it is clear that CNIC is the basic requirement for getting registration, so where a divorced approaches for registration with no CNIC than in such case she cannot enlisted until she gets a CNIC, but she can be enlisted where it is verified that the said divorced women is in need of separate assistance .

a. Verification of fact1. divorced women has childrens, if yes than full detail of them. Names, ages and sex.

where she is living For verification the following data must be obtain and record.2. to whom the divorced women was married the CNIC of her husband if available 3. if her former husband , adult son or daughter is register, reason that why they cannot support her until she

gets new CNIC4. the CNIC number and registration number of her former husband or adult son or daughter.5. whether the and who is supporting her.6. divorce certificate

b. verification by community elderAll the facts must be verified by the community elder and details of verifier must also be note down in GD record

c. After verification


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When it is verified that the divorced women needs a separate assistance and is EVI, due to the reason that her former husband, her adult son and daughter register with the same family number cannot support her till she gets her CNIC than is such case the GD is required to enlist the divorced women on special tracking number And GD must also advise the women that she must apply for CNIC and obtain the CNIC with the period of two months other wise she will be determined as ineligible for food assistance and she must also be advise that to return back to GD if she faced any kind of difficulties in obtaining the CNIC and GD is required to share the information with UNHCR. GD may also refer the divorced women to any CNIC legal service provider . Sharing of informationIn all cases where a divorced woman is enlisted on a Special Tracking Number, UNHCR and PDMA/ FDMA should be informed of the circumstances of the enlisting and the Special Tracking Number (i.e. copy of GD record in respect of the case to be shared with them) and any updates in respect of the case.NoteThe divorced woman should be informed of possibility of referral to the relevant UNHCR Protection IP if she wants to stay in camp. EVIs should be referred to any service providers providing special food assistance pending full registration.

7. Representatives of ill/ disabled people

The general rule is that an IDP’s family cannot be enlisted or register until a adult member of the family present in person at the registration point but some times it happen that people comes to the registration point saying that their relative cannot attend due to illness or disability.

a. Duty of GDIn such a situation it become the duty of the GD to encourage the representative of the ill or disable person to ensure that the ill or disable person should attend the registration point in person, vehicle and the registration officer will meet the ill or disable person in that vehicle and will record all the details required for registration or enlisting. And where the ill or disable person lives in camp than in such case UNHCR should be in formed and UNHCR registration ip will visit the tent where that ill or disable person is lives.b. Where husband or wife is availableWhere it is found that it is impractical for the ill or disable person to attend in person the registration or enlisting point than the GD should check that whether there is husband or wife of that ill or disable person and if yes than he or she should be asked to attend. c. to arrange mobile registration team Where their left no other mean by which a ill or disable person can be properly enlisted or register than in such case the GD as a last resort should arrange mobile registration team who will visit the ill or disable at their home or hospital. But such is a crucial work and takes lots of time for arranging.Where mobile registration is arranged, PDMA/FDMA will accompany UNHCR’s Registration IP. PDMA/FDMA and UNHCR will update their records to reflect the IDP’s vulnerability.d. obtaining and recording of record by MRTThe following details must be obtain by the mobile registration team.

Full details of the illness/ disability of the ill/ disabled person, including how long s/he has been ill/ disabled; where s/he lives (full address); where his/her spouse is; whether there are any other people registered on the same family number

EVIDENCE (documentary proof) of illness/ disability. Details of this need to be recorded in GD records (i.e. date of document, who issued it, what it says etc.)In these cases it is also CRUCIAL to obtain the TELEPHONE NUMBER AND FULL ADDRESS of the ill/ disabled person.

The ill/disabled person due to his condition is not be expected to collect their food assistance in person if this will cause problems for them. They can nominate a family member to collect assistance on their behalf. That person’s CNIC must be verified by the GD and recorded on registration records in consultation with UNHCR.


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8. CASES OF DUAL ADDRESSAs it is earlier mention that CNIC is the basic requirement for enlisting and registration, it is necessary that both the address mention in the CNIC must be same and must be of area which is notified by govt and UNHCR as conflicted area. So It is general rule that both the address mentioned in the CNIC must be of notified area other wise he or she cannot be enlisted or registered. If one address is changed from that of notified area than such case must be verified.

a. Verification of factFor verification that the said person who have come for registration having dual address comes and belongs to notified area or not and for such the following data must be obtain and record.

Where the applicant lived in the notified area. How long the applicant lived there and the date s/he left; The reason why the applicant left the notified area; The means of transportation and route taken to leave the notified area; Why the applicant’s CNIC does not reflect both addresses in the notified area; Where the applicant’s spouse and other family members are living.

b. Verification by community elder These facts should be verified by a community elder with both addresses on the CNIC in the notified area. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. c. Registration on NADRA TOKEN NUMBERIf the GD is satisfied after verification that the applicant is from the notified area and fled as a result of the conflict, the applicant should be informed that s/he must modify his/ her CNIC to reflect both addresses in the conflict area and register on a NADRA token, ensuring that NADRA records both addresses on the CNIC in the notified area. d. Verification Letter

The applicant should be told to present to the GD with the NADRA token PLUS a copy of the verification from the Malik, Tehsildar and PA which they must obtain in support of the CNIC application and which confirms both addresses in the notified area. e. Assistance Of Leagal Service ProviderIf the applicant requires assistance in applying for a CNIC, s/he should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider.

9. DUAL ADDRESS BUT EVISome times cases may arise where a person approaches the registration point not only possess dual address in CNIC but is EVI and in need of urgent assistance. Then in such cases the GD must verify the case before enlisting it.

Verification of fact

1. If the applicant is an EVI and in need of urgent assistance, record the nature of the vulnerability and why s/he is in need of urgent assistance.

2. To obtain all data and record the same which proof that said person belongs to notified area. VERIFICATION BY COMMUNITY ELDERA community elder must verify that the applicant is from the notified area, fled as a result of the conflict and is an EVI. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD recordsSHARING INFORMATION All the record obtain through verification process must be shared with UNHCR and PDMA/FDMA (as applicable) along with the other facts of the case.AFTER VERIFICATION If, after verification, the GD is satisfied that the applicant was living in the notified area and fled as a result of the conflict AND is an EVI, the applicant should be enlisted immediately but must be informed that s/he should update his/ her CNIC and modify registration records


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within 2 months otherwise s/he may become ineligible for food assistance. UNHCR and PDMA/FDMA should be informed of the circumstances of the enlisting. The EVI should be referred to UNHCR’s Protection IP if s/he wishes to stay in camp.

10. WHEN PERSON HAVE NIC, EXPIRED CNIC, COPY OF CNIC OR NADRA TOKENAt the time of registration cases may arrive where a person comes for registration with an Expired Cnic, Copy Of Cinc, Nic Or Nadra Token. In such cases the person should not be return with out doing his registration but applicant must be register. The applicant registering upon NADRA token, expired CNIC, nic must be advise to apply and abtain new CNIC and to modify his record accordingly. The GD should not only inform and highlight such cases to UNHCR etc by the time of enlisting but also when the IDP’s obtain new CNIC and the GD modifies his record, this is because the UNHCR will share it with WFP’


Sometimes, it happens that the IDP’s presented for registration have no address in CNIC of notified conflicted area but claims that he/she belongs to notified conflicted area and and they fled from notified area as a result of the conflict. Such cases are referred to GD in order to verify that they said person is actually from, was living and fled from notified area or not.

a. Verification of factFor verification that the said person who have come for registration belongs to notified area, the following data must be obtain and record.

1. Where the applicant lived in the notified area. 2. How long the applicant lived there and the date s/he left; 3. The reason why the applicant left the notified area; 4. The means of transportation and route taken to leave the notified area; 5. Why the applicant’s CNIC does not reflect both addresses in the notified area; 6. Where the applicant’s spouse and other family members are living.

b. Verification by community elder These facts should be verified by a community elder with both addresses on the CNIC in the notified area. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. c. Registration on NADRA TOKEN NUMBER

If the GD is satisfied after verification that the applicant is from the notified area and fled as a result of the conflict, the applicant should be informed that s/he must modify his/ her CNIC to reflect both addresses in the conflict area and register on a NADRA token, ensuring that NADRA records both addresses on the CNIC in the notified area. d. VERIFICATION LETTER

The applicant should be told to present to the GD with the NADRA token PLUS a copy of the verification from the Malik, Tehsildar and PA which they must obtain in support of the CNIC application and which confirms both addresses in the notified area. e. ASSISTANCE OF LEAGAL SERVICE PROVIDERIf the applicant requires assistance in applying for a CNIC, s/he should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider.12. WHERE APPLICANTS APPEAR AT REGISTRATION Point ON WRONG DAYNotified tribes are enlisted on allocated days of the week so where applicants present at the Registration Point on the wrong day, they can be enlisted so long as they have a CNIC with both addresses in the notified area and they are VULNERABLE

13. PEOPLE WHO DO NOT APPEAR TO BE IDPs BUT WHO CLAIM THEIR DEPENDENTS ARE IDPs Often people who are living/ working outside the notified area (for example, in Karachi lahore or overseas, as reflected on their CNIC request that they be enlisted because they have dependent family members who were affected by the conflict and who are IDPs.


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DUTY OF GDIn these cases, the GD must inform applicants that they cannot be registered and that their dependents who are IDPs should register And If their dependents require assistance in obtaining CNIC, they should be referred to CNIC legal service providers if available in the area of registration.


Some times it happen that a person presented for the registration with CNIC which do not have address of notified area or tribe but he claims that he belongs to such notified area and tribe, such cases are referred to the GD.a. VERIFICATION OF THE FACTSIn such cases GD should confirms by formal verification that whether the said person belongs to notified area or tribe. All the relevant data should be obtain and record which reflects that the said person belongs to the notified area or tribe.b. VERIFICATION BY COMMUNITY ELDER All the obtained and recorded data must be verified by the community elder that the applicant is a member of a notified tribe and should register the applicant on positive verification. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records.c. SHARING OF RECORD The GD must share the record along with the other facts of the case with UNHCR and PDMA/FDMA. d. NOTEThe applicant should be advised to modify his/ her CNIC to reflect the notified tribe (but does not need to do this before enlisting/ registration). The applicant should be informed that they must modify their registration records within 2 months otherwise they may become ineligible for food assistance.



This happens very exceptionally where UNHCR’s Registration IP has no record from UNHCR in relation to a registration applicant, for example, where incomplete information was registered at the time of enlisting. The GD should assume that the applicant’s data was not recorded in full at enlisting, apologize and advise the applicant presenting at the Registration Point to immediately enlist again (i.e. not await their allotted registration day)

2. NO REGISTRATION FORM RECEIVED FROM UNHCR ALTHOUGH ACTIVE CASESometimes, the electronic data received from UNHCR shows that the data is active (meaning the IDP should be registered) but the Registration Form is missing. Such cases are referred to GD the GD should confirm that in real the registration form of the IDPs is missing. After that the GD should contact UNHCR so that a new form can be issued. The IDP should be informed to return to the Registration Point after 2 days.



Family tree issues arises where two or more person applied for the registration with same family number, in such cases UNHCR can register only one person and others are de registered until they change their family number. Only exceptional cases are entertain and time is given to them to change their family number and in event of failing to do so their assistance gets stopped.Following are the few cases with family tree issues which referred to GD..


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a. WHERE THE APPLICANT IS FEMALE AND SEPARATED BY HER HUSBAND WHO IS REGISTERIf the applicant is a female and her husband has registered but they are separated OR she requires separate assistance, the procedure set out above on Multiple/separated /abandoned wives (with or without a CNIC) should be followed. b. WHERE APPLICANT IS A PARENT WHOSE ADULT MARRIED SON/ DAUGHTER HAS REGISTEREDIf the applicant is a parent whose adult married son/ daughter has registered, the applicant should be advised that the adult married son/ daughter and spouse must apply for new CNICs and a separate family number. c. WHEREAPPLICANT IS A PARENT WHOSE ADULT UNMARRIED SON/ DAUGHTER HAS REGISTEREDIf the applicant is a parent whose adult unmarried son/ daughter has registered, the applicant should be advised that the adult unmarried son/ daughter will be expected to support the applicant. If this is not possible for some reason, full details of the case, including all exceptional circumstances, should be recorded and the case should be raised with UNHCR and PDMA/ FDMA. d. WHEREAPPLICANT IS A MARRIED ADULT SON/ DAUGHTER WHOSE PARENT HAS REGISTEREDIf the applicant is a married adult son/ daughter whose parent has registered, s/he and spouse should apply for new CNICs and a separate family number.NOTEIf assistance is required with CNIC applications, these cases should be referred to CNIC legal service providers and those who were advised to apply for new family numbers, must be asked to approach the GD along with the new CNICs and family numbers so that UNHCR can be asked to update their registration records.


This happens where it appears that an IDP has tried to register for a second time. UNHCR cross-checks its records and informs the Registration Point if the IDP is already registered. The IDP should be provided with the previous registration number. details on UNHCR registration records are correct to ensure that there has been no error in registration. If the IDP says that that s/he has lost his/ her Registration Form, the GD needs to follow the procedure for obtaining a duplicate Registration Form.5. SUSPECT ALIEN CASES Sometimes UNHCR indicates on its records that the applicant is not eligible for registration because NADRA has verified that the applicant is a suspect alien a. TO INFORM THE APPLICANTIn such cases GD should inform the applicant that s/he is considered to be a suspect alien (i.e. not a Pakistani citizen) according to NADRA. And where the applicant stills claim to be Pakistani citizen the GD must verify the case accordinglyb. Verification from register family member of suspected alien and community elder The GD should seek full details from the applicant of any family members who are registered and community elders who can verify the applicant’s background. The names, connection with the IDP (i.e. family members/ community elder etc.) and CNIC numbers of any persons who provides verification should be recorded on GD records. c. After verificationIf, upon verification, it seems that the suspect alien is a Pakistani citizen and an IDP, full details should be forwarded to UNHCR and PDMA/ FDMA with a request that UNHCR agree to the registration of the applicant.


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1. CORRECTION OF REGISTRATION FORM Correction is needed where there is a mistake on the Registration Form, for example, name, CNIC number etc. In these cases new Registration Forms will be issued by UNHCR. This applies whether the Registration Form was issued under the old or new systems (i.e. handwritten or printed Registration Forms). If the grievance is reported to a GD in a campIf the grievance is reported to a GD in a camp where a UNHCR Registration IP is operating, the grievance should be referred to the Registration IP.If the grievance is reported to GDs outside campIf the grievance is reported to GDs outside camp or in a camp where there is no Registration IP presence, any of UNHCR’s Protection IPs can handle the grievance. Details of the correction required must be recorded and share with UNHCR. UNHCR will amend records and issue a corrected Registration Form. The IDP should be informed to return to the GD after 4 days

2.Modification of Registration Records and FormModification is needed where the CNIC is issued after IDP was registered on a token OR where there is a change in CNIC records due to changed family tree/ new CNIC. If there is no modification of UNHCR records and updating of WFP records after modification, WFP may cease food assistance after 2 months where a person has registered on a token.a. MODIFICATION OF INCAMP IDPS FORMS In a camp situation, if a UNHCR Registration IP is operational, the Registration IP is responsible for notifying UNHCR in relation to all cases where modification of registration records is needed and these cases should be referred to the UNHCR Registration IP.b. IN OTHER CASES In other cases any GD can deal with these grievances.c. ISSUANCE OF NEW REGISTRATION FORMWhere modification of registration records or form is needed, new Registration Forms will be issued by UNHCR. This applies whether the Registration Form was issued under the old or new systems (i.e. handwritten or printed Registration Forms).d. SHARING OF RECORDDetails of modification required must be emailed to UNHCR. UNHCR will amend records and issue modified Registration Form.

3. LOST REGISTRATION FORM AND DUPLICATE REGISTRATION FORM..A duplicate Registration Form is needed where the IDP loses his/ her Registration Form. FOR INCAMP IDPSIn a camp situation, if a UNHCR Registration IP is operational, the Registration IP is Responsible for notifying UNHCR in relation to all cases where duplicate Registration Forms are required and these cases should be referred to the UNHCR Registration IP. In other cases any GD can deal with these grievances. Duplicate forms will be issued by UNHCR. This applies whether the Registration Form was issued under the old or new systems (i.e. handwritten or printed Registration Forms).UNHCR will be requested to issue a duplicate Registration Form. The IDP should be informed to return to the GD after 4 days. The GD should record on the reverse of the Registration Form that it is a duplicate form and that NFIs cannot be collected on presentation of the form.


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These are cases where the IDP filing the grievance has one address in the notified area and one address outside the notified area on his/ her CNIC. Both addresses must be from the notified area. These cases arise post-registration, typically after NADRA verification. The IDP may have been registered by mistake previously or it may be that s/he was registered and told to modify his/ her CNIC to reflect both addresses in the notified area but s/he neglected to do so. a. Verification of factsThe GD should verify whether the IDP is from the notified area and fled the notified area as a result of the conflict by asking the following questions:

(1) Where the IDP lived in the notified area;(2) How long the IDP lived there and the date s/he left; (3) The reason why the IDP left the notified area; (4) The means of transportation and route taken to leave the notified area; (5) Why the IDP’s CNIC does not reflect both addresses in the notified area; (6) Where the IDP’s spouse and other family members are living.

b. VERIFICATION BY COMMUNITY ELDERThese facts should be verified by a community elder or another person from the same area as the applicant and with both addresses on the CNIC in the notified area. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. If, upon verification, the GD is satisfied that the IDP is from the notified area and fled as a result of the conflict, the IDP should be informed that s/he must modify his/ her CNIC

c. REFERRING TO NADRARefer the IDP to NADRA to modify the CNIC and to a CNIC legal service provider if available. Advise the IDP to return to the GD after applying to modify the CNIC with the NADRA token and a copy of the attestation from the Malik, Tehsildar and APA showing both addresses in the notified area. The GD should request UNHCR to contact WFP so that food assistance is resumed once a NADRA token and attestation are presented. The IDP should be informed to return to the GD again when a modified CNIC is obtained and UNHCR will inform WFP that a new CNIC with both addresses in the conflict area has been issued. 2. Head of Household who was registered had dual address but spouse was eligible for registration

a. Verification of facts The GD should ask the questions above mention to verify that the spouse presenting lived in the notified area and fled as a result of the conflict. b. If verified:1. Spouse with CNIC If the spouse has a CNIC, UNHCR should be requested to modify registration records to reflect the spouse presenting as the HoH and inform WFP to resume food assistance. 2. Spouse without CNIC If the spouse has no CNIC, s/he should be advised to obtain a CNIC and should be assisted by a CNIC legal service provider if available and required. The spouse must be advised to return to GD once she has applied for the new CNIC and obtained a NADRA token along with the NADRA token AND the attestation from the Malik, Tehsildar and APA verifying both of her addresses in the notified area.


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3. Upon presentation of the NADRA token and attestation at the GD, the GD should request UNHCR to modify registration records on the basis of the NADRA token and attestation and inform WFP that food assistance should be resumed c. WHEN NEW CNIC IS OBTAINEDOnce a new CNIC is obtained, UNHCR should be requested to modify registration records and issue a modified Registration Form. UNHCR should also be requested to update WFP on the modification of registration records. 3. Those registered on the basis of old PA lists In cases where the IDP was registered on the basis of an old PA list and has now been determined to be ineligible for food assistance The GD must after the formal verification record his data and where the complainant is from a tribe/ area that is not notified, s/he is not entitled to continued food assistance. a. UPON VERIFICATIONIf, upon verification, the GD is satisfied that the IDP is from the notified area and fled as a result of the conflict but his/ her CNIC does not reflect both addresses in the notified area, the IDP should be informed that s/he must modify his/ her CNIC.b. REFERRING TO NADRA The IDP should be referred to NADRA to modify the CNIC and to a CNIC legal service provider if available. Advise the IDP to return to the GD after applying to modify the CNIC with the NADRA token and a copy of the attestation from the Malik, Tehsildar and APA showing both addresses in the notified area.Once the IDP has done so, the GD should refer case to UNHCR to request that WFP resume food assistance. Once a modified CNIC is obtained, the GD should follow the procedures outlined above for modification of registration records and request UNHCR to update WFP.

3. DUPLICATE CNIC Upon registration, NADRA sometimes verifies that some registered IDPs have more than one CNIC. In such cases WFP may determine that the IDP is ineligible for food assistance. These are complex cases and can only be decided by UNHCR and WFP. The IDP should be informed of this. a. Verification of facts In such cases the GD should obtain and record the following information:1. Establish if the IDP has more than one CNIC and, if yes, why the applicant has more than one CNIC.2.If found to have more than one CNIC, advise the IDP that it is an offence to have more than one CNIC and that s/he will be required to surrender one CNIC and pay a fine of between 10,000 and 30,000PKR when they visit NADRA. 3. The GD should refer the case to a CNIC legal service provider for specialist advice as these are very complex cases and the IDP will require assistance in drafting affidavits required when surrendering one of the CNICs. b. WHERE BOTH CNICS CONTAIN DIFFERENT ADDRESSIt is important to note that in some instances the CNICs may have different addresses e.g. one CNIC from notified area and one from an area that is not notified. In such cases, the GD should try to establish the real address of the IDP and, if both addresses are from the notified area, this should be verified by a community elder whose name and CNIC number should be recorded. c. WHERE IDP CANNOT PAY FINE IMMEDIATELY Where the IDP cannot immediately afford to pay the fine and resolve the issue with NADRA, inform UNHCR of the circumstances of the case, inform UNHCR which CNIC the IDP wishes to use. Request that UNHCR modify registration records to reflect this and ask WFP to resume food assistance pending payment of fine by complainantd. WHERE IDP CAN PAY FINEIf the IDP is able to pay the fine, ask him/ her to return to GD upon surrender of one of the CNICs to NADRA with proof of this so that the GD may send updated CNIC information to UNHCR in order that registration records can be modified.


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4. FAMILY TREE – RECORDED BY NADRA AS SPOUSE REGISTERED/ PARENT REGISTERED/ CHILD REGISTERED CASESFamily tree cases are cases where more than one IDP with the same family number has been registered. This is revealed at the time of NADRA verification and WFP often determines that the IDP is ineligible for food assistance as a result. Sometimes, NADRA non-verifies ALL family members with the same family number and WFP determines that ALL family members are ineligible for food assistance as a result. The 2/ more IDP family members registered could be spouses, sons/ daughters, brothers/ sisters or parents. The GD should establish who in the family is already registered and their relationship to the IDP presenting at the GD. The following procedures should be followed depending upon what is revealed. 1. Spouse already registered – unless the case falls into one of the categories below, the IDP will not be eligible for food assistance and must rely upon his/ her spouse to support him/ her. 2. Spouse registered- Multiple/separate/abandoned wives Sometimes a female IDP presents at the GD who is involved in a polygamous marriage or who is separated from/has been abandoned by her husband. Often these females are amongst the most vulnerable persons as they have no means of support. a. Verification process The GD must obtain and record the following information: 1. If the female IDP’s husband/other wife/wives have registered, establish if the family is living together as

one household or if the IDP is a multiple/separated/abandoned wife is in need of separate assistance (for instance because she is not living with her husband and is in need of her own assistance as she has no means of supporting herself and/or any dependent children or is living with her husband and other wife/ wives but the family is too large (i.e. larger than 7 persons) to be supported on one food ration.

2. Obtain her CNIC number and husband’s CNIC number or the wife/wives who are registereCNIC/registration numbers.

3. Ask where and with whom she is living and how she is supported 4. Ask where her registered husband/other wife/wives are living and with whom 5. Ask how many children are living with her and their ages?6. Obtain verification of the facts of the case from a community elder, noting the name and CNIC number

of that person on GD records. b. If verified to be a genuine separated/abandoned/multiple wife in need of separate assistance, inform UNHCR of the verification and request UNHCR to ask WFP to resume food assistance.

c. EVI Cases In EVI cases where urgent food assistance is required, WFP IPs can verify that the multiple/separate/abandoned wife is in need of separate assistance and an EVI on the spot this on the spot and the GD must obtain and recordd. verification by community elderThe information obtained and record must be verified by the community elder. Details of who has verified these facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. e. After verification If verified as an EVI, WFP records will immediately be amended to reflect that the EVI is eligible for food assistance as an EVI multiple/separate/abandoned wife The GD should inform UNHCR and WFP providing a copy of the GD record Widow with same family number as another registered person

3. Widow with same family number as another registered persona. Verification of factsObtain and record the following information on GD records: 1. Check if she has his/her own CNIC. If she has own CNIC, the GD should check if she has any adult sons

or daughters /other wife/wives with the same family number who have registered.


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2. If yes, she will be expected to rely on registered sons/daughters for support. If this is not possible, for example, if those already registered have too many dependents or she herself has dependent children and she is therefore in need of separate assistance, record full details of why she requires separate assistance.

3. The names, CNIC numbers and registration numbers of registered family members with the same family number

4. Details of how many dependents these family members have 5. Details of how many dependents the divorced woman has 6. Confirmation of why she is in need of her own assistance. b. Verification by community elder Verification of the facts of the case should be sought from a community elder whose name and CNIC number should be recorded in GD records.c. Sharing of record The GD should refer the case to UNHCR explaining the widow’s circumstances (copy GD records) and the fact that she has been verified to be in need of separate assistance. UNHCR should be requested to ask WFP to resume food assistance.d. EVI Cases In EVI cases where urgent food assistance is required, WFP IPs can verify on the spot whether the widow is in need of separate assistance and requires assistance urgently and the GD will record: (1) The answers 1-6 above (2) Any other details which indicate a need for urgent assistance. e. Verification by community elderThe above information must be verified by a community elder. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. f. IF VERIFIED AS AN EVI, WFP records will immediately be amended to reflect that the EVI widow is eligible for food assistance The GD should inform UNHCR and WFP providing a copy of the GD record In cases where the widow has married sons/daughters with the same family number as her who have registered, she should be advised that family should separate their family tree by applying for new (CNIC(s) and family number (s) and then modify their registration records within 2 months otherwise it may be determined that she is ineligible for continued food assistance. When the family members return to the GD with new CNICs and family numbers, UNHCR should be requested to modify registration records and inform WFP 4. Divorced woman with the same family number as another person: Sometimes a divorced woman may have registered with a CNIC that has the same family number as her former husband and as a result WFP may determine that she is ineligible for food assistance. Same family number as former husband/ other wives, no other family members registered a. Verification process The GD should obtain and record the following on GD records:- 1. Establish if the divorced woman has the same family number as her former husband. The GD also needs

to establish if anyone else with the same family number has registered e.g. her adult sons/daughters. 2. If there is no one apart from the husband registered, the divorced woman should be 3. advised to separate her family tree from her husband’s. She will need a divorce certificate for this. It is a

complex procedure and she should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider. 4. She should be told to return to the GD once she has a new CNIC with a new family number so that her

registration records can be modified. At that point UNHCR should be asked to request WFP to resume food assistance.

b. EVI cases a. Verification process In EVI cases where urgent food assistance is required by the divorced woman, WFP IPs can verify this on the spot and the GD will record: 1. the fact that she is divorced but still has the same family number as her husband 2. Where s/he is living and how s/he is supported 3. Whether s/he has any children living with him/ her. If so, how many children and their ages


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4. Any other details which indicate a need for urgent assistance. b. Verification by community elderThe above information must be verified by a community elder. Details of who has verified the facts, including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. c. If verified as an EVI divorced woman, WFP records will immediately be updated to reflect that the EVI divorced woman is eligible for food assistance The GD should inform UNHCR and WFP providing a copy of the GD record 5. DIVORCED WOMAN WITH SAME FAMILY NUMBER AS FORMER HUSBAND/ OTHER WIVES AND OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS REGISTERED

a. Verification process If the divorced woman has adult sons/ daughters who are registered, she will be expected to rely on them for assistance unless she is determined to be in need of separate assistance (because she and any dependent children cannot be supported by that others who are registered due to the number of family members being too large (exceeding 7 in all) or other reason which must be explained). If this is the case, full details must be recorded in GD records including: 1. The names, CNIC numbers and registration numbers of registered family members with the same family

number 2. Details of how many dependents these family members have including names and ages 3. Details of how many dependents the divorced woman has and their ages 4. Confirmation of why she is in need of her own assistance. b. Verification of facts by community elderVerification of the facts of the case should be sought from a community elder whose name and CNIC number should be recorded in GD records. c. Sharing of informationIf she has been verified to be in need of separate assistance, UNHCR should be informed and requested to ask WFP to resume food assistance. d. EVI cases In EVI cases where urgent food assistance is required, WFP IPs can verify this on the spot and the GD will record: 1. The answers to 1-4 above 2. where she is living and how she is supported 3. Any other details which indicate a need for urgent assistance. 4. The above information must be verified by a community elder. Details of who has verified the facts,

including CNIC number, should be recorded on the GD records. e. If verified as an EVI, WFP records will immediately be amended to reflect that the EVI is eligible for food assistance as an EVI .The GD should inform UNHCR and WFP providing a copy of the GD record

NOTEThe divorced woman should be advised to separate her family tree from her former husband/ family members by applying for a new CNIC. She will need a divorce certificate for this. It is a complex procedure and she should be referred to a CNIC legal service provider. She should be informed that she has 2 months to complete the process and then modify her registration records otherwise it may be determined that she is ineligible for continued food assistance. When the divorced woman is issued a new CNIC, UNHCR should be requested to modify registration records and issue a new Registration Form. 6. If the IDP is a parent whose adult married son(s)/ daughter(s)is/ are also registered on the same family number:


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The GD should advise the IDP that the adult married son(s)/ daughter (s) must separate his/ her/ their family tree from that of his/ her/ their parents (i.e. apply for a separate family number). It is important to advise that both the registered son(s)/ daughter (s) and the registered son(s)/ daughter(s)’ spouse separate their family tree from their parents. Advise that once the adult son(s)/ daughter(s) apply to NADRA for a new family number and present evidence of this by way of NADRA token, they should visit the GD so that UNHCR can be requested to ask WFP to resume food assistance Food assistance will only be resumed for 2 months to allow for the issuance of new CNIC and modification of registration records. When new CNICs (with new family number) are issued to the IDP’s son(s)/ daughter(s) and spouse, the GD should request modification of registration records and a new Registration Form. 7. Parent registered The GD should: (1) Establish if the IDP has a separate family number from his/ her parents If the IDP has not separated their family tree after marriage, advise that s/he and spouse will need to apply to NADRA for new CNICs with a separate family number (both husband and wife in new marriage must separate from their family trees). Advise that they will need to proof of their marriage e.g. a Nikah Nama. a. Refer IDP to a CNIC legal service provider providing assistance with civil documentation matters if available and if the IDP requires advice/ assistance. b. Advise the IDP to return to GD once s/he and spouse have applied for new CNICs with separate family number with their NADRA token so that the case can be referred to UNHCR to request WFP to resume food assistance. Once new CNICs with new family number are issued by NADRA, advise the IDP to return to the GD so that UNHCR can be requested to modify registration records and issue modified Registration Form.


Incorrect CNIC can occur under three circumstances: 1. the error could arise from NADRA during the initial application for a CNIC wherein, for example, the

CNIC gender or name of the complainant may be wrong; 2. the CNIC error could occur during registration where an incorrect CNIC number, name, gender etc. could

be inserted on the Registration Form; 3. the CNIC error could occur during WFP data entry. 4. The GD should:- To Examine the CNIC and Registration Form. If the error is from NADRA, refer IDP to NADRA for correction of CNIC. Advise the IDP to return to the GD to modify registration records and request modified Registration Form after NADRA has corrected the CNIC. If the error is from registration or UNHCR, refer the case to UNHCR for correction of registration records and issuance of correct Registration Form. If the error is in WFP records, liaise with WFP to correct their records. In all of the above cases, the WFP IP can immediately update the WFP database to reflect that food assistance is resumed to the IDP

9. SUSPECT ALIEN CASESSometimes WFP determines that an IDP is ineligible for food assistance because NADRA has verified that the applicant is a suspect alien The GD should advise the applicant that s/he is a regarded as a suspect alien (i.e. not a Pakistan citizen) according to NADRA. a. Verification from the registered family member and community elderThe GD should seek full details from the applicant of any family members who are registered/ community elders who can verify the applicant’s background. The names, connection with the IDP (i.e. family members/ community elder etc.) and CNIC numbers of any person who provides verification should be recorded on GD records. b. After verification If, upon verification, it seems that the suspect alien is a Pakistani citizen and an IDP, full


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details should be forwarded to UNHCR and PDMA/ FDMA with a request that UNHCR ask WFP to resume food assistance. 10. Not from conflict zone This could occur if, for example, the IDP was previously registered but WFP has since determined that the IDP is ineligible for food assistance because his/ her address is not from the notified area. This can occur for a variety of reasons, for example, the IDP may have been mistakenly registered or may have been registered on the basis of oral verification but may not have modified his/ her CNIC or may have modified the addresses on the CNIC but because the new CNIC was issued outside the notified area, NADRA confirms upon verification that the IDP is not from the conflict zone (notified area). In such cases the GD and all other stakeholders should follow the same procedures as set out in relation to Dual Address cases above.

11. NO RECORD In some instances, the IDP’s data may be missing from any records. This could be because they were registered under the old system where manual forms were used and the form has been misplaced. Data could also be missing if it is yet to be entered in the UNHCR database or is yet to be updated or where the record is still being filtered at NADRA. In such cases the GD should take following steps.. Establish where the IDP is living. If in camp, UNHCR’s Community Services/ Protection IP should verify the IDP’s information through camp profiling data. If off-camp???? Refer case to UNHCR if verified. If data is not found, refer case to UNHCR’s Registration IP for fresh registration????? In respect of those for whom registration is no longer open, the GD should:- Check if the IDP has a CNIC and that the address is from a notified area Refer to UNHCR in the case of non-Khyber IDPs and UNHCR Registration IP where registration is still open.

12. VERIFIED BLOCK (I.E. NON-VERIFIED BY NADRA)Cases are classified in this category when the complainant’s family had previously been verified and provided with assistance but blocked after sometime for unknown reasons. GD should refer such cases to UNHCR? 13. REGISTERED BY TOKEN This relates to cases where the IDP was initially registered on a NADRA token. In such cases, IDPs are facilitated with food assistance for 2 months, after which assistance ceases if the IDP does not modify their registration records to reflect their CNIC number.

The GD should:- 1. Check if IDP has now received a CNIC or updated his/ her CNIC 2. If CNIC has been received/updated, request UNHCR to modify registration records and 3. update WFP. 4. If CNIC is not yet received, find out reasons for delay, ensure that the IDP is assisted to 5. obtain a CNIC and seek advice from UNHCR about how to deal with the case where it seems the

case cannot be resolved (i.e. CNIC is unlikely to be issued or will be significantly delayed)

14. Change of food collection point by IDPIn some cases the IDP may wish to change the location where s/he would like to collect his/ her food, for example, because s/he has moved out of the camp to a host area or from the host area into the camp. Changing the location of a food collection point is straightforward within a district but should only be requested where there is a good reason and the reason should be explained on GD records. The GD should obtain and record the following information on GD records:

1. Establish where the complainant used to collect food 2. Establish where the complainant would like to collect food 3. Explain why the IDP wants to change his/ her food collection point. Note all exceptional

circumstances Sharing of information

Send the information (copy of GD record) to UNHCR and request that WFP be asked to


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change the food collection point. 15. ACCESS TO TENTS &NFI

a. Registered without a tent Some IDPs may have been registered at a time when there was no sufficient space in the camp and as such, IDPs opted to live with family members or relatives on or off the camp without receiving their own tent. Generally, PDMA/ FDMA should be able to provide such persons with tents if they now wish to have their own tent in the camp instead of sharing. The GD should obtain and record the following information on GD records:- 1 Check that the IDP is registered and eligible for assistance. 2 Refer the case (with full details from GD records) to PDMA/ FDMA for provision of tent 3 Follow up on the case to ensure assistance is received. TIMEFRAME In some cases the IDP may be considered as an IDP RWT (registered without tent) and may be excluded from other assistance or NFIs if they do not have a tent. In such cases The GD should:- 1 Refer case to PDMA 2 Follow up on the case to ensure assistance is received. If assistance is denied in above cases either tent or NFI, cases should be referred to UNHCR for further action and follow up. Assistance should be provided within 2 weeks. b. DAMAGED TENT In some cases the IDP may have been previously registered received a tent but the tent has since been damaged and is posing safety /privacy or other risks to the IDP. The GD should:- Refer the case to community mobilization in camp for verification that that tent is damaged/unusable (within 1 day) If tent is verified as damaged, refer the case to PDMA/ FDMA Follow up to ensure new tent is provided. If assistance is denied in above case refer case to UNHCR for further action and follow up. Assistance should be provided within 2 weeks.


1. INDIVIDUAL RISK IN AREA OF ORIGIN (for example, because of employment, personal enmity etc.This risk can be related to the reason for their initial displacement OR to the conflict in FATA OR to events that have arisen since their displacement. The risk can be related to a certain localized area that remains unstable or is very near to an unstable area, to membership of a particular group that continues to be targeted (for example, because of their occupation/job, religion, ethnic origin, political views or associations etc.) or to an individual threat , violence or intimidation. These cases are regarded as long-term unable to return to area of origin cases. Full details should be recorded by the GD on the Protection Cluster Grievance Desk (Returns) Form in accordance with the guidance. The IDP should be informed that if the grievance is accepted, s/he will be de-registered and provided with the return package in the area of displacement , No assistance will be available should IDP return2. IDP is prohibited from rebuilding on his/her land or is not permitted/ able to return to or access the property in which s/he lived before displacementThese are cases where it is impossible for an IDP to return at the current time because s/he is prohibited from rebuilding on his/her land or are not permitted/ able to return to or access the property in which s/he lived before displacement.


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1. Full details should be recorded by the GD on the Protection Cluster Grievance Desk (Returns) Form in accordance with the guidance.

2. The IDP should be informed that if the grievance is accepted, the IDP will continue to be registered and the situation will be reviewed on a 3 monthly basis.

3. SPECIAL VULNERABILITIESThese cases arise where an IDP cannot live in safety and dignity in his/her area of origin as a result of his/her vulnerability, for example, because of health concerns such as where an IDP, due to chronic illness, needs to be able to access urgent medical assistance and cannot in his/her area of origin because s/he is not allowed to travel during curfew, or where a female IDP is experiencing a difficult pregnancy and is from an area where there are no medical services, or where an IDP is suffering from malnutrition (those receiving medical treatment in displacement which is not available in area of origin). 1. Full details should be recorded by the GD on the Protection Cluster Grievance Desk (Returns) Form in accordance with the guidance. 2. The IDP should be informed that if the grievance is accepted, s/he will be de-registered and provided with the return package in the area of displacement , No assistance will be available should IDP return.4. AREA OFFICIALLY DE-NOTIFIED BUT P.A SAYS ITS UNSAFE.Full details of the case should be recorded andLetter should be sought from the Political Administration confirming which de-notified villages are unsafe


1. Access to public SchoolsAs per directive from Ministry of Education, all registered IDPs are eligible to access public schools in the place of displacement without need to make payment. In some instances, however, IDPs may be denied access to schools due to lack of school leaving certificate which they may not be able to obtain since they may not be able to access their place of origin. It is also important to note that the Education Department has directed that a school leaving certificate is not required in order to access a school. Schools also sometimes refuse admission stating the school is full. The GD should ensure they document such cases fully and accurately. In particular, the Following information should be obtained and recorded: 1. Establish the location and name of school where access was denied and the reasons given 2. Refer the case to a relevant service provider follow up and advocacy with the school. 3. Refer these cases to the Education, Protection and Child protection cluster noting action taken to resolve the issue thus far.

2. Access to health servicesAccording to Ministry/Depart of Health directive all registered IDPs are entitled to free health services in places of displacement including free tests, x-ray etc. IDPs however sometimes face obstacles/are denied access to health services. It is important to properly document such cases in order to ensure follow up and advocacy. The GD should obtain and record the following information:- 1. Establish the location and name of health facility where access was denied and the reasons Given 2. Refer the case to a relevant service provider for follow up and advocacy with the health facility. 3. Refer the case to Health, Protection and Child protection cluster noting action taken to resolve the issue thus far.


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4. It is worth mentioning that the above directive does not cover cases of chronically ill IDPs which should be followed up on with the Ministry of Zakat.

3. HarassmentIn some cases IDPs may report harassment targeted at them. The GD should:- 1. Establish the form of violence, perpetrator etc 2. Case should be referred to UNHCR Protection IPs who can deal with criminal cases and if unavailable refer to UNHCR with full details of the case. 3.If harassment is of a high profile nature and GD staff feel case may best be solved with UNHCR involvement, the case should immediately be referred to UNHCR for follow up.

4. DiscriminationIDPs may sometimes experience discrimination for various reasons include tribe, ethnicity, minority status etc. The GD should:- 1. Record the form of discrimination, perpetrators etc 2. Refer the case to UNHCR Protection IPs who can deal with criminal cases and if unavailable refer to UNHCR with full details of the case for follow up of the case with the authority/service provider/whomever is allegedly the perpetrator. 3. If discrimination is of a high profile nature and GD staff feel case may best be solved with UNHCR involvement, the case should immediately be referred to UNHCR for follow up.

