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GTMOC Newsletter - Plusnet newsletter9.pdf · the cost of marquee hire at the 3 largest kit car...

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Newsletter June 2013 GTMOC
Page 1: GTMOC Newsletter - Plusnet newsletter9.pdf · the cost of marquee hire at the 3 largest kit car shows. He stated that over the last year the expenditure slightly exceeded the income

NewsletterJune 2013


Page 2: GTMOC Newsletter - Plusnet newsletter9.pdf · the cost of marquee hire at the 3 largest kit car shows. He stated that over the last year the expenditure slightly exceeded the income


Who’s WhoSecretary

Bob Snooks 73, Plough Lane Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire SL2 4JW

01753 662 951 0r 07730 703 180 [email protected]


Steve Bliss 17, Marti Close Melksham Wiltshire SN12 7JA

01225 793 121 [email protected]

Membership Secretary

Malcolm Ball57 Harlow Road

Rainham Essex RM13 7UB

01708 551027 or 07905 169278 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Roger Brown Brownhill House Ruyton XI Towns Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 1LR

01939 261 121 Fax 01939 260 626 [email protected] www.eleventowns.co.uk www.eleventowns.com

Editor’s columnNeedless to say, the council rejected our claim fordamage caused to the Spyder suspension by a giantpothole but the repair cost was not enough to make itworth pursuing through the courts. We also eventuallygot the new front mouldings fitted so that we are nolonger driving around with tape over the damagedareas.

Winter is now (I presume) past but it leaves a legacyof snow damage to keep us busy. It brought down a70 ft Pauls Himalayan Musk rose together withbranches from a birch tree, and the resulting tangledheap will take months to get rid of. It also caused thecollapse of a car port roof with the Birkin underneathbut, fortunately, the timbers stayed suspended justabove the car. A normal height vehicle would havebeen bashed.

In contrast to winter, the weather for the Stoneleighshow was the best for many years with some realsunshine. This helped to bring bring in the visitors sothat on Sunday it seemed very busy. As always, wego with a list of bits to buy and got most of them, plusYoland made an impulse purchase of a couple ofreproduction politically incorrect garage wall plaques.For the first time in a long while we went to theevening entertainment as members of ShACC wereplaying in the band. The acoustics are still awful andthe not-real beer very expensive, but we did enjoy it.

The next copy date is the 11th August. As always,contributions of articles, reports, technical tips etc areneeded. Text files in Word, Open Office or rtf please.Pictures do not have to be very high definition.

Send contributions to: [email protected]

Thanks to Jim Davison, Malcolm Ball, Steve Bliss,Howard Yeoman and Bob Snooks for contributionsto this issue.

Front pageJim and Angela Davison’s Libra appearing thismonth without the crane.


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An AGM is not the most exciting event on the planetbut surely ours was not that bad. To ensure his safety,the photographer’s name has been withheld .

Not so warm in the evening but they are awake.

Photos Steve Bliss

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More Steve Bliss pictures of some ofthe people and some of the cars

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The meeting was opened at 2.00pm by the clubsecretary, Bob Snooks, who welcomed those attendingand introduced the other members of the committee.He explained that there was currently no membershipsecretary following the resignation of Bob Hadlingtonearlier in the year.


There were no apologies for absence received.


The secretary advised that the minutes of last year'sAGM were posted on the club website last May. Nocomments were made in respect of these minutes.


The Treasurer, Steve Bliss, stated that there was noreal change to the club's financial situation from lastyear. The clubs main income is from memberssubscriptions and the main source of expenditure isthe cost of marquee hire at the 3 largest kit car shows.He stated that over the last year the expenditureslightly exceeded the income but the club's accountswere still healthy.


The newsletter editor, Roger Brown, advised that therehad been 4 issues of the newsletter last year and as thecopy date for the next issue was coming up he askedthat members continue to send in articles for inclusionin future newsletters.


The position of membership secretary was vacant andthe Secretary advised that Malcolm Ball had offeredto take on the job. There were no other volunteers atthe meeting. Malcolm was therefore nominated by BobSnooks and seconded by Anne Britton. Malcolmaccepted the post of membership secretary. Bobreminded members to ensure that they notified the clubof any change of address or phone number/emailaddress.

The Secretary asked if the other committee memberswhere happy to continue in their role or wished to stepdown. Don Stephenson wished to resign from thecommittee. A request was made for another clubmember to replace Don, however there were novolunteers.

The current committee members are-Bob Snooks, Steve Bliss, Roger Brown, MalcolmBall, Anne Britton and Mark Henson and one vacancy.

7) EVENTS 2013

The Secretary gave a summary of the forthcomingevents during 2013 as follows-A barbeque would be held this evening (5th May)from about 4.30pm, on the club area and all clubmembers and their families/guests were invited. Thefood (burgers, sausages etc.) has been provided by theClub, however members would need to bring theirown drink.

The next kit car show will be at Newark on 15/16 June2013.

Silverstone Classic is on 26/27/28 July. Currently only5 cars booked for the club area but 2 for the price of1 tickets are available until the end of May.

Mini in the Park is on 11 August at Santa Pod Raceway.

Donington Show is on 24/25 August.

Exeter show is on 26/27 October.

There are also regular monthly club meetings atElstree, Herts and Newark, Notts. Details are on theclub website and Forum.

Club member Mitch Gaynor also attends, with hisLibra, meetings of the Preston Supercar club whichare held on the second to last Sunday of each monthin Preston. Details are on the GTMdrivers forum.

8) AOB

David Bell queried whether club funds were goingdown because the treasurers statement regardingexpenses exceeding income. Bob S advised that thereare currently 176 club members. We have emailaddresses for 141 of these who are receivingnewsletters. Although the number of members hadbeen going down it has stayed about the same sincelast May. The treasurer stated that the club's bank

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accounts were healthy and that even if the deficitbetween income and expenditure remained at the sameamount as last year the club would still be solvent forquite a few years to come, so no need to worry.

Mitch Gaynor stated that the membership numbers ofother clubs have also gone down quite a lot over thepast few years and that it seems to be a national trend.

A question was asked if the club had heard anythingfrom Westfield recently. Bob advised that they hadnot replied to his last email and that he would try tospeak to Julian Turner tomorrow.

There was no other business and the meeting wasclosed at 2.20pm.


I was looking forward to this year's Stoneleigh showas the weather forecast for the bank holiday weekendwas very good.

We left home, in the dry, on Saturday afternoon. Bythe time we got to J5 on the M40, only about a thirdof the way there, Phil [who we normally meet up withon the way] phoned to say they hadn't left yet due toheavy rain. Great, so much for the weather forecast.We continued on to Stoneleigh only encountering afew showers thankfully.

On arrival the weather was cold and wet but theatmosphere warmed up as everybody arrived. About5pm those that were staying at the Lodge left thecampers and retired to the hotel bar. As there were 12of us and you aren't able to book a table for dinner in

the restaurant we had to hog a group of tables andtake it in turns to go and get ready so we could eattogether later. The food and drink was good and agreat evening was had by all.

The Sunday was dry but cloudy and we had a goodturn out of cars. Mostly Libra's and Spyder's againthough, [where are all the Coupe's and Rossa'shiding?]. The AGM went smoothly, The quickestI've known, not many questions asked and MalcolmBall was elected to be our new membership secretary.With all that out of the way I could relax for an hourbefore we started cooking for the BBQ.

The BBQ seemed to go quite well I think, with Phildoing most of the cooking, as usual, for about 30members. After the sun had gone down we retiredinto the Marquee for more drinks and music.Unfortunately, it was very cold because the club'spatio heater hadn't turned up, although Steve and Philput on a great lighting show with lasers etc.

On the Monday the sun was shining and we musthave had the best turn out of cars ever for a Monday,about the same amount as Sunday. I went to the JohnDickens seminar on E10 fuel at 12 o'clock - and veryinformative but worrying it was [we have a1968 MiniCooper as well as the Libra]. As the weather was sogood we stayed on until late leaving about 6 ish. Agood weekend with 6 new members joining the club.

Thanks to Phil and Sarah, Anne and Steve for theircontributions in making it such a good weekend.

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Bob Snooks reports a rather sad picture:

After last year's atrocious weather ruining the show,this year wasn't looking good.

After several phone calls/e mails to try to book a clubarea, the organisers finally replied to me stating thatthey were going to try something new and I couldn'tbook a club area.

The something new turned out to be all kit carsparking in one of the halls [under cover] as youturned up. Ok for individuals but not for clubswanting to park together.

On the Saturday there were three Libra's [ours, Phil'sand Malcolm's] parked in the hall which turned outto be ok because the weather was, as usual bad, it waswindy, cold and wet.

Detling Saturday night we met up with fellow members John& Toni at the Premier inn we were staying at and hada nice meal/drink together in the pub.

On Sunday the weather was a lot better with the sunshining [although we had a shower in the afternoon]and a lot more kit cars turned up which meant that thehall was full and the rest of us had to park outside withall the trade vans and trailers of the exhibitors.

Not good. There was a grassed area beside the hallwhich could have been used but was closed off due tobeing waterlogged.

Anyway, there were two Libra's and a Spyder parkedoutside [ours, Marcus's and a non club member's]. Atleast I managed to have a chat with the owners andanother Libra owner [Andy B] whose car was off theroad. That made four of us really.

The halls were quite empty of exhibitors and stalls.Those that were there were very spread out.Unfortunately it doesn't bode well for next year.

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Stilton Cheese AnnualClassic Vehicle RunThis car run is organised by Kettering area Motor Cluband The Citroen Specials Club, and basically followsa route that was taken when the first cheese wasproduced at nearby Quenby Hall in Leicestershire andtransported by horse drawn carriage to The Bell Inn inStilton in Cambridgeshire. It no longer starts atQuenby hall but in the centre of Uppingham at theFalcon Hotel, near Rutland water. There are two

routes to take in some of the views in the Wellandvalley including the viaduct at Harringworth (approx79 arches).

The cars taking part totalled 280. There was a widerange of vehicles including a 1914 Delage, anAmerican Chevy, a group of TVR’s (which we sawtogether in some pub car parks we passed en route),various MGB’s, numerous Triumphs and some moremodern machinery, including a group of AudiQuattros, also Rolls Royces and a number of kitcarsincluding my K3 and Don Stephensons Libra.It was a fairly leisurely set up with departure timesfrom 9.30 to 11.30. We started with a coffee in theFalcon hotel while signing on. We were not able topark in the square outside the Falcon Inn as it wasalready full of other entrants. We had intended toarrive earlier but the middle of Melton Mowbray wasclosed to through traffic heading down the A606 road

to Oakham so we took a DIY diversion down somesingle track bumpy roads!.One of the organised stopping points was at the

Lodge Farm Shop. (This was originally where theychanged the team of horses on route to Stilton). Therewas a hog roast, where coffee and cakes could alsobe sampled. Several others were enjoying a picnic inthe sunshine. We saw some Red Kites (featheredvariety) circling nearby as we ate our hog roast cobs.On arrival in Stilton we parked on the wide mainstreet that used to be part of the old A1. Cars lined

both sides of the street. We went into the Bell Innfor more refreshments but it was very busy and sowent to a nearby pub for a meal.We all agreed that we had a great time and lookforward to next year.

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Coventry Museum of TransportThe Shropshire Alternative Car Club organised a visit to this museum in April with invitations to other clubsin the Shropshire/Mid Wales network. Richard Dawe, a ShACC member, had been prominent in supportingthe museum and was able to arrange that we parked in front of the building , hence being a sort of public

show - good publicity for kits and classics. Youcan spot the one GTM in the picture showing theline up of cars that took part in the run. We had aMade in Coventry plaque on the front.

The museum does not look very big as you go inbut it goes on and on and can keep you enthralledfor hours. What is more, admission is free - aremarkable thing in this day and age.

A highlight for me was the Blitz exhibitioncomplete with light and sound effects. For othersit could be the record breaking ThrustSSC or theThrust simulator.

There is something for everyone and if you havenot been then we can thoroughly recommend it.

Pictures from the museum web site

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Colour transformationMalcolm Pugsley recounts how his GTM Coupewent through a colour change:

I purchased the car in 2004 in red trim, nice andshiny.

Unfortunatly, due to it being out in all weathers, thered paintwork got badly faded and patchy, so how tocover up the blemishes! Stripes and door circles dida fair job, and little bit of paint here and there did thetrick.

Over the next few years I altered a few minor things,then in 2009 I managed to find enough funds tobuild a proper shelter, out of the weather at last! In2010 my son, being laid off from work, startedexperimenting with a spray gun that we had in thegarage. He sprayed a few bits, including his ownRobin Hood, and then agreed to have a go at mytired looking Coupe.

The results in Ford Signal Orange are what you seetoday. With new seats and brakes all round it is asmashing little car to drive. However, as is alwaysthe case, a Kit Car is never truly finished, is it.

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I had been emailed by Bob Snooks before theStoneleigh kit car show to ask if I was going to bethere on the bank holiday Monday as Complete KitCar (CKC) were doing a photo shoot for a feature onvehicles designed by Richard Oakes. Unfortunately,I had planned to go to Stoneleigh only on theSunday. However, after being at the show for awhile on Sunday I got a message to ask if I wouldlike to be involved in the photo shoot as they hadmoved it forward. I said yes with no hesitation.

Adam Wilkins, the Features Editor, met me outsidethe GTM marquee. He drove Bob Snooks’ Libraaround the various club stands picking up cars as wewent until we had ten cars in convoy. We then madeour way to a large gravel area at the back of theKennel Club building.

Adam and his assistant meticulously positioned allten cars to be photographed from the roof of aMondeo estate. While this was going, on we hadtime to talk to the other drivers and owners allstanding around waiting. The cars included a Nova,Black Jack Avion, Avion, Four Midas’s, RickmanRanger, GTM Libra and my GTM K3.

When the photo was ready to be taken the sundecided to go behind a cloud. However, after Adameventually got the shot he wanted the cars were allphotographed individually and we waved ourgoodbyes.

Look out for the article to be published in CKC.Howard Yeoman

CKC Photoshoot

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This was a problem with our Birkin, but it couldhappen to any car with an ammeter. We parked thecar and an hour later went to put it away. Nothing,dead as a dodo. Went away for a bit of head scratchingand on return it started normally. Parked it in thegarage and then it was dead again.

Obviously a poor connection somewhere so start asystematic investigation. Battery, fuses, alternator,earths, relays - no joy. Conclude it must be somewhereon the way to the ignition switch, but a bit of hotwiring only got the starter and petrol pump going, stillno ignition. Reduced to prodding under the dashboard- get intermittent response, it must be near theammeter. Now get fit young friend who can hangupside down with his head under dashboard and legsover the back of a seat to investigate (thank you Ian).It took him all of ten seconds to find that it was in facta loose connection on the back of the ammeter, whichan 8mm spanner solved very quickly.

The most annoying thing is that this happened oncebefore, about 9 years ago, but perhaps I will nowremember for next time.

Roger Brown


If you have a car with no intermittent setting on thewindscreen wipers, light rain can be irritating.However, a ShACC member has a solution. MarkJones can supply a clever little black box that youwire into the present wiper switch and a new controlvia which you can vary the duration of intermittentwiping.

We put one in the Birkin which was not difficultexcept that the minimum length of wires in the loomof that car meant some extensions. It works fine butwe had to deliberately go for a drive when some raincame to try it out properly.

Contact Mark on [email protected]

Membership renewalsSUBS DUE June - August - 2013

1249 PHIL BAYLISS 01/06/20131108 ANDREW CORKE 01/06/20131257 ANDREW CORNELIUS 01/06/20131283 R DAVIS 01/06/20131281 STUART HARDS 01/06/20131227 NEIL HICKMAN 01/06/20131252 WESLEY HOWELL 01/06/20131253 JAMES MORREY 01/06/20131067 DANIEL OHARA 01/06/20130509 ANTHONY PECK 01/06/20131174 MARTIN REEVES 01/06/20131105 DON STEPHENSON 01/06/20130446 CHARLES WESTBROOK 01/06/20130764 NEIL WESTON 01/06/20130991 GARETH WOOLRIDGE 01/06/2013

1229 CHRIS BELLAMY 01/07/20130869 ANDY BOARER 01/07/20130929 SANDRA BODDY 01/07/20130599 DARREN J. CLARKE 01/07/20131179 RAYMOND HASTINGS 01/07/20130933 JOHN JOLLEYS 01/07/20130785 STUART MARTIN 01/07/20131203 MALCOLM PUGSLEY 01/07/20130871 HOWARD L. YEOMAN 01/07/20131273 PAUL YEOMANS 01/07/2013

0752 CHRISTOPHER BELL 01/08/20131207 DEREK COOMBES 01/08/20131282 MITCHELL GAYNOR 01/08/20131260 MIKE HUNTER 01/08/20130522 ALLAN SKELTON 01/08/20130882 TERRY YATES 01/08/2013


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Regional GroupsThe Southern group meet on the first Tuesday of themonth at The Fishery, Elstree, Watford WD6 3BE.The pub serves good, reasonably priced, food.

The venue was picked because it is handy for the M1and M25 as most of the regulars have about an hoursjourney to get there. We are a friendly bunch and wouldlove to have some other members join us. You don'thave to come every month but would be nice to see asmany of you as possible.

Don Stephenson organises the East Midlands meet atThe Roman Way, Newark (junction of A1/A46) on thesecond Tuesday of the month.

Mitchell Gaynor lives in Chorley and tells us thatPreston Supercar Club meets at the Phantom Wingerpub at Fulwood, Preston. Meetings are on the secondto last Sunday of each month and all are welcome

No interest has been forthcoming on a Shropshire andmid Wales area section but if you are in the area,contact me (Roger Brown) [email protected].

Why not organise a gathering in your area? Volumteersare wanted to act as regional organiser/convenor/orwhatever you wish to call it. It should be a a veryenjoyable job that is not too onerous

Web siteThe club’s web site is at www.gtmownersclub.co.uk

Sad to say, I have to report yet again that there has beenno progress on adding content. Suggestions as to whatyou would like to be included still needed. So, ideasplease or, even better, produce some content. The areasthat I would like to see are technical articles/advice andmore historical information and photographs. Anotherpossibility is a gallery of members’ cars.

Currently, the Members Only section has links to thenewsletters and committee contact details. Let us knowif you think there should be change there. Email [email protected]

Although the newsletter can be accessed from themembers area of the web site, it is more convenient toreceive it by email, so if you have not yet done so seethe instruction on the last page.

The password to enter the members page is now



We are contemplating a new project so it ispossible that our Spyder will be up for sale. Wewill probably make our minds up in about 3weeks. Get in touch if you could be interested.

In the meantime, we have the damaged bonnet andradiator ducting that was replaced due to relativelyminor accident damage. The old mouldings areperfectly repairable so is if you are interestedplease get in touch. See attached pictures.

Roger Brown [email protected]

For Sale

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Club RegaliaAll of the following regalia can be bought by mail order (postage andpacking extra) with the exception of the mugs and glasses which are onlyavailable at shows. Please make your cheques payable to ‘GTM OwnersClub’.All garments have an embroidered owners club badge and are available in several colours and sizes.Please phone/e-mail to check choices available. If you are thinking of purchasing items at a Kit Car,show please contact me beforehand so that I can ensure that I bring the relevant stock as space in theLibra is limited.

Waterproof jacket £44.00

Fleeces £27.00

Sweatshirts - Round Neck £13.00Sweatshirts – V Neck £14.00

T- Shirts - Round Neck £8.00T- Shirts – V Neck £9.00Ladies T – Shirts £9.00

Polo Shirts £14.00

Baseball Caps £9.00

GTMOC Tax Disc Holders (stick on) £1.50GTMOC Mugs £4.00GTMOC pint glass £4.00GTMOC Leather Key Fobs with enamel badge £3.00GTMOC Enamel Badges £2.00GTMOC Window Stickers (3” dia.) £1.00GTMOC Embroidered Badges £2.00

Enquiries to Bob Snooks

01753 662951 or 07730 703180e-mail – [email protected]

Prices are for stock items and are subject to changewith new orders.

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Events Calendar 2013Information to date

JANUARY10-13 Autosport International at the NEC

APRIL13-14 The Kent Kit Car Show, Detling - club area, no marquee

MAY5-6 The National Kit Car Motor Show, Stoneleigh - club area, large marquee,

AGM 2.00 PM and evening barbecue on Sunday

JUNE2 Kit Car London to Brighton

14-16 Pageant of Power – Cholmondeley Castle15-16 National Kit Car Festival, Newark - club area, small marquee

22-23 Le Mans 24 hour

JULY11-14 Goodwood Festival of Speed

26-28 Silverstone Classic - club area

AUGUST11 Mini in the Park, Santa Pod Raceway - club area?

24-25 Donington Kit Car Show - club area, medium marquee

SEPTEMBER13-15 Goodwood Revival meeting – bringing the 1940s, 50’s and 60’s to life!

21 Total Kit Car Live

OCTOBER26-27 The Great Western Kit Car Show, Exeter - unable to book club area

Would you like to see a wider range of events listed? A comprehensive list with a strong bias to theShropshire/Welsh borders area can be found at www.shacc.org.uk


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If you have not done so please register your email address so thatyou can have the newsletters sent to you.

Send your name, membership number and email address to theClub Secretary (Bob Snooks) at [email protected]

Twitter is a bit like democracy -

it encourages stupid people to have an opinion

