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Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground

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  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    Even f)eelrer UndergroundThe second instalment to Gang War 3's campaign

    By Tom NevytonFor thase of you ufiio were Jortunate and tnsiglttful enough to purcbase issue tbree of Gangwar trtk is a continuation of tbe Deeper (Jnderground campaign, Many oJyou may u;ell baaestarted to deoelop the campaign along your ouvn lines to suit your oum sqile of plajt, uhichis great. Sorne of you ruay baue missed. last issue's introduction and t tis ma! se/ve u;ell asa couple of stand apart scenarios. But, for tbose ofyou usbo are eager to see tbe eaents intbe Hindsk biae unfold and. wisb to tap tte rnysteries of the Keeper and tlte Brotlterhood oJOdo, look nofurtben..NEW TERRITORIESIn the nightmare hive ofHindsk, it is vital that eachGang Leader is responsible forfinding food and shelter for hisgang. I've compiled a newtable of territories along withsome old ones from theOutlanders rules. You may findthat there are territories whichhave similar names or rules toexisting ones, don't worrybecause you'll only have to usethem for this campaign.Territories are determined byfirst halving (rounding up) thenumber of fighters in yourgang. This represents howmany territories you mayoccupy at once. You mayabandon a teritory if it is notvery good (i.e. if you roll up AirDucts three times, you maywant to do this!), but you canonly abandon one territory at atime, and then if you end upwith another bad place, youmust spend at least one tufn inthat area. Otherwise, thiswould just result in peoplerolling, and re-rolling untilthey get four Spaceports, orsomething like that. Hindsk isvast, so it is possible to occupythe same territory twice. Manyof these territories (names and

    rules alike) have appearedbefore in either Necromundaor Outlanders. The idea of meintroducing special new ruIesand names for territories is togive the player an idea of thederelict and alien environmentof the lost hive.

    GRUB'SUPIn addition to the amount ofcredits generated from each ofthe territories, there are alsoFood Points. In the more'civilised' hives of Necromundafood may be expensive but isusually readily available.Hindsk is an old abandonedhive, the vast majority of itspopulation destroyed by acatasrophe, so all availablefood has either been scavengedby the few survivors or rottedaway. Returning to Hive Primusis out of the question as eachof the gangs taking part arewanted by a far moreintimidating force than theGuilders - the Adeptus Arbites.Each gang now has to foragefor food such as edible fungalgrowths and feral animals.After each battle roll 1D6 foreach model in your gang. Thisis similar to foraging, exceptthat every gang member has to

    do this if they want to survive.You must roll equal to or lowerthan the ganger 's lni t iat ive.This represents each modelfinding enough food tonourish themselves fo r oneday. If this is failed then theganger has failed to findsufficient food to sustainhimself. This is where the FoodPoints come into play Add upall of the Food Points of all ofyour territories and rhis givesyou the sum ofsubsistence thatyou may spend on your gang.Determine how much a ganger

    1 The fighter is at -1 WSuntil he passes his next foodtest.2 The fighter is ar -1 BShe passeshis next food test.3 The flghter is at -1 S untilhe passeshis next food test.4 The fighter is at -1 T untilhe passeshis next food test.5 The fighter is at--1 I ufltilhe passeshis nex lood test.6 The fighter is at,1 Ldhe passes his next food test

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    D5611 Air Ducts D6,D6

    12-13 Sewer Outlet lO/D3L4 Mine Shaft rO/2D6 In addition to the stated income of the mine a ganger maybe sent to the lower levels to investigate.RoII 1D6:

    1 - The ganger does not return, perhaps he was eatenby something!2 -'fhe ganger returns empty handed.I - The ganger finds D6 Food Points.4 - The ganger finds D6 creds.5-6 - You may roll on the Arcane weapons table

    1,J-16 vastes 10/102l-22 Collapsed 10+D6lD6Infrastructure23-25 Plaza 1O/D6

    26 Warehouse 5+D6D637 Extraction Plant D6/IO32 poison-pool* 5/2D6 *The inlet pipe to this fetid pool spewsa stream of effluentinto the pool. By using steel rope nets you can dredge thepool for useful items. Roll Ld6:

    1-3 - You get a load of sludge and nothing else!4 - You find scrap worth D6 creds.5 - You find scraP worth 1O creds.6 - You may roll on the Arcane weapons table

    33-35 Tunnels 5/536 Open Gutter 10+D6l10+D647-42 Cooling Unit D6/tO

    43 Abandoned*x 2D6/15 *xThis area has fluctuating levels of radiation which canReactor Core become dangerous.After each batde roll 1D6:1-3 - The levels are too low to cause a problem4-5 - Every member of the gang takes a Strength 3 hitwith no saves- roll for any iniuries immediately.6 - Every member takes a Strength 4 hit with no savesand must make a successfulToughness est orpermanently lose 1 point of Toughness!

    44 Fusion plant*x ZD6/2D6 **SeeAbandoned Reactor Core.45 Factory Stack 5+D6/5+D646 Ruined Dome 2D6/1.O51 Refuse River* 4D6/O *See Poison Pool above.52 Sewer Channel+ 2O/O *See Poison Pool above.53 Antemae Cradle D3+5/D654 Comm-Uplink L5/1.5t5-r6 Computer Core 1O+D6D661-62 Power-Plant** 5/3D6 x*SeeAbandoned Reactor Cofe.63 Cooling Towers 1O/2D664-65 Spaceport*x* D6/4D6 **+This territory is rich in Archeotech but is highly unstable.Ifwhen rolling for Creds you roll any doubles the areacollapsesand becomes wastesfiom then on,66 Crashed .r^11*** D6/2D6 ***See Spacepon.

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    fails his foraging test by andthis is the amount that must bededucted from the totalamount of Food Points thatyou have in your stash (NOTE:unlike credits in Necromunda,which are generated per turn.Food points diminish in eachterritory until there is none leftThe credit system, however,s t i l l func r ions as i t d id i nNecromunda).Alternatir.ely, vou could sendanother member of the gangwho passed the initial food testlast time to trv and find enoughfor his comrade. In doing thisthe generous gang membermust deduct -1 from his nextfood test.In the event that a gar'gmember has not fulfiled theobligations of the food test youmust roll on the StarvationTable and apply the result.

    Before embarking upon tbenext scenarios in tbecarnpaign it may be a goodideafor tbe players to play outa feut of the standardscenarios from tbe rulebookjust to get themselues a bit ofexperience as tbe going isabout to get tougb...

    Scenario3:A Shot in the Dark...During the night, your gangwas assaulted by a mysteriousassailant bearing an exoticheary weapon firing highvelocity shells. The figure wasclad in arcane armour andwore a distinctive badgeunmistakably an agent of theImperium.Fonunately, no one was killed,and the attacker dissapeared asmysteriously as he hadappeared. He has driven you

    down into a bottle neckwaiting to pick off your ganglater. The street ends at theentrance to an undergroundpassage and having no otheroption you lead your gangdown into the unknown...TERRAINYou will need to have access tothe card floor plans from SpaceHulk or 'Warhammer Quest.The tabletop needed to laythese out should be 12" by 36and an exit point should bemarked in the centre of theboard edge from where thegang(s) start.NEW ROOMSThis scenario requires you tonavigate through an unknownmaze of corridors and tunnelsto the exit that was detected byyour leader's dopparay-magnetic scannef (nou tbat

    GRIG FUNCHED under tbe beauy lire spelainglbe arcane ueapon utlelded by theImperial sbrine. Steadillt, rising up from bishiding place, Grig scuttled along tbe lengtb ofthe half-pipe. daring tbe sbards of aspbalt tbatbis aduersary's pouerful cannon cburned up.Taking careful aim, be alloued tt split-secondfor his bionic eye-fitters lo adjust beforesqueezing tbe trigger ol his Plasnta pistol andlettlng a burst of concentrated super-beatescape from bis firearm. Tbe u)hite-bot burst ofplasma melted a statue of tbe Emperor, andstruck the attacker in tbe face. There was abrigbt flash. Standing triumphantl)), GriBsurueled tbe spire. uaiting for the smoke tocleaxAfigure clad in steaming. ornate jade ar/nouradorned u)ttb wbat appeared to be some kindof Imperial seal and uteartng a distinctiaeiuoty, daemonic sleull-mask rose Lo its feet.Whateuer it uas it had suruiued a plasma boltat marcimuft, power Ihe figure raised lts hugebarrelled weapon ancl scanned the scme forpossible targets. Gritting hk teetb andBesluring to his comrades, Grtg scurried offi:ffit:;f:..,.* teaatng ipplesoffihby water

    mlsterious assailant. Grtg's mind raced. Somesort of bounty hunter? Here? In a deserted,Zornbie ridden biue? Who utas lefi aliae to hiresucb a killer? Surely it couldn't be an Arbitesagent that bad follouted tbem? Tbey hadynasbed tbe tubecar after use and trauelled sofarfrom Hiue Pimus lhat lhey uere conuincedtbey would be safe. Maltbe he, or it, uas tryingto deJmd tbeir bome. Anryay, shoot first, askquestions later - tbe second most importantrule ol Underbiue suniua! (the lirst rule is tobe someutbere eke tuben the sbooting stails!).He primed the mergt cetlsof bis ptasma pistol,cornforted bjt tbe reassuring humming ofpouer building up inside. His gang tueretaking couer in a gutter, croucbing in tbe loulsmclling ffiuuium, as tbe shells tabined past.Some of bis comrades, bouteuer exerched tbebetter part of tbeir aalouti and returned flre.Following the trajectonl of the incomtng fire.Grlg guessed. tbat tbeir attacker must bepositioned someruhere btsh up. He spotted asbadouy mouernent on tbe distant spire of an

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    1 Straight Corridor2 Ieft Turn3 Right Turn4 Cross Roads5 T-junction6 Long straighr(2 x Straight sections)

    on the Random Events Thble tosee what, if any, beasties areencountered.GANGSIt would be far easier to runthis scenario individually foreach of the gangs involved withthe arbitrator taking conuol ofthe random encounters. Thatsaid though, and provided youhave access to enough cardplans, you could run thisscenario for as many gangs asyou desire all at once (theyhave all been chased by theInquisition to this specific areaof the Hive). That would allowthe race out of this sector tobecome very competitive andallow the gangs to hampereach other on the wayIf running this scenario formultiple gangs you will need aseparate entrance point fo reach of them. Each ganginvolved should roll a dice atthe start and the highestscoring gang may staft firstworking in descending order.ENDING THE GAMEThe game ends as soon as thegang(s) reaches the exit point

    on the tabletop. There is noloot or treasure to find, yourleader is only concerned aboutgettifig away from a cenainskull-faced psychopath...The ob1'ective is to reach theexit on the board within sixtufns.EXPERIENCEExperience is earned as statedbelow:*D6 Survives.If ^ gangfighter survives thebattle then D6 points are

    earned. Even fighterswho are wounded andtaken out of actionreceive experience fortaking paft.+D6 Killing a Beastie. If agang fighter kills arandom encounter

    beastie he receivesD6 points.+1O Winning Qang Leader.The first Gang Leader toreach the exit point(or if there is only onegang running, if they doso within six turns)earns an extra 10 points.

    u.)as a stroke of luck be bad.one on bim! - Ed). Using thesame principal of roomchanging as in WarhammerQuest and the first scenario,(Depot Raid from issue threeof Gang War). The squares onthe floorplans are used toindicate movement - oflesquare is one point of move.Each gang leader holds theflashlight for this scenario, andeach model may run, only if allmodels are present in the sameroom at that time. This ruleshows the leader stoppingevery now and then to see ifeveryone is alright. Modelsmay be held up, if they werebusy fighting a cfeature of ifanother model has a fastermovement.At the end of each turn rheplayers should each make a roll

    D6 Resultl-2 l\orlhing happens3-4 Rat Attack! The gangis attacked by D3 GiantRats.

    5 Spidet Attack! Thegang is attacked by D3'Wolf Spiders.6 Zof,ibie Attack! Thegang is attacked by D3Zombies.

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    Eam De eper u nd.ergro u n d

    Scenario4:Pit }lasterAfter managing to lose vourmysterious assailant in thernaze of tunnels _vou discor-eran ancicnt chapel to rest in.Unfortunately the chapel isalready occupied by somevicious looking Pit Slaves anclScum. Un d e r ov r ruhe lm ingodds, your gang has beenquickly subdued and your

    leader dragged of f to whoknows what fate.TERRAINAs this is a one-on-one pit fightthe only terrain that you willneed will just be the FightingPi t card room fromWarhammer Quesr. Failing thatany room or chamber x.ilisuf f ice as movcment isunnecessary.

    PIT FIGHTINGEach gang leader has toparricipare in a Pit Fight calledthe Pit Master Tournamentalthough, fortunately for them,only the final bout against theKeeper's champion is actuallyto the death (no-one's braveenough to tell HeadgrinderEhen to stop!). The terms fo rthe tournament are that thereare five group stages consistingof two combatants. The

    GRIG STARED IN aute. Tbe end of tbe tunnelbecame a corridar leading to tbe sanctutt of abeautifut sf:rine. Each taall uas dominated b1ta zuircdotu made from pieces af exquisitelypai*ted stained glass, amber, top6z afidrubies, uery rare stoltes and miner"als - Grigbad seen tbem before but only in books and ondata slides but neaerfor real, cailing out to bisinner sense of greecl as tbey uere. As beams oJIigbt filtered in from Necrotnunda's dirtyatft'zosphere and hit tbe prtsmJike windoustbE: plalted a cacapbo?ty of colours onto Grig'sTbelt could na longer be in tbe Und.erbiae,

    litbe, female figure grasping two sbort swords,Tbe second was clad in an asb wastecamouflaged smock bolding a tong staff,Prtmiilue ueaponr)), but appearances can bedeceiuing. He rahed bis pistok.'Don't trtoue,' Grig said. Inside, lte maraelledat bott bis oaice echoed around tbe ancientbuilding's walls.'Drop your tueapons and back auay.'Tbefigures starled to moue cautiously towardsbirn. Deliberately intending to miss, befired alott-pouered sbot ofl at lbe u)oman. tbatbalted ber progress-'l mksed on purpose. Now don't force me tocorrect my aim.'Grtg said dryty.'No, no.' said a cold uoice. 'I tbink it witl beyou utbo uilt be laying doton your weapons.'Grig uthirted round and uas confronted by apale, cloaked man standing directly bebindhim. Grig narrotued bis eyes as be gazed at thegloutingpendant around the m?sterious man'sneck. Suddenly a flasb of recognition bit him.He remembered he bridge and tbe bordes ofzombies. ln a blur he leuelled both pistols andfired bolts of pla"vna and laser. Tbe cloakedman's body seemed to glow a bigbt orangebue. Grig looked on witb a mixture of sbockand ause.The man grinned almost maniacalty andbegan to cbant in tubat sounded a mos!ancient and euil tongue. As tbe chanting rosein pitcb Grtg's mind uas assaulted by thefoulest of tisions. He dropped his pistols andheld bis ears tightly. but tbe borrific imagesincteased in tbeir intensity forcing bim toscreatn in agony. Then euerytbing Laent blark...

    not if tbere u'ere *indows, tbis mext be part ofHinsk spire, Grig tbougbt. The mixture of tbeuarm spectrum gaue tbe place a hedonistic,l4tzantine appearancer in stark contrast to thegotbic arches and... that imnense, bizarreconstruclion clirectty abead of them.Tbere was a buge conical shaped stnrcturetttbich appeared to be sowe sart af engine ornaehine corrstructed on tbe attar of tbe sbrine.A multitude of hoses.pipes and ualues snakedalong tbe floor, rusbing up ftom c-racks in tbegrou*l to join onto this colossal mainframe.Tbe biue, orzce known as Hindsk, utas a u,reek.No* anly tltis skeletal subsil-ucture, and someof tbe louter babitatlon leuels remained intact.Grig uon"dered batt a place as dellcate and. asbeautiful as thb could. saruiue wbat eaerapocal))ptic dkaster bad befallen tbe biue.The sound ctf sbarpened metal scralling againstcold ferocrete braught him to bis seasesaned inone lightninglast Jtuid mouement be uthippedout his pistols and pointed them in tbedirection ol tbis disturbance. The cyberneticirnplant in his qrc itrcreased tbe sltarpness ofbis uision, and be manle out tr0o peoplestandiflE before tbe ma.cbine. Tbe first was a

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    otbers all in rous wbicb stretcbed upuards lotbe ceiling. The room utas also cube-sbaped,u)ilh a rusl)l double-door in tbe far left comeradjacent to wbicb was a wincb pouered lift. Tbeotber cages utere inbabited by otber figures,some quietly garbling rubbtsh to themseluesubile otbers uere trJ)ing to lick small utater-droplets from the utires for nourishment.Amongst tbe otbers, Grtg recognised some of hisgang members sitting cramped, quietlJ)collecting tbeir tboughts. or being prodded andpoked by lbeir mad cellmates. He startedcounting lo see f anyone was missing. He couldmake out the tuoJuues. Npinski, and Pinkeye:tbey were a couple of columns aboue hlm. Hecouldjust see tbefaint outline ofNastikou in tbe

    GRIG \ HEAD HL|RT, Lears coated his ingleorganic 4)e. ubilst slatic. or sonze dkfuptorfield. interlered witb the other. Slcttuty hebecante aware of bis surroundings - be was insome kind of cell. the last tbing be rernembereduas the sbady figure of the Wyrd. He consideredbk situation - caplured b! an insane Wyrd uitbpouers ouer tbe dead uhilst on lbe run fromImperial agents ubo appeared to baue one oflheir top operaliues afler bim. Tbings were nollooking gootl. Not looking good at all.By btinking out the remaining tachrynat fluids,be managed to get a clearer uiew of bissunoundings. The cell utas a small cube ofmesb. barely large enougb to bold bis struggling

    The man laugbed loudly but wben he stoppedhis tone became deadly serious.'No. It ain't. Haue you seen tbe Keeper yet? TbeKeeper... Dark cloak and big nose?''You coulcl sqt that ue'ue been acquainled.'said Grig dryly.'We al l haue bere pal . 'said bis erstuthl lecompanion zoauing bis barul ro encompass allof tbe cells.'t bope that you're good in a fight, up close Imean. because tbe Keeper doesn't appreciate tbeuse of lirearms in tbe arena. It ruins tbe shou'.'said. tbe bunched man. yinning and disptaYnga row of broken lellow teetb.'Great, nou I'm figbtinglor my tife. and for bissick pleasure.' said Grig uitb resignalion.'And the entertainffient of hurtdreds of others.Nearly all the people left in this rat's ass of aruined hiue support tbe Keeper, and make uppart of bis priuale army. Tbose that speak outagainsl bim are ordered ro ftgbt eatb otber totbe deatb in tbe arena.' tbe small, disbeuelledold man leaned a little closer..'Tben there'speople tihe me. People ubo are parlof tbe reuolution.' Grig u.tas nlrigued.And ubo are your people?''We are the Brotherhood of Odo, all tbatremains of a mining compan)) sen! here fromrbe Squdt Homeworlds centuries ago. Tbere'sbeen an on going war bettaeen us and theKeeper more or lesssince the great catattropbe.But. tbere is also anolber more mysleriousplqter in lbis game..'Tbe double doors suung open, grinding againstlbe concrete floor and ecboing througbout tbelarge, clinglt room.'Wbat am I supposed to do?' Implored Grig o[ bisnewly fourul confidant.'Try to stay aliue and tae'll talk later!' laughedtbe old Squat. At tbat point. a tall man dressedin ash uaste camouflage smocks entered theroom. His face utas couered by a bbck mask.Grig recognised him immecliately. He strodeouer to Grig's cage and utorked at lbe ruslypacllock. Griggaue a sarcastic smile to tbe Squatnext to him as his captor wrmched bim out oftbe cell utitb surprtsing strengtb.'Yer in lhe first bout,' he said witb a sneer. Hepointed at the Squat. 'Yerfigbtin'him.'

    . He sau that his cell uas joined by many

    corner and Oumnrou the HeauJ) who uasprobably going to burst a blood uessel anymomenL Grigfelt sony for bim. be was beingprouoked by a gibbn'ing idiot nexl to bim, andalready tbe cage uas too cramped for bisconsiderable bulk. NexL o bim Grtg could bearCbestikou's grufl uoice bickering witb a small,beauily muscled, bearded man. He was more orlesspositiue that all oJ bis gang taere here.He uas considering their predicaTnent, u)hen aslubby finger jabbed at bis shoulder through agap in tbe mesb. Grig turned arul sneered. Tbeman rxexl to birn was dressed most bizarrely, besported a balaclaua witb goggtesand bis bowedform was couered in a dirty broun cloak, wbicbresembled an old solar sail once used onancient spacecraft. Tbe man spoke to Grig nolouder tban a utbisper.'You're new bere. bub?'. Grig nodded.'Tbm you uson'l knout uhat's in store or you.-'Anytbings better lban this.' Grig mumbled.

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    PIT IIASTER TOURNA}TENTGroup 1 Gronp 2 Quarter-tr'inal Semi-tr'inal tr'inal

    Gang l-eader tVsGang Leader 2

    Gang Leader 3VsGang Lcader 4Gang l-eader 5VsGang Leader 6

    Gang Leader 7vsGang Leader 8

    Victor Group I.+ Vslchtaal->

    Victor Group I+ V s G.imleyVictor Group f-+ VsKleeva +Victor Group I+ V s Stynx

    Vlctor Group 2VsWcor Group 2\. \Victor Ouertersv s +Victot Ouarters

    :vlctot ercupZ ,/v s aVictor Group 2

    Victor SemisV5Headgrindel

    Ichtaar 'The &rimal'Ichtaar is actually an undercover agent for the Inquisition andhas managed, thus far, to in-filtrate the Keeper's coven andfights for him in the pits as one of rhe renowned prize flghters.The Inquisitiofl needs to discover a lot more about the Keeper'splans before they can charge in guns blazing and are on thelook out for suitable 'expendable' recruits to help them tothese ends.

    Ld10WS B S S T4 >WEAPONS:

    5 4 2Armoured Gauntlets.

    SKfLLS! Dod.ge (Agllity Sl

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    will be enslaved and must fightas part ofthe Keeper's army Indoing this, they still take partin the campaign, but are underdirect orders from the Keeper.If you win the first round, youge t the choice of either alllngwith the Keepe! or for theInquisition who will makethemselves known later.If you manage to come uptrumps in the winner's bracketthe Keeper will unleashHeadgrinder 'The Masher ' ,who is the reigning Pit Fighterchampion.EXPERIENCEExperience is earned as statedbelow:*D6 Loses. lf a garg leaderloses a stage of thetournanent but surviveshe earns D6 points.+1O Winning Group 1.Each Gang Leader whogets through grouP 1 ofthe tournament earns10 points.+10 Winning a round.Each Gang Leader whogets through a roundearns 10 points.+1O Winning Quarters.Each Gang Leader whogets through the quafterfinals of the tournamentearns 10 points.D6+lOWinning Semis.Each Gang Leaderwho gets through thesemi finals of thetournament eafnsD6* 10 points.2D6 Winning the Final.+25 Ifa Gang Leadermanages to beat Head-grinder and wins the PitMaster's Toumament heearns 2D6+25 points!

    FINAL OUTCOMEThere are four possibleoutcomes at this stage in thecampaign. They ^te thefollowing:

    Lose group stage: AIIywiththe Keeper.Iflin group stage; Allywiththe Inquisition.

    f)rong Grimley 'The Reefcake'Grimley is a Sqriat warrior -from the Brotherhood of Odo.Needless to say,his people have suffered much at the hands ofthe Keeper and his bloodthirsty minions and would show anopponent that managed to better him in the pits considerablefespect.

    M W S B S S T ' S f l I A L d3 5 3 5 4 2 5 2 1 0WEAPONS: Massive Axe.SK|LLS: Berserk Charge (Ferocity Skill).PSYCHOLOGY: Immune to all Psychology.SAVE: Plate armour 4+.

    KleevaKleeva is a Scaly, armed with a gtgafltic axe with which he rendshis opponents aprt at close ranges. Kleeva hates the Keeprand his minions with a vengeance and is biding his time for themost opportune moment to strike.M I $ T S B S S T W I A L d

    WEAPONS: Massive Axe.SKlLLtl: Body Slam (Muscle Skill).PSYCHOLOGY: Immune to all Psychology.SAVE: Scales 5f .

    Stynx 'The Raneid'An heir of mystery surrounds the man known as Stynx.Obviously not indigenous to the Hindsk hive no-one can beassured of his true motives.M \ T S B S S T W ' I A I d

    IfUEAPONS: Double-handed sta.ffSKfLLS: Dodge (Aglhty Sktll),Disarm (Combat Skill).PSYCHOLOGY: Immune to all Psychology.SAVE: Mesh amour 5*.

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    Ileadgrinder'The llasher'Headgrinder is a huge Pit Slave, completely insane who gers aperverse and sensual thrill when ever he kills an opponent.Headgrinder has six mechanical arms, each ending in aparticulady nasty death-dealing contraption.


    Buzz Salg Claw; Hammerx2, Chainswordx2.Step Aside, Counter Attack (Combat Skill)Riller Rep (Ferocity Skill).

    PSYCHOLOGY: Immune to all Psychology.ISAVE: Armour Plating 3f Save.SPECIALRULES:Many Arms: Because he has many arms, Headgrinder mayuse all of his close-combat weapons at once.

    2D6)345678910l 1t2

    ResultReloadShotgun Shells(any type)BolasBolas LauncherDartgunDartAmmoCiwy BombMkl Plasma GunPlasma BatteryMk1 Plasma PistolGarrot Wire

    . Win Winner's bracket:Allywith the Squats.

    . Beat Headgrinder:You may choose your allies.

    I have arranged this part of thecampaign in such a way, thatnewer players will probablyeither be working for theInquisition, or the Keeper,both of which will provideessential items and skills,which you will need to finishoff this campaign. Moreexperienced players will be

    rewarded with being able toally with Krutfoot and theBrotherhood of Odo andperhaps glean some of theSquat's technology secrets. Thebattles that will follow whenyou are allied to the Squats willalso be substantially harder.After each battle you may sendyour gangers to the outlawTrading Post and may trade forcommon items as normalexcept that following afe neveravailable: Meltagun, Plasmaweapons, any Grenades or

    Grenade launchers, Missilelaunchers, Ratskin Maps andanlthing else the arbitratorconsiders would no t beavailable in Hindsk Hive.Ammo clips, Shotgun Shells,and Laser cells will enable anymodel using weapons which fitthese items to add +2 to theirammo rolls for one battle onlvARCANE WEAPONSThe Hindsk Hive is very oldand has been left in a state ofnear abandonment anddisrepair for centuries (andyou lhought the Underhivewas bad!). For this reason mostof the sophisticated equipmenthas long since broken down orbeen snatched up by theKeeper and his minions. Thereare, however, many arcaneweapons still in use and theseare sometimes available fortrade or can be found in thedark recesses of the Hive.Bolas: (or should that beBolai?) These consist of twoheary metal spheres linked bya long elastic cord or chain,which when thrown or

    BOLASShort Long To HitRange Range Short Long Str Dam Save Am.mo

    L2 36 O -2 Special 6+DARTGUN

    Short Long To HitRange Range Short Long Str Dam Save Ammo18 24 +2 +2 4 +1, 5+

    CMYY BOMBShort Long To HitRange Range SLgft Long Str Dam Save AmmoAs Grenade 3 r

  • 7/29/2019 Gw 04 Even Deeper Underground


    launched from a BolasLauncher, will wrap itselfaround th e limbs of anopponent, rendering him outof action for a turn. These wereused by the PD.F. for crowdcontrol, rather like a veryprimitive version of a glue gun.The PD.F. versions used fourcornerweights, linked to a netto trap as many people aspossible. Bolas shot from alauncher use these kind ofnets, and have r 2" template.When hit by a Bolas Template,the enemy model(s) will beensnared on a 4*, and willhave to spend an entire turnuntangling themselves. Theymay do nothing else duringthat time. Hand'thrown Bolascan only target single models.When throwing, the throwersuffers a -1 penalty to hit,because of the inaccuracy ofthrowing such a weighty andcumbersome obiect. Likegrenades, the range dependsupon the usef's strength.Dartgun: This is an extremelyold weapon, once used byGuild assassins for silent kills.It is, however, remarkablYaccurate, and there is no needto fit a silencer to one of theseweapons. Darts have littleaffect on personal armourthough, and in that respect arenot suited to gang warfare atclose ranges. Dart rounds, likeAmmo clips give the user thesame bonus when takingammo tests.

    Darts are near useless againstarmour and so all modelswearing any form of armourreceive an additional .{-l totheir saving throw.Ciwy Bomb: This is a crudeversion of the incendiaryfragmentation grenade, knownas a Frag. It is little more than abottle filled with petroleum orany other flammable spirit litby a rag fuse. The bomb canstill cause havoc amongstlightly armoured individuals,as the flying shards of glass arevery similar to the shrapnelproduced by Frags.Mark 1 Plasma Gun: This isa very old and unpredictableversion of the more modernweapon. The rules for thisweapon have been detailed inprevious 40K publications,such as Codex Chaos, and theLegion of the Damned. But forthose of you who don't knowthe rules they behave much inthe same way as a normalPlasma Gun, but the weapon'scells are far more erratic, andmay cause the gun tomalfunction. whenyou roll theSustained Fire dice consult thetable below.On a roll of aJam or a 3 on theSustained Fire dice, theweapon is destroyed and canalso no longer be used.Like Ammo Clips, PlasmaBatteries are essential forpowering Mk1 Plasmaweapons. Unlike Ammo CIiPs

    however, they do not give thesame bonuses on ammo rolls,you simply cannot fire a Plasmaweapon without a Batteryfitted.Gafrot Wire: This is a verycheap and simple weapon. It issharp and flexible, used bySpider Hunters for snares andtraps. It is so sharp, that it cancut through flesh and bone, ifthe pressure exerted on thetafget is gfeat enough.Assassins still often use aGarrot Wire thrower, a smallmechanism that can fit into thepalm of the hand. V/hen fired,the wire wraps itself aroundthe victims' limbs or throat,and with a brisk tug, the usercan cause horrific wounds.This is a simpler version of thefar more deadly Harlequin'sKiss used by the alien Eldar.In Close-Combat, if the resultis a tie, a model equipped witha Garrot Wire wi l l win,regardless of Initiative. If bothmodels have a wire, then theresult will be down toInitiative.WHERE NEXT?This is a fairly important stageto the campaign as itdetermines the eventualallegiance and direction eachof the participating gangs willtake. Each of the three pathsthat the gangs will embarkupon at this scage willeventually divide into otherpaths, and then even moresub-paths. I have planned thecampaign structure in a waythat there are five possibleendings, some good, some notso good, some triumPhant andothers... well, you know!Until next tinxe, may youauoid. tbe KeePer and retainltour eternal soul...

    Sustained Fire Roll Result1 Overheats and cannot be used next turn.2 Leaks plasma on a 4+ , tlae user takes D3 53 hits.J Explodes causing a 56 hit on the user.

    JAM Explodes killing the user.
