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g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of...

Date post: 05-Jun-2020
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For the schedule of Masses and Confessions; and for sacrament preparation information, please see the back of this bulletin. For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs aŌer office hours…. Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias...                                     Please call / Por favor llame: 951‐782‐7246 909.793.2469 www.theholynameofjesus.org g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àç The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community , one Church of many peoples, exists to praise and honor God, to embrace the dignity of every person, to grow together spiritually, and to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in Redlands, California. We challenge ourselves to deepen our unity as we move forward toward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas, existe para darle honor y Gloria a Dios, alimentar la dignidad de cada persona, juntos crecer espiritualmente, y a ser tesƟgo de La Buena NoƟcia de Jesucristo en Redlands, California. Los desafiamos a si mismos para mejorar nuestra unidadmientras tomamos pasos mas allá, hacia nuestra nueva casa de oración.
Page 1: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

For the schedule of Masses and Confessions; and for sacrament preparation information, please see the back of this bulletin. 

For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs a er office hours….

Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias...                                         Please call / Por favor llame: 951‐782‐7246

909.793.2469 www.theholynameofjesus.org

g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àç The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community ,

one Church of many peoples, exists to praise

and honor God, to embrace the dignity of every

person, to grow together spiritually, and to

witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in

Redlands, California. We challenge ourselves

to deepen our unity as we move forward

toward the vision of a new place of worship.

La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas, existe para darle honor

y Gloria a Dios, alimentar la dignidad de cada persona, juntos crecer espiritualmente, y a ser tes go de La

Buena No cia de Jesucristo en Redlands, California. Los desafiamos a si mismos para mejorar nuestra

unidadmientras tomamos pasos mas allá, hacia nuestra nueva casa de oración.

Page 2: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

En la Oficina de Jóvenes Católicos

hemos estado trabajando arduamente para

definir nuestra misión... nuestra visión...

nuestro propósito. Hemos dialogado sobre la implementación

de ideas de aceptación, relación y crecimiento en nuestra

jornada de fe. Estamos llamados a acercar a los adolescentes

a Cristo. Pero lo que se destaca por encima de todo es amar

como Cristo nos llama a amar. Ama a Dios con todo tu ser y

ama a tu prójimo como a mismo. ESTA es nuestra misión.

Al igual que Juan el Bau sta, todos estamos llamados a hacer

algo. Juan fue el mensajero; el llamado a preparar el camino

del Señor. Aunque Juan se sin ó indigno de hacerlo, Jesús

necesitaba que Juan lo bau zara para cumplir la profecía.

Jesús necesitaba a Juan el Bau sta tal como nos necesita a

cada uno de nosotros hoy.

En ocasiones puede ser difícil vivir una vida dedicada al Señor.

Puede estar llena de persecución. Puede estar llena de duda.

Puede sentirse como si el mundo estuviera en tu contra como

lo dice Jesús:

Si  pertenecieran  al mundo,  el mundo  los  amaría  como  cosa 

propia;  pero  como  no  pertenecen  al  mundo,  porque  yo  los 

elegí y los saqué de él, por eso el mundo los odia.  (Juan 15:19)

En la Carta a los Romanos, san Pablo nos pide que nos apar-

temos de las cosas que nos distraen de Dios:

Les pido, pues, hermanos, por la misericordia de Dios, que se 

ofrezcan como sacrificio vivo, santo y agradable a Dios. Este 

debe ser su autén co culto. No se adapten a  los criterios de 

este mundo; al contrario, transfórmense, renueven su interior, 

para que puedan descubrir cuál es la voluntad de Dios, qué es 

lo bueno, lo que le agrada, lo perfecto.  (Romanos 12:1-2)

¿Cómo podemos dar el ejemplo para que los jóvenes de

nuestra parroquia sean ese tipo de sacrificio... para que reflejen

lo que es bueno, agradable y perfecto para Dios? La semana

pasada, el Padre Hau les recordó a los padres presentes en

nuestra congregación la influencia que enen en sus hijos,

tanto buena como mala. También es responsabilidad de nuestra 

comunidad  eclesial  ayudar  a  guiar  a  nuestros  jóvenes  a  la 

san dad. Ellos son los futuros líderes de la Iglesia, y nos están

observando ahora. ¿Qué ven? ¿Oyen? ¿Aprenden? ¿Nos ven

ofrecernos como sacrificios vivos? ¿Ven que nos mantenemos

firmes en nuestra fe fuera de estos muros?

Hace dos semanas, Carlo Argo compar ó que el Tiempo

Ordinario no ene nada de ordinario porque nos estamos

preparando continuamente para la segunda venida de nuestro

Señor. Nos ayudó a comprender mejor cómo Dios nos trans-

forma a través de la liturgia para hacer que este empo sea

extraordinario. La semana pasada, Sharon Callon-Schwartz

compar ó cómo dar los primeros frutos de nuestro Tiempo,

Talento y Tesoro alimenta las semillas que Dios planta, y nos

invitó a ver el gran árbol que Dios imagina con esta pregunta:

¿Puedes imaginar lo que Dios podría hacer a través del Santo 

Nombre de Jesús con fondos de  empo completo y cientos de 


Tú y yo estamos llamados a hacer grandes cosas como

seguidores de Cristo. Aunque el mundo le dijo lo contrario,

Zacarías dio tes monio de su amor por Isabel y su confianza

en la voluntad de Dios al dar a su hijo el nombre de, "Juan".

Inmediatamente, Zacarías pudo hablar nuevamente y bendijo

al Señor. Debes saber y creer que Dios te dará TODO lo que

necesitas para cumplir tu llamado en este mundo si permites

que Él te guíe.

La misión de la Pastoral Juvenil es enseñar y mostrar a nues‐

tros jóvenes católicos cómo pueden ofrecerse como un sa‐

crificio vivo a Dios al ser el Amor de Cristo para el mundo.

Courageous para chicos de Junior High y Connect para jóvenes

de High School reúnen a más de 100 adolescentes católicos

con la aceptación y el ánimo para hacerlo. Siempre necesitamos

oraciones, fondos y ayuda — ¡todo se agradece!

Lo que es más importante, si su adolescente no ha asis do a

Courageous o Connect, aliéntenlos a que hablen conmigo o

tráiganlos a una reunión.

¡Hay un lugar para ellos en el Santo Nombre de Jesús!

Estamos en el Tiempo Ordinario…  ¡Vayan y glorifiquen al 

Señor con sus vidas!

Mat Troy

Director de Pastoral Juvenil del SNDJ


Isaías 49:1‐6 Te conver ré en luz para las naciones.

Salmo 139 [138] Te doy gracias porque me has escogido portentosamente.

Hechos 13:22‐25 De los descendiente de David Dios sacó al salvador Jesús.

Lucas 1:57‐66, 80 Isabel dio a luz a un hijo a quien puso por nombre Juan. 

Perspec vas


Courageous * Connect * Cadence

J‐High High School Young Adults

Page 3: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

We have been working hard in the Office of

Young Catholics to define our mission… our

vision… our purpose. We’ve gone back and

forth with implementing ideas of acceptance,

rela onship, growth in our faith journey. We are called to

lead teens closer to Christ. But the thing that stands out

above everything else is loving like Christ calls us to love.

Love God with all that you are and love your neighbor as

yourself. THIS is our mission.

Like John the Bap st, we are all called to do something.

John was the messenger; the one called to prepare the way

of the Lord. Even though John felt unworthy doing so, Jesus

needed to be bap zed by John to fulfill the prophecy. Jesus

needed John the Bap st just as He needs each of us today.

Living a life for the Lord can be difficult at mes. It can be

full of persecu on. It can be full of doubt. It can feel like the

world is against you, like Jesus says it is:

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As 

it  is, you do not belong to the world, but  I have chosen you 

out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  (John 15:19)

In the Le er to the Romans, St Paul urges us to set our-

selves apart from those things that pull our focus away

from God:

I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer 

your  bodies  as  a  living  sacrifice,  holy  and  pleasing  to  God, 

your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age 

but  be  transformed  by  the  renewal  of  your mind,  that  you 

may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing 

and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2)

How can we set the example for the youth of our parish to be

that kind of sacrifice - to reflect what is good and pleasing

and perfect to God? Last week, Fr. Hau reminded the fathers

in our congrega on of the impact  they have on their chil-

dren, both good and bad. It is also our Church community’s

responsibility to help lead our young people toward holi-

ness. They are the future leaders of the Church, and they

are observing us now. What are they seeing? Hearing?

Learning? Do they see us give ourselves as living sacrifices?

Are they witnessing us standing firm in our faith outside of

these walls?

Two weeks ago, Carlo Argo shared that Ordinary Time is

anything but ordinary because we are con nually preparing

for the second coming of our Lord. He helped us under-

stand be er how God transforms us through the liturgy to

make this me extraordinary. Last week, Sharon Callon-

Schwartz shared how giving the first fruits of our Time, Tal-

ent and Treasure nourishes the seeds God plants, and she

invited us to see the large tree God envisions with this

ques on: Can you imagine what God could do through Holy 

Name of Jesus with full‐ me funding and hundreds of volun‐


You and I are called to do great things as followers of

Christ. Although the world told him otherwise, Zechariah

witnessed to his love for Elizabeth and his trust in God’s will

by naming his son, “John”. Immediately, Zechariah was able

to speak again and he blessed the Lord. May you know that

God will give you EVERYTHING you need to fulfill your call-

ing in this world if you allow Him to lead you.

Youth Ministry’s mission is to teach and show our young

Catholics how they can set themselves apart as a living

sacrifice to God by being the Love of Christ to the world.

Junior High’s Courageous and High School’s Connect gather

over 100 Catholic Teens with the acceptance and encour-

agement to do this. We always need prayers, funding, and

help – all are appreciated!

Most importantly, if your teenager has not been coming

to Courageous or Connect, encourage them to talk to me

or bring them to a gathering. There is a place for them at

Holy Name of Jesus!

It’s Ordinary Time… Go and glorify the Lord by your life! 

Mat Troy

Director of Youth Ministry


Isaiah 49:1‐6 I will make you a light to the na ons.

Psalm 139 I praise you for I am wonderfully made.

Acts 13:22‐26 John heralded his coming by proclaiming

a bap sm of repentance.

Luke 1:57‐66, 80 John is his name.

2 Pastoral Perspec ves

Page 4: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,


Thank you for suppor ng my decision to serve as a Catholic missionary. As part of N.E.T. Ministries, I will travel with a team to share the Gospel with middle school and high school teens over the next year. I am

EXCITED to combat the secular culture I encountered in college— a culture of indifference about religion, agnostic if not atheist.

In order to serve on the N.E.T. Team, I had to raise $6,000 which is part of my food and travel costs for the next year. Your enthusiasm and generous financial support has given me a solid founda on and li ed my spirits!

If you would like to support my missionary efforts, please visit this site:   mission.netusa.org/giving /ministry-partnership-development

Please add my name under “Missionary Name”. All gi s are tax deduc ble.

Thank you for crea ng this amazing Church community with a strong parish school. I have been blessed to study and graduate from Sacred Heart Academy, and, to fur-ther develop my faith by par cipa ng in youth ministry ac vi es and serving at The Holy Name of Jesus!

Your sister in Christ, Jordan Mercado

La Parroquia del Santo Nombre de Jesús nos abre las puertas

y nos invita a la Fiesta Parroquial el 13 y 14 de Octubre.

La fiesta nos invita a dejar la rutina diaria, y a unirnos a nuestras familias y amistades y vivir juntos unos momentos alegres.

También se les invita a todos los que quieran par cipar en el

concurso para Reina o Rey de la Fiesta del Santo Nombre de Jesús. Está abierto para todos parroquianos de 6 a 80 años.

Por favor llamar a: Esther Ruvalcaba 951-452-6180 Maria Villegas 909-838-9709

Will you help?

Refresh & Renew provides showers to people who are homeless, and

have been providing this ministry at Rocky Point Church in Mentone on

Tuesdays, and in Redlands at Youth Hope on Wednesdays and Family

Services on Thursdays.

Holy Name of Jesus is partnering with Refresh & Renew to provide

the showers on Mondays at our Columbia St loca on in conjunc on

with our A.J.’s Kitchen Ministry that provides food to the hungry.

We are looking for at least 10 adults (male and female) to serve

from 10:30am – 1:00pm on Mondays:

1 On‐Site Volunteer Director & 4 Volunteers are needed every

week. We hope to create a strong team with rota ng volunteers.

Serving includes:

se ng up tables, chairs, easy-ups and hygiene supplies,

checking in guests with a smile,

handing out supplies,

cleaning the showers between guests, and

cleaning up and packing up when finished.

Training is: Thurs, July 5, 9:00‐11:00am

hands on training at Redlands Family Services

With your help, Holy Name of Jesus will begin serving: Monday, July 9, 10:30am—1:00pm

Holy Name of Jesus—Columbia St loca on

Please help “refresh the body to renew the spirit”.

To help, please contact me ASAP.

THNJ Parishioner, Rick Ferguson 909.362.2819

If you wish to donate supplies, please contact:  

Pastor Vern Hoffs 951.295.8795

The world’s greatest need is not more Chris ans but more Chris ans who prac ce their Chris anity.

Este mundo no necesita más cris anos, lo que hace falta es más cris anos que vivan su fe cris ana. —Anonymous


Teen Confirma on Program

Excellent Catechetical Programs * Inspiring Retreats *                          

Service through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy 

* One‐on‐One Spiritual Direc on  

Classes start in June, September, OR


Summer classes begin June 26th. Choose a class session that is most convenient for you!  

To plan your journey to Confirma on, call or text:

Monica Aguilar 909.534.6772

Carlos Uribe 909.747.2240

Register in the parish office OR online: theholynameofjesus.org/high-school-grades-9-12

Page 5: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

4 June 24, 2018: The Na vity of St. John the Bap st 909.793.2469 theholynameo esus.org


Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5

Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20

Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8, 9; Mt 7:21-29

Friday: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17

Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;

2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43

Every week, our offerings to the Lord fund the mission of the Church to share the

Gospel in Redlands through education, evangelization, and the spiritual and

corporal works of mercy.

Hunger, Sickness, and Suffering don’t take the Summer off. Neither do we.

179 parishioners fund our parish mission online. Will you?

Visit: t h e h o l y n a m e o e s u s . o r g click Online Giving OR contact: Sharon Callon-Schwartz (se habla español)

909.793.2469, ext 128 office 909.456.6991 mobile Email: [email protected]



The Gift of Treasure - El Regalo de Tesoro

June 17, 2018

Weekly Budget-Presupuesto semanal: $ 24,060.00

Weekly Offering-Ofertorio Semanal: $ 19,796.53

Total Deficit: ($ 4,263.47)

Total: June 2018

Budget-Presupuesto: $ 72,180.00

Offering-Ofertorio: $ 68,274.35

Total Deficit: ($ 3,905.65)

Total: July 2017 — May 2018

Budget-Presupuesto: $ 1,119,760.00

Offering-Ofertorio: $ 1,106,368.92

Total Deficit: ($ 13,391.08)

Have you ever thought of reading the Scriptures

and the Prayers of the Faithful for Daily Masses?

Consider offering your help every morning for

one week! We rotate readers on a weekly basis,

and, each reader usually serves twice per year.

We are always looking for a few new blessed

souls to help.

Daily Mass is at 7:30 AM, Mon - Thurs at Olive, and

Fri at Columbia; and, at 8:00 AM, Sat at Olive.

If you are interested reading for one week,                             

please contact:   Daily A.M. Mass Coordinator

Sally Padilla 909.855.6789

Catholics of African Descent

Holy Name of Jesus is offering a new ministry!

We are reaching out to Black Catholics, friends and families of

Catholics of African Descent, and even fallen-away Catholics

in the community for opportuni es to evangelize and

share cultural and religious experiences.

We will meet: Saturday, June 30 10:30 AM ‐ 12:00 PM at the OLIVE AVE ‐ ANNEX (building next to the Church)

We hope to provide increased opportuni es for pastoral, spiritual, educa onal, and cultural growth to Catholics of African Descent to help them to live out their faith authen cally Black and Truly Catholic. Our mission will include youth, evangeliza on, unity in

diversity, stewardship of resources, and development of leadership. Come join us and find out about fellow Catholics of African Descent.

All are welcome! 

Ques ons? Contact: Donia Brooks 909.647.7101

Page 6: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

We invite you to offer your Time in Prayer and Talents in Service to others. Please contact a ministry leader.

Le invitaremos a ofrecer su Tiempo en oración y su Talentos en servicio a otros. Favor llame un líder de ministerio.

Adoration of the Eucharist Mary Ann Smith 793-6191 Adult Sacraments (RCIA) / Sacramentos para Adultos (RICA) Monica Aguilar 793-2469 ext 129

AJ’s Kitchen Ken & Alice Jolly 709-1233

Annulments / Anulaciones Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128

Altar Servers / Monaguillos English: Mike Grothem [email protected] Español: Rafael Ortiz 521-6173 Arab Community Deacon Ayed “Eddie” Khader 521-4186

Baile Folklórico Cynthia Ventura 232-7395

Boy Scouts Troop 11 & Venture Crew 11 Ed Bonadiman 771-6430

Building Committee Greg Chandra 760-455-9345

Catholics of African Descent Donia Brooks 647-7101

Catholics Return Home Tim Corcoran, Dan Miulli 654-3193

Centering Prayer Jeannette Burkhart 792-2308

Cinema for the Soul Brandie Morrison [email protected]

Citizenship Classes / Clases de ciudadanía Rogelio Garcia 557-6579 CLOW: Children’s Liturgy of the Word (during Mass)

Martha Plumb, ext 136 (Bilingüe)

Consecration to Jesus through Mary Josette Letson 557-4150

Cub Scouts Pack 8 Jose Barr 619-961-8229 (Bilingüe)

Cursillos in Christianity Johnnie Walker 798-1191

Daily A.M. Mass Coordinator Sally Padilla 855-6789

Danzas de Guadalupe Irma Perez 801-9320 Eucharistic Ministers (Mass) / Ministros de la Eucaristía (misa) English: Web Prather 951-662-9064

Español: Jorge Mares 446-9611

E.S.L. Classes / Clases de ingles Carmen Hernandez 389-1595

Filipino Ministry Margie Alejandro 336-8496

Finance Council John Nolan 798-4185

Funeral Team Ministry Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122

Get On The Bus Teresa Nelson 800-3190

Girl Scouts Sarah Bonadiman 645-5807

Grief Support Ministry Linda Hunt 793-7848

Grupo de Oración Angelina Velazquez 951-941-4026

Pilo Montoya 951-505-2581

ICF: Italian Catholic Federation John Guerin 222-3372

Knights of Columbus Rich McCarty 792-8743

Lectors English: Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942

Español: Azucena Urquijo 553-5804

Marriage Preparation Couples Deacon Steve, ext 112 Matrimonios Renovados en Cristo Jesus y Engracia Sanchez 633-8097

Mensajeros en Jesús (adultos jóvenes) Nancy Esparza 435-1822

Music and Choirs / Música y Coros Carlo Argoti, ext 140

Nueva Evangelización Fidel y Asunción Canovas 810-0094

Obras de Teatro Lorena Barcena 345-0515

Pastoral Council Hunter Hodges 557-8210

Powerhouse of Prayer Parish Secretaries 793.2469, ext 110 Renewal Weekends / Retiros de Renovación Parroquiales Dcn Antonio & Emma Mejico 856-4340 Retiros Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos 838-8924

RISE Catholic Men’s Group Fr. Hau Vu, ext 113

Quilters for Life Charlene Hall 553-5929

Quinceañera Ministry Esther Ruvalcaba, ext 126 Scripture Studies / Estudia de la Biblia Tues evenings: Jesse Del Rio 908-910-7600 [email protected] Español (martes): Gregorio Gomez [email protected] Wed evenings : Charlene Hall 553-5929 Thurs mornings: Georgia Jennings 784-6144

“SHARE”- Feed the Hungry (1st Saturday/month offsite) Ashley Bean 951-313-7468

Small Faith Communities / Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe Karen Grozak [email protected]

Social Concerns Committee Esther Gamez 435-7063 (Bilingüe) Sunday Fellowship & Donuts Ministry

Bertha Shotwell 838-3430 (Bilingüe) Surviving Divorce Group

Francesca Nolan 798-4185 Susan Satzger 792-3915

Guadalupe Romero 951-242-4498 (Bilingüe) Ushers / Ujieres

English: Dominick Rossetti 389-4558 [email protected]

Español: José Muñoz 557-8436 Visitors to the Sick / Visitadores a los Enfermos

Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122 Wedding Coordinator Ministry / Coordinadoras de Bodas

Suzie Reeves 792-7523

Building Project Update

Did you know that our Church Community numbers 3,383 families?

Did you know that over the past 7 years we have welcomed

about 170 new families annually?

This growth trend will con nue due to planned development in the

ci es that currently consider The Holy Name of Jesus their church.

We an cipate that,

by the  me children born today graduate from high school,                           

our Parish will be comprised of approximately 5,235 families.

Our church campuses were not built

to serve the needs of tomorrow's families.

We are seeking those with vision and significant means to join us

in building a campus that will meet the needs of our

growing community. Opportuni es abound! Please contact us.

Sharon Callon-Schwartz * Director of Mission Advancement

909.793.2469, ext 128 [email protected]

Page 7: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

6 24 de Junio, 2018: La Natividad de San Juan Bautista 909.793.2469 theholynameofjesus.org


Lunes: 2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5

Martes: 2 Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Sal 48 (47):2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14

Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20

Jueves: 2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 7:21-29

Viernes: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9; 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

Sábado: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17

Domingo: Sab 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13;

2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mc 5:21-43

Mass Intentions ‐ Intenciones de Misas

June 23-24: All Fathers - Todos los Padres.

Monday, June 25 7:30am (O) Jean Vigne

Tuesday, June 26 7:30am (O) Carmen Segovia

Wednesday, June 27 7:30am (O) Dr. Dennis Flynn

Thursday, June 28 7:30am (O) Billy Vega 6:30pm (C) Moises Bautista

Friday, June 29 7:30am (C) Jose Jesus Guevara

Saturday, June 30 8:00am (O) Richard Whiteman 4:30pm (O) Richard Whiteman 6:00pm (C) Lorenzo & Isabel Rodriguez

Sunday, July 1 7:30am (C) Familia Laguna 8:00am (O) The Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners 9:00am (C) Kay Reilly 10:00am (O) Ary Espinoza 10:30am (C) Rosa Marquez y Familia 12:00pm (O) Alvaro Gonzalez 5:30pm (O) Louis Kalman Sr.

The sacraments of Christian initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist - lay the foundations of every Christian life.

We are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the Sacrament of Con irmation,

and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1212

Are you interested about the Catholic faith, but not sure if Catholicism is for you? Consider coming to RCIA - the process of Christian Initiation.

The RCIA process takes about seven months of discernment, studying, asking questions and counseling, and concludes with the reception of the Sacraments during the Easter season. We begin in September.

Are you a baptized Catholic who has not yet received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation? Consider attending Adult Classes.

The Adult Confirmation program consists of 12 classes, two of which are online. We offer two opportunities for you to start classes: September or January. Register online: theholynameofjesus.org/confirmation

Whatever your situation, we will work with you, so please call us soon:    

Monica Aguilar 909.793.2469, ext 129 [email protected]

¿Usted o alguien que usted conoce quiere aprender más acerca de cómo conver rse en católico?

¿Es usted un católico bau zado que nunca recibió la Primera Comunión y la Confirmación?

Comenzaremos el Período de Consulta para el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) en septiembre. urante este tiempo, se invita a las personas interesadas sobre la fe católica a reunirse en un ambiente cómodo donde puedan obtener respuestas a las preguntas que puedan tener sobre la Iglesia.

Es muy importante para registrarse pronto. Para más información, póngase en contacto con: Maggie Rodriguez-Moraza 909-793-2469, ext 110

Registrarse en línea! Visite:  t h e h o l y n a m e o e s u s . o r g

haga clic en “Online Giving”.

Si le gustaría asistencia, favor llame a:   

Sharon Callon-Schwartz (la güera) 909.793.2469 ext 128

Page 8: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

Our gi s to the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) fund ministries that feed, clothe, and assist the poor throughout                                  

San Bernardino and Riverside coun es. Funds also make possible diocesan workshops, adult forma on, training and more  

for 92 parishes; as well as directly suppor ng seminarian educa on and Catholic schools.   

To learn more about the DDF or to donate, please visit:    www.theholynameofjesus.org/community

2018 Weekly DDF Report Noticia Semanal del DDF de 2018

Parish Goal: Meta Parroquial:  Pledges Received: Las Promesas Hechas:  Funds Received: Donaciones Hechas: Number of Pledgers: Núm de Promesas:  

Pledges increased by: Promesas Incrementado: 

$ 172,200.00

$ 154,108.47

$ 87,086.72

605 = 18% of parish families

$ 50.00

New video series about the Eucharist… What do we believe and why?  

Subscribe to the Diocesan You Tube Channel or visit the parish website!

Healing Broken Hearts - One Weekend at a Time Pope Francis said: “God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it             

does not dissolve it. And a spark of divine light is within each of us.”

Some mes situa ons and decisions from the past can make us feel disconnected

and alone. If you have emo onal or spiritual wounds as a result of an abor on,

please consider a ending our next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: July 6-8. It’s an

opportunity for women and men to experience God’s love and mercy as He

touches each wound with his healing grace. Lives are restored and peace is found.

Par cipa on is strictly confiden al.                                                                                                

For more informa on, please visit: www.Rachelsvineyard.org OR

contact Mary Huber: 909-475-5353 [email protected]

Catechesis of the Good

Shepherd (CGS) CGS is our parish’s primary

approach for the religious for-

ma on of our young children,

ages 3-9 years. It is based in the

Montessori way of teaching in

which the children use materials

to express their understanding of

Scriptures and our faith practices.

Join us to materials, learn from 

experts, and experience CGS 


Yellow registra on forms are near 

the church doors. Carpool with us

from Redlands to Upland! Contact: Karen Grozak 793.2469, Ext 135 [email protected]

Page 9: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

Sunday Domingo

Monday Lunes

Tuesday Martes

Wednesday Miércoles

Thursday Jueves

Friday Viernes

Saturday Sábado

8 JUNE 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

For retreat details or to register, visit:

www.theholynameof jesus.org/ renew al -weekend

Does your Catholic faith need a boost?

What does it mean to be a member

of the Body of Christ today?

Attend a FREE Renewal Weekend Retreat…

at our own Olive Avenue campus.

Refresh and Nourish your faith. You will experience prayerful se ngs, dynamic

speakers, profound ritual and Mass, beau ful music, group ac vi es, and delicious meals with other members of the Body of Christ, including clergy.

All meals included. You will go home each night.

Next weekend in English is: August 17‐19, 2018 (ONLY 16 Openings le )

Space is limited. Please call the office or register online today.

Adult Bible Forma on with Loyola Marymount Bible Ins tute Graduate

Jesse Del Rio

Tuesdays 6:30‐8:00pm

Academy Room 7 FREE. Bring your Bible.

Topic: Book of Exodus

$ 8 dona on

per vehicle



JUNE 30th

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Page 10: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

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Page 12: g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àçtoward the vision of a new place of worship. La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas,

O A L (O / O ) 115 W. O A R , CA 92373

C S L ( / ) 1205 C S R , CA 92374

OFFICE HOURS / Horas de la Oficina: 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday‐Friday (lunes‐Viernes)

Baptisms ‐ Bautizos: 1st Saturday/mo; 1 ֯ Sábado de mes Pre-registration, county birth certificate & 1 class for parents & godparents is required. Pre‐registración, cer ficado de naci‐miento; los padres y padrinos deben asis r a una clase. 

Marriage ‐ Matrimonio: Call the Office; Llame la Oficina We require a minimum of 6 months prepara on (we recom-mend 1 year). Se requiere un mínimo de 6 meses de prepara‐ción (recomendamos 1 año). 

For Detailed Informa on and Request Forms, visit:

Para Más Información y Formas Requeridos, visite:

w w w . t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / s a c r a m e n t s

Sacrament Classes for Children ‐ Clases de Sacramento para Niños: We offer programs for PreK (age 3) through High School on Sundays and throughout the week; and 1 week of Vaca on Bible School in the Summer. Our High School program offers classes by semester - including Summer classes.

Please visit our website for program details and videos: w w w . t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / f a i t h ‐ f o r m a t i o n














Mass Schedule - Horario de las Misas




(or by appointment / o hace una cita)







The Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass.

Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Coronilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria.

Sacred Heart Academy — Academia del Sagrado Corazón                                Fully Accredited  *  Innova ve, Award‐Winning Teaching 

                                K‐8 Arts, Spanish, Music, Physical Educa on 

                                Programs for gi ed students  *  Jr High Elec ves 

                                  Partnering with Parents to Educate the Whole Child  

K ‐ 8th Grades: 909.792.3958 Preschool: 909.792.1020

www.sacredheartredlands.com Principal / Directora: Angela Williams

Vice Principal / Subdirectora: Maria Downey (se habla español)

School Business Manager: Ana Moreno (se habla español)

School Secretary: Ruby Barr (se habla español)

 A Ministry of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community 

Pastoral Staff / Personel Pastoral: Pastoral Coordinator Dcn. Steve Serembe, ext 112

Priest Moderator Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127 (se habla español)

Priest Ministers Rev. Hau Vu, ext 113

Rev. Yovanny Acosta, ext 114 (se habla español)  

Deacons Mike Bellinder, ext 122, Ayed “Eddie” Khader, ext 110 Antonio Mejico, ext 110 , Steve Serembe, ext 112

Business Manager Sherry Harder, ext 115

Director of Mission Advancement

Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (se habla español)

Director of Liturgy and Music Carlo Argo , ext 140 (se habla español)

Coordinadora de los Ministerios Hispanos

Esther Ruvalcaba, ext 126 (bilingual)

Parish Secretaries Maggie Rodriguez, ext 110 (se habla español)

Maria Butler, ext 118

Development Data Clerk Lucya Amezcua, ext 138 (se habla español)

Custodial Staff José & Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110

Faith Forma on ‐ Formación de Fe Director of Faith Formation (Baptism-6th Grade) Karen Grozak, ext 135

Faith Forma on Assistant Martha Plumb, ext 136 (se habla español)

Director of R.C.I.A., Adult and Teen Confirmation Monica Aguilar, ext 129

Confirma on Assistant Carlos Uribe, ext 134 (se habla español)

Youth and Young Adults ‐ Ministerios de Juventud: www.holynameym.com Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Mat Troy, ext 131

Youth Ministry Assistant Erick Marquez, ext 134 (se habla español)

909.793.2469 www.theholynameofjesus.org
