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Guiarat Board If,%1'l3l.9g:;Y,X1X1:;L.,,,,0, EG7

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Guiarat Pollution Control Board If,%1'l3l.9g:"";Y,X1X1:;L""".,,,,0, EG7 Wetstte: W"SgD4OlLitr PUBTIC HEAR]NG PROCEEDINGS It is hereby informed that as per the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change, Govemment of lndia, New Delhi vide its Notification No. S.O. 1533 (E) dated 14t September,2006 and its subsequent amendment s.O.3067 (E) dated 1* December, 2009. Public Hearing was fixed for M/s, ]Glintis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. for Expansion of Existing API Manufacturing Unit (From 6,450 kg,/month to 15450 k&/month) Manufacturing Unit, in premises located at 52 A, Jarod- Samlaya Road, Vill: Gardhiya, P.O. Ta : Savli, Dist. Vadodara (Guiarat), which is covered under Gtegory -'A' of Sdtedule 5(f). A copy of the draft Environment lmpact Assessment Report and the Executive Summary of Draft Environment lmpact Assessment Report in English and Guiarati ware send to the following authorities or offices to make it available for inspection to the public during normal office hours, tillthe Public Hearing is over. 1. The District Collector Office, Vadodara, 2. District Development Office, Vadodara, 3. District lndustry Centre, Vadodara, 4. Taluka Development Office, Tal;Savli, Dist.: Vadodara, 5. The Chief Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of lndia, RegionalOffice (West Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, E-5, Area Colony, link Road-3, Ravisankar Colony, Bhopal - 462015. 6. Regional ffice, Guiarat Pollution Control Board, GERI Compound, Race Cource Road, Vadodara-390 007. Other concerned persons having plausible stake in environmental aspects were requested to send their responses in writing to the concerned re8ulatory authorities. The Public Hearing was scheduled on 2,,lml2ol7 at 11:30 hrs. at Proiect site, Kalintis Heahhcare Pvt. Ltd. 52 A, Jarod- Samlaya Road, Vill: Gardhiya, P.O. Ta : Savli, Dist. Vadodara (Gujarat). An advertisement was published in Gujarati in "Sandesh" Vadodara edition and in English'The Times of lndia" Ahmedabad-Vadodara edition dated r8lo3l2o77. Shri M. J. Dave (cai.l, Resident Additional District Collector & Additional District Magistrate, Vadodara as a representative of District Collector and District Magistrate, Vadodara has presided over the entire Public Hearing process. A statement showing participants present during the public hearing is enclosed herewith as Annexur€ A.

Guiarat Pollution Control Board

If,%1'l3l.9g:"";Y,X1X1:;L""".,,,,0, EG7Wetstte: W"SgD4OlLitr


It is hereby informed that as per the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change, Govemment of

lndia, New Delhi vide its Notification No. S.O. 1533 (E) dated 14t September,2006 and its subsequent

amendment s.O.3067 (E) dated 1* December, 2009. Public Hearing was fixed for M/s, ]Glintis Healthcare Pvt.

Ltd. for Expansion of Existing API Manufacturing Unit (From 6,450 kg,/month to 15450 k&/month) Manufacturing

Unit, in premises located at 52 A, Jarod- Samlaya Road, Vill: Gardhiya, P.O. Ta : Savli, Dist. Vadodara (Guiarat),

which is covered under Gtegory -'A' of Sdtedule 5(f).

A copy of the draft Environment lmpact Assessment Report and the Executive Summary of Draft Environment

lmpact Assessment Report in English and Guiarati ware send to the following authorities or offices to make it

available for inspection to the public during normal office hours, tillthe Public Hearing is over.

1. The District Collector Office, Vadodara,

2. District Development Office, Vadodara,

3. District lndustry Centre, Vadodara,

4. Taluka Development Office, Tal;Savli, Dist.: Vadodara,

5. The Chief Conservator of Forests,

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of lndia,

RegionalOffice (West Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan,

E-5, Area Colony, link Road-3, Ravisankar Colony, Bhopal - 462015.

6. Regional ffice, Guiarat Pollution Control Board,

GERI Compound, Race Cource Road, Vadodara-390 007.

Other concerned persons having plausible stake in environmental aspects were requested to send their

responses in writing to the concerned re8ulatory authorities.

The Public Hearing was scheduled on 2,,lml2ol7 at 11:30 hrs. at Proiect site, Kalintis Heahhcare Pvt. Ltd. 52 A,

Jarod- Samlaya Road, Vill: Gardhiya, P.O. Ta : Savli, Dist. Vadodara (Gujarat).

An advertisement was published in Gujarati in "Sandesh" Vadodara edition and in English'The Times of lndia"

Ahmedabad-Vadodara edition dated r8lo3l2o77.

Shri M. J. Dave (cai.l, Resident Additional District Collector & Additional District Magistrate, Vadodara as a

representative of District Collector and District Magistrate, Vadodara has presided over the entire Public Hearing


A statement showing participants present during the public hearing is enclosed herewith as Annexur€ A.

Guiarat Pollution ConEol BoardRegional Office, VadodaraGERI Cotnpound,Race Course Road,Vadodara・ 390007Webslte:理四□電


A statement showing salient points highlighting issues raised by the participants and responses by the

representative of the applicant during the public hearing in English langua8e is enclosed as Annexure B and in

Gujarati language is enclosed as Annerure Bl respectively.

The copies of responses received in writing from other persons having plausible stake in the Environmental

aspects and the replies by the applicant to the same are enclose herewith as annexure - C-l to C-3 and Annexure

D-1 to D-3 respestively. Public notice for public hearing was published in local English and Guiarati language news

papers is given in Annexure - E.



Regiona:αmcer,cPcB, Resident AddL District Co::ector and

Vadodara, Additiona:D:strict Magistrate,

As representative of the Vadodara as a representat‖ e of

Gttarat P。‖uJon control Distnct coilector and Dist.

Board Magistrate, vadodara




Date:21ノ 04/2017

Encl: 1 Annexure A, B,81, C-1 to C-3, D.1 toD-3&Easabove.

2 Video CD of public hearing

3 CD of Public Hearing Proceeding.

Guiarat Pollution Control BoardRegional Offi ce, Vadodall^,--

_.on nn" TZiiiii".pi..a, n""e course Road' vadodara'390 007

Webslte: wwrrr.Encb.tov.in

As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Clim-ate Change' Government of India' New

Derhi vide its Notification No.'slo.lssg(E) dated 14rh september, 2006 and its subsequent

amendment S.O. 3067 (e) oareJf st December' 2OO9' Public Hearing was fixed lor ll/s'. Kalintie

Heatthcare hrt. Ltd. tor expanlion otexisting Apl Manufacturing Unit (From 6450 kg/month to

1il50 kg/month) Manutacturtnf Unit, in premises tocated at 52 A, Jarod- Samlaya Road' Vill:

Gardhiya, P.O. Ta : Savli, Dist iadodara (Gujarat) which is covered under "Category-A"'

ThestatementshowingParticipantspresentduringPub|icHearinghe|don21-o4.2017-a|1..1:30hrs at proiect site of M/s. xatiniis neaitncare pvt t-id ' 52 A' Jarod- samlaya Road' Vill: Gardhiya'

P.O. Ta : Savli, Dist Vadodara (Guiarat) is as under:

a{?ct tt?gr?dn ualcrgt, cr.,t r+i. t(,rqtq u{lc{d't riatctq, "t.{l dlc6["tt Ittbr"tt{t sttis'

rlu.r,rl. rqgg(rt) dt. ru-oc-?oos qa a{ udlat gutet 5q[9, Qu.u].3ogo(d) ctt. ot-l?-

?ooc 14{{tua lrr{. gte{lJltt &c.q}r utoda (a{l}s. |lte-rl, vrl.e-tt|{cttqt t-Is, otp+, rt?dlau

r{l.r,rl., <t. uqc{L Uc<tl : qsle?t (l%?tct) wA UQd il'.r['rttl' rlg{ (s'Ytto Cict]ctt{zxtn

rII r,r,v,{o Bcrfrlrzrntt)'ti 6d{tea {t)'ft u{lqfqrat })ct{l 'f,' r+i r,ttqfl dqtlc't E' €

u"lriut<r+i a1s garcgft etuqt4i 4Qa E.

qQ.t u{talvar ur)dl srdr cisq4.{qtli qr?rfrdr c$. ?t/oul?ote "t[ t-Iv rt, 30 gctt],

uf?sa Nr(,l qr, \{d. ac{lJlu &cer}e utoQa tar{l}s. qe-il, od?'Ie-il{ctt?lt tls, ctu+,

crrdlqt r{I.r,il., .tt. utq.c0, Uc<rf : crs'lett (lt?tct) r,tti rtuqtri rtd.ct E'

crfg u"uqqft e?lettq{ €tYa rBeti crfs-Idl udt "{Itr {sot d.

Sr. o.

s{i5Name & Designation

"tt{ r,{a elal



D lrovtJ' 24 - --t', t< DtL^24 beL-Y'ilt-,\1 ,i 2r(k\r \'|qr

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yttantr) A#tlt* -\--,,.- " \,-

Guiarat Pollution Control BoardRegional office, va{9{a.11--.aco



v;;%;;;;';; course Road' vadod'n'3eo oo7



signatureuOfr-ame & Deeignation

atu qi elalz. -7 z, f-l

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Guiarat Pollution Control BoardRegional Office, Va{od.1l1,--

-"o,, nn', #iiiii"-o.t.a' *.ce course Road' Vadodara '390 007

Webslte: www€Dcb.gov'in

-- Nama & Designation 1

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ttdtSr. No'g{is

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{rr K-,../ ' gLJ Vrt-1,.ozA;'',-z- glL*J


Guiarat Pollution Control Board, Regional Office, Vadodara \#

cERl Compound, Race Course Road, vadodara'390 OO7

Sr. No.

sqlsName & Designation

drx r{i efal




7\. {*-+-rr Dk^-+^eSU' ' C \/ c-\ \.rr$o.vrcr . D\r'6.t{il4\,

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ANNEXURE - B {Enslish)

A statement showins issues raised bv the particioants and resoonses bv the representative of theaoolicant during the oublic hearinr

It is hereby informed that as per the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change,

Government of lndia, New Delhi vide its Notification No. S.O. 1533 dated 14th September, 2006 and

its subsequent amendment S.O. 3067 (E) dated 1st December, 2009. Public Hearing has been fixed

for M/s, Kalintis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. for Expansion of Existing API Manufacturing Unit (From 5450

kg/month to 15450 kg/month) in premises located at 52 A, Jarod- Samlaya Road, Vill: Gardhiya, P.o.

Ta : Savli, Dist. Vadodara (Gujarat), which is covered under Category-'A' of Schedule 5(f) on

2llo4l2o77 at 11.30 hrs.

Shri MJ.Dave (G.A.s.), Resident Additional District Collector & Additional District Magistrate,

Vadodara as a representative of District Collector and District Magistrate, Vadodara has presided

over the entire Public Hearing process.

Shri C.A. Shah, Regional officer, GPCB Vadodara welcomed all people present in the Public Hearing

and with due permission of the Additional District Magistrate, Vadodara, initiated the procedure of

the hearing. He outlined the various provisions ofthe Notification and briefed the procedural details

for conducting this Public Hearing, including actions taken by GPCB for wide publicity of this Public

Hearing. He mentioned the advertisement was given in English 'The Times of india" and Gujarati in

"Sandesh" dated 18/03/2017. He announced that as per the provision of Notification, locally

affected persons will be allowed to represent in the Public Hearing while others having plausible

stake holders may give their representation in writing which would be included in the proceedings.

He then put the Public Hearing open after due permission from the Additional District Magistrate,

Vadodara. He invited the project proponent to give their introduction and to make the presentation

of their project in Gujarati Language.

Representative of company Shri Rasik Gondaliya (Chairman) welcomed all present in Public Hearing

and thereafter asked to technical representative to give detail about project.

Thereafter power point presentation in Gujarati Language covering introduction of company,

product profile, technical information, details of the proposed project, Environmental Management

System, its impact on the environment along with proposed mitigation measures and indust4/s

proposed activities regarding Corporate Social Responsibilities is presented by technical

representative of project Shri Nihar Doctor.

After the presentation by the project proponent, Regional Officer, Gujarat Pollution Control Board,

Vadodara with due permission of the Additional District Magistrate, Vadodara, Opened the forum

for representations/ Suggestions/objections from the locally affected people.

The statement showing issues/suggestions/objections/opinion raised by participants during thePublic hearing and responded to by representative of the project proponent during the public

hearing is as under:


Name andAddress

Point Representedand/or written


Replies by ConcernedProiect Proponent

Replies given byConcerned O,fficer

1. Shri MuljibhaiBhagatbhaiPatel,Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,

Dist. Vadodara.

He asked that, fromwhere company willbring 58,000 liter waterwhich is going to be

used by company? Andif 32,000 liter pollutedwater will be released indrainage then it will notbe Permitted.

Company is going to use

58,000 liter water and

out of it 32,000 literwater will be used afterrerycling, then fromwhere the remainingwater will be arrangedby company?

People collectivelystrongly opposed theproposal and demandedthat permission shallnot be granted.

The .technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,58,000 liter water whichis going to be used by thecompany will be takenfrom ground waterthrough bore well. Forwhich permission ofcompetent authorityCentral Ground WaterAuthority is required andplant will be in operationonly after getting thepermission. Applicationfor the same has beendone and only aftergetting such permission,

water will be used.

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,waste water emerging outfrom the plant will be

treated by installing plantwith MEE. So, no waterwill be released intodrainage or outside offactory. waste wateremerging out of the plantwill be treated and reusedin the plant due to thisquestion of releasingwater outside of factoryand pollution doesn'tarise.

2 Shri

KamleshbhaiNatubhai Patel,

Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He asked that, whycompany have notdisclosed riverVishvamitri in EIA


The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,in company's EIA report10 km radius study areas

are included and riverVishvamitri doesn't comewithin it.

After detaileddeliberation, it was notconsidered in EIA reportas it is not a major river.

3 Shri HirenkumarGopalbhai Patel,Member ofGardhiya GramPanchayat,Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,

Dist. Vadodara.

He represented that,notice of today's PublicHearing or informationrelating to PublicHearing is not given toGardhiya GramPanchayat or memberof Gram Panchayat.

He further represented

that, village sarpanch

was informed who is

illiterate and member ofgram panchayat was notinformed.

He further inquired toknow when he willreceive the report forthe questions raised byhim?

Regional Officerinformed that, we haveinformed GardhiyaGram Panchayat andsign of SavitabenGopalbhai is also taken.Document containingsign was shown tothem.

Regional Officer repliedthat, after the

finalization of theminutes of this PublicHearin& lt will be rnadeavailable on GPCB

website and the copy ofthe same may also be

obtained from GPCB


4. Shri JagdishbhaiGokalbhaiSolanki,Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He represented that,60,000 liter water willbe used by company per

day and if the same willbe released in

underground then there

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,permission is required tobe obtained from CGWA

will be adverse effect ofsame on bore wellwhich are the source ofagriculture.

He further asked that,company have askedpermission frompanchayat forrenovation and whetherthe place of installationof machineries is ready?

Whether this PublicHearing is legal if placefor machinery ofcompanV is preparedbefore Public Hearing?

He further asked that,whether requiredpermission have beentaken for installation ofnew plant from DistrictPanchayat?

He further asked that,whether company willgive in writing on bondabout the responsibilityfor purification of42,O@ liter wastewater at zero dischargeemerging out from60,000 liter water used

for 60,000 liter of waterwhich is to be used bycompany and prior togiving permission all thematters are verified byCGWA and the same is

subject to certain termsand conditions related torecharging of groundwater.

The technicalrepresentative shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,work for expansion ofproduction of thecompany will be carriedout at the existing projectsite and presently nowork related to proposalhas been carried out. Lay

out plan showing locationwith regard to proposed

expansion is also includedin EIA report.

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany assured that,company will carry out itswork only after obtainingreceived perm:ss:on

required from respectiveauthority.

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,this is zero liquiddischarge plant. There willbe no discharge after thepurification of emergingwaste water and will be

Regional Officerinformed that, to grantpermission is not underthe functional area ofthis platform. We haveto only forward thisproceeding.

by company per day forchemical production?

He further representedthat, company has

mentioned in its letterthat land of this area is

agricultural and

agriculture of this is

based on rain water.Whether you have anyproof for the same? Wehave lake of around 900to 1000 acre which wasbuilt by Sayajirao

Gayakwad. There will beeffect on our agriculturedue to the chemical ofthis company so we arein oppose of company.

He further representedby referring name ofPadra, Nandesari that,people were in trustthat they will get

employment if companywill establish in theseareas. Red water is

coming from the borewell which was foragriculture due to whichagricultural crops of thisarea is damaging.

Company will release

their waste water intoground and bore wellwill damage. There willbe adverse effect on theunderground waterused for agricultural. So

we oppose company forproduction of chemical.

monitored by GPCB.

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,information of cropsmentioned in EIA report isof whole area but not ofspecific andrepresentative detailshave been mentioned.

The technicalrepresentative shri NiharDoctor on behalf otcompany furtherinformed that, this plantof company will be

completely zero liquiddischarge plant and weassure that there will beno possibility of enteringof company's waste waterin to ground water. lt wasfurther clarified that theydo not have any plant inPadra & Nandesari andthis one is the only plantin this area. lt was aBain

assure that company willfollow the rules.

He further asked that,public hearing to beconducted by calling thepeoples from thevillages coming within10 km radius of thisplant. There will beeffect on resident andcrops of agriculturewithin 10 km radius ofthis chemical producingplant.

He further representedthat, government is

advertising for savingwater through attachingboards to villages. So ifcompany will be inoperation then therewill be publicmovement against thesame by followingGandhian Path. We aregranting permission tocompany for productionof any other productwhich will not affect ourhealth, village, animalsand agriculture

croup of people

opposed the company

The technicalrepresentative shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,10 km study area has

been consideredaccording with theprescribed TOR. Andtherefore study has beencarried out for 10 km andwas nothing to do with itspotentially to cause harmin this area.

5 Shri HirenkumarGopalbhai Patel,Member ofGardhiya GramPanchayat,

Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

It was represented thatthey do not want thischemical industry inGardhiya village and areready to give in writingon latter head of grampanchayat. lt wasapprehended thatindustry will moreoveradverse effect on theiragricultural activitiesand therefore they

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor was clarified andcommitted that industrialuse of 58000 liter per daywill be treated throughvery costly treatmenttechnologies and treatedwaste water will berecycle back and zeroliquid discharge will bemaintained nad therefore

protest the proposal ofindustry it was furtherapprehended thatindustry will utilizewater which is meantfor farming andtherefore more adverseeffect in form of watershortage.

there is no chance ofdamage to crop land &environment. lt wasreiterated that they willfollow all the rules.

6 Shri JagdishbhaiGokalbhaiSolanki,Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He represented that, ifcompany is going todischarge zero liquidthen give us in writingas a bond for same.

Company's chairman ShriRasik Gondaliya informedthat, there is Apicorecompany in Vill. DhobhiKuva, Tal. Padara, Dist.Vadodara in which I am atthe post of director and itis a zero liquid dischargeplant. No water has beendischarged out of thecompany till now whichyou can ensure visitingpersonally.

He further informed that,after making their plant inoperational, committee of5 people can visit theplant anytime when attheir will.

7 Shri HirenkumarGopalbhai Patel,Member ofGardhiya GramPanchayat,

Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He represented that,company is saying thatVishwamitri river is

small so it is notmentioned in EIA

report, then this villageis also small then whythis village is consideredin it. lt was added thatthis river is caringagricultural need ofthousand vigha land.

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,EIA report is prepared asper guidelines.

8 Shri Jagdishbhai



Vi‖ :Gardhiya′


He asked that, companyis committing forallotment of Rupees 30:akhs for the

development of villages

Shri Vijay Bhatt on behalfof the company informedthat, after coming intoexistence in 2016procuring old company as

Dist. Vadodara. then how much rupeesare allotted fordevelopment of villageGardhiya by existingworking company.

He stated further that, itis suppose to give

employment to 40 to50% local persons in thecompany then it shouldbe asked to company

that how many workersare on permanent


He further stated thatthe company should

start but chemicalsshould not be produced

csR activity eye checkupof 24OO students ofschool of Jarod village hasbeen carried out and fromthat spectacles weredistributed by companyto 147 students who hada power in their eyes.Trees plantation werealso carried out in thatschool. ln Garadhiyavillage construction oftemple is in progress andcost of remainingconstruction is proposedto be borne by company.It was informed thatwater from the pond thatis being overflowingduring heavy rain fromthe village area can beutilized for ground waterrecharging and industry isproposing to provide rainwater harvesting facilityfor the same.

Shri Vijay Bhatt on behalfof company informedthat, at present eiShtpersons of Gardhiyavillage are working incompany. Out of totalemployment 46%employment is provided

to local persons andadded that local people

will be given priority foremployment in futurealso.

Chairperson instructedthat, provisions as perGovernment rules andregulations should bestrictly followed by thecompany whether it isrepresented or not.

company riEorously.

He further stated that,agriculture of thisvillage is not based on

rain water, and if wronginformation is

mentioned by comPanY,

then how can webelieve that otherinformation are true?

9. Shri HirenkumarGopalbhai Patel,Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,

Dist. vadodara.

He represented that, weare opposing thiscompany and

demanded to give officecopy of writtenrepresentation to themafter signature.

Regional officer

informed that, the copy

to be given by you will

be included in the


Chairperson informedthat, submit yourwritten representationand its office copy givenyou after signature onit. But after that nowritten representationwas given.

10. Shri Rameshbhai


SarpanchSakariya GramPanchayat,

Vill: Sakariya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He represented that, myvillage is 8 km awayfrom this project.

Questions of Gardhiyavillage like pollution,ground water,Vishvamitri River andlocal employmentshould be resolved. Andif company followsGPCB's rules andprovide 80 to 85% localemployment as per rulethen we have no

objection for expansionof this plant.

11. ShriGhanshyambhaiPatel,

He asked that, how willcompany use the waterof the bore well of the

The technicalrepresentative shri NiharDoctor on behalf of

and oppose the

Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

village which is of poorquality? And there is nodrinking water in villagethen . from where willcompany bring thesame? And company'swater is going to beentered into ground.

company informed that,we have conductedsurvey of the groundwater of this region andthis water will bewithdrawn and usedafter treatment, ifrequired through RO andwhatever waste water willbe generated in form ofreject it will be againtreated and will bereused.

12 Shri HirenkumarGopalbhai Patel,Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He represented that,provide us details ofbores for which surveyhas been conducted byyou. There are total 40bore well in village outof that water of 2 borewells are of good qualityand of other bore wellsare of poor quality.

The technicalrepresentative shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,details of the bore well ofwhich water sample hasbeen takenmentioned in EIA report.Water sample has beentaken from 10 bore wells.Copy of report has beencirculated in grampanchayat and the sameis available with us. youcan see the same.

13 Shri


Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

It was opinioned thatproduct those arebanned in America arebeing proposed to themanufactured in lndiahere. We thereforestrongly protest theproposal.

The technicalrepresentative Shri NiharDoctor technicallyclarified that none of theproducts beingmanufactured andproposed are banned inlndia or in America.

14. Shri SantoshbhaiPatel,

Vill: Gardhiya,Ta. Savli,Dist. Vadodara.

He asked that, whichchemical are to beproduced here?

The technicalrepresentative shri NiharDoctor on behalf ofcompany informed that,list of the product to beproduced by thiscompany is mentioned inEIA report and in i

presentation. I


Company's chairman ShriRasik Gondaliya informedthat, chemical to beproduced here will beused for production ofmedicinal drugs. Nopoisonous chemical isgoing to be producedhere.

The Regional Officer, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, lnformed the Participants that, Three writtenrepresentations from (1) Shri Mahesh pandya, paryavaran Mitra, Ahmedabad (2) shri JitendraBabalbhai Patel, Ankleshwar and (3) shri Dharmesh Mistry, Bharuch (Annexure c-1 to c-3respectively) has been received prior to conduct of the public hearing and its written reply fromproject proponent (Annexure D-1 to D-3) will be included in the minutes.

Regional officer, GPCB repeatedly requested the local affected people who remained present forany other representation; however no additionar representation/ query were raised.

Regional officer, GpcB summarized the gist of the entire public Hearing proceeding to theParticipants.

The Public Hearing was concluded with thanks to the Chairman.

Place: Gardhiya,

Ta : Savli,

Dist.: Vadodara

Datet 2llo4,l20t7


M. J. Dave 1c-r"s;

Resident Addl. District Collector andAdditional District Matistrate,

Vadodara as a representative ofDistrlct Collector and Dist.

Magistrate, vadodara

〆A・shahRegional Officer, GpCB,


As representative of theGujarat Pollution Control




ct13 uctlqtt CeRalot etγ マct131囃マtぞて3tctt■ Щac.t ual■ 畿 utγει?・tt uRRR

`tet utttcttЦt tttaC・t γcttct

etled at3tマ ctl Ц■qt尊,ctOt ua γnctttt ЦQqdot■4c・ta,ct4 acactt氣さマcttЩ 3■3 au.ntЦ33(び )dt.■ v/oこ /Q00S un actt unotl、■ぞt3■3 au.■ 3090(ぴ)ctt Ot/te/2ooι

Ч可まЦa■u■ 3tdauきはじt ut6aa Q■ 2s te_a,%ac_■ ■c_tta aS,DtЦ:Ote■■■.■.,

dt.ttlqd,υ a:qユεa(。l%ad)Щa tnd a.■ _6a3■ (s,vЦo octloltЦ /ЦR』 tt,vЦ0

Bctlolt■ /■a)att aatЧ Щ≧■Чantctt t≧ Эta“a・ ■dold QQttc・ tЦ (a3)■ _qa aqtac.tD

a4Ct15、Ctlqql電 uta%4d.et/。`/2olo ott a%tt3。


uЦda as,。1■:Эttttal■ れ,dl utqd,υa:qユe tt(■γad)Щa ttuctt■ ■ac・t.

υC・C・tt 3attt ua υc.ctミυta4ott uROQ dal uЦ tt ct13、■qЧ14襲actta m a.e ca(υn at→ uQ3 υcc・tt■υtatt ua actt■ ЧQ3っc・c43attt,qュ e tt■ こ■ヽЦ da ЦЩttЦぃさ6帆 5マ CttЦi uac.t

■%ttd uQヽ鴨taわ嶋tぬ`ctt tt m a_Q.。

,.こQ3■03tt υ■.■.吼 qRceta ct13■●ttq゛■6Ц〔nd na Щq31ェ ua un3 υmt Rυte颯,qユεtt4 Чtq4ol■ ct13、Щqば43ιヨqta

,tョ 3ヽct an■ 6 ut6 a.tattLQtot■ dotd anu ttЭtct16■ n Ct13、cllqtt uCat cttcta

護』Ч Ц10■ ■■ aЦQ ct13、■qЧQ4。anりQQ■ュ■%ad w、単R4■ЧぬS3ヽct

staqta■ュ.od ut■ .a uta3 ιR3 Чλ■ュυЦi`u atびЩ n36“1.,.a ttγ tt■ Ottut■

`通じQt'■ dt`/o3/2010 4t a%uRctt■ utac・t賦さマЦ●tt aミ 惣襲ac.t aЦQ a Ч郎、鴫tt可

し,tanLQta■ 畿Эtcttぴ uЦQそЩa3 uaぞり凛 ctla,ct13、cttq咀■ ■03せlμld 3a a5ta

%■ Цヽ赳6d uttctdt例6れma颯 マでЩd andЦ15a tt3ミ 9■ 5ta ua址 讀Цatt 32ctt■


dlマqε aЦQ Цn3 υc.ctミυte■,qユε et■ Чマqtaol■ ct15 tcttqЧan■ミQ5証.anacaЭtcll uRana aЦa ЦRua utun lnd m朧_Rミ .%ad αtЩ■Щ偽■ぞυ32ctt Щ≧

騨 tact

CQot41 uRmmマR3■Sd4(aぎЦ)a ct15、 ctlqttЦi ёt%t dЦ tЦ am‐ q3tェ metttctte d5■nunam■ もこ■珈 ЩQd utuql%w可

dtectte d34n u000颯 R.tt a5at ma ju4■ 、Gua,■9“43Ц uヽtt,nd■●兄■2343c・t Цo4,瓢RCt娘■7ctt■ Чacttet ut acttマ 血 Qd uaa nュ ЩQd,Ч■qぞ尊qCttЩЦ4、R,湘 Чua■a ted aaan 6Щa detltted u・ o3o3tu4 γCttoteta4

りq∩ηQミ 劇%a■ ott、■)愉セQta εQ〔可1

6trlcra1 y[161p fl?r ?1(.,{rd rlgl au <re urbGls qQsr{ls{I, qer?rd utqgr Raiaqr ri.S, q.sferr

atr l,r0.s uc<u luQar{I"ft ua.n"tc(ls[ NuOs qutclkr ct1s1"{l qru,izciturizqual ru} riuqc<tl Sscrri utQct,

ci.s g'ucgft e?]atror €tr? t8ct cls'l ol eg secrrl r,uia uatrzqitutqu.i.zr,r(e.ura1 ixn tjrseqt{i r,{icr ejn+a1 ctat u{lerl.r"tt"n u[iOQ au r,ttucrtt{l urQet uqrtrl "{li. gzor B,

5a1 rg4"ua"j at{ui. neari

ege,ua tla 5aU1 iu"0ai uRHO srar

uurtrct ucEar

rioiQa rr0sr{l aur{uaa uqd?

r{l 1ogouoOutctQtlt,



<r. uqc{I,

u. qsleet

irrgl qnna seru 1qlb, iu"{l fl?r qc,ooo

c.0ee rugft erurrqtrrl

uqel al i sdrllatqqr{ qrqit qis e,ooo c0ar gQ.t

urg0 "[soe1 i ctae{i

rcl R "d[ rrta{.

i.r+z iq"{l qc,ooo

e0ar ug[t .rure].

iqiell 3 ?,ooo c{lae

urgfl iq"{l fluroscr

s{li qruref <tr w6t"jurgfl s+lell cu+r1z

ctl■a 社103 aaCOldt』 εぞЦtaa naЦ

54 m utqlCtOn ct

uЦ4 a6a a4ЦiOば 3a

6嘲 qd d3anunantt R.tt a38、観襲可 し,3Ц■ 咀et e

Ч`,000 dat ttt哺

cttutctl■ ■qユ aЧ吼qold%Q■■ ぬtact

■マt aqtЦt Щcta_ れは

tヽを uaЦ ■■03taミ《c.t

OltCcs aet nmaaЩミ』 ЦマcttatOQ aCtt4

aa D ua utqtOtoQ ЦЩ

Cttε %6ユot 4q 5tctt■

uttcta a ■lさ4 ηa■tυn 3n daCt D un

a Цそυ■ ■υa Цntt

●Lε % Ч帆■ 6ЦaЭtl

srqtrl qtqe].

6q"{l qd agdl{lURAQs{l Rote sfse}qg{i trquqj }, Gufctl{idl

"0stn"utt oie,r ug[l {)rl:r.o.o. ttG.rd l<{toe

"tiu{li fla grqr{ qtqel.

fatdl rugfld Rstct orar

L tsa{t"0 orett ael "tdl.

ra[.?r{i€ll I cig utqfl

"ftsoel Ri flel"a s{laa {tetuef queter{l

a.qtxl r,(cref. Bell utgtli

lsafl"ft c,or o]sct.tL ]ugqqra a.u'L gl.6 uaeBit "tdt.

a{l s {Aeretu,

agonet ulet,rtt{: Jt?dlq[,

cu. uqc{I,

!l. qsleer

aЦQ tγЦtd 3tctt ЩЩし, 3u4a 6.‐6aan8■ RЩo■ 。t畿

しЦε亀〔こЦ ct』

3嘲 qn d3■nuRaQm a.ιマ ュ38`

嗅Ltt ι,■Щa6.■6.a.

atε■ Ⅷ 記』 1。

0■.ctt utta Qatet

uЦtatt aa じ un a■は[ミ Rtttttt QЩ O■。tat uЩ att aa ct』 .

qЧ■ ‐ ●ttOta.■ adt

tЧマd 3tctt ttLqcttЦ i

ulctt t, ■%e cta aaqa 5tマQ at uЩ aQt

3ぞ qt■ ‐aQ ot■

颯 0ヽ





Чuad uは,



υ.ctaε et

ixgl ?yr,ua 3?dr

itqrqi l, Sudldl iatr"{lttt cis U"ttqqft dcf"(luteu B "trdtu qedlqt

ru.{ ri{qda. }riqrqa"tl uoarirltuqrxl r,rQc-t "trIl ! idcl.[ ttqr seqt{r,{Qc-t 4€ll.

irql eg:+i erE[q ],cu{+l ut{q uarqr B

ii rngt sfl uicJ cu}{

rirrLqa"tl ueatri mgt

slq dell.

utLGls r,tOstfla{lrl

t'qrCj L, ul c13t[q1

ru.{ riru?rd{i mqr

slct B qi u0.arQ"t

flutcte(rJ"fl nd[ uqt

dctt{i ratQcr B r,ri iir,ili Uqerotc[qqu{i r{act.

aЦa ctЧ■ Ⅲ し,●

り■4■■5tCtti ua

3 an %qtct 3.、

Щuctl■ Щqユ?

ЩじQ5 ЦQ31ama呻 蠅 し, u Ct15

、atql■■ 0■Ou

tt60tC・ta■ ctte 油

υ.■.■ 4 ■ aqat6e CЦマ 13Ctt■

_cta ua a■ 。t5c.t

り。■.■ 4 ηna』


V all vctlt,eteuo



Jttrt: ct?tllqt,

ctl.. ttlqcft,

U. cts-le ?[

itgl ?Tr,ua 5?ctt

tllrq !, 6q"0 Iso,ooo c{le? uqft u[A

[t,qu qrurqrdl D i.QRact cgctclrrl stel .lidl qtsqne qtgottgoti

Qdl"{ otredct 6qr qel

! * qdl xt)d +ela B.

aЦQ ctЧ■ u し,

3.■a naaact Щゝ

■■ad utミ』Цぞqtaol

■o03 uatu eЦQQ崚a m6qqt4 3 a

Цt≧4%Щ aatD?

3Ц4ct13■ctlq咀 3edt

哺Q tt Ц2Qcta Ц≧4%側L aЩマ8t■ aa n

電 ut Ct13 CヽttqЧl

5tataマ D?

aЦQ ctЧЦi、曝電L,Cta

K・tt記 60 3マCtt Щ≧

3Ч■ qd d3■nりRRQ颯 鮎 te n3e`

電L可 し,3um e s。 ,。。。

det Щtt cttutCt14 3

actt ■を ■υ sq(■ .a

■a』 ЦtcttotOt aqt4

aaじ un m_υ .sctqn.

ЦQCttCtOl utudt ttc・tt

qtt cttcttta u駅 翡Q5、

3■a qЭld%Q式 讀ua

Щゝ 4 RRЦ Qttaa

uQot aa 3

8Ч4 qn d3■nuQRQ颯 騰 tt ■38`

CtЧЦiヽ鴫Lqし,し ■ヽ■マl

●6cutεct ctЦ tCtt Цt≧ e

36 3QCtt'(‐ Cta a●act

5嘲4 Ktt記■ %atlЩ

5マ CttЩ ‐Cta ua u籐

りm ctOttt a6Ц尊

u81e13t■ ■赳 3`t ctt■

■ac.t ot』 a ■れ

Ct3■ ■■ 6.utO.a.

カミ,■ utt εQ〔 aQ D

3u■ qd d54nuRRQtt R●tぞ ■38`


UC<.n rirtt?ra uilell

rc{l utqtacft eft0ct


a.Q ctЧЦi ttq し,

3Ч4e sO,000 daぞ

Цtt LR3ct otatqqt

Цt≧ GЦ工。ttt aql■ 0

a■■`Q,000 mat。

Ц曖 』a ut、・ 13QЧt

3ta n a 、L』3Q単

3Qqt4 γcttq61a Ц≧

3Ц組 ぬ“

6Цt c・tatq

3a tЩuュ?

a.Q qЧ■ 製 可 し,

こuttn att c■ eマ■

ctact 3 b uct akttt

aan e ua qtunut咀■■■■a D actt

Щゝ dЦa.a可 、マtqt

D?uЩa uta c。。m1000■ 3マ電ctQCtし を

■■υttq Эta3qtも

●tOtt4 υtiЦ D 3uma

lR3Ct』 uЩa ntta

■3atOt aa aЦ D a』

uЦta:Ц4dマЪ nauD

a■Q utett atua電。tt■ ad ttt蠅 し,

ctlna nata Oa tiЦ組 劃B 4qa a

qЧ■ ■u可 し,● 36

■dtaa Чミ』 嗅a

Цecttctolm act14 aЦ じ

a ЦtcttotЭa ctn 3dmet 3tЦ 3マctt■ utqミ

a4ξ Щtt Щ、9.

3d qn d3■ nu000颯 鍼 tマ ■38`

qЧ■ 1鵬■蠅 し,‐ 凱a

n3■S aFtlば ttttt D

ua 6εQqcttet 016t

ut帆れ 、L13マ尊●tte■6

03ta 5マ CttЦi ЩCta cta

ua a電 酬 aaЭt

υ.■.■ 4.颯tt stCtt■


らu■ qd d3■n

unaQ颯 騰 te n38、

qЧ■ 嗅u可 し,3m6 ut6.a ata■ 8Q〔 aα

■3■ mtd uЦ以

QttLt4 3 ユ6 ユ勢u

Qate■ 4』 manみ1)aq QOta εQiact


iu"{l cr.[ <s"{Ifl

URAOs{l G.ett s-lsa}

qgli zgucg B, iq"fti'

哄じQ3 ■031ama鷺L可 し,‐ ■颯

8taa.■ ■υa

utuctt4 a■ ot』 _

■Щヽ 38d ut 5tactta

tttOtn t3aCum aa


utυctlυ(ЭtЦctl ana

a%Эtta Цdlマさa aЦγ

nd Щ≧ctt eぬtaa

Odt a■』 c_tlct ulЧ Q

ua D a』 鴎 ■

nda ・l13 Цマtq a6

。tact D

3.m att Эじ ttt咀

qЭtd■ 6dlta nぬtact Цttct aa a』

■ctt Цtゝ tギ nヽd砒≧

● qold%n■ 6Цmtala 3 a4 6Цt

utts■ut aa tu4しR3ct qctta a ■じ

uЩa nauD

aЦQ qЧ■ 瑯 可 t,

lo O.■ otl R凛[2■ ●

ottt uta D a ottal

ana nctt4a ct13

■Ottq颯 324 畿6ユ

3Ц■●LR3Qtt Ccutect

3tCtt4 3 a■ 10B■.

■ R凛tマ4 囃Эtan

4a ndi ttla cЦそ

■3Q■Ot Чまミa■ D

itgl +g:ri $Srq 3,

ir?sri cul cur c+lS

c-tcu{ rugll qqrqqt u]m.lta s{l 0. aeII aiu"{l utg s? cu:{i t4tctal

al, ctidl r{ltrn ruoT crl,s

r*le]cta stqr:{[ r4tcri[.

r,u rcr.o? {r{gtqgf Ittel

c{lsdis SIR{d ru.e rbel.

qi. r,t!. utdl r,r{lrl tfhlB iu"tl"j cig urqft qaol

v(^{i rqr"fl cEqru rae].

"tdt. ir,iln qgd tr+acu

s?d[ erguaa ] &tf"ilute?t qa "ittt{l uti. sl.t,

klr"? "IQII ui ur uqr ut[d.t tttr+i {g rua wt"aB. iu"{l 6t?r srareroj

qtct< gtqtri r,{tqel adl

5flsfl r,udl qruq,{iqrdl.

iu"ft qd as"[6t

URAOs{l Rett sl.sa}

srinci !, to B.{1. +1.

q(lattr [Qura Rara

srtrct a-[e tartt utrg

tga"a) i r,tlctdi B

qi ipll to Ci.,{I. +fqoenn stqt{i r,t4ct Er+i i"tL qacu [d.uteri

{5eu..r stqt"ft a{dtqeti E i{ apll.


二Ц■■ 4τ n66c■ltεOt L ● ЦЦttt

atua, ottЦ, Ч、 uanda■3Q■■Ct 3` ag

aa n a Щ≧u■ ■υaul■a na.

3.m R3Щ ctla ma

■tlR3 aЦ εttdctctt■i


Ц 颯 Bヽ4§Щぞ



ЭtemЩ ouЦ

Ч■ ad uは,


dt uqd,

υ_qユε et

i{ql ?!R4tct s?cr.

sqrei !, r4r U0.sc-r

iq"ft r+{r} crrtllart

curqi frucfl "tell.rtt {ott e{a t ts u?

etu{li qt{hl dhl }6u"0 rarqqrtll q{{lQdi qtsr+ne Eel. "?ellqL i,{"0.il [Qt-Ir{ s{ladhl. ir{er 6q"ft r,ttqel

al r,rrua cul"j f urg[t

f,.ft ut) E i'tf Guqlct

srel al Q.{l s6 {la eref.

iu"ft q.{l as"flfl

u(lR0{l Rorr s-lse}

vquc?.i L, rr c{lef c0s.lls

$tqd uu.e E. adlutqfl <,tett rc{t{ aell.

iq"{l I .{c,ooo c0ar

utgfl ctuect"0 E ii.u{tlt uB4tsll fle s{tqruref. * uE uui B

uqr sfl{. Sell qarcr,

r,{I"t, qqtqtqta sl.o

14rsr4n? q.qtdl "tsll

qiiu"ft atr stuet{ uraa

srqt{i r{tqef .

S r{l ctct[gqtauo


ufcifl,rttlt: rt?tllql,

ru. nt.rc0,

u. crsle?t

it{qf ?loucr 5?dr

intuei !, iudl cfte'l

cftgdls Otrnd se{"0E al. i. <{rqa"ft <,Gtr{l

orLs<i uai. O.0arri.


:Ц4otl at■ot■ マQ3

msdaa嗅.qし,Q4,Ctt ЭtЦ,d Щεtt,υ

qユca■ amat ott.4

:Ч43.am ξ Ы崚382

9a』 a d54S n赳ば

3.emm uに 、■3at` a

ЩЧQ 3Ц■■ ●tett utact

a』 ed■ ua単■%6a


CtЧ■1嗅ttC邁 し,ut 6ユЭt

uЧt uq aR otlε %Щヽ

Ц尊 0“t aa(■ヽ■u

ЩЧtam aRR qctt4a

Щ4an a.

0 颯 2ヽ





Цuad uは ,




aЦQ セlrttd 3マctt

興 qし,tu4 8さ じb

aЦtR■ 4d ctt4aql』 aa 6.t16aana■ εQ〔ac.t ot』 a

γ aa Щ 。..Цtt Ctt■

3 ユ 評λ じЦ actt■ i

4aQ 3 _cta ξtta

aЩ nda Щtt utミ じ

iu"{l q.0 as"{14

URRQa{l Rerr sfsat

irqrei I, 6.1{6.4.

{tql8"{l st{o[{l ruos

ctt ot tvot seqt{ qtQct


`a{l crcft,era{6



Jttr{: rt?tll{,ar. u"rc[,

!l. qsleet

ixgl tgut< srru r1tr.i

I, 3q"0 sE E ! ro c.ur,r

3[Qru currai [igut {r)*ot"{lg a] r,rc{l Iisafl llta{ B aqiPfl

crrtllqr curr"ti fQstu

u) laau go'ar $o.arD?

iu"0 q.{l all ficrq a0

ersrej !, e? iudl?ors ri g"[ iu"{lufldli qr.au <,ue iudlaet r{I.llu.rrr. asdt.{ldt

aflL cre'le arrrdl qctxiaxoo Aqrelhal."{l ralq"ft

auril srtQct r,ti ir+iell

ruo Atnellr,il. ! ?i "toreear ii iu"ftai r,t{ qe{t

c,t+tc{l uttuqr{i ?atQcr.

Rxn i qctxi qzuefugr

qqr srqr{ urQct 0.

ctttllqt our+:{ ri[0r c,ti

D iat otdl"ti o,tiuar+'il

url 3u"[ fl?l y?-l

utsqtd utcnQd 0.

Ru}L tgudc-t L, cuxat

<ntc"j urgfl cqrl cr?ile

q3 .e[l Getrtqi c,rcte

mq E. i.al clctolvo<t

d?rq rt} qutter sr6 qt}

E, tp[ 6udl aet ]rt"tqfet et{#[ct rrttoe

alucrt"j r,ttu1t"t B.


aЦa ctЧЦi ttL可 し,

3Ч4■ YO■ Чo a駅

Щ03 Цtttna a%。 ta

■ιuctt■ csla 3 a ttt

3Чoれヽ■octt■ 4a ltaC・tt 3■■a Stamm2Qじ?

a・a qЧ■ ,製t蠅 し,

3Цa ttlq Щa ЦЧt

tR3ct● Cattect aq 4

畿6ュ on a 4≧ ■Щa

3Ч4det uЦd naЦ


aЦa qЧ■,●・


ouЦ4 nd qtua■吼』 ad■■υn aこЦm aЩ Bハ naεQ〔ac.t aa a 4υ

Цlodm un aa a36aa.m a3ta?

iqdl qdl r{l [isar cr]qgt{i vquei }, ota{cretllar.r ou{{s{l c rugutl

iu"[{i sru s} B. gct

rfvcu{l{ell xs asr

+&LRs crfsfi elvcu{l

rructul uiet E r,ti.

o{iur{i uqr r€nQs

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■Ottq曖 4011C ua Gd uマιqctt o6れndマ34ュマ哺 §α■Чt(3)and tγЩa.act D e■

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utミct%cttq u■ 3■ aatte d_.■ n_3 daし 3tan■ Osctt■ utqQ

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d<xi cdsgarcgfti uttaaalldl qra{.? n6 n{r"t mA? seqrqi qrQct.

ひaЦ ● εa(っn tu九

utlGls q[{$fl u.{l.dl.o{1., Oqtdl qQs pc<u sdrerqs-leet rli qer?rct ugugr r,ri. ll0.s glc<u IUQaE{I,

at{lu: erzoxzeoro Raiagr dS"ti uRRQ afl} qsLeet,

grc<u gd.sae qi urculuQaa{l qsLelar u[iR[Q


tcto: rt?t{latt,

ar. uqc{Lgc<tr: cs-Iett


.I1 PARYAVARAN MITRA(Regd No.1/20934/Ahmedabad)

502,Ral Avenue,Bhalkaka Nagar Road,Nr Thanel crOss Road,Thanej,Ahmedabad‐ 380059Phone:(o79)26851321

Ema‖ :parya■oranmltFaOyah。。.cOm WebSite:http:〃 paryavaranmitra.org.in


Re■ PMИⅥP/EPⅡC/2780/2017


Member Sccretary

GuJarat Pollution COntrol BOard

Gandhinagar 、

Sub.:EnvironmentaI Public Hearing of M/s

Samiaya Road,Village:Gardhiya,P.0.Taluka:

Apri1 2017.


Kalintis Healthcare Pvt Ltd at 52A, Jarod-Savli, Dist: Vadodarato be scheduled on lgth


we have studied the draft EIA report of the above-mentioned project. Following are ourobservation/comments/questions regarding project and draft EIA report.

l. Whether company has been issued show cause notice / closure order / notice under water act1974 or Air act 1981 or Environmental Protection Act 1986 since starting of existing unit? Ifyes then Please give copy. what remedies had been taken for restarting operations?

2. Whether company has valid consolidated consent and authorization of GPCB under various actsfor its existing unit? Please give CCA and compliance report of consent and authorization.

3. How the required land for the project is acquired? was it a govemment or private land?4. Please give copy ofthe GPCB visit report and air / water / solid waste sample analysis report for

the exigting unit in last three years.

5. Whether unit has submitted Environmental Audit reports regularly to GPCB for existing plant?6. EIA report indicates that the water requiranent will be frrlfilled by bore well. Has project

proponent take necessary permission from local village panchayat for digging the bore well?Please submit rtecessary document.

7' What types of precautions will be taken for storage and transporlation of hazardous material andwaste?

8. Please justi$r domestic water requirement for existing and proposed expansion.9. Why baseline monitoring started even before approval ofTOR?10' Please give exact dates of ambient air quality, surface water, ground water, noise monitoring

and soil quality monitoring.

11. Please provide details of each unit for Existing and proposed ETp.12. Please give name of authorized re-processor to whom used oil will be sold.


502,(RegdiN∝ E押934/ALmedabad)_

Ral Avenue,8haikaka Nagar Road,Nr TJla‖可CroSS日oad,Thanel,Ahmedabad-380059

Ema‖Phone: (079) 26851921

: lrIya:[email protected] Webslte : http://paryavaranmitra.org.in

13' Please give name ofan authorized recyeler to whom discarded containers / banels / plastic will

14. what types of socio-economic deveropment activities industry w l take up as a part of cSRactivity and what is the budget for CSR activity?15' How much plantation has'been done fiII date in the existing unit? what was the rate of survivalof those plants?16' How many rocal peopre are employed in the existing unit and how many locar people w,r getemployment through this proposed expansion ?


Mahesh Pandya

CC: l. Collector, Vadodara2.Regional officer, GpCB Vadodara

Fwd Kalmus HeJhcare Pvt Ltd puЫ たhea‖ ng rela“d bter‐ PcbV… Ⅲ'〃

nla■ google cormi1/11/0/#inbox/15b83b51cdcad




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Goo91o Talk wl‖ berepiaced wlth

Hangouts on」une26,2017.

Tip:lf you‖ ke the look

of Google Talk,try lhe

Fwd: Kalintis Healthcare Pvt Ltd. public hearing related letter

P2 Branch

to me, R, scienofficer3-.

SirPlease look in Uis matterRVPATEL

Ser from my iPhone

Begin fon\€rded message:

From: JITENDM PATEL <li!9!!!Iapa!ell-0293@g!!ell >Date: 18 April 2017 at 10:22:16 PM tSTTo: [email protected],'MItiAXt UMESHCT-tANDRA St-[qH(coCCc: [email protected] Kallnfls tlealthcaro Pyt Ltd, publlc hearing relatsd tetter


P:ease,lnd od altached sheet of KAL:N「 :S HEALTHCARE PVT LTD pub‖く

Thanks With Regards,

Jitendra Patel


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qa) eflq ffifr qrHda Ejqlm a+fier t Eq+ +rt Etr+ *ffir nrfrqHffit?q€ ERFE'I r€ril{ ft{+ Rsr qm qS efifl tr


c\ 9998980519


From:GPCB Vadodaraくgpcbvadodara@gmailcom>

Sent:20 Apri1 2017 13:43:31

To:Vilav;Shitalkumar K Thakkar

SutteCt:Regarding Public Hea“ ng


Piind endosed heremh reprenlation rece■ od w rto Environmenlal publc heanng scheduled to be heu on 21704/17

For yourinfomalion and necessary action please

C A Shah

Regonai Ofncer


RoO,ona1 0rce

Cularat Polullon Control Board

GERl Compound,RaCe COurse Road

Vadodara-300∞ 7

Ph No(0266)2354850

FaX No (0265)2330205

r<i, r t- rr, n {-rq, {lftf!?,

xlt l{I,t. tu,u{.}a{.grua egte firiztet q-'r{, ,trer-to d, :1[tl]4o11.

…銀 ‐ 暉




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nqЧ■■■3tt■ぶta■ ■ ■■、tan.13a昴

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|ヽ2と ■■■_■■.■[も34







1i. i\-[4r g?Rrd 1r$r qsri rls,t urie slq u'i i dtrri rtquet lt,i*q q]J +)ir.rr .i.[Z+ ,rqr

動●t・tlい ulヽくQ■ aa■ .t築 ■■■ ■■■i t34

tx. gRrt drttl udcr* arrL .r1"ti gittt-t ,?-u1[ ,q[ s{L g].t.[ }[qse qrqrqL{ utqrLr 0 i-u.rLr zqLqril deu i dq'{I }h-se{l q,{[qrn,i rru ura{ tr*u-t q6 r} r} zqrqr oqr rgt4.rsqL +r rr:R.tL r'i"t rttl rt} 0 il rct]qui.

rq. ocr-NABET:i t{-e grer{<r ell .t1t {l rltL ?dl€.{l 3l{l 6\t n0{tssrtfl r,1.r.l,il.d't.{ dril.1 E . QcI-NABET - h,r,r 3vr,r r+t<e-) e0taL qeLt.u ictL,{l $rlL.te dlt, dnd r qn{ er*rL.t }acrr

sta f iJt[ tLr eqL.{l aCI r{t rr} t} ).0 Rcta r.ltq$r .

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q{<r r} } rs1 i crqrcril.

rs. st-EAc dr+{l jq.{li qrrrqL.tl uricr ToR i comptiance .ti urct nar e4[ra nr{ roo atr ,1r[

er{e eiq al i.0'{rc{ i r.{14[\c.rl l,tr\.

ro. d<g:n['rL {[rr tii-ut drt.ul.dr. {[ ciql 6q, o.rurJ.&.+tl.d uticr ri-sgud{ +llfl}adr.u).dr.{ 3*ii.

?1. j\-{l {i q{ drtt s,[qr{ur-'t-u ur Jra qerr t'rZlrr ql{ r:rrr llt< trqLri urQ ii qr.t r}. <rrn

z.r agL rErR, e'rri'i titrrL{ urrrqrri r,tLl.

r r. !u-{l rt1 tut{l it.0-u ut.tjc{t, }tri{tr .t!rr u.q [q+tur,tL rietrtL qiq r{]cr r,t^ql{rd, r'u .r,4tti

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tctrtd l,t.1.-it.un-\t ({{t.

ro. !u-{l rq +uLdl }q.{l{r r,irQt?. d.prL u-rr hrrur'u dtri s. r{l.dl.r,tl. ar+rll rctlL:1iLdln uL'{qr{

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rv. g-itca-) Qcl-Nneer d r,i}{t)$t nllfl}a {q.rqL rr) sidl uto ui uro rui rqrt-<r gucr-ft

.ueil i't.u1. d,r.r[ Xru1.

Чtti nn

ィェ ン



 ヽ・t ・      ・ヽ ・




ToMahesh Pandya,Paryavaran Mitr4502, Raj Avenue, Bhaikakanagar road,Thaltej, 41*.6u6ad - 380059

Sub. : Environmental Public Hearing of lWs Kelintis Healthcare Pvt Ltd at 52A, Jarod-Samlaya Road, Village: Gardhiya, P.O. Taluka: Savli, Dist: Vadodarato be scheduled on19th April 2017.

Sir.With reference to above subject matter and your mail dated 1710412017 . Please find here belowour reply with respect to your queries.

l. Kalintis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. has not been issued anv show cause notice /closure order/notice.

2. Yes, Company is having valid CCA up to 2019 and copy of CCA and its compliance isgiven in EIA in Annexure no.- XVI, XVII, XVIL

3. Kalintis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. took over business from old Company. It was private noneagricultural land.

4. GPCB visit report is given in Annexure-I.

5. Environment Audit report is not applicable to our unit as per Hon'ble High court order.

6. Water requirement will be fulfilled by bore well. Necessary permission has beenobtained from local village Panchayat, letter is given in Annexure-Il.

7. All necessary precautions will be taken for storage rnd transportrtion of hazardousmaterial and waste which is given in draft EIA report section parge no. 7-8.

8. Total domestic water requirement for the project is 5 KLD for 100 employees @risting50 and Proposed 50). Considering 50 liters water requirenent per penon.

9. considering expected monsoon and time taking process ofauthority ToR, it was decidedto conduct baseline monitoring considering pre-monsoon period. For the selection of saidmonitoring period, details were communicated to MoEF&CC.

10. Baseline monitoring for surface water, ground water, noise quality and soil quality wesconducted on 1910412016,20n4nu6 and 0l/06/2016. while ambient air quality rnonitoringwas conducted during 16103/2016 to lil06t20l6 twice a week per location.

I(AIJNTIS HEAITH CARE P'VI. tTD.52A, Jorod-Somloyo Rood, Gordhiyo, p.O., Tol, Sovli, Disf .

Vododoro - 391520, cuiorot. phone: 02667 - 290770CtN: U24l t0GJ20t SPTC083Z9l


ll. Existing ETP consists following units:

l_rinary Trestment Tanrr" Settring Tank, overnow tank, sand lirter trnk, charcoar firter,Holding TankProposed ETP consist following units:screen chamber, Equalizatio_n Tank" o and grease Trap, Neutrarization Tank, primarysettling Tank, Anoxic Tank, First stage Aeration Tanrq Fi;t stage secondary ,"tiriog t"oL,second stage aeration tank, second stage s€condary settring Lnk, Inter'ediate TanbFilter Foundatinn, srudge pump, srudge drying beds, Firter fress.["a, nrcCp"oer

"omoperator room, Hazardous waste storage erea, Blower shed. Details are given in section2.9.1.1 and on page no, 2-62 of EIA report.

12. used oil will be sold to only authorized re-processor, one of them is lws. R. K. steel,

13. Discarded containers / barrels/plastic will be sold to only authorized recyclers, one ofthem is lWs. R-bythm Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.

14. Proposed csR activities with budgetary provision is given in EIA report section g.5 ofchapter-8.

15. Total 2450 nos. of plantation has been done till date and survival rste of those plantswas about 907o.

16. Total 23 local people are employed in the existing unit which is about to 460/o of thetotal employment. For the proposed expansion project, company will prefer local peoplesfor the employment on their eligibility criteria.

Yours truly,

For, Kalintis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd..For t(rlbtir Hcrltbcerc m' Ltd'


Encl.: a/a


52A, Jorod-Somtoyo Rood. Gordhiyo, p.O., Tol. Sovti. Dist.Vododoro - 391520, Gujorot. pho^e:02667 - 2gO77O

CIN: U24I I0GJ20t 5pTC083Z9I




FI rsoo r' a ^plr

$ldlt][email protected] dm-ii--


-tzsiro c APHA sErdr! Lr!

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tarrwrr*rmma rcocrrEffiffir - 5lF(p 40'APHr{22|tt dFSl|() so. E r<OEr q7aFt{ (u$ Edlclf sao B oEi GiaffiL4n:E.-ffi-o€asr'drd. l56roE5-o.t6.rru GE..fidffi

5lF sq[) qt !t0l - tlE rC laa


tr6..|fir R.Et. : AppROvED 8rr6!a_i25 Ot 15t{t 20tl r^7=+1L. K Vd|d.r, 1,.$ H.d



Gqrr Lld.r c.cd r-t. v.a.&..cEIc.a-dt&.C{9t.avd.t .,JttatT-.:e!a+2t {E5a

l- lvr- .r O. C|s.cz" ArlihG

: XrbS Fi.&r.-r. hr Lrd ( far.t, SF|l S.rrb..) - !2taa: -5zAs.{JrlLAyA


r. rwrr.tsqr J't'+tls:o' T'b : s'tt' Dttt! : v*d'r+ GrDc : xc b Gra.

.. $a..c.rdtd BJ ;H"m*'ortrtF:Rotr'x'd'vi.r)5. Ql.{tr CS.q'} n i.rltda.C.d.X.. ..tL Sal :1At!p:-lL&lt f-dca.df |rr.rt! j ,t/0yID , (ttto o latq e l3&yj0tl6. lhr {kr a CqLr dAEtrlt : ryol49lr & D.{artctft.STttblla flr lr.d& Gr-tt

: frr trl t"ld ??r'rir{ c! dtFtd Erll. M.d..[u{e.{ r (h Ld br !r.t.rr3r:- Ufd.r. &.raetf Eoa.r : No t*,.tr otrarrat irfr,Fd.rf S. T.rf|.r..rt - C.t dt .t.,csrq!ne"'. . 1-" ^{

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cl&t Pto{6./L atdr9l!

r',rbaa lrri-rradsad !r!.l|t !.oFoan^Bf2 ln. rErS r- cr, ro lr 6d ..hpb rn r!ta..!o !-'*t r E !..raEr or Fdr.n a n h- rbr. ,t , h9-d3. S|n9L f b. ('6trd

-r t0 (byr hn !. di. d !q/.6t rd,!poi olbrt o!r.rri..r€&.a nE,' o.r o rEl b b r+qtr.a rErv d. !.r q u=d r rt 5'dt 19,rrr. rt'r tE Dsrnr36..r o, rh. add. rEE5 Tlr 8br! . id ri.Elaa b rF rrlt 4t iE stt33 rd..ro.bd by rE A€if3 db.E6. Tot r gtt orcr taandy !' lnu b dr. l||d.td .E r rly cF-.!b9 dn ot tib ryEt b gtFctbGJF.Ir'tlturdiyt Fr'|rBrD r'h! r. Fr s.t 4r vr or EpA [trb. rgrF .6 rrlirIhd !y s.od zn nrd -rt:fltrEnt rsa b Errrnb0. Prir!...J:rE -l .r.rEq.c r5nEb.i $d x.r,E6 d w*" i wa" oy-. zr,< 6-i'ii*.9. Socy H 0c to(t') +tt5€?:prs?20E ; Rdtulrd ZOOI



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cfech *ia yan rranf,s-u, rn ar cr# qlnrA,tlw en.*.1a. qa,Srrt*.*. dc-$r"(,EQe ruu - oit oct

Ttt<c 4,

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f. qrd ct frq rrqr I f,e srct @ ggtn rFT rr.ra t,Te t xtt trr F0 f,fu *rra * dzl t

r. rlqfts qlft{r frlrrlRftfu& (S.rr.sn.) t, 6rcl f,r qr6 fuaRfra fu rrf t I

e. f,Tt sn rr'ffirfl drf 6r Til r?Tfi etgt< fuqr afi t t

s. cltnri it( fradg cr$ ilrf, ol c6l rarqr srqm rtr cf, ilIf rrldq F +f,rgFfuqr vrqqr t, ili zG qCt *t Biq fi ilq/t r st< cG cFlt (ftd n< Ear aI rnt&.fr. * fic fto qlcrn t frcrf ctt Tr u,l 6E fi cr* qra * Wr ath vrcqr r

g. g* rgtt qa I r,rog 1rnlcsr ft.qr $fi t I ctfr so% t wqr ffi€ t | $t t,arecfii€-r*Arftl

q. fFt tr *. t+afi+ra or crdrq Tgr t t

b. Fqro wra slar lH+ Fner gif{ Tlf srctac,r#i Frfr qr gfar * srscm i, r t *Rq 6tt ntfur rtl fi {srrar aO t r

K{.I|YNs HEAIH CINE ryI, tID.52A, Jorod-Somtryo Rood, Gqdhiyo , p.O.. tot. Sovti, Dist.

vododoro - 39 | S?o, G.got. ptrcr:€.: U2667 _ BO77OCIN:U2t||reJmSplGsi37g|

FiF 6rq 6r trFr drgrtf mfi fr.l Frfr

IIr/oq/iotq ol r{}g 6f q-c* td tc, gc Frft{ rt{

qrrr rr fufi{sr

?uco r'rdl a fogF5*lto * S- rtr rrr ssrftasnl cl qrsr Ffi{or fucr


0q,bbo Tt

t Ir/cqfiofq uI *B rf qa* 1rnlcq

rrlf rf e5a it bo I6i rrr

rlcq ftq arcr9,lco $

Iznfucf zrfiil t dfrror ffiror{ t-r erg f foqr qrq:n T{fuqr rnq l,9o,ooo eftT{


z. rrfu*s ia*.r n fr. 61 6ff alsr Ertl, alfu / *.n{ fu / di*r ffi aO t I

c. rert imtt f cS 6tt gfcir Et aO t r

r". Fsrt ivfr * qdGd ffi qf, *.ara rcch * ;.rifi* t I

r. fert *v* * cqchr d srffi +ftrdr st{,rt qfrq}{r frTq fuft * crtcr zrfi tfr. Fr 6dqr0 rr ff,rrft t ra str rftfi tRf,f, to rc ffifr w * fuqI crqJn t

tBo-d tt, sc ft cnr;rt ct{ r{}, arrdE Trrfc ftqtt } dt s.r tq i. r-r jt frqrTfitl

n. *v* qfur in{frfte rf,}.* rfuft{F, rqcr f iltq w ctsref e+ +r#t drgcfilrn aiuai t frq qfur arlftht feyra dzl r


otfu+s frc*'{ n fr.Fcr f,dlatb Hcdtf,crrc M. ltd.

d4:D';<----^ Arr$orbcd Slgn|tort

tyOta nrroatt

KALINTIS HEALTH CARE PVT. LID.52A, Jorod-Somloyo Rood. Gordhiyo, p.O., Tot. Sovli. Dist.

Vododoro - 391520. Gujoroi. phone:02667 _ 29O77OCtN: U24l I 0GJ20l SPTCOB3ZSI

sfrq -r

F ara r*fla {@r Tr {rfr ilrtq 4q fft dslfrq 99 ?fqrel 9

drfi b

ldd{ q J

ry 9


@€rrt I3ra[ ?3

grc+g Her t9ttr4r drf, 3iF qff,r ?30

.Yrt..l tto?r?r ara ersrq ?toqsidqr rrf,rfr I oo

ora ttdl 800

rd{r tg ttrd{r Tdt-dt ?a

oca gor,ff 9o

d]d :FGI 9o

Cstdtqr ffi ?oo

+t+l-ie ?9

ff6r Br€ ?oo

6$tr qisr ua9

fr+tqr ?9

ff,rrfi rrtrSr ?o

q1lr{F|4 9

6rfuq o

H 3

€qq{S 3

rE'rf I

lFl{rqsr(wFar|E , takRq

+ia errs zJra lo

ql-aa errg ara lo

ftrdr io

a||.a 9

qotdtqr drd 9o

d ril\4 : ?q..ou.Qoq.@

uauec{ ua"gSrl? oiqc{ol lu

ai-u. .r.rrotot urd a)areldl,

u r?.c,il.?ic-r. tgcr"il urtrcn,

U.?n ru. sl.dl. visc)o<t?,

Ucri : cl?q - 3c3 ooe


lae{ srcjl.ala dcerle ur. Rr."il uellqeeila cr)s goror:[l dl.?q'ou.Qoqb qt e)qr ota€llat, ot

' arccil, gtccr) : qs)eat \atd q)vqre r!. dql?l veq)41 erorca) "{le) 3vu t}'

q. drr?r Gtrdl ga.r)"{l e,ll 'l'i€l cru?i tClzA ud ulcrs{hi 81ei d'{"r dTq) olGtel}li

?rtrlci SJlg-e. s)ulle aritgs cror,aer "il ugl?ru)4 Gcrc) 4e) 5"vca d'

?r ?isqrri ul ricerte gefl s)u g::s u)ucr"t) Gsrcr slcr qQil.

Gcrrreq ui dlat.ad crtrd) .rqlr ugliu) s)e1a laecrleqi seqtlli ertqe) Uld zdt

Gtctreqi rrrec)"s itlq"fl "ictcttg seqtri urqq), ')ri gGa urr:ll'rr al4ae'lcr4c2rq?er r seqtti z'rrqq). d ureil gGcr cq't cr) dd gdrfllli da saqtqi utqe). ')eil s)Et

gGc oeardl uleil rcrt"a"fl c'l€l? cta) ol€.l.

irqrer rjlqcice Geareqi leoa ga) e)ucttri utc)cr d. ga)"fl errdl T l?Rr\a-q lierlrucrrlti e'rrdci t!. crc.rrri uo% e qg lQrdreqi :jlqc)ce €).

zrl Staor t lOgl&ser:r.il dcrqtg slcj €).



aq uql?ro) usra cr t<rt tell ?srt ( Q. ) |RrG


uir{4 auta.i'l fQrloe udve)e erutgcrri

ct.eu.oc-.lorq, ot dorur:rr-"j Gcreer

ruoo Ga teilu) rr) eri.r"llcruta.r) RrOa ?xd

?n?r?q?d Ga rellerr)d quto

qqqtd GcaQr

3q,, {ooo xuf


ve)e ctutgcrlticrr.cr.oc-. ?ocg ot t e)"r


ve)e cru+gcrri roo ga)e)ucrrli zntcat €).

3,{ooo xet


creellalr crrqri li Geticrti€tstt q-? rttali 93

a?qrqi urqa).Temple civilcompletion work shall be donewithin I -2 month at Cardhiya


ctedlar ctttt q, qo, ooo sdlcac

uldr.ltadtI Grareri wclG crrdl3i.

.. srcil€ltr Bcerla ur'Gr' ati'J;f *fn 'r)dlalscr)le arr)Se/"r)dla a<icr cQIl'

c-. rdqt$ 5q4?ri s)u eiseqtc el?)cr qe[l'

qo.ellt$du"flo|rc4]Ejcre}|ieiG$rrr)/aigafi)q)dqer.d{t6ua)crErat}.qq.du"flri 6ua)ctqi a"'.i ifllt" tJdor eicls)ae1fl ld"rcr gertuei $u)deri errrlcr

d.q?. ot€ti sliuldu)"ll llra tlcr dror qr(Es ctc,ilc',il crura seoteti rdtqq)' ac'{lo avra aad

dci qrqds)"{l trrGc{l €J?ti rg?i dtl)J4r Qolrcr E'? oll uloll "i'g-q q? ur')cr t}'

qg. ?isrr ufftis crrac,{lcfld u'?g?'+l gte), qc-c-q Sorca dd crrg uso) dtrrq o)tn}l)

arrrqil c)cr) ufQrs crraloflc{ldl ueg?'il c)s)'

exto ? 3€

qc{I. src{ldla Bccrte ur. l?r.

arar3 risl gca v 1tg.t9 ord Slguel usr?drr 5cl

?rr?rul?tolt f?recrte lta eel qcl' dr tgdi rll sa)sdlerrd duuet usre"fl sa)sdl 3 uis?qlclE 5)€J "it41r

;;il;fi et"tqt qt)

url?qc adlsctl

Patel Jitendrakumar BabalbhaiA-4, Gajanan Park, SocietY,B/h R'8.1. School,G.l.D'C. Ankleshwar,Dist. : Bharuch - 393 002


To,The Member SecretaryGujarat Pollution Control Board,Gandhinagar

Dear Sir,

Environmental Public Hearing of M/s Kalintis Healthcare Pvt' Ltd' is to be held on

2L.o4.2OL7 at Gardhiya, ra: 'savti, 6ist. ' V"dod"|.a' Our queries and suggestion for the

same are as below :





Name of environmental consultant is not mentioned on each page of the executive

tr-tu.v. We expect that you mention name of environmental consultant on each

page.Which activities nave you carried out under Corporate Social Responsibilities in

surrounding villages? How much expense have you incurred for the same?

To which re-cyclei have you sent the used oiled generated so far?

Wnicn are the provisions have you made for preventing contaminated rain water

going outside the Plant Premises?At present how many percentage of greenbelt do you have in your plant premises?

Which tress do you have in your greenbelt?

Do your plant have facility of decontamination of drums?

["* v",i inrormed the people of surrounding villages about precautions to be_taken

in cas! of emergenry?'Have you conducted any programme for the same? If yes'

give photograPhs.8. i;;e youi cotpuny been issued any closure notice or show cause notice for

violating environmental rules? If yes, enclose the copy' -9. Had ant fatal accident been happened in your company? If yes, give description'

10. which fuel do You use in boiler?11. What are the antidotes of your company's chemicals?12. Which premedical tests will you carry out and why?.

ii. Wiff vol take pubtic tiability insurance and which risks will you cover in the same?

Patel JitendrakumarBabalbhaiAnkleshwar

Cell : 99989 80519

ToPatel Jitendrakumar Babalbhai,A-4, Gajanan Park, Society,B/h R.B.L. School,G.l.D.C. Ankleshwar,Dist.: Bharuch - 393 002

Dear Sir,

Environmental Public Hearing of M/s Kalintis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is to be held on 21 04.2017 at

Gardhiy4 Ta: Savli, Dist.: Vadodara Here below are the replies with respect to your quenes'

l. Name ofenvironmental consultant is not mentioned on each page ofthe executive summary.

We expect that you mention name ofenvironmental consultant on each page'

Noted, we welcome your veluable suggestions and we will implement in futur€'

2. Which activities have you carried out under Corporate Social Responsibilities in surrounding

villages? How much expense have you incurred for the same?

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) sctivitics details sre given h€re below:

(]lindi to Enolish Translation)Date:. 2l .04.2017

3. To which recycler have you sent the used oiled generated so far?

We hove not disposed any used oil so frr in this unit.

4. which are the provisions have you made for preventing contarninated rain water going

outside the plant premises?

All production end treatment relat€d rctivities ares will bc concreted and those rreaswill be chsnn€lized with grrlsnd drain where provision for monitoring of contrminstedwater will be madc. lf contaminated water found then it will be trest€d in ETP. Hence'

no contrminoted rain wst€r will go outside the plsnt

5. At present how many percentage of geenb€lt do you have in your plant premises? Which

trees do you have in your greenbelt?

At pres€nt 2203 nos. of plantetion have bcen done in our greenbelt srea. List of tr€€s isgiven in Annexurs'|. At present more than 4070 sr€a is in grcen belt.

6. Do your plant have facility of decontamination ofdrums?we have mrde provision for decontamination of drums.

7. Have you informed the people ofsunounding villages about precautions to be taken in case ofemergency? Have you conducted any programme for the same? Ifyes, give photograPhs.


Noture of Activity BeneliciaryAmount

(Rs.) Status


Eye Check-up camp &distribution of spectacles in

Jarod High School ont4/09/2016

Free Eye Check-up done for2400 Students & distribution

of 147 spectacles to theaffected students

36,770 Done

2Tree Plantation at Jarod High

School on l4/09/201670 Trees has been planted inJarod Hieh School Premises

3,700 Done


Temple civil completion workshall be done within I - 2

month at Gardhiya VillageGardhiya Village l,s0,000 committed

our unit is very smcll unit and rny emergency or sccident is unlikely to hove any risk

for surrounding srea. But we will mrke awor€ness in surrounding trca for gen€ral

precautions during Nny emergency in the surrounding aret'

8.Haveyourcompanybeenissuedanyclosurenoticeorshowcausenoticeforvio|alingenvironmental rules? Ifyes, enclose the coPy.

Krlintis H€althcsr€ Pvt Ltd. has not been issued any show cause notice /closure order/


9. Had any fatal accident been happened in your company? If yes, give description'

No such rccidcnt occurred in our compeny.

10. Which fuel do you use in boiler?LDO/FO is the fuel for the boiler in our comPany.

I l. What are the antidotes ofyour company's chemicals?

All detrils of chemicals used in the compsny and their antidot€s Nre mentioned itr ourEIA reporl

12. Which premedical tests will you carry out and why?

Routinl medical check-up ofall employees shall be crrried out during employm€nt rndrlso annurlly. D€Jails of medicrl check-up and prramet€F of check-uP mcntioned in

EIA rtport ofsection 6.2 on page no Gl.

13. Will you uke public liability insurance and which risks will you cover in the same?

The unit will obtrin public liability insumnce covering sll risk es applicable to the unitos mentioned in public lilbility insurance Act, 1991.

Yours truly,

For. Krlintis He{lthcare Pvt. Ltd.,

(Authoriz€d Signttory)




vG,a0 adqr licdlc<iS "i.qu, ae "i.qguo,Grfcr r]urdl.a, qr4crdEr? se)eil4 errl,orSu


uru+fldr cr.oo.ou.?oqb orua.r) ucgre 4i gcvca e).

q. qree gurgei rr) Grgls s)cr zi"v-eil ect/NABETdt?t Hrat serdci eieerr t). igad€13a ud €trnr€t?i dtr.fl QJrci) uuruzlqi eqrfc)cr r].

e. zi"rell qrer gq€r6a cl,r"v ei,r'qqcs riauda"fl ree uzrrturi )qra seqr rrr) c)qrrri

urc) d.

s. dri.rcs ria,rda Qct/trtlaET.fl 4rcfelQfsr ulrrr:) tor-?|l"fl e1li:lr) rrr@t ete)cr r).

u. soracreoaofl GlQa $srrocr eia,.lJ dtt"lr u)alol qcr dit?t rltet slcr Sserqcreiaihrrlri dr.0 dctr uir! r). els aiaudqr Sssrqcr ?iJlql €turg?iqi eqr[r)cr r].

q. QcI/NABETdrer ai"yell4 dlrlrr) rrrer slcr gser.rcr delar ?ia,.ld aioyeil arerqssl slcr e1 gsocrr,li urdc.r d. .)d .)-d u)isari lQorrgc sad qrsq qef).

q. du4 drer soracreoad geargei aesreqr qrcfelQfdr urle) Selre seqr4 orqroter?il

a),rqrli Utrdcr r).

o. 5u"flei sqac.ta-ad gzargei Hele seqr4 .rqlcaerJl a)!cr d. .).tr GGe sr{ qr)

d,i"r Sar sc)ssrq ud e'lq)d dara seqr 4r)"ll "yrel sl eiqrefl.f) gsool'rr'urc)cr... QCI/NABETE erisl$)qrq aaT+'lta grargeiri crclrcrcrrrri urdci t!, ")"ll s)wel a4q

?tctt dt?r rietg seqt-i) cy?? q/e a a) d t ) ai"reil dqqr 5'r4 i?rre d.c-. QCI/NABETE etisllsl)qlc adS'lCa"{l ascr g{ellc,il:ri z{r'.lqui urdcr t}, "}4 cscr

errr are) oil3cr r).

eo. zrttu3j gu.l €2ltqrri c)qrti z'tro r].qq. sq?rcreoe ?ddpt aU i,r4 rr) Stea gur tu?i caqrc) d d"fl lQcrcr) Su.fl uril qell.qe. Urr du.0dr s)€J ?isqd V,il$c,{l aret s)g qi'l s)r q)a1a 3 scr)::e c'lda }tdcr

"ten.qs. edr Su"{lcr ?tcya c4€t?o1l s)EJ ?isttd ugur:l Ge,ierer ca)d arrr s)EJ qil s)ll .t)ala i

scr'b:e q)e1a ,rdcr qeil.

qr.5q.fl dt?t cl.l?r?rr{i c)qrqi urclqla lGscr"0 Gctcr) erd d"fl uatfqeer dlr rolta ueuiae) etu rsei allu)Jq i iarrd eqrfdcr t).

qq.QcI/NABET:j zrrs'l$)qlq qaT513a ect a €1 gscat c,le cv zrrrlqlri errrc) e),.)aaTslia €Jur€Jri {q)dri arlcr r}.


52A, Jorod-Somloyo Rood, Gordhiyo, P.O.. Tol. Sovli, Disi.Vododoro - 391 520, Gulorot. Phone: 02567 - 290770

CIN: U24l I 0cJ20l 5PTC083Z9l


€J?ri r€r?,) ?'lu'ld ri"refl arer ecI/^rnaEr"0 qrcfeefsl gorc,r ris q{rri ?lu)d4 ?iuprr

€llddr ad Garr)gj urcro seqrqi urd d.qb. ?ao3 ga) ,rt2g qrr:fl qcfrrq dsrrqr urell gecrorrieil c)qrr{i ?xlqq). .}"{l G"rc)

€Jur€J?i ?ilu)dqi z'rricr t).qc. TOR comptiance .fl Gcrc) €ru r€tr.i Jlu)dr i zrricr t).qc-. TOR Compliance "il Gcrci EJu rEJr} ?')q)drli erllcr t!.eo. a'rr gQ) iu4d clg usd) qen.

eq. ir.l"llrri qrspt 6)a cqi a€Jl ?ErGs cr)s)d e)qr:lta1 z{rvc.tui ?rtrqq).

ec. du"flri s)U u'rsarrc Ee)cr qef) dr"y du"0d s)u scr)ie "l)dla licicr qefl.

es.5u4d s)U scr)l: q)dla rdcr qeil.

?d. QCI/NABFT:I arrs'l$)qr.l aeTS'lla UurEJ?i elq)dri arlcr r).


,.:*;il51'?fi.iffi4il'*t' r'ta'

4y'?Author'..ed slgnatory(?d@td adlsct;


52A, Jorod-Somloyo Rood, Gordhiyo, p.O., Tol. Sovli, Dist.Vododoro - 39 | 520. Guiorot. Phone: 02667 - 29OT7O

CIN: U24t I 0cJ20l 5PTC083Z9 I


sg.dl.u E ./acia adlClta

Natfuial Accrditatim Burd forEfircatlm &Tralnlng

Qtality Courcil of Inda

M/i Enylclon E ulro Ldrnolot|C3 P\n. UdN fbo.,Sh..c hn W, M W ol ffi, r*ot rdC d'o* tu D!,6 H, t*.1.

Ssrd-tti5@7, Ct'Fa6 Eftnf @rlti ,rrte.tfu| tnLr t2 @*t,6f usn b a..'td',& 4 ea b4tttur o?''i'ffi'''l'rr-g. ,|te/r''n btt) lor da lob.'i!4 elJr:

!&.d tdr..4 hr*raat

.'. rr.rEFrlrsr llqrh

lral !.t ffir{ trai aa

aEWtSthU,bt'rd4lAld-0Off,A.o#4 .. tE & Wt r # @ d2 tA nF.A r.Gt Frtrd t ta..g.at fira @t a @ aEeant) tE,tutd o h e- &t 8.ct*tc, 6.E faE drd C'r'dq ol e.e.

a''{t(* ttu M*T/ E A/t1tf/ ,|d,t



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(Gujaratl to English Translationl

Block No.14, House No.1340, Nirmal Apt.,Opp.Mamalatdat Office, BharuchCell : 9998609115Date:07.04.2017


Member Secretary,Gujarat Pollution Control Board,Sector -10 A,


subject : objection and sugtestions regarding Envlronmental public Hearint of Kalintls HeahhcareA^. ttd., Gardhiya, Ta : Savli, Dist. Vadodara.

1. lt is requested to include in MOM name of approved functional area expert by ecl NABET

snd the details of areas for which they worked for its duration and their sign and stamp.2. Details of whether the QCI NABET approved FAES hired by the consultant of the company

are p€rmanent salaried officials or not.3. lt is requested to include in MOM the copy of agreement between the company and

Functional Area Experts if the and Functional Area ExDerts are hired from outside.4. lf the Qcl NABET approved and Functional Area Experts are hired from outside, give details

of Environmental Public Hearing EIA Reports in they have signed and worked for.5. lf the QCI NABET approved and Functional Area Expens are hired from outside, give the

details of fees they have been paid.

6. Details of responsibilities of consultant fixed for this Environmental Public Hearing and theprorecI.

7. Include in the MoM copies of details of fees paid by the company to the consultant for thisproject and copy of agreement between the company and the consultant.

8. lt is requested to include in MoM hard copy of valid accreditation cenificate shown in theEIA Report duly sealed and signed by the competent authority.

9. lt is requested to include valid NABET QCI Certificate in to MOM.10. Include in MoM name and designation of presenter of EIA Report and name of institute and

address and photo copy of lD proof.

11. List of companies for which consultant have prepared draft EtA report. (from 01.01.201s to26.U.20771

12. Include in MoM copy of closure and show cause notice issued by Guiarat control pollution

Board to other units of the company.

13. Include in MoM copy of closure and show cause notice issued by pollution control Board toother units of the company out side Gujarat, if any.

14. Give names of hazardous chemicals to be used in the proposed unit which are harmful forenvironment and humans. Mmtion type of loss caused to environment and type of diseasescaused to humans.

15. Include in MOM signed and stamped copy of credit receipt of fees paid to ecl NABET.16. Furnish detail of number of EIA reports that can be signed by temporary FAES hired by the

consultant in one year.

17. Mention details of trees planted as per demand of GlDc. Give details of water acquired for

plantation of trees. lnclude in MoM bill of water if water is acquired from outside. Include in

MOM latest photos of trees planted.

18. whether compliance of TOR given by SLEAC has been implemented 100% with facts'

19. Give written guarantee if the compliance of TOR is implemented 1m%.

20. lnclude in MoM name and address of land losers and certificate of land losers given by GIDC.

21. lt is suggested to display name of all employees on notice board out side the company after

starting of company and provide 85% employment to locals.

22. Include in MOM details of death of any worker or any other p€rson due to fire, gas leakage

or accident in any unit of the company located at Panoli, Ankleshwar or any other locrtion.

Include in MoM closure notice issued to company by office of Industrial Health and safety

according to 4O(2) and copies of action taken for the same.Give details of fine imposed on

the company as well.

23. Give details of how revocation obtained if the closure notice issued to the company's unit at

Ankleshwar or at any other place from the date of the start of the company and give all the

documents regarding revocation procedure.

24. Include in MoM application made by the consultant for obtaining QCI NABET accreditation

certificate and copy of proofs furnished by the consultants for the same.

Dharmesh Mistry

(Gujarati to English Translation)Date r 2L.04.20L7

ToMr. Dharmesh MistryElock No.14, House No.l34O,Nirmal Apt., Opp. Mamalatdar Office,Bharuch

Dear Sir,

Reply of your letter dated 07.O4,2017 is as below:

1. Consuttant appointed for the said EIA is approved by eCI/NABET whosecertificate and detail of EIA team is mentioned in ilA report,2. Consultant has hired In-house and Empanelled Experts to prepare EIA Report.3' Empaneted experts of the consurtant have been approveo as per guiderines ofQCI/NABET.

4' Functionar Area Experts of the consurtant work for their respective functionar areaapproved by QCI/NABET. Functional Area of the experts has been mentioned inEIA Report.

5' Fees have been paid to the Functionar Area Experts of the consurtant approved byQCI/NABFT for consurtant's team. It cannot be ctivided for the each project.6. Responsibility has been gtven to the consultant by the company ro prepare EIAreport as per guidelines of government.

7, Responsibility has been given to the consultant by the company to prepare EIAreport. Fees have been paid to the consurtant for various jobs, data co[ection andpreparation of EIA report.

8' Certificate of QCI/NABET Accreditation has been incruded in EIA Report. companyand consurtant are ready to attest the certincate with the competent authority, ifnecessary.

9. copy of QCI/NABET Accreditationcertificate has been submitted to GpcB. copy ofthe same is enclosed herewith.

10, Your suggestion is noted.ll.company has no detairs of draft EIA reports prepared by the consurtant for any

other company.12. No show cause notice or crosure notice have been issued by GpcB to any unit of

the company.13' No show cause notice or crosure notice have been issued by any po[ution control

Board to any unit of the company outside the state of Gujarat.14. Details of chemicars to be used by the company and their impact on environment

and humans have been described in EIA Report.15. Accreditation certificate is issued by eCI/NABET onry after payment of necessary

fees. Copy of the certificate has been included in the EIA Report.16. No temporary experts have been hired for the said EIA Report and a[ the rures

have been followed of ecr/NABET guiderine incruding number of EIA reports in ayear.

17' Water for 2203 trees is being obtained from suppry of existing unit, Detair of thesame is mentioned in the EIA Report.

18. Details of TOR compliance has been given in the EIA Report.19. Details of TOR compliance has been given in the EIA ReDort.

20. This point is not applicable to the company.21. Local people will be employed in the company as far as possible.22.No accident has occurred in the company and no crosure notice has been issued

to the company as well.23. No closure notice has been issued to the company.24. copy of QCI/NABET Accreditation certincate has been incruded in the EIA ReoortRegards,

For, Kalintas Healthcare p\,t. Ltd.


Annexure _E

A statement showinr other relevant documents

Annexure DetailsAdvertisement of the public Hearing in LocalAdvertisement of the public



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