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Group report LYK (1)

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TORANDO ELECTRONICS COMPANY 1 Torando Electronics Company LYK Consulting Group Management 621A Yingyi Wang Lingfeng Liang Kevin Karran October 13, 2016
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Torando Electronics Company

LYK Consulting Group

Management 621A

Yingyi Wang

Lingfeng Liang

Kevin Karran

October 13, 2016

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Title Page………………………………………………………………………...……..…………1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………..…...2

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………….……..………..3


Team Breakdown…………………………………………………………………...……..………5

Action Plan……………………………………………………………..……..……..……..……...7

Perspectives on Nature of Problem..……..……..……..…………………………………………..8

Guidelines to Effectively Deal with Problems………………………..……..……..……..……...11

Cluster One: Group Dynamics and Team Building by Lingfeng Liang……..……..……..……..11

Cluster Two: Attitudes, Job Satisfaction & Motivation by Yingyi Wang …..……….…..……...16

Cluster Three: Perception, Decision Making, Personalities, & Value by Kevin Karran...………25




Exhibits ………………………………………………………………………....……..……...…43

Appendices: Resumes of LYK Consulting Group………………………………....……..……...44

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Executive Summary

The LYK Consulting Group has been given the task of analyzing all the challenges

Torando Electronics Company’s personnel in the prototype project development department face

and we provided our recommendations on how to address all these areas. We begin with the

introduction of our high performing and successful team, which is made up of Lingfeng Liang

(Team Building and Management Analyst), Yingyi Wang (Owner), and Kevin Karran

(Motivational Expert). We provide an action plan that we have used throughout the process of

analyzing Torando as a high performing and successful team. The perspectives on the nature of

the problem through the engineers, technicians and department manager have each been

provided in detail.

For the guidelines to effectively deal with problems, it is broken down into three clusters.

Lingfeng Liang provided cluster 1 and is based on group dynamics and team building. This

cluster focuses on cooperating, coordinating, communication, comforting, conflict resolving,

storming, team cohesion, and team trust. Yingi Wang provided cluster 2 and is based on

attitudes, job satisfaction and motivation. This cluster focuses on attitudes, job satisfaction,

learned needs, Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory, social cognitive theory, goal setting,

motivation, and equity theory. Kevin Karran provided cluster 3 and is based on perception,

decision-making, personalities and value. This cluster focuses on employee motivation; role

perceptions; organizational citizenship; Jungian personality theory and Myers-Briggs type

indicator; self-concept complexity, consistency, and clarity; self-enhancement and self-

verification; perceptual organization and interpretation; and meaningful interaction.

For the recommendations we provided a synthesis of the clusters into a coherent and

consistent set of short, medium and long term recommendations for Torando Electronics

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Company. The short-term recommendations focused on personality surveys given to employees;

improving job satisfaction and equity; and implementing role perception guidelines. These short-

term recommendations dealt with the individual employees. The medium-term recommendations

focused on organizing activities for the employees; improving learned needs and social cognition;

and implementing the meaningful interaction guidelines. These medium-term recommendations

dealt with the building of a group between the employees. The long-term recommendations

focused on setting a reward or bonus system in place for employees; improving the goal setting

and motivation in the department; and utilizing organizational citizenship to become the leading

department in Torando. The long-term recommendations dealt with turning our attention to the

performance of the department. Furthermore, we in the LYK Consulting Group feel that our

evaluation of the Torando Electronics Company can help in solving the central problems that

have arose and make a significant change in their prototype project development department.

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LYK Consulting Group will help solve the challenges regarding personnel that Torando

Electronics Company is facing with its prototype project development department. Our

consulting group aims to improve the overall performance of the organization and its long-term

development. We begin with the introduction of our high performing and successful team. Our

team is made up of three individuals named Lingfeng Liang, Yingyi Wang and Kevin Karran. In

our first section we provide the breakdown of our positions in the LYK consulting group and the

qualifications of our members that will help lend credence to our ability to be a top performing

management-consulting team that can help Torando. Then we present our action plan that will be

utilized by our team to ensure that it is a high performing and successful team. After providing

our action plan we turn to the nature of the problem from the perspective of the engineers,

technicians, and department manager to help understand each group’s side. Then we shift our

focus to specific guidelines to effectively deal with the problems Torando is facing. This section

is broken into three clusters and provides the most important and practical guidelines to deal with

the problems. We begin with cluster 1, which deals with group dynamics and team building.

Then with Cluster 2, which deals with attitudes, job satisfaction and motivation. Lastly, there is

cluster 3, which deals with perception, decision-making, personalities and value. After

explaining our guidelines that can help fix the problems of Torando, we provide a synthesis of

them into a coherent and consistent set of short, medium, and long term recommendations.

Moreover, we then provide our last thoughts of the overall case and how we feel we have

effectively identified and solved the problems of Torando Electronics Company.

Team Breakdown

Team Building and Management Analyst - Lingfeng Liang

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Lingfeng Liang is an international student from China with a major of Master of Business

Administration from SVSU. He received his bachelor’s degree in May 2016 from SVSU with a

Bachelor of Business Administration. He did many part time jobs, which related to education

and management. Now, Lingfeng Liang is the Vice president of the Chinese Student Association

in SVSU. He helps Chinese student to resolve life problems and organizes some activities for

Chinese students. He likes sports when he has free time, especially basketball. Every Fridays, he

will spend 3 hours playing basketball with his friends. He thinks playing basketball not only

makes his body healthy, but also teaches him the ins and outs of a team and their chemistry


Owner - Yingyi Wang

Yingyi Wang is an international student from China with a major of Master of Business

Administration from Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU). He received his bachelor’s

degree in May 2016 from SVSU with a Bachelor of Business Administration. He shows

enthusiasm for the consulting area, especially the organization behaviors. Yingyi Wang was the

head of the student broadcasting station when he was studying in China. He led a group of 35

student employees to produce the daily programs. He established the development strategies and

restructured the organization by hiring new employees and training new hires. Yingyi knows

how to address an organization’s problems. He can help your organization grow quickly and

create stability within the organization.

Motivational Expert - Kevin Karran

Kevin Karran is an international student from Canada with a major of Master of Business

Administration from SVSU. He received his Bachelor’s of Science in accounting in May 2016

from Seton Hill University (SHU). He has great motivational skills to amplify the efforts of his

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colleagues around him. He has a previous background as a freshmen dormitory resident assistant

(RA) at SHU and the skills of working for SHU’s business department. As an RA, Kevin was

able to learn how to build a community within his dormitory for his residents and his fellow

RAs. He motivated the students throughout their first year of university through all the tough

times that most students face during their transition from high school to university. As a worker

in the business department, he knows how work within a group and how to bring out the best of

the people around him. He constantly worked with different sectors of the school and helped

guide them through budgeting and allocating their funding. Kevin can help your organization

with his vast background of a diverse skillset and will provide your company with opportunities

for growth and long-term success.

Action Plan

LYK Consulting Group has a serious and effective action plan which can expand the

maximum working efficiency in the group. The first step of our group action plan creates a quick

effective communication system. We believe communication plays a major part in the success of

our actions. It makes sure that our group members have effective communication and we choose

to use the different channels of communication that appropriate each individual’s skills. We use

email and text to exchange our ideas. Also, we use Google documents to edit our group report

online, so that even when we are apart we are all able to contribute. We also meet weekly to

discuss our work face to face. This is another important part of our action plan for us do the face

to face communicate method because it can let us get to know each other better.

In our action plan, we respect each group member and we believe this method can make

our group work smoothly and quickly. For making our work successful, we separate our tasks

equally according to individual’s skillsets. This is done because we understand that each group

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member is good at different areas of specializations. Therefore, we hope each person can

perform better for their own tasks. Also, we thought each group member should take the same

amount of responsibility when it comes to the division of work. Another main purpose of the

actions above is making sure every group member can feel they are an important part of the LYK

Consulting Group and we really need them to help our group in achieving success.

Another part of our plan we used to make sure LYK Consulting Group has maximum

efficiency is to set due dates. Setting up deadlines can help our group members progress in

parallel, which can not only avoid rushing an individual’s tasks but also it can leave enough time

to read each other’s work results and put all of our work together. We believe the deadline is a

very useful method to motivate each group member and will help provide confidence in our

group to keep the work under our control.

Perspectives on Nature of Problem


The engineers spent very less off-the-job time than which the technicians do. In this team,

the technicians spend too much of their time dragging their feet while at work. The technicians

do not give us an opportunity to know each other because they are always doing things without

any of the engineers. The technicians’ work they do is slow and is of low quality. They are

always complaining that they cannot solve the problems they encounter and rely on us for top

quality projects. We engineers have our college degrees but are being dragged down by the

technicians because of their lack of education in their background. The technicians are

responsible for our company’s extremely low productivity compared to other plants in the

company. They do not even take our recommendations that we give to them and it causes our

projects to get rejected. The technicians do not know how to listen to our recommendations and

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go against the way we want to control things since we know better. The technicians are out of

order and need to follow our orders or else the problems will continue to happen. They need to

have an understanding that we the engineers are above them and not part of their team, they just

work for us and because they cannot get in line with that they are causing the productivity of our

company to suffer.


The technicians are seen as one of the problem makers and are perceived by the engineers

to be the significant problem the department is facing. There is a lack of communication with

engineers and managers, and lack of cohesion between the whole team. The engineers are

causing an inequality because they believe they are better than us since they have degrees. The

engineers think we cause delays in their work, which they should accomplish before the due time.

The roles of the engineers are not clearly identified and they feel that they are above us like

another level of management. The engineers refuse to take our recommendations and their

projects have been getting rejected lately. If they would learn to accept help from others who

have been here for so long and know the ins and outs of the whole company then they would be

more successful. Their quality of work has fallen and we the technicians are being blamed for

their mistakes.

The essential issue that lead to the current troubles is the income differences and the

organization structure of the Torando Electronics Company are not perfectly matched to our

requirement. Moreover, with the lack of communication occurring within the team, the

communication between each group member is causing the group work to not move as smoothly

as we would like. The engineers fail to communicate with everyone else because they all stay

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within their office and do not even try to interact with their fellow coworkers. Thus, these are the

reasons Torando Electronics Company is having problems.

Department Manager

When looking at the nature of the problem in the perspective of the department manager

it is clear that it differs from that of the technicians and engineers. The department manager

believes the relationship that existed between the technicians and engineers has been strained

over the years. One reason for the strain is that the technicians and engineers have each formed

there own groups inside of Torando Electronics. These groups create segmentation between the

engineers and technicians. Both groups prefer to work and do extra curricular activities with their

own kind instead of each other. They tend to stay away from the other group of workers. Another

reason is that both the engineers and technicians believe the other side is not performing in the

job place like they are supposed to be. On one side you have the engineers expressing feelings

that the technicians have been working slow and their quality of work is poor. On the other side

you have the technicians believing the engineers are requesting work orders for projects that

were poorly developed and any suggestions made to the engineers by them were never followed.

Both sides have created a persona of one another and they both make out the other side with

negative perceptions that have formed into an unfavorable atmosphere.

Another reason for this strain on the relationship between the technicians and engineers is

that the engineers feel they are at a management level position over the technicians. This

perceived hierarchy is making the engineers feel as though they can control how the projects are

run and they want to put the work off on to the technicians to figure out even if they projects are

not ready to be made. Since the technicians are unionized they feel that they should not be

treated the way they are by the engineers, such as below them, but on the same level and as

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equals. Moreover, the last reason is that the engineers are not having a good enough

understanding of how the levels of the business are structured. If it were clear to them of what

their position is in Torando Electronic then they would know the difference between their

position and the technician position. These reasons show the department manager’s perspective

on the nature of the problem in Torando Electronic.

Guidelines to Effectively Deal with Problems

After reading the three clusters of chapters, we have each found 8 guidelines that can

effectively deal with the problems Torando Electronics Company is facing. These 24 guidelines

are practical ways that can help change the environment of the company and help make

immediate and future impacts.

Cluster One: Group Dynamics and Team Building


Each member has an obligation to help other members to deal with problems, share task

resources, and even finish the common goal. Also, control is necessary, but not constant.

Sometimes, following also is needed. In this case, engineers thought technicians slow down the

team’s speed of process. Maybe technicians want to give engineers a high quality of work. But

they are perceived to have a limited capacity of ability. Engineers should help those technicians

to know which part or detail they should improve. Even help them to solve problems or improve

work. On the other hand, technicians’ task will be more specific. They have right to say the

recommendation to engineers, if it’s feasible. Engineers should follow the technicians’

suggestion. In the end, the level of integration of teamwork will lead to more quality projects and

more efficient productivity.


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The most important part of coordination is internal public relations. How to organize the

internal public relations is directly related to the vitality of the team or organization, and then

influence the realization of the team or organization's goals. It includes employees’ relationship

and team environment. Coordination of employees’ relationship: first of all, the importance of

employee relationship, employees are the cells of a team and they are the foundation of the team.

Employees’ relation is the intrinsic factor of the success of the team, so having good employee

relations is the first step to helping the team become successful. Secondly, the employee should

know respecting, caring, and understanding each other. It’s the basic requirements of building a

good employee relations. As we can see in this case, the engineers hardly spend time with the

technicians. These two groups of people have their own office to take coffee breaks or meet for

work and activity schedule.


The purpose of communication in a team is make employee share information of tasks

freely and efficiently. Also, creating a good team environment for employees, making them feel

like a team just like their family. Everyone is willing to pay for it. As mentioned above, the

manager can create more time and space for engineers and technicians. For example, every week,

the company will organize a big meeting for engineers and technicians. The topic is suggestions

or recommendations for team task. Everyone has the right to say it, if the suggestion or

recommendation is feasible. The management will accept them if they are. This meeting will

give all team members equal right to talk team tasks, and every team member can know each

other by communicating at the meeting. In addition, team members can share their experience

and transmit information of work. It’s good for improving group task to become more effective

and impactful because they have more communication.

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Comforting which can be divided into two parts, which are physiological comforting and

psychological comforting. On the other word, physiological comforting means people’s hearing;

smelling, sighting, and touching feel good and comfortable. Also, psychological comforting

means people’s mind or spirit feel comfortable. In order to format these two comforting depend

on different factors. Physiological comforting depends on the employee’s work environment. In

the case, it didn’t show Torando Electronics company offer detail of employees’ work

environment. So, these are some recommendations for Torando Electronics company

management. They can ask their employees what kind of working condition they want. Then

creating a voting assembly for this. Choosing some feasible advice to decorate the working

condition. Moreover, psychological comforting depends on the employees’ spiritual comfort of

the environment. The most important part of this is interpersonal environment. It includes

between the different employees, classes, and the superiors and subordinates. A good

interpersonal relationship will encourage employees to work hard.

Conflict Resolving

In the process of getting along with the team, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts.

This is a normal phenomenon. For this situation, as a team, they need to quickly deal with the

conflict, in order to allow the team to better sustain development. In this case, the department

manager, Rudy Garcia has this consciousness. He did a preliminary investigation and wants to

know the reason that lead the engineers and technicians to separate.


After clear and definite team composition, the team should focus on the team

development. This is because there are no teams that are established and are perfect in the prime

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time. So, in the development process, team members should understand and agree with their role

in which they play. They have to be willing to work together and work hard. In addition, some

problems will come up. So, the team should find problems and must solve them immediately. All

in all, every team’s development should experience these four stages. There are forming,

storming, norming, and performing.

For Torando Electronics Company, the engineers and technicians have a lot of friction

between each other. So we can guess this company’s team are in the storming stage. In this stage,

the phenomenon is called interpersonal conflict. (Interpersonal conflict means from resource).

There are some reasons leading these two groups of people to have conflict. First of all, the

engineers and technicians didn’t clarify what kind of role they play. In a team, different roles

have a different value. Some roles help the team to reach the goal, some roles help other team

members develop and maintain a good relationship, and some roles are assigned to some special

people. Regarding all of the team members, they should know they are playing a role that helps

their team to achieve the team goal. Torando Electronics Company’s engineers and technicians

are lost in the interpersonal conflict and forget the common team goal, which is to finish the

project with the highest quality. Secondly, the engineers think they are part of management, so

technicians should follow and listen to them. On the other hand, technicians don’t accept any

suggestions and recommendations from the engineers and vice versa. From these details we can

guess this team is not a normative team. A normative team shouldn’t have this problem. The

team members will be very harmonious, and follow the order from high class. Also, every class

will listen to any suggestions and recommendations that are feasible, even if they are part of the

low class.

Team Cohesion

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Form the textbook; team cohesion is “ the degree of attraction people feel toward the

team and their motivation to remain members” (McShane, 2015, p. 234). “Team cohesion is a

multidimensional process, involving specific environmental factors, personal factors, leadership

factors, and team factors” (Alten, 2007). In this case, the Torando Electronics Company’s

employees are not good at this part. We can see some examples from the case. The technicians

interacted with each other off the job, either through activities such as softball, bowling, card

games, or professional football parties on the weekend. The engineers rarely, if even, spent any

off-the-job time with the technicians, they had an engineering office where they took coffee

breaks and often met after work. These two groups have independent activity spaces. On the

other hand, their behavior is just like two separate teams except for necessary work time when

they have to be together. Therefore, we know Torando Electronics Company’s employees have

very low cohesion.

What does a high cohesion team look like? First of all, in a high cohesion team, members

should spend significant time together, even if it is off-the-job time. Member similarity is the

most important; also it is a simple thing to increase the team cohesion if team members have

some similarity. That means team members have same background, or some same interest,

hobby, topic and so on. Those things will help team members easily accept each other. Thus, the

team will become cohesive and stable quickly. Member interaction in a team should be occurring

all the time. For example, every member works in the same physical space; the team task needs

everyone to take part in it. Any member’s performance will affect the final performance of team

task. Also, the reward will be affected by team performance. Under these circumstances,

everyone will work hard. There will be no one that is considered lazy, and they will encourage

each other to work hard. This interaction is positive. On the other hand, Torando Electronics

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Company’s employees are passive interaction. An example is that the technicians believed that

the engineers requested work orders for projects that were poorly developed and the engineers

thought that the technicians were dragging their feet in the workplace. Those two groups of

employees complain about each other. That leads to these two groups losing positivity of their

coworkers work. Their manager also found this to be a problem.

Team Trust

According to the textbook, when a person joins a new team, he or she typically has a high

level trust of his or her new team member. This happens because he or she thinks following a

team member, which is already within the team is a wise choice. Even the coworkers are

strangers (McShane, 2015, p. 226). Most of the people will show some trust to each other. But

after experiencing some of the situations the trust will be changed. In addition, it is stated,

“Group trust relates to employee preferences for teamwork and to knowledge creation and

sharing” (Webster, 2008). In Torando Electronics Company, the trust between engineers and

technicians has become less and less when these two groups of people are complaining about

each other. The technicians believe that their suggestions on how to accomplish projects were

never followed. Whereas, the engineers thought that the technicians were dragging their feet and

passively resisting any suggestions and recommendations. It will decrease the trust between the

engineers and technicians. They will be less forgiving and object cooperation. In the end, the

effectiveness of team should be lower, even if they can’t finish the task.

Cluster Two: Attitudes, Job Satisfaction & Motivation


To figure out the guidelines to effectively and substantially deal with the problems of the

Torando Electronics Company, we need discuss the attitude firstly. “Attitudes represent the

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cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings, and behavioral intentions toward a person, object, or event”

(McShane, 2015, p. 95). Therefore, if the manager needs to change the team member’s attitude,

they need focus on the three factors of attitude as we talked above.

Firstly, whether the team members no matter engineers or technicians believe that

teamwork is important and they should be working together with each other according to their

life experience and other forms of learning. This is because when they have positive belief, they

may have change to have a good attitude. And then people’s feeling is the reaction of whether

they like or dislike the ideas or behaviors. Because if you think all the behaviors lead to a bad

result, the negative feeling will occur in your mind. However, something of the opposite feeling

may occur due to some specific reasons. For example, all the team members love their job, but

engineers and technicians do not like each other, thus, the job may give them a bad feeling.

Behavioral intentions are another factor to illustrate people’s attitude. The motivation the

behaviors regarding the attitude object such as the income structure and the working shift system

of the Torando Electronic Company. Technicians who complained about the problem they were

suffering from might be looking for another job to address their problem. The attitudes and

behaviors can be influenced by emotions. “Our brain tags incoming sensory information with

emotional markers based on a quick and imprecise evaluation of whether that information

supports or threatens our innate drives” (McShane, 2015, p. 97). All of those markers are

automatic and non-conscious emotional responses depending on the sensory information. In this

case, technicians are worrying about their income level, developing path way and self-esteem.

The manager can use some methods to release the wariness from both sides such as

creating more communication opportunity to allow engineers and technicians to get familiar with

each other. The team leader should be focusing on generating positive emotions at work. The

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team can use the cognitive-emotional attitude process. The positive emotional experience can

bring so much positive results in the workplace. It can organize people looking for fun such as

outdoor BBQs and Halloween pumpkin decorating contests are good ideas to create positive

attitudes from your team members.

Job Satisfaction

The job satisfaction is highly related with employee’s attitude in an organization. Which

exposes the staff’s assignment of their job and work context in the overall level. Which are

including the work environment and emotional experiences at the workplace. In the case of

Torando Electronics Company, it is obvious that the employees are not satisfied with their job.

The job satisfaction can be infecting the individual’s behaviors in the workplace. People

may use the EVLN model, which stands for exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect. For example,

technicians that are not satisfied with their job, but they will choose voice rather than exit, which

means they are highly loyal to the company.

Job satisfaction can influence the employees’ performance because the employees who

are satisfied with his or her job in the workplace will be more productive to some extent. Some

companies put their employees in the first position and put their customers in the second position.

This is because they believe that the customer satisfaction is the natural outcome of the employee

satisfaction. According to the service profit chain model, improving employee satisfaction will

promote to improving the service quality, which can lead their customer satisfaction and raise the

profit for their business. The problem with the staff’s relationship of Torando Electronics

Company is a potential risk to threat their customer satisfaction in the short future. In addition,

the high job satisfaction is good for the company’s reputation. Potential employees are more

interested in working for a company who has good reputation of job satisfaction.

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To increase the job satisfaction of engineers and technicians, the manager needs to bring

people into the meeting room for a talking about what they want from each other’s group. If they

speak out their questions and reasons, the manager can announce the specific responsibility for

each group, and then give them an addressing method to help them in moving forward from their

problems. For example, the manager needs to negotiate the relative apartment of company the

salary structural, the working shift schedule, and the rise up ways. The manager can be telling

each employee how he or she is important for this company. Addressing employee’s problems is

a direct way to improve the job satisfaction.

Learned Needs

McClelland illustrated three learned needs, which are achievement, power and affiliation.

First, we are talking about the need for achievement. Some people have a strong need for

achievement. For those people, money is not the most important factor for motivation, therefore

the very clear feedback and recognition is important for fulfill their achieving need. They need a

challenging goal and prefer working alone rather than in a group. For those people who have low

achievement need, they only care about how much money they can earn from every task, which

means money can motivate their performance.

Second, all of the employees are in need for affiliation in different situations. Because

people are looking for a comfortable environment; avoiding conflict with other people; and

confirming their job wishes and expectations in the workplace. High affiliation need people are

not suitable for the leader position. This is due to them not being able to mediate the conflict

between different people and trying to make the workplace run more smoothly. For the long-

term development of the group, it will bring some potential conflict risks for the whole group.

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Third, people need power to fulfill their own desires. There are two types: personalized

power and socialized power. For people who are in need of personalized power, they use the

power to increase their own sake and interests. For those who are in need of socialized power,

they always need power to help other people. Therefore, the leader position needs people who

have socialized power rather than personalized power. McClelland believes people can learn

different needs, which can motivate self-recognition and better achievement.

What the employee’s need is a big task that the managers need to consider in the case of

Torando Electronics Company. The current problem is the company does not know what their

employee’s need and how to fulfill their need. Thus, for addressing this problem, the manager

needs to communicate with employees to find out what exactly they need. For example,

technicians need more equity treatment compared with engineers and they need the respect from

engineers and the company. Whereas, the engineers need the respect of others and have the

desire of controlling everything, similar to that of management work. All of these employees’

need is reasonable from their own side, so the manager needs to give out the ideas for employees

about how to look for their needs in the correct way under the company’s policy.

Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory

Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory is highly relative to the human motivation. There are 5

categories from lowest to highest according to a person’s needs, which include physiological,

safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs are the basic material

such as food, air, water, etc. Safety needs are security life environment and stability in society

because people need living in a healthy society where they do not need worry about safety.

Belongingness needs are the need for interaction with other people because the people in society

need to communicate with other people. Esteem needs is the need for self-esteem and social

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esteem because esteem can bring us a good feeling as human beings and it can make us be a

better person. Self-actualization need is the highest need which people need for self-fulfillment,

and to be able to realize someone’s potential in different areas. In the case of Torando

Electronics Company, we can see engineers; technicians and the manager have different needs.

After understanding the different needs of technicians, engineers, and managers. The

manager can try his or her best to fulfill their needs. For example, technicians’ needs are the

reasonable salary and workloads, and the respect from other group people. People’s needs are

very significant to motivate them, which they can help them perform better after fulfilling their

real needs.

Social Cognitive Theory

Social cognitive theory is about observing and modeling other people’s behavior. This

includes learning behavior consequences, behavior modeling and self-regulation. Learning

behavior consequences deals with people learning from hearing or observing other people’s

behavior rather than going through experiences. For example, when an employee hears other

people obeying the rule and achieving high outcomes, they are hoping to get the same high-level

outcomes too, through harder work behaviors. Behavior modeling is when people can become

self-efficient due to observing other people’s successful behaviors. Therefore, they want to

imitate those successful people’s behaviors. They think this can happen because maybe their age,

gender, job responsibility or education are similar with those successful people, thus they want to

practice their behaviors and gain their self-efficiency. Self-regulation is an important part of the

social cognitive theory. People set up short or long term objectives and then begin working on it.

They punish themselves when they are failing their plan. For instance, a punishment could be a

decline in rest time, and they reward themselves when they are achieving their objectives like a

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good meal. This is all relative with self-reinforcement. All of above information of social

cognitive theory are under the motivation sciences. This can help you and your organization to

work smoothly and if you and your organization use it in the correct way, then it will help in

achieving a higher goal.

In the case of Torando Electronics Company, employees lack the social cognition process.

Therefore, the manager can give out the specific objectives to group members to teach them how

important achieving the objectives is for themselves. The managers also can set up the reward

and punishment standards to encourage their employees to work harder. For example, they can

reward employees who have the top three best performances on their work according to the

measurement of their daily goals.

Goal Setting

Goal setting can motivate employees and improve their outcomes. There are two ways

that goal setting can motivate employees, which are by amplifying the intensity and persistence

of effort and by giving employees clearer role perceptions so that their effort is channeled toward

behaviors that will improve work performance (McShane, 2015, p. 140). Goal setting is a very

complex things need to do by managers. There are some key works mangers can use, which

include specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-framed, exciting and reviewed (Refer to

exhibit 2.1). The specific information like when, where, and with whom can help employees

finish their task faster and better. Measuring employees’ task after they finish it, can know how

well and how much they have done. Making sure the goal is achievable without extreme

difficulties can avoid employees losing their motivation and patience on the task. All the goals

need are highly relevant to each employee’s job and it also needs to be under his or her control.

For example, if the target is increasing the sales volume, then accounting person is not suitable

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for this task. A task also needs a time frame, which means every task needs a specific finish time

and when it will be assessed by inspectors. Challenging goals make employee more excited

because it will fulfill their personal achievement goals and it is a useful way to improve the

employee’s performance. The last important factor is reviewed. It is necessary to review the

process of goal achieving through measurement and then give the employee feedback about the

their performance. In 1991, Tubbs et al indicated, “An examination of the nature and role of

intentions in the motivational process helps clarify several issues in the work motivation

literature, including the process by which assigned goals influence behavior.” Therefore, it is not

difficult to set goals and it is kind of a motivation method to convince people into changing their

behaviors in the workplace.

In the case of Torando Electronics Company, their group goal is not clear. For instance,

the technicians do not know the goal of their job and engineers are misunderstand about their

goals. In this situation, the mangers can communicate with both of them about their goals and

how to avoid a misunderstanding of their goals. Setting goals is a useful motivation method; the

managers also need to tell them how to get through their goals and what they can get from their

goal achievement.


Motivation is another very significant part we should discuss in the report. “Motivation

is a force within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary

behavior” (McShane, 2015, p. 148). A company can exert some good motivation methods to

promote their employees’ performance. Therefore, we need know the following factors that are

relative to motivation.

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First, we talk about employee engagement. This is when employees are focused on the

team’s goal and awareness. They must have the ability and skills to get the job done on the

emotional level and cognitive motivation. Employee engagement can lead the team to accelerate

the achievement of their goal. In the case of Torando Electronics Company, no matter how much

dislike there is between the engineers and technicians, they can still focus on getting their job


Motivation is always highly relative with an individual’s need. Individuals’ have different

needs in particular situations. All of their needs are based on their self-conception, experience,

and values. In our case, the engineers’ primary need is to let the technicians follow their order,

but the technicians’ primary need is to get similar treatment to the engineers relating to their

salary and work content structure. After clarifying their needs, then it is not difficult to think

about methods to address this problem and fulfill their needs.

The manager should encourage technicians to correct errors during their working process.

This can be done through letting the technicians know all of the other people are appreciate of

their effort on their work. Maslow’s theory states that all employees need to fulfill their needs.

Therefore, the manager can use this method above to fill their safety needs.

Equity Theory

The equity theory brings new ideas for group building. This theory indicated that fairness

is very significant for the exchange relationship between each group member. According to

Harder’s ideas in 1992, “Equity considerations are important determinants of individual’s

behavior in organizations. The results of his paper suggest a modification of equity theory to

account for performance-based pay and differing degrees of task interdependence.” Each group

member should get the same treatment and the same outcomes. For example, people receive

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appropriate salaries according to his or her contribution for the whole group. Inequity affects

employee motivation a lot. When people feel they are under inequity situations, they will lose

part of their motivation and emotions, and then it will affect the outcome of their work

performance. Some people have high equity sensitivity and they cannot tolerant the inequity

treatment. Other people have low equity sensitivity and they may be trying to tolerant the

inequity treatment but they still prefer to receive a more comfortable situation. This theory is

quite useful for making team member have positive feelings about the job’s injustice during the

work process. However, this theory is not easy to use due to it being difficult to figure out the

inputs and results that are valuable to every team member. It does not help with team

comparisons between each team member. In the case of Torando Electronic Company, they are

not treating their employees with the feeling of equity and their employees are understanding

they are not receiving the equity treatment especially all those technicians because they do the

same job as engineers but their salary and position is perceived as lower than the engineers.

There is no equity the technicians can feel in this case due to their high working volume,

poor working environment and low salary conditions. The manager needs to handle this problem

with the department to address the technicians’ requirements in the workplace. Equity treatment

can satisfy the technicians’ expectations and improve their work performance. I believe equity

can motivate the employees’ performance better because there are less people who want to pay

attention to their work under the inequity conditions.

Cluster Three: Perception, Decision Making, Personalities, & Value

Employee Motivation

This concept refers to the forces inside a person that affects their direction, intensity, and

persistence of voluntary behavior. Direction is how people steer their efforts, such that everyone

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has a choice of where they can place their effort in order to achieve a certain level of quality and

quantity, which creates a goal-directed orientation. Intensity is the amount of effort a person

allocates to the goal. Persistence of voluntary behavior is the ability of continuing the effort over

a period of time. These three aspects create the employees motivation and each employee will

continue with their effort until the goal is reached or give up before it is accomplished. The three

forces are cognitive and emotional conditions that directly cause employees to move and they are

found inside individuals; it is not their real behavior (McShane, 2015, p. 33).

Currently, Torando employees lack the motivation needed to meet the level of

productivity required by the engineers and technicians in this industry. Their department was

extremely low in comparison to similar departments in other plants of the company. At Torando

there is a goal set to make top quality products with the least amount of projects being rejected,

but the technicians and engineers have not been placing their efforts accordingly to achieve the

level of quality required of them. By implementing this guideline of employee motivation it will

substantially increase the employee motivation in the company. It will create a better goal-

oriented environment for the engineers and technicians, while increasing the amount of effort

given by each employee. Both parties need to set goals for themselves to finish projects that are

top quality and increase the productivity of the department. The level of quality projects to come

out of their department will increase due to the engineers and technicians both putting their best

efforts forward to reach their main goal.

Role Perceptions

This concept refers to the clarity the employees have regarding their understanding of job

duties and roles assigned to or expected of them. There are three forms of role clarity. The first

form is that employees have clear role perceptions when they understand their duties or the

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consequences they are accountable for. The second form is that that the employee knows the

priority of their many tasks and the performance expectations attached to their tasks. The third

form is the understanding of the preferred behaviors or procedures for the tasks assigned. The

importance of role perception portrays how well the employee knows where to direct their efforts.

Employees that have role clarity provide more accurate and efficient work in the workplace. It is

essential for coordination with coworkers and any other person directly involved with the tasks at

hand. Also, role clarity motivates employees since they believe that their efforts will produce

their expected outcome and it provides employees with the confidence needed of them to

accomplish the tasks expected of them (McShane, 2015, p. 34).

Currently, Torando employees are unaware of their exact roles in the company. The

engineers perceive themselves as part of the management level, whereas the technicians perceive

themselves as underappreciated and undervalued workers whose suggestions go unheard. On top

of the engineers and technicians not knowing their perceived roles, the department manager has

not done a good job of clearly identifying to them their roles. Both the technicians and engineers

have invalid perceptions when it comes to their roles in Torando. By implementing this guideline

of role perception, it will provide clarity for both parties. Not only will the clarity be beneficial, it

will give them understanding of their duties and hold them accountable for their actions in the

workplace. It will substantially increase their performance of the company because every

employee will have a good understanding of the priority of their tasks. By understanding their

roles it will decrease the tension between the engineers and technicians. They will learn where

their efforts need to be directed on a daily basis. By knowing their own role and each other’s role

they can stop perceiving each other negatively and help the coordination between coworkers

directly involved with the task at hand, operate smoothly. In addition, implementation will help

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the department manager to identify to his employees their exact role. This will effectively help

the problem at Torando because the employees will see that one of their top management

personnel has control over the situation and it will encourage the employees to follow in the

steps of their department manager.

Organizational Citizenship

This concept refers to the many forms of cooperation and helpfulness to others by

employees that support the organization’s social and psychological context. The various

activities are called organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Some OCBs are directed

toward individuals and others are representative of cooperation and helpfulness toward the

organization. The helping of coworkers, support of the company’s public image and other OCBs

are sometimes a condition of employment. OCBs have a significant effect on the individual,

team and organizational effectiveness. They help to create team cohesion because the members

can rely on each other, which increase their team performance (McShane, 2015, p. 36).

Currently, there is no organizational citizenship occurring in Torando and it can be seen

in the way the engineers and technicians work together. Both parties have created separation

between each other. The technicians only do things with the other technicians and the engineers

have confined themselves to their office. This isolation from each other is bad for the company

because there is no team cohesion being built and it is affecting their performance as a team. By

implementing this guideline it will help form cooperation between coworkers and guide all

employees to support the organizations effectiveness. During a study of South Korea’s public

sector, conclusions arose that stated, “There is a significant positive relationship between

affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior as well as between clan culture

and affective commitment. Thus, the results clearly show that affective commitment fully

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mediates the relationship between clan culture and organizational citizenship behavior” (Kim,

2014). These conclusions help prove that Torando needs to implement the organizational

citizenship guidelines in order to create affective commitment from their employees to their

company. These guidelines help the employees to work together with one main objective, which

is to support and help the organization through top quality team performance. With the

employees team performance increase they will effectively solve the problem Torando has with

the separation between the engineers and technicians. Both parties would work in unison to help

achieve the same goals and help their department be productive in comparison to other plants in

the company.

Jungian Personality Theory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

This concept refers to personality being primarily represented by the person’s preferences

relating to perceiving and judging information. The perception of the employee occurs through

two competing orientations, sensing and intuition. Sensing perceives information directly

through the five senses, whereas intuition relies on insight and subjective experience to see

relationships among variables. The judging by employees is how they process information or

make decisions on what they perceived. It also consists of two competing parts, thinking and

feeling. People with thinking orientations rely on systematic data collection and rational cause-

effect logic in order to make decisions. People with a feeling orientation rely on their emotional

responses and how their choices affect others. People also have differences in their degrees of

extraversion-introversion, which is people being outgoing, talking, energetic versus those who

are quiet, cautious and less interactive. In addition, the categories of perceiving and judging

represent a person’s attitude toward the external world. People who have a perceiving orientation

are open, curious and flexible. People who have a judging orientation prefer order and structure

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and want the resolution of problems to occur quickly. The theory helps improve self-awareness

for career development and mutual understanding (McShane, 2015, p. 42).

Currently, Torando is unaware of the personalities relating to the engineers and

technicians. The personality traits of an employee are key to knowing how to effectively manage

them and how to fully utilize their skills in the organization. By implementing the Jungian

Personality Theory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the company can figure out the

personalities of each employee. By combining both the Jungian and Myers-Briggs, Torando can

analyze key areas of each employee such as how they get energy through extraversion or

introversion; how they perceive information through sensing or intuitive; make decisions through

thinking or feeling; and their orientation to the external world through judging or perceiving

(Refer to exhibit 3.1). By knowing this information, it can substantially deal with the problems in

Torando, such as reshaping the structure of the company to better suit the needs of the employees

to help promote productivity; and increasing the level of management by the department in order

to have a better handle over employees’ productivity in the plant.

Self-Concept Complexity, Consistency, and Clarity

This concept refers to the three characteristics that influence a person’s well-being,

behavior, and performance. A person has a better psychological well-being when they have

multiple selves that are well established and are similar to one another, as compatible to their

personal traits. The three characteristics are complexity, consistency and clarity. Complexity is

the amount of distinct and important roles an employee perceives that they have. Consistency is

broken in two parts, high internal consistency and low consistency. High internal consistency is

when the perceived roles of the employee require similar personality traits, values, and other

attributes. Low consistency is when self-perceptions require personal characteristics that conflict

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with characteristics required for other aspects of self. Clarity is when employees are confident

about who they are and have a clear and stable self-concept (McShane, 2015, p. 64).

Currently, the psychological well-being of Torando is very low for the engineers and

technicians. The established personality traits of both parties lack clarity and consistency. They

are very one-dimensional employees who have specific ways of thinking that only focus on

themselves rather than their performance at work and the success of the overall organization. By

implementing this guideline it will help the employees psychological well-being grow to new

levels and improve their behavior and performance in the organization. According to Leonard et

al in their 1999 theory of Work Motivation, it states, “One's concept of self is composed of three

interrelated sets of self-perceptions: the perceived self, the ideal self, and a set of social identities.

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in understanding how the self-concept relates to

energizing, directing, and sustaining organizational behavior.” The self-concept theory has a

direct correlation to motivation in the work place. It teaches employees how to hone their self-

perceptions and brings energy to the organization. The guideline of self-concept can be very

effective in Torando because the employees can grow into multi-dimensional workers who are

able to have complex roles, consistent personality traits that go hand in hand with their roles, and

have clarity that their role in the organization is stable.

Self-Enhancement and Self-Verification

These concepts refers to the employees’ ability to rate themselves above average so that

their probability of success is heightened and to stabilize an individual’s self-view. Through self-

enhancement, people are inherently motivated to perceive themselves as attractive, lucky, ethical,

and important. When people amplify their self-concept in an organizational setting, they

experience better mental and physical health and adjustment. They can also generate a “can-do”

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attitude that is able to motivate them through difficult tasks. Moreover, through self-verification,

employees can actively share their self-concept with coworkers so that feedback can be provided

that will reinforce their self-concept. These concepts work hand in hand, and help employees to

distinguish their strengths and work on improving their weaknesses (McShane, 2015, p. 66).

Currently, the technicians are unmotivated in their work environment due to a lack of

confidence in their abilities. The technicians feel undervalued and below the engineers. Their

coworkers do not give them the acknowledgement they deserve after all their efforts in helping

accomplish projects and it is taking a toll on their individual self-view. In terms of the engineers,

they on the other hand perceive themselves at the management level but although they perceive

themselves above average in the workplace, they do not generate a positive work attitude, which

is causing a lack of production in the company. By implementing this guideline it will help

Torando effectively motivate both the technicians and engineers. This guideline will help the

technicians because it will teach them how to build their strengths and work on their weaknesses

while stabilizing their self-view in the organization. It will help the engineers by having a

positive impact on their attitude and motivate them to increase their productivity in the company.

In addition, it will help both parties by teaching them how to work together and provide positive

feedback for each other so that they can all improve their self-concept, which in turn will benefit

the company.

Perceptual Organization and Interpretation

This concept refers to how people can make sense of information before they even

become aware of it. A major factor that causes this is categorical thinking, which is non-

consciously processing the organization of people and objects into preconceived categories that

are stored in our long-term memory. Things that employees perceive are often grouped together

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on the basis of their similarity or proximity to others. This process of perceiving everything

around us and organizing it in our own minds is only one part of the process, the other being

interpreting incoming information, which helps to complete the process of “making sense” of the

world around us. The interpretation of incoming information happens quite quickly for

individuals because emotional markers are tagged to incoming stimuli, which help us with quick

judgments on whether the information is good or bad for us. Another major factor that causes

this is mental models, which are knowledge structures that we develop to describe, explain and

predict the world around us. The information in our mind is made up of visual and relational

images and it relies on perceptual grouping to make sense of things (McShane, 2015, p. 72).

Currently, the Torando employees both perceive each other negatively without any actual

background on one another and it has been this way for a while. The technicians believe that the

engineers would request work orders for projects that were poorly deigned and that the engineers

think they are better than them so they do not need to take recommendations from them.

Whereas, the engineers believe that the technicians are not deserving to be in the same category

as them because of their lack of education and that the technicians were dragging their feet in the

workplace, which is why the projects were being rejected. By implementing this guideline it can

substantially affect the company in a positive manner. Both the technicians and engineers would

have mutual understands of each other after they stop relying on categorical thinking and

actually get to know their fellow coworkers. They will stop perceiving others negatively and start

to find common ground between each other. If the employees believe there is similarity between

them then they will become a group and it will help increase the organization’s productivity.

Everyone will be working in cohesion and not have separate interpretations of each other that

can reduce the workflow in the company.

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Meaningful Interaction

This concept refers to an indirect approach to improving self-awareness and mutual

understanding. It is any activity where people engage in valued activities that are work related or

occur outside the workplace. A major key to meaningful interaction is the contact hypothesis,

which states that, under certain conditions, people who interact with each other will be less

perceptually biased since there is an understanding of the other person and their group. By

spending time with other people in the workplace, employees can build a better understanding of

each other after various attempts of interaction. If the employees share a same goal that requires

mutual cooperation and reliance then meaningful interaction will be at its strongest. It reduces

the dependence on stereotypes because the employees are not automatically categorizing each

other since they gain better knowledge about them and experience their unique qualities.

Meaningful interaction also improves the empathy employees’ show toward one another. The

employees are more understanding and sensitive to feelings, thoughts and situations of others

(McShane, 2015, p. 83).

Currently, the technicians and engineers at Torando fail to engage in any type of

meaningful interaction and prefer to keep to their own groups. The technicians interacted with

each other off the job through various activities and would take breaks or eat lunch together

during their shifts. The engineers would never spend any time outside of work with the

technicians; they usually met outside of work with each other for activities and had their own

office where they would take breaks or eat lunch during their shifts. This separation between

groups has caused a lack of production in the department and a great deal of perceptual

biasedness towards each other. By implementing this guideline of meaningful interaction it will

substantially change the atmosphere in this Torando department. With the employees interacting,

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they will build a mutual understanding of one another and not judge each other off of their own

perceived biases. The variety of interactions provided by this guideline will teach employees to

work towards the same goals and will build mutual cooperation and reliance between both

parties. It will reduce stereotyping in the workplace and help employees to experience each

other’s unique qualities. Furthermore, employees will actually care about their fellow coworkers,

which will increase their motivation in the workplace since everyone has a common goal and

help raise the level of production in the department.



Right now Torando has to make some immediate changes to help change the culture of

the environment and increase the productivity of the department or else there will be no

department in the near future. When focusing on short-term recommendations you want to focus

your attention on the easiest goals to achieve in the least amount of time.

For one of the short-term suggestion, our group first recommendation is the manager

should do a personality survey for every engineer and technician at first. Then the company can

get a consensus of Torando Electronic Company’s employees’ personality. Next, the

management department can distribute the engineers and technicians into groups where members

will have the same or similar personality. This way it can increase team cohesion in a short time.

The teammates will put more trust on others who have same or close personality. Also, They are

more willing to work with those people who have same personality, and employees feel more

comfortable when they work with coworkers who are alike. The second recommendation is the

company should combine the engineers’ and technicians’ offices into one big office. This way it

will create more opportunity for engineers and technicians to communicate. Also, those two

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groups of people can communicate more directly and one office will create more time for them

to coordinate their relationship.

A second short-term recommendation for the Torando Electronics organization, the

manager should change the current intensive situation immediately. Thus, the manager needs to

improve the job satisfaction and equity. Offering both the technicians and engineers the positive

work environment, will improve job performance and avoid micromanagement. The manager

needs to always give them positive feedback and give constructive criticism. He needs to let his

employees feel they are contributing to the company’s mission. In the short term, the manager

should create an equity conditions for every employee in the resources distribution. The manager

also needs fairness in the process of making resource allocation decisions. Therefore, the

managers should balance the employee's input and the output received.

Another short-term recommendation we have is to implement role perception guidelines.

This recommendation is key to starting the process of making changes because the biggest

problem we have in the department is how the technicians and the engineers perceive their

duties/roles assigned to or expected of them. We have to start by changing the individual’s

mindset before we can begin to work on the group as a whole. The employees’ role should be

clearly identified to them and they should understand how their work is essential to the success

of the company. Once the employees know their role then their performance will be enhanced

because they can now focus on exactly what they need to do and not feel like they need to do

more or less than their role requires of them. This short-term recommendation should occur

immediately because of the importance of the employees’ awareness of their role in the company.


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With medium-term recommendations we now turn our focus to goals that could not be

done immediately because there needed to be a foundation in place in order to reach these goals.

One medium-term recommendation, our group suggests Torando Electronics Company to do is

to organize some activities between engineers and technicians, such as softball, bowling and

football games. Those may be done outside of the workplace, but when they are in the game,

they need to think about working as a team with a goal of winning. This process will indirectly

help engineers and technicians to learn how to be a part of a team, and indirectly improve team

cohesion. Moreover, if the team is running efficiently, the company can grant some authority to

each member. For example, if the task has some problems or bottlenecks. The company can

organize a meeting for every engineer and technician. This meeting’s topic is how to solve the

problems or bottlenecks. In this meeting, everyone has right to say his or her own opinions and

recommendations. Then, everyone including managers have the right to vote for some effective

and feasible opinions and recommendations to use on the task. This can help the company solve

the task problems quickly and solve the interpersonal conflict directly.

A second medium-term recommendation for the Torando Electronics organization, the

manager needs to change the intensive relationship of their employee and let them understand

each other better. Thus, the manager should improve learned needs and social cognition. The

manager needs to understand people always copy other person’s behaviors; therefore, the manger

can use this to help release the intense relationship between technicians and engineers. For

example, exchange their role position for one week to let them really feel what the difference is

in their positions and how important each other’s job position is for the company.

Another medium-term recommendation we have is to implement the meaningful

interaction guidelines. This recommendation is key to continuing the process of making changes

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because now we are aiming to build an understanding between the employees in order to help

them grow as a group. With our short-term recommendation we focused on the employees

separately and now we want to enhance their interaction abilities with their coworkers through

various activities and spending more time together. This type of meaningful interaction will

bring the coworkers together and provide them with a mutual understanding of each other. It will

build the mutual cooperation between the employees and teach them that they could rely on their

coworkers when they need help. This recommendation is to help increase the motivation in the

workplace and help with the performance of the employees in the department.


With long-term recommendations we look towards the future and try to figure out how

we want the Torando department to look a few years down the line. One long-term

recommendation, our group suggests is setting some reward or bonus systems in place for each

team when they finish a task effectively and wonderfully. The size of bonus should depend on

the degree of challenge task had. For example, if the team finishes a high level task, and this task

has brought huge benefits for company. The company can award 5% of benefits to the team. The

engineers and technicians will think they not only can get salary from the company, but also can

gain some extra reward from company, too. This method will indirectly motivate the employees

to work hard as a team.

A second long-term recommendation for the Torando Electronics organization, the

manager needs to lead the whole group to cooperate to get the bigger achievements. Thus, the

manager should improve the goal setting and motivation. The manager needs specific tasks

relating to how, when and where for technicians and engineers; and how much and how well it

should be done before the accurate deadline. Making sure your goal is achievable, which means

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it should be challenging without being so difficult, and give out the task to the relevant person

and under his or her control. The manager needs to review how good the task was done by the

employees. Technicians and employees conflict with each other indicated that they lack clear

goals and specific responsibilities. The employees need to be motivated both externally and

internally so that they can help improve productivity and lessen the amount of rejected projects.

Another long-term recommendation we suggest is that the prototype project development

department should be the leading department in the Torando Electronics Company. This will

require Torando to enhance their quality of projects, level of production and the performance of

the department as a whole. The department should have minimal projects rejected and only be

producing top-quality projects. The department’s level of production should be significantly

better than it was and it should have a substantial percent margin over the other departments in

Torando. The engineers and technicians need to be performing at high levels all the time because

they are key to reaching this long-term recommendation. They need to be working well together

as a team so that the department’s productivity and quality of projects is top notch. This

recommendation can be met by utilizing the organizational citizenship guideline. This guideline

will help because the team cohesion created from this process will help the department function

at a higher level. When team cohesion is at a high level it brings with it organizational

effectiveness. The employees will be performing at high levels, which will result in better quality

products and improved heights of productivity.


All in all, the recommendations we are providing can help solve the problems Torando is

currently facing in its prototype project development department. We start by restructuring the

individual employees’ mindsets through personality surveys, improving job satisfaction, and

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clarifying role perceptions in the department. By finding out the strengths and weaknesses of the

employees we can now use it as a foundation to build a workplace culture while removing the

barriers present that cause division amongst the employees. Turning our focus on to breaking

down the differences between employees and building an environment where coworkers have a

mutual understanding of each other will help create a group of workers trying to accomplish a

central goal. The formation of a group and not a set of individuals will help drastically alter the

performance of the department. With the performance of the department significantly improved

our company will start to see employees being rewarded for their efforts; a motivated and goal

setting environment; and top quality projects produced. These will all combine to help the

department regain a handle on the situation and become the leading department in Torando

Electronics Company.

We at LYK Consulting Group feel that our evaluation of the Torando Electronics

Company can help in solving their central problems. We have clearly identified how each

member of our team can contribute with their well-qualified backgrounds and credentials. Our

team has a clear-cut action plan that will ensure the team’s performance will be at a high level

and be successful in our endeavors. We have isolated the central problem of the department

through the perspectives of everyone involved in the department. Our team has provided detailed

and thorough guidelines of key elements that can effectively solve the problems at hand in the

department. In addition, our recommendations provide a coherent and consistent set of short,

medium and long term recommendations that can significantly benefit the Torando Electronics

Company. In conclusion, we feel we have completely identified all of the challenges facing

Torando’s prototype project development department and provided a thorough and concise

analysis that effectively attends to each present problem in the department.

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McShane, S. L., & Young, V. G. (2015). Organizational behavior (7th ed.). New York, NY:

McGraw-Hill Education.

Tubbs, Mark E., and Steven E. Ekeberg. "The role of intentions in work motivation: implications

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Page 42: Group report LYK (1)


Resource Management. Comparing Traditional and Virtual Group Forms: Identity,

Communication and Trust in Naturally Occurring Project Teams, 19, 42.


Page 43: Group report LYK (1)



Exhibits 2.1- Goal Setting - SMARTER (McShane, 2015, p.139)

Specific: when, where, how Time-framed: need a due date

Measurable: how much, how well Exciting: goals tend to be more effective

Achievable: not so difficult, under control

Reviewed: employees receiving feedback about

reaching those goals.

Relevant: relevant to the individual’s job

Exhibit 3.1- Jungian and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Types (McShane, 2015, p. 43)

Process Type 1 Type 2

Getting Energy Extraversion • Talkative • Extremely focused • Assertive

Introversion • Quiet • Internally focused • Abstract

Perceiving Information Sensing • Concrete • Realistic • Practical

Intuitive • Imaginative • Future-focused • Abstract

Making Decisions Thinking • Logical • Objective • Impersonal

Feeling • Empathetic • Caring • Emotion-focused

Orienting to the external world Judging • Organized • Schedule-orientated • Closure-focused

Perceiving • Spontaneous • Adaptable • Opportunity-focused

Page 44: Group report LYK (1)


Appendices: Resumes of LYK Consulting Group

See attached documents. Appendix 1 is Lingfeng Liang’s resume. Appendix 2 is Yingyi Wang’s

resume. Appendix 3 is Kevin Karran’s resume.

Page 45: Group report LYK (1)

Lingfeng Liang 7400 Bay Road UV 470-2D, University Center, MI 48710 | lliang @svsu.edu | 989-971-1186 EDUCATION Bachelor of Business Administration Anticipated: May 2016

Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI Minor: General Business Deans’ list: one semester GPA: 3.39/4.0

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT September 2011 - January 2012, September 2012 - January 2013

Foreign aid projects assist Central University of Finance and Economic, Beijing, China • Assisting foreign financial officers study Marketing, Management courses in CUFE. • being a tutor to help financial officers to understand business courses problem • Preparing material for professor’s course. • being a tourist guide to lead foreign financial officers to outing some Beijing famous scenery. EMPLOYMENT Driving Training Assistant June 2011 – September 2011 Da Dong Fang Driving Training School, Lishui, Zhejiang, China

• Assisting 2 semesters students to learn how to drive and teaching them some diving tips and pass diving test tips. • Assisting diving coach check the performance of cars, making sure students diving safety.

Teenager Basketball Coach July 2013 – August 2013 Lishui University, Lishui, Zhejiang, China

• Teaching 10-14 years old teenager to know what is basketball meaning with 5$ each courses

• Training 10-14 years old teenager some basic basketball skills, such as shooting, passing, and crossing. Each courses had 7 $ salary.

• Assisting head coach to manage students and report students’ performance. Chinese Students and Scholars Association September 2015-present logistics department of leadership for CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association) Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI

• Preparing for every events which our club, such as room rental for New Year party, handling equipment and Procurement for the party using.

• Assisting Chinese students to solve normal life problem, such as taking they to Meijer and Walmart.


Member, logistics department of leadership for CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association) September 2015-present

Recipient, High academic achievement on Deans’ list. September 2015-December 2015

Page 46: Group report LYK (1)

Yingyi Wang 6202 South Tennis CT

C-11, Bay City, MI, 48706 (989) 971-4038 | [email protected]

EDUCATION Master of Business Administration Anticipated: December 2017 Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI GPA: 3.7 Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business May 2016 Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI Deans’ List: Winter 2015 GPA: 3.5 RELEVANT COURSEWORK Marketing Management 631A Marketing Management 631B Managerial Macroeconomics 650A Managerial Microeconomics 650B Foundations of Organizational Behavior 621A Foundations of Organizational Behavior 621B PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Broadcasting Station Head August 2011 – May 2012 Campus Voice of Nanchang Institute of Science & Technology, Nanchang, China

• Managed the departments’ daily duties such as setting up meetings, performing evaluations of student employees in specific program to ensure that the station ran smoothly.

• Broadcasted international and domestic news twice a week so that students were always notified of campus life.

• Communicated with superior leaders and other college groups about college activities.

COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Office: Word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook. HONORS / AWARDS / ACTIVITIES Volunteer, Freshman Enrollment for International Student, SVSU January 2014 Volunteer, Retirement Home, China May 2011 REFERENCES Christopher Surfield, Professor of Economics Saginaw Valley State University 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710 989-964-4379 (Work) [email protected] Mazen Jaber, Professor Chair, Department of Management & Marketing Saginaw Valley State University 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710 (989) 964-6072 (Work) [email protected]

Wayne E. Mackie, Professor of Finance Saginaw Valley State University 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710 989-964-4311 (Work) [email protected]

Page 47: Group report LYK (1)

KevinKarran6650NMichiganRdApt1,Saginaw,MI,48604�(724)640-9773�[email protected]





SetonHillUniversityBusinessOffice,Greensburg,PAAccountingControllerAssistant,May2014-May2016• Createdbudgetplansandanalysis’fordifferentdepartmentsoncampus• AnalyzedbudgetdataandtrendsofSetonHillUniversity’shistoricaldataaswellascomparedittoother

institutionsinPennsylvaniathroughtheuseoftheform990• WorkedwithMicrosoftDynamicsGPinputtingdataandperforminganalyticalprocedures• Organizedandadjustedpurchaseordersandperformedanalysesofvendorfiles• Handledimportantandconfidentialinformationwiththeutmostconsideration

InternshipExperienceIncomeTaxAssistanceProgram(VITA),Greensburg,PAIncomeTaxPreparer,January2014-April2014• InterviewedtaxpayersandpreparedtaxreturnsasanIRS-certifiedtaxpreparer• Engagedinclientinteractionsanddemonstratedstronginterpersonalskillstoobtaininformationneeded• Preparedbothbasicandadvancedreturnsforover70individualswithmajoritybeingadvancedreturns• Firsttaxpreparerteamtoachievetotalreturnsover$1,000,000inonetaxseasonsincethestartofthe


• WalkAMileinHerShoes–April2013,2014,and2015o Walkingtostoprape,sexualassaultandgenderviolence

• Turner’sHearttoHeart–September2013and2014o Assistingchildrenwithheartconditionsandtheirfamilies

LeadershipExperience• SetonHillUniversityResidentAssistant–Aug2013–May2014

o Organizedprogrammingforresidentsandsupervisedover45on-campusstudentsinthedormitoryo Managedbothschoolandmyresponsibilitiesinthedormitoryo Createdanorganizedandsuitablelivingenvironmentfortheresidents

• LeaderforSocialActionProject–Jan2016–April2016o OrganizedeventtoraisehungerawarenessoncampusandintheGreensburgcommunityo VolunteeredatOtterbeinUnitedMethodistChurchtofeedthelessfortunateinourcommunityo Managedallfinancialresponsibilitiesforteamandevent



Honors,Activities,andMemberships• SetonHillUniversityDean’sList–7times• SetonHillUniversityFootballPlayer–4years• SetonHillUniversityAccountingClub–4years• PICPAMember–4years

• PSACScholar-AthleteAward–3times• NationalStudent-AthleteAward–3times• UniversityGraduationHonordistinction:

