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Guideline - Achieving Sustainable Dvlpm

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  • 7/29/2019 Guideline - Achieving Sustainable Dvlpm




    Ac hieving Susta inab le Development in

    Ind ustria l Areas of Duba i World Jurisd ic tion

    With the c om p liments of

    Environment, Health & Safety(EHS)

    Novem ber 2007 (Revision 1)

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    November 2007 (Revision 1)

    Printed and Published by:


    Dubai WorldP.O. Box 17000, Jebe l Ali, Du bai

    United Arab Emi rates


    EHS, P.O. Box 17000, Dubai, UAE

    Tel: (971-4) 8811881, Fax (971-4) 8817023

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    1. Introduction1.1 Background of Jeb el Ali Port & Free Zone

    1.1.1 Jebel Ali Port1.1.2 Jebel Ali Free Zone

    2. Susta inab le Development2.1 Definition2.2 Susta inab le Deve lopment Goals/ Basics2.3 Industrial Development with minimum imp ac ts

    3. EHS Ap proach3.1 Pro-Active Ap proac h3.2 Integrated EHS Risks Ma na gement Strategy

    3.2.1 EHS Ap proa c h fo r Potential EHS Risks/ Impac ts3.2.2

    Hea lth & Safety a t work4. EHS Evolution

    4.1 Background4.2 EHS Profile

    5. Sc reening Proc ed ure for Projec ts5.1 Applica tion Review5.2 E Forms Review5.3 Tec hnica l Meeting5.4 EIA/ RA Stud ies

    5.4.1 EIA/ RA Ob jec tive5.4.2 EIA/RA Implementation & Project Certification5.4.3 Performa nc e Testing and

    Reg ular Monitoring/ Rep orting

    5.4.4 EIA/ RA Prep aration Guidelines5.4.5 EIA Consultants Approva l5.4.6 The EIA/ RA in DW Areas

    6. Sum mary of EHS Ac tivities7. Environm enta l Ma nagem ent System (EMS)8. Co-Existance9. Conclusion10.EHS Ac heivem ents11.Future Plans




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    Environment, Health, Safety & Environment (EHS) fully recognizes the needfor susta inable development to contr ol the h ealth an d safety and environmenta l

    (HS&E) risks posed by industrial operations. Given the diversity in industries,

    uniformity in EHS evaluation standards is essential element of an effective and

    systema tic EH S controls.

    Over t he pa st decade EH S ha s established sta nda rds, requirements, guidelinesand regulations. Experience with application of these standards has led to

    refinement of criteria. EHS has adopted international standards, such as

    USE PA, OSHA for its perform an ce stan dar ds up-grada tion.

    Master plan, wastewater & risk studies assisted in management decisions andplan ning a nd a voided negative consequences.

    While the focus and the beginnings of Industrial Control initially was in JebelAli Port s a nd J ebel Ali Free Zone, it is now expanded to control an d m onitor a ll

    indu str ial area s of Duba i World.

    1.1 B a c k g r o u n d o f J e b e l Al i P o r t & F r e e Z o n e

    1.1.1 J e b e l Al i P o r t

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    It is located 35km from Dubai city on the southern shores of the Arabian Gulf.Some of th e main feat ur es of th e port :

    Took 3 year s (1976-1979) to be built with tota l cost of U.S. $ 2.5 billion. Consisting of 67 berth s with tota l length of 15km. Pr ovides var ious port ser vices a nd stora ge facilities. In 1997ra nked 10th in th e world in num ber of cont ainer s ha ndled.

    1.1.2 J e b e l Al i F r e e Z on e

    This commercial/Industrial Zone covers an area of around 100 km 2; somema in featu res of JAFZ could be sum ma rized as follows:

    At presen t houses more th an 6000 compa nies from more tha n 95 coun tr ies. Around 21% of above total activities are in manufacturing works, Trading

    repr esent a t 75% an d services at 4%.

    Total investment of companies in the Zone is in excess of around 5 billion0U.S. $.

    Man y intern at iona l compa nies exist in t he zone such us Sony, Aiwa, DaimlerChr ysler, Sh ell, Et c. Most r ecent ly prima ry indu str ies such as r efineries (e.g. ENOC, EP CL) ha ve

    been operational in th e FZ.


    2.1 Defini t ion :

    Most commonly it is defined as the integration of environmental issues with

    the imperatives of economic development in order to meet the needs of presentwithout compr omising th e ability of fut ur e genera tion to meet t heir own needs.

    2.2 Sus ta inab le Deve lopment Goa ls /Bas ics :

    1. To achieve the vision of sustainable development, certain things must grow jobs, product ivit y, capit a l and savings , profit s, in forma t ion , knowled ge and

    0education and oth ers pollut ion, waste a nd poverty must not.

    2. Steady progress in reducing disparities in environmental risk within society isessent ial to economic growth a nd environmen ta l hea lth.

    3. Environmental regulations have improved and must continue to improve thelives of all people. Basic standards of performance that are clear, fair and

    consistently enforced remain necessary to protect that progress,. The current

    regulat ory system should be improved to deliver requ ired resu lts at lower costs.

    In addition, the system should provide enhanced flexibility in return for

    superior environmental performance.

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    4. Environmental progress will depend on individual, institutional, and corporateresponsibility, commitment and stewardship.

    5. We must strength en our commu nities and enha nce their role in decisions aboutenvironment, equity, natural resources, and economic progress so that

    individuals and institutions most immediately affected can join with others in

    decision pr ocess.

    6. We should have policies and program s th at cont ribut e to stabilizing popula tion;th is objective is critical if we hope to ha ve th e resources needed t o ensur e a high

    quality of life for future generations.

    7. Steady advances in science and technology are essential to help improveeconomic efficiency, protect and restore natural systems, and modify

    consum ption pa ttern s.


    All people mu st ha ve access t o high qua lity a nd lifelong form al a nd non-form aleducation that enables them to understand the interdependence of economic

    prosperity, environmental quality, and social equity and prepares them to

    ta ke actions th at su pport a ll th ree.


    Man y coun tr ies have su ffered t he consequen ces of adopting t he ph ilosophy t ha tnature provides unlimited natural resources and can accommodate unlimited

    am oun ts of wastes from industr ia activites. Such coun tries ha ve then paid th e

    price of severe environmental damage due to uncontrolled technological


    En vironmenta l pollut ion as well as indu strial safety a nd health ha ve now beenrecognised as global problems t hr eat ening th e fut ur e of ent ire biospher e.

    Of all development projects, industrial projects have a profound influence onsociety an d th e environm ent both in ter ms of positive and n egative impacts.

    Industries mean more jobs, generation of goods and services, and someobservable rise in the standard of living as positive impacts. But they bring in

    their wake the associated ills of environmental pollution, air emissions, liquid

    an d solid wast es, noise emission, ill-hea lth an d sa fety pr oblems, etc.

    If these problems and impacts are great then they may outweigh theadvan tages leading to unsu staina ble growth.

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    3.1 P r o-Act ive App r oach

    By assessing new projects and indicating all EHS requirements at initialproject st ages, fut ur e poten tial serious impacts ar e avoided.

    EHS recognizes the importance of coordinated environmental, safety andeconomic approach to ensure protection of the environment and workers

    hea lth, th erefore cont inuously upda tes its HS&E regulat ions.

    The lessee is responsible by law (Ministerial Decision No. 32 of 1982 andFZ Rules 2001) to abide these regulations or face EHS Notices as

    punishment and ultimate closure of the facility if HS&E problems and

    imminent h ealth da ngers ar e not solved.

    EHS established its standards at an early stage to guide investors andthen implement integrated monitoring program to control industrial

    activities, find HS&E problems and take action to curb and resolve the


    In Jebel Ali Free Zone industrialization has been the favoured path foraccelera ted socioeconomic developmen t.

    With Du bai poised for an en ha nced program me of indust rialization, thechallenges ahead in the context of coping with HS&E problems are

    recognized to achieve susta inable developmen t.

    Therefore, more comprehensive EHS review technique had to beform ulat ed to meet th e new cha llenges.

    Accordingly, there has emerged a clear need to further modify theappr oach to project eva luat ion.

    It is now a m an dat ory requ iremen t for m ajor pr oposed projects to conductdetailed EIA/RA Studies to ensure the industrial development with

    minimu m impa cts for gener at ions t o come.

    The environmental and safety dimensions are already incorporated intoth e plann ing and developmen t process from th e out set.

    Furthermore, incorporation of Green Building principles in all newDevelopmen ts from 2008 shall ensu re enh an ced sust aina bility.

    This ensures the adoption of a Pro-Active preventive approach inproject evalua tion.

    3 .2 I n t e g r a t e d E H S R i s k s Ma n a g e m e n t S t r a t e g y

    3 .2 .1 EHS App r oach fo r Po ten t ia l R isks /Imp ac t s

    There are serious potential HS&E risks (see below given diagram)from variety of indu str ies in a typical indust rial esta te like J AFZ.

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    PPoossssiibb llee EEnnvviirroonnmm eennttaa ll IImm pp aa cc ttss oo ff IInndd uusstt rriiaa ll AAcc tt iivv iitt iieess



    1- Conta mina ted Soil,


    Disturbanc e and lost10-Spills/



    9-Ozone-depleting and


    8- Habitat


    7- Air pollution5- Risks from

    hazardous waste

    4- Exposure to


    3- Loc al

    Nuisanc es suc has Noise,

    vibration, odour

    and transport

    2- Disposal of

    Solid Wastes

    6- Marine pollution

    The development of Integrated Approach is detailed in followingdiagram.

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    DDeevvee lloo pp mm eenntt oo ff IInntteegg rraa tteedd EEHHSS






    How to p rioritize

    these issues?

    How to imp lement

    solutions to the

    priority issues?

    IImm pp lleemm eennttaa tt iioonnPPrriioo rriitt iizzaa tt iioonnIIdd eenntt iiff iicc aa tt iioo nn

    What a re ma jor


    As a result of above-mentioned, EHS has adopted a tailor-made andintegrated EHS a pproach.

    3 .2 .2 Hea l th & Safe ty a t wor k :

    EHS Safety & Fire Regulations require industries to assess workssafety, risks and implement related requirements as appropriate. At

    early design stage Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all

    chemicals to be used a nd/or st ored is required for r isk assessmen t a nd

    fut ur e emergencies ar ising from indust rial opera tion.

    A well-ta ilored indu str ial emer gency response system is in place.Guideli ne - Achieving sustainable development - Industr ial Areas of Dubai World Page 10 of 21

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    Risk Assessment reports are mandatory for new major projects.JAFZA regulations require to choose the Best Practicable

    Environmental Option (BPEO).

    For the whole JAFZ area a detailed RA Study has previously beencompleted.

    Since 1996, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ RiskAssessmen t (RA) process an d pr edicting t he en vironm ent al impa cts of

    industrial processes and for preparing an environmental protection

    an d m onitoring plan incorporating appr opriate m itigating measu res.

    This integrated EIA/RA studies process is accomplished in closecoordina tion of th e client with t he E HS.


    4.1 B a c k g r o u n d

    Since start EHS recognised the importance of ensuring that industrialdevelopment should proceed with minimum HS&E impacts. The timely

    establishment and enforcement of regulations has allowed the EHS to assess,

    monitor an d cont rol indu str ial activities, and ha s helped to successfully address

    potential relevant problems.

    In order to achieve environmenta lly susta inable development , EHS un derta kesin-depth st udies of each pr oposed indu str ial facility an d its plan ned a ctivities to

    ensure that adequate pollution abatement measures are incorporated in thedesign at the planning stage. In particular, facilities are required to adopt the

    Best Available Control Technology (BACT) in plant design to minimise

    pollut an ts a t t he source.

    Once an indust rial facility becomes operational, perform an ce tests an d follow-upenvironmenta l audits a re condu cted t o determine wh ether actual a ir emissions,

    wastewater effluent and waste management procedures conform with

    regulations. Industries that fail to comply are required to perform necessary

    engineering or operat iona l cha nges to meet environmenta l stan dards.

    EH S ha s established an environmenta l monitoring programm e tha t includes airquality monitoring; waste management; noise monitoring; water quality

    monitoring, wastewater and Free Zone industries investigation.

    The Environmental Control programme ensures compliance with theenvironmental standards.

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    EHS established Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Risk Assessment(RA) Stud ies requirem ent to F Z client s, which were t he out come of:

    1. Jebel Ali Free Zone and Dubai Emirate Environmental regulatoryrequirements a nd En vironmenta l Initiatives.

    2. Master plans studies recommendations and conclusions, such studiesinclude:

    -Zonin g St ud y (1989-1990)

    -Risk Assessmen t Stu dy (1995)

    -Wastewa ter Ma ster P lan St udy (1995-2005)

    -Mast er P lan Stu dy (1998-2018)

    -Duba i Stru ctu ra l Plan St udy (1993-2012)

    Two sets of regulations (EHS) were produced in 1992 for EnvironmentalCont rol an d Hea lth & Safety, which h ave been revised and issued.

    JAFZA environmental programme and practices have been incorporated inth e United Na tions E nvironmen t P rogram mes (UNE P) Technical Report

    No.39 titled The En vironm ent al Mana gement of Indu str ial Esta tes.

    4.2 EHS P rof i le

    4.2.1 J AFZA was esta blished on 09 Febru ar y 1985. In ear ly sta ge (1988) itsSewage Treat men t P lant (STP-I) sta rt ed. In 1990 its EH S cont rol sta rt ed

    by establishment of Free Zone Industrial Operations Control (FZIOC)Department with a meager staff (consisting of 3 senior members and 3


    4.2.2 With in F ZIOC Depar tm ent , proper dr awing r eview (in 1990), Monitoringand Pollution Control (MPC)/Environment Protection Section (in 1991)

    STP Lab (in 1991) started. HSE regulations were issued (in 1992)

    alongwith incorporation of such aspects in Sales and Marketing

    Depar tm ent s app lication for FZIOC screen ing. At th e same time, a

    mandatory requirement of Building Completion Certificate (BCC) and

    Operation Fitness Certificate (OFC) for companies operation and annual

    ren ewal of tr ade license were a lso implement ed.

    4.2.3 Accident/Incident r eport ing procedur e and STP-III sta rt ed in 1993. Thera dioactive ma ter ial cont rol star ted in 1994 wh ile m obile cran es gas

    cylinders ent ry r estr ictions were imposed in 1995.

    4.2.4 A mandatory requirement of Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)/Risk Assessment (RA) studies for projects with potential serious

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    impacts were adopted in 1996. Such th orough HSE screening encour aged

    J AFZA to allow ent ry of prima ry indu str ies e.g. EPCL, SPIC, etc.

    4.2.5 Dur ing 1997, control of chem icals st ar ted with Ministry of Hea lth (MoH)coordination, Customs Department clearance after HSE no objection.

    Pre-approval of hazardous waste disposal by JAFZA and final Dubai

    Mun icipality (DM) app roval also star ted in 1997.

    In addition, STP Lab was re-named as Chemical Laboratory and new

    Food Cont rol Section a nd F ood Laborat ory also star ted in t he sa me year .

    4.2.6 During 1998 Health and Safety (H & S) Section was renamed as HSESection. At th e same t ime, a H AZMAT team was form ed an d STPs V &

    V1 becam e opera tiona l. The Const ru ction Safety in J AFZA sta rt ed in

    1999. HSE Section becam e the EH S Departmen t in 2000.


    EH S grew alongside J AFZA an d Duba i Ports World to become an int egralpar t of th e expan sion with fur th er developmen t of Duba i World a ctivities.

    EHS has been established as a regulatory arm to enforce its rules and


    4.2.8 The latest Regulation to be detailed is the Green Building Regulationsfor Dubai World Developments, in line with the directives of Dubais


    S C R E E N I NG P R O C E D U R E F O R P R O J E C T S :

    EHS follows a prior approval system, where the investor has to go throughfollowing the steps to be able to establish business in any industrial area of

    Duba i World, wheth er th e business is Tra ding, Indu str ial or Service.

    5.1 App l ica t ion Rev iew

    General project information including financial aspects, required facility,ma npower, utilities and Health , Safety an d E nvironmen t genera l queries.

    Query regar ding HSE impa ct an d EMS J AFZA Man agemen t decision

    5.2 App l ica t ion & E Form s Rev iew

    Detailed technical project information including process, raw material,products a nd wast es.

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    Considera tion for u tilizat ion of cleaner production, Gener al H SE a war eness,Int ern at iona l convent ions, EMS, Federa l, local an d Fr ee Zone environmen ta l


    EIA/RA stu dies requiremen t Duba i Mun icipality involvemen t for wast es disposal

    5.3 T e c h n i c a l Me e t i n g

    Fu rt her clarificat ion an d discussion based on above form s Sensible and pr actical app roach

    5.4 EIA/RA Stu dies

    5.4.1 EIA / RA OBJ ECTIVE

    The aim of the EIA / RA studies is to ensure that potential problems areforeseen a nd a ddressed a t a n ea rly stage in th e projects plann ing and design

    sta ges. This ha s adva nt ages for a ll par ties involved.

    To achieve this aim, the EIA / RA studies findings are communicated toau th ority (EHS) who ma kes decision about th e proposed project.

    After EH S a pproval, the project developers ar e inform ed of th e decision ma de. Having studied the conclusions of all EIA/RA, project consultants shape the

    project to implement the recommendations so that its benefits can be achieved

    an d susta ined with out cau sing environm enta l health a nd sa fety problems.

    Pr elimina ry EIA/RA Detailed EIA/RA

    Duba i Mun icipality involvemen t for EIA Stu dies

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    Project Proposal


    E-Form review

    Initial EnvironmentalEvaluation

    Approveor Reject

    EIA required Scoping

    EIA G uidelines

    EIA Consultants List

    Detailed "Scope of W ork"Approval

    Preliminary EIA

    Identification of Possiblesites and Potential Impacts

    Baseline DataEIA

    preparationPrediction of Impacts

    Assess Impacts (Evaluation)

    Identify M onitoring andMitigation

    Prepare draft EIAReview

    (EHS /Dubai Municipality)Prepare Final EIA






    EHS Inspections

    Compliance Audit Auditing


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    5.4.2 EIA/RA Imp lemen ta t ion & Pr o jec t Cer t i f ica t ion

    Ensure implementation of EIA/RA studies and JAFZA/DM recommendations atengineering design, building a nd comm issioning st ages.

    Green Building Verification & Certification through Approved 3 rd. party. Building Completion an d Opera tion Fitn ess Cert ificat es (BCC & OFC)

    5.4.3 P e r fo r m a n c e T e st i n g a n d r e g u la r M on i t o r i n g / R e p o r t i n g

    Out come of EI A/RA stu dies En vironm ent al Per form an ce Testing, Verificat ion & Cert ificat ion. Green Building Annual Verification Safety & Fire Risk 3rd. par ty verificat ion & Cert ificat ions


    It is importa nt th at an EIA/RA do not cover too ma ny topics in too mu ch d eta il. In the early stages, the scope of EIA/RA is limited to only the most likely and

    most ser ious of th e possible environm ent al sa fety impa cts.

    First , th e Scope of Work is to be agreed m ut ua lly with E HS. The findings of an EIA/RA would be readily accessible and immediately useful

    to th e a ut hority a nd project planners/technical consulta nt s.

    When mitigation measures are being suggested, it is important to focus onwork able an d a ccepta ble solution to th e pr oblems only.

    EHS Dept. has separately prepared Guidelines for Preparation of the EIA andRA Studies as guides.


    Just as it is important not to waste time and effort on irrelevant issues, it isequally important to be selective when involving consultants in the EIA/RA


    EHS has also drafted a separate Pre-qualification Form for EIA/RAConsu ltan ts to be filled an d subm itted for a pproval.

    A Proposed List of EIA Consultants is also available as ready reference toassist the clients.

    Qua lified consulta nt with r elevan t experience is norm ally chosen.

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    EH S decides a bout EIA/RA requiremen t on a case-by-case basis. Despite its u sefulness in findin g ways t o mak e pr ojects more su ccessful, th e full

    EI A/RA process is n ot n ecessar y for every k ind of pr oject.

    For a ma jor p roject, E IA/RA ma y use considera ble resour ces an d expert ise. Un necessary wa sta ge of time, energy an d m oney could be a voided, if a det ailed

    EI A/RA is not n eeded.

    A thr ee tier system of assessm ent is used by EH S a s follows:+Initial screening;

    +Prelimina ry EIA/RA (ma y be ama lgam at ed)+Deta iled E IA/RA.

    The advantage of this approach is that the extent of the inquiry expands withth e adva ncing developmen t of th e project pla ns.

    Initia l screen ing is appropriat e when th e project is only a rough concept. Later, when the project is under more general discussion. A Preliminary

    assessm ent can look deeper into possible sites an d potent ial impacts.

    Just before the preliminary stages of feasibility and design work get underway,a full EIA/RA Study can commence, so that it can influence the detailed

    decisions to come.

    This tier appr oach also ensures th at impacts a re examined at a very early stagein the project planning and not later when sites or designs have already been


    Where deemed essential EHS Dept. in cooperation with JAFZA CivilEngineering Dept. may advise for conditional allocation of proposed plot for

    completion of an EI A/RA stud y.

    In essen ce, ther e ar e following basic ta sks in a ny E IA/RA Stu dy tha t n eed to becarried out. These a re described below in sequen tial order:

    1. The first ta sk of the EIA/RA study t eam is Scoping th e EI A.2. The n ext st ep is identificat ion of impa cts th at ar e to be assessed in


    3. The next st ep is called Pr ediction.4. An Evalu at ion will th en be carr ied out for impa cts.

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    5. The la st in th e EIA/RA process is th e Docum ent at ion of th e processan d th e conclusions/recomm enda tions.


    6.1 Assessm ent , Monitoring & Contr ol of H,S&E aspects Fr ee Zone, Reta il &

    Indu str ial Activities.6.2 Monitoring & Contr ol of Port s & Mar itime Activities.

    6.3 Monit oring & Contr ol of Food, Hea lth & Hygiene

    6.4 Monitoring & Cont rol of En vironm ent al Em issions & Wastes

    6.5 Monit oring & Contr ol of HS &E aspects of Const ru ction Site Activities

    6.6 Green Building Assessmen t

    6.7. Tra ining & Awar eness in H,S&E Area s

    6.8. En vironm ent al Laborat ory



    PCFC/DPW/JAFZA has been certified for EMS-ISO 14001 certificationsince June 2002, as managed by EHS. It would require continuous

    improvement an d complian ce with relevan t ISO requirements.

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    EHS believes that industrialization and environment protection are notmutually exclusive. By employing advanced technology and proven

    international standards and methods the industrial development with

    environmental protection and creation of clean, safe, healthy industrialarea ha s become a reality.


    The EH S appr oach implemented at Dubai World is considered an integratedand pro-active approach towards environmental, health and safety

    protection a nd cost sa ving. It compliment s UAE an d Duba i governm ent aims

    in achieving sustainable industrial development with greatest extent

    possible. It also contributes in minimising cost of end-of-pipe solutions and

    obta ining h igher production efficiencies with redu ced wa stes.

    Furthermore, the effectiveness of EHS environmental program is attested bymonitoring dat a i.e. inspite of ma ny a nd varied new an d expanded indu strial

    facilities the environmental quality has not deteriorated EHS commitment

    to be a leader in sustainable industrial development has become a reality. It

    is the intention of EHS to ensure at all costs that industrial development

    an d environm ent al protection cont inue to be in ha rm ony.

    9. E H S Ac h i e v e m e n t s

    EH S is honored t o be the r ecipient of nu mer ous ISO accredita tions an dinter na tional indust ry recognition. Among our a war ds, we ha ve received an d

    contribu ted t o :

    - D u b a i I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ma r i t i m e A w a r d s 2 005 Wi n n e r : Outsta nding

    contribu tion to Regiona l Mar itime Ser vices

    - D u b a i I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ma r i t i m e A w a r d s 2 004 Wi n n e r : Coun ter ing Marine

    an d Atmospheric Pollution System

    - DGEP : 2003 Distinguished Government Department

    - DGEP : 2003 Distin guish ed Division

    - Dub ai Qua l ity Awa r d 2003: Winner

    - DGEP 2000: Winner Best Techn ical E mployee

    In a ddition, EH S ha s earn ed credit for :

    EMS ISO 14001 Cert ificat ion in J un e 2002 and held th e honored position ofAssistan t t o UNE P in developing the Technical Guide #39 on E nvironmen ta l

    Mana gement System for Indust rial Estates.

    EMS initiatives, now being implemented, have already shown positive impactsin Free Zone industries. Use of cleaner fuel has resulted in reduced air

    emissions, Re-use, Recovery a nd Recycling (RRR) options/ alter na tives have been

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    proven very effective to actually reduce the waste (liquid/ solid) generation in the

    J ebel Ali Free Zone.

    First in t he Region to iossue Green Building Regulat ions for DW Developmen ts. Establishing an IMS for EHS including the provisions of ISO 9001, 14001,

    OHSAS 18001

    Established Middle East Center for Sustainable Development (MCSD) inOctober 2007 in cooperation with a Techno Park based company to helpcompan ies obta in t he LE ED certificat ion.

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    11 . FUTURE P LANS:

    With respect to fut ur e plans, EH S/J AFZA inten ds for:

    Integration of Environment with Health & Safety and Quality obtainadditionally OHSAS 18001 Certification to enable us to have Integrated

    man agement system.

    Implemen ta tion of Duba is str at egy for su saina ble developmen t in buildings.
