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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


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Gulbarga University has the jurisdiction over four districts viz. Bidar, Kalaburagi, Raichur and Yadagiri. Looked upon as an oasis of knowledge, wisdom and learning, research and extension in an otherwise backward or barren region of Hyderabad Karnataka, it has emerged as a harbinger of positive social transformation, an instrument of progress, and a vehicle of inclusive and sustainable growth. Guided by its vision of excellence in higher education, empowerment through knowledge, inclusive growth for socio-economic transformation and sustainable development, and wedded to the mission of equity, justice, harmony and progress, the University has far exceeded the benchmark it had set for itself to achieve at its inception and the expectations of those who were instrumental in its establishment.

The University has a sprawling green campus of 860 acres, blessed and bestowed with vegetation and water only a few campuses can dream of. The University in its course of meaningful existence and steady growth during the last thirty two years has carved a niche for itself in the world of learning on the one hand and world of science and literature on the other. The research that is being carried out in all the disciplines is in the frontier and applied areas of their respective domains, representing what is known as the cutting edge of horizon of knowledge. At the same time, the extension engaged in by us has enabled us to take the campus to the community and put knowledge, scholarship and wisdom available with us to meet the immediate needs of the community around and tackle the problems of society at large and thereby make its positive presence felt by the people who come in our contact. Establishment of the PG Department of Environment studies, Bio Diesel Park, laid on hundred acres with Bio Diesel production plant, a Vermi Compost unit which is already operational, proposed establishment of International Institute for Food, Energy and Water Security, that could be termed as monumental in scale and impact for which an IMOU has been signed with the Colorado State University, USA last December 2011. MOU with universities of European Commission under Erasmus Mundus Svagata and FUSION Project, IMOU at World Biodiversity Congress, Thailand are some of the landmarks that the University is proud of. In terms of infrastructure and facility, the University is way ahead of its contemporaries and on par with the oldest of the Universities in the State. Academic, residential, sports and recreation structures and central facilities like Library, Hostels, USIC, Health Centre, Computer Centre, Language Lab, Multimedia Production Centre are housed and equipped good enough to be called the state of the art. The human resources and research output of our departments is enviable by any standard, owing to which it is being looked upon as the most fertile breeding ground for pure knowledge and applied research. Owing to these traits, the University is looked upon as a sought after destination for an academically enriching and intellectually rewarding experience, the twin benefits that true education and for that matter through education an ideal University stands and strives for.

“«zÉåAiÉÄà CªÀÄÈvÀ” conveys the spirit of the University. The University Prospectus provides information regarding the teaching, research and developmental activities in the University for the benefit of student community.

I wish a bright future for the student community.

Best wishes to all.

Prof. S. R. Niranjana Ph.D.,FNAAS.,FNABS.,FISMPP. Vice Chancellor


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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi2


Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, KalaburagiGulbarga University, Kalaburagi6


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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


IntroductionGulbarga University was established on 10th September, 1980. It was a P.G. Centre of Karnatak University from 1970 to 1980. The University has been catering to the needs of Higher Education in Hyderabad Karnataka region of Karnataka State which is considered as a developing region and contributing a great deal for the accelerated development of this region through teaching, research and extension programmes. It is a State University established as per the provisions of the Karnataka State University Act 1976/2000. Situated in the north eastern part of Karnataka, it has the jurisdiction over four Revenue Districts viz. Kalaburagi, Bidar, Raichur and Yadgir. It has a main campus at Kalaburagi and has two P.G. Centres; one each at Raichur and Bidar, and a Sharana Sahitya Library and Resource Centre at Basavakalyan. It is an affiliating University having 307 affiliated colleges. The University caters to the needs of all sections of the society and promotes co-education.

The University has six faculties viz. Arts, Commerce, Education, Social Science, Science and Technology and Law, comprising of 37 Departments of Post-Graduate Studies and Research on the main campus and P.G. Centres. The University promotes research studies leading to research degrees. It also undertakes sponsored research projects. The University has twenty seven (27) ongoing projects worth Rs. 227.00 Lakhs funded by various agencies of Central & State Govt. Five Departments have received grants under a UGC Special Assistance Programme and the Department of Physics is allocated Rs. 1.30 Lakhs under a Special Assistance Programme (Phase II) of UGC. All other science departments have Non-SAP progammes of UGC. The university has received Rs. 533 Lakhs under XII plan grants of UGC. University has also strong research collaboration with International, National and State organizations / institutions. It has collaboration also with HKRDB for implementing knowledge projects.

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

History of the RegionThis region has rich historical heritage. Buddhist settlement sites, Edicts of Ashoka in the form of slab inscription at Sannati in Kalaburagi District are some of the heritage sites. Famous kingdoms like the Rashtrakutas of Malkhed, Chalukyas of Basavakalyana, Bahamani Emperors of Kalaburagi and Sultanate of Bidar have ruled this region.

This region has a very rich cultural and literary heritage. The very first known work in Kannada Literature, ‘Kaviraja Marga’ was written by Srivijay during the regime of the famous Rasthrakuta emperor Nrupatunga during 850 AD. It was again around this period, Mahaveeracharya wrote his Mathematical works and Vijnaneshwara wrote his Mitakshara commentary and an epigraph about him is preserved in Martur village, 22 km from Kalaburagi.

The region has witnessed a profound revolutionary movement during the 12th Century AD led by Basaveshwara. It was a movement of spiritual enlightenment, social equality, dignity of labour and respect for women. Purandara Dasa, a renowned poet, philosopher and founder of the Carnatik music who lived during the Vijayanagara Empire, belongs to this region. Subsequently, Raichur District became the cradle of several poets and philosophers in the ‘Dasa tradition’. The Madarasa established by Mohammad Gavan in Bidar acquired the status of a University during 14th Century. Later Kalaburagi became a bastion of the philosophical school of Suffism and produced a very eminent saint and scholar, Hazrat Khwaja Banda Nawaz in the 15th Century. Kalaburagi is blessed with another famous saint, Shri Sharanabasaveshwara in the 19th Century. Thus the region has the potential to recapture this intellectual and spiritual leadership and Gulbarga University is endeavouring its best to provide necessary stimulus and institutional support in this direction.

Ancient educational institutions in the form of Agraharas, Brahmapuris, Ghatikasthanas and Mathas flourished in this region which followed traditional methods of teaching. Mathas were residential schools where the teacher and the taught lived together. Agraharas and Brahmapuris were settlement of scholars and separate arrangements existed for holistic teaching. Ghatikasthana was meant for conferring degrees or certifying scholarships. ‘Maha Agrahara Nagai”, the ancient University of Nagai at Nagai situated at Chittapur taluka of Kalaburagi District was established during the Rasthrakuta and Chalukya kings (993 AD). It is said that about 250 students, six teachers and a librarian (Saraswati Bhandari) were engaged in imparting education there. During 1058 AD, this “Nagai Agrahara” was converted into ‘Ghatika Sthana’

Sri Sharanabasveshwar Temple

Khwaja Banda Nawaz Darga

Bahamani Fort

Buddha Vihar


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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi12


Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Post Graduate Courses

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Post Graduate Courses

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Main Campus

The main campus of the University is located on a sprawling

campus of 860 acres, about 8 kms to the east of Kalaburagi

city and well connected by trains to Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru

and Hyderabad. It has 37 P. G. Departments. In addition,

the University is offering M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses in these


The University has excellent central facilities such as Central

Library, Learning Resource Centre, Instrumentation Centre,

Computer Centre, Digital Language Lab, Indoor Stadium, Health

Centre, boy’s and girl’s hostels to provide accommodation to

the students. Residential quarters provide accommodation for

teaching and non-teaching faculty. About 4000 students take

admission to the P.G. Courses every year.

P. G. Centre, BidarThe P.G. Centre at Bidar was established during 1997-98 with

MA Course in Urdu & Persian. It is located on a campus of

310 acres near Halhalli village situated on the state highway

from Bidar to Srirangapattana about 20 kms away from Bidar.

Presently, in this centre M.A. in Urdu & Persian, English,

Political Science, Kannada, Sociology, Economics, Women

Studies, M.S.W., M.Sc. in Sugar Technology, Mathematics,

Organic Chemistry and M.Com. Courses are offered.

P. G. Centre, Raichur

Raichur is known for its historical and commercial importance

and has the rich treasure of Dasa Sahitya. The Gulbaga

University established the P.G. Centre at Raichur during 1992-

93 with M.A. (Kannada) programme and subsequently, M.Sc.

Instrumentation Technology M.Com. and M.A. in English, Social

Work, Women Studies, M.Sc. in Computer Science, P.G.D.C.A.

M.Com. and M.Ed. courses are introduced. It is located on a

campus of 250 acres of land at Yeragera on Mantralaya Road.


Sharana Sahitya Library and Resource Centre has been

established at Basavakalyan, Bidar District to support Research

and Developmental activities with emphasis on Vachana

Sahitya & Shivasharanas. M.A. in Kannada (Sharana Sahitya)

has been introduced from the year 2011-12.

Main Campus

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Eligibility for AdmissionEligibility for Admission to P.G. Courses in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Social Sciences and Arts

The candidate seeking admission to first semester of P.G. Degree / Diploma course shall be required to have passed concerned degree examination of the Gulbarga University or any other University recognized by the Gulbarga University as equivalent thereto securing not less than 50% of marks in the concerned / cognate subject and 50% marks in the aggregate at the Bachelor’s Degree course as a whole. However, SC /ST and Cat-I candidate should have secured at least 45% in the concerned / cognate subject and in the aggregate at the

Bachelor’s Degree Course as a whole.

Minimum percentage of marks for seeking admission to M.A. degree in Sanskrit, Marathi and Urdu and Persian courses shall be 45% for general merit candidates, 40% for other categories

and 35% in case of SC / ST and Cat-I candidates.

Eligibility for Admission to P.G. Courses in Faculty of Commerce and Management


The candidate seeking admission to the first semester of P. G. Degree/ Diploma course shall be required to have passed B.Com. / B.B.M. / B.C.S. examination of the Gulbarga University or any other University recognized by the Gulbarga University as equivalent thereto securing not less than 50% of marks in the concerned / cognate subjects and also in aggregate at the Bachelor’s Degree Course as a whole. However, SC/ST and Cat-I candidates should have secured at least 45% in the concerned / cognate subjects and also in aggregate at the Bachelor’s Degree Course as a whole.


The Candidate seeking admission to the first semester of M.B.A. course shall be required to have passed any degree examination of this University or any other University recognized by this University as equivalent thereto securing not less than 50% of marks in the concerned / cognate subject and also in aggregate at the Bachelor’s Degree Course as a whole. However, SC / ST and Cat-I candidate should have secured at least 45% in the concerned / cognate subject and also in aggregate at the Bachelor’s Degree Course as a whole.

Eligibility for Admission to PG Courses in the Faculty of law

The Course is open to the students who have passed the three years L.L.B. course after a degree or five years L.L.B. course after 10+2 or P.U.C., with at least 45% of aggregate marks in L.L.B. (40% for SC / ST and Category-I).

Eligibility for Admission to PG Courses in the Faculty of Education


1. Candidates seeking admission to the M.Ed. programme should have obtained at least 50% marks or an equivalent grade in the following programme as prescribed by NCTE and UGC.

B.A., B.Ed.; B.Sc. B.Ed.; B.Sc. Ed.; B.A. Ed.; B.E.L. Ed.

2. Reservation and relaxation for SC / ST / OBC / PWD / Article 371 (J) Categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Government / State Government.


Candidates seeking admission to first semester of M.P.Ed. Course shall be required to have passed B.P.Ed. degree examination of the Gulbarga University or any other University recognized by the Gulbarga University as equivalent thereto securing not less than 50% of marks in aggregate and SC / ST and Category-I candidates should have secured at least 45% in aggregate. However, candidates who are deputed by Govt. of Karnataka to the course are exempted from the above eligibility condition.


• Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 50% marks and having at least participation in the Inter-College / Inter Zonal / District / School competition in sports and games as recognized by the AIU / IOA / SGFI / Govt. of India.


• Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education with 45%.


• Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 45% marks and studied physical education as a compulsory/elective / optional subject.


• Bachelor’s degree with 45% marks and having participated in National / Inter - University competitions or secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in Inter-College / Inter-Zonal / District / School competition in sports and games as recognized by the AIU / IOA / SGFI / Govt.of India.


• Bachelor’s degree with participation in International competitions or secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in Inter-College / Inter-Zonal / District / School competition in sports and games as recognized by respective federation / AIU / IOA / SGFI / Govt.of India.


• Graduation with 45% marks and at least three years of


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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

teaching experience. (for deputed in-service candidates i.e. trained physical education teachers / coaches).

The relaxation in the percentage of marks in qualifying examination and in the reservation of seats SC / ST / OBC and other categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Government / State Government whichever is applicable.

P.G. Diploma In yoga (Dual System)

• A candidate who has passed a Degree Examination in any faculty of this University or any recognized University in India or abroad shall be eligible to opt the course along with their P.G. Degree or B.P.Ed. / B.Ed. as a Dual Degree System.

• A Candidate should be medically fit. Medical Fitness Certificate from the competent authority should be produced at the time of admission.

• Students who are studying in any other regular course of P.G. / B.Ed. / B.P.Ed. are eligible to take admission to this course as a Dual Degree System.

Eligibility for Admission to M.Phil. Courses

The candidate who has passed a Master’s Degree examination in the concerned or cognate subjects as equivalent thereto securing not less than 55% of the aggregate marks at Masters Degree Examination is eligible for admission to M.Phil. course.However, in case of

a) Teachers with 5 years of teaching experience and

b) Candidates belonging to SC / ST & Cat-I, the minimum marks for securing admission shall be 50% of the aggregate marks at the Master’s Degree as a whole.

Eligibility for Admission to Ph.D. Course

a) A candidate who has obtained Master’s Degree from any University in the State or from any other University recognized as equivalent thereto securing not less than 55% marks in the aggregate at the Master’s Degree Course as a whole shall be eligible to apply for Ph.D. Degree Program. However, in case of SC / ST and Category-I candidates the minimum marks required shall be 50%.

b) Such of the teachers employed in affiliated colleges before 31-03-1992 and are continuing in service on a regular basis and desirous of registering for Ph.D. Programme are permitted to register, provided they have a minimum of 50% of marks at the Master’s Degree course as a whole.

A candidate who is eligible as indicated in (a) / (b) above is selected on the basis of an Entrance Test administered by the University.

Admission Process Through Counselling

The University issues notification for admission to various P.G. courses (except M.C.A., M.B.A.) preferably in the month

of July during that academic year, in leading Newspapers as

well as the University Website (http://www.gulbargauniversity.

kar.nic.in). The notification contains the details regarding the

courses offered, eligibility and calendar of events for the entire

process of selection and admission. A candidate has to submit

a separate application for each of the courses he proposes to

apply by paying the prescribed application fee. The University

prepares the list of applicants on the basis of eligibility and

merit cum reservation.

Admission to M.C.A. & M.B.A. will be through the state level

CET conducted by VTU Belgaum. Intake mentioned in each

Department is provisional.

The University will admit 70% of students from Hyderabad karnataka Area {ED 269 UNE 2014 Date 23/05/2014. Article 371 (J)}.


Applied Electronics

The Department of Applied Electronics was established during

1976. The Department offers M.Sc. Applied Electronics, M.Sc.

Electronics and Instrumentation (at P.G. Centre, Raichur) one

year P.G.D.E.S.A. at USIC and one year P.G. Diploma in TV



M.Sc. Applied Electronics

Intake : 16+20 SSS*

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : A candidate who has passed B.Sc. Degree

Examination with Electronics as one of the optional subject

with any other combination of this University or any other

University considered as equivalent is eligible for admission.

Faculty of Science & Technology

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.Sc. in Applied Electronics


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.Sc. or M.Phil. in Applied Electronics

P.G. Dip in TV Technology

Intake : 06

Duration : One Year

Eligibility : B.Sc.

P.G. Dip. in Embedded Systems & Applications

This Course is offered at the USIC

Intake : 10

Duration : One Year

Eligibility : B.Sc. / B.E. (E.&CE. / E.&EE. / C.S.&E. / I.T.)

*SSS-Self Supporting Scheme (Provisional Number)


Microwave Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Power Electronics,

Modern control Engineering, Satellite Communication,

Fiber-Optic Communication, Microprocessor, Micro controller,

and PC-based Instrumentation.


Dr. Prabhakar V. Hunagund M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Microwave Electronics Electronic InstrumentationTele : 08472-263288 (O) - 246944 (R) Cell : 9845372523 E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. R. l. Raibagkar M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Electronic CommunicationsElectronic Instrumentation SystemsTele : 08472-263288 (O) 260464 (R)Cell : 9739302083 - E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Shivasharanappa N. Mulgi M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Microwave Electronics Electronic InstrumentationTele : 08472-263288 (O) - 246446 (R) Cell : 9880972745 - E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. P. M. Hadalgi M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Microwave Electronics Electronic InstrumentationTele : 08472-248866 (R) - Cell : 9845002606

E-mail : [email protected]

Sri Dasharath l. Holkar MSc,M.Tech.

Associate ProfessorField of Specialization : Power Electronics Digital ElectronicsTele : 08472-265026 (R) - Cell : 9901176704E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Vani R. M. M.Tech.,Ph.D.

Professor & HeadUniversity Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Instrumentation TechnologyElectronics and Instrumentation is a specialized course of Department of Instrumentation Technology, introduced in the year 1993 at P.G. Centre, Raichur in the premises of SLN College of Engineering, Yeramarus Campus, Raichur. During 1999, the Department moved to its own campus at Yeragera, Raichur. Located near Yeragera on Mantralaya Road, Raichur city. The course is offered at Master’s level under CBCS and CAGP scheme.

So far over 200 students have been graduated in 20 batches. Many are gainfully employed. Placement cell is provided to interact with industries, corporate and government organizations to arrange campus interviews. Employment opportunities in process industry viz., thermal, cement, paper and pulp, iron and steel, refineries, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals etc. R & Ds like ISRO, DRDO, DRDL, NAL, NPL etc. scope for self employment and entrepreneurship, after completion of the course the student can start his/her own small-scale industries in design, development, and fabrication of instruments. Two UGC sponsored Major research projects which have been successfully completed with research and employment benefits to two candidates as project fellows leading to Ph.D.


M.Sc. Electronics and Instrumentation

Intake : 10+12 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : A candidate who has passed B.Sc. DegreeExamination with any one of the following combinations.

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

1. Physics, Maths, Instrumentation2. Physics, Maths, Electronics3. Maths, Electronics, Computer Science4. Physics, Chemistry, Maths5. Physics, Maths, Computer Science


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility: M.Sc. in Instrumentation Technology

Ph.D. Intake : As per University regulationsDuration: As per University regulations


Dr. (Smt.) Parvathi C. S. B.E.,M.Tech.,Ph.D.

Professor & Chairperson, Dept. of InstrumentationTechnology, GUPG Centre, Yeragera-584 133 - RaichurField of Specialization : Control SystemsFuzzy Logic Controllers PC-Based Instrumentation and Process InstrumentationTele : 08532-282037 (D), 08532-282081 (O)Cell : 9886536360 - 08532-220007 (R)E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. P. Bhaskar M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Process / Scientific Analytical Instrumentation, PC Based Instrumentation Fuzzy Logic Controllers & Embedded Systems.Tele : 08532-282037 (O), 255011 (R), Cell : 9448633243E-mail : [email protected]


Fuzzy Logic Controllers, Scientific / Analytical Instrumentation, Process Instrumentation, Intelligent Instrumentation.

For more details contact Chairman, Dept. of Studies & Research in Instrumentation Technology, Gulbarga University Post Graduate Centre, Jnana Tunga Campus, Yeragera,

Tele : 08532-282081

BiochemistryThe Department of Biochemistry came into existence in 1982 as a part of Department of Chemistry and it became an independent Department in 1988. The Department is housed in a separate spacious building with all basic facilities like seminar hall, class room, staff rooms, research laboratories, cold room and culture room. The Department is well equipped with all the necessary instruments required for teaching and research in specialized areas. The Department has smart

laboratory, centralized instrumentation centre, and library.



Intake : 20+15 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.Sc. with Chemistry / Biochemistry as one of the optional subjects along with any two of Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Nutrition & Dietics, Home Science.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.Sc. in Biochemistry


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Biochemistry


Dr. T. B. karegoudar M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of specialization : Bioremediation Microbial EnzymesTele : 08472-263289 (O) - Cell : 9448163622E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. k. Sreeramulu M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Insect Biochemistry and halophylesCell : 9449438890 - E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. lalitha Junna M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor and ChairpersonField of Specialization : Bioprocess Technology & Nutrition Cell : 9449985744 - E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. Paramjyoti l. Swamy M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of specialization : Pharamacology & NutritionCell : 9341806110 - E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Anand S. Nayak M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Assistant ProfessorField of specialization : Bioremediation and Microbial EnzymesCell : 9448441952 - E-mail : [email protected]


Bioremediation of environmental pollutants; insect biochemistry; Plant biochemistry, Bioprocess technology, Pharmacology and Nutrition.


During 1994-95 multidisciplinary M.Sc. course in Biotechnology

was introduced. Department of Biotechnology, Government

of India recognized the Department and started funding the

programme from 1996-97. The Karnataka State Govt. IT &

BT Department has also identified the department for starting

finishing school in Biotechnology. It has a Biofuel demonstration

and production centre funded by KSBDB, Bengaluru.



Intake : 10+12 SSS +10 DBT-JNU

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : B.Sc. Chemistry as one optional with any

two life science subjects


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.Sc. in Biotechnology


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Biotechnology


Dr. G. R. Naik M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor, Chairman and Dean, Faculty of Science & TechnologyField of Specialization : Plant BiotechnologyCell : 9341292638 - E-mail: [email protected]

Tele : 08472-245337(R) - 08472-263290 (O)

Dr. Ramesh londonkar M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of specialization : Animal BiotechnologyCell : 09880416391

E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. kelmani Chandrakanth R. M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Medical BiotechnologyTele : 08472-247020 - Cell : 9449439340E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. M. B. Sulochana M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Associate ProfessorField of Specialization : Microbial BiotechnologyCell : 9449618673

E-mail : [email protected]


Plant Biotechnology : Biofuel, tissue culture and cell culture for the selection of stress resistant lines : Marker assisted selection in plants for stress resistance and Plant diseases. Animal Biotechnology Screening and isolation of bioactive compounds for the antifertility and pharmacological studies and Vermitechnology. Microbial Biotechnology : Novel thermostable alkaline protease; Thermostable and Halophilic Lipases from oil effluents with basic molecular studies;

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Vancomycine resistant Enterococi and Molecular studies on nosocomial infections. Industrial Biotechnology : Production of important metabolites from the micro-organisms; Estimation and isolation of Bacterial pigments and Strain improvement and genetic studies of the micro-organisms.

This course is also offered in the following Colleges 1. Karnatak College, Bidar2. Vishveswaraiah Applied Science College, Kalaburagi

For more details contact Chairman, Dept. of Biotechnology, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi-585 106, Tele : 08472-263290


The Department of Botany was established in 1981. It is growing steadily over the years with its own building and ideal infrastructure to impart P.G. teaching and research.

There is a Botanical Garden spread over 10 acres on the campus. The Department has facilities of Experimental fields, Green House and a field laboratory to facilitate teaching and research.



Intake : 25+12 SSS

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : B.Sc. Degree with Botany as one of

the optional subjects


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.Sc. in Botany


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Botany


Dr. A. H. Rajasab M.Sc.,PhD.

Professor (On lien to Tumkur Universty, as Vice Chancellor)Field of Specialization : Plant Pathology & Mycology

Cell : 9448405552 - Tele : 80472-254933

Dr. Srinath Rao M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor Field of specialization : Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic EngineeringE-mail : [email protected]@yahoo.co.in - Tele : 08472-245749

Dr. G. M. Vidyasagar M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Plant Pathology and Fungal BiotechnologyTele : 08472-252316 - Cell : 9449258812E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Pratima Mathad M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Algal Biotechnology and Plant PhysiologyE-mail : [email protected] : 9845240194 - Tele : 08472-246900

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Plant Pathology and Plant Protection; Biocontrol of pests and diseases; Fungal taxonomy; Aerobiology and Allergy; Medicinal plants and Phytochemistry; Biodiversity and conservation; Plant Taxonomy, Biosystematics and Ethnobotany; Plant tissue culture and Genetic Engineering; Biofertilizers : V A Mycorrhizae and Blue Green algae; Fungal Biotechnology; and Ecotoxicology, Limnology, Algal Biotechnology and Nano



The Department of Chemistry was established in 1971 as first Science Department on this campus with Analytical Chemistry branch in the beginning. Now Department has grown as one of the leading Departments in the state of Karnataka offering courses - Chemistry and Organic Chemistry at the Gulbarga University campus and Organic Chemistry Branch at P.G. Centre, Bidar which was started from the academic year 2009-10. The Department is housed in a spacious building, which includes teaching and research laboratories, lecture halls and a seminar hall.


M.Sc. Chemistry

Intake : 40+10 SSS

M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) P.G. Centre, Bidar

Intake : 20+10 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.Sc. with Chemistry as one of the subjects


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.Sc. in Biotechnology


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Chemistry


Dr. A. Venkataraman M.Sc.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Physical Chemistry

Tele : 08472-245995 (R) - Cell : 9880801017

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. N. M. Goudgaon M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Organic ChemistryTele : 08472-245314 (R)Cell : 9742641982E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. M. B. Halli M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor Field of Specialization : Physical ChemistryTele : 08472-245193 - Cell : 9449184944E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. J. S. Biradar M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Organic ChemistryTele : 08472-226773 - Cell : 9449235534E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. k. Siddappa M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Analytical ChemistryCell : 9845644075E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. A. R. Soundane M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Organic ChemistryCell : 9480272325E-mail : [email protected]

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Heterocyclic Chemistry; Drug Design and Developments and analysis of drugs and intermediates; Natural products; Coordination Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry; Nucleic acid Chemistry; Material Science; Solid State Chemistry; Corrosion inhibition studies; Electrochemistry; and

Environmental studies.

Computer Science

The M.C.A .course was started in the year 1990 in the Department

of Mathematics under the UGC-DOE joint Manpower-training

programme in Computer Science. The UGC provided financial

support and also the posts. The M.C.A. course was approved

by AICTE in 2000 with sanctioned intake of 45. Independent

Department was established in 2001. MSc in Computer Science

is offered on the main campus in the Department of Computer

Science and also at P.G. Centre, Raichur.



Intake : 45, Duration : Six semesters

1. Eligibility for Admission to M.C.A. i. Admission to M.C.A. course shall be open for the candidates who have passed the Bachelor degree examinations with not less than 50% of the marks in the aggregate of all the year of the degree examinations. However, in the case of candidates from Karnataka belonging to SC / ST and Category-I, the aggregate percentage of marks in the qualifying examinations

shall not be less than 45%.

Provided that for admission to M.C.A. the candidate shall have passed Bachelor’s degree with not less than 50% of marks with Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Science / Computer Programming / Computer Application / Business Mathematics / Business Statistics as one of the optional or electives at Degree Level.

Provided further that in respect of candidate who has studied

and passed one of the subjects specified in the first provision

in the Pre-University Course with 50% of marks in the subject

shall also be considered for admission. However, in the case

of candidates belonging to SC / ST and Cat-I, 45% of Marks in

that subject shall be considered for admission.

ii. Candidates who satisfy requirements stipulated in Para

1.1 shall take common entrance test for admission as notified

by Government of Karnataka from time to time.

iii. Intake

The intake of the course shall be 45 or as decided by the

University / Govt. of Karnataka from time to time. The

selection of eligible candidates for admission to course shall be

based on merit cum reservation as notified by the University /

Govt. of Karnataka from time to time.

M.Sc. Computer Science

Intake : 60 at main campus, Kalaburagi 25 at P.G. Centre, RaichurDuration : Four semestersEligibility : A candidate who has passed any of the following Bachelor’s degree examination of this University or any other University recognized as equivalent there to shall be eligible

for admission :

a) B.Sc. with Computer Science / Information Science /

Information Technology as one of the optional subject.

b) B.Sc. with Mathematics / Physics / Electronics / Statistics

Instrumentation as one of the optional subject and one year

Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Science or Computer

Applications (P.G.D.C.S. / P.G.D.C.A.) of Gulbarga University or

any other University recognized as equivalent there to.

c) B.Sc. (Information Science)

d) Bachelor of Computer Science or Computer Applications

(B.C.A. / B.C.A.)

e) Bachelor of Information Science or Information Technology

(B.I.Sc. / B.I.T.)

f ) B.E. / B.Tech. (all branches)The merit of the candidate is the aggregate percentage of marks in all the years of Bachelor’s degree examination.


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : P.G. Degree in Computer Science / Computer

Applications / Information Technology

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Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : P.G. Degree in Computer Science / Computer

Applications / Information Technology

P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications

Intake : 25 P.G. Centre, RaichurDuration : Two SemestersEligibility : Any Bachelor degree holder with minimum of50% of marks in aggregate of all the years of degree(45% in case of SC / ST and Cat-I)For more details visit : www.compscgug.ac.in


Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Software Analysis, Computer Networks, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and

Operations Research.


Dr. B. V. Dhandra M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Image processing, Patternrecognition, Operations Research & Software Engg.Tele : 08472-263293, 263294 (O)Cell : 9886594381

Sri Shivanand S. Rumma M.Sc.,M.Phil.Assistant Professor Field of Specialization : Image Processing, PatternRecognition, Cell : 9449666064

Dr. C. S. Basavaraj M.Com.,Ph.D.Professor, Dept. of CommerceGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. Ramesh Agadi M.Com.,Ph.D.Professor, Dept. of ManagementGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. B. Vijay M.Com.,Ph.D.Professor, Dept. of CommerceGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. kanahalli B. M. M.Com.,Ph.D.Professor, Dept. of CommerceGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. R. M. Vani M.Tech.,Ph.D.Head, USICGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. Sujata S. Inginshetty M.Sc.,Ph.D.Professor, Dept. of StatisticsGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. Darley Pattathil Ph.D.

Head, Computer CentreGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. Iranna Humnabad Ph.D.

System Analyst, Computer CentreGulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Environmental Science

The Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in

Environmental Science started in the year 2010, with master’s

degree programme under choice based credit system. This

Course is of four semesters with an objective of imparting

education on regional and global environmental issues. The

department also designed a programme of offering Doctor of

Philosophy in Environmental Science. The department has a

well-equipped laboratory to cater to the needs of the student

fraternity. The department, since its inception, has been

organizing seminars, symposia and workshops every year in

collaboration with various government and non-government

bodies. Students find placements in teaching and research

institutes, pollution control boards, industries & environmental

consultancies etc.



Intake : 16Duration : Four semestersEligibility : Any science graduate in the cognate subjects


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in cognate subjects

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Dr. Pratima Mathad M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Professor & CoordinatorField of Specialization : Algal Biotechnology & Plant PhysiologyE-mail : [email protected] : 08472-263215 - Cell : 91-9481641750

Dr. Prakash kariyajjanavar M.Sc.,P.G.D.I.S.,F.B.S.S.,Ph.D.

Assistant ProfessorCell : 9538556370E-mail : [email protected]


Environmental Management, Environmental impact

Assessment, Environmental Engineering, Environmental

Toxicology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Pollution,

Natural Resource Management, Water and Waste water

Management, Solid Waste Management, Environmental

Planning and Policies, Environmental Audit, Environmental

Health, Eco-tourism and Wild life Management, Climate

Change and Current Issues.

Materials Science

The Department of Materials Science was established in the year 2004. It has a well equipped state of the art laboratory for materials synthesis and characterization comprising basic and advanced equipments, modern experimental kits, instruments and systems for P.G. students and research scholars. The students get trained in handling these sophisticated equipments and instruments. Department has been recognized for Teaching and Research in Materials Chemistry under the UGC – Innovative programme. Department has received major research projects from UGC, DST and DAE – BRNS.

Department has signed MOU with Premier Explosives Limited, Hyderabad, for Teaching and Research on High Energy

Materials. Placement of students at Premier Explosives (PEL), is an added feature. The PEL’s R and D centre is recognized by Gulbarga University, to carry our research on High Energy Materials leading to Ph.D. degree, awarded by Gulbarga University. Also, the Department is making all out efforts for placements of students at different materials (cement materials, iron oxide, steel etc.,) and polymer based Industries in the region and students have been absorbed at these industries. The Department is instrumental in collaborating with industrial organizations for working on various aspects of materials of mutual interest. The Department has close rapport with National and International Institutes, Universities and R&D Laboratories, on thrust areas of Material Science.

Local and Regional Science, Pharmacy and Engineering Colleges have Academic and Research Interactions with the Department. Also the Department is very keen and looking forward to invoice many more materials - based industries in their Academic and Research Programmes and job placements to the students. A fellowship of Rs. 10,000/- per annum and a gold medal to rank holder opting a theory paper-High Energy Materials, is one of the key features of this Department.



Intake : 10+05 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.Sc. with Physics / Chemistry / Applied Electronics / Materials Science

P.G. Diploma in Nanoscience and Technology

Intake : 15+05 SSSDuration : One yearEligibility : B.Sc. with Physics/ Chemistry / Mathematics /Botany / Zoology / Microbiology.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.Sc. in Material Science


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Material Science


Dr. M. V. N. Ambika Prasad M.Sc.,Ph.D.Professor and ChairmanField of Specialization : Material Physics / Polymers / Nano MaterialsTele : 08472-263295 - Cell : 9448405817

E-mail : [email protected]

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Materials Chemistry, Materials Physics, Polymers Composites materials Ceramic materials, Nano-science and Nanotechnology including nano-biotechnology.


Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1970.

The Statistics discipline was started in the year 1984 as a

part of Mathematics Department and then it was separated

into a full-fledged Department in the year 1991. M.C.A.

course was started in the Department during 1990 under

DOC-DEO joint manpower training programme in Computer

Science. Now the M.C.A. programme is offered by Computer

Science Department. The Department is housed in a separate

spacious building having sufficient class rooms, staff rooms,

seminar/conference hall, well equipped computer centre and

Department library. The Department has excellent computing

facilities, laser printers and scanner. The advanced software’s

like MATHEMATICA and MATLAB are available for teaching and




Intake : 60+42 Main CampusIntake : 20+10 SSS – PG Centre, BidarDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.A. / B.Sc. with Mathematics as one of the optionals


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.Sc. in Mathematics


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Mathematics


Dr. C. Sulochana M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Fluid Mechanics Heat and Mass TransferTele : 08472-247952 - Cell : 9449985841E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

Dr. M. H. Muddebihal M.Sc.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics

E-mail : [email protected]

Cell : 9449177697

Dr. N. B. Naduvinamani M.Sc.,Ph.D.,P.G.D.C.A.

{On lien to Tumkur Universty as Registrar (Eval.)}


Field of Specialization : Lubrication of synovial joints

Tribology, Fuzzy Sysyems

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. J. C. Umavathi M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor and Chairperson

Field of Specialization : Fluid Mechanics, Heat and

Mass Transfer, Flow through porous media, MHD flows

Cell : 7795541516

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. S. N. Gaikwad M.Sc.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Fluid Mechanics, Heat & Mass

transfer, Convective Instability, Flow through porous / non

porous media

Cell : 9731495568

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. J. Prathapkumar M.Sc.,M.Phil.,P.G.D.C.A.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Fluid Mechanics, MHD Flows

Convection and Numerical Analusis

Cell : 8892276434 - Tele : 08472-255279

E-mail : [email protected]


Fluid Mechanics, Biomechanics, Atmospheric Science, Graph Theory.

MicrobiologyMicrobiology Department was established in 1976 and celebrated the Silver Jubilee during 2001-2002. It is housed in a separate building with spacious class rooms and laboratories with modern equipment.



Intake : 15+12 SSS

Duration : Four semesters

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Eligibility : B.Sc. with Microbiology or B.Sc. with any two of

biological sciences.

P.G. Diploma in Microbial Technology & Bio Process

Engineering (UGC innovative Programme)Intake : 12Duration : 2 Semesters


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.Sc. in Microbiology


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Microbiology


Dr. S. M. Gaddad M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Environmental MicrobiologyCell : 9901584515

Dr. k. lingappa M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Fermentation TechnologyE-mail : [email protected], Cell : 9448204513

Dr. Dayanand Agsar M.Sc.,PhD.

Professor & Co-ordinator, UGC Innovative ProgrammeField of Specialization : Microbial Diversity & BioprocessTechnologyTele : 08472-263297 (O) - Cell : 9448213398

Dr. Vandana Rathod M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Industrial MicrobiologyCell : 9886380313

Dr. C. T. Shivannavar M.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Medical MicrobiologyTele : 08472-248269 - Cell : 9481640497


Environmental Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology and Microbial control. The Department has received funding from agencies like DOEn, AICTE, KSCST, DBT, DRDO and UGC for seven major research projects and four

minor research projects.


The Department of Physics was established in 1981 and has an independent building with sufficient working space. There are six laboratories for postgraduate students to conduct experiments on General Physics and special subjects. A modest computing facility for teaching and research is also available in the Department. The Department has spacious auditorium/seminar hall named after Sir. C. V. Raman with 200 seating capacity and weekly seminars under Physics Association are

held regularly.



Intake : 35+06 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.Sc. with Physics as one the optionals.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.Sc. in Physics


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Physics

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Dr. P. S. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D.Professor (On lien to KSOU, Mysore as Registrar)Field of Specialization : Electronics and Solid State PhysicsTele : 08472-263298, Cell : 9480094961

Dr. R. D. Mathad M.Sc.,Ph.D.ProfessorField of Specialization : Nuclear, Condensed MatterPlasma & BiophysicsTele : 08472-246500 (R) - Cell : 9880887154E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. T. Sankarappa M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D. (UK)


Field of Specialization : Solid State Materials Sc. &

Low Temp Physics

Tele : 08472-247114 (R) - Cell : 9449663636

Dr. S. M. Hanagodimath M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor & Chairman

Field of Specialization : Nuclear and

Condensed Matter Physics

Cell : 9448812698

Dr. V. M. Jali M.Sc.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Solid State Physics &

Materials Science

Tele : 08472-265843 (R)

Cell : 9845633050 - E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Basavaraj Sannaki M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Solid State

Physics & Materials Science

Tele : 08472-247120 (R) - Cell : 9449292894

Dr. B. R. kerur M.Sc.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Nuclear and Energy Physics

Tele : 08472-246639 (R) - Cell : 9448213160


Radiation Physics (Interaction of radiation with Matter), Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, Plasma Physics, Lasers Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, Polymer Physics, Non-linear Optics, Low temperature Physics, Superconductivity, and Photophysics. Through the projects sanctioned to the teaching faculty by the national funding agencies (UGC, NSC, DST, AICTE, IUCAA), the Department has secured grant of Rs. 2.50 crores. The Department of Physics

has successfully completed Special Assistance Programme-I (SAP-I) sanctioned by UGC, New Dehli. Recently UGC has given provisional approval for SAP-II Programme worth Rs. 1.30 Crore which run during 2015-2020.

M.Sc. Physics is offered at S. B. College, Reshmi College

Kalaburagi, LVD College, Raichur, & C. B. College Bhalki,

Dist. Bidar.


The Statistics course was started in the postgraduate Department of Mathematics in 1984 and as a separate Department during 1991. The faculty members of the Department have been coordinating with Departments of Business Administration, Computer Applications, Zoology, Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry, Sociology, Social Work and Psychology both in their teaching and research programs.


M.A. / M.Sc.

Intake : 20Duration : Four semestersEligibility : B.A./B.Sc. with Mathematical Statistics orMathematics

Faculty of Science & Technology

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.A. / M.Sc. in Statistics


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.A. / M.Sc. / MPhil in StatisticsFACUlTy

Dr. S. S. Nayak M.Sc., Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Extreme Values & Record ValuesTele : 08472-263299 (O) - Cell : 9900463518E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. C. P. S. Hundund M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairpersonField of Specialization : Inference in Stochastic ProcessesTele : 08472-249183 - Cell : 9449934004E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Sujatha S. Inginshetty M.Sc., Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Reliability TheoryCell : 9449985856E-mail : [email protected]


Probability, Record Values, Extreme Values Stochastic Processes Demography Statistical Quality Control and Reliability Theory.

Sugar TechnologyThe Department of Sugar Technology was established in the year 1996. To meet the requirement of technically trained personnel needed to the sugar industry in the state & country. The Sugar industry is the second largest agro-based industry in India, keeping in mind the demand of the industry &

society. The course of Sugar Technology initiated at PG Centre, Bidar. The students are imported knowledge in field of sugar manufacture process, milling boiling & improve the quality & quality of sugar.


M.Sc. Intake : 10+10 SSSDuration : Four SemestersEligibility : B.Sc. with chemistry as one of the optionalsubject & Chemical Engg.


Dr. Ravindranath V. Gabadi Ph.D.Associate Professor & Special OfficerField of Specialization : Sugar Engg. millingPower Plant, & CrystallizationTele : 08482-200218 - Cell : 9343289273


Efficiency of the milling, Steam generation & consumption. Boiling of juice & Syrup, Colouring & growth of Sugar Crystal.


Department of Studies and Research in Zoology was established

in 1981. The main objective of the Department is to create

opportunities for higher education and to develop trained

manpower in basic and applied zoology. The Department is

housed in a spacious building with basic amenities such as

well-planned laboratories, animal house blocks, seminar hall,

museum, class rooms and such other facilities. The course work

encompasses study of various aspects of zoological sciences,

namely, animal systematic, biology of non chordates and

chordates, molecular biology, molecular genetics, computer

applications, and methods in biology, developmental biology,

animal biotechnology, evolutionary biology, biodiversity and

wildlife conservation, parasitologicy, and animal behaviour.

Faculty of Science & Technology

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


M.Sc. in Zoology

Intake : 30+06 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.Sc. with Zoology as one optionals.

M.Sc. in Bio-Informatics

Intake : 20Duration : Four semestersEligibility : B.Sc. with Botany, Zoology, Bio-Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Fisheries, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, B.Sc. (Agri), B.E., B.Tech., M.B.B.S., B.Pharma and B.V.Sc. with min. of 60% marks or grade A with a min. CGPA of 6.0 in the scale of 0-10 and in case of SC/ST and category-I min. 55% or grade B with a min. of CGPA 5.5.

Selection Procedure : Candidates eligible according to the

criteria specified above, will be selected on the basis of their

performance in the entrance test conducted by the university.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.Sc. in Zoology


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.Sc. / M.Phil. in Zoology


Dr. k. Vijayakumar M.Sc.,Ph.D.ProfessorField of Specialization : Limnology, Water QualityAssessment; Environmental BiologyTele : 08472-246342 - 08472-263300 (O)Cell : 9480060508E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Murli Jadesh M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and ChairmanField of Specialization : Limnology & BiodiversityTele : 08472-263300 - 08472-221606 (R)Cell : 8970831606


Environmental Biology, Comparative Endocrinology, Fish Endocrinology, Aquatic Biology, Fish Endocrinology, Limnology

& Water Quality Assessment and Biological Control insect pests


The Department of English is one of the oldest departments

established in 1970 when Karnataka University started the P.G.

Centre in Kalaburagi. The Department is housed in Institute

of Kannada Studies. The academic curricula are periodically

revised to upgrade and diversify in the emerging areas of

Indian Writing in English, Post Colonial Literature, American

Literature and Indian Literature in Translation.



Intake : 30 + 12 SSS, Main Campus, P.G. Centre Bidar

and Raichur

Duration : Four Semesters

Eligibility : B.A. (Optional English) and

B.A. Basic Students only.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.A. in English


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in English


Dr. V. R. Badiger M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : English Literatureand Anglo-Indian LiteratureCell : 9886153901(Now Posted at P.G. Centre, Bidar

Dr. Ramesh Rathod M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Professor and ChairmanField of Specialization: Linguistics and Phonetics, IndianEnglish LiteratureCell : 9845366909, 7795184373E-mail : [email protected]

Sri Ninganna T. M.A.,M.Phil.

Assistant ProfessorField of Specialization : British LiteratureAmerican Literature and African LiteratureCell : 9980615170

Faculty of Arts

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Indian Literature, American Literature, British Literature, Feminism and Gender Studies, Critical Theory and Post Colonial Studies. The new areas of current interest include Post-colonial Literatures in Translation, Indian Writings in English, and Women’s Writing.


The Department of Hindi which profoundly carries an academic

history of four decades, is striving to attain progress in the

field of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Hindi. Since its

establishment, the department is stepping ahead in the field

of enrichment of knowledge of the students and to bring out

the cultural literary development of the region.

Department has introduced the scheme of Choice Based Credit

System (CBCS) and continuous assessment grading pattern

(CAGP). It has framed the syllabus based on UGC Guidelines.

It is very keen in its research programmes (M.Phil. & Ph.D.), which have contemporary commitment and outlook. Research based on comparative studies and translation has positively contributed for promotion and up-graditation of Hindi

Language study in this Non-Hindi speaking region.

Along with the academic prosperity of its students, the Department tries to strengthen the personality and living skills of its pupil through imparting value based education and building character through involvement in co curricular activities.



Intake : 35+06 SSS

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : B.A. with Hindi as one of the optionals / basic


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.A. in Hindi


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Hindi


Dr. Parimala AmbekarProfessor & ChairpersonField of Specialization : Comparative Study Translation Women writing & Medieval LiteratureTele : 08472-263269 (O) - Cell : 9480226677E-mail : [email protected]. [email protected]


1. Comparative Study of Language & Literature2. Translation studies3. Women & Folk Literature.4. Medieval Literature5. Modern & Post Modern Criticism


The Department of Kannada was started in the year 1970 as

one of the pioneer P.G. Departments of Karnataka University

P.G. Centre at Kalaburagi. The Department was converted into

Institute of Kannada Studies in the year 1986. The Institute has

earned significant importance and recognition for promoting

research and culture of this region. Excellent Manuscripts

in Halegannada and Ardhamagadi, Vachana literature, Dasa

Sahitya, Tattwapada, inscriptions on palmleaves, parchments

materials etc. have been collected and stored in the Art


Faculty of Arts

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


M.A. kannada

Intake : 50+15 SSSDuration : Four semestersEligibility : B.A. with Kannada as optional / basic

M.A. kannada & Janapada

Intake : 20+06 SSSDuration : Four semesters

Eligibility : B.A. with Kannada as optional / basic

M.A. kannada (Sharana Sahitya)

Basavakalyan, Dist. BidarIntake : 25Duration : Four semestersEligibility : B.A. with Kannada as optional / basic

P.G. Diploma in Vachana Sahitya

Intake : 25Duration : One Year (Non-semester)

Eligibility : B.A. with Kannada as optional / basic

P.G. Diploma in Nataka Sahitya & Ranga Bhoomi(Concurrent Course)

Intake : 25Duration : One Year (Non-semesters)Eligibility : Any Degree with Kannada as optional / basic


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.A. in Kannada / MA in Kannada & Janapada


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.A. / M.Phi.l in Kannada and Janapada


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MA in Kannada is also offered at the PG Centre Bidar, P.G. Centre Raichur, and Sharana Sahitya Library & Resource Centre, Basavakalyana

Course details of MA kannada in P.G. Centre, Raichur


Intake : 40+12 SSS

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : B.A. with Kannada as optional / basic


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.A. in Kannada / Kannada & Janapada


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Kannada / Kannada and Janapada

Faculty of Arts

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Visual Art

The Department of studies in Visual Art was established during the year 2011. The Department is housed in the Institute of Kannada Studies building with spacious and basic amenities and other facilities.

Dept. has the Vision to expose students of Hyderabad Karnataka region to the world of Art , to inculcate the values of Art ethics and aesthetics. In order to develop the philosophical vision of art and culture, emphasis has been given academic and co curricular activities, based on ancient and modern art of this region.

This theory and practical based P.G. Course, helps the candidate for personality development and strengthening of self. This, in turn, increases ability of the students in their Art carreer and opens up avenues in corporate sectors. Department is attempting to expose the rich heritage of this region & it’s very rare and aesthetic world of art and culture to the rest of the world by framing the contemporary research programmes and specialized schemes.


M.V.A. (Painting /Sculpture)

Intake : 25+ 05 (SSS)Duration : Four SemesterEligibility : B.V.A. / B.F.A. / B.A. Fine Art / B.A. with Fine art as one of the Optionals &

any other degree considered equivalent to B.V.A.


Intake : As per University regulations.Duration : One Year ( Full time), two years(Part time)Eligibility : M.V.A. / M.F.A. / M.A. in Fine Art


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.V.A. / M.F.A. / M.A. in Fine Art / M.Phil. in Visual Art


Prof. Parimala AmbekarCoordinatorCell : 9480226677Email : [email protected] [email protected]


• Pre Historic Art of Hyderabad Karnataka region• Colonial period paintings• Specific art forms of Surpur, Bidri & Kinnal• The new areas of current interest includes Art Literature

MarathiThe Department of Marathi was established in 1983. The Department is housed in the building of Institute of Kannada Studies.



Intake : 15

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. with Marathi

as one optional / basic.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)Eligibility : M.A. in Marathi


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / MPhil in Marathi


Dr. Vijaya Telang M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairpersonField of Specialization : Comparative LiteratureTele : 08472-237508 (R) - 08472-263271 (O)

Cell : 9481647018


1. Comparative study of Marathi, Kannada, literature culture.2. Modern Marathi literature.

3. Translation

Faculty of Arts

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Music is as old as man himself. As an art, it has been playing a vital role in human life. Music is divine, brings peace and unity in society, soothes the aching hearts, gushes out the joy of the heart and delights everyone. In order to create awareness about the Indian classical music and to encourage the rural talents of the Hyderabad Karnataka region a music department was essential. Further, to conduct the functions in the University, the existence of a music department is necessary. Hence, the Department of Music was started in the year 2014 at the main campus. It is housed in the building of the Institute of Kannada Studies. M.A. Course in Music is also offered at N. V. Degree College, Kalaburagi.



Intake : 30Duration : Two Years Eligibility : B.Music / B.A. with Music as one of the Optionals / Any Degree with Music Senior Grade conducted by the Karnataka Government.


Intake : As per the University regulationsDuration : As per the University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Music


Prof. MichaelCoordinatorTele : 08472-263271 - Cell : 9449985457Email : [email protected]

SanskritSanskrit language and literature encompasses the hoariest and profoundest human thinking in the Vedas, Upanishads, scientific and technical literature and of course, literary works of

surmounting excellence. The great Indian heritage is preserved in and through this language of the Gods. The gems of spirituality, which is perhaps the most precious thing with which India can be proud of, are hidden in this glorious language of Sanskrit. To take this spirituality to the common man, the Department of Sanskrit was established in the year 1983.



Intake : 10

Duration : Four semesters

Eligibility : Any degree with Sanskrit as one optional

/ Basic and any traditional degree in Sanskrit

equivalent to Bachelors degree.

P.G. Diploma in Sanskrit

Intake : 10

Duration : One academic year

Eligibility : Bachelor degree with Sanskrit as one optional /

Basic or certificate course and any traditional degree in Sanskrit

equivalent to Bachelors degree.


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.A. in Sanskrit


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Sanskrit


Dr. Michael M.A.,Ph.D. (Sanskrit), M.A.(English)

Professor, Chairman and Dean, Faculty of Arts

Field of Specialization : Sanskrit Literature

Comparative Religion and Philosophy

Tele : 08472-245148 (R) - 08472-263271 (O)

Cell : 9449985457


Sanskrit Literature, Alankara Shastra, Vedic Studies andComparative Religion and Philosophy.

Urdu and Persian

Department of Urdu and Persian was established in 1978. The

Department introduced new syllabus which fulfils the current

Faculty of Arts

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

demands, like Computer, Mass Communication, research and

teaching methodology, translation work, creative work, script

writing, apart from the prose and poetry. This syllabus is helpful

for the students and scholars, to improve their competitive

spirit and upgrading their knowledge. The faculty members

are actively engaged in academic and literary activities.

The P.G. Course in Urdu and Persian is offered on main campus

and P.G. Centre, Bidar.



Intake : Main Campus-30, P.G. Centre, Bidar-15Duration : Four semestersEligibility : Any graduate with Urdu subject


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One Year (full time), Two Years (part time)

Eligibility : M.A. in Urdu


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Urdu


Dr. M. A. Hameed M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor Field of Specialization : Non-Fictional Literature Criticism and PoetryCell : 9844231934E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Abdul Rub Ustad M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Poetry, CriticismTranslation and Non-fictional LiteratureE-mail : [email protected] : 9448572098


Urdu Prose, Poetry, Criticism, Fiction, Humour and satire and

Literary personalities Translation and cultural studies, comparative

literature Mass Communication and Computer usage.

EconomicsDepartment of Economics was established in 1975. Economics being a dynamic subject, the syllabus is revised every three years regularly to accommodate new trends in various

fields. Syllabus is framed as per the latest UGC curriculum. The Department has a regular flow of students.



Intake : 50 + 17 SSSDuration : 4 SemestersEligibility : B.A. with Economics as one optional


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)Eligibility : M.A. in Economics


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.A. /M.Phil. in Economics


Prof. Chaya Degaonkar M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor & HeadField of Specialization: Macro Economics DevelopmentEconomics, Regional EconomicsTele : 08472-263274 (O) - Cell : 9342331301

Dr. Vasudev Sedam H. M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization: Micro Economics, Labour Economics

Dr. Dasharath Naik M.A.,Ph.D.

Associate ProfessorField of Specialization : Indian Economy, Macro EconomicsTele : 08472-263274(Now Posted at P.G. Centre, Bidar)


Kalaburagi region is considered to be one of the backward regions of Karnataka State. The Department therefore, has strived hard to serve the needs of this region and contributed for its development. Thrust areas of research have been on Agriculture, Industry, Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, Power, Irrigation, Transport and Communication and Health and human development Current problems and issues on Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation and their impact on various sectors of the economy and on the farmers and the poor people. Evaluation of various development programmes of the Government and Panchayat are also taken up to provide a feedback to the implementing agencies.

This course is also offered at Government College, Kalaburagi, P.G.C. Bidar, Govt. College, Yadgir and Govt. College, Sindhnoor.

Faculty of Social Science

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. Ambedkar Degree College, Kalaburagi and Government College, Bidar.


The Department of History was established in the year 1981.

Since its inception the Department has been conducting research

and documenting information of the rich cultural heritage of this

region and offers courses on Ancient, Medieval, Modern and

Contemporary History of India and History of Modern World.

Department of History has an independent Museum Building for

Art & has preserved rare collections of Art & has Archaeology and




Intake : 50 + 17 (SSS)Duration : 4 SemestersEligibility : B.A. with History as one of the Optional


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : one year (Full time), two years (Part time)

Eligibility : As per University regulations


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.A. / MPhil in History


Dr. Manjula B. Chincholi M.A.,Ph.D.,Dip. on Arc.,Cult., & Tourism

Professor & ChaipersonField of Specialization : Modern Indian History(Socio-Economics History and Buddhist Studies)Tele : 08472-263275 (O) - Cell : 9448830712


Studies in Vijayanagar and Bahamani Dynasties, Minor dynasties of Medieval Karnataka, Micro level Studies in Freedom Movement, Sufism, Subaltern Studies, Modern Karnataka and

Buddhist Studies.

This course is also offered at the following colleges

1. Govt. College, Kalaburagi 2. Govt. College, Bidar3. Govt. College, Shahapur 4. Govt. College, Yadgir5. Govt. College, Sindhanur 6. Govt. College, Maski

Library & Information Science

The Department was established in the academic year 1979-

80 at the Karnatak University P.G. Centre at Kalaburagi.

To cope with the advances in the field, the syllabus is regularly

updated. Emphasis has been laid on learning IT applications

besides maintaining a balance between the traditional aspects

of librarianship. The students of the Department have occupied

senior positions at various reputed organization.



Intake : 35 + 06 SSS

Duration : 4 Semesters

Eligibility : Any graduate


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)

Eligibility : M.L.I.Sc.


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.L.I.Sc. / M.Phil. in Library & Information Science


Dr. V. T. kamble B.A.,M.L.I.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Personnel Management Knowledge Traditional Management, LibraryManagement Special Librarianship & R&DE-mail : [email protected] - Cell : 9538528244

Faculty of Social Science

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Dr. B. S. Maheswarappa M.Sc.,M.L.I.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Informatics; Research Methods;Library Automation; IT Applications; Web Technology;CD_ROM Technology; Soft Skills; Data Processing Collection Management; Special LibrariesE-mail: [email protected] - Cell : 9449292968

Dr. N. Parvathamma B.Sc.,M.L.I.Sc.,M.A.,Ph.D.,P.G.D.C.A.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Information Technology Application; Informetrics; User StudiesE-mail : [email protected] : 08472-263276 (O) - Cell : 9845920346

Dr. lalitha k. Sami B.Sc.,M.A.,Ph.D.

(South Indian Studies) M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D.ProfessorField of Specialization : Information Services; User Studies; Information Analysis, Consolidation and DisseminationE-mail : [email protected] - Cell : 9845644627

Dr. D. B. Patil M.A.,M.L.I.Sc.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Academic Libraries, Information;Technology; Library Cataloguing; Database ManagementSystems and Digital librariesE-mail: [email protected]


Information Use Studies, Collection Management, Computer Applications, Information Technology, Information Science and Academic and Special Libraries.

Journalism & Mass Communication

The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication was established in the year 2007. Mass communication is the study of media including all the types of means used to convey the information to the audience. Examples of mass media include Newspapers, Magazines, Films Radio, Television etc.

The Graduates of Master of Journalism and Mass Communication Programmes work in variety of fields in news media and publishing, public relations and skilled and research institutes. The field of communication requires a skilled and professional approach. This field is a fast growing industry

looking for enterprising professionals.

Keeping this in mind, the department programmes are specially designed for journalism aspirants to make a career in myriad

areas of mass communication and impart comprehensive training for various professionals in the field of print, radio, television, internet and corporate communication.



Intake : 20 + 05 SSSDuration : 4 SemestersEligibility : Any graduate


Intake : 15 + 05 SSSDuration : 2 SemestersEligibility : Any graduate


Intake : As per University regulationDuration : As per University regulationEligibility : M.J.M.C.


Prof. N. Parvathamma B.Sc.,M.L.I.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.,P.G.D.C.A.Co- OrdinatorField of Specialization : Information TechnologyTele : 08472-263276 (O)Cell : 9845920346E-mail : [email protected]

Political Science

The Department of Political Science was established in the year

1973. This course is also offered at P.G. Centre, Bidar and Govt.

Degree College, Kalaburagi, Raichur, Sedam, Shahapur, Yadagir,

Sindhanur and Maski in Raichur District. The Department has

been a leader in introspective academic endeavors where in

it has tried to look back in to the discipline so as to clear the

pathway for the future. To cope with the advances in the field

of Political Science, the Syllabus is updated every three years.

Emphasis has been given to the latest developments across

the globe. The Syllabus is framed and taught according to the

CBCS and CAGP from the academic year 2011-12. This Course

is also offered at Dr. Ambedkar Degree College, Kalaburagi



Intake : 50 + 15 SSS

Duration : 4 Semesters (C.B.S.C.)

Eligibility : B.A. with Political Science as one of the Optional

Faculty of Social Science

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Prospectus Prospectus

Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)

Eligibility : M.A. in Political Science


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration: As per University regulations

Eligibility: M.A. / M.Phil. in Political Science


Dr. S. A. Palekar M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Professor and Dean, Faculty of Social SciencesField of Specialization : Political Theory

Tele : 08472-245741 (R) - Cell : 9448435533

Dr. Chandrakant M. yatnoor M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Professor (Presently working as Registar, GUG)Field of Specialization : International Relations

Tele : 08472-263277 (R) - Cell : 9972156388

Dr. P. B. Rathod M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Development AdministrationTele : 08472-246298 (R) - Cell : 7676796923

Dr. Gooru Sreeramulu M.A.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.(E.dn.).Ph.D.(Pol.Sc.)

ProfessorField of Specialization : Comparative PoliticsTele : 08472-247077 (R) - Cell : 9449122405

Dr. (Smt.) Hemalatha Jayaraj M.A.,Ph.D.

Associate ProfessorField of Specialization : Comparative PoliticsCell : 9880773080


Indian Govt. and Politics; Public Administration; International Relations; Foreign Policy of India; Political Thought; Local Govt. in India; Political Sociology and International organization.

This course is also offered at P.G. centers, Halhalli, Bidar, Govt. Degree College-Kalaburagi, Yadgir, Raichur, Shahapur, Sedam,

Sindanoor and Maski

PsychologyThe Department was started in the year 1987-88. Department

has well equipped laboratory. Syllabus is revised regularly to

cope up with the charges in the field.



Intake : 35 + 06 SSSDuration : 4 SemestersEligibility : B.A. with Psychology / B.Ed. / B.Sc. with Zoology / Chemistry / Physics


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Psychology


Dr. S. P. Melkeri M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor & Chairman

Field of Specialization : Counselling Methodology

Social Psychology

Tele : 08472-263273 (O) - Cell : 9845949935

Dr. Shivakumar S. Chengti M.A.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Counselling Clinical

Psychology, Social Psychology

Tele : 08472-263273 (O) - Cell : 9986085144

Dr. Farida Shanaz M.A.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Field of Specialization: Clinical Psychology

Organisational Behaviour

Tele : 08472-223608 (R)


Health Psychology, Modernity, Sports Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Counselling Psychology.

Social WorkMaster of Social Work (M.S.W.), the two years post-graduate course in Social Work was started in 1984, in the Department of Sociology. Since the demand for this course started increasing, the independent department of Social Work was established in 1988 to strengthen the course and to have more academic autonomy. Social work course is an applied Social Science with field based activities at grass root level developments. The teachers and students visit various social welfare agencies, industries and correctional institutions working in and around

Faculty of Social Science

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Kalaburagi City. Frequent filed visits to the surrounding villages of the University are made to create awareness among the rural people in respect of education, sanitation, promotion of socio-economic conditions, etc. Many of the graduates have occupied good positions in Government & Non-Government Organisations in India and abroad. P.G. Course in Social Work (M.S.W.) is being offered at the PG Centre, Bidar from academic year 2007-08 and P.G. Centre, Raichur in the year 2009-10. This M.S.W. Course is offered in 27 Private Social Work colleges affiliated to Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi



Intake : Main Campus: 30 + 30 SSSP.G. Centre, Bidar : 30 + 20 SSSP.G. Centre, Raichur : 30 + 20 SSSDuration : 4 SemesterEligibility : Any Degree


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One year (Full time), Two Years (Part time)Eligibility : M.S.W.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.S.W. / M.Phil.


Dr. k. S. Malipatil M.S.W., Ph.D.

Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Labour Welfare & HRDTele : 08472-263280 (Office) - Cell : 9448109167Email: [email protected]


Keeping in view the needs of the region following thrust areas have been identified Child Development, Women Development,

Social Justice, Aged, Hiv-Aids correctional Services, Labour Welfare, Human Resource Management, Social Legislation and Social Development, NGO’s Management, farmers problems, street children, Micro Finance Management and School Social work.

SociologyDepartment of Sociology was established in 1975. Ever since its establishment the Department has been responding to the needs and aspirations of youth and is addressing itself to the social evils and problems being faced by the people of this backward and rural region of Hyderabad Karnataka.


M.A. Main Campus and P.G. Centre, Bidar

Intake : 55+12 SSSDuration : 4 SemestersEligibility : B.A. with sociology as one optionalMA Sociology causes also offered at Govt. is also offered aGovt. college Kalaburagi and Govt. College Sindhnoor


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Sociology


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Sociology


Dr. Sindhe Jaganath M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.Professor & ChairmanField of Specialization : Weaker Section

Tele : 246983 (R) - Cell : 9845925062

Dr. S. l. Hiremath M.A.,Ph.D.,Ph.D.Professor Field of Specialization : Industrial RelationsTele : 245839 (R) - Cell : 9342352068

Dr. Nusrat Fatima M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.ProfessorField of Specialization : Gender StudiesTele : 248793 (R) - 263279 (O) - Cell : 9731979081

Dr. Meti Sheshan MA.,Ph.D.

Associate ProfessorField of Specialization : Gender studiesTele : 265522 (R) - Cell : 9449123352

Faculty of Social Science

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Sociology of Occupations and Professions, Sociology of

Urban Developments and Planning, Rural Developments and

Planning Sociology of Industrial Relations, Organisational

Behaviour, Personnel Management, Women Studies and

Women Developments, Sociology of Education, Sociology of

Migration, Family Disorganization, Child Labour, Population

Dynamics, Health and Family Welfare.

Women’s StudiesIn consonance with the thrust areas of higher Education

identified by the University Grants Commission and the

pressing need for focusing systematically and empirically

on issues concerning women, Master’s course in Women’s

Studies was started in the year 1997. The Department has

been conducting field work, camps, training courses, contact

sessions, counselling and the like that are viewed of immense

utility to the community around whereby the awareness of the

existence of the university is being felt by the society around

a most sought-after objective of any institution of higher




Intake : 30+15 SSSDuration : 4 SemestersEligibility : Any Degree


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)

Eligibility : M.A. in Women’s Studies


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.A. / M.Phil. in Women’s Studies


Dr. S. A. Palekar M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor & Chairman

Field of Specialization : Women and Politics

Dr. Chaya Degaonkar M.A.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Feminist Theory

Cell : 9342331301

Dr. B. S. MaheswarappaProfessor

Field of Specialization : Informetrics Research Methods

Dr. Shinde Jagannath M.A.,Ph.D.

Professor & Chairman

Field of Specialization : Women & Society

Dr. C. M. yatanoor M.A.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : International Relations

Dr. S. P Melkeri M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Psychology

Dr. S. S. Chengti M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Psychology

Dr. Nusrat Fatima M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : General Studies

Dr. P. B. Rathod M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Development Administration

Dr. Sriramulu M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Women and Empowerment

Dr. k. S. Malipatil M.A.,Ph.D.

ProfessorField of Specialization : Women and Development


Women and Environment, Feminist theory, Women and

Society, Women and Politics, Women and empowerment,

Women and Law, Women and Development.

1. MA in Women’s Studies is also offered at

P. G. Centre, Raichur – 10 intake

2. P. G. Centre, Halhalli, Bidar – 10 intake.

CommerceDepartment of Commerce was established in the year 1975, when the Gulbarga University was part of Karnatak University, Dharwad. Keeping in view the fast changes in Commerce and Business education, the Department has been updating the curricula to keep pace with the changes and introduced new courses falling

Faculty of Commerce & Management

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi40

in the thrust areas like Finance, Taxation, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Applied Costing, Corporate Planning etc. The MBA course was started in the year 2000-01 with the AICTE approval in the Department. Subsequently to fulfill the requirement of Corporate Sector in general and Financial Sector in particular a specialized Programme in Finance was launched in the year 2009. The offered Programmes have enhanced the employability of the students. This course also offered at

Ambedakar College, Kalaburagi



Intake : 50+23 SSSDuration : 4 SemestersEligibility : B.Com. / B.B.M. / B.C.S. / B.B.A.

Master of Finance and Control (M.F.C.)

Intake : 15+15 SSSDuration : Four (4) SemestersEligibility : B.Com. / B.B.M. / B.C.S. / B.B.A.


Intake : As per University RegulationsDuration : One Year ( Full-Time), Two Years ( Part-Time)Eligibility : M.Com. or Equivalent


Intake : As per University RegulationsDuration : As per University RegulationsEligibility : M.Com. / M.Phil.


Dr. Rajnalkar laxman M.Com.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Finance & Cost Accounts

Tele : 247952 (R) - Cell : 9448331800

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Basavaraj C. S. M.Com.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Finance & Taxation

Tele : 246708 (R) - Cell : 9449618799

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. B. M. kanahalli M.Com.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Finance and Accounting

Tele : 245567 (R) - Cell : 9449272625

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. B. Vijaya M.Com.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Cost Accounts & HRM

Cell : 9448577120

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Waghamare Shivaji M.Com.,Ph.D.

Professor, Chairman & DeanFaculty of Commerce and ManagementField of Specialization : Finance & Management Acct.Cell : 9845847527E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. M. Suratkumari M.Com.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : HRM & Marketing

Cell : 9886156862

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. A. P. Hosmani M.Com.,Ph.D.

Professor (on Lien)

Field of Specialization : Finance & HRM

Cell : 9448258827

E-mail : [email protected]


Institutional Finance, Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Marketing,

Consumer Behaviour, Personal Taxation, University Finance,

FM, HRM etc. At present Research Scholars are pursuing their

Ph.D. Programmes in the new thrust areas like housing Finance,

Merchant Banking, Disinvestments of Public Enterprises, Stock

Market Operations, Dematerialization, leasing, insurance etc.

The M.Com. Course of four semesters is also offered at the

P.G. Centre Bidar and Raichur. This course is same as offered

on the main campus with the following intake :

Bidar P. G. Centre 30+10 S SSRaichur P. G. Centre 30+10 S SS

Faculty of Commerce & Management Prospectus

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ManagementThe M.B.A. course was started in the year 2000-01 with AICTE approval. The present intake of the course is 60. Students are given opportunity to choose their specialization. After each semester students are required to undergo in plant training for a period ranging from one month to two months.



Intake : 60Duration : 4 SemestersEligibility : Any degree


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.B.A. / M.Phil.


Dr. Ramesh Agadi M.Com.,Ph.D.

Professor and ChairmanField of Specialization : FinanceTele : 08472-263283 (0) - Cell : 9342331314E-mail : [email protected]


Finance, Marketing & Human Resource Management For more details contact Chairman, Department of Business Administration, Gulbarga University, KalaburagiTele : 263283 - Fax : 08472-263284

EducationDepartment of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Education was established in the year 1987 with the objective of preparing quality teachers at primary, secondary and higher

secondary education level. Ever since its establishment, the course is in great demand and is responding to the needs and aspirations of Hyderabad Karnataka region. In the year 2000-2001 the Department of Education has been recognized by NCTE. As per the New NCTE 2014 Regulation the M.Ed. Programme from the academic year 2015-16 is of two years. The M.Ed. Course is now offered only at the P.G. Department of Education at Main Campus, GUK.


Intake : 50Duration : 2year with 4 Semester


1. Candidates seeking admission to the M.Ed. programme should have obtained at least 50% marks or an equivalent grade in the following programme as prescribed by NCTE and UGCB.A., B.Ed.; B.Sc., B.Ed.; B.Sc.Ed.; B.A.,Ed.; B.E.l.Ed.

2. Reservation and relaxation for SC / ST / OBC / PWD / Article 371 (J) Categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Government / State Government


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One year (Full time),Two years (Part time)

Eligibility : M.Ed. Degree


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : As per University regulations

Eligibility : M.Ed., M.Phil. or NET


Dr. E. R. Ekbote M.A.,M.Ed.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Educational Technology

Tele : 247596 (R) - Cell : 9342353879

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Surekha ksheerasagar M.A.,M.Ed.,Ph.D.

Professor, Chairperson and Dean Faculty of Education

Field of Specialization : Educational Administration

Tele : 08472-263285,246794 (O) - Cell : 9986248169

E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. B. l. Hoovinbhavi M.A.,M.Ed.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Educational Technology

Tele : 08472-263285 Cell : 9480576959

E-mail : [email protected]

Faculty of Education

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi


Environment Education, Educational Administration and

Management, Educational Technology, Elementary Education,

Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Inclusive

Education, Curriculum studies, Education Studies.

Physical Education

B.P.Ed. and M.P.Ed. Course was introduced in the year 1998. The

University College of Physical Education was established during

the year 2000. Excellent sports facilities with expert coaching

are provided. A massive Indoor stadium and Outdoor stadium,

Multi Gym with Hi-Tech systems are the unique facilities built

on campus. Multi Gym, Yoga and Adventure sports facilities are

the special facilities provided. The following courses are offered.



Intake : 50

Duration : Four Semesters

Eligibility : Any graduate


Intake : 30 SSS (Regular)

Duration : 4 Semesters

Eligibility : B.P.Ed.

P. G. Diploma in yoga (Concurrent course)

Intake : 30

Duration : one year

Eligibility : Any graduate degree


Intake : As per University regulations

Duration : One year (Full time), Two years (Part time)

Eligibility : M.P.Ed.


Intake : As per University regulationsDuration : As per University regulationsEligibility : M.P.Ed. / M.Phil. / N.B.T. / S.L.E.T.


Dr. C. R. Bhairaddy M.P.Ed.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Director (l/C)

Field of Specialization : Kho-Kho, Kabaddi

Cell : 9902838759 - Tele : 08472-263286

Dr. M. S. Pasodi M.P.Ed.,P.G.D.S.M.,M.P.Ed.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Deputy Director and Principal

Field of Specialization : Volleyball

Badminton, Table Tennis

Cell : 9448140078

Dr. N. G. kannur M.S.W.,M.P.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Chairman

Field of Specialization : Kabaddi, Circket, Tennis

Cell : 9448414223 - Tele: 08472-266148

Dr. A. k. Shakeel M.P.Ed.,Ph.D.

Asst. Director

Field of Specialization : Hockey, Foot Ball

Cell : 9880303055

Dr. H. S. Jange M.P.Ed.,Ph.D.,N.I.S.

Asst. Director

Field of Specialization : Volleybol, Cricket, Hand Ball

Cell : 9741334105


Dr. Chandrkant B. Biradar P.G.D.Y.,M.Sc.(Yoga)


Field of Specialization : Yoga

Cell : 9886955340

Dr. Prashantkumar D. M.P.Ed.,N.I.S.,M.Phil.


Field of Specialization : Gymnastics

Cell : 8050477625

Dr. Ram S. Budaki M.A.,N.I.S.


Field of Specialization : Wrestling

Cell : 9481559940

Faculty of Education

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Sports psychology, sports and environment, sports and health,

Yoga studies, Fitness Management & Health Sciences

LawThe Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Law was established during the year 1988-99 with the objectives of imparting quality legal education and research. At present the Department offers two Post-Graduate Courses in Law such as L.L.M. in Commercial Law and L.L.M. in Bharateeya Nyaya Darshana and Raja Dharma. Apart from these P.G. Courses it is offering research courses leading to MPhil and Ph.D. Degrees from academic year 1999-2000. It is making steady progress in imparting quality legal education and research by adopting new techniques and technologies of teaching methods using computers, LCDs and OHPs.

The importance of the L.L.M. course in Bharateeya Nyaya Darshana and Raja Dharma is that it is meant for studying the Indian Jurisprudence especially the renowned Jurist Vijnaneshwara, whose treatise called “Mitakshara” a Commentary on Yajnavalkya Smriti is a major source of Indian Law and it has been accepted not only by eminent Jurists of the world but acknowledged and followed by Supreme Court of India. Historically it is an established fact that saintly Scholar Vijnaneshwara hailed from Martur, a village (situated at a distance of about 12 km) near Kalaburagi city. In memory of this Saint Scholar, “Vijnaneshwar Bhavan” has been constructed at Martur by the ‘Vijnaneshwara Souharda Sahakari [L], Kalaburagi’. This Vijnaneshwara Souharda Sahakari [L], Kalaburagi has as one of its objectives, to impart the legal education and promote research in the field. In this connection, the Vijnaneshwara Souharda has signed MOU with Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi for rendering assistance to the Department such as, allowing the use of the existing library, at Vijnaneshwara Bhavan in Martur, providing scholarships to

deserving students pursuing legal studies and research etc.

L.L.M. in Bharateeya Nyaya Darshana and Raja Dharma is introduced in the Department from the academic year 2007-08 as a new branch of study which is aimed at giving effect to the MoU signed between Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi and Vijnaneshwara Souharda Sahakari [L], Kalaburagi.


l.l.M. in Commercial law

Intake : 15+05 (SSS) = 20Duration : 2 years with 4 semestersEligibility : L.L.B. (5 years or 3 years course) with at least

minimum of 45% (40% for SC / ST and Category-1) of aggregate marks.

l.l.M. in Bharateeya Nyaya Darshana and Raj Dharma

Intake : 15+05 (SSS) = 20

Duration : 2 years with 4 semesters

Eligibility : L.L.B. (5 years or 3 years course) with at least

minimum of 45% (40% for SC / ST and Category-1) of

aggregate marks.


Intake : As per University Regulations

Duration : One year (Full-time), Two years (Part-time)

Eligibility : L.L.M. Degree with minimum of 55% marks (for

teachers who are having 5 years teaching experience, SC / ST

& Category-1 candidates 50%) as a whole.


Intake : As per University Regulations

Duration : As per University Regulations

Eligibility : L.L.M. Degree with minimum of 55% marks

(for teachers employed in affiliated colleges before 31.03.1992

and are continuing in service on regular basis, SC / ST &

Category-1 candidates 50% marks).


Prof. J. S. Patil L.L.M.,Ph.D.

Former Vice Chancellor, KSLU &

Dean, Faculty of Law & Chairman, Dept. of Law

Field of Specialization : International Law

Tele : 08472-263287 (O) - Cell : 8884519093

Dr. S. S. Patil L.L.M.,Ph.D.


Field of Specialization : Mercantile Law

Tele : 08472-245888 (R) - Cell : 9945920493

Dr. Devidas G. Maley L.L.M.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Asst. Professor

Field of Specialization : Mercantile Law

Tele : 08472-263287 (O) - Cell : 9845737713


1. Jurisprudence (Indian & Western) 2. Constitutional Law

3. Laws Relating to Intellectual Property 4. Law of Insurance

5. Corporate Laws 6. Banking Laws

7. Consumer Laws 8. Competition Law

9. Human Rights Laws etc.

Faculty of Law

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

Study Centres1. Institute of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Studies & Research

Institute of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Studies & Research was established in the Year 1995-1996 funded by Government of Karnataka. The institute undertakes various academic activities like organizing national and state level seminars, workshops,

conferences and training programmes. The primary objective of the Institute is to understand and spread Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Philosophy. The eminent personalities across the country are invited to deliver lectures. P.G., P.G. Diploma, Certificate, M.Phil. & Ph.D. Courses are being introduced. Dr. V. T. Kamble, Department of Lib. & Inf. Sc. is the Director.

2. Sri Galangalappa Patil Basavadi Sharana Sahitya kendra

Sri Galangappa Patil (M/s. S. B. Patil) Basavadi Sharana Sahitya Kendra was established in the year 1994. This Kendra is established with the objective of conducting research and evaluation of the life, literature and culture of Basavadi Sharanas of 12th Century, to carry out the teaching, publication, translation of Vachanas to other languages and conduct comparative study of the Basavdi Sharanas. With this in view; conferences and lectures are organized. A Research Library is established. Prof. Jaishree Dande, Dept. of Kannada is the Director.

3. Nijasharana Ambigara Choudayya Adhyayana Peetha

Shree Nijasharana Ambigara Choudayya was one of the Sharanas and Vachanakaras of 12th Century. He wrote 279 valuable Vachanas. Shree Nijasharana Ambigara Choudayya Adhyayana Peetha was established on 22nd October, 2007 funded by the Government of Karnataka. The objective of establishing the Peetha is to study the life, Vachana literature of Nijasharana Ambigara Choudayya and to conduct research, teaching, publication, translation, comparative study and to

spread the message of the Vachanakara.

4. Shree Sharana Hadapada Appanna Adhyayana Peetha

Shree Sharana Hadapada Appanna was one of the Sharanas and Vachanakaras of 12th Century. He wrote 243 valuable Vachanas. This Adhyayana Peetha was established in October 2008 funded by the Government of Karnataka. The objective of establishing the Peetha is to study the life, Vachana Literature of Shree Sharana Hadapada Appanna and to conduct research, teaching, publication, translation of Vachanas to other languages, comparative study and to spread the message of Vachanakara.

5. Dasa Sahitya Peetha

Dasa Sahitya Peetha was established in Gulbarga University in February 2006. The objective of establishing the Peetha is to carry out research on the life, literature and achievements of Haridasas and to undertake activities relating to teaching and publication.

6. Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies

This institute established in the year 2011 with an objective to achieve excellence in providing learners with best possible opportunities and facilities to develop skills and knowledge and to disseminate the resources, to create positive attitude, and research in the field of Pali language and Buddhist Studies. This institute acts as a centre of excellence for Pali language development and Buddhist studies in the Hyderabad Karnataka region. The major objective is to cater to the needs

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Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi

of the people and to introduce diploma and degree courses with the co-ordination of collaborative study and research in Buddhist texts, thoughts and culture throughout the ages. Prof. S. P. Melkeri, Department of Psychology is the Director.


PG Diploma Course in Pali and Buddhist Studies

Eligibility : Graduation or its equivalent examination of any Institute or University passedDuration : One year with Two semesters

Certificate Course in Pali and Buddhist Studies

Eligibility : Pass in S.S.L.C. Duration : Six Months

7. Center for Studies in Vijnaneshwara’s Mitakshara and Human Rights in India

Gulbarga University has established a Centre for Studies in Vijnaneshwara’s Mitakshara and Human Rights in India funded by University Grants Commission (UGC) as an inter-disciplinary research unit involving the faculties belonging to the Departments of Studies in Law, Sanskrit, Sociology and Economics. Since Vijnaneshwara belonged to Kalaburagi District and produced a monumental work ‘Mitakshara’, a commentary on Yajnavalkya’s Smriti, it was felt justified to start such a Centre in Gulbarga University. The main objective of the Centre is to conduct intensive research on the contributions of Vijnaneshwara in evolving Indian Jurisprudence for the past one thousand years. It was also necessary to study ‘Mitakshara’ from the human rights perspective to appreciate the importance attached to human rights during those days. This becomes all the more important in the contemporary scenario of violation of human rights across the globe and the carve niche for the protection of human rights by the international community. The Foundation stone was laid for construction of its building by Sri. H. K. Patil, the then Hon’ble Minster for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs on October 8, 2005 in august presence of Hon’ble Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois, Former Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court and Former Governor of Jharkhand and Bihar and Former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Prof. V. B. Coutinho, Former Vice-Chancellor of Gulbarga University and Prof. J. S. Patil, Dean, Faculty of Law, GUK.

Prof. J. S. Patil is the Director.


The Maharshi Valmiki Tribal Study and Research Centre has a vast scope in terms of understanding the socio-political and religious ideas of Maharshi Valmiki. It also intends to understand the status of tribal people in Karnataka in general

and Hyderabad Karnataka Region in particular. The fact is that in a caste dominated society, the tribal people still remain backward in major areas such as educational, economic, political and cultural. The political participation of tribals, their social life, and their awareness needs to be analysed. It is also relevant to assess the pros and cons of reservation provisions of the Indian Constitution in respect of the Tribal people. The study and research centre is of immense significance for the development of the society as well as the tribal community through the spread of the philosophy and ideals of Maharshi Valmiki. The study has its importance in understanding the impact of teachings of Maharshi Valmiki on tribal socio-political, educational and religious aspects. It also seeks to assess the participation of Tribal people in availing the constitutional safeguards to the people belonging to scheduled tribes in various institutions. Apart from this, it also aims to undertake studies and surveys on the socio-economic and political status of tribal community and the nature of tribal political participation.

Prof. G. Sreeramulu, Dept. of Political Science is the Director

of the Centre.

9. Sant Shri Sevalal Adhyayana Peetha

Sant. Shri Sevalal Adhyayana Peetha was established in Gulbaraga University on 16-02-2015. In the benign presence of Sant. Shri Ram Rao Maharaj, Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education, Shri. R. V. Despande inaugurated the Peetha.

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The objective of establishing the Peetha is to carry out the research on the life, literature and achievements of Sant. Shri Sevalal Maharaj. It also carries out studies on the Banjara Community and their Culture as a whole.



University Library, a knowledge Centre for accessibility developed on modern lines as a prominent Learning Resource Centre is ideally situated and easily accessible on sprawling Campus by all the departments and students. The library has over 3,20,00 books, 654 scientific journals, sixteen CD-ROM databases (Current+Archival), 5500 dissertation /theses and technical reports, conference papers, and rare books. Local Area Network (LAN) with about 150 computers is established for automating in house activities and services of the library. Gulbarga University Library has been one of the active members of INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad (An IUC of UGC, New Delhi) and contributing indigenous theses of the university in digital format under Shodhaganga project. One Gbps leased line connectivity under NMEICT Project facilitates to access 10,000 plus e-Journals and databases under UGC Infonet consortia, i-Scholar subscribed database (full text Indian e-journals) and other e-resources. Cloud Computing Technology has been adopted for proper library database management using kOHA Library software which also facilitates to integrate the online catalogues of P.G. Centres of Raichur, Bidar and Study Centre at Sharana Sahitya Library and Resource Centre, Basavakalyan, accessible from any part of the world. FedGate - a federated discovery service introduced enables users to simultaneously search in real time from multiple information resources in a single time accessible @ / muse / servlet / Muse Peer Remote access facilities are made available to the registered users to access e-resources from home and outside campus. Digitization of rare materials of Hyderabad Karnataka

region has been initiated and Institutional Repository available @ http: / 8080 / jspui provides access to research publications of the faculty and other materials including question papers of past P.G. examinations. Besides, Document Delivery Services, Virtual Reference Service, Technical Writing, Communication Skills, Career Planning etc. are a few unique services provided by the library. During 2007 the Gulbarga University Library received Dr. Padhya, Best University Library Award instituted by Indian Library Association, New Delhi.


At the University Library, a state-of-the-art Virtual Learning Resource Centre and Digital Library (VLRC & DL) having excellent ICT facilities has been established with support of Infosys Foundation, Bangalore. About 100 computer workstations organized in three units having air-conditioned and a pleasant environ extend ideal learning opportunities and access to e-resources and Internet.

The “Manthana” an ideal Training/Seminar Hall with Video conferencing facility and “Samvad” Discussion Hall for executive development programs have been established for organizing User Orientation / Sensitization Training programs and workshops on ICTs. Academic Commons; Hyderabad Karnataka Development Information Resource Centre; Competitive Examinations and Personality Development Information Resource Centre, Reserved shelf and other facilities provide great learning opportunities to acquire useful knowledge and skills. During December 2011 the VLRC and DL received e-India Jury Choice Award for Best ICT enabled University of the year (For details visit www.guglibrary.net).


A State-of-the-Art Hi-Tech Sharana Sahitya Library and Resource Centre at Basavakalyan, Bidar District and Karnataka was established on 26th February 2011 in a building built by Basavakalyan Development Board at an approximate cost of Rs. 4.25 crores. The mission of the Library is to build a rich and strong resourceful reference library in the kayakabhoomi of jagajyoti Shri Basaveshwara in the areas of Sharana Sahitya, Vachana Sahitya, Sharna-Sharaneyaru, Srikshetras, Veerashaiva history-culture-comparative studies on religion and other related areas to support advanced studies and research.

Books, periodicals, audio-video materials, manuscripts, online and Internet resources on Sharana Sahitya, Vachana Sahitya, Sharana Sharaneyaru, Srikshetras, Veerashaiva history, culture,

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comparative studies and other related areas are provided. The library has over 3000 specialized books, 750 reference books and subscribes to 25 newspapers and periodicals. Information on Sharana Sahitya, Vachana Sahitya Directory of Mathas, Audio-Videos, Photo gallery, links to national and International websites, Ask a Librarian-a Virtual Reference Service can be accessed at http://guglibrary.net/ssl/

Digital Language Laboratory

The Digital Language Laboratory is established in a spacious, air-conditioned hall specially designed for this purpose on the Jnana Ganga Campus. There are 40+1 work stations with computers to accommodate 40 students and one teacher. It is equipped with Digital Multimedia Software which enables interactive learning between teacher and student or student and student or even self learning facility.

Three English Teaching Software Courses have been obtained from Clarity-Infinity, U. K. which along with EFLU English Teaching Materials enables the students to acquire sound English usage skills in areas such as grammar, pronunciation, spoken English comprehension and vocabulary. This facility with existing software is also compatible for evolving learning programmers in Kannada and other Indian Languages apart from foreign languages such as French, German etc.

The Digital Language Laboratory through the appropriate software-based learning courses are highly beneficial not only to the students of the University Postgraduate Departments but to the teachers of English language at Pre-University and undergraduate levels. It is proposed to introduce three Certificate Courses in spoken English, Communication skills in English, Personality Development and Teaching of English.

Multi-Media Production Centre To support quality education and skills development Modern Multi-Media Production Centre (MMPC) has been established to exploit the potentialities of ICTs in education and understand the applications of available digital resources to produce excellent innovative teaching learning material and AV programs. The MMPC offers practical training in tele-presentation; electronic news gathering; editing and reporting; non-linear video editing; multi- camera studio productions of TV news programs, special effects; Animation; vision mixing; audio-mixing; tele-cine and other e-learning resources production. This centre plans to develop interactive Multi-Media learning modules and packages for independent learning, organize skill development programs on news editing, instructional technology, behavioural and psychological tests, interactive video learning etc. and provides consultancy on developing

multi-media learning resources and packages. The MMPC has excellent TV studio, Production Control Room and Non-Linear Edit Suit with UPS and centralized air-conditioning facilities. The hi-tech TV studio has three professional grade video cameras in which one of the cameras is equipped with Teleprompter. Lighting grid with cool lights, electronic dimmer console, vision mix with chromo key and other special effects are provided for shooting. The facilities at Multi-Media Production Centre are being used by the students, research scholars and staff of the University. Many documentary films and Multi-Media educational learning packages and other developmental

programs are being developed.

PrasarangaThe Prasaranga Unit of the University looks after publication and extension lecture series. Prasaranga has been encouraging authors, poets and artists of four districts of Kalaburagi Division by awarding cash prizes and medals every year on Rajyotsava Day. Important books and reference materials on contemporary topics are published periodically for the benefit of society and the stakeholders. The Prasaranga also carries out extension activities by arranging popular lectures in villages and small towns on topics of contemporary relevance. Publications of Prasaranga can be purchased from Extension Counter established in the University Canteen building. Seventeen Endowments have been instituted by philanthropists and institutions of this region and Endowment Lectures are held regularly by inviting eminent scholars from various fields.

Prof. H. T. Pote is the Director

Endowments Instituted at the University

1. Mahadevappa Rampure Endowment

2. Swami Ramananda Teertha Endowment

3. Padur Ramakrishna Tantri Endowment

4. Late Sri Chadrashekhar Patil Endowment

5. Hajarath Khaza Bande Nawaz Endowment

6. Nizam Charitable Trust Endowment

7. Late Dr. H. V. Ganganna Endowment

8. State Bank of Hyderabad Endowment

9. Late Sardar Joginder Singh Endowment

10. Late Sri S. R. Patil Endowment

11. Dr. N. Rudraiah Endowment

12. Late Sri K. G. Shah Endowment

13. Late Smt. Piloo Homi Irani Endowment

14. Late Smt. Soubhagya Endowment

15. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Endowment

16. Dr. M. P. Paricharik Endowment

17. District Co-Operative Bank, Bidar

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University Science Instrumentation Centre

The special scheme of UGC i.e., University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) was established in the year 1993, in a separate building. The USIC is a Central Academic Instrumentation facility which caters to the needs of all science Departments and affiliated colleges of the University. The USIC has an Instrumentation laboratory with modern test and measuring instruments, workshop, glass blowing unit, liquid nitrogen plant, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, water distillation plant, double beam UV-Visible Spectrophotometerand stereoscopic zoom microscope with digital camera.

The USIC carries out design, fabrication, testing, servicing, calibration of Scientific equipment required for research and teaching from various Science Departments / Colleges. USIC organizes short term courses / training programs and workshops on instrumentation for the benefit of students and faculty of the University and the affiliated colleges. The USIC also offers full term Job-oriented course, “P.G. Diploma in Embedded Systems & Applications (PGDESA)” under the banner of Applied Electronics Department. The users from all Science departments on the main campus, PG centres, affiliated colleges and outside institutions of this region use the facilities. Dr. Vani R. M. is the Head of USIC.

Department of Physical Education

The Department was started in the year 1980. The University has established excellent infrastructural facilities in sports. The Physical Education Department has well qualified staff members, coaches and instructors to guide, and motivate sports persons. Excellent indoor stadium having four courts and

a well-equipped gymnasium with a capacity of 1750 audience in the gallery has been established. The University also has an outdoor stadium with 400 metre track for various events. The University has developed a Football ground, two Hockey grounds, two Volleyball courts, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Basketball courts, Badminton, Tennis courts, Ball badminton Tennis court, two Cricket Grounds and four Table Tennis courts. Besides, modern gymnasium facilities are also provided for the benefit of the students and the faculty. The University hosts various Inter-University, State, regional, National and International level sports and games.

Health Centre

The University has a health centre with one Medical Officer, one Lady Medical Officer, two Nurses, two Technicians, one Pharmacist and other supporting staff. It has facilities of ECG, X-Ray, Scanner etc. Students undergo medical examination every year and are provided medical help as and when necessary. Each staff member is medically examined while joining the duties. Free medical service to the staff and students is provided. In case of serious ailments, the patients are referred to several leading designated hospitals throughout the country and admissible medical charges for advanced treatment and operations are reimbursed by the University. Many people from neighbouring villages avail free medical

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facilities as a part of community service by the University Health Centre. NSS students organize special medical camps on health, AIDS / HIV awareness etc. regularly as part of their community service in collaboration with the Health Centre.

Student’s Housing

There are Six (6) hostels for men and four (4) hostels for women on the main campus, one for men and one for women in each of PG Centres at Bidar and Raichur. The selection of the students for admission to hostels is done on the basis of merit cum reservation. The seats in the hostels for various departments are fixed proportional to the strength of the


SC / ST CellThe SC / ST Cell was established with the financial assistance of the UGC. This cell helps in providing amelioration to SC /

ST students of Gulbarga University by giving scholarships andfinancial assistance which are as shown below.

1. An amount of Rs. 1300/- pm is paid to each of the SC / ST students towards extra boarding and lodging charges by the University of which Rs. 1100/- is reimbursed by Social Welfare Department.

2. An amount of Rs. 5,000/- per month per student & annual contingency grant of Rs. 10,000/- is sanctioned as financial assistances to the SC / ST students registered for Ph.D. for 3 years & an amount of Rs. 4,000/- for M.Phil. Courses with annual contingency grant of Rs. 10,000/-

3. TA / DA to attend conferences is paid to all the P.G. students and Teachers belonging to SC / ST category.

4. Fee concession is given to all SC / ST students and tuition fee concession for other categories of students except general merit.

5. The Cell facilitates Research Scholars pursuing Ph.D. and M.Phil. program to apply for UGC Scholarships like Rajeev Gandhi National Fellowship, ICSSR Scholarships and UGC Fellowship for SC / ST students and Moulana Azad Minority Fellowship for Buddhist / Muslim / Christian / Sikh Students.

Minority CellThe minority cell of the Gulbarga University was established in the year 2012. It is catering to the needs of the minority student community. The students are receiving various scholarships such as the Moulana Azad National Fellowship scholarships under Arivu scheme of Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation Ltd., and incentive scholarships from the District

Minority Office.

Personality Development Training Centre

The Gulbarga University has started Personality Development

Training Centre for North Karnataka students as per the directives

of the Govt. of Karnataka. This Centre organizes training

programmes to improve the skills of the students and help them

to face interviews confidently and come up to the expectation of

the multi-national companies in getting suitable jobs.

Remedial Coaching Programme Centre

University has established Remedial Coaching Programme

Centre for SC / ST / OBC and Minority students to update their

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knowledge in essential fields like language skill and personality development. The training is arranged by using internal and external resource persons. During 2014-15 two batches of students were given coaching in English language skill. Prof. Michael and Dr. Anand S. Nayak are the Co-ordinator and Deputy Co-ordinator respectively.

Career Counselling CellCareer Counselling Cell has been established with the purpose of making the students aware towards profession and employment after completing their studies and career prospects and possibilities available. This cell addresses the diverse socio-economic conditions and geographic backgrounds of the heterogeneous population of students coming to the University vis-a-vis equity of access and placement opportunities through availability of appropriate institutional support information.

The Counselling Cell offers support to the students by organizing

programs like Feel Employable, Personality Development,

Interview Skills, Values in Education, Communication

proficiency, Higher Education abroad, Fellowships etc. and

makes them confident to perform better. The spirit of offering

guidance on sharing resource, availability of opportunities and

facilities, information and guidance about market patterns

and employability. This helps the students with appropriate

guidance to establish linkages with the world of work and

locate career opportunities and job profiles. Dr. Basavaraj

Sannakki, Department of Physics is the Coordinator.

University Employment Information and

Guidance BureauThe University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, Kalaburagi was established in Gulbarga University by

the Karnataka Govt., on 16.05.1984. The jurisdiction of this Bureau extends to all Districts of Kalaburagi Division namely Bidar, Kalaburagi, Raichur, Bellary, Yadgir and Koppal. The main objective of this Bureau is to furnish information and guidance to the University students about employment opportunities in

Higher Education in India and abroad, Scholarships etc.

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board

As per the provision of the Karnataka Universities Act, 2000 (item No. 35) the Gulbarga University established the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board (PMEB). The objectives of the Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Board are to plan the Academic Courses, Research Programmes, Interdisciplinary Activities, Interaction with Outside Agencies for Training, Extension and Research and to monitor from time to time the implementation of the programmes and activities formulated. The board consists of the following members;

1. The Vice-Chancellor Chairman2. The Registrar Member Secretary3. The Registrar (Evaluation) Member4. Two Senior Deans Member5. Two Senior Professors Member6. One Educationist Member7. One Officer from State Planning Dept. Member8. Two Representatives from Industry and Trade Member9. Director Member Co-ordinator

The PMEB Board meets once in three months under the

Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor. Every resolution of the

PMEB is placed before the Academic Council and Syndicate for

consideration and taking action thereon. Prof. S. M. Gaddad,

Dept. of Microbiology is the Director, PMEB.

Internal Quality Assurance CellThe University has established IQAC to ensure quality in

education. One of the important objectives of IQAC is to

develop realistic and attainable quality benchmarks for each

of the academic and administrative activities in the institution.

IQAC has initiated the scheme of APIs (Academic Performance

Indicators) for selection and promotion of teachers in the

University and colleges. New format of PAR / SAR based on the

APIs has been developed for teachers. Some new initiatives

are under process for implementation. Prof. B. R. Kerur, Dept.

of Physics is the Co-ordinator.

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Computer CentreGulbarga University established a Central Computer Centre in the campus to cater to the needs of P.G. Departments of various faculties and other sections. Many P.G. Departments are having computer subject as part of their curriculum and conduct computer practicals at the Computer Centre as per schedule.

Computer Centre has developed software for various in-house activities including Examination work. This centre provides technical support to these sections. Campus network has been setup using fibre cables. It provides Internet connectivity established in the campus with the support from MHRD. It looks after maintenance of computers in the campus. The centre also provided Wi-Fi facility. Dr. Darley S. Pattathil is the Head of Computer Centre.

University Statistical CellThe Gulbarga University has established University Statistical cell on 25.10.2005. The objective of creating the Cell is to make the database strong on higher education so that University may be able to furnish the data as and when desired by the UGC and other institutions of Government of India and Government of Karnataka. In addition to maintaining University database pertaining to all stakeholders, the cell has also prepared the manuals both in English and Kannada as required in the Right to Information Act 2005 regarding the objectives, powers and functions of the University, powers and functions of Officers, work distribution of employees and their directory, various bodies of University and their functions etc. These manuals are also placed in the Website of the University for the benefit of the public.

Right to Information Cell The University has established RTI Cell where information sought by the citizens is provided within stipulated time. The PIO’s are appointed separately form each section, large number of applications are received and are replied by the concerned PIO’s and APIO’s. This is monitored by the RTI Cell.

Anti Ragging Committee and Squad

Ragging is a menace found in some of the educational institutions, which has made new entrants disturbed and harassed. To curb the menace of ragging in educational

institutions, an Anti-Ragging movement is initiated right from the admission of students. In pursuance of the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission and to prevent ragging, Anti-Ragging Squad and Anti-Ragging Committee have been constituted on the campus.


Director, Students Welfare Officer Member

Chief Warden, GU P.G. Hostels Member

Warden, Ganga Hostel Member

President, GUPG Teachers Association Member

Warden, Dr. Ambedkar Hostel Member

Prof. (Smt.) Manjula Chincholi, Dept. of HistoryGulbarga University, Kalaburagi Member

Anti Ragging Committee

Registrar of the University Chairman

Deans of all the Faculties Member

Wardens of all the Hostels Members

Presidents and Secretaries of of P.G. Students Association Member

President / Secretaries of Research / Scholars Association Member

Student Welfare Officer Convenor

Gender Sensitization CellThis Cell is working to promote Gender Sensitization among the different stakeholders of the University. Its mission is to establish a safe and secure learning atmosphere for girls and women employees on the Campus. It organizes seminars and workshops, discussions to generate gender awareness. Peer advice and counselling is also offered by the Centre. The Committee on prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace also works with the Centre and looks into the cases of Sexual harassment. Prof. Chaya Degaonkar is the Coordinator of the cell.

Guest HouseThe University has grown into one of the best Academic hub and learning centres and many scientific meetings, conferences, seminars, and workshops are organized regularly. In addition to scientific meetings, many faculty members / scientists from reputed national and international organizations visit the

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University on exchange programmes. The guest house has two independent buildings. In Kailasabhavan Guest House there are six suites, four double rooms and eight single rooms and in the Silver Jubilee Guest House, there are 48 single rooms, all with attached bathroom facilities. The guest house also has catering facilities, with a kitchen and a well furnished dining hall attached.

National Service Scheme National Service Scheme is an ideal value based programme for students. Through this programme it is envisaged to accomplish Mahatma Gandhiji’s long cherished desire of involving the youth in Nation building process. The main objective of this scheme is personality development of the students through community service. NSS programme brings awareness about social responsibility and National Integration among the student community. This scheme has also proved fruitful in reducing the distance between academic institutions

and communities.

The Gulbarga University had made a modest beginning of NSS in 1981 with just 2700 volunteers strength. At present the sanctioned volunteers strength of Gulbarga University is 20,000. Further in recognition of the yeoman services rendered by the Gulbarga University, Govt. of Karnataka has given the best

University award for the year 2003-04.

NSS has about 130 units with over 12000 NSSVolunteers Strength

Several National Level, State level and District Level Camps are organized.

Indira Gandhi National Youth Award 1985-86, Best University Award 1995-96 and Best NSS Volunteers Award 1997 were received.

NSS Volunteers participate in Independence and Republic Day parades and National Republic Day parades.

Best University Award 2002-03 and 2003-04 by the Department of Youth Services, Govt. of Karnataka.

Best NSS Programme Coordinator Award for 2002-03.

Inter collegiate NSS Special Camp (25-03-2015 to 31-03-2015) and National Integration Camps (09th to 15th Feb 2015) were organized.

Student’s Welfare OfficeThe overall personality development of students is one of the

prime objectives of the University. Student’s Welfare Office

is in action in this direction since inception of the University.

In recent years the Student’s Welfare Office has been identified

and recognized as one of the best among Universities in the nation

in terms of its programmes and achievements. Organization

of South Zone Inter University Youth Festival, National

Inter-University Youth Festival and SAARC International Youth

Festival in the past are the credentials of the Student’s Welfare

office of this University.

Student’s Welfare Office has also conducted academic activities to foster dynamism and creativity of youth and enable it to contribute constructively to the achievement of social and national goals. It also conducts NET UGC-JRF examination in Social Science subjects.

Centre for Regional Studies and Development

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The Centre for Regional Studies and Development is a joint

venture of Gulbarga University and Hyderabad Karnataka

Regional Development Board. The Centre has been established

in 2014 to implement the ‘Knowledge Project’. The basic

objective is to fill up the knowledge gap in this slow growth

region and to produce and disseminate quality knowledge

to speed up the development process in the region, prepare

the human resources- especially the youths to take up the

global challenges and assume the lead position in coming

years. It takes up regional studies and brings out books

on culture and history of the region. It provides support to

the HKRDB in implementing various development projects.

Prof. Chaya Degaonkar from Dept. of Economics is the Director

and Prof. Chandrakant Yatanoor form Dept. of Political Science

is Co-Director and Prof. D. Vasudev Sedam H. from Department

of Economics is the Deputy Director.

The following Centres are associated with the Centre for

Regional Studies and Development.

Centre for Competitive ExcellenceThis Centre organizes training programmes for youths

to prepare them for the present competitive job market.

The training programmes are organised for personality

development, Communication skills, coaching for Bank, LIC,

Railways and other Competitive Examinations like NET, SLET,

GRE, CAT, GMAT etc. including IAS and KAS. At present, the

Centre is running Corporate Professional Diploma Course

of three months duration. This is being conducted by TMC

Mumbai. Prof. Rajanalkar Laxman from Department of

Commerce and Prof. G. M. Vidyasagar from Department of

Botany are the coordinators for the Centre.

Digital libraryThis Digital library promotes e-library resources that expose

the students to new data bases, knowledge systems etc.

The e-books can be accessible to remote users such as Govt.

Departments, Zilla Panchayats, Gram Panchayats and to the

general public. The students in rural areas in HK Region

are provided access to these e-books through networking

with Gram Panchayats. This helps them to improve their

knowledge base and also to prepare for various Competitive

examinations. This project is managed by University Library.

Dr. R. B .Gaddagimath is the Coordinator.

Digital Publication and Communication CentreThe Centre takes up the printing and publication of books and

other materials for dissemination of knowledge and information

generated in the University and the region. It brings out the

Extension lectures, special lectures and endowment lectures

delivered by the experts in the field. It also helps to bring

out Newsletters, coffee table books and hand books on

region, culture and heritage. The services of the centre are

used on sharing basis with the Government Departments and

other Universities in the Region. Dr. R. B. Gaddagimath and

Dr. Amrut Sherikar from the University Library are the

Coordinators of the centre.

University has also established the following cells.

1. Grievances Redressal Cell2. Placement Cell3. Alumni Centre of the University

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