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Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Sawanya's)

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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• This is the habit of creating effective interpersonal leadership.

• In order to manage our relationships with others properly we need to think win-win.

• The best option really depends on what situation you are in at the time, what you want to achieve, and what the other person wants to achieve.

• If you value a relationship, you may option for Win and lose in order to keep the peace.


• Win-Lose is competitive, and full of pride.

• Relationships, friendships, and loyalty are all secondary to winning the game, being the best, and having it your way

• Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man.

A Win-Lose attitude includes:

• Using other people for your own selfish purposes. 

• Putting someone else down builds you up.  

• Getting your way out without concerning yourself with the feelings of others. 

• Becoming jealous when something good happens to someone close to you.


• Lose-Win is weak. It’s easy to get stepped on.

• With a Lose-Win attitude you’ll find yourself setting low expectations and compromising your standards again and again.

• You’ll also be hiding your true feelings deep inside.


• Lose-Lose says, “If I’m going down, then you’re going down with me, sucker.” 

• War is a great example of Lose-Lose. It doesn’t sound like anyone ends up winning at all. 

• Revenge is also Lose-Lose. By getting revenge, you may think you’re winning, but you’re really only hurting yourself.

• Lose-Lose is usually what happens when two Win-Lose people get together.

• Lose-Lose can also occur when someone becomes obsessed with another person in a negative way. 


• Win-Win is a belief that everyone can win. 

• I won’t step on you, but I won’t be your doormat either.

• You care about other people but you also care about yourself.

• Win-Win is abundant. It is the belief that there’s plenty of success to go around. An endless buffet.

• Wanting another to win fills you full of good feelings.

• Examples of the Win-Win attitude:

• You recently got a promotion at the workplace so you share the praise and recognition with all of those who helped

• You were just elected to an important school office but you treat everyone the same

• Your best friend got accepted at the college you wanted to get into. You didn’t make it. But you are happy for your friend.


• It's all begin with you

• As you makes deposits into your PBA, takes responsibility for his life, and gets a plan in place, the confidence and security will increase and you will start enjoying other people

• Personal security is the foundation for thinking Win-Win.

AVOID THE TUMOR TWIN• There are two habits that can slowly eat you

away from the inside : competing and comparing.


• It drives us to improve, to reach and stretch.

• Without it, we would never know how far we could push ourselves.

• Competition is healthy when you compete against yourself, or when it challenges you to reach and stretch and become your best.

• Competition becomes dark when you tie your self-worth into winning or when you use it as a way to place yourself above another

• When competition is used as a means of creating a self-image relative to others, the worst in a person comes out.


• We’re different in Socially, mentally, and physically

• Life is like a great obstacle course.

• Each person has their own course, separated from every their course by tall walls.

• Your course comes complete with customized obstacles designed specifically for your personal growth.

• Building your life based on how you stack up compared to others is never good footing.

• The only good comparison is comparing yourself against your own potential.

FRUITS OF WIN-WIN SPIRIT• Win/Win – Mutually beneficial and co-operative. All

parties come out on top

• Win/Lose – “If I win, you lose.” This is very authoritarian in style and can be seen as overaly competitive. It’ a win at all costs mentality which is usually instilled from childhood.

• Lose/Win – “If I lose, you win.” This is usually the attitude of people who want to keep the peace and not upset.

• Lose/Lose – This happens when two Win/Lose people clash.

• Win – Don’t really want anyone to lose they just want everyone to come out on top.

• Win/WIn or No Deal – if a mutally beneficial outcome cannot be reached, then you know it’s okay to walk away with no hard feelings

• So character builds relationships.

• Developing a Win/Win performance agreement is the central activity of management.

• Win and Lose cause everyone loses faith and the system collapses.

• If you put good people into a bad system you get bad results, the whole path to a Win and Win situation is built from the ground up on the 5 dimensions, you can’t ignore one and hope the others.

WHAT YOU FEEL?• We learned that it’s not what I want from a situation,

it’s more about what others want.

• We can never reach a mutually but to accept the solution.

• Sometimes it can makes you hurts so much about the thing you didn't even make it, but other put on more guilt about the thing that can be hurts you.

• Don't afraid of it, sometimes may be it'll challenge you.

“Sometimes it can makes you hurts so much about the thing you didn't even make it, but other put on more guilt about the thing that can be hurts you, you don't have to be afraid of it, sometimes you can even stay away from that situation if that makes you get hurt.”

Papawarin S.

Passorn L.

Sawanya C.

Wisunsaya K.
