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Group 6 Presentation - Impact Investing & Venture Philanthropy (1)

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  • 7/31/2019 Group 6 Presentation - Impact Investing & Venture Philanthropy (1)




    April 22, 2011

    Prepared by:Ngoc Tran, Hai Vo, Clement Ng, Alvin Cheo

    March 15th, 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Group 6 Presentation - Impact Investing & Venture Philanthropy (1)


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    Social Purpose Organization market spectrum

    Impact Investment The markets infrastructure

    Portfolio Construction & Use of securities Investment return & Risk factors

    Alignment of management team incentive (with case study)

    Venture Philanthropy (VP)

    Why venture Philanthropy? VP characteristics

    Model of Engagement

    How can PE Firms Help

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    Impact Investment

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    Social Investment spectrum

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    Under-developed Infrastructure



    Assessable,credible &

    comparableperformance data

    Ratings agencies,syndicators,

    clearinghouses,and other

    necessary marketintermediaries


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    Portfolio Construction

    Two-dimensional sector framework: businesssector vs impact objective

    Impact can be delivered through processes orproducts

    Processes : making part of companys missionhiring employees from a traditionally

    underrepresented group

    Products: providing affordable access to light forpeople who currently lack access to electricity

    grids E.g. Products for BoP market

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    Portfolio Construction

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    Return: Financial return vs.Impact

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    Use of investment instrument

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    Risk factors in Impact Investing

    Illiquidity and uncertainty around financial returnscited as biggest risks

    Similar level of risk expected relative to traditionalinvestments

    Risk events occurred in 7% of reported transactions

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    Alignment of managementinterest What is the appropriate amount of compensation linked

    directly to social and environmental performance?

    Penalization and/or reward for the extent to which impacttargets are met?

    Should incentives structure address short-term or long-termimpact performance, or both? The bonus is tied to short-term performance, while the carry is

    determined by performance over a longer time frame.

    How and by whom are social and environmental performancemetrics and targets defined? How can social andenvironmental performance be effectively monitored?

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    Aureos Capitals Africa HealthFund

    Impact measurement through targets:

    Impact target A: 50% of people servedhave an average annual householdincome < $3,000 PPP

    Impact target B: 70% of people servedhave an average annual income of lessthan $3,000 PPP

    Impact target C: 15% of people servedhave an average annual income of lessthan $1,000 PPP

    Compensation structure:The base carry is 15% for achieving thefinancial hurdle & adjusted upwardaccording to the achievement of one ormore of the three impact targets.

    A is met, then the GP carry increases by5% from a base of 15% to a total of 20%.

    The carry increases to 30% if impact targetA is surpassed AND either impact target Bor C is met

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    Core Innovation Capital

    Impact measurement:

    An Impact Audit Committee determinessocial impact performance of GPs

    action through the Impact Score

    Impact score:

    Portfolio-based score: 90%

    Industry-based score: 10%

    Compensation structure

    Annual bonus: is paid to the GP in directproportion to the percentage of the totalImpact Score achieved.

    20% carry interest:

    90% of the carry is tied to financialperformance

    the remaining 10% in directproportion to the percentage of thetotal Impact Score achieved.

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    Analysis of impact-basedincentives

    Criteria Areos Core Innovation

    Amount of social impactliked compensation

    Additional 15% of profitcan be earned if socialimpact is met

    100% of bonus & 10% ofthe carry interest (2% ofprofit)

    Penalization/reward forfailure/over-performanceto meet the social target

    Penalization of 5%compared to normalcarry interest (20%) andadditional 10% for over-performance

    No reward for over-performance but losepart of the incentive ifthe target is not met

    Long-term versus short-term incentives

    Long-term Both short-term & long-term

    Metrics & measurements Quantitative metrics:defined by thepopulation impacted bythe investment

    Use of Impact Score,determined by aninternal Impact AuditCommittee.

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    What is Venture Philanthropy

    A methodology thatworks to buildstronger social

    purpose organizations(SPOs) by providingthem with bothfinancial and non-

    financial support inorder to increase theirsocietal impact

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    Venture Philanthropy 101











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    Venture PhilanthropyComparison

    Similaritieswith VC/PE

    Proactive and highquality management

    Clear objectives andtargets

    Performance culture

    Optimizing leverage

    Long-term engagement

    Differenceswith VC/PE

    Expectation of returns

    Incentives alignmentwith social impact

    Deal Selection



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    Direct engagement

    PE FirmSocial


    Hands-onengagementand financial


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    When Why How

    Firm would like towork locally,

    potentially developinga long-term

    relationship with SPOin community

    Proximity to charitiesoffers in-kind benefits

    like use of officespace, which can alsomake up for financial


    Tap firmsprofessional network

    for providers of probono and financial


    Firm unable tocontribute muchcapital, such as

    publicly listed firms,can help more with pro

    bono services

    Direct involvementfrom firm can attract

    other funders,increasing impact andsharing financial costs

    Identify localchampions at

    regional offices whoare passionate about

    local issues

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    Invest or Co-Invest with a VPO

    PE FirmVPO





    nt andfinancialsupport

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    When Why How

    Firm is lacking in-housesocial sector

    knowledge and prefersto use a trusted

    intermediary using a VPapproach

    Contribute resourceswithout incurring

    management costs,while reducing risk and

    transaction costs

    Choose VPO based onfirms criteria and

    develop a long-termrelationship with aVPO, contributing

    financial resources andpro-bono support

    Co-invest with VPO

    when the firm wantsgreaterfreedom in

    terms of choosing whichSPOstoinvest in

    Flexibility to outsource

    bulk of work to VPO,who is an expert on the

    subject or to investdirectly

    Determine criteria for

    VPOs or social sectorfocus for SPOs to invest


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    Found or Co-found a separateVPO

    PE Firm

    New VPOSocial




    nt andfinancialsupport

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    When Why How

    Firm is able to make asignificant commitment of

    time and resource

    Looking to do somethingbigger, with unique visibility,involving the firm as a team

    Add a dedicated VP arm toPE firm to complementexisting business taking

    care to make clearseparations between

    mission, remunerationschemes, return

    expectations and investmentprocess of both entities

    Firm has a corporateculture that will be

    conducive to larger scaleinvolvement

    Grow the VP marketthrough hands-on

    philanthropy engagement

    Pool resources in a newinitiative to draw diverse

    resources and achievegreater scale

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    Why? Pressing environmental &social issues

    Environmental & socialissues are receivingincreased attention fromVC and PE communities

    Responsible investing

    Sustainable returns

    Investors pressure

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    Why? Desire to give back!

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    Development of skills




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    Most efficient way to the biggestimpact

    VP is the mostefficient way tomake thebiggest social

    impact on acause they feelstrongly about

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    How can PE firms Help

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    Providing Financial Capital

    Funding from abudget

    Foundation receives

    a percentage Matching employee


    Host fundraisingevents and volunteerdays

    Partner with others

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    Strategic advisorycompanies,accountant, lawyer

    Reach and raisefunds from eachother

    Influence portfolio


    Providing Social Capital

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    Providing Intellectual Capital

    Due diligence

    Leverage functionalgroups

    Draft business plans Serve on investment

    committee board

    Mentoring charitymanagement

    Aiding in the event ofM&A

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