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Grounded Symbolic Communication between Heterogeneous Cooperating Robots DAVID JUNG Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research (CESAR), Computer Science and Mathematics Division (CSMD), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA [email protected] http://pobox.com/~david.jung ALEXANDER ZELINSKY Robotic Systems Laboratory (RSL), Department of Systems Engineering, Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia [email protected] http://syseng.anu.edu.au/rsl/ Abstract. In this paper, we describe the implementation of a heterogeneous cooperative multi-robot system that was designed with a goal of engineering a grounded symbolic representation in a bottom-up fashion. The system comprises two autonomous mobile robots that perform cooperative cleaning. Experiments demonstrate successful purposive navigation, map building and the symbolic communication of locations in a behavior-based system. We also examine the perceived shortcomings of the system in detail and attempt to understand them in terms of contemporary knowledge of human representation and symbolic communication. From this understanding, we propose the Adaptive Symbol Grounding Hypothesis as a conception for how symbolic systems can be envisioned. Keywords: cooperative robotics, heterogeneous systems, symbolic communication, symbol grounding, learning, representation, behavior-based, mobile robots This research was funded primarily by the The University of Wollongong and The Australian National University, and also in part by the Engineering Research Program, Office of Basic Enegry Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. The submitted manuscript has been authored by a contractor of the U.S. Government under the above contract. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. 1. Introduction The Behavior-based approach to robotics has proven that it is possible to build systems that can achieve tasks robustly, react in real-time and operate reliably. The sophistication of applications implemented ranges from simple reactivity to tasks involving topological map building and navigation. Conversely, the classical AI approach to robotics has attempted to construct symbolic representational systems based on token manipulation. There has been some success in this endeavor also. While more powerful, these systems are generally slow, brittle, unreliable and do not scale well – as their ‘symbols’are ungrounded. In this paper, we present an approach for engineering grounded symbolic communication between heterogeneous cooperating robots. It involves designing behavior that develops shared groundings between them. We demonstrate a situated, embodied, behavior-based multi-robot system that implements a cooperative cleaning task using two autonomous mobile robots. They develop shared groundings that allow them to ground a symbolic relationship between positions consistently. We show that this enables symbolic communication of locations between them. The subsequent part of the paper critically examines the system and its limitations. The new understanding of the system we come to shows that our approach will not scale to complex symbolic systems. We argue that it is impossible for complex symbolic representational systems to be responsible for appropriate behavior in situated agents. We propose the Adaptive Symbol Grounding Hypothesis as a conception of how systems that communication symbolically can be envisioned. Before presenting the system we have developed, the first section briefly discusses cooperation and
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Grounded Symbolic Communicationbetween Heterogeneous Cooperating Robots


Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research (CESAR), Computer Science and Mathematics Division (CSMD),Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

[email protected] http://pobox.com/~david.jung

ALEXANDER ZELINSKYRobotic Systems Laboratory (RSL), Department of Systems Engineering,

Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering,The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia

[email protected] http://syseng.anu.edu.au/rsl/

Abstract. In this paper, we describe the implementation of a heterogeneous cooperative multi-robot systemthat was designed with a goal of engineering a grounded symbolic representation in a bottom-up fashion. Thesystem comprises two autonomous mobile robots that perform cooperative cleaning. Experiments demonstratesuccessful purposive navigation, map building and the symbolic communication of locations in a behavior-basedsystem. We also examine the perceived shortcomings of the system in detail and attempt to understand them interms of contemporary knowledge of human representation and symbolic communication. From thisunderstanding, we propose the Adaptive Symbol Grounding Hypothesis as a conception for how symbolicsystems can be envisioned.

Keywords: cooperative robotics, heterogeneous systems, symbolic communication, symbol grounding, learning,representation, behavior-based, mobile robots

† This research was funded primarily by the The University of Wollongong and The Australian National University, and also in part by the Engineering ResearchProgram, Office of Basic Enegry Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy ResearchCorporation. The submitted manuscript has been authored by a contractor of the U.S. Government under the above contract. Accordingly, the U.S. Governmentretains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Governmentpurposes.

1. Introduction

The Behavior-based approach to robotics has proven thatit is possible to build systems that can achieve tasksrobustly, react in real-time and operate reliably. Thesophistication of applications implemented ranges fromsimple reactivity to tasks involving topological mapbuilding and navigation. Conversely, the classical AIapproach to robotics has attempted to construct symbolicrepresentational systems based on token manipulation.There has been some success in this endeavor also.While more powerful, these systems are generally slow,brittle, unreliable and do not scale well – as their‘symbols’ are ungrounded.

In this paper, we present an approach forengineering grounded symbolic communication betweenheterogeneous cooperating robots. It involves designing

behavior that develops shared groundings between them.We demonstrate a situated, embodied, behavior-basedmulti-robot system that implements a cooperativecleaning task using two autonomous mobile robots.They develop shared groundings that allow them toground a symbolic relationship between positionsconsistently. We show that this enables symboliccommunication of locations between them.

The subsequent part of the paper critically examinesthe system and its limitations. The new understanding ofthe system we come to shows that our approach will notscale to complex symbolic systems. We argue that it isimpossible for complex symbolic representationalsystems to be responsible for appropriate behavior insituated agents. We propose the Adaptive SymbolGrounding Hypothesis as a conception of how systemsthat communication symbolically can be envisioned.

Before presenting the system we have developed,the first section briefly discusses cooperation and

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communication generally and looks at some instances ofbiological cooperation in particular. From this, wedetermine the necessary attributes of symbolic systems.

2. Cooperation and Communication

Cooperation and communication are closely tied.Communication is an inherent part of the agentinteractions underlying cooperative behavior, whetherimplicit or explicit. If we are to implement a concretecooperative task that requires symbolic levelcommunication, we must first identify the relationshipbetween communication and cooperative behavior. Thissection introduces a framework for classifyingcommunication and uses it to examine some examples ofcooperative behavior in biological systems. From thisexamination, we draw conclusions about the mechanismsnecessary to support symbolic communication. Thesemechanisms are utilized in our implementation of thecooperative cleaning system, as described in thesubsequent section.

It is important to realize that ‘cooperation’ is a word– a label for a human concept. In this case, the conceptrefers to a category of human and possibly animalbehavior. It does not follow that this behavior isnecessarily beneficial to the agents involved. Sinceevolution selects behavioral traits that promote the genesthat encourage them, it will be beneficial to the genes butnot necessarily the organism or species. Humancooperative behaviour, for example, is a conglomerate ofvarious behavioural tendencies selected for differentreasons (and influenced cultural knowledge). Becausethe design of cooperative robot systems is in a differentcontext altogether, we need to understand which aspectsare peculiar to biological systems.

2.1 Some Characteristics of Communication

Many authors have proposed classifications for the typesof communication found in biological and artificialsystems (e.g. see Arkin and Hobbs, 1992b; Balch andArkin, 1994; Cao et al., 1995; Dudek et al., 1993; Kubeand Zhang, 1994; Mataric, 1997a). Like anyclassification, these divide the continuous space ofcommunication characteristics into discrete classes in aspecific way – and hence are only useful within thecontext for which they are created. We find it necessaryto introduce another classification here.

A communicative act is an interaction whereby asignal is generated by an emitter and ‘interpreted’ by areceiver. We view communication in terms of thefollowing four characteristics.

• Interaction distance – This is the distancebetween the agents during the communicativeinteraction. It can range from direct physical

contact, to visual range, hearing range, or longrange.

• Interaction simultaneity – The period betweenthe signal emission and reception. It can beimmediate in the case of direct contact, orpossibly a long time in the case of scent markers,for example.

• Signaling explicitness – This is an indication ofthe explicitness of the emitter’s signalingbehavior. The signaling may be a side effect ofan existing behavior (implicit), or an existingbehavior may have been modified slightly toenhance the signal through evolution orlearning. The signaling may also be the resultof sophisticated behavior that was specificallyevolved, learnt, or in the case of a robot,designed, for it.

• Sophistication of interpretation – This can beapplied to either the emitter or the receiver. It isan indication of the complexity of theinterpretation process that gives meaning to thesignal. For example, a chemical signal mayinvoke a relatively simple chain of chemicalevents in a receiving bacterium. It is possiblethat a signal has a very different meaning to theemitter and receiver – the signal may have nomeaning at all to its emitter. Conversely, theprocess of interpretation of human language isthe most complex example known.

2.2 Representation

It is not possible to measure the sophistication of theinterpretive process by observing the signal alone.Access to the mechanics of the process within an agentwould be necessary. Unfortunately, our currentunderstanding of the brain mechanisms underlyingcommunication in most animals is poor, at best.Therefore, our only approach is to examine the structureof the communicated signals. Luckily, there appears tobe some correlation between the structural complexity ofcommunicated signals and the sophistication of theirinterpretive processes. Insect mating calls are simple instructure and we posit a simple interpretive process. Atthe other end of the spectrum, human language has acomplex structure and we consider its interpretationamongst the most sophisticated processes known. Birdsong and human music are possible exceptions, as theyare often complex in structure, yet have a relativelysimple interpretation. This is due to other evolutionaryselection pressures, since song also provides fitnessinformation about its emitter to prospective mates and, inthe case of birds, serves to distinguish between membersof different species.

Science, through the discipline of linguistics, haslearned much about the structure of the signals generated

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by humans that we call language (see Robins, 1997). Weutilize a small part of that here by describing aconception of the observed structure of language. UsingDeacon’s terms we define three types of reference, orlevels of representation: - iconic, indexical and symbolic(Deacon, 1997).

Iconic representation is by physical similarity towhat it represents. The medium may be physicallyexternal to the agent – for example, as an orange discpainted on a cave wall may represent the sun.Alternatively, it may be part of the agent, such as somerepeatable configuration of sensory neurons, or “internalanalog transforms of the projections of distal objects onour sensory surfaces” (Shepard and Cooper, 1982).

Indexical reference represents a correlation orassociation between icons. All animals are capable oficonic and indexical representation to varying degrees.For example, an animal may learn to correlate the iconfor smoke with that for fire. Hence, smoke will come tobe an index for fire. Even insects probably have limitedindexical capabilities. Empirical demonstrations are amechanism for creating indexical references in others.Pointing, for example, creates an association between theicon for the physical item being indicated and the objectof a sentence. The second part of this paper describeshow we have used empirical demonstration to enable thecommunication of locations between robots.




Figure 1 – Levels of representation

The third level of representation is symbolic. Asymbol is a relationship between icons, indices and othersymbols. It is the representation of a higher-level patternunderlying sets of relationships. It is hypothesized thatlanguage can be represented as a symbolichierarchy (Newell and Simon, 1972). We will use theterm sub-symbolic to refer to representations that needonly iconic and indexical references for theirinterpretation. If the interpretation of a symbol requiresfollowing references that all eventually lead to icons, thesymbol is said to be grounded. That is, the symbols atthe top of Figure 1 ultimately refer to relationshipsbetween the icons at the bottom. A symbol’s groundingis the set of icons, indices and other symbols necessary tointerpret it.

The problems associated with trying to synthesizeintelligence from ungrounded symbol systems – theclassical AI approach – have been well documented in

the literature. One such problem is termed the frameproblem (see Ford and Hayes, 1991; Pylyshym, 1987).The importance of situated and embodied agents hasbeen actively espoused by members of the behavior-basedrobotics community, in recognition of these problems, formany years (see Brooks, 1991; Mataric, 1992a;Pfeifer, 1995; Steels, 1996 for a selection). Thishypothesis is called the physical grounding hypothesis(Brooks, 1990). Consequently, we adopted the behavior-based approach for our implementation.

2.3 Cooperative biological systems

In this subsection we describe five selected biologicalcooperative systems and classify the communication eachemploys using the scheme introduced above. Fromthese, in the following subsection, we identify thenecessary mechanisms for symbolic communication,which were transferred to the implementation of thecooperative multi-robot cleaning system.

2.3.1 Bacteria

Cooperation between simple organisms on earth isalmost as old as life on earth itself. Over a billion yearsago bacteria existed similar to contemporary bacteriarecently observed to exhibit primitive cooperation.Biologists have long understood that bacteria live incolonies. Only recently has it become evident that mostbacteria communicate using a number of sophisticatedchemical signals and engage in altruistic behavior(Kaiser and Losick, 1993). For example, Mycobacteriaassemble into multi-cellular structures known as fruitingbodies. These structures are assembled in a number ofstages each mediated by different chemical signalsystems. In these cases the bacteria emit and react tochemicals in a genetically determined way that evolvedexplicitly for cooperation. Hence, we classify thesignaling as explicit. The interaction distance ismoderate compared to the size of a bacterium, and thesimultaneity is determined by the speed of chemicalpropagation. The mechanism for interpretation isnecessarily simple in bacteria.

We can consider this communication withoutmeaning preservation – the meaning of the signal isdifferent for emitter and receiver. The emitter generatesa signal without interpreting it at all (hence, it has nomeaning to the emitter). The receiver interprets iticonically1. This type of communication has beenimplemented and studied in multi-robot systems. Forexample, Balch and Arkin have implemented a collectivemulti-robot system, both in simulation and with realrobots, to investigate to what extent communication can 1 The stereotypical way a particular chemical receptor on the bacteria’ssurface triggers a chain of chemical events within, is an icon for thepresence of the external chemical signal.

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increase their capabilities (Balch and Arkin, 1994). Thetasks they implemented were based on eusocial insecttasks, such as forage, consume, and graze. One schemeemployed was the explicit signaling of the emitter’s stateto the receiver. They showed that this improvesperformance, as we might expect. Specifically itprovides the greatest benefit when the receiver cannoteasily sense the emitter’s state implicitly. This findingwas also observed by Parker in the implementation of apuck moving task where each robot broadcast its stateperiodically (Parker, 1995); and by Kube and Zhang withtheir collective box pushing system (Kube andZhang, 1994). The second part of this paper willdemonstrate that the result also holds for our system.

2.3.2 Ants

Of the social insect societies, the most thoroughly studiedare those of ants, termites, bees and wasps(Wilson, 1971; Wilson, 1975; Crespi and Choe, 1997).Ants display a large array of cooperative behaviors. Forexample, as described in detail by Pasteels et al. (Pasteelset al., 1987), upon discovering a new food source, aworker ant leaves a pheromone trail during its return tothe nest. Recruited ants will follow this trail to the foodsource with some variation while laying their ownpheromones down. Any chance variations that result ina shorter trail to the food will be reinforced at a slightlyfaster rate, as the traversal time back and forth is less.Hence, it has been shown that a near optimal shortestpath is quickly established as an emergent consequenceof simple trail following with random variation.

In this case, the interaction distance is local – thereceiver senses the pheromone at the location it wasemitted. As the signal persists in the environment forlong periods, there may be significant delay betweenemission and reception. The signaling mechanism islikely to be explicit and the interpretation, while morecomplex than for bacteria, is still relatively simple. Theants also communicate by signaling directly fromantennae to antennae.

Since both emitter and receiver can interpret thesignal in the same way, we consider it communicationwith meaning preservation. The crucial element beingthat both agents share the same grounding for the signal.In this case, the grounding is probably geneticallydetermined – through identical sensors and neuralprocesses. This mechanism can also be applied to multi-robot systems. For example, if two robots sharedidentical sensors, they could simply signal their sensorvalues. This constitutes an iconic representation, and itis grounded directly in the environment for both robotsidentically. Nothing special needs to be done to ensure ashared grounding for the signal.

2.3.3 Wolves

A social mammal of the Canine family, wolves arecarnivores that form packs with strict social hierarchiesand mating systems (Stains, 1984). Wolves areterritorial. Territory marking occurs through repeatedurination on objects on the periphery of and within theterritories. This is a communication scheme reminiscentof our ants and their chemical trails. Wolves alsocommunicate with pheromones excreted via glands nearthe dorsal surface of the tail.

Wolves hunt in packs. During a pack hunt,individuals cooperate by closely observing the actions ofeach other and, in particular, the dominant male whodirects the hunt to some extent. Each wolf knows all thepack members and can identify them individually, bothvisually and by smell. Communication can be directedat particular individuals and consists of a combination ofspecific postures and vocalizations. The interactiondistance in this case is the visual or auditory rangerespectively, and the emission and reception is effectivelysimultaneous. The signals may be implicit, in the case ofobserving locomotory behavior, for example; or moreexplicit in the case of posturing, vocalizing and scentmarking. It seems likely that the signals in each of thesecases are interpreted similarly by the emitter andreceiver.

Again, this is an instance of communication withmeaning preservation. A significant difference is thatthe shared grounding enabling the uniform interpretationof some signals (e.g. vocalizations and postures) is notwholly genetically determined. Instead, a specificmechanism exists such that the grounding is partiallylearnt during development – in a social environmentsufficiently similar to both that a shared meaning isensured.

2.3.4 Non-human primates

Primates display sophisticated cooperative behavior. Themajority of interactions involve passive observation ofcollaborators via visual and auditory cues, which areinterpreted as actions and intentions. As Bond writes inreference to Vervet monkeys, “They are acutely andsensitively aware of the status and identity of othermonkeys, as well as their temperaments and currentdispositional states” (Bond, 1996). Higher primates areable to represent the internal goals, plans, dispositionsand intentions of others and to construct collaborativeplans jointly through acting socially (Cheney andSeyfarth, 1990). In this case, the interaction issimultaneous and occurs within visual or auditory range.The signaling is implicit but the sophistication ofinterpretation for the receiver is considerable. Someexplicit posing and gesturing is also utilized, which isused to establish and control ongoing cooperativeinteractions.

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As with the Wolves, we observe communicationwith meaning preservation through a shared groundingthat is developed through a developmental process. Inthis case, the groundings are more sophisticated, as is thedevelopmental process required to attain them.

2.3.5 Humans

In addition to the heritage of our primate ancestors,humans make extensive use of communication, bothwritten and spoken, that is explicitly evolved or learnt.There is almost certainly some a priori physiologicalsupport for language learning in the developing humanbrain (Bruner, 1982). Humans cooperate in many andvaried ways. We display a basic level of altruism towardall humans and sometimes animals. We enter intocooperative relationships – symbolic contracts – withmates, kin, friends, organizations, and societies wherebywe exchange resources for mutual benefit. In manycases, we provide resources with no reward except thepromise that the other party, by honoring the contract,will provide resources when we need them, if possible.We are able to keep track of all the transactions and thereliability with which others honor contracts (seeDeacon, 1997 for a discussion).

Humans also use many types of signaling forcommunication. Like our primate cousins, we makeextensive use of implicit communication, such asposturing (body language). We also use explicitgesturing – pointing, for example. Facial expressionsare a form of explicit signaling that has evolved fromexisting expressions to enhance the signaling reliabilityand repertoire. Posturing, gesturing and speaking allinvolve simultaneous interaction. However, with theadvent of symbolic communication we learned to utilizelonger-term interactions. A physically realized icon,such as a picture, a ring or body decoration, is morepermanent. The ultimate extension of this is writtenlanguage. The coming of telephones, radios and theInternet have obviously extended the interactiondistances considerably.

While symbolic communication requiresconsiderable sophistication of interpretation, humansalso use signals that can be interpreted more simply. Forexample, laughter has the same meaning to all humans,but not to other animals. We can make the necessaryconnection with the emotional state since we can hearand observe others and ourselves laughing – we share thesame innate involuntary laugh behavior.

The developmental process that provides the sharedgroundings for human symbolic communication –cultural language learning – can be seen as an extensionof the processes present in our non-human primateancestors (Hendriks-Jansen, 1996). The majordifferences being in the complexity due to the sheernumber of groundings we need to learn and the intrinsicpower of symbolic representation over exclusively

indexical and iconic representation. Symbolicrepresentations derive their power because they provide adegree of independence from the symbolic, indexical andiconic references that generated the relationshiprepresented. New symbols can be learnt using languagemetaphor (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980; Johnson, 1991).

2.4 Symbolic communication and its prerequisites

Evolution does not have the luxury of being able to makesimultaneous independent changes to the design of anorganism and also ensure their mutual consistency (interms of the viability of the organism). For this reason,once a particular mechanism has been evolved, it is builtupon rather than significantly re-designed to effect a newmechanism. It is only when selection pressures changeenough to render things a liability that they may bediscarded. This is why layering is observed in naturalsystems (e.g. Mallot, 1995).

In the examples above, we can perceive a layeringof communication mechanisms that are built up as welook at each in turn – from bacteria to humans. Eachleveraging the mechanism developed in the previouslayer. The ant’s use of chemical pheromone trails toimplement longer duration interactions is supported bydirect-contact chemical communication, pioneered bytheir distant bacterial ancestors. Wolves also employ thistype of communication, which provides an environmentthat supports the developmental process for learningother shared groundings. The sophistication of suchdevelopmental processes is greater in non-humansprimates and significantly so in humans. However, evenfor humans, these processes still leverage the simplerprocesses that provide the scaffolding of shared iconicand indexical groundings (see Thelen and Smith, 1994;Hendriks-Jansen, 1996).

We believe such layering is integral to the generalrobustness of biological systems. If a more sophisticatedmechanism fails to perform, the lesser ones will stilloperate. We emulate the layering in the implementationof our system for this reason.

From our examination, the following seem to benecessary for symbolic communication between twoagents.

• Some iconic representations in common (e.g. bypossessing some physically identical sensory-motor apparatus).

• Either a shared grounding for some indexicalrepresentations, a common process that developsshared indexical groundings, or a combinationof both (e.g. a mechanism for learning thecorrelation between icons – such as correlating‘smoke’ with ‘fire’).

• A common process that develops sharedsymbolic groundings (e.g. mother and infant

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‘innate’ behavior that scaffolds languagedevelopment – turn-taking, intentionalinterpretation, mimicking etc.)

Additionally, unless the symbol repertoire is to be fixedwith specific processes for acquiring each symbol, itseems necessary to have:

• A mechanism for learning new symbols bycommunicating known ones (e.g. interpretationand learning through metaphor).

The implementation of this last necessity in a robotsystem is currently beyond the state-of-the-art. However,the first three are implemented in the cooperativecleaning system, as described in the following section.

3. The System

Our research involved the development of an architecturefor behavior-based agents that supports cooperation(Jung, 1998; Jung and Zelinsky, 1999)2. To validate thearchitecture we implemented a cooperative cleaning taskusing the two Yamabico mobile robots pictured in Figure2 (Yuta et al., 1991). The task is to clean our laboratoryfloor space. Our laboratory is a cluttered environment,so the system must be capable of dealing with movableobstacles, people and other hazards.

3.1 The Robots

As we are interested in heterogeneous cooperation, webuilt each robot with a different set of sensors andactuators, and devised the cleaning task such that itcannot be accomplished by either robot alone. One ofthe robots, ‘Joh’, has a vacuum cleaner that can beturned on and off via software. Joh’s task is to vacuumpiles of ‘litter’ from the laboratory floor. As our aim wasnot to design a high performance cleaning system per se,chopped Styrofoam serves as ‘litter’. Joh cannot vacuumclose to walls or furniture, as the vacuum is mountedbetween the drive wheels. It has the capability to ‘see’piles of litter using a CCD camera and a videotransmitter that sends video to a Fujitsu MEP trackingvision system. The vision system uses templatecorrelation, and can match about 100 templates at framerate. The vision system can communicate with the robot,via a UNIX host, over a radio modem. Visual obstacle-avoidance behavior has been demonstrated at speeds ofup to 600mm/sec (Cheng and Zelinsky, 1996).

2 See also http://pobox.com/~david.jung/thesis.html

Figure 2 – The two Yamabicos ‘Flo’ and ‘Joh’

The other robot, ‘Flo’, has a brush tool that isdragged over the floor to sweep distributed litter intolarger piles for Joh to pick-up. It navigates around theperimeter of the laboratory where Joh cannot vacuumand deposits the litter in open floor space. Sensing isprimarily using four specifically developed passive tactile‘whiskers’ (Jung and Zelinsky, 1996a). The whiskersprovide values proportional to their angle of deflection.Both robots are also fitted with ultrasonic range sensorsand wheel encoders.

3.2 A layered solution

We implemented the cleaning task by layering solutionsinvolving more complex behavior over simpler solutions.This provides a robust final solution, reduces thecomplexity of implementation and allows us to comparethe system performance at intermediate stages ofdevelopment.

The first layer involves all the basic behaviorrequired to clean the floor, but does not include anycapacity to purposefully navigate, explicitlycommunicate or cooperate. Flo sweeps up litter andperiodically deposits it into piles where it is accessible byJoh. Joh uses the vision to detect the piles and vacuumthem up. Therefore, the signaling – depositing litterpiles – is implicit in this case, as it is normal cleaningbehavior. The interaction is not simultaneous, as Johdoesn’t necessarily see the piles as soon as they aredeposited. The interaction distance ranges over the sizeof the laboratory. Flo doesn’t interpret the piles of litteras a signal at all – and in fact has no way of sensingthem. Joh has a simple interpretation – the visual iconicrepresentation of the pile acts as a releaser to vacuumover it.

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Layer 1no awarness of each other

Layer 2implicit visual communication

of likely litter position

Layer 3explicit communication

of litter relative positions

Layer 4symbolic communication

of litter locations

Figure 3 - Layered solution

Figure 4 – Joh visually tracking Flo (no vacuum attached)

The second layer gives Joh an awareness of Flo.We added the capability for Joh to visually detect andtrack the motion of Flo. This is another communicationmechanism that provides state information about Flo toJoh. In this case, the signaling is again implicit, theinteraction distance is visual range and the interaction issimultaneous. Joh uses the visual iconic representationof Flo to ground an indexical reference for the likelylocation of the pile of litter deposited. Figure 4 showsJoh visually observing Flo via a distinctive pattern.Details of the implementation the visual behavior weemployed can be found in (Jung et al., 1998a). A topview of typical trajectories of the robot is shown inFigure 5.

The third layer introduces explicit communication.Specifically, upon depositing a pile of litter, Flo signalsvia radio the position (distance and orientation) of thepile relative to its body and the relative positions of thelast few piles deposited. Flo and Joh both have identicalwheel encoders, so we are ensured of a shared groundingfor the interpretation of the communicated relativedistance and orientation to piles. Although odometry hasa cumulative error, this can be ignored over such shortdistances. The catch is that the positions are relative toFlo. Hence, Joh must transform them to egocentricpositions based on the observed location of Flo. If Flo is

not currently in view, the information is ignored. Atypical set of trajectories is shown in Figure 6.











Figure 5 - Typical trajectories when Joh can observe Flodepositing litter (Layer 2)














Figure 6 - Typical trajectories when explicit communication isutilized (Layer 3)

The fourth and final layer involves communicationof litter locations by Flo to Joh even when Flo cannot beseen. This is accomplished by using a symbolicinterpretation for a specific geometric relationship ofpositions to each other. What is communicated toconvey a location is analogous to ‘litter position is<specific-geometric-relation-between> <position-A><position-B> <direction> <distance>’. The positionsare indexical references that are themselves groundedthrough a shared process, a location-labeling behavior,described below. The distance and direction are in factraw encoder data, hence an iconic reference, relying onthe shared wheel encoders. There is no signalcommunicated for the symbolic relation itself (like aword), since there is only one symbol in the system, it isunambiguous. Obviously, if more symbols were known,or a mechanism for leaning new symbols available,labels for the symbols would need to be generated andsignaled (and perhaps syntax established).

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First, we describe the action selection schemeemployed, as it is the basis for the navigation and mapbuilding mechanism, which in turn is the basis for thelocation-labeling behavior.

3.3 Action Selection

We needed to design an action selection mechanism thatis distributed, grounded in the environment, and employsa uniform action selection mechanism over all behaviorcomponents. Because the design was undertaken in thecontext of cooperative cleaning, we also required themechanism to be capable of cooperative behavior andcommunication, in addition to navigation. Each of theserequires some ability to plan. This implies that theselection of which action to perform next must be madein the context of which actions may follow – that is,within the context of an ongoing plan. In order to bereactive, flexible and opportunistic, however, a plancannot be a rigid sequence of pre-defined actions to becarried out. Instead, a plan must include alternatives,have flexible sub-plans and each action must becontingent on a number of factors. Each action in aplanned sequence must be contingent on internal andexternal circumstances including the anticipated effectsof the successful completion of previous actions. Otherimportant properties are that the agent should not stopbehaving while planning occurs and should learn fromexperience.

There were no action selection mechanisms in theliterature capable of fulfilling all our requirements. Asour research is more concerned with cooperation thanaction selection per se, we adopted Maes’ spreadingactivation algorithm and modified it to suit our needs.Her theory “models action selection as an emergentproperty of an activation/inhibition dynamics among theactions the agent can select and between the actions andthe environment” (Maes, 1990a).

3.3.1 Components and Interconnections

The behavior of a system is expressed as a network thatconsists of two types of nodes – Competence Modulesand Feature Detectors. Competence modules (CMs) arethe smallest units of behavior selectable, and featuredetectors (FDs) deliver information about the external orinternal environment. A CM implements a componentbehavior that links sensors with actuators in somearbitrarily complex way. Only one CM can be executingat any given time – a winner-take-all scheme. A CM isnot limited to information supplied by FDs – the FDs areonly separate entities in the architecture to make explicitthe information involved in the action selectioncalculation.





s:.82 c:.87




(sucessor, predecessor or conflictor)

+ve Correlation

-ve Correlation

Activation Link





Figure 7 - Network components and interconnections

The graphical notation is shown above whererectangles represent CMs and rounded rectanglesrepresent FDs. Although there can be much exchange ofinformation between CMs and FDs the interconnectionsshown in this notation only represent the logicalorganization of the network for the purpose of actionselection.

Each FD provides a single Condition with aconfidence [0… 1] that is continuously updated from theenvironment (sensors or internal states). Each CM hasan associated Activation and the CM selected forexecution has the highest activation from all Ready CMswhose activations are over the current global threshold.A CM is Ready if all of its preconditions are satisfied.The activations are continuously updated by a spreadingactivation algorithm.

The system behavior is designed by creating CMsand FDs and connecting them with precondition links.These are shown in the diagram above as solid linesfrom a FD to a CM ending with a white square. It ispossible to have negative preconditions, which must befalse before the CM can be Ready. There also existcorrelation links, dotted lines in the figure, from a CM toa FD. The correlations can take the values [-1… 1] andare updated at run-time according to a learningalgorithm. A positive correlation implies the executionof the CM causes, somehow, a change in theenvironment that makes the FD condition true. Anegative correlation implies the condition becomes false.The designer usually initializes some correlation links tobootstrap learning.

Together these two types of links, the preconditionlinks and the correlation links, completely determinehow activation spreads thought the network. The otheractivation links that are shown in Figure 7 aredetermined by these two and exist to better describe andunderstand the network and the activation spreadingpatterns. The activation links dictate how activationspreads and are determined as follows.

• There exists a successor link from CM p to CM sfor every FD condition in s's preconditions listthat is positively correlated with the activity of p.

• There exists a predecessor link in the oppositedirection of every successor link.

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• There exists a conflictor link from CM x to CM yfor every FD condition in y's preconditions listthat is negatively correlated with the activity of x.

The successor, predecessor and conflictor links resultingfrom the preconditions and correlations are shown inFigure 7.In summary, a CM s has a predecessor CM p, if p’sexecution is likely to make one of s’s preconditions true.A CM x has a conflictor CM y, if y’s execution is likelyto make one of x’s preconditions false.

3.3.2 The Spreading of Activation

A rigorous description of the spreading activationalgorithm is beyond the scope of this paper. Thealgorithm has been detailed in previous publications(Jung, 1998; Jung and Zelinsky, 1999). The activationrules can be more concisely described in terms of theactivation links. The main spreading activation rulescan be simply stated:

• Unready CMs increase the activation ofpredecessors and decrease the activation ofconflictors, and

• Ready CMs increase the activation of successors.In addition, these special rules change the activation ofthe network from outside in response to goals and thecurrent situation:

• Goals increase the activation of CMs that cansatisfy them and decrease the activation of thosethat conflict with them, and

• FDs increase the activation of CMs for which theysatisfy a precondition.

To get a feel for how it works, we describe part of anetwork that implements the cleaning task for Flo, as

shown in Figure 8. With some of the componentsshown, a crude perimeter-following behavior is possible.

The rectangles are basic behaviors (CMs), the ovalsfeature detectors (FDs), and only the correlation andprecondition links are shown (the small circles indicatenegation of a precondition). The goal is Cleaning.This occurs when Flo roughly follows the perimeter ofthe room by using Follow to follow walls andReverseTurn to reverse and turn away from theperimeter when an obstacle obstructs the path.Periodically the litter that has accumulated in thesweeper is deposited away from the perimeter byDumpLitter.

The spreading activation algorithm ‘injects’activation into the network CMs via goals and via FDsthat meet a precondition. Therefore, the Cleaning goalcauses an increase in the activation of Follow,DumpLitter and ReverseTurn. Suppose Flo is in asituation where its left whiskers are against a wall(ObstacleOnLeft is true) and there are no obstacles infront (ObstacleAhead and FrontHit both false). Inthis case, the activation of Follow will be increased byall the FDs in its precondition set (including Timerwhich is false before being triggered). Being the onlyCM ready, it is scheduled for execution until thesituation changes. Once the Timer FD becomes true,Follow is no longer ready, but DumpLitter becomesready and is executed. Follow and DumpLitter alsodecrease each other’s activation as they conflict – each iscorrelated with the opposite state of Timer.

Although, the selection of CMs in this exampledepends mainly on the FD states, when the selection ofCMs depends more on the activation spread from otherCMs, the networks can exhibit ‘planning’ – as Maes hasshown. This is the basis for action planning in ournetworks, and gives rise to path planning as will bedescribed below.

Figure 8 – Partial network for Flo (produced by our GUI).

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From the rules we can imagine activation spreadingbackward through a network, from the goals, throughCMs with unsatisfied preconditions via the preconditionlinks until a ready CM is encountered. Activation willtend to accumulate at the ready CM, as it is feedingactivation forward while its successor is feeding itbackward. Eventually it may be selected for execution,after which its activation is reset to zero. If its executionwas successful, the precondition of its successor willhave been satisfied and the successor may be executed (ifit has no further unsatisfied preconditions). We canimagine multiple routes through the network, activationbuilding up faster via shorter paths. These paths ofhigher activation represent ‘plans’ within the network.The goals act like a ‘homing signal’ filtering out throughthe network and arriving at the current ‘situation’.

One important difference between our and Maes’networks is that in ours the flow of activation is weightedaccording to the correlations – which are updatedcontinuously at run-time according to previousexperience. The mechanism for adjusting the correlationbetween a given CM-FD pair is simple. Each time theCM becomes active, the value of the FD’s condition isrecorded. When the CM is subsequently deactivated, thecurrent value of the condition is compared with therecorded value. It is classified as one of: Became True,Became False, Remained True or Remained False. Acount of these cases is maintained (Bt, Bf, Rt, Rf). Thecorrelation is then:

corrB R



Nt t f f= + −

+( ) ( )22



Where the total samples N B B R Rt f t f= + + +

To keep the network plastic, the counts are decayed sorecent samples have a greater effect than historic ones.

3.4 Navigation and map building

3.4.1 Spatial and Topological path planning

There are two main approaches to navigational pathplanning. One method utilizes a geometricrepresentation of the robot environment, perhapsimplemented using a tree structure. Usually a classicalpath planner is used to find shortest routes through theenvironment. The distance transform method falls intothis category (Zelinsky et al., 1993). These geometricmodeling approaches do not fit with the behavior-basedphilosophy of only using categorizations of the robot-environment system that are natural for its description,rather than anthropocentric ones. Hence, numerousbehavior-based systems use a topological representationof the environment in terms only of the robot’s behaviorand sensing (e.g. see Mataric, 1992). While theseapproaches are more robust than the geometric modeling

approach, they suffer from non-optimal performance forshortest path planning. This is because the robot has noconcept of space directly, and often has to discover theadjacency of locations.

Consider the example below, where the robot in (a)has a geometric map and its planner can directlycalculate the path of least Cartesian distance, directlyfrom A to D. However, the robot in (b) has a topologicalmap with nodes representing the points A, B, C and D,connected by a follow-wall behavior. Since it has neverpreviously traversed directly from A to D, the least paththrough its map is A-B-C-D.





Figure 9 – (a) Geometric vs (b) Topological Path Planning

Consequently, our aim was to combine the benefitsof geometric and topological map representations in abehavior-based system using our architecture.

3.4.2 A self-organizing map

In keeping with the behavior-based philosophy, we foundno need to explicitly specify a representation for a mapor a specific mechanism for path planning. Instead, byintroducing the key notion of location feature detectors(location FDs), the correlation learning and actionselection naturally gave rise to map building and pathplanning – for ‘free’.

A location feature detector is a component of ourarchitecture specialized to respond when the robot is in aparticular location (the detector’s characteristic location).We employ many detectors and the locations to whichthey respond are non-uniformly distributed over thelaboratory floor space. Each location FD contains avector v, whose components are elements of the robotstate vector:

x = [g,s,fds]where g = (x,y,θ) global odometry coordinates

s = sensor valuesfds = non-location FD values

The variable g contains global Cartesian coordinates andorientation estimated from wheel encoders and a modelof the locomotion controller. The sensors includeultrasonic range readings and in Flo’s case, tactilewhisker values. The fds component contains thecondition values of all FDs in the system, except for thelocation FDs themselves. For example, in Joh’s case thisincludes visual landmark FDs.

The condition confidence value of each location FDis updated by comparing it to the current state of the

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robot’s sensors and other non-location FDs. A weightedEuclidean norm Nw is used – with the (x,y) coordinateweights dominating.

ci = 1 - Nw(v, x)Hence, the vector of the location FD whose condition istrue with highest confidence is considered to representthe ‘current location’ of the robot. The detectors areiconic representations of locations (see Figure 10).

The location FD vectors v are initialized such thatthe (x,y) components are distributed as a regular gridover the laboratory floor space, and the other componentsare randomly distributed over the vector space. Duringoperation of the system, the location FD vectors areupdated using Kohonen’s self-organizing map (SOM)algorithm (Kohonen, 1990). This causes the spatialdistribution of the location FD vectors to approximatethe frequency distribution of the robot’s state vector overtime. Figure 16 shows how the detectors have organizedthemselves to represent one of our laboratories. Oneuseful property of a SOM is that it preserves topology –nodes that are adjacent in the representation areneighboring locations in the vector space.

Since the location FD vectors v are continuouslymatched with the robot state vector x, in which the (x,y)coordinates are estimated via odometry, there is a majordrawback. The odometry error in (x,y) is cumulative.We remedy this by updating the robot state vectorcoordinates. Specifically, the system has featuredetectors for various landmark types that areautomatically correlated with the location FDs by thecorrelation learning described above. If it should happenthat a landmark FD becomes true with high confidencethat is strongly correlated with a location FDneighboring the location FD for the ‘current location’,then the state vector (x,y) component is updated. Thecoordinates are simply moved closer to the coordinates ofthe location FD to which the landmark is correlated.Assuming the landmarks don’t move over moderateperiods, this serves to keep the location FD (x,y)components registered with the physical floor space.



Location feature detectors(iconic refererences to position)

Indexical reference to current location

Figure 10 – Schematic of location detector SOM and currentlocation index

The system also maintains an indexical referencethat represents the robot’s current location. Recall thatan indexical reference is a correlation between icons.The robots each have a sense of time – in terms of theordering relation between sensed events (which is sharedto the extent that the ordering of external events isperceived to be the same by both robots). Hence, thecurrent location index is an association between the mostactive location detector and the current time.

It is clear this mechanism fulfills our requirementfor spatial mapping. The topological mapping derivesagain from the correlation learning in the architecture.Specifically, the system learns by experience that aparticular behavior can take the robot from one state toanother – for example by changing the current locationindex in a consistent way. Over time, behavior such asfollow-wall becomes correlated with the start and endlocations of a wall segment. The spreading activationwill cause the behavior to be activated when the systemneeds to ‘plan’ a sub-path from the start to the end.Similarly, simple motion behavior becomes correlatedwith moving the robot from one location to one of itsneighbors.

3.4.3 Navigation

Once we have feature detectors that respond to specificlocations, it is straightforward to add spatial andtopological navigation. Each time a behavior (a CM) isactivated, the identity of the current location FD beforeand after its execution is recorded. A new instance of theCM is created, and initialized with the ‘source’ locationFD as a precondition and the ‘destination’ as a positivecorrelate. Hence, the system remembers which behaviorcan take it from one specific location to another. If theCM does not consistently do this, its correlation with thedestination location FD will soon fall. If it falls to zero,

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the CM is removed from the network. Changes in theenvironment also cause correlations to change, thusallowing the system to adapt.

With this mechanism, the system learns topologicaladjacency of locations in terms of behavior. Forexample, if the activation of the Follow CMconsistently takes the robot from the location FDcorresponding to the start of a wall, to the end of thewall, then the links shown below will be created.



Figure 11 - Behavioral adjacency of locations via Follow (FL)

The spreading activation algorithm for action selection isable to plan a sequence of CM activations to achievenavigation between any arbitrary locations.

Spatial navigation is achieved by initializing thenetwork so that a simple Forward behavior links eachlocation FD with its eight neighbors in both directions.Hence, initially the system ‘thinks’ it can move in astraight line between any locations that are neighbors inthe SOM. If presence of an obstacle blocks the straight-line path from one location to its neighbor, then this willbe learnt through a loss of correlation between thecorresponding Forward CM and the ‘destination’ FD.The mechanisms described here for map building andnavigation are presented in detail in (Jung, 1998; Jungand Zelinsky, 1999a).

3.5 A shared grounding for locations

For layer 4 of the implementation, we wanted to add thecapability for Flo to communicate the locations of litter

piles in a more general way. In such a way that it wouldbe useful to Joh if Flo were not in view or even inanother room. In the system as described thus far, Floand Joh do not share any representations except theiconic representations of their shared sensors (odometryand ultrasonic). The location feature detectors may becorrelated with visual landmarks in Joh’s map, andwhisker landmarks in Flo’s (among other information).

Hence, before we can communicate Flo’srepresentation for location we need a procedure toestablish a shared grounding with Joh. For this purpose,we have implemented a location labeling procedure.Location labeling is essentially behavior whereby Floteaches Joh a location by empirical demonstration. Itproceeds as follows.

If Joh is tracking Flo in its visual field at aparticular time and there are no previously labeledlocations near by, then Joh signals Flo indicating thatFlo’s current location should be labeled. Although anarbitrary signal could be generated and communicated toserve as a common labeling icon for the location, in thisspecific case no signal is necessary. Because there areonly two robots, the time ordering of the labelingprocedures is identical to each. Hence, a time orderedsequence number maintained by each serves as thelabeling icon with a shared grounding. The first locationis labeled ‘1st Label’, the next ‘2nd Label’, etc. If Johreceives a confirmation signal from Flo, it associates thelabel icon with Flo’s current location. Joh calculatesFlo’s location based on its own location and a calculationof Flo’s range from visual tracking information. Flo alsolabels its own location index in the same way. Thisprocedure creates an indexical representation of specificlocations that are associations between a locationdetector icon and the label icon (the shared sequencenumber). Although the locations themselves are notrepresented using the same icons by both Flo and Joh,they represent the same physical location. Figure 12shows the situation after the labeling procedure hasoccurred four times (the symbol is explained below).

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3.6 A symbol for a relationship between locations

The next step is to endow both Joh and Flo with theability to represent an arbitrary location in relationship toalready known locations. Recall that a symbol is definedas a relationship between other symbolic, indexical andiconic references.

Ideally, symbols should be learnt, as in biologicalsystems. The relationship a symbol represents is ageneralization from a set of observed ‘exemplars’ –specific relationships between other symbols, indices andicons. How this can be accomplished is still an openresearch area. For this reason, and because we only needa single symbol that will not be referenced by higher-level symbols, we chose to simply provide the necessaryrelationship. We can consider the symbol a ‘first-levelsymbol’, as it is not dependent on any other symbols, butgrounded directly to iconic and indexical representations.As symbol systems go, ours is as impoverished as it canbe.

The relationship represented by the symbol isbetween two known location indices and a distance andorientation in terms of wheel encoder data. The twoknown locations define a line segment that provides anorigin for position and orientation. The wheel encoderdata then provides a distance and orientation relative tothis – which together defines a unique location (seeFigure 13). For example, a pile could be specified asbeing approximately 5m away from the 2nd labeled

location at an angle of 30o relative to the direction of the1st labeled location from the 2nd. The top of Figure 12shows the symbol in the context of the overall system.

Indexical references to shared labeled


Represented position

(wheel encoder data)iconic distance and orientation

Figure 13 - Schematic of the <specific-geometric-relation-between> symbol used to communication locations

3.7 Symbolic communication

Finally, we are in a position to see how a location can besymbolically communicated from Flo to Joh. With aparticular pile location in mind, Flo first calculates therepresentation for it using the symbolic relationshipabove. It selects the two closest locations, previouslylabeled, as the indexical references and computes thecorresponding iconic wheel encoder data that will yieldthe desired pile location. This information is thensignaled to Joh by signaling the labels for each of theknown locations in turn, followed by the raw encoderdata. This signal is grounded in both robots, as the

1st label

2nd label

3rd label4th label

Indexical references to shared labeled locations





Encoder data

Symbol (represents relationship for describing a location index

in relation to two known location indices and iconic

encoder data)


current location

Figure 12 – Shows Iconic references that represent sensory data, Indexical references that associate pairs of icons (a label with alocation) and a symbol (see text). The fine lines between location feature detectors show their adjacency in the SOM; the pairs ofarrow headed lines from indexical references define which two icons they associate; and the two sets of arrow headed lines from

the symbol designate two ‘exemplars’ (see text).

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labels were grounded through the location labelingprocedure, and the wheel encoders are a shared sense.Hence, the meaning is preserved. Joh can recover thelocation by re-grounding the labels and reversing thecomputation.

3.8 Results

The typical trajectories in Figure 14 show that Joh is ableto successfully vacuum the litter in the pile to the left.This occurs after the location of the pile has beencommunicated symbolically by Flo. The pile wasinitially obscured by the cardboard box, but Joh was ableto correctly compute its location and plan a path aroundthe box using its map. This can be contrasted with thelayer 3 solution shown in Figure 6, where no symboliccommunication or map was utilized. If the box wereblocking the straight-line path to the litter pile in thatcase, Joh would not have been able to navigate to withinvisual range to locate it.

As the system was not designed as a floor cleaningsystem per-se, rigorous experiments to record itscleaning performance were not conducted. However, wedid run experiments that seem to show that the additionof symbolic communication does improve cleaningperformance. We expect this intuitively, as thegoverning factor in vacuuming performance is the pathlength between litter piles. The ability to navigatepurposively from one known litter pile location to thenext, instead of having to rely on an obstacle free path,or chance discovery of the pile locations, shortens theaverage path length.















Figure 14 - Typical trajectories during cooperation

We also ran experiments utilizing each layer in turn(including the lower ones on which it builds). Werecorded the percentage of the floor cleaned every twominutes from 3-15 minutes. It was difficult to run all ofthe experiments consistently for more than 15 minutesdue to problems with hardware reliability. The resultsare plotted in Figure 15. Initially, about 30% of the‘litter’ was distributed around the perimeter and the

remainder scattered approximately uniformly over therest of the floor. The percentage cleaned was estimatedby dividing the floor into a grid and counting how manytiles had been cleaned.










0 5 10 15Time (mins)

% C



Layer 1 Layers 1&2 Layers 1-3 Layers 1-4

Figure 15 - Performance of layered cleaning solutions

Clearly, the addition of each layer improves thecleaning performance. In particular, layer 4, utilizingsymbolic communication, initially falls behind as sometime is used to perform location labeling rather thancleaning. This starts to pay off later after a number oflocations have been labeled.

This experiment also shows the robustness gainedby layering the solution. The implementation of layer 1is robust due to its simplicity. If any of the mechanismsemployed in the subsequent layers were to fail, we havedemonstrated that the system will continue to performthe cleaning task, although not as quickly.

4. A Critical Examination

4.1 The limitations of our system

The are two obvious limitations to the approach we havedescribed for developing grounded symboliccommunication between robots. The first is that thecommon process by which a shared symbol grounding isdeveloped is the design process. That is, the sharedgrounding was established by identical design andimplementation of the mechanism for its interpretation.This is an impractical way to develop sophisticatedsymbol systems, as the mechanism for the interpretationof each symbol must be designed in turn.

Is this just a practicality problem, or it is impossiblein principle? When we designed the system, we believedthat it was possible, if impractical, to build generalsymbol systems in this way – by explicitly designing theprocess of interpretation for each symbol. Wehypothesized that all that was missing was a mechanismto learn the symbolic representations – to effectivelyautomate the process. However, we argue below that is itin fact impossible in principle (for all but the simplestsymbol systems – like the one presented).

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The second obvious limitation is a related one. Theapproach doesn’t include a mechanism for learning newsymbols, even if it had an existing symbol repertoiredesigned in.

4.2 Symbols revisited

Our definition of grounded from section 2.2 contained ahidden assumption. We defined a symbol to be groundedif its interpretation required following references that alleventually lead to icons. Recall that, symbols and thestructure of their relationships to each other and toindices and icons, is a linguistic one. It is theempirically observed structure of the signals that humansgenerate and interpret. This grammatical structure ofspoken and written language is a relatively persistent one(ignoring the fact that languages change slowly overtime). The hidden assumption, which we now believe tobe incorrect, was that this somehow implies that asimilarly persistent analogous structure must be presentwithin the mind of the humans that generate signalsconforming to the structure. That is, just because there isa relatively persistent symbolic system present in humancultural artifacts – such as books, paintings, buildings,music, etc. – this does not imply that any symbol systempersists within the human mind. It was with this invalidassumption that we proceeded to construct just such asymbol system within the robots, by representing andrelating icons, indices and symbols.

We believe there is ample evidence that nopersistent symbolic structure within the human mind thatmirrors the structure of human language exists – but thisremains to be seen. Dennett has argued strongly againstthe idea of a Cartesian theater – a place in the mindwhere all the distributed information is integrated for acentral decision-maker (Dennett, 1993). It seems thatdistributed information about the external world(possibly contradictory) need not be integrated unless aparticular discrimination is necessary for performance(for example to speak or behave). Even then, only theinformation necessary for the discrimination need beintegrated.

Even if humans don’t use the equivalent of apersistent cognitive grammar to reason about the world,why can’t robots use one?

4.3 Symbolic representation is not situated

A symbol represents a discrete category in the continuousspace of sensory-motor experience. Hence it defines aboundary such that points in the space lie either withinthe category or outside of it – there are no gray areas.Therefore, a symbol system is a way of characterizingsensory-motor experience in terms of membership of thecategories it defines. Symbols derive their power byconferring a degree of independence from the context

dependent, dynamic and situated experiences from whichthey are learnt. This allows symbolic communication topreserve its meaning when the interaction is extended intime (e.g. the period between these words being writtenand you reading them).

Suppose we build a robot for a particular task thatnecessitates symbolic communication, and endow it witha symbolic representation system according to theapproach we have outlined, whereby static symbolgroundings are designed in. The robot is situated in thesense that the task for which is it designed provides acontext for its interaction with the environment (from thetheory of situated action – Mills, 1940; Suchman, 1987).The robot is an embodied agent and has a groundedsymbol system. It satisfies the criteria of the physicalgrounding hypothesis (Brooks, 1990).

We argue that this approach to building a robot willnot necessarily work, except in the simplest cases. Thetask in which the robot is situated dictates thediscriminations it must make in order to behaveappropriately – it must behave in terms of its affordances(Gibson, 1986). Since the discriminations it can makeare determined by the categories defined by its symbolsystem, which is necessarily static, it will only work ifthe task very specific – ensuring the appropriatediscriminations don’t change. This is precisely thesituation in which our system operates – in the situatedcontext defined by a statically specified cleaning task.

A robot capable of operating flexibly in a dynamicsituated context must continually adapt thediscriminations it makes. If using a symbolicrepresentation system, this implies the categories definedby the symbols, and hence the meaning of the symbolsthemselves, must change3. However, a dynamic symbolsystem looses its power for communication – one of themain reasons for endowing the robot with a symbolsystem in the first place.

Consequently, a robot that utilizes a static symbolicrepresentation system (like the one we presented) cannotbe situated if its task is to behave flexibly in a dynamiccontext. Hence, our approach of designing in the robot’ssymbol groundings does not scale from systems designedto achieve simple specific tasks, to more general flexiblebehavior.

We also see a more pragmatic way in which largersymbol systems built via our approach can becomeunsituated. In order to manage complexity in the designprocess, we often structure a system by categorizing andapply linguistic labels to design components (i.e. weneed to name elements of our designs). Although thisactivity is logically independent from the way the system

3 It may be possible in principle for an agent to use a static symbol systemthat covers all possible categorizations and hence accommodates anypossible discrimination needed for appropriate behavior in any situatedcontext. However, we dismiss this as impossible in practice due tocomputation intractability.

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functions, the anthropocentric groundings we use in ourinterpretation of the linguistic labels inevitably effect thedesign.

For example, by naming a behavior componentWallFollowing, we may accidentally allow hiddenassumptions from our understanding of ‘walls’ to comeinto play, despite being aware of this pitfall. If the robotpossesses anything that could be called a concept for a‘wall’, it is surely impoverished compared to our humanunderstanding of ‘walls’. We contend that avoiding thispitfall becomes harder, to the point of practicalimpossibility, as the symbol systems become morecomplex and the discrepancy between our labels and therobot’s representations grow.

4.4 Adaptive Symbol Grounding Hypothesis

There is increasing evidence that humans do not reasonabout the world and behave using symbolicrepresentations (Hendriks-Jansen, 1996 provides athorough argument). Instead, like other biologicalsystems, we represent4 the world in terms of changingaffordances – dictated by our situatedness. We makeonly the discriminations necessary to behaveappropriately. The symbols we use to communicate seemto be generated during language production andinterpretation by a dynamic process that grounds them inour adaptive internal representations while preservingtheir static, public, statistically persistent meaning.Hence, the symbols we generate are influenced by oursituated representations during production and they havethe power to influence them during interpretation. Thesymbolic representations themselves are only transient.We refer to this conception as the Adaptive SymbolGrounding Hypothesis.

By this conception, we envisage the process oflearning new concepts as follows. A process within theemitter wishing to communicate a new conceptdynamically generates a transient symbolicrepresentation that best approximates it by matching theinternal representation with learnt static linguisticsymbol relationships. This structure is reflected in thesignal. The interpretation process within the receivercauses a similar transient symbolic structure to emerge.Again, an approximate match is made between thesymbolic structure and the internal representation –which influences the representations. In this case, theinfluence causes a new concept to be discovered. Thesymbolic structure provides the scaffolding necessary toget the receiver thinking in the right way to discover thenew concept.

4 We do not mean to imply that biological agents represent the world tothemselves. Of course any observations of the internal states of an agentcan be said to represent something – if we as scientific observers interpretit, it represents something to us.

So the essential points of the Adaptive SymbolGrounding Hypothesis can be summarized as follows.

• The persistent relationships between icons,indices and symbols that comprise thehierarchical structure of language (e.g. grammar)are only observed in the communicated signals.

• Agents engaging in symbolic communication donot need to maintain an explicit representationanalogous to the symbolic structure of thelanguage.

• Symbol grounding is transient and adaptive.Explicit symbolic representations and theirsituated groundings only persist during thegeneration and interpretation of the signals ofsymbolic communication. The specificgroundings with which icons for particularsymbols are associated depend upon a history ofuse. The mapping adapts both to the immediatecontext and to track long-term common usagewithin a community of language users.

4.5 Implication for cooperative robotics

In the future, we will require increasingly complex tasksto be carried out by multi-robot teams. Hence, thebehavioral sophistication of the individual robots will begreater. If we wish to engineer multi-robot systems thatcan cooperate in complex ways, they will eventuallyrequire symbolic communication.

The Adaptive Symbol Grounding Gypothesisimplies that all symbols are learnt. Hence, we advocatethe ubiquitous use of learning in engineering all roboticsystems. Without it, we don’t believe symboliccommunication of significance is possible.

Multi-robot systems are usually classified as eitherhomogeneous or heterogeneous. This is usually basedupon physical attributes, such as sensors and actuators;but can be equally applied to the computational andbehavioral ability of the robots. A robot system isclassified as heterogeneous if one or more agents aredifferent from the others. Balch proposes a metric tomeasure the diversity in multi-robot systems he callssocial entropy – which also recognizes physicallyidentical robots that differ only in their behavioralrepertoire (Balch, 1997).

If robots are engineered with an emphasis onlearning and are consequently more a product of theirexperience, as we suggest above, then even physicallyhomogeneous teams will have significant social entropy.The teams will necessarily be heterogeneous in terms oftheir representation of the world and hence behavior.Therefore, we don’t envisage homogeneous multi-robotsystems playing a large role in the cooperative roboticsdomain in the long term.

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5. Summary

In the first part of the paper, we defined what we meanby grounded and provided a framework for talking aboutsymbols in terms of indexical and iconic references. Wealso introduced the classification scheme forcommunication involving the characteristics interactiondistance, interaction simultaneity, signaling explicitnessand sophistication of interpretation. We discussedcooperation and communication in bacteria, ants,wolves, primates and humans in these terms to deducesome prerequisites for symbolic communication.

If we are not interested in preserving the meaning ofa signal between emitter and receiver, then theimplementation is straightforward. If we wish topreserve meaning, then we have to ensure a sharedgrounding between the agents. In the case of iconicrepresentations, as they are essentially grounded directlyin sensory information, this can only be ensured if thesensors are identical between the agents. In the case ofindexical and symbolic representations, a specificmechanism for establishing a shared grounding isneeded. For indexical representations, an empiricaldemonstration can serve to ground them to appropriateicons. The location labeling procedure we implementedon our robots takes this form.

We described the implementation of the cooperativecleaning system, including the spreading activationaction-selection mechanism and purposive navigation inorder to provide an understanding for the communicationmechanism. The symbolic communication relies on:

• the shared grounding of icons through commonsensors,

• the shared grounding for locations, developedthrough a specific process – the location labelingbehavior, and

• the shared grounding for the symbol representinga specific relationship between locations –provided by design.

In the final part of the paper, we critically examinedthe system and its limitations. Specifically, one obviouslimitation is that the system only contains a singlesymbol, and it was provided at design time – with nomechanism for learning further symbols. By lookingagain at the notion of a symbol we were able tounderstand that this approach cannot scale to largersymbol systems.

We argued that situated, embodied agents cannotuse symbolic representations of the world to interactivelybehave in it. The Adaptive Symbol GroundingHypothesis was introduced as an alternative conceptionfor how symbol system might be used in situated agents.Finally, we concluded that symbol grounding must belearnt. Consequently, we advocate the ubiquitous use oflearning in heterogeneous multi-robot systems, becausewithout it symbolic communication is not possible. We

believe this would be a severe limitation to thesophistication of cooperation in the future.


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Figure 16 - SOM generated by Flo over part of our Lab
