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Guranteed online-success module #1 lesson # 3

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Guranteed online-success module #1 lesson # 3! 3rd installment of my how to make 6 figures online blueprints! For all online marketers and internet marketers.
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GUARANTEED-ONLINE-SUCCESS | MODULE#1 Lesson#3 By: Shane & Roy Module #1 Lesson # 3 © 2010 Shane & Roy www.guaranteed-online-success.com All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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By: Shane & RoyModule #1 Lesson # 3

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If you can 'create' content (or have it created for you :) your income will soar and there are really no limits. If you desire a $1,000,000 a year income, you need content that you have exclusive rights to.

I'll show you more ways to create content than you ever knew existed in this Lesson... every 'secret' I have used successfully! I bare all... tell all... and when you're done you'll have an arsenal of weapons ready to deploy that'll rock the marketplace and make you rich, if that's your desire!Here are the sections of this Lesson that talk specifically about creating content:

• Do Not 'Type' Do This Instead - A Way to Create Content • Public Domain - Another Way to Create Content • Gold Posts - Another Way to Create Content • Your Ezine - Another Way to Create Content • Drop-Dead Simple Content Creation - Another Way to Create Content • Hiring Writers To Create Your Content • The "Review" Method of Writing and Creating Your Content • The "Brain Dump" Method of Writing and Creating Your Content

Each section will provide you with information and a specific strategy for creating content you can have exclusive rights to.With that said, are you ready? Ok! Let's get going - Lesson 3 begins NOW!

In Lesson 2 we started to discover a few very important things about marketing that greatly increase your chance of success.

One important discovery was that it's much better to get highly motivated and qualified subscribers than to attract and have hard-core 'freebie' seekers sign-up for our list. The way we do this is by eliminating, as much as possible, the natural urge to 'give away the store' just to get one subscriber. We eliminate, or sparingly use the word 'free' on our site and in our ads... we offer VALUE and BENEFITS instead.

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That does not mean we never give away a 'free report' or anything like that... especially in our offline advertising, but we want to eliminate the 'tire kickers' as much as possible. We discovered where our target prospects 'hang-out' and how to get their ATTENTION.We discovered ways to get subscribers using reports that influencers (with BIG lists) can distribute to their subscribers. They will do this if there is enough incentive. This essentially has the goal of seeking the highest qualified subscribers from their list to come and subscribe to our list too.We discovered that we need a 'lead capture page' with compelling copy to get people to opt-in to our pipeline or "ezine" and I gave you a script, some tutorials and examples on how to setup this page.Now that we have a well oiled and working capture page with strong, tightly written copy and a strategy to start filling up our pipeline, it's time we create some content (or discover how to have content created for us) so we have something to sell our subscribers!And yes, we can simply sell other people's products using and affiliate program to our subscribers too and we will talk about that... but (for me and probably for you) the majority of your income will be from the creation and marketing of your own info-products.Yes, once you have the engine (the engine that's going to pull our money train) primed and started, it's time to create content. However, all content is NOT created equal.Before we get into this next section I want to share with you an idea that helped boost my income and my ability to make a really good living online:

Do Not 'Type' Do This Instead - A Way to Create Content

Another thing to consider is this: Content is not that hard to create... don't be fooled that only 'special' people can write or that you're not a good writer. I hinted at this in the last Lesson, but it's true: If you can talk you can


Anything you want to talk about can be put into "words" on a page! You can 'dictate' your content into a microphone and have your words transcribed... or, as you're sitting at your keyboard trying to think of what to

write, you can simply 'type' the way you talk.

This is the way I create the majority of my content. I simply sit at the keyboard and start typing whatever I'm thinking about related to the subject I'm writing about. I don't worry about spelling,

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grammar, syntax or punctuation-- yet. I simply type what I think about.Later, after I've typed several paragraphs or pages, I will go back and review what I've typed and make any correction as necessary. The important thing is to get your thoughts written out- typed on your computer. It's the IDEAS that you are forming your content around... simply "hold" the main idea of what you want to talk about firmly in your head and the words will start to flow...

Public Domain - Another Way to Create ContentWhat does "public domain" mean?...Public domain is any work that is NOT protected under US copyright law. This includes ALL works published before 1923 AND, under certain conditions, works published up to 1978. A 'work' can be anything: a book, a play, music, photographs, movies, instruction manuals, courses, reports, posters, etc...I wrote extensively about "public domain" and how to profit from the public domain at one of my web sites. I wrote 10 special reports on public domain that are included in the BONUS learning material section of this Lesson.Read them. Read them. Read them... because re-publishing public domain information could easily create a small fortune for you - and you don't even have to write a word.It is so easy to create content using public domain material it should be illegal :-)... it is virtually un-tapped and available for the taking.My Public Domain Reports are an entire course on "How To Profit From the Public Domain"... but they don't tell you one important point that you will soon find out if you decide to go this route: As long as someone else has access to the same 'source' material you do, you will have competition and 'copycats', not only creating similar products, but the SAME, EXACT products.Now, in the PD Reports I show you a way to protect YOUR product, but as long as someone else has access to the original copyright expired document you're never really totally secure.So here's what I would recommend: Use the vast treasure of public domain info as either LEAD Generation Special Reports or BONUS Material for your main products...but don't use it as the MAIN product.A few years ago I purchased a copy of Wayne Yaeger's Sidetracking eBook. Good book

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with a simple premise: Get free content, add it to your website so search engines can find it and watch the traffic roll in. Where was the content coming from? His example was a series of articles that had fallen into the public domain (they were originally published in the 1920's). He loaded the content onto his website and started receiving a good number of extra hits (approx. 10,000). Then he simply 'monetized' the traffic using banner ads, or affiliate programs.That's an entirely different way to profit from public domain info that I never got around discussing in my Public Domain Reports.I wrote about the value of ideas in one of my ezines once. You've heard the saying "ideas are a dime a dozen"? Well sure, the majority of ideas are worth even less than that, but there is another strata of ideas that are worth thousands, even millions.Some ideas are worthless, some ideas are extremely valuable. You have to know how to tell the difference, especially in the information product business. You don't want to give away your best ideas for pennies...As you know by now, I was a rare book dealer before hitting the Internet. Let's make this analogy between ideas and books: Books are a dime a dozen... and if you've ever been to a garage sale you know that's true... but a first edition of Alice In Wonderland ... just that ONE book is worth $800,000.Ideas are a dime a dozen and so are used books.. but there are some books and there are some ideas that are worth a fortune.Here's one: Take a work in the public domain and create an audio product! Most public domain re-publishers concentrate on creating e-books, reports and manuals... very few are doing any kind of audio products. You can also do both, of course.------------------Ok.. let's get back to the different types of content you'll probably be creating or will have created for you and ways to create it.

Different Content, Different SkillsThere are different kinds of content that have separate and distinct purposes and require different levels of skill to create.

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There are at least 10 levels of content that you will be involved in creating. What? You thought 'content' was 'content' and it was all the same stuff? Wrong, wrong wrong... there are lots of content 'types' as you'll see.

And, whenever I say 'you will' create content I am not actually and solely implying YOU need to personally sit down at a keyboard and type each and every word of the content that you'll need (that's ONE way to do it, but not the only way)... you could have it created for you or simply 'edit' it as it's created.

There's an entire section below on how to have others create content for you or take content you need for free from other sources.

So what are the major content types?

Content for online ads...

Content for lead capture pages ...

Content for ezines, emails and fulfillment pieces...

Content for articles...

Content for a subscription site (membership, or private site)...

Content for public web sites...

Content for sales pages...

Content for books and reports...

Content for offline ads...

Content for order pages...

Let's look at each type of content, it's purpose and, the skill level required to create the

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content on a scale from 1 (very easy) to 10 (high level of skill required):

Content Type Purpose Skill Level Required

Content for online ads Lead generation 8

Content for lead capture pages Email list building 7

Content for ezines and emails Information and sales 9

Content for articles / discussion posts Information and credibility 6

Content for a subscription site Instruction 4

Content for public web sites Information / credibility 1

Content for sales pages Sales 10

Content for low priced books, reports Information 4

Content for offline ads Lead generation 8

Content for order pages Close sale 7

Premium content Instruction 8

NOTE: As we go through this lesson, it's more important to have an understanding of what content is, what types of content are needed for each purpose and the skill level required for its creation than it is to know how to write. Not all the content you will need must be created by you... some of it will, but not all. In general anything with a skill level of "5" or better should be handled by you or a professional writer that's suited to the task. Any type of content with a "4" or less skill level can easily be hired, delegated or written yourself.

Don't confuse the skill level required to create content with the "quality" of content. All your content should be high quality but the skill required to create that level of quality

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will vary.

Creating content for online marketing includes what you did in Lesson 1: "Your online ad". This ad can be used in signature lines in your email or posts to discussion boards, ezine ads or anything else you do online whose purpose is "lead generation".

In fact, all your advertising, in my opinion, should be lead generation advertising.Remember we said that it is extremely unlikely that anyone will purchase anything from you the first time they see your web site? So, all your advertising online should be focused on capturing the name and email address of the people visiting your web site... not on direct sales.Here's is another reason why the majority of people trying to market anything on the Internet don't ever make a penny:They buy re-sale rights, stick a 'sales page' on their site (usually an exact duplicate of the one provided by the seller of the resale rights) and sit back and wait for people to hit the page, read it and buy the eBook or software or whatever you're selling.Now we know that it's going to take more than just a 'sales page' to get people to buy something from you... it's going to take a 'relationship' and probably MULTIPLE contacts over a period of time. That's why it's critical to capture their contact information.One subscriber to my ezine recently asked me to 'take a look' at some of his websites and give him an opinion as to why he isn't making any sales. He told me he had purchased a number of 'master' resale rights packages and he wasn't making any sales.The 3 sites I visited had no sign-up form on them... so if he ever did get a visitor and they weren't interested at that moment in his offer, they simply left the site. The email form to get visitors to subscribe to some kind of 'updates list' or ezine' just wasn't there - there was no mechanism in place to follow-up with them later! And they wondered why they weren't making any sales?This is a waste of traffic! You work hard to get traffic to your site, but your expectations of people who visit are way too high - you expect them to be so impressed with the offer being made or the information in the eBook or report or subscription site

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or whatever you're selling that they should just buy it. That rarely happens.You need a capture page as "STEP 1" with the SOLE purpose of OBTAINING PERMISSION to send them additional messages. That's the ONLY PURPOSE of your signature line in your email, posts to discussion boards or ezine ads, etc...You can immediately double, triple or quadruple your sales IF you're generating traffic and use a 'capture page' instead of sending them directly to a page that 'sells' something.Ok... so this is obviously a very important task - creating the content for your capture page. I would not delegate this task to anyone that does not know how to write lead generation advertising. This is your job or the job of a copywriter you hire who is well grounded in direct marketing fundamentals.Personally I write all my own capture page copy because I know my product better than anyone else. I wouldn't delegate this task.

Gold Posts - Another Way to Create ContentWe talked about posting to discussion boards in Lesson 2. The posts you make to discussion boards work in your favor in a number of different ways.Why is posting in discussion boards profitable?

• First you'll get an immediate number of 'hits' to your site. • Second, it will probably be 'archived' by the discussion board owner and when

someone searches the discussion board and hits a topic you have posted on, you'll get even more hits.

• Third, the major search engines do a pretty good job of indexing the highly active discussion boards and you'll have a good chance of getting your posts into the major search engines (what Master Info-Product developer Bill Myer's calls "leaving tracks").

Fourth, you can SAVE EVERY POST YOU MAKE in response to a question on a discussion board! Eventually you will have enough posts on the subject to create a book of "tips" or advice!

Your Ezine - Another Way to Create Content

Once you have your ezine up and running you can easily create an information product

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using your past ezine articles.I mail to my list almost every day of the week. We'll talk about that extensively in Lesson 4 and 5, but once each week I provide a 'pure info' ezine message with no sales pitches it in... just great, hard-hitting information my subscribers can use to make more money.If you can do the same, in a very short time, you will have enough issues with good content that you can use to create a special report or eBook.

The Power of Questions - A Way to Generate Product IdeasOne of the strategies I've seen used over and over by a very, very few smart marketers (including yours truly :) is to participate in discussion boards by asking questions.Let's say you want to find out what the hottest problems are facing your target market? A very easy way is to simply post a questions to an active discussion board! People love to respond to 'challenges' and 'surveys' on these boards.You can start your post with something like, "What's your biggest gripe about ______?", etc...As soon as you post your question you'll start getting some really good responses that you can use to identify your target market's problems... when you know the 'problem' you are a step away from creating a 'solution'.Sometimes I've seen posts like this generate heated arguments that go on for days... all good stuff! The more 'heated' the discussion gets the more interest there is... you can learn:

• what problems people are having, • what their biggest objections are to existing products / or services and • what kind of solution they might be looking for!

It's a GOLD MINE of information! Once you have an idea of what solutions there are for this problem, you research should start. You can build an info-product that will be an immediate hit.

Drop-Dead Simple Content Creation - Another Way to Create Content

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Let's say you don't like to write... and you want to create an information product. What are your choices?In the last Lesson I shared with you a transcript of an interview I did with a newbie in Internet marketing, Scott Foster. Basically all he did was call me, ask me a few questions about my business, record them on his PC and have them transcribed! The transcription costs were $129...The first 48 hours after I announced it was for sale to my list I received about 16 sales at $49 (wo /resale rights) to $79 (w/ resale rights) each. I'd say that's a pretty good return on an investment of just $129. Over the period of a year I'll probably earn thousands from the sale of that one product that took 1 hr and 30 mins to create.That's it... that's the product! It took all of 1 hr and 30 min to complete and we'll both have a product we can sell forever.So, even if you don't know how to or can't write you can create an information product... remember "whatever you like to talk about the most" is probably, in the end, the product your customers would be most interested in buying from you.Here's the key to this:They want to KNOW what YOU know!And, it doesn't matter if you know LESS THAN they do about a particular subject... even if they can pick-up ONE TIP or ONE IDEA that they didn't know about before it's worth it to them to buy your product. They will buy it because they are deeply interested in the SUBJECT of your product...I've purchased a lot on information products... I spend $5,000 a year or more (some years MUCH more) ... but even if I only get ONE idea I can incorporate into my own marketing system that will make me more money, it's worth every penny, just for that ONE IDEA.What Your Readers Need and Want

What your buyer and readers of your information products want and what they need are two different things.What they WANT, in most cases, is:...an instant answer and an easy solution , basically anything that will make their life "easier"

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But that's not really what they need, in most cases is it? They need to be told the truth, or at least 'the truth' as you know it and in no uncertain terms. That's how you create value for your products. You create value by......giving them MORE than they expected, MORE than they thought they would be getting and MORE honest information than they could get anywhere else.That's the attitude you need to take when CREATING your product. Make it rise above the crowd and PACK it FULL of VALUE.

Hiring Writers To Create Your ContentAnother 'dead-simple' way to create your own information products is to hire writers to create content for you. It's also true for 'software' products - hire a programmer to make it for you through elance.com or another freelance software site.It's easier than you think to hire someone to create your info-product...If you go this route you need to keep in mind a few things I've learned the hard way:

1. Always be very clear on what you want as the 'deliverable'... i.e. a MSWord document, a PowerPoint file, a text file, etc...

2. Make it very clear from the beginning that the project they are doing for you is a 'work for hire'. In other words, you will own ALL copyrights to the final work.

When you file the copyright on the content they create for you there is a little box on the US Copyright form that asks "Is this a work for hire?" - you answer "yes"...and then register the copyright in your name. Make sure you keep all copies of the emails and agreement you have with the writer as backup documentation.

3. Don't pay them until you are completely satisfied with the quality of the work. Once you've paid them in full you can forget about them fixing the 300 spelling or grammatical errors they've made though out the text.

4. Let the writer know that whatever price they quote you must include at least 2 "revisions" as part of the price and that they won't get paid in full until you're satisfied with the quality of their work.

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So how do you approach a project in which you want to hire a writer to create an information project for you?Unfortunately you are going to be doing some work... to prepare the writer for the assignment. Don't expect the writer to do your thinking for you... that's a high level of intellectual activity that ONLY YOU can do.The average writer you hire is much like an assembly line worker... they will take your 'parts' and add this item or that item until the product is finished. Don't expect Hemmingway.What I suggest, and what I do is create an 'outline' with as many BULLET POINTS as I need to include in the finished product.For example, if I wanted the writer to write an article on "Blog Software, Their Benefits and Uses" and I tell them I want the article to be approx. 1,000 words (or approx 4 printed pages - approx. 250 words per page on 8 1/2" X 11" paper with 1" margins).If I want them to write a series of articles on one particular topic I would list the POINTS and max word lengths like this:

• "Blog Software, Their Benefits and Uses" (1,000 words) • "Why Blogs Are Better Than Traditional Web Publishing" (750 words) • "How Blogs Got Started" (500 words) • Etc...

Now you've given them a goal, a direction... they will have to do some research and start writing it, but they have something to guide them.What should you expect to pay when hiring a writer? I have seen jobs of this kind on Elance.com (highly recommended) for about .01 per word or $10 per 1,000 word article.Another place to look for writers is your own backyard- the community you live in... but I've had better luck hiring writers online. I'm not sure why. My guess is the local writers I've met are less flexible and are less knowledgeable of the Internet.So if you're putting a book together with 15-20 chapters (or articles) of 1,000 words each it may only cost you $150-$200 to have an entire book written!What's your role in this process? You are the "editor"... you make the final approval and, if necessary, send them back to do more research or re-visions.Now, here's a tip that will save you a ton of money when hiring a writer: Never, ever

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tell them you're writing a "BOOK"... if they think you're getting them to write you book, they will more than likely raise the price to the point that the project becomes un-doable.What you want to communicate, at the outset, is that you're preparing a 'series' of articles for your web site (which is true! but not the 'whole truth'...:) That's it... you really have to 'keep quiet' as to the REAL use of the articles you'll receive: Putting them into an eBook for resale on your website.Hey, you are PAYING for the writer to complete the assignment on a 'work for hire' basis and they can always refuse... and the truth is they DO NOT NEED nor have the RIGHT TO know what your ultimate business objectives are.I won't get into the issue of 'not telling the truth' or whatever because this is business, and business, in order to be competitive needs to be secretive in some ways... secretive as far as how your business operates.It's not just the issue of 'price' .. it's the issue of "how much do you really want to tell people what you're up to"?Do you want the world to know you're hiring writers to create your information products?Hey, if the formula for "Coke" is a trade secret... then your 'method' for creating information products by hiring writers to write them for you is also a 'trade secret'... and a VALUABLE trade secret.You do not want ANYONE to know... unless you have an ulterior motive. Otherwise, I like what Dan Kennedy says about making money, "If you can try to make your money in the dark, so no one can see how you really do it"... it's true you should "make your money in the dark"... DO NOT GIVE AWAY your 'secrets' without extracting a good price for them -- if you give them away at all.

How To Legally Use Someone Else's Ideas, Sell Them and Keep 100% of the Profits Without Their Permission

Ok... this is going to frighten a few of you I know... but what I'm going to tell you happens everyday of every week of every year. There are ways to avoid this problem and I discuss the only 'real' way I know that is effective below.When I wrote my second book, "EBay Secrets: What No One Else Will Ever Tell You

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About The World's Most Popular Trading Site" I thought I would sell a million copies and soon retire! Fat chance!Now I wrote this book in 1998... eBay was getting very popular, but it wasn't HUGE yet but it was getting there. I figured that a book on eBay would just sell like hotcakes...And it did for about 3 months... then sales dropped off to the point of being almost non-existent. I couldn't figure out what the problem was! Didn't anyone like me anymore?This happens to me constantly... I get a great idea for a product and within a few weeks I see a dozen 'copycat' products on the market.Within a few months the number of eBook about eBay just jumped through the roof and my market share collapsed.I'm not saying that my eBook created that kind of competition, but I am pretty sure that it contributed to it because it was one of the FIRST books to come out on "how to make money" on eBay. Unfortunately I did not 'strike' while the iron was hot and lost sales. I was still an inexperienced marketer, and I suffered the consequences.The problem, as I stated earlier is that you cannot copyright an "idea"... and you will find that your ideas, if they are unique and valuable, will be STOLEN... that's business! It's cut throat out there!And guess what? There isn't a thing you can do about it.So here's my advice, for what it's worth: Develop your product 'in the dark'... don't let anyone know about it until you're ready to roll it out.Then, when it's ready for selling and you have your web page just the way you want it and you've tested your ordering link, etc... THEN send the announcement to your list. And if you've lined up JV partners to sell the product to for a percentage of the sale... tell them to sell it start selling it ON A DAY YOU CHOOSE.If you can try to get them all to announce it to their list on the same day... ideally 48 hours AFTER you've announced it to your own list.You'll continue to make sales, of course, months after you've created your product, but I'll tell you right now... try to get the lion's share of the profits in the first few months or even weeks before the copycats start coming out of the woodwork and reduce your market share.

If you have a really unique product and it would be almost impossible to duplicate then you're much better off.

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And that's my suggestion: Develop UNIQUE, HIGH VALUE information products because when you do, copycats will be much less inclined to create a product better than yours... it would be just too much work for them! If you create the best product for your target market you will never have any long-term, serious competition.Someone asked me recently about creating a business in a niche market. They were afraid to continue in this market because it appeared that there was already a strong presence - another person who had created an information product similar to what they were contemplating.Buy their product. Study it. Make one that's BETTER than theirs. If the marketplace is big enough for both of you fine.. if not, you'll grow market share while they lose market share. It's also possible that market share could increase for both of you in actual dollar amounts as the market grows.

The "Review" Method of Writing and Creating Your ContentI really like this writing method and it's the one I use most of the time when I'm writing reports and articles for my Private Site. This is only for those of you who really want to write the content yourself - but it's darn easy to do.And it's pretty simple... all you do is 'report' on what you find while you're looking to solve your own problems.Let me give you an example:I wanted to be able to deliver my eBook 'instantly' after someone bought them and I searched the Internet days for a solution that didn't require too much work or programming or technical skill.I had gathered a lot of information, a number of websites that offered potential solutions and some methods I saw other web marketers using... I had a lot of information on the subject and it only took me a day or two to gather it all together.I found a solution that worked pretty good for me and I thought others might like to know about the simple solution I found. So I wrote a 'report' about what the PROBLEM was, HOW I looked for a solution, WHAT I found as I was looking, WHERE I looked and all the potential SOLUTIONS that I discovered. Then I shared with my readers the one I decided to use and WHY.

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It was simple to write... because I had the problem first, was highly motivated to find a solution and, after searching extensively, found one.Here's one secret to writing HOT selling reports and e-Book:

Ask yourself: "What difficult problem have I had to deal with recently that I found a reliable and easy solution to?" Now, be a "reporter"! Write about it and share your results with other people! They will pay you for the information!

This method kicks the butt of any other method of creating information product ever invented! Here it is in a nutshell:

• State the PROBLEM and tell WHY it's a problem • Tell HOW you went about trying to find a potential solution • Tell WHERE you looked for a solution • Tell WHAT you found while you were looking (the good and the bad) • Tell what SOLUTIONS you found (the good and the bad) • Share WHY you picked the one you did to solve "the" problem!

All you're doing is "reporting" on your "adventure" in search of a SOLUTION to a PROBLEM. And you can rest assured, if YOU have the problem, there are a LOT of others that are probably experiencing the EXACT same problem too. And never think for a minute that the solution you find is too simple or nobody would be interested... they will be!Not everyone is at the same experience level you are... some are 'newbies', some are at an intermediate level and there are probably some at a much higher level of knowledge in your target market than you are... but that's fine.Your market will be the people who are STILL SEARCHING for the SOLUTION to the PROBLEM and haven't found one yet or have just become AWARE of it and want an instant solution. It doesn't matter if they know less or more than you as long as they need the answer and solution to the same problem you had.The secret to increasing sales of your products is......the BIGGER the problem you can find a SOLUTION for, that's simple and easy for people to use, the HOTTER your product will be.

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We're not going to get into selling secrets until the next Lesson, however the strategy I just handed you for creating an information product using the "reporter method" is the SAME process that's used to create SIZZLING SALES COPY for your product, with some slight differences that are pretty obvious (hint: You don't give them the 'details'.. you just talk about the 'details').The best sales copy I have ever read and have written follows this path:

• State the PROBLEM and tell WHY it's a problem • Tell HOW you went about trying to find a potential solution • Tell WHERE you looked for a solution • Tell WHAT you found while you were looking (the good and the bad) • Tell them that you found potential SOLUTIONS (the good and the bad) • Share WHY they should buy YOUR SOLUTION to "the" problem!

The only difference is.. in the sales letter you don't GIVE the readers the SOLUTION or the steps you took to solve it... you only TALK ABOUT THEM.You talk about them, you don't reveal them... you give them "hints", and "teasers", but you keep the real content of the product tightly locked up until they have bought. More on selling in Lesson 4 :-)

There's No Such Thing As "Writer's Block"

You can see why this would be true if you're a "reporter" instead of a "writer". Writers get writers block but have you ever heard of "reporter's block"?Reporters may be stuck from time to time about how to get their articles started, but once they've received their assignment and done their research it all just starts to come together and they know how to write the article or story.Even writer's though get stuck. That's why the "outline method" I showed you how to use when you hire a writer also works if you're the one doing the writing...To get started just take a pad of paper or use your computer to type and start writing the MAIN POINTS of what you want, or think should be covered, in your report or eBook.Create one bullet point right after the other without stopping... without correcting them, just write them as they come into your mind. After you've written as many POINTS as you can possibly think of, re-write them so that they are in some sort of logical order... what comes first, what comes second, etc...

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Now you have an outline you can use... and all you have to do is 'fill in the blanks' using the outline you created as your guide.That's EXACTLY how I created the Lessons for this personal coaching and training program. I put everything in the Lesson that I would want to see in a coaching and training program... and as I started to write these Lessons I just referred to my 'BULLET POINTS' and started "filling in the blanks".. TALKING about each POINT until I was finished... but instead of using the "reporter's method" of writing, I used the last method of writing I'll be discussing: The "Brain Dump".

The "Brain Dump" Method of Writing and Creating Your ContentThis method of writing is painful... mentally, that is.After creating your outline and you start your writing, you must delve and dig and pry open the deepest recesses (hey, clear those cobwebs!) of your mind and EXTRACT, sometimes painfully extract, every last nugget of data and information contained in your brain about that particular point - the bullet point you created earlier.The only time I use this method (I'm using it right now) is when you're creating an extremely HIGH VALUE and "exclusive" course of materials in your field of expertise. Why? Because you'll be giving you reader the "ultimate" information product - just about every conceivable piece of knowledge, wisdom and secrets YOU POSSESS.And if you don't think that's painful!

Like I said, this is the HARDEST way to write, because you are leaving no stone un-turned... you are giving it ALL and THINKING REALLY HARD about the subject and not holding anything back... you are going into the depths of your innermost mind and if necessary, with force, drag ALL the wisdom and knowledge you posses, screaming and kicking, to the surface of your brain, and finally type it on the computer in front of you.

Try it sometime... Just make sure you're near your bed when you're done, so you can collapse without breaking any furniture when your 'brainware' freezes up and you fall to the ground writhing in pain :-)Moving on...

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Let's say you have an idea for a book or special report or other information product. Once you have the idea... what do you do next (aside from create it or have it created for you)?... How do you get that idea into a position where it can be marketed successfully?Well, for starters you have to know where your product is going to fit into the marketplace and the position you'll take when presenting it to potential buyers.As far as I know the following is a totally original way to look at POSITIONING information products in a crowded market or any market - even totally new markets.

Positioning Your Information ProductEvery product you have ever purchased found a "POSITION" in your mind... it created a "feeling" and "PLACE" in your mind...In order for a product to gain acceptance in the market there must be something about the product that is ALREADY familiar to the prospective buyer... it must have a familiar design or color or set of features or 'feeling' or whatever.You've probably run across a product that just 'spoke' to you. You understood it... and because you 'understood it', you wanted it.You've had this experience: You meet someone for the first time, but you feel like you've known them your whole life!

Well certain products are like that too... there's something about them, something so familiar you could swear you've seen it before but that would be impossible because it's BRAND NEW!

A product like that gets readily accepted into the marketplace without struggling for a position.You must have a sense of the market you are targeting and whether the book or report you're considering is positioned correctly.

I use what I call positioning 'frames'. Positioning frames allows me to size up the market and see where there are 'gaps' in the current marketplace so that MY product gets accepted easily.

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For example when I look at a marketplace in which I want to pursue a publishing project I automatically 'frame' other marketers offers and determine their positioning when reviewing their sales copy.

Phrases used in their sales copy indicates to me the 'positioning' taken by the publisher within the market. I simply 'pull out' the positioning quotes from their sales copy and create a simple listing of the various books in the marketplace.

My list may look something like this (each quote taken from the publishers sales copy and the 'frame' it fits into in brackets following):

· "The best resource, all-in-one, comprehensive, etc" (all-in-one resource frame)· "What no one else will ever tell you..." (hidden secrets frame)· "Insider details never before revealed…" (insider frame)· "Recommended and used by" (expert endorsed frame)· "How to, step by step" (blueprint frame)· "Beginners guide, easy to use" (beginners frame)· "Advanced information" (advanced info frame)· "How I did it, and you can too" (my story frame)

Some publishers will combine 2 or more of these positioning frames, but normally only one will dominate.

When selecting your position in the market ALL the elements of your project have to coincide - work harmoniously - to support the position.What do I mean by that?

You can easily tell products that are not positioned correctly because they use one type of frame, say the Blueprint Frame, but the graphics that are used look like they belong to the Beginners Frame.This creates CONFUSION in the minds of your prospects! And we learned in Lesson 1 that a confused person does not buy anything, they just keep looking.

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Once you select a main positioning Frame you have stick to that frame and use it to create your graphics, book format and sales copy… they must work together to create the total selling environment for that product.

Why do this?

If you select a position… and don't create an environment in which the customer can feel comfortable in, you create confusion in your customer.This is bad.You want your potential customer to be able to grasp in seconds where your product fits into their selective personal universe so they can say to themselves, "oh, it's an 'insider' report…" or "oh, it's about his story…" , etc…

Potential customers need to be able to grasp what you are all about (to size up the environment you've created to sell your product) within seconds or you've lost them.

SHOUTING, YELLING and ANGERWhat do you do if you've tried everything to get your words on paper or typed into your computer and you just don't get anywhere... not exactly writer's block but you're are definitely stuck on what to say.Get out of your chair and start SHOUTING.YELL.Get ANGRY.I'm not kidding... not at all. You need to get yourself up and out of your chair and yell, shout and scream. It's doesn't have to be anything specific... just YELL, but keep in mind (I mean actually in your thoughts) the subject you want to write about.It works and I don't know why... but maybe just the ENERGY you're creating by shouting will move you forward and ideas will start coming into your head.What else can you do?Another thing I do is move my arms and legs fast and violently... sometimes I do it while I'm yelling.. the combination works better than JUST yelling or JUST moving about.

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I used to practice martial arts so I do a routine while I'm yelling or I just start 'punching' the air. Weird huh? Of course, while you're doing this... make sure you're alone! For some reason that I am not aware of, people will think you're slightly ODD if you do this in the presence of others ;-)But.. it works. At least it works for me. The reason, maybe, is that the energy that is inside of us needs to be released perhaps before it will flow into our minds, hands and fingers, I'm not sure.Here's another thing about writing:Don't 'discuss' your ideas, the one's you're going to write about, until AFTER you've written them down.It seems like if you verbalize all the ideas you have in your mind BEFORE you've written them down that they will never actually get written... because you've already used that energy by TALKING about them. SO when it's time to write about them, all the energy is gone and dissipated.So, my advice is to keep the ideas you want to write about in your head... until it's time to get them on paper or typed into the computer. Because if you start talking about them before you've written them down it's like popping a balloon - all the pressure and energy has been wasted and there's nothing left.

What To Do Now!

Here's what you need to know:Ask yourself the question:"What difficult problem have I had to deal with recently that I found a reliable and easy solution to?"If you don't already have your own information product, this will the basis of your very first one! it's the EASIEST way to get started!

Go tot next Lesson Module #1 Lesson #4

Shane & Roy:)

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