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GUIDE BOOK 1...righteousness for His disciples and then Jesus gave those two brilliant metaphors,...

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INTRODUCTIONPerhaps most of us are very used to hearing a sermon! But imagine being

outdoors, sitting down on a grassy mountainside to hear from teacher Jesus!

Matthew 5-7 has come to be known as ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ and this

sermon from Jesus has echoed down the centuries to shape lives, social

movements and culture itself!

But whether the Sermon on the Mount is familiar or new to you, it could be

easy to misread it. This is not ethical teaching from a sage teacher on how

everyone might make a better world together. This is a word from the King

(who came to bring salvation and establish His rule) about what it means

to live as His disciples. Before we get to the Sermon, we had this moment

in Matthew’s gospel where we are shown that Jesus came to fulfill Old

Testament expectation:

“…the people living in darkness

have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of the shadow of death

a light has dawned.” [quoting Isaiah 9:1-2]

From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of

heaven has come near.” Matthew 4:16-17


So Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is actually what the repentant life looks like

once you’ve encountered Jesus as the promised King. Jesus came to die for

sinners. He rose again and He has brought about the promised outpouring of

the Holy Spirit. This is Jesus who brings us out of darkness and into the light,

and so this sermon is about what ‘Kingdom Life’ looks like as we repent and

follow Him.

One further comment before we launch into the first study. Sometimes, Jesus’

Sermon on the Mount has been taken as Jesus’ ‘impossible ideal’, the reality

of what we can’t possibly obey, so that we’re driven away from this ‘law’ and

driven back to Jesus and grace. But that would miss the point. As someone

has said about Jesus’ sermon:

“…it’s wisdom from God, inviting us through faith to re-orient our values,

vision, and habits from the ways of external righteousness to whole-

heartedness toward God. This isn’t “law” but “gospel.” Jesus is inviting us

into life in God’s kingdom both now and in the future age. This is grace.

No one can perfectly perform the vision of the sermon (except Jesus), but

this doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant to our lives. By faith and through grace

Jesus is inviting us into a practical life of discipleship. We participate in

and (imperfectly) imitate his Father-trusting, kingdom-awaiting way of

being in the world.” Jonathan Pennington

We hope you enjoy learning, discussing and praying through Jesus’ Sermon

on the Mount. His teaching cuts deep to the heart, flips over worldly

expectations for life and success, goes beyond mere religious rules, and

radically reshapes our lives together. We’ll discover that Jesus demands

everything from us, and the good news is that He gave everything for us.

Garnet Swann



And remember, if you ever miss a Sunday, you can listen to the bible talk on our home page - www.christcentral.org.au

UNDERSTANDING JESUS’ SERMONJesus’ ‘beautiful attitude’ beatitudes (5:2-12) spelt out the way of

righteousness for His disciples and then Jesus gave those two brilliant

metaphors, salt and light (5:13-16) to give us a picture of the effect

of such righteousness on the world. Next week we will see how

Christ’s internal (not merely external) and expansive (not restrictive)

righteousness plays out in various areas of life (eg. anger, lust, divorce,

oaths etc). But before we get to that teaching, we come to Jesus’

teaching about the Old Testament Law and righteousness. This is

perhaps the hardest part of Jesus’ sermon to do as a growth group and

the irony is that it’s the first study we do together for the year!

Christians over the last 2000 years have been debating and seeking to

best explain how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament law so it will be hard

to cover it all together today. We do have Sunday’s bible talk to draw

on and we’ll use our time to grow our understanding of Jesus’ teaching

about the law in the context of the Sermon and Matthew’s gospel as

a whole.


SUNDAY REFLECTIONIn terms of Sunday’s message on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, what did you

find particularly interesting, helpful, challenging or perhaps raised questions

for you?


LOOKING BACK IN MATTHEW’S GOSPEL1. The story of Jesus’ birth and early ministry, came with a series of similar

statements eg. Matthew 1:22-23; 2:5-6; 2:17-18; 3:1-3; 4:12-17. What does this

suggest for what Jesus means when He says, “Do not think that I have come

to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill


LOOKING FORWARD INTO MATTHEW’S GOSPELBut there is still more to discover about Jesus ‘fulfilling the Law or the

Prophets’ from looking ahead to other moments in Matthew’s gospel. Read

the passage below and then discuss.

Matthew 12:1-12 – Jesus and His disciples criticised for breaking the law

Matthew 19:16-22 – Jesus’ encounter with a rich young ruler

Matthew 23:23-26 – Jesus rips into the Pharisees!

2. From these moments, how would you describe the Pharisees’ and the

scribes’ relationship with the Law?


3. From these moments, how would you describe Jesus’ relationship with

the Law?

LOOKING INTO THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT4. Looking back to the beatitudes, how is Jesus’ way of righteousness so

different to the way of the Pharisees?

UNDERSTANDING JESUS’ SERMONIn this study we’ve only begun to scratch the surface on the issue of

Jesus’ fulfillment of the law and Christians relationship to Old Testament

law today. This is a big topic! But for your further thinking and bible

study, here’s a few points to consider:

1. Jesus fulfilled the Law by way of messianic predictions.

2. Jesus fulfilled the Law by bringing its true meaning to light by His

teaching and person.

3. Jesus fulfilled the Law by perfectly keeping all its commands.

4. Jesus fulfilled the Law by dying on the cross and satisfying the

demands of the Law.

5. Jesus fulfilled the Law in believers by the means of the Holy Spirit.


5. The word ‘great’ seems to be a part of certain people’s political slogans! But

for Jesus, true greatness and eternal reward are for those who keep the law

and teach others accordingly. Within churches, have you ever seen a desire to

teach Old Testament law in a way that doesn’t recognise enough that Jesus

has fulfilled the law? Within churches, have you ever seen a desire to ignore

and encourage others to ignore God’s law? (This is a big discussion all by

itself. Don’t get bogged down if you’ve run out of time).

6. Looking back to the beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12), what way of righteousness

in your own life would you like prayer for? Share why you’ve chosen that


Study written by Garnet Swann

Pray for each other in relation to Jesus’ teaching on Kingdom Life


At the end of this gospel, we have the resurrected Jesus saying to His

disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore

go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have

commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(Matthew 28:18-20).

When we’re disciples of King Jesus, we live in obedience to His command to

be about making more disciples of Jesus, and that means disciples who are

obedient to His teaching in the Sermon on the Mount!

We’ve recently had some Mission Training as well as our Mission Week, but

as a growth group together let’s not leave Mission behind, but instead carry

it on in our regular prayer time together. Throughout this term let’s pray the

3-1-1 Challenge. That is, prayer for 3 people, for 1 minute, 1 time in the week.

You can certainly pray for these people more than once during the week(!) but

each week in our group time, let’s give ourselves to this prayer. Wouldn’t it be

wonderful and to God’s glory if people in our lives discover Jesus as Saviour

and Lord!

Have a think about who you could choose for 3-1-1 – it could be a family

member, a work colleague, a mate you play sport with, an old friend with

whom you regularly catch up, someone you’ve only recently gotten to know, or

perhaps someone you met at one of the events of our Mission Week.




Each week, you could do the 3-1-1 challenge differently ie. pray as a large

group for all the names, or break into pairs and just pray for the three each of

you have chosen, or….there could be various ways of doing it!




AGMWednesday Night 25 March | 730pm The Hub

Singing, Vision, Prayer (& a little meeting as well)

EXPLOREExplore is continuing on throughout March. Please pray for all those who are

taking part.


S T U D Y 2 KINGDOM LIFE & ANGERM A T T H E W 5 : 2 1 - 2 6

UNDERSTANDING JESUS’ SERMONDepending on the bible version you use, the word in verse 22 might

more literally be translated with the Aramaic word, ‘Raca’. ‘Raca’ also

means ‘fool’, but if Jesus occasionally called people ‘fools’ (eg. Matthew

23:16-19) why does Jesus make something of it here? In Sinclair

Ferguson’s book on the Sermon on the Mount, he makes the point that

what Jesus has in mind is the deliberate belittling of someone due to

hatred or animosity. So Jesus is not against viewing someone’s deeds as

foolish (the book of Proverbs has much to say about that!) but rather He

is against deliberately being nasty because of what is going on in your

heart. It’s this insult or slander that Jesus is saying is answerable to court.

What is the setting which seems to provide the most opportunity/temptation

for you to get angry at others – workplace, home, extended family, university,

children’s school or neighbours?


SUNDAY REFLECTIONIn terms of Sunday’s message on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, what did you

find particularly interesting, helpful, challenging or perhaps raised questions

for you?


1. How does Jesus’ Kingly authority and Jesus previous word that ‘our

righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law’

(Matthew 5v20) particularly come through in this part of His sermon?

2. Jesus’ teaching surprises us! It’s so deep and radical, in that it goes to our

inner heart and motivations. As a group each week, pick at least one of these

questions to helps us think this out:

a) How does Jesus’ teaching go deeper or counter to the world’s view on

living the righteous and good life?

b) How does Jesus’ teaching go deeper and counter to a religious/rule-based

view on living the righteous and good life?

3. To help us understand Jesus’ teaching, it’s helpful to read how similar

teachings of Jesus are found in other parts of God’s word. Read these

passages and then discuss:

Exodus 20:13

Matthew 15:19


Colossians 3:12-14

4. Anger is probably something we all struggle with at times. What tends to

be your inward and outward expressions of anger?

5. Why does a Christian want to obey this teaching of Jesus?

6. The good news of this kingdom is that Jesus who gave these commands

is the One who gave His own life for our sin and utter inability to be perfect

in obedience. We can come to God in confession but also with praise! But

what other responses do you think you can make as a result of hearing Jesus’

teaching, whether that be:

a) any practical steps you should make towards forgiveness and restoration

with others

b) other changes you think are necessary to make in your life.

Study written by Emily Andrews

Pray for each other in relation to Jesus’ teaching on Kingdom Life


At the end of this gospel, we have the resurrected Jesus saying to His

disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore

go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have

commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(Matthew 28:18-20).

When we’re disciples of King Jesus, we live in obedience to His command to

be about making more disciples of Jesus, and that means disciples who are

obedient to His teaching in the Sermon on the Mount!

We’ve recently had some Mission Training as well as our Mission Week, but

as a growth group together let’s not leave Mission behind, but instead carry

it on in our regular prayer time together. Throughout this term let’s pray the

3-1-1 Challenge. That is, prayer for 3 people, for 1 minute, 1 time in the week.

You can certainly pray for these people more than once during the week(!) but

each week in our group time, let’s give ourselves to this prayer. Wouldn’t it be

wonderful and to God’s glory if people in our lives discover Jesus as Saviour

and Lord!

Have a think about who you could choose for 3-1-1 – it could be a family

member, a work colleague, a mate you play sport with, an old friend with

whom you regularly catch up, someone you’ve only recently gotten to know, or

perhaps someone you met at one of the events of our Mission Week.




Each week, you could do the 3-1-1 challenge differently ie. pray as a large

group for all the names, or break into pairs and just pray for the three each of

you have chosen, or….there could be various ways of doing it!




WORKING BEE Join the team as we serve Eatons Hill State School where we meet on Sundays.

Sign up on Sunday for our Annual Working Bee on Saturday 21 March.

KIDS WEEKENDER This coming Weekend (13-15 March) is Kids Weekender Camp for Grade 4-6ers

at Camp Warrawee Petrie.

Please pray for all the leaders and the campers as they check out all the clues in

the Bible that point to who Jesus is!


S T U D Y 3 KINGDOM LIFE & LUSTM A T T H E W 5 : 2 7 - 3 0

UNDERSTANDING JESUS’ SERMONFamously, the early Christian theologian ‘Origin of Alexandria’ (lived in

north Africa, about 200AD) sought to be obedient to this teaching in

His battle against lust so he had himself castrated. Poor guy! But Jesus

is not teaching us to mutilate our flesh. He’s teaching something else

which this time of study and discussion will bring out.

What is a radical change you have made in your life? Maybe you moved

across the country to study or work. Perhaps you made a big change to your

diet or lifestyle?


SUNDAY REFLECTIONIn terms of Sunday’s message on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, what did you

find particularly interesting, helpful, challenging or perhaps raised questions

for you?


1. Jesus’ teaching surprises us! It’s so deep and radical, in that it goes to our

inner heart and motivations. How does Jesus’ teaching go deeper or counter

to the world’s view on living the righteous and good life?

2. How do you think Jesus’ teaching in this passage might surprise someone

who comes to investigate Christian faith for the first time?

3. Why does a Christian want to obey this teaching of Jesus?

4. It’s good to see how Jesus’ sermon is connected together. Jesus started His

sermon with ‘the beatitudes’ ie. portraits of the blessed and good life of living

with new hearts as followers of Jesus. How do you think any of the beatitudes

links with this teaching of Jesus?

5. The good news of this kingdom is that Jesus who gave these commands

is the One who gave His own life for our sin and utter inability to be perfect in

obedience. We can come to God in confession but also with praise! Discuss

our practical response to Jesus’ teaching:

a) Share practical steps you’ve taken to ‘cut deep’ and be radical in your desire

to live righteously and say ‘no’ to lust’.


b) Where do you need help right now? Share thoughts on how we might

support each other.

Note: It’s normal that our own response to this specific teaching from Jesus

includes frustration or regret. If this is the case for you, it is helpful to share that

with others. In our discussion, let’s recognise that both men and women struggle

with lust and it’s appropriate for guys to talk to guys and women to talk to women.

Study written by Garnet Swann

Pray for each other in relation to Jesus’ teaching on Kingdom Life


At the end of this gospel, we have the resurrected Jesus saying to His

disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore

go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have

commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(Matthew 28:18-20).

As a growth group we encourage each other to be about this mission in prayer

with the 3-1-1 Challenge. That is, prayer for 3 people, for 1 minute, 1 time in

the week.




Each week, you could do the 3-1-1 challenge differently ie. pray as a large

group for all the names, or break into pairs and just pray for the three each of

you have chosen, or….there could be various ways of doing it!




AGM Wednesday Night 25 March. | 730pm The Hub

Singing, Vision, Prayer (& a little meeting as well)

Y@C 3-7 April, Camp Warrawee Petrie

To find out all about Y@C visit christcentral.org.au/yac


S T U D Y 4 KINGDOM LIFE & MARRIAGEM A T T H E W 5 : 3 1 - 3 2

UNDERSTANDING JESUS’ SERMONJesus’ teaching here about marriage and divorce is clear and

confronting. We don’t need any extra historical background to

understand what Jesus is saying, but it might be helpful to think a bit

more about the context of the time. Scholars tell us that by Jesus’ time,

there were two rival Jewish rabbinical schools that taught differing

views on marriage and divorce. Those who followed Rabbi Shammai,

were more strict in how they taught when divorce would be allowed.

Then there were those who followed Rabbi Hillel (which was the more

common view at the time) which took a much more lax approach – that

a man could divorce his wife for almost any reason. Stated reasons

included the wife being a bad cook and burning her husband’s food!

As we listen to what people say about marriage (friends, family, TV shows,

media) what seems to be said about the purpose of marriage?

READ MATTHEW 5:31-32 & MATTHEW 19:1-12

SUNDAY REFLECTIONIn terms of Sunday’s message on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, what did you

find particularly interesting, helpful, challenging or perhaps raised questions

for you?


1. How does Jesus teaching that his disciples’ ‘righteousness must surpass

that of the scribes and the Pharisees’ (Matthew 5:20) come through in these


2. Jesus’ teaching comes with all the authority of being king. And his teaching

is so deep and radical, going to our inner heart and motivations. How does

Jesus teaching go deeper or counter to the worlds view on marriage and


In thinking this through, you might want to look at Old Testament words

on marriage and divorce that Jesus is drawing as he teaches his disciples

– Genesis 2:21-25; Deuteronomy 24:1-4; and Malachi 2:16.

3. How do you think Jesus’ teaching in this passage might surprise someone

who comes to investigate Christian faith for the first time?

4. We can’t just keep talking about divorce in a hypothetical way. This a

personal issue for many of us and we bare the scars of sin and shame, faced

hardship within family, struggled within marriage, and even for some have

gone through divorce. It would be good to share with each other how we’re

feeling and responding to Jesus’ teaching given our own experiences.


5. The heartbreaking reality is that divorce happens in churches and happens

to those who come to church to investigate Christian faith. As a group talk

about the how the bible and the gospel should guide all of us to respond as

disciples of Jesus. You could also come at it this from other direction too –

what responses do we need to avoid?

6. Optional Extra Question (perhaps in smaller groups). Behind Jesus’

teaching against divorce and remarriage is the biblical picture of the covenant

of marriage. We could spend much more time thinking about marriage

(Ephesians 5:22-33 would be a good place to go!) but the biblical picture is

that marriage is so much more than human romance or ‘making our love

official’, it is a beautiful display of Christ and his Bride in love together. This

is why a biblical marriage of a husband and wife needs our honour and why

Christian husbands and wives need to continually look to cultivate love in the

midst of inevitable strains and struggle.

For those who are married - thinking back to what Jesus said previously in the

Sermon on the Mount, which beatitudes ‘beautiful attitudes’ (Matthew 5:3-12)

do you want to see more of in your life right now so you might be loving your

spouse well and honouring your marriage?

Study written by Garnet Swann

Pray for each other in relation to Jesus’ teaching on Kingdom Life


At the end of this gospel, we have the resurrected Jesus saying to His

disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore

go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have

commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(Matthew 28:18-20).

As a growth group we encourage each other to be about this mission in prayer

with the 3-1-1 Challenge. That is, prayer for 3 people, for 1 minute, 1 time in

the week.




Each week, you could do the 3-1-1 challenge differently ie. pray as a large

group for all the names, or break into pairs and just pray for the three each of

you have chosen, or….there could be various ways of doing it!



CHRIST CENTRAL COMMUNITY LUNCHJoin us for lunch this Sunday, 29 March.




