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FEDERAL RESERVE H.4.2 For immediate release July 5> 1962 CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES The condition statement of weekly reporting member banks in leading cities shows the following principal changes for the week ended June 27: Decreases of $123 million in loans adjusted, $108 million in holdings of U. S. Government securities, $754 million in demand deposits adjusted, $556 million in demand deposits credited to domestic commercial banks; and increases of $165 million in holdings of "other" securities, $1,108 million in U. S. Government demand deposits, and $211 million in the total of time and savings deposits. Commercial and industrial loans increased a net of $26 million; during the comparable week a year ago, these loans increased $67 million. Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing or carrying U. S. Government securities decreased $192 million. Loans to sales and personal financing institutions decreased $121 million, as compared with a decrease of $28 million during the similar week in 1961. Real estate loans increased $4l million. "Other" loans increased $88 million. Holdings of Treasury bills by weekly reporting member banks decreased $187 million, Treasury certificates increased $5 million, and the combined total of Treasury notes and U. S. Government bonds increased $74 million. Demand deposits adjusted decreased $330 million in the New York D i s t r i c t , $232 million in the San Francisco District, $$4 million in the Richmond D i s t r i c t , and $64 million in the Kansas City District. Savings deposit/; increased $154 million and "other" time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations increased $6l million. Borrowings of weekly reporting member banks from Federal Reserve Banks decreased $119 million but borrowings from others increased $102 million. Loans to domestic commercial banks increased $173 million. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


H.4 .2

For immediate r e l e a s e J u l y 5> 1962


The cond i t ion statement of weekly report ing member banks in l ead ing c i t i e s

shows the f o l l o w i n g p r i n c i p a l changes f o r the week ended June 27: Decreases of $123

m i l l i o n in loans adjusted , $108 m i l l i o n i n holdings of U. S . Government s e c u r i t i e s ,

$754 m i l l i o n i n demand depos i t s adjusted, $556 m i l l i o n i n demand d e p o s i t s c red i t ed

t o domestic commercial banks; and increases of $165 m i l l i o n in holdings of "other"

s e c u r i t i e s , $1 ,108 m i l l i o n i n U. S . Government demand d e p o s i t s , and $211 m i l l i o n i n

the t o t a l o f time and savings d e p o s i t s .

Commercial and i n d u s t r i a l loans increased a ne t of $26 m i l l i o n ; during

the comparable week a year ago, these loans increased $67 m i l l i o n . Loans t o brokers

and dea ler s f o r purchasing or carrying U. S . Government s e c u r i t i e s decreased $192

m i l l i o n . Loans t o s a l e s and personal f inanc ing i n s t i t u t i o n s decreased $121 m i l l i o n ,

as compared wi th a decrease of $28 m i l l i o n during the s i m i l a r week i n 1961. Real

e s t a t e loans increased $ 4 l m i l l i o n . "Other" loans increased $88 m i l l i o n .

Holdings of Treasury b i l l s by weekly report ing member banks decreased $187

m i l l i o n , Treasury c e r t i f i c a t e s increased $5 m i l l i o n , and the combined t o t a l of Treasury

notes and U. S . Government bonds increased $74 m i l l i o n .

Demand d e p o s i t s adjusted decreased $330 m i l l i o n i n the New York D i s t r i c t ,

$232 m i l l i o n i n the San Francisco D i s t r i c t , $$4 m i l l i o n in the Richmond D i s t r i c t ,

and $64 m i l l i o n i n the Kansas C i t y D i s t r i c t . Savings deposit/; increased $154 m i l l i o n

and "other" time d e p o s i t s of i n d i v i d u a l s , partnerships , and corporat ions increased

$ 6 l m i l l i o n .

Borrowings of weekly report ing member banks from Federal Reserve Banks

decreased $119 m i l l i o n but borrowings from others increased $102 m i l l i o n . Loans to

domestic commercial banks increased $173 m i l l i o n .

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June 27, 1962

A S S E T S Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted 1 / Loans adjusted 1/

Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans t o brokers and dealers for purchasing

or carrying: U. S. Govt, secur i t i es Other secur i t i e s

Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, s ecur i t i e s Other secur i t i e s

Loans to noribank f inanc ia l ins t i tu t ions : Sales finance, personal finance, e t c . Other

Loans to foreign banks Real es tate loans Other loans

Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government secur i t i e s - t o ta l

Treasury b i l l s Treasury c e r t i f i c a t e s of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing:

Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years

Other secur i t i e s Reserves with P. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other asse ts - net Total a s s e t s / l i a b i l i t i e s

L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2 / Demand deposits - t o t a l 3/

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions U. S. Government Domestic interbank: Commercial

Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l i n s t s . , e t c .

Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - t o t a l 4 /

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits Other time deposits

States and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions Domestic interbank

. Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l i n s t s . , e t c . Commercial banks

Borrowings: From F. R. Banks From others

Other l i a b i l i t i e s C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S

Change since June 20,

1962 June 26,

1961 (In mil l ions of dol lars)

124,345 + 107 +10,002 122,806 - 66 + 9,700

75,902 - 123 + 5,731 33,354 + 26 + 1,585

1,383 - 4 4- 228

597 - 192 + 217 1,936 - 3 - 125

92 + l - 12 1,333 - 6 - 10

3,549 121 + 217 2,490 + 42 + 797

749 + 8 170. l4 ,268 + 4i + 1,372 17,872 + 88 + 1,454 1,539 + 173 + 302

32,418 108 + 442 3,997 - 187 74 2,215 + 5 - 171

6,749 + 55 + 526 14,685 + 4o* mm 263

4,772 - 21* + 276 14,486 + 165 f 3,527 13,068 170 + 841 1,620 + 82 151 2,805 « 61 - 367 4,723 + 74 300

159,214 - . 525 + 1 2 , 2 k 0

61,472 754 684 91,391 - 759 + 3,136 64,022 -1,435 + 272 4,829 + l 4 l - 103 6,594 +1, 108 + 2,760

10,672 mm 556 - 253 484 tm 14 + 12 655 + 34 + 11

1,061 - 4i + 79 47,077 + 211 + 7,365

32,514 + 154 + 3,887 8,536 ' + 61 + 2,434 3,402 + l + 603

197 mm mm + 50 2,118 - 8 + 329

123 + 2 + 38 291 - 119 + 271

1,825 + 102 + 6o4 5,356 + 13 + 112

13,274 + 27 + 752 1/ Exclusive of loans t o domestic commercial banks

reserves; individual loan items are shown gross. 2 / Includes a l l demand deposits except those of U.

banks, l e s s cash items in process of co l l ec t ion .

and af ter deduction of valuation

S. Government and domestic commercial

3 / Includes c e r t i f i e d and of f icers ' checks not shown separately. 4/ Includes time deposits of U. 8. Government and postal savings not shown separately. * June 20 f igures rev ised .

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Boston Federal Reserve District

New Fhila- Cleve- Rich- Atlanta lUIi\ (In

ucxyu-LO. j-cuiu muiia millions of dollars)

4,949 37,184 4,554 9,631 4,4o6 4,784 4,889 36,689 4,481 9,572 4,372 4,745 3,240 22,857 3,039 5,300 2,652 2,900 1,589 12,218 1,302 1,951 981 1,212

7 37 4 3 17 37

10 374 10 32 6 3 40 1,040 80 127 44 44

5 21 5 11 12 4 25 437 60 146 37 46

123 1,311 144 240 136 i4o 91 • 702 63 91 108 155 15 394 21 12 mm mm 2

518 2,432 412 i , 4 l l 438 336 895 4,518 1,035 1,378 923 978

60 495 73 59 34 39 1,126 9,304 1,084- 2,810 1,328 1,409

172 2,009 79 202 93 129 137 638 84 221 81 96

201 1,822 216 730 316 319 527 3,462 537 1,383 651 707 89 1,373 168 274 I87 158

523 4,528 358 1,462 392 436 510 4,302 498 979 482 504

91 362 86 171 117 84 104 213 138 200 147 329 164 2,190 150 176 121 143

6,257 49,207 5,891 11,822 5,723 6,350

3,213 19,274 2,613 4,621 2,629 2,651 4,236 29,268 3,820 6,395 3,750 4,182 3,204 19,663 2,849 4,797 2,737 2,708

275 828 119 405 265 4o8 309 2,069 296 579 263 231 275 2,969 446 530 408 794 89 334 35 5 8

5 524 5 28 2 26 790 26 15 8 7

1,126 11,680 l , 3 4 l 3,950 1,244 1,496 826 6,183 929 3,040 942 1,084 202 3,118 276 660 200 304 33 577 79 239 58 88 4 142 2 1 2 11

48 1,525 50 5 15 6 . 7 79 3 3 —«- mm mm

3 97 6 43 49 3 46 907 4o 103 64 33

237 2,939 138 206 155 113 609 4,316 546 1,125 461 523

A S S E T S Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted l / Loans adjusted 1/

Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing

or carrying; U . S . Govt. securit ies Other securit ies

Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt. securit ies Other securit ies

Loans to nonbank financial inst itutions: Sales finance, personal finance, e tc . Other

Loans to foreign banks Real estate loans Other loans

Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securit ies - total

Treasury b i l l s Treasury cer t i f i ca tes of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing:

Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years

Other securit ies Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total a s s e t s / l i a b i l i t i e s

L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ Demand deposits - to ta l 3/

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and po l i t i ca l subdivisions U. S• Government Domestic Interbank: Commercial

Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l inste . , e tc .

Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - tota l 4/

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: . Savings deposits

Other time deposits States and po l i t i ca l subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l ins t s . , e tc .

Commercial banks Borrowings: From F. R. Banks

From others Other l i a b i l i t i e s


See footnotes on f i r s t table,

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Federal Reserve Distr ict Chicago S t . Minne- Kansas Dallas Louis apol is City Dallas San


A S S E T S Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted l / Loans adjusted l /

Commercial and industr ial loans Agricultural loans Loans to "brokers and dealers for purchasing

or carrying: U. S. Govt. s ecur i t i e s Other secur i t i e s

Other loans for purchasing or carrying: U. S. Govt, s ecur i t i e s Other s ecur i t i e s

Loans to nohbank f inancia l ins t i tu t ions : Sales finance, personal finance, e t c . Other

Loans to foreign banks Real es tate loans Other loans

Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government secur i t i e s - t o t a l

Treasury b i l l s Treasury c e r t i f i c a t e s of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. S. bonds maturing:

Within 1 year 1 t o 5 years After 5 years

Other secur i t i e s Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other asse t s - net Total a s s e t s / l i a b i l i t i e s

L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2 / Demand deposits - t o t a l 3/

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Ste.tes and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions U. S. Government Domestic interbank: Commercial

Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l i n s t s . , e t c .

Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - t o t a l hj

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits Other time deposits

States and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l i n s t s . , e t c .

Commercial banks Borrowings: From F. R. Banks

From others Other l i a b i l i t i e s


( in mi l l ions of dol lars)

16,714 3,348 1,907 4,372 5,504 26,992 16,564 3,289 1,864 4,280 5,383 26,678

9,550 2,072 1,196 2,657 3,377 17,062 4)109 787 553 1,105 1,749 5,798

47 32 36 246 44 873

110 6 3 4 18 21 276 76 10 19 59 121

15 2 * « 5 2 10 237 4o 12 45 175 73

643 121 72 133 94 3^2 356 108 33 117 191 475

55 1 — — mm mm —i — 249 1,741 322 201 377 257 5,823 2,212 613 295 646 851 3,528

150 59 43 92 121 314 4,544 938 481 1,218 1,541 6,635

318 85 29 143 110 628 275 143 18 106 59 357

981 223 106 260 269 1,306 2,335 389 24l 563 656 3,234

635 98 87 146 447 1,110 2,470 279 187 405 465 2,981 1,769 376 174 458 590 2,426

192 50 20 57 62 328 305 168 72 305 533 291 371 , 59 62 107 203 977

20,889 4,355 2,489 5,803 7,425 33,003

7,452 l , 6 4 l 887 2,283 2,848 11,360 11,760 2,883 1,596 3,919 4,667 14,915

7,986 1,831 967 2,447 3,045 11,788 769 140 144 300 267 909

1,093 190 124 212 209 1,019 1,677 698 331 920 1,077 547

l — — 5 — — mm mm 7 14 - - — — 4 73 59 5 4 3 13 105

6,792 982 630 1,242 1,927 14,667

5,246 663 333 932 930 11,406 1,094 266 269 255 701 1,191

292 47 24 51 278 1,636 13 " - - 1 7 14

119 2 2 « — 2 344 14 — — — — 2 15 54 6 * 20 mm w 10

102 16 l 4 46 86 368 499 64 43 60 110 792

1,682 404 206 516 635 2,251

See footnotes on f i r s t tab le .

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H.4.3 New York City Chicago

June Change since June Change since 27,

1962 June 20,

1962 June 28,

1961 27,

1962 June 20,

1962 June 28,

1961 A S S E T S

Total loans and investments Loans and investments adjusted 1 / Loans adjusted 1/

Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans Loans to brokers and dealers for purchasing

or carrying: U. S. Govt, securit ies Other securit ies

Other loans for purchasing or carrying; U. S. Govt. securit ies Other securit ies

Loans to nonbank financial inst i tut ions: Sales finance, personal finance, e tc . Other

Loans to foreign banks Real estate. loans Other loans

Loans to domestic commercial banks U. S. Government securit ies - to ta l

Treasury b i l l s Treasury cer t i f i ca te s of indebtedness Treasury notes and U. 8. bonds maturing:

Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years

Other securit ies Reserves with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Other assets - net Total a s s e t s / l i a b i l i t i e s

L I A B I L I T I E S Demand deposits adjusted 2/ 15> 961 Demand deposits - to ta l 3/ 25*278

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 751

30,029 29,654 18,707 11,018


373 988

13 403

1,188 526 380 980

3,320 375

7,502 1,866


1,475 2,581 1,059 3,445 3,807

225 76

1,985 40,758

States and p o l i t i c a l subdivisions U. 8. Government Domestic interbank: Commercial

Mutual savings Foreign: Govts., o f f i c i a l in s t s . , e t c .

Commercial banks Time and savings deposits - to ta l 4 /

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Savings deposits Other time deposits

States and po l i t i ca l subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign:• Govts., o f f i c i a l ins t s . , e tc .

Commercial banks Borrowings: From F. R. Banks

From others Other l i a b i l i t i e s


252 1,797 2,884

294 518 772


3,524 2,570 201 132

1,521 78 97

870 2,705 3,730

- 31 -105 -151 + 34

-127 + 2

- 93 + 5 + 8 + 6 + 15 + 74 - 7 - 39 + 9

+ 34 + 23 - 34 + 53 - 13 + 7 + 1 + 54 + 89

-272 + 66 -255 - 24 +350 - 83 - 9 + 24 - 29 + 37

+ 19 + 29 - 5 - 1 - 7 + 1 - 4 - 76 + 75 - 9

+1,969 +2,047 +1,021 + 447 + 6

+ 108 - 357

6 11

78 207 81

225 301

78 138 522 348

29 337 272 888 178 32 31 70

+ + + + +

+ +

+ + + +


- 445 + i 437 - 447

32 714 258 25 25 48


+ +

+ + + + +

892 543 58 38

117 16 97

413 10


8,697 8,628 5,016

+ 26 - 10 - 1 5

+872 +899 +422

2,812 + 1 +107 21 — + 3

58 - 4 + 48 200 + 3 + 38

13 - 1 - l 187 - 1 - 2

378 - 21 - 10 252 + 1 +145 50 - 1 + 14

327 + 3 + 63 885 + 5 + 33 69 + 36 - 27

2,174 - 4o - l 4 i 193 - 52 -225 16.1 + 5

44l + 3 + 46 1,174 + 3* + 23

205 + 6* + 10 1,438 + 45 +618

974 - 55 - 4o 44 + 2, + 3 97 - 12 - 42

185 + 4 + 16 10,882 -133 +926

3,992 -243 6,552 - 78 + 29 4,385 - 93 ' -115

336 + 13 - 32 564 +105 +217

1,111 - 85 - 62 1 - 1

14 + 1 + 3 45 •» - + 10

3,000 + 22 +702

2,168 + 12 +377 669 + 8 +264 16 * — + 1 8 + 2

119 + 1 + 45 13 + 1 + 8 7 - 4l + 4

80 - 17 + 58 299 - 18 + 91 944 - 1 + 42

1/ Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loan items are shown gross.

2/ Includes a l l demand deposits except those of U. S. Government and domestic commercial banks, l e s s cash items in process of col lect ion.

3/ Includes cer t i f i ed and o f f i cers checks not shown separately. bj Includes time deposits of U. 8. Government and postal savings not shown separately. * June 20 figures revised July 2.

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