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H IM Passea^ NOTICE REFINED TOtMlll. ||trWanm IN LandHanoyer Fire Insuraure Company 05.) 7

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financial. TJtlERT TT. NICOLAY. AttotM.iwr, will sell THIS DAY Jo'-V i'» »I 12, o'clock. Hi the M«.'lnnt»' i hange ' <r account °< * "ni >t n 4jr ( »nesrn: . «.(¦to ( hi. .*<> St. r»»U and F..tid r)u Lm Railroad tit Mort¬ gage 7 pet MM Ro.vi* ^a»Ctevr.and. Psjawvillc mid Ashtib .ls Raiiroi-1 7 p-r trat Bonds t>58H' I Mr oil rud Mi'.w »iib<*r Railroad 7 p»r cent Bind«. fSWoUoa' W. sterB (El.) Railioud 1st Mortgage 7 p.Hi B mA* *4«i# Bar ran.etil Ott] I ¦ bad 1. «D P. ..da. a>»8 fOOCi'.i'.enia Stst.- 7 per rent Bond« of it!', »Kl"*" (in TU at i, W ¦iinicjton and Zvieavills Railroad In- r in« Iii odd 01!>0«| New i r rk and Erie Ra iroid 7 per rent Convertible B .o. 1K71. »lftfi.OiK. ( ho ago. St. Paul and Fond du Lac Railroad T.and Orant 8 per cent Bond* IPO »hau* (Jal.t.a and Chica?.. Ril'road, $1'>0 each. l#»ijr.'» New York and New-Haven Kail-iad l^-nnlne at. rki, S> ICO cash 75 shares It:, i. su.mi's Bank. *40 each. lariabare* Broadway Bank. 8>2jeach. 78 that. I Atlantir Bank. 010» each. 50 . harr» Chatham Bark *)'.''. a.-b. 119 abarea Merchants' Bank, *»o , arh. 50 shirr. Hanoyer Fire Insuraure Company 05.) <a^b. SC abarea Citv Fire Insurance Company a>7<' aa b 88 shares Na' al Flic Inauraac* Coinpnny. *>T7J .ach. 40 shares Urrat Western Mamie Iuauranca Company, «T100 each. 100 share, N^rth American Fire Inaurance Company, $51 .ah .Vi ibai' s Tri nt.-n Iron Com pan v. iS-'OO. ear h. Mabare* N< w fork and N a England Cni >u T-'.-graph Cotnpsr.y j><'*i each. 50 atari-1 American Plat<- 0I sat Company. *> 100 e,ch. tWsbare» An.erii :mCoal I'ouip .nv of Alleghariy i aaot) Ml, J>tc each. I2S ahart s Alieghany Mining Company, «*100 each. TERM' Ol bau»..loper cent this day, and the bslanee Wora 1 oVIoca to-morrow. The ac< mad intereat on all the Bondi Will be cbirged to the prurhns-r. N«Rt regular *'ile oa MONDAY, July 2I>. ALBERT H NICOLAY, (90751 Stock Ancti'-aeerand Banker, No. 4 Broad at. DRIAN H. MULLEK will «Hl at AUCTION THIS DAY (Thursday, Jaiy 16), at 121 o'clock, at the Merrhaati' F.irhange. f.riOn share BUTCHERS' AND DBOVnUr BANK STOCK, le-ing an increase of »V2O0 000 to be ( Spits'. ( f said Bank. (2211) Ohio Li i i. I ssi ii iv vi> Ic-rtovhu-.i Cincinnati, July 6, 1857. J ADIVIDEND of FIVE PER CENT oa the, Capita! Strck of this Company was declared THIS DAY, payable oo the tZd tntt., in the t MrJ of New York. 0. W. RICE. Secretary. BROADWAY SAVINGS INSfITUTION-No. 537 Broadway, SSatlBBBS on Park pho*-DIVIDEND NOTICri.Depositors are herebv notified that the usual aemi- arucuai dividend on all sums . ntitl-d thereto at th" rate of six per cent per annum, on auma not exceeding |M and five per (ontiver *>500 will be paid on and ht»-r MONDAY, Jilv 20. Interest not cailec for will be credited a. principal md draw intereat accordingly from .Inly I Bank op-n daily fr-no lutr Sa'elock. i.nd Monday, Wedneaday and lastudOf avsjatugsfr I SftoVo (.: .c«. FRANCIS P. SCHOALS, Preatdeat. Wanr B Worbai.l. litRTSSBrr. Pry er Cf msi ng, Accountant. East Rivi.r Savings Bank, No. J ( bam ..-rs-.t., { July ML 1857. ) DIVIDEND..Tb«' DEPOSITORS are hf-n-by not.'ed that a aerul anneal dividend at the rat-of A per Cent per HM on all auma >.f f>5 and tip to 6500. ami 5 por Cent per annum on all sum* over (..Hai. wlii.-h bsvo been de- poi.it« d a* least three months pr.-ve.ua to the lit Inststit, will be allowed to d. pai i'.ors. payable on or »t'er MONDAY, the 20th Instant, during the houra of bi.aiuesa at the Bank. All int.-re«t no' (ailed for will remain as principal, and draw interest from the 1st ins* t Bank open diiily Iron 10 a. in. to 2 p. m., and on Thundav t trona 5 to 7 o'clock p rn PETE* H. TITUS, President. C A. Wmr.m v, Secretary. I V ID E N D.CONTINENTAL HANK..A Dividend of four per cent hna baasj declared to the Stock, holdera of tbi- Bauk on and alter the fith of July next. June 20 16.'.7._B. F. WARNKR, Cashb r. Makims- S.oim.i IkiTITDTIOX, corner 3dav iind9th-it. DIVIDEND NOTICE..rhu Trastsv« of this ItWtttatlwi have declared a DIVIDEND at tin- r .t.- ..( BIX (6» 1'F.R CF.14T on deposits between #5 and $5(10. and FIVE (5) on Urger sunn, payable after WEDNESDAY. 2id Instant. All dhidcuda not dian n will be added to the principal, arid bear interest is an. h. By ..id. r. THOMAS ß. STILL.MAN, Pr. si.'.-ut, Isaac T. BMI r h. S.. r. tary. I »I ay etrii fuii: Iss. Co., No. 147 Fulton-at., i Brooklyn, July It. |ft".7. , DIVIDEND..Tin- BOARD of DIRECTORS ba\» this d^v dc( lared a S-oii-Annual DMdkra I ot Fl VK <.^>pertei,t jnyabie en and al>.. r the .vt.h inst., uutu which. tun- 8k*trai rfarbooki wUl be elosod. _ANSONS P VLMKR. S.-c'y. Orntl Ol Till. ItAKMeNY FlBI IMOBAMCB afcb, ] No. 6 tSaTI k «t. New Vokk, July 2, 1837. J THE BOARD of DIRECTORS .-I thin COM¬ PANY have TO-DAY de. Ured a DIVIDEND of SEVEN PER CENT, payable, on demand _R O. PLOVER, S-cretary. Do iDEkoOi rica, staw-Yoaa Bwitabli Usobaxci Co., > No. 5R Wali-st., New-York. J.ilv 7, 1857, J THE BOARD of DIRECTORS bava thi* 4..y aVrUtrtd . Si.MI-ANNt Ah DIVIDEND of TEN per I KM. payable to (be Stockholders on au t altar the 11th nut. _JOHN MILLER. Se reUry Oi net! or Tin: Mt:aciuvT>' laatTBABCI Co., > Cats r Fulton A UtWSWll b st... N York. July G, U»7. } I^HE BOARD of DIRECTORS barn THIS DAY deciand a SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND of Pea (10) Per Out, pai able on and alter July I Ith. The transfer b .k*will be dossl uutil aftir that dut-. J. L. DO' OLaSS, S.-'y. Paci» ic Man. Steamship Oo N'ew-Y'ork, .Inly 8. 1357. THE BOARD of DIRECTORS ban 'thi* day .sedated * DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT owtof the firofita of Iks (' np .nv, paynl.le on and site! the 1Mb ioaC to Ibe itockhoidera w ho were »ncb at tin- aJoatH »» the rrsii«f.'r- Bock. tin. day. FREDERIC HOFFM AN, Sooretarj OasTlfJl 88 Tin: Bbcvbitv F'iri- lastfaAMi Co., I No ÖI Pine at (Ore:,.. We.t. rn Buildings), N. Y. J THE Board of Dim-tors of this UfXnjKMay BU THIS DAY dcilared a DIVIDEND ot SEVEN Pf.R CENT, payable August 1 -July 13, 1437 THOS. W. BIRDS\LL, Secretary. Ol»ICB or Rl.rfiii.it: Firk llSVasaoa Co.vir avy, 1 No. 16 Wall .ct., New-Y..rk. Jrii. 8, iaV7 J TnE DEALERS with the REPUBLIC EIRE FNSURANfiE COMPANY nr.- itisaju8lbJI| anrdtesj, that ll.e Beiipfor tb. y.-srs ending 31st D«ceml»-r, 1864, 1855 and imjjssTuat1l|tr Fff' ENTY-FOI R AND ONE HALF PEE CENT '7t|i ii|K(y the earned premiums is all ready for doUveiW. Interest Dividends id SIX PER CENT per annum, ort tue «»cnp issues of IBM and 1845 have also beeu aashrad, and are pavable in ca.fi at tU' ir ofnee. No. IK Wall st., where Insurers against fire are requested t<> call and examine tbs- liberal rharae- ?. r isftbelr orK'vnu ition, w Blah makes the hsSSjreSB particifiatori lu tlsa profit* « ithout aiaumiftg any of the risks of the C unpaay. Section 18 of the Chart, r piovi.les that all Scrip not e died lor «ritosu lit yeanfrosa the date of Issrsa, shall be passed to toe ct« dJA ol the Cou'i. \ny. TRUSTEES: Charles H. Russell. Denning Du. r, l*rs*L'A. DelssaO. Daniel B. Fi «ring, John Stewuid, jr., Joseph U..wlr.ii0, William tl. Rusaell, Kol» rt 11. Minturu, D. Dr.«k.- Smith, A, C DeWl.ll.g Heul.el. U It'.el», Fr. L 0. Fosts», «»/.,««as D Tsasar, Edward C Ontar, Pales; Hail, Wn.. Bwtlei DnaeaWrissalab Oakea, Robsärt S. iL.ne, H. IL W «dl-. S. Oaliiard, ir., S. V. Hoffman, Isaiw Town*(ud J. M Walerbury, Jacob Anthony, jr., James Wsn u, WlUkaa H. Cary, J. P. OiraaA FosAaaj Artlsur Ls-irj. 0-«.ni. T. Ade... John A. C. dray M. W. HaralitoB, John J. Astof, )r,, Diacan F t > rkv. S.. v ROB'T S. JUYNE, Pres't. IVEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD SEVEN I* PEK CENT BONDS..The andarsljrsad :fter for »ale the dFVEN PERCENT COUPON BONDS of this Conaan Uswe isguei. having twenty yean to rua Iriterc»t pjvahle se:ni auaieally on tb« first daya of February and August, at the Com- Bativ's Axcarv m this city. DUNCAN. SHERMAN A Co. Ol MC r. Ol t he MumoAN Soiiiikkv and NoRiiirRV) Isoiaxa Railroad Covihany. tvo 18 Willnm-st. > Niw ToBB, Jnue.N, 1857. ) THE STOCK TRANSFER Books ..f this CoB.pa.vy will 1* closed »n th* SOtb June, At 3 o'clock r. Bi, preparatory to the establishment of s Registry of .he, fc-AKS of the tompsny. and will op. n on the 2"th dsy of July. By ordimf the Board. J M HOPKINS. Secretary Hl DSON RIVER RAILROAD BONO IN¬ TEREST INTEREST .... FlifT MORTOAOI BONDS of this Company due Aagu-t I. I«57. will nepudat the T t*)B*rer's Ofl rc The tran-l-i books will be i.Ioaedou and alhri Julj Iftb. »..'... day ot payment 1_ C C CLARKE. Treasurer. | THE TRUSTEES of tbe IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION have md-r. I that lots r.-st be paid deu-va- Irors far the last three sod «iv aaontbs eudiu< Juuejo. 1*57. nt the rats) of * per (eut on all auma entitled thereto, payable oa and aflei MONDAY, 2uth July. Ail uiteie.t wUl he credited to ilepuaitors a* priueipaJ 1 TV ALTER W. CONCKLIN, Pretideut. Y. L Bt'Xios Secretaiy. Di part mint air Finance. CovTaOLLBa'l Omca,) N « Volk. June 26, 1857. J 'ROPOSAI.S for $e7r..(H*t» SIX TER CENT t EN TEAL PARK FUND STOCK "-Sealed profs^als art* U rM<ri««d at the Controller', office uBtil THURSDAY, Julv In. 1BB7. al 2 >.'. p. in , when the «ame will be p ibl.clv r^assacB, fol tar a:-¦ se or aoy part t tbts auio int of two bun led BSJd *ejey:«v five thousand dollar, of Central IVrk Fuud St.wh oftkf City ol r>. »--York" sutb-riged by boh t of the l.egi.lature f.fthtaS'ste entitled " Ab act to aulborise tin- ade of the tftat« B israal* in New-York and Alb.... c I" pn vi.l I >r th>-pnri base . .f the N". v Y ork Arsenal pioi» ri_ u S » >..ik, by the City of biew York, and for the approprtati.w ot the pr.h-ee.la- f nsoh laur," passed April 15, 1857, and bv all ordinance of tbe Common Cowncl approved bv tar Mayor Jane 17. 1837. tTb*ssaafstock will eynsi't M t>« o thousand seven hundred and fifty tbi res of one huuCfed dollars es h »Jta-e, tw ariuf interest at the rate of six per cent per aarnuin. payabla q o-'- r vearlv, aad t h- pr tpal . . rssieimahsa oa the 1st day if July,' la tbe jear '. .*» Tha |tvpo«aU will ata'.e the number of *hare* desire!, and tbe price pet share T\* paras« w b. se prop .sals are a c-p' -d will It reouiieo u po*tt with the Ctiambeilain ol tbe city the s.m .WasaVd and coveted by the bid, aud .-U preseutlng tlie. r c. ip. althe ( batnberiaib t- tie C..i.ir.«ler. will be euti:l- d t n twit ¦ l^rSjAcat |..r tb. par v.llir of the utirub. r of share*, carrying I »erssst ft uso the dato of tbe dsrpo-U *T*h p:..p,»(tit* aboold be sealed up and indorsed, " Pro P J* 8,4 P? W'd t-utral Park />,..{ Steak;" and Iba MBotrltoti rosy thru b. j...t up in a sae...d euv.-l .pe, sealed and directed, A. C r.agg. Controller, No j HaJJol R.c ards N. w. york." A C FLAOO. C .ntroll. r. MR DAVID DUNCAN ku THIS DATlktv tow a nacmber oi our firm. DUNCAN. SHERM AN k Cm bsa- TaaV July L V6S1._. < ftinOlNI AT TWELVE PER CENTAL <Sf M.\'m\J\r\J Tbe aubs. ri>» r bol l, for s jeainnrai .t first elassTVSFI.Vn PER CKNT PER ann I'M bon'd's K.i, priresgasj and inte rs at of w hi. hare aecun^t by .bp.ait* 3 > Isterafs rn ©na of our ally Banks The-e a.-.-i;rttlsn an In smjiinl- I.rw S) '. . »I fta., with acml annual ciiio-.r.. mf. a tacbed. HENRY A FILLEY Ho M Wmt n? P «0* »!<.¦ Of TM fcmWl II MmM ( '»Hm | No Well .t hl» Vock JtgteeM INC.I NOTICE im bcre-hr civf-n tbat th« f. il.auog bad ikiiH of Um* in the BOBWICB MINING CONft'ANY. harr iM-er forfeit, d for bod pvyue Dt o( au Aaa'ae- idint of Ol per tbsre mm od th« Wth April last, ami that the ilmc « ill ho told tt public auction tt IhU office on FRID VY, the 17th Jnlyneit, «t II o'rl'Tk B m, nni. ta p-. uoualy rs da-. Bled b) p«Vt!UDt of BBBBBBBBBBB Bfl.i expeuaet: Certificate N<. fit, i<«i »bare.. Oetl I «te Nu. ..»:». lGHthares. Certificate Na «2, 12 ebsre» Ccrri1i.;ate No. 381. I'<0»harrt. Certificate No. 1MI. 1*1 ¦bar»*. tVrtifieaat No. 12ß. vi .harea Certificate No. SM, 25 ehan-a. Certificate No. 1&4, «¦<; aharea CertineaU Na. Saa, S0 tbares. Certificate No. 19t, »l «bama. Ortifoa « No. l.f I. 99. abarv-a. Certificate Ko. 1«, 50 aheres. > N 163 .."<. aharea Certificate N.. 48, .120 ,harea. ita Ni VI 24 Ibarra Cortifieata No. tat. 799 therm Ci rtil.ratat No. 3m», 25 aharea. Certtaoste Ha 5. 20.ha.ea Certificate Na 249. 192 eharee. Certificate No. 218, 5" abare«, ate Vo 2», 3H» aaSa-ea (Vtt.ti. ate No. 1». ah area. Certiorate No. 72. IM aaatrra. Certificate No. K, lÄiBaraa .. .. ate No. 7*2. 5 than « rttl ate No. UM, ..."«bare* te N 999 12 abarra. Corttficato No.2JD, 38aharea. C:-.. te N«. 2*». 25 ebarce. Cettilicate No. Sin, SJ »Ur- Crrrtflralt fft Tfl. 15 aharea. (rtiticot.- No. 34C, 75 »harea. Blt*i< »te No. 294, 10 aharea. Cortifieate No. 371. l^aharea. C rtfi ate No. 1(1, 30 aharea. Certificate No. SM lOOahtree. i i'ii. ate No. JOB. 2.'i «barea. Certificate No. 78. 100 aharea. <:. rtitfeat«- No. 300. 40 aharea. No certificate, SO aharea, CitiaVate No. 380, *i aharea. ........ ¦ NATHT. HAYDEN. Treasurer. Or?Kl M THE uoisatomc RaILKOaO COMPAVr, 1 BaiOfc» roitr, Juuc 20. 18:7. ) NOTICE to BONDHOLDERS..Th* COL- PONS due on the lat pro«, on the Bond, of thi« £'>'" W will he paid on preaootation at the office, of KULdtn, IIi )\\ K £ Co., in the City of Near-York, or at the Treasurer a office In the City of F.ridfoport. , , __... ., At the annuarmeetinr oft be Stockbddera In Febniary la«t. it waa roeolv.d to pat ." r»"h *S0.00Oof Uie ont.tariding Bo»d« falli.-.j doe Jau. 1. Ifcj«. from the net incooie of the road In 1867, and to create a near laaue for the balance, bearing date Jan 1. 1857. of *>250.000, which abould retain the aaiun p-'rfect ¦ran riiy which bad been iiveu for the original Bond- of *'»0,- «m .f which new tame it waa derided to make $19,99» payable Jan I 1859 g..ri0,ooii Jan. 1, 18Go, 4>.V\0oii Jan. 1, 1M1. **>.000 Jen. l! 11*2, and »tt.OOO Jan. 1, 1863, and thua extiugtith the whole mortgage debt within the period prearrihd. In pur«u- ¦ al thia reaolution the New Bonda haee been prepared and already negotiated to the extent of *159,0oo, chierl» in ex- char.ge for the old bonde, which hare been caneelod and coarged off, leaving »91,000 yet to be exchanged or otherwise diapoaed of. Holth-ra of Ohe remain der of the old bonda are in Tiled to examine th« new laaiie. and to exenanxe for them their old bond*, ahonld they feel rtiapo.ed. and on «u< U tenna that the blTOBtniBal will pay thein 8 per cent per annum. The New Bonda being payable at turu'ry datea.lt will be teen that tlioae who contemplate exchanging will have a better choice now. aa to the time during which they may wiah to con¬ tinue the inveattnent, than bv deferring it to a later period. K v. Large, .'.n In- made with hletara. KETCH I'M, HOWE k Co.. New-York, or with the underaigncd at Ilridrepc,rt. H NICHOLS,Treatnrer. Of net; or thi Pmar's FiRr lM.t k*»CK Co.) ('. no r of Canal and Thompaon-ata. ) AT an ELECTION held at th«- oOtH «»f the Com¬ pany on the 18th June, in-t, for DllBUtaW of thia Com¬ pany, th« following uanieü Geutlemen were choaen for the en- aiili g year: Richard Varick, Henry Demarct, David F. Baker, I). iBokeon Steward, Janice S. Rronwer, Mawhiat Bloodgood, Fn-eniiD Campbell, Jotham C. Meeker, Willimn Moir, Samuel Birdaull, Solomon Banta, Edward 1) Nel-on, Edward L Lynch, George Warner, Matthiu. Clark, F- U r R. ( I. i«tie, John w I.ewia, Chriat >pher Owyer, J.iiiu a S. I.cwia, Thotnaa Williama, John Moueypenny, Cornelina Stephens, Edward P Clark. William Hertael, Simon Shindier, Moitimer Browu, William M. WUaon, Waa. D. Waaaburn, Philip J Boueati-e-1, Abraham Leegatt, John P. Yelverton, Alfred Barmore, I.,.Chaplu. GiJeoa De Angelia. Ahm. R Vaa Neat. At aaul.-eoiient meeting of the Board, RICHARD VARICK, ewi waa unauimouaiy teeh-. ted Pre.ideut New-York, June |6aT7. W. F. UNDERHILL, Se. retary. rp i IE TRUSTEES OF TH E fl E A M EN'S Ji BANK FOR SAVfMOS harra or.len d that IbbvMbI he paid on Dop ..ita entitled thereto, fur the aix montha ending June So, aa hdlowa- On «umaof Five Hundred Diüare und Baader, at the rate of Six p. r at per annum and ob aiima I inmdlai rlva Hundred Dot* lara, nt the rate of Five p,T cent per annum, p.iy;dile on and tftei Moaday, Mh Intrtaal The lntereat will be placed to the credit of dep..-it .r« aa prin¬ cipal. P. PEKIT, Pi -ideut. \\ m Nklsox, Secretary. DISSOLUTION..Tho finn of DKEXEL, SaTHKR A; CHI'RCH.of San Franciaco and Sa< ram«uto ( Miifornia, Is, from thia day, diaaolved by Lmitatioa, F. M. DKEXEL. of Philadelphia, retiring therefrom. - m SATHER k CIintCH, ai por advert iaement Mow, will continue the huaineat at heretofore, and are authorized to eolleci nnd «cttle all claiuit in (allfonda. and P. M. KEXhL Will aettle the buaineaa on the Atlantic aide Any otitatauifitg drafta will be paid on presentation at the reeprctive place t upon which they are drawu. e.. . F. M. DREXEIa, P. SATHEIt. June 23, 1857. _ E. W. CHURCH. NOTICE OF NEW FIRM. P. SATHER and E. W. CHUECB have thia day formed a Copartnerahip uuoer the aame of BATHEB i Cl 11'KCII, uud will contiime the BANKING BUSINESS, aa heretofore con¬ ducted by the late firm. P. SATHEIt. San Franciaco, June 23, 1857. E. W. CHURCH. BATHER A CHURCH, Bankera, Conier of Batterv and Clay-ata.. Draw BILLS OF EXCHANGE at aight In mm« to nut, aa affjowai Oa New York.Peyahle at the American Exchange Bank. On Boston.Payable at Shoe cud Leather Dealera' Baak. On Philadelphia...Payable by Drexel 4: Co. On Battlxnort.Payable by JohaaAoaa, Brot, k Ca On ( incii i.nti.Payable by A J. Wheeler, eaq. On St. I...uk..Pnyahle hy Haakotl k Co., Exclian?" Bank. Oa Pitt.hurth. I'n.Puyahle hy E. V. Jone», eng., Cashier. On LouiM ille, Ky. Parable by A. V. Hunt k Co. On Charleston,S C Payable bv H. t\r. Connor k Co. On N. Orleana, La. Payable by Urowu, Johuaou k Co. Al»o, Btttlhaag« on London. Frankfort on tit Maine, )_ Stattnart. \ O'-nnany. ParcJiaoe CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT and other EX¬ CHANGE It current raten, aid trnnanct a general BABKIBO BUSINESS. P. SATHER, I. F .- E. W. 0HÜBCH. 5 _ hfa""tC0, Ml finn .WANTED to PURCHASE, »JUl'.DWU. from BI.two to Btda,0M of I-* and 2d Moctgage RAILROAD BONDS, for which pood property in the ettira of New-Xork and Brooklyn will be p.vcn nt raah priarea. A-^plv in Bereoa or by Letter doterlbtna the Boada, to lt. C. ADAhls, No. 4!> Wall et.. Jaunciy-c iurt, Hew-York, y.l ¦¦¦»r«araaa»a»»a»-- i j-1 Dm (&0008- B LEACHED GOODS..1.000 cases, comprisin| every widtii and qnalitv. for tale by NESM1TH .v Co., No. 71 Broadway. B ROWN GOODS..<;00 balea hpavy, medium and fine, for tale by NESMITII at Co No. 71 Btoadwmr C1HINA, Calcutta, Manilla and Enst India GOODS, wholeaale and retail. A full aaeoifment can ONLY be found at FOUNTAIN'S IndU Store, No. f j B^.ad ».ay. Alto, a large BOongtaianl of Pine-Appie G.xda. IAWNS and ORGANDIES.-ChMper than fvcr. at .LB BOUT1LL1SB BROTHERS ar.- o f. ring French and Engllth L \ W NS i f aujN-rior qualitlea at lower pricea than any n he found in the city. All tiieir atock la now in the nar oflhatl Canal «t Btore, the entrance In inj No. 47 How nid «t Botwora Broadway an I Meroer. 1>RINTSi^-:;(H) caKfa Fire.t-cl.t»ia Lifht"ni7d Dark MADDER PRINTS. New atyl-a romiii* iu from tbe Rorka daily. For aale by NESMITM J. Oo., Nc 7| Broadway I bOCKlNGHAM PRINTS.Both Li+'ht and Dark 'ay Li etylea i b. .| Madder eelota, For tale by NESMITH k ( o.. No 71 Rroa.lwa HOCHDALE, GONIC Bad ONTARIO BLAN- RETS..A large aoaortaiaat of the Blaakett made tt thoae Mille, ruuaiattug of 9. 1", II, 12 and 13-4, all wool lad union v.- Crib, Nigro and Coatirg Biankita, and Horte Kerala Tor tole by NESMITH k Co., No 71 Br adway. :KAMLESS HOSE..A couipiete aasortment of AB-Wotd oad Dnloa HALF-HOBE, tnaaaatactartd at the s Uidted Statea Scati h-aa Hoan ry Con.pany'a Worka, coiiatautly »u hand. Tlu ae good-are uiaile aith doubl« he>4l and toea .goo. hiugol NESMITH k Co., No. 71 Broadway V\rHITE-ROCK COMPANY'* LINSE YS, »» COATING CHECKS, tiue SH1P.TINGS ani Waer fwltt SH1RTMNG. For talc bv NESMITH k Co.. No 71 Broalwar (Tloilnng. JEFFER0, N.«. 407 BROADWAY. LADIES' FRENCH SBOES. JEFFERS hta lult opened t magnificent ttock of Ladiea' and Batata1 Frei rh SHoFS, BOOTS ami TOILET SLIPPERS, to » hu b hi a-,.iild call the eapecial atten j.mof hiBcu.ton.era. tod won Id invite a Mtit to bie ratabhaht m'Ut BoOJI tountry Msr- ;b«nta. Ilia wbolettle ttock i> equal to auy demand. önilöing iUdtcnale. ENCAUSTIC TLLES.For Vtjat*bu!e>i, H»jw Hearth*. Dining rnoma, Cor.aerratoriet kc. OARNK1BK CHIMNKY-TOPS, DRAIN PIPES, kc Eor tale by _MILLER k eDATES No >7tl Pearl f.. ft. T. ARNKIRK aud AMERICAN CHIMNE. TOPS, alas, beat Glared an I Vitiified DRAIN PIPES al g Itland Poriery D»p,.t. Nr.. 82 Naaaaii-et. E H. QUINN. G LEAKY ROOKS..IVrt-.tia having Ln tky BtMBa can have them made tin . and paiLted with the PATENT CEMENT BOOB PAINT at on, ce: I a equare Bag, warranted for lue yeata. Apply at No. 223 t ulton at, baaem-ut. Xnrnitnrc. ENAMELED CIIAIVIRER SUITES of FURNI¬ TURE, in attl color, and ttylei, U'ho eaaue and Retail. At pricea f- an #25 and upward. WARKEN WARD, No !77 Caatiot (..I No. 381, F..QT d.a.ra Etat of Br aadway. BeW-Tottt IENAMELED CHAMBER FURNITURE.. J New and beautiful atylea of ENAMELED CHAMBER FURNITURE Hoaaekeepere in want of lata cheap aad faah l .nable rtyle of Bedroom Furniture will fin a larae a»eortm«i;t In all c l< rt at H F. FARRINGTON'S ataaufaatiry Ware, reeaait. Not. tt and 48 Wi-oatcr-tt.. betweoa Bruouae aad Grarad ifNAMELED and COTTAGE FURN~TÜRE. Wj . Superb auite. b. .utifulij cm rat.d. trom g-is upward, tt tbe old n.anutartory Bo, aitjlre-adaay. bet«e«n Hootton aad Bleeckcr-sts. Gooda caief jTly packed ft»r the country. _J. B. PRESDEE. MODERN STYLE of SCHOOL FURNITURE. Uaaufactnred aad for tale by N JOHNSON Ks. 4M Ii i. .t, n. Y, Cirav-axe fonraided »aap|u«.aie.t aa ahvre Pnmte, Oils, tßlaos, *Cc. REFINED LARD OIL, fur Biimlruy, und Ua- .jjiM] free fr>m gum. burns brightly, d>"< not orust ths . irk, MCwVU PURE TAI.1/<>W OIL, wbicJj »H1 lutwcar Sperm, etai Ii -Ider i mi - and burns w,-II. Wer mated M sb.-»a. Barrels 30 It) 4ft ga Oll? Ageat JOHN W. QUINCY. No » Williem-rt, rlE ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD COMPANY. ajewafsilsisisTif WHITE LEAD, try and In oil. Impo'i r* aid Cru.h>ra of LIn»*** Oil, Pur» While 7lnc Pelm po-| .. I fros» the beat French Oxide, and fr l m IBSac I IJasosdOil R, 1 I,ead and Litharge nf extra Sue qml tj. The trade «- oonranaaari »nppli.-d od the moat db*r%l terms bj ROBERT COLGATE « Co., Genen,' \jeut» fur tne Company, No *n Puri st. New York. mieccllamrone. 17* Li ZA RET HAN ALE LUNCH ROOM- MJ HO«. 120 Water and »I Wall at , . ill be rinsed nn'il MONDAY for t-pa'r» rendered neeeaiary by tbe ie on Monday lest _RICHARDSON It HAYTER. GRAHAM BREAD. Made of et7rw>rior* Wh.at M«al. Unfertnentod. Beat to say part af the city by V ..¦ an he order at No, 4(4 8tb-av., between 3lit and Jld ara _C. MORG. HIGHLY IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT in the MANUFACTURE af FLOl'R -Barnes's Patent l.iain and Rica HskBer and ( leaner, lot hulling Riee and b illing and i leaning all kind* of Grain, perfectly freeing it from ail im purities. 1 all machine, couatructed up n an eutir» ly near prin¬ ciple, fairly rar an,act the rreateat inventions af tue age. By it« at an- obtained an Inereaaed yield from the grain, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OK FLOUR oiriy nervi! produced, a tta! ab»en-.-of waa'.e, and, eonaa- qtienflv. a much greater profit to the miller. It warranted an eflei find preventive of tire from friction, which ao Irequeut- ly oaran b aaa ojf Um rraaroaoa smutting machin*. F'ull pattiriilara may be obtained, and the ma- bine seen daily in operation, on the premiaeg of rhe Ameri an Orain aui Rice Hallaf Mannfacrnring Company, corner of Greese and Wayne -t*. Jersey, City, N. J._ L~YON'8 MAGNETIC POWDE-R. FREE FROM POISON, For the Destruction of BEDBUGS and ROACHES, MOTHS and FLEAS, ANTS and MUSKETOES. FLIES end PLANT INSECTS, INSECTS on FOWLS and AN..MAL*. ETON'S MAGNETIC PILLS, For the Destruction of RATS and MICE. Principal Depot No. «24 Broadway. Beware of PeeiJWa. Bawarwiof Counterfeits. A 8 8 ER . W 0 N I) E R P D L FIVE MINUTE FREE/.ERS THESE POPULAR MACHINES have now be, onie a nee- esiarv nppendnge to every well regulated family.enabling them to a]i y Be of the greate.t luxuries with little trouble and at trifling rABeUBB. Sizes three quarts, four quarts, six quarts, eicht quarta, and fourteen quarts. E P. TORItEY, Manufacturer No. 6 Fiitt it.. N. Y, M (DtPtm ßleomerß, &t. REDUCED PRICES-S1U0 THROUGH.. FOR CALIFORNIA .UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, via PANAMA RAILROAD. Tbe United States Mail Steam- .hip Company will dl.pi.tch for ASPINWALL. on MONDAY, July SO, at I (ream k p. bs. precisely, from pier foot of Warren at., North River, the well known and faat steamship CF^NTK AL america, Captain Win L. HendOBb u. S. N.. Passengers and Mails w ill be forwarded by Panama Railroad, and connect at Panama with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's magnificent steamship SONOR A R. Whiting, Commander, which will be Lb readiness and leave immediately for San Francisco. The paUJ« ar- taataaavssal that the Pac.fl.- Mail Steamship C o pet.y .:!». let,- one or nee- n'm ,.m.-r* lying at Pan ama, p ady for'aca, to avoid any possible detention of p&ssea- gern or malls. For passage apply to I. W. RAYMOND, at the only Office of tie Con paar No, IT7 Waat at., corner of Werxemst.. N. Y. Rcgnlar Lnited States MuU Steamer days, 5th and 2"tb of e*< b month. STEAM Mwmb NEW-YORK nnd GLASGOW. .edinburgh, ISM mne, William Cumming, Commas der; NEW-YORK. 2.1.5*1 tuns, RoBSCt Craig. Commander; 9LASOOW. 1,88« twee John Duncan, Commander. Th, ("as gow and Neu York Steam.hip Company int> ml SailBBg t., .e new and po» erlul ateauu rs irom New-York to Glasgow direct as follows: ohm xrw-Yoii. moMfltiscow, New-York, Saturday, June 20, 12 noon, Edinburgh... June B Edinburgh. Saturdav. July II, 12uoob. Glasgow.July 8 Glasgow, Wednesday, Aug. 5, 12 noon. New York.. ..July 23 New-Y'ork. Saturday, Aug 22, 12noon. Edinburgh....Ang 8. Edinburgh, Saturday. Sett 5, 12 noon. Glasgow.Sept. 5, rah * or rassAur.. Flrrt-Clsss, tit; TUrd Claas, found with Cooked Provisions, An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage arplr as JOHN McSYMON. No 17 Broad- way New -York Cary Basts or Gold only received for Passage. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE, for HAVANA and NEW-ORLEANS..On FRIDAY, July 2, ar 2 o'clock p. m., from Pier foot of Warr, n st., North River, ti e fast and favorite Steamship K MP 11(1. CITY, John McGowan. will sail as above. Pa.<*(, can he eeco* >d at the office of the line. Frelabt to New Orleans 3oeta per cnhlp I foot, received July let. Shippers will be suppK.-.l with Mank hills of lading of tbe lorm aigio d by the line, sag application at their office. No other forma sigred, and no bill of lading will be aignrd after the hour of sailing. For Irelgbt or passage, apply at the OaBrg, No. 177 West st., corner of W arr-ri. M. O. ItOIIERTS. Ageut THE NEW-YORK tttirl UTERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS -Th, ships composing tfsjg Uae are: Tbe ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldrldge, Ttie BAI.T'.'", tapt. Joseph ComatocB. Tbe ALRlATIC, (apt lames West These ship, having be«-n built by contract expressly far the Government aervice, every care has be.n taken In their con¬ struction, as also in their engines, to insure strength and speed and their accommodations for passengers are uuequalled for ele genr e and comfort. Price of passage from New-York to Liverpool, In first caMo, ? 130; In second do. $75. Exclusive use of extra sire i state room, »«325 From Lirarpool to New York, 30 and »' guineas. An experienced surgeon attached to each abip No bertha caa be secured until paid for. Tbe ships of this line have Improved water-tight bulkheads. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILINO. prom slw-viirk. SATURDAY.July II, DV.7 SATURDAY.Aug i, 1!I57 SATURDAY.Aug 15. 1357 SATURDAY.Sept II ir.t7 SATURDAY.Sept.W jr57 SATURDAY.Oct. ML 1857 i Ro.w liverpool. WEDNESDAY..July 22,1857 WEWNFSDA Y.. Aug 5.1857 WEDNESDAY..Aaa. 19. 185, WKDNKSD\Y..Sept 2,1857 WEDNESDAY..Sept 30 1851 "v f. DNB6DAY..Oet 14 \un Saturday.... Oct. M, ia^i Wednesday..oct 2», ia« IATÜRDAY.N«v. 1, laVsT|WEDNUDAT..Msr?. II. 18VI SATURDAY.Nov. 21, Is57iwednesday..Nov. 25, 18» SATURDAY.d»c. 6. 1857 WEDNESDAY Dec 9,1891 |WEI'NESDAY..Deo. 33. 1837 For Freight or Pasiage. apply to EDWARD K COLLINS, No. ««Wallst., K. Y. BROWN SHIPLEY A Co., LiverpooL STEPHEN EENNARD A Co.. No. 27 Austin Friars. Londoa B. O. WAINWRIGHT A Co.. Paris. The owners of these ships will not be accoartabh* (or gold, silver. balKon. sp<»»ie. jews Iry, preuioui atones or metals, unless bills of lading sie signed tbcTBtur. and the value there 1t pressed tin rein. TEAM to SOUTHAMPTON and HAVRE.. Th, ii:.,gi,,i., :.t kteaxasblp > ANDERIIILT. 5.400 tuns. S' will From NEW YORK for SOI THAMfTON A. H.A\ RE SatuiSa;.Aug. 1 Saturday.Sep. 12 From HAVRE and SOUTH¬ AMPTON for NEW.YORK Wednesday.July t Wedneaday.Aug. 11 Wednesday......Sept Jo CRICK Ol PASSA6K. First Cabin, ao orülug to location of State Room. tM-siend biso S, eoed Cat in.#75 S(» b 4V lin n J in London and Perls. 11 r pa »sage < r freight, spplv to D TORRANCE. Agent. No. 5 Bowling green New-Yort I.ett.r* for England and Europe prepaid, each M cents per or.c half ounce (b» incloaar, of poatage stamps if from other Cdrle»), wffl t. reiraived af No. 5 Bowling-green, New Y'ork. up to ll| o'clock of tbe morning of sailing. GREAT REDUCTION in FARE to EUROPE. First Cabin, »SO. Second Cabiu *50 and f.'.'.-Ii. the tirst-c'ass paddle wheel ateaiu.hlps ARIEL. 2.i00 tuns, and NORTH STAR. 2..*.¦: i.. toaaii from Pier No 3 N,wth River, at i son ptcci-«ly. carrying Ibe UNITED STATES MAII.S.viz. Lsave NF.W-Y(>RK tor SOUTH A.MPTON II AN RE sad BRE u*B NORTH STAR- ARIEI.Saturday, Aug I NORTH STAR.Saturday. Bept j'Sat'y, Oc't Bl Wed bet 7 These it'am,hips touch at Havre. Specie delivered in Lon- d.s std Psris. For passage ,.r freight apply t Bremen for Havre and Southampton SoothsMaAaa fat N. York. S.r'y. Ang II Wed A ig. 12 «la''y, Sep«. ¦¦'Wed ft pt » passage r tr. ,g:.t applv t, D TORRXNCE. No. 5 Bowling Green. THE LIVERPOOL AND NEW-YORK AJfD PHILADELPHIA tTEAMJUIP COMPANY'S Ciyds- buiit iron screw st.-au irn CITY OF BALTIMORE.2,387ruBS.Capt r I, itch CITY OF W AhHINi;T(*N....t380tun»....Ciipt P C. Petrie, CITY OF MANCHESTKR....2.|l9tuus....Capt J. Ksunedy. KANGAROO.1.874tuas.Capt Jeffrey Tbe nudcruoted or other veaseie are LateiiUei to sail as foUoB-s: From Ln i rpo m. CITY OF WASHINGTON....Weduesdsy.July 1 KANGAROO.We.lBeadav.Jasy 15 CITY Ol BALTIMORE.Wednesday.July 2:» CITY OF WASHINGTON ...Wedn.sday.Aug If And rVer] slt-.-rnste Wednesday From Ni w Yobjc. CITY OF WASHINGTON.. ..Thursday.July 33 KANGAROO.Thun..'ay.Augost H CITY OF hALTIMORt"..Tbursder. . CITY OF WASHINGTON....Thursday.Sept 3 And every alternsfe Thursday RATES OF CABIN PASSAOE-Proai New Yorkaud FhUev ae.phia. a>7.', from Liverpool, 21 guineaa 17 guineas, and 15 guineas, avc. rdiiig 8> tbe e, cmejudstlon In the State R-"ma, all bavins tba same privilsges In the Saloon. Including Stew- ajfPs Fees. Tbisü Ct ass Passssgi . A limited number of third class ps'ar-egers w be tsken and found in as moch provisioas ss Frxm Pbiladrlphis end New-York, s>30; from Uv- r-pnoi, (.Sti. C -t'ftc,- ,, f |»,s.,ee w be Issued here to parties who Bra ' of bnnging out their friends, at corresponding rates. Tbeee steamers art' constructed with Improved water tight rorrpartasnta. v,carrres an egpeneBced Sursroa. and -vrjia atx-u paid to tbe comfort and ereommolatiosj of pssarvagiia. D'af»s on IAverpoc: frora El BpwarA bpecie tshtn by these vessels at usual rates ^AUawods arat to the Agents will be forwarded with sc ' J üm."?' " ra^*t* HC!7 .* »*.' 1-aVs of tba CiBtpaB v M. IN At AN sat or Peases* apply st the OfAea af the Cisapesy, O DALF.TNo. IS Broadway New York Agssat, or AN. Nob. I aaa I Tawer Buildiags. Uvsrpaoi Agraat. 1,X>R LIVERITOL.. Tfcl Ke« Umtod StaD* Weil Strarn.bip COLUMBIA. M Rrrr. C ran an i-r. will depart wilt »Ii-. Unit d Btatll M.il. for Europe, po.itrely or. SATURDAY, July I«, .! IJo'ciook or... tr m her t»r'i at tir> foot tl Cui! it K<>r fr< Ifttf or pe>aagr, neun* uu-ooeac-1 ao commodationa for eleaau tnd r .mfort apply to . EDUARD K. COLaLINs, No ¦ Wall at Pees* rum will pica., b. on l-oerd it 11 r.'do. > a an All let¬ ters must ia*. through th. P «tDnVo. any oÜm mill be re¬ turned. Notici.The steamer, of this line Btve watertight oomptrt- ¦keata The ATLANTIC, w;l! twrn d the COLUMBIA and tall on th-. ut of Auxast and th. BALTIC tha lAth < f Angutt. Nu aipr,an has Um «par< J U malte the thipt of tail line la all reap. < t. a< good at new. The IbniUBga examination given th< u, |>Tot« s their neode i f construction yet uio q Mha*. STEAM to BC»UTHAMITON ami ANTWERP. .Tue tpli ndid etld powert ll IfN eteama,: p COM« 8T1TI TION. E Ponrn waaiaader, will den* t f.r ANT- WERP, .»ihn» at SOUTH tMPTJN. on THURSDAY, Julg- IS, fr raa Pier No 39 North River. r»Tr.» r,r easaacr, isi Lfnivr. rxnviMow lb brat Cabin.**> lb second Cabin. ft In third fabia. 35 Thia s,rarr.> r baa five water-'igtit compartments, and oarrlee to llgagteiad surgeon Tat freight or passage, having anperio» accommodation for cabin and tteeraae passengers, tpply to AUGUST Br.LMoNT, No 7 1'ana errat C^itificatet of passage will be wnied here to parti", wbo are de- tircui of brlrxlrif out their fri< cda, at the foollwing rataa: Upbal Cabin.«hl"» In secoud Cabin. 60 In fhiid Cabin.'. 40 In Stterage. 35 CROSKEY tV 0Ö7* LINE of STEAMERS a F TWI » V NEW-YOPK, SOITHAMPTON. LONDON aid BREMEN. The magnificent British ateani'lap. QUEEN Of THE SOUTH.-Cap*. BeaJ.2,221 tnne burden. INDIANA.Cept. Btker.. .2 384 taut burden, ARffO.Ca pi. Benson..2514 turn burden. JASON.Cap*. Britton..2*S7tune burdea Owned by the European end American Steam 8hippliag Co., of London and S- uthampton, ar<' appointed to aaii from NEW- YORK on every alternate WEDNESDAY for LONDON and BHK.MEN. touching tt Southampton to land paaeengert and ataila for England tad Prance. They will remain one dty at London and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, thev will leave BREMEN for NEW-YORK on every alternate SATURDAY, .topping only at Sontharnpros. Tbeae tteamahipt are ot the flr<t claai. and hare enperl or to- comuiodatioua for paaaenxera. They wüi take a limited n tmbet of third clatt or tteeraee paa.eagcra. A aurgeon i. attached to each ship. The rate, of freight to London mill be but little higher thaa thoae of aallicg ahipa. htf- or PAaaaCE, Firat Cabin.f SA | S. ;i Ml_g>50 1 "teerige... 13f Tin- ateam.hip AROO ¦ ill sad from New-York on WEDNES¬ DAY, June 24, tnd will be sncsweded by the JASON, July a. and QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, July 22. Fur freight or paeaage, apply to _ C. H. SAND. No. II South W'H.Ism-at. FOR IJVERrOOI^sTeiTiTie^ C' k, Commander..Thie uew and powerful «teamer will aail fnexi the Britiah and North American R ,vel Mad Steam- T* k. r ( ompanv'a D.Kk. at Jeraey City, on THURSDAY *e 16tl> iuat., at I o'clock o. Da. Passagc-motiey fog tir.t rlaaa pat- eenxert only, for whom there ia exc< ller.t accommodation. 4>75, Im riding priti.iona and ateaard'a fee, but witho.t wine a or liquor., rndiich can I* obta;aed on hoard. Freight taken at rea- .oiitbte ratet Apply to E. CUNARD. No. 4 Bowling Grero. Steamboats axo tlailroabo. FORT HAMILTON nnd ST AT FIN ISLAND FEKRY..Un tad after JULY 15. thU Ferry will atop »t Towuaeiad'a Dot k. Clifton, evetv trip. Lea\e Vtuaraatioe. t >r Tow naend'. Do. k and Fort Hamtlto::. tt S), aud 10,, a. ui IS}, 21. and fy p. m Leave Fort Hamilton, at 7», X tnd II', a. m.; If. ;4 ano 6}, p. m Fare FIVE CENTS. Pe«.-n«eM for Frrt Baaafll ¦" taoal looro iu the SlOfaB lalatcl Rovta (near the Sooth Ferry), at 8 tnd tt t in. 12 m.; 2 4 tnd 6 p. m. The Fort Haxolatoa and States Idaiul Ferry conmcta with the Staten lalaiul Ferrv for New-York, in ail tripa from Fort Ham¬ ilton Stag. a at Fi.rt Hen.iit. n for Or-, nwood Th.-D.e katt Fort Hamilton tod Staten I.Und« are now iu order to laud teaaaa. (nod Fi«hmg at Fori Hamüt. u. F)R BOSTON, -is NORWICH and WOR- CESTFR.Daily at 5 p^m from plet Svit of Courtltn* tt.. by the favorite ateamer CONNECTICUT, Capt. Wm W* »x, on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FillDAY9. and tn the n. w and ir.o iidl.l ateamer ( WMMON WEALTH. Capt. Wll Uamt, on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, te AUyn'a Point; thence by new and baudjoroely finlted tlx toen-mbeeled ctn for W'orceiter, Botton, Provldenco, Law rence, Lowell, Ntahua, Coacord, Wliite bfountalna. and -v.-rj Other section of New-England. Stateroomt can be engaged by applying on board, or to ES MARTIN, Agsat, at hltomos foot of Courtlandt-it. F)R BOSTON and PROTIDENCE via NEW¬ PORT and FALL RIVER.-The eplendid and tapertox tteamer METROPOLIS, Capt Brown, leavee New York every TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 5 oVJoek p BV: and the EMPIRE STATE. Capt Brtytou. leaveaMew York every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aad FRIDAYV at i o'clock t. m from Pier No. 3 N. R., near ta.e Battery; both tou'birg at Newport each way Hereefteraio roooie will <<.¦ regarded at secured to any sppe* ant uotil the aame ahall have been paid for Frelaht to H ttoa is forwarded thnejgh with great dlapatoh by D Expreaa Freicht Train W M. BORDEN. Agent, N w and 71 Wett-tL INDEPENDENT LINE ln»twv*»n NEW-YOHK, BOSTON PROVIDENCE. BRISTOL and NEWPORT - Steamer BÖVEENOB (apt ( has Dei :iug. will leave Nuw- York Dem Pur No. 27. loot of Rohan sou at.. N. R. every TUESDAY", THURSDAY and SUNDAY, at 4 o'clock p. m. Fare between Nem -Yoik aud Ro.tou.$3 Freight taken at ndui ed ratet. W . H BYRAM, Agent on the Wharf. TWO TRIPS DAILY for C.LEN COVE. SANDS POINT. GREAT NECK und WHITE STONE .The at.on er CROTON Cunt. Wm. II Wood w ill run aa follow a.- Leaatog fits* Wood at S « ax.; Olea Cve, I i'a. m.. If m. i Baaati Point, f:gS a in I I5p. at Great Neck. 7:05 s ni.ldAp. m ; White Stone. 7:2.« a. in. S n in Lea rea Peck- slip. N V., at idi a. m. nnd |:IS p. m The CROTON ia newly- fitted for comfort and apeed, and »ffor.i. a fine «x< uraioi. aail up t. c s..: d Irotara, thaaawbtit hooaea andgyoaada ut the ai. 1.1 point, heinx now in fine order for »la MOT1CE.The middle trip will omitted en Thursday IT'OR FIRE ISIaAND..Ou and after July 3, th- faat Steam, r HERO will ronuect regularly with the Long Island Railroad, morninx and evening, to sad from Fin lalaud Taaaengera leave New York at 9 a in täd I >1 |. ¦ \ ia Tleunp- ton, and. retuiuing, arrive iu New-York at!?.?'a oi. and'p.m. re.peetii ely. THE REGULAR MAIL LINE, vis STONINO TON, for BOSTON aud PROVIDENCE.Iulaad route. tha abortrat aad moat diaret.« arryiui Uta Ea.teru MalL The tteamera PLYMOUTH ROCK. Capt Jcwl Stoue, an4 C VANDEKBILTj ( apt. W\ H Frarer. in coono. ti.in wit* the Siccingtcc ana Provhieuce and Boston and Providence Raiiroada leavini Naw-York daiky, Sundayt excepted front Pier No 2 North River, first wharf above Bittery pUvta at I o'clock p. m., and StonlngVin at 8:30 p. m , or on the arrfval o' the mall train which leaves Boaton tt it.In p m ThrC. VANDERB1LT, from New-York Monday, Wedoes lav and Friday From nioaington. Tueadsy, Tnj.-eisy ata* Saturday. Tha PLYMOUTH ROCK. Baa New-Yo'k, Tuealsv, Thor» day and Saturday. Fr tu ö-., Mjuuay, Wediiaaday and Fridty. Passrugert procesd from Btiuiugt-n per Railroad to Pnn aeoce se,d Boston, tn the Expreaa hlil Train, retcalzg sale alare in adttura f tbote by other routei. and tr. ample tint t»r al' the aaaij uioruiui linet t.an-. thtg North and East Passengers thst prefer it rema'.u on o tue tteamer, eu*py a Bight's rest uudia'i.rh-d, breakfast if d. ilrad, and leiare dtoo lagton la the 7:1.5 a. m train, c j. 4 at Providence witi lb* II a n train for Br>aton. A baggag, ma; v Bceoupaatet the f- \ .-' and trat« tLroogt atvh a tp. For passage b-r*.ßa, ttat«-rooBi» of freljht apply oa b-aa/d th« tVamer, or tt tr." Freight Otfi e, Piar No 2 North Ri<er rr at the oftea No. lo Uattery pla e CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY.- CotaBectmi tt New-Hampton with ttM De'aware, La ta- wanna ar.J Weitern Railroad, ani at Eattot with the I.s.igf VaUea Failreid. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.Comme; -tnx Mty i«, I1S>.- faetve New-Yark for Eaaton tr.. Inlermedute pier w fr >m Ptsr No. 2 North River, at 7:30 a m 12m ans i 30 p. m.. I r d.mer tlile by above traint. ami at 5:15 p. a. The above trsint connect at Eitzaboth err tralna on tax Bew-Jeraey Railroad which leava New-Y'.rt from tua lot 04 Courtlaudtat BtTtSl sal 12 a m. and 3:2C aud 5 u. n. Paaaeugere *> r the Delaware Ltckawtoaa tad Wettern Rai. road will lesvr at 7:30 a m. only. For Leh.gb Vailey Railroai at 12 m. only._JOHN 0. oTERNl Sapt FLUSHING RAILROAD.Lea7o« Fulton-Mar ket-wbi.il, by atesoier L>Uud City, at t 45, 8 and |0 a. es ¦ad I, 4 and 6 p. m. the cart laa*a K'....... (L Ig at the samt hour.. Bieating tad exchanging petteagere with tha boat at Hui-ter'e Point. Through in 5t. oiinutaa Fare, i> a..u _WM M. SMITH. Beca,irat. GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE.- TBe T rough Ticket aad Freight Offi-~ of that GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, ILLfNO-IS CENTRAL RAILROAD. (FALENA AND CHICAGO V RAILROAD, CHICAGO. BURLINGTON AND QUlNCY RAILROAB tc Chicago. M^wtukce, Galect, D-.Vjrj ie. R.--t ; dar Hngton, Qcxncr, St Loula, ( ,:r ki:.o< a .J :.ai aa>2 all other poi Ita tweet tnd South wet!. Via SUSPENSHeN tlRIDi.E or BUFFALO, U at No. 173 BROADWAY. N Y., Q>n.er <f 0 ;.-..xLi: _0.4JIIUS CLaAK, Agaat. GREAT AMERICAN ROUTE ria MICHIGAN RAILROAD to Chlcage.. SL L< ola, R xk lalaud. St Paoi, M.waakre Kaiisaa City, and all pi ace 1 Weat and Sr.ath-wert Via New-York and Erl- New-York Central. Acierirau i.vaa Bhore, Great Weatem Railway, aal V. e- S -nt... -1. I vll- anads. fot- I 1 the shortest, q in ket, and m. at pleasau*. route U the Otaat West. The Road betwees Detp.it aud Adrian is now aprD. at. i tratua 808 r m t innecting at Adrian with exjo as trains to Chla-ago and the W, at. For sörther laf..:3iatioQ apply at das Cocnpany'a Otft. <. No. 188 Enadwav, cor of Dey-st. _JOHK F P0RTE2L Ag-nt AR It EM RAILROAR SUMMER A BRA NO EM EN TS. Cotmnencitg WEDNESDAY, June 3, 185". Tra'.ct leave Depot corner at Wn;> and Centre-tU: 7i a. axu- Croton Fa. a Trtia, eonnecring with Une of ttagea for Lake Mabopac. ~ at Crot ht Bid. Conirra with Wea'ern Rai.r>sd for Alt any Troy, Saratoga and H sac. Nam . Eapreta Mot Train for Adbany, cooneotlag :<m Fall» with itie of atoget for Lake Mahopac, at Purdy'i dgefield tt Brewrter's for Danbury. at Chatham Poor rt with Wea'ern Raur»ad for Alt any Troy, Saratoga aad the W.-tt. 3*p m.MUVrtot Train, atoppins at all atatioas Hp m ta/illiairia Brig- Train, ttopptbg at tfl ttatixu. B f n Whfte Plalxs Tt aw ttopping at all atatlona Leave JBth tt. Stall .n 7:45 a ¦ . WilUaant Bridge Tiain a*, oping at all ttationa Ham . Williamt Bridge. Trafo «tot fing al all ttatiomt lit a. ¦ -White Plaint Train ttoaaing at aU atatior.1 2j p ¦ -WiUiaos Brldga Tra'n. »topping at al atatlont. S p ta..Cmton Fallt Train, ttopping at ail stations I p. ax.tVUUami Bridre Train, stooping at all statt.on _W B J CAMPBELL, SrperUit^aideat LONO ISLAND RAILROAD.Summer Ar racgrmi^-ltodayaexceptedi_TrainsgoirgEatt: Learr Brookly n fot OreenDort at fl a an. daily, and oa Ssturdsyi at 1 » »- an. fu. Riverbaad at I a. m. aad 3:*» a m.: Bt North Ilttl f SJOp-m-; for Farmiiagda.rs at I a m.,3.»anj I a. aa.; for SvossH aJ Kam., and 4 a. tn for HeaBteAead *\\\mL'4J*'^^mU > ** «aÄatoaat 9 aad 10 e. aa, oaf a, 4 J8, A aad T p. ta. H ter UDoOX river bajlroaji.-Froic July ¦a «. I»51. train. »11: Icav C.-vrnber* st But.oo a. f Un-a Express trains 6 . m. and 5 15 p ro *Jb«y Passea^ ts^baa Hm-JIk .i.dS SOp m ifcresiMSing. 10:15a m .*^*P" f»r Ponglheepat». 7 . SB. and I ar 1 7 p m for Peekski.l. » » , ro ft I TOtMlll. P~ «kill «*d Sir.« »ir^tma» etoa .i th* way statt n. fWug rs MM et ttambere. Cans Christoph, r and Thirty first streets Train* for Hmn Troy at 4 :W. 8:4oand M:4*e n eisd 4:J0p m.. and Albany el tgia* i. m *** ||trWanm Land rolie-new-york to provi¬ DENCE Ac.-Oc an! efte- April i, EXPRESS TRAIN if the PrrA:d>:i a, Hartford aBa Fu'ikni Rail-iad will leers Bartford on the arrival there of the Express Train of Sbs Near Turk and N. w -Hsv. n. anJ N> « Havea, Hartford and Sprta* ¦add Ra''r adj width lesve New York at t a. m. m««v^ lAJsIÜEL MOTT. asaraaslsstaa»lBBss. Kew-tork and erie railroad.-Oi and after Monday. J'.:.- '.'<. 1857. and nr. il fnr* jrr norh:a, Passester Trains mili leave Pier foot of 1< -*- * a* follows, rts. i DUNKIRK FXPRF.S5» at « a. no., for Dunkirk. BUFFALO KXPRKsS. at a a SB,, f-,r|Buffelo MAIL, at a. t... for Dunk-rk and BuJfaio and Interim*- fiat. stati Bl " RO. kl.AND PASSFNOFR, at 3 30 p. ro sWaa fo"t os flaaibiii it. rta Fiernun; for ¦ufTeru'a and Intermedia» ftatlona. WAV* PASSENGER, at 4 p n»., for Ncwburgh, MsJaletowa Bad Intermediate atatiuna. EMIGhANT, at 5 p. m., for Dunkirk and Baffa'? and Inter "fd THE ABOVE TRAINS RUN DAILY. (8». NDAYB EXCEPTED). NIGHT EXPRESS, at 5 p m., for Dunkirk, every day. NIGHT EXPRESS, at 5 p m.. tor Buffalo, every ,tay_ Theae Expreaa Train* connect at Elmt.-a tn;n the F.lmlra, Cananda'^-ia and Niagara Fall« Railroad, for Niagara Falls, at Stnghamton with tbo Srrtcuae and Bingbarntou ItillrovL for Syracuse; at Coining with Buffalo, Coming and New York I*..: ad. for Re. beater; at Great Berd with Delaware. La-ka wanna and Weatera Railroad for S, ranton, at Horucdsvlile tritt the Buffalo and New-York CRy Railroad, for Buffa.... at Bafalo and Dunkirk with the Lake ghor* Railroad for Clev* land, Cinrinnatü. Toledo, Detroit, Chicago 4tc HOMER RA.MSDKLL. PreiMent Pjew-jersey railroad.For phila- 1 DELPHI A and the SOUTH and WEST, via JERS El CITY-Mail and Express Linea: Leave New-York 8 and 11 a m. and 4 and 6 p. m.; fare, s>3: 12 m. «2 2S;'topping tg way station.. 11 and 4 go to Remington. Thr-.;.* Tt-keta soid ft Cincinnati 1*17 and *l* 5t>) and the West, and fat Baltimore, Waahiugton, Norfolk, 4-ta, and through beggea* ahavrked to WaaUBttOB In la m. and 8 p m. W. WOODRUFF, Assistart S:»pt. No Bafgate wtll be re^eiv^d for any train unlea. delivared Bad i becked 15 minute* tn advance of the time of leaving._ lVEW^'ide-oauoe ROUTE from NEW- i> Y'ORK to ROCHESTBkR.-Th* ROCHESTER and 0ENE8EE VALLEY RAILROAD la now open. and. In .-OS oclioL with the Buffalo, Corning and New-York, and N»W Tork and Erie Railroad., form, a direct rout* from New-Yora to Roehaatet. . . The dire, fr.es» of this route, bsr. tber with the superior ooaa fort aff vd" 1 by the wide cars, renders it by far the moat dealra Ble beta sen the abovejiamed cities. Tickets can be procured at the New-York anl EH« RsJ.-oaa ticket (rffce. foot of Duaae St., and No. UM Broadway; also 1» Jersey City. Baggage checked through. freighta w ill be transported b-tween New-York and Roctea r with di.patch. Any informaiion desired hi regard therein can bo obtained by celling or. the General Freight Agent of th« New-York andErte Railroad, Erie Buiidingi | or C. 8.TAPPAÜ Express Freight Ageat, No 193 Broedwey No trains on the BuffaJc, Comir.g and NeW-Yorl Raltr^ed oa Bnndey._J. A. REDF1ELD. Si^riiJendertt. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LROAD.- THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE. The PeniKvivaaie Railroad conuecU at Pittsburgh with rail .wads to and from St Louis, Mo. :Altoa, Oelene end Ohl ago, IU Frenklort, Lexington end Louisville, Ky.i T»rre Hau»*, fdeiison. Lefayette and Indianept>lla, lud.: Cindntiaii. DiytoB, lyeirgfield Bellefonralne Sendusky, Toledo, Cleveland Co- nmbus ZanesriUe, Masslllon and Wooeter. Ohio; also with kb* ste*m packet b. et» from and to New Orleans, St Loula Lonlsville and Cincinnati. Through Tickrti for tbe East can hal at any of the bjovb- saeatloned places ia the West. Pessengers will find this the shortest, most expedisloas aad eomforteble route between the Ke«t end We*8. PROM NEW-YORK TO CINCINNATI IN SO HOtTRB. PROM NEW YORK TO CHICAGO IN 36 HOURS. FROM NEW-YORK TO 8T LOUIS IN 441 HOUR*. Fare as low *m by say other K ..t- Bee handbills tn tb« hotels of this ckty. Through Ticket*, at further tnfonnetlor., mey b* hal at tha s«c«ofth* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, No 2 Astor U >use. Broa Jway. _I L ELLIOTT Aaeat NEW-YORK and NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMET, ornmeiicicg July 15, 1857- Passenger statioii in New -Y'ork, corner 27th-sr. and 4th av., en¬ trance on 27th-st. TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK-Eof New-Haven. 7:2*. - M a m. (il); 11:45,8:45, 1:91 (ex >. and 4:50 p.m. For Kridg, port.TltK 8:20 a tn. (ex I; I.':45. 5:45, 4:20 (ex ). and 4:50 p. in. For Milford. Stratford, Fairfield, Bouthpnrt end Wset- port 7 2" a BL : 12:45. .'<: 15. I:'»' p m For Norwalk, 7 -''V I H a. nr.: 12.45. 3:15, 4:30 (ex.) 4:.'0,J:35 fi:35p ¦ For Derlen and Greenwich. 7:20.9:20 a in.; 12:4'». 3:15,4:50. 5:45 J:B» p.m. For Stamford. 7:20.8:20 (ex), f:2<>a in "2 45, 3;45. 1:30 (ex ). 1:50. 5:35. 6:35 p m. For Port Ches'e: ,i.d interme- -ratlona. 7:20. 9:20 a.m.: 12: 45. 3:45, 4:50, 5.V. 6:35 p.in CONNECTING TRAINS.For Boston, :;:.ii;i t... (ex ). 4:20 p. tn. (ex.) For Hartford and Springfield. 8:20 a. m. (ex ). 12:4« p. m.; 4:S0 p. ni. (ex.) For Connecticut River Railroad to Mont¬ real 8:20 a. m (ex ), and 4:20 p. m. (ex ) to Northampton For Canal Rellroed. S:2<te m. |BX ) end 12:45 p m to Nortbaiiip t.,n. For Naw-LosaAoa Railroad, 8 20 a. m.. 4:20 p m. Pol Hou.atonb Railr.rf#B, 8:20a m. 4:9s p. m. For Ne.igatuck Bailroad, 8:20 a. in., 12:15 and 4.20 p. m For Dunbury and Norwalk Railroad 7-20. 1:3»a. m.: 4:2"p. m. TRAINS TO NEW-YORK-FratB Han Oavast, 5:30. 7, 9:35a. m. (ex.), 1 :So (ex). 4:3u, 9 p.m. (.a) From BlMfs pott.6:10, 7:10 |0:|8e. in (ex.I; ttWl (ex), .',:1I,9:j7 p. m. (. gj Fr. in Norwalk. 4:45,0.6:41 8.15. 10:53a. :n (ex. i, 2:3% (ex. f Hiid 3. 0:15, |o:(ijp. ni («x ) Trom Port Cliiet-r, 5:37,0:41 7:2S, 6:58, 11:30 a. BL |f< 115:41 6:21 p. m JAMES It IIOYT Sup- .-intend, nt. fkTEW-YOKK aud erie RAlLKOÄT7cÖM- JLl PANY'S EXTR-ESS.Orxraat. Oinca, No. 175 Broac way, N. Y..The New York aaJ Erie R»;lrc*d Cjicfdov ai now prepared to do a regular Express bu^ueis HOMER RAMSOE'iL, Ptcsliaot Cras. A. Da Wrrr. Supt Express Pennsyxvania railroad .The OREai CENTRAL ROLTE, cooueuting the Atientie cities witl Western Nnrtb-wrvafcrii and South western States, by a coo tfnuoi.s Rellwey direCX This Road also connects et Pittsburgt vrith ds-ly line of Steamers to sll ports In the Western Rivers and et Cleveland and Sandusky with s»eamers to eil parts .. the North-western Lakee; mexlns the moat direct, cbeapear ant reliable route by which FREIGHT can be f irwerded to aa< "rogE tbe On-st W ert. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA and PITTSBURGH FiaiT CUSS..Boots, Shoes, He** end Cepe,),. . M Booki, Dry Ooods (in boxes bale, and trunks), > ,^.Biff Brrigs (in boxes end beles), Feathers, Fnre. to..) 1 ' sjBCOKn CLSSS .Dom**tlc Sheeting, Shirtini and I Tit.king (inoriginal belcs). Drugs (in csiks). Hard-1 absents*? were, Leather (in rolls or Boxes), Wool and Bheep ( 100 es Pelts. Eastward. Ito.) faiao Ci.aSl..Anvils, Steel, Chains (In ; Hemp. Bac< n and Pork, Salted (b os* or In Baaks), 5 ^mT'' Tobe-etgSj menulecturod, except Cigars or cot. A..'. S Povbth CLasi.Coffee, Pub, ..!.. Be.f anil Pork fir. casks or boxes, Esatward;, '.»r' and I 4")i «Ott4» Lard Oil, Nalle, Soda Ash Gen .an Clay, Tar, i* US) 8" Pltrh, K oa Ato.) Fl-tug.? 1 4/ bbi until further uotire. Ban'..'¦*> r.ri'i "p 1-ui Jl, uutii fu-to-r not!, ^. Cbttos. M 4/ is - hut - x e:. i .51«) rj) weight, auttl rv >s notbe In ehlpptng o-. 4s from *-.r .t east of Fhtlsdejphls be pea dcuiar to merk tbe peegexr, " Via Pannsylvetsim RallroaiC" a O-oda ccnaLgned to the Agents of this Road at Pruladolpbia o> Plf.sh-.rgh w ill be forweriei with-it Istsastlsa Fbciciit ACLSTJ. Hsrrti, Wonu'ey fc Co., Mvmphis, Teno. I F. Sees fc Cc, St. Louis; I. £ Mit hill fc Son, EvaL'tvllU tad.; Dumcst:!!:, B?l>. fc Co., anl Carter fc Jewett, Loulsvtilr Ey -, B. U. Meidrum, Ma-ilsor., li.u Spdgmen fc Brosm. mat trwiaA Cc.. Cincirnati. N. W, Orahui fc Co., Zaoeevtlle Ohio, Lee^b A Co., Ko 54 Kliby-it., Bo*ton; Lee.i k Co Ro. 3 Astor House, New-York, end No. 1 William at, New York E. J. Sneeder .'taU:. i.l.a Mrgraw fk Rooc*. Bajrt ¦ore Geo. C Pranciacea PitrsbirrgVi- H. H. H'm'SToN, Oenerai Freight Agent, PW'edelphia. H. J. L0MRAERT, BuperlutsrdeLt, A.t.-ava. Pa. Map 1. It«7. CDoIcr Corf. Mount prospect water-cMRe. Bin* berrton.Eight hours ride fr aa tbe citv by N. Y. end Erie Reilr, s,L VlsatBH w ill f.n l tbi* on s of the nleasanteaf pieces ra tbe Urd.n. Boe.d a>4 per week. Ai Itsig S. H NORTH, M. D. ÜUöitoi CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROP.s.. Tlis egcnicietiug torment of t<- thB<he can be spe- lily re.in,-K. by this delightful reue-dy. without fear of iniuru; tbe .: m. --r teeth EnJneiit Detiti,». »b. y u-e it daily in their I"*, Cc, and tbet ifhe» «nable I t,,sui to preserve raeuyvelu- uble troth thet trust otherwise h - heen drawn. Trv it your¬ self srd recremend it to oSheri. P: -pared and sold by A II a. I» SAM'S, Druggi.ts, No. IM Fultou at, New York. Prk IB essjfj rw-r rfrZ Ccgal Notices. thsreet, la the subserjaV-rs. at the edftee of C B.°Rogers Na 17 Wall st., in the City of New-York, on or before the fifteenth d«\ jf Jetiaary next..Lsatsd New-York, the eighth da/ of Julv 1857. JASON ROtiERS l ' JACOB S ROGERS. » » C B ROGERS, >Execut-ra. jy9 Iaw6mTi:_LAUIUi-To.'. BALI 1 IN PURSUANCE of u or<1er of the> Surn>a;Ate; of the County of New York, notice is aarahv Mvast ta afj persons having claims against JAMES W. NICHOLSON, tats of the City of New Y'-rk. il-eea»<d. ti» present the same, with v,«uebere thereof, to tin- subscrlle-.-s. at tbe oSue of E Ketch urn, No. 73 Nes.e'i-et. tn the City oi New-York, ou or Wfors tbe twei tj-fourth dsy of Julv BSXt . Datad New-York, tba aights.-i.th day of Drc-xlKg IBjd. MARY ANN NICHOLSON. , _ THOMAS NICHOLSON. Jsr.r !aw6mTb« KXe, jtr.v. Bad Expert** I N PUR8UAN( E .'fat: i.nler of the Surr... tt*3 of tbe Co,;nty of Ne» -Ye, k n-tic-fa feafab) gvaa W ,.l bbi s.us having claims s.sio.t th* esta'e of C, a'RR KT L K |W late or the Ci'y < f New-York, dsesaastl, f. nr. e nt th. earn* srith v.rtii her. Lhetei f tb. sub.c-:b.-r, SAB AH ROW, at her leaMrVM 121 9< llivac st . in the Cir» .,f New-Y .'k on .r betöre the 10»b day of Jajuerv next .(Jet d N-w York the 21-ley of Julv 1857. J W. oofT. Ad.iiini.tt«;-r. jy31aw6mtb_SARAH ROW, Admini.tratria. IN PURSUANCE of an order of tue Surrogate of the Counts .f New York. Boticei. hereby given C eO C?~~t5j r,»'J.'" meinst the Estate of PHILIP 11 ART Uteof th. City of New-York, bakc-r. deces-d, to present tbi same, nub vutn bersO er.ot.totha enbscriber. at iL office ol My. r Marten. No 8 Wallst. In the City of New York, cue, betöre the aiarh dsyof AufU.t next -Baud Now-York the SLb V ItÄv r-RANCIS MILLER. Exacator. i\j <>i june. SAMl'EL P PARKER f j jiiiliilitl^taat HKNRi gEPOWH K. ( A" r*M* IM I'URclUANCE of M or.lot of the |ajaj of tbeCoouty of New York. ckw|<» U .¦«.Sir«, . rr<«u»ioi.| ctakma eg* V IM.IAM » »KAM*,]!. of the Cltj of Nm Yoik il.*-.-e*ed. to prea-n* th- , roi.rli -r« thereof to the a-ihecnbere at the oSiie of Vharaai HaUt< d. Noa. W »n.l M Murray «t i" tbe City of on or 1 > Um thlrl v fir.t day of July n.-xV . DaUd Kaw-Tej ihr 28tii air of January. 1WT henry MOORF I-- a J«r> lawtenlV B< Ht'REMAN H aL*TFD, I ***»>>> IN PURSUANCE of »n order of th* B«m£ oftf.' Connty of Now York, notice f> hereby grrea a, p. rinn having cleiro« against the eatate of JO.vF.pH IkW '»t. of tin CftytrfNi" York.merin r d.a» I C or. ^^» aaavwilbvoeirberetl reoftol eiWnl,«, et thetr .aw No IS Footb-«t in th- (itv of N-w York, on or k»f.ir«U«y OeXi..Dated NK.^York tjae^ day*^ "& läwfiii.To« F- A. BLOO.NO lELD . ...eter. IN I'l RH AM E <>f nn orJ. r ..f th» Sum^at il i etv of New-Yor) notlroW hetelrr floate «law o.. L i, ; rrt£ ..in.- GEORGE V% POW E ROY JL\ th.- Pit' o( New-York, decaeed P'T''1 « " ??».*- ?, th..Mo the tihere Ol th-. S-dgwt-k. N »I Wal. afreet, k> tmm t ity "l few^loa «« w M r. Mi, tu-r.tr fir.t day ot D-o mNrn. -xt.-ltated.WTaSj, tb tera«treath 4a jr *fwi9*m\J^'1 jeW lowfktiTh_ IN lTRM'ANCK öf «n "rder <-f Sa Barrnaajfi f r nti ,,<" Ni » ^ irk ¦ He' >. aoreay gn<« te «| P,r..^;.,V;,Ä;ra>.«ai,.t OEONOE M. TI'MSoN. 10. oft* CHr eTK u Vor. hu .dar ,lo.-»». d. to nr. ae^t theaa^S» orita . tl treaf, t.. the .ob.. rib. r. -t tu. mm,>No taj Sixth 0%.. in thoCity of N.w York n^ b..for. thetl..rt.Htk d.v.t N. («nbarnei. -Dated N * iJ,<t OEOROE O. SMITH. Kseeutor. lawjaiTV___,_. IN PlTBcHJANCE Of «" oVBSC of flu» Surro-at* of ,1... ( ....?> -I N-v. York, noti. -t. In r-^r jrie-n to ail ,r. k. ii .aot tat K.-v-of saMukl r». »G. D N BERÜH lata of tb. Cito «4 V w , ,r k d. r-M.d. u »r*. i'.tL tap with Togchen Oaereol to tlo .-b^r.h-r, et kl» * N ] r ... .. i. fitv oi n. w >ork. oo or b^bra ^Ivfehj JAMt- rt VEW-VOKK sl TKLME COrRT.Couar/ «i il rhaaa ifitha B attaeaaaoa.jlataiBT, axaiaet JaaaatW, l7.ii ^ 7we F Butler, J. H. M^iHa. Eaarutor, he «fCor- |w ».o Ann Für. Pepr-r. Thoma» D. Penr'r fL'h IVp,ar and Theodor. Martina. Uafead- StK'BoSia-i to, Behef ,-To th. d-feodant. ABU V, r/t l'r ITH« Toa are hereby eiinirimned and ra- l ,',i to arf.we"tb( .. '.'./». .»* B SY^ intheotBei oi the Clerk of the Coturtj of Riaie. aadja a,.rve...pvot Touran.v.,rtoth. .aid o.-mplaiut on the oaV "ribe". it their nffic. No. " . Nua-.-i -tr.-t. m the City ef S. « Y.-k «ritWa tweaty dayi after the eerrire af tBBj *.tn.n. onvou. earlu.ive of the dar of .»'\^'^liBl if , th< laid .. mplalat * itbin tb. j*mm "iore.iud. the plaUitih la tfci; acii... wUl ^ the fja« f. r ti r .! -f in...i.de.l la th- ...i''P:'''»ir,V«_i(N£r j .. ;, tm. ADBIAKCB a \ ANIiFRPOnjL. J, i: uln»Th- _PlaintiS'a Attora-ya SUPREME COrRT.-lAMKS M. Ql'IMBV again.. MARY A O ATM AN -To the Def-ndunt: Yo« «. betety .t mmoned and required to .a.w.-r the roatplaiathailf abh h wa. f.Vd in the off-, of the Clerk of th.. Cityau» Count» of Be* Yoik on the 8th d»i of July. I»» andt»ai«»a . (.pV of x..i,r it .wer t.. the .aid .ornplaint on ..e at our "fflce N h P. elw > .i 'beti-yofNew Y.-K « .t.tw .... is d.yl alter the .etvi.oof »hia aumtroua . n yo... "'.,n, of'»* *j of.u-h aerrice; »ud if yon fail to «...wer the aud (¦¦..iiplvat he time aforoaald, the plaint id iti thü aaBaawttl atfll 10 the Coart for the radtef aitmalaf La the c .n.pla-ut. Dated New York .My f IW _ . iTllL A'KLU ^ j TUB. .*l**^wv._ .SUPREME COURT-COUNTV OF CATTA- J> BAUOL'S.-Alberl 0. Dow »gt. William B Whit. \Zv I.aac Stvar a::d Sarah Hitchcock Summon, for KT/,,., -To ISAAC iPEAB and SARAH HITCHCOCB, a.-, tanta: You are hereby r.,uim ..,e.l to aiiaw-r tha Si, Sntof A1BF.RTO DOW. aiafattik?, wbUk wag filed in the Clerk', dm. - of Cattaraugu. (ouuty on the Ut day of June ISOT, and to til- a eon of your aaawpron the aahaaitBa] at Baaaolph, New-York, within twoaty day alt. , th- aerrio.of tbte auu.rnon.. .XclaafVO of the imf of " H fco and if you fail W aaawet taU on.pl dnl a. h-.ebv r- quired, the plairititf wnl t.k. Judement agalaal you lor ou- hundred and two dollar, aaf ane tv-.ix oonte, « tth int. root ftotn 'he Bret day »f June UA bf aide rtwta--Jiici 1.1*57. alex sheldon, ». i.". 7m Tl. PlakatleT*. Aetemay. SUPREME COURT.COCNTr OF CATTsV BAUOUB..Merri.k NuttiK and r.i«m M Nuttiag agaiaag Wdliam B. Whitney. Uu.«<- Spaar and Sjrah Hitch- cock Summon, tor money..To the ahn-named ISAAC SPEAR and SARAH HITCHCOCK, awfbadoatoi You «« her. bv ..immoiied to aubwer the complaint of MRRRICK N1 I'l no and EDWIN M Nl'TTINO. plaintiff., whi h ru Slid it: the Clerk'. Office of Cattarsugu» County ou the firet day ot June. 1K.V7, mid to a.rve a copy of vour .n.wir n the aubacribar at Randolph. New York, witluh twenty day. after th- .errioeof tmia aninmo.ia, ex.in.ive ol the day ot aerviro; aud if yon fail to auawcr naid complaiut a. hereby required, th- plaintiff, will ttka judgment ajaiiiht you for four baadrod aud forty aix do'l.ri and for»* tiveccnta, with infe-re.t from the tir.t day of Juno, llff, boide.oit.-Jua.» t, lk?7. ALEX. SHELDON. JtyBJ lawtiwTh Plaiutitl.' Attorn y. THE^PEl »ULI: öf tbe STATEof NEW-YORK, by tbe (.rare o| God. I- ru- ami Indepeiideut -To all peraon« Inter. ht<c in the e»..te of ALEXANDER THOMSON, late ot ti e City "f New -York deceased, a. er.ditora. 1. gateaa, neat of kit., or otlietwiee. farad »r.ting Ton and each of yoo are I. o. by ffei ai d r< quired peraotally to be aud appear biforo out Bixnoaata of the County of New Yo.k. at hi. oaV a, iu the City of New-York, on the i.'th day of Auau.t next, at eUren o'l lack in thai Ion ni on ofthat day, than and tne.-e to attend tha tinal orttl BOttl of liM obi nt ot pr. .--ding, of Daniel D. Loui, W illiam S. jnicur and W illiam Arthur, a. executor, of the la-t will and testament ol .aid Oeceaa-d Iu testimony wberoot we luv. earned tha aval of ..tlice ..t ...id Surrog.te to |i bet nta iSlrad Wituesa Alexander W Bradtord. eaq dre, Surrogate of our aaid County at the City of New York, [l. s.| the .' th day of February, in the year of our Lord on* th....-and cUht hundred and RRj otiaa lyldlawlwTh A t\ BRADFORD Surrogate. LETTERS FIIOM THE PEOPLE OUR NATIONAL rOSI-OFelCE. Tj <ht Kimt of Tht S. f. Tribimt. lent: I ate a OOmplalBl of lo?8 uf money in oar '. Circunilocutiim office," receirdcd by a Iad\ in tha BBBaBBff*0TBIBtTBE. That tnicli ceaiplaiiita are fre¬ quent, tliat it took 'elevta day* for u letter t<< IB MflrOBI Third avenue to East llroadway. in thid cit/, and tbut it coiaftaiitly takes from two to four dayi. or nioie, to (stud lttte-re from one- part *'f thin city to nn< tier by tlx- (luv. rniiient l'u>t. ft^ nataral a coo- SBOBjatioa with our preaent lyetem.it that can be cai"l r-,tt< iu trbiefa liue no iraiom at all.a.- that we can hase BO datliolit win l the- *uu ig on the oppoaita eitle of the earth. Rut yet I rjo ii.t m e tliat Hr. L*BB> n.»i -t. r Fowler i- to bo baM in countable for all the ahort- coiningi- of our pot-tol lyatetn. HortBriad BlaBatif could not make a <rou<l city postal eefubliehineiit witi our prei-eit laws and reL'tilatioiw. t\-\? men have eve* labored in. re diligently to tfl'.-ct uuprene-rggM tg iu his Iii. g, n ..tKeial appeiiutmeut haagin u m-.re univ.-r»al MtaBaetfoB, aud no i'o.-tuidKter in twenty war. haa iniide a- many impren ementi in our etitv VntX QBafW ak Mr, Feu', r. H it he. and y.,u, «ml I, and all iu«euf- forigfgit)d coniplaiuinir public, and aratyoJbbBB a»d tot i tiieial pe-reenage in the laml Daj kabjr, coinplaia, beai pot.et.tlv, or do what we Ltka, aud without aomo rnat.riul diBBiM in our system, we- nev t ei.ali have a city |K>f t that is either prompt, safe, nr reliable. I ardl hack Isaac N. Fowler, Messrs. Caldwell, Taylor, Hal- lett, (.'¦ Ba, Streu,-, Scott, ami Thomas Clatk (proba¬ bly otheis quite as capable in our eity r<.st-( >tticei, b^'aiiM an e-qual nuuiberr of postal oaVai. iu auv .the-r city, State ot rntimi. for ability, ellieien if, or faithfus- aaaaLi tbait dattaai but we hate no uniforinitvor reg¬ ularity in the machinery of our DOStaJ iMtnhli.hmeat, partieulariy in its (.iK-iation in cit'es. I think the lady who trunk- tht coiiimunicatnm to The Tribi'.v». wae fBtiUad to an answer to her «tcotid letter, aud apropua of that 1 ayiU pivt two facts abowiup; the wuy they do th' -* tBiaari in EtiRlaud. Kverv eiugle letter, no inat- ter what tfjo subject of it, addre'issed to th.- he-ad of tha Bt itisa, or the he-tidon ripat Onäoa, U e-ertain to Lava tin HUewer to it by return mail. A BSayBAflaBB in Loo- don received a letter by tbe eity port letter carrier, at 3 <> 11.» k p. BJs. and he compl i.u. el to tha I'oatmaoter- li.-iitral. tha lead of tb. Lafadttil 1'ostOilice.that Lia letter fggj d.-layed out aHaaaV hour la the delivery, u- it OBgbl lo ha\ e at lived nt 'J oiloek. The caae ayat ut 11 tloqaii «i into by .Mr. Hi l. toe- BaCiatatB, the- CBnkr araa tound, and the post mark showiig; the Boar the kth r was ma.led, Lit- aaiilecfJoB was known, anal he was at on<e dtrgrharged forever from tie aer- tice.an < ffitt he could have held or lifo. II ai- mitted that he kept the letter back 'ill the u-xt boatlf deliver*, be. auea it wae th«; Mli ,.ue he had at that hfur f.r the street to which it was addresatd Wi aida'l you like tocauh ttc official «,f our Pugdj Oflksa u 'ikii at an investigation into the cause of a ia* lay of one boai in the delivery of a letter? Hut 1 fLink brtter tin e*ate cou-inx. I think I *ec unfailiag it OicatioTiH that our present adu.io'gtration of the I'.o-t Office is not to be a repetition of the laat. 8er- tral statesmen of the hightst poeition and iuflueaew are in favor of improvements in our Fott-Oftlc^. Hi» Eminence the late l'oetma>tcr Geuer'al aud .on* of Lie official underlicgH looked as much aghast at tha idea of bsBFOBV, as a bub at eight of a tnatadjre with a acarlet < look and spear. The late Chairman of the Bpg4>QBjBB roBtBllflaa in tbe House of Beore- Metatjreg, as well as bis brillia.it predeeeesor. Kdson 11 O d- w.-re all of the same yjece. ratrwtism aad .' il it:itioa are <T no party. Some of the above beim ge<l ou one side in pe.l.ties, aud some on tha «.'f .-, ih -\ were all alike io tbe iua*te-ly-;nac4ivity B h- oi that taught " Row not to do it," and the ooun Dj «t.d their imttiedintej cot -.ituet.ts have, witi. mui^u- lui unat.iuiity, pt iiniUcd tl em ail to go about then bueLaasB. As much aa bas lieeL said and w ritten ou tbe sawj«c4 of postal aflaifsja-itbit, tl e la.-.t two or three y*»1"»«* helkkTa aoBa of us have got to >be bottom of tbe .ua- j-et, and that few understand the unequal of the poatal eipansea and aervicea la d"**" cut localiiiea. Jty your leave. I will l^'6',..! another communication, aotue tacU that *S mm tniat of your leaders will, I rtatare to aay, oa as e*- rio-s a&d iLtcrvcting aa they ara pertiaoBl B> taa saw»
Page 1: H IM Passea^ NOTICE REFINED TOtMlll. ||trWanm IN LandHanoyer Fire Insuraure Company 05.) 7

financial.TJtlERT TT. NICOLAY. AttotM.iwr, will sellTHIS DAY Jo'-V i'» »I 12, o'clock. Hi the M«.'lnnt»' K»

i hange ' <r account °< * "ni >t n 4jr ( »nesrn:

. «.(¦to ( hi. .*<> St. r»»U and F..tid r)u Lm Railroad tit Mort¬gage 7 pet MM Ro.vi*^a»Ctevr.and. Psjawvillc mid Ashtib .ls Raiiroi-1 7 p-r

trat Bondst>58H' IMr oil rud Mi'.w »iib<*r Railroad 7 p»r cent Bind«.fSWoUoa' W. sterB (El.) Railioud 1st Mortgage 7 p.Hi

B mA**4«i# Bar ran.etil Ott] I ¦ bad 1. «D P. ..da.a>»8 fOOCi'.i'.enia Stst.- 7 per rent Bond« of it!',»Kl"*" (in TU at i, W ¦iinicjton and Zvieavills Railroad In-

r in« Iii odd01!>0«| New i r rk and Erie Ra iroid 7 per rent Convertible

B .o. 1K71.»lftfi.OiK. ( ho ago. St. Paul and Fond du Lac Railroad T.and

Orant 8 per cent Bond*IPO »hau* (Jal.t.a and Chica?.. Ril'road, $1'>0 each.l#»ijr.'» New York and New-Haven Kail-iad l^-nnlne

at. rki, S> ICO cash75 shares It:, i. su.mi's Bank. *40 each.lariabare* Broadway Bank. 8>2jeach.78 that. I Atlantir Bank. 010» each.50 .harr» Chatham Bark *)'.''. a.-b.119 abarea Merchants' Bank, *»o , arh.50 shirr. Hanoyer Fire Insuraure Company 05.) <a^b.SC abarea Citv Fire Insurance Company a>7<' aa b88 shares Na' al Flic Inauraac* Coinpnny. *>T7J .ach.40 shares Urrat Western Mamie Iuauranca Company, «T100

each.100 share, N^rth American Fire Inaurance Company, $51

.ah.Vi ibai' s Tri nt.-n Iron Com pan v. iS-'OO. ear h.Mabare* N< w fork and N a England Cni >u T-'.-graph

Cotnpsr.y j><'*i each.50 atari-1 American Plat<- 0I sat Company. *> 100 e,ch.tWsbare» An.erii :mCoal I'ouip .nv of Alleghariy i aaot) Ml,

J>tc each.I2S ahart s Alieghany Mining Company, «*100 each.TERM' Ol bau»..loper cent this day, and the bslanee Wora

1 oVIoca to-morrow. The ac< mad intereat on all the BondiWill be cbirged to the prurhns-r. N«Rt regular *'ile oa

MONDAY, July 2I>. ALBERT H NICOLAY,(90751 Stock Ancti'-aeerand Banker, No. 4 Broad at.

DRIAN H. MULLEK will «Hl at AUCTIONTHIS DAY (Thursday, Jaiy 16), at 121 o'clock, at the

Merrhaati' F.irhange. f.riOn share BUTCHERS' ANDDBOVnUr BANK STOCK, le-ing an increase of »V2O0 000 tobe ( Spits'. ( f said Bank. (2211)

Ohio Li i i. I ssi ii iv vi> Ic-rtovhu-.iCincinnati, July 6, 1857. J

ADIVIDEND of FIVE PER CENT oa the,Capita! Strck of this Company was declared THIS DAY,

payable oo the tZd tntt., in the t MrJ of New York.0. W. RICE. Secretary.


NOTICri.Depositors are herebv notified that the usual aemi-arucuai dividend on all sums . ntitl-d thereto at th" rate of sixper cent per annum, on auma not exceeding |M and five per(ontiver *>500 will be paid on and ht»-r MONDAY, Jilv 20.Interest not cailec for will be credited a. principal md drawintereat accordingly from .Inly I Bank op-n daily fr-no lutrSa'elock. i.nd Monday, Wedneaday and lastudOf avsjatugsfr ISftoVo (.: .c«. FRANCIS P. SCHOALS, Preatdeat.Wanr B Worbai.l. litRTSSBrr.Pryer Cf msi ng, Accountant.

East Rivi.r Savings Bank, No. J ( bam ..-rs-.t., {July ML 1857. )

DIVIDEND..Tb«' DEPOSITORS are hf-n-bynot.'ed that a aerul anneal dividend at the rat-of A per

Cent per HM on all auma >.f f>5 and tip to 6500. ami 5 porCent per annum on all sum* over (..Hai. wlii.-h bsvo been de-poi.it« d a* least three months pr.-ve.ua to the lit Inststit, will beallowed to d. pai i'.ors. payable on or »t'er MONDAY, the 20thInstant, during the houra of bi.aiuesa at the Bank. All int.-re«tno' (ailed for will remain as principal, and draw interest fromthe 1st ins* t Bank open diiily Iron 10 a. in. to 2 p. m., andon Thundav t trona 5 to 7 o'clock p rn

PETE* H. TITUS, President.C A. Wmr.m v, Secretary.

I V ID E N D.CONTINENTAL HANK..ADividend of four per cent hna baasj declared to the Stock,

holdera of tbi- Bauk on and alter the fith of July next.June 20 16.'.7._B. F. WARNKR, Cashb r.

Makims- S.oim.i IkiTITDTIOX, corner 3dav iind9th-it.

DIVIDEND NOTICE..rhu Trastsv« of thisItWtttatlwi have declared a DIVIDEND at tin- r .t.- ..(

BIX (6» 1'F.R CF.14T on deposits between #5 and $5(10. andFIVE (5) on Urger sunn, payable after WEDNESDAY. 2idInstant. All dhidcuda not dian n will be added to the principal,arid bear interest is an. h.

By ..id. r. THOMAS ß. STILL.MAN, Pr. si.'.-ut,Isaac T. BMI r h. S.. r. tary.

I »I ay etrii fuii: Iss. Co., No. 147 Fulton-at., iBrooklyn, July It. |ft".7. ,

DIVIDEND..Tin- BOARD of DIRECTORSba\» this d^v dc( lared a S-oii-Annual DMdkra I ot Fl VK

<.^>pertei,t jnyabie en and al>.. r the .vt.h inst., uutu which.tun- 8k*trai rfarbooki wUl be elosod.

_ANSONS P VLMKR. S.-c'y.Orntl Ol Till. ItAKMeNY FlBI IMOBAMCB afcb, ]

No. 6 tSaTI k «t. New Vokk, July 2, 1837. J


PER CENT, payable, on demand_R O. PLOVER, S-cretary.

Do iDEkoOi rica, staw-Yoaa Bwitabli Usobaxci Co., >No. 5R Wali-st., New-York. J.ilv 7, 1857, J

THE BOARD of DIRECTORS bava thi* 4..yaVrUtrtd . Si.MI-ANNt Ah DIVIDEND of TEN per

I KM. payable to (be Stockholders on au t altar the 11th nut.

_JOHN MILLER. Se reUryOi net! or Tin: Mt:aciuvT>' laatTBABCI Co., >

Cats r Fulton A UtWSWll b st... N York. July G, U»7. }


Out, pai able on and alter July I Ith. The transfer b .k*willbe dossl uutil aftir that dut-. J. L. DO' OLaSS, S.-'y.

Paci» ic Man. Steamship Oo N'ew-Y'ork, .Inly 8. 1357.

THE BOARD of DIRECTORS ban 'thi* day.sedated * DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT owtof the

firofita of Iks (' np .nv, paynl.le on and site! the 1Mb ioaC toIbe itockhoidera w ho were »ncb at tin- aJoatH »» the rrsii«f.'r-Bock. tin. day. FREDERIC HOFFM AN, Sooretarj

OasTlfJl 88 Tin: Bbcvbitv F'iri- lastfaAMi Co., INo ÖI Pine at (Ore:,.. We.t. rn Buildings), N. Y. J

THE Board of Dim-tors of this UfXnjKMay BUTHIS DAY dcilared a DIVIDEND ot SEVEN Pf.R

CENT, payable August 1 -July 13, 1437THOS. W. BIRDS\LL, Secretary.

Ol»ICB or Rl.rfiii.it: Firk llSVasaoa Co.vir avy, 1No. 16 Wall .ct., New-Y..rk. Jrii. 8, iaV7 J

TnE DEALERS with the REPUBLIC EIREFNSURANfiE COMPANY nr.- itisaju8lbJI| anrdtesj, that

ll.e Beiipfor tb. y.-srs ending 31st D«ceml»-r, 1864, 1855 andimjjssTuat1l|tr Fff' ENTY-FOI R AND ONE HALF PEECENT '7t|i ii|K(y the earned premiums is all ready for doUveiW.

Interest Dividends id SIX PER CENT per annum, ort tue

«»cnp issues of IBM and 1845 have also beeu aashrad, and are

pavable in ca.fi at tU' ir ofnee. No. IK Wall st., where Insurersagainst fire are requested t<> call and examine tbs- liberal rharae-?. r isftbelr orK'vnu ition, w Blah makes the hsSSjreSB particifiatorilu tlsa profit* « ithout aiaumiftg any of the risks of the C unpaay.

Section 18 of the Chart, r piovi.les that all Scrip not e died lor«ritosu lit yeanfrosa the date of Issrsa, shall be passed to toe

ct« dJA ol the Cou'i. \ny. TRUSTEES:Charles H. Russell. Denning Du. r, l*rs*L'A. DelssaO.Daniel B. Fi «ring, John Stewuid, jr., Joseph U..wlr.ii0,William tl. Rusaell, Kol» rt 11. Minturu, D. Dr.«k.- Smith,A, C DeWl.ll.g Heul.el. U It'.el», Fr. L 0. Fosts»,«»/.,««as D Tsasar, Edward C Ontar, Pales; Hail,Wn.. Bwtlei DnaeaWrissalab Oakea, Robsärt S. iL.ne,H. IL W «dl-. S. Oaliiard, ir., S. V. Hoffman,Isaiw Town*(ud J. M Walerbury, Jacob Anthony, jr.,James Wsn u, WlUkaa H. Cary, J. P. OiraaA FosAaajArtlsur Ls-irj. 0-«.ni. T. Ade... John A. C. drayM. W. HaralitoB, John J. Astof, )r,,Diacan F t > rkv. S.. v ROB'T S. JUYNE, Pres't.

IVEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD SEVENI* PEK CENT BONDS..The andarsljrsad :fter for »ale thedFVEN PERCENT COUPON BONDS of this ConaanUswe isguei. having twenty yean to rua Iriterc»t pjvahle se:niauaieally on tb« first daya of February and August, at the Com-Bativ's Axcarv m this city. DUNCAN. SHERMAN A Co.

Ol MC r. Ol t he MumoAN Soiiiikkv and NoRiiirRV)Isoiaxa Railroad Covihany. tvo 18 Willnm-st. >

Niw ToBB, Jnue.N, 1857. )

THE STOCK TRANSFER Books ..f thisCoB.pa.vy will 1* closed »n th* SOtb June, At 3 o'clock

r. Bi, preparatory to the establishment of s Registry of .he,fc-AKS of the tompsny. and will op. n on the 2"th dsy of July.By ordimf the Board. J M HOPKINS. Secretary


BONDS of this Company due Aagu-t I. I«57. will nepudat theT t*)B*rer's Ofl rc The tran-l-i books will be i.Ioaedou andalhri Julj Iftb. »..'... day ot payment1_C C CLARKE. Treasurer. |

THE TRUSTEES of tbe IRVING SAVINGSINSTITUTION have md-r. I that lots r.-st be paid deu-va-

Irors far the last three sod «iv aaontbs eudiu< Juuejo. 1*57. ntthe rats) of * per (eut on all auma entitled thereto, payable oaand aflei MONDAY, 2uth July. Ail uiteie.t wUl he credited toilepuaitors a* priueipaJ1TVALTER W. CONCKLIN, Pretideut.

Y. L Bt'Xios Secretaiy.Di part mint air Finance. CovTaOLLBa'l Omca,)

N « Volk. June 26, 1857. J'ROPOSAI.S for $e7r..(H*t» SIX TER CENT

t EN TEAL PARK FUND STOCK "-Sealed profs^alsart* U rM<ri««d at the Controller', office uBtil THURSDAY,Julv In. 1BB7. al 2 >.'. W» p. in , when the «ame will be p ibl.clvr^assacB, fol tar a:-¦ se or aoy part t tbts auio int of two bun ledBSJd *ejey:«v five thousand dollar, of Central IVrk Fuud St.whoftkf City ol r>. »--York" sutb-riged by boh t of the l.egi.laturef.fthtaS'ste entitled " Ab act to aulborise tin- ade of the tftat«B israal* in New-York and Alb.... c I" pn vi.l I >r th>-pnri base. .f the N". v Y ork Arsenal pioi» ri_ u S » >..ik, by the City ofbiew York, and for the approprtati.w ot the pr.h-ee.la- f nsohlaur," passed April 15, 1857, and bv all ordinance of tbe CommonCowncl approved bv tar Mayor Jane 17. 1837.tTb*ssaafstock will eynsi't M t>« o thousand seven hundred and

fifty tbi res of one huuCfed dollars es h »Jta-e, tw ariuf interestat the rate of six per cent per aarnuin. payabla q o-'- r vearlv,aad t h- pr tpal . . rssieimahsa oa the 1st day if July,' la tbejear '. .*»Tha |tvpo«aU will ata'.e the number of *hare* desire!, and tbe

price pet share T\* paras« w b. se prop .sals are a c-p' -d willIt reouiieo u d« po*tt with the Ctiambeilain ol tbe city the s.m.WasaVd and coveted by the bid, aud .-U preseutlng tlie. r c. ip.althe ( batnberiaib t- tie C..i.ir.«ler. will be euti:l- d t n twit ¦

l^rSjAcat |..r tb. par v.llir of the utirub. r of share*, carryingI »erssst ft uso the dato of tbe dsrpo-U*T*h p:..p,»(tit* aboold be sealed up and indorsed, " Pro

P J* 8,4 P? W'd t-utral Park />,..{ Steak;" and IbaMBotrltoti rosy thru b.j...t up in a sae...d euv.-l .pe, sealed anddirected, A. C r.agg. Controller, No j HaJJol R.c ards N. w.

york."A C FLAOO. C .ntroll. r.

MR DAVID DUNCAN ku THIS DATlktvtow a nacmber oi our firm.

DUNCAN. SHERM AN k Cmbsa- TaaV July L V6S1._. <

ftinOlNI AT TWELVE PER CENTAL<Sf M.\'m\J\r\J Tbe aubs. ri>» r bol l, for s jeainnrai .tfirst elassTVSFI.Vn PER CKNT PER ann I'M bon'd's K.i,priresgasj and inte rs at of w hi. hare aecun^t by .bp.ait* 3 >Isterafs rn ©na of our ally Banks The-e a.-.-i;rttlsn an Insmjiinl- I.rw S) '. . »I fta., with acml annual ciiio-.r.. mf.a tacbed. HENRY A FILLEY Ho M Wmt n?


«0* »!<.¦ Of TM fcmWl II MmM ( '»Hm |No Well .t hl» Vock JtgteeM INC.I

NOTICE im bcre-hr civf-n tbat th« f. il.auogbad ikiiH of Um* in the BOBWICB MINING

CONft'ANY. harr iM-er forfeit, d for bod pvyue Dt o( au Aaa'ae-

idint of Ol per tbsre mm od th« Wth April last, ami that theilmc « ill ho told tt public auction tt IhU office on FRID VY,the 17th Jnlyneit, «t II o'rl'Tk B m, nni. ta p-. uoualy rs

da-. Bled b) p«Vt!UDt of BBBBBBBBBBB Bfl.i expeuaet:Certificate N<. fit, i<«i »bare.. Oetl I «te Nu. ..»:». lGHthares.Certificate Na «2, 12 ebsre» Ccrri1i.;ate No. 381. I'<0»harrt.Certificate No. 1MI. 1*1 ¦bar»*. tVrtifieaat No. 12ß. vi .hareaCertificate No. SM, 25 ehan-a. Certificate No. 1&4, «¦<; ahareaCertineaU Na. Saa, S0 tbares. Certificate No. 19t, »l «bama.

Ortifoa « No. l.f I. 99. abarv-a. Certificate Ko. 1«, 50 aheres.> N 163 .."<. aharea Certificate N.. 48, .120 ,harea.

ita Ni VI 24 Ibarra Cortifieata No. tat. 799 thermCi rtil.ratat No. 3m», 25 aharea. Certtaoste Ha 5. 20.ha.ea

Certificate Na 249. 192 eharee. Certificate No. 218, 5" abare«,ate Vo 2», 3H» aaSa-ea (Vtt.ti. ate No. 1». 1« ah area.

Certiorate No. 72. IM aaatrra. Certificate No. K, lÄiBaraa.. .. ate No. 7*2. 5 than « rttl ate No. UM, ..."«bare*

te N 999 12 abarra. Corttficato No.2JD, 38aharea.C:-.. te N«. 2*». 25 ebarce. Cettilicate No. Sin, SJ »Ur-

Crrrtflralt fft Tfl. 15 aharea. (rtiticot.- No. 34C, 75 »harea.

Blt*i< »te No. 294, 10 aharea. Cortifieate No. 371. l^aharea.C rtfi ate No. 1(1, 30 aharea. Certificate No. SM lOOahtree.i i'ii. ate No. JOB. 2.'i «barea. Certificate No. 78. 100 aharea.<:. rtitfeat«- No. 300. 40 aharea. No certificate, SO aharea,CitiaVate No. 380, *i aharea. ........ ¦NATHT. HAYDEN. Treasurer.

Or?Kl M THE uoisatomc RaILKOaO COMPAVr, 1BaiOfc» roitr, Juuc 20. 18:7. )

NOTICE to BONDHOLDERS..Th* COL-PONS due on the lat pro«, on the Bond, of thi« £'>'"W

will he paid on preaootation at the office, of KULdtn,IIi )\\ K £ Co., in the City of Near-York, or at the Treasurer a

office In the City of F.ridfoport. , , __... .,

At the annuarmeetinr oftbe Stockbddera In Febniary la«t. itwaa roeolv.d to pat ." r»"h *S0.00Oof Uie ont.taridingBo»d« falli.-.j doe Jau. 1. Ifcj«. from the net incooie of the road

In 1867, and to create a near laaue for the balance, bearing dateJan 1. 1857. of *>250.000, which abould retain the aaiun p-'rfect¦ran riiy which bad been iiveu for the original Bond- of *'»0,-«m .f which new tame it waa derided to make $19,99» payableJan I 1859 g..ri0,ooii Jan. 1, 18Go, 4>.V\0oii Jan. 1, 1M1. **>.000Jen. l! 11*2, and »tt.OOO Jan. 1, 1863, and thua extiugtith thewhole mortgage debt within the period prearrihd. In pur«u-m» ¦ al thia reaolution the New Bonda haee been prepared and

already negotiated to the extent of *159,0oo, chierl» in ex-

char.ge for the old bonde, which hare been caneelod andcoarged off, leaving »91,000 yet to be exchanged or otherwisediapoaed of. Holth-ra of Ohe remain der of the old bonda are inTiled to examine th« new laaiie. and to exenanxe for them theirold bond*, ahonld they feel rtiapo.ed. and on «u< U tenna that the

blTOBtniBal will pay thein 8 per cent per annum.The New Bonda being payable at turu'ry datea.lt will be teen

that tlioae who contemplate exchanging will have a betterchoice now. aa to the time during which they may wiah to con¬

tinue the inveattnent, than bv deferring it to a later period.K v. Large, .'.n In- made with hletara. KETCH I'M, HOWE kCo.. New-York, or with the underaigncd at Ilridrepc,rt.

H NICHOLS,Treatnrer.Of net; or thi Pmar's FiRr lM.t k*»CK Co.)

('. no r of Canal and Thompaon-ata. )

AT an ELECTION held at th«- oOtH «»f the Com¬pany on the 18th June, in-t, for DllBUtaW of thia Com¬

pany, th« following uanieü Geutlemen were choaen for the en-

aiili g year:Richard Varick, Henry Demarct, David F. Baker,I). iBokeon Steward, Janice S. Rronwer, Mawhiat Bloodgood,Fn-eniiD Campbell, Jotham C. Meeker, Willimn Moir,Samuel Birdaull, Solomon Banta, Edward 1) Nel-on,Edward L Lynch, George Warner, Matthiu. Clark,F- U r R. ( I. i«tie, John w I.ewia, Chriat >pher Owyer,J.iiiu a S. I.cwia, Thotnaa Williama, John Moueypenny,Cornelina Stephens, Edward P Clark. William Hertael,Simon Shindier, Moitimer Browu, William M. WUaon,Waa. D. Waaaburn, Philip J Boueati-e-1, Abraham Leegatt,John P. Yelverton, Alfred Barmore, I.,.Chaplu.GiJeoa De Angelia. Ahm. R Vaa Neat.At aaul.-eoiient meeting of the Board, RICHARD VARICK,

ewi waa unauimouaiy teeh-. ted Pre.ideut New-York, June|6aT7. W. F. UNDERHILL, Se. retary.

rp i IE TRUSTEES OF TH E flE AM EN'SJi BANK FOR SAVfMOS harra or.len d that IbbvMbI hepaid on Dop ..ita entitled thereto, fur the aix montha endingJune So, aa hdlowa-On «umaof Five Hundred Diüare und Baader, at the rate of Six

p. r at per annum and ob aiima I inmdlai rlva Hundred Dot*lara, nt the rate of Five p,T cent per annum, p.iy;dile on and

tftei Moaday, Mh IntrtaalThe lntereat will be placed to the credit of dep..-it .r« aa prin¬

cipal.P. PEKIT, Pi -ideut.\\ m Nklsox, Secretary.

DISSOLUTION..Tho finn of DKEXEL,SaTHKR A; CHI'RCH.of San Franciaco and Sa< ram«uto

( Miifornia, Is, from thia day, diaaolved by Lmitatioa, F. M.DKEXEL. of Philadelphia, retiring therefrom.

- m SATHER k CIintCH, ai por advert iaement Mow,will continue the huaineat at heretofore, and are authorized toeolleci nnd «cttle all claiuit in (allfonda. and P. M. KEXhLWill aettle the buaineaa on the Atlantic aideAny otitatauifitg drafta will be paid on presentation at the

reeprctive place t upon which they are drawu.e.. . F. M. DREXEIa,

P. SATHEIt.June 23, 1857.



NOTICE OF NEW FIRM.P. SATHER and E. W. CHUECB have thia day formed a

Copartnerahip uuoer the aame of BATHEB i Cl 11'KCII, uudwill contiime the BANKING BUSINESS, aa heretofore con¬

ducted by the late firm. P. SATHEIt.San Franciaco, June 23, 1857. E. W. CHURCH.

BATHER A CHURCH, Bankera,Conier of Batterv and Clay-ata..

Draw BILLS OF EXCHANGE at aight In mm« to nut, aa

affjowaiOa New York.Peyahle at the American Exchange Bank.On Boston.Payable at Shoe cud Leather Dealera' Baak.On Philadelphia...Payable by Drexel 4: Co.On Battlxnort.Payable by JohaaAoaa, Brot, k CaOn ( incii i.nti.Payable by A J. Wheeler, eaq.On St. I...uk..Pnyahle hy Haakotl k Co., Exclian?" Bank.Oa Pitt.hurth. I'n.Puyahle hy E. V. Jone», eng., Cashier.On LouiM ille, Ky. Parable by A. V. Hunt k Co.On Charleston,S C Payable bv H. t\r. Connor k Co.On N. Orleana, La. Payable by Urowu, Johuaou k Co.

Al»o, Btttlhaag« on London.Frankfort on tit Maine, )_Stattnart. \ O'-nnany.

ParcJiaoe CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT and other EX¬CHANGE It current raten, aid trnnanct a general BABKIBOBUSINESS. P. SATHER, I. F .-

E. W. 0HÜBCH. 5_


Ml finn .WANTED to PURCHASE,»JUl'.DWU. from BI.two to Btda,0M of I-* and 2dMoctgage RAILROAD BONDS, for which pood property inthe ettira of New-Xork and Brooklyn will be p.vcn nt raahpriarea. A-^plv in Bereoa or by Letter doterlbtna the Boada, tolt. C. ADAhls, No. 4!> Wall et.. Jaunciy-c iurt, Hew-York,y.l ¦¦¦»r«araaa»a»»a»--i j-1

Dm (&0008-

BLEACHED GOODS..1.000 cases, comprisin|every widtii and qnalitv. for tale by

NESM1TH .v Co., No. 71 Broadway.

BROWN GOODS..<;00 balea hpavy, mediumand fine, for tale by NESMITII at Co

No. 71 Btoadwmr

C1HINA, Calcutta, Manilla and Enst IndiaGOODS, wholeaale and retail. A full aaeoifment can

ONLY be found at FOUNTAIN'S IndU Store, No. f j B^.ad».ay. Alto, a large BOongtaianl of Pine-Appie G.xda.

IAWNS and ORGANDIES.-ChMper than fvcr.at .LB BOUT1LL1SB BROTHERS ar.- o f. ring French

and Engllth L \W NS i f aujN-rior qualitlea at lower pricea thanany n he found in the city. All tiieir atock la now in the nar

oflhatl Canal «t Btore, the entrance In injNo. 47 How nid «t Botwora Broadway anI Meroer.

1>RINTSi^-:;(H) caKfa Fire.t-cl.t»ia Lifht"ni7d DarkMADDER PRINTS. New atyl-a romiii* iu from tbe

Rorka daily. For aale by NESMITM J. Oo., Nc 7| Broadway

I bOCKlNGHAM PRINTS.Both Li+'ht and Dark'ay

Li etylea i b. .| Madder eelota, For tale byNESMITH k ( o.. No 71 Rroa.lwa

HOCHDALE, GONIC Bad ONTARIO BLAN-RETS..A large aoaortaiaat of the Blaakett made tt thoae

Mille, ruuaiattug of 9. 1", II, 12 and 13-4, all wool lad unionv.- Crib, Nigro and Coatirg Biankita, and Horte KeralaTor tole by NESMITH k Co., No 71 Br adway.:KAMLESS HOSE..A couipiete aasortment ofAB-Wotd oad Dnloa HALF-HOBE, tnaaaatactartd at thes

Uidted Statea Scati h-aa Hoan ry Con.pany'a Worka, coiiatautly»u hand. Tlu ae good-are uiaile aith doubl« he>4l and toea.goo.

hiugolNESMITH k Co., No. 71 Broadway


NESMITH k Co.. No 71 Broalwar

(Tloilnng.JEFFER0,N.«. 407 BROADWAY.

LADIES' FRENCH SBOES.JEFFERS hta lult opened t magnificent ttock of Ladiea' and

Batata1 Frei rh SHoFS, BOOTS ami TOILET SLIPPERS, to» hu b hi a-,.iild call the eapecial attenj.mof hiBcu.ton.era. todwon Id invite a Mtit to bie ratabhaht m'Ut BoOJI tountry Msr-;b«nta. Ilia wbolettle ttock i> equal to auy demand.

önilöing iUdtcnale.

ENCAUSTIC TLLES.For Vtjat*bu!e>i, H»jwHearth*. Dining rnoma, Cor.aerratoriet kc. OARNK1BK

CHIMNKY-TOPS, DRAIN PIPES, kc Eor tale by_MILLER k eDATES No >7tl Pearl f.. ft. T.

ARNKIRK aud AMERICAN CHIMNE.TOPS, alas, beat Glared an I Vitiified DRAIN PIPES al

g Itland Poriery D»p,.t. Nr.. 82 Naaaaii-et. E H. QUINN.GLEAKY ROOKS..IVrt-.tia having Ln tky BtMBa

can have them made tin . and paiLted with the PATENTCEMENT BOOB PAINT at on, ce: I a equare Bag, warrantedfor lue yeata. Apply at No. 223 t ulton at, baaem-ut.


ENAMELED CIIAIVIRER SUITES of FURNI¬TURE, in attl color, and ttylei,

U'ho eaaue and Retail.At pricea f- an #25 and upward.

WARKEN WARD,No !77 Caatiot (..I No. 381,

F..QT d.a.ra Etat of Br aadway. BeW-Tottt


FURNITURE Hoaaekeepere in want of lata cheap aad faahl .nable rtyle of Bedroom Furniture will fin a larae a»eortm«i;tIn all c l< rt at H F. FARRINGTON'S ataaufaatiry Ware,reeaait. Not. tt and 48 Wi-oatcr-tt.. betweoa Bruouae aad Grarad

ifNAMELED and COTTAGE FURN~TÜRE.Wj .Superb auite. b. .utifulij cm rat.d. trom g-is upward,tt tbe old n.anutartory Bo, aitjlre-adaay. bet«e«n Hoottonaad Bleeckcr-sts. Gooda caiefjTly packed ft»r the country.


MODERN STYLE of SCHOOL FURNITURE.Uaaufactnred aad for tale by N JOHNSON Ks. 4M

Ii i. .t, n. Y, Cirav-axe fonraided »aap|u«.aie.t aa ahvre

Pnmte, Oils, tßlaos, *Cc.

REFINED LARD OIL, fur Biimlruy, und Ua-.jjiM] free fr>m gum. burns brightly, d>"< not orust ths

. irk, MCwVU PURE TAI.1/<>W OIL, wbicJj »H1lutwcar Sperm, etai Ii -Ider i mi - and burns w,-II. Wermated M sb.-»a. Barrels 30 It) 4ft ga Oll? Ageat

JOHN W. QUINCY. No » Williem-rt,


WHITE LEAD,try and In oil. Impo'i r* aid Cru.h>ra of LIn»*** Oil, Pur»While 7lnc Pelm po-| .. I fros» the beat French Oxide, andfr l m IBSac I IJasosdOil R, 1 I,ead and Litharge nf extraSue qml tj. The trade «- oonranaaari »nppli.-d od the moatdb*r%l terms bj ROBERT COLGATE « Co.,

Genen,' \jeut» fur tne Company,No *n Puri st. New York.


17*LiZARETHAN ALE LUNCH ROOM-MJ HO«. 120 Water and »I Wall at ,

. ill be rinsed nn'il MONDAY for t-pa'r» rendered neeeaiaryby tbe ie on Monday lest


GRAHAM BREAD.Made of et7rw>rior* Wh.atM«al. Unfertnentod. Beat to say part af the city by

V ..¦ an he order at No, 4(4 8tb-av., between 3lit and Jld ara



l.iain and Rica HskBer and ( leaner, lot hulling Riee and b illingand i leaning all kind* of Grain, perfectly freeing it from ail im

purities. 1 all machine, couatructed up n an eutir» ly near prin¬ciple, fairly rar k» an,act the rreateat inventions af tue age. Byit« at an- obtained an Inereaaed yield from the grain,

A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OK FLOURoiriy nervi! produced, a tta! ab»en-.-of waa'.e, and, eonaa-

qtienflv. a much greater profit to the miller. It i» warrantedan eflei find preventive of tire from friction, which ao Irequeut-ly oaran b aaa ojf Um rraaroaoa smutting machin*.

F'ull pattiriilara may be obtained, and the ma- bine seen dailyin operation, on the premiaeg of rhe Ameri an Orain aui

Rice Hallaf Mannfacrnring Company, corner of Greese andWayne -t*. Jersey, City, N. J._




ETON'S MAGNETIC PILLS,For the Destruction ofRATS and MICE.

Principal Depot No. «24 Broadway. Beware of PeeiJWa.Bawarwiof Counterfeits.


THESE POPULAR MACHINES have now be, onie a nee-esiarv nppendnge to every well regulated family.enabling themto a]i y Be of the greate.t luxuries with little trouble and at

trifling rABeUBB. Sizes three quarts, four quarts, six quarts,eicht quarta, and fourteen quarts.

E P. TORItEY, ManufacturerNo. 6 Fiitt it.. N. Y,


(DtPtm ßleomerß, &t.


via PANAMA RAILROAD. Tbe United States Mail Steam-.hip Company will dl.pi.tch for ASPINWALL. on MONDAY,July SO, at I (ream k p. bs. precisely, from pier foot of Warren at.,North River, the well known and faat steamship CF^NTK ALamerica, Captain Win L. HendOBb u. S. N.. Passengersand Mails w ill be forwarded by Panama Railroad, and connect atPanama with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's magnificentsteamship SONOR A R. Whiting, Commander, which will beLb readiness and leave immediately for San Francisco.The paUJ« ar- taataaavssal that the Pac.fl.- Mail Steamship

C o pet.y .:!». let,- one or nee- n'm ,.m.-r* lying at Panama, p ady for'aca, to avoid any possible detention of p&ssea-gern or malls.For passage apply to I. W. RAYMOND, at the only Office of

tie Con paar No, IT7 Waat at., corner of Werxemst.. N. Y.Rcgnlar Lnited States MuU Steamer days, 5th and 2"tb of

e*< b month.

STEAM Mwmb NEW-YORK nnd GLASGOW..edinburgh, ISM mne, William Cumming, Commas

der; NEW-YORK. 2.1.5*1 tuns, RoBSCt Craig. Commander;9LASOOW. 1,88« twee John Duncan, Commander. Th, ("asgow and Neu York Steam.hip Company int> ml SailBBg t., .e

new and po» erlul ateauu rs irom New-York to Glasgow directas follows:

ohm xrw-Yoii. moMfltiscow,New-York, Saturday, June 20, 12 noon, Edinburgh... June BEdinburgh. Saturdav. July II, 12uoob. Glasgow.July 8Glasgow, Wednesday, Aug. 5, 12 noon. New York.. ..July 23New-Y'ork. Saturday, Aug 22, 12noon. Edinburgh....Ang 8.Edinburgh, Saturday. Sett 5, 12 noon. Glasgow.Sept. 5,

rah * or rassAur..Flrrt-Clsss, tit; TUrd Claas, found with Cooked Provisions,

An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. Forfreight or passage arplr as JOHN McSYMON. No 17 Broad-way New -York Cary Basts or Gold only received for Passage.


July 2, ar 2 o'clock p. m., from Pier foot of Warr, n st., NorthRiver, ti e fast and favorite Steamship K MP 11(1. CITY,John McGowan. will sail as above. Pa.<*(, can he eeco* >d atthe office of the line. Frelabt to New Orleans 3oeta per cnhlp

I foot, received July let. Shippers will be suppK.-.l with Mank hillsof lading of tbe lorm aigio d by the line, sag application at theiroffice. No other forma sigred, and no bill of lading will beaignrd after the hour of sailing. For Irelgbt or passage, applyat the OaBrg, No. 177 West st., corner of W arr-ri.

M. O. ItOIIERTS. Ageut


Uae are:Tbe ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldrldge,Ttie BAI.T'.'", tapt. Joseph ComatocB.Tbe ALRlATIC, (apt lames WestThese ship, having be«-n built by contract expressly far the

Government aervice, every care has be.n taken In their con¬

struction, as also in their engines, to insure strength and speedand their accommodations for passengers are uuequalled for elegenr e and comfort.

Price of passage from New-York to Liverpool, In first caMo,? 130; In second do. $75. Exclusive use of extra sire i stateroom, »«325 From Lirarpool to New York, 30 and »' guineas.An experienced surgeon attached to each abip No bertha caa

be secured until paid for. Tbe ships of this line have Improvedwater-tight bulkheads.PROPOSED DATES OF SAILINO.

prom slw-viirk.SATURDAY.July II, DV.7SATURDAY.Aug i, 1!I57SATURDAY.Aug 15. 1357SATURDAY.Sept II ir.t7SATURDAY.Sept.W jr57SATURDAY.Oct. ML 1857

i Ro.w liverpool.WEDNESDAY..July 22,1857WEWNFSDA Y.. Aug 5.1857WEDNESDAY..Aaa. 19. 185,WKDNKSD\Y..Sept 2,1857WEDNESDAY..Sept 30 1851"v f. DNB6DAY..Oet 14 \un

Saturday.... Oct. M, ia^i Wednesday..oct 2», ia«IATÜRDAY.N«v. 1, laVsT|WEDNUDAT..Msr?. II. 18VISATURDAY.Nov. 21, Is57iwednesday..Nov. 25, 18»SATURDAY.d»c. 6. 1857 WEDNESDAY Dec 9,1891

|WEI'NESDAY..Deo. 33. 1837For Freight or Pasiage. apply to


No. 27 Austin Friars. LondoaB. O. WAINWRIGHT A Co.. Paris.

The owners of these ships will not be accoartabh* (or gold,silver. balKon. sp<»»ie. jews Iry, preuioui atones or metals, unlessbills of lading sie signed tbcTBtur. and the value there 1tpressed tin rein.

TEAM to SOUTHAMPTON and HAVRE..Th, ii:.,gi,,i., :.t kteaxasblp > ANDERIIILT. 5.400 tuns.S'

willFrom NEW YORK for

SOI THAMfTON A. H.A\ RESatuiSa;.Aug. 1Saturday.Sep. 12

From HAVRE and SOUTH¬AMPTON for NEW.YORKWednesday.July tWedneaday.Aug. 11Wednesday......Sept Jo

CRICK Ol PASSA6K.First Cabin, ao orülug to location of State Room. tM-siend bisoS, eoed Cat in.#75

S(» b 4V lin n J in London and Perls.11 r pa »sage < r freight, spplv to

D TORRANCE. Agent.No. 5 Bowling green New-Yort

I.ett.r* for England and Europe prepaid, each M cents peror.c half ounce (b» incloaar, of poatage stamps if from otherCdrle»), wffl t. reiraived af No. 5 Bowling-green, New Y'ork. upto ll| o'clock of tbe morning of sailing.

GREAT REDUCTION in FARE to EUROPE.First Cabin, »SO. Second Cabiu *50 and f.'.'.-Ii. the

tirst-c'ass paddle wheel ateaiu.hlps ARIEL. 2.i00 tuns, andNORTH STAR. 2..*.¦: i.. toaaii from Pier No 3 N,wth River,at i son ptcci-«ly. carrying Ibe UNITED STATES MAII.S.viz.Lsave NF.W-Y(>RK tor SOUTHA.MPTON II AN RE sad BREu*B

NORTH STAR-ARIEI.Saturday, Aug INORTH STAR.Saturday. Bept j'Sat'y, Oc't Bl Wed bet 7These it'am,hips touch at Havre. Specie delivered in Lon-

d.s std Psris. For passage ,.r freight apply t

Bremen for Havre andSouthampton SoothsMaAaa

fat N. York.S.r'y. Ang II Wed A ig. 12«la''y, Sep«. ¦¦'Wed ft pt »

passage r tr. ,g:.t applv t,D TORRXNCE. No. 5 Bowling Green.


buiit iron screw st.-au irn

CITY OF BALTIMORE.2,387ruBS.Capt r I, itchCITY OF W AhHINi;T(*N....t380tun»....Ciipt P C. Petrie,CITY OF MANCHESTKR....2.|l9tuus....Capt J. Ksunedy.KANGAROO.1.874tuas.Capt JeffreyTbe nudcruoted or other veaseie are LateiiUei to sail as

foUoB-s:From Ln i rpo m.

CITY OF WASHINGTON....Weduesdsy.July 1KANGAROO.We.lBeadav.Jasy 15CITY Ol BALTIMORE.Wednesday.July 2:»CITY OF WASHINGTON ...Wedn.sday.Aug IfAnd rVer] slt-.-rnste Wednesday

From Ni w Yobjc.CITY OF WASHINGTON.. ..Thursday.July 33KANGAROO.Thun..'ay.Augost HCITY OF hALTIMORt"..Tbursder. . 2«CITY OF WASHINGTON....Thursday.Sept 3And every alternsfe ThursdayRATES OF CABIN PASSAOE-Proai New Yorkaud FhUev

ae.phia. a>7.', from Liverpool, 21 guineaa 17 guineas, and 15guineas, avc. rdiiig 8> tbe e, cmejudstlon In the State R-"ma,all bavins tba same privilsges In the Saloon. Including Stew-ajfPs Fees.Tbisü Ct ass Passssgi s» .A limited number of third class

ps'ar-egers w be tsken and found in as moch provisioas ss.» Frxm Pbiladrlphis end New-York, s>30; from Uv-

r-pnoi, (.Sti.C -t'ftc,- ,, f |»,s.,ee w be Issued here to parties who Bra

' of bnnging out their friends, at corresponding rates.Tbeee steamers art' constructed with Improved water tight

rorrpartasnta. v,carrres an egpeneBced Sursroa.and -vrjia atx-u paid to tbe comfort and ereommolatiosj ofpssarvagiia.

D'af»s on IAverpoc: frora El BpwarAbpecie tshtn by these vessels at usual rates

^AUawods arat to the Agents will be forwarded with sc

'J üm."?' " ra^*t* HC!7 .* »*.' 1-aVs of tba CiBtpaB

v M. IN AtAN

sat or Peases* apply st the OfAea af the Cisapesy,O DALF.TNo. IS Broadway New York Agssat, or

AN. Nob. I aaa I Tawer Buildiags. Uvsrpaoi Agraat.

1,X>R LIVERITOL..Tfcl Ke« Umtod StaD*Weil Strarn.bip COLUMBIA. M Rrrr. C ran an i-r. will

depart wilt »Ii-. Unit d Btatll M.il. for Europe, po.itrely or.

SATURDAY, July I«, .! IJo'ciook or... tr m her t»r'i at tir>

foot tl Cui! it K<>r fr< Ifttf or pe>aagr, neun* uu-ooeac-1 aocommodationa for eleaau tnd r .mfort apply to


EDUARD K. COLaLINs, No ¦ Wall atPees*rum will pica., b. on l-oerd it 11 r.'do. > a an All let¬

ters must ia*. through th. P «tDnVo. any oÜm r» mill be re¬

turned.Notici.The steamer, of this line Btve watertight oomptrt-

¦keataThe ATLANTIC, w;l! twrn d the COLUMBIA and tall on

th-. ut of Auxast and th. BALTIC tha lAth < f Angutt.Nu aipr,an has Um «par< J U malte the thipt of tail line la

all reap. < t. a< good at new. The IbniUBga examination giventh< u, |>Tot« s their neode i f construction yet uio q Mha*.

STEAM to BC»UTHAMITON ami ANTWERP..Tue tpli ndid etld powert ll M« IfN eteama,: p COM«

8T1TI TION. E Ponrn waaiaader, will den* t f.r ANT-WERP, .»ihn» at SOUTH tMPTJN. on THURSDAY, Julg-IS, fr raa Pier No 39 North River.

r»Tr.» r,r easaacr, isi Lfnivr. rxnviMowlb brat Cabin.**>lb second Cabin. ftIn third fabia. 35

Thia s,rarr.> r baa five water-'igtit compartments, and oarrleeto llgagteiad surgeon Tat freight or passage, having anperio»accommodation for cabin and tteeraae passengers, tpply to

AUGUST Br.LMoNT, No 7 1'ana errat

C^itificatet of passage will be wnied here to parti", wbo are de-tircui of brlrxlrif out their fri< cda, at the foollwing rataa:

Upbal Cabin.«hl"»In secoud Cabin. 60In fhiid Cabin.'. 40In Stterage. 35


NEW-YOPK, SOITHAMPTON. LONDON aid BREMEN.The magnificent British ateani'lap.

QUEEN Of THE SOUTH.-Cap*. BeaJ.2,221 tnne burden.INDIANA.Cept. Btker.. .2 384 taut burden,ARffO.Ca pi. Benson..2514 turn burden.JASON.Cap*. Britton..2*S7tune burdea

Owned by the European end American Steam 8hippliag Co.,of London and S- uthampton, ar<' appointed to aaii from NEW-YORK on every alternate WEDNESDAY for LONDON andBHK.MEN. touching tt Southampton to land paaeengert andataila for England tad Prance. They will remain one dty atLondon and then proceed to Bremen. Returning, thev will leaveBREMEN for NEW-YORK on every alternate SATURDAY,.topping only at Sontharnpros.Tbeae tteamahipt are ot the flr<t claai. and hare enperlor to-

comuiodatioua for paaaenxera. They wüi take a limited n tmbetof third clatt or tteeraee paa.eagcra.A aurgeon i. attached to each ship.The rate, of freight to London mill be but little higher thaa

thoae of aallicg ahipa.htf- or PAaaaCE,

Firat Cabin.f SA | S. ;i Ml_g>50 1 "teerige... 13fTin- ateam.hip AROO ¦ ill sad from New-York on WEDNES¬

DAY, June 24, tnd will be sncsweded by the JASON, July a.

and QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, July 22.Fur freight or paeaage, apply to


C. H. SAND. No. II South W'H.Ism-at.

FOR IJVERrOOI^sTeiTiTie^C' k, Commander..Thie uew and powerful «teamer will

aail fnexi the Britiah and North American R ,vel Mad Steam-T* k. r ( ompanv'a D.Kk. at Jeraey City, on THURSDAY *e16tl> iuat., at I o'clock o. Da. Passagc-motiey fog tir.t rlaaa pat-eenxert only, for whom there ia exc< ller.t accommodation. 4>75,Im riding priti.iona and ateaard'a fee, but witho.t wine a or

liquor., rndiich can I* obta;aed on hoard. Freight taken at rea-

.oiitbte ratet Apply to E. CUNARD. No. 4 Bowling Grero.

Steamboats axo tlailroabo.

FORT HAMILTON nnd STAT FIN ISLANDFEKRY..Un tad after JULY 15. thU Ferry will atop »t

Towuaeiad'a Dot k. Clifton, evetv trip. Lea\e Vtuaraatioe. t >r

Tow naend'. Do. k and Fort Hamtlto::. tt S), aud 10,, a. ui IS},21. 4» and fy p. m Leave Fort Hamilton, at 7», X tnd II',a. m.; If. ;4 ano 6}, p. m Fare FIVE CENTS. Pe«.-n«eMfor Frrt Baaafll ¦" taoal looro iu the SlOfaB lalatcl Rovta (nearthe Sooth Ferry), at 8 tnd tt t in. 12 m.; 2 4 tnd 6 p. m. TheFort Haxolatoa and States Idaiul Ferry conmcta with theStaten lalaiul Ferrv for New-York, in ail tripa from Fort Ham¬ilton Stag. a at Fi.rt Hen.iit. n for Or-, nwood Th.-D.e kattFort Hamilton tod Staten I.Und« are now iu order to laudteaaaa. (nod Fi«hmg at Fori Hamüt. u.

F)R BOSTON, -is NORWICH and WOR-CESTFR.Daily at 5 p^m from plet Svit of Courtltn*

tt.. by the favorite ateamer CONNECTICUT, Capt. Wm W*»x, on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FillDAY9. and tnthe n. w and ir.o iidl.l ateamer ( WMMONWEALTH. Capt. WllUamt, on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, te

AUyn'a Point; thence by new and baudjoroely finlted tlxtoen-mbeeled ctn for W'orceiter, Botton, Provldenco, Lawrence, Lowell, Ntahua, Coacord, Wliite bfountalna. and -v.-rjOther section of New-England. Stateroomt can be engaged byapplying on board, or to ES MARTIN, Agsat, at hltomosfoot of Courtlandt-it.

F)R BOSTON and PROTIDENCE via NEW¬PORT and FALL RIVER.-The eplendid and tapertox

tteamer METROPOLIS, Capt Brown, leavee New Yorkevery TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 5 oVJoekp BV: and the EMPIRE STATE. Capt Brtytou. leaveaMewYork every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aad FRIDAYV at io'clock t. m from Pier No. 3 N. R., near ta.e Battery; bothtou'birg at Newport each wayHereefteraio roooie will <<.¦ regarded at secured to any sppe*ant uotil the aame ahall have been paid forFrelaht to H ttoa is forwarded thnejgh with great dlapatoh byD Expreaa Freicht Train

W M. BORDEN. Agent, N w 7« and 71 Wett-tL


Steamer BÖVEENOB (apt ( has Dei :iug. will leave Nuw-York Dem Pur No. 27. loot of Rohan sou at.. N. R. everyTUESDAY", THURSDAY and SUNDAY, at 4 o'clock p. m.

Fare between Nem -Yoik aud Ro.tou.$3Freight taken at ndui ed ratet.

W . H BYRAM, Agent on the Wharf.


.The at.on er CROTON Cunt. Wm. II Wood w ill run aa

follow a.- Leaatog fits* Wood at S « ax.; Olea Cve, I i'a. m..

If m. i Baaati Point, f:gS a in I I5p. at Great Neck. 7:05s ni.ldAp. m ; White Stone. 7:2.« a. in. S n in Lea rea Peck-slip. N V., at idi a. m. nnd |:IS p. m The CROTON ia newly-fitted for comfort and apeed, and »ffor.i. a fine «x< uraioi. aailup t. c s..: d Irotara, thaaawbtit hooaea andgyoaada ut theai. 1.1 point, heinx now in fine order for »laMOT1CE.The middle trip will b» omitted en Thursday

IT'OR FIRE ISIaAND..Ou and after July 3, th-faat Steam, r HERO will ronuect regularly with the Long

Island Railroad, morninx and evening, to sad from Fin lalaudTaaaengera leave New York at 9 a in täd I >1 |. ¦ \ ia Tleunp-ton, and. retuiuing, arrive iu New-York at!?.?'a oi. and'p.m.re.peetii ely.


tha abortrat aad moat diaret.« arryiui Uta Ea.teru MalLThe tteamera PLYMOUTH ROCK. Capt Jcwl Stoue, an4

C VANDEKBILTj ( apt. W\ H Frarer. in coono. ti.in wit*the Siccingtcc ana Provhieuce and Boston and ProvidenceRaiiroada leavini Naw-York daiky, Sundayt excepted frontPier No 2 North River, first wharf above Bittery pUvta at Io'clock p. m., and StonlngVin at 8:30 p. m , or on the arrfval o'

the mall train which leaves Boaton tt it.In p mThrC. VANDERB1LT, from New-York Monday, Wedoes

lav and Friday From nioaington. Tueadsy, Tnj.-eisy ata*Saturday.Tha PLYMOUTH ROCK. Baa New-Yo'k, Tuealsv, Thor»

day and Saturday. Fr tu ö-., Mjuuay, Wediiaadayand Fridty.

Passrugert procesd from Btiuiugt-n per Railroad to Pnnaeoce se,d Boston, tn the Expreaa hlil Train, retcalzg salealare in adttura f tbote by other routei. and tr. ample tintt»r al' the aaaij uioruiui linet t.an-. thtg North and EastPassengers thst prefer it rema'.u on o tue tteamer, eu*py a

Bight's rest uudia'i.rh-d, breakfast if d. ilrad, and leiare dtoolagton la the 7:1.5 a. m train, c j. 4 at Providence witilb* II a n train for Br>aton.A baggag, ma;v Bceoupaatet the f- \ .-' and trat« tLroogt

atvh a tp.For passage b-r*.ßa, ttat«-rooBi» of freljht apply oa b-aa/d th«

tVamer, or tt tr." Freight Otfi e, Piar No 2 North Ri<er rr atthe oftea No. lo Uattery pla e

CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY.-CotaBectmi tt New-Hampton with ttM De'aware, La ta-

wanna ar.J Weitern Railroad, ani at Eattot with the I.s.igfVaUea Failreid.SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.Comme; -tnx Mty i«, I1S>.-

faetve New-Yark for Eaaton tr.. Inlermedute pierw fr >m PtsrNo. 2 North River, at 7:30 a m 12m ans i 30 p. m.. I r d.mertlile by above traint. ami at 5:15 p. a.

The above trsint connect at Eitzaboth err tralna on taxBew-Jeraey Railroad which leava New-Y'.rt from tua lot 04Courtlaudtat BtTtSl sal 12 a m. and 3:2C aud 5 u. n.

Paaaeugere *> r the Delaware Ltckawtoaa tad Wettern Rai.road will lesvr at 7:30 a m. only. For Leh.gb Vailey Railroaiat 12 m.only._JOHN 0. oTERNl Sapt

FLUSHING RAILROAD.Lea7o« Fulton-Market-wbi.il, by atesoier L>Uud City, at t 45, 8 and |0 a. es

¦ad I, 4 and 6 p. m. the cart laa*a K'....... (L Ig at the samt

hour.. Bieating tad exchanging petteagere with tha boat atHui-ter'e Point. Through in 5t. oiinutaa Fare, i> a..u

_WM M. SMITH. Beca,irat.

GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE.-TBe T rough Ticket aad Freight Offi-~ of that



tc Chicago. M^wtukce, Galect, D-.Vjrj ie. R.--t ; darHngton, Qcxncr, St Loula, ( ,:r ki:.o< a .J N» :.ai aa>2all other poi Ita tweet tnd South wet!.


Q>n.er <f 0 ;.-..xLi: _0.4JIIUS CLaAK, Agaat.

GREAT AMERICAN ROUTE ria MICHIGANRAILROAD to Chlcage.. SL L< ola, R xk lalaud. St Paoi,

M.waakre Kaiisaa City, and all piace 1 Weat and Sr.ath-wertVia New-York and Erl- New-York Central. Acierirau i.vaaBhore, Great Weatem Railway, aal V. e- S -nt... -1. I vll-anads. fot- I 1 the shortest, q in ket, and m. at pleasau*. route Uthe Otaat West. The Road betwees Detp.it aud Adrian is nowaprD. at. i tratua 808 r m t innecting at Adrian with exjo as trainsto Chla-ago and the W, at. For sörther laf..:3iatioQ apply at dasCocnpany'a Otft. <. No. 188 Enadwav, cor of Dey-st.



Cotmnencitg WEDNESDAY, June 3, 185".Tra'.ct leave Depot corner at Wn;> and Centre-tU: 7i a. axu-

Croton Fa. a Trtia, eonnecring with Une of ttagea for LakeMabopac. ~

at Crotht Bid.Conirra with Wea'ern Rai.r>sd for Alt any Troy, Saratoga and

Hsac. Nam .Eapreta Mot Train for Adbany, cooneotlag:<m Fall» with itie of atoget for Lake Mahopac, at Purdy'idgefield tt Brewrter's for Danbury. at Chatham Poorrt with Wea'ern Raur»ad for Alt any Troy, Saratoga aad

the W.-tt. 3*p m.MUVrtot Train, atoppins at all atatioasHp m ta/illiairia Brig- Train, ttopptbg at tfl ttatixu. B fn Whfte Plalxs Tt aw ttopping at all atatlonaLeave JBth tt. Stall .n 7:45 a ¦ .WilUaant Bridge Tiain

a*, oping at all ttationa Ham . Williamt Bridge. Trafo «totfing al all ttatiomt lit a. ¦ -White Plaint Train ttoaaing ataU atatior.1 2j p ¦ -WiUiaos Brldga Tra'n. »topping at alatatlont. S p ta..Cmton Fallt Train, ttopping at ail stationsI p. ax.tVUUami Bridre Train, stooping at all statt.on

_W B J CAMPBELL, SrperUit^aideat

LONO ISLAND RAILROAD.Summer Arracgrmi^-ltodayaexceptedi_TrainsgoirgEatt: Learr

Brookly n fot OreenDort at fl a an. daily, and oa Ssturdsyi at 1 »»- an. fu. Riverbaad at I a. m. aad 3:*» a m.: Bt North Ilttl

fSJOp-m-; for Farmiiagda.rs at I a m.,3.»anjI a. aa.; for SvossH aJ Kam., and 4 d« a. tn for HeaBteAead*\\\mL'4J*'^^mU > ** «aÄatoaat 9 aad 10 e. aa,oaf a, 4 J8, A aad T p. ta.



UDoOX river bajlroaji.-Froic July¦a «. I»51. train. »11: Icav C.-vrnber* st But.oo a. f Un-a

Express trains 6 . m. and 5 15 p ro *Jb«y Passea^ ts^baaHm-JIk .i.dS SOp m ifcresiMSing. 10:15a m .*^*P"f»r Ponglheepat». 7 . SB. and I ar 1 7 p m for Peekski.l. » »

, ro ft I TOtMlll. P~ «kill «*d Sir.« »ir^tma» etoa

.i th* way statt n. fWug rs MM et ttambere. Cans

Christoph, r and Thirty first streets Train* forHmnTroy at 4 :W. 8:4oand M:4*e n eisd 4:J0p m.. and Albany el

tgia* i. m *** ||trWanmLand rolie-new-york to provi¬

DENCE Ac.-Oc an! efte- April i, EXPRESS TRAINif the PrrA:d>:i a, Hartford aBa Fu'ikni Rail-iad will leers

Bartford on the arrival there of the Express Train of Sbs Near

Turk and N. w -Hsv. n. anJ N> « Havea, Hartford and Sprta*¦add Ra''r adj width lesve New York at t a. m.

m««v^lAJsIÜEL MOTT. asaraaslsstaa»lBBss.

Kew-tork and erie railroad.-Oiand after Monday. J'.:.- '.'<. 1857. and nr. il fnr* jrr norh:a,

Passester Trains mili leave Pier foot of 1< -*- * a* follows,rts. iDUNKIRK FXPRF.S5» at « a. no., for Dunkirk.BUFFALO KXPRKsS. at a a SB,, f-,r|BuffeloMAIL, at 5» a. t... for Dunk-rk and BuJfaio and Interim*-

fiat. stati Bl"

RO. kl.AND PASSFNOFR, at 3 30 p. ro sWaa fo"t os

flaaibiii it. rta Fiernun; for ¦ufTeru'a and Intermedia»ftatlona.WAV* PASSENGER, at 4 p n»., for Ncwburgh, MsJaletowa

Bad Intermediate atatiuna.EMIGhANT, at 5 p. m., for Dunkirk and Baffa'? and Inter


EXCEPTED).NIGHT EXPRESS, at 5 p m., for Dunkirk, every day.NIGHT EXPRESS, at 5 p m.. tor Buffalo, every ,tay_Theae Expreaa Train* connect at Elmt.-a tn;n the F.lmlra,

Cananda'^-ia and Niagara Fall« Railroad, for Niagara Falls, at

Stnghamton with tbo Srrtcuae and Bingbarntou ItillrovL for

Syracuse; at Coining with Buffalo, Coming and New York

I*..: ad. for Re. beater; at Great Berd with Delaware. La-kawanna and Weatera Railroad for S, ranton, at Horucdsvliletritt the Buffalo and New-York CRy Railroad, for Buffa.... at

Bafalo and Dunkirk with the Lake ghor* Railroad for Clev*land, Cinrinnatü. Toledo, Detroit, Chicago 4tc


Pjew-jersey railroad.For phila-1 DELPHI A and the SOUTH and WEST, via JERSEl

CITY-Mail and Express Linea: Leave New-York 8 and 11

a m. and 4 and 6 p. m.; fare, s>3: 12 m. «2 2S;'topping tgway station.. 11 and 4 go to Remington. Thr-.;.* Tt-ketasoid ft Cincinnati 1*17 and *l* 5t>) and the West, and fat

Baltimore, Waahiugton, Norfolk, 4-ta, and through beggea*ahavrked to WaaUBttOB In la m. and 8 p m.

W. WOODRUFF, Assistart S:»pt.No Bafgate wtll be re^eiv^d for any train unlea. delivared

Bad i becked 15 minute* tn advance of the time of leaving._lVEW^'ide-oauoe ROUTE from NEW-i> Y'ORK to ROCHESTBkR.-Th* ROCHESTER and0ENE8EE VALLEY RAILROAD la now open. and. In .-OSoclioL with the Buffalo, Corning and New-York, and N»WTork and Erie Railroad., form, a direct rout* from New-Yorato Roehaatet. . .

The dire, fr.es» of this route, bsr. tber with the superior ooaa

fort aff vd" 1 by the wide cars, renders it by far the moat dealraBle beta sen the abovejiamed cities.Tickets can be procured at the New-York anl EH« RsJ.-oaa

ticket (rffce. foot of Duaae St., and No. UM Broadway; also 1»Jersey City.Baggage checked through.freighta w ill be transported b-tween New-York and Roctear with di.patch. Any informaiion desired hi regard therein

can bo obtained by celling or. the General Freight Agent of th«New-York andErte Railroad, Erie Buiidingi | or C. 8.TAPPAÜExpress Freight Ageat, No 193 BroedweyNo trains on the BuffaJc, Comir.g and NeW-Yorl Raltr^ed oa

Bnndey._J. A. REDF1ELD. Si^riiJendertt.


The PeniKvivaaie Railroad conuecU at Pittsburgh with rail.wads to and from St Louis, Mo. :Altoa, Oelene end Ohl ago,IU Frenklort, Lexington end Louisville, Ky.i T»rre Hau»*,fdeiison. Lefayette and Indianept>lla, lud.: Cindntiaii. DiytoB,lyeirgfield Bellefonralne Sendusky, Toledo, Cleveland Co-nmbus ZanesriUe, Masslllon and Wooeter. Ohio; also withkb* ste*m packet b. et» from and to New Orleans, St LoulaLonlsville and Cincinnati.Through Tickrti for tbe East can t« hal at any of the bjovb-

saeatloned places ia the West.Pessengers will find this the shortest, most expedisloas aad

eomforteble route between the Ke«t end We*8.PROM NEW-YORK TO CINCINNATI IN SO HOtTRB.PROM NEW YORK TO CHICAGO IN 36 HOURS.

FROM NEW-YORK TO 8T LOUIS IN 441 HOUR*.Fare as low *m by say other K ..t-

Bee handbills tn tb« hotels of this ckty.Through Ticket*, at further tnfonnetlor., mey b* hal at tha

s«c«ofth* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD,No 2 Astor U >use. BroaJway.



Passenger statioii in New -Y'ork, corner 27th-sr. and 4th av., en¬

trance on 27th-st.TRAINS LEAVE NEW-YORK-Eof New-Haven. 7:2*.

- M a m. (il); 11:45,8:45, 1:91 (ex >. and 4:50 p.m. ForKridg, port.TltK 8:20 a tn. (ex I; I.':45. 5:45, 4:20 (ex ). and 4:50p. in. For Milford. Stratford, Fairfield, Bouthpnrt end Wset-port 7 2" a BL : 12:45. .'<: 15. I:'»' p m For Norwalk, 7 -''V I Ha. nr.: 12.45. 3:15, 4:30 (ex.) 4:.'0,J:35 fi:35p ¦ For Derlenand Greenwich. 7:20.9:20 a in.; 12:4'». 3:15,4:50. 5:45 J:B»p.m. For Stamford. 7:20.8:20 (ex), f:2<>a in "2 45, 3;45.1:30 (ex ). 1:50. 5:35. 6:35 p m. For Port Ches'e: ,i.d interme-

-ratlona. 7:20. 9:20 a.m.: 12: 45. 3:45, 4:50, 5.V. 6:35 p.inCONNECTING TRAINS.For Boston, :;:.ii;i t... (ex ). 4:20

p. tn. (ex.) For Hartford and Springfield. 8:20 a. m. (ex ). 12:4«p. m.; 4:S0 p. ni. (ex.) For Connecticut River Railroad to Mont¬real 8:20 a. m (ex ), and 4:20 p. m. (ex ) to Northampton ForCanal Rellroed. S:2<te m. |BX ) end 12:45 p m to Nortbaiiipt.,n. For Naw-LosaAoa Railroad, 8 20 a. m.. 4:20 p m. PolHou.atonb Railr.rf#B, 8:20a m. 4:9s p. m. For Ne.igatuckBailroad, 8:20 a. in., 12:15 and 4.20 p. m For Dunbury andNorwalk Railroad 7-20. 1:3»a. m.: 4:2"p. m.

TRAINS TO NEW-YORK-FratB Han Oavast, 5:30. 7,9:35a. m. (ex.), 1 :So (ex). 4:3u, 9 p.m. (.a) From BlMfspott.6:10, 7:10 |0:|8e. in (ex.I; ttWl (ex), .',:1I,9:j7 p. m. (. gjFr. in Norwalk. 4:45,0.6:41 8.15. 10:53a. :n (ex. i, 2:3% (ex. fHiid 3. 0:15, |o:(ijp. ni («x ) Trom Port Cliiet-r, 5:37,0:417:2S, 6:58, 11:30 a. BL |f< 115:41 6:21 p. m

JAMES It IIOYT Sup- .-intend, nt.

fkTEW-YOKK aud erie RAlLKOÄT7cÖM-JLl PANY'S EXTR-ESS.Orxraat. Oinca, No. 175 Broacway, N. Y..The New York aaJ Erie R»;lrc*d Cjicfdov ai

now prepared to do a regular Express bu^ueisHOMER RAMSOE'iL, Ptcsliaot

Cras. A. Da Wrrr. Supt Express

Pennsyxvania railroad .The OREaiCENTRAL ROLTE, cooueuting the Atientie cities witl

Western Nnrtb-wrvafcrii and South western States, by a cootfnuoi.s Rellwey direCX This Road also connects et Pittsburgtvrith ds-ly line of Steamers to sll ports In the Western Riversand et Cleveland and Sandusky with s»eamers to eil parts ..

the North-western Lakee; mexlns the moat direct, cbeapear antreliable route by which FREIGHT can be f irwerded to aa<"rogE tbe On-st W ert.RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA and PITTSBURGHFiaiT CUSS..Boots, Shoes, He** end Cepe,),. . M

Booki, Dry Ooods (in boxes bale, and trunks), > ,^.BiffBrrigs (in boxes end beles), Feathers, Fnre. to..) 1 '

sjBCOKn CLSSS .Dom**tlc Sheeting, Shirtini and ITit.king (inoriginal belcs). Drugs (in csiks). Hard-1 absents*?were, Leather (in rolls or Boxes), Wool and Bheep ( 100 esPelts. Eastward. Ito.)

faiao Ci.aSl..Anvils, Steel, Chains (In ;Hemp. Bac< n and Pork, Salted (b os* or In Baaks), 5 ^mT''Tobe-etgSj menulecturod, except Cigars or cot. A..'. S

Povbth CLasi.Coffee, Pub, B« ..!.. Be.f anilPork fir. casks or boxes, Esatward;, '.»r' and I 4")i «Ott4»Lard Oil, Nalle, Soda Ash Gen .an Clay, Tar, i* US) 8"Pltrh, K oa Ato.)

Fl-tug.? 1 4/ bbi until further uotire.Ban'..'¦*> r.ri'i "p 1-ui Jl, uutii fu-to-r not!, ^.

Cbttos.M 4/ is - hut - x e:. i .51«) rj) weight, auttl rv >s

notbeIn ehlpptng o-. 4s from *-.r r» .t east of Fhtlsdejphls be pea

dcuiar to merk tbe peegexr, " Via Pannsylvetsim RallroaiC" aO-oda ccnaLgned to the Agents of this Road at Pruladolpbia o>

Plf.sh-.rgh w ill be forweriei with-it IstsastlsaFbciciit ACLSTJ.Hsrrti, Wonu'ey fc Co., Mvmphis, Teno.

I F. Sees fc Cc, St. Louis; I. £ Mit hill fc Son, EvaL'tvllUtad.; Dumcst:!!:, B?l>. fc Co., anl Carter fc Jewett, LoulsvtilrEy -, B. U. Meidrum, Ma-ilsor., li.u Spdgmen fc Brosm. mattrwiaA Cc.. Cincirnati. N. W, Orahui fc Co., ZaoeevtlleOhio, Lee^b A Co., Ko 54 Kliby-it., Bo*ton; Lee.i k CoRo. 3 Astor House, New-York, end No. 1 William at, NewYork E. J. Sneeder .'taU:. i.l.a Mrgraw fk Rooc*. Bajrt¦ore Geo. C Pranciacea PitrsbirrgVi-

H. H. H'm'SToN, Oenerai Freight Agent, PW'edelphia.H. J. L0MRAERT, BuperlutsrdeLt, A.t.-ava. Pa.

Map 1. It«7.

CDoIcr Corf.

Mount prospect water-cMRe. Bin*berrton.Eight hours ride fr aa tbe citv by N. Y. end Erie

Reilr, s,L VlsatBH w ill f.n l tbi* on s of the nleasanteaf pieces ratbe Urd.n. Boe.d a>4 per week. AiItsig S. H NORTH, M. D.


CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROP.s..Tlis egcnicietiug torment of t<- thB<he can be spe- lily

re.in,-K. by this delightful reue-dy. without fear of iniuru; tbe.: m. --r teeth EnJneiit Detiti,». »b. y u-e it daily in theirI"*, Cc, and tbet ifhe» «nable I t,,sui to preserve raeuyvelu-uble troth thet trust otherwise h - heen drawn. Trv it your¬self srd recremend it to oSheri. P: -pared and sold by AII a. I» SAM'S, Druggi.ts, No. IM Fultou at, New York.Prk IB essjfj rw-r rfrZ

Ccgal Notices.

thsreet, la the subserjaV-rs. at the edftee of C B.°Rogers Na 17Wall st., in the City of New-York, on or before the fifteenthd«\ jf Jetiaary next..Lsatsd New-York, the eighth da/ of Julv1857. JASON ROtiERS l



» C B ROGERS, >Execut-ra.jy9 Iaw6mTi:_LAUIUi-To.'. BALI 1

IN PURSUANCE of u or<1er of the> Surn>a;Ate;of the County of New York, notice is aarahv Mvast ta afj

persons having claims against JAMES W. NICHOLSON, tatsof the City of New Y'-rk. il-eea»<d. ti» present the same, withv,«uebere thereof, to tin- subscrlle-.-s. at tbe oSue of E Ketchurn, No. 73 Nes.e'i-et. tn the City oi New-York, ou or Wforstbe twei tj-fourth dsy of Julv BSXt . Datad New-York, tbaaights.-i.th day of Drc-xlKg IBjd.


THOMAS NICHOLSON.Jsr.r !aw6mTb« KXe, jtr.v. Bad Expert**

I N PUR8UAN( E .'fat: i.nler of the Surr... tt*3 oftbe Co,;nty of Ne» -Ye, k n-tic-fa feafab) gvaa W ,.l bbi

s.us having claims s.sio.t th* esta'e of C, a'RR KT L K |Wlate or the Ci'y < f New-York, dsesaastl, f. nr. e nt th. earn*srith v.rtii her. Lhetei f tb. sub.c-:b.-r, SAB AH ROW, at herleaMrVM N» 121 9< llivac st . in the Cir» .,f New-Y .'k on.r betöre the 10»b day of Jajuerv next .(Jet d N-w York the21-ley of Julv 1857. J W. oofT. Ad.iiini.tt«;-r.jy31aw6mtb_SARAH ROW, Admini.tratria.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of tue Surrogateof the Counts .f New York. Boticei. hereby given C eO

C?~~t5j r,»'J.'" meinst the Estate of PHILIP 11 ARTUteof th. City of New-York, bakc-r. deces-d, to present tbisame, nub vutn bersO er.ot.totha enbscriber. at iL office olMy. r Marten. No 8 Wallst. In the City of New York, cue,betöre the aiarh dsyof AufU.t next -Baud Now-York the SLb

V ItÄv r-RANCIS MILLER. Exacator.

i\j <>i june.

SAMl'EL P PARKER f j jiiiliilitl^taatHKNRi I» gEPOWH K. ( A" r*M*

IM I'URclUANCE of M or.lot of the |ajajof tbeCoouty of New York. ckw|<» U .¦«.Sir«, .

rr<«u»ioi.| ctakma eg* V IM.IAM » »KAM*,]!.of the Cltj of Nm Yoik il.*-.-e*ed. to prea-n* th- ,roi.rli -r« thereof to the a-ihecnbere at the oSiie of VharaaiHaUt< d. Noa. W »n.l M Murray «t i" tbe City ofon or 1 > Um thlrl v fir.t day of July n.-xV.DaUd Kaw-Tejihr 28tii air of January. 1WT

henry MOORF I-- a

J«r> lawtenlV B< Ht'REMAN H aL*TFD, I ***»>>>

IN PURSUANCE of »n order of th* B«m£oftf.' Connty of Now York, notice f> hereby grrea a, .«

p. rinn having cleiro« against the eatate of JO.vF.pH IkW'»t. of tin CftytrfNi" York.merin r d.a» I C or. ^^»aaavwilbvoeirberetl reoftol eiWnl,«, et thetr .awNo IS Footb-«t in th- (itv of N-w York, on or k»f.ir«U«y

OeXi..Dated NK.^York tjae^ day*^"& läwfiii.To« F- A. BLOO.NO lELD . ...eter.

IN I'l RH AM E <>f nn orJ. r ..f th» Sum^atil i etv of New-Yor) notlroW hetelrr floate«law

o.. L i, ; rrt£ ..in.- GEORGE V% POW E ROY JL\th.- Pit' o( New-York, decaeed P'T''1 « " ??».*-?, th..Mo the tihere Ol th-.S-dgwt-k. N »I Wal. afreet, k> tmm t ity "l few^loa «« w

M r. Mi, tu-r.tr fir.t day ot D-o mNrn.-xt.-ltated.WTaSj,tb tera«treath 4ajr *fwi9*m\J^'1jeW lowfktiTh_IN lTRM'ANCK öf «n "rder <-f Sa Barrnaajfi

f r nti ,,<" Ni » ^ irk ¦ He' >. aoreay gn<« te «|P,r..^;.,V;,Ä;ra>.«ai,.t OEONOE M. TI'MSoN. 10.oft* CHr eTK u Vor. hu .dar ,lo.-»». d. to nr. ae^t theaa^S»orita . tl treaf, t.. the .ob.. rib. r. -t tu. mm,>No tajSixth 0%.. in thoCity of N.w York n^ b..for. thetl..rt.Htkd.v.t N. («nbarnei. -Dated N *

iJ,<tOEOROE O. SMITH. Kseeutor.lawjaiTV___,_.

IN PlTBcHJANCE Of «" oVBSC of flu» Surro-at* of,1... ( ....?> -I N-v. York, noti. -t. In r-^r jrie-n to ail a»

,r. k. ii .aot tat K.-v-of saMukl r». »G.D NBERÜH lata of tb. Cito «4 V w , ,r k d. r-M.d. u »r*.i'.tL tap with Togchen Oaereol to tlo .-b^r.h-r, et kl»*

N ] r ... .. i. fitv oi n. w >ork. oo or b^bra

^Ivfehj JAMt- rt

VEW-VOKK sl TKLME COrRT.Couar/ «iil rhaaa ifitha B attaeaaaoa.jlataiBT, axaiaet JaaaatW,l7.ii ^ 7we F Butler, J. H. M^iHa. Eaarutor, he «fCor-

|w ».o Ann Für. Pepr-r. Thoma» D.Penr'r fL'h IVp,ar and Theodor. Martina. Uafead-StK'BoSia-i to, Behef ,-To th. d-feodant. ABUV, r/t l'r ITH« Toa are hereby eiinirimned and ra-l ,',i to arf.we"tb( .. '.'./». .»* BSY^ intheotBei oi the Clerk of the Coturtj of Riaie. aadjaa,.rve...pvot Touran.v.,rtoth. .aid o.-mplaiut on the oaV"ribe". it their nffic. No. " . Nua-.-i -tr.-t. m the City efS. « Y.-k «ritWa tweaty dayi after the eerrire af tBBj*.tn.n. onvou. earlu.ive of the dar of .»'\^'^liBlif , th< laid .. mplalat * itbin tb. j*mm"iore.iud. the plaUitih la tfci; acii... wUl ^ the fja«f. r ti r .! -f in...i.de.l la th- ...i''P:'''»ir,V«_i(N£rj .. ;, tm. ADBIAKCB a \ ANIiFRPOnjL.

J, i: uln»Th- _PlaintiS'a Attora-ya

SUPREME COrRT.-lAMKS M. Ql'IMBVagain.. MARY A OATMAN -To the Def-ndunt: Yo« «.

betety .t mmoned and required to .a.w.-r the roatplaiathailfabh h wa. f.Vd in the off-, of the Clerk of th.. Cityau»

Count» of Be* Yoik on the 8th d»i of July. I»» andt»ai«»a. (.pV of x..i,r it .wer t.. the .aid .ornplaint on ..e at our "fflce

N h P. elw > .i 'beti-yofNew Y.-K « .t.tw .... is d.ylalter the .etvi.oof »hia aumtroua . n yo... "'.,n, T» of'»* *jof.u-h aerrice; »ud if yon fail to «...wer the aud (¦¦..iiplvat

he time aforoaald, the plaint id iti thü aaBaawttl atfll10 the Coart for the radtef aitmalaf La the c .n.pla-ut.Dated New York .My f IW_ .iTllL A'KLU ^ j TUB. .*l**^wv._

.SUPREME COURT-COUNTV OF CATTA-J> BAUOL'S.-Alberl 0. Dow »gt. William B Whit.\Zv I.aac Stvar a::d Sarah Hitchcock Summon, forKT/,,., -To ISAAC iPEAB and SARAH HITCHCOCB,a.-, tanta: You are hereby r.,uim ..,e.l to aiiaw-r thaSi, Sntof A1BF.RTO DOW. aiafattik?, wbUk wag filedin the Clerk', dm. - of Cattaraugu. (ouuty on the Ut dayof June ISOT, and to til- a eon of your aaawpron the aahaaitBa]at Baaaolph, New-York, within twoaty day alt. , th- aerrio.oftbte auu.rnon.. .XclaafVO of the imf of " H fco and if you fail Waaawet taU on.pl dnl a. h-.ebv r- quired, the plairititf wnl t.k.Judement agalaal you lor ou- hundred and two dollar, aaf anetv-.ix oonte, « tth int. root ftotn 'he Bret day »f June UA bfaide rtwta--Jiici 1.1*57. alex sheldon,

». i.". 7m Tl. PlakatleT*. Aetemay.

SUPREME COURT.COCNTr OF CATTsVBAUOUB..Merri.k NuttiK and r.i«m M Nuttiag

agaiaag Wdliam B. Whitney. Uu.«<- Spaar and Sjrah Hitch-cock Summon, tor money..To the ahn-named ISAACSPEAR and SARAH HITCHCOCK, awfbadoatoi You ««

her. bv ..immoiied to aubwer the complaint of MRRRICKN1 I'l no and EDWIN M Nl'TTINO. plaintiff., whi h ruSlid it: the Clerk'. Office of Cattarsugu» County ou the firet dayot June. 1K.V7, mid to a.rve a copy of vour .n.wir n the aubacribarat Randolph. New York, witluh twenty day. after th- .errioeoftmia aninmo.ia, ex.in.ive ol the day ot aerviro; aud if yon fail toauawcr naid complaiut a. hereby required, th- plaintiff, will ttkajudgment ajaiiiht you for four baadrod aud forty aix do'l.ri andfor»* tiveccnta, with infe-re.t from the tir.t day of Juno, llff,boide.oit.-Jua.» t, lk?7. ALEX. SHELDON.JtyBJ lawtiwTh Plaiutitl.' Attorn y.

THE^PEl »ULI: öf tbe STATEof NEW-YORK,by tbe (.rare o| God. I- ru- ami Indepeiideut -To all peraon«

Inter. ht<c in the e»..te of ALEXANDER THOMSON, late otti e City "f New -York deceased, a. er.ditora. 1. gateaa, neat ofkit., or otlietwiee. farad »r.ting Ton and each of yoo areI. o. by ffei ai d r< quired peraotally to be aud appear biforoout Bixnoaata of the County of New Yo.k. at hi. oaV a, iu theCity of New-York, on the i.'th day of Auau.t next, at eUreno'l lack in thai Ion ni on ofthat day, than and tne.-e to attend thatinal orttl BOttl of liM obi nt ot pr. .--ding, of Daniel D.Loui, W illiam S. jnicur and W illiam Arthur, a. executor, ofthe la-t will and testament ol .aid Oeceaa-d Iu testimonywberoot we luv. earned tha aval of ..tlice ..t ...id Surrog.te to|i bet nta iSlrad Wituesa Alexander W Bradtord. eaq dre,

Surrogate of our aaid County at the City of New York,[l. s.| the .' th day of February, in the year of our Lord on*

th....-and cUht hundred and RRj otiaalyldlawlwTh A t\ BRADFORD Surrogate.


Tj <ht Kimt of Tht S. f. Tribimt.lent: I ate a OOmplalBl of lo?8 uf money in oar

'. Circunilocutiim office," receirdcd by a Iad\ in thaBBBaBBff*0TBIBtTBE. That tnicli ceaiplaiiita are fre¬quent, tliat it took 'elevta day* for u letter t<< IBMflrOBI Third avenue to East llroadway. in thid cit/,and tbut it coiaftaiitly takes from two to four dayi. ornioie, to (stud lttte-re from one- part *'f thin city tonn< tier by tlx- (luv. rniiient l'u>t. i« ft^ nataral a coo-SBOBjatioa with our preaent lyetem.it that can becai"l r-,tt< iu trbiefa liue no iraiom at all.a.- that wecan hase BO datliolit win l the- *uu ig on the oppoaitaeitle of the earth. Rut yet I rjo ii.t m e tliat Hr. L*BB>n.»i -t. r Fowler i- to bo baM in countable for all the ahort-coiningi- of our pot-tol lyatetn. HortBriad BlaBatif couldnot make a <rou<l city postal eefubliehineiit witi ourprei-eit laws and reL'tilatioiw. t\-\? men have eve*labored in. re diligently to tfl'.-ct uuprene-rggM tg iu hisIii. g, n ..tKeial appeiiutmeut haagin u m-.re univ.-r»al

MtaBaetfoB, aud no i'o.-tuidKter in twenty war. haainiide a- many impren ementi in our etitv VntX QBafW akMr, Feu', r. H it he. and y.,u, «ml I, and all iu«euf-forigfgit)d coniplaiuinir public, and aratyoJbbBB a»dtot i tiieial pe-reenage in the laml Daj kabjr, coinplaia,beai pot.et.tlv, or do what we Ltka, aud without aomornat.riul diBBiM in our system, we- nev t ei.ali have acity |K>f t that is either prompt, safe, nr reliable. I ardlhack Isaac N. Fowler, Messrs. Caldwell, Taylor, Hal-lett, (.'¦ Ba, Streu,-, Scott, ami Thomas Clatk (proba¬bly otheis quite as capable in our eity r<.st-( >tticei,b^'aiiM an e-qual nuuiberr of postal oaVai. iu auv .the-rcity, State ot rntimi. for ability, ellieien if, or faithfus-aaaaLi tbait dattaai but we hate no uniforinitvor reg¬ularity in the machinery of our DOStaJ iMtnhli.hmeat,partieulariy in its (.iK-iation in cit'es. I think the ladywho trunk- tht coiiimunicatnm to The Tribi'.v». waefBtiUad to an answer to her «tcotid letter, aud apropuaof that 1 ayiU pivt two facts abowiup; the wuy they doth' -* tBiaari in EtiRlaud. Kverv eiugle letter, no inat-ter what tfjo subject of it, addre'issed to th.- he-ad of thaBt itisa, or the he-tidon ripat Onäoa, U e-ertain to Lavatin HUewer to it by return mail. A BSayBAflaBB in Loo-don received a letter by tbe eity port letter carrier, at3 <> 11.» k p. BJs. and he compl i.u. el to tha I'oatmaoter-li.-iitral. tha lead of tb. Lafadttil 1'ostOilice.thatLia letter fggj d.-layed out aHaaaV hour la the delivery,u- it OBgbl lo ha\ e at lived nt 'J oiloek. The caae ayatut 11 tloqaii «i into by .Mr. Hi l. toe- BaCiatatB, the-CBnkr araa tound, and the post mark showiig; theBoar the kth r was ma.led, Lit- aaiilecfJoB was known,anal he was at on<e dtrgrharged forever from tie aer-tice.an < ffitt he could have held or lifo. II ai-mitted that he kept the letter back 'ill the u-xt boatlfdeliver*, be. auea it wae th«; Mli ,.ue he had at thathfur f.r the street to which it was addresatdWi aida'l you like tocauh ttc official «,f our PugdjOflksa u 'ikii at an investigation into the cause of a ia*

lay of one boai in the delivery of a letter? Hut 1fLink brtter tin e*ate cou-inx. I think I *ec unfailiagit OicatioTiH that our present adu.io'gtration of theI'.o-t Office is not to be a repetition of the laat. 8er-tral statesmen of the hightst poeition and iuflueaeware in favor of improvements in our Fott-Oftlc^. Hi»Eminence the late l'oetma>tcr Geuer'al aud .on* ofLie official underlicgH looked as much aghast at thaidea of bsBFOBV, as a bub at eight of a tnatadjrewith a acarlet < look and spear. The late Chairman ofthe Bpg4>QBjBB roBtBllflaa in tbe House of Beore-Metatjreg, as well as bis brillia.it predeeeesor. Kdson11 O d- w.-re all of the same yjece. ratrwtism aad.' il it:itioa are <T no party. Some of the abovebeim ge<l ou one side in pe.l.ties, aud some on tha«.'f .-, ih -\ were all alike io tbe iua*te-ly-;nac4ivityB h- oi that taught " Row not to do it," and the ooun

Dj «t.d their imttiedintej cot -.ituet.ts have, witi. mui^u-lui unat.iuiity, pt iiniUcd tl em ail to go about thenbueLaasB.As much aa bas lieeL said and w ritten ou tbe sawj«c4

of postal aflaifsja-itbit, tl e la.-.t two or three y*»1"»«*helkkTa aoBa of us have got to >be bottom of tbe .ua-j-et, and that few understand the unequalof the poatal eipansea and aervicea la d"**"cut localiiiea. Jty your leave. I will l^'6',..!another communication, aotue tacU that *S mm

tniat of your leaders will, I rtatare to aay, oa as e*-

rio-s a&d iLtcrvcting aa they ara pertiaoBl B> taa saw»
