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Gxp Auditing Services 2010

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Copyright © 2010 Quality Compliance Partners, Inc. GXP Compliance Manufacturing and Supplier Audits include, but are not limited to: v – Good Manufacturing Practices v – Good Laboratory Practices v – Good Clinical Practices v Computerized Systems Audits v v With our expertise in GXP audits, can help all parties across the entire product life cycle, manage and improve the quality of their products in a globally consistent, reliable and efficient manner through services and solutions tailored specifically for life science quality assurance. The life science industry is faced with increasing regulation and guidance on efficacy, quality, and safety during the entire life cycle of their products. Quality departments are expected to control compliance of the product life cycle, from incoming goods to the delivery of finished product. Compliance audits of manufacturers of active and non-active ingredients, devices, device components, CMOs and producers of other raw materials and supplies Regulatory Compliance GAP analysis Pre-inspection assessments for regulatory bodies, e.g., US FDA, EMA, JPAL, etc. Audit Consultancy and training services GXP Auditing Services Compliance audits for suppliers to ensure optimal quality is delivered to clients Regulatory Compliance GAP analysis Pre-inspection assessments for regulatory bodies, e.g., US FDA, EMA, JPAL, etc. Audit Consultancy and training services
Page 1: Gxp Auditing Services 2010

Copyright © 2010 Quality Compliance Partners, Inc.�

GXP Compliance Manufacturing and Supplier Audits�

include, but are not limited to:�

v� – Good Manufacturing Practices�

v� – Good Laboratory Practices�

v� – Good Clinical Practices�

v� Computerized Systems Audits�



With our expertise in GXP audits,�

can help all parties across the entire product life cycle,�

manage and improve the quality of their products in a globally consistent,�

reliable and efficient manner through services and solutions tailored�

specifically for life science quality assurance.�

The life science industry is faced with increasing regulation and guidance�

on efficacy, quality, and safety during the entire life cycle of their�

products. Quality departments are expected to control compliance of the�

product life cycle, from incoming goods to the delivery of finished�


� Compliance audits of manufacturers of active and non-active�

ingredients, devices, device components, CMOs and�

producers of other raw materials and supplies�

� Regulatory Compliance GAP analysis�

� Pre-inspection assessments for regulatory bodies, e.g., US�

FDA, EMA, JPAL, etc.�

� Audit Consultancy and training services�

GXP Auditing Services�

� Compliance audits for suppliers to ensure optimal�

quality is delivered to clients�

� Regulatory Compliance GAP analysis�

� Pre-inspection assessments for regulatory bodies,�

e.g., US FDA, EMA, JPAL, etc.�

� Audit Consultancy and training services�

Page 2: Gxp Auditing Services 2010

Copyright © 2010 Quality Compliance Partners, Inc.�

Quality Compliance Partners, Inc.�

5519 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. #290�

San Diego, CA 92117�


Life Science companies are facing increasing financial pressures to produce an acceptable return on investment (ROI).�

The cost of product development is increasing and the level of R&D productivity has declined. At the same time companies are facing cost�

containment measures by their investors. Loss of patent rights adds financial pressure. One of the many strategic options that�

pharmaceutical companies are adopting is to fill their R&D pipeline with in-licensed compounds from other companies.�

Part of the process of in-licensing compounds/products is to manage the inherent risk. Increasingly, companies that in-license�

compounds/ products that are under clinical development want to manage the risk by understanding more fully the clinical programs. Are�

the current programs robust? Will any of the programs need to be repeated?�

Clinical audits encompass all aspects of the clinical development�


� - Comprehensive review of essential�

documents according to ICH GCP, Directive 2001/20/EC and�

client SOPs.�

� - Audits of pivotal or supportive studies�

involving single or multiple investigator sites on a worldwide�


� - Review of facilities, equipment,�

procedures and personnel, either pre-study or during study�


� - Pre-contractual audits,�

evaluation as preferred service providers or audits involving�

ongoing projects.�

� - Audit of a sample of data from a locked�

database according to either the client or QCP, Inc. Consulting�


� - Audits of clinical reports against client�

SOPs and ICH GCP requirements.�

�GLP audits of facilities, studies and reports�

�Assessment of laboratories for compliance with GLP regulations�

�GCLP audits of central laboratories handling human samples only�

�Audits of bioanalytical laboratory facilities to GLP and GCLP�

�Training of clinical staff in the requirements of GLP and GCLP�

�Systems audits of both pre- and post-marketing�

pharmacovigilance activities�

�Mock pharmacovigilance inspections�

�Training for pharmacovigilance inspections�

�Documentation audits (e.g. PSURs, ASRs)�

�Database reconciliation audits (clinical and safety databases)�

�Gap analysis of pharmacovigilance procedures�

QCP, Inc. has the team, the experience, the skills and the competencies to�

conduct independent due diligence of a clinical or commercial product�

program to help companies understand and manage the associated risk.�
