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Growth & Development in Preschooler

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  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Growth anddevelopment

    of preschooler 

    Presented by:


    Roll No: 38

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    GROWTHGrowth refers to an increase in physicalsize of the whole body or any of its


    It is si!ply a "#antitati$e chan%e in thechild&s body

    It can be !eas#red in K%' po#nds'!eters' inches' ( etc

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Child Growth (Image: WHO)

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Changes in bodily

    proportions with age

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    Development)e$elop!ent refers to a pro%ressi$e

    increase in s*ill and capacity of f#nction

    It is a "#alitati$e chan%e in the child&sf#nctionin%

    It can be !eas#red thro#%h obser$ation

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    T!"# O$ GROWTH

    +hysical %rowth ,Hei%ht' -ei%ht' .hest.irc#!ference/

    +hysiolo%ical %rowth ,0ital Si%ns(/

    T!"# O$ D"%"&O!'"T

    Motor )e$elop!ent

    .o%niti$e )e$elop!ent

    E!otional )e$elop!ent

    Social )e$elop!ent

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler



    It is the sta%e where child is 4 to 5years of a%e The %rowth d#rin% this

    period is relati$ely slow

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    $CTOR# $$"CTIG !R"#CHOO&"R*#D"%"&O!'"T

    Certain medi+al +onditions6

    +roble!s that a7ect the brain !ay slow yo#r child8s

    de$elop!ent These proble!s !ay incl#de infections andhead in9#ries

    "ating habits:

    child !ay beco!e pic*y abo#t what he eats and !ay prefer

    certain foods 1ef#sin% to eat' or only eatin% fast food or 9#n*food !ay decrease yo#r child:s %rowth and de$elop!ent


    +layin% helps a child de$elop his i!a%ination child will also

    learn how to %et alon% with others#leep:

    child needs sleep to %row and de$elop nor!ally Lac* of sleepdecreases child:s ener%y )ayti!e beha$io#r is worse if childis a poor sleeper If child does not ha$e eno#%h naps d#rin%the day' it is i!portant that he sleeps !ore at ni%ht

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    Physical growth:- Weight: The preschooler %ains

    appro;i!ately year

     Height: He do#bles birth len%th

    by ?@ years of a%e

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Physiologicalgrowth!,lse: =B@!in ,a$era%e!in/Respiration6 CB@4B.>!in

    -lood !ress,re:5DC?>C

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Fine Motor – Older Toddler  4 year old6 copy a circle and a cross @ b#ild

    #sin% s!all bloc*s

    ? year old6 #se scissors' color within theborders

    year old6 write so!e letters and draw a

    person with body parts

    Fi t d

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Fine motor and

    cognitive abilities pre-school  Holdin% a pencil

    F#ttonin% clothin%

    F#ildin% with s!all bloc*s

    Usin% scissors +layin% a board %a!e

    Ha$e child draw pict#re of hi!self

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Cognitive development 

    +reschooler #p to ? years of a%e is

    in the !R".COC"!T/&!H#" He be%ins to be able to%i$e reasons for his belief and

    actions' b#t not tr#e ca#se2e7ectrelationship

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


     Developmento Preschooler ears the dar0 

     Tends to be impatient andsel1sh

    E;presses agression thro#%hphysical and $erbal beha$io#rs

    Shows si%ns of 2ealo,sy o3


  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


     developmentin preschoolers


     Tolerates short separation

    Less dependant on parents

    May ha$e drea!s ni%ht2!ares Attach!ent to opposite se; parent

    More cooperati$e in play

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    !ocial developmentAccordin% to "ri0son theory:

     The preschooler is in thesta%e where he develops asense o3 initiative' -here

    he wants to learn what to dofor hi!self' learn abo#t theworld And other people

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler



    Growth is steady tho#%h slower than in rst two yearsAd#lt hei%ht can be predicted fro! !eas#re!ents of

    hei%ht at three years of a%eJ !ales are appro;i!ately4 of their ad#lt hei%ht and fe!ales' D

    Le%s %row faster than ar!s'

    .irc#!ference of head and chest is e"#alJ head size isin better proportion to the body

    Faby fat disappears as nec* appears

    +ost#re is !ore erectJ abdo!en no lon%er protr#des

    can 9#!p fro! low step

    can stand #p and wal* aro#nd on tiptoes

    baby teeth sta%e o$er

    Needs to cons#!e appro;i!ately 5'4BB * ,

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    Motor de$elop!ent

    -al*s #p and down stairs #nassisted' #sin% alternatin% feetJ .an!o!entarily balance on one foot

    .an *ic* bi% ball2shaped ob9ects

    Needs !ini!al assistance eatin%

    +edals a s!all tricycle

     Throws a ball o$erhandJ ai! and distance are li!ited

    .atches a lar%e bo#nced ball with both ar!s e;tendedEn9oys swin%in% on a swin%

    Shows i!pro$ed control of crayons or !ar*ersJ #ses $ertical'horizontal and circ#lar stro*es

    Holds crayon or !ar*er between rst two n%ers and th#!b ,tripod

    %rasp/' not in a st as earlierEn9oys b#ildin% with bloc*s

    En9oys playin% with clayJ po#nds' rolls' and s"#eezes it

    May be%in to show hand do!inance

    Manip#lates lar%e b#ttons and zippers on clothin%

    -ashes and dries handsJ br#shes own teeth' b#t not thoro#%hly

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    .o%niti$e de$elop!ent

    Listens attenti$ely to a%e2appropriate storiesMa*es rele$ant co!!ents d#rin% stories'especially those that relate to ho!e andfa!ily e$ents

    Li*es to loo* at boo*s and !ay pretend toread to others or e;plain pict#res

    En9oys stories with riddles' %#essin%' ands#spense

    Speech is #nderstandable !ost of the ti!e

    +rod#ces e;panded no#n phrases6 bi%' browndo%Starts to #nderstand the lan%#a%eAnswers -hat are yo# doin%' -hat isthis' and -here "#estions dealin% with

    fa!iliar ob9ects and e$ents

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    $o,r.year.old+hysical de$elop!ent

    Head circ#!ference is #s#ally not!eas#red after a%e three

    1e"#ires appro;i!ately

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Motor de$elop!ent-al*s a strai%ht line

    Hops on one foot.li!bs ladders' trees' play%ro#nd e"#ip!ent #!ps o$er ob9ects

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    .an reco%nize that certain words so#ndsi!ilarNa!es ei%hteen to twenty #ppercase

    letters -rites se$eral letters andso!eti!es their na!e

    A few children are be%innin% to readsi!ple boo*s' s#ch as alphabet boo*s withonly a few words per pa%e and !anypict#res

    1ote co#nts to CB or !oreUnderstands the se"#ence of daily e$ents6-hen we %et #p in the !ornin%' we %et

    dressed' ha$e brea*fast' br#sh o#r teeth'and %o to school

    -hen loo*in% at pict#res' can reco%nize

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    Answers -hose' -ho' -hy'and How !any

    Speech is al!ost entirely intelli%ible

    1efers to acti$ities' e$ents' ob9ects'and people that are not presentStates rst and last na!e' %ender'siblin%s: na!es' and so!eti!es owntelephone n#!ber

    Answers appropriately when as*edwhat to do if tired' cold' or h#n%ry1ecites and sin%s si!ple son%s li*e!an%oes and rhy!es

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Social de$elop!ent3#t%oin%J friendlyJ o$erly enth#siastic at

    ti!esMoods chan%e rapidly and #npredictablyJla#%hin% one !in#te' cryin% the ne;tJ !aythrow tantr#! o$er !inor fr#strations ,abloc* str#ct#re that will not balance/J s#l*

    o$er bein% left o#tI!a%inary play!ates or co!panions are

    co!!onJ holds con$ersations and sharesstron%er e!otions with this in$isible

    friendShows pride in acco!plish!entsJ see*sfre"#ent ad#lt appro$al

    En9oys role2playin% and !a*e2belie$eacti$ities

    Na!e2callin% and ta#ntin% are often #sed

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    Head size is appro;i!ately that of anad#lt:sMay be%in to lose baby ,decid#o#s/

    teethFody is ad#lt2li*e in proportion1e"#ires appro;i!ately D'BB ,

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Motor de$elop!ent-al*s bac*wards

    -al*s #nassisted #p and down stairs' alternatin% feetLearns to s*ip #sin% alternati$e feet

    .atches a ball thrown fro! < ! ,44 ft/ away

    1ides a tricycle or wheeled toy with speed and s*illf#l

    steerin%J so!e children learnin% toride bicycles' #s#ally with trainin% wheels

     #!ps or hops forward ten ti!es in a row witho#tfallin%

    Falances on either foot with %ood control for tenseconds

    F#ilds three2di!ensional str#ct#res with s!all c#besby copyin% fro! a pict#re or !odel

    )e!onstrates fair control of pencil or !ar*erJ !aybe in to color within the lines

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    .o%niti$eor!s rectan%le fro! two trian%#lar c#ts

    Understands the concepts of s!allest andshortestJ places ob9ects in order fro! shortesttotallest' s!allest to lar%est

    Identies ob9ects with specied serial position6rst' second' last

    1eco%nizes n#!erals fro! < to

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    Lan%#a%e de$elop!ent0ocab#lary of

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    Social de$elop!ent

    En9oys and often has one or two foc#s

    friendships+lays cooperati$ely ,can lapse/' is

    %enero#s' ta*es t#rns' shares toys

    +articipates in %ro#p play and sharedacti$ities with other childrenJ s#%%estsi!a%inati$e and elaborate play ideas

    Shows a7ection and carin% towards

    others especially those ObelowP the! orin pain

    Needs co!fort and reass#rance fro!ad#lts b#t is less open to co!fort


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    #i5.year.old+hysically-ei%ht %ains reQect si%nicant increases in !#scle


    Heart rate and respiratory rates are close to ad#lts

    Fody !ay appear lan*y as thro#%h period of rapid%rowth

    Faby teeth be%innin% to be replaced by per!anentones' startin% with the two lower front teeth

    CB>CB eyesi%htJ if below CB>?B sho#ld see a


     The !ost co!!on $ision proble! d#rin% !iddlechildhood is !yopia' or nearsi%htedness

    Uses 5'DBB to D'

  • 8/21/2019 Growth & Development in Preschooler


    Motor de$elop!entGains %reater control o$er lar%e and ne !otor

    s*illsJ !o$e!ents are !ore precise and deliberate'

    tho#%h so!e cl#!siness persistsEn9oys $i%oro#s r#nnin%' 9#!pin%' cli!bin%' and

    throwin% etc

    Has tro#ble stayin% still

    Span of attention increasesJ wor*s at tas*s forlon%er periods of ti!e

    .an concentrate e7ort b#t not always consistently

    Understands ti!e ,today' to!orrow' yesterday/ and

    si!ple !otion ,so!e thin%s %o faster than others/1eco%nizes seasons and !a9or acti$ities done at

    certain ti!es

    En9oys the challen%e of p#zzles' co#ntin% and

    sortin% acti$ities' paper2and2pencil !azes'and a!es that in$ol$e !atchin letters and words

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    Lan%#a%eArri$es at so!e #nderstandin% abo#t death

    and dyin%J e;presses fear that parents !ay die

     Tal*s a lot

    Lo$es tellin% 9o*es and riddlesJ often' theh#!or is far fro! s#btle

    Holds onto positi$e beliefs in$ol$in% the#ne;plainable ,!a%ic or fantasy/

    Able to carry on ad#lt2li*e con$ersationsJ as*s

    !any "#estionsLearns to

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    Social and e!otional

    Has !ood swin%s towards pri!ary care%i$er

    dependin% on the dayriendship with parent is less depended on b#t still

    needs closeness and n#rt#rin%

    An;io#s to pleaseJ needs and see*s ad#lt

    appro$al' reass#rance' and praiseJ !ay co!plaine;cessi$ely abo#t !inor h#rts to %ain !oreattention

    3ften can:t $iew the world fro! another&s point of

    $iewSelf2percei$ed fail#re can !a*e the child easily

    disappointed and fr#strated

    .an:t handle thin%s not %oin% their own way

    )oes not #nderstand ethical beha$ior or !oralstandards es eciall when doin thin s that ha$e

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     preschool years

    Gi$e the child a $ariety of healthy foods each day Thesesho#ld incl#de fr#its' $e%etables' bread prod#cts' dairy

    ,!il*/ prod#cts' and protein ,s#ch as chic*en' sh' andbeans/ Ha$e yo#r child sit with the fa!ily at !ealti!ee$en if he does not li*e to eat This way' he will still seedi7erent foods and de$elop his taste at his own pace )onot force yo#r child to eat Gi$e hi! healthy snac*s

    between !eals A$oid %i$in% yo#r child too !#ch 9#ice or!il* which can decrease his appetite d#rin% !eal ti!esMeals prepared at ho!e !ay be !ore n#tritio#s for yo#rchild

    Let yo#r child play +lay helps his learnin%' boosts his self2

    condence' and i!pro$es his s*ills Store toys or ob9ectsthat !ay ca#se cho*in%' poisonin%' or other accidentsaway fro! yo#r child Store toys when he is not #sin%the! .o!p#ter and $ideo %a!es sho#ld only be #sedwith an ad#lt These sho#ld be #sed for < to C ho#rs a

    day or less All %a!es sho#ld be t to yo#r child:s a%eListen when yo#r child spea*s Fe patient and %i$e yo#r

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    Ma*e s#re to *eep re%#lar appoint!ents withyo#r child:s care%i$ers for chec*2#ps and

    $accinations ,shots/Ma*e s#re yo#r child %ets eno#%h sleep ,abo#t

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    TH6 O/
