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Growth Hacking For Your Business: A How-To Session (PodCamp Toronto 2015)

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Growth Hacking For Your Business: A How-To Session February 2015 Presenters : 4EyedMedia.ca Angela LaGamba & Bobby Dhillon @4EyedMediaTO @AngelaLaGamba & @BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

Growth Hacking For Your Business: A How-To Session

February 2015

Presenters: 4EyedMedia.caAngela LaGamba & Bobby Dhillon @4EyedMediaTO@AngelaLaGamba & @BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

Today’s Un-agenda

Digital Marketing Trends

Startup Growth Techniques

Q&A Session

Digital Marketing Trends

Exciting Predictions for 2015

@AngelaLaGamba @4EyedMediaTO@BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

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Content Marketing

Money from PPC, SEO and social media will be allocated to content

90% of organizations use content marketing

Businesses with blogs generate organic traffic and lead generation

Social Media Marketing

Solid and effective distribution platform

Strong B2C interaction

88% of marketers use LinkedIn as a solid B2B marketing platform

Instagram has grown to over 200 million users and leveraged by businesses as a preferred image-sharing platform

Native Advertising

Ads embedded in Facebook NewsFeed or Twitter stream

Closely resemble organic content

More likely to get clicked (higher click rate) vs. historical banner display ads

Increased importance as it moves towards relevant content

Suitable for mobile advertising with improved ads for smaller screens

Spending: ~$7.9 billion (2014) and grow to ~ $21 billion (2018) – BI Intelligence

Growth Hacking

Term coined by Sean Ellis in 2010

Marketing technique & mindset by technology startups using a lean launch model

Main Focus: Growth first, budgets second

Uses low-cost & innovative alternatives – social media, viral marketing, SEO, content marketing, website analytics, A/B testing

Used by: Twitter, AirBnB & Dropbox

Responsive Web Design

Term coined by Ethan Marcotte in 2010

Adapting a single website’s layout for different screen resolutions using fluid grids that resize for different screen sizes for multiple devices

Start big and then reduce

Pros: Single website URL, easy SEO and marketing, low cost

Cons: Technical problems with slow loading, mixed user experience

Mobile First Design

Developed by Luke Wroblewski in 2009

A strategy & approach to writing code aka progressive enhancement

Design for smaller screens (mobile) first, then add more features & content for larger screens (desktop, tablet)

Large audience – 1.2 billion+ global mobile web users & 25% of mobile web users are mobile-only in U.S.

Pros: Better user experience and ranking opportunities, loads faster

Cons: Multiple URLs, more maintenance, not universally compatible

Near Field Communications

Digital payments and contactless services gain traction

50% of smartphone users expected to use mobile wallets as preferred payment method by 2017

Biggest entry to market: Apple Pay

Wearable Technology

Hot launch expected in 2015: Apple's iWatch

79 million+ estimated wearables sold in 2015

Internet of Things (IoTs)

4.9 billion connected 'things' will be in use in 2015, reaching 25 billion in 2020

$40 billion will be spent designing, implementing, and operating IoTs in 2015

Startup Growth Techniques

Tactics To Grow Your Business

@AngelaLaGamba @4EyedMediaTO@BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

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3 P’s To Getting Visitors

Pull – entice & incentivize visitors to you – e.g. infographics

Push – more aggressive attention seeking – e.g. PPC banner

Product – friends invite users to use your product e.g. referrals

Pull Tactics

Entice & incentivize visitors to you

@AngelaLaGamba @4EyedMediaTO@BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

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Blogging or Guest Blogging

Build your audience & have flexibility over content

Gently pull people in start a new post with a bio that links to your product 

Focus posts on something emotional, trendy, educational, enjoyable, or surprising

Podcasting or Guest Podcasting

Inbuilt distribution mechanism with podcast listening apps

Select & dominate a narrow niche

Create an educational course on relevant topic for your users

Be guest on podcasts & use episodes in a drip campaign for your product

E-Books, Guides & Whitepapers

High perceived value Great for social media sharing

and content marketing Become a thought leader as

an author Ask for an email address in

exchange for downloads Used by: MailChimp


Visual image used to represent information or data

Displays expertise, aesthetic taste, appeals to short attention spans

Tips: good topic, right data, strong story, great design

Distribute to your users or a marketplace (e.g. Visual.ly)


Live online seminars Exclusive (limited seats),

scheduled and live (important information), interactive (build connections), create value (educational)

Special promotion & drives traffic

Used by: Unbounce

SEO – Content & Code

Create content + become an authority in your topic + rank higher on keywords

Content: Produce quality content over a period of time

Code: Optimize links with keywords, H1 tags labelled, updated sitemap, use Schema.org tags for content

Used by: Udemy by transcribing course videos into text for SEO

Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr Know your audience Focus on long-term value building,

engagement, interesting content Leverage as a customer support

tool Amplify content from other tactics Used by: Skittles + shows every

mention of the word "Skittles' on their Twitter homepage


Drive new traffic to your product Give away meaningful prizes –

experiences, goods & services Hand out 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prizes Generate lots of noise online on

your channels when winners are announced

Used by: AppSumo

App Marketplaces

New channels: Apple App Store, Google Play Store

B2C App Marketplaces:   Your company made an app for a consumer Tips: Reviews matter, great screenshots,

careful app naming, wide channel promotion

B2B App Marketplaces: Your product can be used for business Tips: Promote across your other channels,

integrate with other products, reviews & screenshots matter

Used by: Salesforce – AppExchange - B2B app marketplace

Push Tactics

More aggressive attention seeking

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Purchase Ads

Understand the ad platform network options: Mainstream (Facebook, Google Ad Words) Corporate (LinkedIn) Niche (target specific verticals

withcarbonads.net or decknetwork.net) Mobile Users Only (tapjoy.com) Retargeting = the ability to track users to your

site & show your ads only to those people as they browse around online (adroll.com, perfectaudience.com or retargeter.com)

Tips: Have a strategy, learn the technicalities of the platform, use various and multivariate testing


Cross promote with other companies already serving your target demographic

Swap Facebook posts, tweets, email messages, ‘sponsored by’ e-newsletter, ad space, pre-roll video swap, or giveaways

Product Tactics

Friends invite users to use your product

@AngelaLaGamba @4EyedMediaTO@BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

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Network Invitations – Email Contacts

Import your email addresses

Build your initial website or app traffic

Used by: LinkedIn

Network Invitations – Social Contacts

Use Facebook Connect as your product login

Fewer clicks & less friction for end user

Ask them to invite their friends later

Used by: Facebook

Social Sharing Strategy

Make it easy for users to share each & every post with your social connections

Use code snippets can be copied onto your site’s code

Think of where your traffic comes from – leverage those sites

Used by: Blogs

Questions?Thank You!

@AngelaLaGamba @4EyedMediaTO@BobbyDhillon #4EMTO

Keep In Touch!


For Nerdy, In-Depth Knowledge

Sources – 1

Digital Marketing Trends:http://www.cmo.com/slide-shows/slide_show_11_top_ma.htmlhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/onmarketing/2014/12/18/five-digital-marketing-predictions-that-fizzled-in-2014/http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/12-mistakes-digital-marketers-shouldnt-make-2015-01114730http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/can-2014-digital-marketing-trends-inform-2015-marketing-strategy-01107715http://www.clickz.com/clickz/column/2386659/10-digital-marketing-predictions-for-2015http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/241394/what-digital-marketers-can-expect-in-2015.htmlhttp://www.businessandleadership.com/small-business/item/48967-ten-digital-marketing-resolhttp://vsr.edgl.com/reseller-news/15-Digital-Marketing-Trends-for-201597496http://www.sociallystacked.com/2014/12/2015-digital-marketing-trends-infographic/

Sources – 2

Cross Promotions:


Facebook Predictions:


Growth Hacking:






Sources – 3

Mobile First Design:


http://designshack.net/articles/css/mohttp://ow.ly/H719V bilefirst/

Responsive Web Design:



Social Media Integration:

