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“‘In that day the glory of Israel will be very dim, for poverty will stalk the land. Israel will be abandoned like the grain fields in the valley of Rephaim after the harvest. Only a few of its people will be left, like the stray olives left on the tree after the harvest. Only two or three remain in the highest branches, four or five out on the tips of the limbs. Yes,

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Israel will be stripped bare of people,’ says the Lord, the God of Israel.” Isaiah 17:4-6 (NLT)

The breadth and scope of destruction is clearly illustrated as God describes the

Israeli landscape as stripped bare of people. Only a small fraction of people either

choose to stay in the land or else survive what is a massive holocaust, leaving only

a few inhabitants who struggle in poverty.

“Then at last the people will think of their Creator and have respect for the Holy One of Israel. They will no longer ask their idols for help or worship what their own hands have made. They will never again bow down to their Asherah poles or burn incense on the altars they built.” Isaiah 17:7-8 (NLT)

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As a result of this event, the people of Israel will once again turn to God Almighty.

Currently, the nation of Israel is predominantly secular in nature. Other biblical

passages infer that this will change as the prophesied rebuilding of the Temple in

the last days indicates a spiritual resurgence among the Jews of Israel.

Nevertheless, this passage clearly indicates the people of Israel will turn away from

all false idols and gods.

Knowing that this will happen, we must ask: why does it happen? The

answer is found in the verses that follow:

“Their largest cities will be as deserted as overgrown thickets. They will become like the cities the Amorites abandoned when the Israelites came here so long ago. Why? Because you have turned from the God who can save you – the Rock who can hide you. You may plant the finest imported grapevines, and they may grow so well that they blossom on the very morning you plant them, but you will never pick any grapes from them. Your only harvest will be a load of grief and incurable pain.” Isaiah 17:9-11 (NLT)

The devastation that overshadows Israel will come about because Israel

has “turned from the God who can save them.” All the hard work performed prior

to this event will be lost. Those who have been distracted by the things of this

world will be disappointed, for they have forgotten God, and by putting faith in the

things of this world, they will ultimately be disappointed. Their only harvest will

be“a load of grief and incurable pain.” This grief will be brought to a climax when,

in the midst of their suffering, the nation of Israel faces an imminent invasion:

“Look! The armies rush forward like waves thundering toward the shore. But though they roar like breakers on a beach, God will silence them. They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind or like dust whirling before a storm. In the evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn its enemies are

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dead. This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.” Isaiah 17:12-14 (NLT)

While Syria and Israel lie in ruin, the enemies of Israel will view her suffering as an

opportunity to invade, their ultimate goal to destroy her forever. However, God has

a different plan in mind, and He will destroy these invaders Himself. A more in

depth illustration of this attack is foreseen in Psalm 83:

“O God, don’t sit idly by, silent and inactive! Don’t you hear the tumult of your enemies? Don’t you see what your arrogant enemies are doing? They devise crafty schemes against your people, laying plans against your precious ones. ‘Come,’ they say, ‘let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence.’ This was their unanimous decision. They signed a treaty as allies against you – these Edomites and Ishmaelites, Moabites and Hagrites, Gebalites, Ammonites, and Amalekites, and people from Philistia and Tyre. Assyria has joined them, too, and is allied with the descendants of Lot. Do to them as you did to the Midianites or as you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River. They were destroyed at Endor, and their decaying corpses fertilized the soil. Let their mighty nobles die as Oreb and Zeeb did. Let all their princes die like Zebah and Zalmunna, for they said, ‘Let us seize for our own use these pasturelands of God!’ O my God, blow them away like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind! As a fire roars through a forest and as a flame sets mountains ablaze, chase them with your fierce storms; terrify them with your

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tempests. Utterly disgrace them until they submit to your name, O Lord. Let them be ashamed and terrified forever. Make them failures in everything they do, until they learn that you alone are called the Lord, that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth.” Psalm 83 (NLT)

So how do we know that Psalm 83 describes the same scene envisioned in

Isaiah 17? Let’s compare the two. Here’s how the intentions of Israel’s

enemies are described:

Plunder & Destruction

“This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.” Isaiah 17:14 (NLT)


“They devise crafty schemes against your people, laying plans against your precious ones. ‘Come,’ they say, ‘let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We

will destroy the very memory of its existence.’ This was their unanimous decision.” Psalm 83:3-5



“for they said, ‘Let us seize for our own use these pasturelands of God!” Psalm 83:12 (NLT)

Here’s how the fate of Israel’s enemies are described:

“They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind or like dust whirling before a storm.” Isaiah 17:13


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“O my God, blow them away like whirling dust, like chaff before the wind!” Psalm 83:13 (NLT)

From the description of their fate alone, it is reasonable to conclude that the

armies of Isaiah 17:12 are the same nations who sign a treaty against the Lord in

Psalm 83:5-8. Below is a list of those nations and their modern geographical


Edomites = Jordan / Parts of the West Bank

Ishmaelites = The Arab people

Moabites = Jordan / Parts of the West Bank

Hagrites = Jordan / The Arab people

Gebalites = Lebanon

Ammonites = Jordan

Amalekites = Southern Israel / Gaza

Philistia = Gaza

Tyre = Lebanon

Assyria = Syria / Parts of Turkey and Iraq

The Descendants of Lot = Jordan

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By studying the geographical history of these ancient people and places, we can

uncover which nations they currently compose. According to Psalm 83, in the

aftermath of the destruction of northern Israel and Damascus, Israel will be

invaded by armies from Jordan, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza. All of

these locations are heavily populated by the enemies of Israel today.

An Expanding War?

But are the nations cited in Psalm 83 the only nations involved in this attack? It’s

quite possible that additional conspirators are named in the Book of Ezekiel. Isaiah

17 and Psalm 83 might well foreshadow the war of Gog and Magog.

In Ezekiel 38-39, an enormous coalition of nations, “a vast and awesome horde” –

will roll down on Israel “like a storm and cover the land like a cloud” Ezekiel 38:9

(NLT). This prophesied future war in Ezekiel has many similarities to Isaiah 17:12-

14. Both prophets foresee a time when enemy armies rush toward Israel while she

awaits unprepared. Both prophets foresee God’s instantaneous destruction of

Israel’s enemies. And in both scenarios, the marching armies intend to plunder and

destroy the people of Israel:


“You will say, ‘Israel is an unprotected land filled with unwalled villages! I will march against her and destroy these people who live in such confidence!”

Ezekiel 38:11 (NLT)


“But Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish will ask, ‘Who are you to rob them of silver and gold? Who are you to drive away their cattle and seize their goods and make them poor?’” Ezekiel 38:13 (NLT)

Plunder & Destruction

“This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.” Isaiah 17:14 (NLT)

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Could the events predicted in Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 be a catalyst for the war of

Gog and Magog prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39? Although it is not a certainty, the

possibility can not be completely ruled out.

Today’s Headlines

Looking at today’s geopolitical landscape, it’s not difficult to envision the scenario

outlined in Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83. Syria has been adamant in its demand that

Israel surrender the Golan Heights, threatening war if Israel fails to comply.

Meanwhile, the summer 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah has apparently

convinced leaders in Damascus that Syria can be victorious in a conflict with Israel

by simply overwhelming the tiny nation with rocket attacks. From a greater

perspective, it has convinced the entire Islamic world that Israel isn’t the militarily

invincible nation they once thought.

Syria’s rocket technology is far more advanced than that deployed by Hezbollah,

and Syria is known to possess chemical weapons, including the highly lethal VX

and Sarin gases. If Syria miscalculates and attacks Israel with these weapons, the

Israeli response will be swift and devastating. Israel is armed with nuclear

weapons, and if its survival is put in question, it will not hesitate to use them.

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If this happens, a mortally wounded Israel will become an irresistible target for her

enemies. The surrounding Muslim nations will see an opportunity to destroy her,

while Russia will see an opportunity to seize the upper hand in the oil rich Middle


Today, the most virulent enemies of Israel reside in the very places named in

Psalm 83 – Hamas in Gaza, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Jordan, Hezbollah

in Lebanon, and the Syria leadership and its Axis of Evil partners in the city of


As of this writing, the conditions are ripe for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 and Psalm

83, paving the way for the rapture of the church and the beginning of the

tribulation. In light of such developments, we should zealously preach the Gospel

of Christ to all who will listen. For the hour is late, and the return of Christ is near.


Tags: bible, damascus, Devastation, Ezekiel, fulfillment, God, Hot Topics, Hot

Topics!, isaiah, Israel,prophecies, prophets, syria, War

Guerra de los Seis Días (1967)10

El 5 de junio de 1967, estalla la Guerra de los Seis Días. En ese momento, Israel es amenazado de aniquilación por Egipto, Jordania y Siria. Del 5 al 10 de junio, Israel se enfrentó a una coalición de 4 países árabes: Egipto, Jordania, Siria e Irak.Dos meses antes, Israel empezaba a ver como se intensificaba la amenaza sirio-egipcia: el 7 de abril, un incidente en la frontera israel-siria generó una batalla aérea sobre los Altos del Golán, en el que seis aviones sirios MIG-21 fueron derribados sobre el Mar de Galilea. Durante los meses de abril y mayo, la situación se concentró con Egipto que había firmado un tratado de defensa con Siria, pero el punto culminante de estas tensiones llegó el 22 de mayo, cuando el presidente egipcio decidió prohibir la entrada al estrecho de Tirán a los barcos israelíes, lo que para Israel constituyó un motivo de guerra; ante el inminente ataque del ejército egipcio, que prometió destruir Israel, éste toma la iniciativa y lanza esta guerra preventiva.Las primeras horas de la guerra estuvieron marcadas por la Operación Foco, que permitió la destrucción de la mayor parte de la fuerza aérea egipcia en un lapso de tiempo de tres horas.

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Por otro lado, Israel no tenía intención de atacar a Jordania y por ello, se envió un mensaje al Rey de Jordania pidiéndole permanecer neutral, pero el ejército jordano que estaba bajo el mando de Egipto, recibió la orden de abrir fuego.

Después de seis días de intensos combates en tres frentes, las fuerzas israelíes conquistaron el desierto del Sinaí, la Franja de Gaza, Judea y Samaria, los Altos del Golán y liberaron íntegramente Jerusalem.Mira como  Las FDI liberan a Jerusalén: Un repaso histórico Como resultado de esta guerra, 776 soldados israelíes perdieron la vida en los combates.  Ocho soldados israelíes capturados durante la guerra, fueron finalmente repatriados a Israel así como algunos miembros de los servicios secretos israelíes que operaban en Egipto. Además, dos pilotos fueron devueltos de su cautiverio en Irak: el Capitán Isaac Glantz-Golan y el capitán Gedeón Dror, que a cambio de ellos, Israel liberó a 428 prisioneros jordanos. En virtud a los acuerdos con Siria, Israel liberó a 572 prisioneros a cambio de un piloto israelí, los cuerpos de otros dos pilotos, y el cuerpo de un tercero, secuestrado un año antes y que no sobrevivió a su cautiverio.

A pesar de muchos esfuerzos diplomáticos, Damasco se negó a transferir el cuerpo de Eli Cohen, un agente del Mossad ahorcado en Damasco. En virtud a los acuerdos alcanzados con Jordania, dos jordanos fueron intercambiados el 2 de abril de 1968 por el cuerpo de un soldado israelí. (También dos otros ataúdes de dos soldados israelíes desaparecidos hasta la fecha fueron devueltos: tan sólo contenían ceniza).

Dos de los héroes de la Guerra del 67

Durante su misión en Siria, Eli Cohen obtiene información crítica y la remite de inmediato a Israel poco antes de la Guerra de los Seis Días en 1967. Envió incluso información  sobre la ubicación exacta de las fortificaciones sirias en los Altos del Golán, tales como búnkers y bases de tiro. Algunos añaden que fue él quien sugirió a oficiales sirios plantar eucaliptos alrededor de los búnkers con el fin de que se les viera desde Israel, pretendiendo oficialmente que estos árboles sirvan de camuflaje. La plantación de estos árboles fue autorizada por las autoridades sirias permitiendo a las FDI localizar los búnkers durante la Guerra de los Seis Días.

Cohen también transmitió el nombre de muchos pilotos sirios, lo que impidió notablemente el bombardeo a Tel Aviv en 1967 por la aviación siria.

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Eli CohenFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses of "Eli Cohen", see Eli Cohen (disambiguation).

Eli Cohen

Born Eliahu ben Shaoul Cohen

16 December 1924

Alexandria, Egypt

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Died 18 May 1965 (aged 40)

Marjeh Square, Damascus, Syria

Nationality Israeli

Spouse(s) Nadia

Children Sophie, Irit, Shai

Eliahu (Eli) ben Shaoul Cohen (Hebrew:  YZהWן Zל כ WZן ש`_או Z ב Z_הו 16, אeלdי December 1924 – 18 May 1965)

(Arabic: كوهين ايلي ) was an Israeli spy. He is best known for his espionage work in 1961 - 1965 in Syria,

where he developed close relationships with the political and military hierarchy and became the Chief

Adviser to the Minister of Defense. Syrian counter-intelligence authorities eventually uncovered a spy

conspiracy, tried and convicted Cohen under pre-war 'martial law' to death penalty in 1965. The

intelligence he gathered is claimed to have been an important factor in Israel's success in theSix Day


In 2005, he was voted the 26th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to

determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.[2]



1   Early life and career

2   Syria

o 2.1   Trip to Damascus

o 2.2   Infiltration and confidence building

o 2.3   Intelligence collected

o 2.4   Uncovered

3   Conviction and death sentence

4   Burial

5   Memory and remembrance

6   References

7   External links

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Early life and career[edit]

Cohen was born in Alexandria to a devout Jewish and Zionist family in 1924. His father had moved there

from Aleppo in 1914. In January 1947, he chose to enlist in the Egyptian Army as an alternative to paying

the prescribed sum all young Jews were supposed to pay, but was declared ineligible on grounds of

questionable loyalty. Later that year, he left university and began studying at home after facing

harassment by the Muslim Brotherhood. In the years following the creation of Israel, many Jewish

families left Egypt. Though his parents and three brothers left for Israel in 1949, Cohen remained to finish

a degree in electronics and to coordinate Jewish and Zionist activities. In 1951, following a military coup,

an anti-Zionist campaign was initiated, and Cohen was arrested and interrogated over his Zionist

activities.[3] Cohen took part in various Israeli covert operations in the country during the 1950s, though

the Egyptian government could never verify and provide proof of his involvement in Operation Goshen,

an Israeli operation to smuggle Egyptian Jews out of the country and resettle them in Israel due to

increasing hostility there.[citation needed]

In 1955, a sabotage unit, made of Jewish Egyptian citizens and recruited by Israel's secret police,

operated against their native Egypt and attempted to destroy Egyptian relationships with western powers.

The unit bombed American and British installations expecting that this would be considered the work of

Egyptians. Egyptian authorities uncovered the spy ring and after a trial, two of the group's members

received the death penalty. Cohen had aided the unit and was implicated, however no link between

Cohen and the accused could be found.[3]

Following the Suez Crisis, the Egyptian government stepped up persecution of Jews and expelled many

of them. In December 1956, Cohen was forced to leave the country. With the assistance of the Jewish

Agency, he emigrated to Israel, arriving in the Israeli port of Haifa in a vessel travelling from Naples, Italy.


In 1957, Cohen was recruited by the Israel Defense Forces, and was placed in military intelligence,

where he became a counterintelligence analyst. His work bored him, and he attempted to join

the Mossad. Cohen was offended when Mossad rejected him, and resigned from military

counterintelligence. For the next two years, he worked as a filing clerk in a Tel Aviv insurance office, and

married Nadia Majald, an Iraqi-Jewish immigrant, in 1959. They had three children, Sophie, Irit and Shai,

[5] and the family eventually settled in Bat Yam.

The Mossad recruited Cohen after Director-General Meir Amit, looking for a special agent to infiltrate the

Syrian government, came across his name while looking through the agency's files of rejected

candidates, after none of the current candidates seemed suitable for the job. For two weeks he was put

under surveillance, and was judged suitable for recruitment and training. Cohen was then informed that

the Mossad had decided to recruit him, and underwent an intensive, six-month course at the Mossad

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training school. His graduate report stated that he had all the qualities needed to become a katsa, or field


He was then given a false identity as a Syrian businessman who was returning to the country after living

in Argentina. To establish his cover, Cohen moved to Argentina in 1961.[7][8]


Trip to Damascus[edit]

Cohen (in the middle) at the Golan Heights

Cohen moved to Damascus in February 1962 under the alias Kamel Amin Thaabet . ثابت أمين ]10[]9[كامل

Infiltration and confidence building[edit]

The tactics of Cohen to build relations with Syrian high-ranked politicians, military officials, influential

public figures and local foreign diplomacy community, had been carefully masterminded by Mossad.

Details of his espionage tactics are classified and it is unlikely they will ever be revealed. He continued

his social life as in Argentina, spending time in cafes listening to political gossip. He also held parties at

his home, which turned into orgies for high-placed Syrian ministers, businessmen, and others, who used

Cohen's apartment "for assignations with various women, including Defense Ministry secretaries, airline

hostesses, and Syrian singing stars." At these parties such highly placed officials would "talk freely of

their work and army plans. Eli, who would feign intoxication, remained sober and listened carefully. In

addition to providing loans to government officials and acting as an avid host, he was asked for advice by

government officials, who were often intoxicated by the alcohol he freely provided. Cohen himself was

not above the spicier part of a spy's life either. He had seventeen lovers in Syria, all dazzling beauties

with a fair degree of family power."[11] Some sources claim that he had established a good friendship

with Amin al-Hafiz. In 2001 Hafez in interview with Al-jazeera distanced himself from Cohen he said that

such a friendship would be impossible given the fact that he had been in Moscow until 1962.[12] After

Hafiz became Prime Minister, Cohen may even have been considered for the position of Syrian Deputy

Minister of Defense,[13] although Hafiz's secretary has denied that this was the case.[14]

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Intelligence collected[edit]

Cohen provided an incredible amount of intelligence data to the Israeli Army over a period of four years

(1961-1965). Cohen sent intelligence to Israel by radio, secret letters, and occasionally in person, he

secretly traveled to Israel three times. His most famous achievement was when he toured the Golan

Heights, and collected intelligence on the Syrian fortifications there. Feigning sympathy for the soldiers

exposed to the sun, Cohen had trees planted at every position. The trees were used as targeting

markers by the Israeli military during the Six-Day War and enabled Israel to easily capture the Golan

Heights in two days. Cohen made repeated visits to the southern frontier zone, providing photographs

and sketches of Syrian positions. [15] Cohen learned of an important secret plan by Syria to create three

successive lines of bunkers and mortars; the Israel Defense Forces would otherwise have expected to

encounter only a single line.[6][16][17]


Newly appointed Syrian Intelligence, Colonel Ahmed Su'edani trusted no one and disliked Cohen.

Because of this, Cohen expressed his fear and wish to terminate his assignment in Syria during his last

secret visit to Israel in November 1964 to pass intelligence and for the birth of his third child. Still, Israeli

Intelligence asked him to return to Syria one more time. Before leaving, Cohen assured his wife that

there would only be one more trip before he returned permanently.[3]

In January 1965, Syrian efforts to find a high-level mole were stepped up. Using Soviet-made tracking

equipment and assisted by hired Soviet experts, a period of radio silence was observed, and it was

hoped that any illegal transmissions could be identified. After large amounts of radio interference were

detected and traced to their source, on 24 January Syrian security officers broke into Cohen's apartment

where he was caught in the middle of transmission to Israel. The leading figure in the break-in was the

head of Syrian Intelligence, Colonel Ahmed Su'edani - Eli's nemesis.

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Conviction and death sentence[edit]

Eli Cohen, publicly hanged in Al-Marjeh Square, Damascus on 18 May 1965

After a trial before a military tribunal, he was found guilty of espionage and sentenced to death under

'martial law'. Cohen was said to have been repeatedlyi nterrogated and tortured.[3][4] Israel staged an

international campaign for clemency, hoping to persuade the Syrians not to execute him. Israeli Foreign

Minister Golda Meir led a campaign, demanding the international community to force Damascus to

consider the consequences of hanging Cohen. Diplomats, Prime Ministers, and Pope Paul VI tried to

intercede. Meir even appealed to the Soviet Union.[4] Despite international appeals, and the governments

of France, Belgium and Canada, to persuade the Syrian government to commute the death sentence,

[18] the death sentence decision was upheld. Despite the gravity of the state crime committed by Cohen

against Syria, the authorities still allowed him to communicate letters with his wife, children and parents,

while in prison. On 15 May 1965, Cohen wrote in his final letter:[3]

"...I am begging you my dear Nadia not to spend your time in weeping about something already passed.

Concentrate on yourself, looking forward for a better future!"

On 18 May 1965, Cohen was publicly hanged in Al-Marjah Square in Damascus. On the day of his

execution, Cohen's 'last wish' to see a Rabbi was respected by the prison authorities. While on his way in

a truck to Al-Marjah Square, he was accompanied by Nissim Andabo, the 80-year old Chief Rabbi of


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Memorial stone reading Eliahu (Eli) Cohen in the "Garden of the Missing Soldiers" on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.


In November 1965, Cohen's wife, Nadia sent a letter to Hafez al-Assad and asked his forgiveness for

Eli's actions, hoping to receive her husband's remains.[19]Requests by Cohen's family for his remains to

be returned to Israel have been rejected by the Syrian authorities (as of September 2012). In February

2007 aTurkish official confirmed that his government was ready to act as a mediator for the return of

Cohen's remains to his family from Syria.[20] In August 2008 Monthir Maosily, the former bureau chief of

the late Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad, said that Eli Cohen's burial site is unknown, claiming that the

Syrians buried the executed Israeli spy three times, to stop the remains from being brought back to Israel

via a special operation.[21] Cohen's brothers, Abraham and Maurice, originally led the campaign to return

his remains. Maurice died in 2006. Eli's widow, Nadia, has since led the campaign.[6][9]

Memory and remembrance[edit]

The film The Impossible Spy is a depiction of his life.[22] He is featured at the International Spy Museum in

Washington, D.C.[citation needed] A memorial stone has been erected to Cohen in the Garden of the Missing

Soldiers in Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.



Por otra parte, el Sargento Shaul Vardi, permanecía en su tanque durante los combates, cuando el mismo sufrió un ataque que le ocasionó graves heridas en la cara y por lo tanto estuvo temporalmente ciego mientras el combate continuaba.

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En cuanto recuperó la vista, volvió inmediatamente a su puesto, incluso después de que su tanque fuera atacado por segunda vez. Vardi y sus hombres continuaron la lucha y siguieron debilitando las posiciones sirias, mientras que solamente estaban armados con fusiles y granadas. Shaul fue evacuado a un hospital una vez que los combates llegaron a su fín.

Los retiros del Sinaí y de Gaza: el compromiso de Israel con la


El histórico tratado de paz entre Israel y Egipto se firmó el 26 de marzo de 1979 en Washington. En este tratado, Israel se comprometió a retirarse gradualmente del Sinaí hasta retirarse completamente en 1982. Egipto fue el primer país árabe en firmar un tratado de paz con el Estado de Israel, convirtiéndose al mismo tiempo en el primer estado árabe en reconocer oficialmente al Estado judío.

En 2005, para dar una rápida aceleración al proceso de paz, Israel, encabezado por Ariel Sharon se retiró de Gaza. Sin embargo, Israel no ha logrado la paz a cambio. Desde que la organización terrorista Hamás ejérce el poder en la Franja de Gaza, se han lanzado más de 9.500 cohetes contra civiles en el sur de Israel.

La frontera israel-egipto también se ha debilitado últimamente. Hay una alta tasa de infiltración clandestina, y actividades terroristas que proceden de la Península del Sinaí lo que ha provocado la construcción de una vaya de seguridad más avanzada.
