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Guvnor presentation jervis liu

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Guvnor Jervis Liu
Page 1: Guvnor presentation jervis liu


Jervis Liu

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What is Guvnor?

● Business Knowledge Management System● Application to manage business knowledge

○ Business Rules (BRMS)○ Business Workflows (BWMS)

● Accessible through○ Browser○ REST webservice

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Why would I need a BRMSlike Guvnor?

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Use case: mortgage

● Mortgage approval● Mortgage rate calculation

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Programmers are not domain experts

DiplomaComputer science



John Unfindable Smith

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Domain experts define rules

● Mortgage manager == domain expert○ defines rules○ wants to edit rules

Invalid: must be a number

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Too complexNot flexible enough

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Business rules change often

when house near Fukushimathen ...

when guarantor invested in Lehman Brothers stockthen ...

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Only works for data changes

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Too slow for business rules changes

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Possible through Guvnor

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How do I define my data model?

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●POJO modelUpload a Java JAR file into Guvnor

●Declarative modelDeclare a model within Guvnor


Business Model

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Business ModelPOJO Model

Uploading a POJO model

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Business ModelDeclarative model

Declarative model editor

● Add CEP support to your classes1. @role(event) annotation2. Add to POJOs or declared types

● Example types:

1. Loan Application2. Applicant3. ...

● Example fields:1. LoanApplication.amount2. LoanApplication.approved

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Business ModelDeclarative model

Declarative model editor

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Business ModelDeclarative model

Adding a new Type● Types can extend Java classes● Types can extend other declared types

Adding a field to a Fact

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Business ModelEnumerations

●Java enumerationsDefined in POJO model

●Guvnor enumerationsDefined declaratively in Guvnor

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Business ModelEnumerations

Guvnor enumeration editor:

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Business ModelEnumerations

Guvnor enumerations:

● Restrict any domain field● Dependent enumerations

● Pull content from external source

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How do I define my business rules?

Authoring rules

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●Web-based editor

●Web-based templates

●Web-based decision tables

●Domain Specific Language

●Free-form DRL

Authoring rules

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Authoring rulesWeb-based editor

Web-based editor:

● Visually define individual rules quickly and easily

● Supports a wide sub-set of Drools Expert DRL features1. all of the following are true2. any of the following are true3. nested model accessors4. from5. accumulate6. collect7. CEP8. etc

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Authoring rulesWeb-based editor

Web-based editor

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Authoring rulesWeb-based templates

Web-based templates:

● Visually define multiple rules quickly and easily

● Extension of Web-based editor

● Define parameters in rules

● Backed by a table of data to build individual rules

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Authoring rulesWeb-based templates

Web-based templates (editor)

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Authoring rulesWeb-based templates

Web-based templates (data)

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Authoring rulesWeb-based templates

Resultant rules

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Web-based decision tables:

● Visually define multiple rules quickly and easily

● Rapid construction using Wizard

● Extended entryValues are held in the decision table

● Limited entry Values are held in the column definition

● Expanded form

● Mergable cells

● Grouping of rows

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Using a Wizard

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Extended Entry

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Limited Entry

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Expanded form● One row for each combination of conditions● Condition 1 with 3 values (25, 30, 35)● Condition 2 with 3 values ("AA", "OK", "Sub prime")● 3 x 3 = 9 rules

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Merging cells

Grouping cells

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Decision table analysis

● Impossible matches○ 1 row can never match

● Conflict detection○ 2 rows match at same time for certain ranges○ and contradict each other

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Authoring rulesWeb-based decision tables

Resultant rules

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Authoring rulesDomain Specific Language

Domain Specific Language:

● Define domain specific sentences for use in rules

● Include DSL sentences in rules

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Authoring rulesFree-form DRL

Free-form DRL:

● Cutting edge Drools Expert syntax 1. Backwards chaining2. Declarative agenda3. Traits

● Some people (developers) just prefer it

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How do I check the quality of my rules?

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Test Scenarios

● Validates your decisions ● Guards your knowledge

● Rules specify what decisions to make with the given data○ When the data exists. Then do the following

● Test scenarios validate that the knowledge base does what is expected

○ Given we have this data. Expect the following to be true

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Overall report of test statuses and coverage

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Single ScenarioA 17-year-old should never get a loan, even if he has an income source.

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Failing ScenarioIf a change in the future will break the knowledge base. Allowing loans for underages. This test scenario will pick it up.

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Rule Analysis

● Looks for errors in the rule logic and mistakes made by the rule authors

○ Redundant and subsumptant rules○ Missing ranges○ Rules that can never fire○ Rules that always fire○ Rule optimization

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Rule Analysis Report

Example report warning about missing ranges and missing rule conditions.

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How do I define workflows?

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Web-based BPMN2 authoring● Guvnor integration with jBPM5 Web Designer allows:

○ editing/creation of fully-executable jBPM5 processes○ viewing the source of the process in different formats (png, pdf, json, bpmn2, svg)○ automatic creation of human-task forms (fully executable in jBPM console) ○ creation of jBPM workitem definition configurations (via custom editor, similar to

sprint context editor)○ visual process validation○ automatic installation of assets from the jBPM Service Repository○ ability to convert jBPM3.2-based process definitions to BPMN2

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Where does Guvnor fit into my infrastructure?

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Jackrabbit Repository Configuration

● All assets are stored in a content repository (JCR 2.0 compliant)

● Configuring different repositories is possible● Default repository implementation is Apache Jackrabbit

● Jackrabbit allows repository to be stored ○ File System (default)○ External Database (Oracle, MySQL, etc)

● Configuring Jackrabbit is often tedious mainly because of limited or not-existing documentation

● Guvnor Admin section includes a repository configuration widget that helps with configuration creation.

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Jackrabbit Repo. Configuration (2)

● BRMS 5.2 repository configuration widget:

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Jackrabbit Repo. Configuration (3)

● Guvnor repository configuration widget:

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Jackrabbit Repo. Configuration (4)

● Guvnor repository configuration widget:

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How do I release the knowledge?

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Releasing the knowledgePackaging

Assemble required assets into a single deployable unit

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Releasing the knowledgeVersioning

Both assets and packages are "versioned" in the Guvnor

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Releasing the knowledgeLifecycle management

Change the status:

Create status (life cycles):

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How do I use the knowledge?

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Using the knowledgeThe Knowledge Agent

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Using the knowledgeThe REST Interface

The Guvnor repository back end can be accessed via Rest and WebDav. REST Examples:

URL Mode Produces Mime-

TypeConsumes MIME-Type



GET application/atom+xml none Returns the metadata of the package {packageName} as an Atom Entry.


GET application/jsonapplication/xml

none Returns the metadata of the package {packageName} as Json or XML


GET application/octet-stream

none Returns the compiled binary of the package {packageName} as a binary stream


PUT application/atom+xml none Updates the metadata of package {packageName} with a given Atom Entry.

/packages POST application/atom+xml application/atom+xml Creates a package from an Atom Entry. Returns the newly created package in Atom Entry format

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Spring Context Editor● Allows to create and manage Spring Context files:

● Spring contexts have own asset type:

● Retrievable via REST API by clients.● Easy to create custom editors for integration with other


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Embeddable Asset Editors● Guvnor provides a set of Editors to author assets● Asset format determines the Editor used● Some existing editors:

○ Guided Rule Editor○ DRL Editor○ DSL Editor○ Decision Table Editor○ Spring Context Editor○ jBPM5 Workitem Definition Editor○ ...

● Guvnor also has the ability to embed asset editors in client applications

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Embeddable Asset Editors (2)● Embedding enabled via StandaloneEditorServlet● Client applications must perform request to

/standaloneEditorServlet and can interact with the embedded editor(s) via JavaScript.

○ Restriction – since JavaScript is used, client application must run on the same server as Guvnor (cross-domain interaction only)

● 100% community contribution● Three interaction modes available:

○ Guided Rule editing mode (new or existing assets)

○ Asset Editor (existing assets only)○ New asset mode

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