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Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated,...

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S&T Dynamics Military Products www. hisntd.com G un & C annon S ystems
Page 1: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

S�&�T D�y�n�a�m�i�c�s �M�i�l�i�t�a�r�y �P�r�o�d�u�c�t�s


Gun & Cannon Systems

Page 2: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

● T�h�e 12.7�m�m�(0.5 �i�n�c�h�) �h�e�a�v�y �m�a�c�h�i�n�e �g�u�n, K6 �i�s �a�n �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c, �r�e�c�o�i�l-�o�p�e�r�a�t�e�d, �l�i�n�k-�b�e�l�t

�f�e�e�d, �a�i�r �c�o�o�l�e�d �q�u�i�c�k �c�h�a�n�g�e �b�a�r�r�e�l�(�QC�B�) �m�a�c�h�i�n�e �g�u�n �w�h�i�c�h �c�a�n �b�e �f�i�r�e�d �f�o�r �r�i�g�h�t �o�r �l�e�f�t

�h�a�n�d �f�e�e�d �b�y �c�h�a�n�g�i�n�g �t�h�e �f�e�e�d �d�i�r�e�c�t�i�o�n �o�f �r�e�c�e�i�v�e �g�r�o�u�p, �b�o�l�t �g�r�o�u�p �a�n�d �c�o�v�e�r �g�r�o�u�p.

● T�h�e K6 �w�a�s �s�h�a�r�p�l�y �e�n�h�a�n�c�e�d �b�y �t�h�e �i�m�p�r�o�v�e�m�e�n�t �o�f �q�u�i�c�k �b�a�r�r�e�l �c�h�a�n�g�e �t�y�p�e �f�r�o�m

�t�h�r�e�a�d-�t�u�r�n�e�d �c�h�a�n�g�i�n�g �o�f M2H�B �m�a�c�h�i�n�e �g�u�n. T�h�e K6 �e�n�a�b�l�e�s �u�s�e�r �t�o �b�e �s�a�f�e�t�y,

�e�l�i�m�i�n�a�t�e �t�i�m�i�n�g �a�d�j�u�s�t�m�e�n�t �a�n�d �r�e�d�u�c�e �v�u�l�n�e�r�a�b�l�e �e�x�p�o�s�u�r�e �t�i�m�e.

● T�h�e K6 �i�s �a �c�r�e�w-�s�e�r�v�e�d �w�e�a�p�o�n �t�h�a�t �i�s �m�o�u�n�t�e�d �a�n�d �o�p�e�r�a�t�e�d �i�n �v�a�r�i�o�u�s �w�a�y�s �f�r�o�m �a�l�l

�k�i�n�d�s �o�f �f�i�g�h�t�i�n�g �v�e�h�i�c�l�e�s�(M�BT, A�PC, S�e�l�f-�p�r�o�p�e�l�l�e�d H�o�w�i�t�z�e�r, AA�V, �e�t�c.�), �c�o�m�m�a�n�d/

�t�r�a�n�s�p�o�r�t�a�t�i�o�n �v�e�h�i�c�l�e�s, �w�a�r�s�h�i�p�s, �h�e�l�i�c�o�p�t�e�r �a�n�d �g�r�o�u�n�d.

12.7 mm(Caliber .50) Heavy Machine GunSpecification >

Application >

Accessary >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 03

Feature >

T�r�i�p�o�d M�o�u�n�t S�o�f�t M�o�u�n�t

I�t�e�m �K�6

C�a�l�i�b�e�r 12.7 �m�m

G�u�n �w�e�i�g�h�t 38 �k�g

�B�a�r�r�e�l �w�e�i�g�h�t 12.6 �k�g

G�u�n �l�e�n�g�t�h 1,654 �m�m

�B�a�r�r�e�l �l�e�n�g�t�h 1,143 �m�m

N�u�m�b�e�r �o�f �g�r�o�o�v�e 8

R�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e 450�~600 �r�p�m

M�u�z�z�l�e �v�e�l�o�c�i�t�y 930 �m/�s

I�t�e�m �K�6

M�a�x�i�m�u�m �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 6,765 �m

E�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 1,830 �m

F�e�e�d�i�n�g L�i�n�k-�b�e�l�t

O�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n S�h�o�r�t �r�e�c�o�i�l �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g

C�o�o�l�i�n�g A�i�r

A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �B�a�l�l, A�P, A�PI, A�PI-T, TR, A�P-T

A�p�p�l�i�c�a�t�i�o�n F�i�g�h�t�i�n�g �V�e�h�i�c�l�e�s, W�a�r�s�h�i�p, H�e�l�i�c�o�p�t�e�r, G�r�o�u�n�d

Page 3: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

● T�h�e 20�m�m �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �g�u�n, KM39A3 �i�s �i�n�t�e�n�d�e�d �s�p�e�c�i�f�i�c�a�l�l�y �f�o�r �a�i�r�c�r�a�f�t �u�s�e �a�n�d �m�o�r�e

�p�a�r�t�i�c�u�l�a�r�l�y �f�o�r �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�a�t�i�o�n �i�n �s�u�p�e�r�s�o�n�i�c �a�i�r�c�r�a�f�t. T�h�e KM39A3 �g�u�n �i�s �a�n �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �w�e�a�p�o�n

�o�f �g�r�e�a�t �e�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e�n�e�s�s �w�i�t�h �r�o�t�a�t�i�n�g �r�e�v�o�l�v�e�r, �g�a�s �o�p�e�r�a�t�e�d, �e�l�e�c�t�r�i�c�a�l�l�y �f�i�r�e�d, �t�h�e �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n

�h�a�v�i�n�g �e�l�e�c�t�r�i�c �p�r�i�m�e�r�s �a�n�d �i�n�c�o�r�p�o�r�a�t�i�n�g �b�e�l�t �f�e�e�d. I�t �a�l�s�o, �p�r�o�v�i�d�e�s �a�n �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c

�c�a�r�t�r�i�d�g�e-�o�p�e�r�a�t�e�d �r�e-�c�o�c�k�i�n�g �m�e�c�h�a�n�i�s�m, �w�h�i�c�h �c�a�n �b�e �u�s�e�d �i�n �f�l�i�g�h�t �s�u�c�h �t�h�a�t �i�t �c�a�n

�f�i�r�e �a �r�a�n�g�e �o�f �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n, �w�h�i�c�h �m�e�e�t�s �t�h�e �l�a�t�e�s�t �r�e�q�u�i�r�e�m�e�n�t�s �f�o�r �a�i�r-�w�a�r�f�a�r�e : A�i�r-�t�o-A�i�r

�e�n�g�a�g�e�m�e�n�t�s �a�n�d A�i�r-�t�o-G�r�o�u�n�d �a�t�t�a�c�k.

20 mm Automatic Gun

Specification >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 05

Application >

Feature >

I�t�e�m �K�M�3�9A�3

C�a�l�i�b�e�r 20 �m�m

T�y�p�e R�e�v�o�l�v�e�r

O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g G�a�s �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g

F�e�e�d�i�n�g L�i�n�k-�b�e�l�t

C�u�r�r�e�n�t �a�p�p�l�i�e�d �t�h�r�o�u�g�h �f�i�r�i�n�g �p�i�n D.C �o�r A.C

G�u�n �l�e�n�g�t�h 1,839 �m�m

G�u�n �w�e�i�g�h�t 82 �k�g

R�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e 1,500 �r�p�m

I�t�e�m �K�M�3�9A�3

M�u�z�z�l�e �v�e�l�o�c�i�t�y 990 �m/�s

N�u�m�b�e�r �o�f �g�r�o�o�v�e 9

�B�a�r�r�e�l �l�e�n�g�t�h 1,361 �m�m

�B�a�r�r�e�l �w�e�i�g�h�t 13 �k�g

A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n HEIT-SD, HEI, T�P�&ST�P, M�PT-SD

A�p�p�l�i�c�a�t�i�o�n F5 F�i�g�h�t�e�r A�i�r �t�o A�i�r �& G�r�o�u�n�d A�t�t�a�c�k

Page 4: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

● T�h�e 20�m�m G�a�t�l�i�n�g G�u�n�(�V�u�l�c�a�n�), KM168 �i�s �a�n �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �w�e�a�p�o�n �o�f �g�r�e�a�t �e�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e�n�e�s�s �w�i�t�h

�r�o�t�a�r�y�(�g�a�t�l�i�n�g�) �s�i�x �b�a�r�r�e�l�s �e�l�e�c�t�r�i�c�a�l�l�y �p�o�w�e�r�e�d, �a �h�i�g�h �r�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e, �s�e�l�e�c�t�a�b�l�e �b�u�r�s�t �l�i�m�i�t�s,

�v�a�r�i�a�b�l�e �d�i�s�p�e�r�s�i�o�n �p�a�t�t�e�r�n�s �a�n�d �a �l�i�n�k�e�d �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �f�e�e�d �s�y�s�t�e�m. T�h�e KM168 �i�s �t�o �m�a�i�n�l�y

�u�s�e�d �f�o�r �a�n�t�i-�a�i�r �d�e�f�e�n�s�e �t�o �b�e �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�e�d �o�n �t�h�e �g�r�o�u�n�d, �v�e�h�i�c�l�e, �a�i�r�c�r�a�f�t �a�n�d �s�h�i�p.

● T�h�e �m�u�z�z�l�e �c�l�a�m�p�s �a�r�e �a�v�a�i�l�a�b�l�e �d�e�v�i�c�e �t�h�a�t �p�r�o�v�i�d�e �d�i�f�f�e�r�e�n�t �d�i�s�p�e�r�s�i�o�n �p�a�t�t�e�r�n �f�o�r �a�i�r

�d�e�f�e�n�s�e �o�r �g�r�o�u�n�d �m�o�d�e�s. A�t �t�h�e �h�i�g�h�e�r �r�a�t�e, �a �w�i�d�e �a�n�g�l�e �o�r �r�e�c�t�a�n�g�u�l�a�r �d�i�s�p�e�r�s�i�o�n

�p�a�t�t�e�r�n �i�s �u�s�e�d �t�o �e�n�g�a�g�e �l�o�w-�f�l�y�i�n�g �a�i�r�c�r�a�f�t �w�i�t�h �a �h�i�g�h �h�i�t �p�r�o�b�a�b�i�l�i�t�y. T�h�e �c�o�n�c�e�n�t�r�a�t�e�d

�d�i�s�p�e�r�s�i�o�n �p�a�t�t�e�r�n �a�t �t�h�e �l�o�w�e�r �r�a�t�e �p�r�o�v�i�d�e�s �e�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �f�i�r�e �a�g�a�i�n�s�t �g�r�o�u�n�d �t�a�r�g�e�t�s �s�u�c�h �a�s

�t�r�o�o�p�s �a�n�d �l�i�g�h�t �a�r�m�o�r�e�d �v�e�h�i�c�l�e�s.

20 mm Gatling Gun

Specification >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 07

Application >

Feature >

I�t�e�m �K�M�1�6�8

C�a�l�i�b�e�r 20 �m�m

T�y�p�e G�a�t�l�i�n�g

G�u�n �w�e�i�g�h�t 118 �k�g

M�a�x�i�m�u�m �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 4,500 �m

E�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 2,200 �m

R�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e 2,700�~3,000 �r�p�m

N�o.�o�f �B�a�r�r�e�l 6 �B�a�r�r�e�l�s, �r�e�m�o�v�a�b�l�e

�B�a�r�r�e�l �w�e�i�g�h�t 8 �k�g

I�t�e�m �K�M�1�6�8

�B�a�r�r�e�l �l�e�n�g�t�h 1,523 �m�m

N�u�m�b�e�r �o�f �g�r�o�o�v�e 9

M�u�z�z�l�e �v�e�l�o�c�i�t�y 1,030 �m/�s

F�e�e�d�i�n�g L�i�n�k-�b�e�l�t

O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g E�x�t�e�r�n�a�l D�r�i�v�e�n O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g

A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n HEIT-SD, HEI, T�P-T, T�P�&ST�P, M�PT-SD

A�p�p�l�i�c�a�t�i�o�n C�a�r�r�i�e�r, AA G�u�n, W�a�r�s�h�i�p, F�i�g�h�t�e�r

Page 5: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

● T�h�e 30�m�m �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �g�u�n, KKC�B �i�s �t�o �b�e �m�a�i�n�l�y �u�s�e�d �f�o�r �a�n�t�i-�a�i�r �d�e�f�e�n�s�e �t�o �b�e �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�e�d

�a�s �t�w�i�n �v�e�r�s�i�o�n �o�n �s�e�l�f-�p�r�o�p�e�l�l�e�d �a�n�t�i-�a�i�r�c�r�a�f�t �g�u�n �s�y�s�t�e�m�(K30, �B�i�h�o�) �a�n�d �s�h�i�p. T�h�e KKC�B

�g�u�n �i�s �a�n �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �w�e�a�p�o�n �w�i�t�h �a �h�i�g�h �r�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e, �g�a�s �o�p�e�r�a�t�e�d �a�n�d �l�i�n�k-�b�e�l�t �f�e�e�d.

T�h�e KKC�B �g�u�n �h�a�s �a�n �e�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �a�n�t�i-�a�i�r�c�r�a�f�t �r�a�n�g�e �o�f �u�p �t�o �a�p�p�r�o�x�i�m�a�t�e�l�y 3,000�m �d�i�s�t�a�n�c�e

�w�i�t�h �h�i�g�h �f�i�r�e �c�a�p�a�c�i�t�y �& �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �e�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e�n�e�s�s, �l�o�w �w�e�i�g�h�t, �r�e�l�i�a�b�l�e �c�o�n�t�r�o�l �u�s�i�n�g

�m�e�t�a�d�y�n�e �c�o�n�t�r�o�l �u�n�i�t�s �a�n�d �b�e�i�n�g �l�i�n�k�e�d �u�p �t�o �r�a�d�a�r �d�i�r�e�c�t�o�r �c�o�n�t�r�o�l �a�s �w�e�l�l.

30 mm Automatic Gun

Specification >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 09

Application >

Feature >

I�t�e�m �K�KC�B

C�a�l�i�b�e�r 30 �m�m

E�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 3,000 �m

R�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e�(S�i�n�g�l�e�) 600 �r�p�m

M�u�z�z�l�e �v�e�l�o�c�i�t�y 1,080 �m/�s

R�e�c�o�i�l �f�o�r�c�e 1,400 �k�g�f

R�e�c�o�i�l �l�e�n�g�t�h 36�~50 �m�m

I�t�e�m �K�KC�B

F�e�e�d�i�n�g L�i�n�k-�b�e�l�t

O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g G�a�s-�o�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g

A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n T�P-T, HEI, HEI-T


AA G�u�n, S�e�l�f �P�r�o�p�e�l�l�e�d

A�n�t�i-A�i�r�c�r�a�f�t G�u�n, C�o�m�b�a�t

�V�e�h�i�c�l�e, W�a�r�s�h�i�p

Page 6: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

40 mm Automatic Gun(Twin/Single)

● T�h�e 40�m�m �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �g�u�n, 40L/70K �i�s �t�o �b�e �u�s�e�d �f�o�r �a�n�t�i-�m�i�s�s�i�l�e �a�n�d �s�h�i�p-�t�o-�s�h�i�p

�e�n�g�a�g�e�m�e�n�t �t�o �b�e �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�e�d �o�n �s�h�i�p�s �a�s �t�w�i�n �n�a�v�a�l �g�u�n �s�y�s�t�e�m�(N�o�b�o�n�g�). T�h�e 40�m�m

�a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �g�u�n �c�a�n �b�e �a�l�s�o �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�e�d �b�y �s�i�n�g�l�e �v�e�r�s�i�o�n. I�t�s �o�u�t�s�t�a�n�d�i�n�g �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n�a�l

�c�h�a�r�a�c�t�e�r�i�s�t�i�c�s �a�r�e : �h�i�g�h �r�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e, �h�i�g�h�e�s�t �f�o�r �e�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �p�r�o�x�i�m�i�t�y �f�u�z�e�d �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n, �l�a�r�g�e

�a�v�a�i�l�a�b�i�l�i�t�y �o�f �r�e�a�d�y-�u�s�e �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �f�o�r �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c �f�i�r�i�n�g, �m�a�x�i�m�u�m �r�e�l�i�a�b�i�l�i�t�y, �a�d�v�a�n�c�e�d

�d�e�s�i�g�n �r�e�s�u�l�t�i�n�g �i�n �c�o�m�p�l�e�t�e �a�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�o�n, �c�o�m�p�l�e�t�e �r�e�m�o�t�e �c�o�n�t�r�o�l �a�n�d �h�i�g�h �s�e�r�v�o-�s�y�s�t�e�m

�p�e�r�f�o�r�m�a�n�c�e, �m�a�x�i�m�u�m �a�c�c�u�r�a�c�y �d�u�r�i�n�g �f�i�r�i�n�g �a�n�d �l�o�w �r�e�a�c�t�i�o�n �t�i�m�e, �c�o�m�p�a�c�t�n�e�s�s

�c�a�p�a�b�i�l�i�t�y �o�f �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n �i�n N�BC �c�o�n�d�i�t�i�o�n�s.

Specification >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 11

Application >

Feature >

I�t�e�m �4�0L�/�7�0�K

C�a�l�i�b�e�r 40 �m�m

E�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 4,000 �m

R�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e�(�s�i�n�g�l�e�) 300 �r�p�m

M�u�z�z�l�e �v�e�l�o�c�i�t�y 1,005 �m/�s

I�t�e�m �4�0L�/�7�0�K

F�e�e�d�i�n�g L�i�n�k�l�e�s�s

O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g R�e�c�o�i�l-�o�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g

A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n HCHE, HET, A�PT, T�P, T�P-T, �PEHE

A�p�p�l�i�c�a�t�i�o�n A�n�y �t�y�p�e �o�f �w�a�r�s�h�i�p, F�i�e�l�d �m�o�u�n�t�i�n�g �e�t�c.

Page 7: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

● T�h�e 40�m�m A�u�t�o�m�a�t�i�c G�u�n, K40 �w�a�s �d�e�s�i�g�n�e�d �t�o �m�e�e�t �t�h�e �s�p�e�c�i�f�i�c �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n�a�l �r�e�q�u�i�r�e�m�e�n�t�s �o�f K�o�r�e�a �a�r�m�y �f�o�r IF�V�(I�n�f�a�n�t�r�y F�i�g�h�t�i�n�g �V�e�h�i�c�l�e�) �w�i�t�h �i�m�p�r�o�v�e�d �f�i�r�e�p�o�w�e�r �a�n�d �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n �c�a�p�a�b�i�l�i�t�i�e�s.

● T�h�e K40 �i�s �t�o �b�e �u�s�e�d �f�o�r �m�a�i�n �a�r�m�a�m�e�n�t �o�f KIF�V�(K�o�r�e�a I�n�f�a�n�t�r�y F�i�g�h�t�i�n�g �V�e�h�i�c�l�e, K21�) �w�i�t�h �c�o�n�t�r�o�l�l�e�d �b�y F�i�r�e C�o�n�t�r�o�l S�y�s�t�e�m �a�n�d �h�a�s �a �c�a�p�a�b�i�l�i�t�i�e�s �o�f �a�n�t�i-�a�i�r �a�n�d �a�n�t�i-�t�a�n�k �e�n�g�a�g�e�m�e�n�t.

● T�h�e G�u�n �i�s �i�n�s�t�a�l�l�e�d �o�n �t�w�o-�m�a�n �t�u�r�r�e�t �w�i�t�h �t�h�e �c�o�m�m�a�n�d�e�r �s�e�a�t�e�d �o�n �t�h�e �l�e�f�t �a�n�d �t�h�e �g�u�n�n�e�r �o�n �t�h�e �r�i�g�h�t.

● T�h�e G�u�n �h�a�s �e�n�h�a�n�c�e�d �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n�a�l �c�a�p�a�b�i�l�i�t�i�e�s �a�s �r�e�m�o�t�e �c�o�n�t�r�o�l �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n �b�y �e�l�e�c�t�r�i�c-�h�y�d�r�a�u�l�i�c�(�m�a�n�u�a�l �o�n �e�m�e�r�g�e�n�c�y�), �r�e�l�o�a�d�i�n�g �b�y �d�o�w�n-�d�o�c�k�i�n�g �o�f �m�a�g�a�z�i�n�e �w�i�t�h �p�u�m�p�i�n�g �h�o�i�s�t �a�n�d �r�e�d�u�c�e�d �r�e�m�a�i�n�i�n�g �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �a�t �t�h�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �s�t�o�p.

● T�h�e �m�a�g�a�z�i�n�e �h�o�l�d�s �a �t�o�t�a�l �o�f 24 �r�o�u�n�d �a�n�d �d�i�f�f�e�r�e�n�t �r�o�u�n�d �t�y�p�e�s �a�s �PFHE, A�PFSDS �a�n�d MMFA�(M�u�l�t�i-M�o�d�e F�u�n�c�t�i�o�n A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n�) �i�n �e�a�c�h �c�o�m�p�a�r�t�m�e�n�t�s. I�t �c�a�n �b�e �s�e�l�e�c�t�e�d �a �p�r�o�p�e�r �a�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �t�y�p�e�s �b�y �q�u�i�c�k �m�a�g�a�z�i�n�e �s�h�i�f�t �d�e�p�e�n�d �o�n �m�i�s�s�i�o�n �t�a�r�g�e�t�s.

● T�h�e MMFA�(M�u�l�t�i-M�o�d�e F�u�n�c�t�i�o�n A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n�) �i�s �s�e�t�t�i�n�g �t�o �a �p�r�o�p�e�r �f�u�n�c�t�i�o�n �m�o�d�e �a�t �t�h�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �b�y �c�o�n�t�a�c�t�o�r �i�n �f�e�e�d�e�r �a�n�d �f�u�z�e �p�r�o�g�r�a�m�m�e�r.

● A�l�s�o, �t�h�e G�u�n �c�a�n �b�e �a�c�c�e�p�t�e�d 7.62�m�m �m�a�c�h�i�n�e �g�u�n �w�i�t�h �c�o�a�x�i�a�l �a�s �s�e�c�o�n�d�a�r�y �w�e�a�p�o�n.

40 mm Automatic Gun

Specification >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 13

Application >

Feature >

I�t�e�m �K�4�0

C�a�l�i�b�e�r 40 �m�m

W�e�i�g�h�t 720 �k�g

S�i�z�e�(W×H×L�) 700×1,343×3,893 �m�m

E�f�f�e�c�t�i�v�e �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 6,000 �m�(�g�r�o�u�n�d�), 4,000 �m �(�a�i�r�)

M�a�x�i�m�u�m �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�a�n�g�e 12,000 �(A�p�p�r�o�x.�)

R�a�t�e �o�f �f�i�r�e 300 �r�d�s/�m�i�n

M�u�z�z�l�e �v�e�l�o�c�i�t�y 1,005 �m/�s�(HE�), 1,400 �m/�s�(A�P�)

I�t�e�m �K�4�0

F�e�e�d�i�n�g �B�o�t�t�o�m-�u�p, M�u�l�t�i�p�l�e, L�i�n�k�l�e�s�s

O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g R�e�c�o�i�l-O�p�e�r�a�t�i�n�g

F�i�r�i�n�g M�o�d�e S�a�f�e�t�y, S�i�n�g�l�e, �B�u�r�s�t

C�a�p�a�c�i�t�y �o�f �a�m�m�o. 24 �r�o�u�n�d�s�(3 �c�o�m�p. �b�y 8 �r�o�u�n�d�s�)

R�e�l�o�a�d�i�n�g M�a�g�a�z�i�n�e �d�o�w�n-�d�o�c�k�i�n�g

A�m�m�u�n�i�t�i�o�n �PFHE, A�PFSDS, MMFA, T�P

A�p�p�l�i�c�a�t�i�o�n F�i�g�h�t�i�n�g �V�e�h�i�c�l�e�s

Page 8: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

● �W�e�a�p�o�n �c�o�n�f�i�g�u�r�a�t�i�o�n �o�p�t�i�o�n�s �:

● T�h�e RCWS �i�s �a�v�a�i�l�a�b�l�e �i�n �e�i�t�h�e�r �s�i�n�g�l�e �o�r �d�u�a�l �w�e�a�p�o�n �c�o�n�f�i�g�u�r�a�t�i�o�n.

● F�i�r�e �o�n �t�h�e �m�o�v�e �a�n�d �f�o�r �m�o�v�i�n�g �t�a�r�g�e�t : S�t�a�b�i�l�i�z�a�t�i�o�n �& A�u�t�o �t�a�r�g�e�t �t�r�a�c�k�i�n�g

● L�a�s�e�r �r�a�n�g�e �f�i�n�d�e�r �a�n�d �b�a�l�l�i�s�t�i�c �c�o�m�p�u�t�e�r �f�o�r �e�n�h�a�n�c�e�d �h�i�t �p�r�o�b�a�b�i�l�i�t�y.

● W�e�a�p�o�n �a�n�d �o�p�t�i�c�s �s�e�p�e�r�a�t�e�l�y �d�r�i�v�e �i�n �e�l�e�v�a�t�i�o�n �a�n�d �t�r�a�v�e�r�s�e.

● O�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n �i�n �d�a�y/�n�i�g�h�t �a�n�d �a�l�l �w�e�a�t�h�e�r.

● �M�a�n�u�a�l �a�n�d �e�m�e�r�g�e�n�c�y �b�a�c�k�u�p �o�p�e�r�a�t�i�o�n : C�o�c�k�i�n�g/A�i�m�i�n�g/F�i�r�i�n�g

● �BIT�(�B�u�i�l�t I�n T�e�s�t�) F�u�n�c�t�i�o�n

● D�e�s�i�g�n�e�d �f�o�r �f�i�r�i�n�g �r�e�c�o�i�l �f�o�r�c�e �r�e�d�u�c�t�i�o�n �(80�% �d�o�w�n�).

Specification >


Remote Controlled Weapon Station

| S&T Dynamics Military Products |

※ T�h�i�s �s�p�e�c�i�f�i�c�a�t�i�o�n �i�s �d�e�p�e�n�d�e�n�t �o�n �t�h�e �w�e�a�p�o�n �o�p�t�i�o�n�s.

Application >

Feature >

● C�o�m�b�a�t �V�e�h�i�c�l�e�s

● �T�a�c�t�i�c�a�l �V�e�h�i�c�l�e�s

● �W�a�r�s�h�i�p�s

�<�RC�WS �f�o�r �1�2�.�7�m�m H�M�G�, �K�6�> �<�RC�WS �f�o�r �4�0�m�m A�GL�, �K�4�> �<�RC�WS �f�o�r �K�4�/�K�6�>�<�RC�WS �f�o�r �2�5�m�m AH�M�G�>

I�t�e�m �RC�WS

T�r�a�v�e�r�s�e R�a�n�g�e N×360。

E�l�e�v�a�t�i�o�n R�a�n�g�e - 20。�~ + 60。

D�r�i�v�i�n�g �m�a�x S�p�e�e�d 60。/�s�e�c

A�i�m A�c�c�u�r�a�c�y �< 0.3 �m�r�a�d

D�a�y C�a�m�e�r�a 5 �k�m �(D�e�t�e�c�t�i�o�n�)

I�t�e�m �RC�WS

N�i�g�h�t C�a�m�e�r�a 5�k�m �(D�e�t�e�c�t�i�o�n�)

LRF 5�k�m

H�e�i�g�h�t �< 600�m�m

W�e�i�g�h�t �< 180�k�g�(�w�i�t�h�o�u�t W�e�a�p�o�n/A�m�m�o�)

A�m�m�o. C�a�p�a�c�i�t�y 300�r�d�s

Page 9: Gun & Cannon Systems...The 12.7mm(0.5 inch) heavy machine gun, K6 is an automatic, recoil-operated, link-belt feed, air cooled quick change barrel(QCB) machine gun which can be fired

Gun & Cannon SystemsBest Technology & Best Quality



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