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    Keep the comfort but ditch all those

    extra calories! Here are some ways to

    lighten up great-tasting burgers, fries,

    lasagna and more!By Kristin Wood, CertifedFitness Nutrition Specialist Photos by Becky Gleaves


    e all love to have a great meal with

    comort oods those hearty, lling

    dishes that leave us eeling really satised.While some o those meals can be waistline killers,

    tweaking them can make them more nutritious and

    still satisying. Oh, and a nutritious meal does not

    have to be tasteless! The trick is to gure out where

    to skim at and calories, so you can lighten up a

    recipe without also cutting out the favor. Here are

    a ew great ways to lighten your meals to help you

    get started.

    LasagnaLasagna is a gooey comort ood that denitely satises

    taste buds and leaves us with a comortably ull stomach.

    It also can heap on unwanted calories and at, especially i

    were eating in a restaurant, where single-serving portions

    can range rom 10 to 25 ounces o lasagna. At home, we

    have much more control over portion sizes, as well as ouringredients. Here are a ew great ways to slim down your

    avorite version o this meal:

    Replace the lasagna noodles with 2-3 zucchinis, cut

    into inch slices (longways). For every layer o zucchini,

    sprinkle to 1 tablespoon four on top beore adding

    the next layer to absorb extra liquid. Or, try grilling the

    zucchinis rst to get some o the water out (this will make

    the zucchinis a bit crunchier in the lasagna), then top with

    four. Calorie savings per serving? 477 calories and 6 grams

    o at and 88 grams o carbohydrates. Three zucchinis have

    93 calories, no at and 20 grams o carbohydrate while 9

    lasagna noodles have 570 calories, 6 grams o at and 108

    grams o carbohydrates!




    Swap 1 cup ricotta cheese with 1 cup 1-percent cottage

    cheese and save a whopping 265 calories and 30 grams

    o at. (One cup ricotta has 428 calories and 32 grams at

    while one cup 1-percent cottage cheese has 163 calories

    and 2 grams o at.)

    Substitute one cup part-skim mozzarella or the ull-at

    version and youll save 265 calories and 21 grams o at.(336 calories, 25 grams o at versus 71 calories and 4

    grams o at)

    Try using o the cheese you normally use. You likely

    will not notice the dierence and can shave o 25 percent

    o the calories, whatever cheese you use!

    Editors note: For this lasagna recipe, we added 7

    percent lean ground turkey or us meat eaters. Lean turkey

    is a healthy and great substitution or ground bee. But i

    youve got to have your bee, then read on or ways to

    make it healthier and less attening.

    Burgers & Other Recipes That Call

    for Ground BeefWe all know that ground bee is a staple in the American

    diet and its a great place to start skimming calories rom

    your recipes. While ground bee is rich in protein, zinc, B-12

    and absorbable iron, it also contains signicant amounts o

    saturated at and sodium. Ground bee is generally sold in

    categories based on its at content. Most commonly, these

    range rom super lean with 4 to 10 percent at content;

    extra lean (also called ground round) with 15 percent at

    content; lean (also called ground chuck) with 20 percent at

    content; to regular hamburger with 30 percent at content.

    Choose a leaner ground bee and you can peel o calories

    rom at without sacricing taste. For burgers, meatloa

    and meatballs and other meals that call or hand-shaping

    the ground bee, these leaner

    cuts will be the best way to

    cut unwanted calories.

    Leaner ground bee gener-

    ally has a higher price point

    than its atty brothers, howev-

    er, so it isnt always the best

    solution or all meals involvingground bee. I you are cook-

    ing the meat in a skillet (or

    lasagna, a meat sauce, tacos,

    etc.), you dont need to

    go to the expense o

    purchasing super

    lean bee to slash

    the hamburgers

    at and calorie

    content. Just

    drain the at o

    as you normal-

    ly would, thenput the bee in

    a colander and

    rinse completely

    with hot water. You can

    pat it dry i the meat seems

    too watery ater rinsing. Tak-

    ing this simple step ater the meat is thoroughly cooked

    renders that inexpensive hamburger as lean or leaner than

    super lean bee.

    Below you will nd a chart showing the dierences among

    the various types o ground bee, as well as reduction in at

    content that comes rom draining hamburger.

    How Do You Like Your Ground Beef?

    Type o

    Ground Bee

    1 pound





    1 poundraw;caloriesatercooking


    Super Lean

    (7% fat)

    12 - 2/3 oz 680 170

    Extra Lean

    (15% fat)

    12 oz 859 214

    Lean (20% fat) 11 - 1/2 oz 876 219

    Regular (30%

    fat), broiled

    10 - 2/3 oz 880 220

    Regular (30%

    fat), drained &


    11 oz 620 155

    Source: Beefinfo.org

    Got other healthy

    comfort food

    substitutions or recipes?

    Email them to

    [email protected]

    and well put them in afuture article!





    French FriesFrench ries are another classic dish,

    one that tastes delicious but is very

    unhealthy. The good news is there are

    several great ways to have French ries

    that can reduce the damage.

    For example, make them at home

    instead o getting them at a ast ood

    joint and save 140 calories and 9 grams

    o at. A 3-ounce serving o Chick-

    Fil-A wafe ries has 270 calories with

    13 grams o at. But i you bake rozen

    wafe ries instead, a 3-ounce serving is

    just 130 calories with 4 grams o at.

    Better yet, put potato wedges driz-

    zled with olive oil, sea salt and rosemary

    on the grill. A 3-ounce serving has 144

    calories and 2.5 grams o at, is very low

    in saturated at and cholesterol and is a

    very good source o ber and vitamins A

    and C.

    For a surprise twist, roast caulifower

    forets instead! These caramelize

    beautiully when drizzled with olive oil

    and sprinkled with sea salt, ground

    pepper and garlic powder and baked in

    a 400-degree oven or 25-30 minutes.

    Calorie count? A cup has 48 calories

    and 2.5 grams o at.

    So, think creatively and youll be

    surprised how easy modiying your

    avorite recipes is once you start really

    ocusing on making healthy changes.

    Choose nutrient-rich oods to ensure

    your meals are ull o vitamins and

    minerals, and use disease-ghting

    antioxidants (deeply colored ruits

    and vegetables) as the basis or yourrecipes.MS&F


    ack Walker, 28, has a secret.

    Its a big amily secret. And, the

    secret is in the sauce ... er, the

    seasoning. Three blends to be

    exact all o which are guaranteed

    to put the zing into any delectable

    dish. Your ood will taste so good,

    youll want to Slap Ya Mama or

    not cooking like that! At least thats

    how the old Cajun saying, which

    lends its name to the Slap Ya

    Mama brand, goes, according to


    Jack is just one member o Walker

    & Sons, a amily-owned business

    that started as a convenient store

    with a deli serving up some o the

    best Cajun vittles in Louisiana.

    People started asking i they could

    buy our seasoning, so we bought

    little glass jars and lled them with

    our blends, says Jack. The demand

    became so great that Walker &

    Sons had to nd a manuacturer to

    make and distribute their products,

    which are now available in specialty

    ood stores and a number o

    national grocers. Or, you can nd

    the products on www.slapyamama.

    com.Raised in Ville Platte, Louisiana

    where the spicier the better prevails

    when it comes to ood, Jack is

    proud to be a part o this amily

    business and their secret blends.

    The ingredients are listed on each

    container, but youll never know

    the proportions, says Jack, with

    a wink.

    There are three dierent

    blends. In the yellow canister

    is the original blend; the white

    pepper blend is in the white canister

    (white pepper digests easier than

    black pepper or those who may

    have digestion problems); and in the

    red canister ... yep, you guessed it

    ... the hot version. We took out a

    lot o the salt and packed a lot more

    heat in that one, says Jack about

    the red blend, which is his avorite.

    You can use the seasoning blends

    as a rub, a marinade or as table

    seasoning. Jack suggests using

    the original blend or chicken and

    pasta, the white blend or seaoodand the red blend i youre grilling.

    Here is one o the Walker amilys

    avorite recipes using the white

    blend o Slap Ya Mama Cajun


    Slap Ya Mama Shrimp Stir-FryIngredients:

    1 lb cleaned shrimp

    1 tsp chopped garlic

    Slap Ya Mama White Pepper Blend to


    Olive oil1 bag of Asian Stir-Fry

    glass red wine

    2 tsp brown sugar

    1 tsp lemon juice


    Coat bottom o a pan with olive oil

    and put over medium heat. Season

    shrimp with Slap Ya Mama white

    pepper to taste. Add garlic, shrimp

    and lemon juice in pan. Cook until

    shrimp turn pink. Now add veggies

    wine and brown sugar and cook

    until veggies are sot. You can alsoadd noodles i preerred.MS&F

    Good!Good!Finger LickinFinger Lickin

    Jack Walker (left) and his brother, Joe Walker, (right)travel around the United States sharing their familyssecret Cajun seasoning recipe blends at food shows.

