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H6 INTRODUCTION TO FORESTS - Dalhousie University

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.............................................................. Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I PAGE 480 © Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History H6 INTRODUCTION TO FORESTS H6 Introduction to Forests garded as generality, as a way of distinguishing the typical elements in order to understand it. Once these groupings are recognized, they can be used to understand the forest’s evolution, its relationship to physical characteristics and to other elements of the flora and the fauna and its relationship to natu- ral and human- induced disturbances. Forest trees grow in well defined associations. Rea- sons for this are not fully understood, although site characteristics, especially shade and soil moisture, are clearly very important. Species which thrive un- der similar conditions tend to occur together. Many individual trees, however, grow in other sites and with species other than their usual association. The recognition of forest-cover type groups is best re- Plate H6I.1: Forest-dominated Nova Scotian landscape reflects the variety of treed habitats — hardwoods at the base of the slope on the intervale, softwoods on the lower slope, mixed at the top. Photo: R. Merrick
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Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History


H6Introductionto Forests

garded as generality, as a way of distinguishing thetypical elements in order to understand it. Oncethese groupings are recognized, they can be used tounderstand the forest’s evolution, its relationshipto physical characteristics and to other elements ofthe flora and the fauna and its relationship to natu-ral and human- induced disturbances.

Forest trees grow in well defined associations. Rea-sons for this are not fully understood, although sitecharacteristics, especially shade and soil moisture,are clearly very important. Species which thrive un-der similar conditions tend to occur together. Manyindividual trees, however, grow in other sites andwith species other than their usual association. Therecognition of forest-cover type groups is best re-

Plate H6I.1: Forest-dominated Nova Scotian landscape reflects the variety of treed habitats — hardwoods at the base of the slope onthe intervale, softwoods on the lower slope, mixed at the top. Photo: R. Merrick

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Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I Habitats



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History

The Nova Scotia Forest Inventory, Provincial Sum-mary 1977-89 (June 1991) shows that only 0.6 per centof the province’s forests are over 100 years of age, and3.4 per cent are over eighty years old. The current age-class distribution reflects the long history of forestry inNova Scotia and of natural disturbance.

Table H6I.1 illustrates the relative age of trees associ-ated with old forests.

Climax refers to the end point of succession; the com-munity reaches a steady state under a particular set ofenvironmental conditions. Old-growth refers to the ageof trees, but does not necessarily imply a climax stage.


The classification of the forest habitats in the NaturalHistory of Nova Scotia reflects the relativedominanance of hardwoods (deciduous trees) andsoftwoods (coniferous trees). The descriptions of thesehabitats are further divided into tree-species associa-tions that reflect combinations of the dominant for-est-stand types in Nova Scotia. The information isbased on analysis of the permanent sample plots main-tained by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Re-sources.

Hardwood-forest Habitat (H6.1)1. Red Maple, Red Oak, White Birch2. Sugar Maple, Yellow Birch, American Beech3. Sugar Maple, American Elm

Softwood-forest Habitat (H6.2)1. White Spruce 5. Black Spruce, Larch2. Spruce, Fir, Pine 6. Spruce, Hemlock, Pine3. Pine 7. Balsam Fir4. Spruce, Fir

Mixedwood-forest Habitat (H6.3)1. Spruce, Fir, Pine–Maple, Birch2. Spruce, Fir–Maple3. White Spruce, Fir–Maple, Birch (Coastal)


There are typically four stages in the natural develop-ment of a forest stand: initiation, stem exclusion,understory initiation and old growth. The nature of thedevelopment and eventually old-growth stage variesregionally.1

1. Stand initiation is the regeneration stage following amajor disturbance, such as fire, windthrow orclearcutting. Tree species, accompanied by shrubs andherbaceous species, invade the disturbed site from anexternal seed source, existing seed banks, sprouts orsuckers, and/or by advanced regeneration. This initialstage can continue for up to twenty years, dependingon forest type, the type of disturbance, the regenerat-ing strategies assumed by invading species and otherfactors.

2. Stem exclusion occurs once the disturbed site is fullyoccupied by young trees, and competition for envi-ronmental resources and growing space excludes newgrowth. Dieback as well as weeding of existing stressedindividuals occurs.

3. Understorey initiation begins as the stand maturesand gaps in the canopy allow light to penetrate andreach the ground. Generally, shade-tolerant speciescan then become established as an understory.

4. The old-growth stage begins as the regenerating spe-cies become codominant and the stand develops amulti-layer structure (with a canopy, saplings/shrubsand ground cover).


Old forests evolve from immature forests yet are sig-nificantly different in species composition and struc-ture. In particular, as the forest ages, it becomes multi-layered, with large old trees, snags, and large amountsof coarse, woody debris accumulating on the ground.This change in structure creates many microhabitatsboth within the tree canopy and on the ground, re-sulting in an increase in general biodiversity.2

Table H6I.1: Relative age of trees associated with old forests


to Forests




kcolmeHnretsaE 051-08 002-051 +002

eniPetihWnretsaE 521-08 571-521 +571

ecurpSdeR 521-08 571-521 +571

elpaMraguS 001-08 051-001 +051

hceeBnaciremA 001-08 051-001 +051

hcriBwolleY 001-08 051-001 +051

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Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History

H6Introductionto Forests

Figure H6I.1 is a simplified illustration of the suc-cessional sequence through which these associa-tions progress as the “fit” between the physical en-vironment and the forest matures. Undisturbed for-ests may result in one of five or more climax habi-tats, depending mainly site conditions. Disturbanceis usual; either naturally or through harvesting andmanaging forests.

Table T10.4.1 (in Plant Communities in NovaScotia) shows the relationship between site charac-teristics and origin, and the successional or seralstage of the associations.

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References1 Lynds, A. and J. LeDuc (1993) Old Forests of

Nova Scotia: Final Draft. N.S. Dept. of NaturalResources, Parks and Recreation Division,Belmont, N.S.

2 Lynds, A. (1992) “Provisional ecological charac-teristics of old-growth forests for Nova Scotia:An Acadian forest perspective.” In J.H.M.Willison, ed. Science and the Management ofProtected Areas. Elsevier Science Publishers,Amsterdam.

Figure H6I.1: Simplified Forest Succession in Nova Scotia: Generalized successional stages do not reflect detailed information on specific situations. Therate of successional change may be approximated by referring to the life span of the species involved (see T10.6). An exception is the successionalsequence in bogs, which occurs more slowly, as it depends on changing hydrological conditions (see H4.1). *These species may also be part of early- andmid-successional stages, depending on the type and intensity of disturbance. **In Regions 500, 600 and 700, the pine and hemlock component is nottypically as significant as in western Nova Scotia (Region 400); spruce and fir tend to predominate in mid- and late-successional stages. ***Black spruceand larch associations also occur as edaphic climax forest throughout N.S.






Central & NorthLowlands

(500, 600, 700**)



Balsam Fir(H6.2.7)

(with WhiteBirch)

Sugar Maple,Yellow Birch,

Beech (H6.1.2)



(with spruce& fir)


Pine (H6.2.6)


Pine (H6.2.6)

White Spruce,Fir–Maple,

Birch (H6.3.3)*

Mid-successionAssociation(after disturbanceby fire, logging,insects)

Sugar Maple,Yellow Birch,


Sugar Maple,Yellow Birch,

Beech(H6.1.2)(with fir,

Red Maple,White Birch &Red Spruce)



Pine(H6.2.3) Spruce,

Fir, Pine(H6.2.2)


Spruce, Fir,Pine–Maple, Oak,


Spruce, Fir,Pine–Maple, Oak,


Maple, Oak,Birch (H6.1.1)

Spruce, Fir(H6.2.4)


BlackSpruce, Larch


Spruce, Fir(Larch)–Maple







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Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I Habitats



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History



Plate H6.1.1: Secondary succession of Balsam Fir in a disturbed hardwood forest dominated by shade-intolerant Red Maple and White Birch, CranberryLake (Unit 433). Photo: A. Wilson.

Hardwood or deciduous forests are predominantlycomposed of broad-leaved trees and associatedplants.

There are three common associationsof hardwood forest:1. Maple, Oak, Birch2. Sugar Maple, Yellow Birch, Beech3. Sugar Maple, Elm (Floodplain)

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Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History



This vegetation type is a predominant early- to-mid-successional forest of southwestern Nova Scotia andis mainly the consequence of fire. Young coniferousspecies (White Pine, Balsam Fir, Red Spruce andBlack Spruce) are regularly found developing underits canopy.


1. Bedrock: granite, quartzite, argillite.2. Soils: shallow, bouldery, sandy loam to loamy

sand glacial tills.3. Relief: drumlinized hills.4. Drainage: very rapidly to well drained; dry sites.


Red Maple, Red Oak and White Birch, all low tointermediate in shade tolerance, invade relativelydry sites recently disturbed by fire or logging. Thesethree species usually form an early-successional as-sociation, due to their ability to stump-sprout vig-orously following a disturbance.

In cases of severe or repeated burning, WhitePine and Red Spruce will invade the shadedunderstory provided by the sprouting hardwoods.Over time, however, spruce and pine will becomewell established and thus produce a mixedwood oreven a pure coniferous forest.

On drumlin fields in southwestern Nova Scotia,shade-tolerant Hemlock and Red Spruce can de-velop under the mixedwood canopy, eventuallyovertaking the hardwoods and leading to a near-climax spruce, hemlock, pine association.

In the case of a light fire, Beech remains an im-portant component within the early-successionalstages of the maple, oak, birch complex, especiallyon drumlinoid topography. Because of the less se-vere disturbance, the successional trend will even-tually lead to a climax forest of Sugar Maple, YellowBirch and Beech.


The ground vegetation belongs to the Bracken Fernassociation, typically found in openings and in theless-dense areas of the forest stand. This associa-tion is tolerant of many topographic situations. TheBracken Fern almost always typifies a burned area,although evidence has shown it is also associated(to a lesser extent) with windfall and logging distur-

bances. Blueberry, Lambkill, and Bunchberry aresubdominant species.


The soil fauna is poor, due to the poorly developeddry humus layer. There is, however, a fairly richfauna in the tree crowns and along the forest mar-gin. The Winter Moth that defoliates hardwood treeswas studied in this forest type in the Bridgewaterarea. Birds include the Ovenbird, Rose-breastedGrosbeak, Red-eyed Vireo, and other small perch-ing birds. White-footed Mouse and Red Squirrel aretypical mammals. The young growth can providecover and browse for Snowshoe Hare and deer.


The maple, oak, birch forest is found in the graniticAtlantic Interior, from west of Lake Rossignol toHalifax (Unit 451) and in the bowl-shaped depres-sion around the LaHave River in the south-centralportion of Nova Scotia (Units 433, 434). It also oc-curs scattered throughout much of the southernpart of the province elsewhere in Region 400.


This is the hardwood climax forest of Nova Scotia:climax or near-climax hardwood forest consistingmainly of shade-tolerant hardwoods occurring onhigher ground. In North America, Nova Scotiarepresents the northeastern limit of distributionfor this forest.

Associated forest-cover types include• pure or mixed stands of Sugar Maple, Yellow

Birch and beech—well drained, lower to mid-slopes and hilltops

• White Birch, Yellow Birch—steep, mid to upperslopes; coarse rubbly soils

• Sugar Maple, Yellow Birch, beech–Balsam Fir,White and Red spruces, Eastern Hemlock, WhitePine—mixedwood found on gravelly, unstableriver fans and spurs; along stream ravines; andon previously logged slopes


1. Bedrock: predominantly granite, but occasion-ally quartzite, sedimentary and metamorphicrocks, often overlain by sedimentary beds.

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Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I Habitats



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History



2. Soils: sandy loam to loam-textured glacial tills,moderately deep and generally rich in nutrientsand water supply.

3. Relief: ranging from the flat-topped uplands ofthe Cobequid Mountains to the rolling hills anduplands of Musquodoboit, Pictou, and CapeBreton.

4. Drainage: rapidly to well drained, with seepageslopes quite common.


Assuming site conditions are favourable, the majorfactor influencing the establishment of the SugarMaple, Yellow Birch, beech forest is disturbance. Inwell-drained upland sites, the formation of this cli-max forest will be assured if no further natural orhuman disturbance takes place.

Plate H6.1.2: Old-growth hardwood forest at Fenwick, Cumberland County (Unit 581). Largely composed of Sugar Maple, Yellow Birch and Beech.Photo: D. Davis

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Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History


for beetles and other insects. Insects are also im-portant in the canopy. Wood Frogs and salaman-ders are common, as are warblers and woodpeck-ers. This is an important small-mammal habitat,especially on talus slopes in Cape Breton, where itsupports fourteen of the twenty small mammal spe-cies recorded in Nova Scotia. The fallen trees canprovide dens for bear in the winter. A large diversityof birds inhabit the tree canopy.


• Beech Scale• Birch Dieback disease• Softwood component in ravine slopes• Rock Vole, Gaspé Shrew and Southern Bog

Lemming on lower levels of old talus slopes inCape Breton.

• Old forests—The species in this association arelong lived and make up some of Nova Scotia’sold forests, which are identified in the NovaScotia Museum Site Files as Sites of EcologicalSignificance.


The major occurrences of the Sugar Maple, YellowBirch, Beech forest are found in the CobequidMountains, Pictou–Antigonish highlands and northBras d’Or uplands of Region 300; the slopes andridges (District 420) and drumlins (District 430) ofthe Atlantic interior; in higher sections of the Car-boniferous lowlands, such as hills and valleys (Dis-trict 580) and in the Annapolis Valley (District 610).Minor occurrences are scattered throughout the in-terior of the province.


The Sugar Maple, American Elm association is theclimax forest of floodplains. Valley floors of the largerriver systems with rich intervale soils support a greatdiversity of vegetation. Climax-forest cover consists ofSugar Maple and American Elm, with minor compo-nents of birches, Balsam Poplar (limited mainly tonorthern Cape Breton), White Spruce, willow, Red Ma-ple and American Ash.

Vegetation succession is of a secondary nature,brought about by fire, cutting, insect infestation orsubstrate disturbance (colluvium activity).

Fire within this well-drained, upland forest habi-tat would probably result in a successional shade-intolerant hardwood stand consisting of Red Ma-ple, White Birch, Aspen, and Beech. These speciesare able to develop from sucker growth. Eventuallythe shade-tolerant hardwoods would intrude intothe understory and gradually displace the shade-intolerant species. Shade-tolerant softwood species,such as Red Spruce, Balsam Fir and Eastern Hem-lock, may also become locally established duringthis successional sequence.

Cutting practices within this forest habitat couldproduce a shift from a pure shade-tolerant hardwoodforest to a mixedwood stand. Depending on the de-gree and time of cutting, a component of spruce, firand pine could regenerate with the Red Maple andWhite Birch. Over time, this successional sequencewill probably, if left undisturbed, revert to the originalshade-tolerant hardwood forest. The forest can main-tain itself indefinitely by a process of gap replace-ment.

Insect infestation does not appear to affect thisforest as a whole. Insects do, however, greatly influ-ence individual species of this grouping. TheNectria–Cryptococcus association (“Beech Scale”)has brought about a dramatic decline in the numberof beech in Nova Scotia. Birch Dieback (believed tobe a stress-related disorder1) and several minor pestshave also caused a reduction in the vigour and dis-tribution of both White and Yellow Birches (seeT10.1 and T11.16).

Rubble-strewn slopes (talus or colluvium slopes)support a White Birch–Yellow Birch forest type(possibly with minor components of softwoods), amid-successional stage of this climax forest. As theslope stabilizes, Sugar Maple and Beech will beginto occupy the site.


Characteristic species include Broom Moss, Schreber’sMoss, Mountain and Striped maples, Starflower, RoseTwisted Stalk and Wild Sarsaparilla, Christmas Fern,Hazelnut, Shining Clubmoss, and baneberry.


This climax hardwood forest has rich soils that sup-port a diverse soil fauna, including philomycid slugsand minute snails, such as Planogyra astericus andStriatura exigua. Rotting logs provide good habitat

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Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I Habitats



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History




When a section of riverbed cannot handle the vol-ume of water it receives, the river may erode a newchannel or it may flood its banks. The floorwaterscarry and deposit sediment on the floodplain. Thelevel of the floodplain gradually increases, allowingterrestrial vegetation to gain a foothold. Under theseconditions the Sugar Maple–American Elm forestbecomes established on stable, mature to old-ageriver floodplains.


1. Bedrock: variable.2. Soils: sandy to gravelly alluvium (fluvial

and/or fluvio-glacial).3. Relief: flat to very gently undulating, slow-

moving sections of rivers.4. Drainage: well-to-excessively drained.


The successional sequence within the Sugar Maple,American Elm forest relates to the natural life cycleof the river. As the river matures from a boulderplain to an alluvial floodplain, a correspondingchange in moisture regimes (and therefore in veg-etation) occurs. The early-successional mesic sitegenerally supports a forest composed of admixturesof Balsam Poplar, White Spruce, White Birch andwillow. As the floodplain stabilizes and matures, aclimax-forest habitat of Sugar Maple and elm with aminor component of ash represents the change froma hydric to a mesic condition. The lack of this forestin Nova Scotia relates to human disturbance alongfloodplains.


Much of the ground vegetation of river floodplainsbelongs to the Alleghenian floral element. Pocketsof this flora are scattered through the central and

Plate H6.1.3: Intervale forest dominated by Sugar Maple along the West Branch of East River, Hopewell, Pictou County (sub-Unit 582a). Photo: A. Wilson.

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Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History


Associated TopicsT3.4 Terrestrial Glacial Deposits and Landscape Fea-tures, T4 Colonization, T8.2 Freshwater Environ-ments, T9 Soils, T10 Plants, T11.2 Forest and Edge-habitat Birds, T11.9 Carnivores, T11.11 Small Mam-mals, T11.16 Land and Freshwater Invertebrates,T12.10 Plants and Resources

Associated HabitatsH3.1 Open-water Lotic (Rivers and Streams), H5.4Talus Slope, H6.2 Softwood Forest, H6.3 MixedwoodForest

References1 Forestry Canada (1992) Forest Insect and

Disease Conditions in Canada 1989. ForestInsect and Disease Survey.

Additional Reading• Crowell, M. (1989) Patterns of Vegetation and

Standing Crops of Biomass and Nutrients in aChronosequence within a Hardwood Forest inNova Scotia. M.Sc. thesis. Biology Department,Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S.

• Eastern Ecological Research (1978) Cape BretonHighlands National Park: Ecological LandClassification. Parks Canada.

• Gimbarzevsky, P. (1975) Biophysical Survey ofKejimkujik National Park. ForestManagement Institute, Ottawa. (InformationReport, FM4–X–81).

• Keddy, P. (1979) “Endangered wild plants ofNova Scotia.” Nova Scotia Conservation 3(2).

• Morgan, K. and B. Freedman (1986) “Breedingbird communities in a hardwood forestsuccession in Nova Scotia.” Can. Field-Nat.100(4).

• Roland, A.E. and E.C. Smith (1969) “The Floraof Nova Scotia.” Proc. N.S. Inst. Sci. 26.

northern counties of the Carboniferous lowlands(Region 500) (e.g., Kemptown [Unit 572] and SouthMaitland [Unit 511a]) and in sheltered locations onCape Breton Island.

The floodplain flora is dominated by the shrubsSpeckled Alder, Hazelnut, the hawthorns and Hop-hornbeam; and by the herbs: Bloodroot, Enchant-er’s Nightshade, Dog’s-tooth Violet, Ostrich Fern,Sensitive Fern, Avens, Cow Parsnip, RoughGoldenrod, Tall White Aster, Wood Goldenrod,Dutchman’s Breeches, Spring Beauty, Hairy SweetCicely, Yellow Violet, Nodding Trillium, Feverwortand Blue Cohosh.


Floodplains are frequently replenished with silt fromflooding and with the humus developed from theleaves of deciduous trees. This rich soil provides thebasis for soil fauna, which may, however, be inhib-ited on sites where flooding is too frequent. Duringthe summer, more-active animals invade the habi-tat from adjacent habitats. Where flooding is infre-quent, small-mammal diversity is moderate to high,and population levels can be very high. Toads andsalamanders and the Maritime Garter Snake arecommon. The crowns of the trees support rich in-sect and bird life. Warblers, vireos, flycatchers, Veeryand Yellow-bellied Sapsucker are common in thesewoods.


• Dutch Elm disease.• Rare floodplain plants.• Early spring-flowering plants.• Most northern distribution of Alleghenian

floral element.• Old-forest sites identified in the Nova Scotia

Museum Site Files as Sites of EcologicalSignificance.


The Sugar Maple, American Elm forest is sparselydistributed in Nova Scotia today. It is confined tothe larger river floodplains of central Nova Scotia,northern counties of the mainland and Cape BretonIsland throughout Region 500. It has been heavilylimited by cultivation of the fertile alluvial soils thatunderlie it and by grazing.

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Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I Habitats



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History



Softwood (or coniferous) forest is mainly composedof needle-bearing trees. There are seven commonassociations of softwood forest in Nova Scotia:1. White Spruce2. Spruce, Fir, Pine

3. Pine4. Spruce, Fir5. Black Spruce, Larch6. Spruce, Hemlock, Pine7. Balsam Fir

Plate H6.2.1: Coastal forest dominated by White Spruce at Canso, Guysborough County (Unit 852). Further inland, Balsam Fir, Red Maple and birch mix withthe spruce and form a mixed forest (see H6.3). Photo: Parks and Recreation, DNR

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Habitats Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I



© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History



White Spruce is the major early-successional for-est colonizing abandoned agricultural lands inNova Scotia. This tree species has frequent earlyand heavy seed crops and an ability to grow onbare or nearly-bare mineral soils. Homogeneousstands of this fast-growing species generally occuronly in association with oldfield habitats (see H5.2),but White Spruce is also a common species alongthe coast (see H6.3 White Spruce, Fir-Maple, Birch).


1. Bedrock: all bedrock types.2. Soils: relatively deep, loam to loamy clay glacial

tills with a wide range of acidity conditions.3. Relief: generally flat to undulating topography

characteristic of agricultural lands and on steep-sided sheep pastures in Cape Breton.

4. Drainage: usually associated with well-to-im-perfectly drained soils.


For a site to be favourable for the establishment ofWhite Spruce seedlings, three conditions must bemet:1. a thin layer of humus or recent disturbance of

the humus layer to expose bare mineral soil, suchas abandoned farmland

2. sufficient moisture to ensure early germinationand growth

3. sufficient sunlight


White Spruce characterizes pioneer forests.Abandoned fields, vegetated by various agricul-tural grasses, herbaceous annuals and perenni-als, gradually become speckled with small clumpsof White Spruce seedlings. The early-successionalstage is very active as the system changes fromoldfield to forest. The ecotones with other habi-tats are normally characterized by abrupt transi-tions. White Spruce stands can be subsequentlyinvaded by Balsam Fir and shade-toleranthardwoods, such as Sugar Maple and Beech, orshade-intolerant species, such as Red Maple.Eventually these colonizing species give way tothe regional climax forest of that particular area.White Spruce does not reproduce itself success-fully under its own overstorey, for it is shade-intolerant. The invasion of other tree species into

the mature White Spruce stand spells the end ofthis early-successional forest habitat.


Oldfield herbaceous plants linger for some time un-der the developing pure White Spruce stands.Schreber’s Moss, Hair-Cap Moss and Broom Mossare generally the most important ground vegeta-tion found in low light conditions of maturing standsof oldfield White Spruce. At maturity, ground-covervegetation is characterized by Stair-step Moss andthe liverwort Bazzania trilobata.


Small-mammal diversity in mature White Spruceforests is lower than in any other forest in NovaScotia, often only consisting of two species: RedSquirrel and Red-backed Vole. Young stands mayprovide habitat for Chipping Sparrows, while ma-ture stands provide habitat for foliage-foragingbirds, such as kinglets and warblers. Various finches,e.g., siskins and crossbills, feed on seed cones. Snow-shoe Hare can be found in young stands, predomi-nantly in the winter. Deer can also inhabit this for-est in the winter or after disturbance during otherseasons.


• This forest occurs where agriculture activity hasleft soil virtually free of rocks, providing suitableconditions for fast and even growth. WhiteSpruce can be accompanied by alders, Larchand/or Balsam Fir as it colonizes abandonedfields.


The White Spruce forest association is distrib-uted throughout the province on land that, his-torically, has been agricultural. This occurs es-pecially in the Carboniferous lowlands in Region500, in many of the once-active farms in centraland northern portions of Nova Scotia, and incoastal areas in eastern Nova Scotia and alongthe Bay of Fundy.


This major forest is widespread across the prov-ince. The Red Spruce, Balsam Fir, White Pine asso-

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Natural History of Nova Scotia, Volume I Habitats



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ciation is an early- to mid-successional forest re-sulting from fire and cutting practices on generallywell-drained sites. One of the main features of thishabitat is the presence of vertical zonation: an openWhite Pine overstorey and a dense spruce–firunderstorey.


1. Bedrock: mainly sedimentary and metamor-phic—shales, slates, siltstones, conglomerates;occasionally found on volcanics and granites.

2. Soils: moderately deep, sandy loam to clay loamto gravelly clay loam glacial tills. Occasionallyfound on shallow soils with bedrock near thesurface.

3. Relief: variable; flat lowlands and lower slopes tolow, rugged hills and upland flats.

4. Drainage: drier, well-drained sites to poorlydrained flats; on the more poorly drained sites,Black Spruce and fir replace the Red Spruce, fir,pine association.


After fire or cutting, spruce, fir, maple and birch, plusrelict White Pine, form an early-successional forest.Young White Pine enters the stand on higher, dry hum-mocks. The hardwoods die from crowding, generallyleaving a two-storied spruce, fir, pine stand. There isgenerally heavy Balsam Fir regeneration within thestand, but Red Spruce is the more abundant speciesoverall. In the right conditions, this association willsucceed to a spruce, hemlock, pine association.

It is speculated that the presettlement Acadian for-est was dominated by pine in such parts of the prov-ince as the interior and south-central Nova Scotia. Re-peated fires did not allow for the establishment of otherfire supression species. Today, fire supression hasaltered the natural-disturbance regime, allowing forthe development of an understorey and the subsequentestablishment of the spruce, fir, pine association.


The Bracken Fern plant association is usually foundin the understorey of this habitat. Bracken Fern,blueberry, Lambkill and Bunchberry are the maincomponents. Schrebers Moss, Broom Moss and theliverworts make up the ground species. Low lightconditions encourages the growth of mushroomsand other parasitic/saprophytic plants, such as In-dian Pipe.


The accumulation of pine and spruce needles onthe ground gives a poor humus layer and an impov-erished soil fauna. Insects are most important inthe canopy and are food for canopy birds such aswarblers. Red-back Salamander, Ring-neck Snake,and Red Squirrel are common. White-throated Spar-row, Nashville Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler and kinglets are summer residentsin this habitat. Snowshoe Hare can be found in theyounger stands.


• Large, old relict White Pine.• Red Spruce is considered a near-climax to cli-

max (steady-state) species because of its shadetolerance and reponse when released after se-vere suppression.


The spruce, fir, pine forest is widespread through-out mainland Nova Scotia and is particularly com-mon in Region 500.


The pine forest is composed of White Pine, RedPine and Jack Pine. It originates from fire and usu-ally forms pure or mixed stands with other fire-successional species, such as Red Maple, Red Oak,Trembling Aspen, White Birch or Black Spruce. Im-mature and mature stands do not permit a luxuri-ant ground-vegetation growth, due to shade and acontinuous shower of acidic pine needles that cov-ers the ground surface.


1. Bedrock: variable.2. Soils: occasionally on moderately deep, fresh and

well-drained tills of drumlins and eskers but moreoften on coarse-textured (sandy to bouldery) dry,soils with a very shallow glacial till or a sandyglacial outwash parent material. In many cases,this forest habitat is found on exposed bedrockwith a minimal covering of humus.

3. Relief: flat to undulating, generally on uplandridges and hills.

4. Drainage: rapidly to well drained; usually verydry sites.

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On dry, coarse, textured material in that part ofthe province, White Pine can regenerate itself afterfire. In the case of repeated fire, the area could re-main as a barren habitat for extended periods oftimes before reverting to a forested habitat.


Repeated burning or severe fire on dry sandy sitesproduces a Bearberry–Broom Crowberry and/orBracken Fern association. When ground vegetationis present in the pine-forest habitat, it is usually thedominant fire plant association found in the prov-ince—the Bracken Fern association. Even then, theplants of this association—Bracken Fern, blueberry,Lambkill, Bunchberry and Cladonia, to name thedominant species—are found only in forest openingswhere enough light penetrates to permit their growth.


The pines seed quickly after an intense fire, particu-larly on sandy, gravelly or rocky, dry soils. This isespecially true of Jack Pine, which requires a greatamount of heat to open its seed cones. Repeatedburning of most sites will result in the establish-ment of a predominantly ericaceous type vegeta-tion. If a seed source is readily available, the pinesmay, in turn, become established.

Seeds are often provided by large relict pines,particularly White Pine, which have survived thedevastation of the fire. Depending on the disturbanceregime, i.e., severity and frequency of fire, shade-tolerant spruces and Balsam Fir will germinate andgrow in the understory of the pine stands. In the end,a near-climax pine–spruce forest will develop. JackPine is quickly overtaken by tolerant hardwoods,resulting in a mixedwood forest. In southwesternNova Scotia, pure stands of White Pine will invadeabandoned agricultural land on drumlins. BalsamFir usually germinates under White Pine.

Plate H6.2.2: White Pine on an esker ridge near Indian Fields, in Shelbourne County (sub-Unit 412a). Photo: Parks and Recreation Division, DNR.

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The soil fauna is poor, due to the accumulation ofpine needles. Small-mammal diversity and abun-dance are generally low, with the most common(and sometimes the only) species being Red Squir-rels, Red-backed Voles and Cinerous Shrews. Birdsinclude chickadees, warblers and juncos. This for-est has characteristic canopy invertebrate specieswhich form the basis for the food supply for largeanimals. A common example is the White Pine Wee-vil.


• Lack of ground vegetation.• Relict White Pine—one of the oldest living tree

stands in the province (the Hemlock is the oldest).• Jack Pine up to 100 years old on granite in Halifax

County and in Neils Harbour, Cape Breton Island(District 210a).

• Old-forest sites as identified in Nova Scotia Mu-seum Sites of Ecological Significance.

• White Pine-forested drumlins (Region 400).


This forest habitat is scattered throughout Nova Sco-tia, but its best development occurs on the stony-sandy soils of Shelburne, Queens and Annapoliscounties (Districts 410, 450); on the sandy soils ofDistrict 550 in Cumberland County (Jack Pine) andin the fire barrens of northeastern Cape Breton Is-land (District 210). Stands of Red Pine occur ongravelly to clay loam soils of Stanley (District 540).White Pine stands also occur on drumlins inLunenburg and Queens Counties (Region 400).


The spruce, fir forest is a pure mid-successional co-niferous forest. It regenerates on moist sites follow-ing logging of coniferous forests and occurs as natu-ral stands in a successional sequence on wetdepressional sites. This forest can be dominated byRed Spruce or Black Spruce, depending on whetherthe sites are wet or dry.


1. Bedrock: mainly hard metamorphic, igneous andvolcanic rock, sometimes overlain by sedimen-tary deposits.

2. Soils: mostly shallow sandy loam to loamy gla-cial tills, with scattered deposits of marine andestuarine clays, and clay loams developed frombasalt bedrock.

3. Relief: predominantly found on upland flats andlower slopes and valley bottoms, but also alongthe coastline of the Bay of Fundy.

4. Drainage: generally well-to-imperfectly drainedfor Red Spruce, and poorly-to-rapidly drainedfor Black Spruce.


The spruce, fir mid-successional association can de-velop from and into a variable number of forestassociations. The spruce component can either beBlack Spruce, which is tolerant of the extremes ofthe moister regime, or Red Spruce, which prefersmore moderate conditions.

Occasionally, over a very long period of time, thesite conditions of the Black Spruce, larch forest canprogress from a very wet to a moist condition to adrier, hummocky surface. The Black Spruce com-ponent increases at the expense of the shade-intol-erant larch and improved drainage allows BalsamFir, and occasionally Red Spruce, to invade the siteand produce a spruce, fir forest association.

This association can also develop from early-suc-cessional mixedwood forests. On drier sites wherethe stand has developed following cutting, White Pineand shade-tolerant hardwoods may later invade.


The humus-moss plant association is found underthe closed canopy of this forest habitat. Schreber’sMoss, Broom Moss and the liverwort Bazzaniatrilobata dominate this community. In naturalopenings or thinnings, a Wood Fern/Wood-sorrelplant association becomes conspicuous, althoughSchreber’s Moss remains dominant. Low light con-ditions encourage the growth of mushrooms and ofparasitic flowering plants, such as Indian Pipe.


The acidic humus from spruce and fir needles sup-ports a poor soil fauna; this lack of diversity andscarcity of deciduous trees limits the variety of otheranimal species, due to the lack of food. Red Squir-rel, Red-backed Vole and Short-tailed Shrew maybe common. Birds include Spruce Grouse, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Dark-eyed Junco and HermitThrush.

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• This association has variable successional roles.• The ground flora in this association is predomi-

nantly composed of mosses.


The spruce, fir forest is found in depressionsthroughout southeastern Nova Scotia, on the up-land flats, lower slopes and valley bottoms of theCobequid Hills (Unit 311), the north Bras d’Or up-lands (Unit 313), Mabou highlands (Unit 314) andthe Pictou–Antigonish highlands (Unit 312). Thisforest habitat also occupies the coastline and im-mediate interior of the Fundy coast and NorthMountain (Region 700). On the Cape Breton pla-teau (Region 100)—a high, exposed oval tableland—this forest is present in a stunted, windswept form.


This association is the dominant forest cover ofwet depressional areas and edges of bogs (seePlate H4.1.1). It characterized by generallystunted, open Black Spruce—larch forests withsedge–moss ground cover.


1. Bedrock: generally hard igneous and metamor-phic.

2. Soils: organics and moderately coarse to fineglacial tills.

3. Relief: flat to depressional areas.4. Drainage: poorly-to-very-poorly drained sites.


The Black Spruce, larch association is the first for-est type in the forest succession on moist-to-wetsites. Initially, the area is in a nonforested state,either that of a bog or open water. Over time, as thesite becomes built up with organic matter to riseabove the water table, the Black Spruce and larchinvade. The mature Black Spruce, larch forest at-tains an edaphic climax condition. Black Spruce andlarch can tolerate high-moisture regimes, as well asthe acidic nature of the soil (peat) found in associa-tion with bogs. The forest will be able to occupy thesite indefinitely unless a major change in the soilregime takes place.


The sedge–moss plant association dominates theground vegetation in this wet forest habitat. Carexstricta and Sphagnum fallax dominate the asso-ciation. In wet-to-moist soils, Cinnamon Fern maybecome important, along with the Sphagnum.Other common plants are Labrador Tea, Lambkilland Rhodora. Foliose lichens (such as Old Man’sBeard) and fruticose lichens commonly adorn thetrees.


Spruce, Larch forest is more productive at its edgesthan in the interior, where the soil fauna is poor andpoor drainage limits small-mammal species. Theuse varies seasonally, and most of the mammals arevirtually always temporary visitors from adjacenthabitats, rather than residents. This forest can pro-vide shelter and browse in the winter. Birds includeCanada Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Black-backed Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-throated Sparrow andBlack-and-white warblers.


• Stunted growth of spruce and larch due to exces-sive moisture from nearby bogs.

• Extremely slow-growing forest trees may only bea couple of metres high but may be over 100years old.

• Edaphic climax conditions.


Although usually occupying small areas, the BlackSpruce, larch forest is generally found throughoutmainland Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island.


The spruce, hemlock, pine forest is a near-climax orclimax (steady-state) forest on moist to relatively-drysites in much of Nova Scotia. The major species are RedSpruce, Eastern Hemlock and White Pine. Hemlock isno longer the dominant species because of extensivelogging operations, combined with its poor regenera-tive capabilities.

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Plate H6.2.3: Mature Black Spruce growing in a wet site near Sable River (sub-Unit 412a). Photo: Parks and Recreation, DNR

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1. Bedrock: variable.2. Soils: generally shallow, coarse, bouldery sandy

loam to clay glacial tills.3. Relief: lowland flats to broad, flat, upland areas;

lower slopes of low, rugged drumlin complexes.Also found on steeper slopes along water courses.

4. Drainage: rapidly to well drained.


The near-climax or climax spruce, hemlock, pine for-est can develop from the mid-successional spruce,fir, pine forest. The removal of pine and fir by insectand porcupine damage and/or logging from thespruce, fir, pine forest would probably allow inva-sion by the tolerant Eastern Hemlock, providing aseed source is available. Once the hemlock is estab-lished, the three dominant coniferous species vie forspace. Insect or wildlife damage can alter the bal-ance and allow for one to predominate in pockets.


The ground vegetation consists mainly of a hu-mus–moss association, with Schreber’s Moss(Pleurozium schreberi), Broom Moss (Dicranumspp.) and liverwort (e.g., Bazzania trilobata) ascodominants. This plant association is particularlyprevalent on hummocky sites. Any significant in-crease in the amount of light reaching the groundsurface would allow for invasion by any number ofherbaceous plant species, depending on a sourceof seed.


Although the soil is acid, it supports a soil faunacharacterized by native species including beetles,snails and slugs. This fauna is particularly found onand around rotting fallen trees. Small mammalsinclude Red-backed Vole, Short-tailed Shrew andRed Squirrel. Redback Salamander and Ringneck-Snake may be common. The old forest of this asso-ciation also includes snags, standing trees that are

Plate H6.2.4: Old-growth spruce, hemlock, pine forest, Sporting Lake Island, Digby County (sub-District 440a).Hemlock regenerating between moss-covered boulders. Photo: O. Maass

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utilized by woodpeckers and provide cavities forhole-nesting birds and den sites for mammals.


• Pure hemlock stands in canyons of northeastCape Breton.

• Hemlock is the longest-living tree species inNova Scotia.


This forest is only extensive in southwestern NovaScotia, although pockets are scattered throughoutthe province. It has been greatly reduced by cut-ting.


Balsam Fir is the climax association of the borealforest in Nova Scotia. The Balsam Fir associationhas a very low diversity of tree species. Eighty per

cent of the forest is dominated by mature, relativelydense Balsam Fir. With an admixture of White andBlack spruce, Mountain Ash and White Birch, theinfluence of altitude and wind limit tree height andgrowth much more than on lowland sites. Faunaand ground vegetation are also characterized by avery limited number of species.


1. Bedrock: granite, gneiss and schist.2. Soils: mostly stony, deep and/or compacted gla-

cial till with minor occurrences of exposed bed-rock–patchy glacial till. Organic soils are scat-tered throughout.

3. Relief: occurring at elevations of 1000–1700 feet(300–500 m) above sea level. The typical topog-raphy for this forest habitat ranges from a flatterrain to hilly complexes.

4. Drainage: this forest type occurs on the com-plete spectrum of soil-drainage classes, from rap-idly to poorly drained.

Plate H6.2.5: Stand of Balsam Fir surrounding French Lake in Inverness County (sub-District 210a). Photo: D. Lawley

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Associated TopicsT5 Climate, T9 Soils, T10 Plants, T11.2 Forest andEdge-habitat Birds, T11.11 Small Mammals, T12.10Plants and Resources

Associated HabitatsH4.1 Bog, H4.3 Swamp, H5.1 Barren, H5.2 Oldfield,H6.1 Hardwood Forest, H6.3 Mixedwood Forest.

Additional Reading• Eastern Ecological Research (1978) Cape Breton

Highlands National Park: Ecological LandClassification. Parks Canada.

• Gimbarzevsky, P. (1975), Biophysical Survey ofKejimkujik National Park. Forest ManagementInstitute, Ottawa. (Information Report, FMR–X–81).

• Keddy, C.J. (1978) “A study of a Tsugacanadensis stand in Hemlock Ravine, HalifaxCo., Nova Scotia.” Proc. N.S. Inst. Sci. 28.

• Lynds, A. (1992) “Provisional ecological charac-teristics of old-growth forests for Nova Scotia:An Acadian forest perspective.” J.H.M. Willison,S. Bondrup-Nielsen, C. Drysdale, T.B. Herman,N.W.P. Munro and T.L. Pollock, eds., In Scienceand the Management of Protected Areas.Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.

• Science Section Staff, N.S. Museum (1978) TheWight Nature Preserve, Hubbards, Nova Scotia.Halifax. (Curatorial Report, No. 35).


The early-successional forest following disturbancesin this climax boreal forest is a mixed forest domi-nated by White Birch and Balsam Fir. As the birchgrows and provides more ground shading, BalsamFir seedlings become more dominant in theunderstory. The short-lived White Birch begin todie back, allowing the Balsam Fir to mature anddevelop into a climax forest.


This moist, dense coniferous-forest habitat favoursa ground cover predominantly composed ofmosses and liverworts: Schreber’s Moss, BroomMoss, Stair-step Moss and the liverwort, Bazzaniatrilobata. As openings occur in the canopy of theforest stand, herbaceous species, such as the WoodFern, Wild Lily-of-valley, Twinflower, wood-sorrel,Wild Sarsaparilla, Clintonia, Goldthread, Bunch-berry and Wood Aster, gain prominence.


The fauna of the Balsam Fir forest is impoverished,due to a thin humus layer and low plant diversity.Small-mammal diversity is low. Red-backed Vole,Deer Mouse, Red Squirrel and Common Shrew arethe characteristic species. Birds include the Grey-cheeked Thrush and the Blackpoll Warbler.


• Shorter growth of Balsam Fir, due to wind expo-sure.

• Old, relict White Spruce is scattered throughoutthis forest.

• Balsam Fir grows in association with Yellow Birchon higher plateaus in the Cape Breton highlands,as a transitional zone between the Balsam Firboreal and pure hardwood stands on the canyonslopes. The stands may contain minor compo-nents of Sugar Maple, Red Maple and WhiteBirch.


The Balsam Fir (boreal) forest in Nova Scotia isconfined to the highland area of Cape Breton (District 210).

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© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History

Mixedwood forests are composed of both hardwoodand softwood tree species. There are three com-mon associations of mixedwood forest in Nova




Scotia:1. Spruce, Fir, Pine–Maple, Birch Forest2. Spruce, Fir–Maple Forest3. White Spruce, Fir–Maple, Birch (Coastal) Forest

Plate H6.3.1: Mixed forest south of Torbrook Mines, Annapolis County (sub-Unit 422b). Photo: D. Davis

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The Red Spruce, Balsam Fir, White Pine–Red Ma-ple, White Birch forest is an early-successional com-plex found on logged or burned, moist sites. It thriveson disturbance and (depending on seed sources andsite conditions) this forest probably has more com-position variables than any other in the province.Red Spruce, Black Spruce, Balsam Fir and WhitePine dominate the upperstorey, with the shade-in-tolerant hardwoods Red Maple, White Birch andaspens representing minor components.


1. Bedrock: mainly occurring on hard igneous andmetamorphic rock, except in the Windsor Low-lands (Unit 511) where it is present on shalesand sandstones.

2. Soils: shallow to moderately deep coarse (some-times bouldery) sandy loams to clayey glacial tills.

3. Relief: gently undulating lowlands to knoll–hum-mock complex to ridges.

4. Drainage: dry to moist, lower seepage slopes de-pending on whether in the Black Spruce or RedSpruce phase.


The spruce, fir, pine–maple, birch forest follows cut-ting or fire in the predominantly coniferous spruce,hemlock, pine climax forest, or within the regionalconiferous forest, such as pine. The major tree spe-cies in this habitat type are a mixture of shade-intol-erant and -tolerant, but all do well in open condi-tions during the initial establishment. Species com-position can vary considerably between thesoftwoods and shade-tolerant hardwoods, depend-ing on the severity of the fire or type and extent ofcutting. Where soils underlying this forest type areinfertile, successive fires through spruce, fir, pine–maple, birch forests may lead to permanent changesin soil conditions and to the formation of a barren-land vegetation type. The association may also origi-nate from progressive long-term successional changein spruce, fir–maple forests. Assuming seed sourcesare available, hemlock and shade-tolerant hardwoodspecies eventually find their way into most maturespruce, fir, pine–maple, birch stands.


Ground vegetation consists of the Bracken Fernplant association, which includes Bracken Fern,Blueberry, Sheep-Laurel and Bunchberry. On wetsites, Black Spruce is more common.

On more fertile, upland sites, such as in the north-ern part of the province, Red Spruce dominates.The ground vegetation is a combination of moss andherbaceous-plant communities. Along watercourses,there tends to be a higher percentage of herbaceousplants.


The soil and insect fauna are generally poor. Smallpasserines and canopy birds such as warblers areimportant. The small-mammal population has lowdiversity and low density. In winter, this forest couldprovide browse for Snowshoe Hare and deer.


• Cutting and fire disturbance —invasion ofintolerant hardwood.

• Relict large, old White Pine, spruce and Firscattered throughout.


This forest is widespread across the province butpredominates in the southwest part of the Atlanticinterior (Region 400) and also, to a lesser degree, inthe Windsor lowlands (Unit 511).


The Black Spruce, Balsam Fir–Red Maple forest gen-erally occurs in catchment areas where the watertable varies considerably throughout the year. It isan early-successional stage, leading eventually tothe regional climax forest of the area. Occasionalminor components of this habitat are Red Spruce,Eastern Hemlock, pines and Larch; the first threeoccur on the drier sites and Larch occurrs on thewettest sites. This forest can be associated withswamps (see H4.3) and, in the right conditions, canattain an edaphic climax state.


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Small-mammal diversity is low to moderate. TheWhite-footed Mouse, Red-backed Vole, Cinerousand Short-tailed shrews, and Red Squirrel are thecharacteristic species towards the end of the suc-cessional sequence. Warblers, chickadees, junco,thrushes and White-throated Sparrows are com-mon.


• Two rare plants in Nova Scotia are known fromthis habitat: Dwarf Chain Fern in southwesternNova Scotia and Marsh Marigold from northernNova Scotia.

• The spruce, fir–maple association can occur asan edaphic climax forest controlled by topo-graphic features and drainage. In this situation,the forest maintains itself in wet depressionalareas with seepage and running water.


The spruce, fir–maple forest is scattered through-out the province but can be found mainly in thesouthwest portion of the Atlantic Interior (Region400) and in the Windsor Lowlands (Unit 511).


The White Spruce, Balsam Fir–Red Maple, WhiteBirch forest is the climax forest of the province’srocky and exposed southwestern to northeasterncoastline. Trees exhibit stunting and “krummholz”,due to severe wind exposure and salt spray. Theforest exhibits zonation tendencies, with the salt-tolerant White Spruce providing a protective beltfor the less-resistant fir and hardwoods.


1. Bedrock: variable; but mainly granite andquartzite.

2. Soils: shallow sandy loam glacial tills alternatingwith exposed bedrock.

3. Relief: coastal bluffs and headlands.4. Drainage: generally imperfectly-to-well drained.




1. Bedrock: variable; mainly occurring on hard ig-neous and metamorphic rock, except in theWindsor–Truro lowland, where it is present onshales and sandstones.

2. Soils: shallow to moderately deep, moderatelycoarse to moderately fine glacial tills.

3. Relief: gently undulating lowlands and depres-sions in knoll–hummock complexes betweenridges.

4. Drainage: imperfectly to well drained.


The spruce, fir–maple forest can occur within anumber of site conditions. After cutting, the spruce,fir forest will often regenerate as spruce, fir–maple.In drier conditions, the shade-intolerant hardwoodsare overtaken by the maturing spruce and fir. Theshort-lived Balsam Fir dies back as the forest suc-ceeds towards the regional climax association.

On moist sites, the maple may be dominant atthe expense of the coniferous species. The forestcan maintain itself as a Black Spruce, Balsam Fir–Red Maple association unless site conditions alterthe drainage pattern.

During the long-term transition from hydric tomesic conditions, the spruce, fir-maple forest willreplace the periodically inundated spruce, larch,maple forest. Balsam Fir and Red Maple are shade-tolerant trees. Larch, while preferring similar wetconditions, is shade-intolerant. As the soil nutrientstatus improves with drier ground, Balsam Fire colo-nizes the understorey, eventually shading out theLarch. Fir is shade-tolerant and thrives under aclosed canopy of spruce and Larch. This slightlydrier habitat will then support a spruce, fir-maplestand.


The typical understorey plant community is the Cin-namon Fern association. A wide variety of herbaceousplants and shrubs can be found within the community,some in wet pockets and others on hummocks. Sphag-num mosses can also be found in the wetter areas.

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© Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History


The seacoast causes a very dynamic and often-chang-ing habitat. In these unique conditions, White Sprucecan colonize this habitat because of its tolerance tosalt spray and wind. (White Spruce tends to havethick, dense branches.) Balsam Fir is found furtherinland, behind the protection of the White Spruce.Red Maple and White Birch may be found inlandwith the fir and spruce, as a result of fire or cuttingactivities.


The ground cover under a closed forest canopy ischaracterized by the Schreber’s Moss association.Here, Schreber’s Moss and broom moss totallydominate the vegetation. When openings orthinnings in the canopy occur, a more herbaceousplant association occupies the ground. This WoodFern/Wood-sorrel association consists of the domi-nant Wood Fern, Wood Sorrel and Schreber’s Moss,along with the subdominants Broom Moss, WildLily-of-the-valley, Starflower, Goldthread, Clintonia,Bunchberry and Wood Aster.


Soil and other animal communities are poorly de-veloped. Red Squirrel may be common. On someislands, the trees are used as nesting sites and roostsfor seabirds, such as cormorants, Common Eidersand herons. The dropping from these birds speedsthe demise of the trees that are living in a very ex-posed habitat.


• “Krummholz” forest —wind-swept trees withbranches growing mostly on lee side.

• White Spruce—most salt-tolerant of nativetree species.

• The coastal forest around the Bay of Fundy isdominated by Red Spruce and Yellow Birch.


The White Spruce, fir–maple, birch forest growsalong the fog-bound southwestern coast from Digbyto the northeastern coast of Cape Breton Island (Re-gion 800) and on the coastal bluffs and headlandsaround the Bay of Fundy (Region 700) and compo-nents of Regions 300, 500 and 600.

Along the eastern coast from Halifax north, BlackSpruce assumes as much importance as Balsam Firin the second zone of the forest stand.

In coastal headlands and bluffs of eastern CapeBreton (Districts 210, 530, 550), the little alpine formof Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea var. phanerolepis)grows right next to the sea on cliffs and barrens in“krummholz” association with White Spruce. Betulacordifolia is the dominant birch species in this east-ern Cape Breton coastal area. B. papyrifera and B.alleghaniensis do occur, but not with such frequencyor population density.

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Associated TopicsT2.2 Avalon and Meguma Zones, T5 Climate, T9Soils, T10 Plants, T11.2 Forest and Edge-habitatBirds, T11.7 Seabirds and Birds of Marine Habi-tats, T11.10 Ungulates, T11.11 Small Mammals,T11.16 Land and Freshwater Invertebrates, T12.10Plants and Resources

Associated HabitatsH4.3 Swamp, H5.1 Barren, H6.1 Hardwood Forest,H6.2 Softwood Forest

Additional Reading• Science Section Staff, N.S. Museum (1978) The

Wight Nature Preserve, Hubbards, Nova Scotia.Halifax. (Curatorial Report, No. 35).

• Gimbarzevsky, P. (1975), Biophysical Survey ofKejimkujik National Park. Forest ManagementInstitute, Ottawa. (Information Report, FMR–X–81).
