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Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume...

Date post: 25-Sep-2020
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Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas Mon-Fri/Lun-Vier 6:30 a.m. Saturday/Sábado 8 a.m., 5 p.m. Sundays/Domingo: English 7:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11 a.m. Español 12:45 p.m. Burmese 2:30 p.m. School of Religion K-8 Catecismo K-8 Wednesdays/Miercoles 7 p.m. (September—April) RCIA Classes (Adults) Tuesdays 6:30 p.m., Sept—Easter Adoration Suspended Marriages/Matrimonios Please notify the pastor 8-10 months prior to wedding. Favor de notificar a la parroquia 8-10 meses antes. Baptisms/Bautismos By appointment only Por cita solamente. Confessions/Confesiones 3:30 p.m. Saturdays, 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays or by appointment Español– Martes a las 5:30 p.m. Sabados a las 3:30 p.m. jxÄvÉÅx àÉ fàA ctàÜ|v~ Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus 1086 North 94th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66112 913-299-3370 www.stpatrickkck.org Pastor Father Mark Mertes ([email protected]) Vicar/Vicario Burmese Ministry Father Shawn Tunink Father Michael Van Lian www.ShawnTheBaptist.org Deacon/Diácono Dave Cresswell
Page 1: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas

Mon-Fri/Lun-Vier 6:30 a.m. Saturday/Sábado 8 a.m., 5 p.m. Sundays/Domingo: English 7:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11 a.m. Español 12:45 p.m. Burmese 2:30 p.m.

School of Religion K-8

Catecismo K-8 Wednesdays/Miercoles 7 p.m.


RCIA Classes (Adults) Tuesdays 6:30 p.m., Sept—Easter

Adoration Suspended


Please notify the pastor 8-10 months prior to wedding.

Favor de notificar a la parroquia 8-10 meses antes.


By appointment only Por cita solamente.


3:30 p.m. Saturdays, 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays or by appointment

Español– Martes a las 5:30 p.m. Sabados a las 3:30 p.m.

jxÄvÉÅx àÉ fàA ctàÜ|v~ Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus

1086 North 94th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66112 913-299-3370 www.stpatrickkck.org

Pastor Father Mark Mertes ([email protected])

Vicar/Vicario Burmese Ministry Father Shawn Tunink Father Michael Van Lian www.ShawnTheBaptist.org

Deacon/Diácono Dave Cresswell

Page 2: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

From Father Michael Van Lian, Burmese Community:

“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20 The Ascension of Jesus was part of God's design. It says that God has resources for each of us that he has not yet revealed. Just before Jesus departed, he told the disci-ples, “It is for your sake that I go. For if I do not go the Comforter cannot come to you.” He was, of course, speaking about the Holy Spir-it, the third person of the Trinity. It appeared as though Jesus was now leaving his disci-ples to flounder around for themselves. He was leaving them with a resource that at that time they didn't even know existed. We too can be sure that God gives each of us re-sources that enable us to cope with future cir-cumstances. Also, the Lord Jesus promised to be with His disciples forever and for always; to stay in union with each of His followers; to re-main in the midst of all of them. Do not doubt! God always goes with us through every event and every transition of our lives; thus, when you find that you have wandered into an As-cension Day, fear not because God is near. Amen.

Desde Padre Michael Van Lian, Burmese:

"Y he aquí, yo estoy contigo siempre,

hasta el fin de los tiempos". Mateo 28:20

La Ascensión de Jesús fue parte del diseño de Dios. Dice que Dios tiene recursos para cada uno de nosotros que aún no ha revelado. Justo antes de que Jesús partiera, les dijo a los discípulos: “Es por su bien que me voy. Porque si no me voy, el Consolador no puede venir, a ustedes.” El estaba, por supuesto, hablando del Espíritu Santo, la ter-cera persona de la Trinidad. Parecía que Je-sús ahora estaba dejando a sus discípulos solos. Los estaba dejando con un recurso que en ese momento ni siquiera sabían que existía. Nosotros también podemos estar se-guros de que Dios nos da a cada uno de no-sotros recursos que nos permiten enfrentara las circunstancias futuras. Además, el Señor Jesús prometió es-tar con sus discípulos por siempre y para siempre; permanecer en unión con cada uno de sus seguidores; permanecer en medio de todos ellos. ¡No dudes! Dios siempre nos acompaña a través de cada evento y cada transición de nuestras vidas; así, cuando descubras que te has metido en un Día de la Ascensión, no temas porque Dios está cerca. Amén.

Scripture Readings for Week of May 25-31

Mon/Lun: Acts 19:1-8; John 16:29-33 Tue/Mar: Acts 20:17-27; John 17:1-11a Wed/Mie: Acts 20:28-38; John 17:11b-19 Thur/Jue: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; John 17:20-26 Fri/Vie: Acts 25:13b-21; John 21:15-19 Sat/Sab: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; John 21:20-25 Sun/Dom: Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; John 20:19-23

Limpieza de la Iglesia

La limpieza de la iglesia a sido pospuesta. Si le gustaría hablar con el Padre Mark por favor de llamar al 913/299-3370 en la oficina parroquial. También, si necesitan ayuda en español por favor de llamar al 913/299-3370, ext. 104.

Ministerios SI usted desea inscribirse o informamrase sobre los ministerios de Lector, Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunion, Hospitalidad, limpieza de los viernes, Coro, o Monaguillo, por favor de mandar un correo electronico a [email protected]. Su parroquia los necesita.

Come, Holy Spirit!

Page 3: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

Mass Intentions (Intenciones) Please note time change for

Wednesday and Friday Masses. SUNDAY, MAY 24—Ascension of the Lord 7:30 a.m. Mass Int: Bernardo & Curtiss Carter† 9:15 a.m. Mass Int: Josie Serrano † 11:00 a.m. Mass Int: Leo & Barbara McNellis † 12:45 p.m. (Spanish) Mass Int: Sra. Antonia An-drade, Guastavo Hernandez, Sra. Celia Ledezma, Sr. Antonio Morales, Sr. Andres Calderon, Sra. Maria Quintero MONDAY, MAY 25—St. Bede the Venerable, St. Gregory VII, St. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi Memorial Day Holiday – Office Closed 8:00 a.m. Mass Int: Michael Kahmann † TUESDAY, MAY 26—St. Philip Neri 6:30 a.m. Mass Int: Friedhelm Losensky † WEDNESDAY, MAY 27—St. Augustine of Can-terbury 12:10 p.m. Mass Int: Angie Lewis † THURSDAY, MAY 28 6:30 a.m. Mass Int: Linda Sterling † FRIDAY, MAY 29—St. Paul VI 12:10 p.m. Mass Int: Anna Madruga † SATURDAY, MAY 30 8:00 a.m. Mass Int: William Bileck † 5:00 p.m. Mass Int: Charles Weaver † SUNDAY, MAY 31—Pentecost Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass Int: Norma Mahoney † 9:15 a.m. Mass Int: Raymond Stokes, Jr. † 11:00 a.m. Mass Int: Charlie Goetz † 12:45 p.m. (Spanish) Mass Int: People of Parish

Confession Schedule: Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. (English and Spanish) Saturdays 3:30 p.m.

Nominations for Pastoral Council Welcome!

Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone who is faithful to the Church, involved in parish life who would be a good Council member, please email your sugges-tions to Theresa Smith, [email protected] or call her at 913-299-3370. Names will be compiled and given to Father Mark. He will choose a variety of persons to contact for an election for potential membership on the Council for a three year term.

Like to Sew? Masks are needed! If you like to sew and have been making masks, please consider donating some to the parish. We need extras for the priests and for those who come to Church. Please call or email parish office to arrange drop-off time for masks. Thank you!

Thank You! Thank you to all who attended Masses last week-end for your kind cooperation with safety guide-lines. It was great to see all of you and we appre-ciated your attention to wearing masks and main-taining a safe distance. Thank you to our priests, Deacon Dave, Cindy Bounds, Sig Hanson, Debbie Losensky, lectors, cantors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for preparing the Church and providing the liturgies. A special thank you to the many who stayed after each Mass to clean the pews, kneelers and restroom. Thank you, Father Mark and Bryon Carmoney for contin-uing to offer livestream Masses. God is good!

Grief Support Group Suspended Through Summer

Our parish Grief Support Group will resume meet-ing in September if it is safe to do so. We encour-age all those who have lost a loved one to call the parish office or a family member or trusted friend when you need to talk. God bless you and know that you will be remembered in prayer.

Guide Book Directory Advertising Opportunity

We have begun updating our annual Guide Book Directory for our parish. This book contains perti-nent information for our Church—ministries, or-ganizations, events and more plus a complete di-rectory of all members. This book is provided and direct-mailed to each family at no cost to the par-ish. It is again being subsidized by local business-es who advertise. If you own or manage a busi-ness, please call the parish office by June 15. Thank you for supporting this project.

Update Membership Information This is a perfect time to update your parish mem-bership record. Have you moved? Have you add-ed a new family member? Have you changed your phone number? Please call 913-299-3370 if you need to make changes. This will help our Guide Book Directory be as current as possible plus ensure you receive parish information. Thank you for your help and God bless you!

FORMED: New FREE Content in English and Spanish

Download FORMED app to your phone or visit FORMED.org, click “I belong to a parish” then put in parish name or zip code. Follow instructions to access our subscription and enjoy live stream broadcasts, ebooks, movies, and studies! Ex-plore Faith at Home and Fe en Casa with re-sources in English and Spanish!

Page 4: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

We begin a new prayer list for the sick every 6 months. Please contact Theresa Smith,

913-299-3370 or [email protected] to add or remove a name. Only family members may

add names because of privacy. Please pray for the sick: Vincent Anderjaska, Velma Andrisevic, Al Arendt, Andrew Becker, Donna Bileck, Ray Bond, Shirley Bowline, Doug-las Braman, Victor Braman, Mary Ann Bush, Han-nah Buttaccio, Bob Butters, Donald Cook, Marcia Cooper, Raymond Cote, Vernon Cox, Thresa Ehrhart, Connie Galvan, Bill Ghale, Cora Grant, Bob Holek, Shirley Imhoff, Dorothy Isabell, Mike Kerns, Mary Elaine Kohler, Joyce Leiker, Debbie Martin, Martha McCarty, Andrea McNeely, Laraun McNeely, Willetta Minters, Ashley Mizell, Belinda Ogan, Josephine Ogan, Dennis and Stephanie Seuferling, Linda Shalz, Helen Sims, Jack Sixta, Tom Sixta, Leo Storm, Margaret Struzzo, Joseph Tayler, Deacon Charlie Voss, Glenn Waltsak, Manetta Wetzel, Bob Williams, Joe Wingerter

Anointing of the Sick If you are scheduled for surgery, please call the

parish office, 299-3370, to receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before your hospital stay.

If your condition worsens, you need additional surgery, you recover then become seriously ill

again or are facing additional health challenges due to aging, it is appropriate to be anointed

again. During this health crisis, please know that it may not be possible for the priests to visit. Call the parish and they will pray for you and visit as

hospital and community restrictions allow.

Ministers to the Homebound: This ministry is suspended to protect the health of our home-

bound. We will resume when it’s safe to do so.

Rosary Podcast Emailed Daily! Have you joined thousands of others in

praying the daily rosary with School of Faith? Sign up at www.dailyrosary.net.

TurnStyles in Overland Park Open! Benefits Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities has announced that TurnStyles Thrift, 9750 W. 87 Street, Overland Park, is open for shopping and donations. The other two stores remain closed until further notice. Please see the new hours for the 87th Street Store below. Guide-lines are at https://catholiccharitiesks.org/87th-street-turnstyles-thrift-store-to-open-may-11th. Please read if you plan on shopping or donating as procedures have changed. TurnStyles is open for shopping Monday–Friday 9 AM-7 PM & Saturday 9 AM-6 PM. Donations are accepted Monday–Friday 10 AM-6 PM & Saturday 10 AM-5 PM.

Project Rachel Ministry

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential,

compassionate help is available. Our next Unfailing Mercy retreat for help after abortion will be held on June 12-14. This is a weekend of focused, intensive time wherein God often brings about profound healing. To register, please call Ann Marie Alvey at (913) 621-2199 or email at [email protected].

Retreat on Social Justice Christ’s Peace House of Prayer

Christ’s Peace House of Prayer – Please join us from Friday, June 12, at 5:30 pm through Sunday, June 14 at 4:30 pm for a Retreat on Social Justice with Dorothy Day as we delve into her teachings and her deep conviction for Social Justice. Come be inspired by the dynamic way in which this jour-nalist's conversion propelled her to found the Cath-olic Worker movement and advocate for the poor. There will be conferences, Eucharistic Adoration, Mass, Confession and time for private prayer, re-flection and walking. Cabins/Courtyard Rooms: $170 Single/$250 Couple or Single Guest Rooms: $100 (Meals Included). To attend, send an email to: [email protected] or call 913.773.8255.

Program to Become Fertility Care Practitioner

Fertility Care Center is planning to hold their next Creighton Model Education Class in August (EPI) & March (EPII). They will provide the class over two extended weekends to help accommodate everyone's busy schedules. The dates are Educa-tion Phase One: August 21-24 & August 28-31, and 2020 Education Phase Two: March 6-8 & March 13-15, 2021. For information, visit http://www.fertilitycarekc.com/fertilitycare-practitioner-training.html or [email protected] or [email protected].

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Antonio Cecena and Margaret Troutman. Our prayers and sympa-thy are offered to their families and friends.

Page 5: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

Maintenance Fund: May 10 Year to Date $100.00 $20,082.00

Extra Parochial Collections: School Support $110.00

Thank you for keeping St. Patrick’s and our ministries going forward. May St. Patrick’s

also keep you going forward. Weekend contributions reflect online giving. Envelope

contributions show in the weekday. Our prayers are with your families, your health and the

strength of your faith. In Christ,

Patty Dickinson, Business Manager

“We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same

time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the

other.” Pope Francis (March 27, 2020)

Contribution Options: 1. Church envelopes mailed or dropped off 2. Your bank account—Set up St. Patrick’s KCK

Online Bill Payment Center. Our address is 1086 N. 94th Street, KCK 66112 (Use your envelope # as your account #).

3. Online giving (one time or recurring) - Secure online giving link is at www.stpatrickkck.org or on Facebook (stpatrickkck).

4. Bank EFT/ACH Electronic Funds Transfer (recurring on set date) set up through parish. Forms available upon request, 913-299-3370.

May 10 Year to Date/Hasta hoy


$20,000.00 $900,000.00

Total Weekend Collection (Online)


Weekday Receipts by mail or electron-ic giving/Recibido en fin de semana


Total Collection Through 5/15/20 Collecta Total has-ta el 5/15/20

$18,193.00 $840,962.65

UNDER Budget ($1,807.00) ($59,037.35)

Good News! Our Subscription for FORMED has been renewed!

Our list of parishioners using FORMED has more than doubled! Because of the increased usage of this quality site, our subscription has been re-newed to provide our parishioners with outstand-ing Catholic studies, movies, ebooks and more. Have you enjoyed FORMED and want to help with the cost? Donations are welcome! Please note on your check or envelope that your dona-tion is for FORMED. Thank you and enjoy!

Parishioner Support Parishioners of St. Patrick Parish who are bur-dened by events surrounding the COVID-19 pan-demic should contact the parish office for an ap-plication for a one-time limited monetary grant. Grant is available by applying directly to our pas-tor on a first come, first served basis. Parishioners who wish may assist fellow parishioners by mak-ing a donation to help offset others’ difficulties. Training is required before volunteering with

children at the parish or school. To volunteer with children in the parish or school, you must first attend a Virtus “Protecting God’s Children” session and pass a background check. Trainings can be found at www.virtusonline.org. Your account must remain current with assigned articles. Contact Betty Ann Battson, Virtus Coordi-nator, 299-3728 or [email protected].

Reporting Suspected Abuse Archdiocese remains committed to investigating any allegation of abuse of a minor made against any member of the clergy or any church employee or volunteer—no matter the age of incident or cur-rent age of the victim. Individuals are encouraged to call confidential report line at 913-647-3051 or archkck.org/reportabuse to make a report to Jan Saylor, archdiocesan report investigator, and to call law enforcement directly. If a child or vulnera-ble adult is in immediate danger, call 911.

Like us on Facebook for Parish Updates! @StPatrickKCK

Father Mark Mertes will post Sunday Masses and reflections or discussions on our page

including Spanish content.

Website Updates in Progress! Facebook will have the most updated infor-

mation but new bulletins, etc. will be added to the parish website, www.stpatrickkck.org.

Online giving is now available!

Page 6: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

How did you pray during this time of restrictions?

Did you have a special place

in your home for spiritual reading and reflection?

Did you prepare a sacred place for prayer?

Early Education students of Mrs. Hernandez were encouraged

to make a Jesus table at home. Forrest Daniels, grandson of Anne and Jerry Butters, wanted to share

his prayer table with you! He also decided to make his own cemetery so he can pray for the family members who have died.

What did your prayer at home look like? Email your pictures (parishioners of all ages!)

to [email protected]!

St. Patrick School Now Enrolling!

St. Patrick Catholic School is excited to announce that enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year is now open. Please call us if you have any questions or would like a tour. To make an appointment with our Enrollment Specialist, please call 913-299-8131 and ask for Jessy. We look forward to meet-ing your family and welcoming you to ours. La Escuela Católica St. Patrick se complace en anunciar que las inscripciones para el año escolar 2020-2021 ya están abiertas. Póngase en contacto con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o desea visi-tar nuestra escuela. Para hacer una cita con nues-tra Especialista de Inscripción, llame al 913 / 299-8131 y pregunte por Jessy. Esperamos conocer a su familia y darle la bienvenida a la nuestra.

Page 7: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

St. Patrick's Drive Thru Food Drive

Benefits Catholic Charities Local Pantries

Saturday, June 6 from Noon-3 PM Rain date: Sunday, June 7, Noon-3 PM

Slowly drive up to Catholic Charities truck in our lot, (DO NOT get out of your vehi-cle), pop trunk or hatch. Volunteers will unload food items. All volunteers will wear masks and gloves and use hand sanitizer. If possible, please use card board boxes for food donations to make it easier to load on the truck. If you are not comfortable shopping, monetary dona-tions can be made to Catholic Charities. Thank you for your continued support.

Food items most needed: Peanut Butter and Jelly (plastic jars preferred), Beans (canned or dried) and Rice, Canned Meats (tuna, salmon, chicken), Box meals (Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper), Mac n Cheese, Canned Fruit (low sugar needed), Oatmeal and Cereals (low sugar needed), Pastas and Sauces (canned or plastic jars), Canned Vegetables (low sodium needed), Canned Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce and Paste, Canned Meals (Soups, Chili, Stew, Spaghetti), Pancake Mix & Syrup (low sugar needed) Want to volunteer? Please contact Paula Frost at [email protected] or text or call @ 913-563-9062. For safety, please do not bring children to help.

Wyandotte and Olathe Pregnancy Centers are taking their

Baby Bottle Campaign virtual this year! During this time of the Covid 19 crisis, your prayers and

financial support are needed more than ever to assist them in carrying out their mission of supporting women and

families facing unplanned pregnancies. Donate at https://secure.ministrysync.com/ministrysync/event/website/home/?e=20149 or www.wyandottepregnancy.org.

Together, we can continue to share God's truth while showing His Love to men and women in our community

facing unplanned pregnancies.

Page 8: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Patrick Church #742600 1086 N. 94th Street Kansas City, KS 66112 TELEPHONE (913) 299-3370 CONTACT PERSON Theresa Smith SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP Deskjet 950C SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 24, 2020 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 11:15 am E-MAIL ADDRESS [email protected] NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 750 copies

Page 9: Growing as Disciples of Jesus and Making Disciples for Jesus · Father Mark plans to resume Pastoral Council in the future and invites nominations for new mem-bers. If you know someone

Parish Staff/Personal

Pastor Father Mark Mertes

[email protected]

Parochial Vicar: Father Shawn Tunink www.ShawnTheBaptist.org

[email protected]

Parish/Chin Burmese Ministry Father Michael Van Lian

[email protected]

Deacon/Diácono David Cresswell [email protected]

Secretaries/Secretaria—Debbie Losensky (M-W),

Rachel Davis (Thurs-Fri) Church Office Email/Correo electrónico parroquial

[email protected]

Business Manager/Administrador Parroquial Patty Dickinson: [email protected]

Maintenance Director/Director de Mantenimiento

Sig Hanson

School Principal/Directora Escolar—Tim Conrad [email protected]

Director of Religious Education; Virtus Coordinator/

Directora de Educacion Religiosa y Virtus Betty Ann Battson: [email protected]

Director of Music Ministries/Directora de Musica

Cynthia Bounds: [email protected]

Director of Adult Faith Formation; RCIA; Wedding Coordinator; Annulment Advocate; Spiritual Mentor

Theresa Smith: [email protected]

Contact Information/Contacto

Parish Office/Oficinas parroquiales 299-3370 Office Hours/Horas de Oficina: Mondays-

Thursdays, 8 am—4:30 pm; Fridays, 8—Noon Ayuda en espaṅol con Jessy solo los miercoles de 3-6 pm

Office Fax/Fax de las Oficinas 788-2644 School/Escuela 299-8131 School Fax/Fax de la Escuela 299-2845 Early Education Center/Preescholar 299-3051 Religious Ed/Ed. Religiosa(K-8) 299-3728 Parish Center Reservations 299-3370 Parish Center Kitchen/Cocina 299-2286

Parish Ministries/Ministerios

Pastoral Council / Consejo Parroquial:

Nominations for Members will be accepted soon.

Altar Society President/

Presidente Sociedad del Altar Mickie Miller

CYO Directors Luke Folscroft

Finance Council / Consejo Financiero:

Moe Kancel, Eugenia Winkelbauer, Caroline Brown, Joe Globoke, Diane Linder

Green Club

Fritz Vertz (913-515-0621)

Knights of Columbus Caballeros de Colon

Craig Taylor (913-909-0258)

Prolife Coordinator Coordinador Pro-vida Kim Wetzel-Williams

PTO Chairperson

Jane Wilson, [email protected]

Shamrock Club John Kluck and Regina Seuferling

Social Concerns

Consejo de asuntos sociales Carroll and Katie Macke

Vocations Ministry/Comite de Vocaciones

Glenn Miller

Parish Mission Statement/Misión

St. Patrick Parish is called to love and serve the Lord, to grow in knowledge,

virtue and holiness and to spread the Gospel.

La parroquia de San Patricio esta llamada a amar y servir al Señor, a crecer en conocimien-to, virtud y santidad y a compartir el evangelio.

Core Values: Christ-Centered, Evangelization, Formation for All Ages, Family (Individual Fami-

lies and Parish Family), Stewardship
