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Grove Leopold

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    William Tyler Grove

    Greed Disguised as Humanitarianism:

    The Story of the Congo Reform Movement

    Appalachian Spring Conference in World History and Economics

    March 4, 2010

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    Belgian King Leopold II felt that every true European monarch needed to have his

    own colony. Leopold II looked around the world, making offers for colonies and

    eventually took the large Congo River basin as his personal property. He professed to the

    world through media and expositions that he was going to civilize these savages and take

    them away from terrible Arab slave traders.

    Edmund Dene Morel was a clerk for the British firm Elder Dempster that shipped

    goods for King Leopold II from Antwerp to the Congo. An intelligent and bilingual man,Morel realized that there was a massive trade deficiency. The vast amount of expensive

    raw goods that were coming from the Congo did not even closely equal the amount of

    goods being sent back to Belgium. The only items that were shipped back to the Congo

    were tools of war: guns, ammunition and knives. In Morels mind, this meant only one

    thing: slavery. Morel was an excellent writer who would make this issue his personal

    campaign and found the Congo Reform Association.

    In her article The Childhood of Human Rights: the Kodak on the Congo,

    Sharon Sliwinski finds the writings of the Congo Reform Association as among the

    earliest critics of empire and advocates of a secular human rights. That can be regarded

    as a forerunner to the work of present-day humanitarian groups such as Human Rights

    Watch and Amnesty International.1 This paper disagrees with this premise. Although

    many historians have argued that this was the first humanitarian effort of the 20 th century,

    the motives were not humanitarian and were based solely on trade and greed by King

    Leopold II. This effort was not a precursor to Amnesty International. It is easy to regard

    1 Sliwinski, 334.


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    the Congo Reform Association as a humanitarian organization, but that is an

    oversimplification. The motives for the CRA and their beneficiaries did not always have

    the welfare of the natives in mind. The people who supported the CRA were united in

    their hatred of Leopold, but each person had different reasons to want a change of

    government in the Congo. The reasons for change seem to be four-fold, some wanted

    change for financial motives, religious motives, scapegoating (Leopold) and

    philanthropic interests. Some simply wanted someone else to blame for the conditions of

    European Imperialism. Members of the CRA may not have consciously realized their true

    motivations for joining the group, but ultimately they were not driven primarily byhumanitarian aims.


    The structure of this paper includes an introduction that includes arguments, a

    theoretical bibliographic introduction, body which outlines the history of the Congo

    Reform Association providing evidence and a conclusion.

    Theoretical Bibliographic Introduction

    There are an enormous amount of sources dealing with the history and aftermath

    of the colonization of the Congo by Leopold II. The sources are scattered around the

    world, but many are readily available. Many of these books are out of copyright but are

    available in their entirety from Google Books. The writings about the Congo Free State

    and the Congo Reform Association were originally written in both English and French.

    The following is a chronological histiography of the sources. This is not a complete list;

    many sources were not used due to time constraints.


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    Primary Sources

    This paper begins with articles from TheNew York Times dated March 28, 1877

    and March 28, 1883. These are not the first to mention the Congo. This author also uses

    an article from The Times of London, dated March 28, 1883. Henry Morton Stanleys

    address in 1884 to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce is used to give a perspective of

    European opinions of Africa.

    The first example of the protest movement was the 1890 Open letter to King

    Leopold the second of Belgium by George Washington Williams. It is located in JohnHope Franklins George Washington Williams: a Biography.

    Morel was the protg of Mary H. Kingsley, whose West African Studies (1899),

    was the most progressive European opinion of Africans at the time. Kingsley believed

    that trade was the essence of Britains relationship with West Africa.

    The first work that E.D. Morel published under his own name was The Congo

    Slave State: a Protest Against the New African Slavery; and an Appeal to the Public of

    Great Britain, of the United States, and of the Continent of Europe in Liverpool in 1903.

    The positive response to this book inspired Morel to work on African affairs full time.

    With the success of his first book, Morel went on a writing spree publishing King

    Leopolds Rule in Africa inLondon in 1904. The Morel papers are located in the archives

    of the London School of Economics. The archives are not available online. Morel would

    also publish many other books that were not referenced in this paper.

    As Morels anti-Leopold books came out, a propaganda war began with positive

    accounts such as John MacDonnellsKing Leopold II: His rule in Belgium and the


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    Congo. Published in 1905, it was a secondary source at the time it was written; it contains

    many speech excerpts from Leopold II. American lawyer Henry Wellington Wack

    published another positive account, The Story of the Congo Free State: Social, Political,

    and Economic Aspects of the Belgian System of Government in Central Africa in New

    York in 1905. The volume contains a transcript of the speech given by Leopold at the

    Brussels Conference of 1876.

    Morels seminal work wasRed Rubber: The Story of the Rubber Slave Trade

    which Flourished on the Congopublished in 1906, it was the most scathing and horrific

    account of what was occurring in the Congo using all the knowledge available at thetime. It was considered the most important work of investigative journalism of the era.

    E.D. Morel would die before he was able to complete hisHistory of the Congo

    Reform Movement. Morel had wanted a noted historian such as John Hobson to complete

    his work if he could not. It was completed by historians William Roger Louis, an

    American, and Jean Stengers, a Belgian. These two historians working on opposite sides

    of the Atlantic completed Morels book in 1968 using all available resources and

    deciphering his notes.

    Secondary Sources

    With the independence of the Congo in 1960, another group of scholarship

    emerged. Neal Aechersons The King Incorporated: King Leopold II in the Age of Trusts

    was published in 1964. This book was the first historical work to portray Leopold II as an

    ingenious politician to achieve his colonial ambitions rather than to argue whether

    Leopold was a devil or saint.


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    The 1972 printing of E.D. Morels TheTruth and the Warincludes an

    introduction by Catherine Ann Cline that provides a good synopsis of Morels life.

    Thomas Pakenhams bookThe Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark

    Continent from 1876-1912 provides statistics of the exploitation of the Congo among

    other things, and contains a history of all European involvement in Africa between 1876-


    The most current scholarship is Adam HochschildsKing Leopold's Ghost: a

    Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africapublished in 1998. It was an

    unexpected bestseller, telling the haunting story of the Congo in an engaging, narrativestyle. This work was used to put Leopold in historical context. Hochschild covers all

    sides of the establishment of the Belgian Congo in his book. Hochschild focuses

    especially on the freedom movement lead by E.D. Morel and Roger Casement.

    Hochschild is a journalism professor based in California and has become an expert in

    Congo Affairs. In the New York Times book review forKing Leopolds Ghost, it is

    described as Genocide with Spin Control.

    In 2001, Kevin Grant wrote Christian Critics of Empire: Missionaries, Lantern

    Lectures, and the Congo Reform Campaign in Britain in The Journal of Imperial and

    Commonwealth History, which follows the history of the lantern lectures in Britain.

    Sharon Sliwinskis The Childhood of Human Rights: the Kodak on the Congo in the

    Journal of Visual Culture in 2006 tells the story of how the media influenced the

    outcome of the Congo Reform Movement. She also gives a background of the Congo

    Reform Association and includes an extensive reading list. Leopold II and his Congo, if


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    history is our guide, will continue to be presented. But this author is unsure if any new

    scholarship will emerge.

    The Founding of Belgium

    Belgium was a relative late-comer to the European community formed in 1830

    after a revolt with Holland. It was formed after the separation of Belgium and the

    Netherlands. Like any good European country, it needed its own monarch. Leopold I, a

    relative of Queen Victoria, became the king. His son, Leopold II would ascend to the

    throne in 1865 at his fathers death. InKingLeopolds Ghost, author Adam Hochschildfinds that the king had an unhappy personal life. As with any monarch, his first duty was

    to create a male heir; his wife did have one son, but he died at a young age. Hochschild

    believes the most devastating moment of Leopolds life was when his nine year old son

    fell into a pond. He caught pneumonia and died. This was the only time that Leopold was

    seen in public with tears in his eyes; his successor was dead.2 Hochschild finds that

    Leopold II had a loveless marriage. Leopolds life was plagued with traumatic and

    unhappy events.

    Despite a miserable personal life, Leopold recognized that he could make a name

    for himself with his fellow monarchs by acquiring a colony. He also felt that having

    colonies would ensure his countrys prosperity and his own personal fortune. Due to his

    position as a constitutional monarch, Leopold knew he did not have the power to create a

    colony for Belgium. The Belgian people would not support his affairs, so he would have

    to work as an individual, not as king. His first attempt to gain a colony was trying

    2 Hochschild, Adam.King Leopold's Ghost: a Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa.(New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998): 39.


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    unsuccessfully to buy the Philippines from Spain. For Leopold, a man beginning close to

    a century later than the rest of the imperialists, there was only one unclaimed area. In

    1870 roughly 80% of sub-Saharan Africa was living under indigenous rulers. By 1910

    virtually all of it consisted of European colonies or white settler regimes. It was the

    fastest land grab in history.3 Leopold would be an active participant in this second wave

    of imperialism.

    Stanley Exploration / Hiring

    Leopold realized to become a serious player in the international exploration

    community, he would need to become friends with the explorers who were discoveringthese new lands. In 1876, he sponsored a conference in Brussels for these explorers. It

    was a lavish public relations campaign and Leopold was happy with his position of

    wielding control from the background. This conference was to discuss the issues of

    Africa. The goal was to open to civilization the only part of our globe where Christianity

    has not yet penetrated and to pierce the darkness which envelops the whole population.4

    His other stated aim was to fight the Arab slave traders. Leopold II masqueraded as an

    individual who had the native Africans best interests in mind.

    Out of his 1876 conference, the International African Association was formed and

    Leopold, the ever gracious host was elected its president. At the time, Leopold II believed

    80% of Africa was ripe for conquest for protection.5 Leopold was at his best as the

    behind the scenes sponsor of African exploration, but he knew he could not do it on his

    own. Leopold needed a well-known explorer to make his case.

    3 Hochschild, Adam. Congos Many Plunders.Economic and Political Weekly . vol. 36, no. 4. (Jan 27- Feb2, 2001) 287-288.4 Parkenman, Thomas. The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876-1912. (London: Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1991.)21.5 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 42.


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    Henry Morton Stanley had traced the Congo River to its source. Stanley was

    loved by the worldwide press and Leopold realized that this could be used to his

    advantage. TheNew York Times wrote in 1877 that it is very certain that if skill, bravery

    and perseverance could ensure success, Stanley would solve every problem of the

    African geography within the next two years.6 The idea plagued Europeans that Africans

    could not solve their own problems and needed protection. Realizing the value of having

    such a person as his representative, Leopold contacted Stanley to see if he would be

    willing to open up Central Africa and the Congo River Valley to world markets.

    Eventually, after finding that Britain was not interested in more colonies, Stanley agreedto work for Leopold. Between 1879 and 1884, Stanley built a road around the Congo

    River and created numerous trading posts on the Congo River. Henry Morton Stanleys

    comments to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce in 1884 represent the sentiments of

    Europeans at the time:

    There are 40 million naked people on the other side of the rapids,and the cotton-spinners of Manchester are waiting to clothethem...Birmingham's factories are glowing with the red metal that shallpresently be made into ironwork in every fashion and shape for them...and the ministers of Christ are zealous to bring them, the poor benightedheathen, into the Christian fold.7

    While Stanley was working in Africa, Leopold created another organization, the

    International Association of the Congo, which would be paying for its development.

    Leopold was using deception in creating these organizations. A press report published in

    theNew York Times that was titled the International Congo Association which people

    thought was written by a Belgian correspondent was actually written by Leopold

    6TheNew York Times. March 28, 1877, p. 4 column 4.7 Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Address of Mr. H. Stanley. Manchester. A. Ireland, 1884, 26-27.


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    In 1885, Leopold II was recognized and named the sovereign of the Congo.12 The

    stated aim for his empire was a benevolent society, a group to bring civilization to these

    people of the Congo.

    It (Leopolds reforms in the Congo) will connect closely theCongo with the mother country, which will prompt Europe (whose eyesfollow us) to take a benevolent and generous interest in all our labours,which will convey to our progress a more and more rapid and decisiveimpetus, and which will soon introduce into the vast region of the Congoall the blessings of Christian civilization.13

    With the Congo under Leopolds control, the extraction of resources began.

    Leopold created a state run monopoly on natural resources. The first was ivory. In 1887,the inflatable bicycle tire was invented and spawned, along with the car tire, a worldwide

    rubber boom. The Congo just happened to have one of the largest natural reserves of wild

    rubber in the world. The Congo was a treasure house teeming with resources.14

    In 1891, the government seized all vacant lands. The law explicitly established

    that any attempt on the part of the aboriginal inhabitants of the State to utilize the fruits

    of the soil would be regarded and treated as a penal offence, and that European merchants

    residing for the time being within the confines of the State should seek to benefit from the

    utilisation of the soils fruits by the aborigines through the normal operation of purchase

    or sale, would be prosecuted in the courts.15 This mass privatization of land

    fundamentally contradicted the African ideal of land.

    Early Attempts at Reform

    12 ibid.13 Burrows, Guy. The Land of the Pigmies. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, 1898). 288.14Pakenham, 524.15 E.D. MorelsHistory of the Congo Reform Movement. William Roger Louis and Jean Stengers. (Oxford:Clarendon, 1968). 44.


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    An American, George Washington Williams, traveled up the Congo River and

    wrote a letter to the king about the atrocities which were occurring. Written in 1890, it

    was the first account of the tricks and cruel slave trade which were being forced upon the

    Congo natives. Williams also wrote a letter to the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison

    describing it as crimes against humanity.16 This was the first documented usage of this

    term. A counter movement to defame Williams was quickly established by Leopold. But

    in 1891, Williams death ended the opportunity for early reform efforts. 17As Williams

    was not mentioned in MorelsHistory of the Congo Reform Movement, it appears that the

    Congo Reform Association may have been unaware of his early actions.The Force Publique

    To enforce the rules of the Congo, a 19,000 men strong military force called the

    Force Publique was formed. It was essentially Leopold IIs personal army. Segregation

    was enforced with officers white, the soldiers black. The officers were mercenaries from

    around the world.18 Its first responsibility was making sure that the government had a

    monopoly on the trade of raw materials through the collection laws. The Force Publique

    ruled with an iron hand. The leaders were sadistic; one officer, Leon Rom, was known to

    have his garden lined with the heads of dead Africans.19 The Force Publique routinely

    took and tortured hostages (mostly women), flogged, and raped the natives. At its height,

    half of the state budget was used by the Force Publique. One instrument of torture that

    16 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 11217Williams, George Washington Open letter to King Leopold the second of Belgium, in John HopeFranklin (ed.) George Washington Williams: a Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1985.18 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 124.19 ibid, 145.


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    would become notorious and unique to the Congo was the Hippo-skin whip called the

    chicotte.20 Leopold had set up a vast labor camp. As deaths rose, so did Leopolds profits.

    The first news from the Congo Free State that garnered major international

    attention was in 1895 when Charles Stokes, a white man, was killed. Stokes trading

    competed with that of the State and a Force Publique expedition was sent out to find him.

    Stokes was hanged on the spot.21 In response to public outcry after the death of Stokes,

    Leopold established the Commission for the Protection of Natives (1895) to ensure the

    well being of natives. This commission gave the illusion of progress in the Congo.

    Early Missionaries

    At first, missionaries were quiet about the atrocities. They would hear stories and

    evidence but actually never viewed the atrocities first hand. There were two reasons.

    First, they were concerned that if they mentioned this to the government, they would be

    forced to leave the country. Second, the missionaries believed that although many

    natives died of numerous atrocities, at least they died as Christians. There was

    competition between the Protestant and Catholic missionaries for larger areas of

    influence. But these missionaries were key witnesses and would eventually support the

    public outcry against events in the Congo.

    E.D. Morels Life

    Georges Edmond Pierre Achille Morel de Ville was born in Paris on July 15,

    1873. The product of a French father and English mother, Morel would not know his

    father because he would die early in his life. He was raised by his Quaker mother in Paris

    and would later take English Citizenship and change his name to Edmund Dene Morel.

    20 Sliwinski, Sharon. The Childhood of Human Rights: the Kodak on the Congo. Journal of VisualCulture. Vol. 5 No. 3 (2006), 334.21 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 174.


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    In 1891, Morel was awarded a clerkship with the Elder Dempster Company, a

    shipping firm. Morel moved to Liverpool and his French language abilities helped him

    become the firms contact for shipping between Antwerp and the Congo. This position

    stimulated his interest in West Africa and furnished him with information concerning the

    developments in the region. This position served as the basis for the majority of his

    writings. After viewing the Congo trade and analyzing the records, Morel noticed

    someone was obviously skimming the profits because they greatly exceeded what was

    written on the books. Morel found that something like 80% of the articles that were

    being imported into the Congo were remote to trade purposes.


    Morel states that uponhis discovery of this trade, it was as if I had stumbled upon a secret society of murderers

    with a King for croniman.23

    Morel modeled his arguments after those of his contemporary, author Mary

    Kingsley. She saw the African neither as the half devil and half child of the pseudo

    Darwinists nor as the benighted brother of the Christian missionaries.24 Of the three

    groups of Europeans in Africa at that time (missionaries, government officials and

    traders) Kinglsey approved only of the traders. Morel believed the only reason for the

    European involvement was We are in West Africa to trade not to preach.25 The traders,

    whose interests Morel defended, were the most enlightened European element in

    African affairs.26 Increasingly, Morel mused on the difficulties of the opposing

    European civilizations in the tropics, finely questioning whether the benefit to the

    Africans could possibly be worth the price they had paid in the loss of life resulting from

    22 Morel,History ofthe Congo Reform Movement, 36.23 Ibid, 42.24 Morel, E.D. Truth and the War. ed. Catherine Ann Cline. (New York: Garland Publications, 1972)14.25 Ibid, 15.26 Ibid.


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    European penetration.27Morel could be considered a progressive thinker of his day; he

    had a growing respect for African culture. Despite this progressive thinking, Morels

    beliefs are not inline with those of Amnesty International. Morel believed that uplifting

    the natives with better conditions would also help the ruling country. Morel was

    skeptical of the excuse, which he had himself offered earlier, which was African

    barbarism, rather than the policy of the regime, which was responsible for the frequent

    atrocities.28His opinions were definitely changing in response to the reports surfacing

    from the Congo Free State.

    Morels first series of articles about the Congo was titled The Congo Scandaland was published anonymously in July of 1900.29 The positive reaction to these articles

    encouraged Morel to quit the Elder Dempster shipping line in 1901, but not before his

    superiors attempted to buy him off. At twenty seven, Morel was going to be a journalist

    focusing on exposing the barbarities in the Congo. Morel began publishing the West

    African Mail, a weekly illustrated newspaper in 1903, which kept people informed of

    what was occurring in the Congo, based on the insider reports that were smuggled out.30

    It also provided a forum of West and Central African questions. Morels journalism

    abilities were all self-taught and impressive. He brought international concern over the

    reports of atrocities and freely made himself the arch-nemesis of Leopold.

    For Morel, even describing the Congo Free State as a state is palpably a

    misnomer, a fiction and a subterfuge.31Because there was no law making body, any

    laws were simply decrees and all the respective districts were simply responsible for the

    27 Ibid, 14.28 Ibid, 19.29 Ibid, 17.30 Grant, Kevin. Christian Critics of Empire: Missionaries, Lantern Lectures, and the Congo ReformCampaign in Britain. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 2001. 32.31 Morel,History ofthe Congo Reform Movement, 45


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    collection of taxes. The proceedings of the courts were not published, so there was no

    legal accountability. Leopold operated as the legislative and executive branches as the

    Sovereign of the Congo, a different role than the one he played as King of the Belgians.

    There were no limitations on him and no oversight by any group. Morel describes

    Leopold in chilling terms in the fullest and most literal sense of the word, Leopold II

    was the supreme dictator, the sole arbitrator of the destinies of a vast population of

    Africans whom he had never seen, inhabiting an immense territory.32

    In 1903, Morel completed his first book, The Congo Slave State: A Protest

    Against the New African Slavery; And an Appeal to the Public of Great Britain, of the

    United States, and of the Continent of Europe,33which presented damning statistics of the

    trade deficit between the Congo and Belgium. Even today, if you look at statistics from

    the Congo at this time period, they probably originally came from Morel. He was one of

    the few to see the actual documents and was noted for his painstaking accuracy and few

    factual errors. Over the years, enemies and allies alike have searched his work for

    factual errors, with scant success.34

    Leopold was able to successfully fend off public accusations until 1903, when

    humanitarian pressure eventually led to parliamentary debate on the Congo in the British

    House of Commons. In May, the House of Commons passed a resolution urging that

    Congo natives be governed with humanity. The House sent Consul Roger Casement to

    report on the conditions in the Congo. Casements response was overwhelming, I have

    returned from the Upper Congo today with convincing evidence of shocking

    32 Ibid.33 Morel, Edmund D. The Congo Slave State: A Protest against the New African Slavery; And an Appeal tothe Public of Great Britain, of the United States, and of the Continent of Europe. (Liverpool: JohnRichardson & Sons, Printers, 1903.)34 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 188.


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    misgovernment and wholesale oppression.35Which he accused European nations of

    turning a blind eye to the atrocities, It is an extraordinary thing that the conscience of

    Europe which seventy years agoput down the slave trade on humanitarian grounds

    tolerates the Congo state today. It is as if the moral clock had been put back.36 Upon his

    return to England, Casement wrote his report, which would be one of the most critical

    reports on the situation of the natives in the Congo. The Casement Report of 1903 was

    the first official government document exposing the atrocities in The Congo.

    Casement was able to contrast conditions with those of his previous Congo travels

    in 1890. In what were once thriving towns, the people had died or fled, leaving trails ofdesolation. His descriptions of the decline of human and animal populations, the crippling

    taxation of natives, and the provision of slave labor horrified the British public. The most

    scandalous criticism was twofold: his confirmation of the Congo regimes use of the

    Force Publique for hostage taking, and the documentation of one particular mutilation

    that became the icon of Leopolds entire colonial regime: the cutting off of the hands.37

    The Casement report suggested that Belgian officers required proof of native deaths by

    bringing a right hand. These hands were usually smoked to keep them from decaying in

    route to the officers. He found this information from a government informant, and also in

    two interviews with victims of the atrocities.38The Casement report was a fatal blow for

    Leopold. It was the proof of atrocities of an established system. The second element was

    the missionaries descriptions that confirmed the report.

    35 Sir Roger Casement, Samas Sochin, Michael O'Sullivan. The Eyes of Another Race: RogerCasement's Congo Report and the 1903 Diary (Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2003.) 2.36 Pakenham, 656.37 Sliwinski, 338.38 Ibid, 339.


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    Personally, Roger Casement wanted to be active in a campaign to bring attention

    to the cause, but due to his government position Casement knew that he could not

    personally do it, so he contacted his friend Morel to get him to start an organization. The

    Congo Reform Association was founded and based in Liverpool. According to her article,

    The Childhood of Human Rights: the Kodak on the Congo Sharon Sliwinski considers

    this to be the first humanitarian effort of the 20 th century.39 It was a machine designed by

    Morel to arouse public opinion against the King. The images it published in 1905 became

    the most effective in changing public opinion of the atrocities in the Congo.

    The goals of the CRA were adapted in a resolution in 1905 which called uponHis Majestys Government to convoke an assembly of the Christian Powers. In order

    to devise and put in force a scheme for a good government of the Congo territories.40

    The CRA had no clearly structured achievable goals. The CRA never stated they believed

    that the people of the Congo deserved self-rule.

    This alliance between the Congo Reform Association and the missionaries

    consisted of two groups with a common goal but, differing motivations. Morel and his

    group wanted to open the Congo to true free trade and honor theBerlin Act of 1884-85.

    The missionaries wanted to have access in order to Christianize the native populations. In

    his first six months of Congo Reform Association, Morel published fifteen thousand

    brochures and wrote three thousand letters soliciting donations. The reasons for donations

    to the Congo Reform Association were often not as noble as one might think. Some of

    the largest donors, such as William Cadbury, simply wanted commercial access to the

    39 Sliwinski, 334.40 Hochschild, 214.


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    area. Cadbury wanted to find raw materials for his confectionary business, particularly

    cocoa beans.

    For Hochschild, Morel was also good at fitting his message to his audience,

    reminding them Leopolds monopolistic system was also copied by the French in Africa

    and had shut them (his businessmen audience) out of much trade.41

    Morel increasingly viewed himself as the leader of the Congo Reform Association

    and he believed himself to be the link who could write under philanthropic, missionary,

    scapegoating and commercial interests in a demand for British diplomatic action against

    the Congo Free State. These beliefs were not exclusively commercial. By 1905, Morelbelieved himself to be a servant of the public cause, not a journalist.42

    In 1906, Morel published the infamousRed Rubber. The book was a deliberate

    effort to arouse the emotions of its readers.43 Morel describes the treatment of the

    Congolese as a crime unparalleled in the annals of the world. 44

    I have stood on that quay of Antwerp and seen that rubberdisgorged from the bowels of the incoming steamer, and to my fancy therehas mingled with the musical chimes ringing in the old Cathedral tower,another sound the faintest echo of a sigh from the depths of the dark andstifling hold. A sigh breathed in the gloomy Equatorial forest, by thosefrom whose anguish this wealth was wrung.But the Leopoldianconception of humanity is the humanity of the human tiger thirsting, notfor blood, but for rubber.45

    Morel describes his radical beliefs for the time as the Congolese possessing

    certain inalienable rights such as the right to property and control over their free labor.46

    41 Ibid, 213.42 Morel, E.D. Truth and the War21.43 Sliwinski, 344.44 Morel, E.D.Red Rubber. xxvii.45 Ibid, 99-100.46 Ibid, xxviii.


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    Red Rubberwould become the most famous example of British investigative journalism

    at the turn of the century.

    Americans also were active in Congo Reform. In 1906, Mark Twain wroteKing

    Leopolds Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule, which was a long monologue written

    from the point of view of Leopold himself as he fusses and fumes about the state of his

    colony.47 Twain specifically brings up the influence of the Kodak. Leopold tells what he

    thinks about the Kodak camera saying,

    The Kodak has been a soul calamity to us. The most powerfulenemy indeed. In the early years we had no trouble in getting the press to

    expose details of mutilations as slanders, lies, inventions of busybodyAmerican missionaries and exasperated foreigners. Then up all of thesudden came the crash! That is to say the incorruptible Kodak and allthe harmony with the hell.48

    As with any campaign, when well-known public figures became involved, it

    provided more publicity for the cause. Sherlock Holmes author Arthur Conan Doyle also

    became involved in Morels efforts writing the introduction to his 1909 book, The Crime

    of the Congo. Doyles explanation for his interest in writing about the Congo was that he

    believed that the crime against the Congo was the worst in the history of the world, It is

    this sordid cause and the uncitious hypocrisy which makes this crime unparalleled in its


    The Missionaries

    A key component of the Congo Reform Movement was the missionaries, which

    spread information about the atrocities. They did this by delivering thousands of lantern

    lectures with heartbreaking images throughout Europe and North America. In his article47 Sliwinski, 345.48 Mark Twain,King Leopolds Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule. (New York: International Books.1906): 68.49Arthur Conan Doyle, The Crime of the Congo. (New York: Doubleday, Page and Company. 1909): iii.


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    Christian Critics of Empire: Missionaries, Lantern Lectures, and the Congo Reform

    Campaign in Britain, Kevin Grant believes that missionaries played a central role in

    mobilizing popular support for the Congo Reform campaign in Britain, the largest

    humanitarian movement in British Imperial politics during the late Victorian and

    Edwardian eras.50 The article tells the stories behind the most infamous photos that

    came out of the Congo. These missionaries appealed to a mythic ideal of universal human

    dignity and alternately used the Congo crisis to promote their respective ambitions for

    Central Africa.51 In his article, Grant suggests the images that were included were

    simultaneously to embody the humanity of the Congo people and the inhumanity ofregime that literally consumed them in its accounting.52 Grant believes this campaign

    was the first humanitarian movement to use atrocity photographs as an essential tool.53

    The reports from the Congo gave another perspective and gave credence to the claims.

    Missionaries reported the Congo State officials required their African sentries to

    produce one hand for every shot fired, in order to ensure that cartridges were spent on

    people, rather than wild game.54

    The Belgian Inquiry of 1905

    In response to the Casement Report, Leopold established his own committee to

    study the conditions of the natives in the Congo. Leopold was unable to control the

    outcome of the committee that formed. One member of the inquiry was the missionary

    John Harris, who would write of the atrocities that were occurring and provided images

    and documents used by Morel and in the lantern lectures. In a remarkable move for the

    50 Grant, 28.51 Sliwinski, 335.52 Grant, 33.53 Sliwinski, 334.54 Grant, 33.


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    time, Harris even asked in a widely printed letter if the King should be tried and hanged

    at the newly established international tribunal in The Hague.55

    The Death of Leopold II

    In August 1908, Leopold burned the Congo State Archive. Leopold was quoted as

    saying, I will give them my Congo, but they have no right to know what I did there.56

    In 1908, King Leopold II officially turned the Congo over to Belgium for 150 million

    francs. The next year, Leopold II died. At the time, he was considered the most hated

    man in Europe, largely due to the success of the anti-Leopold Congo propaganda. TheCRA chose a target, a person, Leopold II as their villain when he is gone, they claim


    At its last meeting on June 13th 1913, the Congo Reform Association claimed

    victory. Was this really a victory? Though life had improved for the natives, they were

    still bound to the land by taxes. One system had been replaced by another. The problem

    for the Congo Reform Association was with the death of Leopold, they had lost their



    Demographers estimate that between 1880 and 1920, the Congolese population

    was slashed in half, a loss of 10,000,000 people. 57 Instead of helping civilize the native

    population, King Leopold II established a regime that is thought to have been directly or

    indirectly responsible for the deaths of half of the Congolese population and many more

    were maimed for life.58 Leopold II became one of the richest men in Europe, but he did55 Twain, 51-56.56 Ibid, 294.57 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 287.58 Hochschild, Congos Many Plunderers, 288.


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    not have a successor. During the time, Leopold made a profit from the territory equal to

    at least $1.1 billion in todays U.S. dollars What happened in the Congo was indeed

    mass murder on a vast scale, but the sad truth is that the men who carried it out for

    Leopold were not more murderous than many Europeans then at work or at war

    elsewhere in Africa.59

    For the Europeans this was simply a matter of economics. Leopold had shut off a

    vast area of wealth from other Europeans. The lantern images were used to solicit

    responses and donations, but these were merely a side show. The focus on the Congo is

    puzzling, when you consider the conditions were not unique in Africa. The exclusivefocus of the reform movement on Leopolds Congo seems even more illogical if you

    reckon mass murder by the percentage of the population killed. The death toll was even

    higher in German South West Africa. 60The population loss in the French controlled

    equatorial rain forest was equal to the loss in the Congo: 50%.61

    Despite George Washington Williams using the term crimes against humanity

    first about the Congo, the members of the Congo Reform Association did not want

    change because they share belief that Amnesty International has today, that all people

    deserve human rights.

    The Congo Reform effort was simply disagreeing with the actions of Leopold

    because he was a safe target. The beauty of choosing the poor treatment of natives by

    Leopold was that the people in Englands ruling circles, therefore, could support his

    (Morels) crusade without feeling their own interests threatened.62 Hochschild describes

    the Congo as a safe target and that outrage over the Congo did not involve British or59 Hochschild,King Leopolds Ghost, 283.60 Ibid, 281.61 Ibid, 280.62 Ibid, 213.


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    American misdeeds, nor did it entail the diplomatic trade, or military consequences of

    taking on a major power like France and Germany.63

    For Morel the founder of the CRA ignored abuses by his own countrys (British)

    use of forced labor in its African Colonies.64For the English it was easy to blame another

    country for their treatment of natives, especially a competitor nation. Though the

    conditions were horrific, poor treatment of native population was a hallmark of European

    Imperialism. It was easy to bring the focus of early media attention away from domestic

    (British) affairs.

    The world will never know if Leopold felt guilty about his reign of the Congo.Morel describes the actions in the Congo as a great crime against humanity.65 Neal

    Aecherson labels Leopold as a great deceiver but as a man with great charisma.66 Both

    were correct. It was greed and competition that motivated the Europeans; the

    philanthropic intentions were simply a politically convenient story for their true


    63 Hochschild, 282.64 Ibid, 210.65 Morel,History ofthe Congo Reform Movement, 167.66 Aecherson, Neal. The King Incorporated: Leopold II in the Age of Trusts. (New York: Doubleday andCompany, 1964): 13.


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    Primary Sources:

    Burrows, Guy. The Land of the Pigmies. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Company.

    1898.MacDonnell, John.King Leopold II: His rule in Belgium and the Congo.New York:

    Negro Universities Press, 1905.

    Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Address of Mr. Henry Morton Stanley. Manchester.A. Ireland, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection, The University ofManchester, The John Rylands University Library, (1884): 26-27. Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/60230098

    Morel, E. D. The Congo Slave State: a Protest against the New African slavery; and an

    Appeal to the Public of Great Britain, of the United States, and of the Continentof Europe. Liverpool: J. Richardson & Sons, Printers, 1903.

    Morel, E. D.King Leopolds Rule in Africa. London: William Heinemann, 1904.

    Morel, E. D.Red Rubber: the Story of the Rubber Slave Trade which Flourished on theCongo for Twenty Years 1890-1910. New and revised edition. Manchester:National Labour Press, 1919.

    Morel, E.D.History of the Congo Reform Movement. William Roger Louis and JeanStengers. Oxford: Clarendon, 1968.

    Morel, E.D. Truth and the Wared. Catherine Ann Cline. New York: GarlandPublications, 1972.

    TheNew York Times. March 28, 1877, p. 4 column 4.

    The New York Times. March 28, 1883, p. 4, column 5.

    The Times, March 28, 1883, p. 3 column E.

    Williams, George Washington. Open letter to King Leopold the second of Belgium, inJohn Hope Franklin (ed.) George Washington Williams: a Biography. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1985.

    Secondary Sources:

    Aecherson, Neal. The King Incorporated: King Leopold II in the Age of Trusts. NewYork: Doubleday and Company, 1964.


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    Grant, Kevin. Christian Critics of Empire: Missionaries, Lantern Lectures, and theCongo Reform Campaign in Britain. Journal of Imperial and CommonwealthHistory. vol. 29, no. 2 (May 2001): 27-58.

    Hochschild, Adam. Congos Many Plunders.Economic and Political Weekly. vol. 36, no.4. (Jan 27- Feb 2, 2001): 287-288.

    Hochschild, Adam.King Leopold's Ghost: a Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism inColonial Africa.New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.

    Parkenham, Thomas. The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the DarkContinent from 1876-1912. London: Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1991.

    Sliwinski, Sharon. The Childhood of Human Rights: the Kodak on the Congo,Journalof Visual Culture. vol. 5 no. 3 (2006): 333-363.
