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Gryffin mediafreeseo report

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FREE SEO REPORT Accredited-online-college-degrees.com gryffin.com 1-855-GRYFFIN [email protected]
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Table of Contents

Part 1. Accredited-online-college-degrees.com Integrated


✔ Organic Marketing Audit

✔ Content Audit

✔ Social Media Audit

Part 2. Why You Need Integrated Marketing

✔ Overview

✔ The Vision

✔ iOM Strategy

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Part 1: Accredited-online-college-degrees.com Integrated Audit

Organic Rankings Audit

Search Engine Traffic

Here we can see where the traffic has fluctuated over the course of one year. This helps us

determine your current standing and look for evidence of potential penalties or problems.

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Organic Rankings ( 110 total keywords)

Keywords are sorted by most valuable according to Volume, showing which bring you the most traffic. This is a random sampling as the list is extensive.

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Page Load Speed

Inefficient load speeds affect customer’s bounce rates from both organic and paid search. It may even affect organic rankings, particularly in Mobile. This is just one of the many factors that can be easily corrected if noticed. Suggested baseline to have is 75% and above.

Off-Page Overview

Backlinks is the total number of links pointing to your site. Referring domains collapses your

backlinks by unique domains. This chart gives you an overview of the unique links pointing to

your site, as well as basic social signals to your home page.

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Evaluation of Backlinks

This list summarizes your top 20 most authoritative listed, as they are sorted by Ahrefs

“Domain Rank” algorithm.

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SiteWide Links

In this list we sort your backlinks by number of sitewides, in order to evaluate and possibly

disavow sites that have a high number of links.

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Anchor Text Distribution:

Watching your anchor text density is fundamental to avoiding penalties. This chart gives you

an idea of your anchor text word graph and densities.

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Referring Pages

This graph shows the total number of referring pages . Abnormal growth in referring pages and

domains may throw up a red flag. Google’s algorithmic penalties can pick up on unnatural spikes

which can lead to page penalties or domain penalties.

Trust & Citation Flow

This is another overview of the quality of your backlinks, including Citation Flow and Trust Flow.

Citation Flow is a number predicting how influential a URL might be, based on how many sites

link to it. Trust Flow is a number predicting how trustworthy a page is based on the premise

that trustworthy sites tend to link to other similarly trustworthy sites.

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Competitive Analysis

Top Competitors based on Research:

By using keyword and authority research we come up with a list of sites that are potential

competitors for the same keywords that you are targeting. Knowledge of these competitors

will be used in backlink profile comparisons as well as for benchmarking and analysis.


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Competitive Analysis Overview of Top Competitors.

Below you can see, at a glance, some of the metrics for your competitors, and you can see

how your site measures up against them.

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Summary of Competitive Link Analysis

In this section of the report, we compare your site with 10 other sites in your industry that

have competitive rankings according to SEMrush.com and our own research. We then compare

your site with the average of the top 10, top 5, and top 3.

The key to understanding this is that your specific stats aren't significant in and of themselves;

what Google looks at is how your averages compare to your competitors. Once you identify

where your profile stands out when compared to competitors you know what areas to modify

on your link profile.

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Link Status

Link Type

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Link Location

Deep Link Ratio

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Type of Site

Google Page Rank

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Domain Authority

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Summary of our Findings

Now that we’ve touched upon various aspects of your website, let’s review our findings.


Shows a decline on May 2013, indicative of a Google Penguin 2.1 penalty. We’ve already

discussed doing disavows, but I know you are concerned about the impact of removing links on

Yahoo and Bing. I would suggest doing some measured disavows - including the worst of the

toxic links and sitewides - then watching traffic growth to determine the point of diminishing



Although the site still holds over 100 rankings, most are 2nd page rankings due to the Google

algorithmic penalty. I believe that continuing with high quality links and disavowing the worst of

the links can help recover some of the traffic from the algorithmic penalty.


You have a strong volume of sustained link growth, including some very high quality .edu links.

This gives you a strong foundation.

The trust flow is lower than the citation flow, so one of the first goals would be to improve the

trust flow so it increases and surpasses citation flow.

Anchor Density

You are not using money anchors, and the anchor text profile looks excellent. For link building

work, I recommend sustaining this strategy.

Referring Links

The trust flow is lower than the citation flow, so one of the first goals would be to improve the

trust flow so it increases and surpasses citation flow.

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Competitive Analysis:

Most of your competitive ratios are on par with other industry sites, which protects your link

profile. I do recommend increasing the number of “in content” links as you have a high ratio of

“link list” links.

You also have a high ratio of links from pages that are no longer indexed in Google and do not

rank for their exact match title in Google, indicating potential penalties. The worst of these

should be identified and disavowed, with strict monitoring for the impact on traffic and rankings.

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Content Audit

There are currently about 30 content pages on the site, all found from this page:


Google currently only has about 200 pages indexed, including the degree landing pages.

I highly recommend adding content weekly, with optimized keyword titles, in order to improve

your long tail and gain traction with your content marketing strategy.

Social Media Audit

No social profiles could be found.

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Part 2. Why You Need Integrated Online Marketing

Given the increasing difficulty of ranking on organic search and using organic as a viable means

of engaging your audience, it is now crucial that you make use of every channel, every medium

in order to reach out to potential customers.

This certainly doesn’t mean ‘overboard marketing’. It simply means that your customers will no

longer arrive at your door ONLY via organic traffic; some might come through social media,

others through reviews, some through blog content and others through guest posts. The key,

then, is to diversify the roads that lead to your site and capture your audience no matter where

they spend their time online.

Here are the key strategies:

● Diversify Audience Acquisition Channels to Build Engaged Communities

● Adapt your Google Organic Strategy to keep your site safe from penalties

● Content Marketing should be the foundation of your online marketing strategy

● Social Media helps build community around your content, products and services

● Paid Social helps to bring psychographically targeted audiences in at various stages of

the sales funnel

Diversify Audience Acquisition

For the last 10 years, Google has been most online marketers’ focus due to their utter

domination in online search. Getting ranked in the Top 3 in Google for money keywords has

always been the Holy Grail of online marketing. But Google organic has become a very

volatile proposition with new penalties being released year after year.

To move into the future we need to look at the online marketing models of the past and view

each search and social network as an independent marketing channel worthy of attention.

Google is still the uncontested King of Search, but HOW and WHERE people search is drastically


People are spending more time on social media sites on mobile devices and their searching and

buying patterns are directly and indirectly affected by their social surfing. Search has become an

increasingly social experience. You can no longer limit your growth by focusing on Google Paid

and Google Organic. Content Marketing & Social Media have to be a fundamental aspect of

your online marketing strategy.

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Why you need Content Marketing

The first and key component of any online marketing campaign is content. Content Marketing,

after all, is the new buzzword. At every industry conference and SEO blog you hear the dogma

of content marketing constantly being preached. Some call content marketing the

New SEO.

Let me clue you in on something: EVERYONE IS DOING IT. What will make your content stand

out from every other Tom, Dick and Joe trying to compete?

Even though content marketing is the foundation of an integrated online marketing campaign,

you need to think Beyond Content Marketing. Not only does your content have to be unique,

comprehensive, and informative, it also has to engage your audience. Otherwise you’ll just be

another street vendor shouting his wares over the loud din of an overly crowded marketplace.

Direct Outreach: Fundamental and Unavoidable

To overcome the symptoms of Content Shock, where people are overwhelmed with the sheer

quantity of content being created, you need to promote your content assets so they get


Say you create an amazing infographic on 15 Creative Ways to Save Money for College. Perhaps

you are one of the lucky few who can share it on their site and instantly get hundreds of

tweets, likes, comments and shares. Or you may be like almost everyone else, who don’t have a

massive built-in audience. How do you promote your content after you’ve already tweeted,

shared on Facebook, and pinned to Pinterest?

You need to reach out to other individuals through direct outreach or social media to let them

know about your content and encourage them to share it. This will create both links and social

signals, which will in turn lead to improved Organic rankings.

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Fitting Google Organic into the Audience Acquisition Puzzle

Once you have a strong foundation of fascinating content and outreach, here are a few of the

most important Google ranking signals:

● Usage of target and semantically relevant keywords throughout your site, including

keyword mentions in the URL, Meta Title, Header Tag and Body.

● Great on-page SEO (fast load time, clean code, canonicals where necessary, XML site

maps, etc.).

● High quality links from relevant authority sites, preferably contextual.

● On-going backlink profile monitoring and auditing, with monthly low quality link


● Maintaining an updated Disavow file with potentially toxic links to your site.

● Google Authorship setup.

● Social Signals, including likes, +1’s, and relevant social followers.

● Great audience engagement, including low bounce rate, high time on site, high

number of pages visited, and other key usability metrics.

● Strong clickthrough ratios from Google Search.

● High link velocity ratio

We incorporate all of these aspects into our integrated marketing campaigns.

Link Building: Guest Posting

Despite the buzz about guest blogging, hiqh quality, targeted guest posts are still a valuable way

to create industry connections, build links, and improve social signals and relationships.

High Quality guest posts are:

● Written on high quality, authoritative sites

● Few or no money keywords in anchor text

● Include editorial links

Guest Blogging can be an effective tactic when incorporated into a cohesive integrated

strategy. If all you’re doing is guest posting, the ratio of manually acquired links will be skewed

and your site may end up in the Penguin penalty box. Using guest posts is still valuable but has

to be carefully implemented and monitored.

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Link Building: Infographic Outreach

High quality, well-researched, informational and entertaining infographics, the kind you see on

Mashable or Business Insider, have become all the rage in online marketing.

People love sharing infographics. If you do outreach in conjunction with your infographic

marketing you can take your infographic promotions to the next level. Writing custom

introductions for each audience will mark each infographic as unique content and lead to a valid

attribution link.

Link Building: Interviews with Industry Authorities

Once you become an authority in your industry, getting bloggers to conduct an interview with

you is another way to get those highly coveted editorial links that don’t have your name in the

author bio. We use interviews as a method for valid, high quality link building.

Link Building: Scholarship

Combining scholarships with outreach will also help to create high quality links and social signals.

Once a scholarship is created, we use outreach to email, call, or socially connect

with influencers to announce the scholarship which increases visibility.

Link Building: Competitor and Industry Research

Given the importance of natural looking link profiles, we also dedicate time to link building the

old school style. This means analyzing competitor backlinks and looking for natural link

opportunities. We do comprehensive research, based on organizations in your niche, industries,

etc to identify phenomenal link building opportunities.

Using Social Media to Build an Engaged Audience

In the past you could cheat your way to an audience by buying links and ranking in Google

Organic. Moving forward, the risk is too great. Trying to recover a website from a penalty is a

difficult, lengthy, sometimes impossible feat. At Gryffin we’ve conducted dozens of link audit

and link recovery campaigns and I can tell you from personal experience it’s a nightmare.

If you want to continue having visibility within Google organic, you need to consider building an

audience OUTSIDE of Google Search that helps you gain the links and social signals that you

need to rank well in Google Organic.

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Google says you should earn links by creating compelling content. We’ve discussed a few

strategies to create link building opportunities, but the safest way to build visibility in Google

Organic is to naturally attract editorial links. What most webmasters then ask is: “how do I

EARN these links if nobody knows I exist? I need traffic to earn links! How do I get these

viewers who will link to me if I’m not found anywhere online?”

There are two primary ways: Build an Engaged Audience through Social Media Channels,

and Pay for Traffic through Adwords and Paid Social Media.

Build an Engaged Audience through Social Media Channels

Generation Y is increasingly social and mobile. They send an average of 20 text messages a day

and 14 hours on their mobile phone. What are they doing most of the time? Are they searching

on Google.com? If you said no, you’re right. They’re chatting on Facebook, Twitter, checking in

to Foursquare, uploading pictures to Instagram and videos to Vine and YouTube.

Other generations are jumping on the bandwagon too. Why take a blind leap and purchase

products that haven’t been endorsed when you now have a highly connected network of friends

who can make suggestions based on experience? Think of the last time you booked a hotel

room. Have online reviews swayed your decisions?

Search is now Social. Products, experiences and even individuals will continue to be rated and

scored online and people’s decisions and spending power will continue to be greatly influenced

by these ratings. You don’t have to be everywhere on social but you have to be where your

audience hangs out. Social is not only influencing sales but it is also a means of driving targeted

customers as well as influencing organic algorithms.

Pay for Traffic through Adwords and Paid Social Media

Most people already use Adwords so there’s little to say on the topic. What most don’t know

is how to use Paid Social to place your content and products in front of the right audiences. If

you sell fishing rods, did you know you can target audiences on Facebook of people who are

into fishing, yachting, boating, etc?

Using lateral thinking and in-depth research, we create paid social campaigns to amplify your

content and go beyond literal targeting to interest targeting. Our campaigns use a variety of

social channels to reach the right audience, at the right time, in the right places.

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The Results: Integrated Marketing at its Best

By working with Gryffin Media, we help you grow online across all channels. From sharing

content on all of your social profiles, to sharing and engaging with your audience in the social

sphere, to monitoring your rankings and keywords, to creating content and building the links

and social signals you need for organic success - we do it all.

Elements of an Integrated Marketing Campaign:

● Infographic Design: We create high quality, engaging, and interesting infographics that

will be used as the foundation of link building and social promotions.

● Infographic Links: We perform outreach to create visibility for your infographics. Every

link will have a custom introduction creating unique content. Links are high quality,

targeted, editorial, and relevant.

● Guest Blog Links: We perform outreach relevant to your industry to write content

including editorial link placements. All guest post placements are rigorously checked,

including a Min. Pagerank (2) and Domain Authority (20).

● Content Outreach: We use social media and email to reach out to individuals who

might be interested in sharing your content, using targeted and personalized pitches.

● Giveaway Marketing: We create, promote, and publicize giveaways which result in

both social signals and links. These might be interchangeable with Guest Blog or

Infographic links in order to create a natural looking link profile.

● Link Profile Monitoring: Monthly backlink reports help us monitor the ratio of links

and anchor text in order to prevent your site from acquiring a Google penalty.

● Google Plus Marketing: The growing importance of social signals to organic rankings

makes Google Plus paramount to any online marketing campaign. We create, curate,

and share relevant content. Our strategy results in a rapid increase in your audience and

profile authority, which helps improve your rankings in Google Plus as well as Google


● Facebook Marketing: Facebook is the largest social network out there, and it’s one of

the best for not just building a following, but a true community. Here is where you want

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to focus your most “social” social activity, and convert customers to fans and brand


● Pinterest Marketing: Pinterest is one of the largest growing social media sites, with

massive popularity and sales potential. We manage your Pinterest account by creating

optimized boards and pins, and growing your audience with promotions and


● Twitter Marketing: Twitter is all about conversation. It’s good for establishing visibility

and connections through @mentions and retweets. You cannot simply Tweet and hope

the followers will come to you; if so, you’ll be lost in the void. Your content needs to be

relevant and in-tune with current events and trending topics.

● Paid Social / Social Media Promotions: Using highly customized audiences based on

extensive psychographic research, we amplify your content and social promotions using

paid social, primarily Facebook ads.

Integration is key! Being successful in today’s crowded marketplace

requires leveraging your content to promote your social to promote your

organic. Make all of your marketing initiatives work hand in hand - and

watch your audience GROW.

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Thank you



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