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Hacking Module 04

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  • 8/9/2019 Hacking Module 04


    NMCSP2008 Batch-I

    Module IV


  • 8/9/2019 Hacking Module 04



    It was a rainy day and Jack was getting bored sitting at home. Hewanted to be engaged in something rather than gazing at thesky. Jack had heard about enumerating user accounts andother important system information using Null Sessions. Hewanted to try what he had learned in his information securityclass. From his friends he had come to know that theuniversity website had a flaw that allowed anonymous users tolog in.

    Jack installed an application which used Null Sessions toenumerate systems. He tried out the application and to hissurprise discovered information about the system where thewebserver was hosted.

    What started in good fun became very serious. Jack startedhaving some devilish thoughts after seeing the vulnerability.

    What can Jack do with the gathered information?

    Can he wreak havoc?

    What if Jack had enumerated a vulnerable system meant for

    online trading?

  • 8/9/2019 Hacking Module 04


    Module Objectives

    Understanding Windows 2000 enumeration

    How to connect via a Null session

    How to disguise NetBIOS enumeration Disguise using SNMP enumeration

    How to steal Windows 2000 DNS information

    using zone transfers

    Learn to enumerate users via CIFS/SMB

    Active Directory enumerations

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    Module Flow

    What is enumeration? Null Sessions Tools used

    Countermeasures againstNull SessionsSNMP EnumerationTools used

    SNMP EnumerationCountermeasures

    MIB Zone Transfers

    Blocking Zone TransfersEnumerating User AccountsTools Used

    Active DirectoryEnumeration

    Active Directory EnumerationCountermeasures

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    What is Enumeration

    If acquisition and non-intrusive probing have not

    turned up any results, then an attacker will next turn to

    identifying valid user accounts or poorly protected

    resource shares. Enumeration involves active connections to systems

    and directed queries.

    The type of information enumerated by intruders:

    Network resources and shares

    Users and groups

    Applications and banners

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    Net Bios Null Sessions

    The null session is often refereed to as the Holy Grail ofWindows hacking. Null sessions take advantage of flawsin the CIFS/SMB (Common Internet File System/Server Messaging Block).

    You can establish a Null Session with a Windows(NT/2000/XP) host by logging on with a null username and password.

    Using these null connections allows you to gather the

    following information from the host: List of users and groups

    List of machines

    List of shares

    Users and host SIDs (Security Identifiers)

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    So What's the Big Deal?

    Anyone with a NetBIOSconnection to a computer caneasily get a full dump of allusernames, groups, shares,permissions, policies, servicesand more using the Null user.

    The above syntax connectsto the hidden Inter ProcessCommunication 'share' (IPC$)at IP address with

    the built-in anonymous user(/u:) with () nullpassword.

    The attacker now has achannel over which to attempt

    various techniques.

    The CIFS/SMB and

    NetBIOS standards inWindows 2000 include APIsthat return rich informationabout a machine via TCP port139 - even to unauthenticatedusers.

    C: \>net use \\\IPC$ /u:

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    Tool: DumpSec

    DumpSec reveals shares over a null session with the targetcomputer.

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    Tool: Winfo

    Winfo uses null sessionsto remotely retrieveinformation about thetarget system.

    Winfo gives detailedinformation about thefollowing in verbose mode:

    System information

    Domain information

    Password policy Logout policy


    Logged in users

    User accounts

    Source: http://ntsecurity.nu/toolbox/winfo/

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    Tool: NAT

    The NetBIOS Auditing Tool (NAT) isdesigned to explore the NetBIOS file-sharing services offered by the targetsystem.

    It implements a stepwise approach to

    information gathering and attempts toobtain file system-level access as thoughit were a legitimate local client.

    If a NetBIOS session can be establishedat all via TCP port 139, the target isdeclared "vulnerable.

    Once the session is fully set up,transactions are performed to collectmore information about the serverincluding any file system "shares" itoffers.

    Source: http://www.rhino9.com

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    Null Session Countermeasure

    Null sessions require access to TCP ports 139and/or 445.

    You could also disable SMB services entirely onindividual hosts by unbinding the TCP/IP WINSClient from the interface.

    Edit the registry to restrict the anonymous user.

    1. Open regedt32, navigate to

    HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\LSA 2. Choose edit | add value

    value name: RestrictAnonymous

    Data Type: REG_WORD

    Value: 2

  • 8/9/2019 Hacking Module 04


    NetBIOS Enumeration

    NBTscan is a program forscanning IP networks forNetBIOS name information.For each responded host it

    lists IP address, NetBIOScomputer name, logged-inuser name and MAC address

    The first thing a remote attacker will try on a Windows

    2000 network is to get list of hosts attached to the wire.

    1. net view / domain,

    2. nbstat -A

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    SNMP Enumeration

    SNMP is simple. Managers send requests to agents andthe agents send back replies.

    The requests and replies refer to variables accessible byagent software.

    Managers can also send requests to set values forcertain variables.

    Traps let the manager know that something significanthas happened at the agent's end of things: a reboot

    an interface failure or that something else that is potentially bad has happened

    Enumerating NT users via the SNMP protocol is easyusing snmputil.

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    Tool :Solarwinds

    It is a set of NetworkManagement Tools.

    The tool set consists ofthe following:


    Cisco Tools

    Ping Tools

    Address Management

    Monitoring MIB Browser



    Source: http://www.solarwinds.net/

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    Tool: Enum

    Available for download from


    Enum is a console-based Win32

    information enumeration utility.

    Using null sessions, enum can

    retrieve user lists, machine lists,

    share lists, name lists, group and

    membership lists, password and LSA

    policy information.

    enum is also capable of

    rudimentary brute force dictionary

    attack on individual accounts.

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    SNMPutil example

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    SNMP Enumeration Countermeasures

    The simplest way to prevent such activity is to remove

    the SNMP agent or turn off the SNMP service.

    If shutting off SNMP is not an option, then change the

    default 'public' community name.

    Implement the Group Policy security option called

    Additional restrictions for anonymous connections.

    Access to null session pipes, null session shares, and

    IPSec filtering should also be restricted.

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    Management Information Base

    MIB provides a standard representation of the SNMP

    agents available information and where it is stored.

    MIB is the most basic element of network management.

    MIB-II is the updated version of the standard MIB.

    MIB-II adds new SYNTAX types, and adds more

    manageable objects to the MIB tree.

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    Windows 2000 DNS Zone transfer

    For clients to locate Win 2k domain services,such as AD and kerberos, Win 2k relies on DNSSRV records.

    Simple zone transfer (nslookup, ls -d) can enumerate lot ofinteresting network information.

    An attacker would look at the following records

    closely: 1. Global Catalog Service (_gc._tcp_)

    2. Domain Controllers (_ldap._tcp)

    3. Kerberos Authentication (_kerberos._tcp)

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    Blocking Win 2k DNS Zone transfer

    Zone transfers can beeasily blocked usingthe DNS propertysheet as show here.

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    Enumerating User Accounts

    Two powerful NT/2000 enumeration tools are:



    They can be downloaded fromwww.chem.msu.su/^rudnyi/NT/

    These are command line tools that look up NT SIDs fromusername input and vice versa.

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    Tool: Userinfo

    UserInfo is a little function that retrieves all availableinformation about any known user from any NT/Win2ksystem that you can access TCP port 139 on.

    Specifically calling the NetUserGetInfo API call at Level3, Userinfo returns standard info like

    SID and Primary group

    logon restrictions and smart card requirements

    special group information

    pw expiration information and pw age

    This application works as a null user, even if the RA isset to 1 to specifically deny anonymous enumeration.

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    Tool: GetAcct

    GetAcct sidesteps "RestrictAnonymous=1" and acquiresaccount information on Windows NT/2000 machines.

    Downloadable fromwww.securityfriday.com

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    Tool: DumpReg

    DumpReg is a tool to

    dump the Windows NT and

    Windows 95 Registry.

    Main aim is to find keysand values matching a


    Source: http://www.systemtools.com/

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    Tool: Trout

    Trout is a combination ofTraceroute and Whois.

    Pinging can be set to acontrollable rate.

    The Whois lookup can beused to identify the hostsdiscovered.

    Source: http://www.foundstone.com/

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    Tool: Winfingerprint

    Winfingerprint is a GUI-based tool that has theoption of scanning a singlehost or a continuous

    network block.Has two main windows:

    IP address range

    Windows options

    Source: http://winfingerprint.sourceforge.net

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    Tool: PsTools

    The PsTools suite falls in-between enumeration and fullsystem access.

    The various tools that arepresent in this suite are asfollows:







    PsKill and PsSuspend




    Source: http://www.sysinternals.com

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    Active Directory Enumeration

    All the existing users and groups could be enumerated

    with a simple LDAP query.

    The only thing required to perform this enumeration is

    to create an authenticated session via LDAP.

    Connect to any AD server using ldp.exe port 389.

    Authentication can be done using Guest/or any domain


    Now all the users and built-in groups could be


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    AD Enumeration countermeasures

    How is this possible with a simple guest account?

    The Win 2k dcpromo installation screen queries the

    user if he wants to relax access permissions on the

    directory to allow legacy servers to perform lookup:

    1.Permission compatible with pre-Win2k

    2.Permission compatible with only with Win2k

    Choose option 2 during AD installation.

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    Enumeration involves active connections to systemsand directed queries.

    The type of information enumerated by intruders

    includes network resources and shares, users andgroups, and applications and banners.

    Null sessions are used often by crackers to connect totarget systems.

    NetBIOS and SNMP enumerations can be disguisedusing tools such as snmputil, NAT, etc.

    Tools such as user2sid, sid2user and userinfo can beused to identify vulnerable user accounts.
